PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours

Page created by Janice Reid
PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
Western Australia                       WELCOME



Pinnacle Desert | Margaret River | Wave Rock | New Norcia
   Fremantle | Rottnest Island | Broome | Wildflowers

                                         2022/23    Edition 1
PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
Why Choose Australian Pinnacle Tours?                                    Specials

         Locally owned and operated                  BUY TWO FULL DAY COACH TOURS AND
         We pride ourselves on our family             RECEIVE A FREE HALF DAY PERTH AND
                                                      FREMANTLE TOUR VALUED AT $74.00
         values, we are a locally owned and
         operated company.
                                                 ADD A SWAN RIVER CRUISE TO ANY PERTH AND
                                                      FREMANTLE TOUR FOR ONLY $35.00
                                                         (IF NOT ALREADY INCLUDED)
         Exceptional safety record
         All drivers are trained to provide
         you with a safe, comfortable and        UPGRADE TO THE 1/2 GRILLED LOBSTER LUNCH
         efficient transport service.            ON OUR PINNACLES, KOALAS, SAND BOARDING
                                                         AND 4WD TOUR FOR $25.00
                                                               (SEE PAGE 6)

         Travel in 5 star comfort                    RECEIVE A FREE HALF DAY PERTH AND
         Our coaches are fitted with air         FREMANTLE TOUR VALUED AT $74.00 WITH ANY
         conditioning, reclining seats and            SHORT BREAK OR EXTENDED TOUR
         WIFI to ensure a comfortable and                     (SEE PAGES 9 - 11)
         relaxing journey.
                                                                      Conditions apply

         All coaches fitted with seat belts                  COVID-19 Operating Update
         All our vehicles are fitted with seat   COVID-19 is a constant that can and may in the future
         belts and safety features to ensure     affect our ability to operate our full schedule as
         the safety of our passengers.           advertised and include all options included in our tours.
                                                 This may be due to imposed government restrictions or
                                                 changes to our operating times and the reschedule or
                                                 changes to opening times of our third party partners.

         Unparrelled sightseeing variety         We will endeavour to keep those to a minimum and offer
         We have a range or tours to suit        alternatives to supplement our tours but this may be
         your sightseeing needs, visiting all    "force majeure" which are beyond our control.
         the must see destinations.
                                                 We thank you for your understanding and please be
                                                 assured of our best practices at all times.

                                                                  Get Social with us!
         USB Ports
         Most of our coaches are fitted with                      Australian Pinnacle Tours
         USB ports so your devices stay
         charged, perfect for long distance
         trips.                                                   @pinnacletours


PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
Touring with Australian Pinnacle Tours

                                                                                                       Indian Ocean
                                                                  cape leveque
                                                                                     one arm
                                                                                  Bay                     Dampier Peninsula
                                                          bay                                                                   Windjana
                                                                                                                            Fitzroy Crossing

                                                                                           port hedland

                  hillarys boat
                     harbour                           exmouth


Rottnest island


                                                 Monkey Mia
                                                                                                    WESTERN AUSTRALIA

                                                                  Hutt lagoon
                                                                    (pink lake) Geraldton
              Get Social with us!
                                                                         THE PINNACLES
                                                                                          New norcia
                                                                             PERTH                  WAVE ROCK
                                                       ROTTNEST              FREMANTLE
                      Margaret river                    ISLAND
                       Boranup forest
                                                                         MARGARET RIVER                    esperance
                          Augusta                       AUGUSTA               Manjimup
                                                                                               Map is for representation purposes only.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
PERTH CITY                                                                     PERTH FLORA

            Half Day Perth & Fremantle Explorer                                                          Wildflowers of the Region
Departs: Coach: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun 8:00am                                  Departs: Mon, Wed, Fri Sep - Oct 8:00am Returns: 4:30pm
         Cruise: Fri, Sat, Sun (Apr-Oct), Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat,                   Distance: 200km                         Duration: 8.5 hrs
                 Sun (Nov-Mar) 8:00am
Returns: Coach: 12:30pm Cruise: 2:00pm                                                          Prices
                                                                                                                     Tour Code       Adult    Concession     Child

Distance: 70km                         Duration: 4.5 hrs or 6hrs                       01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                                                                                                        WF          $139        $129        $104
                                Tour Code       Adult     Concession     Child

           Prices                                                                                                 Tour Itinerary
                                    PF          $74          $69         $48
                                                                                     Perth Region
                                   PFC         $109         $103         $69         We visit locations all around the Perth region where we expect
                                                                                     to find the finest wildflowers to see and smell. Areas such
                             Tour Itinerary                                          as Wireless Park, Gingin and
A great taster tour, taking in Perth and Fremantle, affording                        Toodyay are prolific at various
the opportunity to drive around these iconic cities with various                     times. Monitoring the progress of
stops of interest.                                                                   wildflowers in the region once in
                                                                                     season ensures we minimise travel
Perth CBD
The tour takes in all the major                                                      Kings Park
attractions of the revitalised
Perth CBD, including the Western                                                     Kings Park is renowned for
Australian Cricket Ground (WACA)                                                     its display of wildflowers. Our
and Optus Stadium.                                                                   experienced guide will help
                                                                                     you identify rare and delicate
                                                                                     wildflowers including the well known everlastings, orchids, red
Kings Park                                                                           and green kangaroo paw, banksias, bottle brush and Western
Then on to Kings Park Botanical                                                      Australia’s most famous orange flowering Christmas trees.
Gardens, savoring the opportunity to view wildflowers or take
in the stunning views from the war memorial looking back over                        During the day at an opportune time (hopefully close to the
the city skyline.                                                                    gorgeous wildflowers), we stop for our included lunch (location
                                                                                     dependent on itinerary).
Millionaires' Row
The tour continues through the                                                       There is ample time to identify and photograph flowers. Please
affluent Western Suburbs of Perth,                                                   be aware that this tour highlights individual species and not
known as Millionaires' Row, passing                                                  carpets or fields of flowers, which are found 500 kilometres
by Cottesloe Beach where the                                                         north of Perth.
Indian Ocean sparkles.
                                                                                     Whilst the slope, soils and ancient
Fremantle                                                                            granite outcrops are traditionally
Travel into historic Fremantle and                                                   the ideal habitat and location to
view the impressive facades of this                                                  view wildflowers, profusion varies
heritage listed city including a brief stop. Remain on the coach                     daily and is dependent on sunshine.
returning to Perth at approximately 12:30pm.
                                                                                     The tour arrives back to Perth at
For those who select the Swan River Cruise return join the                           approximately at 4:30pm.
12:45pm Captain Cook cruise departing from Fremantle and
enjoy wonderful views of the magnificent Swan River as
you cruise the calm waters between Fremantle and Perth.
Captain's commentary included.
                                                                                     Note: Profusion of wildflowers depend on weather and other conditions,
Note: This tour terminates at Barrack Street Jetty in Perth and hotel drop-offs      therefore we cannot guarantee sightings. Please wear comfortable walking
are not included. Lunch is not included. Tour inclusions and itinerary are subject   shoes, bring a hat and your camera. This tour does involve walking off-track, in
to variation due to road closures, events, roadworks or other factors beyond our     order to find and see the wildflowers. Long pants and good gripping shoes are
control. Cruise operated by Captain Cook Cruises.                                    recommended. Please advise of any dietary requirements.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
GINGIN                                                                           WAVE ROCK

                      Astronomy Experience                                                      Wave Rock, York, Aboriginal Culture
Departs: Selected dates monthly 5:00pm                 Returns: 11:00pm             Departs: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun 8:00am Returns: 8:30pm
Distance: 156km                                        Duration: 6 hrs              Distance: 700km                    Duration: 12.5 hrs

                                Tour Code      Adult     Concession     Child                                      Tour Code      Adult     Concession    Child
           Prices                                                                              Prices
  01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                               01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                   SG          $154        $145        $125                                           WR         $225        $204        $125

