PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th

Page created by Elaine Sharp
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
       PROGRAMS & EVENTS                                  2021

Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th   Non-Resident Registration: Thursday, December 17th
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
   Board of Park Commissioners                                         Table of Contents

Tim Ogden .................................................President
Lucy Stastny ......................................Vice President      General Information ................................................2
Peggy Ronovsky ........................................Treasurer
Karen Boyd ................................................Secretary
Robert Corte .....................................Commissioner         Board Park News...................................................... 6
The Community Park District Board of
Commissioners is comprised of five commis-
sioners elected by the Park District residents to                      Special Events............................................................8
serve unpaid, four year terms. The Board gov-
erns, on behalf of residents, all activities of the
Park District                                                          Ready Teddy Preschool .......................................... 9

   Regular Park Board Meetings
                                                                       Performing Arts Programs ...................................11
• Second Monday of each month at the
  Recreation Center
                                                                       Early Childhood Programs………...........................15
• 1501 Barnsdale Road, at 6:30pm.

• Your attendance is both welcome and                                  Youth Programs.……………………….........................17

Calendar Of Events                                                     Adult Programs ……………………………...................17

Resident Registration……….....…..December 10th
                                                                       Fitness Programs....................................................17
Non Resident Registration……….December 17th

Ready Teddy Preschool
Registration begins............................February 8th            Sports Programs ....................................................22

Daddy Daughter Date Night…….Februrary 19th
                                                                       Online Registration Information ........................29
Golden Egg Easter Hunt…….March 22nd - 26th

Veteran’s Memorial Ceremony………….May 29th
                                                                       Registration Form ..................................................29

                                                                       SEASPAR .................................................................34
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
Staff                                        Contact Us!
JESSICA CANNADAY, CPRP                       Community Park District Recreation Center &
Executive Director                           Administrative Offices
                                             1501 Barnsdale Road La Grange Park, Il 60526
Recreation, Facilities & Safety Manager      Phone: (708) 354-4580
                                             Fax: (708) 354-4577
NANCY DAUM                                   Website:
Human Resources, Executive Assistant
                                             Administrative Office Hours
RAY DREXLER                                  Monday - Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Building & Grounds Supervisor

Recreation Manager

Marketing & Finance Coordinator

Finance Consultant

Parks 1, Lead Mechanic

Winter/Spring                                         Summer Camp
Registration Dates                                 Registration Dates
                                                  Camp Information will be available in
Resident Registration begins
Thursday, December 10th at 8:30am
                                                           Resident Registration begins
Non-resident registration begins
                                                           Thursday, March 4 at 8:30am
Thursday, December 17th at 8:30am
                                                      Non Resident Registration begins
                                                         Thursday, March 11 at 8:30am

         For more information visit
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
Program Locations
Recreation Center/Park District         Brookfield Village Recreation Hall (BF)
Office (LP)                             8820 Brookfield Ave, Brookfield
1501 Barnsdale Road, La Grange Park
                                        Village Hall
S.E. Gross School                       8820 Brookfield Ave, Brookfield
3524 Maple Ave, Brookfield
Enter at Door 5                         Ehlert Park
                                        Congress Park & Elm Avenues, Brookfield
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th

Dear Residents, Friends, and Neighbors:

       While 2020 definitely hasn’t been the easiest year on record, it seems as though we are
all coming out the other side stronger and more aware. We have faced challenges and fears
that no one could have predicted, and we have done so together. We are so very thankful for
the enthusiastic support from our residents, the Village of La Grange Park, La Grange Park
Chamber, and local businesses.

      Committed to protecting our community’s physical, emotional, and fiscal health, our
board and staff have worked diligently this past year to provide safe and innovative new pro-
gramming, improve our internal systems, enhance our safety practices, and increase outreach
to our residents. As we enter the new year, we have a lot of exciting work ahead.

       In 2021, the Community Park District will ramp up our long-term strategic planning ef-
forts to address capital improvements across the entire district. This process will include en-
gaging our community in focus groups, planning sessions, surveys, and more. If you’d like to be
involved, please email

       This spring, we are breaking ground on an exciting project in Memorial Park. Thanks to
a grant from the National Fitness Campaign and a generous $25,000 donation from La Grange
Park’s own Strive 4 Fitness, the park district will be making significant improvements to the
multi-purpose court area in Memorial Park. Designed to increase outdoor physical activity
opportunities for people of all ages and abilities, improvements include the installation of three
pickleball courts, tetherball, a ga-ga ball pit, and a state-of-the-art outdoor fitness court.

      We are proud to present the following Winter/Spring programs for you and your families
to enjoy. Again, the opportunities contained herein have been carefully created to keep our
residents active and connected in safe and fun ways. Please continue to visit www.communi- and follow us on for the most
up-to-date information.
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
Support Fitness For Everyone In La Grange Park!
This spring, the Community Park District will break ground on an exciting project designed to bring
expanded FREE fitness and recreational opportunities to the residents of La Grange Park. The Memo-
rial Park Multi-Use Court Renovation project will include the installation of a state-of-the-art outdoor
fitness court, three pickleball courts, Ga-Ga Ball Pit, Tether Ball, mini racetrack and more. Download
the full plan here.

This project has been made possible in part due to a generous $25,000 donation from Strive 4 Fitness,
a $30,000 grant from the National Fitness Campaign, and capital funding from a $325,000 non-refer-
endum general obligation bond.

The Park District would like to raise an additional $50,000 to support this project! Donations will help
fund tennis court resurfacing, pickleball fencing, fence repairs, and landscaping improvements.

How You Can Help:
1. Make an easy, anonymous donation by
   clicking here and support this project today!

2. Have your family’s name or business featured
   on the fitness court! Call 708-354-4580 or
   email for
   more information.

3. Purchase a Strive 4 Fitness Punch Card or
   Boot Camp pass at www.communityparkdis- or call 708-354-4580. Strive 4 Fit-
   ness has pledged to donate 50% of each pass
   the park district sells back to the project.

  CLICK HERE for more info or to contribute
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
      Community Park District COVID-19 Mitigation Practices

