Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...

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Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
Postgraduate study
in Civil Engineering

                              Once you understand Civil Engineering,
                              you will begin to appreciate the challenges
                              that society faces.
                              Professor Mark Sterling

School of Civil Engineering
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...

 The University	                             4
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Civil Engineering	    6
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Civil Engineering
   and Management	                           7
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Construction
   Management                                8
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Geotechnical
   Engineering and Management                9
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Railway
   Systems Engineering and Integration      10
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Road
   Management and Engineering               11
 MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Water
   Resources Technology and
   Management (WRTM)                        12
 What our former students say…              13
 Combined Research and
   Taught Programmes                        14
 Doctoral Research Programmes               16
 Further information	                       18
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
School of Civil Engineering   3

Welcome to the
School of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering has been taught at Birmingham since
1875 and through our alumni, academic staff, students and
involvement with industry, our influence stretches around the
world. We ensure that the work we undertake has real impact
and that our students are equipped with the skills they need
in an ever changing global workplace. At postgraduate level
we offer a comprehensive range of research and taught MSc
programmes. We pride ourselves in having created a supportive
environment which encourages intellectual growth through
academic curiosity and endeavour.

Professor Mark Sterling
Head of the School of Civil Engineering
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
4   School of Civil Engineering

    The University

    The University of Birmingham is one of the top 100
    Universities worldwide. Our research leads the field in
    many of the emerging disciplines of the 21st century.

    Postgraduate students are central to our              trains and a wind engineering field site at Silsoe   be studied for continuing professional
    learning community and make a rich contribution       in Bedfordshire. Advanced computer systems           development (CPD). We offer the following
    to the academic life and culture of our University.   are provided for research into numerical             MSc, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate
    We have over 7,500 postgraduate students              modelling of complex systems and issues              Certificate programmes:
    drawn from nearly 150 different countries;            associated with resilience. All our research         n Civil Engineering
    it is home to one of the largest communities          teams are supported by funding from research         n Civil Engineering and Management
    of international students in the UK.                  councils, industry and other sources.                n Construction Management
                                                                                                               n Geotechnical Engineering
    Birmingham is a university rich in high calibre       Research excellence                                  n Geotechnical Engineering and Management
    research, with academic staff who are global          The School has a long tradition of distinguished     n Railway Systems Engineering
    experts in their field. Here you will be studying     research that benefits from being funded by             and Integration
    with people whose work advances the                   industry, charities and research councils, which     n Road Management and Engineering
    boundaries of knowledge.                              encourages innovative thinking and creates           n Water Resources Technology
                                                          internationally recognised results. Our website         and Management
    Civil Engineering at Birmingham                       (
    Civil Engineering, in all its aspects, is a           engineering/research/index.aspx) provides a          Accreditation
    cornerstone of the development and the                brief overview of recent and ongoing research        The MSc versions of these degrees are
    sustainability of civilizations. Our research         projects in each area.                               accredited as meeting the requirements for
    tackles the problems faced by society today                                                                Further Learning for a Chartered Engineer
    and develops the knowledge and tools to               Postgraduate study                                   (CEng) for candidates who have already
    build the communities of the future. Many             We have a thriving community of enthusiastic         acquired an Accredited CEng (Partial)
    of our projects have already made a significant       postgraduate students, and we welcome                BEng(Hons) or an Accredited IEng (Full)
    impact on society, whereas the impact of others       new students who wish to contribute to               BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree.
    will be felt by generations to come. Alumni from      the advances being made here. We offer
    our MSc programmes can be found in nearly             a stimulating research environment with              See for further information.
    every country around the world, and are held          structured research training in almost every
    in high regard by the engineering community.          branch of civil engineering. This enables            Combined research and taught
                                                          our graduates to obtain interesting and              programmes
    We are a large and vibrant department with            rewarding careers, whether in industrial
    27 academic staff: experts drawn from around          practice, industrial research or academia.           MRes programmes involve taught classes in
    the world. Over 270 students attend                                                                        your chosen subject and a substantial thesis
    undergraduate courses and more than 260               Postgraduate programmes                              which accounts for two-thirds of the degree.
    postgraduate taught and/or research students.                                                              It provides a first-stage towards doctoral study
    The School prides itself in the quality of its        Our portfolio of programmes in Civil                 or a career in research. The following MRes
    research, the excellence of its teaching and          Engineering combines: taught programmes,             programmes can be studied on either part-time
    the pastoral care we provide to every student.        combined research and taught programmes,             or full-time basis:
                                                          and doctoral research programmes. With our           n Railway Systems Integration
    Facilities                                            broad range of academic staff and research           n Engineering, Sustainability and Resilience
    We have extensive laboratories and facilities         skills you will have the opportunity to study
    on and off campus for undertaking research            subjects that lie between the traditional            Research programmes
    in geotechnical engineering, water engineering,       disciplines or which focus in depth on one
    wind engineering, railway engineering and             particular field.                                    These are degrees by research alone, with
    structural engineering. In addition to this,                                                               a high level of research training and we are
    a facility to simulate down draughts from             Taught programmes                                    always keen to discuss research opportunities
    thunderstorms, and three half-sleeper rigs for                                                             with individuals from a wide variety of
    undertaking near full-scale investigations into       MSc, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate           backgrounds. Research within the School is
    railway track foundations have recently been          Certificate may be studied on a full time            clustered into two themes – Transport, and
    commissioned. We also have an aerodynamic             or part-time basis and some modules may              Resilience and Sustainability.
    moving-model testing facility for high-speed
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
School of Civil Engineering     5

