PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post

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PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
Friday, december 25, 2020                                                               Intelligent . In-depth . Independent                                                    Issue NUMBER 3570 / 4000 RIEL

PM: Don’t steal poor’s cash                                                                                                                                                         Women in
                                                                                                                                                                                    the thick of
Mom Kunthear                               significantly contributes to the
                                           improvement and stabilisation of peo-
                                                                                           He said authorities must be diligent
                                                                                         in their oversight of this programme
                                                                                                                                        Planning ministry spokesman Srey
                                                                                                                                     Da told The Post on December 24 that           mine, UXO
         RIME Minister Hun Sen warns       ple’s lives during this difficult time,       to prevent collusion between those          the ministry had so far found irregu-
         that he will take swift action
         and impose harsh penalties
         on any responsible parties if
                                           which hasn’t even ended yet since
                                           Covid-19 remains an immediate threat.
                                              “It is vital that the poor families for
                                                                                         administering the funds and any
                                                                                         attempts to include their family, rela-
                                                                                         tives, friends or anyone who is not
                                                                                                                                     larities such as families with incomes
                                                                                                                                     too high to qualify for this aid pro-
                                                                                                                                     gramme having obtained benefit cards.
any unexplained financial irregularities   whom this cash is intended are able to        really poor.                                   The ministry had already confis-
are found in any village or commune        receive this allowance because without          In order to further improve the           cated more than 14,400 benefit cards           Khouth Sophak Chakrya
relating to the provision of cash to the   it they face severe hardship.”                efficiency of these Covid-19 relief         that had been issued to people who
poor intended as part of the govern-          The prime minister said the cash           efforts, Hun Sen advised the Ministry       should not have received them.                 IN PAST decades, only men were
ment’s Covid-19 relief efforts.            handout to the poor and vulnerable            of Interior to cooperate with the              “The planning ministry continues to         involved in work to clear mines and
  The warning followed reports that        depends almost entirely on local              Ministry of Planning and other relevant     address any issues that arise in the iden-     unexploded ordnance (UXO). But
more than 14,000 irregular cases had       authorities, especially village chiefs        ministries and institutions at all          tification of poor households. We now          now many women are doing the
been identified by officials, possibly     and commune councils. Therefore,              levels to monitor the implementa-           have a team standing by to investigate         job and even leading such teams.
indicating the presence of wide-           all relevant authorities and responsi-        tion of these programmes and make           any further reports of irregularities in the     As of November 30 this year,
spread corruption and routine mis-         ble citizens must strive to do this           sure they are operating as intended.        media or social media posts,” he said.         there were 2,309 demining person-
use of these funds.                        work accurately, clearly, transpar-           He also gave orders to the effect that         At the same time, he said the ministry      nel, of whom 647 are women. So
  In his Facebook post late on Decem-      ently and accountably, and adhere to          if any abnormalities occur again                                                           what inspired them to take on
ber 23, Hun Sen said: “This programme      the highest standards of justice.             they are to notify him immediately.         Continued – page 2                             such dangerous jobs and work
                                                                                                                                                                                    alongside the men?
                                                                                                                                                                                      Cambodia Self Help Demining

Masks block
                                                                                                                                                                                    (CSHD) executive director Sophin
                                                                                                                                                                                    Sophary and women officials of Halo
                                                                                                                                                                                    Trust Cambodia (HTC) told The Post

99.9% of large                                                                                                                                                                      that both sexes were equal in social
                                                                                                                                                                                    work despite the dangers. Consider-
                                                                                                                                                                                    ing women to be weak and unable
Covid-linked                                                                                                                                                                        to handle mine clearance smacks of
                                                                                                                                                                                    discrimination, they said.

droplets: study                                                                                                                                                                       Born into a poor farming family
                                                                                                                                                                                    in Kok Thloak Krom commune’s
                                                                                                                                                                                    Korkoh village in Siem Reap prov-
FACE masks reduce the risk of                                                                                                                                                       ince’s Chi Kraeng district, Sophary
spreading large Covid-linked drop-                                                                                                                                                  said she volunteered to serve the
lets when speaking or coughing by                                                                                                                                                   CSHD in 2009 after graduating
up to 99.9 per cent, according to a                                                                                                                                                 with a Bachelor’s degree in
lab experiment with mechanical                                                                                                                                                      Accounting despite her parents’
mannequins and human subjects,                                                                                                                                                      and siblings’ objections.
researchers said on December 23.                                                                                                                                                      Trained in mine clearance and
  A woman standing 2m from a                                                                                                                                                        UXO techniques for eight years
coughing man without a mask will                                                                                                                                                    and having carried out fieldwork,
be exposed to 10,000 times more                                                                                                                                                     she was later appointed an execu-
such droplets than if he were wear-                                                                                                                                                 tive director of the organisation.
ing one, even if he is only 50cm                                                                                                                                                      “My childhood dream was to see
away, they reported in the journal                                                                                                                                                  Cambodians, especially children
Royal Society Open Science.                                                                                                                                                         kept safe. They should be able to
  “There is no more doubt whatso-                                                                                                                                                   run and play, free of the dangers of
ever that face masks can dramati-                                                                                                                                                   mines and UXOs,” she said.
cally reduce the dispersion of                                                                                                                                                        On what inspired her to work in
potentially virus-laden droplets,”                                                                                                                                                  the sector, Sophary said in 1992,
said senior author Ignazio Maria                                                                                                                                                    she and her friends spotted a part-
Viola, an expert in applied fluid                                                                                                                                                   ly buried mine on a sidewalk at the
dynamics at the University of Edin-                                                                                                                                                 Krabei Riel Primary School in her
burgh’s School of Engineering.                                                                                                                                                      home village.
  Large respiratory droplets –                                                                                                                                                        She was eight years old then and
which act like projectiles before                                                                                                                                                   unaware of the dangers that mines
being pulled toward the ground by                                                                                                                                                   posed. As she and a few friends
gravity – are thought to be the                                                                                                                                                     prepared to dig the mine out to
main driver of SARS-CoV-2 trans-                                                                                                                                                    play with it, a military officer
mission, he noted.                                                                                                                                                                  arrived at the scene and warned
  Smaller ones, sometimes called
                                           Yuletide cheer                                                                                                                           them not to touch it.

Continued – page 10                        Christian devotees dressed as Santa Claus take part in a special service ahead of Christmas in Lahore, Pakistan. AFP                     Continued – page 4
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
2                                                                                                                                        THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020

Oz to assist with vaccine purchase                                                                                                                  Sar Kheng urged to look
                                                                                                                                                    into NSSF graft claims
Niem Chheng
                                                                                                                                                    Long Kimmarita                          Ty Haratheay, a medical staff-

