Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association

Page created by Tracy Vaughn
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Revolve - Scotland’s national
  re-use quality standard

    Samantha Moir - Revolve manager
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
We help consumers
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Our goal is to increase the purchase of second hand over
new. We do that by supporting second hand stores to
appeal to a wider audience and sell more

Second hand should be a first choice.
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                 March 2018

       74% of people believe second hand
            shops are for everyone
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                    March 2018

70% of people that do shop second hand choose to do
             so in a second hand store.

What would encourage those that don’t tend to shop
      in second hand stores to do more of it?
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                    March 2018

70% of people that do shop second hand choose to do
             so in a second hand store.

What would encourage those that don’t tend to shop
      in second hand stores to do more of it?
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                March 2018
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                March 2018
Revolve - Scotland's national re-use quality standard - Samantha Moir - Revolve manager - The Charity Retail Association
Consumer attitudes to shopping second hand
                        March 2018


• Getting good bargains // value and quality

• Uniqueness //great experience

• Supporting a good cause // getting more for your money
What customers are looking for from a second hand

  HIGH QUALITY,             EXCELLENT SHOPPING EXPERIENCE                              TRUST

Products   Good    Large    Kerbside   Easy   Excellent   Exceed        Professional   Comm-     Additional
are safe   value   Choice   Appeal     to     Service     Expectation                            benefits
                                       shop                                            Values
Revolve quality standards
What’s in it for you?
          A recognisable quality mark

         Improved customer experience

         Increased customer confidence

          …resulting in increased sales,
         raised profile and sustainability
What’s in it for you?

        • The programme supports you to
          provide high quality goods, a
          great shopping experience
          and professionalism to grow
          your customer base and increase
          the sale of second hand goods.
What’s in it for you?
       • Revolve provides:
          • Dedicated quality & support
            officer time and expertise
          • Full support to meet the
            standards including information
            on legal compliance and best
            practice, templates and tools.
          • Mystery shopping services and
          • Visual merchandising &
            customer service group training
          • On-site 121 retail
What’s in it for you?
      Once certified:

         • Access to the Revolve brand and
           national marketing materials
         • Promoted as part of our national
         • Maintenance support to ensure
           standards continue to be met
         • Continued access to support and
         • Monthly e-news / Quarterly retail
Revolve Certification - Impact

                      Fyne Future - “In the first three months of
                      their new store being open, ReStyle have
                      reported a 30% increase in trading.”

High st charity shop manager - “I’ve been to loads
of these VM sessions over the years and I was
dreading a full day out of my shop to be honest –
but it’s the best thing I’ve been to in years, gave
me my mojo back – I really look forward to coming
into work nowadays”

The manager has since reported that sales have
increased by 28%, which she directly credits to the REVOLVE
VM session that she attended
Revolve Certification – Benefits

                Edinburgh Bike Station – “The bike sold
                cards have increased consumer
                confidence and have enabled staff to use
                the Revolve certification as a sales tool.”

Oskar’s – “The relationship between Revolve and
Oskar’s is extremely constructive and the support
and encouragement that Linda provided is
exceptional. Going through the process allowed
all staff members to feel involved in making
Oskar’s a safer and more professional place to
work. We experienced team bonding which has
lasted to date. We learnt that whilst we were
doing a lot of things well that we could do them
What’s next for Revolve?
     • Further promotion of the Revolve brand

     • National marketing campaign

     • Additional codes of practice and

     • Increase coverage of Revolve stores
       across the country

     • Drive demand for the standard
     through contracts and services
National Promotion
National Promotion
National Promotion
The Certification process
• Certification is not a ‘tick box’ exercise – it is a process

• Remember, EVERY part of the process is designed to enable
  you to:
   • Supply consistently high quality goods
   • Provide a consistently excellent customer experience
   • Encourage trust in your organisation and the good cause
     that their purchase supports
The Certification process
                                            Batch Induction

                               (Regional Managers and store managers)

                              1 - Baseline standards check & Revolve product
                                      safety training session (full day)

2 - Mystery Shop and        3 – Visual                     4 – Customer service    5 – On-site retail
       Report          merchandising training                training (full day)   support (full day)
                              (full day)


                 Facilitated Planning Session

                    Additional support if required

Implement actions and improvements (over 1-2 months)

                  Retail audit (2 hours)

    Final standards check and final validation (Full day)
Revolve quality standards
I’m interested, sign me up!
• The programme is expanding and will have a focus on
  high st charities over the next 5 years.

• Register your interest now to start certification in

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