Pregnancy Complications & Management Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Overview

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Pregnancy Complications & Management Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Overview
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Review Article                                                                E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

Pregnancy Complications & Management Related to
    Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Overview
   Chintan Chandrakant Davande1, Ankitsh Ramesh Gade2, Akhil S. Kanekar3
       Final Year B. Pharmacy of Shree Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Tondavali, Kankavali, Sindhudurg,
               Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad, Maharashtra.
  Assistant Professor in Shree Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy, Tondavali, Kankavali, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra.
                Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad, Maharashtra
                                 Corresponding Author: Chintan Chandrakant Davande

ABSTRACT                                                    diabetes, pre-eclampsia, Caesar, maternal
The background of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
involves majority of studies which shows                    INTRODUCTION
various complications in pregnancy. These                           As we know, Female reproductive
studies mainly focused on diagnosis of                      system (FRS) plays an important role in the
disturbance or abnormalities or imbalance in the            human life cycle mainly in first phase of life
menstrual cycle, infertility and hirsutism
                                                            cycle which is a birth phase. As the birth
(development of male characteristics) or
chemical imbalance (hyperaldosteronism) in                  phase starts from pregnancy. Pregnancy is
women’s. This might have attention towards                  nothing but a " process or sequence of an
pregnancy and child outcomes to achieve better              events begins with fertilization, proceed
pregnancy and reduce multiple pregnancies.                  with implantation, embryonic development
Pregnancy related to Polycystic Ovary                       and ends with fetal development.” [36]
Syndrome shows or increased risks of various                Pregnancy period takes place about 38 to 40
complications. It includes various metabolic                weeks after mother's last menstrual cycle.
problems like gestational diabetes, hormonal                This pregnancy consists of various stages
problems like hyperaldosteronism and also                   where fetus can develop. During pregnancy
reproductive problems associated with women                 period different changes can be occurs in
like miscarriage which able to increased risks in
                                                            the females. Stages of fetal development
pregnancy. These complications show long term
effects on those women as well as the delivered             starts with fertilization where genetic
offspring. These pregnancy complications                    material of sperm and secondary oocytes are
further leads to developed risks as metabolic               combined to form a single cell mass in
dysfunction as well as reproductive dysfunction             uterine tube. [36]
in offspring’s. This topic summarize the                            After that it gets attached to the
knowledge and facts about Polycystic Ovary                  walls of endometria. In the 2nd week
Syndrome, complications related to Polycystic               embryo is developed with release of hCG
Ovary Syndrome and management of                            (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone.
complications related to Polycystic Ovarian                 At the end of 3rd week primitive organs and
Syndrome which include long term influence on               nerve cells are developed. Organogenesis
the women health.
                                                            occurred in 4th- 8th week. At last stage
Keywords:- POCS, ovarian cysts,                             which is a fetal period where brain and other
hyperandrogenism, miscarriage, gestational                  body parts are fully developed. [36]

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Pregnancy Complications & Management Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Overview
Chintan Chandrakant Davande Pregnancy complications & management related to polycystic ovarian
syndrome: an overview.

                                     Figure 1: Fetal period development[36]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:-                                primary insufficiency. It’s a common
     A disorder develops during puberty                    endocrinal disorder which may include
and characterized by enlargement of ovaries                reproductive, endocrine and metabolic
with fluid filled sac (cysts) and tendency to              alterations characterized by hypothalamic -
have high levels of male hormone                           pituitary - ovary axis dysfunction.[24] It is
(androgen). [33] It is also called as STEIN-               characterized      by      Oligominorrhoea,
LEVENTHAL SYNDROME. [39] It is                             anovulation, hirsutism and obesity in young
chronic anovulation and excess activity                    women.[30,28]
ovaries that involves ovarian dormancy or

                                          Figure 2: Ovarian Cysts [72]

Epidemiology of PCOS:-                                            Another      mechanism       involves
        It includes chemical abnormalities or              unbalanced release of follicle stimulating
chemical imbalance which causes high                       hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone
amount of androgen production, decreasing                  (LH) leads to inhibition of testosterone but
the production of follicle stimulating                     level of LH responsible for secretion of
hormone (FSH). This results into swelling                  androgen inappropriately which cause
of ovaries. [6]                                            anovulation.[79] PCOS can also cause due to

