PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield

Page created by Tracy Singh
Police Crime Bulletin
                 Crime Prevention Bureau
 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500
                 May 17, 2021 – May 23, 2021

                     Chief of Police
                     Elvin Barren
                                                             Prepared by
                                                             Mark Malott
                                                             Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Commercial Burglaries:
        Date/Time               Address (block range)               Method of Entry                        Description/Suspect Information
None Reported:

   ❖ Do not display valuable items in windows when closed for business
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free security inspection (248) 796-5409
Home Invasion:
        Date/Time               Address (block range)              Method of Entry                              Description/Suspect Information
05/20/2021                   18000 Webster Ave.                   The back door was          On 05/20/2021, Officers were dispatched to a B&E in
11:20am                                                           found open and             the 18000 Block of Webster.
                                                                  there were two             A witness from a business on Southfield Rd. advised
                                                                  broken windows.            she observed an unknown black male (approx. 20-24
                                                                                             years old, wearing a backwards hat (unknown color),
                                                                                             Pink Beats by Dre headphones, a dark blue shirt, and
                                                                                             tan cargo shorts. The subject walked through the
                                                                                             parking lot of business on Southfield Rd. and to the
                                                                                             back door of the residence in the 18000 Block of
                                                                                             Webster. The male was observed entering the
                                                                                             residence via the back door. The R/P knew this person
                                                                                             didn’t belong in the residence because the house is
                                                                                             supposed to be vacant.
                                                                                             Officers inspected the residence. It was unoccupied.
                                                                                             There was evidence of squatters and it smelled like
                                                                                             cannabis inside the residence. Officers found two
                                                                                             broken windows and the back door was left open.
                                                                                             The suspect wasn’t located.

   ❖ Let trusted neighbors know if you are not going to be at home
   ❖ Be cautious about who you let in your home for service and repairs
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free home security inspection (248) 796-5409
Automobile Thefts:
      Date/Time       Address (block range)   Year, Make, Model                         Details
From: 05/19/2021   27000 Northwestern Hwy.    S - Stolen           Victim is an employee at the Hotel in the 27000
11:00pm            (Hotel)                    Manufacturer
                                                                   Block of Northwestern Hwy. Sometime between
To: 05/20/2021                                Model                05/19/2021 11:00pm and the following morning
3:00am                                        Color                at 3:00am someone stole her 2014 Black Chrysler
                                              BLK - Black
                                              Vehicle Year         300. No suspect information.
                                              Body Style
                                              4D - 4 Door
                                              Black Chrysler 300
From: 05/20/2021   27000 Franklin Rd.   SR - Both Stolen and           Victim states she parked her 2019 White Dodge
11:00pm            (Apartments)         Recovered                      Durango GT at her Apartment Complex in the
To: 05/21/2021                          DODGE                          27000 Block of Franklin Rd. on 05/20/2021 at
10:10am                                 DURANGO GT                     11:00pm. The following morning at 10:10am
                                        WHI - White
                                                                       victim found broken glass where her car was
                                        Vehicle Year                   parked and the vehicle was gone.
                                        Body Style                     No suspect information.
                                        4D - 4 Door
                                        License Year
                                        White 2019 Durango GT
                                        Recovered Date/Time Location
                                        05/21/2021 11:30am
05/21/2021                    26000 Franklin Rd.                  SR - Both Stolen and   Officer was dispatched to the 26000 Block of
1:55am                        (Church/School)                     Recovered              Franklin (Church/ School) for a suspicious vehicle.
                                                                  DODGE                  Vehicle was in the parking lot and had a broken
                                                                  CHARGER                out rear passenger window.
                                                                  MAR -
                                                                                         Upon arrival, Officer noticed the wiring under the
                                                                  Maroon or              passenger side dash was ripped out and an
                                                                  Vehicle Year           empty gun holster sitting in the passenger seat.
                                                                  Body Style
                                                                                         While Officer was still on scene, another Officer
                              >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            4D - 4 Door            was dispatched to a UDAA at a nearby Apartment
                              Citizens should never leave their   State
                                                                  MI                     Complex on 11 Mile Rd/ Inkster Rd.
                              handguns in the interior of their   License Year
                              vehicles!!                          2021                   Officer discovered that the UDAA and the vehicle
                                                                  Burgundy Wide Body
                                                                                         that Officer was out with in the 26000 Block of
                                                                  Scat Pack              Franklin were one in the same.
                                                                  Stolen/Recovered       After arriving on-scene R/P showed that his
                                                                  Recovered Date/Time
                                                                  05/21/2021 8:10am
                                                                                         Tracker App notified him the vehicle was stolen
                                                                  Location               at 1:55am and at 1:57am the tracker was
                                                                  26000 Franklin Rd
                                                                  (Church/ School)       unplugged from the vehicle. Most likely the
                                                                                         suspect(s) noticed the tracker shortly after
                                                                  Status                 stealing the vehicle and ditched the vehicle right
                                                                  S - Stolen
                                                                  Description            away at the (Church/ School) on Franklin Rd.
                                                                  Handgun                R/P stated he did leave his Handgun in the glove
                                                                                         box which was missing along with 5 pairs of
                                                                                         shoes taken from the trunk of the vehicle.
                                                                                         No suspect information.

