Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations - NDU Press

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Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations - NDU Press
Soyuz-2.1b rocket lifts off from Baikonur
                                                                                                               Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, together with
                                                                                                                   34 OneWeb communication satellites
                                                                                                                                  (Courtesy Roscosmos)

Proliferated Commercial
Satellite Constellations
Implications for National Security
By Matthew A. Hallex and Travis S. Cottom

      he falling costs of space launch               Commercial space actors—from tiny                    of these endeavors will result in new

T     and the increasing capabilities of
      small satellites have enabled the
emergence of radically new space archi-
                                                     startups to companies backed by bil-
                                                     lions of dollars of private investment—
                                                     are pursuing these new architectures
                                                                                                          space-based services, including global
                                                                                                          broadband Internet coverage broadcast
                                                                                                          from orbit and high-revisit overhead
tectures—proliferated constellations                 to disrupt traditional business models               imagery of much of the Earth’s surface.
made up of dozens, hundreds, or even                 for commercial Earth observation and                     The effects of proliferated con-
thousands of satellites in low orbits.               satellite communications. The success                stellations will not be confined to the
                                                                                                          commercial sector. The exponential in-
                                                                                                          crease in the number of satellites on orbit
Matthew A. Hallex is a Research Staff Member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. Travis S. Cottom is
                                                                                                          will shape the future military operating
a Research Associate at the Institute for Defense Analyses.                                               environment in space. The increase in

20   Forum / Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations                                                                JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020
Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations - NDU Press
the availability of satellite imagery and         Table 1. Planned Proliferated Communications Constellations
communications bandwidth on the open
                                                  Satellite Operator                    Proposed Satellites        Satellite Design Life (Years)
market will also affect the operating
                                                  OneWeb                                > 2,000                    7–10
environment in the ground, maritime,
and air domains, offering new capabilities        SpaceX Starlink                       ~ 12,000                   5–7
that can address hard problems facing             Boeing                                > 3,000                    10–15
the U.S. military, such as tracking mobile        Telesat                               292–512                    10
targets, operating in the Arctic, or pro-         Kepler Communications                 140                        10
viding resilient space support in the face
                                                  LEOSat                                84                         10
of growing counterspace threats. These
trends will also create new challenges as         Sources: Tereza Pultarova and Caleb Henry, “OneWeb Weighing 2,000 More Satellites,” SpaceNews
adversaries ranging from Great Power              (February 24, 2017); Jon Brodkin, “FCC Tells SpaceX It Can Deploy Up to 11,943 Broadband Satellites,”
                                                  Ars Technica (November 15, 2018); Grant R. Cates, Daniel X. Houston, Douglas G. Conley, and Karen
competitors to hostile nonstate actors            L. Jones, “Launch Uncertainty: Implications for Large Constellations,” The Aerospace Corporation,
gain cheap access to space capabilities and       November 2018, 2; Caleb Henry, “Telesat Says Ideal LEO Constellation Is 292 Satellites, but Could Be
the emergence of space-based Internet             512,” SpaceNews (September 11, 2018).
reshapes the cyber battlespace.
     This article discusses some of the
proposed commercial proliferated con-            gated Teledesic constellation and the                competitive with terrestrial broadband
stellations being developed in the United        struggles of Iridium in the 1990s.2                  communications. This will not only
States and abroad and explores the poten-             Growing global demand for infor-                allow satellite communications to
tial effects of proliferated constellations on   mation services, the greater availability            compete for long-distance backhaul
the space, terrestrial, and cyber domains.       of capital compared to previous eras of              and mobile users but also address
It identifies the multidomain challenges         commercial satellite growth, the increas-            underserved populations. Much of the
and opportunities these trends create for        ing affordability of access to space launch,         developing world lacks access to ter-
the warfighter and proposes steps that the       and greater economies of scale in produc-            restrial broadband infrastructure, and
Department of Defense (DOD) and the              ing small satellites, however, may make              57 percent of the global population
broader national security community can          proliferated constellations more viable              does not have access to the Internet.3
take to prepare.                                 commercial endeavors. The availability of            Mega-constellations could allow the
                                                 space-based broadband communications,                developing world to skip laying costly
Emerging Commercial                              for instance, will likely drive the growth           fiber-optic cable in the same way the
Proliferated Satellite                           of Internet-of-Things applications leading           proliferation of cellular phone technol-
Constellations                                   to further demand for communications                 ogy provided communications without
Commercial proliferated constellations           services. Even if only a handful of prolif-          the need to build phone lines in the
will change how satellite communica-             erated constellation efforts succeed, it will        developing world. LEO-proliferated
tions and Earth observation services are         produce both a paradigm shift in how                 constellations will also be able to
provided. Not all the projects detailed          space services are provided and a substan-           provide communications to high-lat-
below will enter service. The total              tial growth in the number of satellites on           itude populations in Alaska, northern
market for high bandwidth communi-               orbit.                                               Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia, which
cations is estimated to reach 3 terabits                                                              are poorly served by terrestrial com-
of data by 2024. If all the projected            Communications                                       munications infrastructure and outside
