Page created by Eduardo Carr
THE FRONT LINE                                         OUR STRENGTH,
AGAINST COVID-19                                       OUR PERSONNEL

                                                       66,500 persons work in the pharmaceutical
                                                       industry and 146 thousand in allied industries. In the
       About 200 VACCINES are UNDER                    last 5 years employment has risen at a higher rate
           DEVELOPMENT worldwide, including            than in the other sectors (10% vs the overall economy
             45 already at the clinical trial phase.   average of 5%), thanks to the industry’s dynamism
                                                       and its sustainable and inclusive growth models.
             Many companies are engaged on
            R&D for Covid-19 therapies, vaccines       Gender equality is a fact: 43% of the personnel are
            and diagnostic tests.                      women (compared to the industrial average of
        Sector donations to help manage the crisis                     29% ), and many occupy important
now total almost $ 750m.                                                management positions.
                                                                        Many measures have been taken
Pharmaceutical companies In Italy have so far          to sustain parenthood, on top of state-mandated
contributed € 41 m towards crisis management.          assistance.
They have also donated medicinal products,
                                                       Training and professional development are
goods and services and are promoting
                                                       widespread, driven by the high demand for
initiatives to assist patients, doctors                transversal and soft skills.
and staff in all healthcare sectors. Many
companies have modified their production               Over the past 5 years the proportion of young
lines in order to meet health requirements             people has increased constantly: the under-35s
and disinfectant demand - often transferring           have risen by 16% and, overall, 80% are in an
them gratuitously.                                     open-ended employment relationship.

And in so doing they have guaranteed a perfectly       Welfare is tailored to the needs of persons, as
safe operational continuity thereby ensuring           illustrated by the use of long-standing smart working
access to therapies for patients and the               methods as well as by the valorisation of diversity,
maintenance of full employment for the industry.       training, health and prevention, assistance to
                                                       families, the elderly and the disabled.
UNITED IN THE                                            A VALUE FOR THE
FIGHT AGAINST THE                                        COUNTRY
CLIMATE CRISIS                                           AND PEOPLE’S
                                                         With a production value of € 34 bn,
The pharmaceutical industry is fully committed to
                                                         the pharmaceutical industry in Italy is a strategic
ecological transition.                                   asset for the economy. Moreover, together with
Major investments are constantly improving               Germany, it is a European leader whose exports
environmental compliance and the efficient               have grown by 168% over the last ten years (against
management of resources: water treatment,                the EU average of 86%).
lower levels of waste and plastic use.
                                                         Each year registers a new record in R&D
                                                         investments: € 1.6 bn (7 % of the total for Italy and
In the past ten years, in Italy, the sector has abated
                                                         30% higher than in 2013), of which over € 700 m
energy consumption by 48% and cut                        dedicated to clinical research, of which the
greenhouse gas emissions by 50%: which is                greater part earmarked for NHS facilities. Together
           more than the industrial average.                               with €1.4 bn for production,
                                                                           investments in the country have
               These results stem from ever greater                        reached 3 bn.
                   investment in green
                                                                           In the next 5 years the
                   technologies. The proportion
                                                                               pharmaceutical companies
               allocated to pollution prevention
                                                                           will invest over $ 1,500 bn
(either total elimination or abatement at source)        worldwide in R&D: an opportunity for growth and
amounts to 44%, compared to a manufacturing              development that Italy, with its many excellences
average of 37%.                                          can seize by implementing good business policies.
                                                         This is an objective within the country’s grasp:
The “circular approach” generates innovation,
                                                         participating in ever-more targeted and effective
increases efficiency and competitiveness and
                                                         research on the 16 thousand therapies under
benefits not only the companies but also the             development in the world designed to cure or
environment and the communities in the                   “chronicize” hitherto life-threatening diseases,
territories where they operate.                          avoid hospitalization and prevent or arrest the
                                                         course of pathologies.

