Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine

Page created by Thomas Sanders
Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
May 2021

yours forever - download me please                                   e-edition

       Kagiso Lediga

                  * Snorkel in Simon’s Town, savour the Wild Coast
                        + Bliss out in a spa on Mother’s Day
Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
Emigrate to Steyn City
Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine

Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
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Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
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                others work so hard and have such a             that their smart-arse offspring will demand an Xbox, be
                reputation for being good that Hollywood        permanently glued to a smartphone, and spend more
                went and made a movie about what happens        time communicating with some digitised algorithm than
                when moms take a break. It’s called Bad         having meaningful conversations with the woman who
Moms, and while it’s totally tongue-in-cheek and over-the-      made it all possible in the first place.
top and full of moms-gone-wild shenanigans, it does hint          Recently released on streaming television, Tali’s Baby
at a few things we should probably remember about the           Diary gives another comedic perspective on motherhood
most important woman in all our lives.                          – being a mom in the context of the social media age.
   Firstly, moms are people, too, and also deserve to live      Today being a mom includes endlessly recording your
a little, let their hair down, swing from the chandeliers       child’s every gurgle and fart for all the world to like on
occasionally. Moms should get a pink ticket from time to        Instagram. Moms have to be mobile film studios and PR
time. And not just on Mother’s Day.                             agencies all rolled into one.
   Secondly, while it’s safe to assume that our mothers           This month, for one single day, moms everywhere
are perfect, that they can do no wrong, never stayed out        take centre stage. Busy executives order flowers online,
late, never bunked school, never kissed boys behind the         seldom-heard-from sons and daughters buy chocolates
library, and always finished all their vegetables, we should    or treat their moms to wine-soaked lunches. There are
perhaps remind ourselves that almost every mom once             picnics with grandchildren and happy group hugs and
upon a time had her wayward moments. Good for her!              family-sized selfies. That’s great. But why should moms
   Thirdly, our moms didn’t come into this world with a         get this kind of attention only as a special treat? Surely
guidebook for raising us.                                       the woman who gave us life deserves our love and
   Moms have to figure out the nitty-gritty of motherhood       gratitude every day.
on the job, exchanging their former lives for the dedicated,      If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that life
round-the-clock, ‘always on’ task of nurturing another          is unpredictable, and the amount of time we have with
human being. It is probably the world’s most thankless          the special people in our lives is unknowable. We at
entrepreneurial endeavour, and the reward for their efforts     kulula.com wish all moms a happy Mother’s Day, not only
in terms of love and attention from us – their offspring        on 9 May, but every day. Because you are one-of-a-kind,
– is diminishing. Nowadays, it’s within a few weeks of          and to us – your sons and daughters – you will always be
giving birth that moms must prepare for the likelihood          the best mom.

            @iflykulula             @iflykulula                @kulula            kulula.com            kulula.com

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Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
May 2021

  yours forever - download me please                                   e-edition

         Kagiso Lediga
                                                                                                  All the web addresses
                                                                                                  you see in this magazine
                                                                                                  are clickable. Just hover
                                                                                                  your cursor over the URL
                                                                                                  and click.

                    * Snorkel in Simon’s Town, savour the Wild Coast
                          + Bliss out in a spa on Mother’s Day

                                                                                                                                                          PUBLISHED BY

 Contents                                                                                                                                               PICASSO HEADLINE

                                                                                                                   Me a

                                                                                                                     et K
                                                                                                                                                 a proud division of Arena Holdings
                                                                                                                                        Hill on Empire, 16 Empire Road (cnr Hillside Road),
 MAY 2021                                                                                                                                          Parktown, Johannesburg 2193
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                                                                                                                                                     Editor Keith Bain
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                                                                                                                                           Head of Design Studio Jayne Macé-Ferguson
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      23                                                                                             31                                         Junior Designer Bulelwa Sotashe
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                                                                                                                                          Cover Photographer/Retouching Sven Kristian
                                                                                                                                                 Project Manager Merryl Klein –
     Take care out there.
                                                                                                                                            merrylk@picasso.co.za, +27 82 895 7260
 11	NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK                                                                                                                     Sales Consultants Stephen Crawford,
     Where to munch that isn’t at home.                                                                                                        Richard White, Sameegha Wolhuter
                                                                                                                                           Advertising co-ordinator Johan Labuschagne
 17 REST ASSURED                                                                                                                                        management
     Zhoosh sleeps in the City of Gold.                                                                                                     Business Manager Lodewyk van der Walt –
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     Remember to clear your snorkel.                                                                                                         Management Accountant Deidre Musha
                                                                                                                                           General Manager, Magazines Jocelyne Bayer
     Where to treat your beloved this Mother’s Day.                                                                                                    Kulula.com
 37 THIS AIN’T HOW YOU DO IT                                                                                                          Chief Executive Officer Comair Ltd Glenn Orsmond
     The Wild Coast is forever.                                                                                                      Executive Manager Sales and Marketing, kulula.com
                                                                                                                                                         Brian Kitchin
                                                                                        DISCOVER                                         Brand Communictions Manager, kulula.com
                                                                                    7   44 HER MOTHER’S DAUGHTER                                        Luane Lavery
                                                                                            America’s first-ever woman VP, and the                     Comair Limited
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                                                                                        47   HOME AND AWAY                               Tel: 011 921 0111 | kulula.com | contact centre:
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                                                                                             Matching underwear, a sublime garden,
                                                                                             and a cornucopia of colour.                  Copyright: No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in any form
                                                                                                                                      without written consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for
                                                                                        53   A FEW GOOD BOOKS                           unsolicited material. khuluma is published monthly by Picasso Headline.
                                                                                                                                      The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Picasso Headline, kulula
                                                                                             A pile of novels                        or Arena Holdings. All advertisements/advertorials and promotions have been
                                                                                             with women at                            paid for and therefore do not carry any endorsement by the publisher. While
                                                                                                                                       every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of its contents, neither

                                                                                             their centre.

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Crue           ,
    l, crueller
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Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine
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Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine

                          1 Who let the dogs out?
                            Big-eyed Emma Stone plays
                            Cruella de Vil, one of Disney’s
                            vilest villains, in a new live-
                            action spinoff from the studio’s

                            1961 classic, 101 Dalmations;
                            in the animated original she’s
                            an insane woman obsessed
                            with making a coat from

              O C IA  L
                            the fur of dogs she kidnaps

                            for this purpose. Cruella is
                            essentially the villainess’s origin
                            story. Stone brings to life the

                AC   E
                            young, rebellious, creatively

             S IT SA FE
                            talented Estella whose haute
                            fashion ambitions compel her
                            to embrace her dark side. In
                            cinemas 28 May.

kulula.com                                                        M AY 2 0 2 1   7
Pure bunkum* Kagiso Lediga (virtually) - Khuluma Online Magazine