The Community Park District is committed to              is difficult. Specific details are provided with each
providing opportunities that ensures our commu-          program and event offering.
nity stays active, connected (even at a distance),       5.       Maintain proper hygiene and wash hands
and healthy – both today and tomorrow. We have           with soap and water regularly for at least 20 sec-
worked to design fun and nimble programming that         onds or more. If unable to wash with soap and wa-
can be delivered safely in Phase 4 of the Restore        ter, use a hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of
Illinois Plan. These programs can be modified to run     60% or more. Additional hand sanitizing wall mounts
in person or converted to virtual experiences in the     and stations have been added to our facilities for
event of another full shut down. It is important to      your convenience.
note that we have planned smaller class sizes to ef-     6.       High touch areas are cleaned and sanitized
fectively keep our participants and staff healthy and    every 2 hours.
safe and to avoid the cost of program cancellations.     7.       To control the flow of traffic, programs have
                                                         specific door Entry and Exits. Specific information is
The Community Park District has implemented              listed on every door.
stringent cleaning and disinfection practices, in-       8.       Every participant will have his or her own
creased access to hand sanitizer, and disinfect          physically distant space in the multi-purpose room
high-touch surfaces every 2 hours. The district has      for programs.
also acquired a hydroxyl radical generator that is run   9.       If you have questions or concerns related to
daily and systematically throughout the recreation       COVID or anything else, please call 708.354.4580
center. This helps to keep our recreational areas
and workspaces disinfected, clean, and safe for          People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of
everyone. These frequent treatments help eliminate       symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms
viruses, allergens, and bacteria, which improves the     to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days
overall air quality throughout the facility.             after exposure to the virus. People with these symp-
                                                         toms may have COVID-19:
We are in this together!
Participant Requirements and Recommendations:            •      Fever or chills
We need everyone to pitch in and help minimize
                                                         •      Cough
the spread of COVID-19 to keep our participants,
residents, community, and staff safe. We ask every-      •      Sore throat
one to please maintain a ‘Safety-First’ mentality and    •      Muscle or body aches
know that your health and safety is our priority.
                                                         •      Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
1.      Be sure to monitor your health (or that of       •      Fatigue
your child/children) and conduct a self-screening for    •      Headache
any COVID-19 symptoms BEFORE coming on-site              •      New loss of taste or smell
and participating in any programs or events. A list of
Current COVID-19 Symptoms is provided below.             •      Congestion or runny nose
2.      If you, or family members, have ANY symp-        •      Nausea or vomiting
toms or are not feeling well, STAY HOME, and             •      Diarrhea
contact the program’s Supervisor ASAP to let them
know the situation. Timely reporting is important.       This list does not include all possible symptoms. The
3.      Our building is closed to the public and only    CDC will continue to update this list as we learn
registered participants are allowed entry.               more about COVID-19. Even minor symptoms need
4.      Program participants are required to wear        to be taken seriously. When in doubt, contact your
a face covering when entering the facility, while in     health care professional for guidance.
common areas or whenever social distancing of 6 ft.
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
SPECial Events                                                  8
6th Annual Veteran’s Memorial Ceremony                       March 22nd – 26th Spring Break Week
Saturday, May 29 at 11am                                     Sunrise to Sunset
Veteran’s Memorial Plaza (corner of Oak &                    LOCATION: Memorial Park, Yena Park,
Sherwood, LP)                                                Stone-Monroe Park, Beach-Oak Park, Robin-
                                                             hood Park & Hanesworth Park
The names of the veteran’s/active duty person-
nel that have been installed in our plaza since              We’re ready to welcome Spring with some
Memorial Day 2019 will be recognized. Thanks                 fun and would like for you to join us! Starting
to the culmination of the tireless work of long-             Monday, March 22nd thru Friday, March 26th
time resident Jack Ryder, this year we will also             there will be (1) golden egg hidden in each of
be honoring 19 La Grange Park residents that                 our (6) parks. Families may search for eggs
were KIA during their service to our country.                during park hours (Sunrise to Sunset). If you are
* Event subject to change due to CDC & IDPH                  one of the lucky ones to find the Golden Egg,
guidelines at time of event.                                 head over to the Community Park District for
                                                             your prize & Facebook post. Limit one Golden
                                                             Egg per family. AGE: 8 yrs old & younger
Friday, February 19th
LOCATION: 1501 Barnsdale Rd, LP
Dads and Daughters can enjoy each other's company in a horse
drawn carriage ride fit for royalty. Each registered princess will
receive a gift bag filled with a wand, tiara and necklace as well as a
special individually packaged treat to take home. Every princess and
her escort will have the opportunity to take an elegant horse drawn
carriage ride and will receive a commemorative photo to complete
the festive evening. Reservations are required. You will be
contacted by the Community Park District closer to the event with
a specific time slot. Fee is per couple. Additional princesses are
welcome at $23 per child. Groups may ride together at their
discretion. If you wish to ride with another couple you must pre-
arrange the ride by emailing

Carriage holds a max of 3 adults and 4 children. Masks must be
worn. Carriage is sanitized between rides. Registration deadline is
Friday, February 12th.

R/NR Fee: $40/$50
                                           REGISTER NOW
Additional Princesses: $23

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
Ready teddy preschool                                                                    9
                                                        READY TEDDY PRESCHOOL
                                                          School Year September 13,
                                                          2021 – May 20, 2022
                                                                  Preschool Director: Ashley Jusk
                                                          Our preschool is designed for children ages
                                                          2-5 years old, including Pre-Kindergarten. Our
                                                          curriculum is based on a non-repetitive 4-year

                                                          Illinois Early Childhood Standards and Benchmarks
                                                          are implemented in our innovative learning curric-
                                                          ulum. Additional information is available in our Par-
                                                          ent Handbook, which can be found on our website

Ready Teddy Preschool
Fall 2021 Registration
                                                          Teddy Toddlers
Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year
                                                          2-year old Program
requires a non-refundable registration fee of
$50.00. Click here to register.                           Fall Session                 Winter/Spring
Proof of residency is required for La Grange              September 17-                      Session
Park Residents. (ie: water, gas or electric bill)         December 17                      January 14-April 22
All necessary paperwork can be picked up prior            (Skip November 26)
to registration at the Recreation Center.
Registration applications will be accepted as             Fridays 8:45-10:15 am       or      10:45-12:15 pm
                                                          Here is the perfect opportunity to get your
Current preschool class resident families will be on
                                                          toddler acquainted with other children and take
Monday, February 8 at 8:30 am.
                                                          a small step into preschool. Socializing with
All resident families will be on Tuesday,                 others, music, and simple art projects will all
February 9 at 8:30 am.                                    be part of the fun. Children must be ready to
                                                          stay in class without the assistance of a parent.
Current preschool class non-resident families will        Session is 13 weeks.
be on Thursday, February 11 at 8:30 am.
                                                          R/NR Fee: $172/$182 (Tuition is paid per ses-
Registration is open to all on Friday, February 12 at     sion)
8:30 am.

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
PROGRAMS & EVENTS 2021 - Resident Registration: Thursday, December 10th
Ready teddy preschool                                                           10
2 ½ Early 3-Year-Old                                  3-Year-Old Program
Program                                               This three-day-a-week class has been designed
                                                      for children who are 3 years of age. Focus is on
Learning centered on play! In the early years,        readiness skills through small and large group
socializing with others is important in getting       activities. Social, emotional and physical needs
ready for school. Social skills and self-esteem       of this age group will be developed. Art projects,
will be enhanced. Alphabet time, counting             music, letters, numbers, colors, and daily gym are
time, painting, music, and colors are all part of     all incorporated.
the learning fun.

Tuition is paid monthly based on a full school year   Tuition is paid monthly based on a full school year
Resident: $136.00 Non-resident: $146.00               Resident: $140.00 Non-resident: $150.00

Mondays/Wednesdays         Tuesdays/Thursdays                  Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays
  8:45 – 10:45am             8:45 – 10:45am                         8:30 – 10:30am
  11:15 – 1:15pm             11:15 – 1:15pm                          11:00 - 1:00pm
                                                                     1:30 – 3:30pm
  Additional classes start January 3, 2022
                             8:45 – 10:45am
                             11:15 – 1:15pm
                                                      4 and 5 Pre-Kindergarten
Registration for Preschool
                                                      Reading and math readiness skills are integrated
Registration for Preschool is open throughout         into a program designed to stimulate learning
the year, as long as there are spaces available in    and build self-confidence. Good work habits
the class. Call the park district office for avail-   develop social and communication skills. Indi-
ability. You may also make an appointment to          vidual achievement is recognized, and creativity
see what is new and exciting at Ready Teddy           encouraged. Art, music, drama and tablet cen-
Preschool. To schedule a tour or speak with the       ters are all included. Gym is daily. “BookIt” and
Preschool Director Ashley Jusk call 708-354-          “My Big World” are integrated into the Pre-Kin-
4157.                                                 dergarten curriculum.

