Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch

Page created by Katherine Burke
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
July 2021


                    Pony Express
                  Nellie Gail Ranch   Community Newsletter

INSIDE:                                                          JULY ISSUE:
Election Results                                        Beer, Burgers & Bingo
Equestrian Center News                                 Summer Concert Series
Tennis Center News                                         Business Directory
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
Everything Under One Roof                                                                               TABLE OF
                              HOME LOANS

       Exciting Mortgage Solutions
        • Purchase & Refinance

        • Down Payment Assistance
        • FHA, VA, USDA                                                                                                                  Nellie Gail
        • Jumbo Financing
        • Bank Statement Loans                                                                                                                  Resident
        • Stated Income
        • Self Employed Loans
        • Home Equity Lines of Credit
        • Reverse Mortgages

                                                                                                                                                                                                        28                               34                      44
        • Low Fico Loans
        • Cash Out Refinances
        • Mortgage Insurance Removal Refi
        • Private Money Loans
                                                                                                                                                                                        05   Director’s Message                  25     Equestrian Center News
                                Contact Us Today to Learn More!                                                                                                                         07   Architectural Review                27     Horse Spotlight
                    BRIAN CHAPLIN                                                                                       BRANDI ROBLES                                                   09 Board of Directors Meeting            29     Tennis Center News
                    Senior Loan Officer                                                                                 Senior Loan Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                        11   Nellie Gail S.M.A.R.T               31     Home Security
                          949.689.4674                                                                                  949.342.8002
             Brian@EverWiseGroup.com                                                                                    Brandi@EverWiseGroup.com                                        13   Election Results                    33     Team Darkhorse
            NMLS 308189 DRE 01888299                                                                                    NMLS 1429872 DRE 02022443
                                                                                                                                                                                        15   Beers, Burgers & Bingo!             37     Business Directory
                                                                                                                                                                                        17   Summer Concert Series               39     Classified Ads
EVERWISE Home Loans                    This licensee is performing acts for which a real estate license is required. Everwise Home Loans is licensed by the California Bureau of Real
                                      Estate, Broker# 02067255; NMLS# 1739012. Loan approval is not guaranteed and is subject to lender review of information. All loan approvals
15615 Alton Pkwy, Suite 450          are conditional and all conditions must be met by borrower. Loan is only approved when lender has issued approval in writing and is
Irvine, CA 92618                    subject to the Lender conditions. Specified rates may not be available for all borrowers. Rate subject to change with market conditions.
                                   Everwise Home Loans is an Equal Opportunity Mortgage Broker.                                                                                                                        2 | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
Important Numbers                                   Board of Directors Meetings
                                Community Contacts                                                                                                                                                            The July Open Session Board Meeting and
                                                                                                                                                  (949) 425-1477     Association Office                       Open Homeowner Forum is scheduled for
                                                                                                                                                  (949) 831-6660     Nellie Gail Ranch Tennis and Swim        July 20, 2021. The meeting will be held both
                                                                                  Board of Directors                                                                 Club                                     in person at the Association Clubhouse and
                                                          Mark Fisk                         PRESIDENT                                             (949) 371-1595     Nellie Gail Ranch Equestrian Center      via ZOOM:
                                                          Joyce Taylor                      VICE PRESIDENT                                        (949) 533-0241     Equestrian Center (Emergency)            Board Meeting July 20, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.
    25211 Empty Saddle Drive, Laguna Hills CA 92653       Alex Presley                      SECRETARY                                             (800) 696-0678     Sunset Landscape (Irrigation Leaks)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The agenda will be posted in the Association
                                                          John Park                         CO-TREASURER                                          (714) 971-2421     Vector Control
              Phone: (949) 425-1477                                                                                                                                                                           Office and on the NGR website on the Friday
               Fax: (949) 425-1478                        Loree Blough                      CO-TREASURER                                          (877) 728-0446     CRandR (Trash Pickup)                    prior to the meeting, or you may contact the
             www.NellieGailRanch.org                      DISCLAIMER: The paid advertisements contained within the Pony Express
                                                          magazine are not endorsed or recommended by Nellie Gail Ranch Owners
                                                                                                                                                  (949) 831-2500     Moulton Niguel Water District            Association Office to obtain agenda information.
                 Brian Mitchell                           Association (NGROA). Therefore, NGROA may not be held liable or responsible                                                                         All homeowners are welcomed and encouraged
                General Manager                                                                                                                   (800) 411-7343     SDGandE
                                                          for business practices of these companies. Any use of the “Nellie Gail” name in
          bmitchell@nelliegailranch.org                   said advertisements is not affiliated with Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association.        (800) 427-2200     Southern California Gas Company          to attend the meetings.
                                                          Opinions expressed within are not necessarily the views of NGROA and takes no
               Dennis C. Moss                             responsibility for content or claims made within.                                       (949) 470-3045     Animal Control (Mission Viejo Shelter)   Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.
Operations Manager Parks and Recreation Facilities        The Pony Express publishes articles that are relevant to the community or are
                                                          directly related to property maintenance and community activities in NGROA and
                                                          are in support of the Association’s purpose to preserve property values within the                       County of Orange                           VQyWHFrUUtaZz09
                     Jeff Hinkle                          community. The Editor reserves the right to refuse, edit or modify any submitted
        Facilities and Compliance Manager                 material and the editor’s decision is final. Submissions selected for publication by                                                                Dial in #: 669 900 6833
                                                          the Editor may be edited according to the space limitations of each specific issue.
            hinkle@nelliegailranch.org                    Publisher cannot be held responsible for copyright breaches arising from any
                                                          materials supplied by a third party. NGROA Board of Directors and employees are         911                Emergencies                              Meeting ID: 886 8976 9790
               Diane Goodchild                            not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or claims in articles or advertisements
              Community Associate                         printed herein. Any opinions stated herein are solely those of the individual authors
                                                                                                                                                  211                County Service Information               Passcode: 202326
          goodchild@nelliegailranch.org                   and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NGROA or its representatives.
                                                                                                                                                  (949) 770-6011     Sheriff’s Dispatch - Non Emergency
                Mary Gonzales                             NOTE: When community events take place, photographers may be present to take                                                                         Architectural Review Committee
                                                          photos that may be used in this publication.                                            (949) 707-2600     City of Laguna Hills
               Events Coordinator
            maryg@nelliegailranch.org                                                                                                             (949) 707-2650     Laguna Hills City - Weed Abatement       Architectural Review Committee meetings are
              Alexandra Badie                                                                                                                     (800) 611-7343     SDGandE Emergencies/Outages
                                                                                                                                                                                                              generally held the second Tuesday of each
Communications Coordinator | Pony Express Editor                                                                                                                                                              month at 7:00 pm at the Association Office.
      alexandrab@nelliegailranch.org                                                                                                                                                                          Completed applications must be submitted
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to the Association Office at least 10 business
                                                                                                                                                    Assessment Remittance Address                             days prior to the ARC meeting. Please check
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the calendar in each issue of the Pony Express
                                                                                                                                                  Please remit all assessments to:                            for exact submittal deadlines and ARC meeting
                                                                                                                                                  P.O. Box, 62053, Newark, NJ 07101-8060
    25281 Empty Saddle Drive, Laguna Hills CA 92653                                                                                                                                                                  Association Committees
              Phone: (949) 831-6660                                                                                                               or drop off at the Association Office.                      The Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association has
                                                                                                                                                                                                              several committees comprised of Homeowners
                                                                                                                                                                                                              that provide support to the Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                                                                                              on selected Community topics. For more
                                                                                                                                                               Mission Statement                              information or to join any of our Committees,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              please contact the Association Office at (949)
     25202 Nellie Gail Road, Laguna Hills CA 92653
                                                                                                                                                   To take all reasonable and necessary steps                 425-1477.
                                                                                                                                                   to preserve and improve the unique value of
               Office: (949) 425-1477                                                                                                              living in Nellie Gail Ranch and to enhance the                    Architectural Review Committee
                Cell: (949) 371-1595
                                                                                                                                                             overall sense of community.                          Emergency Preparedness Committee
                   Dave Jones
        Interim Equestrian Center Manager                                                                                                                                                                                 Equestrian Committee
          equestrian@nelliegailranch.org                                                                                                                                                                                    Events Committee
                Manuel Ruelas
              Operations Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Landscape Committee
           manuelr@nelliegailranch.org                                                                                                                                                                                     Security Committee
Equestrian Center EMERGENCY: (949) 533-0241                                                                                                                    Cover Photo by Jeff Hinkle                              Trails and Safety Committee

