Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector - Bush School

Page created by Harold Sims
Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector - Bush School
   Partnerships in
   the Water Sector                                                 Desalination plant Carlsbad, California

   The Bush School of Government & Public Service                     WHAT’S THE TAKEAWAY?

                                                                      PPPs shift costs and risks of
   Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have grown in populari-
                                                                      desalination facilities between
   ty as a method to leverage private-sector actors in the pro-       public and private sector
   duction of government services. With the global challenge          partners.
   of water insecurity, PPPs are becoming more common for             PPP structures differ across
   large-scale water infrastructure projects such as desalina-        regions based on the needs and
   tion. Desalination facilities are complex and expensive op-        risk preferences of communities.
   erations, which means that understanding the appropriate           Whether PPPs should be used,
   context for PPPs is increasingly important.                        should be based on how much
                                                                      public entities want to shift the
   Traditionally, governments fund the cost of new water infra-       financial risks and control of
   structure by issuing debt and repaying that debt with water        core public assets to private
   fees and taxes. The rising costs of infrastructure, increasing     organizations.
   water scarcity, and financial constraints of governments have      PPPs are not a “one size fits all”
   led to the consideration of non-traditional financial innova-      solution and may not be
   tions, one of which is public-private partnerships (PPPs).         appropriate in every scenario.
   While PPPs are most commonly used for housing and trans-
   portation infrastructure, state and local governments are in-

VOLUME 12 | ISSUE 2 | MARCH 2021
The Takeaway © Mosbacher Institute
Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector - Bush School
2   creasingly turning toward PPPs to offset the                    PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS
    high cost of desalination stemming from both                    Public-private partnerships are joint arrange-
    facility construction and maintenance.                          ments between the public and private sector to
                                                                    work toward a common goal while sharing the
    To understand how different PPP arrange-
                                                                    risks, resources, and liabilities of the projects.
    ments are used in the water sector, a team of
                                                                    Depending on the model, the contracts transfer
    researchers at Texas A&M University examined
                                                                    various risks and responsibilities from public
    the global desalination sector and select cities
                                                                    agencies to private firms. A key risk factor for
    around the world using PPPs for desalination.1
                                                                    water infrastructure is demand and revenue.
    This brief summarizes what they learned about
                                                                    Common PPP structures and their level of
    how risks are shared between the private and
                                                                    transferred financial risk are shown in Table 1.
    public sector, how those risks vary globally, and
                                                                    PPPs also have shifts in equity, affordability,
    current trends in water infrastructure finance.
                                                                    access, and sustainability of water infrastruc-
    DESALINATION                                                    ture—which may or may not benefit the public.
    Desalination is a growing industry around the                   These shifts have largely been unstudied in the
    world as arid regions with water scarcity con-                  PPP context, especially in the water sector.
    cerns seek alternative sources for water. The
                                                                    PPP TRENDS IN DESALINATION

                                                                                                                           Greer and Pressler | Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector | Volume 12 | Issue 2 | March 2021
    desalination process removes salts and miner-
                                                                    The most common PPPs in the desalination in-
    als from seawater and brackish water, making
                                                                    dustry are Build-Own-Operate (BOO) and Build
    otherwise unusable water drinkable. However,
                                                                    -Operate-Transfer (BOT) arrangements, but
    the process is costly, energy intensive, and re-
                                                                    PPP structures tend to vary by geographic re-
    quires specialized knowledge. In 1996, there
                                                                    gion. The BOT model is most prominent in the
    were only 92 plants globally mostly located in
                                                                    Middle East and North Africa; Design-Build
    the Middle East. Today, due to technological
                                                                    (DB) is most common in North America; and
    advances that make the process more accessi-
                                                                    Design-Build-Operate (DBO) is preferred in
    ble, there are more than 15,000 plants world-
                                                                    Western Europe and East Asia.

    Table 1: Public Private Partnership Forms and Revenue Risk Transfers
    Type                Description                                                            Financial Risk Transfer

    Design-Build        Design and construction phases are combined into one fixed-fee
    (DB)                contract.

                        Public entity owns and finances the construction, but the private
                        entity designs, builds, and operates the asset to an agreed upon
    Operate (DBO)
                        level of output.

    Build-Operate-      Private entity is responsible for the design, construction, opera-
    Transfer (BOT)      tion, and maintenance of the facility for a specified time.

    Build-Own-          The private partner owns the facility and is assigned all operating
    Operate (BOO)       revenue risk and any surplus revenues for the life of the facility.