Duration of programmes                              Taught programmes                                   Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
                                                    Masters, Postgraduate Diploma and                   Several of the modules in many of our
n MSc (Masters) – 1 year full-time;                 Postgraduate Certificate Programme                  programmes are available for CPD purposes.
   or on a part-time basis over 2+ years            Structure                                           It is possible to complete the directed individual
n MRes – 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time        n Master of Science Degree                          study associated with each module and
n MPhil – 2 years full-time                            (12 months full-time or 24 months part-time)     participate fully in the team exercise activities.
n PhD – 3 years full-time                           n Postgraduate Diploma                              In order to be awarded full credits for
                                                       (8 months full-time or 16 months part-time)      attendance, CPD delegates also need to
Entry requirements                                  n Postgraduate Certificate                          pass the end of year examination associated
A good Honours degree or equivalent in                 (4 months full-time or 8 months part-time)       with the module.
a relevant subject is the basic requirement.        n Continuing Professional Development
Specific entry requirements for each                   options (1 or 2 week modules)                    Assessment and awards
programme can be found on the following                                                                 Assessment is by a combination of written
pages, along with programme descriptions.           Masters (MSc), Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)         examination and coursework. Merit and
Any academic and professional qualifications        and Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) may          distinction awards are available for those
or industrial experience you may have are           be studied on a full-time or part-time basis.       who perform highly in their overall assessment,
normally taken into account, and in some            As a result of our teaching method, they are        as well as some university and industry-
cases form an integral part of the entrance         particularly suitable for practicing engineers      sponsored prizes.
requirement. To find out what our grade             who wish to study part-time or who may wish
requirements are for a qualification studied in     to take a single module to earn Continuing          Funding
your own country, please see our individual         Professional Development (CPD) points.              Funding support, awards and scholarships
country page information at: www.birmingham.                                                            may be available to eligible applicants.               Patterns of study                                   Please visit
                                                    Full-time study requires attendance at the          fees/postgraduate for details.
If your first language is not English, you will     University for eight months (October–May)
also need to have obtained :                        for the taught modules which comprise of            How to apply for masters programmes
                                                    lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and        An application can be submitted online at:
n IELTS 6.0 with no less than 5.5 in any band       site visits (where relevant). Modules are taught
                                                    in week-long blocks, allowing for part-time
                                                    students to attend with reduced interruption to     Admissions enquiries to:
                                                    their work routine. Taught module blocks are, or telephone
                                                    normally followed by a period of self-study time,   Mr Dean Moody, Postgraduate Office,
Please contact us on          allowing time for assimilation of knowledge.        on +44 (0) 121 414 5089
if you are uncertain about the English Language     Between June and September, all masters level
requirements. The University of Birmingham          students work on their major projects.
offers short term English language training if
required, to attain minimum entry proficiency.      Successful completion of four taught modules
                                                    and one research module leads to the award
Please be aware that entry to many programmes       of a Certificate. Eight taught modules and two
is highly competitive; consequently we also         research modules results in the award of a
consider the skills, attributes, motivation and     Diploma, and completion of 120 taught credits,
potential for success of an individual when         combined with a dissertation (60 credits) will
deciding whether to make an offer. After we         result in the award of an MSc.
have received your application you may, if you
live in the UK, be invited for an interview or to
visit us to discuss your application.
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
6   School of Civil Engineering

    MSc, PGDip, PGCert
    in Civil Engineering

    ‘From one of the UK’s best established providers of Civil Engineering Masters
     education, the University of Birmingham offers a programme which enables
     students to tailor their own MSc in Civil Engineering. It will provide education
     and training to pursue a career as a civil engineer, worldwide.’
    Professor Andrew Chan, School of Civil Engineering

    About the programme                                  built on nearly 60 years of postgraduate       n Road Design
    The Birmingham MSc in Civil Engineering              provision in civil engineering.                n Road Financing
    is offered for civil engineering and related                                                        n Road Safety
    graduates wishing to enter the profession.           Programme content                              n Sustainable Road Transport
    With one of the largest ranges of study              In addition to a 60 credit research project
    options it allows you to choose modules              you will study 120 credits of taught modules   Finance and Core Skills is a compulsory module.
    in a wide range of subjects in order to tailor       in the five main core themes of Civil
    your programme of studies to suit your own           Engineering and Construction                   Career opportunities
    chosen career.                                       n Geotechnics                                  MSc Civil Engineering graduates will go on
                                                         n Structures                                   to careers world-wide in the civil engineering
    You will acquire the skills needed to deal           n Transport Engineering                        consultancy or contracting industry, or choose
    with complex issues in practice, making              n Water                                        a career in an industry requiring a good
    sound judgements and communicating these                                                            understanding of civil engineering issues.
    to specialist and non-specialist audiences.          Modules include:
    You will develop systematic knowledge and            n Individual Research Project                  Admission requirements
    understanding of civil engineering, including        n Finance and Core Skills                      Applicants for admission to the MSc should
    emerging technologies, and you will achieve          n Engineering Structural Dynamics              normally hold, or be expecting to achieve, a
    high levels of numeracy in problem-solving,          n Advanced Structures and Design               good first degree (Bachelor or Master) or other
    together with research, team working                 n Flooding and Water Resource                  approved qualification at an equivalent level.
    communication and information technology                Management                                  This would usually be Civil Engineering or a
    skills. All this will prepare you for a successful   n Water and Wastewater Treatment               related discipline. Applications from holders
    career in the civil engineering industry.            n Soil Mechanics                               of pertinent non-engineering degrees will be
                                                         n Ground Engineering                           welcome. Relevant post-graduate experience
    The programme is built around our key                n Construction Management                      in industry will also be taken into account
    principles for learning and teaching: to             n Road Asset Management                        in considering applications.
    develop and deliver a curriculum that is             n Sustainable Construction
    flexible, distinctive and current, and stimulates    n Engineering Production                       Applicants with CEng and IEng qualifications
    students’ own natural curiosity. All this is            and Risk Management                         or equivalent, but without a degree, are also
                                                                                                        invited to apply.

