PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...

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PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Te Wāhanga Aronui

       Humanities and

       Social Sciences
         W E LLI N GTO N
         culture capita

                                                                                  SH A PE TH E

                                                       for the future
                                                       of work
PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
                                             The Wellington Faculty of
                                             Humanities and Social Sciences
                                             will support you to integrate
                                             work-related learning and industry   students
                                             engagement into your degree

                                                                                  3 degrees
  and welcome to the wellington Faculty
  of Humanities and Social Sciences at
  Victoria University of Wellington
                                             Located in                           8 schools
 IN THE                                      the nation’s
 top 1 %
of universities worldwide for arts
                                             capital and                          40 majors
and humanities, and social scienceS          cultural                             New Zealand’s leading
                                                                                  research university

In the top 100                               heart                                (Performance-Based
                                                                                  Research Fund 2018)

in the world for Communication and Media
Studies, English Language and Literature,               summer       Real-world
Linguistics, Religious Studies, Performing
Arts, Politics and International Relations              scholarships experience
PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
Welcome                                                 4   School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies                              54

Faculty Student and Academic Services Office            6   New Zealand School of Music                                                    60

Bachelor of Arts                                        9   School of Social and Cultural Studies                                          66

Bachelor of Communication                              14   Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies                                   71

Bachelor of Music                                      17   Wai-te-ata Press                                                                74

Postgraduate study                                     18   Student services and support                                                    76

Research                                               22   Who to contact                                                                  83

Education and Education and Psychology for the
   Bachelor of Arts                                    24
                                                            Cover: Graduation image @benita_prasad
School of English, Film, Theatre, Media Studies,
   and Art History                                     28
                                                                                                 Victoria University of Wellington has been
                                                                                                 awarded five stars plus overall in the QS
School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and
                                                                                                 Stars university ratings system. In addition,
   International Relations                             33                                        the University received five stars in all eight
                                                                                                 categories on which it was evaluated.
International Institute of Modern Letters              38
                                                            Important notice: Victoria University of Wellington uses all reasonable skill
Te Kawa a Māui                                         42   and care to ensure the information contained in this document is accurate
                                                            at the time of being made available. However, matters covered by this
School of Languages and Cultures                       46   document are subject to change due to a continuous process of review, and
                                                            to unanticipated circumstances. The University therefore reserves the right
                                                            to make any changes without notice. So far as the law permits, the University
                                                            accepts no responsibility for any loss suffered by any person due to reliance
                                                            (either whole or in part) on the information contained in this document,
                                                            whether direct or indirect, and whether foreseeable or not.
PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
   E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā
   karangaranga maha, e mihi ana ki a
   koutou katoa.
Welcome to Victoria University of Wellington, a globally ranked
capital city university with a strong commitment to the humanities
and social sciences. These disciplines are crucial to the University’s
vision of preparing critically informed, globally confident, and         New Zealand School of Music—Te Kōkī provides both rigorous and
civic-minded graduates.                                                  inspirational training in the discipline of your choice, be it classical
                                                                         performance or sonic arts.
The humanities and social sciences explore the many facets of
the human experience and how we interact as individuals and              Our teaching and research are embedded in a diverse and vibrant
communities. The Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social             city—rich in art, heritage, music, and theatre. We benefit from
Sciences (FHSS) is ranked among the top 1 percent in world               Wellington being the centre of politics, foreign embassies, and the
university rankings and is first in many fields in the New Zealand       public service, and the home of archives, libraries, museums, and
university research rankings.                                            thriving digital and film industries. It is a remarkable place to live
                                                                         and learn.
Over the course of your studies, you will be challenged to recognise
multiple perspectives and deal with complexities. You will develop       We want to support you in achieving your study ambitions. Each year,
flexibility, creativity, imagination, and critical and analytical        the University awards scholarships to thousands of new and current
thinking—all attributes employers tell us they value highly. Our         students. At the University, you become part of a community: you can
teaching is student focused and research led. Your teachers will         join clubs, attend New Zealand School of Music concerts, visit the Adam
become your mentors and provide encouragement and inspiration.           Art Gallery, and participate in the many public lectures and events
                                                                         offered by world-class scholars. If you are an undergraduate, consider
Our Bachelor of Arts (BA) is innovative within New Zealand; it           a leadership programme such as the Wellington Plus Programme or the
encourages you to intentionally explore up to three BA major             Wellington International Leadership Programme. You can plan some
subjects in your first year, enabling you to develop a truly broad       international study through a field trip or an exchange.
base of learning and discover your passions. This world-class BA
also offers a unique set of work-related learning opportunities—         Above all, look after yourself and support others. Maintaining
such as the FHSS Internship programme, the Future of Work course,        wellbeing can be a challenge while you are studying, so consider
and extracurricular professional development—that provide direct         attending sessions of the University’s wellbeing programme.
contact with Wellington employers.                                       Enjoy your time here. No matter what subject you choose to
If you are focused on a career in the communications sector, the         specialise in, the education and experience you gain in FHSS will be
Bachelor of Communication offers not only the necessary set of           an outstanding platform for your career and contributions to our
interdisciplinary skills and expertise, but also those all-important     community.
connections with Wellington’s prominent public-facing institutions.
If music is your passion, the Bachelor of Music offered through our      Professor Sarah Leggott
                                                                         Dean, Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

4 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                 Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 5
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The Faculty Student and Academic Services Office provides advice      We have lots of information and expertise about many aspects of
and assistance throughout your studies at university. Student         university life. If you need advice, do not hesitate to contact us or
wellbeing and success in the broadest sense are important to us.      drop in to the office. You can also keep up with news and events,
                                                                      and student and staff achievements on our Facebook page.
We work closely with student services such as Student
Counselling, Student Health, Disability Services, the Māori and       The Faculty Student and Academic Services Office is located on
Pasifika support networks, Student Learning, and Wellington           Level 4 of the Murphy building at the Kelburn campus.
University International to ensure that you have access to, and are
                                                                       04 463 5745
encouraged to use, the many services available.
Our student advisers assist with admission requirements,                @facultyofhumanitiesandsocialsciences
degree and course planning, transfer of credit from other             
tertiary institutions, enrolment, and general enquiries about
both undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. They also
assist with enquiries about graduation, applying for an academic
transcript, withdrawals from courses, examination-related
questions, or queries related to restriction under the Academic
Progress Statute.

