Page created by Charles Conner
JUNE 2019 | FREE

            YO U R O F F I C I A L F R E E S A P S M AGA Z I N E


CONTENTS                                                                                                                                  01
                                                                                                          The POLICE magazine is published by
       02		 National Commissioner’s 		                   14		 EHW - Suicide in the SAPS                   the Publications and Broadcast Section
                                                                                                          of Corporate Communication.
       		Message                                                                                          HEAD:
                                                         16		   Flash News                                CORPORATE COMMUNICATION
                                                                                                          Maj Gen SA de Beer
       03		 Africa Public Service Day                                                                     SUB-SECTION HEAD:
                                                         18		   Viva Fitness                              INTERNAL PUBLICATIONS
                                                                                                          Col Linda van den Berg
       04		   SONA 2019                                                                                   012 393 7075

                                                         20		   Cybercrime Strategy                       SUBEDITOR
                                                                                                          Lt Col Fundiswa Maphanga-Nkosi
       06     Child Protection Week                                                                       012 393 7104

                                                         21		   Missing Persons                           JOURNALISTS:
                                                                                                          Lt Col Erica Holtzhausen
       08		 Take a Child to Work                                                                          012 393 7106

                                                         22		   Wanted Persons                            Capt Keitumetse Mmushi
                                                                                                          012 393 7138
       10		 Raising Resilient Children                                                                    Capt Vincent Mukhathi
                                                                                                          012 393 7088
                                                                                                          Capt Kgabo Mashamaite
       12		   SAPS-Sudan Deployments                                                                      012 393 7151
                                                                                                          WO Percy Sepaela
                                                                                                          012 393 7108
                              The President of           youth, for they are the future of this nation.   WO Henk Venter
                              South Africa, His          Our efforts to do this include, observing        COVER
                                                                                                          Mount Road Cluster Communication
                              Excellency Cyril           Child Protection Week yearly, where our
                                                         men and women in dignified blue across           PHOTOGRAPHERS:
                              Ramaphosa, in his                                                           WO Theo van Wyk
                              recent State of the        the country, teach children about their          012 393 7103

                              Nation Address             rights and what to do when these rights are      WO Ndanduleni Nyambeni
                                                         violated (pp 6 – 7). To protect our children,    012 393 7279
                              held on 20 June
                              2019, emphasised           we must also develop them as individuals         LANGUAGE EDITING BY:
                                                                                                          Lt Col Ilze-Mari Visagie
                              the pivotal role that      so they can play an active role in protecting    Capt Maurene Claasens
                                                         themselves and others.                           SAPS POLICE ONLINE:
                              government and                                                              Lt Col Johan Heüer
                              public servants                                                             012 393 7030
                                                         It is crucial that we give our children and      heuer@saps.gov.za
         play in the achievement of the country’s
                                                         their parents the tools for children to          REPUBLISHING
         objectives for a better nation as set out in    withstand difficulties effectively as we         Permission to republish articles
         the National Development Plan, 2030.            cannot be everywhere or with them all
                                                                                                          contained in the POLICE may be
                                                                                                          obtained from the Head: Corporate
                                                         the time. These methods of circumventing         Communication. The opinions
         As President Ramaphosa stated (pp 4 – 5),                                                        expressed in the POLICE are
                                                         challenges (pp 10 – 11) should be imparted       not necessarily those of the Head:
         South Africa can only move forward if we,       to children as early as possible in their        Corporate Communication, his staff
                                                                                                          or of the POLICE authorities.
         as public servants, deliver on our respective   childhood as studies show that early
         key performance areas and conduct                                                                INDEMNITY
                                                         intervention, breeds well-rounded children       Contributions, photographs and
         ourselves ethically. The SAPS, along with       who finish school, find appropriate means        other material sent to the POLICE for
                                                                                                          publication must be accompanied
         the rest of the continent, celebrated the       to generate income and are less likely to        by a stamped and self-addressed
         annual Africa Public Service Day (APSD)         commit violent crime.
                                                                                                          envelope. Contributions are returned
                                                                                                          at the risk of the contributor. The
         just days after the SoNA, on 23 June 2019,                                                       POLICE reserves the right to effect
         to remind ourselves of the importance of        Equally important, is to provide children
                                                                                                          changes to any contribution.
         good governance and the need for having         with much-needed extracurricular
                                                                                                          COPYRIGHT POLICE
                                                                                                          Copyright reserved
         integrity in all our endeavours as public       activities, such as the SAPS Junior
         servants.                                       Commissioner Project and the ‘Take a Child
                                                         to Work’ (pp 8 - 9) to engage their energy,
         APSD (p3) underscores youth involvement         showcase job opportunities in the SAPS
What     in the country’s progression to a better        so the youth can be interested in policing,
         living environment for all. The SAPS has        and give them as sense of ‘family’ that
         always been cognisant of the power of the       they would otherwise seek from negative
         next generation and has put the youth at        elements.
         the centre of many of the organisation’s
         crime prevention and awareness initiatives.     It is only through working as a collective,
         This is exhibited with the existence and        engaging the public and collaborating with
         implementation of the SAPS Youth Crime          the youth that we can build a better South
         Prevention Strategy, which guides all our                                                               @ SAPoliceService
                                                         Africa for all – where all people live in
         programmes and policies concerning the          prosperity, equality, harmony and safety.               South African
                                                                                                                 Police Service
                                                         Major General Sally de Beer
         We can only secure and enhance the                                                                      (SAPS Official Page)
         prospects of this country by protecting our                                                             www.saps.gov.za
02        POLICE       JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2019      POLICE       03
                                                                                 The safety of our men and women in blue is high on the agenda of the
                                                                                 SAPS and ensuring the safety of all our members is at the core of the
                                                                                 SAPS’s strategic imperatives. As such, we launched a National Police
                                                                                 Safety Plan to strengthen the implementation of the Police Safety Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                 SAPS COMMEMORATES AFRICA

                                                                                                                                                                 PUBLIC SERVICE DAY
                                                                                 to eradicate attacks on and the unnatural deaths of police officers. Some
                                                                                 of our initiatives toward this goal is inclusive of a checklist to be adhered
                                                                                 to, regularly conducting refresher tactical courses so that members’ skills
                                                                                 are always in top form, as well as offering Employee Health and Wellness
                                                                                 programmes to ensure members’ mental health so they can perform                 By Capt Kgabo Mashamaite
                                                                                 optimally, among others. We urge all our police officers to make use of
                                                                                 all the programmes and resources available to them so that they can be
                                                                                 prepared for the war against crime at all times. The strategy also includes
                                                                                 involving members of the public in our endeavours to stop police murders
                                                                                 as they have a negative impact on the service delivery of the SAPS in
                                                                                 the fight against crime. Working with the community, we will ultimately
                                                                                                                                                                 T   he SAPS, along with other government
                                                                                                                                                                     departments, affords due recognition to
                                                                                                                                                                 the working conditions and quality of public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the conference of the African Ministers for Public and/or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Civil Service held in Tangier, Morocco in 1994 to recognise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the value and virtue of service to the community through
                                                                                 inculcate a culture where everyone appreciates, values and protects our                                                                         annual, national and biennial continental events. The DPSA
                                                                                                                                                                 officials who diligently serve the inhabitants of               also says that APSD is also a platform to reflect on and
        NATIONAL COMMISSIONER’S MESSAGE                                          men and women in blue.
                                                                                                                                                                 the country through the annual commemoration                    share practical recommendations on the upliftment of
                                                                                 Though our lives are under attack, we cannot and will not deviate from          of Africa Public Service Day (APSD) on 23 June                  women in the public service across the continent.
GENERAL KHEHLA JOHN SITOLE                                                       our call to protect our beautiful nation. To safeguard South Africa, we         2019.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Appealing to members of the SAPS to celebrate APSD and
                                                                                 must protect our children as they are the country’s future. We continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 support its objectives, the National Commissioner of the
                                                                                 implement multidisciplinary approaches to address the alarming rates of         The celebration of APSD aims at discovering innovations

