Page created by Corey Conner


           Directorate-General of Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships

                                                                          I  n many respects, French can be considered a global language.
                                                                          With over 220 million speakers, it ranks as the sixth most widely spoken
                                                                          language in the world, after Chinese, Hindi, English, Spanish and Arabic.
                                                                          A language which is present on every continent. French is an
                                                                          official language of 32 States and governments, with a total population
                                                                          of over 400 million. It is firmly established in Europe, North America and
                                                                          the Caribbean, Africa and the Mediterranean. It is shared by the 57
                                                                          member states and governments and 20 observers of the International
                                                                          Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF).
                                                                          A language of international institutions. French is an official language
                                                                          of the United Nations (UN) and many UN bodies. It is a working language
                                                                          of the European Union and other regional organizations, such as the
                                                                          African Union. It is also one of the two official languages of the Olympic
                                                                          A language learnt worldwide. French is taught as a foreign language
                                                                          in almost every national education system. It is the most widely learnt
                                                                          language after English. It is taught by half a million teachers to 120 million
                                                                          A language of culture and knowledge. French-language films and
                                                                          literature are the most widely distributed after English-language works.
                                                                          With its wealth of cultural sites, particularly museums, France has become
                                                                          the world’s leading tourist destination. Its universities rank third in terms
                                                                          of their foreign student numbers. France also has the largest network
                                                                          of international schools.
                                                                          A language of the international economy. The French economy is
                                                                          the fifth largest in the world. The French-speaking world accounts for
                                                                          15% of global wealth and 12% of international trade.

Each week, nearly 40 million listeners around the world tune in to RFI,
   a French news radio station which is broadcast globally in French
                                            and 12 foreign languages.
                                               © Simon Decreuze/RFI

                                                                            6     th
                                                                            most widely spoken
                                                                                                                                        of global wealth is
                                                                            language, French is also         and governments            accounted for by
                                                                            the 2nd most commonly            use French as an           the French-spea-
                                                                            learnt.                          official language.         king world.

02           Promoting French worldwide
Goals and challenges

Demographic trends, globalization of the economy and the Internet revolution are
causing a shift in the global linguistic balance. French must take full advantage
of this.
Population growth in favour
of the French language
Population growth in developed and
                                              Risks and opportunities
                                              of globalization
                                              While globalization has, on the one hand,
                                                                                                                  is the GDP per capita
emerging countries has begun to stabilize.    strengthened the role of English as the
                                                                                                                  gained on average by
Developing      countries,     meanwhile,     language of international communication                             countries as a result of
especially those in sub-Saharan Africa,       and diplomatic, scientific and economic                             belonging to the French-
should continue to see a marked increase      exchange, it is also helping to reinforce                           speaking community.
in their population size. The population      the main geolinguistic groups and indeed,
of countries where English is an official     linguistic diversity in general. It has led
language could reach 4 billion by 2060        to increased trading between linguistic
(compared with 2.5 billion today) and         communities, giving them self-awareness

the population of States in the French-       and a sense of identity, as demonstrated
speaking world could reach a little           by the development of the French- and
over 850 million. The French-speaking         Spanish-speaking communities in recent
world could become the fourth largest         years.                                                              JOBS
geolinguistic area, after those of English,   Globalization also works to the advantage                           have been created
Chinese and Hindi.                            of the major vehicular languages, due to its                        in France as a result
This new configuration should give the        role in the growth of emerging countries.                           of trade with French-
French-speaking world a major role on         In countries such as China, for example,                            speaking countries.
the international stage, particularly if      the middle classes want to learn foreign                            Source: report entitled Le
population growth in Africa continues to      languages, including not only English but                           poids économique de la langue
                                                                                                                  française dans le monde, 2012,
be coupled with strong economic growth.       also other international languages. In India,                       Fondation pour les études et
This scenario nevertheless relies on          the number of people learning French is                             recherches sur le développement
French being successfully passed to the       rising by 10-15% per year.                                          international (FERDI).
younger generation in French-speaking         Globalization is therefore offering French
African countries. For that to happen, all    the opportunity to assert itself. The question
children must have access to education        remains as to whether French-speakers
and at least reach the end of primary         will manage to join forces, campaign                                         Change in population of five
school. Schools must also be able to          successfully for linguistic pluralism in                                     linguistic areas between 1960
                                                                                                       (in millions)

provide high-quality French teaching and      international public life and commit to                                      and 2060
give pupils a sound grasp of the French       promoting French teaching in the various
language. There is a long way to go before    education systems worldwide.
these two conditions are met.




