PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...

Page created by Elizabeth Alexander
PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...



Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+
PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
City Directory
City of Solon                                          Dear Friends,
Mayor Edward H. Kraus
                                                       After 39 years working for this wonderful city,
                                                       (31 as Director of Recreation), I will be retiring as of
Solon City Council                                     March 31. It’s not time to say good bye, but thank you!
Ward 1 - Macke Bentley                                 I will remain active in the city and will continue to call
Ward 2 - Robert N. Pelunis                             this my home.
Ward 3 - Jeremy Zelwin
Ward 4 - Marc R. Kotora                                I want to say thank you to the mayors past and present
Ward 5 - Nancy E. Meany, Vice Mayor                    for the chance to serve our fine residents, and the members of council who
Ward 6 - Bob Shimits                                   I’ve worked with and will remain friends with. I’ve worked with many fellow
Ward 7 - William I. Russo,                             employees through the years and have enjoyed and learned from every one of
                 Alternate Vice Mayor                  them. The staff at the Recreation Department, Arts Center, and Grantwood
                                                       have all been an inspiration to me, and I will continue to cheer for them all as
Arts Center        (440) 337-1400                      they do great things for the city.
City Hall          (440) 248-1155
                                                       I want to say thank you to former Recreation Commission chairman Brad Cisar
Fire Station #1    (440) 349-6333
                                                       who was a mentor and friend throughout my 39 years. He is and always has
Fire Station #2    (440) 248-6939                      been one of the ambassadors of Solon, and I am privileged to call him my friend.
Fire Station #3    (440) 337-1500
Grantwood          (440) 248-4646                      Patti and I love this city and chose to raise our children here because we knew
                                                       they would be in great hands. Every success that Brittany and Ben have will be
Police		           (440) 248-2932
                                                       in part because of this fine community.
Recreation         (440) 248-5747
Senior Center      (440) 349-6363                      So finally, your involvement in programs and events is so important. Take every
Service		          (440) 248-5834                      opportunity to enjoy the services available in this brochure. But most impor-
                                                       tantly, get and stay involved in the community because we’ll all be better for it.
           Explore the Website
 Flip through the online Citywide Activity             See you around town.
Guide, search each department online, find
    city newsletters and information at
                                                       Donald W. Holub
                                                       Director of Recreation

            Like us on Facebook
Get notifications regarding special events at
       Solon Center for the Arts and
              Solon Recreation.

          Follow us on Twitter
  Follow @CityofSolon to find out what’s
          happening right now.

                                                     Non-Discrimination Clause
  The City of Solon, Ohio does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disabled status in
employment or the provision of services. For more information regarding compliance with the American With Disabilities Act of 1990,
                     please call Peggy Weil Dorfman, ADA Coordinator, (440) 349-6327; TDD (440) 248-1176
PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...

American Red Cross Blood Drive                                        RECREATION
Come and give the gift of life by donating blood at the American      Banquet Hall			                    3
Red Cross Blood Drive. To register for the blood drive, please        Community Center		                 4
call the American Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767.                        Summer Day Camps		                 5
DAY DATE                       TIME                                   Sports and Other Camps		           7
Sat 3/7, 4/4, 5/2, 6/6, 7/11 9 am - 2:00 pm
                                                                      Rec Events				                    10
                                                                      Preschool Activities			           11
LOCATION: Solon Senior Center Community Rooms.
                                                                      Youth Activities                  12
                                                                      Baseball			                       14
Health Screenings                                                     Soccer				                        16
It is never too late to get healthy while enjoying summer             Tennis				                        16
activities. Come and get a measurement of your health and gauge       Aquatics			                       17
your personal wellness track by participating in Free Biometric       Wellness Services		               19
Screenings courtesy of the Solon Recreation Department and            Adult Programs		                  19
University Hospitals – Ahuja Medical Center. Take advantage
of Free Biometric Health Screenings (Blood Pressure, Glucose,         After-School Programs        		   21
Cholesterol) and the opportunity to talk to health professionals
about your test results.                                              GRANTWOOD
Sat        6/27     8:30 am to 11:30 am
                                                                      Summer Camps and Leagues          25
LOCATION: Solon Community Center
                                                                      POLICE CITIZEN ACADEMY            26
CPR & AED Training
AGES 18 AND UP                                                        ARTS CENTER
As part of our “Building Lifesaving Communities” initiative,
University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center is offering a free          Events				                        27
CPR/AED training class for City of Solon staff and the com-           Summer Camps		                    28
munity. The prompt delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation          Dance				                         31
(CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
                                                                      Music				                         34
by a trained individual can significantly increase a person’s
                                                                      Art				                           35
chance of survival. CPR and AED administration techniques are
                                                                      Theater			                        37
beneficial skills to have – at home, at work and in public places.
DAY DATE             TIME		              FEE
Thurs 5/21           5 - 9:00 pm         FREE
LOCATION: SCC Banquet Hall                                            BLUE RIBBON 		                    39
REGISTRATION: Register by May 15 through University Hospi-
tals at 216-593-1767
                                                                      ACTIVE ADULTS 60+ AND SENIORS

                                                                      Activities			                     43
                                                                      Group Fitness Classes		           45
                                                                      Distance Learning		               46
                                                                      Excursions			                     46

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
Whether planning an important business meeting, family party, wedding reception, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, First Communion, birthday party,
baby or bridal shower, the Solon Community Center is the ideal location. Conveniently and centrally located, the Solon Community
Center is reasonably priced and is geared for a variety of personal and business functions. Our community center features three
meetings, along a large banquet hall that and a fully equipped catering kitchen. Events being held on Friday and Saturday must conclude
and be cleaned up by 12:00am. Programs being held Monday through Thursday must conclude and be cleaned up by 9:30pm.Sunday programs
must be finished and cleaned up by 6:00pm.
Banquet Hall
The banquet hall can be rented as one large room to accommo-
date up to 240 people based on set-up, or it can be separated
into three separate rooms. Each individual banquet room can ac-
commodate up to 75 people based on set-up. The banquet hall
opens to a beautiful terrace, which is ideal for cocktails, dining
alfresco or just for conversation.

All three banquet rooms have drop-down ceiling screens for
audio-visual presentations and come equipped with a PA system
and internet service. Audio-visual equipment is available for
groups to rent. The Solon Community Center provides tables
and chairs and the renter is responsible for all event decorations.
Renters must complete a Rental Contract and provide a $300
refundable security deposit when booking a room. Upon con-          Meeting Rooms
clusion, the renter will receive a security deposit refund unless There are two meeting rooms that are ideal for groups ranging
damage has been caused.                                             in size from 20 to 65 based on the requested set-up. Each sepa-
                                                                    rate room features Internet access, a dry erase board and kitchen
Banquet Facility Rental Rates Prices are subject to change.         access. Meeting Room A also features a pull-down ceiling screen for
Friday, Sunday and Holiday:      Service Group Private Group audio-visual presentations. Audio-visual equipment is available for
Full Banquet Hall		              $140/Hour          $185/Hour       groups to rent. The Solon Community Center provides tables and
One-Third of Banquet Hall        $60/Hour           $80/Hour        chairs, while the renter is responsible for all event decorations.

Monday - Thursday:              Service Group      Private Group Meeting Room Rental Rates Prices are subject to change.
Full Banquet Hall		             $90/Hour           $125/Hour     Room:			                       Service Group Private Group
One-Third of Banquet Hall       $50/Hour           $55/Hour      Meeting Rooms A & B (Combined) $50/Hour           $65/Hour
                                                                 Meeting Room A or B		          $30/Hour           $40/Hour
Saturday Rate: There is a minimum charge of $1,225 for
Saturday rentals. The banquet hall will be available as of 1:00 pm    Youth Lounge
and is not separated. If a renter would like to rent the lobby area   The Youth Lounge is ideal for small meetings or parties of groups up
of the Community Center for a party from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm,           to 30 people. Even though this room is not directly connected to
there is an additional charge of $250, for a total rental fee of      the banquet kitchen, renters have access to the kitchen if necessary.
$1,475.                                                               This room has a flat rental rate of $50 per hour.

