Page created by Yvonne Elliott
Table of Contents

Foreword                                   p3

History and Background of PRBS             p4

PRBS: Powers and Functions                 p4

Vision and Mission                         p6

Four (4) Functional Division of PRBS       p7

Feedback and Redress Mechanism             p10

List of PRBS Frontline Services            p14

Initiative                                 p20

Feedback Form                              p21

Directory                                  p22

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          The PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS) as one of the
          lead office that provide frontline service are mandated to follow the Republic Act
          No. 9485, otherwise known as “The Anti- Red Tape Act of 2007” or ARTA in
          brevity, aims to improve efficiency and transparency in the delivery of
          government service to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape, and to
          simply frontline service procedures through the agency’s Citizen Charter (CC).

          As a guidebook, it with provides details of the key frontline services to guide the
          retirees, survivors and beneficiaries on how to go about accessing such service
          , which is generally geared towards in making our clients feel stress-free and
          comfortable , In particular, the publication comprehensively describes the step
          by step process to obtain a certain service; the person/s responsible for each
          step of the process in getting the service; the maximum time to conclude the
          process; the document/s or requirement/s to be presented by the client (if

          Part of this document is our honest effort to continually address the
          administrative needs and concerns of our service for the effective and efficient
          delivery of services to the retirees, survivors and beneficiaries for making
          business transactions faster for them, accessible and easier in sustaining our
          drive for excellence service.

                                                GENESIS L TOLEJANO
                                                Police Brigadier General
                                                Director, PRBS

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             PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service (PRBS) was formerly
          the Benefit and Pension Administration Division (BPAD), one of the Divisions of
          the DPRM. It was activated as a National Administrative Support Unit pursuant
          to NHQ PNP General Orders No. DPL 09-12 and was formally approved under
          NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2010-202 on August 5, 2010 in accordance to the
          provision of Section 35 of republic act No. 6975.

              The PRBS, being a NASU under the functional grouping of the Directorate
          for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM) shall serve as a “ one-stop-
          shop” for the concerns of retired PNP personnel and their beneficiaries. Its core
          mandate is to administer the retirement , separation, and death benefits of the
          PNP Personnel as well as implementation of plans and programs that would
          uplift the morale and welfare of the PNP pensioners.

             The Service is headed by a Police Chief Superintendent (Police Brigadier
          General) and assisted by a Deputy Director with a rank of Police Senior
          Superintendent (Police Colonel) who serves as a Chief of Staff. It is composed
          of four (4) functional Divisions namely; (a) Retirement Claims and Fund
          Management Division (RCFMD); (b) Pension and Gratuity Division (PGD) ; (c)
          Legal Investigation and Prosecution Division (LIPD); and (d) Exit Program and
          Special Project Division (EPSPD). Each Division is headed by Police
          Commissioned Officer with a rank of Police Superintendent (Police Lieutenant
          Colonel), except the RCFMD which is headed by non-Uniformed Personnel with
          Salary Grade 24.

             The PRBS has sixteen (16) retirement field units of PNP Regional
          Retirement and Benefits Administration Units (PRBUs) headed by a Non-
          Uniformed Personnel with a Salary Grade 15 to 18n located at the different
          Police Regional Offices (PROs).

    1. Formulate and implement policies, plans, and programs to enhance the
       administration of benefit claims and general welfare of PNP personnel;
    2. Process orders of all retirement and authority entitlement for benefit claims and
       maintain list of PNP retirees;
    3. Examine the legality, validity and completeness of all supporting documents
       attached to claims in line with the accounting and auditing requirements;
    4. Adjudicate and administer benefits, pensions, and other privileges granted to PNP
       retirees and dependents/beneficiaries.
    5. Coordinate with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) through the
       Directorate for Comptrollership (DC) the release of funds to support retirement
    6. gratuities and commutation leave of retired PNP personnel to facilitate the
       processing of retirement date;
    7. Maintain a list of PNP personnel due for retirement and inform the units/personnel
       of their retirement date;
    8. Maintain PNP retirees information system and responsible for the issuance of PNP
       Identification Cards for the retirees and their beneficiaries;

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9. Coordinate with the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM)
        the status of projected retirees one (1) year prior to compulsory/optional or TPPD
        retirement and in case of Posthumous separation;
    10. Attend to health care of PNP retirees;
    11. Supervise the implementation of exit programs for PNP retirees such as the
         conduct of livelihood training/seminars, job fairs and assistance to other job

5|P age

       We shall have established an effective, efficient and credible one stop shop
retirement system.