                             Tour Itinerary                                                                     Tour Itinerary
Gingin Region                                                                       York
We head north from Perth passing one of the oldest towns                            Leaving Perth we head through the Perth Hills and escarpment
in Western Australia, Gingin, which has retained much of its                        to enter farming country. Heading east, we enjoy morning tea
colonial country charm. Arrive at the incredible Gravity Centre                     (own expense) at historic York, the
near Gingin; set in wild bush.                                                      first township founded in the Avon
Gingin Discovery Centre
                                                                                    From there we travel the
Enjoy a light cafe style dinner                                                     Wheatbelt Highway through the
before heading to the fascinating                                                   agricultural towns of Corrigin and
Gingin Observatory. Enjoy a                                                         Kondinin. As we drive through the
guided night tour with the GDC's                                                    rolling farmlands, get a glimpse of
Astronomers to explore the                                                          Australian country life.
wonders of the night sky.
                                                                                    Dog Cemetery
Situated in the middle of a dark                                                    We then drive past the infamous Dog Cemetery, a shrine to
sky reserve, the GDC strives to                                                     man’s best friend and an integral part of farming life.
keep its skies as dark as possible
to give you the best view of the                                                    Hyden
night sky only an hour out of the CBD.                                              Travelling on to the Wildflower Shop in Hyden, we break for
                                                                                    an Aussie country style lunch. Whilst here, visit the Wildlife
This tour is held in the Observatory                                                Park, view a unique Antique Lace Collection – even featuring
with its retractable roof opening                                                   lace from Lady Diana's wedding dress – or visit the amazing Toy
up to the amazing dark West                                                         Soldier Museum.
Australian sky. Embrace the
opportunity to stargaze through                                                     Wave Rock
some remarkable telescopes,
including the largest optical                                                       Then we move on to see the spectacular prehistoric rock
telescope for public use in Western                                                 formation of Wave Rock and sacred
Australia.                                                                          Aboriginal sites. Leaving Wave
                                                                                    Rock, we visit Hippo's Yawn and
                                                                                    Mulka’s Cave.
This tour will take you light years
beyond Earth to observe planets,                                                    We return to Perth with a stop at
clusters, galaxies offering a world class astronomy experience.                     a remote country town for a light
                                                                                    afternoon tea and snack (own
Return to Perth down the Indian Ocean Drive arriving                                expense) arriving approximately at
approximately 11:00pm.                                                              8:30pm.

Please enquire for exact operating days.
Note: Please note viewing experience will depend on time of month. Mid-                       日本語ガイド付きツアーに関してましてはお電話に
month departures predominantly feature full moon or near full moon viewing,                         てお問い合わせください。
whilst early or late month departures will feature darker skies. Please enquire
on booking. Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a jumper and your          Note: Profusion of natural wildflowers depends on weather and other con-
camera. Tour duration may be shortened due to inclement or extreme weather          ditions, therefore we cannot guarantee sightings. Wear comfortable walking
and exact viewing times will change due to seasonal variations. Please advise       shoes, bring a hat and your camera. Please advise of any dietary requirements
of any dietary requirements. Limited hotel pick-ups are available, please enquire   at time of booking.
at time of booking.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
The Pinnacles

        Pinnacles, Koalas, Sand Boarding & 4WD                                            Pinnacles, Lancelin & Sand Boarding
Departs: Daily 8:00am        Returns: 7:30pm                                  Departs: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat 8:00am             Returns: 6:00pm
Distance: 500km              Duration: 11.5 hrs                               Distance: 400km                                Duration: 10 hrs

                              Tour Code      Adult    Concession    Child                                      Tour Code      Adult     Concession     Child
           Prices                                                                        Prices
  01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                         01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                 P3         $225        $204        $125                                         PDE          $185        $167        $104

                            Tour Itinerary                                                                 Tour Itinerary
Caversham Wildlife Park                                                       Hillarys Boat Harbour
Stop off at Caversham Wildlife Park in the Swan Valley to view                Your adventure tour begins at the
and take pictures with koalas and wombats as well as having                   iconic Sorrento Quay Hillarys Boat
the opportunity to hand feed the kangaroos.                                   Harbour. Whilst here, be sure to
                                                                              explore the stunning marina, shop
                                                                              for souvenirs and enjoy morning tea
Lancelin Sand Dunes                                                           at one of the local eateries (own
The highlight of the tour involves                                            expense).
4-wheel driving over the vast
sand dunes of Lancelin in custom
built vehicles unique to Australian                                           Lancelin Sand Dunes
Pinnacle Tours. This is followed by                                           Departing the marina, we travel
the thrilling experience of downhill                                          on to the Lancelin Sand Dunes and experience the thrill of
sand boarding over these constantly                                           downhill sand boarding on the pristine white dunes. This is
moving dunes.                                                                 followed by an included fish and chips lunch at the Lancelin
                                                                              Beach Hotel.
Cervantes Fishing Town
We travel along quiet back roads to the lobster fishing town                  Then it’s onwards to the panoramic Lancelin Beach for a
of Cervantes. Once here, enjoy a behind-the-scenes factory                    scenic stroll, or alternatively, take the opportunity for a quick
tour to see the processing of Western Australia Rock Lobster,                 swim.
followed by a fish and chips lunch, or upgrade to half a grilled
lobster! (cost supplement applies)                                            Nambung National Park
                                                                              Next we travel to the iconic Nambung National Park, near the
Nambung National Park                                                         town of Cervantes, for a guided easy paced walk through the
Visit the mystical Pinnacles Desert                                           mystical Pinnacles Desert - a truly iconic Western Australian
for an easy paced walk through the                                            landscape.
fascinating landscape, giving you
the opportunity to embrace this                                               Discover the moon-like sandscape
captivating place. If time permits                                            of these fascinating limestone
make a visit to the Pinnacles                                                 formations. If time permits, be sure
Desert Discovery Centre to learn                                              to make a visit to the Pinnacles
more about the cultural and natural                                           Desert Discovery Centre to learn
heritage of the area.                                                         more about the Pinnacles and the
Return to Perth along the Indian Ocean                                        cultural and natural heritage of the
Drive, arriving at approximately 7:30pm.                                      area.

 Tip! Gourmet up your experience and upgrade to the Lobster                   Return to Perth along the
     Lunch for just $25 per person. Enquire when booking.                     Indian Ocean Drive, arriving at
                                                                              approximately 6:00pm.
Note: Due to soft sand dunes delays may occur. Tour is not suitable for       Note: Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a hat and your camera.
pregnant women, people with back problems or children under 4 years. Please   Hotel drop-off is not included. There is a centralised drop-off at the Wellington
advise of any dietary requirements at the time of booking. Lobster factory    Street Tourist bus stop. Please advise of any dietary requirements at the time
subject to fishing seasonality.                                               of booking.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
Pinnacles & New Norcia Benedictine History                                       Pinnacles, Sunset & Night-time Stargazing
Departs: Mon Sep - May, Mon, Thu Sep - Nov 8:00am                               Departs: Mon, Thu, Fri, Sun May - Sep 2:00pm Oct - Apr 3:00pm
Returns: 7:00pm Distance: 500km Duration: 11 hrs                                Returns: 11:00pm Distance: 500km Duration: 8 hrs

                               Tour Code     Adult     Concession    Child                                     Tour Code      Adult     Concession    Child
           Prices                                                                          Prices
  01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                           01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                NN-P         $225       $204        $125                                         PSG          $185        $167        $104