     Image courtesy of Arup
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School of Civil Engineering   7

MSc, PGDip, PGCert in
Civil Engineering and Management

‘Success of major civil engineering construction requires
 excellence of design coupled with good management’.
Dr Pedro Martinez-Vazquez, School of Civil Engineering.

This programme covers the core themes              Career opportunities                                level. This would usually be Civil Engineering
of Structural Engineering, Geotechnical            Being flexible in its nature, this MSc in Civil     or a related discipline. Applications from
Engineering, Construction Management and           Engineering and Management permits every            holders of pertinent non-engineering degrees
Highway Transport. The course is made up           student to tailor the programme of studies to       will be welcome.
of a total of 180 credits, 120 of which are from   suit their own chosen career, benefiting from
taught modules and a research project forms        the range of specialist modules available to        Relevant post-graduate experience in industry
the basis of the remaining 60 credits.             all MSc students. Flexibility also means that       will also be taken into account in considering
                                                   graduates of non-civil engineering disciplines      applications and holders of CEng and IEng
The Birmingham MSc in Civil Engineering            may be eligible for study: please enquire if this   qualifications or equivalent, but without a
and Management allows students to tailor           applies in your particular case and the School      degree, are also invited to apply.
their studies to meet the needs of their           will make an assessment based on previous
chosen career path by offering a wide              study and experience.                               This programme is commencing in September
range of modules which can be selected                                                                 2013 and we are applying for accreditation.
together with a wide choice of individual          Admission requirements
research projects.                                 Applicants for admission to the MSc should          Learn more
                                                   normally hold, or be expecting to achieve, a        Please visit our website at
The following modules are offered:                 good first degree (Bachelor or Master level)
n Individual Research Project                      or other approved qualification at an equivalent    for up to date accreditation information.
n Finance and Core Skills
n Sustainable Construction
n Engineering Production and Risk
n Engineering Structural Dynamics
n Advanced Structures and Design
n Ground Engineering
n Soil Mechanics

 Image courtesy of Carillion
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
8   School of Civil Engineering

    MSc, PGDip, PGCert
    in Construction Management

    ‘Effective construction management is to apply advanced management
     technology and skills to ensure that the project is completed on time
     and to budget, and performs as required.’
    Dr Min An, School of Civil Engineering

    About the programme                                 Programme content                                     managers can expect to play leading
    This highly popular MSc programme addresses         In addition to a 60 credit research project           roles in a professional capacity in design,
    construction management in its widest sense         you will study 120 credits of taught modules          construction and project management
    and emphases the demands of sustainable             including:                                            organisations in the UK and overseas.
    construction and project risk management in         n Human Resources
    the industry. Since its inception in 1975 over      n Construction and Project Planning                   Admission requirements
    1000 students have benefited and alumni are         n Contract Procedures                                 The programme is suitable for graduates
    found in the construction industry worldwide.       n Financial Management                                employed in civil engineering design and/or
    Management skills are in great demand across        n Lean Construction                                   construction. It is primarily intended for early
    a wide range of industrial sectors, both public     n Risk Management                                     to mid-career training, to enable practising
    and private from house building and plant to        n Sustainable Construction and                        civil engineers and other professionals aspiring
    infrastructure works. The purpose of the                Lifecycle Assessment                              to high management positions in public and
    programme is to provide advanced training                                                                 private organisations, to upgrade their
    to engineering graduates, professional civil        Career opportunities                                  knowledge and develop management skills
    engineers and other non-engineering graduates       MSc Construction Management graduates                 applicable to the construction industry.
    who wish to specialise in management in the         are held in high regard by the construction           Graduates from disciplines other than civil
    construction sector.                                industry world-wide, as demonstrated by an            engineering are welcome and the programme
                                                        exemplary record of graduate employment.              is adapted to take account of changes and
    The programme is built around our key               Professional construction and project                 developments in the industry.
    principles for learning and teaching: to
    develop and deliver a curriculum that is
    flexible, distinctive and current, and stimulates
    students’ own natural curiosity. Expert visiting
    lecturers from the engineering and construction
    industry enhance the programme with
    insights and experience.

                                                         Image courtesy of Lightworks Photography/Barrett Byrd Associates
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
School of Civil Engineering   9

MSc, PGDip, PGCert in
Geotechnical Engineering /
Geotechnical Engineering and Management
‘Geotechnical Engineer – a noble profession;                     /
 others found their worlds on their work.’                      
Dr Ian Jefferson, School of Civil Engineering

About the programmes                            Programme content                                   Career opportunities
The Birmingham MSc in Geotechnical              In addition to a 60 credit research project         Graduates are held in high regard by the
Engineering and Management provides             you will study 120 credits of taught modules,       geotechnical and related industry, as
advanced education and management skills        including:                                          demonstrated by regular 100% record of
to students who aim to become geotechnical      n Properties of Rocks and Soils                     employment each year. They may join a
and foundation engineers. Over 800 students     n Engineering Geology                               specialist geotechnical engineering company
have graduated since its inception in 1956.     n Soil Mechanics                                    or a general engineering organisation, as a
                                                n Ground Engineering                                specialist engineer in this area. Some of the
The programme is intended for civil             n Foundation Engineering                            most senior positions in industry are filled by
engineering and geology graduates who           n Slopes and Retaining Structures                   graduates of this programme and industry
wish to widen their professional scope or to    n Research Skills                                   prizes are regularly awarded to graduates.
specialise in geotechnical engineering whilst   n Geomechanics
developing a range of key managerial skills.                                                        Admission requirements
It is relevant to individuals from all areas    Construction management                             Applicants for admission to these programmes
of the construction industry, including         All of these aim to develop a depth of scientific   should normally hold, or be expecting to
consultancy, contracting, local authority       understanding, management problem-solving           achieve, a good first degree (Bachelor or
and other construction professionals.           and industrial experience. Local companies          Master) or other approved qualification at an
This programme is continually updated to        support the programme by providing visiting         equivalent level in an appropriate discipline
meet the ever-changing environment faced        lecturers, materials and access for site visits     (for example, Engineering, Sciences, Geology,
by geotechnical engineering, underpinned by     on a regular basis.                                 Geography or Mathematics). Relevant
excellence in research with strong links from                                                       experience in industry may also be taken
industry. Graduates often secure employment     All students are required to attend the Midland     into account in considering applications.
long before they graduate or use it as a        Geotechnical Society lectures, which are
stepping stone in their career development.     normally held monthly at the University.
Postgraduate study in Civil Engineering - School of Civil Engineering - Once you understand Civil Engineering, you will begin to appreciate the ...
10   School of Civil Engineering

     MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Railway
     Systems Engineering and Integration

     ‘Railways have a key role in sustaining and enhancing the economic
      and social fabric of cities, regions and whole countries, at minimal
      cost to our environment.’
     Dr. Gurmel S Ghataora, School of Civil Engineering

     About the programme                              Programme content                                 Career opportunities
     Railway Systems Engineering and Integration      In addition to a 60 credit industry-related       RSEI graduates often return to their sponsoring
     (RSEI) has been taught at the University since   or university-based research project,             companies in more senior roles, as many
     2005 and is one of a range of programmes         MSc modules cover the following topics            participants study on a part-time basis.
     offered by the Birmingham Centre for Rail        during the programme, in depth:                   Others will join rail organisations or the
     Research and Education.                          n Strategic Management of Railway Operations      relevant department of a larger engineering
                                                      n Railway Rolling Stock Systems Design            company. Many senior managers and directors
     This programme offers truly interdisciplinary    n Railway Traction Systems Design                 in the industry, world-wide, are graduates
     postgraduate study. The main objective           n Systems Engineering and Integration             of this programme.
     of the course is to encourage a thorough            for Dependability
     understanding of the principles involved in      n Railway Infrastructure and Track Systems        Admissions requirements
     developing, designing and operating modern       n Train Control Systems Engineering               This programme for the railway industry is
     railway systems, as well as to develop in        n Railway Economics and Strategic                 intended for new graduates, practicing railway
     postgraduates a robust understanding of             Management of Technology                       engineers and engineering managers from
     the issues involved in interface management      n Ergonomics and Human Factors for Railways       all disciplines and functional specialisations.
     for both existing and new railway systems.                                                         The part-time version is structured in such
     The programme has a strong focus on              Railway engineering specialists and senior        a way as to allow attendance by students
     developing individuals’ railway engineering      managers active in the railway industry are       from Britain, continental Europe and overseas,
     and management knowledge, their system           members of the faculty and contribute recent      without affecting their ability to play a full role
     integration skills and their ability to work     discoveries and knowhow in lectures. This         at their place of work. The full-time programme
     in focused project teams.                        represents about 50% of the contact time on       suits graduates who wish to enter the railway
                                                      the programme, ensuring up-to-date course         industry and professionals working in the
     Many participants are experienced railway        content. Many of the industry contributors are    industry who wish to up-skill in the shortest
     engineers and managers, sponsored by             employed by sponsors of the programme,            possible time.
     their own employers, but the programme also      such as Atkins, Bechtel, Bombardier, Deltarail,
     allows new entrants to the railway industry      Halcrow, London Underground, Network              How to apply
     to familiarise themselves with the specialist    Rail, Swiss Federal Railways, Tubelines           Admissions enquiries for Railway
     disciplines involved in railway systems, while   and Virgin Trains.                                Systems Engineering and Integration:
     gaining a strong understanding of the complex                                                      Mrs Joy Grey +44 (0)121 414 4342
     interactions between the subsystems.                                                               or email
School of Civil Engineering   11

MSc, PGDip, PGCert in
Road Management and Engineering

‘Viae vita sunt – Roads are life.’
‘Though actually the work of man’s hands... roads have long since come
 to seem so much a part of Nature that we have grown to think of them
 as a feature of the landscape no less natural than rocks and trees.’
Richard Le Gallienne (1866–1947)

About the programme                              Programme content                                   Career opportunities
The MSc in Road Management and                   You will study 120 credits of taught modules        The programme is intended for graduates
Engineering is one of the world’s leading        on engineering and management topics, plus          who aim to be future leaders in organisations
programmes in highway management and             a 60 credit research project. The engineering       responsible for the planning, budgeting,
engineering. Since 1963 more than 2,000          modules cover the principles of highway             design and maintenance of highway networks.
students have benefited from this programme      capacity and geometric design:                      MSc Road Management and Engineering
and some of the most senior positions in         n Junction capacity and design                      graduates are held in high regard and many
industry are filled by its graduates.            n Pavement materials                                of today’s senior executives in road authorities
                                                 n Road safety                                       throughout the world are graduates are sought
The programme provides advanced education        n Road drainage                                     after by local authorities, highways agencies,
for engineers aspiring to higher or middle-      n Structural design of road pavements               public works departments, government
management positions in private and public                                                           agencies, international donor agencies and
sector road engineering organisations.           Management focused modules complement               consulting engineers specialising in the road
The course attracts participants from all over   the range of subjects taught in the engineering     sector. Many graduates go on to become
the world, including practicing engineers who    oriented modules and include: sustainable           senior executives in road authorities
wish to gain knowledge of the state of the       transport policy, Road economics, HDM-4,            throughout the world.
art in road management or change career          Road asset management and Road Maintenance.
paths as well as recent graduates who want       All of these aim to develop a depth of scientific   Admission requirements
to pursue a career in road management.           understanding, management problem-solving           Applicants for admission to the MSc
                                                 and industrial experience of highway                should hold, or be expecting to achieve
                                                 engineering and design.                             degree equivalent to UK 2.1 honours degree
                                                                                                     in an appropriate discipline (for example,
                                                                                                     Engineering, Sciences, Geology, Geography
                                                                                                     or Mathematics). Relevant post-graduate
                                                                                                     experience in industry will also be taken
                                                                                                     into consideration.

