A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation

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A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
A world free of high risk roads

                     2018 Progress Report   1
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
The FIAF Foundation provides the core support for the iRAP global programme that provides for:

◼   the oversight and coordination of the global programme with support for active partners in each country and
    each region
◼   advocacy and communications at the global, regional, national and local levels to support the elimination of
    high risk roads
◼   the development and delivery of iRAP assessments and related projects by partners and suppliers worldwide
    and the Strategic Projects team where needed
◼   the development, maintenance and free-to-air provision of the iRAP protocols, software and systems for use
    by auto-clubs, government, development banks and other stakeholders globally

Maximising travel on 3-star and better roads
iRAP’s Business Plan for 2016-2018 is focused on “maximising travel on 3-star and better roads”. The plan
recognizes the need to direct our charitable investment where returns are highest and where most lives will be

The iRAP programme continues to grow in impact and outcomes worldwide, with activities and influence
extending across more than 1.3 million kilometres of risk mapping and 940,000 kms of star rating assessments
spanning 96 countries. More than 17,000 have been trained worldwide since 2009. At the end of 2018 there are
now more than 6,300 users of the iRAP free-to-air software ViDA and more than 22,600,000km of investment plan
analysis has been processed since 2014.

With the focus on ensuring roads are upgraded to save lives, the multi-billion dollar investments now influenced
by iRAP assessments, are delivering results. The Star Rating of Designs has been completed for close to
6,000km of road. Importantly, more than 48 countries have now completed and opened safer roads that have
been in part, or fully influenced, by iRAP assessments. An estimated US$67.2 billion of road investment has been
made safer by iRAP partners worldwide.

The iRAP Vaccines for Roads resource was launched showcasing the star rating performance of a sample of
358,000km of iRAP assessments across 54 countries where more than 700 billion kilometres of travel occurs
every year. The 2018 WHO Global Status Report for Road Safety builds on these results and now includes a
specific reference to star rating of new and existing roads in each country profile. The UN Member State Targets
for Road Safety have now been finalized and include the requirement for all new roads to be 3-star or better for all
road users by 2030.

This report outlines iRAP’s progress towards our vision and is structured around the core OECD/DAC criteria for
international development. This includes:

◼   Impact – the success of iRAP’s work in saving lives and reducing injuries through policy outcomes and
    upgraded roads worldwide.

◼   Effectiveness – the mobilization of resources, partnerships, institutional support and action to support iRAP’s
    vision for a world free of high-risk roads and how we have achieved upgraded roads.

◼   Relevance – the alignment of iRAP’s work with the direct needs of country partners and how our work
    influences the global initiatives and policy outcomes of those able to influence road safety outcomes.

◼   Efficiency - the ability of iRAP to generate impact in a cost-efficient way that maximizes results

◼   Sustainability - the ability of the programme impacts to continue into the future.

For more information
Rob McInerney, CEO                                                             www.irap.org
Email rob.mcinerney@irap.org, Tel +61 405 49 3030                              iRAP
                                                                               Worting House, Church Lane
Judy Williams, Global Programme Manager                                        Basingstoke RG238PX
Email: judy.williams@irap.org, Tel: +61 400 78 2204                            UK

                                                                                               2018 Progress Report    2
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
Impact .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
    Global and Regional Impact ......................................................................................................................... 5
    Country Level Impact.................................................................................................................................. 11
    High-Income Financing Made Safer ........................................................................................................... 12
    Low and Middle-Income Financing Made Safer .................................................................................... 13-15

Effectiveness ................................................................................................................................................ 16
    Strategic Projects ........................................................................................................................................ 17
    ChinaRAP ................................................................................................................................................... 18
    IndiaRAP ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
    Bloomberg / GRSF BIGRS Initiative ...................................................................................................... 19-21
    RADAR ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
    Other Project Success ................................................................................................................................ 22
    usRAP Partnerships .................................................................................................................................... 23

Relevance ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
    RSF - UK Success ...................................................................................................................................... 25
    RACC - Spain Success .............................................................................................................................. 25
    AAA, Austroads and ARRB - AusRAP Success.......................................................................................... 26
    EuroRAP Success ....................................................................................................................................... 26
    Star Rating for Schools ......................................................................................................................... 27-28
    iRAP Product Success and Relevance ...................................................................................................... 29
    Shaping the Future with Google .................................................................................................................. 30
    Shaping the Future with Roads that Cars Can Read .................................................................................. 30

Efficiency........................................................................................................................................................ 31
    Training and Accreditation ........................................................................................................................... 33
    Global Standards ......................................................................................................................................... 34
    Star Rating for Designs ............................................................................................................................... 35
    BRITA .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
    Events .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
    Communications ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Sustainability .................................................................................................................................................. 41

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 47

2018 Financial Report .................................................................................................................................... 48

                                                                                                                                             2018 Progress Report          3
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
Photo Source: UK Government
  2018 Progress Report        4
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
The ultimate measure of iRAP’s impact is in upgraded roads and better managed speeds. Global, regional,
national and local level action is required to achieve a world free of high-risk roads. The primary impact metrics
that iRAP is reporting against are:

◼   Length and travel on upgraded roads

◼   Estimated investment in safer roads by partners / road agencies worldwide

There are at least 48 countries where iRAP assessments, partner support and direct project involvement and
impact has helped shaped safer road infrastructure and associated investment. The policy and investment
commitments within many of those countries has also extended to state/province and local government levels.
The Prince Michael Award winning Star Rating for Schools initiative has already helped Lead Partners assess
over 600 schools worldwide with new investment for upgrades mobilised at a number of schools. In total an
estimated $67.2 billion of road investment has been made safer, with the full value of impact likely to be much
greater through the policy impact and use of the free-to-air resources provided by the charity.