                            Tour Itinerary                                                                  Tour Itinerary
New Norcia                                                                      Yanchep National Park
Travelling through the Swan Valley we arrive at New Norcia,                     We head north away from the city
home to Australia’s only Benedictine Abbey. A little piece                      towards Yanchep National Park for
of Spain comes alive in this town, full of history, art and                     an opportunity to see the koalas
architecture. Learn about the local history before viewing the                  and kangaroos and a quick comfort
chapel and museum artifacts gifted                                              stop.
to the monastery by Popes and the
Royalty of Spain.
                                                                                Nambung National Park
                                                                                From here we head up the coast
Benedictine Community                                                           towards the magical Pinnacles
Visit the famous Benedictine                                                    Desert to view the mystical
Community with a guided tour of                                                 limestone rock formations. Arriving late afternoon allows for
the town and main sites, including                                              breathtaking sunsets. Experience the moon-like landscape
the museum and art gallery where                                                come to life as the sun sets over the Indian Ocean and the
you will find extraordinary artifacts                                           moon rises.
dating back to when New Norcia                                                  ​
was an Aboriginal mission.
                                                                                Cervantes Fishing Town
                                                                                Once darkness falls, we head to the fishing town of Cervantes
Abbey Church                                                                    for our included dinner in a traditional Western Australian
Next we move on to the Abbey Church, home to one of only                        venue to soak up a real Australian atmosphere before heading
two large Moser organs, originally crafted in Germany. This is                  out into the night to experience the night sky.
followed by a visit to St Gertrude’s College, a grand gothic
style building, which was originally built as a girls' boarding
school and opened in 1908.                                                      Stargazing
                                                                                We head back into the Pinnacles Desert to experience the
                                                                                tranquility of the national park and to view the night sky
We then visit the produce shop                                                  without light pollution.
selling olive oil, fruit, wine, New
Norcia nut cake and breads, before                                              Return to Perth arriving at approximately 11:00pm in Summer
enjoying a delicious lunch.                                                     and 10:00pm in Winter.
                                                                                  Tip! Bring a pair of binoculars
Nambung National Park                                                             and download your favourite
We then continue on to Nambung                                                  stargazing app on your phone to
                                                                                enhance your experience on this
National Park for an easy paced                                                                tour.
walk through the mystical Pinnacles
Desert. If time permits make a visit to the Pinnacles Desert
Discovery Centre.                                                                           日本語ガイド付きツアー
Return to Perth along the Indian Ocean Drive, arriving at                                   にてお問い合わせくださ
approximately 7:00pm.                                                                            い。
                                                                                Note: This is a relaxed sightseeing tour rather than a professional astronomy
                                                                                based expedition. Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a jumper and
                                                                                your camera. Tour duration may be shortened due to inclement or extreme
Note: Profusion of natural wildflowers depends on weather and other             weather. Sunset and stargazing cannot be guaranteed due to bad weather and
conditions, therefore we cannot guarantee sightings. Wear comfortable walking   exact viewing times will change due to seasonal variations. Please advise of
shoes, bring a hat and your camera. Please advise of dietary requirements at    any dietary requirements. Limited hotel pick-ups are available, please enquire
time of booking.                                                                at time of booking.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours

                                                        Day tour Margaret River Region

                               Tour Code      Adult    Concession     Child
                                                                                 Departs: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 8:00am
           Prices                                                                Returns: 8:30pm Distance: 950km Duration: 12.5 hrs
                                  MR         $225        $204        $125

                                                                     Tour Itinerary
The South West Region is Western Australia's most popular tourist destination. With a rich and
varied natural environment, it boasts a unique biodiversity. In one day explore all the region has to
offer, discover award-winning wineries and breweries, travel through tall timber forests and explore
ancient caves.

Busselton Jetty
We travel south from Perth driving through farmland with grazing cattle and passing by coastal
towns along the awe-inspring coastline. Arriving at Busselton, we stop for morning tea (own
expense) and to view the iconic Busselton Jetty.
This is the longest timber jetty in the southern hemisphere, extending 1.7 kilometres across the
calm, clear waters of Geographe Bay (please note there is not enough time at this stop to walk the
full length of the jetty).

Local Winery and Brewery
Driving into the heart of the region, we head to one of Margaret River’s boutique breweries for lunch
with complimentary beer and cider tastings.
Following lunch we continue on to an internationally renowned winery to taste some of their best
award-winning wines. Whilst here, gain industry insights on wine production with the opportunity to

Mammoth Cave
Next it’s on to Mammoth Cave, a natural time capsule that offers an extraordinary insight into
Australia's ancient past. Enjoy a guided tour through this gothic cave with vast chambers that
reveal fascinating information on the region's flora and fauna. Home to ancient fossil remains of long
extinct giant animals, discover a 50,000 year old 'zygomaturus' jawbone embedded in the cave wall.

Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse
Continuing south, through the Boranup Forest of enormous Karri Trees, we reach the most
fascinating part of the region at Augusta. Here we visit Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse - situated at the
tip of the spectacular Cape Leeuwin peninsula and named by National Geographic as being one of
the top three ocean views in the world.
This is also the meeting point of the Southern and Indian Oceans, allowing us a rare opportunity to
view this phenomenon. Take advantage of the walking paths which traverse the rocks and gaze out
across the ocean with the built-in binoculars. Get a glimpse of seasonal wildlife including whales,
dolphins, seals and birds all making an appearance throughout the year.

Margaret River Town
Then we head north to the township of Margaret River for a brief stroll on the main street and a
chance to explore the quaint shops and cafes that line the strip. Then it’s back to Perth, arriving
approximately at 8:30pm.

Note: Wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a hat and your camera. Please advise of any dietary requirements at time of booking.

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours
2 Day Margaret River Region Food & Wine Lovers Tour
                                                                                 DAY 1:
Prices 01/04/2022-31/03/2023      Tour Code    Adult     Concession   Child
                                                                                 Departs: Mon, Thu, Fri 8:00am      Distance: 700km
                                                                                 Returns: 8:30pm on Day 2 of the Tour
Abbey Beach Resort (4 meals)      2DMRF-ABR    $785        $754       $596
                                                                                 DAY 2:
 Margaret’s in Town (2 meals)     2DMRF-MRA    $785        $754       $596       Departs: 9:00am - 10:00am (Depending on hotel pick up time)
                                                                                 Returns: 5:00pm at Margaret River to join the returning coach
Stay Margaret River (4 meals)     2DMRF-SMR    $839        $809       $655                back to Perth at 8:30pm

              ACCOMMODATION                                                   DAY 1                                   DAY 2
                                                              PERTH TO MARGARET RIVER                       MARGARET RIVER TO PERTH
     Accommodation Options                                            Tour Itinerary                              Tour Itinerary
        ABBEY BEACH RESORT                             Busselton Jetty                                  Be taken on a unique gastronomic
              Busselton                                We travel south from Perth to arrive at          journey celebrating the Margaret River
                                                       Busselton, we stop for morning tea (own          Region’s food and wine artisans.
       • 4-Star
       • Coastal Location                              expense) to view the iconic Busselton            The Food Lovers Tour gives the
       • Peaceful Beach Views                          Jetty (please note there is not enough           opportunity to savour wine tastings in
       • Resort Style                                  time at this stop to walk the full length of     a tranquil and intimate fashion at a
       • Bar and Restaurant                            the jetty).                                      range of remarkable boutique and 5-star
       • Dinner and Breakfast Included                                                                  wineries.
                                                       Margaret River Region                            Features of the Harvest Tour include*:
                                                       Driving into the heart of the region, we
MARGARETS IN TOWN APARTMENTS                           head to a boutique brewery for lunch with        •    Tastings at boutique wineries
        Margaret River                                                                                  •    Sample local gourmet foods
                                                       complimentary tastings. Following lunch
   • 4.5-Star                                          we visit an internationally renowned             •    A delicious winery lunch
   • Central Location                                  winery to taste some of their best wines.        •    Get a rare glimpse into the heart of
   • Walk To Town                                                                                            these iconic boutique wineries with
   • Hotel Style                                                                                             a guided tour through their stunning
   • Cooking Facilities: no meals                      Next it’s on to Mammoth Cave for a                    vineyards
     provided                                          guided tour through this gothic cave.            •    Finish the day with behind-the-
                                                       Continuing south, through the Boranup                 scenes chocolate and coffee tasting
                                                       Forest of enormous Karri Trees, we reach              tours
       STAY MARGARET RIVER                             Augusta. Here we see Cape Leeuwin
           Margaret River                              Lighthouse.                                      After indulging at all these beautiful
                                                                                                        stops it’s time to collect your luggage
      • 4-Star                                                                                          from the hotel as you will now be
      • Forest Location                                Then we head north to the township               rejoining your Coach Captain for the drive
      • Walk to Town                                   of Margaret River to check in to your            back to Perth, arriving back to Perth at
      • Motel Style                                    selected hotel.                                  approximately 8:30pm.
      • Bar and Restaurant
      • Dinner and Breakfast Included
*Exact itinerary subject to change at Harvest Tours dicention due to 3rd party