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Pregnancy Complications & Management Related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Overview
Chintan Chandrakant Davande Pregnancy complications & management related to polycystic ovarian
syndrome: an overview.

genetic heredity.[61] Ovarian cysts are small             age develop small cysts each month. A large
fluid filled sac within ovary during                      cyst that come problems occurs in about 8%
polycystic ovary syndrome that occurs in                  women’s before menopause and about 16%
both ovaries. Most women of reproductive                  after menopause. [79]

                                      Figure 3: Epidemiology of PCOS [32]

Symptoms of PCOS:-                                        Pregnancy Complications related to
1) Trouble in conceiving pregnancy /                      PCOS :-
   Infertility [7]                                        Multiple pregnancy -
2) Mood changes [72]                                              Multiple pregnancies increased
3) Acne [72]                                              complications in prenatal morbidity
4) Fatigue [72]                                           observed in fertility treatment with special
5) Insulin resistance/Diabetic condition [26,             regards to women with PCOS affected by an
    28, 19]
                                                          ovulatory infertility. [114] Most complications
6) High testosterone level [6]                            are caused due to preterm delivery. [51]
7) Excessive body hair growth [72]                        Multiple pregnancies are also related to
8) Weight changes and trouble losing                      obstetric and neonatal complications. Twin
    weight [72]                                           pregnancies increased 10 fold risk in
9) Ovarian cysts [72]                                     newborn and 6 fold risk in premature
10) Low sex drive [72]                                    delivery.[92,112] The rates of perinatal
11) Irregular or missed period [72]                       mortality in the meta - analysis shows
12) Male pattern baldness thinning hair [72]              followed difference in multiple pregnancy
                                                          rates between women with PCOS and
                                                          control Shown in table :
                                      Table 1: Meta-analysis of PCOS[114]

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syndrome: an overview.

         The women with the PCOS had                   in PCOS women’s. [102,116] Treating the
higher risk of infants delivered preterm               GDM which reduces the maternal and
(Risk Ratio = 1.96), very preterm (RR =                neonatal complications. [88] The risk of
1.82) and with low birth weight (RR =                  GDM is three times higher with PCOS
1.39). After adjusting BMI and gestational             women’s. [13, 56, 90, 83] The use of metformin
age the difference were no longer                      reduces the pregnancy complications in 274
statistically. [114, 64]                               pregnancies of women with PCOS the
                                                       showing of PCOS ratio is (17.6 and 16.9 %)
Pregnancy induced hypertension and pre-                in the use of metformin and placebo group.
                                                       [85, 95, 124]
eclampsia:-                                                           Pregnant women with PCOS
        Cardiovascular disease occurs 8% of            containing GDM ratio is (Odd Ratio 2.32,
PCOS women. The meta-analysis gives                    95% Confidence Intervals 1.88 - 2.88).
conclusion of 3- 4 times increase the risk of          After adjusting the age, BMI, hypertension,
pregnancy induced hypertension in PCOS                 smoking, and demographic factor the GDM
pregnancies.[Table1,13,56,90] Higher studies give      ratio will be (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1- 3.9).
the retrospective design, not the significant                  The pregnant women with PCOS
effect it’s only detected in the meta                  having the gestational diabetes mellitus
regression.[90] The PCOS pregnancies lead              (GDM) whose baby having the greater risk
to increase the maternal obesity. The meta-            of causing the type- 2 diabetes mellitus
analysis gives the result of 3-4 folds                 later in life.
increase the risk of pre-eclampsia it is
similar to the pregnancy induced                       Miscarriage :-
hypertension (PIH).[13,56,90] In           PCOS                Recent studies indicate that PCOS
pregnancies the 50% of women’s cause the               women’s are at risk of first trimester
pre-eclampsia as compared to the normal                miscarriage. This is because of early
one.[Table 1] In the pre-eclampsia which               pregnancy loss (EPL) occurs in 30-50% of
increase the blood pressure after the 20th             PCOS women compared with 10-15% of
week of pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia damage                normal women’s. [37, 46] Determination of
the mother's organs are kidney, liver, and             EPL rate is different in all women’s which
brain. Comparison between PCOS and High                cannot be accessed. [99] There are various
Density Proteins (HDP) the risk for                    mechanisms of EPL which includes obesity,
increased the pre-eclampsia in PCOS                    insulin    resistance,   hyperandrogenism,
women but the control group was not Body               impaired fibrinolysis and endometrial
Mass Index (BMI) matched.[95] When the                 dysfunction. [99, 28, 29] Reoccurrence or
comparison between PCOS and non-PCOS                   spontaneous pregnancy loss in PCOS which
women the higher risk of increase the PIH              occurs in nearly 50% of total pregnancies is
in PCOS women after the BMI matched.                   a frequent obstetric complication. [123,125]
The pre-eclampsia is not treated on time
leads to cause the eclampsia. The PCOS                 Caesarean Risk :-
pregnancy requires the C-section deliveries,                   The women with PCOS also lead to
the higher risk for mother as well as baby             increase    complication     in     caesarean
i.e. miscarriage, multiple pregnancies etc.            deliveries as compared with normal
                                                       deliveries or deliveries of women’s without
                                                       PCOS. [42,103] Due to the hormonal in in
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM):-                  women with PCOS the size of embryo also
        The gestational diabetes is one of the         gets increased and hence the risk of C-
diabetes which pregnant women get 40 to                section or caesarean delivery gets increased
50% of gestational diabetes complicates the            twice as compared to normal women’s. [Table
PCOS pregnancies. [81, 83] GDM caused due              1]
                                                          Also other factors like obesity and GDM
to the adequate pancreatic β-cell functioning          can increased the risk of caesarean

