Pukalani Elementary School - Three-Year Academic Plan 2017-2020 Academic Plan & Supporting Documents

Page created by Shirley Bates
Pukalani Elementary School - Three-Year Academic Plan 2017-2020 Academic Plan & Supporting Documents
    Three-YearAcademicPlan 2017-2020
   AcademicPlan & SupportingDocuments






                             AreaSuperintendent                Date

             Revised for Baldwin-Kekaulike-Maui Complex Area
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 1 Version [Insert
                                                              ​      #]​ [April
                                                                          ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Where are we now?
Prioritize school’s needs as   1.   Need: ​Address the lack of proficiency and growth in IDEA students in ELA and Math.
identified in one or more of   2.   Need: Adopt a school-wide science curriculum to support all grades in moving toward NGSS standards
the following needs            3.   Need: Adopt a consistent program to address the behaviors of our high needs students.
assessments:                   4.   Need: The administration and staff to consider professional development that increases teachers’ ability to
                                    diagnose reading, writing and math deficits.
● Comprehensive Needs
  Assessment (Title I
                               5. WASC Identified Need: The administration and staff to consider the integration of STrEaM into regular
● WASC Self Study                 classroom instruction.
   ▪ WASC Category B:          6. WASC Identified Need: The administration and staff to look at ways to provide inclusion opportunities in core
     Standards Based              content areas
     Student Learning:
     Curriculum,               7. WASC Identified Need: School leadership to further expand professional development on instructional
     instruction                  strategies, activities and interventions that engage ELL and Title I students.
   ▪ WASC Category C:          8. WASC Identified Need: Administration and staff to consider significant professional development in the RtI
     Standards Based              strategies and a higher degree of implementation.
     Student Learning:
                                                                                                                 ​ ​
                               9. WASC Identified Need: Administration ensures that a functional Leadership/Academic     Review Team regularly
   ▪ WASC Category D:               monitors the implementation of the academic plan, making necessary adjustments to maximize student
     Standards Based                achievement, particularly those of poverty-impacted and IDEA students
     Student Learning:
     Assessment and

                               Addressing Equity: Sub Group Identification
                                    ● Disadvantaged students are less proficient in reading and math.
● Other
                                    ● SPED are less proficient in reading and math.
                                    ● ELL students are less proficient in reading and math.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 2 Version [Insert
                                                              ​      #]​ [April
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Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

                           In order to address equity, list the targeted sub group(s) and their identified needs. **Specific
                                                                                                                  ​          enabling activities listed in the
                           academic plan should address identified sub group(s) and their needs.


[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 3 Version [Insert
                                                              ​      #]​ [April
                                                                          ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

ORGANIZE: ​ Identify your Academic Review Team Accountable Leads.

            Name and Title of ART Team Accountable Lead                       Responsible for implementation of the school’s strategies and initiatives

1. Amy Strand-Principal                                                  1.

2.Jasmine Domingo-CC                                                     2.

3.Debbie Hisashima-Academic Coach                                        3.

4.Miriam Clarke-Teacher                                                  4.

5.Kelsey Maxwell-Teacher                                                 5.

6.Tracy Hofmann-Teacher                                                  6.

7.Justin Cayaban-Teacher                                                 7.

8.Carolann Barrett-Teacher                                               8.

9.                                                                       9.

10.                                                                      10.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 4 Version [Insert
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                                                                          ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Goal 1:​ Student Success.​ ​All students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship.
☐ ​Objective 1: Empowered - ​All students are empowered in their learning to set and achieve their aspirations for the future.
       ☐ ​Objective 2: Whole Child​ - ​All students are safe, healthy, and supported in school, so that they can engage fully in high-quality educational
       ☐​​Objective 3: Well Rounded​ - All​ students are offered and engage in rigorous, well rounded education so that students are prepared to be
          successful in their post-high school goals.
       ☐​​Objective 4: Prepared and Resilient​ - ​All students transition successfully throughout their educational experiences.