PERTH Western Australia - DAY TOURS i SHORT BREAKS - Australian Pinnacle Tours

                             Wave Rock, Aboriginal Culture, Stargazing & Outback Aussie Experience
                                                                                                Departs: Tue 8:00am Returns: 8:30pm on Day 2 of the Tour
                                     Tour Code        Adult      Concession       Child
             Prices                                                                             Distance: 700km
                                      2DWR           $629          $598          $514

                                  DAY 1                                                                                           DAY 2
                           PERTH TO WAVE ROCK                                                                               WAVE ROCK TO PERTH
                                 Tour Itinerary                                                                                  Tour Itinerary
York                                                                                            Hyden
Leaving Perth we head through the Perth Hills and escarpment                                    Enjoy a sleep-in or perhaps even spot more kangaroos and
to enter farming country. Heading east, we enjoy morning tea                                    wildlife in the morning sunrise. After breakfast, explore the
(own expense) at historic York, the first township founded in                                   historic and quintessential Australian settlement of Hyden.
the Avon Valley, with free time to take in the heritage listed                                  While in town view the Street Scape Sculptures in the main
Victorian and Federation buildings.                                                             street. They tell the story of how Hyden came to be, from
                                                                                                Aboriginal history through to the first sandal wood cutters,
From there we travel the Wheatbelt Highway through the                                          shearers and farmers.
agricultural towns of Corrigin and Kondinin. As we drive
through the rolling farmlands, get a glimpse of Australian                                      Receive a private tour of the old historic homesteads, working
country life.                                                                                   farm and restored car museum. Enjoy the peace and tranquility
                                                                                                of the outback and bush.
On arrival at Hyden, check-in to the hotel will be followed                                     Wildlife Shop
by a casual lunch. The afternoon is then yours to explore this
outback environment. See the old town and settlement and                                        Just before lunch, rejoin the day tour for the main attractions.
have an in depth visit to the Wildlife Park, home to koalas and                                 We break for an Aussie country style lunch at the Wildflower
rare white kangaroos, or you may prefer to view the largest                                     Shop. Whilst here, visit either a Wildlife Park, view a unique
collection of antique lace in the southern hemisphere and visit                                 Antique Lace Collection – even featuring lace from Lady Diana
the Toy Soldier Museum.                                                                         - or visit the amazing Toy Soldier Museum.

Although the main visit to Wave Rock is the following day, an                                   Wave Rock
unguided visit is available for the adventurous.                                                Then we move on to see the spectacular prehistoric rock
                                                                                                formation of Wave Rock and sacred Aboriginal site. Leaving
Wave Rock                                                                                       Wave Rock, we visit Hippo's Yawn and Mulka’s Cave.
After returning to the hotel to freshen up, enjoy a bush bistro
dinner before a private after hours visit to Wave Rock (sunset                                  Then “wave” goodbye to the rock as we travel to a country
permitting). You may be lucky enough to spot some kangaroos                                     roadhouse for afternoon tea (own expense) and then head back
in the early evening. End the day stargazing under the huge                                     to Perth for a late evening arrival. (Dinner on arrival back in
night sky.                                                                                      Perth at own arrangement and expense). (BL)
Accommodation at Wave Rock Motel (or similar), Hyden. (LD)
Note: Prices based on twin share. Single supplement on request. Please advise of any dietary requirements. Meals indicated in itinerary B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner


                                       Albany, ANZAC, Valley of the Giants & Margaret River Region
                                    Tour Code         Adult      Concession       Child        Departs: Selected Mon 8:00am (see dates below)
             Prices                                                                            Returns: 7:00pm on Day 4 of the Tour Distance: 1500km
                                     4DSW           $1360          $1310        $1150

           DAY 1                                         DAY 2                                           DAY 3                           DAY 4
      PERTH TO ALBANY                             ALBANY TO PEMBERTON                                PEMBERTON TO                    MARGARET RIVER
                                                                                                     MARGARET RIVER                    TO PERTH
       Tour Itinerary                                    Tour Itinerary                               Tour Itinerary                  Tour Itinerary
As we travel south towards                      After breakfast, enjoy coastal                  Early morning, take a           After breakfast we travel
Albany and the South Coast,                     sightseeing, visiting The                       short stroll to the majestic    to the quaint town of
we encounter the Stirling                       Gap and Natural Bridge.                         Beedelup Falls. Travelling      Cowaramup, famous for its
Ranges, one of the only                         Next we head to the famous                      north through the stunning      numerous cow statues.
major mountain ranges in                        Whaleworld Interpretation                       Blackwood Forest we arrive
the southern half of Western                    Centre for a quick self-guided                  at Augusta. Here we visit       We explore local chocolate
Australia. We continue                          tour.                                           Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse,        and gourmet produce
through the Porongurups and                                                                     where the Indian and Great      factories (time permitting) to
stop for a winery lunch with                                                                    Southern Oceans meet.           enjoy some of their samples
included wine tasting.                          Travelling west to the coastal                                                  as well as taste some of the
                                                resort town of Walpole,                         After lunch we travel through   locally produced wine. We
                                                we join our local guide for                     Boranup Forest to Mammoth       then stop for a delicious
We travel south to Mount                        a luncheon cruise on the                        Cave for a guided tour,         lunch, and a beer and cider
Clarence and the ANZAC                          Nornalup Inlet*.                                before driving into the         tasting at a local Brewery.
Memorial Centre in Albany.                                                                      township of Margaret River
Immerse yourself in the                                                                         where you will have some        Following lunch, we head
ANZAC legend while taking                       Next stop is the Valley
                                                of the Giants Tree Top                          time to visit the quaint        to the dramatic coastline
a self-guided tour. Enjoy                                                                       shops on the main street.       at Canal Rocks, a beautiful
a scenic drive along the                        Walk, which reaches 40
                                                metres high into the forest                     We then pay a visit to          granite outcrop where the
rugged coastline with an                                                                        Busselton Jetty, the longest    ocean has created natural
early evening check-in at your                  canopy. Afterwards, head
                                                northwest to the Pemberton                      wooden jetty in the southern    canals. A leisurely drive back
accommodation.                                                                                  hemisphere, before a late       to Perth allows for an early
                                                region for check-in at your
                                                accommodation.                                  afternoon check-in at your      evening arrival. (BL)
Accommodation: Ibis Styles,                                                                     accommodation.
Albany or similar. (LD)                         Accommodation: Karri Valley                     Accommodation: Abbey
                                                Resort, Pemberton or similar.                   Beach Resort, Busselton or
                                                (BLD)                                           similar. (BLD)
                                                                  2022/23 Departure Dates (Monday):
                         07/02/22                       21/02/22                          07/03/22             21/03/22           11/04/22
                         18/04/22                       02/05/22                          16/05/22             30/05/22           13/06/22
                         05/09/22                       12/09/22                          19/09/22             26/09/22           03/10/22
                         10/10/22                       17/10/22                          24/10/22             07/11/22           21/11/22
                         06/02/23                       20/02/23                          06/03/23             20/03/23
Note: *When luncheon cruise is not running, an alternative attraction will be provided.


