Picture 3 - Green-Schools

Page created by Gary Campbell
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
© Maja Dumat via Flickr               ©Michael John O’Mahony          ©Michael John O’Mahony

Picture 1                 Picture 2   Picture 3                      Picture 4
                                      Can you name these Irish Plants and Animals? Try our
                                      interactive quiz here to learn more about them.
                                      • Picture 1

                                      • Picture 2

                                      • Picture 3

                                      • Picture 4

                                      • Picture 5

Picture 5                 Picture 6   • Picture 6
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
1C4                                                                                          Description                                              Habitat found

       Silver Birch                                                                           The silver birch is a small to medium sized
                                                                                              deciduous tree. It has fine branches and small
                                                                                                                                                       Silver Birch will grow in poor soils, but
                                                                                                                                                       likes a sunny position, and it needs
                                                                                              leaves, white bark with dark ridges and                  good drainage. Birch woods occur
 Common Name: Silver Birch                                                                    cracks. There are two types of birch in Ireland,         widely, especially on marginal soils, lake
                                                                                              Downy and Silver. The Silver Birch overall looks         edges and on dried out bogs. It makes a
 Irish Name: Beith gheal                                                                      more ‘weepy’ like a Weeping Willow tree, and             good ornamental garden tree, as it does
                                                                                              the leaves are more pointed than heart-                  not grow too large, so you may find it in
 Scientific Name: Betula pendula                                                              shaped, in comparison to the Downy Birch.                parks, gardens and on school grounds.

                                                                       Parent plants lose             With the warm weather in
 Image by Gilles San Martin via Flickr.com
                                                                          their leaves in            Spring mature trees start to
                                                                       winter. Seeds will             grow leaves and flowers.
                                                                        lie in the soil for          Little seeds from last year’s
                                                                           the Winter.               trees will also start to grow
                                                                                                     in the soil as small trees or

                                                        These new seeds dry
                                                        out, and break apart                                         As Spring progresses
                                                       and are carried on the                                        the leaves grow and

                                                       wind a small distance                                          the flowers form a
                                                       from the parent tree.                                            cluster called a    Image by Maja Dumat via Flickr.com
                                      Image by Jon Sullivan
                                      via Flickr.com

                                                                 The catkins, with all of
                                                                                                                                     Fun Facts!
                                                                                                         Pollen is blown
                                                                    their tiny fertilised              between catkins on            In early times “toghers” or walkways, usually across bog
Flower: April – May                                               flowers then become                 different trees. If any
                                                                                                                                     land were made from birch. Nowadays, it is more
                                                                 more like a small tower             tiny flower gets pollen
Fruit: Seeds late                                                 of seeds by Autumn.                from another one it is          commonly used in making plywood.
Summer to Autumn                                                                                    fertilised and turns into
                                                                                                            a tiny seed.
Picture 3 - Green-Schools

                               Silver Birch Tree                                           Draw a Birch Leaf and Catkins in

                                              In Winter, all the     In Spring leaves
  Draw birds in a Silver Birch Tree:          leaves fall off the     and little flowers
                                                trees. And the       grow on the trees.
                                             little seeds rest on    The flowers form a
                                                                       cluster called a
                                                    the soil.

                                       By Autumn seeds have     Cycle
                                       formed in the catkins,
                                        they turn brown and
                                       are blown off the tree       In Summer Pollen is
                                            by the wind.               blown between
                                                                    catkins on different
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
                                                                 Description                                           Habitat found
 Creeping Thistle                                                A very common plant. Unlike the other types
                                                                 of thistles, the upright stems are spineless.
                                                                                                                       This wildflower grows in
                                                                                                                       grassy and waste places.
                                                                 The leaves can be cottony underneath.                 They are visited by lots
Common Name: Creeping Thistle                                    Flowers are lilac coloured (15-25mm across)           of insects looking to
                                                                 arranged in fragrant clusters. Take time to           drink its sweet nectar.
Irish Name: Feochadán reatha                                     make sure not to confuse this with Marsh              During these visits the
                                                                 Thistle and Slender Thistle; both have spiny          insects bring pollen and
Scientific Name: Cirsium arvense                                 stalks so you’ll know the difference!                 pollinate the flowers.