 Image courtesy of Balfour Beatty                                                                     Image courtesy of Arup
12   School of Civil Engineering

     MSc, PGDip, PGCert in Water Resources
     Technology and Management (WRTM)

     ‘Water is crucial for economic and social development.
      Properly managing water resources is essential for maintaining
      healthy ecosystems and sustainable development.’
     Dr Xiaonan Tang, School of Civil Engineering

     About the programme                                 Programme content                                   ministries, environmental and engineering
     This MSc programme has provided education           In addition to a 60 credit research project         consultants or they may continue with research.
     to over 800 students since its inception            you will study 120 credits of taught modules,       Students who complete the programme are
     in 1965. Some of the most senior positions          covering:                                           held in high regard by the water industry, as
     in industry are filled by graduates of this         n Hydrology                                         demonstrated by an almost 100% record of
     programme.                                          n Flooding and Water Resource Management            employment. The programme benefits from
                                                         n Water Distribution Pipeline Network               significant contribution to by such organisations
     The Birmingham MSc in Water Resources                   Analysis                                        as the Environment Agency, Halcrow, HR
     Technology and Management provides                  n River Flow Fundamental                            Wallingford, Jeremy Benn Associates, Jacobs,
     advanced instruction to students who aim to         n Water Quality Management                          Mott MacDonald, OFWAT, Severn Trent
     become specialist water resources scientist,        n Water and Wastewater Treatment                    Water, South Staffs Water, Thames Water,
     managers and engineers.                             n Water and Environmental Management                United Utilities, Atkins and WRc Ltd.
                                                         n Management and Research Techniques
     The programme is intended for graduates                                                                 Admission requirements
     with a scientific (eg. chemistry, earth sciences,   All of these aim to develop a depth of scientific   Applicants for admission to the MSc
     geography, mathematics, physics) or                 understanding, management problem-solving           should normally hold, or be expecting
     engineering background who wish to develop          and industrial experience of the water              to achieve, a good first degree or other
     a specialist knowledge in water resources           engineering industry.                               approved qualification at an equivalent level
     technology and management. The programme                                                                in an appropriate discipline (for example,
     is relevant to recent graduates and those with      Career opportunities                                Engineering, Sciences, Geology, Geography
     some industrial experience and it provides a        MSc Water Resources Technology and                  or Mathematics). Relevant experience in
     sound knowledge in water resources science,         Management graduates will go on to careers          industry may also be taken into account
     technology and management.                          world-wide in the environmental regulation          in considering applications.
                                                         agencies, water companies, government
School of Civil Engineering   13

What our former students say...

 ‘I came in to the MSc with a Degree in Applied Geology                       ‘Holding a full-time job and
  with the presumption I may struggle with the mathematics                     studying in my free time
  involved in the course. This was not the case due to the                     was never easy because it
  help from the lecturers and demonstrators, the lecturing                     required a lot of sacrifices
  team are not only innovative engineers but great teachers.                   and strategic planning which
                                                                               often led to very difficult
  I now work in underground coal mining and used the
                                                                               trade-offs. Nonetheless,
  taught course content from day one.’
                                                                               when I factor in the fun I
 Tom Roper, Site Geotechnical Engineer with PIMS group, Australia              had on the course, the great
                                                                               people I met and the wealth
                                                                               of knowledge I learnt, the
                                                                               benefits were priceless in
 ‘Coming from a construction management background,                            the long run! My eyes were
  I wanted exposure to all elements of civil engineering.                      finally opened and I could
 This was exactly what the University of Birmingham                            see roads in a completely
  delivered… A few of the modules were run by professionals                    new light, which was when I
  from the industry. This fostered a greater understanding                     discovered my new passion
  of how industries work and inevitably, prepared me with                      for a career in International
  what to expect once I left the University.’                                  Development…’
 Hamzh Al-Azzani, former MSc Civil Engineering student                        Mike Butler, RME graduate 2011

 ‘A challenging but                           ‘I already had a number of years’ experience in Highways
  worthwhile experience.’
                                               Engineering field when I joined the MSc programme of
 Joshua Pragas, former student                 Road Management and Engineering in the University of
                                               Birmingham and I think it was the best step I took to enhance
                                               my professional career. Curriculum of the course was very
                                               well planned, well delivered and covered all the aspects
 ‘Graduating from the MSc                      that a Highway Manager needs to be aware of to manage
  Programme in Railway                         the road assets efficiently. The course was extremely helpful
  Systems Engineering and                      to enhance knowledge and confidence to manage large
  Integration at UoB has                       road projects independently and following the successful
  been a heaven-sent key to                    completion of the course my responsibility at work has
  open the doors to a holistic                 been increased significantly. The course had a truly global
  understanding of the                         perspective and also provided the opportunity to meet
  complex railway business.’                   people from different parts of the World.’
 Merve Mercimek, former student
                                               Rana Ghosal, former student
14   School of Civil Engineering

     Combined Research and
     Taught Programmes

     MRes programmes are aimed at high calibre students who wish to develop
     and apply techniques appropriate for industrial or academic careers at the
     cutting-edge of research and development. MRes can be studied on a one
     year full time (or a two year part-time where available) basis.