            The Solon Community Center allows renters to use the caterer of their choice. Alcohol is permitted at
            functions. If alcohol is being served or if a party takes place on Friday, Saturday or Sunday nights, then a security
            officer must be present. The Recreation Department will secure the officer from the Solon Police Department,
            and the renter is responsible to pay the officer at the conclusion of the function. (The hourly rate is set and is
            subject to change by the Solon Police Department.)

                          For additional banquet hall, meeting room or youth lounge information,
                                facility availability or to schedule a function, please contact
                                            E. David Peleg (
                                            via e-mail or by calling (440) 248-5747.

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...

                       Membership Rates                                  Community Center Hours
            12 Month Community Center Memberships                             Business Hours
			                       Solon Resident Glenwillow Resident (Indoor pool hours may not adhere to this schedule)
						Working in Solon                                                        Monday - Friday
Family Pass     		              $395		   $670                                5:30 am - 9:30 pm
Adult (24-59)			$265		$400                                                   Saturday & Sunday
Couple (Married, no kids)       $330		   $575                                8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Senior (Age 60+)		              $135		   $245
                                                                            Registration Hours
Senior Couple (both 60+)        $235		   $475
                                                                              Monday - Friday
Young Adult (Ages 19-23)        $110		   $135
                                                                             5:30 am - 8:30 pm
Youth/Child (Ages 7-18)		       $ 80		   $135
                                                                             Saturday & Sunday
Toddler (6 and under)		         Free		   Free
                                                                             8:00 am - 5:30 pm
            6 Month Community Center Memberships  The Community Center hours will be adjusted on
			Solon Resident 		Glenwillow Resident                          the following days:
						Working in Solon                               Sunday, April 12 - CLOSED in observance
Family Pass     		          $200		       $340                           of Easter
Adult (24-59)			$140		$200                       Monday, May 25 - CLOSE at 1:00pm in observance
Couple (Married, no kids)   $175		       $295                     of Memorial Day
Senior (Age 60+)		          $ 70		       $125        Thursday, July 2 - CLOSE at 6 PM due to
Senior Couple (both 60+)    $120		       $245                          fireworks
Young Adult (Ages 19-23)    $ 65		       $ 75       Saturday, July 4 - CLOSED in observance of
Youth/Child (Ages 7-18)		   $ 50		       $ 75                    Independence Day
Toddler (6 and under)		     Free		       Free           Saturday, July 25 - CLOSED due to
                                                                  Solon Home Days
            3 Month Community Center Memberships
			Solon Resident 		Glenwillow Resident                     SAVE THE DATE!
						Working in Solon                                   After-school Program
Family Pass     		          $110		       $190
Adult (24-59)			            $ 80		       $110                     2020 - 2021
Couple (Married, no kids)   $ 95		       $165
Senior (Age 60+)		          $ 40		       $ 70
Senior Couple (both 60+)    $ 70		       $140
                                                         Registration will be on
Young Adult (Ages 19-23)    $ 40		       $ 45             Saturday, May 2, 2020.
Youth/Child (Ages 7-18)		   $ 30		       $ 40
Toddler (6 and under)		     Free		       Free

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
2020 Summer Camp
The Solon Recreation Department offers two, day camps that run in conjunction with one another. The Summer Camp is for pre-kinder-
garten to fourth graders (child must be at least 5 years old and no older than 12 on their first day of camp). The Adventure Camp is for
current fifth & sixth graders. Camp consists of sports, swimming, activities, field trips and much more. The schedules and activities are age
appropriately planned. A tentative calendar for 2020 will be available at the Solon Community Center or on-line after February 15th.

Need more information… Please look on-line at Camper Handbooks, calendars, and registration information will all
be posted on our website. If you have further questions, please call Tracy Sullivan or Dina Snook at 440.248.5747.

All Pre-K, K and 1st Graders will need to wear their camp T-shirt EVERYDAY! Therefore, registration fees include 2 shirts for these
particular campers. The option to purchase additional t-shirts will be available during registration

                                               CAMP REGISTRATION
                                               February 29 – March 7, 2020
                                               Registration for Summer Camp / Adventure Camp will begin on Saturday, February 29 at
                                               9:00am at the Solon Community Center and online. It will run through Saturday, March 7.
                                               Registration will be available online and in person. Please see the schedule below with the
                                               times for IN-HOUSE camp registration. There is a limit of 100 campers per session in
                                               Adventure Camp. Any child registered during the week for the K-4 Summer Camp is
                                               guaranteed a spot. Any child registered after March 7 at 2pm will be placed on the waiting
                                               list. You will then only be called if a spot becomes available. **Please note registration is
                                               only ONE WEEK. Please plan accordingly**

                                               IN-HOUSE CAMP REGISTRATION SCHEDULE
                                               Saturday (February 29 & March 7) - 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
                                               Monday – Friday (March 2-6) – 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
                                               NO SUNDAY REGISTRATION

                                               CAMP FEES
                                               Summer Camp – $300 per child, per session
                                               Adventure Camp - $325 per child, per session
                                                * A $20 discount will be applied for the second through the fourth child for Sessions 1 – 4.
                                               Optional Bus Service Fee - $35 per session for the first child, $30 per session for each
                                               additional child.
                                               Extended Care - $3 per child, per hour
                                               The $50 per session deposit payment on your registration day is NON-REFUNDABLE and
                                               NON-TRANSFERABLE. If you drop a session or change a session, you will lose your deposit.

                                               CAMP DATES & TIMES
                                               Session 1:  June 8 – June 19
                                               Session 2:  June 22 – July 3
                                               Session 3:  July 6 – July 17
                                               Session 4:  July 20 – July 31
                                               Camp runs Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
                                               AM Extended Care is offered from 7:00 am to 9:00 am.
                                               PM Extended Care is offered from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Registration will begin on Saturday, February 29 at 9:00am. Registration will be available online and you are HIGHLY encouraged to take
advantage of this service. Staff will be at the Community Center during the registration hours listed above to take enrollment in person.
However, keeping in mind that Adventure Camp Registration is first come-first serve, registering online may be quicker and will help to
ensure that you are not blocked out of the program.

Step 1: Create your account on MaxGalaxy. If you haven’t done so yet, please log into Make sure you put
a parent/guardian as the primary account holder and then add all family members at the bottom.You will need to enter your child’s
CURRENT grade. Recreation and SCA share the database, so you only need to create one account! If you forgot your password, please
contact us to help reset it.

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
Summer Camp Continued...
Step 2:You will need to purchase a FREE 2020 REC Summer Camp - Registration/Medical Information (membership).You will find this
locate under the MEMBERSHIP TAB. This is solely our way of collecting all of the necessary important information about each child. Again,
this is FREE. Please fill out all the questions in their fullest, especially in regards to medical info, emergency contacts and authorized
pick-ups. (This membership does not include use of the Community Center.)

Step 3: On February 29 at 9:00am, our system will open in-house and online for registration. Make sure you sign up for ALL SESSIONS and
include any extras that you will require (bus or extra t-shirts).

Step 4: When registering online, you will be given the option to pay in full or use the payment schedule. If you choose the payment sched-
ule, you will only be charged a deposit of $50 per session on that day. The balances will be automatically withdrawn from your credit card
on the due dates listed. If you pay in-house, you will also have the option for a payment schedule, but will need to allow us to store your
credit card information for payment usage.