     ELAN-AFRICA : A NEW APPROACH TO TEACHING                                                             400

   IN WEST AFRICA                                                                                         300

   Eight French-speaking States (Be-          ELAN-Africa (“School and National
   nin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Came-          Languages in Africa”) is an initiative
   roon, the Democratic Republic of           that was launched in 2012 to help go-                                    0

   the Congo [DRC], Mali, Niger and           vernments to implement this policy.
   Senegal) are gradually developing          ELAN-Africa is supported by France,
   primary school education in national       which seeks to promote French while
   languages as well as French, in order      preserving multilingualism.                                                      French-speaking                        Portuguese-speaking
                                                                                                                               Arabic-speaking                        German-speaking
   to combat failure among children
   whose mother tongue is not French.

                                                                        French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development - DGM                                                03
Goals and challenges

           1.2                                                                          Pupil at Jean Mermoz French lycée in Dakar, using an interactive whiteboard.
           MILLION ARTICLES                                                                                             ©

           IN FRENCH
           on Wikipedia as of January
           2012, which puts the
                                                  The digital revolution                              Use of French online should
           French-language version                is underway                                         be promoted
           of the site in third place             It is now essential for a language to be            The role of French in cyberspace does
           behind the English version             present on the Internet, which has be-              not yet match up to its presence in the
           (3.84 million articles as
           of January 2012) and                   come a global public space shared by                real world. French is used in around 5%
           the German version                     almost 3 billion people. The vitality of a          of Internet content and ranks eighth in
           (1.34 million articles as of           language is now primarily judged on the             terms of quantity of content and number
           January 2012).                         quantity and quality of the online content          of users. Internet represents an opportunity
                                                  written in it.                                      for French and its speakers throughout the
           Source : La langue française à
           l’ère du numérique, Metanet, 2012      Linguistic diversity is growing rapidly in          world: for the first time, they are able to
                                                  cyberspace. While in 1997 75% of online             communicate, create and share content
                                                  content was still in English, by 2013 this          using a global platform.
                                                  figure had fallen to just 30%. Some lan-            The French-speaking community is faced
           INITIATIVES                            guages that are absent from the world of            with two challenges, however. The first is
           Diplomatic initiatives to promote
           French increasingly involve the        print are even gaining new visibility online.       to create more digital content, particularly
           Internet:                              Today, around 300 of the world’s 6,000              in the fields of information and knowledge,
                                                  languages can be found on the Internet,             school and university education, culture
           IFProfs IFprofs is the leading         whereas only 200 of them are currently              and entertainment, business, and medi-
           social network for French teachers     taught.                                             cine. The second is to improve the use of
           worldwide (of whom there are                                                               digital resources for teaching and sprea-
           nearly one million).                                                                       ding the French language.

           Parlons français, c’est facile is
           a reference website offering an
           introduction to the French language
           and encouraging Internet users
           around the world to take lessons             THE 100,000 TEACHERS PROJECT:
           at an Institut français or Alliance        FOR THE AFRICAN TEACHERS OF TOMORROW
           française language centre.
           www.parlons-francais.tv5monde.            The 100,000 Teachers for Africa pro-             efforts have been made over the last
           com                                       ject was launched at the end of 2013             decade to strengthen the position of
                                                     with funding of €1 million. A professio-         French in African education systems,
           Afripédia is a project organized          nal, public domain, distance training            particularly via training initiatives, the
           by the Institut français, the Agence      scheme for French teachers that can              French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
           universitaire de la Francophonie          be used by French embassies and                  International Development (MAEDI)
           (AUF) and Wikimedia, which                African education ministries is being            sees this project as an opportunity to
           encourages Africans to write              developed (October 2014). Universi-              introduce innovative tools, in line with
           content in French on topics
                                                     ties, technical colleges, public institu-        the continent’s technological progress,
           concerning Africa. The project
           is supported by the Orange
                                                     tions and African companies will be the          in order to improve the quality of French
           Foundation.                               first to benefit from it. While significant      teaching.