6 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
                                                          Focus on the humanities, creative                                   Taking the BA is a step towards any number of exciting careers. Our
                                                                                                                              BA equips you with important professional skills. These include the
                                                          arts, languages, and social sciences                                ability to communicate clearly, to think critically and creatively, to
                                                          and find out what challenges and                                    solve problems across a range of domains, to manage your own
                                                                                                                              learning, to have an understanding of the ethics of scholarship, as well
                                                          inspires you. Our BA intentionally                                  as to understand the key concepts within the disciplines studied.
                                                          encourages you to develop a broad                                   You will also have the opportunity to enhance your career
                                                          base of knowledge and offers more                                   prospects with a range of targeted curricular and extracurricular
                                                          than 40 BA subject areas.                                           opportunities. Our location in New Zealand’s capital and our
                                                                                                                              connections with Wellington’s dynamic pool of employers provide
                                                      You could:                                                              unrivalled opportunities to build your future. Other activities
                                                                                                                              offered at the University include exchanges, field trips, internships,
                                                      ■ study politics and international relations in
                                                                                                                              overseas study tours, peer mentoring, and summer scholarships.
                                                        New Zealand’s capital city and gain the career advantages
                                                                                                                              We invite you to take advantage of these in order to demonstrate
                                                        offered by our proximity to government and the public sector
                                                                                                                              your value as a locally and globally engaged citizen with eminently
                                                      ■ discover what shapes our societies through studying                   employable skills.
                                                        anthropology, art history, criminology, and history
                                                      ■ cultivate your creativity through music, film, theatre, or
                                                        creative writing
                                                      ■ learn a language from scratch—from te reo Māori to Japanese
                                                        or ancient Greek—or study the science of language through
                                                      ■ experience a window into a range of cultures and histories and
                                                        perfect your communication skills through English literature,
                                                        philosophy, or religious studies.
                                                      Victoria University of Wellington is ranked number one in research
                                                      quality in New Zealand and in the top 1 percent worldwide across
                                                      a broad range of humanities and social science (BA) subjects. Our
                                                      teachers are top scholars in their disciplines; they will become your
                                                      academic mentors, inspiring and challenging you to discover your
                                                      capabilities and produce excellence.

8 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                       Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 9
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You may also include a second major from subject areas                   BA majors                                                            Non-major undergraduate subjects
    KEY FEATURES                                                     administrated by another faculty, if not already included in the
                                                                     majors listed on the next page. Students who do this often choose        Art History                        Latin                             Creative Writing (minor)
    ■ Three years of full-time study (360 points).                   to major in subjects such as Information Systems or Environmental        Asian Studies                      Linguistics
                                                                     Studies. These majors complement traditional humanities and                                                                                   Gender and Sexuality Studies (minor)
    ■ Depending on your chosen major(s), between 180 and
                                                                     social science subjects.                                                 Chinese                            Māori Resource Management
      240 points must be from the list of BA majors (see the                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand Sign Language (minor)
      next page).                                                    There are interdisciplinary possibilities here that are not options      Classical Studies                  Māori Studies
                                                                     at most other universities in New Zealand. For example, if you                                                                                Popular Music Studies (minor)
    ■ Choose to major in two BA subjects, or select a second                                                                                  Criminology                        Mathematics
      major from another undergraduate degree.                       are interested in the evolution/creationism debates, you can                                                                                  Social Policy (minor)
                                                                     take a double major in Religious Studies and Biology or, if you are      Cultural Anthropology              Media Studies
    ■ Select up to two minors from any undergraduate degree.
                                                                     interested in the fundamental mysteries of the universe, you can         Data Science*                      Modern Language Studies           Text Technologies
                                                                     take a double major in Philosophy and Physics.
                                                                                                                                              Developmental Studies*             Music                             Writing (Academic and Professional)
                                                                     You may also select up to two minors in any undergraduate subject
Students doing a BA must meet the requirements of a major in                                                                                  Economics*                         Pacific Studies
                                                                     areas offered for the BA or the Bachelor of Architectural Studies,
at least one subject. However, students often choose to major                                                                                                                                                     For the latest information on degrees, course details, and
                                                                     Bachelor of Building Science, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of          Education*                         Philosophy
in two subjects and, at this university, you can complete up to                                                                                                                                                   prescriptions, go to our website.
                                                                     Communication, Bachelor of Design Innovation, Bachelor of Health,
three. A major is a specialised subject area within a degree. Each                                                                            Education and Psychology*          Political Science
                                                                     Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science, and not taken as a                                                                               
subject area has specific courses you need to take to meet the
                                                                     major or from additional minor subject areas listed in these degrees.    English Literature                 Psychology*
requirements of the major. Our expert advisers will support you to                                                                                                                                                
                                                                     Discuss adding a minor or second major with your student adviser.
navigate your choices.                                                                                                                        Film                               Public Policy*
                                                                                                                                              French                             Religious Studies
                                                                                                                                              Geography*                         Samoan Studies/Matā‘upu Tau
                                                                                                                                              German                             Sociology
                                                                                                                                              Greek                              Spanish
                                                                                                                                              History                            Te Reo Māori
                                                                                                                                              International Relations            Teaching English to Speakers
                                                                                                                                                                                 of Other Languages (TESOL)
                                                                                                                                              Italian                            Theatre

                                                                                                                                             *Major listed under the BA Statute, but taught by other faculties.

10 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                          Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 11
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                                                       PROSPECTS                                                                  JESSE
                                                       What can you do with your BA degree? What will the workforce look
                                                       like in 10 years? Explore the answers to these questions and put
                                                       what you are learning into practice in the world of work.

                                                       FHSS 207 The Future of Work                                              Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
                                                       In The Future of Work, you will examine the changing nature of the       and International Relations
                                                       workforce from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including
                                                       commerce, design, history, philosophy, and sociology.
                                                       The course traces the history of employment and looks at
                                                       trends over time. You will look at the problems facing employers
                                                       and individuals today and consider what skills are necessary
                                                       to give individuals an edge as they establish their future
                                                       careers. During the course, you will also work on a project for a
                                                       Wellington organisation and make recommendations that may be
                                                       implemented by the organisation.