             Afternoon Broome, Beach & Sunset                                              Windjana Gorge & Tunnel Creek Adventure
Departs Broome: Mon, Wed, Fri 12:30pm                                               Departs Broome: Mon 7:00am                  Returns: 10:00pm (approx.)
Returns: 6:30pm (approx.) Duration: 6hrs                  Distance: 25km            Duration: 15hrs                             Distance: 817km

                                Tour Code       Adult     Concession     Child                                      Tour Code       Adult    Concession     Child
           Prices                                                                              Prices
  09/05/2022-30/09/2022                                                               09/05/2022-30/09/2022
                                    BS          $94          $85         $55                                           WT          $289        $269        $189

                             Tour Itinerary                                                                      Tour Itinerary


Willie Creek Pearl Luggers                                                          Boab Prison Tree
Our afternoon tour begins with a sampler tour on the perils of                      After leaving Broome we
the deep. Experience what the early pearl divers had to endure                      head over the Willare Bridge,
and discover the history of pearling in Broome. We continue                         crossing the mighty Fitzroy
to the Roebuck Bay Lookout, for a brief stop, to take in the                        River, for our morning tea break.
spectacular views of Roebuck Bay and Dampier Creek. The tour                        The tour continues to one of
continues on to Chinatown to visit Sun Pictures, the world’s                        the Kimberley’s most famous
oldest operating picture gardens.                                                   landmarks, the Boab Prison Tree,
                                                                                    once used to house convicts.
                                                                                    Whilst here, view Myalls Bore.
Matso’s Brewery
We stop at Matso’s Brewery to                                                       Windjana Gorge
enjoy a beer tasting, including
their famous Ginger Beer.                                                           Heading through the Kimberley cattle country, we arrive at
Learn about the history of the                                                      Windjana Gorge for a scrumptious picnic lunch. Regarded as
building from one of Matso’s                                                        a world class geological feature, the gorge is a well-known
knowledgeable staff, before                                                         freshwater crocodile spotting site. Keep an eye out for wildlife
heading out of town.                                                                hiding in the Lennard River, which runs through Windjana

Japanese Cemetery
                                                                                    Tunnel Creek
Travel to Town Beach and learn of Broome’s One Day War
before continuing on to the Japanese Cemetery, which                                After lunch we head to Tunnel
highlights the close ties the Japanese established between                          Creek. Along the way, hear
Broome and its pearling industry. We then visit Broome Port,                        the story of Jandammara, an
which is known for being the largest deep-water access port                         Aboriginal freedom fighter. On
servicing the Kimberley region.                                                     arrival at Tunnel Creek, a 750
                                                                                    metre long flooded cavern, take
                                                                                    the opportunity to walk and wade
Gantheaume Point                                                                    through knee high water, to see
                                                                                    many beautiful formations. Enjoy
Afterwards, we move on to                                                           a swim in the waterhole at the
Gantheaume Point, most                                                              end of the tunnel to finish off the
commonly known for its red rock                                                     afternoon.
cliff face, dinosaur footprints and
Anastasia’s Pool. We head down
to Gantheaume Beach to enjoy                                                        Enjoy afternoon tea before heading back to Broome, with a
some light refreshments and                                                         stop en route for dinner (at your own expense). A drop-off to
nibbles while admiring the sunset.                                                  your hotel is included.
Enjoy a brief visit to the
picturesque Cable Beach before a                                                    Note: Itinerary subject to change due to extreme weather events. A moderate
drop off to your hotel, in time for                                                 level of fitness and mobility is required as we are walking over uneven ground,
                                                                                    climbing rocks and wading through water. Please wear either reef shoes or old
dinner.                                                                             tennis/trainers and potentially a swimming costume and towel. Headlamps
                                                                                    are supplied. Swimming subject to water levels. Please advise of any dietary
Note: Infant Price (0-3) $25 - Food is not included. Please advise of any dietary   requirements at time of booking. Infant Price (0-3) $50.00 - Food is not
requirements at time of booking.                                                    included.

Dampier peninsula
                                       CAPE LEVEQUE
                                                                                                                                       MAY - SEP

                                             Dampier Peninsula and Aboriginal Communities
 Departs Broome: Sun, Tues, Fri 7:00am      Returns: 4WD Option - 7:30pm Fly Option - 5:00pm
 Duration: 12.5hrs or 10hrs                 Distance: 460km
 Choose how you end our Dampier Peninsula Tour, with your choice of enjoying the beach or experience a Sea Safari!
                                 Tour Code     Adult    Concession    Child                                      Tour Code     Adult    Concession    Child
         OPTION A                                                                          OPTION B
     Prices Cygnet Bay             CL         $299        $279       $199              Prices Sea Safari          CLS         $519       $499        $399
   09/05/2022-30/09/2022                                                            09/05/2022-30/09/2022
                                  CLF         $649        $629       $524                                        CLSF         $869       $849        $724

                                                                     Tour Itinerary
 Beagle Bay
 Just a few kilometres out of Broome, we head north on Cape Leveque Road to arrive at our first stop
 Beagle Bay Aboriginal Community. Here we visit the famous Sacred Heart Church, with its exquisite
 Pearl Shell Altar, built in 1918 by the Pallottine Monks. Enjoy a casual drive before stopping for a
 prepared morning tea.

 One Arm Point
 Heading further north to One Arm Point, also known as Ardyaloon, we visit this remote Indigenous
 community with amazing views of the Buccaneer Archipelago. Here we enjoy a guided visit to the
 Trochus Shell hatchery & Aquaculture Centre and get an insight into aquaculture and the strong
 connection the Bardi Jawi have to their country as saltwater people. Marvel at the diverse range of
 locally crafted products and beautiful polished shells, which are also available for purchase.

 Cygnet Bay
 Next stop is Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm where we enjoy a chef prepared lunch followed by a Pearl Farm
 Tour. A family owned business, this is Australia’s oldest operating Pearl Farm. Following the tour,
 take the opportunity to also visit their showroom to see where some of the finest South Sea Pearls
 are grown and harvested.
 *Please note due to the closure of Kooljaman for 2022 this tour does not visit Cape Leveque.

 OPTION A                                                                          OPTION B


 Cygnet Bay tour code: CL + CLF                                                    Sea Safari tour code: CLS + CLSF
 Have time for an afternoon                                                        For the more adventurous, choose
 swim in the beautiful waters of                                                   an exhilarating 2-hour sea safari
 Cygnet Bay. Sit back and relax,                                              or   on the Buccaneer Archipelago
 stroll along the beautiful white                                                  famed for enormous tidal rushes,
 sand beach, taking in the                                                         standing waves and intense
 amazing scenery.                                                                  whirlpools.
 Choose the Scenic Flight (must                                                    Choose the Scenic Flight (must
 be pre-booked) and return to                                                      be pre-booked) and return to
 Broome by flight taking in the                                                    Broome by flight taking in the
 beautiful coastline. Or return                                                    beautiful coastline. Or return by
 by coach arriving in time for                                                     coach arriving in time for dinner.
 dinner.                                                                           Sea Safari Cruise varies
                                                                                   depending on tidal conditions.

Note: Individual weights and passenger names must be advised when booking the Fly Option. Please advise of any dietary requirements at time of booking. Infant
Price (0-3) $50.00 - Food is not included, Fly option and Sea Safari are not available for Infants. Actual Sea Safari content varies due to tides.