Outcome:​ By the end of three years,                                            Rationale:
                                                                                We have 52% disadvantaged. We have 18% SPED and 3% ELL. These
85% 4th Grade students will reach proficiency on HSA Science in May             subgroups are considered “high needs” and are not performing at the
2019-2020 (taken 2x).                                                           same rate as the “non-high needs students”. We need to close this gap.

85% of all eligible**​ ​students will reach their grade level benchmark in
STAR reading/Math using SBAC measurements for 2-5 and school level
benchmarks for K-1.
                                                                                **Not eligible: Not all students’ conditions allow them to take school
100% of eligible students will show 3-5% growth throughout each testing
                                                                                wide assessments.
date in each quarter on STAR Reading/Math/Early literacy at each target
point (fall, winter, spring).

100% of eligible students grades K-5 will move up one level on the
writing rubric in at least one writing strand by the end of the year.

100% of eligible students grades K-2 will increase fluency by 5-20 wpm
at each target point (Fall, Winter, Spring).

100% of eligible students grades K-2 will increase fluency by 5 -20 wpm
each target point (Fall, Winter, Spring).

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 5 Version [Insert
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Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

100% of eligible students will show 3-5 percent growth on curriculum
based assessments (i.e. Wonders) quarterly.

Planning                                                                                   Funding                       Interim Measures of Progress

                               Enabling Activities               School         ART           Source of Funds            Define the relevant data used to
  Desired Outcome         (Indicate year(s) of implementation   Year(s) of   Accountable    (Check applicable boxes to    regularly assess and monitor
                                    in next column)              Activity      Lead(s)       indicate source of funds)               progress

All Students in       Reading Plus                   2019-2020               Miriam        ☐​WSF                         STAR Data
grades 3-5 will       -Grades 3-5                                            Clarke        X​Title I ($19,732.98)        Reading Plus Usage Report
participate in                                                                             ☐​Title II
                         ● All Students will                                               ☐​Title III
Reading Plus as a           participate during small                                       ☐​IDEA
supplemental                group instruction(15-20                                        ☐​Homeless
reading program.            min) Visual Skills,                                            ☐​CTE
                            Vocabulary                                                     ☐​Other
By the end of the
school year 85% of
students will show        ● Implementation of
growth in Reading           Reading Plus during
proficiency as              RTI for the students
measured by STAR            who can complete
reading scores.             suggested weekly
                            Visual Skills, Vocab,

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 6 Version [Insert
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Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

All Kindergarten    Zaner-Bloser Handwriting             2019-2020      Debbie           ☐​WSF                  Teacher made pre and post
students will       Curriculum                                          Hisashima        x​Title I ($800.00)    writing assessment
participate in      -Grade K                                                             ☐​Title II
Zaner-Bloser                                                                             ☐​Title III
Handwriting                                                                              ☐​IDEA
Curriculum as a                                                                          ☐​Homeless
writing supplement                                                                       ☐​CTE
handwriting program
for basic skills.

All students will      Engage NY-Eureka Math             2019-2020      Kelsey           ☐​WSF                 -STAR Math Assessment
participate in         Curriculum                                       Maxwell          X​Title I ​(14,355)   -Module Assessments
Engage NY-Eureka                                                        and              ☐​Title II
Math Curriculum.                                                        Jasmine          ☐​Title III
                                                                        Domingo          ☐​IDEA
85% of students will                                                                     ☐​CTE
be proficient as                                                                         ☐​Other
measured by STAR                                                                         ☐​N/A
Math assessment.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 7 Version [Insert
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                                                                          ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

All students will       IXL (Grades K-5)                   2019-2020                     ☐​WSF
have access to both        ● During small group                                          X​Title I ($5,900)
ELA and Math                  instruction and RTI.                                       ☐​Title II
through the IXL                                                                          ☐​Title III
program.                                                                                 ☐​IDEA

