Potable Reuse - Technical Program - AWWA

Page created by Philip Jensen
Potable Reuse - Technical Program - AWWA
Dedicated to the World’s Most Important Resource®


        Potable Reuse
        FEBRUARY 10–11, 2020 | ATLANTA, GEORGIA


                                                            Technical Program
Potable Reuse - Technical Program - AWWA
                     ON POTABLE REUSE

Though the practice of water reuse has occurred
historically around the world, factors such as
climate change and shifting populations have
increased demands on traditional water systems
so that more communities are now considering
potable reuse.

These challenges have raised many important
questions about how to adapt technology
and institutional structures to facilitate potable
water reuse. The purpose of this topical collection
in AWWA Water Science is to capture the present
state of the science on potable water reuse.

Besides issues related to treatment, other
research topics in potable water reuse include
›   Source water management
›   Potable reuse system operations
›   Pathogen detection and treatment
›   Regulatory requirements and compliance
›   Communications and outreach
›   Socioeconomic aspects of potable water reuse

    Prof. Howe has more than 30 years of
    experience in the water treatment industry,
    with work spanning both the university and
    professional realms. His primary research
    focus is on the use of membrane processes
    in water, wastewater, and reuse applications.
    His work includes research on removing
    contaminants of emerging concern using
    reverse osmosis and ozone/biofiltration
    for potable reuse.

    Submissions Due            Submit to This Collection:
    April 1, 2020              awwa.org/reusecollection
Potable Reuse - Technical Program - AWWA
P O TA B L E                                          R E U S E

Conference Planner At-A-Glance
All events are located at the W Hotel Atlanta—Downtown, unless otherwise noted.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9                                              TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11

3:00–5:00 p.m.		           Registration Open                    8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.		      Registration Open
                                                                8:30–9:30 a.m.		           Day 2 Plenary Session
                                                                9:30–10:00 a.m.		          Networking Break
7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.		      Registration Open                    10:00–11:30 a.m.		         Technical Sessions
8:30–10:00 a.m.		          Opening Plenary Session              11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.		     Networking Lunch (provided)
10:00–10:30 a.m.		         Networking Break                     1:00–2:30 p.m.		           Technical Sessions
10:30–noon		               Technical Sessions                   2:30–3:00 p.m.		           Networking Break
Noon–1:30 p.m.		           Lunch on your own                    3:00–5:00 p.m.		           Technical Sessions
1:30–3:00 p.m.		           Technical Sessions
3:00–3:30 p.m.		           Networking Break
3:30–5:00 p.m.		           Technical Sessions
5:00–6:00 p.m.		           Networking Reception and
			                        Poster Session

General Information
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS                                          INTERNET ACCESS
Conference proceedings will be available shortly after          Network: W-MeetingRoom		             Password: AWWA
the conference on the conference website. To access the         AWWA is providing complimentary wireless internet for basic
proceedings, please visit the International Symposium on        internet needs throughout our meeting space. Complimentary
Potable Reuse online program. Proceedings will be available     WiFi is also provided in hotel rooms booked within AWWA’s
until August 10, 2020.                                          block.
CONTINUING EDUCATION                                            MOBILE APP
Available for sessions, and posters. Please verify              The conference mobile app provides up-to-the-minute
requirements with your licensing agency to receive              changes to the printed program. It allows you to search by
credit for your attendance.                                     speaker, moderators, and more! Search your app store for
Continuing Education Unit (CEU)/                                “AWWA Events,” (Powered by TPNI), open the application,
Professional Development Hour (PDH)                             and choose International Symposium on Potable Reuse.
To be awarded a CEU Certificate of Completion or track your     REGISTRATION
attendance for PDHs, pick up a CEU/PDH Time & Attendance        Everyone attending the conference must register and wear
Record Form available at registration.                          a badge. Your badge is your admission pass to the technical
Review all instructions on the form carefully to earn your      sessions, luncheon, and reception.
CEUs or track PDHs. On your last day attending, turn your
punched & completed form in at the Registration desk to
be processed for CEUs. Certificates will be available at
awwa.org in your Transcript Record 30 days after the
For questions or missing credit punches, please contact
EducationServices@awwa.org for assistance.