Rottnest island ferries

                                                                       Ferry Departure Points
Departs: Daily from 07:00am                      Returns: Various
Duration: Various

  Prices 01/04/2022-30/06/2022           Adult           Concession              Child                Ferry transfers can be included and packaged into all tours.
                                                                                                     Prices vary depending on departure point and date of travel.
   Hillarys Boat Harbour               From   $88         From   $78           From$49                                  Enquire when booking.
           Fremantle                   From   $73         From  $68            From   $37
              Perth                    From$110          From $108             From   $52

Hillarys Boat Harbour                                                                                                         PANTONE 389C

                                                                                                                     HILLARYS BOAT HARBOUR
                                                                                                                              PANTONE 306C

North of Perth, Hillarys Boat Harbour is also home to the
Aquarium of Western Australia, quaint shops and many
restaurants. A free connecting courtesy shuttle, from Perth to
the departure dock, is available upon request.
                                                                                                                              PANTONE 389C

                                                                                                                              PANTONE 306C

Ferry Operator: Rottnest Fast Ferries
Fremantle                                                                                                                                         te
South of Perth, Fremantle is a bustling tourist destination,
packed with culture, history and eateries. The quickest ferry
                                                                                                                                                  Bu in)
transfer to Rottnest Island, with two choices of ferry operators.
Ferry Operators: Rottnest Express and SeaLink                                                                                                          ran

In the heart of Perth City situated at Barrack Street Jetty.

Enjoy a cruise along the Swan River before heading to

Rottnest Island. Your choice of two ferry operators.
                                                                                y     s
Ferry Operators: Rottnest Express and SeaLink

                                                                   Ex                        th
                                                                        Fre                       1.5
                                                                               ma                       hou
                                                                                      ntle                 rs
                                                                                                     min                FREMANTLE

Note: Ferry fares include the Government Landing Fee. Ferry fares subject to change due
to Government Landing Fee and operator price increases

self-guided activities

                         Island Explorer Bus                                                                                           Bike Hire
Departs: Daily, Various                   Returns: Various                                 Departs: Daily, Various                          Returns: Various
Duration: Various                                                                          Duration: Various
 Prices 01/04/2022-31/03/2023    Tour Code       Adult        Concession      Child              Prices 01/04/2022-30/03/2022                       Adult         Concession             Child

      Island Explorer                IE          $20            $15           $15                 Rottnest Fast Ferries (Hillarys)                  $30              $30                 $16
Accommodation Shuttle               AS            $3             $3           $3              Rottnest Express (Perth and Fremantle)                $34              $34                 $17
Island Explorer Bus
                                                                                               Tip! Book your ferry and bike hire together to save money!
Experience the beauty of Rottnest Island on board the easy and                                                   Enquire when booking
convenient Island Explorer bus service. Enjoy the spectacular
views as you explore the Island in air-conditioned comfort.
                                                                                            Unlock your adventurous side and experience Rottnest
This service allows the fantastic option of hopping on and off                              Island at its best! Use pedal power to get yourself around
around the Island throughout the day, taking the opportunity                                the beautiful sights of Rottnest Island – a car-free unspoilt
to discover the Island at your own pace. The Island Explorer                                paradise just off the Western Australia coast.
stops at key attractions around the Island as well as giving
you transport to the Island’s best beaches. No commentary                                   Don’t waste valuable island time hiring a bike when you arrive!
provided.                                                                                   Book your bike with your ferry
                                                                                            ticket before you leave to avoid
Accommodation Shuttle Bus                                                                   the queues.
The convenient accommodation                                                                Why not add on snorkel hire
shuttle on the Island currently                                                             (extra charge) to ensure you
operates 7 days a week from                                                                 fully immerse yourself in what
the main bus stop, stopping at                                                              Rottnest has to offer.
Kingstown and Geordie Bay.
                                                                                            Warning: Rottnest may look
COVID-19 restrictions may effect                                                            flat, but be prepared for some
operating schedule and capacity.                                                            deceptive hills!

Tip! Scan the QR code to view our latest
                                                                                   Little Armstrong
  Island Explorer and Accommodation                                                       Bay
                                                                                                                                        Pinkys Beach
                                                                                                                                                            Bathurst Lighthouse            Hill
         Shuttle Bus Timetables                                                                              Bay                                                                      Ex
                                                                                                                                                                y Terminal
                                                                                                                                                            Ferr                         Ex Perth
                                                                                                                                                            Thomson Bay             Ex
               KEY                                                                                                                                          Main Bus Stop/               Fr
               Railway Line                                                                                                                                 Railway Station                   a   n tl
               Bike Tracks                                                                                                                                                                            e
               Main Settlement
               Lighthouse                                                  Wadjemup
                                                                           Lighthouse                                                                                             Kingstown
                                                    Stark Bay                                                                                                                     Barracks
               Island Explorer bus stop                                                        Oliver Hill Guns

                                                                                                                                                       Henrietta Rocks

                                                                                                Salmon Bay
                                             Strickland Bay

                                                                                                                                     Parker Point

Guided Tours

                           Train and Tunnel Tour                                                                                Seafood Cruise
Departs: Daily 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm                                               Departs: Thu - Sun, Sep - Apr 11:00am                              Returns: 2:00pm
Returns: Various    Duration: 2hrs                                                             Duration: 4hrs
                                     Tour Code        Adult      Concession        Child                                             Tour Code         Adult      Concession       Child
            Prices                                                                                          Prices
  01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                                           01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                      OHTT            $33            $28           $16                                              RC-WILD           $279          $279           $169

                                 Tour Itinerary                                                                                  Tour Itinerary
Rottnest’s WWII guns and tunnels commemorate both its                                          Rottnest Cruises’ Wild Seafood Experience cruises around the
military history and our soldiers                                                              Island in luxury, viewing the Island’s stunning coastline with
who fought to defend the shores                                                                free-flowing drinks for the duration of the 4 hour interactive
of Western Australia.                                                                          tour.
Rottnest Island was a crucial
part of the Western Australian                                                                 Rottnest Island
defence during WWII, being a key
protector to the Fremantle Port.                                                               Greeted on board with a drink and
                                                                                               canapes, enjoy a cruise along the
                                                                                               Island’s scenic coastline, guided
Captain Hussey Train                                                                           by the experienced crew.
Begin this tour with a unique 30
minute historic train ride, passing                                                            Catch-and-Dine
some iconic and historical
landmarks on the Island. Journey                                                               Have the opportunity on the tour
to the historical Oliver Hill Guns and Tunnel Fortification on                                 to pull up pots of live Western
board the unique 64-seat Captain Hussey trolley train.                                         Australian Lobster. The crew will
                                                                                               provide guidance and local sea
                                                                                               knowledge as you get the chance
Oliver Hill Guns & Tunnels                                                                     to touch, feel and learn about the
Upon arriving at Oliver Hill, be taken on a 1 hour guided tour                                 lobster you caught.
through the stunning tunnel system that once played a crucial
role in Australia’s military defence in World War II. See how the                              Lunch will be prepared in an open kitchen with a fresh seafood
soldiers worked in these intricate tunnels as you are guided                                   barbecue. A 7-course menu will be served featuring your lobster
through their day-to-day life.                                                                 catch and other ocean-fresh
The Island was home to intricate WWII secret tunnels and                                       The seafood banquet will be
housed 9.2 inch guns to protect against invading Axis forces.                                  packed with West Australian
Post-war, the 9.2 inch battery was saved from disposal due                                     produce and will include blue
to the high cost of removal                                                                    swimmer crab, WA tiger prawns,
and shipping of the guns to                                                                    WA scallops and more.
the mainland. This led to the
preservation of the military
artifacts.                                                                                     Relax On Board
                                                                                               Take the opportunity to relax on
                                                                                               board, with the boat featuring a
This equipment provides a look                                                                 large open lower deck, an upper
at the rich history of the Western                                                             sun deck and a spacious interior
Australia defence force and                                                                    cabin. Enjoy prime coastal views while moored in the calm
attracts many visitors to the area                                                             turquoise waters of Longreach or Parakeet Bay.
every year.