Flex                                                  Tuition is paid monthly based on a full school year
Before and after school care is an optional pro-       Mondays - Thursdays         Mondays - Fridays
gram which can be combined with our Ready               8:30 – 11:30am              8:30 – 11:30am
Teddy Preschool Classes. Schedule is based on           12:30 – 3:30pm              12:30 – 3:30pm
needs of students. Students of Ready Teddy
can register for the flex program. Information is            R/NR Fee:                R/NR Fee:
available by calling the Ready Teddy Preschool               $239/$249                $297/$307
hotline at 708-354-4157.
Performing arts                                                                   11
Community Footlight Players Presents:
                                                                          a n c e Dat        es:
2nd Story Theatre                                            Pe r f o r m
                                                                              June 12th
Directed by Spencer Douglas Clark                               Saturday,          , 4:00 pm
                                                                     , 1 : 0 0 p m
                                                            10:00 am
For anyone who loves to sing, dance, act, or who                                          r:
                                                                              cheduled fo
just has a flare for the dramatics. This is a unique              Rain date s
musical production for kids ages 6-10 where we
                                                                Saturday     , June 19th
will cast 2 groups of 12 to create their own social-
                                                                  a m , 1 : 0 0 pm, 4:00 p
ly distant musical story to be performed for a live         10:00
outdoor audience! Each cast will rehearse separate-                                            d at:
                                                                      a n ce s w ill be locate
ly and choose their favorite songs from the radio             Perform                 mphithea
along with the specific characters they want to play.                    Park A
During rehearsals we will develop a story with these       Memorial
songs and characters by guiding our actors to make
character choices that will create a plot, conflict, and
excitement! Will our characters go inside the spooky
mansion or will they visit a fairy tale world? Will your
character be the hero or the villain? Together we will
find answers to these questions to create our own
unique musicals!

AGES: 6 -10
FEE: $165 (due when cast)

Video Auditions due to Spencer by Saturday, March 6th, 2021.

NOTE: Please email Spencer Douglas Clark at by February 27th
to request an audition. Please include your child’s name and age. Spencer will respond with a “How
To” guide on auditioning.

Audition video requirements: Participants should make up a character and provide a one-minute story
about their character as well as singing a song for no longer than a minute.
Audition Videos can be emailed to Spencer Douglas Clark at

Casts will be announced on Monday, March 8th.

Each cast member will be emailed on Monday, March 8th their full rehearsal schedule.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals will be held at the Community Park District Recreation Center and will be held
on Saturdays. Each cast will be given a 2-hour time slot to rehearse between 10-4:30 pm. Conflicts
should be stated on the rehearsal form filled out at time of audition. All undocumented conflicts will
be counted as an absence. Cast members are allowed ONLY 2 unexcused absences. First rehearsal
scheduled for Saturday, March 13th.
Performing arts                                                                          12
Community Footlight Players Presents:
                                                                            n c e Dat         es:
2nd Act Playmakers                                           Pe r f o r m a
                                                                                         4:00 pm
Directed by Spencer Douglas Clark                                     June 12th
                                                                              cheduled for:
Introducing the Footlight Players very first                      Rain date s                      m
musical production for tweens and young                               June         19th 4:00 p
adults! We are looking for creative, outgoing,              Saturday,
and team spirited young people to write and                             es wil     l be located
                                                              Performanc                                er
create our own original jukebox musical featur-                    Park A           mphitheat
ing some of our favorite songs from the radio.            Memorial
Very similar to shows like GLEE or movies like
Pitch Perfect we are going to create a story
that uses music from artists ranging from Billie
Eilish, Harry Styles, or even Queen! Throughout
rehearsals we will guide our actors to create
their own original characters and choose songs
that will create a socially distant story to be
performed for a live outdoor audience. Wheth-
er they like to sing, dance, act, or write stories
this one-of-a-kind musical is the one for you!

AGES: 11-18
FEE: $165 (due when cast)

Video Auditions due to Spencer by Saturday, March 6th, 2021.

NOTE: Please email Spencer Douglas Clark at by February 27th
to request an audition. Please include your child’s name and age. Spencer will respond with a “How
To” guide on auditioning.

Audition video requirements: Participants should make up a character and provide a one-minute sto-
ry about their character as well as singing a song for no longer than a minute.
Audition Videos can be emailed to Spencer Douglas Clark at

Casts will be announced on Monday, March 8th.

Each cast member will be emailed on Monday, March 8th their full rehearsal schedule.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals will be held at the Community Park District Recreation Center and will be held
on Saturdays. Each cast will be given a 2-hour time slot to rehearse between 2:30-4:30 pm. Conflicts
should be stated on the rehearsal form filled out at time of audition. All undocumented conflicts will
be counted as an absence. Cast members are allowed ONLY 2 unexcused absences. First rehearsal
scheduled for Saturday, March 13th.
Performing arts                                                                         13
Triple Threat Theatre
Instructor: S. Clark & M. Ritacco
Triple Threat Theatre class brings together the
three disciplines of theatre; acting, singing
and dancing, uniting them to create a dynamic
performer. This class is designed to strength-
en each discipline equally and offer your triple
threat performer the opportunity to build their
ability to act, dance and sing in harmony at the
same time! Mary Poppins, Legally Blonde, and
Hairspray are just a few productions we will
be exploring. Masks will be worn entering and
leaving the recreation facility and when physi-
cally distancing is not possible.
Age: 8-13 years old

Date          Day    Time		           R/NR
1/23-2/27     Sat    10-12pm          $110/$120
1/23-2/27     Sat    12:15-2:15pm     $110/$120

LOCATION: 1501 Barnsdale, LP


Dance Express
Dance Instructors : Dance Techs, Inc
This 6-week session is designed to concentrate on technique, musicality, flexibility, and performance,
with a potential to learn a new style of dance. All classes in this winter session will consist of a warm-
up, stretching, and learning combinations.
Proper dance shoes are required, tap, ballet, and jazz. For Hip Hop, dancers may wear jazz or a gym
Masks will be worn entering and leaving the recreation facility and during class.
Dance studio is in our Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale Road, La Grange Park.

