Prayers for the Parishes and the People of the Diocese - The Diocese of Saldanha Bay - St ...

Page created by Joel Adkins
Prayers for the Parishes and the People of the Diocese - The Diocese of Saldanha Bay - St ...
The Diocese of Saldanha Bay
  within The Anglican Church of Southern Africa

   Prayers for the
  Parishes and the
People of the Diocese
  1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021
                          21 Jan 2021
                          18 Feb 2021
                          18 Mar 2021

                  You are encouraged to
                 keep this date with God
              in a place of your own choice.

A time of being fully present to God and quietly listening to God.

                      (all welcome)

    “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
                             (Mark 6:31)

St Peter’s Church       St Stephen’s Church        All Saints Church
 CHURCHHAVEN                 PINELANDS              DURBANVILLE
   3rd Thursday              3rd Saturday             2nd Saturday
 10h00 to 15h00           09h00 to 12h00           14h00 to 17h00

    For more information contact the parishes concerned.
                                                                            NEW YEAR
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aba – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
(Aba Province)
The Diocesan Office
The Ministry of the Bishop in the Diocese
THE RT. REVD RAPHAEL HESS                         THE BISHOP
Mrs Lizel Carelse                                 PA to the Bishop
The Very Revd Elizabeth Muturi Alfred             The Senior Priest
Pray for the work of the Diocesan Office in the oversight and administration of our
common life in:
     Financial Administration
     Pastoral Care
     Liturgical Ministry
Pray for the Diocesan Secretary Lay Canon Clarence Martin in the work of financial
administration of the Diocese
 New Year’s Day

Saturday 2 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aba Ngwa North - The Church of Nigeria
(Anglican Communion) (Aba Province)

Bishop Raphael
Pray for Bishop Raphael, Myfanwy and their family. Give thanks for their ministry in this

The Senior Priest
We give thanks for the ministry of the Senior Priest of the Diocese, The Very Revd
Elizabeth Muturi Alfred, pray for Noel Alfred, her husband and their son Enock Alfred.


Birthdays: Anthea Brache
Wedding Anniversaries: Rod & Jenny Walsh
Sunday 3 January 2021                            SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS
World Wide Communion: The Episcopal/Anglican Province of Alexandria

The Archdeacon to the Ordinary
Pray for The Ven André Allies in his role as the Archdeacon to the Ordinary. Pray for God's
guidance in the work involved in fulfilling this role. Pray for him as he exercises oversight over
Diocesan properties.

Monday 4 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Abakaliki – The Church of Nigeria
(Anglican Communion) (Enugu Province)

The PA to The Lay Canon: Ms Lynn Kensley
Give thanks to God for the dedicated ministry of Lynn and in particular the support she gives to
the Diocesan Secretary, The Lay Canon Clarence Martin.

Tuesday 5 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aberdeen & Orkney - The Scottish Episcopal Church

The Diocesan Apex Priorities
Growing the Church Ministry
The Young People’s Ministry
Social development Ministry
Pray for the Canon Missioner The Revd. Charles Williams in the oversight of these Apex Priorities.

Wednesday 6 January 2021                                   THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Abuja – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Abuja Province)

The Legal team
Pray for the Diocesan Chancellor (Judge Chantel Fortuin) and the Diocesan Registrar (Lloyd
Fortuin). Give thanks for the work that they do. Give thanks for those who support them in this
challenging work.

Thursday 7 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Abyei – The Province of the Episcopal Church of
South Sudan (Northern Bahr el Ghazal Province)

Media and Communications
Pray for the development of the technology in the Diocese, for the establishment of an effective
and diocesan website. Pray for the continued development of the Prayers for the Parishes and
People as an effective tool for prayer and connection in the diocese. Pray for the ongoing
development of an ONLINE publication of the Quill and Quiver.

Birthdays: John Lewin
Friday 8 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Accra – The Church of the Province of West Africa
(Ghana Province)

The Bishop’s PA: Mrs Lizel Carelse
The Diocesan family gives thanks for the dedicated work of Mrs Lizel Carelse, the personal
assistant to the Bishop of Saldanha Bay. Pray for her work in giving attention to the needs of all
the clergy and Parishes in relation to the various ministries i.e:
      Clergy Intsitution
      Bishop’s Meetings
Give thanks for her Ministry of communication with the Diocese, through the regular publication
of the Diocesan News, Pastoral Care and Prayer.

Birthdays: Henriette Isaacs

Saturday 9 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Adelaide – The Anglican Church of Australia
(South Australia Province)

The Diocesan Ministries
St Peter, the Fisherman, CHURCHHAVEN
We give thanks to God for carrying us through this past year, with remote services and the social
We pray for the communities linked to the church with special prayers for our oldest parishioner,
Sylvia de Nicker, who turned 90 years old in December. She remains a faithful parishioner with a
heart of hospitality. May God bless her and her family.
We pray for The Revd Ann Currie, as travels regularly to the church once more. May God protect
her on the road all the times. God bless all who come from near and far to attend our services.
May we show Christ’s love to all whom we mee.
.St Clement, Vondeling
Pray for Julian Johnsen and Bridget Johnsen, the owners of the estate and their ministry to the
farming community.

 Mother’s Union Diocesan Executive Meeting
Sunday 10 January 2021                                                        BAPTISM OF CHRIST
World Wide Communion: The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Clergy With Historic Links with the Diocese of Saldanha Bay
The Revd Harry Wiggett                               Spiritual Advisor to The Bishop
The Rt. Revd Geoff Quinlan                           Spiritual Director to The Bishop
The Ven. Anthony Gregorowski                         Honorary Senior Priest & Facilitator of Ministry to
                                                     the Retired
The Ven. James van Staden                            Honorary Senior Priest
The Very Revd Bruce Jenneker                         Honorary Senior Priest
The Ven. Ronald Jonathan                             Honorary Archdeacon
The Very Revd Kulana Makhalima                       Honorary Senior Priest

Pray and gives thanks to God for these persons and their ongoing link with the Diocese of Saldanha
Birthdays: Denver Heugh; Wilfred Swartz