           HE Australian government has                                                                                                                                                   er who also thumbprinted the
           pledged to assist Cambodia                                                                                                               AROUND 200 people, includ-            petition, alleged that Sy Le and
           with the speedy acquisition and                                                                                                          ing medical staff, officials and      his partisans conspired to take
           equitable distribution of Covid-                                                                                                         locals from Prey Veng prov-           the NSSF fund as their own.
19 vaccines once they have been certi-                                                                                                              ince’s Preah Sdech district,            The money is allocated for
fied by the COVAX Facility.                                                                                                                         have submitted their petition         paying the medical treatment
   In a statement to The Post on December                                                                                                           to Minister of Interior Sar           of civil servants, workers, and
24, the Australian embassy said: “Austra-                                                                                                           Kheng requesting legal action         members of the Armed Forces
lia welcomes Cambodia’s commitment                                                                                                                  against Operational Health            who are NSSF members.
to only procuring vaccines that are pre-                                                                                                            District of Preah Sdach director        “For instance, midwives
qualified by the World Health Organisa-                                                                                                             You Sy Le for allegedly embez-        would receive only 16,000 of
tion [WHO], a position Australia strongly                                                                                                           zling National Social Security        the 40,000 riel that Samdech
supports, as it is important for ensuring                                                                                                           Fund (NSSF) and grabbing state        Kittipritbandit Bun Rany Hun
vaccine safety and efficacy.”                                                                                                                       land for private ownership.           Sen donated for a delivery,” he
   Australian ambassador Pablo Kang met                                                                                                                The petition dated Decem-          said, referring to Prime Minis-
with Minister of Economy and Finance Aun                                                                                                            ber 15 alleged that Sy Le had         ter Hun Sen’s wife.
Pornmoniroth on December 23 to discuss                                                                                                              conspired with his partisans to         “[From] the revenue gained
Australia’s development cooperation with                                                                                                            encroach on the land and canal        through inpatient consulta-
Cambodia, including plans and procedures                                                                                                            of the Angkor Reach Health            tion [financing], one per cent
                                                Australian ambassador Pablo Kang (left) and finance minister Aun Pornmoniroth. AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY
for safe access to Covid-19 vaccines.                                                                                                               Centre for private ownership.         [of it] is paid to the govern-
   Kang said the Australian government          partners, multilaterally and bilaterally,         tions Institute, took issue with some                The area, measuring 31m by         ment, 39 per cent used for pur-
was already in discussions with the             and especially with the WHO, to formu-            media outlets that linked Prime Minister          93m, is located in Krasaing Torng     chasing hospital supplies and
Cambodian Ministry of Health and key            late plans for purchasing Covid-19 vac-           Hun Sen’s commitment to purchase only             village in Preah Sdach district’s     60 per cent is to be distributed
development partners to determine how           cines following confirmation of their ef-         COVAX-approved vaccines to China.                 Angkor Reach commune.                 among hospital workers. But
to proceed with vaccine purchases.              ficacy and implementing vaccinations.                Malaysia’s New Straits Times newspa-              Sy Le allegedly built a house      Sy Le and his partisans did not
   He noted Australia’s long-standing sup-        “This is to ensure control of the safety,       per on December 17published an article            of seven rooms on the health          [channel the full] 60 per cent
port for Cambodia’s health sector through       quality and efficiency of the use of Covid-       titled “Cambodia refuses to be ‘guinea            centre land for leasing and also      to health workers,” he said.
funding of the Health Equity and Qual-          19 vaccines and to ensure that they will          pig’ for China’s Covid vaccine”. Likewise,        built a fence surrounding it.           When contacted, provincial
ity Improvement Project as well as a new        be delivered to Cambodians in the timely          the South China Morning Post on De-                  “Please help resolve [the issue]   health department director
A$500 million (US$380 million) grant for        manner. HE Aun Pornmonirath stressed              cember 20 ran the headline “Cambodia’s            and take legal action against         Seng Panharith said he could
vaccine financing for Southeast Asia and        that the Cambodian government will                caution over China’s Covid-19 vaccine a           You Sy Le and reclaim the land        not hear well through the phone
the Pacific announced in October.               buy WHO-approved vaccines only,” the              signal to US: analysts”.                          and canal as state property. We       and did not answer further.
   “Our planned support for Covid-19 vaccines   press statement said.                                Phea said: “Some foreign and local me-         would like to request interior          Interior ministry spokesman
in Cambodia will include procurement, de-         Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Decem-           dia seem to confine themselves within             minister Samdech Krala Hom            Khieu Sopheak confirmed to
livery and health advice,” Kang said.           ber 15 that the Kingdom had prepared              the scope of Cambodia-China relations.            Sar Kheng to help inspect this        The Post on December 23 that
   Domestically, the Australian govern-         around $200 million to purchase Covid-            If Prime Minster Hun Sen said Cambodia            official,” the petition said.         Sar Kheng had received the
ment has entered into multiple advance          19 vaccines certified under the COVAX             would buy China’s vaccine, they would                The letter also claimed Sy Le      complaint and assigned provin-
purchase agreements. Rollout of a vac-          initiative for up to 13 million citizens. In      say that Cambodia is influenced by Chi-           and his accomplices system-           cial authorities to investigate.
cination in Australia is subject to the         response, people from across the country          na. And when he did not even say a word           atically formed partisans in            “Samdech Krala Hom [Sar
outcomes of clinical trials and approval        have expressed their support by donating          about China regarding the vaccine, they           the Preah Sdach District Refer-       Kheng] has assigned the pro-
by Australia’s pharmaceuticals regulator,       money for the vaccine purchase.                   interpreted it to mean another thing.             ral Hospital and conspired to         vincial governor to investigate
the Therapeutic Goods Administration.             Neither health ministry spokeswoman                “The prime minister made it clear that         commit corruption.                    and report the results to him.
   In a press statement on December             Or Vandine nor secretary of state York            Cambodia did not reject China’s or any               However, in a letter dated           Provincial coordinator for
24, the Cambodian finance ministry              Sambath could be reached for comment              country’s vaccine. Rather, we will purchase       November 26, Sy Le rebutted the       right group Adhoc Eang Kimly
thanked the Australian government for           as to how much the public have contrib-           a vaccine that is approved by the WHO be-         petitioners’ claims of state land     told The Post on December 23
its development assistance and reiterat-        uted so far. But local media outlet Fresh         cause that will ensure the safety of Cam-         grabbing. He said he had been         that his organisation will con-
ing the government’s position with re-          News reported that as of December 23              bodians. Prime Minister Hun Sen’s posi-           living on the land for 13 years,      tinue to monitor this case. He
spect to acquiring vaccines.                    more than $54 million had been donated.           tion has not changed with regard to any           explaining that the authority had     called on the authorities to con-
   “The Royal Government of Cambodia              Kin Phea, director of the Royal Acad-           particular country, his priority remains          given him the land because he         duct a thorough investigation.
has been working with development               emy of Cambodia’s International Rela-             ensuring the safety of the public.”               did not have a place to stay.           “If the people are not happy
                                                                                                                                                       “All this is not true, because     about this and [further] actions
                                                                                                                                                    the land is [under] my owner-         are not taken, it will make