                                                3 | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
Director's Message
By Mark Fisk
                           This month my grandfather left this world after ninety-eight and a half
                           years of life. That’s right, you can count half years before five and after
                           ninety. He had a remarkable life that I find an inspiring approach to living
                           my own. He started his life with the chips stacked heavily against him.
                          He was born in Berlin, Germany and raised by a poor single mother during
                          a time of hyperinflation and a downward spiral of social well-being. In his
                          youth, he apprenticed as an auto mechanic. World War II began while he
                          was still very young. When a bomb was dropped in his apartment building,
                          he and his mother lost all their possessions. With limited resources to
                          survive, his mother was forced to give him up to an orphanage. At age
                          19, he was drafted as a German soldier and sent to fight in North Africa.
                          Because of his skills as a mechanic, he was assigned as a driver for officers.
                          In battle, he witnessed the horrors of war and subsequently was struck by
grenade shrapnel that entered his chest and exited his back. After a stay in a medical camp, he
caught an Italian convoy to be reunited with his severely damaged battalion. They were quickly
captured and sent to a French prison camp. His captors utilized his mechanical skills by bringing
him on missions to repair vehicles and equipment. He remained in prison camp until three years
after the end of the war. After returning to Germany, he married his girlfriend, who had crossed
from East Germany with her younger brother during construction of the wall. They started a family
and had two girls. With a total of three dollars to their name, they immigrated to the United States
of America as refugees. My grandfather found work as a BMW mechanic. He always told me as
a child, “They can take all your belongings, but they can’t take your skills and knowledge”, as he
would tap on his temple.
He worked hard to provide for his family. He made his own opportunities. He overcame so many
challenges that he was not afraid to take risks. He was confident that he could be successful if he
was determined. He loved his family more than anything and even in his final days chuckled in
pleasure at being in their presence. He was a doer. He was not ready to go. He felt that there are
still things that needed to be done. He loved life, but some things are out of our control.
His success lies in his legacy, a family that he loved and that loved him. His example shows that
someone who has hundreds of reasons to fail can determine their own destiny and succeed.
Challenges can be defeated with perseverance. Opportunities are not given but made. Strength is
built by focusing on the path forward and learning from the difficulties of the past.
I will miss my grandfather but will always remember his example when things do not go my way. The
easiest path is to use obstacles as an excuse. The path of those that are successful is to embrace
those obstacles and failures as experiences for growth. I hope to apply this to my own life and set
a positive example for my children. I hope to live a life where obstacles become steppingstones, a
life that brings joy, and to love and be loved by those you care about. This is the true mark of a life
lived successfully.

                                         5 | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
ADDRESS                                       PROJECT                                            RESULTS

Architectural Reviews                                                                               25955 Glen Canyon
                                                                                                    25551 Rapid Falls
                                                                                                                                                                                                Approved with Conditions
                                                                                                    27222 Lost Colt                  New Home Construction                                      Approved with Conditions
The following properties submitted plans to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee       25591 Rapid Falls                Resubmittal Pool/Spa                                       Denied
on June 8, 2021.
                                                                                                    25042 Buckboard                  Driveway Replacement                                       Approved
The Submittal Deadline for the August ARC Meeting is July 27, 2021.
                                                                                                    27431 Lost Trail                 Painting                                                   Approved
        ADDRESS                              PROJECT                            RESULTS             25392 Derbyhill                  Hardscape, Landscape                                       Approved with Conditions
  27041 Hidden Trail         Walls, landscape                          Approved with Conditions
  25561 Rapid Falls          Resubmittal Painting                      Approved
  25751 Pecos                Addition to House >300 sq ft              Approved with Conditions
  25672 Pinto                Addition to House
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
The Consolidated Balance Sheet reflects               homeowner accounts to collect on
                                                                                                   $3,115,436 in reserve funds, $1,991,499 in            judgments and/or past due assessment
Board of Directors Meeting                                                                         operating funds, $8,900 in Petty Cash, and
                                                                                                   $551,063 in Stall, Trail and Architectural Deposits
                                                                                                   for a total cash balance of $5,666,898.•    Total   accumulated  outstanding
       NELLIE GAIL RANCH OWNERS                IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION REPORT                                                               assessments total 1.2% of the annual
                                                                                                   Year to date Assessment Revenue totals assessment budget.
              ASSOCIATION                      The regularly scheduled Executive Session           $1,625,146    compared      to   the    budgeted
                                               meeting was held on April 20, 2021 via Zoom                                                               End of Consent Calendar
      BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING                                                                   $1,325,394.
                                               Conference Call.                                                                                      VI. OLD BUSINESS - None
             OPEN SESSION                      Actions taken include:                              Year to date Total Consolidated Revenue
                                                                                                                                                     VII. NEW BUSINESS
                                               • Approval of the March 16, 2021 & April 1, 2021    is $2,491,790 compared to the budgeted
                   VIA ZOOM                                                                        $2,147,030.                                       A.    CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF
                                                                                                                                                     REPAIRING OR REPLACING ASSOCIATION
          TUESDAY, May 18, 2021                • Reviewed the April 2021 legal report.             The Consolidated Net Increase for the month WORK TRUCK
                                               • Approved the service agreement renewal            prior to adjustments for depreciation is $29,041 Motion:       Blough
                                               with Evolution Swim Academy                         compared to the budgeted decrease of Second:                   Taylor
I.    CALL TO ORDER                                                                                ($177,897). Consolidated Net Income year to date Resolution: To approve replacement of the
The Open Session meeting of the Nellie Gail    • Approved the contract with Mark Wood              prior to adjustments for depreciation is $433,551 Association’s 2003 Nissan Frontier work truck.
Ranch Owners Association was called to order   Entertainment for sound, lighting, staging and      compared to the budgeted of $8,874. Year to Director Mark Fisk is appointed to collaborate
at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom conference call due to   entertainers for the 2021 Summer concert series.    date reserve funding is $247,112 compared to with Management and authorize purchase of
the Coronavirus pandemic state mandated        • Approved the contract with Lindley Fire for the   a budget of $229,800. The variance is reserve new or pre-owned vehicle at a not to exceed
restriction on gatherings.                     clubhouse sprinkler system design, engineering,     interest income.                                  $38,250 purchase price.
                                               and implementation.
DIRECTORS PRESENT                                                                                  C.      REPORT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION The motion carried unanimously.
Loree Blough                                   • Approved to purchase eight Tennis Center          APPROVAL TO COMMENCE FORECLOSURE                  VIII. REPORTS
Joyce Taylor                                   walkway benches from Park Warehouse
                                                                                                   Resolution: Per California Civil Code 5705(c), The following reports were received and
Alex Presley                                   • Reviewed and filed the delinquency reports.       this item serves to document action taken by filed by the Board:        Architectural Review,
Mark Fisk                                      • Reviewed and filed violation report.              the Board in executive session to involve the Communications,         Community       Events,
DIRECTORS ABSENT                                                                                   association’s collection attorney in delinquent Emergency Preparedness, Equestrian Center,
                                               A Special Executive Session meeting was held
John Park                                                                                          account proceedings, which may result in , Solar, Swim Center, Tennis/Pickleball Center,
                                               on May 10, 2021.
MANAGEMENT                                                                                         foreclosure action by the association against the Trails/Common Area and Traffic Commission.
                                               • The Board reviewed an open staff position and     properties mentioned below:
Brian Mitchell, General Manager                associated job descriptions.                                                                          IX. CORRESPONDENCE
Dennis Moss, Operations Manager, Parks &       V.   CONSENT CALENDAR                                                                                     Correspondence was received and filed.
                                                                                                        Parcel Number
Recreation Facilities
                                      Motion:       Fisk                                                 636-122-05                                      X.   NEXT MEETING
II.   HOMEOWNER FORUM                 Second:       Taylor                                                627-432-02                                     The next Open Session Board of Directors
Five (5) homeowners attended the Open Resolution: To approve Consent Calendar
                                                                                                          627-172-14                                     meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Homeowner Forum via the ZOOM link.    resolutions for agenda items V-A through V-C.
                                                                                                                                                         at 7:30 p.m. in person with a Zoom link option.
III. HOMEOWNER APPEAL – 27575 FARGO   The motion carried unanimously.
                                                                                                   Delinquency Statistics for the Open Session           XI. ADJOURNMENT
TO REQUEST RESCINDING ARC CONDITION OF APRIL 20, 2021 OPEN SESSION MINUTES                         Minutes:                                              The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
APPROVAL – 27575 FARGO                 Resolution: To approve the Open Session                     •     There is (1) one past owner delinquency
Motion:    Taylor                      Minutes dated April 20, 2021 as presented.                  with a balance of $471.
Second:     Fisk                               B.  CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE                •     Seventeen (17) current owner past due
                                               MARCH 31, 2021 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                 delinquencies total $32,224 in assessments
Resolution: To deny the homeowner appeal
and require the ARC condition to stand.  Resolution: To approve the financial statements           and $4,660 in assessment judgments.
                                         for the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association
The motion carried unanimously.                                                                    •    The collection attorney is currently
                                         dated March 31, 2021 reflecting the following:
                                                                                                   working on seven (7) past and current
                                   9 | The Pony Express                                                                                   10 | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
Nellie Gail Ranch “New” Operations Vehicle
                                 Nellie Gail                                                          Our Facilities Manager Jeff Hinkle is a car guy. And like many car guys, he grows an attachment to
                                                                                                      the vehicles he puts a lot of miles on. As they say, all good things must come to an end at some