      Solon Safety Town
      Sponsored by: Solon Kiwanis and the Solon
      Recreation Department

      Safety Town is a planned five day instructional period
      designed to introduce safety rules and safety awareness
      to children who will be attending Kindergarten in the fall.
      With support from the Solon Police and Fire Departments
      and the Solon Board of Education, Safety Town offers a
      variety of interactive activities and field trips plus the use
      of bikes, traffic signals and classroom activities to teach
      children safety measures. The children will focus on safety
      skills that can be used on a daily basis and learn how to
      react safely in an emergency. They also will work on
      learning their phone number and home address. Classes
      will be held at Solon Community Park Log Cabin 6679              SESSION DAY DATE                  TIME
      SOM Center Rd.                                                   Session 1    M - F 6/8 - 6/12     9 - 11:00am
                                                                       Session 2* M - F 6/8 - 6/12       12 - 2:00pm
                                                                                 *New Adaptive Program (for individuals with disabilities)
                                                                       Session 3    M - F 6/15 - 6/19 9 - 11:00am
                                                                       Session 4    M - F 6/15 - 6/19 5:30 - 7:30pm
                                                                       Session 5    M - F 6/22 - 6/26 9 - 11:00am
                                                                       FEE: $40 per session

       Registration begins Saturday, April 11th and can be completed either online ( follow the “browse
       programs” link) or at the Solon Community Center 35000 Portz Parkway.

       Contact the Solon Recreation Department at (440) 248-5747 for more information.

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
Pee Wee Soccer Camp                                                       Youth Tennis Camps
AGES 3 - 6                                                                GRADES K - 8
The Solon Recreation Department is offering pee wee soccer                The Solon Recreation Department will be run by our U.S.P.T.A.
as a summer camp. If you want your kids to learn the basics of            Solon High School Tennis Coaches, offering weeklong tennis camps
soccer, now is your chance. Pee Wee soccer camp will introduce            through June and July. We offer sessions for children in grades K-8.
basic soccer skills such as footwork, dribbling, passing, and team-       The future camps will offer age and ability grouping. During each
work. Camp instructor will be Dennis Weyn. Participants                   session, players will experience small group instructions and play.
will receive a camp t-shirt.                                              Each clinic is designed to develop skills, agility, game strategy and the
DAY       DATE 		             TIME 			                      FEE           enjoyment of a lifetime sport. Camp groupings are based on age and
M-F       6/22 - 6/26         10:00 am - 12:00 pm           $175          ability.
LOCATION: SCP Field #9                                                    SESSION DATE                  TIME
                                                                          Session 1      6/8 - 6/12     9:00 am - Noon
Boys’ Soccer Camp                                                         Session II     6/15 - 6/19 9:00 am - Noon
GRADES K - 7                                                              Session III 6/22 - 6/26       9:00 am - Noon
Solon High School Varsity Boys’ Soccer Staff will hold a youth            Session IV 6/29 - 7/3         9:00 am - Noon
soccer camp for boys                                                      Session V      7/6 - 7/10     9:00 am - Noon
currently in grades K - 7. Emphasis will be on learning the funda-        Session VI 7/13 - 7/17        9:00 am - Noon
mentals of the game with individual skill training, fun games, drills     Session VII 7/20 - 7/24       9:00 am - Noon
and small-sided scrimmages. Emphasis will also be on learning the         FEE: $115 PER SESSION
basics in an enjoyable, fast-paced camp environment. Campers are          Mission of Camp: To create a tennis and fitness experience at the
grouped by skill level, age and gender. All campers will receive a        Solon Community Courts and to develop and grow the game in fun!
camp t-shirt.
DAY       DATE                TIME              FEE
M - W 7/27 - 7/29             5:30 - 8:30 pm         $50
LOCATION: SHS Football Stadium
Girls’ Soccer Camp
Lauren Wilson, Head Varsity Girls’ Soccer Coach at SHS, Soccer
Coaches and select varsity soccer players, will conduct a week
long soccer camp. Girls will practice and improve their foot skills,
fundamentals, and tactics in a challenging and fun environment.
Camp provides the players with a well-rounded soccer founda-
tion that will improve the individuals level of play. Participants will
receive a camp t-shirt.
DAY DATE                     TIME               FEE
M - F 7/27 - 7/31             9 am - Noon          $75
LOCATION: SHS Football Stadium
Boys’ Basketball Camps                                                    Football Camps
GRADES 2 - 8
                                                                          BOYS GRADES 2 - 8
Together with Solon High School Boys’ Basketball Coach, Tony
                                                                          Together with Solon Head Football Coach Jim McQuaide, we will
Decesare, and his staff, will be running week-long basketball
                                                                          be holding a four day football camp. The camp will include activities
camps that are designed to teach the fundamentals in a fun
                                                                          such as agility drills and position techniques and 7-on-7 passing drills.
environment. There will be instruction time for all the basics
                                                                          Speedball for lineman will conclude each session. The goals for the
of basketball as well as competitions and games. The camp for
                                                                          camp are to teach the basic techniques and system of Solon High
grades 6 - 8 will focus on preparing players for playing competi-
                                                                          School football. T-shirts will be given to all participants along with
tively at the middle school and high school. Each participant will
                                                                          daily awards.
receive a t-shirt.
                                                                          DAY      DATE             TIME              FEE
DAY DATE                  TIME                  FEE
                                                                          M - Th 6/15 - 6/18 9 am - Noon               $75
GRADES 2 - 5
                                                                          LOCATION: SHS Football Field
M - F 7/13 - 7/17         8:30 am - 11:30 am     $75
GRADES 6 - 8
M - F 7/13 - 7/17         12:15 - 3:15 pm $75

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
Baseball Camp
Solon High School Varsity Staff will hold a week-long baseball
camp. Scheduled instruction includes: hitting fundamentals,
bunting, throwing, cutoffs, infield play, outfield play, base running,
pitching mechanics and Texas shootout games. Please bring
gloves, spikes and hat. There will be a short lunch break around
11:00 am. Bring a drink and sack lunch.
DAY DATE                       TIME                     FEE
M - F 6/8 - 6/12               8:30 am - 1:00 pm         $85
LOCATION: SCP Varsity Baseball Field
Lady Comets Summer Basketball Camps
Together with Solon High School Head Girls’ Basketball Coach,
Trish Kruse, Assistants Sean Fisher and Brian Wisniewski, along          Summer Chess Camp
with the varsity girls players will be holding two, four-day basket-     GRADES K - 8
ball camps. The camps will provide individual and team basketball        Everyone welcome, from beginning to expert! This is a one week long
instruction to improve fundamentals and to be successful during          summer chess camp, with instructional staff provided by Progress
game play. Each participant will receive a Solon basketball T-shirt.     with Chess, Ohio’s largest chess teaching organization. Students will
Prizes will be given for team champion, hot-shot champion, free          be placed in small groups according to age and skill level and engage
throw champion, camper of the week, and camper of the day.               in interactive lessons and problem solving. Ample time will be allotted
Come improve your game and have fun!                                     for structured open play and challenging our instructors. There will
DAY       DATE                 TIME		                FEE                 be short breaks in the morning and afternoon with opportunities for
M - Th 6/8 - 6/11             9:00 am - Noon         $75                 physical activity. Chess sets, clocks and written curriculum provided.
M - Th 6/29 - 7/2             9:00 am - Noon         $75                 Full day campers, please pack a brown bag lunch and drink daily. Pizza
LOCATION: SHS Main/Aux gym                                               party Friday, noon - 1:00 pm, parents and siblings welcome. Ques-
                                                                         tions, call Mike Joelson at 216-321-7000 or email at mdjoelson@
Girls Lacrosse Camp                                            
GRADES 3 - 8                                                             DAY        DATE                 TIME
The Solon High School Varsity Lacrosse Coach and the Solon               M-F        8/10 - 8/14         9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Recreation Department are sponsoring a lacrosse camp for girls.          M-F        8/10 - 8/14         9:00 am - Noon
The goal of the camp is to provide an introduction to lacrosse,          M-F        8/10 - 8/14         1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
developing game and individual skills, team play, and game strat-        LOCATION: Solon Community Center
egy. The camp will utilize many fun games to help reinforce the          FEES: Full Day: $260 by 8/1, $275 after
skills. Campers will be required to have a lacrosse stick and a          Sibling discount, $220 by 8/1, $235 after
mouth guard. Additional equipment, such as goggles, is optional.                Half Day: $160 by 8/1, $175 after
Campers will receive a t-shirt.                                          Sibling discount, $140 by 8/1, $155 after
DAY DATE                     TIME		                FEE                   REGISTER: online, access mail-in form at
M - Th 6/22 - 6/25           10:00 am - Noon $75                         or in person at the SCC
LOCATION: SHS Football Stadium
Volleyball Camp
GRADES 4 - 8
Solon High School Varsity Volleyball Staff will hold a week-long
volleyball camp for girls currently in grades 4-8. Each camper will
receive excellent instruction regarding the basics of competitive
volleyball. The focus of this camp will be to improve skills, learn
the game and have an enjoyable camp experience.
DAY DATE                       TIME		               FEE
M - W 7/20 - 7/23              1:00 - 3:30 pm     $75