Students will           Writing Curriculum                 2019-2020                     X​​WSF               Student samples
participate in            ● During PLC, grade levels                                     ☐Title
                                                                                            ​   I             PLC
common writing                will engage in inter-rater                                 ☐​Title II
prompts based on                                                                         ☐​Title III
                              reliability scoring of
Adopted Writing                                                                          ☐​IDEA
                              writing assessments
Curriculum. 70% of                                                                       ☐​Homeless
students will be at                                                                      ☐​CTE
proficiency in
writing standards for
each assessment.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 8 Version [Insert
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Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Students will gain     Project Lead the Way              2019-2020      Jasmine          X​WSF ($750)       Pre-lesson assessment
access to at least 1      ● Teachers will need                                           ☐Title
                                                                                           ​    I           Post-lesson assessment
Project Lead the              logins and support                                         ☐​Title II
Way lesson                                                                               ☐​Title III

85% of students will   Generation Genius                 2018-2020      Kelsey           ☐​WSF              HSA Science Assessment
be proficient on the   (K-5)                                            Maxwell          X​Title I ($495)   Science notebooks
HSA Science                                                                              ☐​Title II
Assessment.                                                                              ☐​Title III

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 9 Version [Insert
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                                                                          ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

100% of All students Leader in Me Subscription           2019-2020      Jasmine       ☐​WSF                   Leadership Day
will participate in a                                                   Domingo       X​Title I ($7,813.00)   Leadership binders
class Leadership                                                        and Debbie    ☐​Title II              Leadership website
                        ● Teachers will have                                          ☐​Title III
project (Leadership                                                     Hisashima
                           access to website and                                      ☐​IDEA
Day)                       workbooks to help                                          ☐​Homeless
                           guide and support                                          ☐​CTE
100% of all students                                                                  ☐​Other
will create a                                                                         ☐​N/A
Leadership Binder.

100% Students will     Mystery Science Grade K-5         2019-2020      Miriam        ☐​WSF                   Pacing guides
have access to                                                          Clarke        X​Title I ($499.00)     Student work samples
STREAM                                                                                ☐​Title II
instruction through                                                                   ☐​Title III
video lessons and                                                                     ☐​IDEA
hands on activities.                                                                  ☐​Homeless
Lessons are NGSS                                                                      ☐​N/A

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 10 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

100% of Students       Wonders ELA Curriculum             2019-2020       Debbie         ☐​WSF                       Quarterly Assessments
will show 3 to 5%      Continued support through Data                     Hisashima      X​Title I ($1000)           STAR data
                       Teams, PLC’s and Professional                                     ☐​Title II
growth on              Development in ELA and
curriculum based                                                                         ☐​Title III
assessments                                                                              ☐​IDEA
(Wonders) quarterly                                                                      ☐​Homeless

Goal 2:​ Staff Success.​ ​[Pukalani Elementary]​ has a high-performing culture where employees have the training, support and professional
development to contribute effectively to student success.​

Outcome:​ By the end of three years,                                       Rationale:

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 11 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

   ● Teachers will receive additional professional development              ● ​Increasing teachers’ capacity in differentiating instruction to
     ineffective Common Core aligned instruction, differentiated               address a variety of student learning needs and learning styles will
     instruction,and other opportunities, as needed. These activities          lead to increased student motivation and achievement.
     will support the desired student growth of 10% proficiency in
     both ELA and Math.
                                                                            ● Purchase and update laptops for teacher use
   ● All teachers will have up to date working teacher laptops

Planning                                                                              Funding                   Interim Measures of Progress

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 12 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

                                Enabling Activities                School         ART           Source of Funds            Define the relevant data used to
  Desired Outcome          (Indicate year(s) of implementation    Year(s) of   Accountable    (Check applicable boxes to    regularly assess and monitor
                                     in next column)               Activity      Lead(s)       indicate source of funds)               progress

All teachers will       PD for Teachers on Behavior              2019-2020     Tracy         ☐​WSF
                                                                                                                              ● Continue to implement
gain a deeper           Interventions in classrooms                            Hofmann       ☐Title
                                                                                               ​    I
                                                                                                                                Second Step program
understanding of the    Behavior team (Second Step) will                                     ☐​Title II
                                                                                                                                to address student
Behavior Multi          develop a plan for ongoing PD                                        ☐​Title III
                                                                                             ☐​IDEA                             behavior
Tiered Systems of       during staff professional
Support (MTSS) and      development days that address                                        ☐​Homeless
                                                                                             ☐​CTE                            ● Pre/post tests
process by engaging     behavioral interventions
in regular PD.                                                                                                                ● SWAG TAG store data
                                                                                                                              ●   PD staff sign in
                                                                                                                              ●   Calendar of PD

