Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes

Page created by Tyler Gardner
Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes
Assembly instruction
for Aguti Milan

Seat connections | Mercedes

Specification: MB Sprinter NCV3
Mounting kit: 681-004-00
Drawing: 680-261-00
Aguti Art.No.: 117922 D / 117923 P
Aguti test report: GTÜ R014-17002.00
Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes
Fixing material
and assembly tool
for Aguti Milan




Material swivel Driver/Passenger

   Pcs.        Sign        Size               Description

    4×           a1        M10 × 30           Lens head screw (10.9)

    4×           b         M8 × 20            Hexagon screw (8.8)

    4×           c         M8                 Locking nut (8)

         Loosen screws            Screw by hand             Tighten with torque       Function test

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Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes
a1                 a1

                                                  a2       a2
                                          a                     a

 2                                            3

                                      b                b

                                      c   b            c        b
                                          c                     c
 4                                            5

                   b                  b

 6                                            7

© | Stand: 7/01/2021                                      3/4
Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes
General information

Warranty                                                manner, the deadline is considered to have         § 9 Limitations of liability
                                                        been met. The burden of proof falls entirely
1. If the buyer is a entrepreneur, we offer a           to the entrepreneur for all claim require-         1. In the event of slightly negligent violations
guarantee for defects in the item of either             ments, particularly for the defect itself, for     of obligation, our liability shall be limited
rectification oft he defects or a replacement           the date when the defect was discovered            to the average direct damages that are
delivery, by our choice.                                and for the timeliness of the defect comp-         foreseeable and typical in contracts for this
                                                        laint.                                             type of goods. This also applies to slightly
2. If the purchaser is a consumer, he or she            Consumers must inform us in writing of any         negligent violations of obligation by legal
can first choose whether the subsequent                 obvious defects, within 2 months of the date       representatives, managing employees
performance will take place by way of rectifi-          when the goods were discovered to be in            and other agents. In the event of a slightly
cation or replacement delivery. However, we             violation of contractual standards. Compli-        negligent violation of insignificant contrac-
are entitled to refuse the type of subsequent           ance with this deadline is based on receipt        tual obligations, we shall not be liable to
performance chosen if this is only possible at          of the notification by metalfoam. If the           entrepreneurs.
an unreasonable cost and if the other type of           consumer fails to provide such notification,
subsequent performance does not cause a                 the guarantee rights shall lapse 2 months          2. The present liability limitations do not
significant disadvantage to the consumer                after the defect is discovered. This does          apply to the customer’s claims arising from
                                                        not apply in the event of malice on the part       product liability. Furthermore, the liability
3. If the type of subsequent performance                of the seller. The consumer shall bear the         limitations do not apply to attributable da-
chosen by the customer is unsuccessful, i.e.            burden of proof for the date the defect was        mages to body or health, or in the event of
if the defect is not rectified or if a fault-free       discovered. If the consumer was persuaded          the customer’s loss of life.
item is not delivered, the customer can                 to purchase the item through inaccurate
fundamentally choose to either lower the                claims by the manufacturer, the consumer           3. The customer’s damage claims due to a
compensation (reduction) or have the con-               shall bear the burden of proof for its purcha-     defect shall lapse one year after the delivery
tract nullified (withdrawal). However, in the           sing decision. For used goods, the consumer        or transfer of the goods. This shall not apply
event of an insignificant contractual violation,        shall bear the burden of proof for the item’s      if metalfoam can be accused of malice, or in
particularly for insignificant defects, where           defectiveness.                                     the event of attributable damages to body
the subsequent performance chosen by the                                                                   or health, or in the event of the customer’s
customer is only possible at an unreasonable            5. If, due to a legal or material defect, the      loss of life.
cost, the customer shall not be entitled to a           customer chooses to withdraw from the
withdrawal.                                             contract, the customer shall not be entitled
                                                        to any additional damage claims due to the
4. Entrepreneurs must report obvious                    defect. If the customer chooses to claim
defects in writing within the time laid down            damages after an unsuccessful subsequent
in section 377 HGB; otherwise the right to              performance, the goods shall remain with
assert guarantee claims shall be excluded.              the customer if this is reasonable. The da-
If the notification of defect is sent in a timely       mage compensation shall be limited to the
                                                        difference between the purchase price and
                                                        the value of the defective item. This shall
                                                        not apply if we maliciously committed the
 Torque table                                           contractual violation.

            Strength class Nm                           6. For entrepreneurs, the guarantee period
            8.8          10.9        12.9               is 1 year as of the delivery or transfer of the
                                                        goods. For consumers, the grace period
 M4         2,2          3,2         3,8
                                                        shall be 2 years as of the delivery of the
 M5         4,3          6,3         7,3                goods. However, this shall not apply if the
                                                        customer does not notify metalfoam of the
 M6         7,4          10,9        12,7
                                                        defect in a timely manner corresponding to
 M8         17,9         26,2        30,7               the notification period given in Point 4.
 M10        36,0         53,0        61,0
                                                        7. If the purchaser is an entrepreneur, only
 M12        60,0         90,0        105,0              the manufacturer’s product description shall
 M14        -            -           -                  determine the agreed characteristics. Public
                                                        statements, claims or advertisements by the
 M16        60,0         -           -
                                                        manufacturer do not constitute contractual-
 M20        -            -           -                  ly guaranteed characteristics of the goods.
 M24        -            -           -
                                                        8. The client does not receive warranties in
 7/16‘      40,0                                        the legal meaning from us; warranties of the
                                                        manufacturers will remainunaffected by this.
 7/16 screws are to be fixed with medium
 strength thread locking.
                                                        9. If the customer receives deficient
 Deviation of maximum permissible torque                assembly instructions, we shall be merely
 Screws up to M8     12%+- deviation                   obligated to supply defect-free assembly
 Screws up to M16     10%+- deviation                  instructions and this also only if the defect in
 Screws up to M24         5%+- deviation                the assembly instructions stands in the way
 Screw 7/16             5%+- deviation
                                                        of proper assembly.

Aguti Produktentwicklung           T +49 7543 9621.60
& Design GmbH            
Bildstock 18/3           
D - 88085 Langenargen              © Aguti 2021                                                                                                       4/4
Assembly instruction Swivel MERCEDES NCV3 for Aguti Milan - Seat connections | Mercedes
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