PLAY! SUMMER 2020 - CITYWIDE ACTIVITY GUIDE Programs, Classes and Events for Toddlers to Active Adults 60+ - City of ...
                                              200 Acts of Volunteer
                                              Service For 200 Years!

    Throughout 2020, the City of Solon is proudly celebrating its bicentennial. In observance of this
    special 200-year milestone, the City is encouraging and promoting the dedicated and compassionate
    contribution provided by volunteers.

    By making a commitment to this volunteer pledge, we can prove that limits are boundless when you act
    together to give back to the community. With our vibrant and caring community, we have the inherent
    capacity to empower and educate as well as the potential to ease the pressure of nutritional, financial,
    environmental, educational, and social burdens and the cooperative enthusiasm to augment existing
    services and events inside and outside the beautiful City of Solon.


                               10 AM                   Admission
SATURDAY                             to                & Parking
August 29                        5 PM                   is FREE!
     Solon Community Park • 6679 SOM Center Rd, Solon

                      Interested in being a vendor, contact Becki Silverstein at        SOLON COMMUNITY PARK
                                SPECIALEVENTS@SOLONOHIO.ORG                                       PRESENTED BY:
                                                                                          SOLON RECREATION DEPARTMENT
                                                                                            SOLON CENTER FOR THE ARTS


Pre-school Open Gym                                                    Preschool Future Scientists
AGES 4 YEARS AND YOUNGER                                               AGES: 3 - 5
We are opening half of the Solon Community Center Gym just             Our preschool future scientists program is where children question,
for caregivers and tots. Bring your little ones to play on our         challenge, and examine their world with excitement and hands-on
equipment and mats. Let them run around in our house, instead          activities! Our goal is to excite children about science in a nur-
of yours!                                                              turing environment exploring the scientific method. During each
DAY          DATES           TIME                                      class, students will experiment, analyze, predict, and make a project
Mon/Wed 9/9 - 5/22           10:00 am - Noon                           emphasizing the topic taught by FUTURE SCIENTISTS trained and
NO CLASS: 2/17, 3/23 - 3/25, 4/13                                      certified teachers… minimum 5, maximum 12 students
FEE: Free to members
     Non-members must pay daily                                        Class Topics – Session 2: (1) Students will experiment with Surface
     drop-in fee.                                                      Tension & Bubbling Bubbles, (2) Study the Sensational Senses, (3) See
                                                                       the power of Magical Magnets, (4) Experiment with safe chemical
                                                                       reactions in Creative Chemistry.
Parent/Child Skating Lessons                                           Class Topics – Session 3: (1) Students will learn about primary and
AGES 2 - 5                                                             secondary colors in Colorful Colors, (2) The habitats of birds in
Hey parents, do you want to get your child moving? Bring them          All About Birds, (3) Investigate Marvelous Muscles, (4) Understand
to the Chagrin Valley Roller Rink for a Parent & Tot class. This       buoyancy in Floating & Sinking.
6-week class for your 2-5 year old will teach the basics of skating    Session DAY         DATE		TIME		FEE
while giving your child exercise. A parent/guardian must accom-        2        Mon        2/24 - 3/16        9:30 - 10:15 am $53
pany each child on the rink. If you choose to not to skate, please     3        Mon        4/6 - 5/4		        9:30 - 10:15 am $53
wear tennis shoes.                                                     NO CLASS: 4/13
SESSION DAY DATE                       TIME                            LOCATION: SCC Arts & Crafts Room
4             Wed 2/19 - 4/1           1:30 - 2:15 pm                  REGISTRATION: Now until one week prior to the start of each
5             Wed 4/8 - 5/13           1:30 - 2:15 pm                  session.
NO CLASS: 3/25                                                         LIMIT: Minimum 5 / Maximum 12
FEE: $55 per session
LOCATION: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink
REGISTRATION: At the SCC now until one week prior to the
                                                                       Snapology’s Lego® City Mini-Camp
                                                                       AGES 5 - 9
start of the session.
                                                                       Come create and build the city of the future using LEGO® bricks!
                                                                       Campers will create transportation, skyscrapers, and more. It is never
The StoryWalk®                                                         too early to foster your child’s engineering and building skills in this
The StoryWalk® Project by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT              super cool and fun program.
and developed in collaboration with the Vermont Bicycles &             DAY		              DATE             TIME
Pedestrian Coalition and the Kellogg Hubbard Library. Thanks           Mon - Fri          8/3 - 8/7        3:30 - 5:30 pm
to Anne, we are able to share her creative idea with you today.        FEE: $125
Follow the half mile loop around the Solon Community Center            LOCATION: SCC After School room
walking path while enjoying a story with your family. Get some         LIMIT: Minimum 8 / Maximum 18
fresh air, read with your children and spend quality time together.
The books will be changed throughout the year.

Toddler Tuesdays
AGES 2 - 5
Meet at the Community Center for our Toddler Tuesdays. Join
us as we have a fun time with your toddler. While children are
working on their social skills, they will listen to stories, work on
arts and crafts, play games, and have free play. Parent/Caregiver
participation required.
Tues      3/10 and 4/21       10:00 - 11:00 am $5/child/day
LOCATION: After School Room
REGISTRATION: Now until one week prior to the start of each
LIMIT: Minimum 5 / Maximum 10


Beginner Skating Lessons                                              Camp Lunch Club
GRADES K - 5                                                          AGES 5 - 13
This class is for kids Grades K-5 who want to learn how to            We would love you to join in all the fun and explore our world
roller-skate or roller-blade. The Chagrin Valley Roller Rink offers   through food by preparing simple homemade cuisines & delicious
a 6-week program consisting of 5 classes that will teach you all      desserts. Grab your sibling, cousin or best friend and join Ms.
the basics and includes one party day where you can bring a           Nisha for The Camp Lunch Club. Our cooking camps are designed
friend for a minimal charge.                                          to give you the confidence of assisting in preparing simple dishes
SESSION DAY DATE                   TIME                               such as fresh salads, cookies, ice cream, or homemade pretzels to
4              Wed 2/19 - 4/1 4:30 - 5:15pm                           more complex dishes like casseroles and soups made from scratch.
5              Wed 4/8 - 5/13 4:30 - 5:15pm                           Instructed by: Ms. Nisha, Learn, Love & Grow Studio
NO CLASS: 3/25
FEE: $55 per session                                                  Children can stay at the Community Center with Miss Nisha’s
LOCATION: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink                                  supervision if they are enrolled in the afternoon Camp Spark My
REGISTRATION: Now until one week prior to the start of the            Room that begins at 1pm. A $25 dollar discount will be given to
session.                                                              any participant that mutually registers for Camp Spark My Room.