Date          Class                            Age           Day       Time                  R/NR
1/5-2/9       Ballet/Tap/Jazz                  4-6 yrs       Tu        4:00-5:00pm          $50/$60
1/5-2/9       Ballet/Tap/Hip Hop               7-9 yrs       Tu        5:15-6:30pm          $54/$64
1/5-2/9       Jazz/Lyrica/Hip Hop              12 yrs +      Tu        6:45-8:00pm          $54/$64

1/7-2/11      Let’s Dance with Our Three’s 3 yrs              Th        3:30-4:00pm         $44/$54
1/7-2/11      Tap/Ballet/Jazzy Hip Hop     6-8 yrs            Th        4:15-5:15pm         $50/$60
1/7-2/11      Musical Theater/Lyrical      8-10 yrs           Th        5:30-6:45pm         $54/$64
1/7-2/11      Intermediate/Advanced Tap 10+ yrs               Th        7:00-8:00pm         $50/$60

Performing arts                                                                       14
Spring Recital
The show “WILL GO ON”! We are excited to announce that this 13-week session will culminate in an
outdoor recital at the Memorial Park Amphitheater on May 23, 2021!
Each class in this 13-week session will include a warm-up, instruction on technique, and learning cho-
reography in preparation for the dance recital.
Dancers are asked to provide their own black leggings and a black tank top. Fee includes a t-shirt and
an accessory piece.
Masks will be worn entering and leaving the recreation facility and during class.

Date             Class				                      Age		         Day          Time                 R/NR
2/16-5/18        Ballet/Tap/Jazz 		             4-6 yrs       Tu           4:00-5:00pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/23
2/16-5/18        Ballet/Tap/Hip Hop		           7-9 yrs       Tu           5:15-6:15pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/23
2/16-5/18        Jazz/Lyrica/Hip Hop		          12 yrs +       Tu          6:30-7:30pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/23
2/18-5/20        Creative Movement 3’s          3 yrs         Th           3:30-4:00pm      $125/$135
Skip: 3/25
2/18-5/20        Tap/Ballet/Jazzy Hip Hop       6-8 yrs       Th           4:15-5:15pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/25
2/18-5/20        Musical Theater/Lyrical         8-10 yrs     Th           5:30-6:30pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/25
2/18-5/20        Intermediate/Advanced Tap      10+ yrs        Th          6:45-7:45pm      $138/$148
Skip: 3/25

Please save these important dates:                      Rain Dates:
Saturday, May 22, 2021 – Dress Rehearsal                Saturday, June 5, 2021 – Dress Rehearsal
Sunday, May 23, 2021 – Recital                          Sunday, June 6, 2021 – Recital


COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
Classes & Programs                                                                                           15
      Early childhood programs
Teddy, 2.5 yr. AND Parent Class                             Baby Tunes

Learning centered on play! In the early years, so-          INSTRUCTOR: Miss Angie
cializing with others is important in getting ready for     Music is one of the most fun and natural ways to
school. In this class, social skills and self-esteem will   bond a parent and child! Songs, poems, games,
be enhanced. Shapes, counting time, painting, mu-           and playing of basic percussion instruments are all
sic, and colors are all part of the learning fun. This      part of this 35-minute class. Activities will increase
program is designed for parents to participate with         your child’s curiosity about music, develop listening
their students to ensure safe physical distancing.          skills and sense of beat, and establish a foundation
Both student and parent will be required to wear            for singing and musical thought. Bouncing songs,
a mask in class when social distancing with other           rocking songs, wiggle and peek-a-boo games are
families is not possible. Session is 13 weeks.              featured. Bring a blanket to sit on and enjoy sing-
                                                            ing and dancing with Miss. Angie! Masks will be
Date		          Day Time                   R/NR             worn entering and leaving the recreation facility and
1/7-4/8         Th     9:00-10:00am        $110/$120        when physically distancing is not possible.
Skip: 3/25
1/7-4/8         Th     10:30-11:30am       $110/$120        AGE: Birth to 12 months
Skip: 3/25                                                  Class is designed for child and adult to participate
LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale
Road, LGP                                                   Date		         Day          Time             R/NR
                                                            1/5-2/9        Tu            9-9:35am       $65/$75
                                                            2/23-4/6       Tu            9-9:35am       $65/$75
REGISTER NOW                      REGISTER NOW              Skip: 3/23
   (9:00 session)                   (10:30 session)         4/20-5/25      Tu            9-9:35am        $65/$75

                                                            LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale
                                                            Road, LGP

                                                            REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                   16
     Early childhood programs
Miss Angie’s Rocking Tots                              Mighty Music Makers
INSTRUCTOR: Miss Angie                                 INSTRUCTOR: Miss Angie
Participate with your toddler in singing, chant-       Celebrate your child’s growing independence
ing, moving, dancing, listening, and playing per-      through fun music and movement activities.
cussion instruments. Activities will bridge the        These classes will work on the child’s atten-
natural connection between music and move-             tion and self-expression and include singing,
ment; improve listening abilities and increase         chanting, moving, focused listening, musical
exposure and appreciation to different types of        games, exploring musical instruments, creative
music. Bring a blanket to sit on and enjoy sing-       movement and storytelling. A variety of musi-
ing and dancing with Miss. Angie! Masks will be        cal types will be included to widen your child’s
worn entering and leaving the recreation facility      exposure and appreciation of different musical
and when physically distancing is not possible.        types. Bring a blanket to sit on and enjoy sing-
AGE: 13 months to 36 months                            ing and dancing with Miss. Angie! Masks will be
Class is designed for child and adult to partici-      worn entering and leaving the recreation facility
pate in together.                                      and when physically distancing is not possible.
                                                       AGE: 3-5 yrs old.
Date         Day      Time              R/NR           Class is designed for child and adult to partici-
1/5-2/9      Tu    10:00-10:45am      $70/$80          pate in together.
2/23-4/6     Tu    10:00-10:45am      $70/$80
Skip: 3/23                                             Date         Day       Time              R/NR
4/20-5/25 Tu       10:00-10:45am      $70/$80          1/5-2/9      Tu    11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
                                                       2/23-4/6     Tu    11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
1/8-2/12 Fri       9:00-9:45am        $70/$80          Skip: 3/23
1/8-2/12 Fri       10:00-10:45am      $70/$80          4/20-5/25 Tu       11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
2/26-4/16 Fri      9:00-9:45am        $70/$80
Skip: 3/26 & 4/2                                       1/8-2/12 Fri       11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
2/26-4/16 Fri      10:00-10:45am      $70/$80          2/26-4/16 Fri      11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
Skip: 3/26 & 4/2                                       Skip: 3/26 & 4/2
4/23-5/28 Fri      9:00-9:45am        $70/$80          4/23-5/28 Fri      11:00-11:45am      $70/$80
4/23-5/28 Fri      10:00-10:45am      $70/$80
                                                       LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale
LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale

                                                        REGISTER NOW

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
Classes & Programs                                                                                17
                                                                                    Magic Class
     Adult & fitness programs
                                                            INSTRUCTOR: Gary Kantor’s Magic Team
Basic Yoga                                              Amaze family and friends with tricks that in-
                                                          volve cards, ropes, coins, mindreading, and
INSTRUCTOR: T. Mikuls                                more. All materials are provided, and each child
Yoga in the evening will produce a more restful      receives a magic kit to take home. Children are
night’s sleep. Yoga brings tranquility, balance      grouped by age and always learn tricks that are
and strength to your life. We will focus on           age-appropriate. Additionally, you can sign up
meditation, breathing exercises, alignment, and        for this class again and again since brand new
basic yoga poses. Awaken your inner spirit with              tricks are always taught at each session!
yoga philosophy and challenge your body to                                          AGE: 5-11 yrs old
stretch. This class is suitable for all experience
levels. Wear comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga       Date       Day        Time                  R/NR
mat, towel, and water bottle. Masks will be          2/17       W        5:00–5:55pm           $25/$30
worn entering and leaving the recreation facility    5/10       M        6:45–7:40pm           $25/$30
and when physically distancing is not possible.
AGE: Adult                                             LOCATION: Recreation Hall, 8820 Brookfield
                                                                                   Ave Brookfield
Date		        Day    Time		             R/NR
1/6-2/10      W      6:30-7:30pm        $49/$59       REGISTER NOW
2/24-3/31     W      6:30-7:30pm        $49/$59
4/14-5/19     W      6:30-7:30pm        $49/$59                              Dog Obedience
LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale                                         BEGINNER CLASS
Road, LP                                                                        INSTRUCTOR: B. Clish
                                                                   Dogs must be at least 4 months old
REGISTER NOW                                          Handlers: Old enough to handle dog in a group
                                                         setting. Is your dog becoming a monster and
                                                     driving you crazy? If you are tired of being kept
                                                         up all night from constant barking, or if your
                                                       home furnishings and personal belongings are
                                                          being chewed up, sign up for this class. For
                                                     beginners only, the first class will be a two-hour
                                                       orientation from 7:30 – 9:30pm without your
                                                     dog. You must attend this informative meeting.
                                                         Masks will be worn entering and leaving the
                                                      recreation facility and when physically distanc-
                                                                                     ing is not possible.

                                                     Date     Day		      Time		      R/NR
                                                     1/7-3/4   Th   7:30-8:30pm $120/$130
                                                     3/18-5/13 Th   7:30-8:30pm $120/$130

                                                     LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale
                                                                                        Road, LP
                                                      REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                   18
     Adult & fitness programs
Strength Training With Abs                             Mat Pilates
INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D                                 INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D
This strength training class is designed to in-        The Pilates method of body conditioning pro-
crease your metabolism and help with muscle            motes physical harmony while providing a
endurance by lifting weights. This intense but         refreshing and energizing workout. The program
easy-to-follow workout will give you a total           focuses on the core postural muscles such as
body workout. This class is great for burning fat,     the abdomen, lower back, and hips, which help
and will have you feeling stronger by the end of       keep the body balanced and are essential to
the session. Please bring a mat to class. Masks        providing support for the spine. Please bring
required upon entry to building. Masks must be         a mat to class. Masks required upon entry to
worn when social distancing cannot be main-            building. Masks must be worn when social dis-
tained.                                                tancing cannot be maintained.
AGE: 16 & older                                        AGE: 16 & older

Date		        Day        Time           R/NR           Date      Day        Time              R/NR
1/9–2/13      Sat        7-7:35am       $36/$46        1/9-2/13  Sat        7:45-8:30am       $42/$52
2/27-4/10     Sat        7-7:35am       $36/$46        2/27-4/10 Sat        7:45-8:30am       $42/$52
Skip: 4/3                                              Skip: 4/3
4/24-6/5      Sat        7-7:35am       $36/$46        4/24-6/5      Sat    7:45-8:30am        $42/$52
Skip: 5/29                                             Skip: 5/29

LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,           LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,
LP                                                     LP

REGISTER NOW                                            REGISTER NOW

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
Classes & Programs                                                                            19
     Adult & fitness programs                                             Ballet for Fitness
                                                                            INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D
Spirit Kids                                           Reconnect with your grace and flexibility! This
                                                       class is perfect for those who haven’t danced
INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D                                in years or brand-new beginners. Learn proper
Get in the spirit of cheerleading and pom pons        ballet technique while improving muscle tone,
by learning a variety of basic jumps, kicks,             balance, and memory. Masks required upon
mounts*, chants, cheers, and ‘pom’ routines.           entry to building. Masks must be worn when
Each class will also include stretches, warm-ups,             social distancing cannot be maintained.
exercises encouraging strength, balance, and                                         AGE: 16 & older
endurance, and the practice of simple tumbling
skills. Through trusting others, your child will    Date		       Day    Time                 R/NR
experience the fun and importance of being          1/10–2/14    Sun     8:45-9:30am       $54/$64
part of a team. Loose clothing and gym shoes        2/28-4/11    Sun     8:45-9:30am       $54/$64
recommended. Masks required upon entry              Skip: 4/4
to building. Masks must be worn when social         4/25-6/6     Sun      8:45-9:30am      $54/$64
distancing cannot be maintained. *mounts will       Skip: 5/30
not be included in class until after social dis-
tancing is lifted. AGE: 6-11 years                  LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,
Date		        Day    Time                R/NR
1/9-2/13      Sat    8:40-9:25am       $47/$57       REGISTER NOW
2/27-4/10     Sat    8:40-9:25am       $47/$57
Skip: 4/3
4/24-6/5      Sat    8:40-9:25am       $47/$57
                                                                        Adult Tap Workout
Skip: 5/29
                                                                           INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D
                                                     Tap is an upbeat dance form that is a great way
LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,
                                                     to exercise your mind and body, so come along
                                                    and join the fun! Class includes warm-ups, basic
                                                     step, and traveling combinations. Tap shoes are
REGISTER NOW                                           required. Masks required upon entry to build-
                                                      ing. Masks must be worn when social distanc-
                                                         ing cannot be maintained. AGE: 16 & older

                                                    Date		      Day     Time		               R/NR
                                                    1/10 - 2/14 Sun     9:40-10:25am       $47/$57
                                                    2/28 - 4/11 Sun     9:40-10:25am       $47/$57
                                                    Skip: 4/4
                                                    4/25- 6/6     Sun    9:40-10:25am      $47/$57
                                                    Skip: 5/30

                                                    LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,

                                                     REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                           20
     Adult & fitness programs
Zumba Adult                                       Zumba Kids
INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D                            INSTRUCTOR: Michelle D
Ditch the workout - join the party! ZUMBA has     Zumba Kids classes feature kid-friendly routines
easy to follow moves and routines. Featuring      based on original Zumba® choreography. Perfect
interval training sessions where fast and slow    for our younger Zumba fans! Kids get the chance
rhythms and resistance training are combined      to be active and jam out to their favorite music.
to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat.   Zumba Kids helps develop a healthy lifestyle and
Add some Latin flavor and international zest      incorporate fitness as a natural part of children’s
into the mix and you’ve got ZUMBA!                lives by making fitness fun. Masks required upon
Masks required upon entry to building. Masks      entry to building. Masks must be worn when
must be worn when social distancing cannot be     social distancing cannot be maintained.
maintained. AGE: 16 & older                       AGE: 6-11 yrs old

Date		       Day    Time              R/NR        Date      Day       Time		             R/NR
1/10-2/14    Sun    10:30-11:15am     $39/$49     1/10-2/14 Sun       11:20-12:05pm      $47/$57
2/28-4/11    Sun    10:30-11:15am     $39/$49     2/28-4/11 Sun       11:20-12:05pm      $47/$57
Skip: 4/4                                         Skip: 4/4
4/25-6/6      Sun   10:30-11:15am     $39/$49     4/25–6/6     Sun    11:20-12:05pm      $47/$57
Skip: 5/30                                        Skip: 5/30

LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,      LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale,
LP                                                LP

REGISTER NOW                                      REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                21
     Adult & fitness programs                                                      Table Tennis
                                                                          SUPERVISOR: T. McCormack
                                                       Join us on Monday evenings for a few hours of
Recreation Table Tennis                                  open table tennis. The Edgeball Table Tennis
                                                       Agency will provide all supplies needed for this
SUPERVISOR: Tom McCormack                                         activity. Pre-registration is required.
Join us Monday evenings for open Recreation                                       No drop-ins allowed.
Table Tennis. Tired of staring at a screen all            Masks will be worn entering and leaving the
day? This is your chance to meet friends and           recreation facility and when physically distanc-
play table tennis! This is an individualized activ-       ing is not possible. AGE: Adult 14 and older
ity that allows for social interaction while re-
maining socially distanced. Our short sessions        Date           Day    Time		                R/NR
will allow minimal commitment, while giving the       1/4-2/22       Mon    7:30-9:30pm        $25/$35
opportunity for basic instruction or just to play.    Skip: 1/11 & 2/8
All supplies will be provided by Edgeball Table       3/1-4/19       Mon    7:30-9:30pm        $25/$35
Tennis Agency. Masks must be worn entering            Skip: 3/8 & 4/12
and exiting the building, and when socially dis-      4/26-6/14      Mon    7:30-9:30pm        $25/$35
tancing is not possible. AGE: 8-12 yrs old.           Skip: 5/10 & 5/31

Date		        Day      Time                R/NR       LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale, LP
1/18-2/1      M        5:30-6:30pm       $12/$22
2/15-3/1      M        5:30-6:30pm       $12/$22
                                                      REGISTER NOW
3/15-4/5      M        5:30-6:30pm       $12/$22
Skip: 3/22
4/19-5/3       M       5:30-6:30pm       $12/$22                    Multi Sport Gym Class
5/17-6/7       M       5:30-6:30pm       $12/$22
Skip: 5/31                                                                     INSTRUCTOR: L. Grisafe
                                                        Looking for sports activities? We offer a new
LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale             activity each week! Coach Laura will bring all
Rd, LP                                                     her energy and creativity so that your child
                                                          can enjoy physical activity during these cold
                                                           months. Rules for each activity will be ex-
REGISTER NOW                                             plained at the beginning of class. Each week
                                                          the activity will be taught with safety as the
                                                         priority, and fun as the result! Masks will be
                                                      worn entering and leaving the recreation facility
                                                       and when physically distancing is not possible.
                                                                                      AGE: 8-12 yrs old

                                                      Date		         Day   Time                   R/NR
                                                      1/6-2/10       W     4-5pm               $69/$79
                                                      2/24-4/7       W     4-5pm               $69/$79
                                                      Skip: 3/24
                                                      4/21-5/26      W     4-5pm               $69/$79

                                                      LOCATION: Recreation Center, 1501 Barnsdale
                                                                     Road, LP-Multipurpose Room

                                                      REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                  22
     Adult & Youth Sports Programs
Basketball Skills I			                                  Basketball Skills II
INSTRUCTOR: Rec. Staff                                  INSTRUCTOR: Rec. Staff
Players will begin each session working on the          Our instructional program for 4th/5th graders
fundamentals from dribbling, to passing, to             players will work on some fundamentals but
shooting with our coach staff. Players can also         have a ton of time to work out our skills on the
expect a couple scrimmage games towards                 court with situational drills & scrimmage games!
the end of each session to work out their new           Skills & drills are based off the Jr. NBA curricu-
learned skills! Skills & drills are based off the Jr.   lum. AGE: 9-10 yrs old
NBA curriculum. AGE: 7-8 yrs old
                                                        Dates		       Day    Time                 R/NR
Dates		        Day       Time                 R/NR      1/18–2/15     M   6:30–7:20pm           $50/$55
1/18–2/15      M       5:30–6:20pm          $50/$55     2/22–3/29     M   6:30–7:20pm           $50/$55
2/22–3/29      M       5:30–6:20pm          $50/$55     Skip: 3/22
Skip: 3/22
                                                        LOCATION: S.E. Gross, 3524 Maple Ave, Door
LOCATION: S.E. Gross, 3524 Maple Ave, Door              5, Brookfield
5, Brookfield

                                                         REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                   23
     Adult & Youth Sports Programs
                                                                                   Soccer Skills I
Little Lyons Soccer                                                              INSTRUCTOR: Rec. Staff
                                                             Learn the basics of soccer while having fun
INSTRUCTOR: Lyons Township Soccer Club                     at the same time. Fundamentals of dribbling,
Little Lyons is a fun, recreational, soccer ex-         passing and kicking will be covered through fun
perience for boys and girls ages 3-8 years old.             games that keep everyone moving! Younger
Little Lyons takes aim at developing each child’s           groups will work on coordination and motor
cognitive, motor, and social abilities through dy-         skills, while older groups will concentrate on
namic, fun, and engaging soccer activities. Par-                          teamwork and game situations.
ticipants will learn proper technical skills from                                        AGE: 7-8 yrs old
our team of enthusiastic coaches from LTSC.
Each Child will feel encouraged and comfort-           Dates		         Day         Time		          R/NR
able during every session as they experience           1/20–3/10       W       5:30–6:20pm       $80/$85
new activities week to week. Visit
littlelyons for more information.                        LOCATION: S.E. Gross, 3524 Maple Ave, Door
Masks will be worn entering and leaving the                                            5, Brookfield
recreation facility and when physically distanc-
ing is not possible.                                    REGISTER NOW
AGE: 3-8 yrs old.
                                                                                 Soccer Skills II
Date		          Day     Time     R/NR
1/4-2/22        M       4-5pm    $55/$65                                       INSTRUCTOR: Rec. Staff
Skip: 1/11 & 2/8                                          The next step in soccer instruction, this class
3/1-4/26           M    4-5pm    $55/$65                    will build upon our Level 1 class in a slightly
Skip: 3/8, 3/22, 4/12                                  faster paced environment and will be geared to-
LOCATION: 1501 Barnsdale Rd, Recreation                 ward competitive play and more advanced skill
Building/Multipurpose Room, LP                                          development. AGE: 9-10 yrs old

5/3-6/14           M    4-5pm    $55/$65               Dates		        Day         Time              R/NR
Skip: 5/31                                             1/20–3/10      W        6:30–7:20pm       $80/$85
LOCATION: 1501 Barnsdale Rd, Recreation                  LOCATION: S.E. Gross, 3524 Maple Ave, Door
Building/Grass Field Behind Building
                                                                                       5, Brookfield

                                                        REGISTER NOW

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
Classes & Programs                                                                              24
     Adult & Youth Sports Programs