       Administer the retirement and separation benefits of PNP personnel, implement
plans and programs and uplift the morale and welfare of the PNP retirees and their

                             CORE VALUES

                  P- PROMPT

                  R- RELIABLE

                  B- BENEVOLENT

                  S- SERVICE ORIENTED

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     It caters the processing of Commutation of Accumulated Leave (CAL) Claims for
 retiring/retired and separated PNP personnel and their dependents and application for
 optional retirement of PNP personnel

    Retirement Order (Compulsory / Optional / TPPD)
    Dismissal Order (for dismissed PNP Personnel)
    Updated Service Record from RMD, DPRM
    Updated Breakdown of Leave Credits from RMD, DPRM
    Commutation Order
    Directorate for Comptrollership (DC) Clearance
    Directorate for Logistics (DL) Clearance
    Latest Promotion Order
    Statement of Assets and Liabilities Net worth (SALN)
    Non-Money/Property accountability clearance from unit
    Certificate of Last Payment
    2x2 picture with nametag
    Affidavit of Authority to Deduct (if deemed needed)
 (Overpayment and Outstanding Loans)
  Additional Requirements for Posthumous
    Decree of Entitlement and Distribution from LIPD, PRBS
    Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries
    Approved Line of Duty (LOD) Status
    Marriage Contract from PSA
    Death Certificate from PSA/Local Civil Registrar
    Advisory on Marriages of Wife/Husband
    Advisory on Marriages of deceased PNP personnel
    Certificate of Non-Marriage (CENOMAR) if single
    Birth Certificate of wife/husband from PSA
    Birth Certificate of all children from PSA


      Processing of lump sum and regular pension;
      Processing for the activation of 1st pension of retirees who opted to avail three (3)
 years lump sum and those who opted for outright pension;
      Processing of transfer of monthly pension to the legal beneficiaries of the deceased
 retiree (died after retirement, TRANSFEREE) and the deceased PNP personnel (died
 while still in the active service, SURVIVORS);
      Processing of monthly change report for ITMS for the correction, activation of first
 pension and restoration of deleted monthly pension; and
      Act on inquiries and/or complaints of pensioners retirees relative to their pensions.

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   Retirement Order (Compulsory / Optional/TPPD)
   Updated Service Record from RMD, DPRM
   Directorate for Comptrollership (DC) Clearance
   Directorate for Logistics (DL) Clearance
   DLOD Clearance
   Ombudsman Clearance
   NAPOLCOM Clearance
   Latest Promotion Order
   Statement of Assets and Liabilities Net worth (SALN)
   Certificate of Last Payment
   2x2 picture with nametag
   Affidavit of Authority to Deduct (if deemed needed)
(Overpayment and Outstanding Loans)
   Posthumous Order
   Updated Service Record from RMD, DPRM
   Certificate of Last Payment
   Statement of Assets and Liabilities Net worth (SALN)
   2x2 picture with nametag
   Latest Promotion Order
   Approved Line of Duty (LOD) Status
   Marriage Contract from PSA w/receipt
   Death Certificate from NSO/Local Civil Registrar
   Advisory on Marriages of Wife/Husband
   Advisory on Marriages of deceased PNP personnel
   Certificate of Non-Marriage (CENOMAR) if single
   Birth Certificate of wife/husband from PSA
   Birth Certificate of all children from PSA
   Affidavit of Authenticity (Notarized)
   Retirement Order
   Computation Sheet of Lump Sum/Gratuity
   Lump Sum/Gratuity Voucher
   Updated Service Record from RMD, DPRM
   Certificate of Last Payment
   Marriage Contract from PSA w/receipt
   Death Certificate (PSA/LCR w/receipt)
   Birth Certificate of wife from PSA w/receipt
   Advisory on Marriages of Wife from PSA w/receipt
   Advisory on Marriages of deceased PNP personnel from PSA w/receipt
   Certificate of Non-Marriage (CENOMAR) if single
   Birth Certificate of children under 18 from PSA w/receipt
   Photocopy of valid ID of wife
   Approved Decree of Entitlement and Distribution from LIPD, PRBS
   Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries (from RMD, DPRM/PRBS)
   All documentary requirements used in processing for Survivorship and Transfer Of
    Monthly Pension
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  1. Updating and ID Application Form
       Retirement/Posthumous Order
       Advisory of Marriage of Survivor/Transferee
       CENOMAR of PNP personnel and Marriage Contract of parents, if single
       Decree of Entitlement and Distribution of Survivor/Transferee
       Birth Certificate of Survivor/Transferee (For minor children)
  2. Letter of Introduction (LOI)
  3. Waiver of Rights
         NOTE: Forms no. 1-3 can be obtain from PRBS and all PRBUs, Civil Registry
         documents can be personally obtain at Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) with
         attached official receipts

      Conducts Legal research and renders legal opinion and on matters arising from the
       claims of PNP retirees/beneficiaries;
      Adjudicates Decree of Entitlement and Distribution of deceased PNP
      Conducts Investigation on any malfeasance surrounding the processing of retirement
       claims/benefits and pension;
      Files complaints in the appropriate tribunal/office/court if evidence warrants; and
      Resolves other matters with legal issues.
  Additional requirements if retiree is with pending case:
      Oath of Undertaking
      Authority to Deduct; and
      Affidavit of Pendency
      Waiver (as necessary)