I t is disheartening that I have to begin this month’s                                                                                                                                                                           SAPS, General Khehla Sitole said: “The SAPS will participate
                                                                                 child abuse in South Africa. The most notable being the Family Violence,        and motivating public servants to further promote
  message to employees of our beloved SAPS lamenting                                                                                                                                                                             in APSD celebrations and engage in specific actions within
                                                                                 Child Protection and Family Violence (FCS) Units to give special attention      innovation, as well as rewarding excellence in, enhancing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the organisation to support initiatives on the approved
the brutal attacks on the very men and women, who fulfil                         to cases of child abuse so that our qualified police officers, working in       the professionalism of, raising the image of, and enhancing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 theme. There is no need to be extravagant in spending, but
their gallant pledge to serve and protect the people in                          conjunction with the Department of Social Development, can support victims      trust in the public service. To do this, we collect, document
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 there should be activities within the day-to-day duties.”
this country under dangerous circumstances daily. Our                            of abuse effectively.                                                           and share best practices for possible replication within our
members are under attack at all hours of the day, whether                                                                                                        country, as well as across Africa.
                                                                                 Our long-standing Protocol on Crime and Violence in Schools with the                                                                            In celebrating the APSD 2019, employees of the SAPS
they are on or off duty. In a mere three months into this                                                                                                                                                                        designed a Public Servants’ Pledge to be signed by all
                                                                                 Department of Basic Education, where schools are linked to police stations      Themed ‘The Intersection of Youth Empowerment and
financial year, the SAPS already has 28 unnatural deaths of                                                                                                                                                                      members in June. Police officials, once again, signed the
                                                                                 and specific Social Crime Prevention Officers, who conduct crime prevention     Migration: Entrenching a Culture of Good Governance,
police officers on the record, this against the 229 suffered in                  and awareness initiatives according to the school’s needs, has also assisted    Information Communication Technology and Innovation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics to re-pledge their vow
the 2018/2019 fiscal year.                                                       in the fight to safeguard our children.                                         Inclusive Service Delivery’, the APSD 2019 strives toward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to adhere to the content of the Codes when delivering public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 services. Members were also reminded of all the Employee
                                                                                                                                                                 giving recognition to and making known the importance
The fatal shooting of 28-year-old Constable Nhlamulo Vuyeka of the Moroka                                                                                                                                                        Health and Wellness programmes, such as Suicide
                                                                                 One of the most recent efforts to engage children is the SAPS’s active          of the public service and public servants, as well as
Police Station in Soweto, Gauteng, while attempting to conduct a random                                                                                                                                                          Prevention, Substance Abuse, Financial Management,
                                                                                 participation in celebrating Child Protection Week, which has been observed     acknowledging their positive contribution to citizens, civil
stop-and-search of a suspicious-looking vehicle on 20 June 2019, is the                                                                                                                                                          Anger Management, Relationship Building, Ethics and Anti-
                                                                                 throughout South Africa annually for the past 21 years to raise awareness       society, the private sector and government as a whole.
most recent of the ongoing ruthless attacks on our men and women in              of the rights of children. Our Social Crime Prevention members unceasingly                                                                      corruption, as well as Stress Management that are available
dignified blue. The SAPS will afford Constable Vuyeka’s family, as with all                                                                                                                                                      to them so that they can be at their optimal health to better
                                                                                 embark on educating children from the levels of crèche to high school about     According to the custodian of APSD in the country, the
members who perish in the line of duty, with all the necessary support in                                                                                                                                                        serve the public.
                                                                                 their rights, as well as what to do when those rights have been violated. In    Department of Public Services and Administration
their time of bereavement.                                                       addition to this, the SAPS keeps an open line of communication and trust        (DPSA), the decision to celebrate APSD was a result of
                                                                                 with children through ongoing projects such as the ‘Safer Schools’, ‘Junior
The continued callous onslaught on our police officers is an attack on the       Police Commissioners’ and ‘Take a Child to Work’ projects, which involve
authority of our State, which will continue to be punished heavily so that it    children in crime-fighting and moral regeneration initiatives, as well as
may eventually come to an end. The three suspects involved in Constable          provide them with productive extracurricular activities and teach them
Vuyeka’s shooting have already been apprehended. No matter how long it           essential social skills. The SAPS family gives children a sense of belonging,
takes for the wheels of justice to turn, police murderers do pay the price for   which could otherwise be sought in gang affiliation. The onus to protect
their gruesome crimes. Most recently, the Mthunzini High Court in KwaZulu-       children and build a safer South Africa for all, is on every person in South
Natal convicted and sentenced Msawenkosi Ngema (29) to life imprisonment         Africa. I thank all SAPS employees for dedicating themselves to the success
for the murder of Warrant Officer Jerico Mdletshe and five years’                of these crime prevention and awareness projects.
imprisonment for the attempted murder of Constable Senzo Ndwandwe,
who he shot while fleeing a crime scene in November 2015.                        I would also like to appreciate and thank all the members who were
                                                                                 involved in ensuring that President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation
We commend the perseverance of the dedicated members of the Detective            Address (SoNA) on 20 June 2019 was conducted in a peaceful environment.
Services Division, who worked tirelessly to secure a combined nine life          The National Joint and Operational Structure as the operational arm of the
imprisonment terms for police murderers. The Mthatha High Court in the           Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster delivered on their mandate
Eastern Cape sentenced six suspects to life imprisonment each, for killing       to provide safety and security during the SoNA. This was an incident-free
Warrant Officer Mawethu Siganga when he and his crew responded to an             event because every law enforcement official deployed to the SoNA applied
armed robbery in July 2012. Detectives ensured that justice was served           fundamental policing principles, as guided by the Constitution of South
for three police officers, who were murdered between 2016 and 2017, both         Africa, and executed their responsibilities professionally, impartially and
on and off duty in three separate instances. These amounted to three life        with integrity. Thank you – you made your country proud.
terms for three suspects and a cumulative 32 years’ imprisonment for two
suspects. Though these sentences do not bring our members back, we can                           ON A JOURNEY TO A SAFER SOUTH AFRICA
only hope that they bring closure to their colleagues and loved ones.                                            #FightingCrime
04     POLICE      JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUNE 2019       POLICE       05

     By Capt Vincent Mukhathi

     P   resident Cyril Ramaphosa has urged all
         government departments and agencies,
     including the SAPS, to dedicate all their
     resources and energy in pursuit of the objectives
     of the National Development Plan (also known
     as Vision 2030).