                                       Plants die down to       Thistle plants
                                                               start to grow in                                                      DO NOT
                                     the ground in winter,                                                                           TOUCH a
                                     and take a rest, when      early Spring-
                                                                                                                                     thistle unless
                                       there is very little     they get their
                                                                                                                                     you are
                                      energy coming from       energy from the
                                                                                                                                     wearing rubber
                                            the sun.           Spring sunshine
                                                                                                                                     The thistle’s
                                                                                                                                     sharp needle-
                               New plants are
                            produced by the new
                                                         Life             This wildflower
                                                                           reaches 120cm
                                                                                                                                     like leaves can
                                                                                                                                     puncture your

                             seeds dispersing on                          high during the                                            skin!
                            the wind and also by                          summer months.
                           spreading roots under
                                the ground.                                            Fun Facts!
                                                                  The flowers are      The Creeping Thistle is one of our most troublesome plants!
                                                                visited by a variety   Landowners and farmers often have trouble keeping them
                                       In autumn the fruits       of insects which     off their land. This is because the plant can spread just by
                                        /seeds are held in a    pollinate them; this   growing more roots, which then produce shoots, which grow
Flower: June – September              feathery structure and      facilitates seed     into new plants. Also they are too prickly for most animals to
                                       are dispersed on the          production.
Fruit: Seeds disperse in Autumn           wind or breeze.                              eat! Clever plants!
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
1C1                Creeping Thistle                                                     Draw a Creeping Thistle growing in Spring:

                                      The seeds rest             In Spring the seeds
Draw the seeds blowing away             on the soil               start to grow, and
from the Thistle in Autumn:           during Winter.               turn into a little
                                                                  thistle plant with
                                                                 sharp pointy leaves.

                                                                                        Draw insects visiting the Creeping Thistle’s
                                                          Life                          flowers in Summer:

                              By Autumn the flowers
                              have turned into seeds.
                                 The seeds look like
                                                               In Summer the
                               tiny circles covered in
                               fluff. They blow away         thistle grows purple
                                                             flowers at the tips.
                                   with the wind.
                                                               Butterflies and
                                                               Bees visit these
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
                       Blue Tit                                                                        Description
                                                                                                       A mix of blue, yellow, white and green
                                                                                                                                                                    Habitat found
                                                                                                                                                                    They are common
                                                                                                       makes the blue tit one of our most                           in woodland,
  Common Name: Blue Tit                                                                                easily recognisable birds. The sexes are                     hedgerows, parks
                                                                                                       similar, but females can be duller than                      and gardens. And
  Irish Name: Meantán gorm                                                                             males. The juveniles have a more                             are widespread
  Scientific Name: Parus caeruleus                                                                     yellowish face than the adults.                              across Ireland.
                                                            The parents help the
Image by Simon Redwood via Flickr.com
                                                           young for a few weeks.
                                                             Then they all move              In February the birds
                                                           away from each other                start to look for a
                                                           to live separately over            good nest site and a
                                                             autumn and winter.               suitable partner for

                                                                                                                                                                                         ©Michael John O’Mahony
                                                                                                the year ahead.

                                         The young fledge at about

                                         20 days old (in early to mid                                    The female does most of
                                             June). Their main                                         the nest-building from April
                                           predators are sparrow                                        for 1-2 weeks using mostly

  Image by NottsExMiner via Flickr.com
                                          hawks, magpies and cats.
                                                                              Cycle                      moss, and wool for lining.

                                           Each chick can eat up to 100
                                            caterpillars per day! So the
                                                                                                     Mid-May eggs are laid; one
                                                                                                                                      Fun Facts!
                                                                                                      per day for usually 8-10         In the time when 'the milkman' delivered bottles of
                                          adults need to work really hard                            days. Then the female sits
                                                 to feed them all!                                                                    milk to our doorsteps, Blue Tits discovered that if
                                                                                                         on top and starts
                                                                                                                                      they pierced the top of the milk bottle, they could
                                                                                                          incubating them.
                                                                          At the end of May the                                       get a drink of the cream which always rose to the
                                                                         chicks hatch. The timing                                     top of the milk. Clever (or cheeky!?) birds!!
                                                                        of hatching coincides with
Seen in Ireland: Year-round                                                  the abundance of
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
1C3                          Blue-Tit                                                                       Draw a Blue-tit:

                                                       ©Michael John O’Mahony
                                       In Autumn the chicks will
                                         move away from their                            In Spring the
Draw Blue-tit chicks with their                                                          Blue-tits find a
                                      parents, and they will spend
parents:                               the Winter on their own.                         partner and build
                                                                                             a nest

                                                                                                            Draw a Blue-tit’s nest:
                                  By late Summer the chicks                     Cycle
                                  have hatched and are being
                                   fed caterpillars and other                         In Summer the
                                  food by both parents, until                       mammy lays up to 10
                                     they are ready to fly.                          eggs in the nest.
                                                                                    The eggs are white
                                                                                     with light brown
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
                    Chaffinch                                                       Description
                                                                                    The plumage of the Chaffinch is unmistakable and
                                                                                                                                              Habitat found
                                                                                                                                              The Chaffinch is one of Ireland’s most
  Common Name: Chaffinch                                                            this species is unlikely to be confused with any other
                                                                                    species. Male's breast, face and underside is a pinkish
                                                                                                                                              common finches. It is found in parks,
                                                                                                                                              gardens, woodland and farmland. In
                                                                                    orange-brown, and they have a blue-grey crown and         winter they can form large flocks of
  Irish Name: Rí Rua                                                                nape. The female is more grey, with washed out grey       hundreds of birds, especially in stubble
                                                                                    under-parts (this is good for camouflage on the           fields and under beech trees.
  Scientific Name: Fringilla coelebs                                                nest!). Both male and female display large white
                                                                                    patches on otherwise blackish wings.

