Planning Applications within Edinburgh - Edinburgh Council

Planning Applications within Edinburgh
Date: 1 March 2021
The Weekly Planning Bulletin is organised by ward. Under each ward you will find the following

    •    Section 1– Recently registered planning applications;
    •    Section 2 – Proposal of Application Notices received;
    •    Section 3 – Proposals for tree work in conservation areas;
    •    Section 4 – Proposals for tree works where there is a Tree Preservation Order;
    •    Section 5 – Prior Notification of Telecommunications.
    •    Section 6 – Certificate of Lawfulness Existing.
    •    Section 7 – Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed.

If there are no applications or notices in a ward, the space underneath will be blank.

Section 8 at the end of the document contains consultations from other planning authorities.

Planning decisions are on a separate document.

Wards – click on the links below

Ward B01 - Almond
Ward B02 – Pentland Hills
Ward B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
Ward B04 – Forth
Ward B05 – Inverleith
Ward B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Ward B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
Ward B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
Ward B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
Ward B10 – Morningside
Ward B11 – City Centre
Ward B12 – Leith Walk
Ward B13 – Leith
Ward B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
Ward B15 – Southside/Newington
Ward B16 – Liberton/Gilmerton
Ward B17 – Portobello/Craigmillar

Due to the current lockdown restrictions in Scotland which became
effective on Tuesday, 5th January 2021, the physical posting of site
notices will cease from immediate effect however this will remain
under review and will recommence once the current restrictions have
been lifted.
The Council, as planning authority, hereby gives notice under paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 of
the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that it has decided not to physically publish weekly lists of planning
and related applications and make these available for inspection at our principal office and public
libraries on the basis that doing so

(a)may give rise to a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus, or

(b)is likely to be ineffective or inappropriate due to action taken in order to control the incidence or
transmission of coronavirus.

In accordance with paragraph 9 (3) of Schedule 6, Part 3 to the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, copies
of the aforementioned documents can be viewed on the Council’s Planning and Building Standards On-
line Services using the link below

Please note that this notice does not affect resumption of neighbour notification and publication of
notices in the Edinburgh Gazette and Edinburgh Evening News during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Where can I see the documents?

You can view the plans, forms and other documents at Planning and Building Standards Online
During this time we are unable to provide a duty planner service.

What Can I Comment on?

Under statutory legislation, you should only make comments to the City of Edinburgh Council on those
applications appearing in Section 1 – recently registered planning applications.
Planning is about the development and use of land and buildings so any comments made on
applications should be relevant to this. These are called ‘material considerations’. If you submit
comments which are non material they will not be taken into account. This can be difficult to understand
so we have given you some examples below. It should be noted that the legislation governing the
control of advertisements does not include any provision for a period for representations to be submitted.
Therefore, the Planning service may determine an application for advertisement consent prior to the
date set out in this list


       Material                                                         Non-Material
       Contrary to Local Plan/Structure Plan                            Devaluation of property
       Appearance (design, materials, scale, etc.)                      Loss of private view
       Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing                    Business issues relating to the applicant
       Traffic, parking or access problems                              Possible fire hazard

Comments on Section 2 proposals should be made directly to the applicant and comments on section 6
applications should be made direct to that planning authority. There is no provision for the public to
make comments on tree work and prior notifications and these details are for information only. This also
applies to certificates of lawfulness where decisions are taken on the facts of the case in relation to
planning law and public comments cannot be taken into account.

How Can I Comment?

We would appreciate it if your comments could be made online at Planning and Building Standards
Online Services. This means we can contact you quickly by email with any amendments and the final

At this time no comments can be received by paper due to no staff being available within the office.

Your comments must be received within 21 days of the date of registration, neighbour notification or
advertisement in the press, whichever is later. These periods are extended for public holidays. The
Comments Due by Date appears in the bulletin although we cannot always guarantee it will include
additional days for public holidays. Please contact the case officer if you need advice on this.

Anonymous comments will not be taken into account and we need your name and address as your
representation will become part of the application record, which is a public document. The comments
you make may be made publicly available to view on the Council website. Any comments that are
racist will not be accepted and may be sent to the police for further investigation. Further advice on
commenting on planning applications can be found on the Council website.

What Happens to my Comments?
You will receive an acknowledgement of your representation. You will also be informed of the decision.

Most applications are processed by delegated decision whereby planning officers decide applications
under a publicly accountable process. If, however, there are more than six representations and these
take an opposing view from the recommendation, then the application will be decided by your elected
councillors on the Development Management Sub-Committee.

Any Questions?

Contact the Planning Help Desk at

Ward No. B01 – Almond
1. Planning Applications

                  Change of use from         Aitken Turnbull         ITZAP Ltd.,           Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
                  class 4 to class 2         Architects.             17 Annfield Gardens   Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                  at                         5 Castle Terrace        Galashiels                        16/02/2021
                  Unit 3 5 Ratho Park        Edinburgh               TD1 3DE
                  Newbridge                  EH1 2DP                                                   Comments      Community
                  EH28 8QQ                                                                             Due by        Council: Ratho
                  21/00768/FUL                                                                                       Other
                                                                                                                     Developments -

 Barnton          Proposed one-and-a         N7 Design Studio.       Mr & Mrs O'Brien,     Delegated   Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 Avenue           half storey rear           FAO Nick Walker         5 Barnton Park        Decision    on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
 Conservation     extension,                 1 Lambsmiln Place       Edinburgh                         17/02/2021
 Area             improvements to            Kirkliston              EH4 6JF
                  existing elevations.       EH29 9GP                                                  Site Notice   Community
                  at                                                                                   posted on:    Council: Cramond
                  5 Barnton Park                                                                       05/03/2021
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          Householder
                  EH4 6JF                                                                              Advertised    Developments
                  21/00773/FUL                                                                         05/03/2021

                                                                                                       Due by

 Cramond          Demolition of existing     LSM Architecture.       Mr & Mrs Petrie,      Delegated   Registered    Nicola Orr
 Conservation     conservatory, erection     FAO: Scott McAllister   19 Cramond Glebe      Decision    on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
 Area             of single storey rear      35 Guthrie Street       Road                              22/02/2021
                  extension and internal     Edinburgh               Edinburgh
                  alterations.               EH1 1JG                 EH4 6NT                           Site Notice   Community
                  at                                                                                   posted on:    Council: Cramond
                  19 Cramond Glebe                                                                     05/03/2021
                  Road                                                                                               Householder
                  Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Developments
                  EH4 6NT                                                                              on:
                                                                                                       Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

 Listed           Landscaped front                                  Mr Simon Geeson.,       Delegated   Registered   Anna Grant
 Category: C      garden. Use of land is                            Stirling's Dairy        Decision    on:          anna.grant@edinb
                  remains incidental to                             2 Brewery Close                     16/02/2021
 Queensferry      the enjoyment of the                              South Queensferry
 Conservation     existing dwelling                                 EH30 9LN                                         Community
 Area             house. Part mono                                                                                   Council:
                  block for pedestrian                                                                               Queensferry &
                  and vehicle access to                                                                              District
                  house. Part raised bed
                  of stone chips for                                                                                 CLE and CLP
                  garden use.                                                                                        submissions
                  Stirling's Dairy
                  2 Brewery Close
                  South Queensferry
                  EH30 9LN


7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Proposed single storey     Agora Architecture &   Mr David Wheeler.,      Delegated   Registered   Luke Vogan
                  rear extension to          Design.                1C Avon Road            Decision    on:          luke.vogan@edinb
                  create utility room and    Fao. Lorna Agorastos   Edinburgh                           17/02/2021
                  ground floor shower        14 Brighton Place      EH4 6LA
                  room.                      Edinburgh                                                               Community
                  at                         EH15 1LJ                                                                Council: Cramond
                  1C Avon Road     
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          CLE and CLP
                  EH4 6LA                                                                                            submissions