Eight held for ‘violence’ in oknha land row
                                                                                                                                                    ship. It is neither state land nor    them lose confidence in the
                                                                                                                                                    has [any] relation to Prey Veng       government. I also hope that
                                                                                                                                                    provincial health department,”        this action is fair and justice
                                                                                                                                                    he said.                              for all people,” she said.
Khouth Sophak Chakrya              of “intentional violence” in            The land dispute involving         district police said the vio-
                                   relation to a land dispute with       oknha Phalla and 500 families        lence between the villagers
THE Preah Sihanouk Provincial
Court has placed eight men in
                                   tycoon Pheun Phalla, who
                                   holds the honorific “oknha”
                                                                         living O’Oknha Heng com-
                                                                         mune’s O’Oknha Heng and
                                                                                                              and a group of men allegedly
                                                                                                              sent by oknha Phalla is relat-        Over 700,000 households
                                                                                                                                                    benefit from programme
pre-trial detention on charges     title, in Prey Nop district.          O’Ta Sek villages erupted into       ed to a dispute over the land
                                                                         violence on December 20.             that the villagers had lived on
                                                                           Provincial deputy police           for many years.
                                                                         chief Kol Phally told The Post         Villagers said oknha Phalla         Continued from page 1                 try have received a cash handout
                                                                         on December 24 that the sus-         had been sending his men to                                                 from this programme, an impres-
                                                                         pects had been identified as         the area to prevent them from         continues to search for families      sive result given that few of the
                                                                         Saing Kou, 19; Sok Phearum,          building houses on the land           that had fallen into poverty during   recipients have ever even owned
                                                                         31; Sie Rotha,36 ; Lao Teukyou,      which he claimed he owns              the Covid-19 pandemic, pledging       a bank account previously.
                                                                         57; Chak Sokun, 56; Song             despite the villagers having          that he will not allow those fam-       The number of households
                                                                         Chen, 30; Phan Sapich, 37; and       occupied it without challenge         ilies to be left alone to starve.     increased from 526,686 in June
                                                                         Kong Reaksa, 36.                     from other parties since                 The ministry will help them        to 704,135 in November, cost-
                                                                           Prey Nop district police           1993.                                 immediately following an              ing the government around
                                                                         arrested the eight, who alleg-         The report said the tycoon’s        interview to determine their          $175 million.
                                                                         edly worked for oknha Phalla,        workers used sticks, slingshots       poverty level and they will             On December 24, the gov-
                                                                         two hours after the violent          and even fired a gun several          then be qualified to receive          ernment also issued a press
                                                                         incident between them and a          times at the villagers in an          government support.                   release offering guidance on
                                                                         group of O’Oknha Heng vil-           attempt to stop them from                According to the Ministry of       additional measures to man-
                                                                         lagers.                              building houses. The villagers        Economy and Finance, survey           age the impact of the Covid-19
                                                                           Phally said police completed       then tried to use stones and          results regarding the implemen-       crisis on key sectors of the
                                                                         their investigation on Decem-        sticks in self-defence.               tation of the cash handout pro-       economy in order to get
                                                                         ber 23 and determined that             District police chief Huor          gramme for poor and vulnerable        through the crisis and then the
                                                                         there was sufficient evidence        Yai said on December 24 that          families during the fight against     rehabilitation period after-
                                                                         to send their cases to court for     at least five people – including      Covid-19 showed that 99.1 per         wards in order to finally return
                                                                         further legal proceedings.           two of the tycoon’s men and           cent of respondents had               to full economic growth.
                                                                           He said the provincial court       three of the villagers – had          expressed their satisfaction after      The government has decided
                                                                         charged the eight men with           been injured in the violence.         receiving government subsidies.       to continue to provide a stipend
                                                                         “intentional violence” on the        A pick-up truck belonging to             Many said this cash handout        of $40 per month to each worker
                                                                         evening of December 24.              the tycoon’s company was              programme was implemented             from the garment, textile, footwear,
                                                                           Provincial court spokesman         also destroyed.                       right when they were facing           travelling products and bags
                                                                         Lim Bun Heng said the eight            “The violence was instigated        their most dire financial diffi-      industries who has been sus-
                                                                         had in fact been charged with        by Pheun Phalla’s group so            culties. They also expressed          pended for an additional three
                                                                         the more serious crime of            they were the people who our          broad satisfaction with the           months, starting from January to
                                                                         “intentional violence with           police decided to arrest and          procedures for verification           March 2021. Factory and enter-
                                                                         aggravating circumstances”           bring to justice,” he said.           and cash withdrawal.                  prise owners in this sector have
                                                                         under articles 218 and 411 of          Oknha Pheun Phalla could               From its launch in June until      to pay an additional $30 for each
                                                                         the Criminal Code.                   not be reached for comment            the end of November, a total of       worker – a total of $70 in aid per
                                                                           A report from the Prey Nop         on December 24.                       704,135 families across the coun-     month to each worker.
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020                                                                                                                                                  3
Quarantine controls tightened                                                                                                                  Guard-shooting suspect
                                                                                                                                               apprehended in Kampot
Mom Kunthear                                                                                              antine procedures, so local
                                                                                                          authorities must diligently          Khouth Sophak Chakrya              according to Pursat provin-

              AM Bun Heng,                                                                                monitor and strictly control                                            cial police chief Sar Theng.
              minister of health                                                                          their movements as well as           KAMPOT and Pursat pro-               Theng said that on the night
              and chairman of                                                                             administer health exams and          vincial police have cooper-        of December 22, after receiv-
              the Inter-Minis-                                                                            follow-up checks, he said.           ated to apprehend a fugitive       ing news that the suspect was
terial Committee to Combat                                                                                  Covid-19 test samples for all      wanted in connection with          hiding in Pursat, police began
Covid-19, requested all mu-                                                                               returning individuals must be        the November 18 shooting           a search operation to locate
nicipal and provincial gover-                                                                             taken for testing at the Insti-      of two security guards work-       him. On the next morning at
nors across the country to fo-                                                                            tut Pasteur du Cambodge, the         ing for the So Nguon Group,        8:30am, officers arrested the
cus efforts to improve control                                                                            National Institute of Public         one of whom died from the          suspect in Samrong com-
measures at quarantine facili-                                                                            Health or the Siem Reap pro-         injuries.                          mune’s Veal village of Phnom
ties after a returning migrant                                                                            vincial hospital.                      Kampot provincial police         Kravanh district.
worker fled from custody.                                                                                   Bun Heng warned that indi-         chief Mao Chanmathurith              Following the arrest, the
  Health ministry spokeswom-                                                                              viduals who violate quarantine       told The Post that a man           suspect was handed over to
an Or Vandine explained that                                                                              measures will be subjected to        identified as Heng Yong, a 57-     the crime bureau of the Kam-
on December 24, a Cambodian                                                                               penalties in accordance with         year-old resident of Chhouk        pot police for further action.
man returning from Thailand                                                                               the law. Failure to adhere to per-   district’s Boeung Nimol com-         On the morning of Novem-
via the Poipet international                                                                              tinent quarantine rules could        mune, was captured on the          ber 18, two men on duty as
border checkpoint escaped                                                                                 result in imposition of fines of     morning of December 23 by          security guards were gunned
while he was being transported                                                                            200,000 up to one million riel       members of the Pursat pro-         down in Trapaing Phlaing
to a quarantine facility.                                                                                 and criminal prosecution.            vincial police force after he      commune’s Prey Peay village
  “Upon arriving at an en-         Migrant workers at a quarantine centre in Oddar Meanchey province’s                                         had eluded police in Kampot        of Kampot’s Chhouk district.
                                   Samrong town on Monday. Oddar Meanchey Provinical Hall                   On December 24, the minis-
trance gate, he jumped off a                                                                              try reported the recoveries of       for over a month.                  The shooting left one man
truck, and currently police are    19 in Thailand, 1,000 Cam-         checkpoints and corridors           two more Covid-19 patients.            “Currently, the suspect has      dead and another critically
searching for him,” she said.      bodian migrant workers had         along the Cambodia-Thai-              A 30 year-old Cambodian            been brought in from Pursat        injured.
  Banteay Meanchey Provin-         returned through Banteay           land border most seriously.”        woman from Chbar Ampov               to the Kampot police station         Nuon Pheaktra, 27, died at
cial Administration spokes-        Meanchey province from De-           “Individuals must not be al-      district’s Niroth commune            for questioning. The Kampot        the scene from a wound to
man Sek Sokhom told The            cember 20 to 24. They had          lowed to escape quarantine fa-      and a 54-year-old Cambodi-           police will build a case file to   his chest, while 31-year-old
Post on December 24 that the       their health checked and were      cilities. Authorities must assign   an-American man from Daun            be referred to the court for       Phorn Da sustained injuries
provincial authorities had         placed in quarantine.              police to guard them,” he said.     Penh district’s Phsar Thmey          further legal procedures,” he      to his throat and was taken to
photographed and identified          In a press release on Decem-       Bun Heng said that for re-        commune were discharged              said.                              the Preah Ang Duong Hospi-
the migrant worker who had         ber 23, Bun Heng expressed         turning migrants entering           from treatment after testing           Chanmathurith explained          tal in Phnom Penh for treat-
fled the quarantine facility.      concerns about maintaining         the country secretly – with-        negative two times.                  that the suspect is believed       ment. He is now recovering at
  “Our migrant worker is in        control of people placed in        out passing through border            The woman is the wife of an        to have provided an AK-47          home with his family in Pur-
his 20s. His home is in Ban-       quarantine, particularly as the    checkpoints on army trucks          official at the Ministry of Inte-    rifle to Suy Thea, an alleged      sat’s Sampov Meas district.
teay Meanchey province, and        number of people in quaran-        – municipal and provincial          rior and was infected in con-        assailant and ringleader of          Police have so far arrested
he fled the quarantine facility    tine could exceed authorities’     authorities should instruct         nection with the November            the shooting. Thea has gone        three suspects implicated in
in Poipet town. We are search-     capacities to handle them.         district, commune and village       28 community transmission            into hiding.                       the shootings. The first two,
ing for him and will take him        He urged governors to “pay       authorities to prepare them         event while the man had re-            Pursat police acted on an ar-    Nhan Seng, 23, and Sim The,
for quarantine at the Mon-         closer attention to control-       for quarantine in their homes       cently travelled from China.         rest warrant dated November        21, were taken into custody on
gkol Borei Cambodia-Japan          ling people in quarantine          or other local sites.                 Nationwide, only 12 Covid-         23 from Kampot court Inves-        November 22. They are being
Friendship Hospital,” he said.     for 14 days and controlling          In such cases, migrants           19 patients remain hospi-            tigating Judge Kaom Kongkea        held in pre-trial detention in
  Sokhom added that since          inbound passengers to Cam-         would not have undergone            talised with all others having       and have charged the suspect       Kampot prison on charges of
the recent outbreak of Covid-      bodia via all international        standard medical and quar-          recovered.                           with premeditated murder,          premeditated murder.
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
4                                                                                                                                          THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020

WCS’ project
manager Sitha
honoured as
‘Mekong Hero’
Mom Kunthear                           and in assisting the people in
                                       the communities there.