04   Promoting French worldwide
Strategic objectives


The Agence française de développement (AFD) runs a large number of initiatives
aiming to achieve universal primary education. The MAEDI directly contributes to
promoting French, in partnership with the IOF and its operators.                                                              APPROVED
                                                                                                                              by the French Ministry of
                                                                                                                              National Education, in 131
Several objectives are being pursued to                 France therefore supports innovative                                  countries. France has the
                                                                                                                              largest school network
improve teaching quality :                              cultural and media exchanges which aim                                in the world, supervised
• improve initial training of French teachers by      to increase young people’s contact with                               by the Agency for French
       boosting the expertise of university French      the language and cultures of the French-                              Education Abroad (AEFE).
       departments and teacher training colleges;       speaking world.                                                       A large number of partner
 • provide training for teacher trainers and                                                                                associations are involved;
                                                                                                                              the main one is the Mission
       offer advice to education staff, especially                                                                            laïque française (French
       inspectors, in order to improve in-service                                                                             Secular Mission).
       training schemes;
  • support national education reforms by
       helping to revise teaching programmes
       and tools, especially textbooks;                                                                                     LABELFRANCÉDUCATION
   • promote the teaching of French for                                                                                   Launched in 2012, the LabelFranc
       professional purposes;                                                                                               Éducation is awarded to outstanding
                                                                                                                            foreign schools, both public and
    • provide new digital tools for French learning;
                                                                                                                            private, which follow the country’s
       support     and       galvanize      national                                                                        national curriculum and offer bilingual
       associations of French teachers.                                                                                     education in French and another
                                                                                                                            language. The FrancÉducation network
In order for French learners to achieve the                                                                                 includes 57 schools in 18 countries:
goals set by these African States, they                                                                                     Australia, Bulgaria, Chile, the Czech
must have the opportunity to develop and                                                                                    Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary,
maintain their command of the language                                                                                      Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, Poland,
outside the classroom or the university, and              Over the past ten years, Burkina Faso has made considerable       Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey,
                                                        progress towards Millennium Development Goal No. 2, universal
use it to engage in authentic conversation                    primary education by 2015, but French language learning
                                                                                                                            Ukraine and the United States. It aims
                                                                                             remains a major challenge.     to become a global network, com-
with French speakers.                                       © Paul Kabré, for the Agence française de développement.        plementary to the network of French

WIDEN ACCESS TO FRENCH                                                                                                        OVER

LEARNING                                                                                                                      €700
                                                                                                                              MILLION PER YEAR
                                                                                                                              of the French State
French is learnt as a foreign language in most countries in the world. The French                                             budget is assigned to
Government runs a range of programmes that are tailored to demand, particularly                                               promoting French. This
                                                                                                                              sum is for the most part
in emerging countries.                                                                                                        allocated to the French
                                                                                                                              school network, which
                                                                                                                              receives more than €400
This strategy, which aims to strengthen the             • promoting innovation in French teaching;                          million. The rest is used
position of French in all education systems              • supporting networks of French teachers;                          to finance cooperation
and receives support from the Institut                    • boosting the development of French-                              projects led by the Institut
français, involves:                                          language university courses and                                  français network and
                                                                                                                              the programmes run by
•  advocating the teaching of at least two                 international branches of French                                 the Agence universitaire
     foreign languages;                                      higher education establishments, and                             de la Francophonie
 • contributing to initial and in-service training         encouraging foreign students to come                             (AUF), TV5MONDE and
     of French teachers;                                     to France.                                                       the operators of France
  • supporting bilingual education involving                                                                                Médias Monde (France 24
                                                                                                                              and RFI).
      French, particularly by awarding the
      “LabelFrancÉducation” label;