                  Proposed rear              N7 Design Studio.      Mr & Mrs M. Barrett.,   Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  extension to form          Fao. Nick Walker       12 Packard Street       Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  dining and family room.    1 Lambsmiln Place      South Queensferry                   19/02/2021
                  at                         Kirkliston             EH30 9AD
                  12 Packard Street          EH29 9GP                                                                Community
                  South Queensferry          nick@n7designstudio                                                     Council:
                  EH30 9AD                   .com                                                                    Queensferry &
                                                                                                                     CLE and CLP

 Listed           Install a twin telescope                          Transport Scotland.,    Delegated   Registered   Stuart Talbot
 Category: A      that consists of a                                FAO: Michael            Decision    on:          stuart.talbot@edin
                  standard height                                   Dineen                              25/02/2021
                  telescope for able                                Buchanan House
                  bodied users, next to                             58 Port Dundas                                   Community
                  which is a lower                                  Road                                             Council:
                  telescope that can be                             Glasgow                                          Queensferry &
                  used by mobility                                  G4 0HF                                           District
                  challenged individuals
                  as well as children.                                                                               CLE and CLP
                  at                                                                                                 submissions
                  Forth Road Bridge
                  Administration Centre
                  A90 - Cramond Bridge
                  To Forth Road Bridge
                  South Queensferry
                  EH30 9SF


Ward No. B02 – Pentland Hills
1. Planning Applications

                 Remove existing non-                               Mr Colin Marshall.,   Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                 fixed garden sheds.                                17 Blinkbonny Road    Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                 Create fixed garden                                Currie                            22/02/2021
                 shed and storage /                                 EH14 6AE
                 office space in same                                                                 Comments     Community
                 position next to existing                                                            Due by       Council: Currie
                 garden decking. Erect                                                                16.03.2021
                 pergola over existing                                                                             Householder
                 decking extending from                                                                            Developments
                 shed / storage / office
                 17 Blinkbonny Road
                 EH14 6AE


                 Demolition of existing      ABC Architecture.      Mr Pilley,            Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                 extension and erection      FAO: Steven White      98 Lanark Road        Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                 of new single storey        18A Rothesay Place     West                              17/02/2021
                 extension, installation     Edinburgh              Edinburgh
                 of velux roof windows       EH3 7SQ                EH14 5LA                          Comments     Community
                 to existing attic                                                                    Due by       Council: Currie
                 bedroom along with all                                                               16.03.2021
                 associated works.                                                                                 Householder
                 at                                                                                                Developments
                 98 Lanark Road West
                 EH14 5LA


                 Side and rear               Jane Balchin           Ms Kinnear,           Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                 extension to form           Architect.             19 Corslet Crescent   Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                 utility, shower room        13 Inveralmond Drive   Currie                            19/02/2021
                 and dining spaces.          Edinburgh              EH14 5HR
                 at                          EH4 6JX                                                  Comments     Community
                 19 Corslet Crescent                                                                  Due by       Council: Currie
                 Currie                                                                               18.03.2021
                 EH14 5HR                                                                                          Householder

                 Proposed side and rear      Robertson              Mr Young,             Delegated   Registered   Nicola Orr
                 extension to existing       Architecture &         36 Currievale Park    Decision    on:          nicola.orr@edinbu
                 dwelling house to form      Design.                Currie                            19/02/2021
                 new enlarged kitchen,       FAO: Euan Thomas       EH14 5TL
                 dining and family area.     James Robertson                                          Comments     Community
                 at                          Field House                                              Due by       Council: Currie
                 36 Currievale Park          17 Clifton Road                                          18.03.2021
                 Currie                      East Calder                                                           Householder
                 EH14 5TL                    Livingston                                                            Developments
                                             EH53 0HJ

Formation of 2 No.   AREAA                  Local       Registered   Jackie McInnes
                  house plots on empty       FAO: Robin Dalzell     Partnership.,          Delegated   on:          jackie.mcinnes@e
                  land.                      8 Princes Gardens      FAO: Alex Middleton    Decision    25/02/2021
                  at                         Dowanhill              52 Victoria Crescent
                  Land 46 Metres East        Glasgow                Road                               Comments     Community
                  Of                         G12 9HP                Glasgow                            Due by       Council: Currie
                  10 Currievale Park                                G12 9DE                            19.03.2021
                  Currie                                                                                            Housing - Local


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed change of         Bennett                Sava Estates.,         Delegated   Registered   Jennifer
                  use of existing vacant     Developments &         7 Rannoch Road         Decision    on:          Zochowska
                  bookmakers to              Consulting.            Edinburgh                          18/02/2021   jennifer.zochowsk
                  proposed hot food          FAO: Don Bennett       EH4 7EG                               
                  takeaway with erection     10 Park Court                                             Advertised   uk
                  of flue.                   Glasgow                                                   on:
                  at                         G46 7PB                                                   26/02/2021   Community
                  7 Rannoch Road                                                                                    Council: Drumbrae
                  Edinburgh                                                                            Comments
                  EH4 7EG                                                                              Due by       Other
                                                                                                       19.03.2021   Developments -
                  21/00815/FUL                                                                                      Local

Remove existing chain-      NGP Architecture         Mrs Alison Black.,    Local       Registered    Tom Hutchinson
                  link fence which divides    Ltd.                     Flat 1 74 Parkgrove   Delegated   on:           tom.hutchinson1@
                  the front garden from       Fao. Daniel Pratt.       Terrace               Decision    19/02/2021
                  the public footpath.        Federation House         Edinburgh
                  Replacement fence will      222 Queensferry          EH4 7RJ                           Comments      Community
                  be stained timber with      Road                                                       Due by        Council: Drumbrae
                  a starting height of        Edinburgh                                                  16.03.2021
                  1400mm. Works to the        EH4 2BN                                                                  Householder
                  rear garden include                                                                                  Developments
                  knocking through an
                  existing window to
                  create a set of French
                  doors. In addition, it is
                  proposed that a stained
                  timber deck is laid
                  across the extent of the
                  rear garden and to
                  install a modest
                  summer house.
                  Flat 1 74 Parkgrove
                  EH4 7RJ


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No.B04 – Forth
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Change of end of life                                Miss Hobart,          Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
 Category: B      roof covering material                               13Z Laverockbank      Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                  from current Copper to                               Crescent                          16/02/2021
                  Greencoat PLX Plural                                 Edinburgh
                  BT "Silver Fir Green"                                EH5 3BT                           Site Notice   Community
                  Ref: RR5J3-SS0975.                                                                     posted on:    Council: Trinity
                  at                                                                                     26/02/2021
                  13Z Laverockbank                                                                                     Listed building and
                  Crescent                                                                               Advertised    Con Area
                  Edinburgh                                                                              on:           Consents
                  EH5 3BT                                                                                26/02/2021

                  21/00752/LBC                                                                           Comments
                                                                                                         Due by

                  Proposed change of          Bennett                  Sava Estates.,        Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
                  use of existing vacant      Developments &           210 Boswall           Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edi
                  bank to form restaurant     Consulting.              Parkway                           18/02/2021
                  with erection of flue to    FAO: Don Bennett         Edinburgh
                  rear.                       10 Park Court            EH5 2LX                           Advertised    Community
                  at                          Glasgow                                                    on:           Council: Granton +
                  210 Boswall Parkway         G46 7PB                                                    05/03/2021    District
                  EH5 2LX                                                                                Comments      Other
                                                                                                         Due by        Developments -
                  21/00821/FUL                                                                           26.03.2021    Local

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B05 – Inverleith
1. Planning Applications

                  Replace the existing       Woodside Parker       Mr Watson,           Delegated   Registered   Conor MacGreevy
                  rear conservatory with     Kirk.                 82 Craigleith Road   Decision    on:          conor.macgreevy
                  a single storey            FAO: Robert           Edinburgh                        22/02/2021
                  extension to the rear      Lansberry             EH4 2DU                                       k
                  with new patio area        37 Ferry Road                                          Comments
                  and alter the rear         Edinburgh                                              Due by       Community
                  windows to form doors      EH6 4AF                                                22.03.2021   Council:
                  and replace the                                                                                Craigleith/Blackhal
                  windows in the rear                                                                            l
                  dormer and erect a
                  new single storey side                                                                         Householder
                  extension.                                                                                     Developments
                  82 Craigleith Road
                  EH4 2DU