                                                         During the autumn and
                                                                                           In February males
                                                        winter, Chaffinches will
                                                                                         start to defend their
                                                          feed on seeds on the
                                                                                          breeding territories.
                                                            ground. They can
                                                                                           Despite this early
                                                          sometimes form large
                                                                                         start in the year, the
                                                        flocks when doing this in
                                                                                         nest building does not
                                                            the countryside.
                                                                                            begin until April.

                                         Parents look after the

                                          young for a few days                                           The female builds the
                                         after leaving the nest,                                        nest; usually a neat cup
                                        and may then decide to                                            made from moss and
                                        have a second family in                                          grass, webs, feathers

©Michael John O’Mahony
                                         the summer, if it’s not                                       and wool. It is often in a                               ©Michael John O’Mahony
                                                too late.                                                   fork of a tree.
Seen in Ireland: Year round
                                                                                                                             Fun Facts!
                                            Chicks will grow quickly                                   In early May the
                                                                                                                             Chaffinches have been found to have
                                             and will be ready to                                     female will lay 2-8
                                            take their first flight                                   eggs, and incubate     regional accents, with slight differences in
                                               after 11-18 days.                                       them for around       the typical song depending on where in the
                                                                                                          two weeks.         country the bird lives. I wonder do the
                                                                       Once hatched, the chicks
                                                                                                                             Cork Chaffinches sing a bit faster than
                                                                           are fed mainly on
                                                                        caterpillars and insects                             Chaffinches elsewhere in Ireland ☺
 Image by NottsExMiner via Flickr.com
                                                                           by both parents.
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
                                       Chaffinch                                         Draw your own Daddy Chaffinch:

                                                                ©Michael John O’Mahony
              ©Michael John O’Mahony

         During the Autumn and
      Winter, Chaffinches will feed          In Spring a
      on seeds on the ground. They         Chaffinch finds
       feed in large flocks in the          a partner and                                Draw a Mammy Chaffinch building the nest:
              countryside.                   the mammy
                                            builds a nest

      By late Summer the
      chicks will fly out of
                                          In early Summer
          the nest. The
                                         the mammy lays up
        parents will stay
                                         to 8 eggs. They will
       with them and help
                                            hatch after 2
       to feed them for a
                                         weeks. The parents
        few more weeks.
                                           then feed them
Picture 3 - Green-Schools
                                                                                                            Description                                               Habitat found
  Peacock Butterfly                                                                                         The open wings are mainly a rusty red
                                                                                                            colour, and have dramatic eyespots in
                                                                                                                                                                      Gardens, woodlands
                                                                                                                                                                      and hedgerow. It
                                                                                                            blue pink and cream. The underside of the
 Common Name: Peacock Butterfly                                                                                                                                       hibernates through the
                                                                                                            wings is a very dark brown all over. The
                                                                                                            wingspan is 62-70mm.
 Irish Name: Péacóg
 Scientific Name: Inachis io                                                            Peacock Butterflies will
                                                                                       hibernate in dry sheltered         Adult butterflies
                                                                                         spots. Sometimes they              come out of
                                                                                       think our houses or sheds
                                                                                       are just the right spot for
                                                                                                                         hibernation (a long                  Fun Facts!
                                                                                                                        sleep over winter) in
                                                                                               the winter!                 March and April                   The colourful eye-spots on
                                                                                                                                                             the wings resemble the marks

                                                ©Michael John O’Mahony
                                                                         The new butterfly will                                                              on a peacock bird’s feathers,
                                                                         spend weeks feeding in                                          The mammy or        and this is where this

                                                                          preparation for a long                                       ‘female’ lays eggs    butterfly gets its name.
                                                                         winter without food. It                                        on the underside
                                                                         will go into hibernation                                       of nettle leaves

                                                                              in September.                                                  in May

                                                                                                                                   Eggs hatch after 7-21
                                                                            After ~ 3 weeks, the                                   days, and little larvae
                                                                           little animals come out                                   called caterpillars
 Flight Period: April to June                                               of their cocoon in the                                        come out.
 and Late July to                                                           shape of a butterfly! They grow by changing the size
                                                                                                   of their skin or ‘moulting’ a few
 September                                                                                          times. After their final moult
                                                                                                      the caterpillars hang from
                                                                                                       plant stems in a cocoon to
                                                                                                      ‘pupate’; this is when their                           Image by Dean Morley via Flickr.com
                                                                                                    whole body reorganises itself.
                                Image by Peter von Bagh via Flickr.com
                  Peacock Butterfly                                                                      Draw a Peacock Butterfly:

                                                 ©Michael John O’Mahony
                               In Autumn the butterflies eat
 Draw a cocoon hanging from     as much as they can, before                           In Spring the
 under a Nettle leaf:           finding somewhere warm and                           butterflies wake
                                 dry to sleep for the whole                           up, and try to
                                           Winter.                                    find a partner.