          OM Sitha, the Koh Kong         One campaign in particular
          and Mekong Conserva-         that he takes special pride in
          tion Project manager at      involved the efforts to protect
          Wildlife Conservation        Cantor’s Giant Softshell Turtle, an
Society (WCS Cambodia), has            endangered species inhabiting
been selected as one of the six        the Mekong River and the largest
Mekong Conservation Heroes             freshwater turtle in the world.
for 2020-2021 by the Mekong              He and his team rediscovered
Conservation Heroes programme          the presence of the Cantor’s
(MCH) – a part of the Wonders          Giant Softshell Turtle in the
of the Mekong project funded by        Mekong after a number of years
the US Agency for International        had passed without one being                                            Sitha’s team’s discovery of a living population of Cantor’s turtles has inspired hope. WCS CAMBODIA
Development (USAID).                   spotted in the river, leading
   The MCH was developed to            some to fear that it was extinct.                                       chosen me as an outstanding           these efforts,” he said.               the Wonders of the Mekong
shine a spotlight on outstand-           His team’s discovery of a living                                      person. They see the work that          He said that as a next step he       project are as follows:
ing individuals doing inspiring        population of Cantor’s turtles                                           I strive to carry out and how        would continue the work he               - Buth Chanmeta, Awareness
conservation work in the Low-          inspired hope in other                                                         dedicated I have been to       had underway already, but he           and Outreach Senior Officer at
er Mekong Basin by working to          conservationists and                                                               the conservation of        hopes to get funding from              WWF–Cambodia.
research, protect, or raise pub-       he has worked hard                                                                   fishery resources,       donor partners to widely expand          - Hor Samath, Deputy Chief of
lic awareness about the                on behalf of the                                                                      which is important      the reach of his efforts.              the Sdey Kroam Rohal Suong
Mekong River’s unique ecosys-          turtles ever since                                                                     to me because            In particular, he wants to focus     Community Fishery Committee,
tem, biodiversity, habitats, and       by engaging                                                                             those resources       on strengthening the commu-            Ek Phnom, Battambang province.
cultural heritage.                     with the com-                                                                            also help the        nity’s ability to protect endan-         - Hoy Sreynov, Fisheries
   Sitha (pictured, Supplied) is one   munity who                                                                               community.           gered species by patrolling the        Officer at the Department of
of five outstanding individuals        now help him                                                                                “This recog-      territory around their homes           Aquaculture Development,
nominated for the Mekong River         protect more                                                                              nition of all the   and villages to stop wildlife          and Fisheries Administration
Conservation Award for 2020-21.        than 50 of the                                                                            progress we         trafficking operations or report       of the Ministry of Agriculture
   He told The Post on Decem-          turtle’s nests                                                                            have made           their presence to authorities.         Forestry and Fisheries.
ber 23 that the conservation           each year.                                                                                over the years        “I definitely want to focus on         - Lor Kimsan, Research Project
work and experience he has               “I am happy                                                                              motivates me       community education and                Officer at WWF-Cambodia.
accrued over the past 13 years         that the Won-                                                                              to stay com-       work related to wildlife traf-           - Luy Rasmey, Executive
is what makes him effective in         ders of the                                                                                mitted and         ficking,” he said.                     Director of the Culture and
carrying out conservation              Me k o n g                                                                                 keep moving          The other five chosen as out-        Environment Preservation
work along the Mekong River            project have                                                                              forward with        standing conservationists by           Association.