                              S.M.A.R.T.                                                              point, even beloved vehicles. Our Nellie Gail Ranch 2003 Nissan Frontier, with mostly hard off
                                                                                                      pavement trail miles, should be a familiar site to you. And so too would be Jeff who has been the
                                                                                                      primary driver of the 18 year old truck for all of his 12 years with Nellie Gail Ranch.
                         S AV I N G M O N E Y A N D R E S O U R C E S T O D AY
                                                                                                      Like most of us, when a vehicle starts to require costly repairs we replace rather than continue
                                                                                                      to repair the vehicle. So this month we shopped around and found an excellent pre-owned low
                                                                                                      mileage 2019 Nissan Frontier. So while you may see a “new” truck on your trails, you will still have
Nellie Gail Ranch has a number of pet waste         empty the trash containers twice per week at a
                                                                                                      the same careful trail driver. And we wish them many productive miles together!
stations dispersed throughout the community.        cost of $35,000 per year not counting vehicle,
These pet waste bags are provided as a courtesy     gas or dump fees.
and are intended to supplement pet owners
own supply of bags. Would you believe Nellie        It is much more economically efficient, fair
Gail Ranch provides over 68,000 pet waste           and effective for pet owners to take personal
bags annually to pet lovers. We feel there is       responsibility to live the outdoor ethic.
great value in providing these supplemental
bags to the extent that they help keep our parks     Leave No Trace. Please bring your own supply
and trails more sanitary.                            of pet waste bags, collect and carry out any
                                                     waste and continue to enjoy the natural beauty
While the great majority of these 68,000 pet of Nellie Gail Ranch.
waste bags end up properly thrown away, we
do find quite a few left on the sides of trails, in
bushes and any number of inconvenient places.
While almost no one would ever purposefully
leave a pet waste bag on someone’s front yard,
far too many are abandoned on trails. There is
an important distinction we should keep in mind
with respect to the trails. Nellie Gail Ranch Owners
Association owns very little of the trail system.
The underlying ownership of the property is
each of our homeowners. It is important for us to
all be aware that whenever we are on a trail we
are guests on another homeowner’s property. A                                                                Nellie Gail Ranch Waiver for Guests and Equestrian Boarders
pet waste bag left by the trail is no different than
leaving that same litter on someone’s front yard.                                                     You may report any maintenance concerns to Management at
                                                                                                      admin@nelliegailranch.org or by text with photo to 949-933-8546.
Some pet owners who leave these bags may
                                                                                                      Please enjoy your equestrian and hiking adventures.
justify it with thoughts that Nellie Gail Ranch
should also provide trash containers. Think of                                                        Please remember to have guests scan the QR code here or on trail signs to
this for a moment, we have 129 trail heads and                                                        complete the waiver required for guest use. The form may be completed quickly
25 miles of trails. If we were to place one trash                                                     at the trailhead and once completed, your guest is approved for use of the trail
                                                                                                      or arena. Waivers for guest use of trails and arenas protect both the homeowner
container at every trail head and one per mile we
                                                                                                      and the Association by providing appropriate notice to guests of the inherent risk
would need to purchase 154 trash containers.                                                          associated with equine and/or hiking activities. Each guest and equestrian boarder
At approximately $300 per commercial trash                                                            only needs to complete the waiver once, it is not required each time they visit.
container that would be an initial investment of
                                                                                                      When using trails, be aware of wildlife. Coyotes are active, and there have been
$50,000. Then we would require one full time
                                                                                                      reports of snake sightings. Be observant and keep your children, pets, horses, and
employee to do nothing but drive around and                                                           selves safe!

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Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
MEET YOUR 2021-2022
                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS
The Annual Meeting of the Members was held Wednesday evening June 9th. The Election of
Directors was able to be conducted due to 572 homeowners who returned ballots, and we thank
all who participated in the election process. Below are the official results as tallied and certified by
the Inspector of Election.