                                                                                           French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development - DGM       05
Strategic objectives

                                                 PROMOTE FRENCH AS
                                                 A LANGUAGE OF INTERNATIONAL
                                                 A language gains international status when its use is guaranteed in key global
                                                 contexts such as multilateral diplomacy, international trade, research, mainstream
                                                 media and the Internet.
          HOUSEHOLDS                             Encouraging the use of French                       • developing business law and the defi-
                                                                                                        nition of technical and industrial stan-
          in over 200 countries                  in European and multilateral                           dards in French.
          and territories receive
          the international media                forums
          channels TV5MONDE,                     Work in this area is carried out in colla-
          RFI, France 24 and Monte               boration with the IOF and aims to ensure            Expanding the presence
          Carlo Doualiya.                        the following:                                      of French in the media
                                                 • observance of the requirement for                and on the Internet
                                                    knowledge of French during staff                 France has chosen to remain present
          DIPLOMA IN                                recruitment and in-service training in           on the global media landscape, with the
                                                    French for civil servants;                       dual aim of participating in the information
          PROFESSIONAL                           • use of French in official documents and          battle and furthering the influence of the
          FRENCH                                    on the websites of international institutions;   French language.
          The MAEDI, the IOF and the Paris       • existence of translation and interpreting
          Chamber of Commerce and
                                                                                                     The MAEDI thus strives to:
                                                    services;                                        • promote French and French-language
          Industry are introducing a diploma
          in professional French which
                                                 • use of French by nationals of IOF Member            media abroad;
          is aimed at foreign diplomats             States in meetings and conferences, lan-         • offer its expertise to foreign media or-
          and senior civil servants, and            guage regulations permitting;                       ganizations, especially those in Africa,
          corresponds to the skill level of an   • development of networks of French-                  through the work of Canal France In-
          “independent user” (level B1 of the       speaking diplomats and experts.                     ternational (CFI), to help them produce
          Common European Framework of                                                                  high-quality local audiovisual content,
          Reference for Languages, CEFR).
                                                 In the international economic                          often in French.

                                                 The MAEDI strives to raise the economic
                                                 profile and boost the appeal of France
                                                 and the French language by:
                                                 • attracting future economic decision-
                                                                                                     With regard to the Internet, the MAEDI has
                                                                                                     two objectives:
                                                                                                     • support the development of digital
                                                                                                        content in French, particularly in certain
          DIPLOMATS                                 makers from foreign countries to French             key sectors such as higher education,
          and civil servants receive                higher education establishments;                    vocational training, culture and informa-
          training in French each                • encouraging universities and other trai-            tion;
          year, 65% of whom                         ning structures abroad to offer courses          • improve the use of digital resources to
          are women. More than                                                                          teach and learn Frenchs.
          70,000 civil servants have                in professional French or economics
          received this training since              programmes in French;
          2002.                                  • providing lessons in French for special
                                                    purposes (FOS) and diplomas in profes-
          Source: Le français est une
                                                    sional French, through Institut français and
          chance, 2013, IOF
                                                    Alliance française language centres;

                                                         SOLIDARITY WITH YOUNG PEOPLE
          OLYMPIC LANGUAGE                             IN THE SOUTHERN MEDITERRANEAN
          As part of the legacy of Pierre de
          Coubertin, two official languages            Young people play a key role in driving         and citizenship. In this framework, CFI
          are enshrined in the Olympic                 change, which is why France has cho-            also supports local radio programmes
          Charter: French and English.                 sen them as the primary beneficiaries           for young people, online media, and
          Promoting French during the                  of a €1 million programme called Sa-            journalism training (Institut supérieur
          Olympic Games, encouraging its               firLab, in the Southern Mediterranean.          de l’information et de la communica-
          use in international sport forums
                                                       In 2013, SafirLab, which is organized           tion [Institute of Advanced Informa-
          and raising the profile of sport in
                                                       by CFI and the Institut français, provi-        tion and Communication Studies] in
          the French-speaking world are
          all key objectives of France’s soft          ded support for 33 young people pro-            Rabat).
          diplomacy.                                   posing initiatives in the fields of media