P O TA B L E                                      R E U S E

Sponsors and Partners
Thank you to our conference sponsors, partner organizations, and local host for your support of the
2020 International Symposium on Potable Reuse.

SPONSORS                                                                                        LOCAL HOST


Committee and Officials
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON                                       AWWA OFFICERS
                                                                 Jim Williams
Brent Alspach, Co-Chair, Arcadis                                 President
Jason Curl, Co-Chair, Jacobs                                     Melissa Elliott
Denise Funk, Brown and Caldwell                                  President-Elect

Kerry Howe, University of New Mexico                             Aurel Arndt
Tyson Ingles, Colorado Department of
              Public Health and Education                        David Rager
                                                                 Immediate Past-President
Marisa Tricas, City of Roseville

Conference Policies
    CONTACT INFORMATION                                                         Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
    When you registered for this event, you agreed that your contact            sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature,
    information may be shared with exhibitors and/or sponsors. Additionally,    including jokes and innuendo. Any person who believes a violation of
    participants agree to receive show-related and promotional emails from      the Member Code of Practice or any other misconduct has occurred
    conference hosts and exhibitor through a third-party distributor. At no     should report to the AWWA Director of Human Resources, Deputy Chief
    time, however, will attendees’ email addresses be sold or otherwise         Executive Officer, or any Presidential Officer. AWWA prohibits retaliation
    directly disclosed to exhibitors or conference vendors.                     against any AWWA staff, volunteer, member, conference participants, or
                                                                                other person for making a complaint under AWWA policy or for assisting
    DISCLAIMER                                                                  in a complaint investigation.
    While AWWA has taken care to ensure the qualifications of speakers,
    presenters, and moderators at this conference, the opinions, comments,      SOCIAL MEDIA, CAMERA, AND CELL PHONES
    and other views made by a participant in his/her presentation(s) are        AWWA encourages the use of social media during our conferences
    not necessarily those of AWWA nor its officers, directors, planning         and events. However, filming or live streaming of any presentation,
    committee, or staff.                                                        session or exhibit hall booth is prohibited without the permission of the
                                                                                presenter, or exhibitor. Additionally, if you are unsure about whether it’s
    PHOTOGRAPHY & INFORMATION RELEASE                                           appropriate to post a picture or quote, please speak with the presenter
    By registering for this event, conference participants agree to allow       or exhibitor to request their permission prior to posting. Violation of this
    AWWA to use their likeness in any AWWA-related production or                policy may result in confiscation of the media and removal from the
    publication, including, but not limited to, emails, social media posts,     event. AWWA’s conference proceedings will contain all presentations
    printed materials, videos and websites.                                     and additional materials provided by the presenters who wish to have
                                                                                their information published. Attendees are asked to be respectful of their
    SEXUAL HARASSMENT                                                           colleagues by turning off or silencing all mobile devices before entering
    AWWA Member Code of Practice prohibits sexual harassment and                meeting rooms.
    inappropriate sexual conduct at conferences, seminars, and events.

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F E B R U A R Y                                                  10

                                          Opening Plenary Session: “Addressing Key Issues and Hot Topics”

                                                          Welcome from Planning Committee
                                                               Brent Alspach, Jason Curl

                                                                    Local Welcome
                                                     Katherine Zitsch, Atlanta Regional Commission
                          The Critical Role of Research to Advance Water Reuse in North America and Around the World
                                                     Peter Grevatt, Water Research Foundation

                        Key Issues, Research Needs, and Regulatory Developments Across the Potable Reuse Landscape
                                                             Kevin Hardy, NWRI

                                                                       STUDIO 5 & 6

                                                                    NETWORKING BREAK
           STUDIO 6                                                            STUDIO 5

           Moderator: Erica Brown, AMWA                                        Moderator: Denise Funk, Brown and Caldwell

  10:30    Best-Practice Approaches for Indirect Potable Reuse                 Profiling Microbial Communities in Advanced Treatment
           Through Surface Water Augmentation                                  Trains with High-Throughput Sequencing
           Ali Saber, University of Nevada Las Vegas,                          Rose Kantor, University of California, Berkeley
           David E. James, Daniel Gerrity, Imad Hannoun, Tracy Vermeyen