    Mark Fisk          Joyce Taylor          Alex Presley           John Park          Loree Blough                                       Trail Use by Sports Camp
    President          Vice President         Secretary            Co-Treasurer         Co-Treasurer
                                                                                                           The Evolution Sports Camp began Monday, June 7, 2021 at Hidden Trail Park. The camp will be
                                                                                                           held Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, through August 13, 2021.
 The Board of Directors is the governing body that exercises the powers of the Association with regard
 to rules and regulations, contracts, assessments and other business of the Association. Directors are     The camp will have a maximum of 40 campers per week and will consist of groups participating
 resident-elected homeowners who volunteer their time to represent the community of Nellie Gail            in sports drills.
 Ranch. They dedicate countless hours during their 2 year terms to serve in the best interest of all our
                                                                                                           Campers will also participate in a mid-day trail walk to the Nellie Gail Ranch Recreation Center
 residents and make Nellie Gail Ranch one of the best communities in Southern California!
                                                                                                           and back to the park between the hours of 11:00 am – 1:30 pm. The above map highlights trails
                                                                                                           on which youth may be present. While caution is always appropriate on the Nellie Gail Ranch trail
                BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION RESULTS                                                        system, we wanted to highlight this trail and these times for your extra attention.

      Candidate Name                     Number of Votes                          Elected
Loree Blough                                      452                                  X
Alex Presley                                      449                                  X                                  Trails & Safety Committee Volunteer Opportunity
                                                                                                           We are actively seeking volunteers to serve on
                             SPECIAL BALLOT MEASURE #1                                                     the Trails & Safety Committee. With 25 miles
                                                                                                           of amazing trails we benefit from a volunteer
The vote to continue the contract for 24-Hour Mobile Patrol services passed with votes as follows:
                                                                                                           network of active trail users. Volunteers meet
                           Yes: 322 | Yes - Revise: 46 | No: 201 | Abstain: 1                              as needed to recommend trail improvements
                                                                                                           and discuss ongoing maintenance. If you have
                             SPECIAL BALLOT MEASURE #2                                                     an interest in serving on the Committee please
    The ballot measure passed approving the installation of vehicle license plate recognition              e-mail admin@nelliegailranch.org to request an
    cameras at community entries at a cost of $2.84 per home per month ($34.08 annually).                  application
                                Yes: 415 | No: 149 | Abstain: 7

                                         13 | The Pony Express                                                                                    14 | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
Tickets are Limited
     $25/non-resident guest
         Adults 21 and over.


                                              BEER TASTINGS
                                              by GameCraft Brewing

                                                               Special Thanks
                                                        to our Contributing Sponsor:

Association Clubhouse

Limited TICKETS available online:

                                # | The Pony Express
Pony Express The July 2021 - Nellie Gail Ranch
“They’re my new favorite band!” is a common reaction to seeing a STONE SOUL show. And you just
HAVE to see them!

STONE SOUL is a fantastic 8 piece, horn-blowing, foot-stomping Classic Soul & Motown tribute
band. The sound...authentic! The look...impeccable! The dance moves...electric! The fun...non-stop!
With their snazzy suits and spot-on renditions of classic soul and Motown hits, STONE SOUL will
have you dancing The Jerk, The Mashed Potatoes and The Twist to smash hits from Smokey Rob-
inson, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, The Four Tops, Otis Redding, James Brown, and more! Find
out why they’ve been called upon to support legendary acts like Stevie Wonder, BB King, Huey
Lewis & The News, Diana Ross, The O’Jays and Mary Wilson while playing over 1,000 shows to over
1.5 million fans.

Do yourself a favor and check out STONE SOUL performing at Gallup Park on Friday, July 16, 2021,
at 7:00pm until 9:30pm.                                                                                  For more information, call 949.425.1477 or visit www.NELLIEGAILRANCH.org

                                                                                                                STONE SOUL                                        SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR
                                                                                                         7/16   Motown Tribute Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Brad Feldman Group
                                                                                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTING SPONSORS

                                                                                                                HOT AUGUST NIGHTS
                                                                                                         7/30   Neil Diamond Tribute Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Melody Smith & Associates
                                                                                                                JUMPING JACK FLASH
                                                                                                         8/13   Rolling Stones Tribute Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Tate | LaMott | Group
                                                                                                                THE MIGHTY UNTOUCHABLES
                                                                                                         8/27   Multi-Genre, Multi-Cultural Mix Cover Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Melody Smith & Associates
HOT AUGUST NIGHT is a Neil Diamond tribute band that brings you the full experience. With his
                                                                                                                MARK WOOD & THE PARROT HEAD BAND
strong baritone voice, Dean Colley not only sounds like Neil, he also moves and looks like him too!
Dean and his showcase band have been wowing and thrilling Neil Diamond fans and audiences
                                                                                                         9/10   Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Tate | LaMott | Group
for over a decade and regularly sell out at concerts, festivals, events, private parties, casinos, and
                                                                                                                SURF CITY ALL-STARS
                                                                                                         9/24   Beach Boys Tribute Band
                                                                                                                Contributing Sponsor: Brad Feldman Group
This show is a crowd favorite and the best Neil Diamond sound-alike and look-alike tribute act cur-
rently performing!

Grab your chairs or blankets and ice chest and come sing and dance with us while watching HOT
AUGUST NIGHT perform LIVE at Gallup Park on Friday, July 30 at 7:00 pm!

                                        17 | The Pony Express
be the responsible party for utilizing the license plate recognition information to identify
                                                                                                                registered vehicle owners.
                           License Plate Recognition                                                         6. Consistent with Civil Code §5215, homeowners will not be provided with copies of footage,
                                                                                                                photos or reports as such data will be treated as private and confidential Association records not
                           Cameras and Camera Data                                                              subject to Member inspection. However, in event of subpoena or matters of litigation, such
                                                                                                                information may need to be turned over to comply with legal requirements.
                              Management Policy
                                                                                                             7. The existence of Flock Safety cameras should NOT be relied upon by any individual for safety
                                                                                                                or security. Individuals are encouraged to take their own precautions to ensure the safety of their
The special ballot measure for license plate recognition cameras passed with 415 votes in favor                 property.
of contracting for the service. At the Board Meeting of June 15, 2021, the Board approved moving
forward with the Flock Safety contract for installation of cameras. The approximate time to go live          8. Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association and Flock Safety are NOT law enforcement agencies and
with the system is August 15th. The $34.08 per homeowner annual expense will be incorporated                    are NOT in a position to undertake law enforcement investigation activities. Any illegal activity
into the 2021-22 budget commencing October 1, 2021. We will provide more updates as we get an                   should be reported to law enforcement immediately for investigation.
installation schedule lined up.
                                                                                                             9. The cameras are NOT designed for or capable of being used for speed or red light infractions.
The following Camera Data Management Policy provided to the homeowners with the Special Bal-
lot Measure was also approved at the June 15, 2021 meeting. The policy explains how and to whom              10. Captured footage and/or information will ONLY be used for the authorized purpose of promoting
data collected will be disseminated.                                                                             safety and security and shall in no instance be sold, shared or transferred for any other purpose.

                                                                                                             11. All non-law enforcement operators including Management or designated agents must maintain a
                                                                                                                 record of their system access which shall include:
                                                                                                                    ○   The username / person and organization
                                                                                                                    ○   Date and time
                                                                                                                    ○   The purpose for accessing the system
                      CAMERA DATA MANAGEMENT POLICY                                                                 ○   The vehicle make, model, license plate or other data elements used to query the system
                              Adopted June 15, 2021

  Pursuant to the authority granted the Association by the virtue of the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners
  Association Declaration of Restrictions (“CC&Rs”), the Board of Directors is adopting the following
  Vehicle and License Plate Recognition Camera Data Management Policy for the handling of video
  footage, still photos, data captured by the cameras and associated reporting:
     1. Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association has partnered with Flock Safety, a national neighborhood
        security provider, to deploy a camera system at community entry and exit locations. The system
        has the capability to identify vehicle make and model and read license plates. The system may
        also capture images through motion activation of pedestrians, wildlife, etc.                                            Need a New Roof? Or Maybe a Small Repair?