Monday 11 January 2021                                                     THE HOLY INNOCENTS
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Afikpo – The Churchof Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Enugu
Bellville Archdeaconry
 Parish                Dedication              Clergy
                                               The Revd Canon Jeannine Louw
 Bellville             Transfiguration         The Revd Gerald Francis
                                               The Revd Claude Ross
                                               The Revd Fred Hendricks
                                               The Revd Colin Moodaley
 Bellville South       St John                 The Revd Courtney Sampson
                                               The Revd Andrew Wyngaard
                                               The Revd Brian Pritchard
 CPUT & UWC                                    The Revd Luyanda Nyubuse
                                               The Ven. André Allies (Archdeacon)
                                               The Revd Dirk Magerman
                                               The Revd Jerome Cornelissen
                                               The Revd André Joseph
 Durbanville           All Saints
                                               The Revd John Cupido
                                               The Revd Canon Clarence Hendrikse
                                               The Revd Trevor Jones
                                               The Revd Stephen Tekana
                                               The Ven Ntuthuzelo Lutya
 Kraaifontein          St Mary, the Virgin     The Revd John Hartzenberg
                                               The Revd Makhosini Maci
                                               The Revd Ashley Meyer
 Northpine             St Andrew
                                               The Revd Robin Naidoo
Tuesday 12 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of North Africa – The Episcopal/Anglican Province
of Alexandria

St John, Bellville
Please hold in prayer all those most adversely affected by the Corona virus pandemic,
those who lost their lives and their loved ones, those who lost their jobs with little
prospect of finding work, those who have fallen behind educationally, those whose
businesses have had to close down .
Please also give thanks for those who, despite the challenges related to the pandemic have
witnessed growth and a deepening in their connection with God, with family members,
with their deepest selves and have reached out in love and care towards others who are in

Give grateful thanks to God for the abundant rain we have received in the Western Cape
and pray for those parts of the world where an overabundance of rain has caused flooding,
a loss of livelihoods, of homes and even of lives. Pray that those who hold the most
political, and economic power in the world may not serve their personal self-interest or
that of their own nation, but reach out in generous care to those parts of the world most in
need of support. Pray that those who consistently reached out in care and love to bring
healing, comfort and support to those adversely affected by the Corona virus pandemic,
may find time for rest, renewal and restoration.

Birthdays: Charlotte Swartz; Vuyokazi Maci; Mandisa Xhalie

Wednesday 13 January 2021
                                Hilary Bishop of Poitiers and Teacher of the Faith, 368
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of the Horn of Africa - The Episcopal/Anglican Province
of Alexandria

St Michael & All Angels, Athlone School for the Blind
Pray for the management board in its oversight of the Athlone School for the Blind.
Pray for the establishment of the formalised link between St. John’s Parish and the
Athlone School for the Blind.

Thursday 14 January 2021               Richard Benson of Cowley, Religious 1915
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Agra – The (united) Church of North India

UWC & CPUT, Bellville
We pray for the Revd Luyanda Nyubuse as he ministers at UWC and CPUT. We pray for the
students, that their hearts and minds, will be open to the heart of God.

Birthdays: John Patrick Ong’or
Friday 15 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aguata – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Niger Province)

The Church of the Transfiguration, Bellville
We as a Parish Family, offer God our hopes, at the birth of the year 2021, as we look back
on both blessings and challenges and say: By the grace of the Almighty We are – To God,
be the glory!.
Gracious God we entrust the coming year to you, as we pray that we may faithfully pursue
our parish vision and mission during 2021.
May we discover afresh the wonder of God’s love and bear faithful witness thereto, as we
build our faith community to be a healing, reconciling and compassionate presence.
We give thanks and pray for the Ministry of The Revd Jeannine, The Revd.Claude and The
Revd Gerry.

Saturday 16 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Ahoada – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Niger Delta Province)

All Saints, Durbanville
Pray for God's mercy and grace as we enter the new year of 2021. Pray for the many
projects that we could not complete during 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We continue to pray for many of our parishioners who were infected with the virus during
the second wave.
Continued prayers for the Rector, The Revd André, his wife Elizabeth, together with The
Revd Stephen and The Revd André (assisting clergy), and their spouses Elzaine and Adéle,
O God,
your days are without beginning and without end.
We dedicate this coming year to you.
Give us such prosperity as you know is good for us,
and make us abound in doing whatever is pleasing to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

CELEBRATIONS:                                      EVENTS:
Birthdays: Yvonne Harker; Lydia Juliana-Jones       College of Ordinands Training
Sunday 17 January 2021                              SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY
World Wide Communion: The Anglican Church of Australia

St John, Klipheuwel
Loving God, you gather us as people of the new covenant, sealed with the blood of your
beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. You formed us into a community of faith, hope and
love; a priestly, prophetic and kingly people.
Humbly we ask you, make our parishes truly a communion of communities; a worshiping
community, a witnessing and an evangelizing community, and a servant community.
Guide our leaders, religious and lay, and all those who labour in the parish, with your
wisdom and love.

CELEBRATIONS:                                      EVENTS:
Birthdays: Ashley Meyer                             Induction of the Revd Colin Paine
                                                      St Margaret’s Church Parow

Monday 18 January 2021                                         CONFESSIONS OF ST PETER
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aipo Rongo –The Anglican Church of Papua
New Guinea

St Paul-in-the-Valley, Durbanville
Heavenly Father, bless all the parishioners who comprise the Chapel of St. Paul’s, as they offer
their time, talents and treasures for the building up of your Church. May the Holy Spirit enlighten,
inspire and invigorate us, to actively participate in the mission you entrusted to us in the parish.
May we continue to be a discerning community, reading the signs of the times and interpreting
them in the light of the gospel.

Birthdays: Tembeka Mpako-Ntusi

Tuesday 19 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Ajayi Crowther - The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Ibadan Province)

St Mary the Virgin, Kraaifontein
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Lord, we pray for our Rector, The Revd Lutya and for all the clergy servin in the parish. We also
pray for their families. Lord our God, we pray for the Youth and Sides persons that have taken on
the responsibility of forming the Parish Covid Team. We thank them for their commitment.
Thank you Lord for the generosity, kindness and compassion of Parishioners who faithfully support
the Parish during these difficult times. Loving God, give us the courage to ask for help when we
need it and to offer help when we see others in need.
Grant us all the spirit of discernment, so that all we do, may be to and for your glory.AMEN.
Wednesday 20 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Akobo – The Province of the Episcopal Church
of South Suda (Jonglei Province)

St Mark, Bloekombos & St Thomas, Wallacedene
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Christ, the light of light, brightness indescribable, the Wisdom, power and glory of God, the
Word made flesh: you overcame the forces of Satan, redeemed the world, and then
ascended again to the Father. Grant us; we pray, in this tarnished world, the shining of
your splendour. Send your Archangel Michael to defend us, to guard our going out and
coming in, and to bring us safely to your presence, where you reign in the one holy and
undivided Trinity, to ages of ages.