                                                       FHSS 302 FHSS Internship
                                                       In the FHSS Internship course, you will get the opportunity to put
                                                       your skills, knowledge, and interests into action on work-based
                                                       projects, and acquire practical work experience while gaining
                                                       course credit towards your degree. This course is unparalleled
                                                       in enabling students to expand their horizons and engage in
                                                       meaningful collaborations with various organisations in the
                                                       Wellington region such as RNZ, the Council for International
                                                       Development, NZ on Screen, the Ministry of Social Development,
                                                       the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, and many more.
                                                                                                                                The FHSS Internship course was a good opportunity to gain                I’ve had amazing opportunities at Victoria University of Wellington
                                                       As an intern, you will be involved in a variety of projects, depending   real-world workplace experience. It gave me the chance to develop        to network, develop my research and communication skills,
                                                       on your area of study and the partner organisation’s areas of            skills related to research and communication in practical and            and meet like-minded folks and potential employers. The
                                                       expertise. In the taught component of the course, you will have an       tangible projects, while building the key skills and confidence to       FHSS Internship was a quantifiable way to show my abilities and
                                                       opportunity to reflect on, share, and discuss what you have learnt       thrive in a workplace environment.                                       grow as an employee. I don’t think I could have picked a better
                                                       in the workplace with your classmates.                                                                                                            university for what I wanted to achieve.
                                                                                                                                During my internship at the economic development agency
                                                       There are many other courses and programmes available across             WellingtonNZ, I took on a series of projects related to market
                                                       the Faculty that are designed to support your work readiness.            research for Wellington’s planned convention centre. WellingtonNZ
                                                       Email for more information.                     is unique, as it exists on the edge of the private and public sectors,
                                                                                                                                and this gave me the opportunity to engage with both kinds of
                                                                                                                                organisations and gain insight into the ways in which government
                                                                                                                                can use the private sector to fulfil its goals.

12 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 13
PREPARE for the future - conversation - Victoria University of ...
                                                                         and the International Institute of Modern Letters; as well as the
   Study in New Zealand’s hub of                                         Wellington Faculty of Science. The diversity of subjects offered
   information and government to gain the                                reflects the widespread nature of the communications sector
   specialist, intercultural, and transferable                           and the importance of intercultural communication within a
                                                                         New Zealand and globalised context.
   expertise in communication required for
                                                                         A key focus of the degree is applied theory, which combines
   a range of future career options.                                     research rigour with practical relevance for the workplace. You
                                                                         will finish your degree with an applied communication project. The
In today’s information-saturated society, communication plays
                                                                         BC will prepare you for a career in government, the public sector,
a formidable role in shaping and reflecting our social, cultural,
                                                                         media or public relations, policy development, non-governmental
industrial, creative, and civic world. This dynamic sector
                                                                         organisations and social advocacy groups, creative industries, or
requires employees who are agile and innovative in the face of
                                                                         internal communications positions. Our aim is to create engaged
changing technologies and industries. With Victoria University of
                                                                         and effective communications professionals with the ability to think
Wellington’s Bachelor of Communication (BC), you will gain the
                                                                         critically and creatively in a sphere characterised by huge influence
skills and knowledge to analyse, develop, and expand the potential                                                                               BC majors
                                                                         and rapid change. After completing a BC, you can continue straight
of communication in a range of industries and institutions.
                                                                         to a Master of Communication to obtain a Master’s degree within         Intercultural Communication                                          Political Communication
Our Wellington location puts us at the heart of New Zealand’s            four years of study.                                                    Literary and Creative Communication                                  Science Communication
public-facing institutions, from government to the public sector
and non-governmental organisations, as well as arts organisations                                                                                Media Studies
and the commercial sector, all of which need to be able to                                                                                       Approved complementary minors
communicate effectively, both internally and to a wider audience.
Victoria University of Wellington’s strong relationships with key
                                                                             KEY FEATURES                                                        Any language major or minor listed in the BA regulations             International Relations

players in the communications sector mean that the expertise you             ■ Three years of full-time study (360 points).                      Any of the subjects listed in the Bachelor of Science regulations,   Linguistics
acquire through the BC will be relevant and attractive to employers;                                                                             except the Science in Society minor
                                                                             ■ A focus on communication subjects with a view to
courses involving public sector and political communication draw               employment within related industries.                             Asian Studies                                                        Media Design
deeply on these connections. No other university in New Zealand
                                                                             ■ You will have to complete the requirements for one major          Creative Writing                                                     Political Science
can prepare you for such a variety of communications-related jobs.
                                                                               and one minor as well as the core communication courses.
                                                                                                                                                 Design for Social Innovation                                         Public Policy
The BC is interdisciplinary, ensuring a comprehensive base                   ■ You will develop specific expertise in communication by
of knowledge and a unique set of pathways. The degree is                                                                                         English Literature                                                   Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
                                                                               choosing your own major and minor combinations.
offered through several schools within the Wellington Faculty                                                                                    Film                                                                 Theatre
of Humanities and Social Sciences: the School of English, Film,
                                                                                                                                                 BC core courses
Theatre, Media Studies, and Art History; the School of Linguistics       
and Applied Language Studies; the School of Languages and                                                                                        Applied Communication Project                                        Communication, Information, and Digital Technologies
Cultures; Te Kawa a Māui / the School of Māori Studies; the School                                                                               Approaches to Communication Research                                 Introduction to Communication Studies
of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations;
                                                                                                                                                 Communication and Society                                            Organisational Communication

14 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                                Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 15
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                                                          The New Zealand School of Music—
                                                          Te Kōkī (NZSM) offers musical                                     KEY FEATURES
                                                          opportunities unparalleled in our country.                        ■ For the Music Studies and the Sonic Arts and Music
                                                          The Bachelor of Music (BMus) programme                              Technology majors, you do not need to have studied
                                                                                                                              music before.
                                                          provides comprehensive training in a range                        ■ Places in Classical Performance and Jazz Performance
                                                          of performance traditions and styles, and                           programmes are by audition. As a guideline, Classical
                                                          an inspirational composition and music                              Performance applicants should have reached the
                                                                                                                              equivalent of Grade 8 in Associated Board examinations
                                                          technology environment. There are broad                             by the time of the audition. Jazz students should show
                                                          options for the academic study of music,                            technical and musical competence in a jazz style with an
                                                          including popular and film music, and                               instrument (including voice).
                                                                                                                            ■ Audition applications for Classical Performance and Jazz
                                                          diverse musical practices from across the                           Performance are due mid-July, with opportunities for late
                                                          Asia–Pacific region and beyond.                                     applications advertised online.
                                                                                                                            ■ Minors in Music Technology and Popular Music Studies
                                                       For more information on studying at the NZSM, see page 60.             allow focused study in these exciting topic areas.

                                                       BACHELOR OF MUSIC MAJORS
                                                       ■ Classical Performance
                                                       ■ Instrumental/Vocal Composition (a specialisation in Film Scoring
                                                         is possible)
                                                       ■ Jazz Performance
                                                       ■ Music Studies (Ethnomusicology, Jazz Studies, Musicology, or
                                                         without specialisation)
                                                       ■ Sonic Arts and Music Technology
                                                       If you want a more broadly based degree, you could consider
                                                       the BA in Music (see page 64). If you enjoy being extended, it is
                                                       possible to take a conjoint degree, combining a BMus or a BA in
                                                       Music with another approved degree.