The critical policy-level achievements made possible by the additional 3-star or better funding from the FIA
Foundation from 2014-2017 came to fruition in 2018. The WHO Global Status Report now includes extensive
referencing of iRAP worldwide data and the use of star rating metrics for new and existing roads. The Sum4All
initiative includes star ratings in the Global Tracking Framework and iRAP knowledge has helped shape the
World Bank Road Safety Analysis Tool. The charity is also actively supporting the UN Road Safety Fund and UN
Member State Road Safety Targets through promotion worldwide and inputs to the development of operational

Global and Regional Impact
Key iRAP achievements at the Global and Regional level include:

◼   UN Member State Road Safety Targets

    The UN Member State agreed Performance Targets for Road Safety have been subject to extensive global
    debate and securing a direct reference for all new road designs to be 3-star or better for all road users
    (Target 3) is a significant achievement. Target 4 also adopts the iRAP philosophy of maximizing travel on
    safer existing roads. The charity’s work over many years has made that possible through the scale of global
    use, the support of development agencies, the policy adoption by leading countries and active support
    throughout the negotiation stage.


                                                                                            2018 Progress Report     5
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
◼   World Health Organisation Global Status Report for Road Safety

    The 2018 WHO Global Status Report for Road Safety captures the UN Targets and the critical infrastructure
    safety failures worldwide based on iRAP’s Vaccines for Roads global analysis. iRAP teams trained the WHO
    Global Data Coordinators and assisted in developing new questionnaire content for infrastructure safety. The
    wide use and referencing of the WHO Status Report is likely to lead to an increase in awareness and demand
    for iRAP related programmes in new countries and the expanded use of Star Ratings as a performance
    metric for new and existing roads. Examples of information included in the WHO report is shown below:

                                                  Star Rating use included in every country profile

                                                                                                      2018 Progress Report   6
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
◼   Vaccines for Roads IV and ITF Forum

    The fundamental failures of road system design and the potential for safer roads to save lives are not fully
    understood by the public, politicians or even those in charge of road system management. The Vaccines for
    Roads 4th edition was launched at the International Transport Forum in Leipzig in May 2018 to address this
    gap. The web-based resource and brochure provides an interactive tool to explore the current safety of the
    world’s roads, case studies of success to provide inspiration for action and the business case for safer roads
    to highlight the potential to save lives and the social and economic benefits of maximising the percentage of
    travel on 3 star or better existing roads by 2030.

                                                                          Above & feft: Example graphics included
                                                                                            in Vaccines for Roads

ITF Forum, May, Leipzig: iRAP’s Open Stage Café Vaccines presentation and Ministerial visits to iRAP’s booth.

                                                                                            2018 Progress Report     7
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
◼   Investing to Save Lives and Impact Investment

    Building on the FIA Foundation global report on Investing to Save Lives, iRAP has been working with
    the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria, Australia to shine a spotlight on the true impact of
    road crashes and the hidden injury burden.

    Preliminary analysis informed the Vaccines for Roads publication on the types of injury and a new
    data visualization tool is envisaged that allows a focus on road injury types, the crash types that
    cause those injuries, where in the health system those costs fall and a range of other detailed
    breakdowns of the full financial burden of injuries. A greater global understanding of this burden
    will ideally influence the gross under-investment in road safety globally by all countries.

◼   Sustainable Mobility for All (Sum4All)

    The Sustainable Mobility for All initiative includes a broad group of transport stakeholders
    contributing to achievement of the SDG targets with a transport component. The Global Tracking
    Framework adopted by the partners includes the Star Rating of new and existing roads and key
    background data from iRAP assessments globally.

                                                                                   2018 Progress Report   8
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
◼   Development Bank and Aid Partnerships
    The level of death and injury in low and middle-income countries requires a focus on these countries. The
    ongoing advocacy, engagement and partnership with all relevant development agencies is a key area of
    impact for the charity. A summary of activity includes:

World Bank / GRSF

    −   Delivery of the Bloomberg supported BIGRS programme including country level activity in India, China,
        Tanzania, Brazil and the Philippines, and city level activity in Shanghai, Ho Chi Minh City, Bandung,
        Bangkok, Mumbai, Addis Ababa, Accra, Sao Paulo, Fortaleza and Bogota (refer Effectiveness for further

    −   Support for the development of the World Bank Road Safety Analysis Tool. This development provided
        significant challenges for the charity in ensuring the World Bank understood the scale change of impact
        possible, the balance between advocacy and partnership, and the need for Bank ownership and support
        of new initiatives. While a specific 3-star or better commitment was not possible, key elements that
        ensure transparent outcome level reporting of Bank financed projects is likely to be adopted.

    −   The joint development of a Star Rating for Designs web application that makes it simpler for country
        teams to assess the star rating of a proposed road design prior to construction. The GRSF and World
        Bank country teams are including star rating improvement targets where possible at a project level.

    Asian Development Bank

    −   iRAP and the ChinaRAP team are now working with the Pakistan National Highway Authority (NHA) and
        the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to help address the 27,852 estimated road deaths in the country.
        The PakistanRAP initiative includes conducting road assessments of 12,000km of national highways,
        building capacity of local policy makers, engineers and consultants to perform iRAP assessments, and to
        turn Star Rating assessments into safer roads. Linked closely with ADB finance for road upgrades, the
        initial focus on Highway 5 from Peshawar to Karachi will see the mostly 1 and 2-star road upgraded as
        part of longer-term results-based lending.

    −   ADB Transport Specialists have been trained by the iRAP team to help ensure they can maximise
        infrastructure safety in projects financed by the Bank throughout the Asia Pacific Region. In addition to
        the PakistanRAP partnership, ADB financed projects in Mongolia and Vietnam have been improved and
        important upgrades to national highway safety are being financed in Bangladesh.

    −   The ADB Transport Forum provided an opportunity to reinforce the iRAP / ADB partnerships for road
        safety investments in the region. Jean Todt, FIA President and UN Secretary-General’s Special
        Envoy for Road Safety, sent a special message to delegates attending the Investing for Results in Road
        Safety Workshop, encouraging leadership from the development banks and collaboration to reduce road
        deaths and serious injury.