                                                                      DAY      DATE            TIME		             FEE
Future Scientists                                                     M-F      8/3 - 8/7       9 am – Noon        $175
GRADES K - 2                                                          				                                      Plus $20 Material Fee
Where children question, challenge and examine their world            LOCATION: SCC Arts & Crafts Room
with excitement and hands-on activities! Each class, students         REGISTRATION: Deadline to register is 7/27
experiment, analyze, predict and make a project emphasizing           LIMIT: Minimum 6 / Maximum 30
the topic. Taught by FUTURE SCIENTISTS trained and certified

Class Topics Session 4:
(1) Surface Tension & Bubbling Bubbles
(2) Static Electricity & Energy and Motion
(3) Creative Chemistry
(4) Touchy Touch and Super Smell

Class Topics Session 5:
(1) Creative Color
(2) Floating and Sinking
(3) Magical Magnets
(4) Marvelous Muscles
SESSION DAY DATE                  TIME
4            Mon      2/24 - 3/16 3:30 - 4:15pm
                                                                      Camp Spark My Room
                                                                      HGTV Quality Bedroom Crafts
5            Mon      4/20 - 5/11 3:30 - 4:15pm
                                                                      AGES 5 - 13
FEE: $53 per child, per session
                                                                      Calling all creative siblings, cousins and best friends. Camp Spark
LOCATION: SCC Meeting Room
                                                                      My Room gives you a chance to PERSONALIZE IT, EMBELLISH IT,
REGISTRATION: Now until one week prior to the start of the
                                                                      & MAKE IT YOUR OWN. Keepsake craft for your bedroom on
                                                                      an HGTV level. Our week includes a variety of crafts & projects.
LIMIT: Minimum 5 / Maximum 12
                                                                      Instructed by: Ms. Nisha, Learn, Love & Grow Studio.

                                                                      A $25 dollar discount will be given to any participant that mutually
                                                                      registers for Camp Lunch Club.

                                                                      DAY      DATE            TIME		                FEE
                                                                      M – F 8/3 – 8/7          1 – 3:00 pm           $175
                                                                      				                                         Plus $20 Material Fee
                                                                      LOCATION: SCC Meeting Room
                                                                      REGISTRATION: Deadline is 7/27
                                                                      LIMIT: Minimum 6 / Maximum 30


Beginning Taekwondo                                                    Beginner Foil Fencing
AGES 4 - 16                                                            BOYS AND GIRLS 8 AND UP
This program is designed to introduce children to the sport of         En-Garde…Come and join Tom Nagy, the Head Coach of the
Taekwondo. Taekwondo is defensive martial arts from Korea that         ON TARGET Fencing Team, in learning the fundamentals and
focuses on discipline, concentration, respect, balance and coordina-   techniques of Foil Fencing. Students will learn the proper aspects
tion. Students should expect to have fun while learning basic kick-    of stretching, footwork, lunges, attack, strategy, tactics, bouting
ing and punching techniques, as well as beginning self-defense. This   and parry-riposte. Foil fencing has a positive effect and improves
session will run for 6 weeks with students attending 2 beginner        eye-to hand coordination, agility, dexterity and stamina. Education,
classes of their choice per week. All classes will be held at World    safety and fun are key elements of the class. Coach Nagy provides
Champion Taekwondo Solon School. Instructor Grand Master Ki            all necessary equipment.
Moon Kwon, World Champion and U.S. National Team Coach.                DAY DATE                      TIME                  FEE
SESSION			                              FEE                            Wed 4/15 - 5/20               6:00 - 7:30 pm        $65
Winter Session 2: 2/17 – 3/28            $99                           LOCATION: Solon Community Center
Summer Session 1: 6/8 – 7/18             $99                           REGISTRATION: Now through 4/8
Summer Session 2: 7/20 – 8/29            $99                           LIMIT: Minimum 6 / Maximum 24
*Fee includes 2 times per week + uniform
AGES 4 - 9
M, W, F		           5:00 - 5:45 pm
T, Th		             6:00 - 6:45 pm
Sat		               10:00 - 10:45 am
AGES 10 - 16
T, Th, F		          7:00 - 7:45 pm
Sat		               10:00 - 10:45 am
LOCATION: 31300 Solon Road, Suite 15, Solon, Ohio 44139
REGISTRATION: At the SCC now until one week prior to the
start of the session
*Fee includes free uniform
                                                                       Intermediate Foil Fencing
                                                                       BOYS AND GIRLS 8 AND UP
                                                                       For individuals who have completed the Beginner Foil Fencing
                                                                       Class, the 7th & 8th parries will be added along with lateral and
                                                                       circular parries, offenses and penalties, and referee training. Stu-
                                                                       dents will learn proper stretching, footwork, lunges, attack, strategy,
                                                                       tactics, bouting and parry-riposte. Coach Nagy provides all neces-
                                                                       sary equipment.
                                                                       DAY DATE                      TIME                 FEE
                                                                       Wed 4/15 - 5/20               7:30 - 9:00 pm       $65
                                                                       LOCATION: Solon Community Center
                                                                       REGISTRATION: Now through 4/8
                                                                       LIMIT: Minimum 6 / Maximum 24

                                                                       FITNESS ROOM ORIENTATION CLASSES

                                                                       Fitness Room Orientation Classes
                                                                       Youth Fitness Certification Class: This FREE 90-minute class is
                                                                       designed to teach kids age 11 through 13 to use the fitness room
                                                                       equipment safely and properly. Exercise guidelines appropriate for
                                                                       this age group are also discussed. Certification must be complet-
                                                                       ed prior to using any equipment in the fitness room and must be
                                                                       accompanied by an adult at all times. Certificates are issued upon
                                                                       completion. Please check the Fitness Desk for dates and times.

2020 Youth Baseball / Softball / Soccer Sponsorship Information
The Solon Recreation Department will be taking sponsors for Youth Baseball/Softball. The cost to sponsor a baseball/
softball team is $300.00.Your sponsorship helps defray the costs for the children. With your sponsorship, we ask that
you include the name that you would like to have on the back of your team’s uniform and the logo that you would like
displayed at the Solon Community Park. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions. We greatly appreciate your
support and the tremendous help you have been to our department in developing successful programs for the youth of
Solon. Contact Dylan Fodor for more information. (440.248.5747)

Team Placement: Brothers or              Youth Baseball / Softball
sisters that are in the same division    GRADES K - 9
will be on the same team. Teams will     The Solon Recreation Department will once again be offering baseball and
                                         softball this summer. Practices and games will take place on weeknights and
be formed after the early registration   Saturday mornings/early afternoons. Games begin at the end of May or beginning
date and players may be placed on        of June and run throughout July. If numbers are low, we may collaborate with
waiting lists if teams are full. Teams   neighboring communities. Practices will start at the beginning of May.
will be formed according to schools
and geographic location to the           		               REGISTRATION IS OPEN AS OF JANUARY 2
best ability of the programmers. In
                                         LEAGUE        AGE/GRADE
leagues with evaluations, teams will
                                         T-Ball		      Must turn 5 by 8/31 – Kindergarten (co-ed)
be formed via a player draft by the      K Coach Pitch Kindergarten only – no pre K (co-ed)
league coaches and team placement        Pee Wee       Grade 1 - 2 Boys
requests will not be honored.            Minor		       Grade 3 - 4 Boys
                                         Major		Grade 5 - 6 Boys
                                         Pony		        Grade 7 - 8 Boys - combined league with neighboring communities
                                         Division A    Grade 1 - 3 Girls
                                         Division B    Grade 4 - 6 Girls - combined league with neighboring communities
                                         Division C    Grade 7 - 9 Girls- combined league with neighboring communities

                                         Sign up by evaluation date to be guaranteed a spot in the league
                                         Major		         Saturday, April 4 		       8:30am - 9:45am
                                         Minor		         Saturday, April 4         10:00am - 11:15am
                                         Pony		          Saturday, April 4         11:30am - 1:00pm
                                         Division B      Wednesday, April 8         6:00pm - 7:00pm
                                         Division C      Wednesday, April 8         7:15pm - 8:15pm

                                         FEE: T-ball, K Coach Pitch, Pee Wee, Division A $70 / $60 on or before 3/20
                                         FEE: Minor, Major, Pony, Division B & C: $75 / $65 on or before 3/20

                                             Solon Rec 17 & Under Baseball
                                             The Solon Recreation 17 & Under Baseball (17U) league is for boys in 9th
                                             through 11th grade. These teams will play neighboring communities in the
                                             greater Cleveland area. To be eligible for this program, you must be a fresh-
                                             man, sophomore or junior in high school. Games will begin approximately
                                             June 1st. Sign up early. Spots are limited!