16 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                              Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 17
    Increasingly, postgraduate study is                                     Admission requirements
    becoming the key to gaining employment.                                 Admission requirements for the PGDipArts are the same as for
                                                                            the BA(Hons).
    Victoria University of Wellington is one
    of the country’s foremost research                                      OTHER DIPLOMAS AND
    institutions, with significant funding from                             CERTIFICATES
    internal and external research sources.                                 The Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers
                                                                            a variety of specialised graduate and postgraduate diplomas
As a postgraduate student at the University, you are able to tap            and certificates; for example, the Postgraduate Certificate and
into not only the expertise of our research institutes but also             Postgraduate Diploma in Museum and Heritage Practice and the
the Crown research institutes and the national, historical, and             Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language. A
cultural resources available in Wellington. The Faculty’s teaching          Graduate Diploma in Music, a Postgraduate Diploma in Music, and
and research programmes present excellent opportunities for                 an Artist Diploma are also offered in the NZSM. These are listed in
student research.                                                           the individual school sections that follow.

GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ARTS                                                    HONOURS DEGREES
The Graduate Diploma in Arts (GDipArts) is a one-year full-time, or up      The Faculty offers Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))
to four years part-time, programme of study. The diploma is an ideal        programmes in diverse subject areas. A Bachelor of Music with
opportunity to specialise at an advanced level in areas not included        Honours (BMus(Hons)) programme is also offered.
in your first degree or, if you have been away from study for a while, to
learn about further developments in your original discipline.               All Honours degrees taught in the Faculty build on your
                                                                            undergraduate study, and tend to require that you have completed
You must take at least 120 points from courses at 200 and                   a major in the subject first. The Honours degree consists of
300 level, which together must make up a coherent programme of              120 points of 400-level courses and most include a core research
study. At least 75 points must be at 300 level.                             component such as a research project.

POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ARTS                                                Admission requirements
The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PGDipArts) normally consists              Admission to a BA(Hons) programme normally requires a B average
of 120 points at 400 level. An alternative to the Bachelor of Arts          in your undergraduate degree, with the appropriate prerequisite
with Honours (BA(Hons)), it is intended primarily for students who          courses. Admission to a BMus(Hons) programme normally requires
are interested in doing advanced study in humanities and social             a B average in your BMus, with the appropriate prerequisites,
science subjects, but are not intending to complete a research              including audition or portfolio where necessary.
project (or alternative research component).

18 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
MASTER’S DEGREES                                                          Guidelines                                                                                                                                DOCTORAL STUDY
The Faculty offers a range of Master’s degrees, from the Master of        The Faculty produces an online document (Guidelines for Master’s                                                                          Supervision for research for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is offered
Arts (MA) to specialist Master’s degrees. These include degrees           Students) that contains information and advice relevant to all its                                                                        in almost all areas in the Faculty and is administered by the Faculty
by thesis only, by coursework only, or by a combination of                Master’s students. It is essential reading, particularly regarding the                                                                    and the Wellington Faculty of Graduate Research. The Doctor of
research and coursework.                                                  procedures and pitfalls associated with undertaking research and                                                                          Musical Arts (DMA) is also offered (see page 65).
                                                                          the writing of theses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The PhD thesis is a major piece of original research. Word length
Master of Arts                                                            Admission requirements                                                                                                                    varies according to the nature of each project, but it should not
The Master of Arts (MA) is a one-year full-time degree, offered across                                                                                                                                              exceed 100,000 words. The PhD Regulations prescribe that a PhD
                                                                          Admission to an MA programme normally requires a BA(Hons)
40 subject areas. Research is a key element in the MA, and most                                                                                                                                                     thesis must demonstrate “the candidate’s ability to carry out
                                                                          degree with First or Second Class Honours in the same discipline,
MA programmes are by thesis only. Some allow the combination of                                                                                                                                                     independent research and constitutes a significant and original
                                                                          or an Honours degree in another subject with at least one course
a less extensive thesis with some coursework, and others, such as                                                                                                                                                   contribution to knowledge or understanding” of a field of study.
                                                                          in the discipline. In disciplines that do not offer Honours courses,
the MA in Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, Second Language Learning                                                                                                                                                As well as intelligence and research aptitude, the degree requires
                                                                          a Bachelor’s degree or GDipArts plus a relevant diploma may be
and Teaching, or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,                                                                                                                                                   considerable dedication and tenacity.
                                                                          accepted or, with approval, an Honours degree in another subject.
provide the option of studying primarily by coursework.
                                                                          There are specific requirements for some MAs and for all
                                                                                                                                                   FEATURED PROGRAMME                                               Admission requirements
Specialist Master’s degrees                                               specialised Master’s programmes.                                         Master of Indigenous Studies                                     In order to gain admission as a PhD candidate, you will normally
The Faculty offers a number of specialist Master’s programmes as          All applications are considered individually, and recognition can be     Take your undergraduate degree in Māori or Pasifika Studies      need to have obtained a First Class or Second Class pass in an
listed below.                                                             given to appropriate academic and relevant work experience, as           to the next level, or get a qualification that underpins your    Honours or Master’s degree (or equivalent). You may also be
                                                                          well as other forms of prior learning.                                   career supporting Māori and indigenous communities here          admitted if you are currently enrolled in a Master’s degree by thesis
                                                                                                                                                   or overseas.                                                     or if you can demonstrate sufficient knowledge and ability.
                                                                          If you are unsure whether you meet the requirements to apply to
                                                                          enrol in a programme, contact the Faculty Student and Academic           The Master of Indigenous Studies positions Māori and             A PhD involves three to four years of independent and original
                                                                          Services Office to discuss your background and your options.             Pasifika cultures and histories in the global context of         research under the guidance of a supervisor. When you undertake a
                                                                                                                                                   colonial and post-colonial experiences, cultural rights, and     PhD, you will spend the first six to 12 months writing a full research
                                                                                                                                                                                                 proposal. During this time you will be ‘provisionally registered’ for
                                                                                                                                                                                             the degree. There are three application deadlines per year for the
                                                                                                                                                   You will learn to debate and negotiate indigenous issues         PhD—1 March, 1 July, and 1 November.
                                                                                                                                                   in a persuasive, sophisticated, culturally appropriate, and
Languages and Communication                                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                   respectful manner, and explore indigenous perspectives
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics                                    Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages         on sustainable development, resource management,
Master of Arts in Linguistics                                            Master of Communication                                                   governance, education economics, or science.
Master of Arts in Second Language Learning and Teaching                  Master of Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation             You can choose to complete your qualification with a
Creative Arts and Heritage                                                                                                                         dissertation, a research project on a topic of your choice, or
Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice): Film, Theatre, Music/           Master of Music Therapy                                                   an internship. You will gain skills and knowledge in demand
Sound, Design                                                                                                                                      in government, and non-governmental and diplomatic
Master of Museum and Heritage Practice                                                                                                             organisations both here and overseas. Or, you could take
Politics and International Relations                                                                                                               your experience into the education system, and support
                                                                                                                                                   tino rangatiratanga in New Zealand’s schools.
Master of Indigenous Studies                                             Master of Political Science
Master of International Relations                                        Master of Philosophy, Politics and Economics                              