                                                                                 3                           4


    2 Catch Kaalkop live                     3 Monster ride                          4 Take it outside
     ‘I entertained my family from            On 5 June, the Fedhealth                Galileo Open Air Cinema is
     the day I could stand on two             Magalies Monster MTB Classic            expanding its footprint with
     legs,’ says Nataniël, the singer,        returns to the North West               more film-going options. There’s
     cookbook writer, TV host and             Province for the 18th time.             their VIP status Galileo Royale
     wearer of dramatic outfits. He           The event happens at the                experience at several intimate
     is also an unrivalled raconteur,         ATKV Buffelspoort Resort and            Cape Town venues, their classic
     whose knack for dry, honest              cyclists have three distances           Galileo Picnic experience, with
     storytelling has earned him              (of around 16km, 33km or                food vendors on site, and their
     a cult following. You can                65km) to choose from. For tiny          Galileo Drive In, which harks back
     see Nataniël in a variety of             children, there’s a sweet little        to those days when you snogged
     sumptuous outfits in a number            2½km ride as well. The event            watched from inside your car.
     of live performances this month.         will strictly follow Covid-19           Movies start at sunset, and
     Check the full line-up and book          regulations and entries close           there’s a packed programme of
     on his website.                          on 31 May.                              cool flicks to check out.
     nataniel.co.za                           stillwatersports.com                    thegalileo.co.za

8     M AY 2 0 2 1                                                                                        kulula.com




                                        5 Schalk Sings Badly                   6 Mountainous movie                           7 Find your rhythm
                                         Comedian Schalk Bezuidenhout           The great Mary Twala passed                    Pictured above are Afro-soul
                                         doesn’t take himself too seriously,    away last July, leaving behind a               songstress Sammy Bee and poet,
                                         and his latest show – Schalk           legacy of stellar performances,                Gqobhozimbawla, two of the
                                         Sing Sleg – is evidence of that.       including her captivating role as an           artists performing at Rhythm n’
                                         Picking up from where he left          80-year-old widow in This is Not a             Poetry in Gqeberha on 29 May.
                                         off in the film Kanarie, in which      Burial, It’s a Resurrection which this         The event is a showcase of young
                                         he had to sing, he has crafted a       year became Lesotho’s first-ever               comedians, poets, hip-hop emcees
                                         show that combines comedy and          official Oscar entry. The film’s feisty        and neo-soul musicians who
                                         singing. He’s accompanied by           heroine halts arrangements she’s               are using their talents to speak
Words: Keith Bain, Pictures: Supplied

                                         multi-instrumentalist Wesley van       making for her own burial in order             out against challenges faced by
                                         der Westhuizen, but the songs          to drum up resistance against the              today’s youth. The stage will be
                                         are Schalk originals. Whether he       building of a dam that will force her          set up outside Heritage Café,
                                         can sing them without audiences        entire village to be resettled. It’s at        25 Constitution Hill; noon till
                                         laughing at him is another story.      cinemas from 21 May.                           7pm, free entry. 073 597 6429,
                                         computicket.com                        numetro.co.za, sterkinekor.com                 rhythmnpoetry68@gmail.com

                                        kulula.com                                                                                              M AY 2 0 2 1      9
RR               D
                                       SE         R N
                                          A ND GR

   Welcome to the Morning Glory
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                                        on the
  Buck the order-in trend with flavours conjured up
         at these tasty culinary newcomers

 Meet the dumplings                                   In the eye of the beholder
      Dumpling is a catch-all                         At the V&A Waterfront Food Market,
      for a family of wrapped                         The Ugly Dumpling has ‘cult food
     or pocket-style morsels                          experience’ written all over it – chef
    originating in China. Dim                         Sepial Shim serves up all kinds of fresh
sum, a Cantonese invention,                           dumplings and bao buns for takeaway
      are typically made with                         (and delivery). While the traditional pork
      rice flour and served in                        dumplings are evergreen favourites,
   bamboo steamers. Those                             Sepial has a knack for experimenting
fan-shaped dumplings (also                            with available ingredients and coming
      called pot-stickers) are                        up with frankly enthralling combinations
   called jiaozi. Wontons are                         (Pak-choi and prawn? Yes, please!
 the round dumplings with a                           Calamari and spring onion? Absolutely!),
  thin pastry wrapper. Baozi,                         plus she does fried mushroom
  or bao, are yeast-leavened                          dumplings, Korean-style fried chicken
(usually steamed) buns and                            bao (like little chicken burgers), pork
  can be stuffed with almost                          katsu, chicken wonton soup, and maybe
         anything, pork being                         a fresh seaweed and cucumber salad.
                most popular.                         uglydumplingza.com

      kulula.com                                                              M AY 2 0 2 1    11

                                            Rise and shine
                                            Morning Glory in
                                            Parkwood is basically
                                            the golden retriever
                                            of Joburg coffee
                                            shops – easy on the
                                            eye and destined to
                                            always make you
                                            feel warm and fuzzy.
                                            Of course, here
                                            the comforts are
                                            caffeine-related, and
                                            instead of golden
                                            blonde, you’re in for
                                            lots of white subway
                                            tiles offset by pastel
                                            pink. Plus, breakfasts
                                            to kick-start your day
                                            just the way a hug
                                            from a doe-eyed dog
                                            might do.

            Table for one?
            Look, we get it, everyone
            has their thing. You don’t
                do carbs because Tim
              said ‘No!’ and that yoga
              instructor you follow on
            Instagram has taken you
             to the edge of veganism,
             while your trainer at the
          gym is all keto-to-the-max.
                Well, at Nadia Singh’s
              Bespokery in Parkview
               you can pick a different
                dietary disposition for
                every day of the week.
                They are here to cater
                to the fussy, the strict,
               and the intolerant, and
          everyone walks out feeling
            satisfied by chef Michael
            Hibbins’s food, no matter
            how bespoke your eating
              habits. bespokery.co.za