proliferated communications constel-             Satellites in geosynchronous orbit                   the coverage of GEO communications
lations and other projected satellite            (GEO) have traditionally provided satel-             satellites.4
communications services become acces-            lite communications where satellites can                 OneWeb and SpaceX are pursuing
sible, 20 to 30 terabits will be available       broadcast to large areas of the Earth.               the most ambitious proposals for LEO
by that year. The small satellite imagery        These satellites have provided low data              communications proliferated constella-
market is expected to grow from its very         rates and relatively high latency commu-             tions (see table 1). OneWeb has raised
small base, but government customers             nications, good enough for niche appli-              more than $1.7 billion in investments
still dominate the demand for satellite          cations but not competitive with fiber               to build a first-generation constellation
imagery.1 In addition to potential limits        optics and other terrestrial alternatives            of 648 satellites, expected to enter
on demand, some industry experts                 for broadband communications. Prolif-                commercial service by 2020, and plans
have raised concerns about shortages             erated communications constellations,                to expand the constellation with 2,000
in investment capital necessary to com-          often referred to as mega-constellations             satellites in the future.5 Plans for SpaceX’s
plete various competing efforts, and             because of their size, are in low-Earth              Starlink proliferated constellation are
other critics have compared the current          orbit (LEO) and aim to provide high                  even more ambitious. The first genera-
era to the failures of the large, disaggre-      bandwidth, low latency communications                tion of Starlink is planned to consist of

JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020                                                                                                     Hallex and Cottom        21
Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations - NDU Press
national security and other government
 Table 2. Planned Proliferated Earth Observation Constellations
 Satellite Operator                Proposed Satellites                Resolution                              The U.S. Government has been the
 Planet                            ~ 150                              0.72m–5m                           largest and most stable customer for
 Spaceflight Industries            60                                 1m                                 commercial satellite imagery, including
 Satellogic                        300                                1m                                 resources from new imagery prolif-
 Hera Systems                      48                                 .5m                                erated constellations. For instance, a
                                                                                                         significant share of Planet’s growth has
 UrtheCast                         16                                 0.75m–22m
                                                                                                         been through multiple contracts with
 Capella Space                     30                                 1-30m SAR
                                                                                                         the National Geospatial-Intelligence
 Canon                             > 100                              1m                                 Agency.12 Commercial Earth observa-
 DigitalGlobe                      6                                  0.3m                               tion companies, however, are seeking
                                                                                                         to diversify their customer base and
 Sources: “Planet Imagery and Archive,”; Jeff Foust, “Spaceflight Raises $150 Million for
 BlackSky Constellation,” Space News, March 13, 2018; Caleb Henry, “Satellogic on Its Way to Launching
                                                                                                         reach new markets—to rely less on
 300 Satellite Constellation for Earth Observation,” Satellite Today, March 17, 2016; Bhavya Lal et      U.S. Government spending and, con-
 al., Global Trends in Small Satellites (Washington, DC: IDA Science and Technology Institute, July      sequently, to potentially reduce its sway
 2017); “Sensor Technologies,”; Nobutada Sako, “Utilizing Commercial DSLR for High
 Resolution Earth Observation Satellite,” paper presented at the AIAA/USU Conference on Small
                                                                                                         over commercial actors. With lower
 Satellites, Logan, UT, August 2018, 1–3; “CE-SAT 1,” Space Flight 101; Stephen Clark, “DigitalGlobe     prices and increasingly on-demand im-
 Books Two Launches with SpaceX for Earth-Imaging Fleet,” Spaceflight Now, March 28, 2018.               agery services, proliferated constellation
                                                                                                         companies are trying to focus on new,
                                                                                                         nontraditional satellite imagery markets:
more than 4,000 satellites, and SpaceX                   The most mature of the disaggregated            industrial monitoring, agriculture, util-
has secured U.S. Government approval                 Earth observation constellations are those          ities, marine transportation analytics,
for a final constellation of almost 12,000           operated by Planet and Spire Global. By             insurance, resource management, busi-
satellites.6 Other proliferated constellation        the end of 2017, Planet operated a con-             ness intelligence, and other data-driven,
proposals have come from established                 stellation of 140 Dove imagery CubeSats,            decisionmaking practices.13 This broader
companies such as Boeing and Canada’s                5 RapidEye medium-resolution, and 13                range of services will help drive market
Telesat, as well as smaller startups like            higher resolution SkySat satellites that            expansion, and the Institute for Defense
Kepler Communications and LeoSat.7                   can image Earth’s entire landmass daily.8           Analyses’ Science and Technology Policy
While these are only nascent projects,               In July 2018, Spire operated 61 of its              Institute projects the overall commercial
the potential for large quantities of                Lemur satellites (out of a planned 125)             small satellite imaging market will grow
communications bandwidth entering                    that track the Automatic Identification             from $15 million in 2015 to $164 mil-
the market from LEO communications                   System (AIS) beacons of ships that collect          lion in 2020.14
mega-constellations, as well as smaller              weather data by monitoring the radio
numbers of high-throughput GEO com-                  occupation of GPS signals.9                         Foreign Proliferated
munications satellites, have led traditional             Traditional remote-sensing providers            Constellation Efforts
satellite communications providers to                such as Digital Globe and other larger,             Interest in proliferated constellations is
delay purchasing new and replacement                 established companies including Canon,              not confined to the United States and
communications satellites that could                 the Japanese manufacturer of cameras                Western commercial space actors—both
struggle to compete in the future busi-              and other imagery products, are planning            China and Russia are pursuing their
ness environment.                                    disaggregated imagery constellations                own proliferated constellation projects.
