Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications - sersc

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Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications - sersc
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                           Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

       Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications
    Pramod Kalyan P. 1, Pranav V. Bhardhwaj 2, Bala Manjunath D. S 3 .,
              PruthviKaruturi 4 , Rajashekhar C.Biradar 5
     School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, REVA University,
                               Bangalore-64, India
            pramod.kalyan36@gmail.com, 2pranavbhardhwaj98@gmail.com,
       balamanju.mbl@gmail.com, 47899667351pk@gmail.com, 5dir.ece@reva.edu.in


In today’s world, there has been a great deal of research going on in the field of
unmanned vehicles, which incorporates unmanned ground vehicle (UGVs), unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAVs) and unmanned water vehicle (UWVs).Recent innovative advances
have made conceivable the improvement of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), which
can perform different errands effectively, for example, watching and observation, saving
Human resources.

This paper proposes a metal detection and live surveillance mechanism in mine field for
defense covered geographical area using metal detectors placed in autonomous vehicle.
The vehicle is connected via Zig Bee/Bluetooth with help of smart phone/personal
computer application software controlled by central unit remotely. This system conveys
the information such as an intruder, animal, a metal piece or any physical obstructions on
the pathway of the surveillance vehicle to a central unit on frequent basis. Prototype
model detects a metal piece within a depth of 3 inches within ground and human
identification within the vicinity of 2 meters from the vehicle.

Keywords: Remote surveillance, Defense area monitoring, Mine detection,

In the present scenario, defence research application is more technologically advancing to
save lives of solider. So we are mainly focusing on UGV, UAV and UWV. So recent
technological advancement have been made to mainly focus on UGV’s which are able to
various task such as patrolling, surveillance, bomb detection. The UGV is controlled
using Arduino and communication takes place through ZigBee technology and with the
help of smart phone application software we are going to control the UGV. The UGV’s
also come with special application for to work in Industries and home usages. In
industries they are used to transport material from one section to another section.

UGV is any bit of automated vehicle that moves over the outside of the ground and fills in
as a methods for conveying or shipping something, however UGV’s are designed in such
a way that human intervention (or) physical presence is not required.

Our goal is to develop an UGV for long range communication using ZigBee technology
and to sustain extreme weather conditions and to provide sufficient visuals about the
surroundings. The designed UGV is mainly focused to detect the surrounding mine field

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                      3754
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
Unmanned Surveillance Robot For Defence Applications - sersc
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                            Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

areas and to send the location of mine field to avoid possible damage .To detect
obstructions and move in a coordinated pathway.


This section provides us some of the works proposed on minefield detection and remote
survelleillance applications. The combinedfunctioning of a metal detector embedded with
a bluetooth connectivity.The bluetooth connectivityacts as an interface between control
unit and remote station.The plan and execution of an electronic metal identifier prepared
remote-controlled robot that can be utilized in land mine identification without placing
people at risk.The metal detector can identify certain metals and the robot can be remotely
monitored from a certain separation. The thoughts and ideas from the initial stages are
shaped into the physical equipment segments by making of a model.This method is
referred in [1].By then the required programs are coordinated into the framework in order
to test and trial the thoughts which has been shaped. The unit can be monitored utilizing a
application produced for the android stage.The design layout employs Bluetooth
correspondence to interface the controller and the robot. As coordinated by the directions
got from android, the robot can make directed development.

Another methodology deals with the development and using of an UGV as a mean to
counter attack the enemy troops and thus cause minimal loss of lives in the troops of our
country. Military soldiers working in threatening and unpleasant regions are presented to
the danger of being mortally injured or even fatality by material (or) nano material
explosives, for example, detonating mines, IEDCs, unexplored trapmines, and so forth.
Reference is given in [2]. Significantly after wars, land mines are as yet a leftover risk
which may prove grievous to a unexpected traveler, civilian, and so forth., when the said
individual is be crossing the territory, The individual is unaware of the danger lying
ahead.To maintain a strategic distance from such circumstances, the issue under scrutiny
can be tended to by utilizing unmanned ground vehicles. Unmanned vehicles are
observed, worked and constrained by military staff, who need not be available in the
landscape of movement, is a stage for various payloads, for example, mine location and
leeway, supply conveyance frameworks and furthermore have the alternative to oblige
mountable weapons such automatic weapons with acoustic concealment while
discharging. Protection bot is mounted with an uncommon sort of weapon called as an
electro-attractive firearm which takes a shot at the rule of electro-attractive fascination
towards Ferro-attractive substances, utilizing which Ferro-attractive missiles or projectiles
can be discharged.