12   M AY 2 0 2 1                                                    kulula.com

                                                 Art of the view
                                                 If you’re in Durban, head
                                                 north to Umhlanga’s Danté                                           Swish, savvy,
                                                 for instant holiday vibes
                                                 thanks to the tropical
                                                                                                                     A Swedish chef named
                                                 views through large picture
                                                                                                                     Jesper and a sommelier
                                                 windows. Plus, there’s a
                                                                                                                     named Mario. Put them
                                                 matching atmosphere inside
                                                                                                                     together in this chic space
                                                 of year-round beach-bum
                                                                                                                     on Kloof Street, and the
                                                 celebratory magic spread
                                                                                                                     result is ëlgr, a place of
                                                 across three floors of varying
                                                                                                                     serious culinary spoils.
                                                 degrees of elegance and fun.
                                                                                                                     You cannot go wrong.
                                                 Each space affords a slightly
                                                 different hit – so whether
                                                 you want to be around cigar
                                                 smokers, spirits sippers or
                                                 the languid lunch crowd,
                                                 there’s a spot catering to your
                                                 prevailing mood. There’s a
                                                 gin garden, too and another
                                                 bar on the roof – views and       Keep on turning
                                                 a dreamy crowd will follow        Proud Mary in Rosebank, Joburg, turns
                                                 you around. Also, importantly,    heads with its bold colours, rich fabrics,
                                                 there is head chef Kyle           wood and brass, but it’s the food by one-
                                                 Govender’s kitchen expertise      time Jamie Oliver HQ chef, Christo Nortier,
                                                 – applied to the likes of         that really makes Mary proud. Order several
                                                 his surf-and-turf espetada        small plates to share: tender sticky pork
                                                 (linefish, prawns, and            belly with teriyaki, perhaps prawns in XO
                                                 30-day aged beef skewered         butter. Something slightly bigger? The
                                                 and served with house-cut         porchetta – oven-roasted pork belly stuffed
                                                 chips, roasted garlic and         with pistachio and mortadella – is a favourite.
                                                 seaweed butter).                  Plus, epic breakfasts like the spread
                                                 thedanteexperience.co.za          below. From zhooshed-up beans-on-toast,
                                                                                   to green shakshuka, or a good old ‘Proud
                                                                                   English’ breakfast, nothing here is average.
                                          Embark for adventure
                                          In Parkhurst, Embarc affords ‘fine
                                          dining’ sans pretence. The menu
                                          has hints of decadence but the
                                          flavours (pork belly served with
  Words: Keith Bain, Pictures: Supplied

                                          polenta; ostrich fillet with Malay
                                          pumpkin wontons) are down to
                                          earth. Sweets? If you’re at all
                                          adventurous, you’ll need to try
                                          the onion caramel tart with blue
                                          cheese ice cream at least once.

kulula.com                                                                                                                           M AY 2 0 2 1   13
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                                                     EXPLOREHere. There. Everywhere.

                                                       Jackass                   Pampered to within       Uh, no, scratch that.
                                                       symphony?                 an inch of your life…    They’re not donkeys,
                                                                                Epic breakfasts with      they’re jackass penguins,
                                                                                  dizzying sea views,     or – more accurately
                                                                             cushy sofas in dreamy        – African penguins.
                                                                                    lounges, a heated     Tintswalo Boulders,
                                                                                  plunge pool… Plus,      a gorgeous luxury
                                                                                 the plushest linens,     guesthouse in Simon’s
                                                                                perfectly contouring      Town, overlooks their
                                           Ultimate                           pillows and bathrobes       protected colony at
                                       penguin lookout!                           that’ll stave off the   Foxy Beach, setting you
                                                                                cruellest cold of the     just metres from the
                                                                                 coming winter. And,      shore. All through 2021,
                                                                              should you leave your       they’re offering a two-
                                                                               windows open, you’ll       night Marine Exploration
                                                                                be serenaded by the       package, with snorkelling
                                                                                   mellifluous sound      and kayaking among
                                                                                   of the sea, and the    other inclusions; read
                                                                               vaguely perceptible          more about the
                                                                             braying of donkeys…                guesthouse and the
                                                                                       Wait! What?                  adventure on
                                                                                                                       page 23.
Words: Keith Bain, Picture: Supplied

                                                     Designer digs in Jozi   17     How wild can you go?           37
                                                                     PLUS Spa daze           31                                  M AY 2 0 2 1   15
Lilian Lofts, in the heart of Johannesburg’s CBD, is a contemporary hotel
committed to delivering excellent personal service

Lilian Lofts offers superb luxury modern           FEATURES                               SHOPPING
contemporary loft-style accommodation.             • Wi-Fi                                • Dragon City
The executive apartments are fitted
with all the comforts of a modern hotel.
                                                   • Spa                                  • China City
Lilian Lofts is focused on service and
                                                   • 16 two-bedroom self-catering rooms   • The Oriental Plaza
tailor-made packages to accommodate all            • 6 twin rooms                         • Fordsburg Flea Market
travellers’ requirements.                          • 7 loft units
                                                   • 12 one-bedroom apartments
                                                   • Portuguese Restaurant                ENTERTAINMENT
Centrally situated in the heart
of Fordsburg with Newtown,                         • Conference venue                     • Joburg Theatre
Braamfontein and Mayfair within                    • Tours and transfers                  • Gold Reef City
walking distance, the hotel’s location             • 30 min to O R Tambo                  • The Orbit Jazz Club
is perfect. Its proximity to the Oriental            International Airport
                                                                                          • Township Tours
Plaza and China City makes it an
ideal choice of accommodation
for travellers, wholesalers and                    ATTRACTIONS
business people. Fordsburg is a                    • Apartheid Museum
multicultural suburb filled with a wealth          • Cultural Attractions
of history, offering visitors a truly              • Local Oriental dining experience
special experience.                                • Arts on Main

Contact: Lilian Lofts

  48 Lilian Road, Fordsburg, Johannesburg       010 109 7788 Cell: 076 202 1450
  info@lilianlofts.africa www.lilianlofts.com

                  A BITE OF AFRICA’S BIG APPLE

1. Fine design in Sandton
   Boutique in scale, yet
   oozing wit, imagination and
   a clear sense of knowing
   how to stand out from
   the crowd, The Mighty
   Fine is Joburg’s most
   anticipated 2021 hotel
   opening. Due to launch
   in Strathavon, Sandton,
   there’s a timelessness in
   the way this swanky new        Looks-wise, a stunner,
   61-room hotel has been         but the hotel is set to be
   put together under the eye     a scene-stealer beyond
   of award-winning interior      merely being easy on the
   designer Tristan du Plessis.   eye. It’s conceived of as
                                  part-hotel, part hang-out,
                                  with all sorts of cosy
                                  spaces in which to work,
                                  meet, or share a moment.
                                  Emphasis will be on how
                                  it looks after guests,
                                  making you feel at home,
                                  fawned over like a VIP
                                  with all the fun of being
                                  part of the family.

kulula.com                                                               M AY 2 0 2 1   17

                                      Things about The Mighty Fine          a co-working space in the lobby.
         Rather than fine dining,
                                      that’ll make you smile? Swish         The aim, say its creators, is to
         The Mighty Fine has
                                      studios and suites that feel like     forge a sense of community.
         partnered with the
                                      home-away-from-home hideaways.        OMG factor? There’ll be a
         team from Parkwood’s
                                      Thoughtful touches and bespoke        podcast studio that you can hire.
         Morning Glory (see
                                      everything – artworks hand-picked     Not for you if… you prefer old-
         page 12) to provide a
                                      by Latitudes, chairs by David         world nostalgia, clunky antiques
         chic, delicious café-
                                      Krynauw, furnishings and fittings     and doilies on the tables. There’s
         style experience at the
                                      from the likes of Dokter and Misses   a chic, clean contemporary
         in-house restaurant,
                                      and The Urbanative. Plus, a mix of    aesthetic here.
         Hank Marvin – good,
                                      tip-top, locally sourced amenities    How deep are your pockets?
         wholesome, creative,
                                      for spoiling yourself, as well as     The hotel’s scheduled March
         flavour-focused food
                                      smart digital enhancements to         opening didn’t happen, but like all
         without pretence and
                                      make you feel like you’re part of     good things, it’ll be worth waiting
         open all day. Plus,
                                      the future.                           for, and pocket-friendly pricing is
         there’s an out-of-the-
                                      And laugh? Among the                  promised. themightyfine.co.za
         ordinary ‘treehouse’
                                      creative collaborators involved in
         watering hole. Because
                                      conceptualising the hotel’s art and
         ordinary won’t cut it.
                                      design is the frankly very funky
                                      creative duo Jana + Koos whose
                                      sense of playful ingenuity will add
                                      another layer of daring fun to what
                                      guests can expect, both in their
                                      rooms and throughout the hotel.
                                      Expect sophisticated humour and
                                      bold touches designed to raise
                                      a chuckle.
                                      Good to know? It’s designed to
                                      feel intimate and personal with a
                                      community buzz, a public pool, and