                  Single storey rear         Lothian Plans.        Mr Arnold,           Local       Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                  extension.                 FAO: Stephen          3A Craigleith Hill   Delegated   on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                  at                         Lothian               Crescent             Decision    18/02/2021
                  3A Craigleith Hill         18 Laidlaw Gardens    Edinburgh
                  Crescent                   Tranent               EH4 2JF                          Comments     Community
                  Edinburgh                  EH33 2QH                                               Due by       Council:
                  EH4 2JF                                                                           17.03.2021   Craigleith/Blackhal

                  Proposed external                                Mr Baczyk,           Local       Registered   Weronika
                  timber decking.                                  Flat 2 11 Wester     Delegated   on:          Myslowiecka
                  at                                               Drylaw Row           Decision    18/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  Flat 2 11 Wester                                 Edinburgh                                     cka@edinburgh.go
                  Drylaw Row                                       EH4 2SF                          Comments
                  Edinburgh                                                                         Due by
                  EH4 2SF                                                                           16.03.2021   Community
                  21/00814/FUL                                                                                   Drylaw/Telford


Erection of dwelling       Colin Findlay.        BBM Contracts.,        Local       Registered   Robert McIntosh
                  (amendments to             Kilmora               FAO: Patricia Jane     Delegated   on:          robert.mcintosh@
                  planning consent ref:      Kirk Street           Corrigan               Decision    22/02/2021
                  19/05396/FUL).             Prestonpans           Flat 6 129 Lochend
                  at                         EH32 9EA              Road                               Comments     Community
                  3 Marchfield Terrace                             Edinburgh                          Due by       Council:
                  Edinburgh                                        EH6 8BX                            19.03.2021   Craigleith/Blackhal
                  EH4 7AE                                                                                          l

                  21/00848/FUL                                                                                     Housing - Local

                  Planning permission is     Format Building       Mr Martone,            Delegated   Registered   Catriona Reece-
                  sought to construct        Design.               37 Telford Road        Decision    on:          Heal
                  dormer window to rear      FAO: Shona Mackay     Edinburgh                          22/02/2021   catriona.reece-
                  of existing attic          Holyrood Business     EH4 2AY                                         heal@edinburgh.g
                  conversion.                Park                                                     Comments
                  at                         146 Duddingston                                          Due by
                  37 Telford Road            Road West                                                17.03.2021   Community
                  Edinburgh                  Edinburgh                                                             Council:
                  EH4 2AY                    EH16 4AP                                                              Silverknowes (Not

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Listed           Birch with three trunks                          Mrs Helen Hodge.,      Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Category: B      in a clump - reducing in                         16 Hugh Miller Place   Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
                  height from                                      Edinburgh                          01/03/2021
 Stockbridge      approximately 30ft to                            EH3 5JG
 Conservation     12 - 15 ft.                                                                                      Community
 Area             at                                                                                               Council:
                  16 Hugh Miller Place                                                                             Stockbridge/Inverl
                  Edinburgh                                                                                        eith
                  EH3 5JG
                                                                                                                   TCO and TPO
                  21/01009/TCO                                                                                     submissions

 Inverleith       T1 Bay - fell the tree.    JWT Tree Services     Mr Cive Preston.,      Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     T2 - Eucalyptus - fell     Ltd.                  2F2 64 Inverleith      Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             the tree. T3 Oak - fell    FAO: John             Row                                01/03/2021
                  the tree.                  Thompson              Edinburgh
                  at                         10 South Quarry Way   EH3 5PX                                         Community
                  2F2 64 Inverleith Row      Gorebridge                                                            Council:
                  Edinburgh                  Midlothian                                                            Stockbridge/Inverl
                  EH3 5PX                    EH23 4GZ                                                              eith
                  21/01010/TCO                                                                                     TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
1. Planning Applications

                 Proposed single storey     Scott Allan.          Mr Brunton,         Delegated   Registered   Catriona Reece-
                 rear / gable extension     36 Wallace Avenue     2 Gordon Loan       Decision    on:          Heal
                 and roof windows.          Wallyford             Edinburgh                       18/02/2021   catriona.reece-
                 at                         East Lothian          EH12 6LY                                     heal@edinburgh.g
                 2 Gordon Loan              EH21 8BZ                                              Comments
                 Edinburgh                                                                        Due by
                 EH12 6LY                                                                         17.03.2021   Community
                 21/00799/FUL                                                                                  Corstorphine


                 Convert part of existing   Kyla Martin           Mr Borthwick,       Delegated   Registered   Tom Hutchinson
                 store into ancillary       Architectural         28 St John's Road   Decision    on:          tom.hutchinson1@
                 accommodation.             Services.             Edinburgh                       18/02/2021
                 Alterations to roof,       97 Newington Road     EH12 6NZ
                 formation of rear          Edinburgh                                             Comments     Community
                 dormers and                EH9 1QW                                               Due by       Council:
                 replacement of existing                                                          17.03.2021   Corstorphine
                 windows and doors.
                 at                                                                                            Householder
                 28 St John's Road                                                                             Developments
                 EH12 6NZ


                 Reconfiguration of         3D Reid Architects    Hunter UK Retail    Local       Registered   Jackie McInnes
                 entrance, new              Ltd.                  LP.,                Delegated   on:          jackie.mcinnes@e
                 shopfront glazing and      FAO Gordon            107 George Street   Decision    23/02/2021
                 structural openings,       Anderson              Edinburgh
                 new canopy, new            Gresham Chambers      EH2 3ES                         Comments     Community
                 cladding and new           45 West Nile Street                                   Due by       Council:
                 access lift/core.          Glasgow                                               22.03.2021   Corstorphine
                 at                         G1 2PT
                 1 - 17 Glasgow Road                                                                           Other
                 Edinburgh                                                                                     Developments -
                 EH12 8HW                                                                                      Local


                 Single storey flat roof    HLP Architects Ltd.   Mr Ramage,          Delegated   Registered   Conor MacGreevy
                 extension stepping         FAO: Colin Gibson     15 Barony Terrace   Decision    on:          conor.macgreevy
                 down into rear garden.     35 Joppa Road         Edinburgh                       18/02/2021
                 Partial conversion of      Edinburgh             EH12 8RE                                     k
                 garage.                    EH15 2HB                                              Comments
                 at                                                                               Due by       Community
                 15 Barony Terrace                                                                16.03.2021   Council:
                 Edinburgh                                                                                     Corstorphine
                 EH12 8RE
                 21/00809/FUL                                                                                  Developments

Listed           Minor adjustments to     Konishi Gaffney          Mr Russell,            Delegated   Registered    Stuart Talbot
 Category: C      ground floor layout,     Architects.              4 Coltbridge Terrace   Decision    on:           stuart.talbot@edin
                  opening up of internal   FAO: Naomi De Barr       Edinburgh                          19/02/2021
 Coltbridge And   layout of the basement   88 Constitution Street   EH12 6AE
 Wester Coates    to form an open plan     Edinburgh                                                   Site Notice   Community
 Conservation     kitchen and dining       EH6 6RP                                                     posted on:    Council:
 Area             room with better                                                                     05/03/2021    Murrayfield
                  access to the garden.
                  at                                                                                   Advertised    Listed building and
                  4 Coltbridge Terrace                                                                 on:           Con Area
                  Edinburgh                                                                            05/03/2021    Consents
                  EH12 6AE
                  21/00824/LBC                                                                         Due by

                  Alterations and          LSM Architecture.        Fiona & Mrs & Mrs      Delegated   Registered    Nicola Orr
                  extension to existing    Fao. Scott McAllister.   Laine Beedie &         Decision    on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
                  single storey rear       35 Guthrie Street        Burns.,                            19/02/2021
                  extension.               Edinburgh                143 Carrick Knowe
                  at                       EH1 1JG                  Drive                              Comments      Community
                  143 Carrick Knowe                                 Edinburgh                          Due by        Council:
                  Drive                                             EH12 7EL                           17.03.2021    Corstorphine
                  EH12 7EL                                                                                           Householder