                                                     (see table 2). Additional startup com-              The development of foreign proliferated
Earth Observation                                    panies are also aiming to join the ranks            constellations will allow not only their
The Earth observation market has                     of the more mature Earth observation                owners to access these capabilities, but
already moved toward commercial                      constellations offering optical imagery,            potentially access also to a wider range
constellations of large numbers of small             high-revisit, all weather, and nighttime            of actors. Given China’s willingness
satellites. While these constellations are           Synthetic Aperture Radar,10 as well as              to allow for commercial dealings with
smaller than planned communications                  radio signal collection satellites that can         countries hostile to the United States,
mega-constellations, ranging from                    geolocate signals emissions—essentially             these systems could pose a significant
dozens to hundreds of satellites, this               offering commercial electronic intel-               threat to U.S. interests.
disaggregation of commercial space                   ligence capabilities that can support                   The state-owned China Aerospace
capability has increased access to Earth             transportation and logistics, emergency             Science and Technology Corporation
observation capabilities useful for                  search and rescue, or spectrum mapping              (CASC) is planning the 300-satellite
national security applications.                      in addition to its existing applications for        Hongyan LEO broadband communica-
                                                                                                         tions proliferated constellation, and the

22   Forum / Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations                                                              JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020
Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations - NDU Press
Airman with 707th Communications Squadron Special Missions Flight repairs connection on CubeSat, in Laurel, Maryland, January 2018 (U.S. Air Force/
Alexandre Montes)

state-owned China Aerospace Science                commercial space capability to bolster its         the Russian civil and commercial space
and Industry Corporation plans its own             military and civil space systems as part           programs in recent years, Russia is a less
156-satellite Xingyun communications               of its policy of “civil-military fusion,”          likely proliferated constellation competi-
constellation. The first Hongyan satellite         making militarily useful proliferated              tor than China.
was launched in late 2018, and CASC has            constellations likely candidates for gov-
established a factory in Tianjin capable of        ernment support.16 Chinese proliferated            Spillover Effects:
producing 130 satellites a year. In 2015,          constellations are also likely to be able to       Satellite Manufacturing
China launched the first of its Jilin com-         rely on government financing and other             and Space Launch
mercial imagery satellites to complement           support to offer services to emerging              The emergence of proliferated con-
the Gaofen civil imagery constellation.            markets in Africa, Central Asia, and Latin         stellations is reshaping other areas of
The Jilin constellation is planned to reach        America as part of China’s One Belt, One           the commercial space world by driving
60 satellites by 2020 in order to provide          Road development and trade initiative.17           expansion of satellite manufacturing
global, 30-minute revisit rates, and then              Russia also has proliferated con-              and space launch capacity. The large
138 satellites by 2030 to obtain 10-min-           stellation aspirations. Roscosmos, the             numbers of satellites that comprise
ute revisit rates worldwide.15                     Russian state-owned space corporation,             proliferated constellations require sat-
     While ostensibly commercial, be-              has announced plans to build the                   ellites to be mass-produced quickly and
cause China has raised private funds and           288-satellite Efir constellation to provide        less expensively—a shift from the usual
intends to sell products and services to           global broadband Internet by 2025.                 paradigm of uniquely designed, exqui-
stakeholders beyond the government,                This project is part of a larger projected         site, and expensive space systems. To
Chinese proliferated constellations are            proliferated constellation comprising 600          produce the hundreds of satellites that
likely to be less responsive to market             communications and optical imagery                 will make up the OneWeb constellation,
pressures than Western commercial pro-             satellites to provide global coverage from         Airbus has opened a production line in
liferated constellations. China is pursuing        low orbits.18 Given the difficulties facing        Toulouse, France, and is planning an

JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020                                                                                                    Hallex and Cottom         23
additional high-capacity satellite manu-        China wants to build its own prolifer-        Debris Program Office suggests that a 99
facturing plant in Florida.19 In August         ated constellations for communications        percent end-of-life disposal rate may be
2018, Boeing agreed to acquire Millen-          and surveillance. The development of          necessary to maintain a sustainable orbital
nium Space Systems, which is building a         proliferated constellations will further      environment.26 The disposal level for
manufacturing center in California that         the democratization of space; capa-           LEO satellites, however, has not reached
will annually produce hundreds of small         bilities will become cheaper and more         20 percent in any of the last 25 years.27
satellites.20 Similarly, in 2018, Planet        readily available to a range of state and     Unless proliferated constellations become
opened a facility in San Francisco that         nonstate actors.24 Adapting to the emer-      far more reliable, they could pose a long-
can produce 40 small imagery satellites         gence of proliferated constellation is not    term threat to the ability of the United
each week.21                                    simply a problem for space warfighters.       States and other space actors to operate
     The deployment of proliferated             It requires a joint multidomain solution      safely in space.