Holy One, you do not distance yourself from the pain of your people, but in Jesus, bear
that pain with us and bless all who suffer at others hands.
God, your loving-kindness never fails and your mercies are new every morning. We thank
you for giving us relief from pain and hope of health renewed. Continue the good work
begun in us; that increasing daily in wholeness and strength, we may rejoice in your
goodness and so order our lives always to think and do that which pleases you;
Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.

Wedding Anniversaries: David & Joy Mills

Thursday 21 January 2021                               Agnes, Martyr at Rome, c304
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Akoko – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Ondo Province)

St Andrew, Northpine
During this period of lockdown, we give thanks for all our parishioners who continue to
support parish ministry materially (pledge) and spiritually. But we also pray for those who
have lost their employment, which affected their livelihood. We continue to pray for all
parish organizations and respective leaders: Areas, Confirmation and Bible Instructors,
Sides persons, AWF, MU, Servants of the Sanctuary, Sunday school and Young People’s
Ministry. We pray for those who are sick and for those who care for them. We give thanks
for the clergy who continue to hold the sick in their Prayers. . We pray and give thanks for
the ministry of the churchwardens, parish councilors and clergy, for their continued virtual
zoom meetings. We pray blessings upon the leadership as we prepare to open the
buildings in the future. We ask for guidance and direction in this regard. Gracious Lord,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

 Diocesan Quiet Day
Friday 22 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Akoko Edo – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Bendel Province)

The Laity
Give thanks for the work of the Laity in our Diocese, for the dedication and the work they
do in our Parishes. Pray that more people will offer their skills in the work of the Church

Saturday 23 January 2021                   Yona Kanamuzeyi, Deacon and Martyr in Africa, 1964
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Akot – The Province of the Episcopal Church of
South Sudan (Eastern Bahr el Ghazal Province)

Elsies River Archdeaconry

Parish                 Dedication                                      Clergy
                                                The Ven Ntuthuzelo Lutya (Archdeacon)
                                                The Very Revd Elizabeth Alfred
Bishop Lavis           St Joseph the Worker     The Revd Johannes van Reenen
                                                The Revd Paul van Reenen
Epping                 St Faith                 The Revd Luyanda Nyubuse
Eureka Estate          St Andrew                The Revd Johannes George
Matroosfontein         St Nicholas
                                                The Revd Suzette Strydom
                                                The Revd Arthur September
Parow                  St Margaret              The Revd Nino Julius
                                                The Revd John Speelman
                                                The Revd David Isaacs
                                                The Revd Glen Daries
Ravensmead             St Francis               The Revd Claudette Garnie

EVENTS:                                       CELEBRATIONS:
 P.O.T Meeting                               Birthdays: Johny Laban

Sunday 24 January 2021                                 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY
World Wide Communion: The Church of Bangladesh

St Joseph the Worker, Bishop Lavis
We pray for Joseph the Worker Bishop Lavis, and St Bartholomew Valhalla Park. Thank you
Lord that in all times you have provided and met the needs of your people immeasurably.
Thank you for the gift of the Church. Lord, guide and protect all those who participate in
the different ministries of the Church. Give them grace to overcome fear which curtails
excellence performance. God we are in danger always. We have lost the natural beauty
which comes with the voices of birds singing, seeing the sun setting and observing the
moon and stars at night. We only hear the noise of gunshot; we have lost our beloved ones
through these cruel deaths. We lock ourselves indoors for safety, God free us by giving us
Our Children are like trees in the wilderness which fear the scorching sun of the day and
the heat of the night. Mercifully deal with the evils of drugs and gangsterism which has
made our beautiful habitant like wilderness. Make the Church to be a stream of living
water where life, hope and joy flow down to the community. God save us.
We ask these things in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Monday 25 January 2021                                    THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Akure – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Ondo Province)

St Faith, Epping
God our Father, God of our ancestors. Bless the people of Epping during this challenging time.
Bless those who lost their jobs, bless the lonely and the suffering. Make us a good example to
those who are far from Christ, make us good disciples, this we ask in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Birthdays: Andrѐ Allies
Wedding Anniversaries: Hilton and Karen Marais

Tuesday 26 January 2021                                                   Timothy and Titus
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Alabama - The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)

St Andrew, Eureka Estate
We give thanks to God for new beginnings. We place before God our hopes and plans for 2021 but
also our doubts and fears. We pray that God will guide us as we prepare for Vestry. We also pray
that people will step forward to offer their skills and service to God’s church.
COVID-19 is still very much a reality and makes it difficult to do long term planning, we, therefor
ask God to help us to become agile in our decision making, to take small steps, to allow mistakes
and to learn from them.
We pray for the Bishop’s Vicar, The Revd JP George and his wife, Rhona and children, Houston
and Adele. We also pray for our Ordinand, Jason Benson. We pray for our churchwardens and
Parish Council and also for the leaders and members of our organizations. We pray that God will
give us the courage to take us out of our comfort zones in order to transform God’s church and
the community of Eureka.
Lord, inspire us to take upon ourselves afresh the yoke of obedience and let us engage ourselves in
the task of witness to our neighbours and service to them in God’s name.

Birthdays: Charmaine McBride
Wednesday 27 January 2021
             John Chrysostom, Bishop of Consantinople and Teacher of the Faith, 407
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Alaska – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)

St Nicholas, Matroosfontein
Dear Lord, we the people of St. Nicholas, thank you for your protection during these uncertain
times of the pandemic. We thank you for the ministry of Revd. Lutya , The Revd Victor and The
Revd Suzette during this time of interregnum, as well as for the leadership of the Wardens
namely, Allison, Jonathan and Jade. Thank you for the generous contributions from our
Parishioners during these challenging times. We committed to you the discernment process of
choosing a Rector for our parish. Lord hear our humble prayers. Amen

Thursday 28 January 2021                      Thomas Acquinas, Teacher of the Faith, 1274
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Saint Albans – The Church of England
(Canterbury Province)

St Margaret, Parow
We pray for St. Margaret, a parish in a NEW season. Lord, bless our journey that we will always
shine bright for your glory in this corner of your vineyard. We pray especially for our new Rector
The Revd Colin and his wife Louise. May their ministry amongst us be of great joy, love and
growth. We pray for all our churchwardens, parish council and ministry leaders as they will serve
and work alongside our new Rector.
We continue to pray for our community during 2021 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but also give
thanks for those in the frontline, who battle the rate of infections. We pray for those who have
lost loved ones during this pandemic, especially those in our parish. Lord we pray for your healing
hand, guidance and wisdom on all of us during these uncertain and anxious times, that we may be
responsible and caring people for the most vulnerable in our midst.
We pray that 2021 may be a bless year for the all people, but especially the Parish family of St

Friday 29 January 2021                 Charles Frederick Mackenzie, Bishop in Central Africa, 1862
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Albany - The Episcopal Church (II (2) Province)

St Francis, Ravensmead
Lord, we thank you for yet another blessed year gone by, especially with the challenges of the
COVID-19 Pandemic. We, as the people of St Francis, Ravensmead, give God all the glory, honor
and praise for what we, as a Parish, have achieved. We give thanks to our interim Priest, The Revd
Glen Daries, our Church Wardens, Parish Council and all Ministries for their unselfish commitment
to serve Thy people.