   ❖ Never leave your vehicle running unattended
   ❖ Park in areas where your vehicle is viewable if possible
   ❖ Use commercially available security devices

    Date/Time   Address (block range)                 Item Taken                               Details

05/18/2021      29000 Northwestern      S - Stolen                         R/P (Manager for Musical Center) advises an
3:03pm          (Commercial- Musical)   Description
                                                                           inventory audit was conducted on 05/18/2021.
                                        (2) Electronic Drums were taken.
                                                                           During the audit, it was discovered that (2)
                                                                           electronic drums were missing. He doesn’t know
                                                                           when they were taken. The store received one of
                                                                           the drums on 11/15/2019 and the other one on
                                                                           12/12/2019. He does not know how they were
                                                                           taken. The items are stored in a back room which
                                                                           only employees are allowed.
                                                                           No suspect information.
05/18/2021   26000 N Monroe Dr.   SR - Both Stolen and Recovered   On 05/17/2021 at approx. 1:00pm, victims dog
1:00pm                            Description
                                  Brown Cavpoo (mixed poodle)
                                                                   went outside in the front yard as his son was
                                  Recovered Date/Time              coming home. They heard the dog bark, a door
                                  05/18/2021 9:00pm
                                                                   close, and a gold sedan drive away with their
                                                                   dog. R/P’s daughter made a post on Instagram
                                                                   and located someone selling a dog she believed
                                                                   to be theirs. R/P reached out to the seller & they
                                                                   agreed on meeting spot at a school in Detroit.
                                                                   R/P went there at approx. 9:00pm. There were
                                                                   four people inside a Gold or Tan Sedan. Victim
                                                                   did not give them money for the dog. He was
                                                                   very firm with them and told them he had their
                                                                   information and was going to the police.
                                                                   Victim recovered his dog but he fears retaliation.
                                                                   Investigation is on-going.
                                                                   Driver- B/M, dark complexion, 20's, and heavy
                                                                   set. He did not get out of the vehicle.
                                                                   Suspect# 2- B/M, 14-16 years old, 5'3-5'4, thin,
                                                                   and black hair.
                                                                   Suspect# 3- B/M, 14-16 years old, 5'3-5'4, thin,
                                                                   and black hair.
                                                                   Suspect# 4- B/F, 14-16 years old, 5'3-5'4, thin,
                                                                   and black braided hair.
From: 05/19/2021   21000 W Eleven Mile   S - Stolen                       R/P (manager for pharmacy) advises at 9:00pm
9:24pm             (Pharmacy)            Description
                                                                          the Pharmacy in the back of the business closes.
                                         Undisclosed amount of Cash was
To: 05/19/2021                           taken.                           At approx. 9:50pm, R/P discovered a broken
9:36pm                                                                    window into the manager’s office.
                                                                          Surveillance video shows a black male, approx. 6
                                                                          feet tall, medium build, 40 years of age, wearing
                                                                          black shoes, black pants, light colored Nike t-shirt
                                                                          with white Nike lettering across the chest, white
                                                                          mask and a black hat enter the store at approx.
                                                                          9:26pm. The suspect walked straight to the rear
                                                                          of the store and broke the glass on the door to
                                                                          the manager’s office. The suspect reached
                                                                          through the broken glass opening the locked
                                                                          door. The suspect is observed removing the cash
                                                                          from the cash drawer and placing it in his
                                                                          pockets. The suspect ignored everything else in
                                                                          the manager’s office. The suspect then leaves the
                                                                          manager’s office and walks towards the front
                                                                          registers. The suspect leaned over the counter
                                                                          and looked at two cash registers but then left
                                                                          towards the front door. Investigation is on-
05/17/2021          19000 Starlane      S - Stolen                         R/P states between 12:00pm and 1:00pm a W/M
6:15pm                                  Notes
                                        Undisclosed amount of Cash in
                                                                           heavy set, knocked on her door and identified
                                        an envelope, Passport & Misc.      himself as a worker for the Water Department.
                                        Jewelry were taken.                The male was wearing a white helmet, green
(Suspect posed as                                                          jacket, and blue shorts. The suspect told R/P she
being from the                                                             had a leak that needed to be fixed but because of
Water Department)                                                          COVID she had to clean the water meter before
                                                                           he could fix the leak.
                                                                           The two went in the backyard to check the water
                                        In situations like these, citizens
                                        should first ask the person for meter. The suspect was with R/P the entire time.
                                        identification. Call the Water     That is when R/P suspects someone else went
                                        Dept. to see if someone is         into her home and stole from her.
                                        supposed to be there. Call the R/P advised officers that the subject she was with
                                        Police right away if you think     was on the phone with someone when they were
                                        something isn’t right.
                                                                           in the backyard.
                                        This is a common scam to get
                                        you out of your house and into R/P later discovered that Cash that was in an
                                        the rear of your house so the      envelope, her passport and some misc. jewelry
                                        second suspect can enter your are missing from the residence.
                                        house from the front and take