     In his third State of the Nation Address (SoNA) on 20 June       7 000 in each cycle for the next two intakes,” said President      •   Consolidating social wage through reliable and           goals, we would have fundamentally transformed our
     2019, President Ramaphosa emphasised the importance              Ramaphosa.                                                             quality basic services                                   society,” said President Ramaphosa.
     of defining a South Africa we all want more clearly and                                                                                                                                          He further emphasised that, to achieve the set objectives,
     agreeing on the concrete actions needed to achieve it as         He further explained the importance of a collaboration             •   Spatial integration, human settlement and local          the government needed professional and ethical public
     South Africa entered the last decade of the attainment of        between the police and communities, as well as police                  government                                               servants who are free from corruption.
     Vision 2030.                                                     forums to fight crime and create a safe environment for all.
                                                                                                                                         •   Social cohesion and safe communities                     “We are committed to building an ethical State in which
     “We must restore the National Development Plan to its place      “Violent crime is a societal problem that requires a                                                                            there is no place for corruption, patronage, rent-seeking, nor
     at the centre of our national effort to make it alive, to make   holistic, society-wide response. The South Africa we want,         •   A capable, ethical and developmental State               plundering of public money. We want a corps of skilled and
     it part of the lived experience of the South African people,”    is a country where all people are safe and feel safe. Let                                                                       professional public servants of the highest moral standards
     said President Ramaphosa.                                        us therefore work together to ensure that violent crime            •   A better Africa and World.                               – who are dedicated to the public good,” said President
                                                                      is at least halved over the next decade,” said President                                                                        Ramaphosa.
     The National Development Plan (NDP)’s Vision is that, in         Ramaphosa.                                                       In addition to these, President Ramaphosa called on the
     2030, people living in South Africa, must feel safe at home,                                                                      country to tackle poverty, inequality and unemployment, in
     at school and at work − that they enjoy community life           Highlighting the progress made in terms of community-            the next 10 years, by agreeing to work toward ensuring that:
     without fear, that women walk freely in the street and           police partnership, President Ramaphosa said: “We are
     children play safely outside.                                    working with civil society organisations on strategies to end      •   No person in South Africa will go hungry.
                                                                      gender-based violence and femicide. Following intensive
     According to the NDP, safety and security should be              consultations and engagements, we are working toward the           •   Our economy will grow at a much faster rate than
     prioritised because it directly impacts on socio-economic        establishment of a Gender-based Violence and Femicide                  our population.
     development and equality, which affects the development          Council, and a National Strategic Plan that will guide all of
     objectives of economic growth and transformation,                us, wherever we are, in our efforts to eradicate this national     •   Two million more young people will be in
     employment creation, improved education and health               scourge,” said President Ramaphosa.                                    employment.
     outcome, as well as strengthened social cohesion.
                                                                      In addition to this, President Ramaphosa said that the             •   Our schools will have better educational outcomes
     Therefore, to strengthen safety and security, the                government is currently capacitating and equipping the                 and every 10-year-old will be able to read for
     government will be increasing the number of police               police and court system to support the survivors of gender-            meaning.
     members in police trainee intakes to increase police             based violence. The President also stated that the SAPS was
     visibility in ensuring that citizens are and feel safe.          stepping up the fight against drug syndicates through the          •   Violent crime will be halved.
                                                                      implementation of the revised National Drug Master Plan.
     “The first step is to increase police visibility by employing                                                                     He also pointed out that all South Africa’s programmes and
     more policewomen and policemen, and to create a more             President Ramaphosa also outlined seven priorities that          policies in all departments and agencies, would be directed
     active role for citizens through effective community policing    should be focused on to move South Africa forward, namely:       in pursuit of these overarching tasks.
     forums. Currently, there are more than 5 000 students
     registered for basic training at our police training colleges,     •   Economic transformation and job creation                   “Let us make these commitments now to ourselves and to
     and we envisage that this number will be increased to                                                                             each other – knowing that they will stretch our resources
                                                                        •   Education, skills and health                               and capabilities, but understanding that if we achieve these
06     POLICE      JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JUNE 2019       POLICE       07

     CHILD PROTECTION WEEK                                                                                                                                                                                                     POLICE IN KWAGGAFONTEIN
     FOCUS ON CHILD SAFETY                                                                                                                                      EDUCATING CHILDREN IN                                          SPEND DAY WITH PRESCHOOLERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               By Capt Winnie Mabena
     By Capt Colette Weilbach
                                                                                                                                                                KABEGA PARK
     P  olice from the Brooklyn Police Station in
        Pretoria, Gauteng, observed Child Protection
                                                                                                                                                                By Col Priscilla Naidu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               T  he police in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mpumalanga, recently
     Week with a visit to the local Little Footsteps
     Nursery School on 30 May 2019.                                                                                                                                                                                            celebrated Child
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Protection Week with
     All the little ones made their own police caps and some                                                                                                                                                                   preschool children and
     were even dressed in makeshift police uniform. The children                                                                                                                                                               their educators at the
     were very excited to try out the bullet-resistant vests, tonfa,                                                                                                                                                           Kwaggafontein Police
     handcuffs and a police siren.                                       •   Know the 10111 emergency
                                                                             number and what to do during                                                                                                                      Station.
     Members taught the children the 10111 emergency number                  an emergency
                                                                         •   Know that it is OK to say “NO”                                                                                                                    More than 120 children and
     and told them to call it whenever they felt unsafe. Thanking
                                                                             when they are faced with                                                                                                                          15 educators from 13 crèches in Kwaggafontein’s Sector Two
     the SAPS for the visit, the children recited a police poem for
                                                                             uncomfortable situations                                                                                                                          policing precinct, that is, Kwaggafontein Sections B, C and D, as
     the police officers in attendance.
                                                                         •   Know that no one may touch                                                                                                                        well as Vreisgewagt, participated in a police-led peaceful march
                                                                             them in a way that makes them                                                                                                                     from the Thandanani Crèche to the police station, carrying posters
     It is incumbent on everybody to play a role in protecting
                                                                             feel uncomfortable                                                                                                                                depicting their rights demands, and slogans that their rights
     children and creating a safe and secure environment for
                                                                         •   Check with their parents before                                                                                                                   should not be violated.
     them. Parents and caretakers must keep an open line of
     communication and trust with children. They should also
     know where their children are at all times and be observant
     so they can identify any abnormal behaviour by their
                                                                             accepting gifts from anyone,
                                                                             or before going anywhere,
                                                                             or getting into a vehicle with
                                                                                                                                                                P  olice in Port Elizabeth’s Kabega Park,
                                                                                                                                                                   Eastern Cape, observed Child Protection
                                                                                                                                                                Week with learners from the Kuyga Public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Head of Supply Chain Management at the Kwaggafontein
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Police Station and the Acting Station Commander on the day,
                                                                             somebody – even if they know                                                                                                                      Captain Mampipi Madisha, welcomed the children and their
     children.                                                                                                                                                  Primary School recently.
                                                                             them.                                                                                                                                             educators to the police station. While the station’s Communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Officer, Captain Winnie Mabena, with the help of Sergeant
     The SAPS urges all to take note of the following safety tips.                                                                                              This initiative was conducted by the SAPS’s Family Violence,   Nomvula Masombuka and Constable Thabile Maphanga,
                                                                       Communities are urged to report
                                                                                                                                                                Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit, and the Mounted     sensitised the children about their right to shelter, health care,
     Children should:                                                  any suspicious persons, vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                Unit in Port Elizabeth, as well as the province’s Community    basic nutrition, education and social services, as well as their
                                                                       or circumstances to the police,
                                                                                                                                                                Policing Forum and the Department for Safety and Liaison.      right to be protected from any kind of abuse or neglect.
       •   Not be left alone at home or elsewhere, such as a           immediately, by phoning the 10111          Captain Patricia Mushwana from Social
                                                                       emergency number.                          Crime Prevention and Warrant Officer
           shopping centers, where they can become susceptible                                                    Chappies Chabedi, a Field Training Officer,   The visit aimed at educating learners on their rights as       Police officials told the children to not trust or be around
           to abuse, alcohol and/or drug use                                                                      enjoying time with preschoolers.              children in South Africa, teaching them what constitutes
                                                                       Information regarding crime can be                                                                                                                      strangers and to not accept food, sweets, or money from
       •   Be accompanied to public rest rooms                                                                                                                  domestic violence and urging them to report it, as well as
                                                                       given to the police anonymously by                                                                                                                      strangers as they might be kidnapped. The members also
       •   Know their full names, residential address and                                                                                                       deterring them from bullying and telling them to report it.
                                                                       phoning 08600 10111.                                                                                                                                    encouraged the children to memorise their parents’ names and
           parents’ phone numbers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               their residential addresses in case they get lost. Members also
                                                                                                                                                                Members also discouraged learners from using drugs             told the children that no one is allowed to touch their private
                                                                                                                                                                and warned them about the consequences thereof. A              parts and that they should report it to an adult, teacher or police
                                                                                                                                                                rehabilitated drug addict also gave a moving testimony         official, should somebody touch them in a way that makes them
     CHILD PROTECTION WEEK DRAWS TO CLOSE                                                                                                                       on how he turned his life around to become a successful
     Capt Sergio Kock                                                                                                                                                                                                          Due to the number of incidents of children mimicking sexual
                                                                       The children listened
                                                                       attentively and were all                                                                 The Mounted Unit and its adopted dog, Moertjie, along with     acts with other children in preschools, the children were also
                                                                                                                                                                about 60 children and teachers led a procession through