                  Proposed attic           ABC Architecture.        Mr & Mrs Martin,       Delegated   Registered    Damian McAfee
                  conversion with new      FAO: Joanna Laidlaw      4/4 Glendevon          Decision    on:           damian.mcafee@e
                  dormer to rear and       18A Rothesay Place       Avenue                             22/02/2021
                  velux cabrio to front.   Edinburgh                Edinburgh
                  at                       EH3 7SQ                  EH12 5UD                           Comments      Community
                  1F2 4 Glendevon                                                                      Due by        Council:
                  Avenue                                                                               18.03.2021    Murrayfield
                  EH12 5UD                                                                                           Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 West             T1 Lime - removal of     Capital Tree             Mr John Morton.,       Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Murrayfield      one lower limb and       Services.                                       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     large diameter dead      FAO: John Morton                                            24/02/2021
 Area             wood. T2 Yew -           31 Auld Coal Bank
                  removal of two small     Bonnyrigg                                                                 Community
                  branches of structure.   EH19 3JN                                                                  Council:
                  T3 Sycamore - remove     info@capitaltreeservi                                                     Murrayfield
                  to ground level. T4
                  Sycamore - prune back                                                                              TCO and TPO
                  lateral branches                                                                                   submissions
                  towards building by
                  approx 1m.
                  2 Belmont Drive
                  EH12 6JN


Coltbridge And   2x Cypress and 2 Sitka       Lord Of The Trees.    Garscube Terrace      Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Wester Coates    Spruce - dismantle,          FAO: Andrew Senior    Gardens.,             Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     inappropriate for            11 Callander Place    FAO: Andy Aitken                  01/03/2021
 Area             allotments and               Cockburns Path        52 Garscube
                  roadside position.           TD15 5XY              Terrace                                        Community
                  at                           andrew@lordofthetre   Edinburgh                                      Council:
                  52 Garscube Terrace                EH12 6BN                                       Murrayfield
                  EH12 6BN                                                                                          TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  To create a new                                    Mr Ian Macpherson.,   Delegated   Registered   Anna Grant
                  driveway and entrance                              38 Craigleith Drive   Decision    on:          anna.grant@edinb
                  in the front garden with                           Edinburgh                         24/02/2021
                  the original closed off                            EH4 3JU
                  and erect a fence on                                                                              Community
                  the front boundary wall.                                                                          Council:
                  at                                                                                                Murrayfield
                  38 Craigleith Drive
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         CLE and CLP
                  EH4 3JU                                                                                           submissions


                  That it would be lawful      Montagu Evans LLP,    Hunter UK Retail      Delegated   Registered   Jennifer
                  for the sale of              Edinburgh.            LP.,                  Decision    on:          Zochowska
                  unrestricted class 1         FAO: Rachel Mushet    As Per Agent                      19/02/2021   jennifer.zochowsk
                  retail, which includes       4th Floor, Exchange                                        
                  all definitions of class 1   Tower                                                                uk
                  retail and would include     19 Canning Street
                  food convenience             Edinburgh                                                            Community
                  goods.                       EH3 8EG                                                              Council:
                  at                           rachel.mushet@mont                                                   Corstorphine
                  1 - 17 Glasgow Road
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         CLE and CLP
                  EH12 8HW                                                                                          submissions


Ward No. B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
1. Planning Applications

2. Proposal of Application Notice

 Listed           Redevelopment of the       Jones Lang LaSalle     Tynecastle Teague     Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
 Category: B      former Tynecastle High     FAO: Steven Black      Limited.,             Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
                  School site,               7 Exchange Crescent    52-54 Dundas Street   on           24/02/2021
                  incorporating partial      Conference Square      Edinburgh             Required
                  demolition and change      Edinburgh                                                 Earliest date   Community
                  of use of the school       EH3 8LL                                                   for planning    Council:
                  buildings and new build                         Being        application     Gorgie/Dalry
                  to form student            com                                          assessed.    19.05.2021
                  residential                                                                                          PAN submissions
                  development with
                  landscaping, access
                  and parking.
                  Former Tynecastle
                  High School
                  17 Mcleod Street
                  EH11 2NJ


3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
1. Planning Applications

                  To build an ancillary      Greenbee               Mr Bailey,            Delegated    Registered      Catriona Reece-
                  building in the South      Landscapes,            1 Bonaly Drive        Decision     on:             Heal
                  West corner of the         FAO: Will Wirz         Edinburgh                          17/02/2021      catriona.reece-
                  garden.                    5 Blakely Hill Court   EH13 0EJ                                           heal@edinburgh.g
                  at                         Largoward                                                 Comments
                  1 Bonaly Drive             KY9 1JJ                                                   Due by
                  Edinburgh                                                                            16.03.2021      Community
                  EH13 0EJ                                                                                             Council: Colinton

                  21/00645/FUL                                                                                         Householder

Removal of existing                              Mr Thomson,          Delegated   Registered    Weronika
                  conservatory to rear of                          30 Buckstone Road    Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
                  property for the                                 Edinburgh                        22/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  erection of a new                                EH10 6QG                                       cka@edinburgh.go
                  family room utilising the                                                         Comments
                  same footprint.                                                                   Due by
                  Erection of new side                                                              19.03.2021    Community
                  extension over existing                                                                         Council:
                  garage retained, this                                                                           Fairmilehead
                  being similar to
                  previous Planning                                                                               Householder
                  consent Ref:                                                                                    Developments
                  07/01589/FUL, which
                  has now expired.
                  30 Buckstone Road
                  EH10 6QG


                  Proposed single storey      Scott Allan.         Mr Douglas           Local       Registered    Weronika
                  rear extension with         36 Wallace Avenue    Hamilton.,           Delegated   on:           Myslowiecka
                  internal alterations.       Wallyford            7 Pentland Drive     Decision    22/02/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  at                          East Lothian         Edinburgh                                      cka@edinburgh.go
                  7 Pentland Drive            EH21 8BZ             EH10 6PU                         Comments
                  Edinburgh                                                                         Due by
                  EH10 6PU                                                                          19.03.2021    Community
                  21/00862/FUL                                                                                    Fairmilehead


 Listed           Proposed carport with       Jefcoate Anderson    Mr & Mrs Graham,     Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
 Category: B      integral garden store       Architects Ltd.      Flat 3 2 Westerlea   Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                  and air source heat         FAO: William         Gardens                          25/02/2021
 Colinton         pump.                       Anderson             Edinburgh
 Conservation     at                          54 Warrender Park    EH12 6HU                         Site Notice   Community
 Area             Land 20 Metres              Road                                                  posted on:    Council: Colinton
                  Northwest Of 1              Edinburgh                                             05/03/2021
                  Grant Avenue                EH9 1HH                                                             Householder
                  Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised    Developments
                                                                                                    Due by

                  Replace roof to             Stuart Hannah        Mr & Mrs Colin       Delegated   Registered    Luke Vogan
                  increase ridge height       Architectural        Bryden.,             Decision    on:           luke.vogan@edinb
                  by 650mm including          Services.            14 Caiystane                     22/02/2021
                  installing 3 No.            9 Bonaly Brae        Avenue
                  dormers.                    Edinburgh            Edinburgh                        Comments      Community
                  at                          EH13 0QF             EH10 6SE                         Due by        Council:
                  14 Caiystane Avenue                                                               22.03.2021    Fairmilehead
                  EH10 6SE                                                                                        Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Colinton         Cypress tree (Black                                 Mr Matthew Reed.,     Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     Cross) at end of                                    31 Dreghorn Loan      Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             garden of 31 Dreghorn                               Edinburgh                         24/02/2021
                  Loan - gale damaged.                                EH13 0DF
                  To make rest of the                                                                                Community
                  tree safe we wish to                                                                               Council: Colinton
                  reduce and shape to
                  level of damage until                                                                              TCO and TPO
                  safe.                                                                                              submissions
                  31 Dreghorn Loan
                  EH13 0DF


