Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.

Page created by Joel Barker
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
“Put your heart at His feet,
                      it is the gift He loves most.”
                                      Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

                                     “Be merciful, just as your
                                     Father is merciful .”
                                                     Luke 6:36

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton                        March 13, 2022
     Catholic Parish 10700 Aboite Ctr. Rd      Email: seasfw.org
                      Fort Wayne, IN 46804     260-432-0268
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
       After most weekday Masses and
       Saturday, after the 8:15 am Mass

Monday, March 14
6:30 am     † Guadalupe Gallegos
8:15 am     † Butch Woehnker

Tuesday, March 15
8:15 am        † Todd Iott
                                                              Scripture Readings for
Eucharistic Exposition after 8:15 am Mass until 6:00 pm       March 13, 2022
and following the 6:00 pm Mass until 8:30 pm
6:00 pm        † H. Jack Siefert                              Monday
                                                              Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11 & 13; Lk 6:36-38
Wednesday, March 16
6:30 am     † Bob Carteaux & Debbie Carteaux Martin           Tuesday
8:15 am     Anita (Special Intention)                         Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 & 23; Mt
Thursday, March 17 ~ Memorial of Saint Patrick, Bishop
8:15 am      † Raymond Deasy                                  Wednesday
6:00 pm      † Bill Close                                     Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16; Mt 20:17-28

Friday, March 18 ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and       Thursday
Doctor of the Church                                          Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6; Lk 16:19-31
6:30 am       GMS (Special Intention)
8:15 am       † Luke Barnum                                   Friday
                                                              Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-17, 18-
Saturday, March 19 ~ Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of     19, 20-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:15 am        SSR (Special Intention)                        Saturday
Eucharistic Exposition and Confessions following the 8:15     2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 &
am Mass until 9:45 am                                         29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a
4:30 pm        † Butch Woehnker                               or Lk 2:41-51a

Sunday, March 20 ~ Third Sunday of Lent                       Sunday
8:00 am      TTS (Special Intention)                          Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1
9:45 am      Pro Populo                                       Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
11:30 am     † Patricia Ochoa
5:30 pm      Megan Plauger (Special Intention)

Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
Page 3

                                FR. TERRY COONAN FROM THE PASTOR
                                                           CATHOLIC HEALING
                     I want to share some of the fruits of my recent retreat and my continued reading (Be Healed by Bob
                     Schuchts) in the area of healing for us as Catholics. The word "catholic" means "according to the whole"
                     - so quite literally we can say that "holistic healing" is really Catholic healing. The healing of the whole
                     person is the goal of the work of Jesus Christ, so that Pope Benedict XVI could say in Jesus of Nazareth:
                     "Healing is ... an essential part ... of Christianity. It expresses the entire content of our redemption." The
                     purpose of Easter isn't to get us into heaven at the end of our earthly life. Rather, Jesus' Paschal
                     Mystery is designed to bring the Christian into the abundant life that is present now in Jesus. So it can
                     be said if understood correctly: Jesus came not to get you into heaven, but to get heaven into you.
                     But that requires something difficult from us. Pope Francis said it well: "We are afraid of salvation. We
                     need it, but we are afraid. We have to give everything. He is in charge! And we are afraid of this ... We
                     want control of ourselves." (6/10/2013)

                     I'd like to outline a good principle in this "catholic" healing process: what I believe determines what I do.
                     This simple yet profound statement is very important for understanding the healing that the Lord
                     desires for all of us. With the temptation in the desert from last week's Gospel, we saw a primary
                     strategy of the devil, our adversary who seeks to dominate us forever by leading us to choose our own
                     destruction. His strategy is feeding us lies. This is even clearer in the garden of Eden, where Eve is fed
                     lies that are both seductive and destructive. A seductive lie tells us something that caters to our
                     weaknesses, and blends a lot of truth into the lie (recall, the tree was named "of knowledge of good
                     mixed with evil"), and lies are always destructive to greater or lesser degrees. Lies can take many forms:
                     lies about who we are; about who we should be; about who others are; about who they should be;
                     about how the world is; about how it should be; even lies about who God is or what we think He should
                     be / do. The devil clearly sold this to Eve: "God is not trustworthy and will not provide for your needs."
                     It is often not our fault at all, but no matter how these lies enter our hearts, their existence will always
                     end up affecting our lives. Believing lies gives power to the liar over us. Those lies determine our world-
                     view and sets up walls that constrict our freedom to see the whole of reality and keep us in brokenness
                     or dysfunction. From those lies we can also create "inner vows" about how we intend to live our life
                     moving forward. For example, the lie that "(certain or all) people will break my trust and I will get hurt,"
                     leads to the vow "I'll never trust (them or anyone) ever again," or "I won't be vulnerable ever again."

                     See how true is the phrase: "What I believe determines what I do." It carries further. From those lies
                     and vows (and almost always the festering wounds that accompany them) flows the unholy self-
                     reliance that leads to sin in its various forms. All of our "unholy vows" establish an outlook of control: I
                     need to do this on my own. This leads to isolation from God and reliance on oneself. This basic pride
                     ("my will be done") is the father of the seven deadly sins, which lead to all the others. So we see the
                     final goal of the father of lies: separation from God by sinning. Then more lies are planted: "you are a
                     wreck; He doesn't want you anymore; etc."

                     All of this can leave us deeply wounded even further than when it all started. Don't forget the truth of
                     the Gospel in which we stand: Jesus came to bring healing, and not just to take away our sins, but to
                     transform us entirely. It only requires our letting Him work, giving Him all of ourselves. Read the two
                     quotes from our popes above once again. Let Jesus in for healing.