18   M AY 2 0 2 1                                                                                        kulula.com

                                                     2. An oasis in Fordsburg
                                                       Fordsburg, near Jozi’s CBD, has
                                                       a long and significant place in
                                                                                                It’s where you can escape into a
                                                       the city’s often bruised history.
                                                                                                chic, clean-lined oasis of subdued
                                                       Apart from once housing mine
                                                                                                colours and moody lighting. Its
                                                       workers and later becoming a site
                                                                                                grey, dark-hue palette is offset
                                                       of apartheid resistance, it’s where
                                                                                                by black metal, blonde recycled
                                                       Gandhi and 3 000 supporters
                                                                                                wood, smatterings of colour, and
                                                       burned their ‘pass’ documents
                                                                                                plush seating. It’s a human-sized
                                                       at the Hamidia Mosque in 1908.
                                                                                                hotel, with just 38 suites in a
                                                       Today it’s known as a vibrant multi-
                                                                                                variety of categories according to
                                                       cultural hub – public art, Indian
                                                                                                how much space you require. You
                                                       restaurants, and endless shopping
                                                                                                can even have your own in-room
                                                       for fabrics, bridal outfits, silk
                                                                                                kitchenette, with steps leading
                                                       flowers, almost anything… Now this
                                                                                                from your cushy lounge to a loft-
                                                       colourful suburb can also claim one
                                                                                                style bedroom. Book an executive
                                                       of the city’s newest, funkiest hotels,
                                                                                                suite if you crave every possible
                                                       Lilian Lofts.
                                                                                                comfort (and need space for four
                                                       Things about Lilian Lofts that’ll
                                                                                                people) – it’s like having your
                                                       make you smile? Done out in
                                                                                                own apartment.
                                                       an audacious industrial style, the
                                                                                                Good to know? Most places
                                                       hotel affords instant access to
                                                                                                in Fordsburg observe Muslim
                                                       the adventure of Fordsburg. And
                                                                                                prayer times on Fridays. The hotel,
                                                       it is also a refuge from the bustle.
                                                                                                including its kitchen and soon-to-
Words: Keith Bain, Pictures: Supplied

                                                                                                launch restaurant, is fully
                                                                                                halaal; there’s also an on-site
                                                                                                Namaaz room.
                                                                                                How deep are your pockets?
                                                                                                We found a twin room from just
                                                                                                R791 in mid-May; a family-size
                                                                                                suite that sleeps four was R1 620,
                                                                                                including breakfast. lilianlofts.com

                                        kulula.com                                                                              M AY 2 0 2 1   19

                               world                                      You’re never too
                                                                            old to learn

                         Hello! Dumelang! It’s me, Kagiso Lediga!
                           Something I’ve figured out since becoming a father
                           is that everything we parents say and do gets
                           absorbed by our children. Whether we speak and
                           act mindfully, or furnish their young minds with
                           garbage, a lot of what goes in is on us.
                              I’m a storyteller, that’s my thing. And as South
                           Africans, we always have a lot of stories to tell.
                           Funny stories, gripping stories, a lot of tragic
                           stories. That’s South Africa – a weird and wonderful
                           place that was dropped on its head as a baby.
                              Some of the damage is because of the garbage
                           drummed into us early on – dodgy beliefs that
                           became our reality. Most of us can afford to unlearn
                           quite a lot. In the process, we’d make space for new
                           ideas, new ways of seeing the world. This month
                           I turn 43, and – eish! – saying that out loud might
                           sound old if you’re still in your twenties, but there
                           comes a point when you realise that ‘old’ isn’t a
                           number, it’s a state of mind.
                              The older you get, the more you realise you don’t
                           know it all. Last year, just as the thrill of dropping
                           my Netflix action series, Queen Sono, was washing
                           over me, there came a global crisis that brought us
                           all to our knees. At such times, it makes sense to
Picture: Sven Kristian

                           make space for new ideas, new ways of thinking.
                           Because, in the blink of an eye, everything can
                           change and when it does, you don’t want to be
                           weighed down by garbage.

                               kulula.com                                                        M AY 2 0 2 1   21

Whale View Manor Guesthouse lies among three of the
Cape’s ecological treasures: Cape Peninsula Nature
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colony), and False Bay (calving ground of the Southern
Right Whale). Overlooking a beautiful swimming beach
from where guests can watch penguins, seals and, of
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Whale View Manor Guesthouse is ideally located,
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it is only three minutes away from historical Simon’s
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                                 402 Main Road, Murdoch Valley, Simonstown    021 786 3291

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    Keith Bain embraces
    the chill and snorkels
    with Simon’s Town
    coolest creatures

    What is it? One
    degree? Minus two?
    Somewhere in the freeze-my-butt-off
    zone, that’s for sure.
      We’ve been in the water just a few
    minutes and I am shivering. A typical
    Durban-born ninny, spoiled by a
    childhood spent in the Indian Ocean. I’ve
    been assured (and had this corroborated
    by a meteorological website) that it’s
    actually a balmy 13 degrees. Celsius. It
    strikes me that numbers are meaningless
    when it comes to physical experience. My
    blood is warm and I feel the cold.
      Still, I suck down the sense of rising
    anxiety, slough off the shivers, prime
    myself for the joyous act of underwater
    discovery; it is, after all, a beautiful
    day in Simon’s Town and the little cove
    we’re snorkelling in is presumably full
    of wonders waiting to be glimpsed just
    below the surface.