The quantity of robots utilized in Iraq expanded from 150 out of 2004 to 5000 of every
2005 and they incapacitated more than 1000 side of the road bombs in Iraq toward the
finish of 2005 (Carafano and Gudgel, 2007). By 2013, the U.S. Armed force had bought
7,000 such machines and 750 had been destroyed.The military is utilizing UGV
innovation to create robots furnished with automatic weapons and explosive launchers
that may supplant fighters.citated from [3].

There is another methodology that deals with a group of autonomous modules.
Autonomous intelligent modules were generally discovered in recent years. They can be
generalized as a combinational framework. Modules built by different self-sufficient

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                       3755
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                            Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

operators that work together to achieve a lot of tasks. The characteristics of the intelligent
modules is that the individuals from modules are autonomous (independent) of one
another, they finish the work assigned to them through data communication and
participation. Intelligent modules have multiple benefits, like great robustness, flexibility,
great adaptability etc. Ordinary intelligent modules incorporate programmed autonomous
ground vehicles, small scale satellites, robot group frameworks etc. Reference is given in
[4]. Development control of UGV is the main focus of research that is going in the present
situation. In UGVs there is abundance of research going to make it fully automated and to
make it more flexible. Improvement in the field of Fuzzy-logic control is used to deal
with the problems in the multi-specialist frameworks with non-linear as well as uncertain
conditions. The UGV formation control and the process of the motion is observed. We
can make use of artificial potential field in UGV to control collision and even to control
the speed of the UGV. The results of the physical experiment and simulations show that
the UGV is working efficiently and can used for building large scale UGV.


Here in this section, we are going to briefly explain the block diagram of UGV.

We will be using Arduino Uno we will be monitoring the speed of the vehicle using DC
motors preset at a speed of 100rpm. With the use of camera module (OV7670/Picam) we
can get a live view of the vehicle and the objects around it. We are going to use a metal
detector by placing it in front of the vehicle to detect certain ferrous objects specially
mine traps, IED’s. The vehicle can be communicated with the use of a ZigBee/Bluetooth
module which directs the path of the vehicle. We are using an interfacing application
which establishes the connection between the ZigBee/Bluetooth and the controlling
device. In fig (1) we have defined the different blocks placed inside UGV.

                             FIG(1) Block Diagram Of UGV


In this section we will be giving the detailed explanation of the components used in our
project. The components used in our project are as follows.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                       3756
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                             Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

Arduino Uno, ZigBee, Metal Detector, camera module

Arduino UNO:

The board is embedded with sets of advanced and simple I/O pins that might be used to
interface different development board or breadboard as well as other interfaces which
includes Universal Serial Bus (USB) used to interface which with PC.

Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board dependent on the ATMEGA 328P. It has 14
digital I/O pins in which six of the pins are used for pulse width modulation outputs and
another set of 6 pins are used as analog inputs, it has 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB
connection, an I2C circuit peripheral header and a reset button.

                          Table (1) Specifications of Arduino UNO

                  Sl.no       Specification     Description
                  1           Processor         Microchip AVR(8-bit)
                  2           Memory            Flash Memory: 32 KB
                                                0.5 KB used
                                                by bootloader
                                                SRAM: 2 KB
                                                EEPROM: 1 KB
                  3           Connectivity      UART, SPI,TWI
                  4           Clock Speed:      16 MHz
                  5           I/O power         3-5V
                  6           Digital I/O pin   14

In above Table (1) it explains all the specifications of Arduino UNO which explains all
the internal components. So Arduino UNO consists of a processor which is used to
control the vehicle and run the program. Here we are using 8-bit ARV Microchip
processor. The on chip communication of the board is established by SPI (Serial
Peripheral Interface) or using UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). It
consists of memories like SRAM which is used to store the program and Flash memory of
32 KB out of which 0.5 KB is used for boot loader which runs each and every time when
the Arduino UNO is turned on. It requires only 3-5 volts to turn on the Arduino.

ZigBee Module:

ZigBee is a communicating Device utilizing small, low-power computerized radio
dependent on an IEEE 802.15.4-2003standard for individual networks. ZigBee is intended
for gadgets which requires straightforward remote systems administration and needn't
bother with high information move rate. Main advantage is that ZigBee works all things
considered cases with 2.4GHz radio band with information transmission rates from 20kb/s
to 900kb/s.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                        3757
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                             Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

Comparing with Bluetooth, ZigBee work’s more efficiently by establishing long range
communication between two remote modules and with high data transfer rate which is up
to 900kb/s.

               FIG(2) Block Diagram And Internal Working Of Zigbee

Metal Detector:

Metal detector is a typical gadget which is used for checking people, baggage or sacks in
shopping centers, lodgings, film corridors, and so on to guarantee that individual doesn’t
possess any metals or illicit things like firearms, bombs and so forth. Metal detector
identifies the nearness of metals.