        PakistanRAP Assessments                       UN Special Envoy Jean Todt address to ADB Forum

                                                                                           2018 Progress Report     9
A world free of high risk roads - www.irap.org - FIA Foundation
◼   Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
     This long-term partnership for impact continues to provide immediate and practical impact in countries who
     can least afford the burden of road death and injury. Targets to maximise travel on 3-star or better roads
     have now been mobilized into key road projects in the Philippines, El Salvador, Senegal, Nepal, Cote d’Ivoire
     and Moldova.

                  MCC Investment in Senegal made safer                     Provision for pedestrians in El Salvador

 ◼   Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
     iRAP provided a detailed submission to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to assist in their transport
     strategy development and the formulation of investment priorities worldwide.

 ◼   iRAP Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop with IDB and WRI
     iRAP hosted the 2018 Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop in
     conjunction with the Inter-American Development Bank and the
     World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities in
     Washington in November 2018. From Street View to big data and
     the internet of things, safer city streets to strategic highway safety,
     impact investment to insurance models for a safer future – the
     latest global innovations in road safety technology, financing,
     design, planning and transport delivery to save lives were
     showcased at the event. Speakers included IDB President Luis
     Alberto Moreno, FIA Foundation Director Natalie Draisin,
     Bloomberg Philanthropies Kelly Larson, FIA Representative Marc
     Juhel, Vice-Chair of NTSB Bella Dinh-Zarr, FIA Mobility Policy
     Commission and EuroRAP Chair Ferry Smith, and Allie Lieber from
     Google Earth Outreach, amongst others. A video presentation
     featured from UN Special Envoy Jean Todt. The Star Rating for
     Designs tool was launched alongside presentations connecting the
     Vision Zero and 5-Star Cities initiatives, Star Rating for Schools
     and innovative insurance and health funding models.

                                                                               Top: IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno
                                                                               Middle: IDB’s Marisela Ponce de Leon
                                                                               chairs the Opening Session with (left to
                                                                               right) Rob McInerney (iRAP); Veronica
                                                                               Vanterpool (Vision Zero Network), IDB
                                                                               President Luis Alberto Moreno, Claudia
                                                                               Adriazola-Steil (WRI) and Dr Anselm
                                                                               Hennis (PAHO). UN Special Envoy
                                                                               Jean Todt participated by video.
                                                                               Bottom: FIA High Level Panel for Road
                                                                               Safety Marc Juhel
Above: Launch of the iRAP Vision Zero and Innovation Workshop
                                                                                               2018 Progress Report   10
Country Level Impact

The primary metrics by which iRAP measures success are delivered at a country level.


iRAP programmes and projects have been undertaken by partners in 96 countries. See the above map for the
cumulative summary of Where We Work.

In 2018, Star Ratings have been undertaken in 34 countries:

  Argentina                             India                                Saudi Arabia
  Australia                             Indonesia                            Senegal
  Belize                                Italy                                Slovenia
  Brazil                                Macedonia, FYR                       South Africa
  Chile                                 Malaysia                             Spain
  China                                 Mexico                               Tanzania
  Colombia                              Netherlands                          Thailand
  Croatia                               Pakistan                             United Kingdom
  Dominica                              Philippines                          United States
  Ethiopia                              Puerto Rico                          Vietnam
  France                                Qatar
  Ghana                                 Samoa

                                                                                       2018 Progress Report   11
Financing to Create a World Free of High Risk Roads

High-Income and x’RAP Financing Made Safer

The partnership work with high-income countries and through self-governing programmes like EuroRAP, AusRAP,
usRAP, kiwiRAP and others helps guide multi-billion programmes through policy, design, investment and
operational advice and metrics.

Projects made safer with iRAP partnerships include those listed in the table below, with those listed in red new
during the 2018 year.

Project                                        Country           Total value   Government / Strategic Partner
                                                                 (USD million)

Highways England Strategic Business Plan       United Kingdom          $23,200 Highways England
Roads of National Importance                   New Zealand               $7,500 New Zealand Government
National Highways in Queensland                Australia QLD)            $6,000 Federal and State Governments
South Rd T2T and Darlington                    Australia (SA)            $1,145 Federal and State Governments
National Highways in Victoria                  Australia (Vic)           $1,000 Federal and State Governments
Saudi Arabia - Data Analysis and Reporting     Saudi Arabia               $800 Saudi Government
Northern connector                             Australia (SA)             $772 Federal and State Governments
Transmission Gully Wellington                  New Zealand                $600 Pacific Partnerships (Toll)
Saving Lives on Priority Roads                 Australia (NSW)            $486 Federal and State Governments
Safety Alliance                                New Zealand                $424 NZTA
Midland Highway 10 Year Action Plan            Australia (Tas)            $360 Federal and State Governments
Tackling England’s Persistently High Risk Roads United Kingdom            $125 Safer Roads Fund (DfT)
Slovak Motorway                                Slovakia                    $90 Slovak Motorway Company
Uruguay Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance    Uruguay                     $70 World Bank
Program - AF
Friesland Province Roads                       Netherlands                 $35 Friesland Province
Road Asset Preservation Project in Mariy       Russian Federa-             $25 World Bank
El Republic                                    tion
Chile 2600 assessments                         Chile                       $16 Ministerio de Obras Publicas
AutoPista Centrale                             Chile                       $10 AutoPista Centrale
Utah State Projects (Various)                  USA                         $10 Utah DoT

Chile Mine Roads                               Chile                         $1 BHP Billiton
Sivile Primary School                          South Africa               $0.30 South Africa

TOTAL                                                                     $42.6

                                                                                         2018 Progress Report   12
Low and Middle-Income Financing Made Safer

Within LMIC’s, the iRAP partnerships with development banks provides the most cost-effective way to deliver road
safety improvements. Through the existing Bank loan projects, the iRAP activities help shape the safety
performance of that investment and maximise travel on 3-star or better roads for all road users. The lessons
learnt on the demonstration projects then have potential for more widespread rollout by the recipient country as is
happening in Brazil, China and India amongst others.

Projects made safer with iRAP partnerships include those listed in the table below, with those listed in red new
during the 2018 year.