     2. Footage from Flock Safety cameras will not be actively monitored in real time.
                                                                                                                               PACIFIC CREST
     3. Flock Safety, law enforcement personnel, Management and designated agents may review                                     ROOFING
        footage from the Flock Safety camera(s) if there is complaint of potential illegal activity in the
                                                                                                                              Specializing in Residential Roofing
                                                                                                                               Re-Tile • Re Roofs • Roof Repairs
     4. Footage from Flock Safety cameras will be stored in the cloud (Amazon Web Services) for a                                       Dry-Rot Repairs
                                                                                                                                   Termite Damage Repairs
        rolling period of 30 days. In the event of felony activity, footage may be downloaded for extended
        storage.                                                                                                                JAY GIOIA, OWNER
                                                                                                                                    Local Nellie Gail Resident
     5. While the camera system will identify license plate information, Management and designated                             Fully Insured - Licensed - Bonded
        agents will not be able to obtain owner information from license plates. Law enforcement will                           CA LICENSE No. 986602 C-39
        be the responsible party for utilizing the license plate recognition information to identify                                 PacificCrestRoof.com

        registered vehicle owners.

     6. Consistent with Civil Code §5215,  19 homeowners    will not be provided with copies of footage,
                                              | The Pony Express                                                                                               20 | The Pony Express
        photos or reports as such data will be treated as private and confidential Association records not
                            PROPOSED EASEMENT
                            PLANTING GUIDELINES
                                            June 15, 2021
                                                                                                             GUIDELINES FOR ARC APPROVAL OF OWNER LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN
                                                                                                                                      EASEMENT AREAS
Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association’s proposed Easement Planting Guidelines have been draft-                                        June 15, 2021 Draft
ed to facilitate Architectural Review Committee review and approval of homeowner planting in
equestrian easements. Current guidelines restrict homeowners from implementing landscape im-
provements within the easements on their property. These guidelines would allow for planting that        •    Encourage improvements to the aesthetics of the trail system.
would further enhance trail aesthetics and the hiking and riding experience.                             •    Renew homeowner commitment to maintain the easement portions of their property.
                                                                                                         •    Limit erosion and excessive weed growth
The purpose of this notice is to offer Nellie Gail Ranch Members an opportunity to provide com-
ments on the new guidelines and to propose changes as may be desired. In accordance with               GUIDELINES FOR APPROVAL
California Civil Code section 4360, which requires the Association to provide the Members with a         •    Plans for proposed improvements within the easement shall be submitted to the Nellie Gail
minimum of twenty eight (28) days general notice of proposed rule changes.                                    Ranch Architectural Review Committee (ARC).
                                                                                                         •    All improvements must be approved by the ARC in entirety prior to installation.
The Board invites your comments on these proposed guidelines. Member input will be considered            •    Improvements must only be on the property of the homeowner / applicant.
by the Board at its open session meeting set for Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The meeting will be held at
                                                                                                         •    Improvements may not cause safety issues for trail usage.
7:30 p.m. at the Association Clubhouse.
                                                                                                                   o Irrigation shall be limited to low pressure drip irrigation with lock-nut compression
                                                                                                                      fittings or mist system attached to a fence. Free standing or staked risers are
Comments may be submitted via email to admin@nelliegailranch.org, may be delivered to the
meeting, or may be mailed to 25211 Empty Saddle Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.                                        prohibited.
                                                                                                                   o Irrigation shall not at any time flow into or wet the surface of the trail path.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,                                                                               o Drip Irrigation should be designed and installed as to not pose a tripping hazard. Min
Brian Mitchell                                                                                                        two feet from trail path surface
General Manager                                                                                                    o No hardscape shall be installed in the easement areas.
Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association                                                                               o Plants that are toxic to humans and animals are prohibited.
949-425-1477                                                                                                       o Trees and bushes must not be planted where trunk, branch or foliage growth will
                                                                                                                      impede use of the trail path.
                                                                                                         •    Improvements may not reduce equestrian, pedestrian or vehicular access in anyway.
                                                                                                         •    Plantings should not be designed in such a way to cause ambiguity to the easement line.
                                                                                                         •    Approval may be revoked if irrigation or plant material is unmaintained and/or permitted by
                                                                                                              owner to encroach onto, or drain, or cause erosion to the trail.

                                                                                                       ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS
                                                                                                         •    Homeowner must maintain improvements. Commitment to maintain extends to future
                                                                                                              property owners.
                                                                                                         •    Unmaintained or improvements that create a safety concern may be removed at any time
                                                                                                              by the NGRanch at the owner’s expense.

                                                                                                         •    Trail Path: The equestrian and/or pedestrian usable surface.
                                                                                                         •    Dripper Lock-nut compression fittings: A fitting that has a locking nut that rotates over top
                                                                                                              of the tubing, locking the tubing into place once the tubing has been pushed over the
                                                                                                              tapered barb. Ex: Perma-Loc irrigation fittings, DIG’s Universal Nut Lock™ Drip Fittings

                                       21 | The Pony Express                                                                                  22 | The Pony Express
Tate | LaMott | Group Featured Property                                                            CUR R EN T OFFER IN GS

                                                                                                   7 FALCO N R I D G E                                                                                            1 5 S HARO N
                                                                                                   Just Sold | Represented Seller                                                                                 In Escrow | Representing Seller
                                                                                                   $5,000,000                                                                                                     $1,650,000

                                                                                                    38 VE L A CO U RT                                                                                             26432 L AS ALTU R AS
                                                                                                    In Escrow | Representing Seller                                                                               In Escrow | Representing Seller
                                                                                                    $1,299,000                                                                                                    $1,199,000

2 5981 PO KE R FL ATS
In Escrow | Representing Seller
$3,450,000                                                                                         6 AD D I N GTO N                                                                                                2 5 042 B U CKS KI N D R IVE
                                                                                                   Currently Offered                                                                                               Just Listed
Newly remodeled custom estate! Like the Mediterranean Villa that inspired it, this stunning
home delivers on a grand scale, and is nestled on a quiet, premier cul de sac with approximately   $3,300,000                                                                                                      $1,900,000
7,904sf of living space and 5 bedrooms and 5.5 baths. Outside the space is well designed,
centered in the backyard is a refreshing salt water pool/spa and large outdoor covered BBQ                                                           nelliegailranch.net
area. The side yard features a quaint seating area around a romantic Italian-inspired oversized
outdoor fireplace. Triple zone HVAC system and the seller owned solar system that is one year                                                        Ben Tate                                              Sarah Tate                                               Jerry LaMott
old.                                                                                                                                                 949.244.3748                                          949.244.6038                                             949.244.7145
                                                                                                                                                     ben.tate@compass.com                                  sarah.tate@compass.com                                   jerry.lamott@compass.com
We are currently working with multiple buyers who are
                                                                                                                                                     DRE 01871507                                          DRE 01882269                                             DRE 00469045
looking for homes of all types and prices. If you or someone                                       Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License Number 01991628. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is

you know is interested in selling, please give us a call.                                          compiled from sources deemed reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and
                                                                                                   square footages are approximate.
Equestrian Center News
 Hayden Clarke’s most recent
      accomplishments                                                                          The 240-acre Galway Downs Equestrian Center, located in Temecula, is a premier multi-purpose
                                                                                               equestrian facility and the ideal host for the new shows. Constant, grounds-wide improvements
                                                                                               have been the modus operandi for several years. Along with a racehorse training facility, several
                      Natalie Banis winning
                                                                                               arenas and a cross-country course for dressage and eventing competition, Galway Downs hosts a
                      the low children’s
                                                                                               growing agenda of entertainment and special events, making it a perfect fit. First-rate footing, sta-
                      classic on her mount
                                                                                                                  bling and competition conditions are available for all exhibitors.
                      MH Wardance at
                      the Temecula Valley                                                      The proximity of the Temecula National horse show is a perfect location for events as it’s one of the
                           Horse show.                                                         better shows, so close to our facility. This year we participated with several horses and riders from
                                                                                               the Hayden Clark Stable and came home with several winners. Our deepest congratulations to all
                                                                                                                                          those competing.
                                                                                                     When you get a chance, come by and watch them practice at your Equestrian Center!
                      Lane Clarke winning
                      the 1.35m NEEd for
                      speed class on Ven-
                      om at the Temecula
                       Valley Horse show.