In the above circuit diagram fig (3) LC circuit L1 and C1 has any resounding recurrence
from any metal which is close to it. Electric field will be made which will induce flow in
the curl and changes in the sign more through the loop.

Potentiometer is utilized to change the value of proximity sensor equivalent to that of the
LC circuit. The metal will be detected inside the loop which acts as the inductor. At the
point when the metal is distinguished the LC circuit will have changed sign. The changed
sign is given to the proximity locator (TDA 0161), which will recognize the adjustment in
the flag thus respond in alike manner. The yield of the proximity sensor will be of 1mA
when there is no metal found and it will be around 10mA when loop is close to the metal.

Metal detector can be utilized to distinguish all ferrous metals like iron, gold, silver and so

The inductance of a coil greatly determines its ability of detecting certain metals, larger
the inductance capacity greater is its range of detection and greater the ability of detecting
various metals. The formula to find out the inductance of a coil is given in equation (1).

               L=4π.r.(N^2)[ln(8r/R)-2]              (1)

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                        3758
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                            Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

L – Inductance.

r - Mean radius of the winding.

R - Geometric mean distance of the wire bundle cross-section .

N - Number of turns.

From equation (1) we can deduce that larger the radius of wire, smaller will be its
inductance. Inductance is directly proportional to the diameter of the circular coil and
inversely proportional to the radius of the wire.

The circular coil operates in a certain set of frequency. The frequency depends on various
factors like inductance, capacitance of the circuit. By using Equation (2) we can find out
at what frequency the metal detector operates.

 F=1/(2π√LxC)                      (2)

L- Inductance of the coil.

C-Capacitance of the coil.

F-operating frequency of the circuit.

                         Fig (3) Circuit Diagram Of Metal Detector

Camera Module:

The OV7670 image sensor is compact in size. It has low voltage, single-chip Video
Graphic Array camera module and CMOS image processor for all functions. It provides
full-frame, sampled or 8-bit images in different formats, controlled through the Serial
Camera Control Bus (SCCB) interface.

The camera module is supplied power from 3.3 voltage power supply, and external clock
source for camera module XCLK pin. The OV7670 camera module has built-in onboard
Low drop out regulator which only requires 3.3V power which can be used in Arduino.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                       3759
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                            Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

                  FIG (4) Interfacing Of Ov7670 With Arduino UNO

Fig (4) shows simple block diagram of OV7670 camera module interfacing with Arduino.
OV7670 Camera module is used for taking snaps of live images. Camera is FIFO (First In
First Out) enables which is used to transfer the data to the Arduino. OV7670 transfers
data in parallel to Arduino and Arduino after processing the data transmits serially to
display the image. Since the OV7670 is a 0.3 Megapixel camera module the image isn’t
of high quality but since the space consumption in the image is less it can be stored faster
in Arduino.

The image quality will be just suitable enough for surveillance of the environment around
the vehicle. A detailed work was done on how the OV7670 works when embedded with
Arduino is decipted in [4].We have studied some of its work like how the connection is
established between the camera module and the user as well as how the data is captured
and processed by the OV7670 sensor.


ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                       3760
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                            Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

                                    Fig (5) Algorithm

We will connect all the components like camera module, metal detector, and Arduino
UNO to the UGV frame.

A defense bot was developed and its detailed working was explained in [2].The way our
prototype differs from it is that we have embedded a camera module in addition to the
already existing metal detector. This makes sure that in addition to the detection of metal
mines we can also get a view of the live surroundings. This ensures much better safety of
the vehicle since the user is certain of where the vehicle is headed to and the obstacles
other than metals that are present in front of the vehicle.

The motor of UGV is connected to an analog pin of the Arduino UNO. The metal
detector circuit is connected to another end of the analog pin. We have programmed the
combination in such a way that if metal is detected it passes on a signal to the Arduino
UNO to stop the UGV. The camera module is then connected to the digital end of the
Arduino UNO along with SCL and SDA of the camera module connected to the analog
end to produce clock signal as well as to pass on data.

The above Fig (5) explains the working algorithm for the project. The detailed working of
our UGV will be partially referred from [10] . We will be controlling the vehicle using
Zig Bee module. The UGV can move forward, backward, left and right. Using OV7670
camera module we will be able to take the images and project it on PC (laptop) via serial
interface using USB.

This camera module is used for surveillance to see humans, animals or obstructions that
is present ahead of the UGV.As soon as any of the above is detected it will send a live
snap to the controlling unit which is the Arduino Uno. Since a connection is established
between the arduino and the base station using zigbee, we can get the data from a remote
distance which will help us to further guide the vehicle in the correct path .