                                                                       rewarded with SAPS                                                                                                                                      encouraged to tell their parents that they should not share a
        he police in the Northern Cape closed off                                                                                                               the streets of Kuyga, handed out pamphlets and conducted
                                                                       colouring books with                                                                                                                                    room with them, or tell their educators if they do sleep with both
        the Child Protection Week at Vals Beautiful                    safety hints inside,                                                                     a door-to-door crime prevention campaign. Members urged        parents because it is inappropriate to be in the room when their
     Beginnings Preschool in De Beers, Kimberley.                      stationery and party                                                                     the community to not mete out mob justice and to rather        parents do “adult” things.
                                                                       packs.                                                                                   report unlawful deeds and criminals to the police.
     The Provincial Corporate Communication and Liaison                                                                                                                                                                        Captain Mabena reminded educators that child protection is
                                                                                                  Captain Sabata Tsiu giving preschoolers safety tips
     Services, Visible Policing and Human Resource Utilisation         Members of the SAPS        during a Child Protection Week event.                         The children were treated to food hampers and beverages,       everyone’s business and cautioned them against the abuse of
     Units, the Galeshewe and Kimberley Family Violence, Child         also fingerprinted the                                                                   which were generously sponsored by local businesses in         children at their crèches.
     Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) Units, as well as the        children on certificates that were filed at the preschool to be                          the Kabega Park area.
     SAPS’s Women’s Network and Men for Change held a Child            kept with the educators for use in case of emergency, such                                                                                              Appreciating the SAPS for their involvement in child protection
     Protection Week campaign at the preschool on 11 June              as when a child goes missing.                                                            Emphasising the importance of keeping the youth safe,          on behalf of all the crèches in attendance, Ms Tracy Mdluli, an
     2019.                                                                                                                                                      the Spokesperson of the SAPS in Port Elizabeth, Colonel        educator at Thandanani Crèche, said: “We thank the police for a
                                                                       The children entertained the police with beautiful poetry and                            Priscilla Naidu said: “The youth and our children remain one   warm welcome at the station. These lessons are sure to keep our
     Lieutenant Colonel Marli Strydom and Captain Sabata               singing the South African National Anthem and other well-                                of our greatest assets as the change-makers and innovators     children safe. The love and humanity you showed us, really built
     Tsiu from FCS conducted informative safety talks with             known songs.                                                                             of our country, therefore their safety and well-being is of    the children’s trust in the police.”
     the children who were all between four and six-years-old.                                                                                                  utmost importance.”
08      POLICE         JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JUNE 2019       POLICE      09


     By Lt Col Erica Holtzhausen
     Photographs by WO Ndanduleni Nyambeni and Amos Ndlovu

     T  he SAPS participated, once again, in the
        ‘Take a child to work’ campaign in various
     provinces and divisions, including Head office.
                                                                                      At Technology Management Services (TMS), the learners
                                                                                      had the opportunity to see what role information technology
                                                                                      played in the fight against crime. TMS Radio Technical gave a
                                                                                      demonstration on how radio communication worked, including
     The campaign celebrated its 17th anniversary                                     the technical side of it, which enables operational police
     under the theme #MoreThanADay.                                                   members to communicate effectively.