Women on a mission to rid Cambodia of mines, UXO
Continued from page 1                  and her parents returned to           of the international commu-       working for HTC to provide for        contributing something impor-            The Cambodian Mine Ac-
                                       her home province in Leach            nity. Also, the job pays much     her family since she had little       tant to my countrymen. And each        tion and Victim Assistance
   Sophary said in 1997, a fam-        commune’s Kroch Thma                  better than being a worker        education and had always              time we safely remove a mine or        Authority (CMAA) data shows
ily of seven in her village were       village in Pursat province’s          on cassava and corn planta-       been a poorly paid farm help.         UXO, we are saving lives.              that from 1979 to November
travelling in a home-made              Phnom Kravanh district.               tions,” she said.                   In 2018, national and inter-          “It’s not only the men who           this year, a total of 64,915
truck which ran over an anti-            “My family’s situation at the         HTC’s head of mobile mine       national specialists provided         can do this work but women             Cambodians had died from
tank mine, causing an explo-           time was extremely hard since         research and UXO clearance,       much-needed training, and             too. And that is important to          mines and UXOs. Of the num-
sion which left them with mi-          we had no farmland to grow            Mao Chanthol, 32, has a simi-     she was reassigned to carry           know,” she said.                       ber, 58,669 were men, women
nor and serious injuries.              crops. In 2015, HTC recruited         lar reason as Soktoeur’s.         out research work and de-               Now, with over 10 years of           (6,183) and children (63).
   The same year, a youth              me to work in its mines and             She said several mine explo-    stroy mines in the fields.            experience, Chanthol was                 Coordinated mine and UXO
picked up a UXO from a rice            UXO research division with a          sions in Thma Puok province’s       Today, she is no longer             appointed HTC’s head of mo-            clearance work has begun in
field and started playfully            decent salary and many other          Thma Puok district between        afraid of the work and said           bile mine research and UXO             1992.
pounding on it. As he did so,          benefits.                             1979 and 1997 caused her to       she enjoys detecting and de-          clearance.                               The CMAA has so far complet-
it exploded, instantly killing           “I am very happy to work            panic and consider mine de-       stroying mines and UXOs.                On December 8, she led the           ed clearing mines on 2,102sq
him and two others.                    for HTC as it does humani-            tection and destruction work        “The detection and the de-          working group to destroy two           km. It has destroyed 1,093,651
   “I was very scared at the           tarian work that has gained           as extremely dangerous.           struction of mines and UXOs           Russian M-122mm bombs                  antipersonnel mines, 25,457
time and determined that               the recognition and support             But in 2012, Chanthol began     make me feel as though I am           which were detected in Kok-            anti-tank mines, and 2,875,870
when I grew up, I would con-                                                                                                                         mon commune’s Tamoan                   explosive remnants of war.
tribute to preventing such                                                                                                                           Senchey village in Oddar                 There remains another
cases in my village. This is                                                                                                                         Meanchey province’s Banteay            2,156sq km land with mines
what caused me to go against                                                                                                                         Ampil district.                        and UXOs that have yet to be
my parents and siblings and                                                                                                                            However, Chanthol said wom-          cleared. Of the number, 836sq
do this work,” she said.                                                                                                                             en encountered work challeng-          km     contain mines while
   However, not all Cambo-                                                                                                                           es and problems such as during         742sq km have cluster bombs
dian women who serve in the                                                                                                                          their monthly periods and the          and 578sq km have explosive
sector had Sophary’s child-                                                                                                                          initial stages of pregnancy.           remnants of war.
hood determination.                                                                                                                                    That apart, men and wom-               There are eight mine clear-
   Run Soktoeur, 30, who was                                                                                                                         en face issues when mines              ance units including the
named as an outstanding staff                                                                                                                        are deep in the forest, and            CMAC, the National Centre for
of HTC told The Post that due                                                                                                                        when travelling on bad roads.          Peacekeeping Forces, Mines
to difficulties in her family’s                                                                                                                      In the dry season, the land is         and Explosive Remnants of
finances, she dropped out of                                                                                                                         hard and it becomes difficult          War, The Engineering division
school at Grade 4 to initially                                                                                                                       to clear mines and UXOs. In            of the Ministry of National De-
work at cassava and corn                                                                                                                             rainy seasons, the land is soft        fence, HTC, the Mines Advisory
plantations in Pailin province.                                                                                                                      and poses obstacles to the             Group, CSHD, the Norwegian
   In 2004, a year before work-                                                                                                                      clearance work.                        People’s Aid, and Apopo.
ing in the demining sector,                                                                                                                            In the 1980s and 1990s, a              These organisations are
her friend, Saly, sustained se-                                                                                                                      lot of farmlands were aban-            actively fulfilling their mis-
rious injuries after stepping                                                                                                                        doned due to the abundance             sions to remove the remain-
on a mine while digging for                                                                                                                          of mines and UXOs which                ing mine-contaminated land
bamboo shoots. She died on                                                                                                                           endangered lives and caused            and plantations for the sake
the way to hospital.                                                                                                                                 much suffering to thousands            of people’s wellbeing and de-
   After that incident, Soktoeur       Women and mine detection rats are an indispensable addition to the Kingdom’s demining efforts. CMAC           of Cambodians.                         velopment in Cambodia.
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020                                                                                                                                                       5
HAGL denies R’kiri land clearing PlabSihanouk Hospital
                                       upgraded with
Orm Bunthoeurn                                                                                                 rice and some are also grow-
                                                                                                               ing cashews and cassava.
                                                                                                                                                    modern equipment
         IVE civil society organ-                                                                                He said clearing streams or
         isations urged the gov-                                                                               canals is not a problem in the
         ernment to take action                                                                                dry season but the activity can
         against Hoang Anh Gia                                                                                 flood their field during the rainy   Voun Dara                         der supervision of the pro-
Lai (HAGL), a Vietnamese agri-                                                                                 season, even though HAGL had                                           vincial board of governors,
business firm, for alleged land                                                                                promised to open the waterway        CONSTRUCTION is under-            and is scheduled to be com-
clearing activities on areas al-                                                                               during this period.                  way at the Preah Sihanouk         pleted early next year.
located to indigenous commu-                                                                                     “We don’t want the compa-          Provincial Referral Hospital         Speaking during the inspec-
nities in Ratanakkiri province’s                                                                               ny to clear the land or do any-      on a medical laboratory to        tion, Bun Heng beseeched
Andong Meas district.                                                                                          thing,” he said.                     be equipped with modern           supervisors to ensure that the
   However, provincial author-                                                                                   Provincial        administra-      diagnostic equipment pro-         quality of the construction
ities denied the accusation,                                                                                   tion director and spokesman          vided by the Global Fund          work will meet the precise
saying the local community                                                                                     Moeng Sinath fired back at           and Chinese government.           technical standards required
welcomed the money that had                                                                                    the accusations.                       Provincial Hall spokes-         for the high-tech instruments
poured into the area due to                                                                                      “The canal is just a small         man Kheang Phearum told           to be used there.
the presence of HAGL.                                                                                          stream, not a big waterway that      The Post on December 23              Hospital director Seng Nong
   The Cambodian Indigenous                                                                                    they rely upon as a water catch-     that the government-fund-         told The Post on December 23
Youth Association, Equitable        Vietnamese agribusiness firm Hoang Anh Gia Lai has been implicated in      ment. Some civil society organ-      ed facility is about 70 per       that the new lab, when com-
                                    land clearing activities on areas allocated to indigenous communities in
Cambodia, Highlanders Asso-         Andong Meas district, Ratanakkiri province. SUPPLIED                       isations are causing trouble by      cent complete.                    pleted, will speed up testing
ciation, Inclusive Development                                                                                 inflating the issues,” he said.        “Once the laboratory            for residents as well as tour-
International and Indigenous        Ratanakkiri Provincial Admin-         turn the land they use as worship      According to Sinath, the           building is completed, it will    ists and foreign investors vis-
Rights Action Movement issued       istration, which ordered the re-      [locations]. The local communi-      relevant parties have met to         facilitate the diagnosis of       iting the province.
a joint press release on Decem-     turn of the Patu Mountain area        ties raised this issue because the   discuss the land dispute be-         common diseases, especial-           “Once the laboratory is
ber 23. They asked the govern-      to the Muoy village community.        company has recently dug into        tween HAGL, the indigenous           ly infectious diseases such       operational, travellers from
ment to protect the Muoy vil-          Equitable Cambodia execu-          a mountain and then filled in        community and the provincial         as Covid-19,” he said.            abroad will be able to have
lage and Inn village indigenous     tive director Eang Vuthy said the     a canal that they use as a water     administration.                        On December 19, Minis-          their diagnostic testing
cultures by stopping HAGL           issue between HAGL and the lo-        catchment,” he said.                   “After we [conducted our]          ter of Health Mam Bunheng         conducted on-site here.
from further land clearing.         cal community is not a new con-         According to the joint press       research, we found that there        and provincial governor           This will make it easier,
   The group claimed that HAGL      flict, but now the land clearing      release, the areas concerned         was no one residing in the           Kuoch Chamroeun inspect-          faster and more cost-effec-
is clearing land allocated to the   had spread to additional areas.       are part of the 742.6ha of land,     location [that was part of the       ed progress at the construc-      tive,” he said.
Muoy Village community to fill         The area in question had been      containing 64 separate areas         complaint against HAGL re-           tion site and agreed to ex-          Currently, according to
two nearby watercourses – An-       a part of discussions by a joint      of high cultural importance,         garding land clearing].              pedite its completion.            Nong, Preah Sihanouk pro-
sang Creek and Rok Creek -- in      committee made up of repre-           which had been designated for          HAGL representative in               In a Facebook post, the         vincial health authorities
the Patu Mountain area.             sentatives from the provincial        return to 12 local indigenous        Ratanakkiri province, Thach          ministry said the lab is one of   typically collect 100 to 150
   In a related controversy, the    administration, HAGL and in-          communities, as instructed           Habin, denied that the canal         three medical facility expan-     samples per day from tour-
Inn village community is con-       digenous communities, he said.        by the Ratanakkiri provincial        had been filled.                     sion projects recommended         ists and foreign travellers
cerned about fencing erected           Vuthy added that a consen-         governor Thong Savon.                  “We have not grabbed any           by Prime Minister Hun Sen,        which are then taken to the
by HAGL around wetlands or          sus was reached and forward-            Sev Suen, Kachak indig-            land from the indigenous peo-        along with the Battambang         Institut Pasteur du Cam-
creeks where villagers gather       ed to the Ministry of Agricul-        enous community repre-               ples, but they have actually         and Siem Reap provincial          bodge for testing.
natural wild greens.                ture, Forestry and Fisheries for      sentative from Kak village in        encroached on the company’s          referral hospitals.
   The civil society organisa-      an official decision.                 Andong Meas district’s Talav         land. However, we believe the          The Preah Sihanouk pro- 
tions said that HAGL’s activity        “In this case, the indigenous      commune, said that in this           issue has now been resolved,”        vincial laboratory is being            check the post website
                                                                                                                                                                                           for breaking news
violates an instruction from the    people demanded [HAGL] re-            area some people are growing         he said.                             built on 458sqm of land, un-
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
6                                                                                                                                           THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020

    USD / KHR        USD / CAD        USD / CNY           USD / JPY         USD / MYR         USD / SGD         USD / THB         AUD / USD           EUR / USD        GBP / USD
        4,038           1.2840           6.5289              103.65            4.0620            1.3286            30.03             0.7597             1.2201           1.3591

Things looking up: Gov’t extends G Capital mapping out
                                   plans for Cambodia unit
Covid-19 aid for aviation, tourism                                                                                                                     FRESH from getting approval to
                                                                                                                                                       set up a full-fledged commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                He said the bank’s manage-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ment team also has vast ex-
Thou Vireak                                                                                                                                            bank in Cambodia, Malaysia’s G        perience in the financial ser-
                                                                                                                                                       Capital Bhd is already mapping        vices and banking sector.