Master of Migration Studies                                              Master of Strategic Studies

20 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                           Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 21
   Research is central to the work of the                              Postgraduate students are an integral part of the Faculty’s research
                                                                       community. Our capital city location and proximity to Parliament
                                                                                                                                              EXPLORING HUMANITY: CURRENT
   Wellington Faculty of Humanities and                                and central government agencies, the National Library, the             RESEARCH
   Social Sciences: our researchers are                                Alexander Turnbull Library, Archives New Zealand, the Museum of        ■ Associate Professor Nikki Hessell is examining the strategic use
                                                                       New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, and New Zealand Film Archives             of quotations from fashionable poets such as Wordsworth or
   internationally respected and many are                              provide endless opportunities for postgraduate research.                 Byron within indigenous–settler diplomacy, to shine a light on
   leaders in their fields. Research expertise in                      Through their research and creative practice, our staff explore
                                                                                                                                                the relationships between poetry, politics, and diplomacy in the
   our Faculty is diverse, spanning disciplines                        together the fundamental questions of humanity: the questions
                                                                                                                                                nineteenth century.

   that range from English literature,                                 that define who we are.                                                ■ As part of a five-year international collaboration, Professor of
                                                                                                                                                Criminology Simon Mackenzie is researching global markets in
   history, and philosophy to languages and                            Importantly, our research informs our teaching and, throughout           illegally obtained cultural objects, rare wildlife, and fossils, from
                                                                       our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, students can
   cultures, media studies, criminology,                               expect to be exposed to some of the latest research work produced
                                                                                                                                                the Americas, the South Pacific, and Africa.
   and international relations. We also have                           by our world-class scholars.
                                                                                                                                              ■ Noha Alghamdi’s PhD in Literary Translation Studies researches
                                                                                                                                                the impact and translatability of social media poetry.
   strengths in the creative arts in the fields of                                                                                            ■ Dr Corinne Seal and Dr Vini Olsen-Reeder’s Translanguaging
   music, film, theatre, and creative writing.                                                                                                  Project team is working with communities to create resources
                                                                                                                                                to help support children's multilingual and multicultural
Both nationally and internationally, the staff, programmes, schools,                                                                            development.
and units of the Faculty are recognised for their excellence in
                                                                                                                                              ■ Associate Professor of Musicology Inge van Rij’s research will
research. In the most recent results of the Performance-Based
                                                                                                                                                make visible the women who challenged nineteenth-century
Research Fund quality evaluation, all of the subject areas
                                                                                                                                                gender norms by playing in public orchestras.
represented in the Faculty were ranked either first or second in the
New Zealand university sector. In international quality rankings,                                                                             ■ PhD student Brian Tunui’s research explores the role that tikanga
the Faculty is among the top 100 such faculties in the world and                                                                                Māori plays in the investment decision-making processes of
several subject areas are also ranked in the top 100 band. Our                                                                                  contemporary Māori investment organisations.
researchers have an excellent track record of securing external                                                                               ■ Historian Dr Valerie Wallace is examining the hidden influence of
research funding, including success in the highly competitive and                                                                               Scots law on the settler societies of nineteenth-century Australia
prestigious Marsden Grant funding rounds.                                                                                                       and New Zealand.
Research undertaken within the Faculty is varied. It embraces the
scholarly and the creative, the pure and the applied. Alongside
individual research, many staff are involved in collaborative
research, including work in a number of research centres and
institutes within the Faculty and across the University, as well as
international collaborations.

22 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
EDUCATION AND EDUCATION                                                                                                                 EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                                                                        This interdisciplinary BA major is best suited to students who

                                                                                                                                        are interested in combining the strengths of both subjects.
                                                                                                                                        Graduates with an Education and Psychology major have gained
                                                                                                                                        employment in the following areas: advocacy, community services,

FOR THE BACHELOR OF ARTS                                                                                                                corrections, development, health promotion and rehabilitation,
                                                                                                                                        strategic planning, and youth work. Within these fields, they
                                                                                                                                        have been employed as wellbeing advisers, health promoters,
                                                                                                                                        support workers, policy analysts, trainers/facilitators, advocates,
                                                                                                                                        programme and intervention developers, research assistants,
   Education and Education and Psychology                         EDUCATION                                                             education officers, and information specialists.
   are majors within the BA, but are taught                       As our society’s central way of passing on knowledge, education       This major also provides you with the foundational knowledge
   by schools in the Wellington Faculty of                        has the power to shape every aspect of our future. The study of
                                                                  education will give you transferable knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                                                        needed to continue with postgraduate study in Educational
                                                                                                                                        Psychology (or Psychology, with approval) and become a registered
   Education and the Wellington Faculty of                        to make judgements about education and analyse educational            educational psychologist. Educational psychologists are concerned
   Science. The qualification is administered                     problems. Topics include education policy, educational psychology,    with improving the learning of individuals who are experiencing
                                                                  human development and behaviour, Māori education, Pacific             social, emotional, or learning difficulties that cause problems
   by the Wellington Faculty of Humanities                        education, sociology of education, youth studies, and much more.      within a range of community and educational settings such as
   and Social Sciences.                                           You can add courses in disciplines such as Cultural Anthropology,     schools, classrooms, and early childhood education centres.
                                                                  Development Studies, History, Māori Studies, Pacific Studies,
                                                                                                                                        A BA major in Education and Psychology starts with first-year
Go to the Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,   Samoan Studies, or Sociology for a well-rounded degree.
                                                                                                                                        courses offering an introduction to human development and
Level 4, Murphy Building, Kelburn Campus for degree advice.
                                                                  There are many careers open to graduates with a BA in Education,      learning as well as courses in psychology. As you move into the
 04 463 5745                                                     in areas including child advocacy, family support, migrant and        second and third years, you will gain a deeper understanding of
                                        refugee services, community strategic planning, policy analysis,      education and learning and of developmental, behavioural, and
                                                                  corrections and rehabilitation services, and youth work. The BA in    cognitive psychology.
                                                                  Education also provides an excellent pathway into programmes
                                                                                                                                        If you plan to continue to the Postgraduate Diploma in Educational
                                                                  that provide teacher education training in the early childhood,
                                                                                                                                        Psychology Practice, you are required to have at least 45 points
                                                                  primary, and secondary sectors. Consideration needs to be given to
                                                                                                                                        at the 200 or 300 level in Psychology. If you are considering
                                                                  the courses completed within the BA to ensure that you meet the
                                                                                                                                        postgraduate study in Psychology, you should complete a
                                                                  entry criteria for these programmes; for example, the secondary
                                                                                                                                        Psychology major.
                                                                  teacher education programmes require specific study at 200 and
                                                                  300 level in two teaching subjects. You can contact your student      You can’t enrol in a double major in Education and Psychology
                                                                  adviser in the Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences   (EDPS) and Psychology (PSYC) or in Education and Psychology
                                                                  to discuss subject requirements.                                      (EDPS) and Education (EDUC).