 Colinton         Large Elm tree -            GP Plantscape Ltd.      GP Plantscape Ltd.,   Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     removal of tree.            FAO: Elaine Strang      FAO: Elaine Strang    Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             at                          The Pleasance           The Pleasance                     26/02/2021
                  296 Colinton Road           Byretown Road           Byretown Road
                  Edinburgh                   Kirkfieldbank           Kirkfieldbank                                  Community
                  EH13 0LB                    South Lanarkshire       South Lanarkshire                              Council: Colinton
                                              ML11 9TG                ML11 9TG
                  21/00965/TCO                elaine.strang@gppla                                                    TCO and TPO

 Colinton         Cherry, Eucalyptus,         Blaikie Tree            Mr Towers,            Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     Scots Pine - proposed       Services.               59 Hailes Gardens     Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             works is routine            FAO: David Blaikie      Edinburgh                         26/02/2021
                  maintenance and             3/6 Inglis Green Gait   EH13 0JH
                  safety works to 5 trees     Edinburgh                                                              Community
                  within garden area.         EH14 7HZ                                                               Council: Colinton
                  at                          blaikietreeservices@
                  59 Hailes Gardens                                                               TCO and TPO
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          submissions
                  EH13 0JH


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

                  Monoblock paving at                                 Miss Stevenson,       Delegated   Registered   Conor MacGreevy
                  the front of our property                           70 Oxgangs Bank       Decision    on:          conor.macgreevy
                  with the intention of it                            Edinburgh                         24/02/2021
                  being a driveway. The                               EH13 9LL                                       k
                  front garden slopes
                  down a little for                                                                                  Community
                  rainwater to run.                                                                                  Council: Firrhill
                  70 Oxgangs Bank                                                                                    CLE and CLP
                  Edinburgh                                                                                          submissions
                  EH13 9LL


7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

 Colinton         The refurbishment of                              Mr McNelly,          Delegated   Registered    Anna Grant
 Conservation     existing sash timber                              6 Westgarth Avenue   Decision    on:           anna.grant@edinb
 Area             window frames to                                  Edinburgh                        25/02/2021
                  rectify broken                                    EH13 0BD
                  mechanisms and worn                                                                              Community
                  draught proofing and                                                                             Council: Colinton
                  replace the single pane
                  glass with slimline                                                                              CLE and CLP
                  double glazing.                                                                                  submissions
                  6 Westgarth Avenue
                  EH13 0BD

Ward No.B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed double             Capital Draughting    Ms Black,            Local       Registered    Lewis McWilliam
                  garage with storage         Consultants Ltd.      39 Hutchison         Delegated   on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
                  above on 1st floor.         FAO: Keith            Medway               Decision    24/02/2021
                  at                          Henderson             Edinburgh
                  39 Hutchison Medway         40 Dinmont Drive      EH14 1QQ                         Comments      Community
                  Edinburgh                   Edinburgh                                              Due by        Council:
                  EH14 1QQ                    EH16 5RR                                               22.03.2021    Hutchison/Chesse

 Craiglockhart    To widen the existing       Gary Mees             Mr Kevin Riddell.,   Delegated   Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 Hills            driveway and remove         Architectural         1 Mid Steil          Decision    on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
 Conservation     existing tree and           Technology.           Edinburgh                        25/02/2021
 Area             relocate existing wall to   15 The Firrs          EH10 5XB
                  match opposite side of      Dalgety Bays                                           Site Notice   Community
                  driveway.                   Dunfermline                                            posted on:    Council:
                  at                          KY11 9UH                                               05/03/2021    Craiglockhart
                  1 Mid Steil
                  Edinburgh                                                                          Advertised    Householder
                  EH10 5XB                                                                           on:           Developments
                                                                                                     Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B10 – Morningside
1. Planning Applications

 Listed          Change of use from                                 Mr Cummings,          Delegated   Registered    Stuart Talbot
 Category: B     class 1 to class 2.                                Belmont               Decision    on:           stuart.talbot@edin
                 at                                                 20 Broomieknowe                   22/02/2021
                 79 Morningside Road                                Lasswade
                 Edinburgh                                          EH18 1LN                          Comments      Community
                 EH10 4AY                                                                             Due by        Council:
                                                                                                      16.03.2021    Morningside
                                                                                                                    Developments -

 Listed          Replacement of           Alexander Philip -        Mrs Lawson,           Delegated   Registered    Jack Gillon
 Category: C     windows.                 Architect.                3 Greenhill Terrace   Decision    on:           jack.gillon@edinbu
                 at                       11 Dick Place             Edinburgh                         19/02/2021
 Merchiston      3 Greenhill Terrace      Edinburgh                 EH10 4BS
 And Greenhill   Edinburgh                EH9 2JS                                                     Site Notice   Community
 Conservation    EH10 4BS                                                                             posted on:    Council:
 Area                                                                                                 26/02/2021    Merchiston
                                                                                                      Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                      on:           Con Area
                                                                                                      26/02/2021    Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

 Morningside     Alterations including    Planning & Building       Mr & Mrs Welch,       Delegated   Registered    Catriona Reece-
 Conservation    new dormer window        Design Ltd.               48 Cluny Gardens      Decision    on:           Heal
 Area            and insulation to roof   FAO Keith Owens           Edinburgh                         17/02/2021    catriona.reece-
                 at                       24 West Nicolson          EH10 6BN                                        heal@edinburgh.g
                 48 Cluny Gardens         Street                                                      Site Notice
                 Edinburgh                Edinburgh                                                   posted on:
                 EH10 6BN                 EH8 9DA                                                     05/03/2021    Community
                 21/00774/FUL                                                                         Advertised    Morningside
                                                                                                      05/03/2021    Householder
                                                                                                      Due by

 Merchiston      Fit new sliding doors    Somner MacDonald          Mr & Mrs Denis &      Delegated   Registered    Catriona Reece-
 And Greenhill   and window, existing     Architects,               Heather Welch.,       Decision    on:           Heal
 Conservation    window replaced.         Edinburgh.                7A Morningside                    17/02/2021    catriona.reece-
 Area            at                       FAO Nigel Somner.         Place                                           heal@edinburgh.g
                 7A Morningside Place     126-2 Calton Road         Edinburgh                         Site Notice
                 Edinburgh                Edinburgh                 EH10 5ES                          posted on:
                 EH10 5ES                 EH8 8JQ                                                     05/03/2021    Community
                 21/00782/FUL                                                                         Advertised    Morningside
                                                                                                      05/03/2021    Householder
                                                                                                      Due by

Single storey extension      Christopher Dinnis    Dr & Mrs McHugh,        Delegated   Registered    Catriona Reece-
                  to side of house to form     Architects Ltd.       57 Comiston View        Decision    on:           Heal
                  new bedroom / utility        FAO: Carolyn          Edinburgh                           18/02/2021    catriona.reece-
                  room. Roof to have           Beaumont              EH10 6LT                                          heal@edinburgh.g
                  small tiled section at       19 Braid Hills Road                                       Comments
                  front to tie it in with      Edinburgh                                                 Due by
                  existing roof profile + to   EH10 6HZ                                                  17.03.2021    Community
                  extend back with a fall                                                                              Council:
                  to match existing                                                                                    Fairmilehead
                  garage roof. New velux
                  roof light for existing                                                                              Householder
                  front pitch over                                                                                     Developments
                  bathroom, new curved
                  roof light over utility
                  room. Walls finished in
                  render with brick base.
                  New front PVC window
                  to match existing.
                  57 Comiston View
                  EH10 6LT


 Merchiston       Re-slate the existing        Sonia Browse          Mr & Mrs Andrew         Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
 And Greenhill    roof and replace the         Architects LLP        And Claire Phillips.,   Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
 Conservation     existing flat roof           Fao Sonia Browse      17 Merchiston Park                  19/02/2021
 Area             covering. Replace the        13 Bellfield Lane     Edinburgh
                  flat roof section with       Edinburgh             EH10 4PW                            Site Notice   Community
                  single ply membrane          Midlothian                                                posted on:    Council:
                  which will give a much       EH15 2BL                                                  05/03/2021    Merchiston
                  more durable roof
                  covering. To future-                                                                   Advertised    Householder
                  proof the works and                                                                    on:           Developments
                  make the current attic                                                                 05/03/2021
                  storage area more
                  usable, the new flat                                                                   Comments
                  roof is to be insulated                                                                Due by
                  and conservation roof                                                                  26.03.2021
                  lights are added to the
                  rear and side
                  17 Merchiston Park
                  EH10 4PW