      Administer the regulations related to death of personnel in the active service and
       that of the retirees, disability and retirement benefits and pensions;
      Conduct actuarial assessment to determine the viability of the benefit programs of
       the PNP;
      Initiate proper ceremonies for retirees or bereaved families of deceased personnel
       and related activities such as transportation, neurological services, mass, vigil,
       Internment and the like including procurement of wreaths and writing/sending of
       condolence letters;
      Attend to the healthcare of PNP retirees; and
      Responsible in the implementation of exit programs for PNP retirees such as the
       conduct of livelihood training/seminars, job fairs and assistance to other job

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                                                               PLEASE LET US KNOW HOW WE HAVE SERVED YOU BY
                                                               DOING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (Mangyari po lamang na
                                                               aming malaman kung paano namin kayo mapaglilingkuran sa
                                                               pamamaraan na nakasaad sa ibaba:

         Please accomplished our feedback form available at the Lobby (QSL) or in the offices YOU will be transacting with
           and put this on the Drop Box (all feedbacks shall be treated confidential only authorized personnel will read it);
           Pakipunan o pakisagutan po ang aming feedback form na inyong makukuha sa Lobby o sa aming Duty QSL o
           sa opisinang inyong pinag-ugnayan at pakihulog ito sa Drop Box.
         Send       your feedback   through e-mail (pnpprbs@gmailcom) or text at SMS Services (SMART:0999-149941
           OR GLOBE: 0927-3816243); or, Maari nyo pong ipadala sa aming e-mail (pnpprbs@gmailcom) or text at SMS
           Services (SMART:0999-149941 or GLOBE: 0927-3816243); o,
         Talk to our OFFICER OF THE DAY. Maaring makipag-usap sa aming Pulis na naka-duty.

               OFFICER OF THE DAY (Pulis na naka-duty): __________________________________________________
        If you are not satisfied with our service, your written/verbal complaints may be attended to by the OFFICER OF THE
        DAY. (Sakali man na hindi kayo nakuntento sa aming serbisyong iginawad, maari po kayong sumulat o sumangguni sa
        aming Pulis na naka-duty para matugunan ang inyong hinaing o reklamo .)

        Maraming Salamat po sa inyong walang sawang supporta upang mapagbuti ang aming serbisyo!

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                                   COMMUTATION OF ACCUMULATED LEAVE (CAL)
                                              PROCESS FLOW
           ADMIN OFFICE                      CAL SECTION                Drafter/Statistician            C, RCFMD               DD, PRBS
           MESSAGE CENTER                    PROCESSORS
                                                                              *1 hour                     *1 hour                5 mins
                  5 mins                       30 mins
                                       Evaluates propreity           *Checks all signatories in
        Admin Office                                                                               *Reviews and             Countersigns the
                                      of submitted claim              the prepared                                           Memorandum
         Checks completeness                                                                      countersigns the
                                      Folders                         computation sheet & DV                                 endorsement
        of mandatory                                                                               Memorandum
                                       Reproduce copies of           and file copy
        requirements                                                                               endorsement
                                      submitted documents for         *Updates claim status
         Receives and records        file copy folder and arranged                                 Endorse
                                                                      in the RMS
        claim folders to the                                                                       Memorandum
                                      chronologically as per          *Export file from RMS                                    D, PRBS
                                      checklist attached                                           endorsement to DD,
         Endorse claim folders                                       and copy names of
                                       Prepares computation                                       PRBS
        to                            sheet and Disbursement
                                                                      Retirees included in the                                   5 mins
        Documentation                 Voucher (DV-2copies)            Memorandum
        Section (RCFMD)                Signs prepared DVs and        endorsement                  *Reviews the legality
                                                                      *Prepares Memorandum                                     Signs the
                                      Updates RMS                                                  of the claims/
                                                                      endoresement to                                        Memorandum
                                       Records processed DVs for                                  propriety of amount
              RCFMD                                                                                                          endorsement
                                      reference                       Accounting Division, DC      of claims
                                                                      for countersignature of      *Signs computation
                                                                      C, RCFMD                     sheet and prepared           10 mins
                                             OIC, CAL Section
                 5 mins                                               *Records Memorandum          DV
         Evaluates propreity of                 30 mins              Endorsement for counter      *Check the                   ADMIN
        submitted documents            Re-evaluates                  signature DD, PRBS prior     correctness of the
         Records in the RMS           documents                      signature of D, PRBS and                                  OFFICE
         Sorts and categorizes        Checks the correctness        *Upon signature of D,        *Countersigns the DV
        the claim folder (CAL/        of the computation sheet        PRBS, Records for
        LS) per PRO/NSU/NHQ                                                                        and Computation            Dispatch the
                                      *Countersigns DV and            dispatch to Accounting,      Sheet
         Endorse claim folders                                                                                             processed CAL/LS
                                      Computation Sheet               DC thru Admin Office         *Endorse to
        to CAL and LS processors                                                                                            DVs to Accounting
                                      *Endorse to C, RCFMD for                                       Drafter/Statistician
                                      signature                                                                                Division, DC