100% of the staff       Engage NY-Eureka                         2019-2020     Jasmine       ☐​WSF                            ●   Sign in Sheets for PD
will have training in   Curriculum                                             Domingo       X​Title I ($14,355)              ●   Walk through data
newly adopted math      Professional Development to                            Amy Strand    X ​Title II ($8000)
curriculum.                                                                                  ☐​Title III
                        being year with new curriculum
                        (2 days of full PD)
                        Ongoing PD throughout year to                                        ☐​CTE
                        include 1 full day per quarter per                                   ☐​Other
                        grade level to use as PLC for                                        ☐​N/A
                        data, planning and pacing.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 13 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

All teachers will      Purchase and update laptops and     2019-2020    Amy Strand    ☐​WSF                     ● Review technology
have up to date        electronic equipment for teacher                               X ​Title I ($1,000)   schedule to ensure
working teacher        use                                                            ☐​Title II            that scheduling is
laptops and                                                                           ☐​Title III           equitable within each
necessary electronic                                                                  ☐​IDEA                grade level.
equipment                                                                             ☐​Homeless                ● -Monitor technology
(projectors etc)                                                                      ☐​CTE                 equipment inventory
                                                                                                            on a quarterly basis.
                                                                                                                ● -IT Service logs will be
                                                                                                            reviewed quarterly to
                                                                                                            ensure technology
                                                                                                            support is completed
                                                                                                            in a timely manner.
All students will      ​Provide professional               2019-2020    Jasmine       ☐​WSF                    ● Walk through data
receive differentiated development in effective                         Domingo       ☐Title
                                                                                        ​      I               ● STAR Reading and
instruction.                                                            Debbie        X​Title II                 Math Data
                        differentiated instruction to                                 ☐​Title III
All students will       promote growth and                                            ☐​IDEA
show 10% growth on achievement in all students,                                       ☐​Homeless
math and reading                                                                      ☐​CTE
                        including high needs students in
assessments as          order to help close the
measured by STAR        achievement gap.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 14 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Plan Science pacing    PLCs supported by CC will           2019-2020    Jasmine       X ​WSF                ● Science pacing guides
and assessments        horizontally and vertically align                Domingo       ☐​Title I
according to NGSS      science pacing and assessments                                 ☐​Title II
that is horizontally                                                                  ☐​Title III
and vertically                                                                        ☐​IDEA
aligned allowing for                                                                  ☐​Homeless
STEM activities and                                                                   ☐​CTE
hands on learning.

                       Substitutes for Grade Level         2019-2020    VP            ☐WSF
                                                                                        ​                   ●   PD staff sign in
                       Articulation                                                   X​Title I ($12,824)   ●   Calendar of PD
                       Days will occur on four                                        X​Title II
                                                                                      ☐​Title III
                       full days during the school
                       year for each grade level so                                   ☐​Homeless
                       teachers are able to analyze                                   ☐​CTE
                       data, receive professional                                     ☐​Other
                       development, observe                                           ☐​N/A
                       demonstration lessons, team
                       teach, discuss student
                       achievement, collaborate, and
                       reflect on instruction.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 15 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Goal 3:​ Successful Systems of Support.​ The system and culture of ​[Pukalani]​ works to effectively organize financial, human, and community
resources in support of student success.