          HE government on December                                                                                                                    out plans to carve a significant         Meanwhile, G Capital execu-
          24 announced a seventh round                                                                                                                 presence in the country as it         tive director Dr Ali Hamsa said
          of stimulus measures for the                                                                                                                 moves to list the banking entity      with a minimum 20 per cent
          aviation and tourism sectors                                                                                                                 in the next five years.               stake in Oriental Bank Plc, the
aimed at boosting their business activi-                                                                                                                 Towards this end, the com-          company is looking to unlock
ties and easing their financial burden in                                                                                                              pany would be tapping the             the value of its investment via
the face of severe challenges stemming                                                                                                                 expertise of season banker            the listing of the bank.
from the spread of Covid-19.                                                                                                                           Phan Ying Tong to lay down               Nevertheless, he said G
  The measures will extend the 10 per cent                                                                                                             the groundwork and strate-            Capital shall remain as a sub-
minimum tax exemption for all airlines                                                                                                                 gies to penetrate the Cam-            stantial investor in the bank
registered in Cambodia for a period of three                                                                                                           bodian banking sector. Phan           as it planned to maintain its
months from January to March next year,                                                                                                                would also be in the manage-          presence in the ever-growing
the government said in a press release.                                                                                                                ment team of the new bank.            banking industry there.
  At the same time, the government has                                                                                                                   G Capital would have a                 Commenting on the listing,
extended the payment of civil aviation                                                                                                                 minimum of 20 per cent in             Phan said: “We are eyeing to
fees for three months and allowed the                                                                                                                  the banking venture.                  list on the Cambodia Securi-
airlines to arrange for the payment of                                                                                                                   On December 8, the com-             ties Exchange or any other
debts outstanding in instalments after                                                                                                                 pany entered into a head of           stock exchange.
the extension period.                                                                                                                                  agreement with Phan and ES               “We will look for a perfect
  The government will also extend its                                                                                                                  Packaging Co Ltd (Cambo-              timing to list the entity, af-
$40 payments to suspended employees                                                                                                                    dia) to jointly establish a new       ter taking into consideration
in tourism-related businesses, including          International tourist arrivals to Cambodia dwindled down to 1,267,890 in the first 10 months of      bank named Oriental Bank              various factors including the
                                                  this year. pOST STAFF
hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and trav-                                                                                                             Plc in the Kingdom.                   progress of the business.
el agencies based in Phnom Penh, Kam-             latest round of stimulus measures would             According to data from the Ministry of             When contacted via e-mail,             “For now, our timeline to list is
pot, Preah Sihanouk, Kep and Siem Reap            better serve to alleviate the burden on           Tourism released early this month, in-             Phan told The Star that the           about five years after the com-
provinces or Bavet and Poipet towns.              the public sector and allow businesses            ternational tourist arrivals to Cambodia           bank, which is targeting to           mencement of the business.”
  It called on employers to offer them            to stay afloat during this time.                  dwindled down to 1,267,890 in the first 10         commence operations by                   While not dismissing plans
additional perks on a voluntary basis.              “These measures have trimmed taxes              months of this year, sinking an unprec-            the third quarter of next year,       for expansion into the banking
  The government will also extend its             and lent a helping hand for the private sec-      edented 76.1 per cent from the 5,296,088           would be engaging in a 60:40          sector in the region if opportu-
offer of bearing patent tax and stamp             tor. So far, no companies have gone bank-         recorded in same period last year.                 digital and conventional bank-        nity arises and if there is syner-
duty charges for travel agencies and              rupt,” he claimed. “I understand that if            A total of 734,309 tourists entered the          ing approach respectively.            gy, Ali Hamsa said the move to
tour operators.                                   these measures continue, the private sector       Kingdom through its three international              He said: “This is the strategy to   venture into Cambodia was due
  Pacific Asia Travel Association Cambo-          will be motivated to do their business.”          airports in January-October, taking an             capture the market share of the       to the Kingdom’s fast growing
dia chapter chairman Thourn Sinan said              Hong Vanak, an economic researcher              80.2 per cent year-on-year nosedive, while         tech savvy consumers as well          economy – referred to by some
the government’s renewed tax exemptions           at the Royal Academy of Cambodia’s                533,581 arrived by land or waterways,              as those who prefer the brick-        as the land of opportunity.
for the tourism industry are a small but          Institute of International Relations, ob-         plunging 66.3 per cent year-on-year.               and-mortar banking experi-               He said it has a legal frame-
welcome gesture that will ease some of the        served that the government’s implemen-              Chinese tourists once again topped               ence. Additionally, studies have      work that provides favourable
burden off the operators’ shoulders.              tation of the past six rounds has brought         the list at 314,291 visitors, representing         found that a stronger focus into      provisions for foreign investors
  He said: “The extension of the govern-          significant, targeted and effective ben-          an 84.5 per cent year-on-year dip.                 digital solutions will enhance a      who are seeking investment
ment’s favourable measures for the sec-           efits to the tourism industry.                      Thai, Vietnamese and US tourists                 bank’s profitability, perceived       opportunities in the country.
tor is a welcome breath of fresh air. [But]         He said: “They seem happy and appre-            numbered 194,774; 181,328; and 55,170,             value, convenience, functional           Among those provisions
we’ve yet to witness a positive sign of re-       ciate that the measures have been very            all of which dropped by 41.5, 74.8 and             quality and service quality.          are the fact that there are no
covery for the tourism industry.”                 effective, while the industry hadn’t been         71.6 per cent year-on-year. Tourists from            “Digital banking innovations        restrictions on foreign own-
  Cambodia Chamber of Commerce                    able to run at full capacity during the           the UK, France and Japan all registered            are important in improving            ership in a business, low tax
vice-president Lim Heng noted that this           Covid-19 outbreak.”                               lower figures over last year.                      customer experience, satis-           rates and investment incen-
                                                                                                                                                       faction and loyalty as well as        tives, he said.
                                                                                                                                                       banks’ financial performance.            Meanwhile, G Capital, with
                                                                                                                                                       For banks to remain relevant          its mainstay in renewable