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Listed           Silver Leaved                                      Dr Jones,               Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Category: B      Whitebeam damaging                                 The Mews                Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  East boundary wall -                               11B Ettrick Road                    01/03/2021
 Merchiston       removal of the tree to                             Edinburgh
 And Greenhill    prevent further                                    EH10 5BJ                                          Community
 Conservation     damage.                                                                                              Council:
 Area             at                                                                                                   Merchiston
                  11B Ettrick Road
                  Edinburgh                                                                                            TCO and TPO
                  EH10 5BJ                                                                                             submissions


Merchiston       Line of Limes on           Lord Of The Trees.       Mrs Bath,             Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    garden perimeter and       FAO: Andrew Senior       26 Merchiston Park    Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     roadside - re-pollard.     11 Callander Place       Edinburgh                         01/03/2021
 Area             at                         Cockburns Path           EH10 4PN
                  26 Merchiston Park         TD15 5XY                                                                 Community
                  Edinburgh                  andrew@lordofthetre                                                      Council:
                  EH10 4PN                                                                            Merchiston

                  21/01007/TCO                                                                                        TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B11 – City Centre
1. Planning Applications

 World            Windows replacing          Preservation             Ms Kersti Berge.,     Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
 Heritage Site    them with newly            Windows.                 10 Royal Circus       Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                  manufactured windows       Fao. Iain Ritchie        Edinburgh                         22/02/2021
 Listed           that match the original    6 Telford Place          EH3 6SR
 Category: A      in design, operation       Lenziemill                                                 Site Notice   Community
                  and materials.             Cumbernauld                                                posted on:    Council:
 New Town         at                         G67 2NH                                                    26/02/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
 Conservation     Flat 4                                                                                              eith
 Area             10 Royal Circus                                                                       Advertised
                  Edinburgh                                                                             on:           Listed building and
                  EH3 6SR                                                                               26/02/2021    Con Area
                  21/00362/LBC                                                                          Comments
                                                                                                        Due by

 World            Installation of balcony    NGP Architecture         Mrs Mills,            Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
 Heritage Site    on rear façade; drop       Ltd.                     1F 18 Nelson Street   Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                  window cill and fit new    Federation House         Edinburgh                         23/02/2021
 Listed           timber framed sash-        222 Queensferry          EH3 6LG
 Category: A      and-case window.           Road                                                       Site Notice   Community
                  at                         Edinburgh                                                  posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         1F 18 Nelson Street        EH4 2BN                                                    05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     Edinburgh
 Area             EH3 6LG                                                                               Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                        on:           Developments
                  21/00505/FUL                                                                          05/03/2021

                                                                                                        Due by

World           Installation of balcony   NGP Architecture      Mrs Mills,            Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
Heritage Site   on rear façade; drop      Ltd.                  1F 18 Nelson Street   Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                window cill and fit new   Federation House      Edinburgh                         23/02/2021
Listed          timber framed sash-       222 Queensferry       EH3 6LG
Category: A     and-case window.          Road                                                    Site Notice   Community
                at                        Edinburgh                                               posted on:    Council: New
New Town        1F 18 Nelson Street       EH4 2BN                                                 05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Edinburgh
Area            EH3 6LG                                                                           Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                  on:           Con Area
                21/00506/LBC                                                                      05/03/2021    Consents

                                                                                                  Due by

World           Internal alterations      Mparchitecture Ltd.   Mr Al Jabban,         Delegated   Registered    Stuart Talbot
Heritage Site   including creating en-    FAO Malcolm Parry     4 Dollarberg Park     Decision    on:           stuart.talbot@edin
                suites, structural        Castle View           Dollar                            17/02/2021
Listed          opening within brick      Steuart Road          FK14 7LJ
Category: B     partition and             Bridge Of Allan                                         Site Notice   Community
                replacement rear door.    FK9 4JX                                                 posted on:    Council: New
New Town        at                                                                                26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    83 Dundas Street
Area            Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised    Listed building and
                EH3 6SD                                                                           on:           Con Area
                                                                                                  26/02/2021    Consents
                                                                                                  Due by

World           Internal alterations to   Gilberts.             Gregor Global         Local       Registered    Robert McIntosh
Heritage Site   form two properties for   FAO: George Gilbert   Limited.,             Delegated   on:           robert.mcintosh@
                short term lease use.     39 Grassmarket        4A Drumsheugh         Decision    22/02/2021
Listed          at                        Edinburgh             Gardens
Category: B     1F1 37 And 1F 33          EH1 2HS               Edinburgh                         Site Notice   Community
                Queensferry Street                              EH3 7QJ                           posted on:    Council: New
New Town        Edinburgh                                                                         05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    EH2 4QS
Area                                                                                              Advertised    Listed building and
                21/00749/LBC                                                                      on:           Con Area
                                                                                                  05/03/2021    Consents

                                                                                                  Due by

World           Change of use from        Gilberts.               Gregor Global.,        Local       Registered    Robert McIntosh
Heritage Site   offices / workshops to    FAO: George Gilbert     4A Drumsheugh          Delegated   on:           robert.mcintosh@
                form two short term       39 Grassmarket          Gardens                Decision    22/02/2021
Listed          lease properties, sui     Edinburgh               Edinburgh
Category: B     generis.                  EH1 2HS                 EH3 7QJ                            Site Notice   Community
                at                                                                                   posted on:    Council: New
New Town        1F1 37 And 33 1F                                                                     05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Queensferry Street
Area            Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Other
                EH2 4QS                                                                              on:           Developments -
                                                                                                     05/03/2021    Local
                                                                                                     Due by

World           Advertisement of the      D2 Architectural        Gloria Jeans Coffee    Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia   Design Ltd.             UK Franchising Ltd.,   Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                sign, projecting sign.    FAO: David Logan        FAO: Naweed Nasir                  17/02/2021
Listed          at                        Newbattle Abbey         71 - 75 Shelton
Category: B     23 Hanover Street         Newbattle Road          Street                             Comments      Community
                Edinburgh                 Dalkeith                London                             Due by        Council: New
New Town        EH2 2DL                   EH22 3LL                WC2H 9JQ                           10.03.2021    Town/Broughton
Area            21/00776/ADV                                                                                       Advertisements

World           Internal re-fit and       D2 Architectural        Gloria Jeans Coffee    Delegated   Registered    Murray Couston
Heritage Site   change of use from        Design Ltd.             UK Franchising Ltd.,   Decision    on:           murray.couston@
                class 1 travel agent to   FAO: David Logan        FAO: Naweed Nasir                  17/02/2021
Listed          class 3 coffee shop.      Newbattle Abbey         71 - 75 Shelton
Category: B     at                        Newbattle Road          Street                             Site Notice   Community
                23 Hanover Street         Dalkeith                London                             posted on:    Council: New
New Town        Edinburgh                 EH22 3LL                WC2H 9JQ                           26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    EH2 2DL
Area                                                                                                 Advertised    Other
                21/00777/FUL                                                                         on:           Developments -
                                                                                                     26/02/2021    Local

                                                                                                     Due by

World           Extension to              Turley.                 Gleneagles Hotel.,     Delegated   Registered    Clare Macdonald
Heritage Site   messenger's house at      FAO: James Wall                                Decision    on:           clare.macdonald@
                37 St Andrew Square       26 Dublin Street                                           17/02/2021
Listed          to create a garden        Edinburgh
Category: A     room.                     EH3 6NN                                                    Site Notice   Community
                at                                                                                   posted on:    Council: New
New Town        37 - 38 St Andrew                                                                    05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Square
Area            Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Other
                EH2 2AD                                                                              on:           Developments -
                                                                                                     05/03/2021    Local
                                                                                                     Due by