Project                                                         Country         Total value     Development
                                                                                (USD million)   bank / Donor

Highway Safety to Cherish Life                                  China                   $2,500 China (2014-19)

Center South Road Corridor Project                              Kazakhstan              $1,466 World Bank

The First National Highways Interconnectivity Improvement       India                   $1,146 World Bank
Project (NHIIP)

United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund        Dominica                $1,049 CDB
(UKCIF) Roads Rehabilitation

Second Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project              India                   $1,003 World Bank

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor             Pakistan                  $800 ADB
Development Investment Program

Second Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project                           India                     $778 World Bank

National Highways                                               Bangladesh                $730 ADB, RHD

Philippines Rural Development Project - Farm to Market Roads    Philippines               $665 World Bank

Andhra Pradesh Road Sector Project                              India                     $645 World Bank

Yunnan Pu’er Regional Integrated Road Network Development       China                     $589 ADB

Second Phase of the National Roads Improvement and              Philippines               $576 World Bank
Management Program (NRIMP2)

Uttar Pradesh Core Road Network Development Program             India                     $570 World Bank

Second Road and Safety Improvement Project                      Ukraine                   $562 World Bank

Côte d’Ivoire Compact                                           Côte d’Ivoire             $524 MCC

Lebanon road network - iRAP and pavement condition ratings      Lebanon                   $500 World Bank, JICA
                                                                                               & others inc EIB

Dar es Salaam Urban Transport Improvement Project               Tanzania                  $451 World Bank

Second Kerala State Transport Project                           India                     $445 World Bank

Sao Paulo State Sustainable Transport Project                   Brazil                    $429 World Bank

Shaanxi Mountain Road Safety Demonstration                      China                     $400 ADB

Assam State Roads Project                                       India                     $397 World Bank

Corridor Vc in FBH – Part 3                                     Bosnia and                $373 EBRD

                                                                                            2018 Progress Report   13
Project (cont…)                                                         Country       Total value     Development
                                                                                      (USD million)   bank / Donor

Yunnan Honghe Prefecture Urban Transport Project                        China                  $349 World Bank

Sustainable National Highway Rehabilitation and Improvement Project     Pakistan               $345 ADB

Papua New Guinea: Highlands Region Road Improvement Investment          Papua New              $338 ADB
Program - Projects 1-3                                                  Guinea

Gujarat State Highway Project II                                        India                  $323 World Bank

Northwestern Road Development Corridor Project                          Argentina              $311 World Bank

Wuhu Safety Demonstration Project - China Anhui Medium Cities Urban China                      $307 World Bank

Bahia Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project                       Brazil                 $300 World Bank

Transport Systems Improvement Project (TRANSIP)                         Ethiopia               $300 World Bank

Moldova Compact Road Rehabilitation Project                             Moldova                $262 MCC

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Roads Improvement           Nepal                  $257 ADB
China: Qinghai Xining Urban Transport Project                           China                  $251 World Bank

Federal Highway Network iRAP assessments and upgrades                   Mexico                 $250 Mexico

Guizhou Tongren Rural Transport Project                                 China                  $232 World Bank

Gansu Urban and Rural Integration Project                               China                  $227 World Bank

Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Project                             India                  $227 World Bank

Tianjin Urban Transport Improvement Project                             China                  $224 World Bank

Secondary National Roads Development Project                            Philippines            $214 MCC

Xinjiang Yining Urban Transport Improvement Project                     China                  $208 World Bank

Wuhan Integrated Transport Development                                  China                  $208 World Bank

Batumi Bypass Road Project (Poti)                                       Georgia                $201 ADB

Jiaozuo Green Transport and Safety Improvement Project                  China                  $200 World Bank
Results-based Road Maintenance and Safety Project                       Albania                $200 World Bank

Strengthening the National Rural Transport Program                      Nepal                  $175 World Bank

Senegal Compact: Roads Rehabilitation Project                           Senegal                $171 MCC
Fiji - Transport Infrastructure Investment Project                      Fiji                   $168 World Bank

NH19 Vietnam upgrades for World Bank                                    Vietnam                $154 World Bank

Hubei Xiaogan Logistics Infrastructure                                  China                  $151 World Bank

Various                                                                 Papua New              $150 Australia

Basic Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth in North Central Provinces Sec- Vietnam              $149 ADB
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Roads Improvement Project                 Pakistan               $139 ADB

Ho Chi Minh City Green Transport Development                            Vietnam                $137 World Bank
Corridor Vc 2                                                           Bosnia and             $131 EBRD

El Salvador Investment Compact Logistical Infrastructure Project        El Salvador            $101 MCC

                                                                                            2018 Progress Report   14
Project (cont…)                                                 Country          Total value   Development
                                                                                 (USD million) bank / Donor

Various                                                         Papua New                $100 World Bank

South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Road Connectivity   Nepal                     $97 ADB
National and Regional Roads Rehabilitation Project              FYR Macedonia             $84 World Bank

Rural Access Programme 3                                        Nepal                     $81 DFID

Road Sector Development Project                                 Nepal                     $65 World Bank

Vientiene Embankment Road Subproject                            Laos                      $36 ADB

LBS Marg                                                        India                     $26 N/A
Program of Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads              Paraguay                   $8 IDB

Belize Free of High Risk Roads                                  Belize                     $7 CDB

Hetauda–Pathlaiya Road Nepal for IMC                            Nepal                      $5 MCC

Zhejiang Safe Demonstration Corridor                            China                      $3 N/A

South Asia Road Safety Programs                                 Nepal and Bhu-             $2 ADB
St Lucia: Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Upgrading      St Lucia                   $1 CDB

Bike paths                                                      Brazil                     $1 N/A

Zhentong Road and Jungong Road                                  China                      $1 N/A

Bicycle facilities                                              Colombia                   $1 N/A
Streetlighting and sidewalks                                    Ghana                      $1 N/A

Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project               Mongolia                   $1 ADB

Safe Demonstration Corridors                                    Philippines                $1 Philippines

Pedestrian facilities                                           Vietnam                    $1 N/A

Central Cross Island Road Upgrading Project                     Samoa                   $0.80 ADB

Road Safety Programs, Bangladesh                                Bangladesh              $0.60 ADB

Justin Kabwe Primary School, Lusaka                             Zambia                  $0.02 AMEND

TOTAL                                                                                   $24.5

                                                                                       2018 Progress Report   15
The opening of Bruce Highway upgrades continue following AusRAP led advocacy by RACQ

                                                               2018 Progress Report   16
At the core of iRAP’s primary impact in saving lives are the road projects that result in upgraded infrastructure
and/or improved speed management.