    Note: Figure modified from Page et al. (2008) incorporating information from Algarni, Arditi, & Polat (2007) and the
    authors’ own observations.
Using global desalination data we find that               climate change and population growth, but dif-        3
2.7% of all desalination projects use some PPP            fer in their institutional governance models for
arrangement, which is similar to large scale in-          water. Israel, for example, has highly central-
frastructure projects in other sectors. The sig-          ized governance. The state owns all the coun-
nificant growth in the use of PPPs, especially            try’s water and has authority in deciding where
since 2000 (as shown in Figure 1), also follows           the next facility will be built and for soliciting
the overall trend of infrastructure projects ex-          bids from private corporations. In their PPP
ploring partnerships during that time. Most fre-          deals, they prefer the BOT model, and water is
quently, PPPs were used for large projects—               purchased by the state at a fixed amount even if
approximately 30% of extra-large projects                 it is not needed immediately. This has the bene-
(producing 50,000 m3/day or more of desali-               fit of increased revenue stability for the private
nated water) and 12% of large projects use                sector partner and gives more of an incentive
PPPs, compared to only 2% of medium projects.             for facilities to remain operational all year long.
PPPs are also more common for seawater de-                After 25 years of ownership, the facility is
salination than other types of desalination. Mu-          transferred back to the government which then
nicipalities are the most common government               has the option to enter into a new contract with
entity to use PPPs for desalination projects.             a private entity for operation.

                                                                                                                Greer and Pressler | Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector | Volume 12 | Issue 2 | March 2021
Figure 1: The total number of all desalination            The most decentralized and fragmented institu-
projects and PPP projects per year (1945-2019)
                                                          tional arrangement of the case sites is the Carls-
                                                          bad facility in southern California. This facility
                                                          has a DBO arrangement where water from the
                                                          plant is purchased by the San Diego County Wa-
                                                          ter Authority (SDCWA), which is an independ-
                                                          ent water authority. SDCWA then sells water to
                                                          cities. Similar to Israel, the SDCWA contract
                                                          guarantees a minimum level of water they will
                                                          purchase from the private company. But, the
                                                          DBO model ensures that the SDCWA does not
                                                          have any liability or financial risk in the design.
                                                          After ten years, SDCWA can assume ownership
                                                          of the plant. Institutional arrangements of this
Source: Author’s calculations based on data from Global   type add additional layers of political and finan-
Water Intelligence’s
                                                          cial risk for both public and private partners.
For a more in-depth look at how PPPs are used             CONCLUSION
in different countries, the Texas A&M research            The decision to use a PPP for large-scale water
team conducted case studies in several coun-              infrastructure such as desalination depends on
tries around the world. The selected sites were           specific goals, operating environment, and risk
in semi-arid regions that adopted desalination            levels. The cases demonstrate different meth-
early and face water scarcity challenges due to           ods of sharing risks and responsibilities in the
4    construction and maintenance of water infra-                 likely to be case specific depending on geogra-
     structure. The institutional arrangements range              phy, water scarcity, political will, and fiscal
     from highly centralized funding and negotiating              health. Currently, PPPs in water infrastructure
     power at the national level as in Israel, to highly          are understudied. More research is needed in
     decentralized and fragmented where the role of               order for government leaders to make in-
     local governments greatly increases as in Cali-              formed decisions about PPPs and new water
     fornia. These varying institutional arrange-                 infrastructure, including research on what
     ments and country-specific laws influence the                models of PPPs are most successful and how
     types of PPP arrangements that are likely to be              geographic regions influence model success. By
     implemented. Despite the potential benefits of               understanding the risks and benefits of each
     PPPs in the desalination sector, some potential              PPP model, municipalities and governments
     downsides include the possibility of a high total            can determine what model will have the most
     cost, financial risks from debt and default, and             efficient and equitable outcome.
     political risks from public perceptions. There
     also may be obstacles to establishing partner-               Robert A. Greer is an associate professor in the
     ships initially, legal hurdles, and regulatory bar-          Bush School of Government and Public Service at
     riers. Establishing PPPs can be difficult due to             Texas A&M University and a Mosbacher Research
                                                                  Fellow. His research interests are in state and

                                                                                                                                    Greer and Pressler | Public-Private Partnerships in the Water Sector | Volume 12 | Issue 2 | March 2021
     the need for public support and special legisla-
     tion. An enabling regulatory, legal, and political           local government financial management,
                                                                  specifically in the areas of debt management,
     environment is necessary for success.                        municipal securities, and infrastructure finance.
     Ultimately, whether or not a public-private                  Lindsey Pressler is a master’s in Public Service
     partnership is a good fit for a particular project           and Administration student at the Bush School.
     depends on the amount of risk the public and
     private sector are willing to accept for the pro-            1
                                                                    Greer, R.A., Lee, K., Fencl, A. & Sneegas, G. (2021). Public-
     ject. A variety of risk factors exist including en-          Private Partnerships in the Water Sector: The Case of
     vironmental, political, and financial, which are             Desalination. Texas A&M University working paper.

    The Mosbacher Institute was founded in 2009 to honor Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary of Commerce from 1989-
    1992 and key architect of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Through our four core focus areas–Global
    Markets and Trade, Borders and Migration, Energy, and Governance and Public Services–our objective is to advance
    the design of policies for tomorrow’s challenges.
    Cynthia Gause, Program Coordinator                                                                  To share your thoughts
    Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy                                           on The Takeaway,
    Bush School of Government and Public Service                                                               please visit
    4220 TAMU, Texas A&M University                                                            
    College Station, Texas 77843-4220
    The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Mosbacher Institute, a center for
    independent, nonpartisan academic and policy research, nor of the Bush School of Government and Public Service.
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