World           Extension to               Turley.                 Gleneagles Hotel.,    Delegated   Registered    Clare Macdonald
Heritage Site   messenger's house at       FAO: James Wall                               Decision    on:           clare.macdonald@
                37 St Andrew Square        26 Dublin Street                                          17/02/2021
Listed          to create a garden         Edinburgh
Category: A     room.                      EH3 6NN                                                   Site Notice   Community
                at                                                                                   posted on:    Council: New
New Town        37 - 38 St Andrew                                                                    05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    Square
Area            Edinburgh                                                                            Advertised    Listed building and
                EH2 2AD                                                                              on:           Con Area
                                                                                                     05/03/2021    Consents
                                                                                                     Due by

World           Proposed alterations to    Genlo Design.           Ramz Investments.,    Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
Heritage Site   existing office space,     FAO: G McPherson        FAO: Mr A Fard        Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                with conversion to         31 Damhead              5 Wemyss Place                    18/02/2021
Listed          residential use at         Edinburgh               Edinburgh
Category: A     basement floor level,      EH10 7EA                EH3 6DH                           Site Notice   Community
                inclusive of new single                                                              posted on:    Council: New
New Town        storey extension to                                                                  26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    rear, and associated
Area            alterations. Minor                                                                   Advertised    Listed building and
                alterations to existing                                                              on:           Con Area
                office accommodation                                                                 26/02/2021    Consents
                at ground floor level,
                inclusive of new tea                                                                 Comments
                prep and sanitary                                                                    Due by
                facility.                                                                            19.03.2021
                GF 5 Wemyss Place
                EH3 6DH


World           Sub-division of existing   Genlo Design.           Ramz Investments.,    Delegated   Registered    Adam Gloser
Heritage Site   basement offices, with     FAO: G McPherson        FAO: Mr A Fard        Decision    on:           adam.gloser@edin
                proposed conversion to     31 Damhead              5 Wemyss Place                    18/02/2021
Listed          form new residential       Old Pentland Road       Edinburgh
Category: A     accommodation,             Edinburgh               EH3 6DH                           Site Notice   Community
                inclusive of associated    EH10 7EA                                                  posted on:    Council: New
New Town        extension and                                                                        26/02/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    alterations.
Area            at                                                                                   Advertised    Housing - Local
                GF 5 Wemyss Place                                                                    on:
                Edinburgh                                                                            26/02/2021
                EH3 6DH
                21/00803/FUL                                                                         Due by

World           Advertisement of the                               Ibis Styles Hotel.,   Delegated   Registered    Jack Gillon
Heritage Site   following types: Fascia                            FAO: Emilien Felix    Decision    on:           jack.gillon@edinbu
                sign.                                              19 St Andrew                      18/02/2021
New Town        at                                                 Square
Conservation    19 St Andrew Square                                Edinburgh                         Comments      Community
Area            Edinburgh                                          EH2 1AU                           Due by        Council: New
                EH2 1AU                                                                              11.03.2021    Town/Broughton

                21/00813/ADV                                                                                       Advertisements

World           Minor internal               Morgan McDonnell     Fordell Estates Ltd    Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
Heritage Site   alterations to offices at    Architecture.        C/o Corran             Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                first floor level (new tea   FAO: Alice Hibberd   Properties.,                       19/02/2021
Listed          prep and WC facilities,      5 Advocates Close    18 Charlotte Square
Category: A     new door opening and         Edinburgh            Edinburgh                          Site Notice   Community
                replacement doors).          EH1 1ND              EH2 2DF                            posted on:    Council: New
New Town        Replacement of                                                                       05/03/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    existing aluminium
Area            glazing along South                                                                  Advertised    Listed building and
                elevation (car park)                                                                 on:           Con Area
                with new double-glazed                                                               05/03/2021    Consents
                aluminium windows.
                Replacement of sashes                                                                Comments
                with new slim double-                                                                Due by
                glazed window to                                                                     26.03.2021
                match existing.
                18 Charlotte Square


World           Stone cleaning of            Gray Macpherson      Waugh Investments      Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
Heritage Site   facade to Shandwick          Architects LLP.      Ltd.,                  Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                Place.                       Tigh-na-geat House   FAO: David Orr                     22/02/2021
Listed          at                           1 Damhead Farm       43 Ratcliffe Terrace
Category: C     8 Shandwick Place            Edinburgh            Edinburgh                          Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                    EH10 7DZ             EH9 1ST                            posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        EH2 4RP                                                                              05/03/2021
Conservation                                                                                                       Listed building and
Area            21/00847/LBC                                                                         Advertised    Con Area
                                                                                                     on:           Consents

                                                                                                     Due by

World           Replace the existing         Hermitage Windows    Mr Gary Taylor.,       Delegated   Registered    Stephen Dickson
Heritage Site   single glazed sash and       Ltd.                 3F 4 Grosvenor         Decision    on:           stephen.dickson@
                case windows with            FAO: Alistair        Street                             22/02/2021
Listed          double glazed                Jamieson             Edinburgh
Category: B     upgrades. Full               44 Howden Hall       EH12 5EG                           Site Notice   Community
                restoration of the           Crescent                                                posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        original case,               Edinburgh                                               05/03/2021
Conservation    manufacture and install      EH16 6UR                                                              Listed building and
Area            like-for-like sashes with                                                            Advertised    Con Area
                Heritage 'Slimlite'                                                                  on:           Consents
                double glazing.                                                                      05/03/2021
                3F 4 Grosvenor Street                                                                Comments
                Edinburgh                                                                            Due by
                EH12 5EG                                                                             26.03.2021


World            The first and second         Gray Macpherson          Waugh Investments      Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
 Heritage Site    floor of the building has    Architects LLP.          Ltd.,                  Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                  operated as a                Tigh-na-geat House       FAO: David Orr                     22/02/2021
 Listed           backpacker type              1 Damhead Farm           43 Ratcliffe Terrace
 Category: C      shared holiday               Edinburgh                Edinburgh                          Site Notice   Community
                  accommodation for the        EH10 7DZ                 EH9 1ST                            posted on:    Council: West End
 New Town         last 10 years. The                                                                       05/03/2021
 Conservation     bedrooms shared the                                                                                    Other
 Area             communal living and                                                                      Advertised    Developments -
                  kitchen                                                                                  on:           Local
                  accommodation on the                                                                     05/03/2021
                  first floor. The change
                  of use is to provide                                                                     Comments
                  holiday                                                                                  Due by
                  accommodation but in                                                                     26.03.2021
                  the form of individual
                  studio flats that are
                  self-contained. The
                  third floor is currently 2
                  individual flats so there
                  is no change of use
                  proposed here.
                  8 Shandwick Place
                  EH2 4RP


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 World            Mature Whitebeam             Frontier Forestry Ltd.   East Circus Place      Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Heritage Site    near North East corner       FAO: Andrew              Gardens.,              Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  of gardens. Extensive        Jenkins                  FAO: Chris Fletcher                24/02/2021
 New Town         decay in bole. Tree          Office Suite 1,          63 Great King Street
 Conservation     overhanging street,          Eastfield Business       Edinburgh                                        Community
 Area             footway & parked cars        Centre                   EH3 6RP                                          Council:
                  - remove for safety          4C Eastfield Farm                                                         Stockbridge/Inverl
                  reasons.                     Road                                                                      eith
                  at                           Penicuik
                  Gardens                      EH26 8EZ                                                                  TCO and TPO
                  11 South East Circus         andrew@frontierfores                                                      submissions


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Certification of lawful                          M A Milton.,           Delegated   Registered   Adam Gloser
                  use is sought for the                            Westbank Cottage       Decision    on:          adam.gloser@edin
                  flat to continue as a                            Lower Cowgate                      22/02/2021
                  residential flat with                            Oldmeldrum
                  occasional low volume                            Inverurie                                       Community
                  short term visitor use                           Aberdeenshire                                   Council: Tollcross
                  when the owner is not                            AB51 0PP
                  in residence for up to                                                                           CLE and CLP
                  20% of each year.                                                                                submissions
                  1F3 3 Home Street
                  EH3 9JR

