Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations

Page created by Tim Nichols
Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations
Professional Technician
                          Development Committee
                          Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021


 TMC’s National Technician Skills Competition was a great success in 2019,
thanks to our ‘Friend of the Technician’ and ‘TMCSuperTech 2019’ Sponsors.

While we could not hold our 2020 event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re
      very excited to be moving forward with our competition for 2021,
              but we need support from companies like yours!
Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations
Here’s Two Ways Your Company
         Can Support Our Industry’s
       Commercial Vehicle Technicians!

              Become a PTDC
              “Friend of the Technician”
TMC’s Friend of the Technician program helps fund
PTDC’s ongoing efforts toward improving the image of            More than 130 technicians from all over the U.S.
truck technicians and attracting new technicians to                   competed in TMCSuperTech 2019—
our industry. PTDC does this by collectively sponsoring                the trucking industry’s most recent
scholarship programs, advertising campaigns aimed                    National Technician Skills Competition.
at students and student guidance counselors, general               As we emerge from the global pandemic,
outreach efforts and other high-visibility programs.        join our PTDC team and help us make 2021 even better!

 There are three levels of sponsorship available in 2021:

 Platinum		          $20,000 per year

 Gold		              $10,000 per year

 Silver		            $5,000 per year

               Sponsor TMCSuperTech                                                         Kelby Bentley of
               National Technician Skills Competition                                       FedEx Freight,
In 2021, TMC will hold its 16th annual PTDC National                                        (left) was the grand
Technician Skills Competition in conjunction with TMC’s                                     champion at the 15th
2021 Fall Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibi-                                       annual TMC National
tion, Sept. 12-16 in Cleveland, Ohio. Corporate sponsors                                    Technician Skills
may support the event by underwriting costs for specific                                    Competition held
items or events, such as award trophies, prizes, coffee                                     September 15-17,
breaks, breakfasts, luncheons, etc. Sponsors will receive                                   2019 in Raleigh, N.C.
recognition at the specific event sponsored through                                         This was his first
display of their corporate logo in appropriate signage,                                     grand championship.
and/or printed materials.
Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations
                                                                    September 12-16, 2021 • Cleveland, Ohio
                                                                           Huntington Convention Center

                                                           SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT & CONTRACT
                                                         SPONSORSHIP ORDER(S):
Yes! My company would like to become a TMC “Friend of the Technician” Sponsor for 2021:

          ❑ Platinum - $20,000 			                            ❑ Gold - $10,000 		                                  ❑ Silver- $5,000

Yes! My company would like to become a “TMCSuperTech 2021 Competition” Sponsor. We would like to sponsor the following:

Skills Competition Stations - $1,000 each. Sponsors receive recognition on skills station signage. Please check the station(s) you
would like to sponsor. (Stations subject to change; new stations may be added.)
❑ Wheel End                     ❑ Transmissions                                ❑ Engines and Aftertreatment

❑ Lighting                      ❑ Fuels and Lubricants                         ❑ Coolants and DEF

❑ Fasteners                     ❑ Belts and Hoses 		                           ❑ Service Information

❑ Brakes                        ❑ Written Test                                  ❑ Suspension

❑  Sponsor/donor of prizes for Skills Challenge Finalists: NOTE: Prize sponsors/donors must be a Friend of the Technician Level Sponsor.

                                                  DEPOSIT/PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS:
                                             Full payment is required on all sponsorship commitments.

Enclosed is the sponsorship payment $ ______________________________

Payment Methods: Check: # _________________________                  Credit Card :   ❑ Amex                 ❑ MasterCard             ❑ Visa

Credit Card Account # _______________________________________________________ Expires: __________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

           Please make payment payable to Technology & Maintenance Council/ATA. Please return payment to TMC/ATA, Attn: TMCSuperTech 2021,
               PO Box 101360, Arlington, VA 22210-4360. You can also fax this agreement to TMC at (703) 838-1774. If you have any questions,
                  please call Dan Duggan, CEM, Director of Sponsorships & Exhibits, ATA at (703) 838-1756 or e-mail
    The individual signing this contract is an authorized representative of the company with the full power and authority to sign and deliver a
    contract, which includes authorizing payment and commitment to TMC for sponsorship support.
    Company: ________________________________________                  Contact Person: __________________________________________
    Address: __________________________________________ City:___________________ State:________ Zip: _______________
    Telephone: ________________________________________                 Email:__________________________________________________
    Signature: ________________________________________                Fax: _____________________________ Date: _________________
    TMC Contact: ______________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________________
    Signature: ________________________________________                Date: _________________________________________________
                                      TMC SuperTech 2021—National Technician Skills Competition
                                     September 12-16, 2021 • Cleveland, Ohio • Huntington Convention Center
Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations
                                                                          September 12-16, 2021 • Cleveland, Ohio
                                                                                 Huntington Convention Center

                                                            SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT & CONTRACT

TMC’s Friend of the Technician sponsors help fund PTDC’s ongoing
efforts toward improving the image of truck technicians and attracting new
technicians to our industry. PTDC does this by sponsoring scholarship
programs, advertising campaigns aimed at students and student guidance
counselors, general outreach efforts and other high-visibility programs.

  There are THREE levels of “Friend of the Technician”
             sponsorship available in 2021.

Sponsor receives Platinum level recognition in official PTDC printed sponsor
banner, and during the TMCSuperTech awards presentation ceremony.
Sponsor’s logo will appear in all official competition apparel (shirts). Sponsor
receives two full page acknowledgements in TMC’s Fleet Maintenance &
Technology Magazine; acknowledgement in TMC’s Annual Exhibit Directory
& Industry Reference Guide; Prominent display of corporate logo on TMC
website; Appropriate corporate handouts to attendees permitted.

                 Sponsorship renewal opportunity in 2022.

 GOLD 		                        $10,000 PER YEAR
Sponsor receives Gold level recognition in in official PTDC printed sponsor
banner, and during the TMCSuperTech awards presentation ceremony.
Sponsor’s logo will appear in official competition apparel (shirts). Sponsor
receives two full page acknowledgements in TMC’s Fleet Maintenance &
Technology Magazine; acknowledgement in TMC’s Annual Exhibit Directory
& Industry Reference Guide; Prominent display of corporate logo on TMC
website; Appropriate corporate handouts to attendees permitted.

                 Sponsorship renewal opportunity in 2022.

 SILVER 		                      $5,000 PER YEAR
Sponsor receives Silver level recognition in official PTDC printed sponsor
banner. Sponsor’s logo will appear in official competition apparel (shirts).
Display of corporate logo on TMC website;
                                                                                                            If you have any questions,
                                                                                   please call Dan Duggan, CEM, Director of Sponsorships & Exhibits, ATA at (703)
                 Sponsorship renewal opportunity in 2022.                                            838-1756 or e-mail

                                                                                                              Technology & Maintenance Council
                                                                                                                    American Trucking Associations, Inc.
                                                                                                             950 N. Glebe Road, Suite 210 • Arlington, VA 22203
Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations Professional Technician Development Committee Sponsorship Opportunities for 2021 - American Trucking Associations
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