The focussed attention on priority countries including China, India, Thailand and Brazil is delivering significant
outcomes with large scale support from the State Council in China, the expanded IndiaRAP impact with local
sponsorship from FedEx, the innovative investment by the Department of Rural Roads in Thailand and the rapid
expansion of activity in Brazil as part of BrazilRAP.

The impact of the Bloomberg Philanthropies / GRSF partnership worldwide is leading to many upgraded roads
and lives saved at the city and country level. The newly commended RADAR project in the Danube Region is
mobilizing a large number of partner organisations with EU and EBRD road financing expected. ADB
partnerships in Pakistan, Vietnam and Mongolia are quickly leading to upgraded roads. Large scale and funded
outcomes are being generated through local partnerships in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal and
ongoing institutional support is building in a number of other countries including South Africa, Morocco, Colombia,
and Mexico. The global partnership with Abertis, the world’s largest toll-road operator, is also leading to
immediate road upgrades and road safety interventions.

The Star Rating for Schools initiative is still in the pilot stages and is already helping Lead Partners like the Child
Health Initiative, AMEND, FIA clubs, AIP Foundation, Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation and Safe Kids Worldwide
secure funding for important school safety upgrades and measure the success of their work. Schools as far and
wide as Jamaica, Zambia, Uruguay, Kenya, Vietnam, Philippines and the USA are already benefiting from the
evidence-based Star Rating for Schools approach.

Strategic Projects
During 2018 the iRAP Strategic Projects team was involved in 35 projects that reached 31 countries (see heat
map following). Each of these projects involved Star Ratings and Safer Roads Investment Plans that help road
agencies and road owners measure risk and make life-saving design and investment decisions. The projects
delivered were for 28 different client organizations and our team engaged 23 people and organizations on sub-
contracts. Apart from increasing the ability of our team to deliver these projects, these sub-contracts also help to
grow capacity outside of the iRAP team to deliver iRAP-specification activities worldwide. For example, as part of
a project in Bahia, Brazil, we provided technical advice and guidance to an iRAP-accredited supplier engaged to
lead the work and we engaged the recently established iRAP Centre of Excellence at Chulalongkorn University to
lead in technical and training activities in Bangkok and Thailand. Project examples are outlined following.

The RASL Team at work                              RASL worked in 31 countries during 2018

                                                                                               2018 Progress Report   17
ChinaRAP Effectiveness
The partnership with the Ministry of Transport in China and the
Research Institute of Highways continues to deliver impressive scale
and impact within China and throughout the Region. The Chinese
Government Highway Safety to Cherish Life initiative continues to                 250,000km
invest in safer roads across the country.        Star Ratings and
Investment Plans have been developed for more than 250,000km of                   of roads assessed
roads in 25 provinces and an estimated 180,000km of roads have
now been improved across the country.
The ChinaRAP team is also supporting the Bloomberg work in
Shanghai and is leading the ADB partnership with Pakistan and the                 of roads upgraded
National Highways Agency to build a self-sustaining PakistanRAP.

IndiaRAP Effectiveness
India has the highest number of road deaths in the world. Large
scale new road investments are being built (an estimated 27km of
new highway every day) and maximizing the safety of this
investment is a key priority for IndiaRAP.
Design Standards: The IndiaRAP team have secured a key role on                        1,200
the Road Safety Committee of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) that
lead the development of new and refinement of existing road safety
standards and guidelines. The IRC road standards are being
uniformly utilized by all states across the country for road planning,              2,000km
designing, construction, and maintenance. Securing the equivalent
of 3-star or better outcomes for all new projects is a priority of this        of Star Rating of Designs
Capacity Building: The scale of investment and activity across India requires a significant increase in road
safety awareness and capacity across the country. In conjunction with the IndiaRAP host agency, the Asian
Institute of Transport and Development (AITD) over 1,200 government and non-government road engineers have
been trained in using the iRAP Star Ratings as a tool to measure and manage road safety. The IndiaRAP team
also supported the FIA Region II meetings in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Projects: iRAP assessments are being conducted in partnership with the World Bank GRSF, MoRTH, NHAI and
State PWDs. To date, 17,000 km of roads have been assessed in 13 states including 2,000km star rating of road
designs. IndiaRAP continues to support for implementation of safer road treatments and tracking performance of
road upgrade projects.

                                                                                                      engineers &
                                                                                                      training in

                                                                                        2018 Progress Report        18
The IndiaRAP team supported the FIA Region II Event in Kathmandu, Nepal

Bloomberg / GRSF BIGRS Initiative Effectiveness
The long-term partnership with the Global Road Safety Facility and
Bloomberg Philanthropies has enabled an ongoing commitment to
the city and country level administrations involved in the initiative.

Over 10,000km of roads have been assessed and recommendations
with the potential to save 2,465 lives each and every year have been
developed. 3,000 people have been trained. Support has been                           10,000km
provided to ensure the upgrades are financed and implemented with
as built star rating assessments of over 70km of upgraded roads in                of roads assessed across
cities and more than 600km of after assessements where national                    10 cities & 5 countries
level investment has been mobilised.
A sample of success stories include:                                      lives saved every year if all recommended
                                                                                 treatments are implemented
Bogota, Colombia

The Secretary of Mobility in Bogota Juan Pablo Bocarejo launched the safe school zone at Rodrigo Lara School
in Bogota, built on the back of a Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) assessment and recommendation.
The safety countermeasures implemented on three road locations outside the school have improved it from 2-
and 3-stars to 4- and 5-star safety, assessed using the SR4S app. The countermeasures were first tested in a
temporary set up at the school in March to ascertain their impact. Cones and plants were introduced to create a
safe pedestrian crossing to the school, protect vulnerable users and enforce motorised vehicles to keep to a safe
speed. The countermeasures are now permanently in place. Prior to implementation, there was no delineation,
pedestrian crossing or traffic calming to protect road users. Read more on the countermeasure trial here.