Outcome:​ By the end of three years,                                     Rationale:

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 16 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Our RtI programs (academic and behavior) will run with fidelity and ease High number of Special Education referrals prompts the need for focused
in order to support all students                                         RtI in both behavior and academics. Tier 3 interventions need to be in
                                                                         place for struggling students.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 17 Version [Insert
                                                               ​      #]​ [April
                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

Planning                                                                                   Funding                       Interim Measures of Progress

                              Enabling Activities                School         ART            Source of Funds           Define the relevant data used to
  Desired Outcome        (Indicate year(s) of implementation    Year(s) of   Accountable    (Check applicable boxes to    regularly assess and monitor
                                   in next column)               Activity      Lead(s)       indicate source of funds)               progress

                                                               2019-2020     Principal     ☐​WSF
100% of teachers       Technology-                                                         X​Title I ($ Cost
will have access to                                                                        reflected in goal 1               ● -Review technology
                       Purchase and maintain
working equipment                                                                          above)                        schedule to ensure
                       technology equipment to
that will allow them                                                                       ☐​Title II                    that scheduling is
                       support Wonders, Eureka,
to deliver content                                                                         ☐​Title III                   equitable within each
                       ECRI, Reading Plus, Smarter                                         ☐​IDEA
and instruction                                                                                                          grade level.
                       Balanced Assessment                                                 ☐​Homeless
aligned with                                                                                                                 ● -Monitor technology
Common Core                                                                                ☐​CTE                         equipment inventory
standards                                                                                  ☐​Other                       on a quarterly basis.
                                                                                                                             ● -IT Service logs will be
                                                                                                                         reviewed quarterly to
                                                                                                                         ensure technology
                                                                                                                         support is completed
                                                                                                                         in a timely manner.

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 18 Version [Insert
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Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

100% of students      Renaissance STAR Subscription       2019-2020                   ☐​WSF               ●   STAR data
will show 3 to 5%                                                                     X​Title I ($7037)
                                                                        CC and
growth on quarterly                                                                   ☐​Title II
                                                                        Academic      ☐​Title III
STAR assessments
                                                                        Coach         ☐​IDEA
in both ELA and
Math                                                                                  ☐​Homeless

All students will     ​Develop and implement              2019-2020     CC            ☐​WSF               ● -Review all grade level
have access to         science pacing plans that                                      ☐Title
                                                                                        ​    I            pacing plans at the
                       bridge the HCPS III standards                                  ☐​Title II
coherent science                                                                                          start of the school
                       to the new NGSS and purchase
curriculum that                                                                       ☐​Title III         year.
                       science materials.
addresses NGSS                                                                        ☐​IDEA
standards.                                                                            ☐​Homeless
                      PLCs supported by CC will
                      horizontally and vertically align
                      science pacing and assessments

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 19 Version [Insert
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                                                                           ​     2019]​
Three-Year Academic Plan SY 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020

                       ​The Academic Review               2019-2020     Amy Strand    X​Title I ($3886)   ● Memos to Principal
                        Team (ART) will meet once a                                   ☐​Title II          ● Data reviewed as part
                        quarter to analyze data,                                      ☐​Title III         of ART process
                        discuss student achievement,
                        and review the progress of the
                        Academic Plan.

All teachers will      PD for Teachers on Behavior        2019-2020     Amy Strand    ☐Title
                                                                                        ​    I            ● Continue to implement
gain a deeper          Interventions in classrooms                                    ☐​Title II            Second Step program
understanding of the   Behavior team (Second Step) will                               ☐​Title III           to address student
Behavior Multi         develop a plan for ongoing PD                                  ☐​IDEA                behavior
Tiered Systems of      during staff professional                                      ☐​Homeless
Support (MTSS) and     development days that address                                  ☐​CTE               ● Pre/post tests
process by engaging    behavioral interventions                                       ☐​Other
in regular PD.                                                                                            ● SWAG TAG store data
                                                                                                          ●   PD staff sign in
                                                                                                          ●   Calendar of PD

[Pukalani Elementary School]​ Academic Plan Page | 20 Version [Insert
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                                        ​ IER 3 INTERVENTION