     A total of 200 learners from several schools in Pretoria                         A total of 20 of the learners were taken to the SAPS’s
     visited various South African Police Service (SAPS) divisions                    Broadcasting Unit to see how the TV programme, “When Duty
     and components on 30 May 2019. On 31 May 2019, the same                          Calls”, is put together. Some learners had the opportunity to
     learners gathered at the SAPS Tshwane Academy for a career                       “present” the programme, others did voice overs and some
     expo and motivational talks.                                                     learners were taken to the editing suites to “edit” the video
                                                                                      material taken at the inauguration of President Ramaphosa.
     The SAPS used the event as an additional opportunity to reach                    Later in the morning, the Head of Corporate Communication,
     out to young people and market the SAPS as an employer of                        Maj Gen Sally de Beer welcomed the 20 learners to the
     choice to achieve the objectives of the National Development                     SAPS Museum. The group then split in half, with ten of them
     Plan, Vision 2030 - to promote economic growth and increase                      visiting Legal Services while the rest of the learners were
     the availability of jobs.                                                        accommodated by Lt Col Baratang Pelle and Captain Tintswalo
                                                                                      Thobane of Corporate Image and Graphics.
     Maj Gen Mathonsi of the Visible Policing Division said that the
     day was not only about careers in the SAPS, but also to educate                  The officers explained that they communicate in a visual way
                                                                                      to educate communities about SAPS issues, for example, they          The learners were taken to various components and sections within the SAPS such
     learners in grade eight up to grade 12 on what police work                                                                                            as the Broadcasting Unit, Corporate Image (Graphics section), Legal component and
     encompasses of.                                                                  created a poster about what one should do when a friend or           Forensics to get insight in what police members do every day.
                                                                                      loved one goes missing.
     “More importantly for this age, is the lack of understanding
                                                                                      Lt Col Pelle indicated that the blue and gold corporate colours                page settings, etc. In the SAPS’s Corporate Communication
     of what police work entails. We will educate them on the wide
                                                                                      on the poster already indicate that it is communication from                   environment alone, there are many career options, such as
     variety of career opportunities we have in the SAPS and we
                                                                                      the SAPS. The rest of the poster contains very important                       media, journalism, photography, videography and duties of a
     spend time listening to their challenges, so that we can adjust
                                                                                      information about missing persons, for example that you do                     language practitioner. Learners living with a disability from
     our programmes to respond to those challenges”, explained Maj
                                                                                      not have to wait 24 hours before reporting a person missing. It                Filadelphia School, visited Language Management, and were
     Gen Mathonsi.
                                                                                      also tells you which documents you have to take with you to the                received and welcomed by Capt Moshidi Kabeng. Chaplain
                                                                                      police station, when you want to report a person as missing.                   Thobejane-Makhurupetsi from EHW kick-started the day
                                                                                      Both Lt Col Pelle and Capt Thobane explained that they are                     with prayer and they thanked her for gracing them with her
     Lt Col Baratang Pelle explained the layout of pages, logos, page settings, etc
     in the internal Police magazine, other annual SAPS reports and the annual        normally working on between three to five different projects                   presence.
     Excellence Awards booklets and posters.                                          at once. Various divisions and components need graphic and
                                                                                      corporate image work done and it becomes hectic when they all                  They started their day having refreshments and were later
                                                                                      want it instantly, putting the members under lots of pressure.                 taken through the section for orientation. After the orientation,
                                                                                                                                                                     Capt Kabeng briefed them about the roles and responsibilities             organisational structure makes it possible for the organisation
                                                                                      “It is therefore imperative for you to know exactly what you                   of a language practitioner. They were given short translating             to absorb candidates from a vast range of study fields to
                                                                                      want to do when you choose a career. It is only because I love                 and editing exercises on hard copy. Each task they were                   complement their support personnel. These study fields
                                                                                      what I am doing and am inspired by it, that I can handle the                   assigned to do, they were working in pairs to make it easier              include Psychology, Social Work, Forensics, Human Resources,
                                                                                      stress and pressure. I really love my job, therefore I know that I             for them. They were actively involved and showed some                     Law, Administration, Communication, Finance and Auto
                                                                                      made the right career choice”, said Lt Col Pelle.                              enthusiasm despite their challenges.                                      Mechanics, to name but a few.
                                                                                      Both officers urged the learners to do thorough research
                                                                                      about the careers that they are interested in. They explained                  After all the activities of the day, each of the 10 learners,             One of the grade 10 learners from Kutumela-Molefi High
                                                                                      that ending up in the wrong job, can make one’s life extremely                 was awarded with a certificate of participation to show their             School, Kamogelo Khoza, said that being a part of the SAPS’s
                                                                                      miserable.                                                                     involvement in the campaign. The learners indicated that they             ‘Take a child to work’ campaign has taught her that choosing a
                                                                                                                                                                     experienced an unforgettable day at Language Management.                  career, requires passion, dedication and being well-informed.
                                                                                      The learners were then handed copies of the internal Police                    On Friday, 31 May 2019, the learners attended a career expo               She said that she was surprised by the many exciting careers in
                                                                                      magazine, annual SAPS reports and the annual Excellence                        to experience even more of the wide choice of careers that                the police and that she was looking forward to studying Social
                                                                                      Awards booklets so that they could see what the officers                       the SAPS have to offer. On the day, the learners could see that           Work and then join the SAPS so that she can assist employees
                                                                                      meant when they were talking about the layout of pages, logos,                 SAPS employs more than just law enforcement officials. The                with any challenges they might experience.
10        POLICE        JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  JUNE 2019        POLICE     11
                                                                                                                                                    showing when the demands that are put on them, outweigh                                     ·     Do this by acknowledging your child’s strengths or
                                                                                                                                                    their capacity to cope. Some might become emotional and                                           the effort they put into doing something difficult, and
                                                                                                                                                    withdraw, while others might become disobedient, angry or                                         encourage them to make their own decisions.
                                                                                                                                                    resentful. Of course, even the most resilient of warriors have
                                                                                                                                                    days where it all gets too much, but low resilience will drive                        6.    Nurture optimism in your children
                                                                                                                                                    certain patterns of behaviour more often.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ·     Optimism is found to be one of the key characteristics
                                                                                                                                                    CAN RESILIENCE BE CHANGED?                                                                        of resilient people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ·     The brain can be rewired to be more optimistic
                                                                                                                                                    Yes, the experiences an individual is exposed to, shapes their                                    through the experiences it is exposed to.
                                                                                                                                                    intrinsic characteristics to build resilience.                                              ·     If you have a child who tends to look at the glass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      as being half empty, show them the half full option.
                                                                                                                                                    HOW DO WE BUILD RESILIENCE IN OUR CHILDREN?                                                       This does not mean invalidating how they feel,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      acknowledge their view AND introduce them to a

                                                                                                                                                    Moulding children into healthy, thriving adults, is not about                                     different one.
                                                                                                                                                    moving adversity out of their way. If we do that, we will NOT be
                                                                                                                                                    doing them any favours, since a little bit of stress is life-giving                   7.    Teach your children how to reframe
                                                                                                                                                    and helps them to develop the skills they need to flourish.

THIS GLOBAL PARENTS’ DAY                                                                                                                            STRATEGIES TO BUILD RESILIENCE IN YOUR CHILD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ·     In times of difficulty or disappointment, help them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to focus on what they have, rather than on what they
By Lt Col Crestelle Kleingeld                                                                                                                                                                                                                         have lost or what they do not have.
                                                                                                                                                         1.   Build strong relationships with your children                                     ·     Encourage them to question any ideas about how