Note: Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a hat and your camera. All entry fees       Note: Please advise of any dietary requirements. Tour duration will depend on where the
are included within the ticket price. This tour departs Rottnest Island and ferry transport    craypots are situated. This tour departs at the Rottnest Island Fuel Jetty. This tour is not
is not included in the itinerary or pricing. This tour involves walking up and down multiple   recommended for children under the age of 5. Menu will have seasonal variants. Price
stairs. All tours depart from the Settlement Train Station. COVID-19 restrictions may effect   subject to increase at suppliers discretion. This tour departs Rottnest Island and ferry
operating schedule and capacity. Operated by Quokka Coaches.                                   transport is not included in the itinerary or pricing.

Bayseeker Island Tour                                                                             Grand Island Tour
Departs: Daily 10:45am, 1:45pm (reduced service May-Aug)                                        Departs: Daily 10:45am, 11:30am (reduced service May-Aug)
Returns: 12:30pm, 3:30pm     Duration: 1.75hrs                                                  Returns: 2:30pm, 3:30pm     Duration: 3.75hrs/4hrs

                                      Tour Code         Adult      Concession        Child                                           Tour Code         Adult      Concession        Child
             Prices                                                                                          Prices
   01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                                          01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                         BIT            $44           $38            $26                                                GIT            $84            $79           $64

                                  Tour Itinerary                                                                                  Tour Itinerary
Appreciate all the colours of Rottnest on the fully commentated                                 This fascinating tour takes in all of Rottnest’s must-see locations
Bayseeker Island Tour.                                                                          and cultural and historical heritage, ranging from maritime and
                                                                                                military history to future developments. A light sandwich lunch
All major habitats are covered                                                                  is also included on this tour.
on this amazing tour, as well as
Rottnest’s cultural and historical                                                              Captain Hussey Train
heritage ranging from maritime,                                                                 Begin this tour with a unique 30
colonial and military history to                                                                minute historic train ride. Journey
future developments.                                                                            to the historical Oliver Hill Guns
                                                                                                and Tunnel Fortification on board
Henrietta Rocks                                                                                 the unique 64-seat Captain
Throughout the tour learn about                                                                 Hussey trolley train.
the shipwreck and maritime
history of the Island; such as                                                                  Oliver Hill Guns & Tunnels
the Henrietta Rocks, home to the ‘Shark’ (a hopper barge                                        Join a 1 hour guided tour of the
that wrecked in 1939) the seventh vessel Rottnest Island has                                    stunning tunnel system that once
claimed.                                                                                        played a crucial role in Australia’s
                                                                                                military defence in World War II.
Wadjemup Lighthouse
See the iconic lighthouse and learn about the Noongar history.                                  Henrietta Rocks
The original Wadjemup lighthouse was Western Australia’s                                        Learn about shipwrecks and maritime history. With 12 vessels
first lighthouse, it then became Australia’s first rotating beam                                claimed since 1842, the Henrietta Rocks is home to the ‘Shark’ -
lighthouse after its conversion in 1881.                                                        a hopper barge wrecked in 1939.

The West End                                                                                    Wadjemup Lighthouse
See Rottnest Island’s most western point. Here you will view                                    See the iconic lighthouse and
different flora and fauna that is unique to that side of the Island.                            learn about Noongar history. The
                                                                                                original Wadjemup lighthouse
The West End is home to a                                                                       was Western Australia’s first
pod of seals and often you                                                                      lighthouse.
will see dolphins surfing in the
breakers. Our tour will take you                                                                The West End
to the lookout platform to give
passengers the best vantage                                                                     See Rottnest Island’s flora, fauna
point to view and take plenty of                                                                and sea life on Rottnest Island’s
photos of the wildlife.                                                                         most western point. Our tour will take you to the lookout
                                                                                                platform to give passengers the best vantage point to view and
                                                                                                take plenty of photos of the wildlife.
                                                                                                Note: Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a hat and your camera. All entry fees
                                                                                                are included within the ticket price. This tour departs Rottnest Island and ferry transport is
Note: Please wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a hat and your camera. This tour             not included in the itinerary or pricing. Please advise of any dietary requirements. This tour
departs Rottnest Island and ferry transport is not included in the itinerary or pricing. Tour   involves walking up and down multiple stairs. 10:45am tour departs from Main Bus Stop.
departs and returns to the settlement’s Main Bus Stop. COVID-19 restrictions may effect         11:30am tour departs from the Settlement Train Station. COVID-19 restrictions may effect
operating schedule and capacity. Operated by Quokka Coaches.                                    operating schedule and capacity. Operated by Quokka Coaches.


       Lancelin 4WD Sand Dunes & Sand Boarding                                                                      Lancelin Sand Board Hire
Departs: Daily from Lancelin Sand Dunes at various times                                    Departs: Daily from Lancelin Sand Dunes at various times
Returns: Lancelin Sand Dunes          Duration: 45mins                                      Returns: Lancelin Sand Dunes             Duration: 3hrs max

                                    Tour Code        Adult      Concession       Child                                           Tour Code         Adult      Concession       Child
             Prices                                                                                      Prices
   01/04/2022-31/03/2023                                                                       01/04/2022-31/03/2023
                                   4WDLAN            $30           $25           $20                                              SAND             $10           $10           $10

                                 Tour Itinerary                                                                               Tour Itinerary
Lancelin                                                                                    Lancelin
Self-drive to the small and                                                                 Self-drive to the small and
relaxed coastal town of Lancelin -                                                          relaxed coastal town of Lancelin -
approximately 130 kilometres north                                                          approximately 130 kilometres north
of Perth.                                                                                   of Perth.

The town is known for its towering                                                          The town is known for its towering
white sand dunes and stunning                                                               white sand dunes and stunning
beaches, making Lancelin a quick                                                            beaches, making Lancelin a quick
getaway from the hustle and bustle                                                          getaway from the hustle and bustle
of the city.                                                                                of the city.

Lancelin Sand Dunes                                                                         Lancelin Sand Dunes
Located in the Lancelin Sand Dunes, Westside Tours powered                                  Located in the Lancelin Sand Dunes, Westside Tours powered
by Australian Pinnacle Tours offers a unique and thrilling                                  by Australian Pinnacle Tours offers an opportunity for you to try
45-minute 4WD adventure ride including time for you to try                                  your hand at sand boarding down
your hand at sand boarding.                                                                 the pristine dunes.

4WD Adventure                                                                               Sand Boarding
Not for the faint hearted, this                                                             The thrill-seeking sport of sand
adrenaline-pumping ride takes you                                                           boarding is one of the most popular
up and down some of the biggest                                                             activities for visitors to Lancelin.
dunes in Western Australia with the
magnificent crystal clear waters of
the Indian Ocean as the backdrop.                                                           We offer sand board hire for
                                                                                            unlimited rides down the dunes
                                                                                            for up to 3 hours. Once you have
Along the way the bus driver will                                                           arrived at the Lancelin Sand Dunes,
make a couple of stops allowing the perfect opportunity to take                             you can purchase your sand board hire at the Westside Tours
a selfie and appreciate the beauty of the area.                                             Caravan for a hassle-free day out with friends and family.

Sand Boarding
For those that are up for it, have                                                               Tip! Order your sand board
a go at the thrill-seeking sport                                                                before you go and collect on
of sand boarding. Have the                                                                      arrival at the Westside Tours
opportunity to go down some of                                                                              Caravan.
the best dunes, only accessible by

Note: This tour departs Lancelin and is an option                                           Note: Sand board hire is available from Lancelin
for those self-driving. There is no hotel pick-up or                                        only and is an option for those self-driving to
drop-off available. Please report to the Westside Tours Caravan for your tour booking on    Lancelin Sand Dunes. There is no hotel pick-up or drop-off available. Please report to the
arrival at Lancelin Sand Dunes. Tour is not suitable for pregnant women, people with back   Westside Tours Caravan on arrival at Lancelin Sand Dunes to hire your sand board or to
problems or children under 4 years.                                                         pick up your pre-booked hire.