  10:50                                                                        Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring Using Extended Spectrum
           Intelligent OneWater Concepts Applied to Potable Reuse
                                                                               Beta-Lactamase-Producing E. coli as an Indicator Organism
           in the Occoquan Watershed
                                                                               Amy Kirby, CDC, Dorian Feistel, Jason Folster, Jessica Chen,
           Bob Angelotti, Upper Occoquan Service Authority
                                                                               Justin Kim, Jessica Sterling, Michael Meyer
  11:10                                                                        Predicting Antibiotic Resistance Gene Degradation During
           Managing Unconventional Source Waters for Potable Reuse
                                                                               Physical/Chemical Disinfection of Wastewater
           Elaine Howe, Trussell Technologies
                                                                               Huan He, University of Washington

  11:30    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers                   Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers
           Ali Saber, Bob Angelotti, Elaine Howe                               Rose Kantor, Amy Kirby, Huan He

                                                                    LUNCH ON YOUR OWN

F E B R U A R Y                                                      10 ,             2 0 2 0

           STUDIO 6                                                            STUDIO 5

           Moderator: Emily Remmel, NACWA                                      Moderator: Marisa Tricas

    1:30   A Bench-Scale Approach for Evaluating the Treatability of           Potable Reuse and Microbial Risks–Comparison
           Municipal Wastewater Effluent for Organic Carbon Removal            Between Planned and De Facto Scenarios
           and DBP Control                                                     Sharon Nappier, US EPA, Jeffery Soller, Sorina Eftim
           Scott Summers, University of Colorado-Boulder,
           Eric Peterson, Yun Yu, Steven Shiokari, Sierra Johnson,
           Sherri Cook
    1:50   Furthering Integrated Water Management: Navigating the              Equivalency of IPR and DPR: Norovirus Risk and Sustainability
           Interconnectivity Between Mainstream and Advanced                   Daniel Gerrity, Southern Nevada Water Authority
           Wastewater Treatment
           Kelly Landry, Hazen and Sawyer, Wendell Khunjar, Andrew Newbold
    2:10   The Role of Coagulation in Wastewater Potable Reuse                 Contribution of Monochloramine in Reducing Norovirus Through
                                                                               Disinfection Upstream of Advanced Water Treatment Processes
           Yun Yu, Brown and Caldwell, Eric Peterson, Steven Shiokari,
           R. Summers, Katherine Bell                                          Joseph Jacangelo, Stantec, Kellogg Schwab
   2:30    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers                   Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers
           Scott Summers, Kelly Landry, Yun Yu                                 Sharon Nappier, Daniel Gerrity, Joseph Jacangelo

                                                                     NETWORKING BREAK
           STUDIO 6                                                            STUDIO 5

Session    MON05 - NEXT GENERATION CONTAMINANTS                                MON06 - MBR AND PATHOGEN CONTROL
           Moderator: Kerry Howe                                               Moderator: Christine Owen, AMTA

   3:30    Characterizing and Controlling Trace Organics in                    Pathogen Removal Performance and Regulatory Credit for
           Potable Reuse Projects                                              Membrane Bioreactors used for Potable Water Reuse
           Larry Schimmoller, Jacobs, Jim Lozier                               Andy Salveson, Carollo Enginners, Amos Branch, Shane Trussell,
                                                                               Karl Linden, Nicola Fontaine
   3:50    Breaking Down and Communicating PFAS                                How Can We Maximize Pathogen Credits for an MBR
                                                                               Based Advanced Treatment Facility?
           Jennifer Hooper, CDM Smith, Gayathri Ram Mohan,
           Dora Chiang, Denise Funk                                            Ufuk Erdal, Arcadis

   4:10    Monitoring of Microplastics in Treated Water                        Overcoming Analytical Challenges in Demonstrating Pathogen
                                                                               Removal by Membrane Bioreactors in Reuse Applications
           Michael McKie, University of Toronto,
           Joan Oppenheimer, Joseph Jacangelo                                  George Di Giovanni, The Metropolitan Water District of Southern
                                                                               Cal., Paul Rochelle, Sun Liang, Shawn S. Thompson

   4:30    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers                   Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers
           Larry Schimmoller, Jennifer Hooper                                  Andy Salveson, Ufuk Erdal, George Di Giovanni

                                          NETWORKING RECEPTION/POSTER SESSION – WET BAR (16TH FLOOR)

