Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers

Page created by Duane Caldwell
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Powder Cell
Powder Flow Measurement
with MCR Rheometers
                          ::: Intelligence in Rheometry
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Powder is everywhere …
… and it creates challenges

Working with powder can be difficult, particularly when
it comes to processing and storage. Most of these
challenges are related to powder flow. Powders not only
create difficulties in processes, the intake and predelivery
control of powder is highliy important as well. To ensure
efficient quality control and smooth powder processing,
you can simulate and determine powder flow under
various conditions using an MCR rheometer combined
with a Powder Cell.

A wide range of factors influence powder flow – such
as particle size and shape, chemical structure, humidity,
temperature, packaging behavior, static charge, surface
morphology, gas adsorption, air humidity and distribution
of particle sizes. As a result, powders – as mixtures of
solids, liquids and gases – are complex. This complexity
can be simplified with one value: Cohesion Strength.

Cohesion Strength is the internal resistance of the
powder to flow. Based on Cohesion Strength, you
can predict whether the powder will flow through your
process smoothly and whether the quality of your
powder has changed.

The measurement curve converges to one Cohesion
Strength value.

No matter which factor influences your powder,
the established Cohesion Strength value will
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Analysis with the Powder Cell

Easy                                                                             Reproducible and reliable
 Special powder template available
                                                                                 True Powder Rheology
   for rheometer software
                                                                                  Fluidization ensures reproducibility
Automatically performed calibration
                                                                                    by clearing the “powder memory”
 Live visualization of measurements
                                                                                  Operator-independent measurements
   (with the software)
                                                                                  Over 90 years of experience
 Intuitive handling
                                                                                    in smart engineering
 Simple cleaning (cell dismantled
                                                                                  Usage of high-quality components
   within one minute)
                                                                                  Optional pressure drop measurements
 Support from worldwide Anton
   Paar service network

                                                                                 High throughput
Economic                                                                          Results within two minutes
                                                                                  Interchangeable measuring cell
 Mutliple options with one device                                              Automatic measurement program
 Low operating costs                                                            Capable of measuring all kinds of
 Fully automated one-click calibration                                            powders (all Geldart groups)

                                        dry                                                                         sharp edges

  Torque M [mN.m]

                                                                                    Torque M [mN.m]

                                                                                                                    round edges

                                 Interval Time tint [s]                                                            Interval Time tint [s]

Figure 1: Even a small amount of moisture can influence the flow behavior to a   Figure 2: The shape of your particles can and will influence the flow behavior
large degree                                                                     (same particle size)

                                  ruined batch                                                                     smaller grains
  Torque M [mN.m]

                                                                                    Torque M [mN.m]

                           batch within specifications                                                              larger grains

                                 Interval Time tint [s]                                                            Interval Time tint [s]

Figure 3: Variation between batches can be represented accurately                Figure 4: Grain size influences the powder flow (chemically identical powders
                                                                                 with a slight difference in grain size)
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Unique dust protection
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
The Powder Cell’s unique Dust Protection Hood safeguards the operator
and the instrument from fine and potentially hazardous powder even when
it is fully fluidized. By combining the air seal technology and a two-fold
geometric barrier, the Powder Cell is one hundred percent dustproof without
any friction on the measurement axis, and thus retains the MCR rheometer’s
extraordinary accuracy and resolution down to 10 nNm and below.

You are able to safely and reliably quantify the most minuscule
changes in your powder.


                     Torque range: max. 300 mNm

                     Min. torque rotation: 10 nNm (air seal influence included)

                     Normal force range: 0.005 N to 50 N

                     Normal force resolution: 0.5 mN

                     Measurement systems: two-blade stirrer, Warren-Springs geometry, cylinder,
                     profiled cylinder, further systems on request

                     Sample volume: min. 100 mL

                     Dust Protection Hood: d ≥ 5 µm particles, 100 % dustproof; 5 µm > d ≥ 1 µm particles,
                     90 % to 95 % dustproof

                     Supplemental equipment kit for scientific purposes (R&D) available containing:

                     Mass Flow Controller for software-controlled air velocity

                     Pressure Sensor to characterize the pressure drop across the powder bed, enabling
                     high-end rheological characterization of fluidized beds

                     The Powder Cell is compatible with the following MCR rheometers:

                     MCR WESP, MCR xx1 series (all devices), MCR xx2 series (all devices)

                     Specifications may vary depending on the instrument
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Simplify complexity: Many applications,
               one Cohesion Strength value

                                    Measuring curves of powders
Powder paint
Metal powder
Glass beads
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
Frequently asked questions

How can I use a Powder Cell combined with an MCR rheometer?
The Powder Cell ensures the quality control of incoming and outgoing powders and bulk products.
Additionally, it is highly useful for process monitoring and for promptly detecting changes in your
powder and thus avoiding extra costs. You can gather even more data when using the Powder Cell
in the scientific version (fluidization parameters, True Powder Rheology).

How reproducible are the measurements?
The reproducibility depends on the powder but the deviation is usually less than 1 %. However,
small changes in the powder properties, such as water content or impurities, have a much greater
influence on the measurement.

Can I also measure hazardous powders?
The Powder Cell can be sealed, is conductive, has no ignition sources and is therefore also a good
tool for hazardous powders. Nevertheless, the measurement of hazardous powders is done at your
own risk; we advise you to contact our product specialists before such operations.

Can I also measure wet powders?
Of course it is also possible to measure wet powders; due to its smart design the Powder Cell
measures a wide range of powders and bulk solids. Depending on the powder and the application,
you also get a lot of valuable additional information if required, such as the drying curves for wet
powder during the drying process in the cell.

How long does a measurement take?
A single measurement itself takes about one minute. Including the preparation of the cell, the entire
operation takes about two to four minutes. You can accelerate this by using multiple cells.

How can a Powder Cell combined with an MCR rheometer
improve my process?
This setup helps you to perform quick but thorough and reliable quality checks of the powder as it
is received. The Powder Cell also helps you detect the quality of the final product and semi-finished
goods swiftly and reliably to avoid further problems. If you are interested in a powder’s special
flowing behavior, this can also be engineered with the help of the Powder Cell.

Can I perform advanced rheological measurements?
Of course. All advanced measurement modes used in liquid rheology can be applied to powders
using the Powder Cell. However, to correlate rheology with precision pressure drop measurements
you would need the supplemental equipment kit for scientific purposes.
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
© 2015 Anton Paar GmbH | All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers Powder Cell Powder Flow Measurement with MCR Rheometers
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