We bid welcome to and uphold The Revd Claudette Garnie, as we come alongside her with love
and support. May the Lord bestow upon The Revd Claudette and The Revd Glen the necessary
wisdom, guidance and patience to bring about good and blessed change we – so desperately
needed in our troubled community. We continue to pray for their respective families.
Lord, we lay at your feet the aged, the sick, the poor, the marginalized, the bereaved and our
front-line workers. We uphold those affected by the ongoing violence within our community, as
we pray for peace, brotherly and sisterly love and understanding. We give thanks for the ever
helping and giving hands, which enable the Church to assist those who do not have the hungry.
We humbly ask for God's abundant grace through Christ Jesus, not only as we walk the path of
self-sacrifice with His Son during Lent 2021, but to also guide with His Heavenly wisdom those
choosing a Rector for our Parish. Lord, we seek your holy presence, your unwavering assistance
and direction in all that we have planned to do this year. In Jesus name we pray.

Birthdays: Mercelyn Cloete

Saturday 30 January 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Algoma - The Anglican Church of Canada
(Ontario Province)

Table View Archdeaconry
Parish                 Dedication                                     Clergy
                                                 The Ven. Tobias Mutale (Archdeacon)
Table View             St Chad                   The Revd Patrick Xhallie
                                                 The Revd Brenda Payne
Atlantis               All Saints
                                                 The Revd Dominic van Staden
Bothasig               Holy Trinity
                                                 The Revd Allan du Plooy
                                                 The Revd Canon David Mills
                                                 The Revd Allan Marshall
Edgemead               St Michael & All Angels
                                                 The Revd Roderick Walsh
                                                 The Revd Evelyn Abrahams
                                                 The Ven. Selwyn Engelbrecht
                                                 The Revd Clever Matsilele
                                                 The Revd Merwyn Moore
                                                 The Revd Maxwell Malan
                                                 The Most Revd Desmond Tutu
Milnerton              St Oswald
                                                 The Revd Tozamile Shweni
                                                 The Revd Mxolisi Mpambani
                                                 The Revd Ernest Ward-Cox
                                                 The Revd Matthew Esau
                                                 The Revd Tembeka Mpako-Ntusi

 AWF Executive and Chairladies Quiet Day
Sunday 31 January 2021                            FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY
World Wide Communion: Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil

Holy Trinity, Bothasig
Father in Heaven, we ask you to strengthen us so as to stand immovably firm, in saving grace and
faith. Thank you for the wisdom we are acquire from the quarantining and “social distancing”,
knowing, we need to be drawing so much closer to you, so that when the next sudden upheaval
comes on earth we will not be overcome with fear but will overcome fear with faith. Thank you for
drawing our focus away from this earth to look upward for the blessed hope, your glorious
appearing. We praise your name Jesus; you are our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, and our ever
present help in times of trouble. In you alone will we trust and be eternally secure. Amen.

Birthdays: Anthony & Jenny Naransamy

Monday 1 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of All Saints Cathedral – The Anglican Church of Kenya

St Michael & All Angels, Edgemead
Give thanks to God for grace and protection over us during the Lockdown, for lessons learned and
relationships deepened. Please pray for Blessed, our gardener,, and the team beautifying the
garden. Tayna. Our Secretary, and our Media staff, keeping us all connected and informed,
Michelle and James, our Wardens, Allison with the Alternate Warden and Parish Treasurer, and
the Parish Council, managing our financial and administrative affairs, and their reparations in
overseeing the protocols for re-opening of the church doors for public worship.
Our Home Cells, Zooming in for fellowship every week, Our Pastoral Care programme, reaching to
those in particular need. Barry, our ordinand and our Clergy, Evelyn and Rod, Assistant Priests,
and The Revd David, our Rector, and their families. Ask the Lord continually to guide and inspire
them in their calling. The suburb of Edgemead, its people, businesses and schools, and those
domestic workers who come to help us in our homes and offices.

Tuesday 2 February 2021               THE PRESENTATION OF OUR LORD IN THE TEMPLE
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aluakluak – The Province of the Episcopal Church of
South Sudan (Eastern Bahr el Ghazal Province)

All Saints, Atlantis
God of life, you have promised to be with us every day, also in difficult days, and in times like
these. Give us clarity and peace of mind, Strength and discernment in our work, rest as we sleep
peace in our minds. Be with those who need help more than we ourselves, and help us to see
what we can offer from your love.
We thank you Lord for Reverend Dominic van Staden and his family. Guide, lead and protect them
almighty God. We give thanks and praise for our congregation All Saints Atlantis. Bless their
generosity as they are free givers. Lord we are thankful and grateful for our leadership in our
church their dedication and trust. Thank you Lord for your unfailing love and for binding us
through troublesome times.
Wednesday 3 February 2021
                          Anskar, Bishop and Missionary in Denmark and Sweden, 864
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Amazônia – Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil
(3 Province)

St Chad, Table View
Pray for our Archdeacon and Rector, The Ven. Tobias Mutale, his wife Juliana and their daughters.
We ask for wisdom, protection and strength as he ministers both to the Parish and Archdeaconry.
Pray for our priest in training, Sinethemba Hoshe, and for Stacey Adendorff in the Fellowship of
Vocation. We give thanks for each one and for their unique talents given in service of your people
of St Chad, and the wider Anglican Communion. We ask that as each one seeks your face, you
would reveal more of yourself, Father God, more of your plans for our parish. We ask that you
would guide our parish leadership into the ways that you would have us go, especially as we seek
the way forward in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, that our older and 'at risk'
parishioners might safely return to worshipping in church. Lord, in your mercy. Amen

CELEBRATIONS:                                                       EVENTS:
Birthdays: Clever Matsilele                                          Vicars Training
Wedding Anniversaries: James & Naomi van Staden

Thursday 4 February 2021
                                 Manche Masemola of Sekhukhuneland, Virgin and Martyr, 1928
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Amichi – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican
Communion) (Niger Province)