constellations will continue to drive           to take advantage of the operational               While potentially threatening the
demand for space launch capacity. Small         opportunities provided by these systems       sustainability of safe orbital operations,
satellites have traditionally been launched     and to address the new threats in the         new proliferated constellations also offer
as rideshare or secondary payloads, but         space, air, maritime, land, and cyber         opportunities for the United States to
the demand for these opportunities ex-          domains detailed below.                       increase the resilience of its national se-
ceeds the rate of large payload launches.                                                     curity space architectures. Increasing the
Rideshare opportunities also bound a sat-       Satellite Proliferation                       resilience of U.S. national security space
ellite to the orbit of the primary satellite,   and Space Security                            architectures has strategic implications
which may not be the optimal inclination        The space operational environment is          beyond the space domain. Adversaries
or orbit for smaller satellites. The lack of    increasingly congested, contested, and        such as China and Russia see U.S. depen-
rideshare availability is driving the small     competitive. The emergence of satellite       dence on space as a key vulnerability to
launch vehicle market; companies such           proliferated constellations will accelerate   exploit during a conflict. Resilient, pro-
as Vector Launch, Rocket Lab, Firefly           these trends but will also offer oppor-       liferated satellite constellations support
Aerospace, and Virgin Orbit are devel-          tunities for the United States to better      deterrence by denying adversaries the
oping new vehicles to capture part of this      deter adversaries from initiating con-        space superiority they believe is necessary
demand. China also has an active small          flicts and to address growing adversary       to initiate and win a war against the
launch program with three operational           counterspace capabilities.                    United States.28 Should deterrence fail,
small launch vehicles.22                             The OneWeb satellite constellation       these constellations could provide assured
     Demand is not confined to small            alone would increase the number of            space support to U.S. forces in the face of
launch vehicles. Larger launch vehicles         operational satellites by almost 50 per-      adversary counterspace threats while im-
will permit proliferated constellations         cent compared to today, and the SpaceX        posing costs on competitors by rendering
to be rapidly deployed by manifesting           constellation would triple the number of      their investments in counterspace systems
dozens to hundreds of small satellites in       operational satellites compared to today.25   irrelevant. Proliferated constellations can
a single launch. For instance, in February      The addition of hundreds or thousands of      support these goals in four main ways.
2017, Planet launched 88 Dove satellites        proliferated constellation satellites would        First, the extreme degree of disag-
on a single Indian Polar Satellite Launch       increase congestion, stress existing U.S.     gregation inherent in government and
Vehicle.23 The relatively short planned         space situational awareness (SSA) and         commercial proliferated constellations
lifespan of proliferated constellation          space traffic management capabilities, and    could make them more resilient to attacks
satellites will also result in a continuous     could create a more dangerous debris en-      by many adversary counterspace systems.
demand for launch services to replace           vironment. More satellites and associated     A constellation composed of hundreds
satellites as they end their service lives,     debris would threaten orbital safety and,     or thousands of satellites could with-
potentially resulting in larger econo-          at the very least, increase the number of     stand losing a relatively large number of
mies of scale that reduce the cost of all       conjunction warnings—notices of possi-        them before losing significant capability.
launches.                                       ble collisions between satellites and other   Conducting such an attack with kinetic
                                                objects in space—that the Combined            antisatellite weapons—like those China
Proliferated Constellations                     Space Operations Center issues, distract-     and Russia are developing—would
and National Security                           ing it from its national security mission.    require hundreds of costly weapons to
While commercial interest is driving the             Proliferated constellation operators     destroy satellites that would be relatively
development of proliferated constella-          intend to address the risk of debris from     inexpensive to replace.
tions, these new space architectures can        their satellites by ensuring that they are         Second, proliferated constellations
provide capabilities previously available       disposed of through atmospheric re-en-        would be more resilient to adversary elec-
only to a few spacefaring great powers.         try at the end of their operating lives. A    tronic warfare. Satellites in LEO can emit
These new useful capabilities will not          recent study by the National Aeronautics      signals 1,280 times more powerful than
only be available to the United States.         and Space Administration’s Orbital            signals from satellites in GEO.29 They

24   Forum / Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations                                                   JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches Starlink at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, on May 23, 2019, putting 60 satellites into orbit (U.S. Air Force/
Alex Preisser)

also are faster in the sky than satellites in       of satellites will drive the development             new joint operational concepts to better
more distant orbits, which, combined                of low-cost launches to a much higher                exploit space systems in support of the
with the planned use of small spot beams            rate than is available today. Inexpensive,           joint fight as well as address new force
for communications proliferated con-                high-cadence space launch could provide              protection challenges when fighting
stellations, would shrink the geographic            a commercial solution to operationally               space-enabled state and nonstate actors.
