Page created by Sara Blair

 PROJECT TITLE IN ENGLISH         Impact of Drp1 activation, Unfolded Protein Response induction and FGF21
                                  levels in DMD progression

   TITOLO DEL PROGETTO            Ruolo dell attivazione di Drp1 nella patogenesi della Distrofia Muscolare di
        IN ITALIANO               Duchenne ed identificazione di FGF21 come marker di severità

           TUTOR                  Clara De Palma
    (inclusa la matricola)        Mat 46525


         LABORATORY               Biometra Department, Via Vanvitelli 32
         DEPARTMENT               Skeletal muscle and mitochondria biology lab
 If available provide a link to
         your webpage
                                  DMD shares common mitochondrial alterations with various mitochondrial diseases
                                  and with aged skeletal muscle, including often comparable symptomology. A
                                  plethora of defects in the cellular energy system have been reported in dystrophin-
                                  deficient skeletal muscle in both human patients and animal models, which would
                                  contribute to the failure of energy homeostasis observed in DMD.
                                  Alongside metabolic dysfunctions, mdx fibers reveal dramatic mitochondrial
                                  fragmentation, however, few studies have addressed mitochondrial dynamics.
                                  Mitochondria are dynamic organelles, whose morphology and function are
                                  controlled by a balance between fission and fusion events, and, particularly in
                                  muscle, mitochondria create a network showing mostly tubular morphology.
                                  Giacomotto and colleague reported for the first time that mitochondria
                                  fragmentation occurs in dystrophic nematodes and a zebrafish model for DMD.
                                  They also demonstrate that repression of the mitochondria fission gene drp-1 is
                                  beneficial toward muscle degeneration. Thereafter, the issue has been studied in
                                  mdx/U /        ice e eali g ha D 1 e e ion increases more in comparison to
                                  that of mitofusin 2, still suggesting an unbalance of mitochondrial dynamics towards
 Provide a general overview of
                                  fission. Recently mitochondrial fragmentation has been associated with IP3 receptor
 the rationale and the topic of
                                  (IP3R1) demonstrating that IP3R1 knockdown modulates mitochondrial dynamics
   the project and its specific
                                  by decreasing expression of both Drp1 and Fis1 in adult mdx fiber.
goals. Maximum of 750 words.
                                  Emerging evidence suggests that in muscle excessive fission can enhance a general
                                  retrograde response from the mitochondria to the nucleus activating the expression
                                  of nuclear genes as an adaptive response to mitochondrial stress, according to the
                                  concept of mitohormesis. Therefore, mitochondria dynamics act as a signaling hub
                                  triggering a cascade of events that reverberates to the whole body, affecting general
                                  metabolism and aging.
                                  The UPR activation, especially in muscle, induces the expression and release of
                                  FGF21, a mitokine and mediator of mitochondrial stress. FGF21 promotes longevity
                                  and protects against pathologic cardiac hypertrophy, oxidative stress, and
                                  myocardial infarction, however, its high levels in adult-hood contribute to a general
                                  pro-senescence metabolic shift, altered glucose homeostasis, and elevated
                                  inflammatory state with an increase of circulating cytokines. The role of UPR as
                                  well as the data regarding the production of FGF21 in DMD are limited and
                                  considering that its levels depend on the severity of the mitochondrial damage, our
                                  study would succeed to fill the gap, performing an analysis at different stages of
muscle wasting, to address whether and how FGF21 could impact on dystrophic
                          phenotype and to understand whether FGF21 could be involved in pathogenetic
                          mechanisms associated to DMD.
                          We could provide data regarding the use of FGF21 as a marker of severity, thus
                          confirming the recent idea that DMD shares many similarities with mitochondrial
                          diseases that, next, it would be worth validating in patients. Besides, the second goal
                          of the project will lead to identify a hitherto unexploited strategy to fight DMD,
                          which can result in new exciting studies with other similar molecules that could be
                          tested in different models of DMD, fulfilling the strong need to develop new,
                          affordable drugs with minimal side effects to complement, and combine with,
                          existing therapies.
                          The final outcome of this project is to investigate the Drp1-dependent induction of
                          FGF21 and its impact on the disease progression, thus providing a correlation
                          between DMD hallmarks and FGF21 levels. We will also attempt an innovative
                          pharmacological strategy, targeting Drp1 to limit the mitohormetic response and the
                          FGF21 increase.
                          We will pursue these goals with two different aims:
                          AIM1 will be focused on exploring the pathways activated by Drp1 leading to
                          FGF21 expression in DMD. We plan to examine the signaling cascade associated
                          with altered mitochondrial dynamics, assessing its dependent nuclear response and
                          defining the molecules involved in increasing FGF21 levels. We will outline the
                          onset of FGF21 production and its levels at different stages of DMD and we will act
                          on Drp1 and mitochondrial fission to modulate UPR and FGF21 levels, treating mice
                          with specific Drp1 inhibitors. Therefore, we could highlight new potential drugs for
                          alternative mitochondrial targeting therapy
                          AIM2 will be focused on exploring the systemic/muscular effects associated with
                          FGF21 levels in dystrophic conditions. FGF21 can mediate unhealthy actions that
                          will be assessed in mdx mice establishing the relationship between FGF21 levels
                          and their systemic/muscular effects. Besides, pharmacologically/genetically
                          blocking the mitokine we will provide the evidence whether blocking FGF21 we
                          could ameliorate disease progression.