St Laurence, Du Noon
Give thanks with us for the many and diverse people who make up our parish, each of whom adds
to the richness of our congregation, people who come to worship in spirit and in truth, and people
who seek to live out our mission statement "To know Christ and to make Him known".
Give thanks for our prayer chain that has faithfully upheld the sick, the bereaved and anyone in
need of prayer during this time of COVID-19. Give thanks for our Social Responsibility team who
has continued to help those in need, by making up and distributing food parcels. Give thanks for
our Lay ministers who have mastered the technique of making 'selfie' videos of Bible readings and
corporate prayer to enhance our services which are available on YouTube.
Give thanks with us for modern technology and digital media which has enabled us to
communicate with one another without being 'face to face', sharing through WhatsApp, email and
our website. Give thanks for our rector, the Revd Tobias who has shepherded faithfully during
lockdown, putting together services and ministering to the sick and bereaved. Give thanks that
nothing on this earth can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Amen
 Vicars Training
 Bishop at Natal Elective Assembly Process
Friday 5 February 2021                                           The Martyrs of Japan 1597
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Amritsar – The (united) Church of North India

St Oswald, Milnerton
Pray for the Parish rector, Selwyn Engelbrecht, for Beverley his wife, Jesse, Joshua and Joel, their
children. Pray for all self-supporting, retired clergy and their families belonging to the parish
church. Pray for Dawn Moore as she mourns the death of her husband, the late Reverend Mervin
Moore. Pray for all parishioners, particularly those who lost loved ones, family, and extended
family due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for all parishioners who experienced all kinds of losses
during this difficult time, and who are going through patterns of unresolved grief. Pray for
meaningful pastoral responses during this time. Pray for all who are struggling with mental health
at this time. Pray for the elderly, the vulnerable and the weak, who are carefully navigating
themselves throughout the day. Pray and hold all parish ministries before God that they will not
grow despondent because they cannot meet physically. Pray for all parish and chapelry councillors
as they assist in leading parishioners through this pandemic. Above all, pray and give thanks to
God, for the generosity and profound gratitude shown by parishioners amidst facing the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray and give thanks to God for all young people in the parish especially
those who successfully completed their school career and those who are looking forward to
experiencing tertiary education. Pray for those who are still contemplating what the future has in
store for them.

CELEBRATIONS:                                EVENTS:
Birthdays: Colleen van Reenen                 Vicars Training
                                              Bishop at Natal Elective Assembly Process
Saturday 6 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Andaman & Car Nicobar Islands – The (united)
Church of North India

St Francis, Brooklyn
Give thanks to God for The Rev Tozamile who faithfully presides at all Eucharistic services at the
chapelry, during this difficult time. Give thanks for his support to the rector of the parish. Pray for
the family of the Rev Tozamile especially the very important journey the family had to make to the
Eastern Cape. Pray for their protection and safe return. Pray for all parishioners worshipping at
the chapelry. Pray that the chapelry will remain a beacon of hope in the community of Brooklyn,
amidst the many social and economic challenges. Give thanks to God for the support of the
chapelry leadership and that they will grow from strength to strength as they go about their
ministry. Pray that all social outreach initiatives however big or small , will fluarish.
   Vicars Training
   Bishop at Natal Elective Assembly Process
   AWF Quiet Day
   Mother’s Union Diocesan Council Meeting
Sunday 7 February 2021                                   FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY
World Wide Communion: The Anglican Church of Burundi

St Luke, Jo Slovo Park
Pray and give thanks to God for The Rev Mxolisi who faithfully preside at all Eucharistic services at
the chapelry during this difficult time. Give thanks for his support to the rector of the parish. Pray
for The Rev Mxolisi and his family. Pray and give thanks to God for the wonderful synergy
between priest and people at St Luke. Give thanks to God for the ministry of all lay ministers in the
chapelry in particular their ministry to the aged. Pray for the well being and safety of all
parishioners in the community of Jo Slovo at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic..

Wedding Anniversaries: Dirk & Ellen Magerman

Monday 8 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Saint Andrews Dunkeld & Dunblane – The Scottish
Episcopal Church

Maitland Archdeaconry
 Parish                 Dedication                                        Clergy
                                                 The Ven Rus Blassoples (Archdeacon)
                                                 The Revd Alan Lindhorst
                                                 The Revd Pam Parenzee
 Pinelands              St Stephen
                                                 The Revd Cedric Stemmers
                                                 The Ven Anthony Gregorowski
                                                 The Revd John Roberts
 Factreton              St Timothy               The Revd Joshua Abrahams
                                                 The Revd Frankie Leonard
                                                 The Revd Hilton Marais
                                                 The Revd Anthony Naransamy
 Goodwood               St Alban
                                                 The Revd Peter Langeveld
                                                 The Revd Raymond Clarke
                                                 The Revd Charmaine McBride
                                                 The Revd Leon van Rheede
 Kensington             Good Shepherd            The Revd Victor Harker
                                                 The Revd Charles Blows
 Maitland               St Anne                  The Revd Velma jansen

Birthdays: Lynn Kensley
Wedding Anniversaries: Titus & Ilse Daniels
Tuesday 9 February 2021                                James Mata Dwane, Priest, 1916
World Wide Communion: The Anglican Missionary District - Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do
Brasil (3 Province)

St Stephen, Pinelands
We give thanks and gratitude for the faithfulness of parishioners and for both those who have
returned to in-person worship and those who worship at home. We give thanks for the support
from Anthony and John.
 We pray for a sense of peace and rest to come upon all of us, particularly at this time of the year,
and the time of COVID-19. We pray for God’s blessing on and to surround Rus our Rector as he
leads us towards the beautiful child, the shining star. May we be filled with a sense of wonder,
longing and awe.

Wednesday 10 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Angola – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa

St Timothy, Factreton
We give thanks to God for God's faithfulness, especially during the second wave of the COVID-19
pandemic. We pray for those in our parish who have tested positive for COVID-19 and we thank
God for their recovery. We pray for those whose loved ones died during this time. We pray for
those whose employment has been adversely affected through retrenchments or who were
placed on short-time. May God's grace and love sustain them during these anxious and uncertain
times. We give thanks to God for our Food Security Program. May God bless, guide and strengthen
us as we embrace 2021. Amen

Birthdays: Audrey Anthony; S-Marilda Kearns

Thursday 11 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Ankole – The Church of the Province of Uganda