area in which an adversary ground-based             responsive launch needs of the U.S.                      Proliferated constellations will
jammer could effectively operate, making            Government. In a future where space                  substantially increase the availability of
jammers less effective and easier to geolo-         launches occur weekly or less, the launch            communications bandwidth for military
cate and eliminate.30                               capacity needed to augment national                  operations. These satellites would provide
     Third, even if the United States               security space systems during a crisis or to         high bandwidth to forces with less latency
chooses not to deploy national secu-                replace systems lost during a conflict in            than existing GEO satellites,32 which, in
rity proliferated constellations during             space would be readily available.31                  turn, would improve access to reachback
peacetime, industrial capacity for                                                                       communications to forward-deployed
mass-producing proliferated constellation           The Fight on Earth:                                  military forces, and would also help meet
satellites could be repurposed during a             Opportunities and Threats                            the growing demand for transfer capacity
conflict. Just as Ford production lines             The emergence of proliferated con-                   for data collected by unmanned systems
shifted from automobiles to tanks and               stellations will lead to easier access to            and other forward sensors.
aircraft during World War II, one can eas-          satellite communications, space imagery,                 Proliferated LEO communications
ily imagine commercial satellite factories          and other capabilities that can support              constellations would also offer coverage
building military reconnaissance or com-            U.S. and adversary military opera-                   in theaters that are poorly served by
munications satellites during a conflict.           tions in the ground, maritime, and air               commercial satellite communications
     Fourth, deploying and maintaining              domains. Adapting to these changes                   today. Satellites in GEO do not suffi-
constellations of hundreds or thousands             will likely require the development of               ciently support operations in the Arctic

JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020                                                                                                       Hallex and Cottom       25
radar, and electronic intelligence satellites
                                                                                                in order to track U.S. carrier groups.
                                                                                                Chinese commercial imagery proliferated
                                                                                                constellations would bolster these capa-
                                                                                                bilities and provide a resilient capability to
                                                                                                track U.S. forces worldwide.
                                                                                                     Nonstate actors will also be able
                                                                                                to conduct global surveillance using
                                                                                                commercial proliferated constellations.
                                                                                                Global Fishing Watch, an environmental
                                                                                                nonprofit organization that aims to reduce
                                                                                                overfishing, already uses commercial
                                                                                                satellites as part of what is essentially a
                                                                                                space-based kill chain to eliminate envi-
                                                                                                ronmental crime at sea.35 It monitors AIS
                                                                                                beacons that seagoing vessels are required
                                                                                                to carry to track their locations to avoid
                                                                                                collisions. When they detect unusual
                                                                                                behavior, such as ships turning off their
                                                                                                AIS signals, they use Planet’s imagery
Marines lower RQ-21A Blackjack unmanned aerial system from recovery system aboard USS John P.
                                                                                                constellation to locate the ship and then
Murtha, Gulf of Aden, July 2019 (U.S. Marine Corps/Adam Dublinske)
                                                                                                cue higher resolution satellites to collect
and other high-latitude regions that             satellites that can see through clouds—        images of illegal activity. Hostile actors
are growing in economic and national             combined with ground processing                with goals less noble than environmental
security importance.33 Similarly, naval          capabilities that can automatically detect     conservation—such as pirates, antiship
and air forces operating in the Pacific          changes in imagery would also make             missiles, or armed Houthi rebels—could
theater have less access to commercial           adversary deception operations less            use commercial proliferated constellations
communications than other theaters due           effective.34 Because the United States is      to track and target ships at sea with simi-
to the lack of commercial customers in           likely to be on the defensive in the most      lar effectiveness.
the open ocean. Proliferated commer-             worrying scenarios for conflict—such as
cial LEO constellations would provide            defending allies in Eastern Europe or East     Space Internet and the
greater communications handling in both          Asia—these new capabilities will support       Cyber Battlespace
regions because of their global coverage.        U.S. efforts to detect adversary mobiliza-     Proliferated constellations may also
    While unable to provide the high-res-        tion and to avoid operational surprise.        shape the future cyber battlespace by
olution imagery and other specialized                Of course, these new capabilities will     supplanting the traditional physical
capabilities of existing national security       also be available to potential adversaries.    infrastructure that underlies the Inter-
satellites, proliferated LEO constella-          The development of proliferated constel-       net and creating a new orbital layer for
tions could help to address some of the          lations allows other nations to replicate      cyber operations.
intelligence challenges the U.S. military        the U.S. ability to support space global            Today, more than 90 percent of
faces. During the first Gulf War, the            power projection. The global coverage          Internet traffic is carried by undersea fiber
United States was unable to track and            LEO communications constellations              optic cables that stretch over thousands
target Iraq’s Scud missile systems despite       enable would also allow China to support       of miles of ocean floor. These cables are
enjoying almost total air superiority. Since     forces deployed far from its mainland,         vulnerable to accidental cuts and are likely
then, mobile missiles and other elusive          including ships deep in the Pacific or de-     targets of enemy action during wartime.