Two firms get priority rights to mines                                                                                                                 in the competition, we need to
                                                                                                                                                       quickly respond and manage
                                                                                                                                                       the ever-changing environ-
                                                                                                                                                       ment, especially with the fast
                                                                                                                                                                                             energy (RE), would continue
                                                                                                                                                                                             to look at new initiatives to
                                                                                                                                                                                             build its RE business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ali Hamsa said both RE and
Hin Pisei                           where their respective conces-            “Four companies were short-       largely weathered the fallout          evolvement of financial tech-         banking business would be the
                                    sions are located.                     listed, but after reviewing the      from Covid-19 and is on track          nology.”                              two-pronged growth engines
THE Ministry of Mines and              Once confirmed by the offic-        procedures, the ministry             to begin extracting gold in the          Phan added that as a newly          for the company going for-
Energy has given the nod to         es, the firms must report to the       decided to select the two firms      first half of next year.               set up bank, he does not have         ward.
two companies to continue           ministry within 15 days. Fail-         as winners, which are allowed           The company is in the proc-         the legacy burden of the old             The company recently an-
their exploration licence           ure to do so will result in relin-     to continue their processes to       ess of developing a gold mine          technology, which is nor-             nounced that its 90 per cent
approval processes for some         quishing the priority rights           obtain exploration licences in       in the Okvau area in Mon-              mally slow and clumsy, but            subsidiary, Gunung Hydro-
207sq km of gold-polymetallic       given by the ministry, accord-         the area,” Mony Rath said.           dulkiri province’s southwest-          instead the bank would have           power Sdn Bhd (GHSB), has
mining areas in Tbong Khmum         ing to the letter.                        But this does not immedi-         ern Keo Seima district.                the advantage of designing its        obtained approval for its re-
and Ratanakkiri provinces.             The ministry denied Xin-            ately authorise the companies           It is also building a gold          business strategy, products           vised feed-in-tariff rate from
   The areas are 107.10sq km in     ruichang Mining Co Ltd’s and           to start mining activities on        processing plant in Okvau,             and services capitalising on          the Sustainable Energy De-
the Memot area in Tbong             Asian Comfort Investment Co            the sites, he said, pointing out     which it expects will be able to       the latest technology such as         velopment Authority (SEDA)
Khmum’s eastern Memot dis-          Ltd’s bids for mining licences         that an environmental impact         extract gold in the first half of      blockchain and fintech.               for a 10MW small hydropower
trict and 100sq km in the Phnom     for the Memot bloc, citing             assessment (EIA) and other           next year. Original Wisdom is            Customers nowadays, he              project in Salu, Sungai Perak.
Pang area in Ratanakkiri’s          “ineligibility for recruitment”.       procedures are required for          a joint venture between Chi-           said, are very knowledgeable             GHSB, which participated
southeastern O’Yadao district.         Yos Mony Rath, director-gen-        the issue of a licence.              nese and Cambodian inves-              and their demands for fi-             in the e-bidding process that
   In a December 21 letter signed   eral of the ministry’s General            He also noted that applica-       tors, according to Mony Rath.          nancial services are also very        was announced by SEDA in
by minister Suy Sem and             Department of Mineral                  tions for mining investment             Last year, Cambodia received        sophisticated and fast chang-         February, received the ap-
addressed to the two firms, the     Resources, told The Post on            licences in Cambodia had not         about $21 million in non-tax           ing. “We believe it is now the        proval to increase tariff rates
ministry said Renaissance Min-      December 24 that the ministry’s        declined despite the outbreak        revenue from the mining sec-           perfect timing of our incor-          to 0.28 ringgit ($0.069) per
erals (Cambodia) Ltd had been       commission officials made              of Covid-19, which will con-         tor, compared to about $20             poration with such a business         kilowatt-hour from the 0.25
selected for the bloc in Memot,     their selection after an evalua-       tribute to Cambodia’s eco-           million in 2018, the ministry          strategy to meet the demands          received in March 2018.
while Original Wisdom Consult-      tion that took “the confirmation       nomic growth.                        reported.                              of more knowledgeable and                The project would have a
ing Services (Cambodia) Invest-     of skills, experience and                 According to him, there are          Mony Rath defines “non-tax          sophisticated customers.”             yearly energy yield of 68,000
ment Co Ltd had been chosen         research techniques” into              currently about 50 companies         revenue” as recurring income             Phan would be on the man-           megawatt-hours at a fixed
for the Phnom Pang bloc.            account.                               licensed to mine in Cambodia.        obtained by the ministry through       agement team to spearhead             price of 0.28 ringgit per kilo-
   The letter obliged the two          He stressed the areas’ poten-          Renaissance, a subsidiary of      sources other than taxes such as       Oriental Bank’s growth and            watt-hour for a period of 21
companies to process their          tial for exploitable metallic min-     Australia-listed Emerald             licensing fees, land leases, royal-    earning moving forward in             years. THE STAR (MALAYSIA)/ASIA NEWS
permits at the commune halls        eral resources, chiefly gold.          Resources NL, says it has            ties and penalties.                    Cambodia.                             NETWORK
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020                                                                                                                                                         7
Top six agro-industrial crops Minister calls on Oz to
                              speed up MoU on trade
net Kingdom $2.32B in 2020                                                                                                             May Kunmakara

                                                                                                                                       MINISTER of Commerce Pan Sora-
                                                                                                                                                                                 invest in Cambodia,” Sorasak said.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Kang remarked that the Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                 government, through the Cambo-
Thou Vireak                                                                                         the pepper market appears          sak on December 22 requested the          dia-Australia Agricultural Value
                                                                                                    to have recovered slightly         Australian Chamber of Commerce            Chain Programme (CAVAC), has

           AMBODIA          ex-                                                                     after being hit by Covid-19        in Cambodia (AusCham) to expe-            trained some 2,000 of the Kingdom’s
           ported 8.55 mil-                                                                         nearly a year ago.”                dite the signing of a memorandum          farmers in e-commerce, enabling
           lion tonnes of its                                                                         Minister Sakhon told The         of understanding (MoU) with the           them to sell their products online.
           six most profit-                                                                         Post in October that the gov-      Cambodia Chamber of Commerce                 He lauded the Kingdom’s success
able agro-industrial crops,                                                                         ernment is aiming for a three      (CCC) on trade and investment.            in increasing jasmine milled-rice
through formal and infor-                                                                           per cent annual growth rate          The deal aims to give a further         exports to Australia by 60 per cent
mal channels, worth more                                                                            of agricultural value added –      push to trade and investment              this year over 2019 despite the diffi-
than $2.32 billion this year                                                                        the net output of the agricul-     between the two countries after hav-      cult situation of the Covid-19 crisis.
as of December 15, accord-                                                                          tural sector after adding up all   ing signed the Regional Comprehen-           CCC vice-president Lim Heng told
ing to Minister of Agricul-                                                                         outputs and subtracting the        sive Economic Partnership Agree-          The Post on December 24 that the
ture, Forestry and Fisheries                                                                        value of intermediate inputs.      ment (RCEP) in mid-November.              chamber had signed similar MoUs
Veng Sakhon.                                                                                          He said the government             Sorasak made the remark during          with other countries such as South
  In a December 24 post on                                                                          also aspires to increase agri-     a courtesy visit by Australian            Korea, Japan and the US on the
his official Facebook page, the                                                                     cultural labour productivity       ambassador to Cambodia Pablo              exchange of trade and investment
minister listed the crops as                                                                        – the annual output per agri-      Kang to the ministry.                     information, with a focus on foster-
cassava, cashew nuts, man-                                                                          cultural worker – from $1,839        He said the Australian side should      ing private-public relations and seek-
                                   Cambodia exported 313,410.94 tonnes of fresh yellow bananas
goes, yellow bananas, pep-         worth $451 million this year as of December 15. hENG CHIVOAN     last year to $4,625 by 2030.       make more investments in the              ing investment opportunities and
percorn and Pailin longan.                                                                            “The agricultural sector is      Kingdom, especially in e-com-             cementing business partnerships.
  During the period, Cam-          other agro-industrial prod-      EU countries purport-           an important engine of eco-        merce businesses and capitalise on           “I fully support and welcome the
bodia exported 7,075,494           ucts have potential on the       ing to be Kampot pepper         nomic growth and could en-         the recently-enacted e-commerce           signing of the memorandum of
tonnes of cassava products         international market.            must “carry the PGI quality     joy a one per cent surge this      and consumer protection laws.             understanding with Australia to
(worth          $1,026,232,000),     The Ministry of Com-           logo from now on” which         year,” he said. “Agriculture re-     He also suggested that Kang bring       further enhance the relations and
218,884.29 tonnes of ca-           merce granted domestic GI        certifies that it originates    mains crucial considering the      experienced technicians from Aus-         trust between the private sectors
shew nuts ($288,111,700),          status to the commodity in       from the Kingdom’s main         downswing experienced by           tralia to provide additional training.    to another level, where we can
945,274.44 tonnes of fresh         2010 under the World Trade       pepper-producing region –       industry and services. Today,        “With the recently promulgated          work together for change.
mangoes ($473,207,700) and         Organisation’s        (WTO’s)    Kampot and Kep provinces,       only agriculture could feasi-      e-Commerce Law, the ministry has             “Our two countries also signed
313,410.94 tonnes of fresh yel-    agreement on Trade-Relat-        according to the EC.            bly revive the economy.”           also launched a Cambodian                 the RCEP agreement, which gives
low bananas ($451,125,700).        ed Aspects of Intellectual         Lay said at least four com-     Cambodia exported $14.1          e-commerce programme, the so-             both sides more opportunities to
  The Kingdom also shipped         Property Rights.                 panies have signed purchase     billion worth of goods in          called Go4eCam, to promote                further increase trade and invest-
out 174.52 tonnes of Pailin          On February 18, 2016,          agreements with small-scale     the first nine months of this      e-commerce business.                      ment,” Heng said.
longan (worth $57,763,100)         the European Commission          Kampot pepper farmers           year, up 20.07 per cent from         “At the same time, the Australian          Bilateral trade between Cambo-
and 5,005.65 tonnes of pep-        (EC) registered “Mrech Kampot”   for next year, with Czech-      the same period last year,         side will provide technical consum-       dia and Australia reached A$285
percorn ($25,490,200).             /”Poivre de Kampot” (Kampot      owned EU Land and Pepper        according to the Ministry of       er-protection officials to be stationed   million (US$216 million) last year,
  Kampot Pepper Promo-             pepper) as a Protected Geo-      Investment Co Ltd recently      Economy and Finance.               in Cambodia, share their experiences      up 32.6 per cent from 2018, data
tion Association president         graphical Indication (PGI),      penning a contract for 10         The Kingdom imported             and improve work efficiency in order      from the embassy show.
Nguon Lay said Kampot              making it the first Cambo-       tonnes of peppercorn.           $13.6 billion worth of goods       to increase the volume of Cambodian          Of the amount, Cambodia export-
pepper, with its geographi-        dian product to receive the        He said: “Pepper exports      in the first nine months of        products exported to Australia.           ed A$224 million, an increase of 34.9
cal indication (GI) recog-         status from the EU.              are expected to remain at       this year, dipping 8.70 per          “And Australian e-commerce              per cent, and imported A$61 mil-
nition, and the Kingdom’s            Any product sold in the        around 70 tonnes by 2021 as     cent year-on-year.                 companies are also encouraged to          lion, a 24.8 per cent increase.
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
8                                                                                                                                          THE PHNOM PENH POST december 25, 2020