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      things should be done.
      lobal Parents’ Day is observed on 1 June annually to honour parents worldwide for                                                                       ·      Research tells us that it is NOT self-reliance,
      their lifelong sacrifice toward nurturing their relationships with their children.                                                                             determination or inner strength that leads children                  8.    Model resilience
                                                                                                                                                                     through difficulty, but the reliable presence of at least
Families remain at the centre of social life in ensuring the                  What children need, are parents modelling resilient thinking                           one supportive relationship.                                               ·    Help your children see that disappointment and
well-being of their members, educating and socialising with                   and behaviour because children imitate the thinking, habits,                    ·      In the context of a loving relationship with a caring adult,                    sadness are normal human experiences as this
children, as well as caring for the young and the old. Parents                and behaviour of the adults around them.                                               children have the opportunity to develop vital coping                           will pave the way for them to explore what it
of every race, religion, culture and nationality in all parts of                                                                                                     skills.                                                                         (disappointment or sadness) means for them and how
the world are seen as the primary caregivers and teachers of                  All children are capable of doing extraordinary things. There is no             ·      The presence of a responsive adult can also help                                they would like to respond to it.
children, preparing them for a happy, fulfilling and productive               success gene and there is no happiness gene. The potential                             reverse the physiological changes that might be
life.                                                                         for greatness lies in all of them. We cannot change the fact                           activated by stress.                                                 9.    Facing fear – but with support
                                                                              that they will face challenges along the way, BUT what we can                   ·      This will ensure that the developing brain, body and
Parents need to be aware that they sometimes keep their                       do is give them skills to face challenges thereby building their                       immune system are protected from the damaging                              ·     When children are faced with difficulty, they tend to
children dependent in their quest to be helpful. This happens                 resilience.                                                                            effects of stress-related physiological changes.                                 think one could only handle the situation by facing it
when parents short circuit the important lesson that every                                                                                                                                                                                            head on or avoiding it at all cost.
behaviour has a consequence, by NOT allowing their children to                Resilience is being able to bounce back after a stressful,                 2.   Increase your children’s exposure to people who care about them                   ·     Show them that there is a third option – to gradually
fail and to try again. Failing and making mistakes, is an                     traumatic or difficult experience. When children are resilient,                                                                                                         move toward it, while feeling supported and with a
important part of growing up as this assists in testing one’s                 they are braver, more curious, more adaptable, and more able                    ·      Children will NOT always notice the people who are in                            certain amount of control.
limits, building resilience and becoming empowered through                    to extend their reach into the world.                                                  their corner cheering them on, so make them aware
independent learning.                                                                                                                                                of the people in their ‘fan club’.                                   10. Make time for creativity and play with your children
                                                                              RESILIENCE AND THE BRAIN                                                        ·      Any contribution you are able to make to build their
ARE YOU A ‘HELICOPTER’ PARENT?                                                                                                                                       connection with the people who love them, will                             ·     Problem-solving is a creative process and anything
                                                                              In times of stress or hardship, the body goes through a number                         strengthen them.                                                                 that strengthens their problem-solving skills, will
‘Helicopter’ parents are parents who remove all the obstacles                 of changes designed to make us faster, stronger, more alert                                                                                                             nurture their resilience.
in their children’s way to protect them from failure or                       and more capable. These are all brilliant, but the changes are             3.   Inform your children that it is okay to ask for help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Above all else, let your children know that they are loved unconditionally. This
disappointment as opposed to giving them the space to fail and                only meant to be for a short term. When the stress is ongoing,
                                                                                                                                                              ·      Make them aware that being brave and strong                     will give them a solid foundation to return to when the world starts
figure out on their own, how to do things differently the next                these physiological changes stay switched on causing the
                                                                                                                                                                     means knowing when to ask for help.                             feeling shaky.
time.                                                                         prefrontal cortex to temporarily shutdown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Social Work Service Family and Relationship Desk would like to
‘Helicopter’ parenting affects the child’s behaviour and brain development.   Resilience is related to the capacity to activate the prefrontal                                                                                       thank you for your commitment toward nurturing your relationship
                                                                              cortex and calm the amygdala (the part of the brain that                   4.   Increase your children’s capacity to develop coping strategies         with your children and building their resilience.
By taking decisions and solving problems for your child, you                  controls emotions). When this happens, the physiological
reduce their ability to solve problems and make decisions.                    changes that are activated by stress, start reversing and                       ·      Establish routines.
The area of the brain that deals with these components is                     thereby, expanding the capacity to find a solution, adapt and                   ·      Model healthy social behaviour.
the prefrontal cortex, which is only fully developed at the                   recover from stress or challenges.                                              ·      Provide opportunities for their own social
age of 25. Developing this part of the brain requires exercise,                                                                                                      connections.
which requires that they do things for themselves, failing and                HOW DOES RESILIENCE AFFECT BEHAVIOUR?                                           ·      Play board games and give them a chance to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Should you require any assistance, our details are as follows:
trying again. Therefore, if your child does not experience the                                                                                                       their own decisions.
latter, they will end up not being able to do it in adulthood as              Children have different levels of resilience and consequently,                                                                                             Social Work Services 079 880 5966 and 012 393 5472
their prefrontal cortex will be underdeveloped – which might                  they have unique ways of responding to and recovering from                 5.   Build feelings of competence and a sense of mastery in your children       SAPS’s Family and Relationship Desk members:
diminish their quality of life.                                               stressful experiences. They also have different ways of                                                                                                    Lieutenant Colonel Kleingeld at 012 393 5192 and kleingeldc@saps.gov.za
                                                                                                                                                              ·      Nurture the feeling that they can do hard things in                 Captain MV Nkosi at 012 393 5244 and NkosiViolet@saps.gov.za
                                                                                                                                                                     them.                                                               Captain LK Mahlase at 012 393 5187 and MahlaseL2@saps.gov.za
12     POLICE         JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JUNE 2019      POLICE       13

     SAPS HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS                                                                                                                                      We then started to contribute funds out of our own pockets
                                                                                                                                                                    and purchased building material for the project. The
                                                                                                                                                                    Head Master, Mr Osman Muhammad, and the teacher’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               our cultural and language differences, but we adapted well
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               as time continued as they began to accept us.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               In the debriefing session, the Section Head for the SAPS’s
     CONTRIBUTE TO DARFUR LITERACY                                                                                                                                  association mobilised community members to assist in
                                                                                                                                                                    building the classrooms and classroom benches. The actual                  Employee Health and Wellness’s Psychological Services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brigadier Petunia Lenono, explained the importance
                                                                                                                                                                    construction started in February 2019 and the handing
     By Capt Kgabo Mashamaite                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of debriefing members going to and returning from
                                                                                                                                                                    over was done on 12 May 2019 – just two weeks before
     Photographs by WO Theo van Wyk                                                                                                                                                                                                            deployment.
                                                                                                                                                                    our departure back to South Africa. We are grateful to have
                                                                                                                                                                    made a difference in the lives of ordinary people.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “The pre-deployment phase mainly involves preparing
                                                                                                                                                                    According to the ORS Division’s Commander for External                     members’ mindset for change so they can adjust to
                                                                                                                                                                    Deployment, Colonel Kuli Mahlangu, the SAPS is mandated                    extraordinary duties, being away from their loved ones,
                                                                                                                                                                    by Cabinet to deploy at least 50 deployment-ready members                  as well as the different environment and cultures. We also
                                                                                                                                                                    every financial year at a budget of R18 million. Colonel                   consult with members’ families as they too will go through
                                                                                                                                                                    Mahlangu further explained that there are two types                        change because of members’ absence from their everyday
                                                                                                                                                                    of external deployments, namely, external contingent                       lives.
                                                                                                                                                                    deployment (the mission forwards contingent requirements
                                                                                                                                                                    to Cabinet) and contractual external deployment (the                       The post-deployment process is aimed at reintegrating
                                                                                                                                                                    mission advertises vacancies for individuals with specific                 members into their former normal duties and their families,
                                                                                                                                                                    qualification/skills).                                                     as well as reorientating them in the changes that would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               have happened during their 12-month absence,” said
                                                                                                                                                                    Sharing his experience as an individual police officer for the             Brigadier Lenono.
                                                                                                                                                                    UNAMID, his first external deployment in his 26-year career
                                                                                                                                                                    with the SAPS, Warrant Officer Richard Govender said                       The ORS Division’s Commander for Mobilisation Support,
                                                                                                                                                                    that serving the country at an international peace-keeping                 Lieutenant Colonel Milton Ndlovu said that members
                                                                                                                                                                    mission, was an experience of a lifetime and that, given the               deployed to foreign missions, have to be fully-functional
                                                                                                                                                                    opportunity, he would not hesitate to continue where he had                police officers, over the age of 25, medically fit, subject
                                                                                                                                                                    left off.                                                                  themselves to comprehensive medical screening, comply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with the United Nations’ medical criteria, undergo the United
                                                                                                                                                                    “I am also glad that, as the commander has said, the team                  Nations’ generic assessments, undergo two to four-week
                                                                                                                                                                    raised the flag of the country high and engraved the name                  assessment training in various disciplines, and pass the
                                                                                                                                                                    of the SAPS into the hearts of Dafur’s local civilians in the              e-based United Nation assessment tests.
                                                                                                                                                                    Shangil camp through these projects,” said Warrant Officer