kulula.com                                                   M AY 2 0 2 1   23

                             Besides, we’re in good hands, being
                             guided by conservationists from Shark
                             Warrior Adventures, an eco-exploration
                             outfit based on Seaforth Beach.
                                I recall my water-baby friend Pippa’s
                             consoling words: ‘A cold internal fire will
                             keep you warm; your body just needs to
                             remember how to withstand the cold.’
                             Apparently, withstanding the cold just
                             requires a bit of Zen-like mastery. Mind
                             over matter.
                                It works. For a while, at least. But I do
                             find myself wondering if I should resort
                             to that old scuba trick and wee in my
                             wetsuit, put a little bit of warm liquid
                             between myself and the cold Atlantic.
                                I hang in there, though, because our
                             guide, Terry, is showing us one curious
                             creature after another. Between the
                             gigantic kelp fronds, it is indeed another
                             universe. Fish dart this way and that,
                             sunlight glinting off their silvery scales,
                             some with vibrant patterns in splendid
                             colours, others designed to blend in with
                             the green kelp or the dark rocks. When
                             Terry shows us a spiny starfish and lets
                             us hold it, I feel it shaping itself to grip
                             gently around my fingers and I’m in awe.
                                At one point, I turn to face a little patch
                             of beach and mentally convince a pair
                             of penguins to join me in the water. True
                             as anything, they hop into the water
                             and swim to within metres of my face. I
                             almost forget to clear my snorkel.
                                I tell myself that if these little birds
                             can withstand the cold for hours at a
                             stretch, I can manage for a while longer.
                             Surely? ‘See the penguin,’ I tell myself.
                             ‘Be the penguin!’
                                Of course, my newfound spirit animals
                             have their own agenda and have more
                             important things to do than help me
                             regulate my internal thermostat. Without
                             warning, they duck below the surface
                             and are heading towards their fish
                             hunting grounds far out to sea.

24   M AY 2 0 2 1                                                        kulula.com
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When penguins hop into the water and
swim to within metres of my face, I almost
forget to clear my snorkel

      Things get even more                                                                     We try to swim
   exciting, though, when                                                                after it for a while,
   Terry signals                                                                       watching it glide
   our group                                                                            effortlessly between the
   to rally in his                                                                     rocks and seaweed, and
   direction. Half                                                                   then it disappears.
   of us are thinking this will be the moment when                                I stick my head above the
   we meet some distant cousin of the mollusc                               surface, feeling my heart racing
   who starred in My Octopus Teacher. The rest                           with excitement; seeing this creature
   of us assume we’re about to see the sharks                        in the wild like this had felt otherworldly,
   Terry is trying to find. When we catch up with                 like I’d been exploring another planet.
   him, though, the thrilled expression on his                  Suddenly I hear one of the other snorkelers,
   face tells me there’s something altogether more           someone who surfs and dives regularly,
   unusual below the surface.                                turning to Terry and shouting out: ‘Do you
      I dip down, my lower jaw now chattering                mind if we start heading back? I’m getting
   uncontrollably from the cold. There’s a large             really cold!’
   shadow-like something down there, dead still,                Only then do I remember my body, as though
   but somehow too perfectly shaped, too thin and            I’d temporarily left it behind. I’m jolted back
   flat to be a rock. And then it moves, glides, starts      into reality, and realise that my knuckles are
   to soar. It flaps its enormous wings, drifting            white. I am managing, but very cold and it’s a
   like some alien spacecraft set adrift among the           relief when I finally walk out of the water back
   stars. As it takes off through the water, streaks         on to Seaforth Beach. Even after someone
   of white on its underside become visible. It is           helps peel the wetsuit off my body, I am still
   utterly gorgeous. And reasonably deadly if it             shivering and shaking like the Durban ninny
   should lift its tail – a sting ray, Terry tells us, one   I am.
   of the biggest he’s ever seen.                               But at least I haven’t peed in my wetsuit.

  kulula.com                                                                                            M AY 2 0 2 1   27

     And also above…                      Alliance) to stave off the ravages   Bed down with penguins
     They don’t call themselves Shark     of human-manifested destruction.     Cradled within a fynbos-covered
     Warrior Adventures because           They keep beaches clean, protect     landscape and with just ten suites,
     they’re out there fighting sharks.   penguin-occupied boulders and        Tintswalo Boulders puts you
     Quite the opposite. They’re here     nesting areas, and take visitors     right in the heart of the penguin
     – on penguin-inhabited Seaforth      on walks along the coast so they     action – plus all those dreamy
     Beach in Simon’s Town – to           can learn more about the birds       views of the ocean and a heart-
     educate humans about the worth       that have made this part of Cape     thumping soundtrack of crashing
     of marine life, and that includes    Town such a draw. They also run      surf that continually reminds
     the apex predators that are so       land-based adventures, always        you just how close to the water
     badly misunderstood. Apart from      with an eco-sensitive mind-set.      you really are. Don’t mistake
     snorkelling adventures, they run     These include day tours of Cape      this for any ordinary beach
     guided kayak and SUP tours of the    Point, fynbos mountain hikes, and    bungalow B&B, though – it comes
     locality, and the conservationists   also multi-day sea kayaking tours    with every imaginable luxury,
     who mind this eco-venture do all     up the West Coast and five-night     including scrumptious beds in
     sorts of work (in collaboration      kayaking missions on the Garden      individually styled, graciously laid
     with AfriOceans Conservation         Route. sharkwarrior.com              out sleeping quarters, and superb
                                                                               dining for when you don’t head
                                                                               out to explore the local culinary
                                                                               landscape. What you will want
                                                                               to do while you’re here is sink

                                                                                                                      Pictures: Shark Warrior Adventures, Lesley Rachat, Jon Monsoon, Supplied
                                                                               your toes into the sand, watch
                                                                               the African penguins waddling
                                                                               across the rocks, and meet the
                                                                               folks at Shark Warrior Adventures
                                                                               (they’re a short stroll beyond the
                                                                               garden gate). You can also curl up
                                                                               and simply witness it all from the
                                                                               intimate rooftop terrace where
                                                                               there’s a heated pool and views
                                                                               that go on forever. Downstairs,
                                                                               a variety of lounges, terraces,
                                                                               nooks, huge picture windows
                                                                               facing the sea, and quiet garden
                                                                               spaces provide opportunities
                                                                               for deep reflection.

28      M AY 2 0 2 1                                                                                 kulula.com
01 - 30 MAY ‘21


                                                                                                                                INDABA HOTEL, FOURWAYS

                                            PER PERSON
                                                 FOR FULL DAY

                      African Rejuvenation         FULL DAY SPA PAMPER JOURNEY
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                  o you have a massage for me?’ is probably    were of panpipes wafting in through cleverly hidden
                  not the best question to ask when you find   speakers. Though, to be honest, I could have done
                  yourself outside a backstreet pummel         with less of the panpipes and more of the silence.
                  parlour in Cape Town’s wildlands. But           The massage was bliss, the therapist expertly
throwing caution to the wind, and looking for a good yarn,     rolling my aching muscles under her strong hands.