Profiting or profiteering? A niggling question
   behind Cambodia’s banking growth
As the sector expands, allegations of financial institutions engaged in unconventional
activities continue to show up like a bad debt
Sangeetha Amarthalingam

            LOT of it involves
            their own proj-
            ect financing,” an
            industry        player
spoke in hushed tones over
how the burgeoning banking
sector sustains itself.
  “Some banks are set up by
large-scale foreign investors
with billion dollar projects in
Cambodia to channel their
funds,” he said. “The banks
also own equity in the proj-
ects, at times.”
  One of the ways is to pro-
vide collateralised overdraft
facilities that run into mil-
lions to investors.
  “That way, the investor
need not drawdown its capi-
tal investment, allowing it to
instead earn interest from
fixed deposits,” he said.
  The growth of banks in
Cambodia has been brow-
raising if not ironical, seeing
that some 70 per cent of the
population is unbanked.
  There are 52 commercial
banks and counting, 81 micro-
finance institutions including
microfinance deposit-taking
institutions (MDIs) while spe-       Most of Cambodia’s FDIs in recent years has been the area of construction and real estate. heng chivoan
cialised banks make up 14, as
of August 31, 2020.                  banks were set up solely to             But this here brings to ques-        “But how do they make           stands, Cambodia’s popula-       count which leaves the rest of
  Separately, there are scores       serve their own self interest,       tion the issue of profitability money? It is difficult to say           tion is about 16 million with    country unbanked.
of pawn shops and unlicensed         either to finance their proj-        and solvency for the entire because there are too many                  an adult population of around      However, they are highly
money lenders dotted around          ects and group operations,           sector as the growth of banks banks [fighting] for market               10 million.                      leveraged, owing to staggering
the countryside offering small       and as a conduit for financial       starts to crowd the market.           share,” said In Channy, chair-      In 2017, the World Bank said   loans from microfinance insti-
but instant microfinance credit.     transactions.                           It also questions the type of man of the Association of              only 22 per cent of those aged   tutions, which have resulted
  Out of the 52 commercial              Some foreign-owned banks          business the banks conduct Banks in Cambodia.                           15 and above had a bank ac-      in an outstanding debt of $10
banks, only 22 are locally-          also cater to investors from         to survive, especially if they all      Citing the example of his                                        billion.
incorporated and of that just        base countries.                      claim to do the same business. bank, Acleda Bank Plc,                                                      Echoing Channy, David Van
a handful are established by            To give an idea, real estate         On average, the National where he is the presi-                                                        said despite being a “such a
Cambodians as the others are         and construction FDIs were           Bank of Cambodia (NBC) dent                     and     CEO,                                                 tiny market”, Cambodia
foreign-owned.                       among the largest in the re-         noted that profitability, rep- Channy said its                                                                   constantly saw new
  Cambodia’s           economic      cent years, as the country dug       resented by a return on asset customer               loans                                                          commercial banks.
boom in the last 10 years and        into development as a means          and return on equity, im- and                     deposits                                                               “[It] is a real mind
favourable business condi-           to build the nation.                 proved by 1.9 per cent and make up about                                                                              boggling fact un-
tions where foreign parties             Some 50 per cent of the total     9.8 per cent year-on-year, re- half its bank                                                                           less these many
are permitted to wholly own          FDI originated from China and        spectively, in 2019.                  portfolio.                                                                      banks have a mag-
companies and remit their            its greater region, with half of        The central bank’s Annual            “Our loan vol-                                                                ic formula for their
profit home, makes it a mag-         that invested in those two sec-      Supervision Report last year ume in terms of                                                                         intended clientele,”
net for investors.                   tors, the World Bank said in May.    also showed that solvency dollars is 16                                                                               said the senior as-
  In the past, massive invest-          For instance, Chinese prop-       ratio stood at 24 per cent per cent of                                                                                 sociate        (private
ments went to garment, foot-         erty developer Prince Group,         while liquidity coverage ratio the             over-                                                                    public       partner-
wear and travel goods manufac-       one of the major players in          was 155.7 per cent, reflecting all            market                                                                    ship) of Platform
turing as the US and EU granted      the real estate industry, has        overall stability.                    share while                                                                       Impact, an invest-
preferential tariff schemes in       poured in $2 billion since its          Having said that, Stephen savings rep-                                                                              ment          platform
1997 and 2001, respectively.         debut in Cambodia in 2015.           Higgins, co-partner of Mekong resented 17 per                                                                         which owns seven
  Later on, real estate, con-           Over time, the conglomer-         Strategic Partners Co Ltd who cent. This is the                                                                     portfolios valued at
struction and public infra-          ate expanded to include avia-        authored a review on the sec- major business                                                                       $200 million.
structure investments rolled         tion - where it owns an airline      tor titled Time for Consolida- of our bank,” he                                                                   However, he felt that
in on the heels of China’s Belt      - hospitality and banking.           tion, said around 20 per cent of added. “Cambo-                                                               local commercial banks
and Road Initiative.                    “For Prince, their own proj-      banks reported losses in 2019. dia is a small coun-                                                            are conservative and lack
  These investments, approxi-        ects can sustain their banking          “But [some] 80 per cent try [where] five to                                                                   in-house expertise to
mately $85.9 billion between         business,” the banker said.          earned a return on capital six banks are okay but                                                                   handle risk manage-
1995 and 2019, also heralded the        Questions to Prince did not       that is subeconomic,” he told now we have 10 times                                                                             ment for trade
entry of financial institutions.     elicit a reply.                      The Post.                             more.”
  “The fact that it is a highly         The banker claimed that              Commercial bank operating            As       it
dollarised open economy              homegrown banks such as              licence granted by the NBC
also attracts foreign direct in-     Canadia Bank Plc, Chip Mong          enables banks to give out
vestment (FDI) in the billions       Commercial Bank Plc and Vat-         loans and earn interest
compared to regional peers,”         tanac Bank Plc, with roots in        to raise revenue,
said the banker, who request-        real estate and construction,        mobilise savings
ed anonymity due to the sen-         most likely enjoyed a signifi-       and use it to
sitivity of the subject. “The        cant revenue stream from this        fund projects,                  Difficult to say how banks make their
market is flush with cash,           business segment although            and provide                     money when the market is small, In
                                                                                                          Channy said. Hean Rangsey
hence the rise in banks.”            their core business remains in       fund trans-
  Essentially, a number of the       consumer banking facilities.         fer service.
PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post PM: Don't steal poor's cash - PRIME Minister Hun Sen warns - Phnom Penh Post
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