BEFORE: 2 and 3-star safety f or kids     Media launch of the upgrades          AFTER: 4 and 5-star for kids

                                                                                           2018 Progress Report       19
Shanghai, China

Through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road
Safety, the World Bank and iRAP have been supporting Shanghai’s
Yangpu District Transport Commission in improving non-motorised
traffic facilities on its streets. Zhengtong Road is the first project
completed with the assistance of the World Resources Institute and
support from ChinaRAP.
ChinaRAP assessed over 100km of Yangpu’s roads which can be
used to measure exactly how much safety is improved
for pedestrians and cyclists. It is the first project that has prioritised
green transport in the area, delivering 5-star safety for bicyclists
and 4-star safety for pedestrians.                See the video at

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Over 250km of assessments have been undertaken in Addis Ababa and the local authority has now completed
54km of new sidewalks improving the safety and star rating for pedestrians in the city.

   Training and accreditation of local officials in Addis Ababa              The targeted roads in Addis Ababa


The partnership in the Philippines is helping target
investment and road upgrades across the country. The
Davao to Cagayan de Oro Highway has 125 reported
road deaths along the 274km length of the road. In
partnership with the World Bank and DPWH the star rating
assessment highlighted more than 50% of the road length
was only 1-star for all road users.

The Investment Plan identified a map of where the most
fatality and serious injuries could be saved with
economically viable treatments. The heat map shown here
has identified the priority road sections to upgrade first. In
total the treatments recommended can save close to 4,000
deaths and serious injuries over 20 years.

The assessment of the Mindoro East Coast Road has shown a significant reduction in 1-star roads (e.g.
pedestrian 1-star road length reduced by 13%).

The farm to market roads partnership includes construction of 2,985km of roads in remote areas with typically low
volumes. The iRAP assessments have helped identify how 100% of the upgraded roads can achieve a 3-star or
better standard for all road users.

                                                                                             2018 Progress Report   20

Building on assessments with the Department of Highways,
Department of Rural Roads and the Bangkok Municipal
Authority, a range of upgrades have been delivered around
the country. As part of the Safety 2018 Conference, ThaiRAP
was launched with Chulalongkorn University, national
partners and international colleagues from FIA Foundation,
World Bank and Bloomberg Philanthropies. In addition to the
BIGRS outcomes, an estimated 40,000km of light star rating
assessments have been undertaken by the Department of
Rural Roads with associated upgrades.

 ThaiRAP launch, November 7, Bangkok, Thailand

RADAR - Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads
The European Institute of Road Assessment
successfully developed a partnership involving 10
project partners and 11 associated Ministry and
road authority partners in the Danube Region in
addition to the South East Europe Transport

Partners include FIA clubs from Slovenia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Czech Republic and Moldova;
leading Universities and Road Safety Boards in
the region and both national agencies and
motorway authorities.

The 3-year €2.15 million project will deliver risk
assessments and national action plans that
include implementation-ready road layout plans
with financing partnerships in place to ensure the
roads are upgraded and lives are saved.

 RADAR staff at the 1st Danube Road Safety Conference, Dubrovnik
                                                                   2018 Progress Report   21
Other Project Success

•   Abertis Concession Roads — the iRAP partnership with Abertis
    has extended to most of their global assets around the world
    covering concessions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, India, Italy,
    Puerto Rico and Spain. In total 13,850km of carriageway kilometres
    have been assessed and upgrades to improve road safety
    outcomes identified for each business unit.

•   Working with the World Bank, road upgrades in Kazakhstan will
    see a large proportion of the road from Almaty to Astana reach a 4-star level for vehicle occupants. The
    project also provided the opportunity to deliver the innovative Star Rating for Designs web application that
    will simplify the specification and measurement of star rating targets in all road projects worldwide.

•   Post construction assessments of roads in Belize have confirmed a significant increase in the percentage
    of travel at 3-star or better standard. They have also confirmed the successful safe system corridor
    investment partnership with the Belize Government and the Caribbean Development Bank that has seen
    significant reductions in death and injury on the road from Belize City to Belmopan.

•   The PakistanRAP partnership with the National Highways Agency
    and the Asian Development Bank is unique as it builds a local
    RAP programme with delivery support from the ChinaRAP team.
    The project has undertaken assessments in year 1 that are directly
    included in ADB financed upgrades and Year 2 and 3 will see the
    local teams take an increasingly active role until they have full
    local capacity for running the programme. With close links to
    project financing the long-term partnership with ADB will deliver
    safer roads for all road users in Pakistan.

•   Star Rating of designs commissioned by the World Bank for 93km of highways in Argentina show that the
    roads will almost entirely rate 4 stars for vehicle occupants and 3 stars for motorcyclists. Similar
    assessments for an ADB financed project in Samoa are maximising travel on 3-star or better roads for all
    road users.

•   The automobile club led advocacy that led to the upgrade of the Bruce Highway in Australia has delivered a
    more than 80% reduction in death and injury alongside an improvement of the star rating from mostly 2 and
    3-star to 4 and 5-star standard for one section. The Star Ratings will now be used to evaluate the impact of
    all of the multi-billion dollar infrastructure investments being implemented along the 1,700km long highway.

                                                                                     Before and after results on
                                                                                     the Bruce Highway in

                                                                                         2018 Progress Report      22
usRAP Partnerships
The Roadway Safety Foundation led usRAP programme has been successful in securing a long-term partnership
with FHWA to support the development of Local Road Safety Plans. These roads typically have three times the
fatality rate of Interstate Highways. Assessments were completed in Barron County, Wisconsin (300 miles) and
Palm Beach County in Florida (435 miles) during 2018 and a further 5 counties will be supported in 2019.