                          Gli studenti devono essere interessati ad approfondire i meccanismi molecolari
  EVENTUALI REQUISITI     associati a disfunzioni mitocondriali e responsabili della progressione della distrofia
SPECIFICI DEL CANDIDATO   muscolare di Duchenne con la possibilità di eseguire studi preclinici nel modello
                          murino di DMD.
L      di dei i c d i c           e de a i a e i, dall i agi g alla bi chi ica, e
                                consente di affrontare diverse tecniche e lo studio in vivo sarà focalizzato sulla
                                modulazione dei target identificati con approcci multipli, per migliorare il fenotipo
                                Students should be interested in the investigation of molecular mechanisms
                                associated with mitochondria and responsible for the progression of DMD and in the
   CANDIDATE SPECIFIC           setting of preclinical studies with the DMD mouse model. The study of mitochondria
  REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY)         will cover different topics from the imaging to the biochemistry with the possibility
                                to explore many technics. Besides, this project will give a chance to set up in vivo
                                approaches to improve the dystrophic phenotype
                                    Giovarelli M, Zecchini S, Martini E, Garrè M, Barozzi S, Ripolone M, Napoli L,
                                    Coazzoli M, Vantaggiato C, Roux-Biejat P, Cervia D, Moscheni C, Perrotta C,
                                    Parazzoli D, Clementi E, De Palma C*. Drp1 overexpression induces desmin
                                    disassembling and drives kinesin-1 activation promoting mitochondrial
                                    trafficking in skeletal muscle. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2020
                                    Filipe A, Chernorudskiy A, Arbogast S, Varone E, Villar-Quiles RN, Pozzer D,
                                    Moulin M, Fumagalli S, Cabet E, Dudhal S, De Simoni MG, Denis R, Vadrot N,
                                    Dill C, Giovarelli M, Szweda L, De Palma C, Pinton P, Giorgi C, Viscomi C,
                                    Clementi E, Missiroli S, Boncompagni S, Zito E, Ferreiro A. Defective
      MOST RELEVANT                 endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts and bioenergetics in SEPN1-
  PUBLICATIONS FOR THE              related myopathy. Cell Death Differentiation. 2020
                                    Touvier T, De Palma C, Rigamonti E, Scagliola A, Incerti E, Mazelin L, Thomas
                                    JL, D'Antonio M, Politi L, Schaeffer L, Clementi E, Brunelli S. Muscle-specific
 Provide here most relevant
                                    Drp1 overexpression impairs skeletal muscle growth via translational
  references for the project        attenuation. Cell Death and Disease. 2015 Feb 26;6:e1663. doi:
          (max 5)                   10.1038/cddis.2014.595
                                    De Palma C, Morisi F, Cheli S, Pambianco S, Cappello V, Vezzoli M, Rovere-
                                    Querini P, Moggio M, Ripolone M, Francolini M, Sandri M, Clementi E.
                                    Autophagy as a new therapeutic target in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Cell
                                    Death and Disease. 2012
                                    De Palma C, Falcone S, Pisoni S, Cipolat S, Panzeri C, Pambianco S, Pisconti
                                    A, Allevi R, Bassi MT, Cossu G, Pozzan T, Moncada S, Scorrano L, Brunelli S,
                                    Clementi E. Nitric oxide inhibition of Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission is
                                    critical for myogenic differentiation. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2010