From: 05/18/2021    15000 Town Center   S - Stolen                        Victim states sometime between 05/18/2021
10:30pm             (Hotel)             Description
                                                                          10:30pm and the following morning at 8:00am
                                        Catalytic Converter Stolen From
To: 05/19/2021                          2020 Chevy Express G350.          someone cut off the catalytic converter from his
8:00am                                                                    2020 Chevy Express G350 that was parked in the
                                                                          parking lot. No suspect information.
05/21/2021         25000 Maplebrooke    S - Stolen                          Victim states his 2020 Ford Fusion was parked at
11:17am            (Condo’s)            Description
                                                                            his Condo’s in the 25000 Block of Maplebrooke.
                                        All Four Wheel &Tires were taken
                                        from 2020 Ford Fusion.              Sometime on 05/20/2021 10:00pm and the
                                                                            following morning at 8:00am someone broke
                                                                            window out on vehicle and then took All Four
                                                                            Wheels & Tires.
                                                                            Surveillance video doesn’t reveal any suspect
                                                                            information but the lightbulb in carport went off
                                                                            at 4:00am. Most likely the time incident

From: 05/21/2021   28000 Northwestern   S - Stolen                          R/P made the front desk to report LFA.
11:00pm            (Hotel)              Description
                                                                            R/P states he arrived at Hotel in the 28000 Block
To: 05/22/2021                                                              of Northwestern Hwy at approx. 11:00pm on
10:30am                                                                     05/21/2021 and parked his 2017 Jeep Grand
                                        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            Cherokee near the main entrance.
                                        Citizens should never leave their   R/P returned to his vehicle the following morning
                                        Handguns in the interior of their
                                        vehicles!!                          at 10:30am and discovered that someone had
                                        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            rifled through his vehicle. He discovered the bag
                                                                            in his backseat was missing. In the bag was
                                                                            victim’s handgun. No suspect information.
From: 05/22/2021             24000 Walden Rd E.             The vehicle was ran-           R/P made front desk to report MDOP/ Attempt
9:15pm                       (Apartments)                   sacked. Nothing was            LFA. R/P states sometime between 05/22/2021
To: 05/23/2021                                              taken.                         9:15pm and the following day at 12:46pm
12:46pm                                                                                    someone broke out the rear passenger window
                                                                                           on her 2019 Kia Sorrento and ran-sacked the
                                                                                           vehicle. Nothing was taken from the vehicle.
                                                                                           No suspect information.
05/19/2021                   24000 W Twelve Mile            S - Stolen                     R/P is a manager for Cell Phone Business located
7:03pm                       (Commercial- Cell Phone)       Description
                                                                                           in the 24000 Block of W Twelve Mile Rd.
                                                            Midnight Green iPhone 11 Pro
                                                            was taken.                     R/P advises on 05/19/2021 at approx. 7:03pm, a
                                                                                           younger Hispanic Male with a heavy accent,
                                                                                           dressed in a surgical mask, white short, sleeve
                                                                                           shirt, dark colored pants, and white and black
                                                                                           shoes came into the store. R/P spoke to the
                                                                                           suspect briefly and then the suspect began to
                                                                                           browse through the store. The suspect left
                                                                                           shortly after and that's when he noticed one of
                                                                                           their display cell phones had been stolen.
                                                                                           R/P reviewed the stores surveillance footage
                                                                                           which showed the suspect walking up to a display
                                                                                           of cell phones, looking around to see where
                                                                                           the employees were at, and then taking the
                                                                                           phone and walking out of the store.
                                                                                           R/P advises there was a security device attached
                                                                                           to the phone, but it didn’t activate when the
                                                                                           phone was stolen?
    ❖ Ensure your vehicle is locked always and valuables are out of sight.
    ❖ Thieves wait for the right time and will move quickly
    ❖ Even if playing sports at a park ensure your vehicle is locked
Armed Robbery:
        Date/Time            Address (block range)                   Item Taken                                    Details
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police.
   ❖ If something doesn’t appear right or someone looks like they are up to no good, call the police immediately
   ❖ Trust your intuition