F E B R U A R Y                                                    11

                                          Day 2 Plenary Session— Key International / Domestic Perspectives
                                                               Moderator: Jason Curl
   9:30                              R. Bruce Chalmers, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD),
                                         Varsha Wylie, Southern Water (UK), Ali Ben Haj Hamida, Suez (Kuwait)
                                                                        STUDIO 5 & 6

  10:00                                                              NETWORKING BREAK

           STUDIO 6                                                             STUDIO 5

Session    TUE02—REGULATORY DEVELOPMENT                                         TUE03—WRF RESEARCH PROFILE: ADVANCEMENTS IN
   Title                                                                        PATHOGEN DETECTION AND CONTAMINANT REMOVAL
           Moderator: Wendi Wilkes, ASDWA                                       Moderator: Julie Minton

  10:00    The Florida Potable Reuse Commission:                                Advanced Methods for Virus Detection in Potable Reuse
           Development of a Regulatory Framework
                                                                                Krista Wigginton, University of Michigan
           Jeffrey Mosher, Carollo Engineers

  10:20    Laying the Path to a Regulatory Framework in the UK—                 Metagenomic Insights into Contaminant Removal
           Evaluating Enhanced UV Disinfection for Planned Potable              by Ozone/BAC-Based Treatment
           Reuse Schemes
                                                                                Amy Pruden, Virginia Tech University
           Melanie Holmer, Brown and Caldwell, Katherine Bell,
           Varsha Wylie, Ian Mayor-Smith

  10:40    Advancing Reuse in Colorado:                                         Evaluation of Ozone/BAF as a Barrier to Trace
           Potable Reuse Regulatory Development                                 Organic Chemicals in Potable Reuse
           Tyson Ingels, Colorado Department of Public Health                   Keel Robinson, Trussell Technologies
           and Environment

  11:00    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers                    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers
           Jeffrey Mosher, Melanie Holmer, Tyson Ingels                         Krista Wigginton, Amy Pruden, Keel Robinson

                                                                 LUNCHEON – GREAT ROOM 1 & 2

F E B R U A R Y                                                11,                     2 0 2 0

           STUDIO 6                                                             STUDIO 5

           Moderator: Tyson Ingels                                              Moderator: Nick Burns, IOA

   1:00    Addressing Potable Reuse Operator Certification Needs—               Biological Filtration for Water Reuse: The Importance
           The AWTO Certification Program: A Joint Effort Between               of the Physical-Chemical Aspects
           CA/NV-AWWA and CWEA
                                                                                William Becker, Hazen and Sawyer, PC
           Erin Mackey, Brown and Caldwell, Gordon Williams

   1:20    Operating World’s First UV Hypo AOP System for Reuse—                Non-RO Advanced Water Treatment for Inland
           An Operators Story                                                   Potable Reuse Projects
           Salvador Dominguez, WEDECO, A Xylem Brand, Seung Tag Oh              Vijay Sundaram, Stantec, Krishna Pagilla

   1:40    Operating SWIFTly: Transitioning Operations from                     Removal of Emerging Contaminants Through
           Demo to Full Scale                                                   Multi-stage Ozone-Biofiltration
           Germano Salazar-Benites, Hampton Roads Sanitation District           Denise Funk, Brown and Caldwell, Jennifer Hooper,
                                                                                Katherine Bell, Edward Machek, Ching-Hua Huang

   2:00    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers                    Facilitated Discussion with Audience and Speakers
           Erin Mackey, Salvador Dominguez, Germano Salazar-Benites             William Becker, Vijay Sundaram, Denise Funk

                                                                    NETWORKING BREAK

                                     TUE06— Public Engagement: What Works and What’s Next—Panel Discussion
                                                      Moderators: Patricia Tennyson, Mark Millan
                                                  Paul Scuito, General Manager Monterey One Water
   4:00                         Ramola Vaidya, Graduate Research Intern HRSD, Civil and Environmental Engineering
                                 Christina Montoya-Halter, Communications and Marketing Manager, El Paso Water
                       Rupam Soni, Principal Public Affairs Representative, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