      These are combined taught and research
      programmes that contain taught elements
      alongside training in research skills and
      methodology. The programmes require
      the production of a final dissertation or
      thesis of up to 20,000 words on a specific
      research topic.

      The School of Civil Engineering offers
      two MRes programmes:
      n Engineering Sustainability and Resilience
      n Railway Systems Integration.

     MRes Engineering Sustainability                  Plus options which include:                      a good first degree or equivalent approved
     and Resilience                                   n Construction Management                        qualification. Relevant post-graduate
                                                      n Engineering Geology                            experience may also be taken into account.          n Foundation Engineering
                                                      n Site Investigation                             Scholarships and funding
     This research-based programme provides           n Waste Management                               We have several research council studentships,
     academic training and research-based             n Water and Environmental Management             bursaries and postgraduate scholarships
     learning that is necessary for future leaders    n Applied Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers    available, most of which provide full funding
     in many areas of engineering. When               n Ground Engineering                             and some of which are enhanced by industrial
     designing, constructing and operating the        n Soil Mechanics                                 funding where the topic has a specific industrial
     built environment there are many, potentially    n Maintenance of Roads and Bridges               relevance. Other sources of funding are the
     conflicting, decisions to be made, and many      n Road Asset Management                          EPSRC, the BBSRC, the Knowledge Transfer
     scenarios for the future landscape of urban      n Road Design Safety and Environment             Partnership (KTP), the European Union and
     living. This programme will help students to     n Road Economics and Finance                     industrial funding for UK and EU students.
     achieve a built environment that is flexible     n Water and Wastewater Treatment                 International students can often gain funding
     and efficient regardless of which future         n Flooding and Water Resource Management         through Commonwealth scholarships or their
     actually emerges.                                n Engineering Production and Risk                home government.
                                                         Management in Construction
     The main component of this programme is a                                                         The School also offers the William Lardner
     research project, which provides structured      This list is not exhaustive and other modules    award, worth up to £9,000 to selected
     training in research. Usually carried out with   available at the university may be substituted   MRes students.
     industrial involvement, with some time spent     if appropriate for the research project being
     in the collaborating organisation, this          undertaken.                                      How to apply
     programme includes study within your area                                                         An application can be submitted online at:
     of interest within the theme of engineering      Career opportunities                   
     resilience and sustainability.                   MRes graduates have unique skills in
                                                      applied research and are therefore in demand     Programme enquiries to:
     In addition to the research project, worth       in industrial research groups, or they may       Bill Ling, Tel: +44 (0)121 414 5148,
     120 credits, all students will take the          continue to further their research careers,      Email:
     following modules:                               via PhD study.
     n Research skills and research environment                                                        Admissions enquiries to:
     n Sustainable Construction                       Admission requirements                           Miss Helen Booth, +44 (0)121 414 4160,
                                                      Applicants for admission to the MRes should      Email:
                                                      normally hold, or be expecting to achieve,
School of Civil Engineering   15

                                                                                                       ‘I thoroughly enjoyed
                                                                                                        studying on the MSc
                                                                                                        course, and found the whole
                                                                                                        Birmingham University
                                                                                                        experience challenging and
                                                                                                        highly rewarding, both in
                                                                                                        terms of what was learnt
                                                                                                        and its practical application
                                                                                                        in my profession. I would
                                                                                                        highly recommend it to any
                                                                                                        person seeking to develop
                                                                                                        themselves within the
                                                                                                        railway industry.’
                                                                                                       Clive Cashin, former student

MRes Railway Systems Integration                    technologies, as well as the approaches          Admission requirements
                                                    needed to apply these developments.              The normal entrance qualification for MRes                                                                     study is at least an upper second-class
                                                    Programme content                                Honours degree, or equivalent.
This is one of a range of programmes offered        In addition to the research project, worth 120
by the Birmingham Centre for Railway                credits, all students study topics related to    Scholarships and studentships
Research and Education (BCRRE). The                 Research Skills and the Research Environment,    Several research council studentships,
programme allows students to carry out              plus a selection of one or two technical         bursaries and postgraduate scholarships
a substantive research project, usually in          modules from the following list:                 are available, most of which provide full
collaboration with industry, whilst learning        n Railway Rolling Stock Systems Design           funding and some of which are enhanced
more about specific technical and managerial        n Railway Traction Systems Design                by industrial funding, where the topic has
issues relevant to the railway industry.            n Railway Infrastructure and Track Systems       a specific industrial relevance. International
                                                    n Train Control Systems Engineering              students can gain funding through Overseas
This is an interdisciplinary programme that         n Ergonomics and Human Factors                   Research Scholarships, Commonwealth
combines a major research project with                  for Railways                                 scholarships or their home government.
technical studies that build on prior academic
study or industrial experience in a relevant        Additionally, students must choose either        How to apply
subject area. It gives students the opportunity     one or two management modules from the           An application can be submitted online at:
to benefit from the fundamental and applied         following list, to complement the choice of
research being conducted in the Birmingham          technical modules:
Centre for Railway Research and Education.          n Strategic Management of Railway                Programme enquiries to:
The programme allows students to research               Operations                                   Professor Chris Baker, +44 (0)121 414 5067.
a technical, social or economic problem             n Systems Engineering and Integration            Email
associated with the railway industry. Projects          for Dependability
are usually undertaken in collaboration with        n Railway Economics and Technology               Admissions enquiries to:
industry. At the same time, students learn more         Management                                   Mrs Joy Grey, +44 (0)121 414 4342.
about specific technical and management                                                              Email:
issues relevant to the railway industry.            Career opportunities
                                                    Graduates of this MRes programme have
As a result, students gain an understanding         unique skills in applied research and are
of the most recent developments in railway          therefore in demand in industrial research
research. The results of their work often satisfy   groups, or they may continue to further their
the industry’s needs for new and emerging           research careers, via PhD study.
16   School of Civil Engineering

     Doctoral Research Programmes

     These are degrees by research alone, with a high level of research
     training. Working closely with the support and guidance of a supervisor,
     you will produce a thesis, which at PhD level is a work of original
     scholarship worthy of publication in a learned journal.