                                   Giovarelli M, Zecchini S, Martini E, Garrè M, Barozzi S, Ripolone M, Napoli L,
                                   Coazzoli M, Vantaggiato C, Roux-Biejat P, Cervia D, Moscheni C, Perrotta C,
                                   Parazzoli D, Clementi E, De Palma C*. Drp1 overexpression induces desmin
                                   disassembling and drives kinesin-1 activation promoting mitochondrial
                                   trafficking in skeletal muscle. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2020
                                   Zecchini S, Giovarelli M, Perrotta C, Morisi F, Touvier T, Di Renzo I, Moscheni
                                   C, Bassi MT, Cervia D, Sandri M, Clementi E, De Palma C*. Autophagy
                                   controls neonatal myogenesis by regulating the GH-IGF1 system through a
                                   NFE2L2- and DDIT3-mediated mechanism. Autophagy. 2019
MOST RECENT PUBLICATIONS           Pedrotti S, Caccia R, Neguembor MV, Garcia-Manteiga JM, Ferri G, De Palma
Provide here your most recent      C, Canu T, Giovarelli M, Marra P, Fiocchi A, Molineris I, Raso M, Sanvito F,
     publications (max 5)          Doglioni C, Esposito A, Clementi E, Gabellini D. The Suv420h histone
                                   methyltransferases regulate PPAR-γ and energy expenditure in response to
                                   environmental stimuli. Science Advances. 2019
                                   Pambianco S, Giovarelli M, Perrotta C, Zecchini S, Cervia D, Di Renzo I,
                                   Moscheni C, Ripolone M, Violano R, Moggio M, Bassi MT, Puri PL, Latella L,
                                   Clementi E, De Palma C*. Reversal of Defective Mitochondrial Biogenesis in
                                   Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2D by Independent Modulation of Histone and
                                   PGC-1α Acetylation. Cell Reports. 2016
                                   Touvier T, De Palma C, Rigamonti E, Scagliola A, Incerti E, Mazelin L, Thomas
                                   JL, D'Antonio M, Politi L, Schaeffer L, Clementi E, Brunelli S. Muscle-specific
Drp1 overexpression impairs skeletal muscle growth via translational
   attenuation. Cell Death and Disease. 2015 Feb 26;6:e1663. doi:
(*corresponding author)
Nel presentare il progetto, il proponente dichiara che:

  a) è presente la disponibilità economica e logistica necessaria per lo sviluppo del
     progetto proposto che inizierà a ottobre 2021 ed avrà una durata di tre anni;

  b) monitorerà con attenzione il progetto così da valutare se possa produrre una
        bblica i e ell a c del ie i in caso contrario il proponente cercherà di
     coinvolgere il dottorando in un altro progetto di ricerca o nella stesura di una
     review così da garantirgli almeno una pubblicazione prima della discussione della
     tesi, cui farà seguito, a meno di giustificate eccezioni, almeno una pubblicazione
     in cui il lavoro principale dello studente verrà adeguatamente riconosciuto.

In fede,

Data 23-04-2021
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