St Alban, Goodwood
Pray for The Revd Frankie Leonard, our Rector. Thank God for his past experience and gifts. Pray
for him and his family as they settle in to their new home (a beautifully refurbished Rectory).
Give thanks for the ministry of Archdeacon Rus, The Revd Alan Lindhorst and for Churchwardens
Alison Samuels, Rodger Matthee, Jeremy Peters (Alt) and Roland Musembwa (prev) for their
leadership during the lengthy interregnum, and lockdown. Pray for Church Councillors Henry
Carelse (Treasurer), Glynnis Abrahams Meyer, Anita Green, Geraldine Hendricks, Ivan Samuels
and Adrienne Botman.
Give thanks and pray for the online/WhatsApp ministry of daily devotions by the Revd. Hilton
Marais, the Revd. Tony Naransamy, Revd. Charmaine McBride, and Laura Siefart assisted by her
team of Lay Ministers. Pray also for the Revd. Ray Clark and Revd. Peter Langeveld.
Pray for the elderly, frail, vulnerable, unwell, and those struggling financially in the community
during the lockdown period.
Friday 12 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of North Ankole - TheChurch of the Province of

Good Shepherd, Kensington
The Parish Family expresses her gratitude to the Almighty God for the divine assistance for the
pharmaceutical interventions towards the creation of a few vaccines that are over 90% safe for
use to combat the pandemic of the Coronavirus. We pray for its use to all countries and peoples of
the world who desperately need it. We uplift to our Lord the community we serve and thank God
for our priest,The Revd. Leon van Rheede and Layministers doing duty and our Parish Covid Team
to direct and supervise all Services and gatherings on the Church Estate.
May God bless 2021 and may the ministry of all be incarnational to deeply caring during
Christmastide and Epiphany...GOD BLESS THE WORLD.

Saturday 13 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Northwest Ankole - The Church of the Province of

St Anne, Maitland
We give thanks for the ministry of the Revd Stafford and the beautiful retirement and parish
farewell service held on the 3rd Sunday in Advent
We are filled with gratitude for the ministry of The Revd Dady, The revd Velma,The Revd
Alphonsus and the Revd Pam, and the ministry of the churchwardens and the Archdeacon.
We pray that God may find a faithful rector, shepherd and pastor for the parish and chapelry.
And we give thanks to God for the plans for the new church – God’s blessing that it be realized.

Birthday: Stafford Jacobs                           F.O.V Training Meeting

Sunday 14 February 2021                                      TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY
World Wide Communion: The Anglican Church of Canada

St Athanasius, Garden Village
Ever present God, be with us in our isolation, be close to us in our distancing, be healing in our
sickness, be light in our darkness, be wisdom in our confusion, be all that is familiar when all is
unfamiliar, that when the doors reopen we may, speak of your goodness to an emerging world.
For Jesus Christ sake. Amen.

EVENTS:                                                   CELEBRATIONS:
 Confirmation – All Saints, Durbanville                  Ted Schurr
Monday 15 February 2021                                          Thomas Bray, Priest, 1730
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of South Ankole - The Church of the Province of

Namaqualand North Archdeaconry
Parish                 Dedication                                       Clergy
                                               The Very Revd Titus Daniels (Archdeacon)
O’Kiep                 St Augustine
                                               The Revd Earl Richards
Port Nolloth           St Andrew               The Revd Roleen Valentyn
                                               The Revd Valiant Valentyn
                                               The Revd Johnny Laban (The Bishop's Vicar)
                                               The Revd Caroline Coetzee
Springbok              All Saints
                                               The Revd Salome Mostert
                                               The Revd Len Jordaan

Birthdays: Dephne Petersen

Tuesday 16 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of West Ankole – The Church of the Province of

St Augustine, O'Kiep
Continued Prayers for Doctors, Nurses and other Medical Professionals treating individuals
infected with COVID-19
Ever present God of our days and times, we pray your continued blessings on our doctors, nurses
and all other medical professionals who work timelessly for our health. Grant them the strength to
carry on when things are tough…
Bless them with energy when the day is long and wearisome Gracious God, keep all nurses and
doctors safe and healthy, surround also their families and loved ones within your safe keeping.
Father of love, help us, the people (patients) they serve to be grateful for their service.
God of grace and comfort, when we feel overwhelmed and unable to go on, thank you, for nurses
and doctors and other medical professionals who despite the threatening infections of Covid-19,
courageously continue serving as God’s channels of grace, healing, love, hope and
encouragement, holding the sick and the frail in their arms… with a prayer and the hope of our
lives being restored to a new day. In Jesus Name, we pray.

Birthdays: Elizabeth Allies
Wednesday 17 February 2021                                                  ASH WEDNESDAY
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Antananarivo –The Church of the Province of the
Indian Ocean

Go deep Lord, to the point beneath our thinking Discussing and planning… To the stillness,
beneath all words, where we truly open our hearts to you, and be soaked in your love from which
all wisdom and true service proceeds.
Go deep Lord, as we remain quiet before you, focusing on all of life’s blessings. As we give thanks
to the Lord who daily loads us with benefits. (Ps 68:19)Let us daily count our blessings, as we stand
in awe and wonder, for what the Lord has done and continues to do for us. To God be all the glory.

Birthdays: Annalise Hendricks

Thursday 18 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Antsiranana – The Church of the Province of the
Indian Ocean

God Almighty, we ask for healthy, thriving relationships between neighbours. We pray different
cultures will be able to understand and care for one another in our neighbourhood. We pray that
the diversity of your people will be celebrated.

Birthdays: Grazelda Issac
Friday 19 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Araucanía –Iglesia Anglicana de Chile

St Andrew, Port Nolloth
Loving God, we wish to thank you for your love and mercy. Thank You for the natural resources
you bestow upon this community. Thank You for the leadership of this diocese and their vision to
ordain local priests. We pray for Godly leaders, filled with your wisdom, who can manage these
resources to the benefit of the community. Please bring an end to corruption in local, provincial
and national governance.

CELEBRATIONS:                                                   EVENTS:

Birthdays: Susan Hendrickse                                      F.O.V Retreat
Saturday 20 February 2021                 Mother Cecile of Grahamstown, Religious, 1906
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of the Arctic – The Anglican Church of Canada
(Rupert’s Land Province)
St Anthony – Steinkopf
Lord, we thank you for leading our parishioners in these difficult times. We pray for the
parishioners who lost loved ones during Covid-19and who are still concerned about their personal

We give thanks to our priests, The Rev Johnny Laban and his family, The Rev Lanzlid Jordaan and
his family, The Rev Salome Mostert and her family and The Rev Caroline Coetzee and her family.
God we pray that you will protect and lead them. Father God, will you guide them to spread the
Gospel in this Parish. Thank you for the priests who minister, communion to the sick and

Thank you for the co-operation and dedication of our tasks team and leadership in this part of our
vineyard. We give thanks for the support of our Lay ministers with funeral services.

