Principal's Message - Aacps

Page created by Willie Chavez
Principal's Message - Aacps
Principal’s Message

Happy February Crofton Families,

We are halfway through the 2019-2020 school year. Our students are learning,
progressing and demonstrating kind and respectful behavior with the support of our
great staff and families. Thank you for your collaboration.
 Please be mindful of the cold weather and remember the doors do not open until        Mrs. Dessolene Davis,
9:05. Also, we encourage our teachers to take students outside for recess as long as   Principal
the temperature is 32 degrees and above so encourage your child to wear proper         Mrs. Stephanie Layden,
clothing.                                                                              Assistant Principal
Congratulations are in order as Crofton Elementary is considered a 5 Star ESSA
school! This is due to the academic progress and hard work that all teachers and       410-222-5800/Fax 410-
families do to support learning. Learning begins at 9:25; please have your child at    222-5802
school on time so they do not miss any part of the academic gains we can provide.
As always administration welcomes your questions, concerns and especially kudos! We
look forward to a successful second half of the 2019-2020 school year.

Dessolene Davis, Principal
Stephanie Layden, Assistant Principal
Principal's Message - Aacps
Contact Information
                                                                        Office Number
                       School Counselors
                        Mrs. Heather
                                              Ms. Charm Herring           Office Fax
                 Principal’s Secretary
                      Mary Kate Miller      Mrs. Frankie Abellano
                                           Attendance & Enrollment      Office Address
@CroftonESAACPS                                                      1405 Duke of Kent Dr.
                                             Mrs. Angela Rainey        Crofton, MD 21114
                       Mrs. Dawn Felski
Crofton Elementary      School Nurse             Secretary

   PTA Facebook          Mrs. Michelle
                         Health Room
Principal's Message - Aacps
February Important Dates:
                                                                          March Important Dates:

                                                            March 2nd – Science Fair, 5th Grade, Spring Pictures & 5
February   3rd
             – Girls On the Run Starts
                                                                        5th grade Panoramic pictures, Read Across
               Krispy Kreme 5th Grade Fundraiser
                                                                        America Day
February 4th – Ledo’s Night
                                                            March 3rd - Hero Boys registration opens
February 5th – 2nd Grade field trip
                                                                        Nando’s Night
February 6th – 3rd Grade field trip
                                                            March 4th - Science Fair Awards Night at @ 6pm in
February 12th – Early Dismissal
                                                                        Medica Center
February 14th – Md Blackbears Hockey Game @
                                                            March 10th – School Closed & Teacher/ Parent
                7pm at Piney Orchard Ice Area
February 17th – All School Closed
                                                            March 11-13th - 5th Grade has Drown Proofing
February 19th and 20th – Performance Testing
                                                            March 16th – 20th – MISA 5th grade testing
                         for 2nd and 5th grade
                                                            March 18th & 20th - 2nd Grade Field Trip
February 21st – Kindergarten Field Trip
                                                            March 19th - Vision and Hearing makeup day
February 25th – Family Night at Crofton Middle School for
                                                            March 24th – Early Dismissal
                incoming 6 graders
                                                            March 25th – April 3rd – Fun Run Fundraiser
                                                            March 31st – Chic-Fil-A Night
Principal's Message - Aacps
January Cubbies of the Week

                                                     Maddie H., AJ W., Bridgie B.,
                                                     Isabella G., Neyomi M., Grace P.,
                                                     Leah S., Melanie G., Ethan K.,
            National Geo Bee Winner                  Maddox R., Nasir C., Ariel G.,
Congratulations to all our National Geographic       Daphne K., Cayenne L., Matthew N.,
Bee students! Our Bee was held Thursday              Kai J., Phoebe E., Maddie P.,
night. We are very proud of all the students         Sydney Q., Zachary M., Skyler B.,
from fourth and fifth grade who participated.
                                                     Avery T., Farah A., Adyson P,
Congratulations to our winners:                      Charles O, Charles W, Cali P,
Matthew M. 1st place                                 Nicholas B, Kaylee M, Lily V, Caden
Ronald M. 2nd place                                  C, Anastasia T., Danielle N., Julia
                                                     B., Jacob R., Isabella V., Emil Y.,
David A. 3rd place
                                                     Caldine A., Maddie M., Colton G.
Principal's Message - Aacps
Crofton Elementary REDO Policy

• Students have 3 opportunities to redo per marking period per
  subject area (grades of 69% or below qualify)
• Students will only have 1 opportunity to redo an assignment (one      Did you know that February is
  chance)                                                               American Heart Month? Take the
• Noted on interim and report card how many redo assignments            time to improve cardiovascular
  were completed                                                        health by going on family walks or
• Higher grade must be recorded. Grade will not be averaged.            even playing a family game of tag!
• Redo assignments will be done at school.                              The American Heart Association's
• Students must request a redo and complete it within 10 days of the    website,,
                                                                        can provide you and your family
  initial grade given, unless it’s within one week of end of quarter.
                                                                        with great ideas as to exercises and
• Can redo: Assignments, assessments, and individual parts of a         recipes that are great for heart
  project                                                               health!
• Cannot redo: Homework, cumulative grade of multi-part
  assignment, items due the last week of the marking period,            Happy Wellness!
  county quarterly assessments
Principal's Message - Aacps
Health Room Tips

  FLU PREVENTION                            WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ILL
• Get the flu shoot                    While prevention is the key, there may be times
                                       when your child does become ill with the flu. In
• Wash your hands often               order to protect the health of other students and
                                       school staff, children who are sick should not
• Cover your month when you             attend school. Students who are sick should
  sneeze                             remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours
                                        without the use of fever reducing medicines.
• Sneeze into a tissue or your       Keeping your child home allows your child to rest
  elbow                                and recover. If your child’s symptoms become
                                    severe, you should contact your child’s health care
• Don’t go to work or school sick                          provider.
Principal's Message - Aacps
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