I plunged in.                                                                     The oil used was a secret blend and
   I should have walked on by. Led into a                                         the aroma was hard to place. There
back room, far from the essential oils and                                        was a pepper, a mint, and a wild
aromatherapy calm one expects of a spa, the                                       sage to it. At least, that is what it

bouquet was one of dirty feet, sweaty socks.                                      smelled like.
It turned out to be the best thing about the                                      Afterwards, in a state of consummate
whole experience. The toupee-wearing                                              relaxation, I slid down the hall to the
therapist – let’s call him Bruce – splashed                                       recovery room, my legs a liquid shade

oregano oil on to my back and told me it                                          of comfort. Here, the tasty, healthy,
was a good liver detox. Then he proceeded                                         nibbly bits and fizz were designed
to, well, pummel me, accompanied by the                                           to be the bridge between the sheer
trills of the harmonica coming from the flat                                      indulgence of a massage and the
upstairs and what sounded like a bar brawl                                        real world.
outside. It took a week for my bowels to settle.                  For a state of calm mindfulness and repose, there is
   It took about a year before I ventured near a spa again.    little better than a full-body massage under the expert
   But venture I did, and this time around it was a far more   hands of a properly trained and qualified therapist.
delicious affair. Walking into the sun-drenched lobby, I       Everything should be designed for your pleasure, from
was consumed by the aroma of fynbos – surely from the          the muted colours of the spa and the dimmed lighting,
oils and unctions used in the treatments. The serenity         to the thick carpets muffling the sounds of walking.
was instantly calming. This was going to be good – but         Even the low murmur of other voices dialled down to
it was better than good. Disrobing in my own cubicle, I        almost inaudible. This is how a spa experience should
buried myself in the soft, fluffy gown neatly folded on the    play out, a soundtrack to a zen-like peace.
chair. And was led to the therapy room. Here the sounds           If you love someone, send them to a spa.

              Leave your stress zone behind with the
                  Lorraine Kearney spa guide

kulula.com                                                                                                M AY 2 0 2 1      31

                                                                                              Beach, please!
                                                                                              Since there are few
                                                                                              more relaxing places
                                 A spa safari                  Like it hot?                   on earth than the
                                 Looking to spoil mum          In Chintsa, on the Wild        Wild Coast, you may
     Rewild in Ballito           this Mother’s Day?            Coast, Crawfords Beach         be tempting a coma
     The thing about the         The signature Luxury          Lodge offers a blissful        by going in for the
     Esse Concept Store in       Mini Package at The           hot stone massage at its       ‘bathing ritual’ at the
     Ballito is that it only     Gwahumbe Spa – at the         Senses Spa – the warmth        Umngazi Spa. Perched
     uses Esse products,         Gwahumbe Reserve in           and muscle tingles will        on a hilltop – the highest
     designed in Richmond,       Illovo, KwaZulu-Natal –       leave you feeling refreshed    point of the entire
     KwaZulu-Natal. They’re      includes a 45-minute spa      and rejuvenated. And then      Umngazi resort (more
     organic, they’re vegan,     treatment, a two-course       there’s that glass of bubbly   about that on page
     they’re probiotic, and      lunch with wine, and a        and an indoor Jacuzzi          41) – the spa offers the
     they’re beautiful. The      game drive, so the most       to remove any residual         opportunity to relax in
     Esse Experience and         important woman in your       stress. Afterwards, take       a bath overlooking the
     the Ultimate Esse           life will get to experience   a walk on the beach            beach and the ocean.
     Experience are the          the whole of Gwahumbe.        and watch the Indian           With sliding doors flung
     two signature facial        Located in the African        Ocean crash against            wide open to allow the
     treatments, and both        bush, the spa overlooks       the shore. It’s about an       sounds of the sea in, it’s
     use pre- and probiotics     stunning valley views.        hour from East London.         pure magic. And then
     to improve the microbial    It’s a relaxing, peaceful     crawfordsbeachlodge.co.za      there are all those well-
     balance of the skin. Talk   spot totally immersed in                                     trained hands offering
     these days is often about   nature. And it is just an                                    extensive therapies and
     rewilding. Well, Esse is    hour from Durban – an                                        treatments combined
     on a mission to rewild      easy day trip.                                               with delicious aromas
     your skin, by helping       gwahumbe.co.za                                               (and sublime sea views)
     to imbue you with a                                                                      – the allure of perfect
     healthy skin microbiome.                                                                 pampering is ceaseless.
     esseskincare.com                                                                         umngazi.co.za

32      M AY 2 0 2 1                                                                                     kulula.com

                                                                                               Spa in a stable
                                                                                               It made its mark thanks
                                                                                               to the curvaceous roof of
                                                                                               its pretty chapel, and now
                                                                                               Bosjes – a guest farm at
                                                                                               the foot of the Waaihoek
                                                                                               Mountain in the Breede
                                                                                               Valley, some 28km from
                                                                                               Ceres – has added a spa.
                                                                                               Located in the farm’s
                                  Seaside shhh…                  The spa journey               original stables, Die
                                  The Sea Whisperer              The Saxon Spa, at
                                                                                               Stalle has two treatment
                                  treatment at the Suncoast      Joburg’s Saxon Hotel,
                                                                                               rooms, a sauna and
                                  Hotel Spa in Durban            is an oasis of calm in a
                                  offers a fusion of different   city known for its buzz.
                                                                                               Rasul chamber, all           Sip and spa
                                                                                               imaginatively rendered       In the foothills of Cape
                                  types of massage styles        Its Signature Journeys
                                                                                               by interior designer         Town’s gentle Steenberg,
                                  from around the world.         are utterly unique
                                                                                               Liam Mooney to create        next door to the Norval
                                  The signature treatment        experiences, and the
                                                                                               a seriously sublime          Foundation art gallery,
                                  uses aromatic oils and         Digital Detox Journey
                                                                                               sanctuary. While you         the Steenberg Spa is on a
                                  a relaxing massage             is the first of its kind in
                                                                                               can make a day of it,        wine farm, so there’s an
                                  technique that trades in       the country. It includes
                                                                                               you could also dip into      inherent understanding
                                  long strokes, thumb and        a mindfulness exercise,
                                                                                               one of their packages        of the role played by
                                  palm pressure to relieve       a full-body exfoliation, a
Pictures: Claire Gunn, Supplied

                                                                                               – two nights in the          nature and the elements
                                  stress and recharge your       combination of silicone
                                                                                               boutique guesthouse,         in making us feel at
                                  body, mind and spirit.         cupping and deep tissue
                                                                                               breakfast, dinner, full-     peace. The setting is
                                  Finish with a cocktail on      massage and finally a
                                                                                               body massage, hydrating      totally sublime and so,
                                  the pool deck or hit the       lymphatic drainage. It
                                                                                               facial, and a hydrotherapy   in addition to serene
                                  Promenade for a stroll.        sounds like a lot, but no
                                                                                               session. A perfect           indoor therapy rooms,
                                  tsogosun.com                   doubt it is worth every
                                                                                               Mother’s Day treat.          Steenberg offers (weather
                                                                 minute. Round it off with
                                                                                               bosjes.co.za                 permitting, of course)
                                                                 a high tea in the Piano
                                                                                                                            outdoor spa treatments in
                                                                 Lounge. saxon.co.za
                                                                                                                            its scented garden, as well
                                                                                                                            as poolside manis and
                                                                                                                            pedis. It even has mini spa
                                                                                                                            treatments for your mini
                                                                                                                            me. Don’t forget to take a
                                                                                                                            turn at the Norval when
                                                                                                                            you’re done; or perhaps
                                                                                                                            you’ll simply want to
                                                                                                                            settle in for lunch on the
                                                                                                                            estate or grab a suite for
                                                                                                                            the night.