CELEBRATIONS:                                                   EVENTS:
Birthdays: Courtney Sampson                                      F.O.V Retreat
Wedding Anniversaries: Cedric & Hendrina Williams

Sunday 21 February 2021                                             FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT
World Wide Communion: The Church of the Province of Central Africa

All Saints, Springbok
Pray for our Vicar ,The Rev Johnny Laban and his family, The Rev Len Jordaan and his family, The
Rev Salome Mostert and her family and The. Rev Caroline Coetzee and her family. Pray for God’s
continual blessing upon them. We pray also for our leadership in the parish. We pray for our
Churchwardens Eddie Julius, Wilbur Julius and Alternate Churchwarden Gerald Meyer. Thank God
for their wonderful gifts and talents.

CELEBRATIONS:                                         EVENTS:
Birthdays: Norman Joshua                              •     F.O.V Retreat
Monday 22 February 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Argentina – The Anglican Church of South America
St Barnabas – Komaggas with St Cyprian – Nababeep
We pray for leaders, for their guidance and support. We baptised two children in this chapelry
conduct by The Rev Len Jordaan. Give thanks to our leaders in this chapelry for helping the priests.
Shepherding of God’s people in this part of the vineyard. We administered the service of
Baptism to five children conducted by The Rev Salome Mostert.

We put our hope and trust in you o, Lord and pray that your will be done and that your name may
be glorified. Amen

Birthdays: Zukiswa Nombasa Lutya

Tuesday 23 February 2021                        Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna and Martyr,156
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Northern Argentina – The Anglican Church of South

Namaqualand South Archdeaconry
 Parish                  Dedication                                      Clergy
               Acting Archdeacon                 The Bishop acts as the Archdeacon at present
 Calvinia               St Mary
                                                 The Revd Maria van Wyk
                                                 The Revd Charles Williams
 Clanwilliam            St John
                                                 The Revd Mario Christian
 Klawer                 St James
                                                 The Revd Petrus J Apollis

Wednesday 24 February 2021                                                                Ember Day
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Argyll & The Isles –The Scottish Episcopal Church

St John, Clanwilliam
Pray with us in thanksgiving and gratitude for: all God's people, for all the Clergy and leadership in
our Parish, for the wonderful gifts and talents which each uniquely possess.The restoration of our
boundary wall, the process which has begun, the repair of our piano and for all those involved in
assisting us in completing these tasks. Pray with us as we request and seek for. The heart and mind
of Christ, amidst all our tribulations so that the fruits which we will bear will be that of
reconcilliation, togetherness, unity and oneness amongst all of us. The restoration and repair of
our pipe Organ, the very first of its kind in Clanwilliam, which when restored, will bring another
element and dimension to the quality of the singing of our hymns.

Birthdays: Mario Christian; Laurette Johnson, Nadia van Staden (Dominic)
Thursday 25 February 2021
                                The Annunciation of Our Lord to theBlessed Virgin Mary
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Arizona – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)

St Andrew, Doring Bay
Pray with us in thanksgiving and gratitude for:
Previous Clergy who took up ministry in Dooringbay and for their endeavors to bring people closer
to God and God to the people.
Pray with us as we request and seek for:
The renovations to the derelict church building of St Andrews Dooringbay, with the view of
launching a business enterprise, which would serve the local community with job opportunities
and employment and a source of income for sustainability. We hold in our prayers all those
involved in this process.

Friday 26 February 2021                                                              Ember Day
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Arkansas –The Episcopal Church(VII (7) Province)
St Margaret, Citrusdal
Pray with us in thanksgiving and gratitude for: The Clergy and leadership of St Margaret Citrusdal;
The good rains sent upon us and as a result, a bountiful harvest in our area. Thank you that the
good harvest has seen a return to work for the members of our congregation and community at

Birthdays: George Witbooi

Saturday 27 February 2021                                    George Herbert, Priest, 1632
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Armagh –The Church of Ireland(Armagh Province)

St Peter, Lamberts Bay
Pray with us in thanksgiving and gratitude for: The Clergy and Leadership of St Peter's
Lambertsbay. Pray with us as we request and seek for God's wisdom and guidance as we embark
on a process of reconciliation and healing; For the leadership and all those involved as we
continue the preparations for the opening of our church doors, ensuring that we are
compassionate, caring and fully compliant in the process.

 Mother’s Union Music Festival
 P.O.T Training
Sunday 28 February 2021                                          SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
                                                                            Ember Day
World Wide Communion: Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Centralde America

St James, Klawer
Gracious God, send your Holy Spirit upon the people of the Parish of St James the Great, Klawer.
Give us a greater love for all. Make us more compassionate for the sick, the lonely, and all in need,
more zealous in the inspiration of the young, more concerned about the wider mission of the
Church, and more generous in our giving of service and money. Bless the plans we have for 2021.
Continue to guide the leadership and help each one of us to know what we ought to do, and give
us strength and courage faithfully to do it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
CELEBRATIONS:                                           EVENTS:
Birthdays: Chris Ahrends                                 Confirmation – St John, Bellville

Monday 1 March 2021                   David, Bishop and Missionery in Wales, 6th Century
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Armidale – The Anglican Church of
Australia (New South Wales Province)

St Michael & All Angels, Vredendal
Gracious God, send your Holy Spirit upon the people of the Chapelry of St Micheal and All Angels,
Vredendal. Give us a greater love for all. Make us more compassionate for the sick, the lonely,
and all in need, more zealous in the inspiration of the young, more concerned about the wider
mission of the Church, and more generous in our giving of service and money. Bless the plans we
have for 2021. Continue to guide the leadership and help each one of us to know what we ought
to do, and give us strength and courage faithfully to do it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Tuesday 2 March 2021                                        Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 672
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Arochukwu/Ohafia – The Church of Nigeria
(AnglicanCommunion) (Aba Province)

Resurrection, Lutzville
Gracious God, send your Holy Spirit upon the people of the Chapelry of the Resurrection in
Lutzville. Give us a greater love for all. Make us more compassionate for the sick, the lonely, and
all in need, more zealous in the inspiration of the young, more concerned about the wider mission
of the Church, and more generous in our giving of service and money. Bless the plans we have for
2021. Continue to guide the leadership and help each one of us to know what we ought to do,
and give us strength and courage faithfully to do it, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
 TESF Board Meeting
Wednesday 3 March 2021                      John and Charles Wesley, Priests, 18th century
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Aru – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo

St.Mary, Calvinia
Pray for The Revd. Maria Van Wyk,Priest-in-charge of St. Mary's Calvinia and Good Shepherd
Loeriesfontein Pray for the Chapelwardens: Coleen Solomons, Willhelm Moses, Arrista Koopman.
Councillors: Leonardo De Wet, Emmeretia Kammies, Randall Ryck, Leon Koopman and Willem
Demas. We give thanks to God for their willingness to avoid themselves to serves God's church.
Give thanks to God for all the newly acclaimed Priests and Deacons in the Diocese of Saldanah Bay.
We pray as they execute their office they will do it with God's Love. We pray for our families and in
particular all those who stand in Leadership position that as they lead, they will draw all God's
people together as one.
We pray and give thanks for the help and support we received from the Diocese. We give thanks
for the ministry of our Parish Facilitator, Miss Anita Somhlahlo.