targets have multiplied as potential ad-         ployed to Djibouti or elsewhere in Africa.     Speaking at the opening of SpaceX’s
versaries seek to defeat U.S. conventional           These capabilities will also heighten      Seattle location in 2015, Elon Musk
precision and nuclear strike systems.            the challenge of protecting U.S. forces        highlighted SpaceX’s goal of carrying
Imagery proliferated constellations could        and bases. High-revisit commercial im-         “more than half of the long-distance
provide continuous or near-continuous            agery could also track mobile targets like     traffic” on its satellite network.36 Satellite
coverage of missile operating areas to bet-      U.S. naval vessels or U.S. aircraft using      constellations would become increasingly
ter enable the United States to find and         smaller “adaptive bases” in Europe or the      critical infrastructure for the U.S. and
eliminate these threat systems.                  Pacific to avoid attack. In support of its     global economy if they facilitated a larger
    The near continuous imagery                  “counter-intervention” strategy, China,        share of global telecommunication traffic.
coverage proliferated constellations             like the Soviet Union before it, has in-            Ownership of the infrastructure
offers—particularly if they include radar        vested substantially in optical imagery,       that underlies the Internet can produce

26   Forum / Proliferated Commercial Satellite Constellations                                                      JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020
intelligence and cyber warfighting ad-           future, and to better understand the             military space capabilities in response to
vantages. Analysts have raised concerns          strategic consequences that shifting             new threats.
over the cyber security implications of the      balances in space and other domains will              In addition to developing and
increasing number of Chinese companies           have for the competitive balance among           deploying its own satellites, DOD
that own and operate long-distance fiber         the United States, China, Russia, and            could improve its engagement with the
optic cables. Chinese commercial prolif-         other space-enabled state and nonstate           industry to better capitalize capabilities
erated constellations could augment these        threats.39                                       offered by new commercial proliferated
cables to compete for global Internet                 Potential starting points for this effort   architectures. The Defense Department
traffic, exacerbating the trend identified       include examining how best to integrate          has strong ties with traditional aerospace
by Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, of           new communications and intelligence,             companies, some of which are part of the
a bifurcation into Chinese and non-Chi-          surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)           manufacture and launch of proliferated
nese Internets that operate on different         capabilities at the tactical level, and what     constellations. Many of these new space
infrastructure, standards, and levels of         kind of denial and deception capabilities        systems, however, are being developed
government control.37                            will best enable U.S. operations in a fu-        by small and agile startup companies—
    Proliferated constellations themselves       ture characterized by ubiquitous orbital         Silicon Valley tech companies that build
are a likely target for cyber operations.        surveillance. Experimentation need not           satellites rather than apps—that DOD
The mass production of satellites for a          be limited to tabletop exercises or simu-        has struggled to connect with. A key
proliferated constellation could easily          lations—the lower cost of manufacturing          part of the effort to improve DOD’s
result in the cyber vulnerabilities of any       and launching space systems will allow           relationship with Silicon Valley and its
particular satellite replicating across a net-   DOD to operate more on-orbit exper-              broader ability to harness commercial
work, making it easier to attack the entire      iments. Along with demonstrating and             innovation is improving the acquisitions
architecture. It may also be easier to carry     maturing new space technologies, DOD             process. Commercial proliferated con-
out a cyber attack on satellites intended        can make greater use of prototype space          stellation operators aim to offer data and
to directly interface with the Internet          systems and architectures to support field       information services rather than the raw
than on satellites that require more             exercises and experiments aimed at dis-          imagery or transponder leases of tradi-
specialized communications interfaces.38         covering how best to use these new space         tional commercial space operators. These
The challenge of attacking proliferated          technologies to support U.S. forces.             companies also aim to move quickly—
constellations with kinetic counterspace              A joint, multidomain campaign of            inexpensive, rapidly manufactured,
weapons may lead adversaries to a greater        experimentation will also help to define         frequently launched satellites with short
reliance on cyber threats against U.S.           new requirements for DOD use of                  lifespans that enable rapid technology
national security and commercial space           proliferated satellite constellations. This      refresh and evolution of capability. DOD
architectures. As the joint force makes          should help DOD determine the best               processes need to move at the speed of
greater use of proliferated satellite con-       path to making use of new space capabil-         the commercial sector to exploit these
stellations, cyber defense of U.S. and           ities and the balance between acquiring          new space services or to develop U.S.
commercial satellite systems will likely be-     DOD-operated satellites and improving            Government proliferated constellations
come an increasingly important mission.          engagement with industry to make better          to meet military and intelligence needs.