24 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
                                                       Student, Bachelor of Arts in Education

                                                       From a young age, I knew I wanted to play a role in education. As       Victoria University of Wellington was a good fit, offering the best
                                                       I am interested in supporting young people with their learning,         range of courses for the subjects that interested me. I also love the
                                                       I have sought out opportunities to engage with children through         city of Wellington—its beauty and the culture. I've lived here all my
                                                       school liaison roles, nannying, and being an au-pair. These             life and wanted to study here too.
                                                       opportunities, in addition to some very supportive and inspiring
                                                                                                                               In the future, I plan to complete Master’s study in primary teaching
                                                       secondary school teachers, have developed my interest in teaching
                                                                                                                               and then go on to teach in schools both in New Zealand and
                                                       as a profession.
                                                                                                                               overseas. I’d love to travel the world as a teacher!
                                                       I am particularly interested in the topics of youth and life
                                                       challenges, and chose to study Education to gain insight into how
                                                       to support students both in and outside the classroom. I believe
                                                       that the things I have learnt over the course of my BA are invaluable
                                                       and will provide me with a well-rounded knowledge base with
                                                       which to enter the education sector.

26 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                     Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 27
SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, FILM, THEATRE,                                                                                              The School of English, Film, Theatre,
                                                                                                                               Media Studies, and Art History is made up
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ENGLISH LITERATURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Victoria University of Wellington offers one of New Zealand’s widest

MEDIA STUDIES, AND ART HISTORY                                                                                                 of five distinct programmes, all of which
                                                                                                                               consider the arts of expression in the full
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ranges of courses in English Literature, from the Middle Ages to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the present day, and literature in English from New Zealand, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pacific, and America. Our courses take an equally broad range of
TE KURA TĀNGA KŌRERO INGARAHI, KIRIATA, WHAKAARI, PĀPĀHO,                                                                      range of media (textual, visual, theatrical,                         approaches to the study of these texts, using both traditional and
TĀHUHU KŌRERO TOI                                                                                                              cinematic, televised, and digital).                                  contemporary critical methods and placing them in a variety of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    literary, historical, and cultural contexts.

 04 463 6393
                                                            BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJORS                                         The courses offered will increase your knowledge of the forms
                                                                                                                            at stake: their generic characteristics, their history, and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Studying English Literature gives you access to one of the world’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                    richest cultural traditions. At the heart of all our courses are the
                                     ■ English Literature                                            contemporary functions. Your lecturers will enable you to express       skills of advanced reading and writing: we aim to help you to read
                                                            ■ Film                                                          yourself with clarity and force and equip you with the tools of         with greater attention, appreciation, and enjoyment, to express
English                                                                                                                                                                                             your responses and thinking with more precision, and to discover
                                                            ■ Media Studies                                                 analysis and interpretation that you will be able to apply in any
Reception, Level 9, von Zedlitz Building, Kelburn Parade,                                                                                                                                           the excitement and challenges of independent literary research.
                                                                                                                            cultural context. All our programmes, particularly Theatre and
Kelburn Campus                                              ■ Theatre
                                                                                                                            Film, have a practical dimension. The programmes offer you              Our graduates demonstrate skills in research, analysis, writing,
 04 463 6800                                               ■ Art History                                                   unique opportunities for integration in your study and research         and oral presentation that are sought in both public and private
                                                                                                         with practitioners, industries, and Wellington’s lively creative arts   sectors. They also display intellectual curiosity, maturity, and
Film                                                        BACHELOR OF ARTS MINOR                                          scene.                                                                  initiative that gives them an edge over other candidates.
Reception, Room 202, 83 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn Campus     ■ Popular Music Studies                                                                                                                 Our English programme maintains close associations with
 04 463 5750                                                                                                                                                                                       many other groups, from those within the Faculty such as the
                                                            BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION                                                                                                               International Institute of Modern Letters to external organisations
                                                                                                                                                                                                    such as the Alexander Turnbull Library and Archives New Zealand.
Reception, Room 202, 83 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn Campus     MAJORS
 04 463 5359                                               ■ Literary and Creative Communication
                                                            ■ Media Sudies
Media Studies
Reception, Room 202, 83 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn Campus     GRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE
 04 463 7466
                                                            ■ Graduate Diploma in Arts
Art History
Reception, Level 9, von Zedlitz Building, Kelburn Parade,   ■ Postgraduate Diploma in Arts
Kelburn Campus                                              ■ Bachelor of Arts with Honours
 04 463 5800                                               ■ Master of Arts
                                     ■ Master of Communication
                                                            ■ Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice)
                                                            ■ Doctor of Philosophy

                                                            ASSOCIATED LINK
                                                            ■ The International Institute of Modern Letters (see page 38)
28 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington          
CLAIRE                                                                                                                                        FILM
                                                                                                                                                Film is the critical and creative study of how cinema entertains us while