      Your thesis is usually required to be between       of which are enhanced by industrial funding,         Programme overview
      50,000 and 80,000 words. Research degrees           where the topic has a specific industrial            Our research tackles the problems faced by
      can start at any time during the academic year      relevance. Other sources of funding are the          society today and develops the knowledge
      in agreement with your supervisor.                  EPSRC, the BBSRC, the Knowledge Transfer             and tools to build the communities of the
                                                          Partnership (KTP), the European Union and            future. Many of our projects have already had
      Entry requirements                                  industrial funding for UK and EU students.           a significant impact on society; the impact
      The normal entrance qualification for PhD           International students can often gain funding,       of others will be felt by generations to come.
      study is either at least an upper second-class      Commonwealth scholarships or their home              Research within the School is clustered into
      Honours degree, or a first degree of a lower        government.                                          two themes – Transport; and Resilience and
      classification, along with an MSc/MRes, or                                                               Sustainability. It benefits from being funded
      evidence of substantial relevant industrial         How to apply                                         by industry, charities and research councils,
      experience.                                         It is recommended to contact the research            which encourages innovative thinking and
                                                          theme leader before making any application           creates internationally recognised research.
      Scholarships and funding                            for PhD study to discuss your project and            We pride ourselves in offering a stimulating
      Several research council studentships,              funding. Thereafter, applications for PhD            research environment and are always keen to
      bursaries and postgraduate scholarships             study can be submitted on-line at:                   discuss research opportunities with individuals
      are available for MPhil and PhD students,                                  from a wide variety of backgrounds.
      most of which provide full funding and some

     Transport Technology                                 Railway Engineering                                  For full details on the research topics,
                                                                                                               please see              Within Britain, the rail network is at the           activity/railway
     civil-engineering/transport/index.aspx               heart of the transportation infrastructure. Its
                                                          reliability, its future and the management of the     Transport and Sustainability
     A healthy public transport system is                 effects of climate change on the use of railway
     fundamental to the prosperity of any nation.         systems are key to ensuring the network’s            Research in this area includes: long term
     Within the UK, the road and rail network is at       future success. BCRRE brings together a              large scale change and transitions to
     the heart of this and raises scientific questions,   multidisciplinary team from across the university    sustainability; behavioural change; the role of
     on its reliability, its future and the effects of    to tackle fundamental railway engineering            walking and cycling in sustainable transport
     climate change on transport systems –                problems. The team actively engages with             policy and how these modes might be
     its use and its development.                         industry, other universities through Rail Research   enhanced; environmental impacts of transport
                                                          UK Association, and international partners.          and transport infrastructure, including climate
     Transport based research at the University of        BCRRE also delivers the MSc programme in             change and local air pollution; road safety and
     Birmingham has a long history, dating back to        Railway Systems Engineering and Integration          risk, especially consideration of human factors,
     the 1960s. Research in highway engineering           and the MRes programme in Railway Systems            behaviour and engineering solutions; equity
     makes strong advances in pavement structural         Integration, as detailed earlier in this brochure.   issues in transport; global issues.
     performance and highway capacity, design,
     deterioration modelling and maintenance.             There are six main areas of research within          Contact information
     Railway engineering is underpinned by the            BCRRE, covering all aspects of railway               For information regarding research
     multi-disciplinary Birmingham Centre for             engineering:                                         opportunities in the field of Transport
     Railway Research and Education (BCRRE).              n Aerodynamics and Environment                       and Sustainability please contact:
                                                          n Capacity Management                                Professor Miles Tight, +44 (0)121 414 5071.
                                                          n Monitoring and Decision Support                    Email:
                                                          n Materials and Testing
                                                          n Traction and Energy
                                                          n Systems and Control
School of Civil Engineering   17