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deliveries. [25,Table 1] The infants with              having the women with PCOS. [13,56,38] The
caesarean delivery of women with PCOS                  meta analysis study report conclude the
can also susceptible towards the risk of               large for gestational age ( LGA) and no
shoulder dystocia (condition in which                  differences found for the outcomes in PCOS
baby’s shoulder get stuck during labor) due            and non-PCOS outcomes. [56] The only
to larger size of infant.[117]                         difference in fetal outcome for the fetal
                                                       growth of gestational age neonates is lower
Continuous Preterm Delivery/Prenatal                   in PCOS then the non-PCOS women ( 68.3
Delivery :-                                            vs. 87.3%) whereas the incidence of SGA
        The prenatal deliveries can do worst           (15.9 vs. 6.3%). [83, 3]
effect on infant as well as mother with
PCOS compared to mother without PCOS.                  Offspring health :-
     this can be further leads to GDM,                            Mother having the PCOS his
obesity and other maternal issues. [49]                offspring having higher risk of developing
Prenatal deliveries can indicates adverse              endocrine and cardiovascular disease in
effects due to poor development of oocyte,             later life and also increase cardio metabolic
embryo       quality     and     intrauterine          risk because of the intrauterine environment.
              [40]                                     [54, 127, 11]
environment.       The prenatal delivery of                          According to the barker hypothesis
women with PCOS having GDM history                     the lifetime health can be related to
can leads to develop fetal macrosomia                  intrauterine environment. [54,11,10,108] PCOS
resistant into altered glucose metabolism              women’s offspring having the risk of insulin
and disturbed uterine blood flow. [7] In               resistance (IR), metabolic abnormalities,
several studies indicates that increase in             endothelial dysfunction, obesity, offspring
preterm delivery (PTD) before 37 weeks of              adiposity in later life and develop the first
gestation in PCOS women’s as compared to               decade of life.[14,59] The women who having
women’s without PCOS. In women with                    the pcos whose daughter having little bit
PCOS the risk of PTD with antimullerine                problems during the puberty time. If the
hormone (AMH) value is >9.75ng/ml was                  concentration of dihydroepiandrostenedione
4-fold higher and 2- fold higher in AMH                sulphate is increases in the daughter then the
value >13.66ng//ml.[42]                                onset of puberty and around 30%
                                                       exacerbated adrenerche.[71,114] Having the
Other maternal complications :-                        greater risk of cause ovarian androgenism in
         In the PCOS pregnancies the higher            adolescence, may it cause pre-pubertal,
risk is the caesarean delivery (OR 1.56, 95%           pubertal,          and post-pubertal hyper
CI 1.20 - 2.02) i.e. the vaginal delivery was          insulinaemia later in life.[24,44,45] Women
quite not higher with the PCOS pregnancies.            with pcos whose daughter having higher
[13, 56]
                                                       risk of autism spectrum disorders because of
                                                       the high testosterone levels.[86,114] It has also
Fetal/neonatal outcomes :-                             higher risk for the metabolic and
        In fetal/neonatal outcomes with the            reproductive disorders.[69,108] Pre-pregnancy
women with PCOS having chance to                       overweight preterm birth and birth weight of
increases the 2- folds risk of preterm                 singleton newborn compared the overweight
deliveries because of the labor pain of the            and normal weight pregnant women with
placental insufficiency. [90] Premature                PCOS.[23] The PCOS women gradually
delivery ratio was (OR 2.21, 95% CI 1.69 -             increase the baby weight in pregnancy.[83,84]
2.90). [21] The infants who are delivered              i.e. the PCOS women are obese in during
prematurely can chance of meconium                     and after pregnancy. The gestational weight
aspiration (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.13 - 3.61).              gain and obesity are important factor to
     Also the probability to increase 2-fold           influencing the offspring health. [22,113] The
risk of small for gestational age (SGA)                early metformin treatment can prevent or