                                                 use of the commercial proliferated satel-        One step in this direction would be
A Path Forward for DOD                           lite capabilities discussed above.               the expanded use of waivers that allow
Making use of the new capabilities                    This could involve DOD deploying            venture capital funded companies to
provided by proliferated satellite constel-      its own proliferated constellations. The         participate in DOD Small Business
lations and addressing the threats posed         Space Development Agency (SDA),                  Innovation Research contracts they are
by new adversary space capabilities is           established in 2019, aims to develop             otherwise excluded from.42
not a niche issue for space warfighters.         proliferated constellations that can                  In addition to developing space capa-
Adapting to the future that these new            provide communications, ISR, missile             bilities to address the needs of the joint
space capabilities will create requires a        warning, and an alternative to legacy GPS        warfighter, DOD needs to prepare for
joint, multidomain effort. The heart of          satellites.40 The SDA builds on existing         new requirements for SSA and space traf-
this effort should be a joint campaign of        efforts to leverage emerging commer-             fic management resulting from increases
experimentation—including wargaming,             cial constellations such as the Defense          in satellites and debris on orbit. Beyond
discovery exercises, and prototyping—            Advanced Research Projects Agency’s              investing in new military capabilities, the
that develops understanding of the               Blackjack program.41 These efforts would         Defense Department should consider
challenges and opportunities proliferated        produce new satellites to augment exist-         investments to improve the integration
constellations create for warfighters in         ing national security architecture, but at       of foreign and commercial SSA data
space and other domains, to develop              a much lower cost, and could allow for           into its systems. Alternatively, DOD
new operational concepts to make U.S.            fast and inexpensive expansion of U.S.           could support the transfer of space traffic
forces more capable and lethal in this                                                            management responsibilities to a civilian

JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020                                                                                             Hallex and Cottom    27
agency, which would reduce the burden          Iridium to restructure its debt through            via/december-2018/greg-wyler-the-defini-
on existing military organizations.43          bankruptcy. This intervention enabled                   6
                                                                                                         Jon Brodkin, “FCC Tells SpaceX It Can
    The Defense Department can also            Motorola to spin off Iridium as an inde-           Deploy Up to 11,943 Broadband Satellites,”
play a large role in shaping the future        pendent company that has since become              Ars Technica, November 15, 2018, available at
commercial space environment by                economically viable and provides vital             .
stellations and related technologies from      around the world.45 As commercial                       7
                                                                                                         Chuck Black, “SpaceX, Telesat & Kepler
interference by foreign companies and          proliferated constellations enter service,         Just Three of the Dozen Satellite Constella-
governments. It should be prepared to          DOD should identify systems with par-              tions Currently on the FCC Table,” Commer-
address the failures of commercial prolif-     ticular military value and use its unique          cial Space, November 20, 2016, available at
erated constellation efforts and to act to     role as one of the largest consumers of            .
maintain the viability of commercial con-      space services to preserve capabilities in              8
                                                                                                         Jeff Foust, “With ‘Mission 1’ Com-
stellations with particular strategic value.   case a future economic downturn threat-            plete, Planet Turns Focus to Data Analysis,”
    Acquiring access to technologies           ens the viability of strategic commercial          Space News, November 17, 2017, available at
developed by U.S. companies is a key           capabilities. JFQ                                  .
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trial espionage, and investments in U.S.                                                          available at .
approach to protecting U.S. technologies       3-7.                                                    10
                                                                                                          See UrtheCast Web site, available at
and expanded use of existing tools for              2
                                                      Debra Werner, “Analysts See Demand          ; Jeff Foust,
monitoring and blocking foreign efforts        for Two or Three Megaconstellations,” Space        “Capella Space Raises $19 Million for Radar
to acquire strategic technologies from         News, October 9, 2018, available at ;          2018, available at .
ufacturers of commercial proliferated          tion,” Space News, March 13, 2018, available at         11
                                                                                                          See Hawkeye360 Web site, available at
constellations should be an ongoing            .                                         Satellite-Imagery Contract,” Space News, July
on Foreign Investment in the United                 3
                                                      Sarah Scoles, “SpaceX Wants to Launch       20, 2017, available at . Mega-constellations in   Segret, “Challenges for NewSpace Commercial
                                               low-Earth orbit plan to offer latency on the or-   Earth Observation Small Satellites,” New Space
mercial constellation operators in the         der of 30 milliseconds (ms), comparable to the     5, no. 4 (December 2017), 242; Lal et al.,
new Trusted Capital Marketplace, which         10–50 ms latency of terrestrial fiber systems,     Global Trends in Small Satellites, 3-6, 3-7.
links companies crucial to defense supply      and far lower than the ~ 600 ms latency of geo-         14
                                                                                                          Bhavya Lal et al., Trends in Small Satellite
chains with trusted sources of commercial      synchronous orbit communications satellites.       Technology and the Role of the NASA Small
investment.44                                  See Ward A. Hanson, “Satellite Internet in the     Spacecraft Technology Program (Washington,
                                               Mobile Age,” New Space 4, no. 3 (Septem-           DC: IDA Science and Technology Policy Insti-
    The DOD part in preserving                 ber 2016), 143; Jon Brodkin, “Low-Latency          tute, March 28, 2017), 9.