                                                                                                                                                shaping our views of the world. Our courses focus on New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                                Hollywood, and world cinema, as well as film analysis, film genres,
                                                                                                                                                film history, new cinema technologies, and documentary. You can also
                                                                                                                                                learn about the craft of filmmaking in our film production courses.
                                                                                                                                                Studying Film will develop your critical, creative, and communication
Graduate, Bachelor of Arts with Honours                                                                                                         skills and help prepare you for work in the creative industries, media,
in English Literature and Art History                                                                                                           and education. You will benefit from our staff’s engagement with
                                                                                                                                                emerging technologies such as virtual reality and expertise in new
                                                                                                                                                research areas such as film tourism. Wellington is also the best            workshops, analysis, peer review, and drafting and revision, and
                                                                                                                                                place to study film in Aotearoa New Zealand as it is the home of the        you will be mentored by published writers of all genres—including
                                                                                                                                                film industry and key institutions such as the Film Commission and          recognised essayists, poets, and biographers. Our graduates
                                                                                                                                                Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision Archive. Local filmmakers are regular           demonstrate advanced skills in writing in all major genres and for
                                                                                                                                                contributors to large critical courses and small production workshops,      a full range of print and digital media platforms. These advanced
                                                                                                                                                including our Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice), which is taught in   writing skills are underpinned with capabilities in critical thinking,
                                                                                                                                                part at the University’s Miramar Creative Centre—a purpose-designed         analysis, and oral presentation that are keenly sought in both
                                                                                                                                                facility in the heart of Wellington’s film sector. Go to    public and private sectors.
                                                                                                                                                miramar-creative-centre for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MEDIA STUDIES
                                                                                                                                                LITERARY AND CREATIVE                                                       Media Studies allows you to engage with one of the primary means
                                                                                                                                                COMMUNICATION                                                               by which we know ourselves and our society. We study a variety of
                                                                                                                                                Literary and Creative Communication allows you to discover                  media—from print media to television, the internet, and popular
                                                                                                                                                the connections between communications as a profession, and                 music—as well as media audiences, media history, media policy
                                                                                                                                                literature and the creative arts—including creative writing,                and industries, and media technologies. We make connections with
                                                                                                                                                journalism, persuasive and polemical writing, speechwriting,                theories that clarify our experience of a highly mediated world.
I cherish my time spent at Victoria University of Wellington; in     I now own an arts production company with my partner, Andrew               propaganda, and public and political writing. Communication as              Our selection of courses is broad, covering subjects such as
particular, my study within the English Literature and Art History   Laking. Over the past five years, we have started two festivals            an area of study and thought in English has a history reaching as far       advertising, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, news culture,
programmes. The University always felt welcoming, stimulating,       (Verb Festival, which features LitCrawl; and Lõemis, which is a solstice   back as the rhetoric of the classical period, and as far forward as         popular music, social and interactive media, and television drama.
and supportive.                                                      celebration) and established ourselves as arts producers in Pōneke.        the rival rhetorics of big business and the green movement, and the         Media Studies is distinctive in drawing from both the humanities
                                                                                                                                                new literary forms being born out of the digital age. Our courses           and social sciences, with our graduates enjoying careers in media
Wellington was the perfect place to link what I was studying         I continue to have a relationship with the University through              draw deeply on these rich traditions of literary, creative, and public      production and analysis, public service and non-governmental
with where I was living. While I was completing my Honours           my job as a literary curator. Many of the writers I work with are          writing to teach the skills of clear, persuasive, and imaginative           organisations, teaching, and research.
degree, I worked at City Gallery and spent a lot of time in the      teaching staff and I love feeling connected to the vibrant network         written communication.
many bookshops.                                                      of thinkers.                                                                                                                                           Our programme is one of the top Media Studies programmes in
                                                                                                                                                Even in a modern world dominated by visual and digital media,               New Zealand for research and maintains clear links between our
My combined Honours degree directly resulted in a job in             I have lived in many places, but Wellington was always the place           written communication remains the most essential and powerful               research and teaching. We offer an overseas exchange partnership
international publishing. I’ve worked in legal publishing in         I wanted to come back to. It is inspiring: the energetic weather, the      tool in all social and professional contexts. In Literary and               with Erasmus University Rotterdam and have strong industry ties.
Wellington, academic publishing in Europe and the United             beauty of the harbour, the keen curiosity of the people. My partner        Creative Communication, you will study written texts in literature,         Many of our students also gain practical experience as writers for
Kingdom, travelled the world, and held many roles in the arts        and I love living here and are committed to continuing to make             journalism, and publishing, while developing your writing skills            Salient, the University’s student magazine, or by taking up an FHSS
festival industry.                                                   accessible arts events with heart.                                         for print and digital media. Our classes engage you in writing              Internship in related fields.
30 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                                   Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 31
Theatre at Victoria University of Wellington means learning by                                                                                SCHOOL OF HISTORY,
                                                                                                                                              PHILOSOPHY, POLITICAL
doing. From writing scripts to directing performance, designing
visuals and music, and mastering vocal and physical skills, Theatre

                                                                                                                                              SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL
students learn how to generate new ideas, perform under pressure,
and act purposefully in, and on, the world around us.

As the creative capital, Wellington is home to the country’s most
vibrant theatre community and our Theatre programme is at the
centre of it. The programme has close ties to the New Zealand
Fringe Festival, BATS Theatre, Circa Theatre, the Young and Hungry
Festival, and Playmarket. Our staff work professionally as directors,
designers, and playwrights, and our programme is ranked first for
                                                                                                                                              TE KURA ARO WHAKAMURI, RAPUNGA WHAKAARO, MATAI
research among Theatre programmes in New Zealand.                                                                                             TŌRANGAPŪ ME TE AO
A BA in Theatre offers students opportunities to study and
practise performance skills, theatre history, directing, design
and scenography, dramaturgy, theatre of Aotearoa New Zealand,
Shakespeare, Asian theatre, and scriptwriting. Our graduates are        ART HISTORY                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BACHELOR OF ARTS MAJORS
well represented in Wellington’s creative industries and at world       We live in a world of images. Art history offers a way of engaging                                                               ■ History
renowned overseas institutions.                                         with that world, through the study of art and visual experience. It   History
                                                                                                                                              Reception, Room OK405, Old Kirk Building, Kelburn Campus   ■ International Relations
                                                                        teaches us to describe, explain, and understand our world better.
                                                                                                                                               04 463 5344                                              ■ Philosophy
                                                                        The Art History programme provides historical, social, cultural,
                                                                                                                                                                                         ■ Political Science
   FEATURED COURSES                                                     political, and aesthetic frameworks for understanding visual art
                                                                        and culture. The programme specialises in New Zealand and Pacific
   THEA 113 Playing for Real                                            art, European art, and the art of the twentieth and twenty-first      Reception, Room MY518, Murphy Building, Kelburn Campus     ADDITIONAL POSTGRADUATE
   (Acting and Performance Skills)                                      centuries.                                                             04 463 5368
                                                                                                                                                                                                         SUBJECT AREAS
   It’s time to act up and play as you learn. Get among                 Our teaching staff are recognised experts in their field and play
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ■ Logic
   New Zealand’s most vibrant theatre community and explore             active roles in the wider cultural sphere as curators, writers,       Political Science and International Relations
   the joys of live performance. This highly practical course is        and critical commentators. These strong links with the cultural,      Reception, Room MY518, Murphy Building, Kelburn Campus     ■ Migration Studies
   ideal for students who want to improve their public speaking         museum, and heritage sector in Wellington and beyond provide you       04 463 5351                                              ■ Philosophy, Politics and Economics
   and performance skills and develop in the craft of acting.           with hands-on experience—you will gain theoretical and practical                                                 ■ Strategic Studies
   What are the differences between presenting yourself in front        knowledge that will help shape your career.
                                                                                                                                              Centre for Strategic Studies
   of an audience versus inhabiting a character? Using a range of
                                                                        The Art History programme lets you experience the power of art        Room 204, 16 Kelburn Parade, Kelburn Campus
   acting methods, we will work on vocal technique, text analysis
                                                                        and realise its importance as a way for humans to give meaning         04 463 5434
   and delivery, stage presence, impulse and improvisation, and
                                                                        to their world. Our graduates work for universities, museums,         
   working with props, costumes, and staging configurations. The
                                                                        galleries, auction houses, and publishers, taking with them a
   course will help you build your confidence and the skills you
                                                                        greater appreciation for the way that images work as well as
   need to strut your stuff on stage and produce presentations and
                                                                        enhanced skills in looking, researching, and critical thinking.
   performances with a powerful punch.