 Image courtesy of Arup                              Image courtesy of Carillion

Road Management and Engineering                     Recent work in this area at the University of        of research questions we are concerned with.
                                                    Birmingham has concentrated on the effects           However, unlike traditional approaches, we
Research in Road Management and                     of cross winds on road and rail vehicles,            do not restrict ourselves to considering only
Engineering includes road asset management,         the effects of vehicle slipstreams and the           the structural engineering options; instead
road management and investment assessment           dispersion of pollutants in the wake of vehicles.    we endeavour to ensure that non-structural
systems, road economics and financing, road                                                              measures are at the heart of our thinking.
development and strategic planning, road            Contact information                                  Two distinct research areas emerge:
maintenance and operations, road safety,            For information regarding research                    n Long-term resilience of the built
road administration, energy use and vehicle         opportunities in the field of Vehicle                    environment and built infrastructure,
emissions, social benefits from road investments,   Aerodynamics please contact:                             ie, the sustainability of the physical
pavement design and analysis, the development       Professor Chris Baker, +44 (0)121 415 5067.              infrastructure into the far future, notably
of long-term prediction relationships, data         Email:                              in delivering utility service provision,
collection and analysis methods, data integrity                                                              and
and information quality.                            Safety and Reliability Management                     n Short-term resilience of the built
                                                                                                             environment and built infrastructure
Research in highway management and                  This research theme focuses on target risk and           to natural hazards, the severity and
engineering informs the MSc programme               reliability, safety-cost analysis based decision         frequency of which is often increasing
in Road Management and Engineering. The             making, life cycle analysis, uncertainty analysis,       due to climate change
Group also delivers Continuing Professional         safety-critical software assessment, dynamic
Development (CPD) courses such as the               and static finite element analysis, and overall      Research topics in resilience and
Senior Roads Executive Programme (SREP)             safety case preparation for industry. It transfers   sustainability include:
and other bespoke courses and workshops in          research in risk and reliability from the            n Geotechnical Engineering
the areas of road management and financing.         construction industry into the transport industry.   n Environmental Engineering
                                                                                                         n Risk and Reliability Management
Contact information                                 Contact information                                  n Structural Engineering
For information regarding research                  For more information regarding research              n Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics
opportunities in Highway Management                 opportunities in the area of Safety and              n Water Engineering
and Engineering, please contact:                    Reliability Management, please contact:              n Highways Management
Dr Michael Burrow, +44 (0)121 414 2626.             Dr Min An, +44 (0)121 414 5146.                      n Computation Engineering and Modelling
Email:                        Email:
                                                                                                         Contact information
Vehicle Aerodynamics                                Resilience and Sustainability                        For more information about research
                                                                                                         opportunities in the area of Resilience
Research in vehicle aerodynamics concentrates       Our ability to respond in a sustainable way to       and Sustainability please contact:
on the behaviour of road and rail vehicles in       the challenges that we and future generations        Dr John Bridgeman, +44 (0)121 414 3071.
cross winds, the development of early warning       face is at the core of this theme. These             Email:
systems for high winds, investigations of the       challenges may be posed by climate change,
slipstreams and wakes of vehicles, and the          regulation and natural disasters, and how we
effect of transient pressure loading on train       adapt our existing cities to ensure that they
structures due to other trains passing and the      are future-proof, gives a flavour of the type
passage through tunnels.
18   School of Civil Engineering

     Further information

     Accommodation                                    Entertainment, arts and culture                     Cricket World Cup. The city also boasts many
     The University has a large amount of             Famous for its industrial past, Birmingham has      golf courses, including The Belfry, which has
     accommodation although most of our               also long been noted for its cultural heritage.     hosted the Ryder Cup four times. In the summer
     research students prefer to make their own       The Hippodrome, Alexandra and Birmingham            of 2012 Birmingham was the home base and
     arrangements for accommodation. First-year       Repertory Theatres between them stage touring       training venue for the USA and Jamaican
     international postgraduate students who are      dramas and West End shows, ballets, operas,         Olympic athletics teams.
     new to Birmingham are guaranteed a place         pantomimes and stand-up comedy.
     in University accommodation, subject to                                                              Shopping
     certain conditions. For more information         In addition to theatres, there is an excellent      Bullring shopping centre is one of Europe’s
     visit:           choice of cafes and restaurants providing           largest city retail development and includes
                                                      culinary experiences from a variety of cultures,    the award-winning, iconic, Selfridges building.
     Sporting facilities                              most notably in the Balti Triangle and the          The Mailbox development houses a wide range
     Birmingham offers some of the best sports        Chinese Quarter. There are museums, cinemas,        of designer chains, including Harvey Nichols.
     facilities in the country, supported by          nightclubs, pubs and wine bars in abundance.
     professional coaching and imaginative                                                                Birmingham hosts four major markets, as
     programmes that give you a vast choice           If you like live entertainment, then take your      well as all the principal chain stores. There
     of sporting opportunities to suit your taste     pick from comedy clubs, local music gigs            is also a wealth of smaller shops and retail
     and ability. For more information visit:         and top shows at Birmingham’s principal             centres, where you can find everything from                             theatres. The National Exhibition Centre and        fresh herbs and spices for authentic international
                                                      the National Indoor Arena regularly showcase        dishes, to hand-crafted jewellery made in the
     The Guild of Students                            star names from the worlds of rock, pop and         Jewellery Quarter.
     As the first purpose-built students’ union in    sport. The world famous City of Birmingham
     the country, Birmingham’s Guild of Students      Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) has its home              The heart of England
     is the hub of University life. Its mission ‘to   in Symphony Hall.                                   Located in the heart of the country, Birmingham
     enhance the student experience’ is achieved                                                          has so much to offer visitors. With Warwickshire,
     through a wide range of activities, services,    Sport                                               the Malvern Hills and the Ironbridge Gorge all
     societies and social events. With cafes,         Birmingham is home to Premier League                nearby, you are never more than a short drive
     restaurants, nightclubs, shopping outlets,       football and international athletics at Alexander   from some of the UK’s most scenic countryside.
     support and welfare services, the Guild          Stadium and in recent years it has staged
     provides representation, help and a variety      more sporting championships than any other          Birmingham is at the centre of the motorway,
     of social activities for students. For more      UK city. Edgbaston cricket ground, home to          rail and canal network, with its own international
     information visit:       Warwickshire Country Cricket Club close to          airport – you can get almost anywhere in the
                                                      the University regularly hosts test matches         world from here.
     The city of Birmingham                           and international tournaments including the
     Around £9 billion has been ploughed into
     the city centre over the past 20 years and
     Birmingham continues to attract significant
     investment. The landscape of the area has
     changed, and stylish apartments and offices
     have replaced factories and warehouses.
     An astounding £800 million and 8,000 jobs
     were brought into the City of Birmingham’s
     economy through the construction of the
     Bullring shopping centre alone.

                                                                                                          This brochure was written several months in advance of the start of the
                                                                                                          academic year. It is intended to provide prospective students with a general
                                                                                                          picture of the programmes and courses offered by the School. Please note
                                                                                                          that not all programmes or all courses are offered every year. Also, because
                                                                                                          our research is constantly exploring new areas and directions of study
                                                                                                          some courses may be dropped and new ones offered in their place.
School of Civil Engineering   19

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College of Engineering
and Physical Sciences
                          Full details on these courses and
Edgbaston, Birmingham,    research topics can be found from
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