                                             REGISTRATION: Is currently open as of January 2 (or until full)
                                             FEE: $115 / Bonus $105 if on or before March 20


                Solon Spins - Bike Rental Program
                Ride into spring with Solon Spins! Venture back outdoors on our age-friendly borrowable bicycles. Bicycling
                is a great way to exercise, enjoy nature and socialize. Our fleet of bicycles, provided by the Solon Rotary,
                returns to the Community Center on April 15th. Solon Spins allows all residents, regardless of age, ability or
                affordability, the opportunity to ride a bicycle.
                Recognizing that weather can change rapidly in the spring, there will be no charge to borrow during the first
                month. Spin single or with the whole family. By request, a bicycle trailer for youngsters is available. Hours
                for bike rental will be Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., with the last
                rental of the day being at 4 p.m. The fee for bike rental is $2 for up to two hours of riding. Hours for bike
                rental will be adjusted seasonally.

Full Court Press Basketball Skills Camp
Direction Up Basketball Camp                                             Direction Up 5K
Sponsored by Solon Recreation Center                                     Hosted by Dallas Lauderdale III and Direction Up Foundation
DAY        DATE		              TIME		                   FEE              Run, walk, jog or just have fun at the second annual Direction Up
T-F        6/23 - 6/26         9:00 am - 3:00 pm        $175             5K Run and 1 Mile Family Walk! This family-friendly event is
LOCATION: Solon High School 33600 Inwood Drive                           designed to promote health, wellness and fitness, while inspiring
LUNCH PROVIDED                                                           great memories for you and the entire family.
For more information visit DIRECTIONUPBASKETBALLCAMP.                    The course begins and ends at the Solon High School and features
COM or Contact INFO@DIRECTIONUPBASKETBALLCAMP.                           a course highlighting the local Solon community and nature trails.
COM Direction Up will offer each player the opportunity to               All participants, no matter your age or finish time, will receive a
participate in interactive drills and training techniques designed       medal, Direction Up t-shirt, refreshments, and of course, a fun time.
to enhance and develop fundamental defensive and offensive               Strollers and wheelchairs are also welcomed. Sound good? Come
skills. The one week camp is open to youth ages 7-16 and offers          hop on the believe train and come run with us!
a fun, inspirational and instructional environment for athletes to
train, make friends and enhance their talents. It is imperative in       DAY       DATE		            TIME
the summer that young athletes focus on improving on their skills        Sat       6/27		            Race begins at 9:00 am
and/or being introduced to the game of basketball.                       LOCATION: Solon High School 33600 Inwood Dr.
At Direction Up, your child will receive game and life lessons de-       FEES: 5k Run/Walk $25
signed to improve their skills on the court while equipping them                1 Mile Walk $15
to lead a positive and healthy lifestyle off the court. Tools include    Price increase after June 8
discipline, timeliness, perseverance, next play mentality, teamwork,     For more information & to register, visit:
physical fitness and respect.                                  


Spring Soccer                                                            Soccer Foot Skills Clinic
GRADES K - 8                                                             GRADES K - 6
The Solon Recreation Department will once again be offering              Keep up on your soccer skills during the off season with this
outdoor soccer this spring. Practices will take place on weeknights      excellent program. The six week training session will focus on
and Saturday mornings/early afternoons. Games will take place on         developing soccer skills and techniques. All instructions introduced
Saturday mornings/early afternoons and some weeknights if neces-         in a positive environment which will increase each player’s confi-
sary. Games begin in the middle of April and run through the middle      dence. Please bring a ball to the first class. Questions? Call Dennis
of May. If numbers are low, we may collaborate with neighboring          Weyn 440-567-9893.
communities. Practices will begin at the end of March.                   DAY         DATE              TIME 			                     FEE
                                                                         Mon         3/30 - 5/11       4:00 - 5:00 pm		             $109
REGISTRATION: Currently open as of January 2                             NO CLASS 4/13
FEE: Division K, Division 1B, Division 1G & Division 2B - $65 /          LOCATION: SCC
Bonus $55 on or before 3/2
FEE: Division 2G & Division III - $70 / Bonus $60 on or before 3/2

LEAGUE		           AGE/GRADE
Division K         Kindergarten Coed – Must turn 5 by August 31
Division 1B        Grade 1 - 2 Boys                                          “Tiny Tot” Tennis
Division 1G        Grade 1 - 2 Girls*                                        AGES 4 AND 5
Division 2B        Grade 3 - 5 Boys		                                        Tennis is for everyone! This class is designed for 4 - 5
Division 2G        Grade 3 - 5 Girls*                                        year olds. We will work on basic skills and we’ll have a lot
 Division 3C       Grade 6 - 8 Coed*                                         of fun learning the game! Instructor will be Dan Caplin.
* combined league with neighboring communities                               DAY       DATE            		                TIME
		                                                                           Mon       6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13 6:00 - 7:00 pm
EVALUATIONS Sign up by evaluation date to be guaranteed a                    Thurs 6/11,6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16 6:00 - 7:00 pm
spot in the league                                                           FEE: $55 per session
Division 2B        Saturday, March 7 9:00 am - 10:00 am                      LOCATION: SCP Tennis Courts
Division 2G        Saturday, March 7 10:15 am - 11:15 am
Division 3C        Saturday, March 7 11:30 am - 12:30 pm                     Little Racquets Tennis Program
                                                                             AGES 3 - 5 & 6 - 8
                                                                             This nationally-renowned program teaches children in a
                                                                             FUN and safe environment. Students are engaged in stim-
                                                                             ulating, playful activities that enhance their physical and
                                                                             emotional abilities. Little Racquets teaches basic warm-
                                                                             up, motor and racquet skills by engaging kids in stimu-
                                                                             lating “drills and games” including: Imaginative obstacle
                                                                             courses, stationary cone forehand/backhand exercises,
                                                                             “High five” volleys, “Short court” rallies, Relay races and
                                                                             much more…
                                                                             DAY        DATES		                      TIME
                                                                             AGES 3 - 5
Pee Wee Soccer
                                                                             Sat        4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 10 - 10:30 am
AGES 3 - 5
                                                                             AGES 6 - 8
Want to teach your kids the basics of soccer? Now is your chance.
                                                                             Sat        4/18, 4/25, 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 10:30 - 11:30 am
The Solon Recreation Department will be offering a Pee Wee
                                                                             LOCATION: SCC Gym NO CLASS: 4/20
Soccer Clinic. The program will introduce basic soccer skills in a
                                                                             FEE: $72 AGES 3 - 5
fun-filled environment. Instructors will focus on footwork, dribbling,
                                                                                   $90 AGES 6 - 8
passing and teamwork. Questions? Call Dennis Weyn 440-567-9893.
                                                                             REGISTRATION: Online!
Classes held at the SCC.
                                                                             Go to and click on the REGISTER
DAY          DATE       TIME
                                                                             NOW button by 4/11. Please contact Rona Brody, Little
Mon         3/30 - 5/11 1:00 - 2:00 pm
                                                                             Racquets Director at with
                                                                             further questions.
FEE: $109 per session

SCC Water Exercise Classes               ADULTS 18 AND OVER

                                                                            Spring Schedule
                                                                            OPEN SWIM
                                                                            Monday - Thursday         3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
                                                                                                       6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
                                                                            Friday                     3:30 pm - 8:00 pm
                                                                            Saturday & Sunday        12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
                                                                            The pool will be open for Open Swim from
                                                                            3:30pm - 8:00pm on days that Learn to Swim
                                                                            is not scheduled unless noted.