32 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                 Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 33
GRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE                                          The disciplines within the School of                                   HISTORY
QUALIFICATIONS                                                     History, Philosophy, Political Science                                 History offers excellent intellectual training and employment          CENTRE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES
■ Graduate Diploma in Arts                                         and International Relations represent                                  prospects while allowing you to explore absorbing subject matter.      TE POKAPŪ TAKE RAUTAKI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Through research, teaching, and public engagement, the
■ Postgraduate Certificate in Migration Studies                    important fields of study, each with their                             Studying History develops skills that are increasingly valuable in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Centre for Strategic Studies seeks to contribute to an informed
                                                                                                                                          the diverse twenty-first century job market. In-depth analysis of
■ Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                                     own set of concepts and perspectives.                                  particular historical periods and events not only builds knowledge     debate about global security issues, strategic change in the
■ Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations                  They help students examine the world                                   applicable to particular jobs but also teaches generic skills          Asia–Pacific region, and New Zealand’s choices in a changing
                                                                                                                                          applicable to a rapidly changing job market—analysing complex          environment. Members of the Centre’s staff regularly feature in
■ Postgraduate Diploma in Political Science                        and its workings, past and present.                                    information, solving problems, and communicating effectively.          the New Zealand and international media, offering commentary
■ Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Studies                                                                                                                                                                      on foreign and defence issues. The Centre coordinates the
                                                                The information revolution requires problem-solvers who can               Graduates find employment in policy analysis, journalism,
■ Bachelor of Arts with Honours                                                                                                           marketing, teaching, and advocacy, as well as in historical research   New Zealand branch of the Council for Security Cooperation
                                                                identify problems, evaluate them, and suggest solutions. Our
■ Master of Arts                                                                                                                          and academia.                                                          in the Asia–Pacific, delivers a Master of Strategic Studies, and
                                                                graduates develop skills in critical and creative thinking, leadership,
■ Master of Communication                                                                                                                                                                                        fosters close connections with policymakers, government
                                                                communication, research, writing, and strategic planning, which are       The History programme has broad geographical coverage, offering        officials, and scholars. Since 2018, Centre staff have also taught
■ Master of International Relations                             essential to employability now and in the future.                         courses in New Zealand, Australian, and Pacific histories; histories   the Master of Strategic Studies at the New Zealand Defence
■ Master of Migration Studies                                   The University’s location in Wellington is particularly useful for        of Europe and the United States; and British and Indian histories.     Force Command and Staff College in Trentham. A highlight of
                                                                study, as it is the political and cultural centre of New Zealand.         We have thematic strengths in colonialism, gender, nationalism,        the Centre’s year is hosting the annual Sir Howard Kippenberger
■ Master of Philosophy, Politics and Economics
                                                                Wellington has the best research archives and resources in the            modernity, race, war, labour, and intellectual history. All our        Visiting Chair, a position that has been held by some of the
■ Master of Political Science                                                                                                             lecturers are actively engaged in research, publishing widely in
                                                                country for New Zealand history, as well as good early–modern                                                                                    world’s leading scholars.
■ Master of Strategic Studies                                                                                                             New Zealand and overseas.
                                                                material. The close proximity of our public records archives and
■ Doctor of Philosophy                                                                                                                                                                                           
                                                                national collections—Archives New Zealand, the Alexander
                                                                Turnbull Library, National Library, and the Parliamentary Library—
ASSOCIATED LINKS                                                is unique in Australasia.                                                                                                                        NEW ZEALAND INDIA
                                                                Also on the doorstep are Heritage New Zealand, the Museum
                                                                                                                                              FEATURED COURSE                                                    RESEARCH INSTITUTE
■ Centre for Strategic Studies (see next page 35)
                                                                of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand Film Archive,                   HIST 112 Island and Peoples: Aotearoa                              The New Zealand India Research Institute is a consortium
                                                                Parliament, and central government departments, the Waitangi                  New Zealand in World History                                       of scholars actively engaged in research on India in seven
■ New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre                Tribunal, and the Wellington Museum. The School has particularly                                                                                 New Zealand universities. The goals of the Institute include
                                 strong links to the Ministries of Culture and Heritage, Defence, and          New Zealand’s peoples occupy one of the most remote parts          promoting and facilitating research on India and
                                                                Foreign Affairs and Trade.                                                    of the world. As an island people, their history has been          New Zealand–India relations, promoting postgraduate
■ New Zealand India Research Institute (see next page 35)                                                                                     one of constant connection and innovation. Surveying the           studies on India in New Zealand universities, and promoting
                                 Staff links and affiliations with these and other major research              dynamic movements that made Aotearoa New Zealand a                 academic exchanges. Research activities focus on economics
                                                                collections provide exciting opportunities for undergraduate and              destination for peoples from Polynesia, and later, Britain
■ Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies (see page 71)                                                                                                                                                    and business, environment and sustainability, migration and
                                                                postgraduate students alike. They can also be places to find part             and other parts of the globe, students will explore what
                                                                                                                                                                                    diaspora, politics and security, and society and culture. The
                                                                time and casual work and, later, stimulating careers.                         cultures, conflicts, and identities were formed in the islands     Institute takes a leadership role in the activities of the India
                                                                                                                                              of Aotearoa. Covering the period from the beginnings of            New Zealand Education Council, jointly chaired by the
                                                                                                                                              human habitation to the present, the course brings the latest      New Zealand Minister for Tertiary Education and the Indian
                                                                                                                                              discoveries to the lecture room and encourages students’           Minister of Human Resource Development.
                                                                                                                                              own research endeavours.

34 Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington                                                                                                                                                                     Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 35
You can also read