Building on the success of the global iRAP partnership with FedEx, the Roadway Safety Foundation has secured
a grant to undertakes star rating assessments on a sample of heavy vehicle routes in the USA, with that study
due for completion in 2019. usRAP has also been successful in securing a grant from the National Safety Council
to develop on-line training courses for coding that will help accelerate capacity building across the country.

Icelandic Impact
The Icelandic Automobile Association (FIB) launched the EuroRAP results for Iceland in March 2018. The results
highlighted that only 25% of roads in Iceland have a 3-star or more rating, with a disappointing 40% of roads only
1-star standard. The Transport Minister supported the launch and reinforced the importance of FIB’s work and
the need to improve traffic safety with positive media coverage of the work.

Runólfur Ólafsson,Icelandic Automobile Association       Media Coverage of the results on national TV

                                                                                           2018 Progress Report   23
Hazard Primary School, Jamaica (Photo Source: Child Health
                                       2018 Progress ReportInitiative)
The relevance of iRAP’s work around the world can be expressed through the support and demand of in-country
partners who are responsible for funding, development, designing, planning or maintaining roads. Those partners
are essential to the success of iRAP’s vision of a world free of high-risk roads and it is critical that the tools,
systems, advocacy and technical support of the charity meet their needs.

Leading countries including UK, Spain, Netherlands, Australia, Slovenia, New Zealand and the USA continue to
lead new innovation in delivery partnerships, policy, communications and financing of safer roads. The Star
Rating for Schools initiative is creating demand and evidence-based tools to complement the work of a wide range
of NGO’s focused on improving safety for children on their journey to school.

iRAP team members, partners, data and resources are actively supporting high-level political forums, global
events, best practice guidelines, national policy discussions and detailed training of practitioners across the world.

Road Safety Foundation - UK Success
The UK Programme, led by the Road Safety Foundation, continues to lead the way with innovative and high-level
political engagement in the programme. The Getting Back on Track report launched at the Houses of Parliament
in October 2018 drew attention to the highest level of road deaths in over six years. The report highlighted that
more than half of all Britain’s road deaths are concentrated on around 10% of the road network – the motorways
and ‘A’ roads outside urban cores. Released alongside the report are two practitioner tools: one an online risk
map and the other a dashboard that allow interaction with the data used in the report.
The success in securing a Safer Roads Fund targeting the persistently high-risk roads has had success across the
country with an estimated 1,450 lives and serious injuries saved over the next 20 years saving the UK economy
£550m. The simple treatments have been applied on scale including 300 improved bends, 290 miles of paved
shoulders, 225 improved junctions, 135 pedestrian crossing upgrades and 90 miles of protected roadsides.

       RSF EuroRAP Interactive Dashboard and Risk Maps                         Safer Roads Fund Results

RACC - Spain Success
The ongoing leadership of the EuroRAP programme in Spain
has led to important institutional support from the Direccion
General de Trafico (DGT). The agency has adopted the Star
Rating methodology for network-level analysis and the
3,000km pilot study has been completed. Building on the
success of the 3,500Km pilot study with RACC, a national
workshop was held in January 2019 to further support the
use of the RAP protocols across the country. An additional
survey of 2,500 km is planned for later this year. Further
commitment for use of star-rating and SRIP protocols has
been reached in Catalonia, where the roads agency is
commited to integrate the protocols as one of its internal
protocols for evaluation of new infrastructure projects and
upgrades of existing roads.

                                                                                              2018 Progress Report   25
AAA, Austroads and ARRB - AusRAP Success
The Australian partnerships have now seen Star Rating
targets embraced at the national level and agreed by
State-level Ministers across the country. An impressive
235,000km of assessments have now been completed
nationally and billions of road upgrade investment

The auto-club in Queensland (RACQ) has created an
interactive web-resource to demonstrate results and is
actively developing Investment Plans for high-risk
corridors across the state.

                                   Austroads is leading innovative light-star rating work and road stererotype star
                                   ratings to facilitate the low-cost assessment of every road across the country
                                   as part of policy targets for 90% of travel on National Highways to be 3-star
                                   or better by 2020 and 80% of travel on State Roads to be 3-star or better
                                   by 2020.

                                   iRAP also supported the National Inquiry into Road Safety that was initiated
                                   after strong demands and advocacy from the Australian Automobile
                                   Association.   The Inquiry recommendations were launched in a
                                   bi-partisan event at Parliament House in September and the
                                   recommendations are expected to provide a foundation for election
                                   commitments by both major parties.

EuroRAP Success
The EuroRAP General Assembly was co-hosted by
ANWB in the Netherlands in June 2018. The
convening power and relevance of the RAP
programme was highlighted with a keynote speech
by the European Commission’s Fotini Ioannidou
highlighting the Vision Zero commitments, KPI
monitoring and the third mobility package. EuroRAP
partners have been influential in shaping the new
Infrastructure Directive where RAP principals are
being adopted and the potential for risk mapping and
star rating to be directly referenced remain
a possibility.

EuroRAP Chairman Ferry Smith highlighted success in the Netherlands with the Road Safety Manifesto, the
ongoing upgrade of roads based on the ANWB provincial road analysis and the CycleRAP innovation building the
systems and evidence-base to support an enhanced cycling model for application in cities worldwide. With new
forms of mobility changing the demands for safe infrastructure, including motorized scooters, the ANWB led
CycleRAP developments will lead the way for partners worldwide.

              EuroRAP Chairman Ferry Smith presenting at the EuroRAP General Assembly 2018

                                                                                           2018 Progress Report   26

   The Star Rating for Schools application received a Prince Michael
   International Award for Road Safety and has seen the assessment
   of over 600 schools across 5 continents. Made possible with the
   support of FedEx and the FIA Foundation a snapshot of partner
   success is highlighted below.