                DAY, 4 TIMES A WEEK
               HOURS A DAY, 2 TIMES A WEEK.
           PURPOSE                     PARTICIPANTS                                    IMPLEMENTATION                                 RESULTS
  What is the      How will you     Who is the   Who is being      What will it       How is the       To what      What revisions   What are the
 purpose of the      know the       program/     served? Who     look like when    implementatio    degree is the      need to be       results?
    program,         purpose is      process/     is not being    the program/          n being       program/      made to what      What is your
   process, or      being met?    intervention       served?        process/         measured in       process/      is being used   baseline data?
 intervention?    (What are the    intended to                   intervention is     relation to     intervention      currently?     What is your
                    outcomes?)        serve?                           fully            student          being                       SMART goal?
                                                                 implemented?       achievement?    implemented
                                                                                    (What is your     currently?
                                                                                   system? To be
                                                                                   done monthly)
                                                                                      (i.e. STAR,
                                                                                    DIBELS, etc.)
1. The           1. Students     1.During       1.Students      8:00-9:25    1. Students     8:00-9:25       None             Baseline
purpose of       are progress    school--stud   whose           Grade 2      are progress    Grade 2         This model       Data will be
this program     monitored       ents who are   parents sign    Reading--15  monitored       Reading--15     for grade 2 is   STAR End of
is to provide    using STAR      not meeting    forms to        students     using STAR      students        working          February
focused and      after 7- 8      proficiency    allow           Instructionalafter 7- 8      Instructional   well.            data.
intensive        weeks of        in reading/    after-school    Coach &      weeks of        Coach &
instruction      instruction.    math and are   and students    SPED teacher instruction.    SPED teacher                     After 8 week
on identified    Students will   less than 1    who are at      8:1          Students will   8:1                              of
skills that      show scale      grade level    our                          show scale      Has started.                     instruction
our lowest       score growth    below.         kamaaina        12:30-1:00   score growth                                     students will
achievers are    and/or move     (8:1)          kids program    Grade 4      and/or move     Program will                     show 50-80
struggling       up in level.                   session are     Reading/Scie up in level.    start after                      pt or one
with.                            2. After       served.         nce--1 group                 Spring Break                     level growth
2 . Is provide   2. Exit tickets school--stud                   Curriculum                                                    on the focus
more time        will be done ents who are      2. Students     Coordinator                                                   area.
and support      daily on        not meeting    whose           & SPED
for our          skills          proficiency    parents do      teacher                                                       (4 points a
lowest           practiced.      in             not sign the    16 students                                                   week is
achieving        Exit tickets    reading/mat    forms or        (8:1)                                                         normal
students to      will show       h and are      cannot                                                                        growth. WE
practice and     whether         more than 1    provide        1:00-1:30                                                      would like to
develop pre      students met grade level       transportatio  Grade 5                                                        see
requisite        the goal of     below.         n try to be    Math--1                                                        ambitious
skills that      the day or                     served         group                                                          growth of
may be           need more       (3:1)          during         CC & SPED                                                      5-8 points a
getting in the   time to                        school.        teacher                                                        week)
way of           practice.                                     16 students
developing       Teachers will                  3. Those that (8:1)
grade level      also use exit                  are not
skills.          tickets to                     served to      1:30-2:00
                 inform their                   due to lack of Grade 3
                 instruction                    personnel      Reading--2
                 for the next                   and funds in groups
                 session.                       order to       CC, IC & Sped
                                                meet the       teacher
                                                small          (8:1)
                                                student to
teacher ratio   2:15-3:45pm
                                           .               twice a week
                                                           Grade 1-5
                                                           3:1 sessions
                                                           in reading
                                                           and math for
                                                           students in
                                                           each grade

Next Steps:

   ●   Hire after school teachers
   ●   Create a schedule
   ●   Solicit families of students showing need
   ●   Secure permission and schedule
   ●   Rearrange current RTI schedule to fit the upcoming schedule
   ●   Communicate with teachers and share schedule

Additional Strategies implemented for SPED students:
  ● Working on fundamental skills in Phonics, Reading Comprehension, and Math
●   Daily work on Standard based IEP objectives
●   Scaffolded General Education curriculum
●   Pre-teaching General Education curriculum
●   Multi-sensory instruction and visual models
●   Reinforcing concepts taught in General Education and Tier 2 instruction
●   Differentiate General Education curriculum to support individual needs
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