                                  kulula.com                                                                                           M AY 2 0 2 1   33
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             This                                 I
                                                         did the Wild Coast. And I did
                                                         it all wrong. Well, perhaps I
                                                         didn’t do it all wrong but if I did
                                                         it again, I’d do a couple things

                                                     For one, I’d only venture ankle deep
                                                  into the sea. Provided I could resist
                                                  the call of these endless oceans,

                                                  that is. I say this after hearing about
                                                  someone being mauled by a shark in
                                                  knee-deep water in a gentle estuary
                                                  stream somewhere along the coast,
                                                  and about dangerous Wild Coast

                                                  riptides. These ferocious seas have
                                                  claimed countless nautical victims.
                                                  There was the ill-fated Oceanos
                                                  in 1991: Captain Yiannis Avranas

             do it
                                                  famously abandoned ship, leaving
                                                  rescue operations to the vessel’s
                                                  musos and magician who managed
                                                  – abracadabra – to heroically help
                                                  save all 571 people onboard.

             Nicci Collier does th
                                    ild C

kulula.com                                                                     M ay 2 0 2 1    37

     And the ostensibly ‘unsinkable’ Waratah
     steamship, the ‘Titanic of the South’,
     which lived up to the same fate and
     disappeared off the Wild Coast in 1909, its
     wreckage never found.
       Make no mistake, the Wild Coast is
     not so-called for the long-horned bulls
     plodding (and pooping!) unattended
     across the beaches. The famous
     Pondoland cattle, kept in kraals at            vessel returning from India in 1608.             Clockwise from top left
     night and released at dawn, return             Shards of Chinese Ming porcelain and             The famed Hole-in-
                                                                                                     the-Wall near Coffee
     around midday for milking, then                carnelian beads can still be scavenged
                                                                                                     Bay; Wild Coast
     stroll beachwards in the afternoon.            near the Quko River mouth at low tide. I         beachcombers will share
     Photographer Christopher Rimmer, who           returned empty-handed, but with a full           the shore with Pondoland
     studied and documented the cattle, says        heart. Nothing compares to having an             cattle; the riverside
     of this mysterious habit, ‘As resistant as I   immaculate wilderness like this practically      bar deck at Umngazi;
     am to anthropomorphising, I could come         to oneself.                                      a wild beach ride with
     to no other conclusion than: the bulls visit      My second mistake? Driving to Double          Wild Coast Horse Riding
                                                                                                     Adventures; endless
     the beach daily because they simply enjoy      Mouth in a Yaris. It’s doable, but a four-
                                                                                                     views from Prana Lodge
     being there.’                                  wheeler would certainly navigate the
       On a cow-free morning, I hiked the           rocky, ditch-riddled road better. I make it to
     Double Mouth Nature Reserve (from the          ‘the cliffs’ for sundowners that evening but
     inviting Morgan Bay campsite to Bead           only thanks to the kindness of strangers:
     Beach) in search of treasure from the          Alex, who offers a lift. Warren provides
     Santo Espiritu – a doomed Portuguese           the G’nTs, and his cousins host me for a
                                                    braai that night. I’d already suspected that
                                                    there’s just something different about Wild
                                                    Coast-ers. In a really good, unbelievably
                                                    kind, ultra-hospitable way. And these new
                                                    friends only confirm it.
                                                       From the Umngazi River boat driver
                                                    whose convincing fish eagle cry lures the
                                                    magnificent birds into sight, to Nikki and
                                                    Erica at Morgan Bay Hotel’s reception desk
                                                    (they print dinner menus each day

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                                                                                                 with a personalised message to each
                                                                                                 guest), everyone here feels like family.
                                                                                                 Perhaps it’s because this is the land
                                                                                                 of my forebears? Granny Wendy grew
                                                                                                 up in the Transkei – her father was the
                                                                                                 magistrate, and Freemantle High School
                                                                                                 in Lady Frere was named in his honour
                                                                                                 (whether this honour was for his habit of
                                                                                                 performing headstands on bar counters
                                                                                                 or his magisterial work, we will never
                                                                                                 know). Mount Ayliff, Lady Frere, Mthatha,
                                                                                                 Queenstown… All place names I recall my
                                                                                                 grandmother bandying about when she
                                                                                                 spoke of her childhood. Several of them
                                                                                                 went hurtling past the Yaris’s window as       Serene sleeps                 Morgan Bay Hotel
                                                                                                 it dodged goats, donkeys and potholes                                        Morgan Bay is a dream
                                                                                                 on this road trip. It made me think of my      Umngazi River                 for nature lovers, with
Pictures: Keith Bain, South African Tourism, Wild Coast Horse Riding Adventures, Supplied

                                                                                                 Granny as a baby, traversing these same        Bungalows and Spa             a mile-long stretch of
                                                                                                 green hills almost a century ago –             To sample the Wild            beach and magnificent
                                                                                                 by ox-wagon!                                   Coast’s pleasures without     cliffs crisscrossed with
                                                                                                    It wasn’t all giddy sessions on bumpy       roughing it at all, check     hiking and MTB trails.
                                                                                                 roads, though. There was the pure joy          in at this charming family    Select from a variety
                                                                                                 of fattening myself on the Morgan Bay          resort on the Umngazi         of bed combinations to
                                                                                                 Hotel’s generous meals and reading to the      River mouth. Set within its   suit your group in the
                                                                                                 sound of crashing waves in the beautiful       own nature reserve and        spacious, tastefully
                                                                                                 ‘Quiet Lounge; No Children’. And all that      flanked by dense coastal      decorated rooms,
                                                                                                 gracious time spent at Umngazi, a slice        vegetation, it overlooks      and enjoy a plethora
                                                                                                 of tropical paradise whose natural good        an estuary and beach,         of activities on offer,
                                                                                                 looks are matched by the resort’s raft of      with boats for hire, and      from rock climbing
                                                                                                 endlessly fun activities – plus beach walks,   waterskiing on offer.         to fishing, canoeing
                                                                                                 outdoor showers, unbeatable feasting           Thatched bungalows (like      to horse riding, bird
                                                                                                 tables… Total escape.                          the beautiful Honeymoon       watching to poolside
                                                                                                    Ultimately, though, I think my biggest      suite pictured above) have    tanning.
                                                                                                 mistake by far was that my Wild Coast          outdoor showers and are       morganbayhotel.co.za
                                                                                                 adventure was too short. Next time, I’ll       set amongst indigenous
                                                                                                 stay forever.                                  gardens on the bank of        Prana Lodge
                                                                                                                                                the river, which is crossed   In Chintsa, Prana Lodge
                                                                                                                                                by boat for idyllic beach     is a family-owned luxury
                                                                                                                                                walks (ring the gong to       hotel on a 17-acre
                                                                                                                                                be fetched in time for        private beach estate –
                                                                                                                                                tea and cake). Explore        just 40 minutes from
                                                                                                                                                mangrove swamps, cast         East London in a dreamy
                                                                                                                                                a line, boat or canoe up      dune forest. Top-notch
                                                                                                                                                the river, unwind at the      cuisine; private plunge
                                                                                                                                                pool, indulge heartily at     pools; restful, Persian-
                                                                                                                                                mealtimes, join a torch-lit   carpeted suites; and
                                                                                                                                                crab hunt with the kids.      direct beach access.
                                                                                                                                                And don’t miss the spa.       Plus a pamper-perfect
                                                                                                                                                umngazi.co.za                 spa. pranalodge.co.za

                                                                                            kulula.com                                                                                     M AY 2 0 2 1   41


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                                                    DISCOVER    People. Ideas. Things.