                      Jaya Mayne winning
                      the Children’s classic
                      on her horse, Fanuel
                      Fahrenheit, at the Te-   Rachel Torok winning the Gambler’s Choice
                      mecula Valley Horse      on her mount, Clavius, at the Temecula Valley
                              show.            Horse show.

Lauren Katzenellenbogen received the
champion award in the Adult Jumpers on
her horse Gumby 94 at the Temecula Valley
Horse show.

Lauren Wilson received the champion award
in the Adult Jumpers on her horse South
Beach GES at the Temecula Valley Horse

Ashley Terrell received the champion award
in the Adult Jumpers on her mount MH War-
bucks at the Temecula Valley Horse show.

                                    25 | The Pony Express                                                                               26 | The Pony Express
Horse Spotlight
By Carol Patrick

It was, early one spring morning with my trainer
coaching me through some reoccurring issues
with my dark bay Arabian. After the lesson he
began telling me about a friend who contacted
him about a “good horse” that will not be adver-
tised but is for sale to a recommended buyer.
He said that the horse will sell quickly. My quick
response was, “My husband and I have always
made a sale first before seeking to buy in our
personal interests.” His passion is surfboards for
waves at SanO. Call us the surf and turf couple.

Within just a few hours two more individuals
called me with the same info about this same
horse. One was a non-equestrian! Very unusual,
particularly without any discussion by me of
changing horses!
                                                     This horse is a calm soul, yet lots of spunk on
Was this meant to be?
Supportive husbands are wonderful, so I called
                                                    But do not underestimate calm... He is definitely
the owner of the horse, and I asked about the
                                                    an alpha, very confident to the point of not
gelding’s health, training, experience. As first
                                                    having to prove it. He is focused and reliable
caller with a positive conversation with the
                                                    with spunk when requested. His Arabian stall
owner, I requested first right of refusal.
                                                    mate is also alpha with all the showy panache
                                                    to get Jackson’s attention, yet, he barely offers
What is important to me, and most equestrians,
                                                    a glance!
is how the horse will focus, good disposition
and traditional confirmation. Notice I did not list
                                                    ‘Too good to be true,’ I thought while signing the
breed or attributes of appearance.
I was very surprised when entering the
                                                     A few days later, Jackson stepped off the trailer
gentleman’s paddock out in Riverside to see a
                                                     at Dapple Grey Arena, where we rode for a short
golden palomino quarter horse with that white-
                                                     while before riding our community trails. A
blonde mane and tail and a ‘kind eye.’ Jackson
                                                     delightfully perfect ride and he continues to be
has a large brand from his Oklahoma beginnings
                                                     a trustworthy solo and group riding partner.
and was on the rodeo circuit for a number of
years. He has such a different broadly muscular
                                                     He is on our property, in view from the house, so
conformation compared to my Arabians of the
                                                     we have an abundance of time to continue our
past 20 years, yet, I was fully intrigued. The
                                                     relationship bond. There is an understanding, a
owner put him through the paces in his arena,
                                                     trust, between a good horse and caring rider. I
and I was interested.
                                                     am grateful our paths crossed!
I returned 3 more times over the month to be
                                                   The completely ‘unexpected’ has been all joy!
sure we were a good match. My accomplished
                                                   Meant to be.
equestrian daughter Morgan expertly rode him
trail, arena, and grounds work specific to natural
horsemanship.       He was steadfast in every

                                       27 | The Pony Express
Tennis Center News                                               Welcome to Nellie Gail Ranch
Nellie Gail Ranch Pickleball is so lucky to have                                Jarod Parker
accomplished Pickleball Professional Dan Rodi-
ti as our Head Professional. Dan is not only the                               Eliot Rushovich
best senior singles player in the country, but
while giving away at least 20 years to his com-
petitors, is still competing at an amazing level in                         John & Lori Rodriguez
the Men’s Open Pro level. He just recently won
the bronze medal in the very tough LA Open.                           Shahbaz Taheri & Soheila Lighvani
Even though Dan is obviously a great player
in his own right, what he is quickly becoming                         Timothy Sullivan & Sandra Arellano
known for is his coaching. Some of his prize stu-
dents are accomplishing amazing things at a
very early stage on the Pickleball scene. Sisters
Mary and Maggie Brascia are rising quickly on
the Women’s open and pro divisions. Tom Sci-
meca and Vinnie Brascia are killing it in Men’s
senior doubles. Kristen Dennis and Julie Wright
are quickly rising up the Pickleball ladder win-
ning medal after medal.
We are fortunate to have an accomplished Pick-
leball coach a thriving program of beginning to
expert players and eight spectacular pickleball
courts to play on!

                                         29 | The Pony Express                  # | The Pony Express
Chemicals.        Pepper spray                                                 contractor or the numerous

Home Security Part II                                                                                                  (oleoresin capsicum) is the most
                                                                                                                       common chemical device for
                                                                                                                       self-protection. These personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                      websites available on how to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     build an effective safe room.