        Note: Timeline is on a per folder/claim basis
               * In bulk

11 | P a g e
                                   POSTHUMOUS PROCESS FLOW (For CLB/DED)
                                                                                                                 C, RCFMD
                                                                                                                   *1 hour
                    ADMIN OFFICE
                    MESSAGE CENTER                                                                          *Reviews the legality
                                                                                                            of the claims/
                           5 mins                                                                           propriety of amount
                                                          CAL SECTION               OIC, CAL Section        of claims
                  Receives and records                  POSTHUMOUS
                 posthumous claim                                                       * 1 hour            *Signs computation
                                                          PROCESSOR                                         sheet and prepared
                  Endorse posthumous                                            Re-evaluates              DV
                                                             * 1 hour
                 claim folders to                                                documents                  *Check the
                 Documentation                                                   Checks the correctness    correctness of the
                                                     Determines          the
                 Section(RCFMD)                                                 of the computation sheet    computation
                                                    completeness         and
                                                                                *Countersigns DV and        *Countersigns the DV
                                                    appropriateness of the
                        RCFMD                                                   Computation Sheet           and Computation
                                                    required documents to
                    DOCUMENTATION                                               *Endorse to C, RCFMD for    Sheet
                                                    includePSA (NSO) records
                       SECTION                       Prepares computation
                                                                                signature                   *Endorse to
                                                    sheet                                                     Drafter/Statistician
                         5 mins
                 Validates posthumous
                 claim           folders                                                                           *1 hour
                 appropriateness                                                                            Checks all signatories
                  Endorse posthumous                                                                      in the prepared
                 claimfolders                                                                              computation sheet & DV
                 toCALandLS processors                                                                     and file copy
                                                                                                            Records (log book) and
                                                                                                           endorsed to C, LIPD for
        Note: Timeline is on a per folder/claim basis                                                      CLB/DED
             * In bulk

12 | P a g e
                        POSTHUMOUS PROCESS FLOW (with approved CLB/DED)
                                                C, LIPD              Drafter/Statistician            C, RCFMD               DD, PRBS

                                        Returned to RCFMD                  *1 hour                    *1 hour                5 mins
                C, LIPD                 posthumous claim
                                                                   *Checks all signatories in
                                        folder with signed CLB                                  *Reviews and             Countersigns the
        Signs CLB / DED                                           the prepared                                           Memorandum
                                        / DED                                                   countersigns the
                                                                   computation sheet & DV                                 endorsement
                                                                   and file copy
                 SLO                         CAL SECTION           *Updates claim status
                                             PROCESSORS            in the RMS
        Signs and records                     30 mins             *Export file from RMS                                    D, PRBS
                                                                                                endorsement to DD,
        approved DED to D,                                         and copy names of
        PRBS                          Prepares Disbursement       Retirees included in the                                   5 mins
                                      Voucher (DV-2copies)         Memorandum
                                      Signs prepared DVs and      endorsement
                                      Updates RMS                                               *Reviews the legality       Signs the
               DD, PRBS                                            *Prepares Memorandum         of the claims/
                                      Records processed DVs for                                                          Memorandum
                                                                   endoresement to              propriety of amount
                                      reference                                                                           endorsement
        Approved and signs                                        Accounting Division, DC      of claims
        CLB                                                        for countersignature of      *Signs computation
                                                                   C, RCFMD                     sheet and prepared            10 mins
                                            OIC, CAL Section
                                                                   *Records Memorandum          DV
                                                30 mins            Endorsement for counter
               D, PRBS                                                                          *Check the                   ADMIN
                                                                   signature DD, PRBS prior     correctness of the
                                                                   signature of D, PRBS and                                  OFFICE
        Approved and signs                                                                     computation
                                      Countersigns DV and         *Upon signature of D,        *Countersigns the DV
                                      Computation Sheet            PRBS, Records for            and Computation
                                       Endorse to C, RCFMD for    dispatch to Accounting,                                 Dispatch the
                                                                                                Sheet                    processed CAL/LS
                                      signature                    DC thru Admin Office         *Endorse to              DVs to Accounting
                                                                                                  Drafter/Statistician      Division, DC

        Note: Timeline is on a per folder/claim basis
             * In bulk

13 | P a g e
                             Processing of Commutation of Accumulated Leave (CAL)
           1.       RPHRDD/ADMIN NSUs/PROs                       Indorses complete application folder

           2.                 PRBS
                                                                     Receives and records folders
                   Message Center (Admin Office)

           3.       Documentation and Clearance                       Reviews/Validates folders
                         Section (RCFMD)                            completeness/appropriateness

                                                           > Prepares computation sheet
                                                           > Prepares Disbursement Vouchers (DVs)
                        CAL Section (RCFMD)                > Reviews Signature of CAL Section and Division
                                                           > Updates status of claim at RMS*
                                                           > Prepares Memorandum Indorsement to DC

           5.             Chief, RCFMD,                     Counter signs Memorandum indorsement prior
                       Deputy Director, PRBS                             signature of D, PRBS