Unarmed Robbery:
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police
Be on the Look Out Highlights:                              Arrests by SPD Officers:
Special Attention: MDOP to Business                         OWI= Operate While Impaired
05/17/2021 15:06                                            OUIN= Operate Under Influence Narcotics
26000 Block of Evergreen Rd.                                LFA= Larceny from Auto
(Restaurant)                                                R&C= Receiving & Concealing Stolen Property
On 05/17/2021, Officers were dispatched to the 26000        DWLS= Driving with Suspended License
Block of Evergreen Rd. for a report of an MDOP.             A&B= Assault & Battery
Someone had written “Closed” in black permanent             CSC= Criminal Sexual Conduct
marker on a front window of the business.                   CCW/CPL= Carrying Concealed Weapon
R/P for business advises this is the third incident of an   NOLOP= No Operator License on Person
unknown suspect writing on the windows.                     R/A= Robbery Armed
Employees scrubbed the marker off in the first two          RNA= Robbery Not Armed
incidents. The scrubbing resulted in scratches to the       PWID= Possession with Intent to Deliver
glass. The two previous incidents were not reported.        PPO= Personal Protection Order
They occurred in the last week of April 2021.               PBT= Preliminary Breath Test
The word "Closed" currently on the front window was         R/P= Reporting Party
written approximately two weeks ago.                        VCSA= Violation Controlled Substance Act
The business has experienced various issues involving
property damage and customer trouble recently. They
would appreciate any information relating to these
Special Attention: CSC IV                                  Domestic A&B/ Unlawful Imprisonment
05/20/2021 6:00pm                                          05/17/2021 8:46pm
Shiawassee Rd. & Beech Rd.                                 19000 Block of Middlesex Ave.
(Apartments)                                               On 05/17/2021, Officers were dispatched to the 19000 Block of
R/P (victim) states she re-established contact recently    Middlesex Ave. for a report of trouble with a subject. The R/P, had a
with an old friend from high school. She began speaking    female in his house who was refusing to leave. Officers arrived on
to him through the Snapchat application. They made         scene and spoke to both parties that were involved.
plans to meet at his residence in Southfield. The plan     Investigation revealed that the male and female met through a
was to meet with some mutual friends at his apartment      dating App. The female moved from California and moved in with
and caravan together downtown to Detroit for a night       the male and was paying rent. The two got into a verbal argument
out. When victim got to suspect’s apartment there was      relating to their relationship. The argument escalated to the point
nobody else there and it appeared that the suspect had     that the male asked the female to leave the house. When she
just moved in, there wasn’t much furniture.                refused he assaulted her, dragged her outside and tied her up with a
Victim stated that suspects apartment was on the           garden hose.
second floor of an unknown apartment building near         The male was taken into custody for Domestic A&B/ Unlawful
the center of the Apartment Complex.                       Imprisonment. A Southfield Police Evidence Technician took photos
At some point during her stay at suspects apartment he     of the female’s injuries and the garden hose.
attempted to kiss her. R/P told him to stop.
Suspect continued to try to kiss R/P, he then physically
choked her and sexually assaulted her.
The suspect was described as a B/M, 18 years old, dark
skinned, 5'5", thin build, corn rows in hair, no facial
hair. R/P stated the suspect appeared to have eczema
on both of his arms. Investigation is on-going.
Special Attention: CSC III                                  OWI/ DWLS/ Possession of Cocaine
05/21/2021 1:00am                                           05/21/2021 3:05pm
26000 Block of Central Park Blvd.                           23000 Block of Greenfield Rd.
(Hotel)                                                     (Fast Food)
Victim states she met suspect, first name only at a store   On 05/21/2021 Officers were dispatched to business in the 23000
about 2 weeks ago. They exchanged phone numbers             Block of Greenfield Rd. for a slumped subject. The manager called
and spoke a few times over the phone.                       911 and stated a black male in his 40s was slumped behind the
On 05/21/2021 the male called R/P asking to meet up.        wheel of his car parked on the sidewalk.
He picked her up from her home in Detroit around            Officers arrived on-scene and observed subject slumped behind the
8:00pm. He was driving a Burgundy Chrysler 300 with a       wheel of his car. The car was running and in park on the sidewalk in
cracked windshield. They drove around, talking and got      front of the restaurant. Officer turned the car off, the driver was
some food. They then went to Hotel in Southfield.           awakened and removed from the vehicle. An odor of intoxicants
R/P rented a room using her name. They were the only        was emanating from the driver.
two in the room.                                            Officers performed several sobriety tests on the driver and
R/P stated that subject sexually assaulted her and told     attempted to get the driver to submit a PBT Test. The driver failed to
victim that there would be consequences if she didn’t.      submit a proper PBT Test. He was taken into custody for OWI.
After it was over, R/P put her cloths back on and fled on   During the search incident to the arrest Officers located a plastic
foot. She called for an Uber and was picked up on           baggie with suspected Cocaine in the driver’s pocket. It was later
Evergreen Rd. Victim went home, told her sister and         analyzed by a Southfield Police Evidence Technician. The Field Test
they went to Hospital and reported incident. A              returned positive for possible presence of Cocaine.
Southfield Police Evidence technician processed the
scene and collected evidence from the hotel room.
Investigation is On-Going.
Last Name
First Name
Given to Police
DOB (Age)
Hair Color
Hair Style                                               Entering w/o Permission/ Trespassing-               1- Arrest
Braided                                                  05/22/2021 12:37am
Hair Length
Medium                                                   20000 Block of Charlton Sq. (Storage Locker)
Facial Hair
Full Beard and                                           (Apartment Complex)
Mustache                                                 On 05/22/2021, at approx. 12:37am, Officers were dispatched to