                                                                                                                       sprays are generally only effective                                         In summary, we have identified
By Dr. Kenneth S. Cheng                                     don’t pull into your driveway. Professional driving        at distances of 3-6 feet. One should                                     many potential tools to use for home
                                                            instructors involved in protection detail will teach       be aware that when one deploys pepper                                and self protection in The Pony Express
                                                            you to make “three left turns” to determine if you are     spray as directed, it is common to have the                     these last two months. The most important tool
Last month’s article on Home Security, continued            indeed being followed. The likelihood of any random        spray splash back into the sprayer’s face causing         is a heightened state of awareness. Maintaining this
reports of crime, as well as recent concerns                person behind you making three consecutive left            the same burning sensation as the intruder being          awareness can be an effective deterrent helping
expressed by residents have prompted numerous               turns is low. If you are being followed, continue          sprayed. Be prepared. Another alternative is to use       you avoid a confrontation, which is ALWAYS the
questions around the topic of home protection. The          driving but stay on well-traveled streets, call 9-1-       “bear spray,” which also contains oleoresin capsicum      best option. When a confrontation can’t be avoided,
roving security, as well as the proposed Automatic          1 and let law enforcement know of your location            but at a lower concentration. Bear spray has a distinct   then one should have alternative tools available, but
License Plate Readers, will both act as an extra set of     and direction of travel. Do not try to evade them. If      advantage in that it can spray a distance of 25-30        whichever tool you choose, you MUST constantly
eyes and ears for our community. Many have asked,           nearby, drive to the sheriff’s substation (Laguna Hills    feet and is available at most camping stores.             practice with that tool. Having the tools but not being
however, “what else can I be doing to protect my            Civic Center) or other law enforcement facility. Even                                                                able to use them effectively can be worse than not
home and family.” This month’s article will attempt to      if you are not followed, be aware of areas around the      Firearms. A firearm can be an effective home              having the tools at all.
answer some of these questions.                             exterior of your home where criminals can hide and         defense tool in the right circumstances. Typically this
                                                            gain entry into your garage when you arrive home.          is a tool of last resort, when other tools have failed
In 2020, there was one reported armed robbery and           Keep the areas around your garage well lit and well        or are unavailable. It is recognized, however, that
ten reports of residential burglaries in our community      trimmed from vegetation. Again, being aware is your        this can also be a controversial subject. It is not the
of Nellie Gail Ranch. Although relatively rare, having      tool of choice.                                            author’s intention to persuade or dissuade the use of
this occur in our community is still concerning. Crime,                                                                a firearm for defensive purposes, but to emphasize
no matter how rare, can increase our fears and affect       Alarms.     Despite being an effective first line          that when one has a legal right to own a firearm,
our property values. Crime statistics are collected by      of defense, FBI studies show that over 80% of              that person should be well-trained and well-versed
the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. This data           homeowners do not use their home alarm system.             on the concept of self-defense before considering
can be obtained by going to ocsheriff.gov, scroll           Regular use of your alarm will be an effective             its use. Training is critical as use of a firearm is an
down and click on “crime stats by area”. Below, we          deterrent. Additionally, home alarm systems often          extremely perishable skill; shooting at cans or a
discuss some of specific actions (in addition to the        have remote panic buttons and/or disarming codes           paper target once a year is recreation, not training.
general recommendations in last month’s article) to         that will still notify law enforcement if you enter        Should this be your home defense tool of choice,
better protect yourself, your family, and your home         the “panic” code. Contact your alarm company or            you should obtain professional opinions and training
.                                                           review your alarm system’s manual to utilize these         on what is best for your situation as there are many
HOME PROTECTION                                             important features. Another potential panic alarm          options, more than can be discussed in this article.
It is worth re-iterating that the constant and vigilant     one can use is on their car keys. Most key fobs have
awareness of your surroundings is the single most           a panic button that can be used to set off the car         Safe Room. A safe room, where one can securely
important tool you have to combating criminal               alarm. Homeowners can keep their car keys on their         hide, can be an effective and a life-saving self-
activity. Criminals are opportunists; they generally        nightstand, ready to set off their car alarm should it     defense tool. This is usually a secure room in your
seek unoccupied, poorly lit homes, and those who            be needed.                                                 home that you can quickly access and safely secure
are inattentive and vulnerable. Victims of armed                                                                       from an intruder. Details of an effective safe room
encounters often state that the perpetrator “came           Electronic Control Devices. Electronic Control             are too numerous to mention in this article. Suffice it
out of nowhere,” yet we know that this is not possible.     Devices (“Tasers”) are available for civilian use. There   to say that a safe room will likely require significant
Inattention is a better explanation; it is more likely      are basically two types of Tasers: one that shoots         planning and structural changes to an interior room
that we didn’t know where that perpetrator came             wired barbs a distance of 15 feet providing a 30           in your home. These can be minimal changes to a
from because we weren’t paying attention. We also           second shock, and the other is a contact device            walk-in closet or elaborate changes in an entire
must never have the attitude that “it can’t happen to       that must be applied to the body of an intruder.           bedroom. Those that are interested can consult a
me.” Denial, coupled with a lack of awareness, are          The contact devices come in a variety of sizes, from
attributes that put you at higher risk of being a victim.   smaller devices that can fit in a pocket or purse, to
                                                                                                                       About the Author:
                                                            larger prod-like sizes that are often advertised as
                                                                                                                       Dr. Kenneth Cheng is a 23-year resident of Nellie Gail Ranch and a member of the Nellie Gail Emergency
Before you get home. Recent convictions of                  safety devices to be used on coyotes or other animals
                                                                                                                       Preparedness Committee (EPC). For the past 12 years, he has also been a volunteer deputy sheriff with the
“follow home” criminals highlight the importance            when outdoors. Regardless of whether you get the
                                                                                                                       Sheriff’s Department where he has also received the designation as an Expert Pistol Marksman. The opinions
of awareness. It is common for these criminals to           device that shoots the barbs or you get the contact
                                                                                                                       expressed by the author are his alone and do not represent the Nellie Gail Homeowner’s Association, any
follow their victims from the bank, malls or shopping       devices, both require training and re-training. Law
                                                                                                                       committees of the HOA, or any specific law enforcement agency. Additionally, the contents of this article
areas and confront homeowners in their own garage           enforcement trains with the Taser annually; civilians
                                                                                                                       are for informational purposes only and should not be construed to be complete or comprehensive for the
or driveway. If you believe you are being followed,         should do so more frequently.
                                                                                                                       reader’s individual security and protection needs.

                                              31 | The Pony Express
Team Darkhorse
By: Evan Gost

Over a decade ago, Laguna Hills officially adopted
the Marine Battalion from Camp Pendleton known
as “3/5” or “Darkhorse Battalion.” In the 2010-11
deployment to the Helmand Province of Afghanistan,
the Darkhorse Battalion lost 25 killed in action and
suffered over 150 wounded casualties.

The Laguna Hills Marine Support Committee known
as “Team Darkhorse” set in motion a plan to honor the
Battalion on Memorial Day. Laguna Hills designated
the Memorial Day races in honor of the Darkhorse
Battalion. Banners of the 25 fallen were hung along     The members of the Team Darkhorse committee
the route of the races. Replicas of the banners with    have been privileged and honored to befriend Gold
bios of the fallen were displayed for post-race         Star families and wounded veterans. We can never
observation. A program was established to honor         fully comprehend the depth of despair of losing
a severely wounded Marine from the Afghanistan          a son to combat, but we try to comfort Gold Star
deployment as the Grand Marshall of Memorial Day        families by honoring the memory of their sons. We
events.                                                 have witnessed the inspirational recovery of severely
                                                        wounded Marines who have adapted to the loss
Gold Star families began to come annually to Laguna     of limbs, established loving families and pursued
Hills on Memorial Day to honor the memory of their      productive lives.
fallen sons. Many Marines and veterans from the
Afghanistan deployment have come annually to            The spirit of Memorial Day is embodied in two of
participate in the races.                               the photos to the right. A young Marine wrote the
                                                        names of his 25 fallen “brothers” in the white stripes
It has been heartening to witness the support that      of a full sized American flag and proudly held it high
local businesses have provided to the Memorial          while running the 13-mile half marathon. A double
Day Grand Marshall, some of whom have received          leg amputee, who had previously served as a Grand
disability adapted homes from Homes For Our Troops      Marshall, returned to participate in the 5K race.
or the Gary Sinise Foundation. Ashley Furniture for a
number of years has gifted the Grand Marshall living    The Covid 19 pandemic disrupted our lives, but the
room and bedroom furniture. The Surf and Sands          spirit of Memorial Day was alive and well in Laguna
Resort in Laguna Beach has provided complimentary       Hills this year as we continued to honor the families
ocean front suites for our Grand Marshall and other     and young patriots who sacrificed so much for our
wounded veterans.                                       country.
Nellie Gail Ranch has been essential to the success
of Team Darkhorse. The former President of               3D Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Division Support
Team Darkhorse, current President, and three of          Committee is the (all volunteer) IRS 501 (c) 3 non
the members of the Board of Directors reside in          profit org formed in 2010, following the Laguna
Nellie Gail Ranch. Through the years, Nellie Gail        HIlls City Council formal vote to adopt this Camp
Ranch dedicated summer concerts in honor of the          Pendleton Infantry Unit. For more information,
Darkhorse Battalion, and Nellie Gail Ranch residents     to volunteer, or make a donation please contact
have stepped forward with generous contributions.        Chairman Karen Robbins, 35robbins@gmail.com