                                                                            ADULT LAP SWIM
                                                                            Monday - Friday   5:30 am - 9:00 pm
                                                                            Saturday & Sunday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

                                                                            ADULT & TODDLER
                                                                            Mon, Wed, & Fri          10:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                                                            Tues & Thurs              11:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                                                            *Toddler Swim will be cancelled on days that
                                                                            Solon Schools are scheduled to be closed.We
                                                                            will hold on snow days. Child must be
                                                                            accompanied in the water by an adult. The
                                                                            play feature will be turned on during the last
                                                                            ½ hour.

                          Lifeguards Wanted:
                          The Solon Recreation Department is cur-
                          rently hiring Lifeguards to work at the Solon
                          Community Center and Solon Municipal
                          Pools. Applicants must be at least 15 years of
                          age. If interested apply online at
                 Training if needed is
                          available for those that are interviewed and
                          hired. Must be able to obtain the certification
                          to lifeguard. If you have questions call Jim
                          Sordi at 440-337-1437.

Summer Aquatic Information                                           Adult Lap Swim (Indoor Pool)
The Solon Community Center “Summer Season” is May                    Monday - Friday    5:30 am - 8:45 pm
23 – September 7. During the summer season our members               Saturday & Sunday  8:00 am - 8:45 pm
and guests are able to enjoy use of the Community Center
Pools and the Municipal Pool during Open Swim hours. It also         Municipal Pool Information
allows the member full access Community Center privileges.           The Solon Municipal Pool will open for Open Swim on Friday, June 5. Regular
                                                                     Open Swim Times and programs are scheduled daily. *PLEASE NOTE:The
Specific Aquatic Area Access Rules for Members and Guests            Pool hours will change at the end of the season when school resumes.The
• Children 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult              end of the season hours will be posted at the outdoor pools.
    18 or older to enter the Community Center Facilities or
    Municipal Pool.                                                  Municipal Pool Open Swim Hours
• Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult               Monday 		                   1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
    18 or older in the pool area.                                    Tuesday - Sunday		          1:30 pm - 7:00 pm
• Children 6 and under do not need a pass but need to be             The Municipal Pool will close at 5:30 pm on 6/16, 6/23 and 7/7 for
    accompanied by an adult 18 or older to enter the facilty.        home rec swim meets. All regularly scheduled programs and open
• Children 5 and under must be accompanied in the water              swims are cancelled that weekend.
    by an adult 18 or older wearing a bathing suit.
• ALL Community Center Members may enter the aquatic
    area or Solon Municipal Pool using their Center Mem-
                                                                     Summer Swim Team
Guests must be a Solon resident or accompanied by a Solon      Participants must be under 19 years of age and be able to swim the
Community Center Member. Resident Non - Members may            length of the pool (25 yards) in at least one of the competitive strokes.
not bring in guests. Members under the age of 18 may only      The team practices at the Solon High School Pool. They compete
bring in one guest. All non- member Solon resident guests      against other local community teams. Home meets will be held Tues-
must show proof of residency. Residents without proof of       day evenings at the SHS pool. Parents will be needed to help run the
residency will be denied access. Glenwillow residents pay the  home meets. All participants receive a T – shirt and will be invited to
non-resident daily fee.                                        an “end of the season” party.
Solon Community Center                Municipal Pool           Dates: June 8 – July 18
Pool Information		                    Information              Days:     Monday – Friday (younger groups do not practice every day)
35000 Portz Parkway, Solon		          33655 Arthur Road, Solon Time: 7:30 am
Community Center (440) 248-5747 Pool Phone (440) 248-0650 Location: Solon Municipal Pool *SHS pool will be closed all summer
Outdoor Pool (440) 337-1438                                    Fees:     $45 Solon Resident
                                                                         $55 Glenwillow Resident
The Solon Community Center Outdoor Pool opens Memorial
Day Weekend. Pre-season hours will be held on weekends until
the Solon Schools last day of school.

Saturday, May 23    12:00 pm - 5:30 pm                               Learn to Swim
Sunday, May 24      12:00 pm - 5:30 pm                               SWIM LESSONS ARE ONLY OPEN TO SOLON/GLENWILLOW
Monday, May 25      12:00 pm - 5:30 pm                               RESIDENTS
Saturday, May 30    12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Sunday, May 31     12:00 pm - 5:30 pm                                Solon Recreation Summer Learn to Swim Registration Begins
Friday, June 5   Regular Summer Hours                                Saturday, May 16 at 9:00 am
                                                                     You may register on-line or at the Solon Community Center
REGULAR SEASON COMMUNITY CENTER OPEN SWIM                            Customer Service Desk.You must have an account set-up on MAX-
(Both Pools)                                                         GALAXY to register. If you have not set-up an account go to
Friday - Monday    11:00 am - 8:45 pm                       Be sure to list your children you will be
Tuesday - Thursday 1:00 pm - 8:45 pm                                 registering for swim lessons.
The outdoor pool may close at 7:00 pm starting August 14.
                                                                     FEES:    SOLON RESIDENT      8 Lessons $40 / 7 Lessons $35
*PLEASE NOTE:The Community Center Outdoor Pool hours will                     GLENWILLOW RESIDENT 8 Lessons $45 / 7 Lessons $40
change at the end of the season when school resumes.The end of the
season hours will be posted at the outdoor pool.

                                               * Must be a resident for all Wellness Services
Ask the Trainer: Have a question about your fitness or nutrition          WELLNESS SERVICES PRICE LIST
goals? Ask your friendly Wellness Services Staff! Free assessments        Personal Training Individual         Couple(2)
for blood pressure, body composition, and flexibility are also offered.
                                                                          Single Session    $45		              $35 ea.
Stop by the Fitness desk for available times.
                                                                          5 Session Pkg.    $210		             $160 ea.
                                                                          10 Session Pkg. $390		               $290 ea.
Personal Training:
                                                                          20 Session Pkg. $680		               $480 ea.
Certified trainers will design a fitness program specific to your
goals and needs. Whether just starting out or ready to take your          *Packages include a FREE Fitness Assessment
program to a higher level, personal training will help you achieve        Fitness Assessment $45
optimal health and performance.                                            * Free with the purchase of any Personal Training Package
                                                                          (not included in the price of a single session)
Fitness Assessment:
This comprehensive assessment will evaluate cardiovascular endur-         Body Composition Assessment           $20
ance, blood pressure, body composition and posture. Your fitness
report will determine your baseline fitness and health status.            Nutrition Consultation
                                                                          Single Session     $45
Body Composition:                                                         3 Session Package $130
Assessments for weight, height, circumference and skinfolds will be       5 Session Package $210
taken to determine your body mass index, waist to hip ratio and           *Packages include a FREE Medgem
body fat percentage. Your report will provide recommendations
                                                                          Metabolic Test
and health risk appraisal information.