PRICES AND BROCHURE VALIDITY                                                If you fail to join a tour or join it after departure, or leave it prior to
                                                                            its completion, no tour refund can be made. The above cancellation
Prices are quoted in Australian dollars (inclusive of GST). Tour            fees are in addition to fees which may be levied by accommodation
prices are per person, are correct at time of publication and can be        properties, travel agents or third party tour and transport operator
subject to change at the discretion of Australian Pinnacle Tours            cancellation fees. Please note unique terms and conditions may apply
(Passenger Transport Services Pty Ltd). This brochure is valid for travel   to third party products, these are accessible via their respective
commencing 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2023.                                websites.
INCLUSIONS                                                                  Changes and Requirements
Tours and cruises include all sightseeing, entry fees and meals as          Tours may be cancelled and changed if required minimum numbers are
stated in the full itinerary (which can be viewed at                        not met . Minimum numbers for all tours are 8 adults. Please note that, however are subject to change          certain tours are not suitable for infants and children as stated. If a
solely at the discretion of Australian Pinnacle Tours.                      child is taken on tour, Australian Pinnacle Tours applies a separate seat
                                                                            cost for the tour. No child will sit with parent on the same seat due to
CONDITIONS OF TRAVEL                                                        coach and bus regulations in Western Australia (Infants aged 0-3 years
Australian Pinnacle Tours reserves the right to alter the route or          excepted).
itinerary of any of its tours and arrange alternative carriers to           Amendment Fees Short Break Tours (Tours of 5 days or less in
those advertised if necessary. No refunds will be given in these            duration)
circumstances or in the event of any delay, curtailment or alteration
of a trip resulting from any cause beyond our control, including but not    If you wish to transfer from one trip to another or transfer your
limited to severe weather conditions. Components of trips are weather       booking to a third party you must notify us at least 30 days prior to
dependent and Australian Pinnacle Tours cannot be held liable if trip       the proposed departure date. A fee of AU$100 per person per change
components are not available on the day of travel. Australian Pinnacle      may apply (in addition to any charges levied by hotels, ground
Tours can’t guarantee pick up or drop off times and is not liable for       operators). If you notify us less than 30 days prior to the proposed
passenger failure to connect with other services or any associated          departure date the refund policy applicable to cancellations will apply.
costs resulting from such delays. We accept no responsibility for           Transfers to a third party are only permitted where the transferee meets
loss or damage to personal belongings or baggage. The Aboriginal            all the requirements in relation to the trip, and transfers to another
components of our tours are subject to cultural conditions.                 departure can only be made to a departure within the current validity
Participants may be absent due to cultural commitments with minimal         period.
prior notification and Australian Pinnacle Tours reserves the right         Other Change/Amendment Fees for all Tours
to amend the itinerary in these circumstances with no obligation to
refund.                                                                     Amendments to any other arrangements made in conjunction with
                                                                            your trip may incur an AU$100 administration fee per booking per
LIABILITY                                                                   change. This fee is in addition to any charges levied by hotels,
                                                                            ground operators or airlines. No amendments are permitted to your
Whilst we make every effort to safeguard our passengers, Australian         booking within 7 days of departure. You are strongly advised to
Pinnacle Tours cannot be held liable for any damage, injury, or loss        take out cancellation insurance at the time of booking which will
of any kind caused by or resulting from any act or omission by its          cover cancellation fees. If you leave a trip for any reason after it
employees, agents or contractors. Passengers should note that               has commenced we are not obliged to make any refunds for unused
adventure travel involves a higher than normal risk and a signed            services.
release may be required from all participants before departure.
Australian Pinnacle Tours also assumes no responsibility for any act        Cancellation by Australian Pinnacle Tours
of negligence, act or omission whatsoever by any company whose              We may cancel a trip at any time up to 28 days before departure. We
services are used as part of packages provided, including but not           may cancel a trip at any time prior to departure if, due to terrorism,
limited to activity and accommodation providers.                            natural disasters, political instability or other external events it is
                                                                            not viable for us to operate the planned itinerary. If we cancel your
MINIMUM NUMBERS/ITINERARIES                                                 trip, you can transfer amounts paid to an alternate departure date
Tours require minimum passenger numbers to operate. In                      or alternatively receive a full refund. In circumstances where the
circumstances where minimum numbers are not reached, an                     cancellation is due to external events outside our reasonable control
alternative may be offered or a smaller vehicle used.                       refunds will be less any unrecoverable costs. We are not responsible
Fares effective for travel from 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2023.           for any incidental expenses that you may have incurred as a result of
                                                                            your booking including but not limited to visas, vaccinations, travel
TRAVEL INSURANCE                                                            insurance excess or non-refundable flights.
Travel insurance is not included. Australian Pinnacle Tours (Passenger      CHILD POLICY
Transport Services Australia Pty Ltd) strongly recommends that
passengers take out their own travel insurance policy which covers          Child fares are available on most tours for passengers aged between
personal liability, cancellation, loss of luggage and personal effects      4 and 12 years inclusive. Infants (0- 3 yrs) are free when travelling
and specific COVID-19 insurance cover in the event of being unable to       with an adult, however touring is not generally recommended due
travel.                                                                     to the large distances travelled. Depending on age, children on
                                                                            tour may be required to be seated in booster seats or other child
DEPARTURE POINTS                                                            safety accredited seating (supplied by the customer). At all times,
                                                                            Australian Pinnacle Tours reserves the right to not accept children on
Pick-up details will be advised at time of booking. Hotel pick-ups          tours due to safety concerns.
are available on request at time of booking, from select Perth city
hotels. Most tours also provide a free drop-off service. Refer to map       CONCESSION FARES
on back page. All Broome tours depart from Broome with select
Broome hotel pick-ups available on request.                                 Concession fares apply to holders of senior or pensioner cards and
                                                                            full-time students. Card membership numbers must be quoted at
DIESEL FUEL LEVY                                                            time of booking.
Australian Pinnacle Tours reserves the right to charge a fuel surcharge     LUGGAGE ON TOUR – WHAT TO PACK
as a result of escalation in the price of crude oil.
                                                                            Due to the equipment required for tours, vehicles have limited luggage
CANCELLATION POLICY                                                         space remaining. We therefore ask passengers to limit baggage to
                                                                            a strict 15kg maximum and soft bags are preferred. We suggest you
Fees still apply for any COVID related reason.                              include the following essential items: non-slip walking shoes (sneakers),
Due to the extensive organisation involved with touring, a strict           sunscreen, hat, beach towel, bathers, flashlight, camera and small
cancellation fee will be applicable to compensate for costs and lost        bottle of water. We recommend that items of value, including electronic
revenue. We strongly recommend you take out travel insurance to             items, should not be carried on tour, and liability and risk is with the
cover against such charges. Australian Pinnacle Tours is subject to the     owner.
cancellation policies of all local suppliers used for some components
on our tours. Any cancellation policies or fees from local suppliers will   PHOTOGRAPHY
be required to be adhered to by clients of Australian Pinnacles Tours.      Cover Image: © Tourism Australia
Once a booking is made the following cancellation fees will apply:          Images: Pages 3-20: © Tourism Western Australia
Day Tours and Short Break Adventures                                        Page Footers: © Peter Farmer/Passenger Transport Services Pty Ltd
25% deposit confirms tour with full payment required 30 days before         Page 15: © Rottnest Fast Ferries, Rottnest Express and Sealink
departure                                                                   Page 16: © Rottnest Cruises
Cancellation Fees Day Tours                                                 Some photos have been provided by various sources
• +6 days prior to departure; no fee payable
• 5-3 days prior to departure; 50% of total price
• 2-0 days (48 hours) prior to departure; 100% of total price

Cancellation Fees Extended/Overnight Tours
• 30+ days prior to departure; 10% of total price
• 29-16 days prior to departure; 25% of total price
• 15-6 days prior to departure; 50% of total price
• 5-0 days prior to departure; 100% of total price                                                                                                        19
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