Birthdays: John Lewin; Nguema Nzinga Dady; Dominic van Staden

Thursday 4 March 2021
World Wide Communion: The Missionary Diocese of Asaba – The Church of Nigeria
(Anglican Communion) (Bendel Province)

Good Shepherd, Loeriesfontein
Pray for Revd. Maria Van Wyk Priest-in-charge of St'-Marys Calvinia and Good Shepherd
Loeriesfontein. Pray for the Chapelwardens: Aletta C Van der Westhuizen, Beaucand V. Swartz
and Alternative: Tanya M. Van der Westhuizen. Councillors: Annie Farmer, Annie M. Januarie,
and Elias A Van der Westhuizen. We give thanks to God for their willingness to avoid themselves
to serves God's church. Give thanks to God for all the newly acclaimed Priests and Deacons in the
Diocese of Saldanah Bay. We pray as they execute their office they will do it with God's Love. We
pray for our families and in particular all those who stand in Leadership position that as they lead,
they will draw all God's people together as one.

We pray and give thanks for the help and support we received from the Diocese We pray and give
thanks for the help and support we received from the Diocese. We give thanks for the ministry of
our Parish Facilitator, Miss Anita Somhlahlo.

Birthdays: John Hartzenberg
Friday 5 March 2021                                                    Womens day of Prayer
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Asante-Mampong– The Church of the Province of
West Africa (Ghana Province)

Paarl Archdeaconry
 Parish                  Dedication                                       Clergy
                                                 The Revd Craig Abrahams
 Malmesbury              St Thomas
                                                 The Revd Lydia Juliana-Jones
 Mbekweni                Bernard Mizeki          The Revd Barrie Hodgin
                                                 The Revd Canon Charles Williams
                                                 The Revd George Solomon
 Paarl                   Annunciation            The Revd Nolan Boyd
                                                 The Revd Wilfred Swartz
                                                 The Revd John Lewin
                                                 The Revd Canon Denver Heugh
 Paarl                   Holy Trinity
                                                 The Revd Yolanda Fortuin
                                                 The Ven. Christopher Swartz (Archdeacon)
 Paarl                   St Stephen
                                                 The Revd Cedric Williams
 Paarl, Klein
                         Ascension               The Revd Flores Anthony
                                                 The Revd Anthea Brache
 Wellington              St Alban
                                                 The Revd Vincent Endley

Saturday 6 March 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Saint Asaph - The Church in Wales

Ascension, Klein Drakenstein
Dear God, as we are facing a new year, we thank thee for carrying us through a difficult year. We
praise thee for everything that we were blessed with, for life, health and protection. We
remember with fondness those who have died. We pray that their souls may rest in everlasting
peace. Our prayer is dear Lord that you will go before us in all our doings, all projects that we may
embark on. May it be to the extension of your Kingdom. We bring before you our rector, the
Reverend Flores Anthony, his wife Audrey, together with their children Nadine and Stuart. Bless
them dear Lord and grant that their hearts desires may be fulfilled. We pray for our
churchwardens, council, organisations and parishioners. May the year ahead bring us new hope,
new vision and a strong foundation as we put the year in God’s hands. In your mighty name we
pray. Amen.

 Mother’s Union Executive Meeting
 Confirmation – St Augustine, Moorreesburg
Sunday 7 March 2021                                                   THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT
World Wide Communion: Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo

St Bernard Mizeki, Mbekweni
We pray for the Church Wardens., Ms Nomza Gexa and Ms Phumza Bolani.
We also pray for the Parish Council, The Lay Ministers, The A.W.F. The Mother's Union, The
Servers, The Anglican Youth Fellowship, The Servers, and the Sunday School.
Please pray for the many Parishioners who are afraid to gather together for fear of the Corona
We also pray for responsible stewardship as the virus has had an adverse effect on giving.
Pray for the People of Mbekweni, particularly young People.
Pray for Revd Barrie and Noluvuyo. Also their Children.Benedict and Sandy. Pray for the Police
and for responsible citizenship in this area. Pray also for the Ministers fraternal.

CELEBRATIONS:                                      EVENTS:
Birthdays: John Klaassen                            Confirmation – St Christopher, St Helena Bay

Monday 8 March 2021
World Wide Communion: The Diocese of Athabasca –The Anglican Church of Canada
(Rupert’s Land Province)

Annunciation, Paarl
The current coronavirus challenges have altered our lives, and many clergy have been greatly
affected. These activities include the face-to-face celebration of Sunday and weekday services;
pastoral visits; preaching and teaching in person; some parish administration tasks; face-to-face
counselling; and, the celebration of baptisms, reconciliations, funerals and weddings as they are
usually carried out.
There are moments and days when the clergy struggle more than at other times and need our
prayerful support. How can we assist our clergy and other parish leaders as we navigate our way
through the current situation together? We must earnestly pray for them.
The ‘glue’ that binds us together is prayer. We are bound to our clergy, not by a legal agreement,
but by a relationship formed and sustained by God. The heart of prayer is listening, and as we
allow God to speak to us in the Holy Scriptures, in the events of the world and in the silence of our
hearts, we are enabled to unite our prayer to the intercession of the Holy Spirit. The renewal of
the Church will not occur through the latest programme, but through a renewal of spirituality.
We pray for people who are frightened because they are ill, especially those diagnosed with
Coronavirus                                                                                            .
Our prayers go out for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close
and dear to them. May their souls rest in peace and rise in glory.
 We ask you to open our hearts in generosity and prayer that we may also be partners and support
our commitment to bring relief to the thousands in need at this time.
Spirit of healing, we are grateful that you yourself will tend your sheep; that you will search for the
lost and bring back the strays; that you will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.
Hear the prayers of everyone who calls upon you for help, including: Canon Missioner The Rev.
Charles Williams, our rector and his family, The Revd. Nolan, Wilfred and John and their
respective families. Religious leaders in our church; the ministry of the Lay ministers,
Churchwardens, Parish Councilors, MU, SCC, AWF, Sound Technician, Altar Servers, Confirmation,
You can also read