           6.                                               Signs Memorandum indorsement prior dispatch
                           Director, PRBS
                                                                             to TDC

        * RMS – Retirement Monitoring System; TDC – The Directorate for Comptrollership

14 | P a g e

                                            LUMP SUM CLAIM PROCESS FLOW
                                           (Retiring/Retired PNP Personnel)

How to avail of the service:

                                                                                                   OFFICE/ PERSON    PROCESS
STEP              APPLICANT/CLIENT                              SERVICE PROVIDER                                                FEE
                                                                                                    RESPONSIBLE        TIME

                                                   a. Check completeness of requirements
                                                   b. Receive and record in the database and
  1                                                   logbook                                                         5 mins    None
                                                                                                    Admin Office
                                                   c. Endorse claim folders to Documentation

                                                   a. Evaluate propreity of submitted
 2                                                                                                  Documentatio      5 mins    None
                                                   b. Records in the database
                                                                                                    n Section
                                                   c. Endorse claim folders to processors
       Submit claim folder with the following
       contents                                    a. Evaluate propreity of documents
         a) Retirement Order from RMD,             b. Prepare computation sheet and
 3            DPRM                                                                                  Processors        20 mins   None
                                                      Disbursement Voucher (DV)
         b) Updated Service Record from            c. Update Record Monitoring System (RMS)
              RMD, DPRM
         c) Latest Promotion Order                 a. Evaluate propreity of documents               Chief, Pension
         d) Directorate for Comptrollership        b. Check correctness of computation              and Gratuity
 4            (DC) Clearance                                                                                          5 mins    None
                                                   c. Review and sign the computation sheet         Division (C,
         e) Directorate for Logistics (DL)            and DV                                        PGD)
         f)   DLOD Clearance                       a. Consolidate process claims
         g) NAPOLCOM Clearance                     b. Update claim status in the RMS
         h) Ombudsman Clearance                    c. Prepare endorsement memo to                   Drafter/
 5       i)   Statement of Assets Liabilities                                                                         30 mins   None
                                                      Accounting Division, Directorate for          Statistician
              and Networth (SALN)                     Comptrollership (DC) for signature of
         j)   Certificate of Last Payment             Director, PRBS
              (CLP) from Finance Service
         k) Affidavit of Authority to deduct (if
              deemed needed for                     Countersign the endorsement memo and
 6                                                                                                  C, PGD             1 min    None
              overpayment and/or property           endorse to the Deputy Director
         l)   Declaration of Pendency/Non-
              Pendency of Case                      Countersign the endorsement memo and            Deputy
 7                                                                                                                    5 mins    None
         m) Affidavit of Undertaking of Legal       endorse to the Deputy Director                  Director
              Beneficiary with supporting
 8       n) STI1 (ATM Account No.)                  Signs the endorsement memo                      Director          5 mins    None
         o) 2 pcs 2x2 ID Picture w/ nametag

                                                   a.   Attached signed endorsement memo to
                                                        the processed claim/s                       Drafter/
 9                                                                                                                    5 mins    None
                                                   b.   Endorse to the Admin Office for dispatch    Statistician
                                                        to DC

                                                    Dispatch processed claim folders to             Dispatcher,
 10                                                                                                                   10 mins   None
                                                    Accounting Section, DC                          Admin Office

15 | P a g e

                              (Retiring/Retired PNP Personnel)

How to avail the service:

                                                                                                  OFFICE/ PERSON      PROCESS
STEP             APPLICANT/CLIENT                               SERVICE PROVIDER                                                  FEE
                                                                                                   RESPONSIBLE          TIME

                                                    a. Check completeness of requirements
                                                    b. Receive and record in the database and
                                                                                                  Evaluator, Admin
 1                                                     logbook                                                         5 mins     None
                                                    c. Endorse claim folders to Documentation

                                                    a. Evaluate propreity of submitted
 2                                                                                                Documentation        5 mins     None
       Submit claim folder with the following       b. Records in the database
       contents                                     c. Endorse claim folders to processors
       a. Retirement Order
                                                    a. Evaluate propreity of documents
                                                    b. Prepare computation sheet and
 3      b.   Updated Service Record from                                                          Processors           20 mins   None
                                                       Disbursement Voucher (DV)
             RMD, DPRM
                                                    c. Update Record Monitoring System (RMS)
        c.   Commutation Order                      a. Re-evaluate documents and correctness
                                                       of computation
 4      d.   Updated Breakdown of Leave             b. Countersign computation sheet and DV       OIC, CAL Section     5 mins
             Credits from RMD, DPRM                 c. Endorse to Chief, Retirement Claims and
                                                       Fund Management Division (C, RCFMD)
        e.   Latest Promotion Order
                                                    a. Evaluate propreity of documents
        f.   Non-Money / Property Clearance         b. Check correctness of computation
 5                                                                                                C, RCFMD             5 mins    None
             from unit                              c. Review and sign the computation sheet
                                                       and DV
        g.   Certificate of Last Payment
                                                    a. Consolidate process claims
        h.   Statement of Assets Liabilities        b. Update claim status in the RMS
             and Networth (SALN)                    c. Prepare endorsement memo to                Drafter/
 6                                                                                                                     30 mins   None
                                                       Accounting Division, Directorate for       Statistician
                                                       Comptrollership (DC) for signature of
        i.   Directorate for Comptrollership
                                                       Director, PRBS
             (DC) Clearance