Iridium—the $5 billion LEO com-                Satellite Broadband Gets Approval to Serve              15
                                                                                                          “China to Set 300-Plus-Satellite Constel-
munications constellation that was a           U.S. Residents,” Ars Technica, June 23, 2017,      lation to Serve Communication,” Xinhua, Feb-
forerunner of today’s emerging prolifer-       available at .                                           China’s Hongyan LEO Communications Satel-
future commercial environment. When                 4
                                                      Hanson, “Satellite Internet in the Mobile   lite Constellation Revealed,” GB Times, March
Iridium faced bankruptcy in 1999, its          Age,” 148.                                         12, 2018, available at ;
                                               Space News, February 24, 2017, available at        Andrew Jones, “China to Launch First
future liability resulting from satellite      ; Mark Holmes,           lite Constellation on Saturday,” GB Times,
Motorola against future liability, as well     “Greg Wyler, the Definitive 2018 Interview,”       December 27, 2018, available at
stellation-on-saturday>; Peter B. de Selding,               26
                                                               J.-C. Liou et al., “NASA ODPO’s Large             38
                                                                                                                    Jason Fritz, “Satellite Hacking: A Guide
“China Launches High-Resolution Commercial             Constellation Study,” Orbital Debris Quarterly       for the Perplexed,” Culture Mandala: Bulletin
Imaging Satellite,” Space News, October 7,             News 22, no. 3 (September 2018), 4–5.                of the Centre for East-West Cultural and Eco-
2015, available at .                                     Debris Mitigation,” Journal of Space Safety               39
                                                                                                                    Kevin M. Woods and Thomas C.
        Lorand Laskai, “Civil-Military Fusion and      Engineering 4, no. 2 (July 2017), 6.                 Greenwood, “Multidomain Battle: Time for
the PLA’s Pursuit of Dominance in Emerging                  28
                                                               For a discussion of Chinese and Russian      a Campaign of Joint Experimentation,” Joint
Technologies,” China Brief 18, no. 6 (2018),           counterspace intentions and capabilities, see        Force Quarterly 88 (1st Quarter 2018), 14–20;
12–16.                                                 Challenges to Security in Space (Washington,         Tom Greenwood and Jim Greer, “Experimen-
        Jose Del Rosario, “China’s LEO Con-            DC: Defense Intelligence Agency, January             tation: The Road to Discovery,” The Strategy
stellation Ambitions,” Northern Sky Research,          2019).                                               Bridge, March 1, 2018, available at .
        “Russia to Create Orbital Internet Satellite   Space Operations Telecon, August 22, 2018,                40
                                                                                                                    David Vergun, “Space Development
Cluster by 2025,” TASS, May 22, 2018, avail-           slide 7.                                             Agency Addresses Growing Capability Gaps,”
able at ;                  30
                                                               Tyler G.R. Reid et al., “Leveraging Com-     Department of Defense, July 23, 2019, avail-
“Roscosmos: ‘Sphere’ Will Receive Elements             mercial Broadband LEO Constellations for             able at ; Andrew Jones, “Jilin-1:                of the Institute of Navigation (Manassas, VA:             41
                                                                                                                    Thomas, “Blackjack,” slides 6–7.
China’s First Commercial Remote Sensing                Institute of Navigation, 2016), 2311.                     42
                                                                                                                    Sanrda Erwin, “Thornberry Bill Would
Satellites Aim to Fill the Void,” GB Times, May             31
                                                               Malcom Davis, “Elon Musk’s ‘BFR’ and         Help Venture-Backed Startups Compete for
12, 2016, available at .
Space News, September 12, 2017, available              Satellites Poised to Make a Mark in Military              43
                                                                                                                    Owen Brown et al., Orbital Traffic Man-
at .                           by Under Secretary of Defense Lord on DOD
Entree into Small Satellite Market, to Acquire              33
                                                               Andrew H. Boyd, Satellite and Ground         Acquisition Reforms and Major Programs,”
Millennium Space Systems,” Defense Daily, Au-          Communication Systems: Space and Electronic          Department of Defense, May 10, 2019, avail-
gust 16, 2018, available at .
of-the-Art Satellite Manufacturing Factory in               34
                                                               Adam G. Lenfestey et al., “Achieving              45
                                                                                                                    John Bloom, Eccentric Orbits: The Iridi-
San Francisco,”, September 12,              Secrecy and Surprise in a Ubiquitous ISR Envi-       um Story (New York: Grove Press, June 2016),
2018, available at .        2018), 85–90.                                        Iridium constellation were erased through
        Carlos Niederstrasser, Small Launch                 35
                                                               Jeff Tarr and Will Marshall, “How            bankruptcy, Iridium has since been able to not
Vehicles—A 2018 State of the Industry Survey           Satellite Surveillance Is Hauling in Illegal         only meet its operating expenses but also afford
(North Logan: Utah State University Research           Fishers,” World Economic Forum, October 3,           to recapitalize its space architecture by building
Foundation, 2018), 2.                                  2017, available at .
Planet Daily,”, February 14,                     36
                                                               Elon Musk, “SpaceX Seattle 2015,”
2017, available at .                               37
                                                               Stacia Lee, “The Cybersecurity Implica-
        Dave Baiocchi and William Welser IV, “The      tions of Chinese Undersea Cable Investment,”
Democratization of Space: New Actors Need              East Asia Center, Henry M. Jackson School of
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JFQ 97, 2nd Quarter 2020                                                                                                          Hallex and Cottom       29
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