Ward No. B12 – Leith Walk
1. Planning Applications

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Proposed conversion        Curve Architecture.   Ms Abigail Bremner.,   Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  of existing garage         FAO: Ben Ingle        9 Pilrig Heights       Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  space into bedroom.        4 Quayside Mills      Edinburgh                          23/02/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  at                         Edinburgh             EH6 5AB                                         cka@edinburgh.go
                  9 Pilrig Heights           EH6 6EX                                                     
                  Edinburgh                  Ben@curvearchitectu
                  EH6 5AB                                                                          Community
                                                                                                                   Council: Leith
                  21/00906/CLP                                                                                     Central

                                                                                                                   CLE and CLP
Ward No. B13 – Leith
1. Planning Applications

 Leith            Change of use from         Fouin + Bell          Mr Wishart,            Delegated   Registered   Murray Couston
 Conservation     Sui-Generis                Architects.           54 The Shore           Decision    on:          murray.couston@
 Area             (restaurant, carry out,    FAO: Elliot Dickson   Edinburgh                          23/02/2021
                  catering kitchen and       1 John's Place        EH6 6RA
                  cook school) to class 3    Edinburgh                                                Advertised   Community
                  restaurant and take        EH6 7EL                                                  on:          Council: Leith
                  away.                                                                               05/03/2021   Harbour And
                  at                                                                                               Newhaven
                  14 Bonnington Road                                                                  Comments
                  Edinburgh                                                                           Due by       Other
                  EH6 5JD                                                                             26.03.2021   Developments -

Form a new private                                Mr Paul Johnston.,   Delegated    Registered      Weronika
                  driveway access from                              54 East Restalrig    Decision     on:             Myslowiecka
                  the street into the front                         Terrace                           23/02/2021      weronika.myslowie
                  garden area of a                                  Edinburgh                                         cka@edinburgh.go
                  house.                                            EH6 8EE                           Comments
                  at                                                                                  Due by
                  54 East Restalrig                                                                   17.03.2021      Community
                  Terrace                                                                                             Council: Leith
                  Edinburgh                                                                                           Links
                  EH6 8EE
                  21/00860/FUL                                                                                        Developments

2. Proposal of Application Notice

 Leith            Redevelopment of            Ryden LLP.            VRS Limited.,        Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
 Conservation     existing office for         FAO: Robert Evans.                         Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
 Area             residential flatted         7 Exchange Crescent                        on           22/02/2021
                  accommodation               Conference Square                          Required
                  including affordable        Edinburgh                                               Earliest date   Community
                  housing and ancillary       EH3 8AN                                                 for planning    Council: Leith
                  uses.                       robert.evans@ryden.                        Being        application     Harbour And
                  at                                                      assessed.    17.05.2021      Newhaven
                  1 Rennie's Isle
                  Edinburgh                                                                                           PAN submissions
                  EH6 6QT


3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

 Leith            Historic use as a           Whitelaw Planning &   Clarks Foodstores    Delegated    Registered      Jennifer
 Conservation     Newsagents - class 1        Energy.               Ltd.,                Decision     on:             Zochowska
 Area             retail.                     FAO: Nicolas          FAO: Sana Hussain                 22/02/2021      jennifer.zochowsk
                  at                          Whitelaw              47 Leith Walk                           
                  47 - 49 Leith Walk          8 Queen Margaret      Edinburgh                                         uk
                  Edinburgh                   Drive                 EH6 8LS
                  EH6 8LS                     South Queensferry                                                       Community
                                              EH30 9JF                                                                Council: Leith
                  21/00852/CLE                nwplanningenergy@                                                       Links
                                                                                                                      CLE and CLP

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
1. Planning Applications

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B15 – Southside/Newington
1. Planning Applications

 Listed           Internal alterations       MAArchitects.         Ms Khan,              Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
 Category: B      at                         FAO Aleksandra        47 Minto Street       Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                  47 Minto Street            Moroz                 Edinburgh                         17/02/2021
 Blacket          Edinburgh                  Castle Mills          EH9 2BR
 Conservation     EH9 2BR                    2 Gilmore Park                                          Site Notice   Community
 Area                                        Studio 1                                                posted on:    Council:
                  21/00781/LBC               Edinburgh                                               05/03/2021    Grange/Prestonfiel
                                             EH3 9FP                                                               d
                                                                                                     on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                     05/03/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                     Due by

 Listed           Install a satellite dish                         Mr Ball,              Delegated   Registered    Daniel Lodge
 Category: B      on the roof.                                     8 Craigmillar Park    Decision    on:           daniel.lodge@edin
                  at                                               Edinburgh                         18/02/2021
 Craigmillar      8 Craigmillar Park                               EH16 5NE
 Park             Edinburgh                                                                          Site Notice   Community
 Conservation     EH16 5NE                                                                           posted on:    Council:
 Area                                                                                                05/03/2021    Grange/Prestonfiel
                  21/00806/LBC                                                                                     d
                                                                                                     on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                     05/03/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                     Due by

 Grange           Change of use from                               Dr. Sukhdeep Gill.,   Delegated   Registered    Stuart Talbot
 Conservation     office to a single                               15 Torwood            Decision    on:           stuart.talbot@edin
 Area             dwelling house.                                  Crescent                          25/02/2021
                  at                                               Edinburgh
                  10 Chalmers Crescent                             EH12 9GL                          Comments      Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                          Due by        Council:
                  EH9 1TS                                                                            22.03.2021    Marchmont/Scienn
                                                                                                                   Housing - Local

Listed           Reinstate one blind                           Mr Mark Cartner.,      Delegated   Registered    Diana Garrett
 Category: C      window to match the                           Flat 11 2 Parkside     Decision    on:           diana.garrett@edi
                  existing wooden sash                          Street                             19/02/2021
 Southside        and case windows.                             Edinburgh
 Conservation     at                                            EH8 9RL                            Site Notice   Community
 Area             Flat 11 2 Parkside                                                               posted on:    Council: Southside
                  Street                                                                           05/03/2021
                  Edinburgh                                                                                      Listed building and
                  EH8 9RL                                                                          Advertised    Con Area
                                                                                                   on:           Consents
                  21/00844/LBC                                                                     05/03/2021

                                                                                                   Due by

 Grange           Change of use from a      Morgan McDonnell    Elpis Property Ltd.,   Local       Registered    Lynne McMenemy
 Conservation     children's hospital, to   Architecture.       FAO: Elizabeth         Delegated   on:           lynne.mcmenemy
 Area             reinstating the villas    FAO: Michael        Williamson             Decision    22/02/2021
                  back into use as          Perkins             C/O Turcan Connell                               k
                  residential dwellings.    5 Advocates Close   Princes Exchange                   Site Notice
                  Contemporary              Edinburgh           1 Earl Grey Street                 posted on:    Community
                  extensions are            EH1 1ND             Edinburgh                          05/03/2021    Council:
                  proposed to both villas                       EH3 9EE                                          Marchmont/Scienn
                  to expand and                                                                    Advertised    es
                  rationalise their                                                                on:
                  layouts. A new single                                                            05/03/2021    Housing - Local
                  residential dwelling is
                  also proposed to an                                                              Comments
                  open area to the east                                                            Due by
                  of the plot currently                                                            26.03.2021
                  occupied by a tennis
                  14 - 16 Hope Terrace
                  EH9 2AR


 Blacket          Erect greenhouse.                             Ms Patricia Alston.,   Delegated   Registered    Catriona Reece-
 Conservation     at                                            12 Dryden Place        Decision    on:           Heal
 Area             12 Dryden Place                               Edinburgh                          22/02/2021    catriona.reece-
                  Edinburgh                                     EH9 1RP                                          heal@edinburgh.g
                  EH9 1RP                                                                          Site Notice
                                                                                                   posted on:
                  21/00859/FUL                                                                     05/03/2021    Community
                                                                                                   Advertised    Grange/Prestonfiel
                                                                                                   on:           d
                                                                                                   Comments      Developments
                                                                                                   Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

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