06   Promoting French worldwide


    Help to introduce vocational university diplomas
    and in-service training of French teachers.                            ADVOCATE THE TEACHING
    Promote the sharing of innovative teaching                             OF SEVERAL LANGUAGES
    methods, especially via the Internet.                                  IN ALL COUNTRIES
                                                                           In all countries and the relevant international
                                                                           forums, campaign for the teaching of at

3   EXPAND BILINGUAL EDUCATION                                             least two foreign languages. Encourage
    INVOLVING FRENCH                                                       States to make multilateral commitments in
    Encourage the development of bilingual                                 this regard.
    programmes involving French, particularly by

    awarding the LabelFrancÉducation label. The
    goal is to grant the label to 100 schools by                           REINFORCE THE STATUS
    2016.                                                                  OF FRENCH IN INTERNATIONAL
                                                                           Work to maintain and increase the use

    PROMOTE THE USE OF FRENCH IN                                           of French as a working language in the
    THE DIGITAL SPHERE AND                                                 European Union, the United Nations system
    IN INTERNATIONAL MEDIA                                                 and regional organizations, especially the
    Promote the development of French content                              African Union.
    online. Use digital resources as a tool for learning

    and teaching French. Promote TV5MONDE, RFI
    and France 24. Support other French-language                           INCREASE THE CONTRIBUTION
    media in the world, in particular via CFI.                             OF FRENCH TO THE
                                                                           INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY
                                                                           Encourage teaching French for professional

7   ENHANCE THE FRENCH SCHOOL                                              purposes and sitting for diplomas in
    NETWORK ABROAD                                                         business French. Boost the international
    Preserve the diversity of pupils educated in                           influence of French business schools and the
    French schools, both in France and abroad.                             development of French-language courses in
    Ensure teaching is excellent throughout the                            economics. Promote French to entrepreneurs
    network. Meet the growing global demand for                            and innovators.
    French-style education.

                                                                8          STRIVE FOR QUALITY IN INSTITUT
                                                                           FRANÇAIS AND ALLIANCE
                                                                           FRANÇAISE LANGUAGE CENTRES
                                                                           Professionalize the language centres of the
                                                                           French cultural network abroad. Ensure high
                                                                           quality throughout the network. Develop
                                                                           diplomas in French to certify the level
                                                                           achieved by students and validate their

                                                           French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development - DGM   07
                            French is a global language, which is spoken in around thirty States across the five
                            continents. It is one of the few languages to be taught in all national education sys-
                            tems and to hold the status of an official language or working language in international
                            organizations. It represents positive developments and assets worldwide.

                            Contrary to popular belief, the number of French speakers in the world is rising
                            constantly. As a result of population growth in Africa, there could be over 700 million

                                                                                                                          Press and Communication Directorate - © Cover photo: MAEDI/F. de la Mure
                            French speakers worldwide by 2050. Globalization and the digital revolution are giving
                            them new opportunities to foster links and share information, knowledge and cultural
                            content. This helps them to develop a sense of unity and identity. However, these
                            changes will only have a real impact if French speakers seize the opportunities that
                            are open to them, without delay.

                            Ensure that French is passed on to the younger generation of the French-speaking
                            community, encourage the rest of the world to learn it, and promote its use online,
                            as well as in diplomacy and trade: this is the strategy adopted by France, which has
                            placed linguistic diversity and the promotion of French at the heart of its foreign policy.

                            Directorate-General of Global Affairs,
                            Development and Partnerships

                            Cultural, Academic and Research Cooperation Directorate
                            27, rue de la Convention
                            CS 91533 - 75732 Paris Cedex 15
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