As we drive the UGV, the metal detector which is present in the front of the UGV is used
to detect the metal objects present in the front of the vehicle. If the metal is detected we
will pass the signal to Arduino to stop the vehicle. If no metal is detected we will continue
to drive the UGV.

We will be using mobile/PC to control the UGV which is connected via Zig Bee module.
The UGV will be able to give the live feed to the user and will be able to detect metal
objects like Bomb. This UGV is used for defense applications where humans cannot be


The vehicle will be controlled utilizing an interface from the controller (Normally
Portable or PC). A voltage of 9 Volt is Applied to the vehicle as a force supply. The
camera module gives a live representation of the environment.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                       3761
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                             Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

The metal indicator is interfaced with the Arduino so when metals are distinguished the
vehicle consequently stops and changes its way.

We have built up an UGV for patrolling that can go into regions where human
intervention is very hard or incomprehensible (eg: minefield, battle-zones) , thus a ton of
lives can be spared since the observation can be possible by simply controlling the vehicle
from a remote separation.

Our UGV is controlled using Arduino Uno and information exchange will take place
through Zig Bee transmitter and receiver technology and using smart phone application
interface software we are going to control the UGV remotely. As a result of this not only
can we control the vehicle from a distant range of 100 metres, we can also get a clear
picture of what is around the vehicle remotely as well as detecting any hurdles or mines
around the vehicle spontaneously.

We can attempt to execute a superior variant of the UGV by connecting a Temperature
Sensor to it in this manner halting it to go into places with warm movement higher than
that of the ordinary temperature in this manner cautioning the controller that the territory
to be entered isn't suitable for human intervention. As a upgrade, we can use Raspberry Pi
3B+ and Raspberry pi-cam for high speed video transmission and Raspberry Pi has a
higher processing rate to control the vehicle along with better feed capturing when
compared to Arduino UNO.


Every Year many lives are lost not only near the borders of our country but also in remote
places where humans cannot enter. This vehicle through surveillance and detection makes
sure that the area is suitable or not for people to enter. This can be of great support to the
nation as well as the common people. The prototype that we have developed can be
controlled autonomously from a safe and remote distance. The Usage of readymade
electronic components has made this design minimally expensive and efficient.

Further improvement of the design can make it an excellent choice for deployment and
use in hostile zonal areas filled with land mines and other dangerous metallic items as
well as acting as a live feed surveillance system.


[1]T. Alauddin, M. T. Islam and H. U. Zaman, "Efficient design of a metal detector
equipped remote-controlled robotic vehicle," 2016 International Conference on
Microelectronics, Computing and Communications (MicroCom), Durgapur, 2016, pp. 1-

[2] R. G. Arrshith, K. S. Suhas, C. Tejas and G. Subramaniyam, "Unmanned ground
vehicle (UGV) — Defense bot," 2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems
and Control (ICISC), Coimbatore, 2018, pp. 1201-1205.

[3]Referred from wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_ground_vehicle
browsed on 05/03/2020.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                        3762
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
                                                          Vol. 29, No. 10S, (2020), pp.3754-3763

[4] P. Pandey and V. Laxmi, "Design of low cost and power efficient Wireless vision
Sensor for surveillance and monitoring," 2016 International Conference on Computation
of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), Chennai, 2016, pp. 113-

 [5] Z. Jiang, J. Wang, Q. Song and Z. Zhou, "Positive and negative obstacle sensing with
a forward-looking InSAR for UGV," 2016 Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent
RobotSystems (ACIRS), Tokyo, 2016, pp. 158-162.

[6] S. Thomas and A. Devi, "Design and implementation of unmanned ground vehicle
(UGV) for surveillance and bomb detection using haptic arm technology," 2017
International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies
(IGEHT), Coimbatore, 2017, pp. 1-5.

[7] M. Wei, S. Wang, J. Zheng and D. Chen, "UGV Navigation Optimization Aided by
Reinforcement Learning-Based Path Tracking," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 57814-57825,

[8] J. Carlson and R. R. Murphy, "How UGVs physically fail in the field," in IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 423-437, June 2005.

[9] U. Yayan, D. Özüpek, M. O. Taş and A. Yazıcı, "Reliability based task completion
analysis of mobile robots," 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application
Conference (SIU), Zonguldak, 2016, pp. 1297-1300.

[10] M. Z. H. Noor, S. A. S. M. Zain and L. Mazalan, "Design and development of
remote-operated multi-direction Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)," 2013 IEEE 3rd
International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, Shah Alam, 2013, pp.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST                                                                     3763
Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
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