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delay the development of hirsutism,                          and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)
androgen excess, oligomenorrhoea and pcos                    concentration in women can significantly
but the initially the metformin treatment in                 increase or decreased hemodynamic
PCOS with pregnant women has minor                           changes during development of pulmonary
weight gain pregnancy compared with                          embolism (PE).[104,105,123,2,33] High level of
controls who received the placebo Gives the                  androgen can affect the offspring weight,
long term complication in the children                       disturbance of maternal energy, hemostatic
whose mother having the PCOS.[18,124]                        and nutrition transport change.[12,109] The
                                                             women who conceive pregnancy after long
Pathophysiological considerations                            time to pregnancy will increased risk of
regarding PCOS pregnancy                                     preterm birth (OR 1.31,95% CI 1.21-
complications :-                                             1.42).[73,114] Placental alterations causes
       Increased pregnancy complications                     direct effect of androgens on endometria
in women with PCOS having some factor to                     and dysregulation of lipolysis or lipid
influence chemical as well as biochemical                    metabolism.[17,52,117]
characteristics of pregnancy outcomes. [114]
This factor is independently playing a major                 PCOS – related comorbidities :-
role    in     pathophysiological    adverse                           Obesity is the severe comorbity in
pregnancy outcomes in women with PCOS.                       the reproduction               associated with
                                                             PCOS.                Obesity increased the risk of
Relevance of the heterogeneous PCOS                          miscarriage and also other risks of maternal
features :-                                                  complications like thromboembolism.[74,57]
        Hyperandrogenism               ovarian               The women’s with PCOS associated with
dysfunction with related oligo-amenorrhoea                   visceral obesity increased 2-3 fold risk of
and polycystic ovary morphology (PCOM)                       PIH and PE which associated with the body
are main criteria for the diagnosis of                       fat.[101,119,1] Obese PCOS women also
PCOS.[58,60,97] In PCOS women’s androgen                     increased a risk of unplanned caesarean
level are higher in compared with the non-                   delivery.[9,27,124,129] Fetus of obese PCOS
PCOS controls it increases throughout the                    women having risks of neural tube defects ,
pregnancy hyperandrogenism causes the                        heart defects and omphalocele.[106,16,93] It
pregnancy.[68,110,53,33] The hyperandrogenism                also shows long-term effects on metabolic
or increased androgen synthesis during                       disorder like hyperinsulinaemia associated
pregnancy in women with PCOS are an                          with IR which develops hypertensive
abnormal steroidogenic function of the                       disorders in pregnancy.[26,75] Women with
placenta in women with PCOS was                              PIH/PE elevates insulin level and cause
demonstrated.[31,70,118] Serum testosterone                  uncomplicated pregnancy. [63]

                        Figure 4: Schematic Representation of Pathological Complications [5]