                                        33 | The Pony Express                                                    34 | The Pony Express
By Karen Robbins

Silver Star recipient Corporal Irvin Ceniceros, killed in
action while saving lives of 8 Marines, smiles out from
the tribute banner created in his honor. Surrounding
that banner for the 10th year are his parents, Maria
and Dr Ignacio Ceniceros (from Mexico) his sister
Vanessa, and her three children (from Arkansas.).
With the exception of 2020 when Covid prevented
travel, they have met in our town, run our city race,
and rejuvenated their spirits.

They tell us this is where they feel close to Irvin,
and we feel like family to them now. So, in spite of
a much reduced Race event, with no music, EXPO              In 2014 the city agreed to display tribute banners          Karen Kelly, mother of 1stLt Robert Kelly, could not
or displays, this faithful family is grateful to be here    each year. The Marine Corps itself does not release         stay for the race, but she visited beforehand and
once more. I see them along the route, and at the           family contact information, and thus we began a             shared more stories of Robert, and a few more
finish line, when they complete the race for this their     months long effort to find and contact each of these        Team Kelly shirts. Robert’s sister Kathleen started
10th year.                                                  25 families, to ask their permission and for the favorite   Team Kelly to honor her brother, his photo appears
                                                            photo they would want us to use.          These efforts     on the shirt, the same one requested on the banner.
                                                            created long term bonds and friendships with many           Not a year has passed without at least two Team
                                                            fine parents and siblings.                                  Kelly runners traveling the race route on our city
                                                                                                                        streets. None were from Orange County, but all now
                                                            Many tell us their loved ones’ courage and                  consider Laguna Hills a welcoming home town.
                                                            selflessness brought unimaginable heartache --
                                                            and yet enduring pride in their sons. We know them          Upon reflection, It is impossible not to tie events
                                                            now, and they trust us. We have learned the kindest         together with Nellie Gail Ranch and its residents.
                                                            question you can ask them is “Can you tell me some          Toy Collection boxes always overflow at Christmas;
                                                            stories about your son?”                                    monetary donations quietly given; two Memorial Day
                                                                                                                        concerts TDH created allowed in Gallup Park; Tribute
                                                            Aiyanna walks with me today to honor the city’s             Display there in 2020 when Covid closed down the
As I walk the race route with this year’s Grand             Women’s Veteran themed race medals this year. Her           race; and the permanent American Flag and plaque
Marshal, Aiyanna Coleman and her toddler son, I             husband Jorge Ortiz was at the race too, though in a        NG resident Zak Bettey installed for his Eagle Scout
reflect back on how our city became a place such far        wheelchair, having lost both legs above the knees.          Project in 2016. All are evidence of a very fine town
flung people call “home.” In 2013, because the city         Jorge was one of the more than 150 wounded in               with a big heart, grateful for our young Marines who
allowed us to select a Grand Marshal each year, we          Afghanistan, and he served as our Grand Marshal             continue to raise their hand and serve our country.
began getting to know some of the young combat              in 2016. These two people whose lives began and
veterans, who in turn came to trust us and introduce        continued in a direction alien to most of us, also have     SEMPER FI NELLIE GAIL. WE ARE GRATEFUL!
us to their friends.                                        become long term friends.

                                                                                                                                                                                3D Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Division Support
                                                                                                                                                                                Committee is the (all volunteer) IRS 501 (c) 3 non
                                                                                                                                                                                profit org formed in 2010, following the Laguna
                                                                                                                                                                                Hills City Council formal vote to adopt this Camp
                                                                                                                                                                                Pendleton Infantry Unit. For more information,
                                                                                                                                                                                to volunteer, or make a donation please contact
                                                                                                                                                                                Chairman Karen Robbins, 35robbins@gmail.com

                                             35 | The Pony Express                                                                                                36 | The Pony Express
Business Directory
    CALL: (949) 425-1477
          HOME & GARDEN                          REAL ESTATE                     RECREATION & SPORTS

    MUDD INDUSTRIES, INC                                                      EVOLUTION SWIM ACADEMY
*   Landscape Architecture and
                                         BRAD FELDMAN
                                         Teles Properties
                                         (949) 678-5198
                                                                          *   Nellie Gail Swim Lessons and
                                                                              Swim Team
    (949) 716-7002                       www.bradfeldmangroup.com             (949) 388-4545
    www.muddinc.com                      [Page 46]                            www.evolutionswim.com
    [Back Cover]                                                              [Page 26]
                                         TATE | LAMOTT | GROUP
    QUEZADA PRO LANDSCAPE                Compass                              HAYDEN SHOW JUMPING
    Landscape, Hardscape, Tree           (949) 472-9191                       LESSONS AND CAMP
    Service                              www.tatelamott.com                   (949) 448-0823
    (949) 439-2251                       [Pages 23 & 24]                      www.mickeyhayden.com
    quezadapro@aol.com                                                        [Page 26]
    [Page 39]                            MARTY SAMUEL REALTY ONE

                                     *   GROUP WEST
                                         (949) 643-1321
                                                                              STRETCH SMART
                                                                              Infrared Therapy
*   Re-Tile, Re-Roofs, Repairs
    (949) 916-5393
                                         [Page 8]
                                                                              (949) 600-7243
    www.pacificcrestroof.com                                                  [Page 20]
    [Page 20]                            KEN ROBERTSON, MBA

                                     *   BROKER ASSOCIATE
                                         Surterre Properties                     PRODUCTS & SERVICES
    Architecture and Planning            (949) 354-1510
    (949) 388-5300                       krobertson@surterreproperties        INNOVATIVE PRINTING
    studio6architects.com                .com                                 SOLUTIONS
    [Page 3]                             [Page 16]                            Quality Printing Specialists
                                                                              (888) 574-0005
*   Residential and Commercial
    Flooring Experts
                                     *   All types of Mortgage Loans
                                                                              (760) 420-1950
                                                                              [Page 32]
    (949) 770-1797                       Info@EverWiseGroup.com
    www.ftfloorsinc.com                  www.EverWiseGroup.com
    [Page 6]                             [Page 1]
                                                                                                                                          Hidden Trail Park
     DISCLAIMER: The paid advertisements contained within the Business Directory are not endorsed nor                       Playground Sub-Committee Volunteers Wanted!
     recommended by the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association. Therefore, the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners
     Association, the Board of Directors, and its employees may not be held liable or responsible for business   We are considering replacement of the playground equipment at Hidden Trail Park and
     practices, actions, or products of persons and/or companies who place advertisements in the Business        are seeking Mom’s or Dad’s who have an interest in helping select new equipment. Please
     Directory or the Pony Express magazine. Any use of the “Nellie Gail” name in said advertisements is not               e-mail admin@nelliegailranch.org if you have an interest in participating.
     affiliated with the Nellie Gail Ranch Owners Association.

                                             37 | The Pony Express
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