        j.   Directorate for Logistics (DL)          Countersign the endorsement memo and
 7                                                                                                C, RCFMD              1 min    None
             Clearance                               endorse to the Deputy Director

        k.   Affidavit of Authority to deduct (if
             deemed needed for overpayment           Countersign the endorsement memo and
 8                                                                                                Deputy Director      5 mins    None
             and/or property accountability)         endorse to the Deputy Director

        l.   STI1 (ATM Account No.)
 9                                                   Signs the endorsement memo                   Director             5 mins    None
        m. 2x2 Picture w/ nametag

                                                    a. Attached signed endorsement memo to
                                                       the processed claim/s                      Drafter/
 10                                                                                                                    5 mins    None
                                                    b. Endorse to the Admin Office for dispatch   Statistician
                                                       to DC

                                                     Dispatch processed claim folders to          Dispatcher, Admin
 11                                                                                                                    10 mins   None
                                                     Accounting Section, DC                       Office

       16 | P a g e
                                     Death Pension Process Flow (Posthumous)
How to avail of the service:

                                                                                                        OFFICE/ PERSON   PROCESS
 STEP               APPLICANT/CLIENT                                SERVICE PROVIDER                                                 FEE
                                                                                                         RESPONSIBLE       TIME

                                                       a. Check completeness of requirements
                                                       b. Receive and record in the database and         Evaluator,
   1                                                                                                                      5 mins     None
                                                          logbook                                        Admin Office
                                                       c. Endorse claim folders to processors

                                                       a. Evaluate propreity of documents
   2                                                                                                     Processors       20 mins   None
                                                       b. Prepare and sign computation sheet
           Submit claim folder with the
           following contents                          a. Re-evaluate documents and correctness
           a. Posthumous Order from                       of computation                                 Chief,
   3            concerned Unit                         b. Countersign computation sheet                  Posthumous       5 mins    None
                                                       c. Endorse to Chief, Pension and Gratuity         Section
           b. Confirmation of Posthumous                  Division (C, PGD)
              Order from RMD, DPRM
                                                       a. Evaluate propreity of documents
           c. Investigation Report from Unit           b. Check correctness of computation and
   4                                                      sign the computation sheet                     C, PGD           5 mins    None
                                                       c. Endorse to Legal, Investigation and
           d. Line-of-Duty Board Proceeding
                                                          Prosecution Division (LIPD)
              Report from Unit
                                                       a. Receive and encode claim folders               Message
   5       e. Updated Service Record from                                                                                 5 mins    None
                                                       b. Endorse to drafters                            Center, LIPD
              RMD, DPRM
                                                       a. Review and evaluates the documents
           f.   Latest Promotion Order from            b. Prepares the Evaluation Report (ER)
   6            Unit/RMD                                                                                 Drafter, LIPD    30 mins   None
                                                       c. Drafts the Certificate of legal Benefiaries
                                                          (CLB) and Decree of Entitlement (DED)
           g. Certificate of Last Payment
                                                          Review the correctness of entry in the ER,
   7                                                                                                     Proofreader      15 mins   None
           h. Statement of Assets Liabilities             CLB and DED
              and Networth (SALN)
                                                       a. Recommend approval of CLB
   8                                                                                                     C, LIPD          15 mins   None
           i.   Affidavit of Authority to deduct (if   b. Countersign DED
                deemed needed for
                                                       a. Approves CLB                                   Deputy
   9            overpayment and/or property                                                                               5 mins    None
                                                       b. Countersigns DED                               Director
                                                       a. Review/Evaluate ER and CLB                     Servicing
  10       j.   2x2 Picture w/ nametag                                                                                    10 mins   None
                                                       b. Certifies the DED                              Legal Officer

  11       k. Death Certificate from PSA/LCR              Approves the DED                               Director         5 mins    None
           If retiree is MARRIED:
                                                       a. Records the approved CLB and DED
  12                                                                                                     LIPD             10 mins   None
                                                       b. Returns to PGD
           l.   Original Advisory of Marriages of
                PNP personnel and spouse from          a. Receives the approved CLB and DED
                PSA with OR                                                                              Processor,
                                                       b. Prepares memo endorsement and signs
  13                                                                                                     Posthumous       15 mins   None
                                                          Change Report for implementation of
           m. Original Marriage Contract from                                                            Section, PGD
                                                          pension to ITMS
              PSA with OR
                                                          Verifies correctness and signs Change          Chief,
  14       n. Original Birth Certificate of minor         Report for implementation of pension to        Posthumous       5 mins    None
              children from PSA with OR                   ITMS                                           Section, PGD