Adult & Tot Kidnastics			                            Beginning Tumbling

INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff

                                                     INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff
Toddlers can develop body awareness, balance,
                                                     Start out learning the proper way to perform
flexibility, and coordination while having fun
                                                     rolls, handstands, and cartwheels. This class is a
doing gymnastics. Parents assist with skills in a
                                                     great introduction to tumbling, and it opens the
safe and caring environment.
                                                     door to gymnastics possibilities.
AGE: 2-3 yrs old with Parent or Caregiver
                                                     AGE: 5-6 yrs old
Dates		       Day    Time               R/NR
                                                     Dates		       Day   Time		              R/NR
1/16-2/6      Sa     9–9:30am           $38/$48
                                                     1/16–2/6      Sa    10:45–11:30am       $38/$48
2/20-3/13     Sa     9–9:30am           $38/$48
                                                     2/20–3/13     Sa    10:45–11:30am       $38/$48
4/3–4/24      Sa     9–9:30am           $38/$48
                                                     4/3–4/24      Sa    10:45–11:30am       $38/$48
LOCATION: Recreation Hall, 8820 Brookfield
                                                     LOCATION: Recreation Hall, 8820 Brookfield
Ave Brookfield
                                                     Ave Brookfield
                                                     REGISTER NOW

					           Junior Gymnastics
INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff
Boys and girls will learn the basics of gymnas-      INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff
tics in a safe and well-equipped environment.        Age-appropriate maneuvers for bar, floor, low
Children can improve coordination and help           balance beam and vault will be introduced.
develop self-confidence, strength, flexibility and   Boys and Girls will learn basic movements for
balance. AGE: 3-4 yrs old                            each event in a safe environment.
                                                     AGE: 7-10 yrs old
Dates		       Day    Time		             R/NR
1/16–2/6      Sa     9:45–10:30am       $38/$48      Dates     Day Time          R/NR
2/20–3/13     Sa     9:45–10:30am       $38/$48      1/16–2/6   Sa 11:45–12:30pm $38/$48
4/3–4/24      Sa     9:45–10:30am       $38/$48      2/20–3/13 Sa 11:45–12:30pm $38/$48
                                                     4/3–4/24   Sa 11:45–12:30pm $38/$48
LOCATION: Recreation Hall, 8820 Brookfield
Ave Brookfield                                       LOCATION: Recreation Hall, 8820 Brookfield
                                                     Ave Brookfield
                                                     REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                           25
    Adult & Youth Sports Programs

Youth Archery 10U                                  Youth Archery 14U
INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff                  INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff
Archery participants will learn the parts of an    Archery participants will learn the parts of an
arrow and recurve bow, the basics of using a       arrow and recurve bow, the basics of using a
recurve bow, and fundamental shooting skills in    recurve bow, and fundamental shooting skills in
an extremely safe environment. They also will      an extremely safe environment. They also will
learn and excellent, nationally recognized be-     learn and excellent, nationally recognized be-
ginner’s 9-step to the 10 ring progression which   ginner’s 9-step to the 10 ring progression which
was created by the Coaches Development             was created by the Coaches Development
Committee of the National Archery Association.     Committee of the National Archery Association.
Blunt tipped arrows, bows, and targets are pro-    Blunt tipped arrows, bows, and targets are pro-
vided. AGE: 7-10 yrs old                           vided. AGE: 11-14 yrs old.

Dates		       Day     Time             R/NR        Dates		      Day    Time		             R/NR
1/21–2/11     Th      5-5:45pm         $40/$50     1/21–2/11    Th     5:45–6:30pm        $40/$50
2/18–3/11     Th      5-5:45pm         $40/$50     2/18–3/11    Th     5:45–6:30pm        $40/$50
4/1-4/22      Th      4:30-5:15pm      $40/$50     4/1-4/22     Th     5:15–6:00pm        $40/$50
4/29–5/20     Th      4:30-5:15pm      $40/$50     4/29–5/20    Th     5:15–6:00pm        $40/$50

LOCATION: Village Hall Range (Session I & II)      LOCATION: Village Hall Range (Jan & Feb Ses-
8820 Brookfield Ave, Police Department’s           sions) 8820 Brookfield Ave, Police Department’s
Practice Range, BF                                 Practice Range, BF

Ehlert Park (Sessions III & IV) Congress Park &    Ehlert Park (April Sessions) Congress Park &
Elm Avenues, BF                                    Elm Avenues, BF

REGISTER NOW                                        REGISTER NOW
Classes & Programs                                                                                    26
    Adult & Youth Sports Programs

Family Archery                                         Adult Archery
INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff                      INSTRUCTOR: SportsKids Inc. Staff
You and your family members will meet new              Learn the basics of archery including how to
friends while learning the parts of an arrow and       handle a bow, a 9-step program for shooting
recurve bow, the basics of using a bow and the         an arrow from a bow, and range safety in this
fundamental shooting skills in an extremely            adults-only class. We teach proper technique
safe environment. You will also learn the na-          and vary target distances so that adults can
tionally recognized beginner’s 9-step to the 10        participate at their own ability levels. Exciting
ring progression method which was created by           games will also be played thereby offering lots
the National Archery Association. Blunt tipped         of fun for everyone. Discover this relaxing and
arrows, bows and targets are provided.                 rewarding sport that will give you a lifetime of
AGE: 6 & older with Adult.                             enjoyment! Recurve bows, arrows and targets
                                                       will be provided, but you may use your own
Dates		      Day    Time		             R/NR            equipment with instructor approval.
1/21–2/11    Th     6:30–7:15pm        $40/$50         AGE: 18 & Older
2/18–3/11    Th     6:30–7:15pm        $40/$50
4/1–4/22     Th     6:00–6:45pm        $40/$50         Dates		       Day    Time               R/NR
4/29–5/20    Th     6:00–6:45pm        $40/$50         1/21–2/11     Th     7:15–8:00pm        $40/$50
                                                       2/18–3/11     Th     7:15–8:00pm        $40/$50
LOCATION: Village Hall Range (Jan & Feb Ses-           4/1-4/22      Th     6:45–7:30pm        $40/$50
sions) 8820 Brookfield Ave, Police Department’s        4/29–5/20     Th     6:45–7:30pm        $40/$50
Practice Range, BF
                                                       LOCATION: Village Hall Range (Jan & Feb Ses-
Ehlert Park (April Sessions) Congress Park &           sions) 8820 Brookfield Ave, Police Department’s
Elm Avenues, BF                                        Practice Range, BF

                                                       Ehlert Park (April Sessions) Congress Park &
REGISTER NOW                                           Elm Avenues, BF

                                                        REGISTER NOW

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
Classes & Programs                                                                                     27
    Adult & Youth Sports Programs
                                                                      Advanced Skills Camp
Baseball                                                                  INSTRUCTOR: Players Platform
                                                         While maintaining a familiar small group setting,
INSTRUCTOR: Players Platform                                 Advanced Skills Camp will build on the fun-
Basic Skills Camp is designed for kids showing             damentals of Basic Skills Camp - teaching and
an interest in the game of baseball. Through-               developing young players in a more challeng-
out the 4-day camp, participants will work on             ing environment. Players should have previous
catching/throwing, fielding, and hitting in a             t-ball/baseball experience, a basic understand-
structured, fast paced, and fun environment.                   ing of the game of baseball, and a genuine
This camp focuses on building an understanding             enthusiasm to learn and be active. Participant
of the game of baseball in a small group setting                             safety is always first priority.
with professional instruction. No previous expe-                                          AGE: 5-8 yrs old
rience or exposure to the game is necessary.                Required equipment: glove, metal bat, water
AGE: 4-7 yrs old                                              bottle, and sunscreen is highly encouraged!
Required equipment: glove, bat, water bottle,                Optional: face covering, hat, helmet, batting
and sunscreen is highly encouraged!                                                                  gloves
Optional: face covering, hat, helmet, batting            Proper social distancing will be maintained and
gloves                                                                  IDPH guidelines will be followed.
Proper social distancing will be maintained and
IDPH guidelines will be followed.                        Date		        Day      Time		               R/NR
                                                         5/25-5/28     Tu-F     4-5pm           $100/$110
Date		        Day      Time		      R/NR
5/4-5/7       Tu-F     4-5pm       $100/$110               LOCATION: Hanesworth North Ballfield, 1501
5/11-5/14     Tu-F     4-5pm       $100/$110                                     Barnsdale Road, LP
5/18-5/21     Tu-F     4-5pm       $100/$110

