Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL

Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
Progetto BABELE
  L’esperienza CLIL
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
Il corso
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
O Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual
  focused educational approach in which an additional language
  is used for teaching and learning of both the content and the
O That is, in the learning and teaching process, there is a focus
  not only on content, and not only on language.
O Each is interwoven even if the emphasis is greater on one or
  the other at given time.
O CLIL is not a new form of language education. It is not a new
  form of subject education. It is an innovative fusion of both.
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
In brief
O Teaching a subject using another language.
O Assessment should mirror this by testing the
  development of the student’ content knowledge.
O Students should have a basic knowledge of foreign
  language and have a supporting language lesson.
O It requires the subject teacher to alter their
  methodology in order to encourage communication.
O The teacher needs to “scaffold” lessons.
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
What is scaffolding?
O The teacher needs to adapt lessons to create tasks
  suitable for the students’ level, in order to enable the
  students to learn about the subject in the foreign language.
O Each task provides further scaffolding for the original task.
O The task must be designed in a way to support the student
  to meet the lesson objective.
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
Content or language?


CLIL may be content driven (the focus is the subject) or language
driven (the focus is the language): both are perfectly valid and not
at all mutually exclusive.
Progetto BABELE L'esperienza CLIL
What should the teachers do?
O Adapt their methodology to teach content in a new
O Adapt lesson material in order to help students
  understand the content and communicate in a foreign
  language in class.
O Reduce teacher talk time to allow student talk time.
O Subject teachers begin to think about the language
  and language teachers begin to think about the
The structure of a CLIL lesson
 O CONCEPTS: the content you will teach.
 O PROCEDURES: the language skills used to teach
   the concepts (speaking, writing, reading,
   listening, critical thinking).
 O LANGUAGE: the grammar and vocabulary used in
   the lesson.
CLIL in mixed-ability classes
1. TASK: different tasks for different ability or
   worksheet which gets progressively harder.
2. GROUPING: organise small mixed-ability groups.
3. RESOURCES: use a wide spectrum of materials
   to achieve a single learning outcome.
4. PACE: use time flexibly to meet all students’
CLIL in mixed-ability classes
5. OUTCOME: a variety of results is expected and
6. DIALOGUE AND SUPPORT: clear instructions, pre-
   teaching vocabulary, detailed explanations,
   targeted questioning, eliciting, comprehension
   check questions, verbal encouragement.
7. ASSESSMENT: on-going assessment (not a big
Strategies in the CLIL Classroom
O   Damaged test
O   True or False game
O   Order the text
O   Read a text and find mistakes in
    the corresponding illustration
O   Put the cut up paragraphs in order
O   Draw a diagram to represent the
Strategies in the CLIL Classroom
O   Reading and Role Play
O   Comparison task
O   Find synonyms in the text
O   Reinsert removed sentences from the text
O   Match adjectives to corresponding nouns
O   Match topic sentences with paragraphs
    from a text
O   Put a list of events in the correct order
O   ……..
Strategies in the CLIL Classroom
 O Talking walls
 O Discuss in pairs about a
 O Discuss about a text
 O Debate in a role play
 O …….
Strategies in the CLIL Classroom
O   Terminology review
O   Write words related to one topic
O   Take notes
O   Composition: narrative or essay
O   Summary of a text
O   Complete a composition
O   Writing based on rubric
O   …….
Special needs in education
In each class there are students with special needs do not forget it!
O Autistic
O Hyperactive
O With Asperger’s syndrome
Routines, regular rhythms, keywords, work in pairs, do not ask go to
the board alone, exercises while moving in the classroom, use a
suitable font.
Teaching with games
O   Place a bet            The Battle of Hastings
O   Hangman
O   Taboo
O   Guess who
O   Crosswords
O   Lego
O   Blinded instructions
O   Songs
O   Phone apps
O   ….

7 is in generally the number
of new words that a student
 can remember in one day
Riflessioni sul corso
O La lezioni sono state in aula
  ma non solo…
O I materiali didattici sono
  stati spesso disseminati
  nello spazio
O Una dimensione ludica
  dell'apprendimento, anche
  per gli adulti
Riflessioni sul corso
O Giochi di ruolo, lavoro a gruppi/coppie sempre diverse
O Interazione orale molto frequente con il docente e tra gli studenti
O Attività didattiche di max 1 ora, con pause caffè/tè di valore
  socializzante e per favorire l’apprendimento
Riflessioni sul corso
O Visite guidate
Il CLIL al CPIA Asti
Esperienza precedente:
Unità di apprendimento in lingua Francese: svolta
in collaborazione dalla docente di lingua e dalla
docente di Matematica e Scienze.
Vulcani e terremoti
O Gruppo classe: 15 studenti di diversa nazionalità (10 dei quali di
  provenienza magrebina) del corso annuale per l’ammissione
  all’Esame di Stato conclusivo del Primo Ciclo di Istruzione.
O Fasi:
   1.   Introduzione dell’argomento e verifica dei prerequisiti.
   2.   Nucleo centrale della lezione che si avvale, in alcuni momenti,
        della compresenza dei docenti di scienze e di francese.
   3.   Verifica, che comprende diverse tipologie di test durante tutto il
O Periodo: secondo quadrimestre.
Vulcani e terremoti
In futuro….
O Attività CLIL nelle classi del corso annuale per
  l’ammissione all’Esame di Stato conclusivo del
  Primo Ciclo di Istruzione (II quadrimestre).
O Unità didattiche in lingua Inglese e Francese
O Creazione di un gruppo di docenti, di disciplina e
  lingua, che collaborano per la costruzione delle
  unità didattiche.
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