            If retiree is SINGLE:
                                                          Review and countersigns memo
  15       o. Certificate of Singleness from              endorsement and signs Change Report for        Chief, PGD       5 mins    None
              PSA with OR                                 implementation of pension to ITMS

           p. Original Birth Certificate of
              personnel from PSA with OR                  Countersigns the memo endorsement and
  16                                                      signs the Change Report for                                     5 mins    None
           q. Marriage Contract of parents                                                               Director
                                                          implementation of pension to ITMS

                                                          Signs the memo endorsement and signs
  17                                                      the Change Report for implementation of        Director         5 mins    None
                                                          pension to ITMS

17 | P a g e                                              Records and dispatch to ITMS the memo
  18                                                      endorsement and the Change Report for          Admin            10 mins   None
                                                          implementation of pension
                                       ( CAL - Posthumously Retired/ Separated)
How to avail of the service:

                                                                                                      OFFICE/ PERSON   PROCESS
 STEP               APPLICANT/CLIENT                              SERVICE PROVIDER                                                 FEE
                                                                                                       RESPONSIBLE       TIME

                                                     a. Check completeness of requirements
                                                     b. Receive and record in the database and         Evaluator,
   1                                                                                                                    5 mins     None
                                                        logbook                                        Admin Office
           Submit claim folder with the              c. Endorse claim folders to processors
           following contents
                                                     a. Evaluate propreity of documents
   2       a. Posthumous Order                                                                         Processors       20 mins   None
                                                     b. Prepare and sign computation sheet
           b. Updated Service Record from            a. Re-evaluate documents and correctness
              RMD, DPRM                                 of computation
                                                                                                       OIC, CAL
   3                                                 b. Countersign computation sheet                                   5 mins    None
           c. Commutation Order                                                                        Section
                                                     c. Endorse to Chief, Retirement Claims and
                                                        Fund Management Division (C, RCFMD)
           d. Updated Breakdown of Leave
              Credits from RMD, DPRM                 a. Evaluate propreity of documents
                                                     b. Check correctness of computation and
   4       e. Latest Promotion Order                    sign the computation sheet                     C, RCFMD         5 mins    None
                                                     c. Endorse to Legal, Investigation and
           f.   Non-Money / Property                    Prosecution Division (LIPD)
                Clearance from unit
                                                     a. Receive and encode claim folders               Message
   5                                                                                                                    5 mins    None
           g. Certificate of Last Payment            b. Endorse to drafters                            Center, LIPD

                                                     a. Review and evaluates the documents
           h. Statement of Assets Liabilities
                                                     b. Prepares the Evaluation Report (ER)
   6          and Networth (SALN)                                                                      Drafter, LIPD    30 mins   None
                                                     c. Drafts the Certificate of legal Benefiaries
                                                        (CLB) and Decree of Entitlement (DED)
           i.   Directorate for Comptrollership
                (DC) Clearance                          Review the correctness of entry in the ER,
   7                                                                                                   Proofreader      15 mins   None
                                                        CLB and DED
           j.   Directorate for Logistics (DL)
                Clearance                            a. Recommend approval of CLB
   8                                                                                                   C, LIPD          15 mins   None
                                                     b. Countersign DED
           k. Affidavit of Authority to deduct (if
              deemed needed for                      a. Approves CLB                                   Deputy
   9                                                                                                                    5 mins    None
              overpayment and/or property            b. Countersigns DED                               Director
                                                     a. Review/Evaluate ER and CLB                     Servicing
  10                                                                                                                    10 mins   None
           l.   STI1 (ATM Account No.)               b. Certifies the DED                              Legal Officer

  11       m. 2x2 Picture w/ nametag                    Approves the DED                               Director         5 mins    None

           If retiree is MARRIED:                    a. Records the approved CLB and DED
  12                                                                                                   LIPD             10 mins   None
                                                     b. Returns to RCFMD
           r.   Original NSO Advisory of
                Marriage of Retiree and spouse       a. Receives the approved CLB and DED
  13            with OR                              b. Prepares and signs Disbursement                                 20 mins   None
                                                        Voucher (DV)
           s. Original NSO Marriage Contract
                                                        Verifies correctness of CLB, DED and           Chief, CAL
  14          with OR                                                                                                   5 mins    None
                                                        signs the DV                                   Section
           t.   Original NSO Birth Certificate of
                children with OR
                                                        Review, signs DV and countersigns memo
  15        If retiree is SINGLE:                       endorsement to Accounting Divison,             C, RCFMD         5 mins    None
                                                        Directorate for Comptrollership (DC)
           u. Certificate of Singleness from
              NSO with OR
                                                        Countersigns the memo endorsement and
  16       v. Original Birth Certificate of             signs the Change Report for                                     5 mins    None
              retiree from NSO with OR                  implementation of pension to ITMS

                                                        Signs the memo endorsement and signs
           w. Marriage Contract of parents
  17                                                    the Change Report for implementation of        Director         5 mins    None
                                                        pension to ITMS