LOCATION: Hanesworth North Ballfield, 1501                REGISTER NOW
Barnsdale Road, LP

REGISTER NOW                                                                  Let’s Play Baseball
                                                                          INSTRUCTOR: Players Platform
  This two-hour clinic is for kids ready to work on their game in “Live Play” environment. The first hour
    will be similar to a pregame routine: stretch, warm up, and catch. After defensive drills, players will
          engage in instruction based “live play” to learn the game in an active and competitive setting.
                                                                                          AGE: 5-8 yrs old
               Required equipment: glove, metal bat, water bottle, and sunscreen is highly encouraged!
                                                       Optional: face covering, hat, helmet, batting gloves.
                        Proper social distancing will be maintained and IDPH guidelines will be followed.

                                                         Date        Day         Time                 R/NR
                        REGISTER NOW                     5/8         Sat         8-10am            $40/$50
                                                         5/15        Sat         8-10am            $40/$50
                                                         5/22        Sat         8-10am            $40/$50

                                      LOCATION: Hanesworth North Ballfield, 1501 Barnsdale Road, LP
The Annual Veteran’s Memorial ceremony will be            Veterans Memorial was built to honor ALL active duty
re-imagined for this year, as the country continues to    and military veterans whether they served in times of
deal with the COVID pandemic. This year’s ceremony        conflict or times of peace. We feel that it is import-
will unfortunately not be the same as you have seen       ant to recognize all of our men and women who have
the event in the past, but please stay tuned for the      served or are now serving because they never knew
new re-imagined event scheduled for Saturday, May         what tomorrow would bring as they protected Amer-
29th, 2021. We are hoping to have an in person            ica. There is no better way to honor your favorite
event but due to the unprecedented times we will          active duty or military veteran than by placing a brick
have to determine closer to May 2021 what protocol        in his or her honor in our Plaza. Memorial bricks can
we will follow.                                           be purchased by clicking here. You can also visit our
                                                          website and download the form. If you have any
The names of the veteran’s/active duty personnel          questions you can call the park district office at 708-
that have been installed in our plaza since Memorial      354-4580 and speak with Amanda Kennedy.
Day 2019 will be recognized. Thanks to the culmina-
tion of the tireless work of longtime resident Jack Ry-   In response to community requests, donors who
der, this year we will also be honoring 19 La Grange      have purchased a memorial brick for the plaza will
Park residents that were KIA during their service to      have the opportunity to buy a replica brick that can
our country.                                              be given as a gift or kept for their own special memo-
                                                          rial. Special prices for replica bricks are as follows:
The Veterans Memorial was dedicated on September          4x8 Bricks are $60.00 and 8x8 Bricks are $75.00.
20, 2014. Our Memorial is unlike many memorials in        Brick orders are placed once during the year on Janu-
that it will continue to grow each year as memorial       ary 31st as the deadline for all orders. A replica brick
bricks are purchased and placed in the Memorial Pla-      order form can be found on our website.
za. The Community Park District of La Grange Park’s
Registration Information:
1.      Resident Registration: Online and walk-         programs such as tickets to entertainment and
in resident registration will begin on Thursday,        special events and trips.
December 10, at 8:30 am. To register online to          7.      NSF: In the event that a program is paid
go For walk-in           for by check and that check is returned to the
registration, visit the Park District office at 1501    District stamped NSF or Closed Account, an
Barnsdale Road, during business hours. For a            additional fee will be added. A full payment will
printable mail-in registration form click here.         be required in cash or cashier’s check before
Residents may only register their own family            attendance can continue. A fee of up to $25.00
members.                                                will be added for all returned checks.
2.      Non-resident Registration: Online and           8.      Proof of Residency: Proof of residency
walk-in registration for non-residents begins           may be required to qualify for resident rates
Thursday, December 17, at 8:30 am. To register          for program registration. A state ID or current
online, go to            utility bill is acceptable.
For walk-in registration, visit the Park District       9.      Co-Op Programming: If the graphic
office during normal business hours.                    symbol          appears next to a program title, it
3.      First Come, First Served: All programs          is a cooperative program and resident rates will
have a minimum and maximum enrollment and               apply to all agencies included.
will be filled on a first come, first served basis.     10.     Proof of Age: The Community Park Dis-
4.      Program Waiting Lists: Maximum enroll-          trict reserves the right to require proof of age
ments for programs ensure quality and safety            for participants when age is a factor.
for all participants. Waiting lists will be estab-      11.     Payment Methods: We accept VISA,
lished. Program rosters are monitored for with-         MasterCard, Discover, American Express, cash
drawals and waiting lists are contacted as spots        and checks. Proper ID may be required.
become available. Residents on a waiting list           12.     Absolutely NO money or registration will
are given priority when an enrollment becomes           be accepted at any class site. All registrations
available.                                              must be processed and completed either online
5.      Cancellations: All classes are subject to       or at the Park District office during normal busi-
cancellation if they do not meet the minimum            ness hours.
enrollments a week before the class starts,             13.     If your child has a peanut or other allergy,
unless otherwise noted. A full refund will be           please contact the front desk at 708-354-4580
given.                                                  to discuss possible accommodations. While we
6.      Refund Policy: A full refund will be is-        can take reasonable steps to make a specific
sued if requested within five business days prior       program nut-free or to avoid other allergens, we
to the start of the class. A 20% administrative         cannot guarantee that the facility is 100% free
fee will be applied if request is received within       from nuts or allergens. We do rent the same
four or fewer business days prior to the start          kitchen as event space and cannot guarantee
of the class. Prorated refunds MAY be issued,           that the rental group(s) did not bring nuts or
once a class starts, in case of injury or illness. A    other allergens in the facility. We are commit-
physician’s note may be required. No adminis-           ted to implementing reasonable measures to
trative fee will be applied for a medical release.      minimize your child’s contact with nut products
The following EXCEPTIONS to all above rules             or allergens and to maximize your child’s safe-
apply: Ready Teddy Preschool registration fee           ty and look forward to discussing your child’s
and tuition, sports leagues fees, and contractual       unique needs.

COVID-19 ALERT: Recreational programming hosted by the Community Park District of La Grange
Park has been designed to convert to hybrid or virtual formats to accommodate COVID-19 mitiga-
tion strategies. No refunds will be issued in the event of a hybrid/virtual conversion. Should the park
district cancel a program for any reason, refunds or a proration will be issued per our policies.
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