                                                         the 20000 Block of Charlton for suspicious circumstances. The R/P
Thin                                                     advised dispatch he believed someone was living in his storage
140                                                      locker. The lock for the storage unit would come and go?
                                                         Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the R/P. Officers checked the
                                                         R/P’s storage locker and discovered there was no lock on it. Further
                                                         inspection of the storage locker Officers observed a subject inside
Special Attention:                                       R/P’s storage locker lying on a folding table. When confronted the
Larceny of Packages that were ordered and                subject did not respond to Officers and he was searched. During
                                                         questioning of subject, he did not respond verbally to either Officer.
delivered via Common Carrier.
                                                         Officers located credit cards on subject’s person and identified the
How to prevent this from happening to you!               subject.
Recently several citizens have had packages that were    Further investigation by Officers it was discovered that the subject
delivered to their residences and apartments stolen      had been trespassed from Apartment Complex by management and
prior to them retrieving the packages.                   had been arrested serval times previously for Trespassing.
Citizens can prevent this from happening by scheduling   He was taken into custody this time for Entering w/o Permission and
a specific time to have the package delivered and be     Trespassing.
waiting for the package.
Citizen can also schedule the package to be picked up
by themselves at the common carrier facility.
Special Attention: Overdose/ Life Saving                  Domestic A&B/ Strangulation-           1- Arrest
05/18/2021 5:42pm                                         05/19/2021 9:13am
21000 Southfield Rd.                                      21000 Block of Sherman Ave.
On 05/18/2021 Officers were on the way to another         On 05/19/2021, Officers responded to the report of a Domestic
run when Officer noticed a suspicious vehicle. There      Disturbance at the residence located in the 21000 Block of Sherman
was a white male in the driver seat slumped with the      Ave. Upon officers' arrival, Officers observed male suspect stick his
driver side door open.                                    head out the door two times. When he saw the police presence he
The subject was unresponsive and his breathing was        slammed the door and Officers could her a female screaming for
shallow. There was an uncapped syringe filled with a      help. Officers requested additional units.
clear substance in the front passenger seat.              Officers announced themselves and entry was denied. Do to the
Officers administered 1 can of Narcan.                    circumstances Officers felt the female’s safety was in jeopardy and
The subject opened his eyes but was still unresponsive.   they forced entry into the residence.
Officers pulled subject out of the vehicle and did a      The male suspect was located and he ignored Officers commands to
sternum rum to try to wake him up.                        get down on the floor. Officers had to forcefully get the subject on
Officers administered a second dose of Narcan.            the floor and handcuffed. Further investigation by Officers revealed
The second dose of Narcan was successful.                 that the male assaulted and strangled the female that was in the
The subject woke up and started speaking with Officers.   residence. He was taken into custody transported and lodged at the
The subject told Officers that he thought he was doing    Southfield Jail.
Heroin. He was turned over to Life Support Unit #2 and    Note: Officers recovered a Handgun from the residence & it was
transported to an area hospital for treatment.            discovered that Officers had responded to this address for
The suspected substance was collected and placed into     numerous previous Domestic Violence incidences:
evidence. Great job by Officers!!!
Special Attention: Incident this Past Week-                          Assault w/ Intent to Murder-            1- Arrest
Citizens be Aware! Suspect posing as employee                        05/20/2021 2:46pm
from Water Department.                                               23000 Block of Helen St.
19000 Block of Starlane:                                             On 05/20/2021 Officers were dispatched to the 23000 Block of
                                                                     Helen St. for a stabbing. A sanitation worker called 911 saying a
R/P states on 05/17/2021 between 12:00pm and
                                                                     male covered in blood came up to their truck and said he was
1:00pm a W/M heavy set, knocked on her door and
                                                                     stabbed. The R/P described the suspect as a white male wearing a
identified himself as a worker for the Water
                                                                     black t shirt, blue jeans, and a black medical cast on his foot. The
Department. The male was wearing a white helmet,
                                                                     victim was a white male covered in blood wearing shorts and no
green jacket, and blue shorts. The suspect told R/P she
                                                                     shirt. Officers arrived on scene located victim and suspect and
had a leak that needed to be fixed but because of
                                                                     began their investigation. The suspect was secured by Officers.
COVID she had to clean the water meter before he
                                                                     Officers investigation revealed that the suspect stabbed victim in
could fix the leak.
                                                                     the chest, leg & right hand. He was taken into custody for Assault w/
The two went in the backyard to check the water
                                                                     Intent to Murder. Officers recovered a bloodied knife, a second
meter. R/P advised officers that the subject she was
                                                                     knife and a baseball bat.
with was on the phone with someone when they were
                                                                     The scene was processed by Southfield Police Evidence Technicians.
in the backyard. (Most likely the Accomplice.)
R/P later discovered that cash that was in an envelope,
her passport and some misc. jewelry were missing from
the residence.