                                                                          Medgem Metabolic Test		                $45
Nutritional Consultation:
                                                                           * Free with the purchase of any
Our registered dietitian will help you establish healthy eating
patterns, nutritional assessments, calculation of calories,               Nutritional Consultation Package
personalized nutritional plans, portion control, label reading and        (not included in the price of a single
other helpful strategies. Use a session to meet at the grocery store      session)
for hands on guidance of healthy food selections. Nutritional
counseling will give you the tools for a healthier lifestyle.             Combination Packages – Train & Trim
                                                                          Basic Package			                    $255
Metabolic Testing: Have your resting metabolic rate (RMR)                 3 Personal Training Packages
accurately measured using the Medgem indirect calorimeter                 3 Nutritional Consultations
analyzer and learn how to determine your caloric input.                   *Includes FREE Fitness Assessment and Medgem Metabolic Test

                                                                          Ultimate Package		                  $395
TRX TRAINING:                                                             5 Personal Training Sessions
LEVEL: BEGINNER The TRX                                                   5 Nutritional Consultations
system offers suspension full body training to build power,               *Includes FREE Fitness Assessment and Medgem Metabolic Test
strength, flexibility, and balance, all with the use of cutting edge
training tool of suspension straps. Change the way you train and          Ultimate Assessment		                $85
make your body your machine!                                              Fitness Assessment and
                                                                          Medgem Metabolic Test
DAY DATE               TIME                                                 For more information on any of these fitness programs or to
                                                                                  make an appointment, call the Fitness coordinator,
Fri      3/6 - 5/1 11:00 am - Noon
                                                                                             440-248-5747 ext. 2125.
NO CLASS: 3/27, 4/10, 4/17
                                                                             All appointments require a minimum of 24 hour notice for
FEE: $55 per session until 3 days prior to start of class. $65 after
                                                                                           Gift Certificates are available.

                                                  Adult Programs
                                 Adult Open Volleyball
                                 ADULT 18 AND OVER
                                 Adult volleyball will once again be offered throughout the school
                                 year. Join us for a fun filled night of action above the nets at the
                                 Solon Middle School Gym and Orchard Middle School. SCC
      12th annual                members are admitted free with community center pass. Open
Solon Community Indoor           volleyball will not be held when school is closed
                                 DAY         TIME		               			                         FEE
       Triathlon                 Wed         6:30 - 9:00 pm 		                            $3 drop in
         Sunday, April 19        DATE: Throughout the school year
       8:00 am - 12:00 pm
                                 Adult Open Hoops
       SWIM.                     ADULT 18 AND OVER
                                 Adult basketball will again be offered during the school year. This
     SPIN. RUN.                  program is open to all Solon residents, Solon, High School
                                 graduates and players that work in Solon. Organized “pick-up”
       Swim 15 minutes
                                 games will take place at the Orchard Middle School Gym. Open
     Spin Bike 20 minutes        hoops will not be held when school is closed.
        Run 20 minutes           DAY        TIME 					                                     FEE
                                 Sat         10:00 am - 12:00 pm                       $5 drop in
           Ages 8 - 108          DATE: Throughout the school year
 Pre-registration IS REQUIRED!

           Entry Fees:           Adult Evening Tennis
    Individual Resident $20      ADULT 21 AND OVER
      Non-Resident $30           A fun, recreational opportunity to play singles and doubles.
        Team $30 total           Instructors will coordinate play and offer a few instructional tips.
  Non-resident Team $45 total    Tennis balls will be supplied.
                                 DAY DATES            		                  TIME                  FEE
  REGISTRATION DEADLINE          Tues 6/9,6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14     7:30 - 9:00 pm        $55
       Sunday, April 5!          LOCATION: SCP Tennis Courts

                                 Adult Drill Session
                                 ADULT 21 AND OVER
                                 Join us for a fast and exciting drill session! Instructors will run the
                                 drills with a “ball feeding” format.
                                 DAY DATE              		                   TIME                 FEE
                                 Tues 6/9,6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/7, 7/14 6:15 - 7:15 pm             $55
                                 LOCATION: SCP Tennis Courts

                         REGISTRATION IS ON SATURDAY, MAY 2 @ 9AM!
Registration for Solon Rec After-School Program, SCA Arts4Kids, and Kindergarten Club will begin on Saturday, May 2 at 9:00am. Regis-
tration will be available online and you are HIGHLY encouraged by both facilities to take advantage of this service. Staff will be at both the
Community Center and Solon Center for the Arts that morning to take enrollment in person. However, keeping in mind that registration
is first come-first served, registering online may be quicker and will help to ensure that you don’t get blocked out of either program.

Step 1: Create your account on MaxGalaxy. If you haven’t done so yet, please log into (for Recreation and
Solon Center for the Arts). Make sure you put a parent/guardian as the primary account holder and then add all family members at the
bottom. You will need to enter your child’s CURRENT grade. Recreation and SCA share the database, so you only need to create one
account! If you forgot your password, please contact us for help to reset it.

Step 2:You will need to purchase a FREE 2020-2021 After School REC & SCA (membership). This is located under the AF-
TER SCHOOL REC & SCA tab under MEMBERSHIPS. This is solely our way of collecting all of the necessary important information
about each child. Again, this is FREE. Please fill out all the questions in their fullest, especially in regards to medical info, emergency
contacts and authorized pick-ups. (This is not a membership for use of the Community Center.)

Step 3: On May 2 at 9:00am, our system will open in-house and online for registration. You will be able to register for both Rec-
reation and Art Center together for after-school activities. Make sure you sign up for ALL SESSIONS and ALL DAYS that you will
require. Make sure you get all the extras, such as Arts4Kids Extended Care or Kindergarten Club Extended Care.

Step 4: When registering online, you will be given the option to pay in full or use the payment schedule. If you choose the payment
schedule, you will only be charged 10% of your registrations on that day. The balances will be automatically withdrawn from your
credit card on the due dates listed. If you pay in-house, you will also have the option for a payment schedule, but will need to allow
us to store your credit card information for payment usage.

The 10% payment on your registration day is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. If you drop a day/session or
change a day/session, you will lose your 10% deposit.

                                                                                                The Solon Recreation will, once again, be
                                                                                                offering the very popular After-school
                                                                                                Program. At the time of registration, you
                                                                                                will choose which days your child will
                                                                                                attend. Specific days you choose will remain
REC AFTER-SCHOOL		              GRADES 1 - 4                                                    the same for the entire session. The
DAYS:       Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday, Friday                                     children will be transported to the
Session 1: August 17 – October 16 (no 8/17, 8/18, 9/7, 9/28, 10/16)(9-weeks)                    Community Center via Solon School Buses.
Session 2: October 19 – December 18 (no 11/13, 11/25, 11/26, 11/27)(9-wks)                      Upon arrival, a small snack and drink will
Session 3: January 4 – February 19 (no 1/18, 2/15) (7-weeks)                                    be provided, however we suggest packing
Session 4: February 22 – April 16 (no 3/19, 3/22-26, 4/2, 4/5) (8-weeks)                        an additional snack or sending money for
Session 5: April 19 – June 4 (no 5/31, 6/4) (7-weeks)                                           the snack bar if your child tends to need a
                                                                                                larger snack in the afternoons than what is
TIME:      After-school – 6:00 pm                                                               offered. After snack, a variety of activities
LOCATION: SCC Arts & Crafts Room                                                                are offered, such as homework time, crafts,
FEE:      Prices are based on 9-week sessions, but will reflect shorter                         games, gym, rock wall, outside, etc. There is
          sessions and “no school” days when you register. ($15/day)                            a limit of 60 children per session/per day, no
          $135 – 1 day per week                                                                 exceptions will be made. Sessions will fill, so
          $270 – 2 days per week                                                                make sure you register early. This program
          $405 – 3 days per week                                                                is not offered on days with no school or on
          $540 – 4 days per week                                                                days that school is cancelled due to weather.
          $675 – 5 days per week                                                                After-school ends promptly at 6:00pm and
LIMIT:    Maximum of 60 children / day / session                                                late fees will be charged for those
REGISTRATION IS ON SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2020 … see above for information.                           participants picked up after 6:00pm.

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