                                                                                                         Draw the caterpillars crawling around eating the
                                                                           Life                          Nettle leaves:

                                By late Summer the
                                 caterpillars build a
                              cocoon and stay in there
                                                                                   In early Summer
                               for about 3 weeks. In
                              this time they turn into                             caterpillars come
                                                                                  out of the eggs that
                                     a Butterfly!
                                                                                    were laid by the
                                                                                  mammy butterfly on
                                                                                   the Nettle leaves.
1C5                                                                                           Description                                         Habitat found

    Garden Bumblebee                                                                          This bumblebee has a white tail, two
                                                                                              yellow bands on its thorax, one on its
                                                                                              abdomen, and it has a long face (its
                                                                                                                                                  This species of bumblebee is
                                                                                                                                                  common and wide spread in Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                  It can be found in many habitats
 Common Name: Garden Bumblebee                                                                face is longer than it is broad).                   including gardens and grasslands.
Irish Name: Bumbóg Gáirdín
                                                                                                                     A Black Body with...
                                                                                                                                                                     DO NOT TOUCH
 Scientific Name: Bombus Hortorum                                                                                                                                    Remember! All female
                                                                                                                     First yellow                                    bumblebees have a sting.
                                                                              The Queens                                                 Second yellow               They are very mild
                                                  All the bumblebees                                                 stripe on Thorax
                                                                              come out of                                                stripe on Thorax            mannered by nature, but if
                                                  die before Winter,
                                                                             hibernation in                                                                          they get a fright they will
                                                 except the New (now
                                                                             early Spring,                                                     First (and only)      defend themselves! Ouch!
                                                 mated) Queens, who
                                                                             usually around                                                    yellow stripe
                                                  go into hibernation!
                                                                               February                                                        on Abdomen            If you’re finding it hard to
                                                                                                                                                                     see a bee’s features, it is
                                                                                         She then searches                                                           safe to catch them with a
                                  Males and new Queens                                   for a good nest site
                                                                                                                                                 White Tail
                                                                                                                                                                     butterfly net, and transfer

                                 are born in late summer.                                (usually this will be                                                       to a glass jar, with a lid,
                                   They will breed with                                   underground or in                                    Long horse-like       for a minute or so. But be
                                  individuals from other                                 long grass) and for                                   face, with VERY       sure to put the bee back in
                                    colonies by Autumn.

                                                                                                food.                                          LONG tongue!          the same place that you
                                                                                                                                                                     found it ASAP!

                                   The colony will grow to                            By mid-Spring she has
                                   around 100 bees over                                collected and stored
                                    the summer, as the                               nectar and pollen in her     Fun Facts for Identification
                                   Queen continues to lay                             nest for her young, in      o There are just 20 species of Bumblebee in Ireland; only a few are common
                                    eggs (still producing                             the form of a ‘nectar       and widespread, and even fewer have a white tail! So start by looking for a
                                   mostly worker bees at       The first eggs to      pot’ and a ‘pollen loaf’.   white tail!
                                        this stage).           hatch are worker            She lays eggs.         o Only one other (the Heath Bumblebee) has the same pattern of yellow
                                                                bumblebees (all                                   stripes and white tail, so you should have no trouble finding bees with this
Seen in Ireland: February to                                     female!). Once                                   pattern near your school! The long face and tongue will confirm whether it is a
                                                              strong enough, they                                 Garden Bumblebee or the Heath Bumblebee.
October (and maybe some Queens will                                                                               o Enjoy all the bumblebees that you bumble into on your travels! Don’t get too
                                                             take over the duties
also appear out of hibernation in winter                                                                          bogged down with identification; just record the colours and patterns of
                                                             of the nest, and rear
                                                                                                                  whatever ones you meet to see if you have a few different types at school.
months, if the weather is very mild!)                         all the other young.
                                                                                            Draw a Garden Bumblebee:

                                           Garden Bumblebee

 Draw bumblebees collecting nectar and pollen
 from flowers:                                         All the bumblebees
                                                       die before Winter,
                                                        except the New              The Queens come out
                                                         Queens, who go             of hibernation in early
                                                        into hibernation!                   Spring

                                                 Males and new Queens
                                                are born in late summer.                  The colony will
                                                  They will breed with                    grow to around
                                                 individuals from other                   100 bees over
                                                  colonies by Autumn.                      the Summer
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