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PCOS- related infertility interventions :-             low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
         The anovulatory infertility can also          reduce        pregnancy              loss   in
leads to increased risk in complications               hyperhomocysteinaemia              without any
related to PCOS pregnancy.[43,94] The                  maternal side effect. [91, 19, 20]
pregnancies conceive and achieved after a
time to pregnancy of more than 12 months               Prevention and management in PCOS :-
probably ends premature delivery and infant                      There is no proper prevention to
having lower weight.[73] In obese women                avoid PCOS syndrome but the PCOS
with PCOS consists a combination of                    women can get proper nutrition and weight
hypocaloric diet and increased physical                management to avoid a complications such
activity required for losing weight. This              as diabetes, PIH and other cardiovascular
results into increase natural reproductive             diseases. [114] In the PCOS pregnancies the
outcomes.[67,82] PCOS women having higher              IR to cause the metabolic alteration as
risk of preterm delivery due to ovulatory              compared to normal pregnancies. In PCOS
induction as compared to women without                 pregnant obese women having greater risk
PCOS conceiving pregnancy (OR 1.45 95%                 of preterm/neonatal delivery, intrauterine
CI 1.21-1.74).[87] IR is a typical                     death and berth trauma as well as having
characteristic of women with PCOS with                 greater risk of GDM and PE (RR 0.74, 95%
prevalence ranging from 75-95% with                    CI 0.60-0.92) if it is avoid follow the dietary
respect to BMI in case of insulin sensitive            schedule to maintain the weight gain in
biguanides particularly metformin on                   pregnancy. [120] Before the conception
ovulatory induction.[114,115] Gonadotropins            developing higher risk of GDM in PCOS
mediated ovulation induction indicated                 women depends on the fasting glucose
resistance or failure with clomiphene                  level, androstindione, SHBG concentration
citrate.[121]                                          and post history of type 2 diabetes. [114] In
                                                       non-PCOS women related risk obesity,
Hormone Independent alterations in                     higher age, and particular ethnicity. The
Placenta :-                                            cholesterol, triglycerides, high density
        Hormone independent alterations are            lipoprotein (HDL), B.P. and glucose level
an important pathway in a nutrients                    are confirmed before in pregnancies because
transport of placenta for fetal growth in              there imbalance caused the preterm birth
human with PCOS. [120] Effect of weight                and shorter the gestational period. [66] In
loss during pregnancy in obese women has a             gestational period to maintain hygiene and
limited data.[35] According to data 2.9% of            total focus on the early change of proteins
women’s of reproductive age affected by                leads to dyslipidemia and to decrease
pregestational diabetes specially type two             hemoglobin level and hematocrit level
diabetes mellitus.[41,4] Preconception care            because of these biochemical markers
aimed at ensuring an adequate glycemic                 causes the higher risk of pregnancy
control which reduces risk of GDM. [122] In            complication in women with PCOS. [114]
a case of women with PCOS associated with              Metformin is antidiabetic drug which is
GDM metformin is an effective and safe as              used in the GDM. [98] It helps to maintain
a medication, particularly for overweight              blood glucose level safely and effectively in
and obese women.[8] Potential use of                   the patient with GDM in non RCTs. [128,
metformin over insulin suggested because                       In randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
maternal weight gaining pregnancy patient              repeatedly use of metformin causes the
compliance an infant health.[97,58,111]                decrease in maternal weight gains in
Administration of metformin in pregnant                pregnancy it also caused the uterine artery
women reduces uterine artery impedance                 impedance in between the 12 to 19 weeks
between 12-19 weeks of gestation                       gestational period. [36] Hence, it does not
period.[100] Combinations of metformin with            show specific effect to reduce or prevent