A.C.R.A.F. Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini               Idi Farmaceutici | Ipsen | IQVIA Ies Italy | Ist. Farm.
Francesco | A. Menarini Ind. Farm. Riunite | Abbvie |      Biologico Stroder | Istituto De Angeli | Istituto
Abiogen Pharma | Acarpia Farmaceutici | Adare              Ganassini | Istituto Gentili | Istituto Luso Farmaco
Pharmaceuticals | Addenda Pharma | Advanced                d’Italia | Italchimici | Italfarmaco | Itel
Accelerator Applications Italy | Aeffe Farmaceutici |      Telecomunicazioni | Janssen-Cilag | Johnson &
Aerosol Service Italiana | Aesculapius Farmaceutici |      Johnson Medical | Kedrion | Kyowa Kirin | L. Molteni
Aesica Pharmaceuticals | Alfa Biotech | Alfasigma |        & C. F.lli Alitti | Lab. it. Biochim.
Alk-Abelló | Allergan | Alliance Pharma | Almirall |       Lisapharma | Laboratori Baldacci | Laboratori
Altergon Italia | Amgen | Amuchina | Aptuit | Astellas     Guidotti | Laboratorio Farmaceutico C.T. | Laboratorio
Pharma | Astrazeneca | Avara Liscate Pharmaceutical        Farmaceutico S.I.T. | Laboratorio Terapeutico M.R. |
Services | Bausch & Lomb Iom | Bayer Healthcare            Leo Pharma | Lepetit | Lifepharma | Lofarma |
Manufacturing | Bayer | Biogen Italia | Biologici Italia   Lundbeck Italia | Malesci Istituto Farm. | Mastelli |
Laboratories | Biopharma | Biotest Italia | Boehringer     Master Pharma | Merck Serono | Merqurio Pharma |
Ingelheim Italia | Bracco Imaging Italia | Bristol -       Mitim | Monico | Msd Italia | Mundipharma
Myers Squibb | Bruschettini | Bsp Pharmaceuticals          Pharmaceuticals | Mylan Italia | Neopharmed Gentili |
C.O.C. | Farmaceutici | Catalent Italy | Celgene |         Nerviano Medical Sciences | Noos | Norgine Italia |
Chiesi Farmaceutici | Corden Pharma Latina |               Novartis Farma | Novo Nordisk | Octapharma Italy |
Corden Pharma | Cosmo | Crucell Italy | CSO                Omikron Italia | Organon Italia | Otsuka
Pharmitalia | Daiichi Sankyo Italia | Dompé                Pharmaceutical Italy | Patheon Italia | Pfizer Holding
Farmaceutici | Doppel Farmaceutici | Ecupharma |           Italy | Pfizer Italia | Pfizer | Pharmafar | Pharmanutra |
Eisai | Eli Lilly Italia | E-Pharma Trento | Euromed |     Philogen | Piam Farmaceutici | Pierre Fabre Pharma |
F.I.R.M.A. | Famar Italia | Farmaceutici Damor |           Pierrel | Polichem | Polifarma | Promedica |
Farmaka | Farmalabor | Farmila-Thea Farmaceutici |         Recordati Ind.Chim.Farm. | Recordati Rare Diseases
Farmitalia Ind. Chimico Farmac. | Fatro | Ferring |        Italy | Roche | Sanofi | Savio Pharma Italia |
Fine Foods & Pharmaceuticals N.T.M. | Galderma             Scharper | Servier Italia | Shionogi | Sifi | Simesa |
Italia | Galileo Research | Gb Pharma | Ge Healthcare |    So.Se.Pharm | Società Prodotti Antibiotici | Sofar |
Gentium | Gilead Sciences Srl | Giuliani |                 Stewart Italia | Takeda Italia | Temmler Italia | Teva
Glaxosmithkline Manufacturing | Glaxosmithkline |          Italia | Therabel Gienne Pharma | Tubilux Pharma |
Glaxosmithkline Vaccines | Grifols Italia | Grünenthal     Ucb Pharma | Valeas Ind.Chimica e Farmac. |
Italia | Guerbet | Hikma Italia | I.B.I. Giovanni          Valpharma International | ViiV Healthcare |
Lorenzini | I.B.N. Savio | I.Bir.N. - Ist. Bioterapico     Visufarma | Welcome Pharma | Wyeth Lederle |
Naz. | Ibsa Farmaceutici Italy | Ice Rende |               Zambon | Zeta Farmaceutici
       Largo del Nazareno 3/8 - 00187 Rome
                  T: +39 06 675801
   Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 1 - B1040 Brussels
                  T: +32 2 2861255


Publication closed with data and information available as of 31/10/2020
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