In situations like these, citizens should first ask the person for
identification. Call the Water Dept. to see if someone is
supposed to be there. Call the Police right away if you think
something isn’t right.
This is a common scam to get you out of your house and into the
rear of your home so the second suspect can enter your house
from the front and take items!
Special Attention: Larceny from Vehicles
How to prevent this from happening to you!

-Citizens should never leave anything of value inside
their vehicle. (Especially Handguns, Purses, Wallets,
Cash & Cell Phones!)

- If you have a garage you should park your vehicle in
the garage and lock the garage.

- Wheel Locks are a deterrent but don’t leave the wheel
lock key in the interior of your vehicle, especially the
center console or glove box. This is the first place they
will look for the wheel lock.

-After parking your vehicle turn your wheels all the way
to the right or the left. This will make it difficult to get
the lug nuts off the front wheels.

-If you don’t have a garage, try to park your vehicle as
close to your residence as possible.

-If you here any loud noises near where your vehicle is
parked, especially during the late night or early
morning hours, attempt to look outside without
alerting anyone and if someone is tampering with
your vehicle immediately call 911, (Do Not Approach
or Scare the Suspects Away) give Police Dispatchers
as much information about the suspect(s) and suspect
vehicles as you can. Stay on the phone with Dispatchers
until the Police arrive.

-Lots of lighting around the area(s) that you park your
vehicles is also very beneficial. Criminals don’t like to
work in well lighted areas. They prefer to work in
darkness because it’s difficult to see them.

-Citizens should always be mindful not to leave
anything of value in their vehicles. Especially wallets,
purses, cash, handguns, cell phones, laptops, jewelry,
or anything else of value. If you must leave your
handgun in your vehicle it should be kept in a gun lock
box that is bolted down in the trunk of the vehicle. At
the very least you should try to hide the handgun
somewhere that it would be difficult to find. The first
place that criminals will look is under the front seat, in
the center console or in the glove box.
You can also read