The global potential of the FIA club network to                        The Prime Minister of Jamaica – Andrew Holness
deliver large-scale positive impact for 3-star or                      and the programme partners (Child Health
better journeys to schools worldwide is up and                         Initiative, UNICEF Jamaica, JN Foundation and
running with training on every continent from                          the FIA Foundation) launched the first safe
Morocco to Region II in Nepal, and South East                          infrastructure to keep children safe on the
Europe to Latin America.                                               journey to school. The SR4S app was used to
                                                                       assess road safety at Hazard Primary School
                                                                       where children were exposed to a “one-star”
                                                                       journey to school. In 2018, safe infrastructure has
                                                                       been implemented around the school, including a
                                                                       safe crossing, speed humps and a safe sidewalk.

Top to bottom:
MCM & IRF, Morocco;
AMSS, UAB, AMSM and SHAMD, Belgrade;
FIA Region IV Training, Buenos Aires;
FIA Region II Training, Kathmandu
                                                                                                2018 Progress Report   27

The Star Rating for Schools application received a Prince Michael
International Award for Road Safety and has seen the assessment
of over 600 schools across 5 continents. Made possible with the
support of FedEx and the FIA Foundation a snapshot of partner
success is highlighted below.

In    December       2018,   Amend     undertook              SR4S Lead Partner, Safe Kids of Greater Tampa
investigations and upgrades at the Bophirima                  and St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital were in the
Primary School in Botswana to improve the                     news in October testing the SR4S app in the
                                                              Hillsborough Country of Florida to help achieve
safety of the school journey for students. Amend              safer roads around school communities.
is working in more than a dozen countries in the
developing world to improve safety near schools,              Advocates used the app around Chamberlain
                                                              High School to collect data such as how many
including     physical     upgrading    of    the             sidewalks are around the school, the number of
infrastructure safety.                                        safe access points to cross, the number of lanes
                                                              included in roads surrounding the school, street
                                                              lighting, parking and more.
                                                              View the news clip from ABC Action News at

                                                              Cynthia Reyes and the team at AA Philippines
                                                              are among many training in use of the app in
                                                              preparation for making school journeys safer in
                                                              their communities.

                                                                                         2018 Progress Report   28
iRAP Product Success and Relevance

iRAP Products and Systems remain at the core of the iRAP programme through the provision of free-to-air tools,
systems, specifications and support materials for RAP members, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders
around the world.

The use of free-to-air ViDA and star rating tools around the world continue to grow at a rapid rate. Over 6,300
people are now direct users of the ViDA software (2,400 new users in 2018 alone) and over 22.5 million km of
data has been processed since 2014 (2,500,000km of analysis in 2018).

The continuous investment in the software to meet the scale of demand, optimise running costs and provide new
innovative reporting is key to the ongoing success of the charity’s enabling work.

The ViDA software is already available in 7 languages worldwide and a major enhanced language management
system is being developed for the future. The demand for the enhancement can be best demonstrated by the
new EuroRAP RADAR project in the Danube Region where up to 9 new languages will be added to ViDA.

The demand for new products and the willingness of partners to co-invest in these innovations highlights the
ongoing relevance of the charity’s work and ensures long-term sustainability.

Partnerships include Light Star Rating with AusRAP, kiwiRAP, UK and Google; CycleRAP with ANWB and SWOV;
and Urban Models with GRSF, NACTO and WRI, to name a few.

The potential for iRAP software to directly deliver key performance tracking for the UN Targets, WHO Status
Report, Sum4All and Road Safety Observatory work around the world is being explored as part of the evolution of
the Vaccines for Roads resource described earlier.

                                                              Read more on iRAP’s Innovation Framework
                                                              at https://www.irap.org/innovation

                                                                                        2018 Progress Report   29
Shaping the Future with Google

The iRAP team have developed a close working relationship with the Google Earth Outreach team. The natural
synergies between the resources, tools and information made available by Google (e.g. Street View, Google
Maps, Google Earth) and the work of iRAP to make roads safer worldwide is being explored as part of the in-kind

Google experts are working with the iRAP team to solve a range of global challenges including:

•     better data on traffic flow and speed

•     coverage of Street View data that can be used for iRAP assessments and the collection of User Street View
      as part of iRAP projects

•     storage and access to survey images that enhance the ability of iRAP partners to explore why a road
      section is one-star and what can be done to improve the location

•     use of deep learning techniques to automate the coding of images for some attributes where possible

The most recent work together will see User Street View cameras
that have been tested and refined to meet iRAP needs being used
in Vietnam, Ethiopia and Ghana.

Discussions are well advanced to bring together available
information from the kiwiRAP led work in cities in New Zealand
that includes the risk mapping and star rating of every road in
Auckland. The partnership will work with Auckland Transport and
NZAA to explore the potential for more efficient and frequent
updates of RAP information and greater understanding of the
variables that impact urban crash rates.

The Google and iRAP teams are working together on a road safety
showcase using the Google Voyager platform that is designed to
tell global stories of impact. The opportunity has also been
extended to iRAP’s road safety colleagues including FIA
Foundation, WRI, NACTO, IDB and others.

                                                        Shaping the Future with Roads that
                                                        Cars can Read

                                                        The third Roads that Cars can Read report examines the
                                                        relationship between road infrastructure and safety for
                                                        conventional and increasingly-autonomous vehicles (AVs)
                                                        and provides a framework for infrastructure safety

                                                        The greatest crash risk for conventional vehicles on inter-
                                                        urban roads involves run-off, head-on, intersection and
                                                        shunt crashes. However this is likely to change with the
                                                        introduction of AVs with lane-keeping technology,
                                                        enhanced road positioning, speed management, vehicle
                                                        to vehicle connectivity and autonomous emergency

Serious crashes on inter-urban roads may be slashed by a quarter over the next 30-40 years with the introduction
of automated vehicles. However, the journey may be far from easy, with a mixed fleet transition and vital need for
roads that cars can read. The report also found that new risks are likely to arise where road maintenance is poor
(e.g. poor line markings missed by AV detection technology leading to crashes), in autonomous perception of
traffic flow (e.g. an AV programmed to be cautious slowing to enter traffic where a conventional vehicle wouldn’t)
and increasing levels of total vehicle travel, unless implemented with high vehicle occupancy priority and policies
such as efficient road pricing.

                                                                                           2018 Progress Report   30
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