                  ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE         OFmemo
                                 Records and dispatch LEGAL      BENEFICIARY
                                                                     Admin                                              10 mins   None
                                                        to Accounting Division, DC
 18 | P a g e

Step                                   SERVICE PROVIDER
 1.      Claim folders received from PGD and RCFMD will be entered to the LIPD
         Monitoring Data/Worksheet
  2.     Claim Folders are being forwarded to the designated TOP/CAL/MP processor for
         the preparation DED and CLB. Then will be forwarded to the C, LIPD for signature
  3.     Claim Folders with C, LIPD signature will be forwarded to SLO
  4.     Claim Folders with SLO signature will be forwarded to Deputy Director, PRBS
  5.     Claim Folders with Deputy Director, PRBS will be forwarded to Director , PRBS for


Step                                   SERVICE PROVIDER
 1       Fill up of updating form
 2       Verified from the PNP PAIS System
 3       Examine and validated from the Biometric System
 4       Signature of the C, Inventory Section, PGD
 5       Printing of PNP Retirees ID
 6       Released of PNP Retirees ID

        a. Requirement for Updating of Pensioner

               Updating of status as INP/PNP pensioner shall be done yearly during birth
               month through the following options;

                  ai. Retirees

               (a) PNP Pensioner’s ID
               (b) New 2x2 photo in civilian attire
               (c) Fill up Pensioner form
               (d) Newly retired (retirement order)

                  aii. Survivors

               (a) PNP Pensioner’s Survivor ID;
               (b) Fill up Pensioner Form
               (c) CENOMAR of the Survivor with receipt;
                   If expired or not yearly updated additional requirement
               (d) Death certificate of the Retirees;
               (e) Birth Certificate of the Survivor (legitimate and illegitimate children);
               (f) Married Certificate;
               (g) Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries;
               (h) Degree of Entitlement;
               (i) and other documents may required

19 | P a g e

               For non- appearance
                                                     bi. Bedridden;

                  (a) Proof of life ( Postcard-sized whole body picture holding latest broadsheet such
                      as Philippine Daily Inquirer, The Philippine Star, and Manila Bulletin showing
                      headlines or online updating through webcam/skype)
                  (b) PNP Pensioner’s ID/Survivor/Transferee (Photocopy)
                  (c) Certificate of Chief of Police stated therein Pensioners’ still alive
                  (d) Fill up Pensioner Form
                      If expired or not yearly updated additional requirement
                  (j) Death certificate of the Retirees;
                  (k) CENOMAR of the survivor and transferee with Official Receipt
                  (l) Birth Certificate of the Survivor (for legitimate and illegitimate children);
                  (m) Married Certificate;
                  (n) Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries;
                  (o) Degree of Entitlement;
                  (p) and other documents may required

                                                      bii. Abroad

                  (1) Proof of life (Postcard- sized whole body picture holding latest broadsheet or
                      online updating through webcam/skype)
                  (2) Latest Passport (Photocopy)
                  (3) Red Ribbon/Certificate of Residency
                  (e) PNP Pensioner’s ID/Survivor/Transferee (Photocopy)
                  (f) Certificate of Chief of Police stated therein Pensioners’ still alive
                  (g) Fill up Pensioner Form
                      If expired or not yearly updated additional requirement
                  (q) Death certificate of the Retirees;
                  (r) CENOMAR of the survivor and transferee with Official Receipt
                  (s) Birth Certificate of the Survivor (for legitimate and illegitimate children);
                  (t) Married Certificate;
                  (u) Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries;
                  (v) Degree of Entitlement;
                  (w) and other documents may required

                                                       biii Online Updating

                  3) Online updating shall be facilitated by duty SKYPE PNCO under Inventory
                  Section, PGD PNP PRBS. The pensioner, on his/her birth month has to send an
                  email at PRBS SKYPE prbs_ with subject “Updating of
                  Pensioner’s Status”, requesting for online updating appointment.

20 | P a g e

                                       SURVEY FORM

       Maari po bang i-check (/) ang box na naaayon sa inyong kasagutan:

       NAME (Client)__________________________________
          a) Kumusta po ang aming Frontline          service?
                NAKUNTENTO                DI-NAKUNTENTO
          b) Kumusta po ang serbisyong iginawad sa inyo ng aming personnel?
                   NAKUNTENTO             DI-NAKUNTENTO
          c) Maari po bang isulat ang pangalan ng PRBS personnel na inyo pong naka-
              NAKUNTENTO             DI-NAKUNTENTO
          d) Maari po bang isulat ang inyong suhestyon/komento o
             rekomendasyon upang lalo pa naming mapagbuti ang serbisyo para po sa
       inyo: (Huwag pong kalimutang ihulog po ito sa Drop box)
       NAME of DUTY LOBBY :__________________________
       NAME OF DUTY QSL: ___________________________

21 | P a g e
SMS Services: SMART (0999-1499941)
              GLOBE (0927-3816243)


Facebook: PRBS PNP


E-Mail Address:

22 | P a g e
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