                                                                                                  What’s the buzz?
                                                                                                  Forget the navel-gazing, these
                                                                                                  swimming shorts are doing their bit
                                                                                                  to give bees a chance. Having seen
                                                                                                  from the inside how South Africa’s
                                                                                                  garment industry took a tumble,
                                                                                                  conservation-minded Jeff Liss
                                                                                                  has applied his textile and fashion
                                                                                                  know-how to create Chasing
                                                                                                  Bees, a family business producing
                                                                                                  a sustainable range of casual-
                                                                                                  but-buzzworthy clothing and
                                                                                                  accessories such as kikois. Aside
                                                                                                  from doing their bit to support
                                                                                                  local producers and crafters, a
                                                                                                  percentage of their earnings goes
                                                                                                  to Ujubee, a research organisation
                                                                                                  studying wild bees and other
                                                                                                  pollinators. Their research feeds
                                                                                                  into a global initiative to protect the
                                                                                                  planet’s biodiversity by preserving
Words: Keith Bain, Picture: Supplied

                                                                                                  the genetic integrity of pollinating
                                                                                                  species. The bees will be happy, but
                                                                                                  so will you with your shorts made
                                                                                                  from durable, comfortable, quick-
                                                                                                  drying fabric and put together with
                                                                                                  triple-stitched seams. Lovely prints,
                                                                                                  too – check out more designs on
                                                                                                  page 51.

                                            Kamala’s mom   44   Briefs, bras, cups and saucers   47   Novel heroines            53
                                       kulula.com                                                                              M AY 2 0 2 1   43

     Her                      In this intimate extract from
                            her book, The Truths We Hold,
                               US Vice President Kamala

     mother’s                Harris highlights the part her
                             mother played in making her
                            who she is today. It’s dedicated

     daughter                to all the moms who are with
                            us, and those who are no more

44   M AY 2 0 2 1                               kulula.com

                                                                                                                                                                   M                   y mother’s condition worsened, she
                                                                                                                                                                                       needed more care than we could
                                                                                                                                                                                       provide. We wanted to hire a home
                                                                                                                                                                   healthcare aide to help her – and me. But she didn’t
                                                                                                                                                                   want help.
                                                                                                                                                                       ‘I’m fine. I don’t need anybody,’ she’d say, though
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * From Penguin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Random House,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kamala Harris’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                autobiographical The
                                                                                                                                                                   she could barely get out of bed. There was a                                                 Truths We Hold: An
                                                                                                                                                                   fight to be had about it, but I didn’t want to have                                          American Journey
Extract courtesy of Penguin Random House, Picture: Lawrence Jackson, courtesy of the White House and the Office of the Vice President of the United States

                                                                                                                                                                   it. Cancer – the disease she’d devoted her life to                                           has recently been
                                                                                                                                                                   defeating – was now wreaking havoc on her. Her                                               republished in a new
                                                                                                                                                                   body was giving out. The medication was making                                               soft-cover edition.
                                                                                                                                                                   it difficult for her to function – to be herself. I didn’t
                                                                                                                                                                   want to be the one who took her dignity away.                were all in a great state of delusion – especially
                                                                                                                                                                       So we muddled through. I cooked elaborate                me. I couldn’t bear to tell my mother no – not
                                                                                                                                                                   meals for her, filling the house with the smells             because she couldn’t take it, but because I couldn’t.
                                                                                                                                                                   of childhood, reminding us both of happier times.            Whether it was a question of bringing a nurse home
                                                                                                                                                                   When I wasn’t at the office, I was usually with her,         or staying in the nursing home or going to India, I
                                                                                                                                                                   telling stories, holding hands, helping her through          didn’t want to accept what saying no to her meant.
                                                                                                                                                                   the chemotherapy misery.                                     I didn’t want to accept that she was running out
                                                                                                                                                                       I bought her hats after she lost her hair, and soft      of time.
                                                                                                                                                                   clothes to improve her comfort.                                 One night, Maya, Tony, Meena, and I were all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                at my mother’s house when Aunt Mary and Aunt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lenore came for a visit. I cooked. I’ll never forget
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that night – I was making beef stew. While the meat
                                                                                                                                                             She knew who she had raised. She knew her                          was cooking down in red wine, all of a sudden my
                                                                                                                                                               fighting spirit was alive and well inside me                     brain figured out what was happening around me. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                began hyperventilating – short breaths in and out. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                felt I might faint. Suddenly, the delusion was gone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I had to face reality. I was going to lose my mother;
                                                                                                                                                                     At one point, I had just gotten into the attorney          there was nothing I could do.
                                                                                                                                                                   general’s race and she asked me how it was going.               We had called our uncle in India to let him know
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘Mommy, these guys are saying they’re gonna                she was too sick to travel. He flew from Delhi to
                                                                                                                                                                   kick my ass.’                                                see her. She waited for him to say goodbye. She
                                                                                                                                                                     She’d been lying on her side. She rolled over,             passed away the next morning.
                                                                                                                                                                   looked at me, and unveiled the biggest smile. She               One of the last questions she asked the hospice
                                                                                                                                                                   knew who she had raised. She knew her fighting               nurse, the last concern on her mind, was ‘Are my
                                                                                                                                                                   spirit was alive and well inside me.                         daughters going to be okay?’ She focused on being
                                                                                                                                                                     When it was time for hospice care, we took her             our mother until the very end.
                                                                                                                                                                   home and, finally, she let a hospice nurse come                 I miss her every day, carry her with me wherever
                                                                                                                                                                   with us. Maya and I still didn’t believe that she could      I go. I think of her all the time. Sometimes I look up
                                                                                                                                                                   die, to the point that when she said she wanted to           and talk to her. I love her so much. And there is no
                                                                                                                                                                   go to India, we booked plane tickets and started             title or honour on earth I’ll treasure more than to
                                                                                                                                                                   planning her trip. We worked out how to get her on           say I am Shyamala Gopalan Harris’s daughter. That
                                                                                                                                                                   a plane, arranged for a nurse to accompany us. We            is the truth I hold dearest of all.

                                                                                                                                                              kulula.com                                                                                                   M AY 2 0 2 1   45
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