                                                                        STUDIO 5 & 6

                                                               Closing Plenary Session
                                     National Water Reuse Action Plan—Integrated Action Across the Water Sector
                                                               Moderator: David LaFrance
                                                                 Jeffrey Lape, USEPA
                                                                   Closing Remarks
                                                      Brent Alspach, Arcadis, Conference Co-Chair
                                                                        STUDIO 5 & 6

P O S T E R                                   S E S S I O N

Poster Session
                                                                 Improving Water Resiliency and Reducing Potential
PST01       Poster Session                                       Water Stress by Advanced Water Reclamation and
            Monday, February 10, 2020                            Aquifer Storage
            5:00–6:00 p.m.                                       Lydia Peri, Truckee Meadows Water Authority,
            Room: Wet Bar (16th Floor)                           Vijay Sundaram, Rick Warner, Krishna Pagilla
                                                                 Innovative Design Concepts for Metropolitan Water
Application of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation              District’s Advanced Water Treatment Facility
(DCMD) for Potable Reuse of Sewage Treatment                     Gloria Lai-Bluml, MWD, Zakir Hirani, Michael Adelman,
Plant Effluent                                                   James Borchardt, Shane Trussell
Kyung Guen Song, Korea Institute of Science & Technology,
Junki Kim, Jaewon Shin                                           Negotiating an Uncertain Landscape: Health and
                                                                 Regulatory Considerations for Potable Reuse
Demonstration Testing for Pathogen Removal Using                 David MacNevin, CDM Smith
Membrane Bioreactors to Treat Non-Nitrified
Secondary Effluent                                               Nitrogen Management Strategies for Large-Scale
Joyce Lehman, MWD, Mickey Chaudhuri, Heather Collins,            Potable Reuse
Sun Liang, Gloria Lai-Bluml, Paul Rochelle, Shane Trussell       Gloria Lai-Bluml, MWD, Zakir Hirani, Sun Liang,
                                                                 Joyce Lehman, Ken Rademacher, Nikos Melitas, Mike Liu
Developing a Phased Approach to Potable Reuse—
Piloting Results and Lessons Learned from                        Potable Reuse in Cape Town—HACCP as a Concept
Jacksonville, Florida                                            Design Review Framework
Ryan Popko, JEA, Paul Steinbrecher, Todd Mackey, Tom Bartol      Troy Walker, Hazen and Sawyer, Brendon Theunnisen

From Vision to Implementation; Challenges of Aligning            Water Quality Integration and Blending Strategies to
Future Regulatory Landscape with Current Demand;                 Prevent Corrosion Outcomes with Potable Reuse
City of Los Angeles–A Case Study                                 Nicole Blute, Hazen and Sawyer, Jacqueline Rhoades,
Roshanak Aflaki, CDM Smith, Traci Minamide                       Dan Giammar

High Recovery RO and Challenges to Meet IPR                      dprShield: Piloting a New Treatment Process to
Surface Water Augmentation Projects                              Increase Recovery at OCWD
Ufuk Erdal, Arcadis                                              Erik Desormeaux, Porifera, Olgica Bakajin, Erik Desormeaux,
                                                                 Han Gu, Megan Plumlee, Yi-Hsueh Chuang, William Mitch
Impacted Groundwater as a Source of Drinking Water:
Design, Permitting and Regulatory Requirements
Shira Colsky, Geosyntec Consultants, Maria Vishnevskiy,
Kirk Craig, Jennifer Nyman

                                                              10 
Upcoming Conferences and Events
Feb. 12–13      International Symposium on
		              Biological Treatment
		              Atlanta, Georgia
Feb. 25–28 WEF/AWWA The Utility Management
		         Anaheim, California
Mar. 16–20 Membrane Technology Conference &
		         Phoenix, Arizona
Mar. 29–Apr.1 Sustainable Water Management
		            Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr. 14–15      International Symposium on Inorganics
		              Denver, Colorado
June 14–17      Annual Conference & Exposition
		              Orlando, Florida
Aug. 17–19      AWWA/WEF Transformative Issues
		              Symposium on Communications
		              Cincinnati, Ohio
Nov. 2–5		 Water Infrastructure Conference &
		         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nov. 10–11      AWWA/SWAN International Smart
		              Water Symposium
		              Austin, Texas
Nov. 16–19 Water Quality Technology Conference &
		         Schaumburg, Illinois

                                                     11 

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