                                                                                                                                                                    Detailing his experience, Warrant Officer Govender said:
                                                                                                                                                                    “We contended with extreme weather conditions with
                                                                                                                                                                    temperatures soaring to 40˚C and frequent sand storms, but
                                                                                                                                                                    we adapted. Regarding the locals, we first had to overcome
     A group picture of the SAPS members who were part of the United Nations Hybrid Operations mission from 27 May 2018 to 27 May 2019 in Darfur, Sudan.
                                                                                                                                                           WO Richard Govender and Sergeant Benjamin van Vuuren next to the completed
                                                                                                                                                           classroom structure with the Head Master, Mr Osman Muhammad (dresssed in white)
                                                                                                                                                           and the local teachers association representative (dresssed in grey) during their
                                                                                                                                                           handing-over ceremony.

     M    embers of the SAPS, who were part of the
          United Nations – African Union Mission in
     Darfur (UNAMID) were good ambassadors for
                                                                                     After having assessed the level of illiteracy among the
                                                                                     civilians in the Internally Displaced People camp at Shangil
                                                                                     in the Tobaya area, the SAPS members deployed there,
                                                                                     raised about US$1 000 to build a classroom and help with
     the country during their one-year deployment in                                 the procurement of building material to complete the
     Sudan.                                                                          (half-built) administration block at the camp’s school, EL
                                                                                     Hurria Basic School.
     This, according to the Section Head for External Deployment
     and Mobilisation Support in the Operational Response                            In her welcoming address, Brigadier Ramodingwane said:
     Services (ORS) Division, Brigadier Ria Ramodingwane,                            “We commend our highly-disciplined members for a job
     during the debriefing of members fresh from their                               well done. Not only on their key responsibility areas, but
     international duties at the ORS offices at the Maupa Naga                       for walking the extra mile and extending their hands and
     Building in Pretoria, Gauteng, on 27 May 2019.                                  opening their wallets to make a difference in the lives of
                                                                                     their fellow Africans.”
     These members were deployed with instructions to protect
     civilians, contribute to security for humanitarian assistance,                  One of the members involved in raising funds for the
     monitor and verify the implementation of various                                two projects, Sergeant Benjamin van Vuuren, said: “After
     agreements, assist in an inclusive political process, as well                   having observed the lack of basic human rights and the
     as contribute to the promotion of human rights and the rule                     enthusiasm that locals had for learning basic English
     of law, among others. The members hoisted the country’s                         communication skills, we decided to build a classroom that
     flag aloft with humanitarian intervention projects apart from                   would accommodate learners who were willing to learn the
     their core mandate.                                                             language.
14        POLICE       JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JUNE 2019     POLICE     15
                                                                                       EHW                                                                                                                                                         EHW

                                                                                                                                                                    Factors leading to suicide?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ·     do not understand why they attempted suicide in the
                                                                                                                                                                    Suicide is a complex phenomenon which involves many factors                                      first place
                                                                                                                                                                    that in some instances, interact with each other and lead to
                                                                                                                                                                    suicide.                                                                                   ·     feel angry that they cannot just “get over it”.
     SUICIDE AMONG EMPLOYEES OF THE SAPS                                                                                                                            These include:                                                                       We can help prevent suicide by doing the following:

     By Lt Col (Dr) Coenraad van den Heever                                                                                                                                ·     Genetic or biological factors (for example family                             ·     Participating in the Employee Health and Wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                 history of suicide and/or depression)                                               (EHW) Psychological Services’ Choose Life Programme,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     which raises awareness on suicide among police
                                                                                                                                                                           ·     Social factors (for example financial adversity,                                    officials and aims at providing preventative measures
                                                                                                                                                                                 exposure to violence and aggression in the line of                                  that members can use to curb suicide.

     T  he SAPS is entrusted with the vital task of upholding law and order in the democratic Republic
        of South Africa. It is therefore imperative that police officials remain healthy so that they can be
     productive and deliver on their Constitutional mandate to protect the country and all its inhabitants.
                                                                                                                                                                                 duty, and relationship problems)