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PIH. Metformin is combine with LMWH to                        hypoglycemic agent in the PCOS
decrease pregnancy loss in limited women’s                    women.[128,78] There is no evidence that
associated with PCOS. As LMWH is                              metformin reduces BMI in women with
prescribed alone to reduce pregnancy loss as                  PCOS compared with placebo.[78] The
well as coagulation. LMWH and                                 women who receive antiandrogens along
Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) are combined to                    with oral contraceptives will minimize the
avoid spontaneous abortion in those women                     effect of metformin on BMI.[65] Liraglutyl is
with           hyperhomocystenemia.[19,20,85]                 a glucagon like peptide receptor-1 agonist
Combination of oral contraceptives and                        use for the treatment of type-2 diabetes and
anti-androgens reduce androgen level which                    obesity which significantly helps in weight
helps to treat symptomatic endometrial                        loss and reduces waist circumstance.[47]
problems.[69] Overall goals of therapy                        Myo-and D-chiro-inositol is insulin
include severity of hyperandrogenic                           sensitizing agent works as an insulin
syndrome reduction of risk factors for GDM                    singling secondary messenger and also as a
and cardiovascular disease and metabolic                      possible alternative to metformin in IR
abnormalities management, planning to                         associated PCOS women.[76]
obtain safe pregnancy by improving quality
of life achieved by multidisciplinary team                    Quality of life: - PCOS patient having large
providing patient center care.[Figure.5]                      impact of psychological effect like
                                                              depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. [21]
Metabolism:- Overweight and obese                             Psychological effect includes common
patient, weight loss is caused due to change                  symptoms like sleep disturbance, appetite
in physical activity and nutritional alteration               change, fatigue and loss in interest in daily
which leads to decrease insulin and                           activities. Evolution of these is essential for
androgen level results into glucose                           better care and management for those
intolerance.[7] Metformin is commonly used                    patient associated with PCOS. [Figure.5]
drug which act as an insulin sensitizing and

                               Figure 5: Objectives of assessing the quality of life [5]

Infertility: -                                                associated with infertility and anovulation.
        First line therapy includes folic acid                Metformin is not recommended in ovulation
supplement and cessation of smoking and                       induction due to low live birth rate. [78, 89]
alcohol consumption. Second line treatment                    Letrozole which is an aromatase inhibiter
includes ovulation induction. Clomiphene                      work as alternative to clomiphene citrate.
                                                              [126, 34]
citrate is given as a reference therapy for
ovulation induction in women with PCOS

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Patient Counselling with Psychological                 polycystic ovary syndrome involved various
support:-                                              clinical, biochemical and proteomic markers
        As we know, PCOS is a hormonal                 as a potential diagnostic tool. Other things
imbalance disorder which mainly affect at a            involved in the PCOS pregnancy are
gestational period of a women. So, to avoid            reproductive history including non-
or handle any complications regarding                  complicated and complicated pregnancies
PCOS in pregnant women as well as in                   which cause long-term maternal and
infant preconception counselling or advice             offspring      health    effects.    Pregnancy
regarding lifestyle, obesity and period of             complications in PCOS include long term
conceiving pregnancy should be required.[44]           maternal         effects      like      ovarian
Most of the study indicates that women with            steroidogenesis, development of type-2
PCOS associated with obesity or weight                 diabetes mellitus, PE, cardiovascular
gain affected most by the metabolic,                   disease. PCOS can also able to cause some
psychological and reproductive repercussion            phenotypic alterations. Integral management
of PCOS.[90] PCOS women have low rate of               regarding to PCOS need to develop a
pregnancy due to lower uptake of                       multidisciplinary team which helps to
contraception and hence practitioner should            provide      lifestyle    interventions    and
counseled patient about appropriate use of             psychological support to patient. Some of
contraception      to   avoid     unplanned            the complications are explored but most of
pregnancy.       In women with PCOS                    the complications remain unexplored. To
requires more psychological support like               explore this complications and treatment
interpersonal communication, emotional as              regarding to polycystic ovary syndrome is
well as relational support.[50,55] The                 important future perspective for research.
counselling should include things like
exercise and nutritional counselling on                ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
hormonal, menstrual and reproductive                           To the best of our knowledge, the
function in women with PCOS.[15]                       material included in this topic is having
                                                       original sources which are appropriately
CONCLUSION                                             acknowledged and referred. We would like
       As pregnancy is an important event              to express our sincere gratitude to our
of women’s life cycle. This topic highlights           professor Mr. Akhil Kanekar for his
about major complications and management               continuous      guidance,  support    and
to avoid or handle complications related to            motivation. We would also like to thank
women associated with polycystic ovarian               library staffs.
syndrome. As the mechanism for PCOS is
remain unclear till now but there is possible          REFERENCES
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