                                                                                                                                                                                 Psychological factors (for example poor
                                                                                                                                                                                 interpersonal and/or problem-solving skills)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ·     Acquiring the help of psychological professionals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EHW’s Psychological Services’ personnel are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      available seven days a week, even after hours, to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      assist police officials and their immediate family
                                                                                                                                                                           ·     Spiritual factors (for example disconnectedness from                                 members.
     Unfortunately, traumatic experiences in the line of duty,                                                                                                                   God and neglect of one’s spiritual well-being).
                                                                                             Myth buster:
     stress and/or depression, sometimes overburden our law                                                                                                                                                                                                     ·     Taking up the responsibility of saving the lives of
     enforcement officials which often leads them to commit suicide.                         1. False                                                               What signs must we look for?                                                                      your colleagues, family members and friends, you
     Police officials are not only at risk of committing suicide, but are                          •    Women attempt suicide three times more often than                                                                                                             do not have to be a psychologist to be able to identify a
                                                                                                        men.                                                        Most suicidal individuals give major warning signs of their
     also susceptible to committing murder-suicide.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   person in distress. Each individual can be a lifesaver
                                                                                                  •     However, the completed suicide rate is four to five         intentions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      by being observant, listening to their intuition, and
     Murder-suicide is an act in which an individual kills one or more                                  times higher for males than it is for females.
                                                                                                                                                                    These include:                                                                                    acting appropriately.
     people, usually an intimate partner and/or children, before (or
     while) killing themselves.                                                              2. False                                                                     ·     Talking about killing or harming themselves                                     ·     Keeping in mind that a suicidal person’s inability or
                                                                                                   •    The chances of an individual attempting suicide for a                                                                                                         unwillingness to ask for help, does not mean that
     Police officials mostly commit suicide or murder-suicide with                                      second time are very high, especially in cases where              ·     Talking or writing about death a lot                                                  they do not need it.
     service firearms, which is attributed to them having free access                                   there was no intervention after the first attempt.
     to them. Hanging and drug overdose are also popular methods                                                                                                          ·     Suffering or having previously suffered from a mental                           ·     Realising that suicide prevention starts with
     of suicide among police officials.                                                                                                                                         illness/disorder such as depression and/or                                            recognising the warning signs and taking any threats
                                                                                             3. False                                                                           post-traumatic stress disorder                                                        of suicide or murder-suicide seriously.
     Males use more violent methods such as firearms to kill                                       •    DO NOT be afraid to openly talk about suicide. You
     themselves, compared to females who prefer less violent                                            might just save a person’s life.                                  ·     Having previous suicide attempt(s)                                       How can I support those who have attempted suicide?
     options such as drug overdosing.
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     Having a family history of suicide
                                                                                             4. False                                                                                                                                                    If someone you know is a suicide survivor, you can, irrespective
     Which myths exist about suicide?                                                              •    A person who suffers from depression, usually, does               ·     Abusing alcohol and/or other substances                                  of the type of relationship you have with them:
                                                                                                        not have the energy to commit suicide, but they are
     Please test your understanding of suicidal behaviour by determining whether you
                                                                                                        much more likely to attempt suicide after they have               ·     Losing interest in activities which he or she enjoyed                          ·     Check on them often (make time for people and be
     believe the below statements by indicating whether they are true or false?
                                                                                                        recovered from their mood disorder.                                     previously (for example hobbies and sport)                                           concerned about their well-being)
     Myths about suicide:
                                                                                             5. False                                                                                                                                                          ·     Tell them that it is OK to talk about their suicidal
                                                                                                   •    About 80% of all intended suicides are communicated          NOTE: Studies show that a sense of hopelessness, is a strong predictor of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     thoughts and feelings
                                                                                                        to others, verbally (where the person actually says: “I      suicide as people who feel hopeless, predict a bleak future and reckon that
                                                               True       False                         want to kill myself”) or non-verbally (where a person        they have nothing to look forward to.                                                     ·     Listen without judging or preaching to them
                                                                                                        does things that display that he or she is giving up, for         ·     Having dramatic mood swings
     1.     More men than women attempt suicide.
                                                                                                        example giving away their possessions).                                                                                                                ·     Tell them that you want them in your life and how
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     Sudden changing behaviour (for example, to
     2.     A person who has attempted suicide                                                          NOTE: non-verbal cues in murder-suicide are much                                                                                                             important they are to you
            once, is less likely to try it a second time.                                                                                                                       change from being an outgoing person to becoming
                                                                                                        more subtle.
                                                                                                                                                                                withdrawn or from well-behaved to rebellious)
     3.     If you ask a person whether they are                                                                                                                                                                                                               ·     Ask them directly whether they are thinking about
            thinking about suicide, you will put                                             6. False                                                                     ·     Neglecting physical appearance                                                       committing suicide when they start showing warning
            suicidal ideas into their minds.                                                       •    Not all suicidal persons suffer from a mental disorder.                                                                                                      signs
                                                                                                        Sometimes, individuals who commit suicide are                     ·     Displaying changes in eating and/or sleeping
     4.     A person who has been suffering from
                                                                                                        merely looking for a permanent solution to their                        patterns
            depression, who seems to be feeling
            better now, is not likely to commit suicide.                                                problem(s).
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     Withdrawing and isolating from people, often opting                         Call the EHW: Psychological Services for immediate assistance
     5.     Most suicides occur without the person                                                                                                                              to be alone, whether at home or work                                        at the following numbers:
            giving any indication that they are                                              7. False
            thinking about it.                                                                     •    Alcohol use is associated with 25% to 50% of all                  ·     Expressing feelings of emptiness, or having a void
                                                                                                        suicides.                                                                                                                                           Head Office: 082 779 8616
                                                                                                                                                                                that no one/nothing can fill
     6.     Individuals who try to commit suicide,                                                •     Alcohol lowers an individual’s inhibitions thereby                                                                                                  Gauteng: 082 413 1898
            must be mentally ill.                                                                       helping them to overcome the anxiety involved in            Survivors of suicide attempts often −                                                   Limpopo: 082 445 9586
                                                                                                        committing suicide.                                                                                                                                 North West: 082 855 0657
     7.     Alcohol does not have much influence on
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     feel guilty about what they did                                             Free State: 082 463 4083
            the number of suicides.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            KwaZulu Natal: 082 567 4181
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     fear doing it again, they might be successful next time                     Western Cape: 082 469 1076
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Eastern Cape: 082 779 7197
                                                                                                                                                                          ·     feel embarrassed that they failed to take their own                         Northern Cape: 082 494 9927
                                                                                                                                                                                lives                                                                       Mpumalanga: 013 249 1775
16     POLICE      JUNE 2019                                                                                                                                                                            JUNE 2019   POLICE   17
                                                              FLASH NEWS                                                                                                                   FLASH NEWS

     POLICE-COMMUNITY SEARCH TEAM                                                                                                  K9’S JACK CATCHING CRIMINALS
     RESCUE 2-YEAR-OLD                                                                                                             By Capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg

     T  he police in Erasmia, south-west of Pretoria,
        sighed with relief when they reunited a two-
     year-old girl with her mother on 27 May 2019.
                                                                                                                                   T  he SAPS’s canine, Jack, is always ready for
                                                                                                                                      action assisting his human colleagues to
                                                                                                                                   arrest criminals across the Nelson Mandela Bay
                                                                                                                                   municipal area, Eastern Cape.
     Apparently, the young girl was last seen by her aunt while
     playing in the street with other children on Saturday, 25 May                                                                 His latest feat resulted in the apprehension of an alleged
     2019. The toddler’s 38-year-old mother reported her child                                                                     housebreaker in the early hours of 28 May 2019 in Walmer.
     missing to the local authorities after she could not find her                                                                 Members of the SAPS’s K9 unit were patrolling the Heugh
     shortly after 11:00.                                                                                                          Road and 8th Avenue area in Walmer, when they saw the
                                                                                                                                   shadowy outlines of two people near the 8th Avenue Centre
     The police immediately began a search-and-rescue                                                                              at approximately 02:00. The members became suspicious,
     operation in the Mooiplaas Informal Settlement. The child                                                                     given the time, so they immediately went to investigate.
     could not be located during the two-day search and the
     operation was called off on Sunday evening, 26 May 2019.                                                                      The members stopped their vehicle closer to the Centre to
                                                                                                                                   look for the two silhouettes they had noticed, but could not
     However, a team comprising members from the SAPS’s                                                                            find them. However, the members found that the lock on the
     K9 Unit’s search-and-rescue, the Erasmia Police Station’s                                                                     gate had been forced opened. They then released Jack to
     Crime Prevention Unit and Detectives Services, the SAPS’s                                                                     help them find the two people that the members suspected
     Air Wing, and Mooiplaas residents resumed the search on                                                                       to have broken into the Centre.
     Monday, 27 May 2019. The team’s efforts bore fruit when
     they found the child alive in a nearby bush. They then took                                                                   While the team searched the Centre, an unknown man
     her to a local hospital for observation.                                                                                      jumped from a trench and attempted to flee. The members
                                                                                                                                   warned the suspect to stop but he continued running. After a
     “I want to thank the Erasmia police for their commitment                                                                      brief chase, Jack apprehended the suspect.
     and dedication in making sure that my child was found alive.
     I have not been able to eat or sleep for the entire weekend                                                                   The members inspected the property and discovered that
     thinking about my child outside and alone in this cold                                                                        some air pipes were damaged. The 27-year-old suspect
     weather. I have been praying to God to keep my daughter                                                                       was detained on a charge of housebreaking and theft.
     alive,” said the child’s mother.                                                                                              The suspect is expected to appear in the Port Elizabeth
                                                                     and caretakers to ensure that they know the whereabouts       Magistrate’s Court soon.
     The Station Commander of the Erasmia Police Station,            of their children at all times, and I want to encourage the
     Lieutenant Colonel Thandi Mokgoetsi, commended all those        public to report any missing person at their local police
     who participated in the search. “I want to thank everyone       station, immediately, as there is no waiting period for
     who was involved in this search operation. I urge parents       reporting a missing person, no matter the age of such
                                                                     individual,“ said Lieutenant Colonel Mokgoetsi.
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