                     We have a team of parishioners in the parish who are willing to help you take the first steps on that
                     journey of healing. They have gone through training and are collaborating with a wonderful parish in
                     the midwest that is doing this work. They will be available after Sunday Masses sometimes (pay
                     attention to the announcements) and are open to scheduling individual meetings with those who would
                     like to begin this work of healing. Please don't be afraid to reach out.

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                    MARCH 13, 2022                             SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
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                                              LOIS WIDNER                                    SCHOOL PRINCIPAL
                                                                                                  10650 Aboite Center Road
                           GREETINGS SAINT
                        ELIZABETH ANN SETON
                                                                                                   SCHOOL NEWS
We are accepting enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year and would            Some of our students have learned Curling. The 8th grade went to
love to be part of your child’s education. We have an awesome staff
                                                                               the Curling Center and others learned during gym class.
ready to help you teach your children to develop spirituality, academic
excellence, responsibility to self, and service to others. Please contact
the school to register for 2022-2023.

Have a great week,
Miss Widner, Principal

We have an opening for a Nurse and Instructional Assistant openings!!!
Contact Lois Widner at lwidner@seascsfw.org for an interview or apply
at Employment Opportunities - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic
School (seascsfw.org)
               Run for the Roses!!! Bidding opens for Seton Night Live
               Monday, March 14 at 8:00AM! Click on this link to set up
               an account and start bidding Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
               Catholic School | ClickBid Mobile Bidding (cbo.io)
               Thank you for supporting Seton Night Live!
Thank you also to our sponsors: Allstate Westrick Family Insurance,
Parrish Dedicated Services Inc., Hipskind Concrete, Ameriprise Financial
Reimbold & Anderson, Shank Brothers, Inc., Summit Consultants, Inc.,                                              Some of the students had an
The Monforton & Norton Families, Fort Wayne Anodizing, Tippmann                                                   Olympics competition in their
Physical Therapy, Legacy Dental, Informed Fitness, Phillips Financial,                                            classrooms, even learning
and OSV.                                                                                                          about speed skating with the
                                                                                                                  help of wax paper.

                                                                               March 19:   Seton Night Live
                                                                               March 25:   Drive-Thru Fish Fry 4:30PM
                                                                               March 26:   Confirmation 10:00am—please pray for our 8th graders
             Pictures drawn by Lindsay Snyder, Lizzy Hill,                     April 1:    No School
           Mariana Wisburn-Rodriguez and Clarissa Gonzalez

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                      MARCH 13, 2022                           SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
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              CAROLE YANEY                   FORMATION                                   KIM CONTE               YOUTH FORMATION
              cyaney@seasfw.org Ext. 107                                                 kconte@seasfw.org Ext. 111

                      Please join us in welcoming Alfred and Grace
                      Salsa this weekend as they display their
                      beautiful Olive Wood Religious Artifacts from
                      the Holy Land. All item are handmade by the
                      Christian community in Bethlehem.

Calling all you fish lovers out there!! The
Knights of Columbus Father Solanus Council
11276 is sponsoring a Fish Fry Friday,
March 25th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 pm at St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, 10700 Aboite
Center Road, Fort Wayne. Dine in the parish hall or drive up and get
your meal to go. Adult meals are $12.00 and kid meals are $7.00.
Adult meal consists of 6 pieces of hand breaded fish, potato
wedges, coleslaw and tartar sauce. Kid meals consist of either 3
pieces of fish and potato wedges or mac-n-cheese and applesauce.
(catered by “Dan’s Fish Fry”). Profits will go to charitable activities
                                                                               CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD
supported by Knights.
                                                                              Join us every Sunday at the 9:45 am Mass for Children’s Liturgy of
Thanks to everyone for your continued support of the Knights of
                                                                              the Word. All Children ages 4-6 are invited to participate in this
Columbus, Father Solanus Council 11276, and God Bless you and
                                                                              ministry. Children are called up before the readings and dismissed
your families.
                                                                              together to have their own Liturgy of the Word with a reading of
                                                                              the Gospel and related songs and activities. If you are interested in
                                                                              volunteering, please contact Mike Rost or Sarah Bishop at
                    ~ IN LOVING MEMORY ~

                                                                              YOUTH FORMATION/SACRAMENTAL
                St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish wishes
                                                                                                        Confirmation Student & Sponsor
         to extend our deepest sympathy to the families of                                                         Meeting
                  Maureen Catherine Gonsor                                                             March 13 at 1:30 pm in the Church
                                                                                                       One meeting time only for practice
                     who passed away recently.                                                  If sponsor cannot attend, a parent should come
                       We offer our continued                                                                    in their place
         prayers for all our deceased parishioners and their
                               families.                                                  Any questions, contact Kim Conte in the
                                                                                                 arish office at 432-0268.

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                    MARCH 13, 2022                              SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.

                                  Ben Wedler                 Liturgy                   RAEANN MULLEN LITURGICAL PASTORAL ASSOCIATE

                          bwedler@seasfw.org             Ext. 105                                         rmullen@seasfw.org         Ext. 104

                   IT’S TIME FOR AWAY DATES
Please inform us of any dates you will not be available to serve in the next
scheduling period of April 17 (Easter) through July 3. The next schedule will be run
on Monday, March 28. some dates that are included in this schedule are:

Easter Sunday - Mother’s Day - Father’s Day - Graduations - Memorial Day and the
4th of July.
Please remember you could be scheduled at any of these Masses if you do not
specify your away dates.

 Schedule of Ministers ~ March 19 & 20                       (***Sub Request)

            Saturday         Sunday           Sunday          Sunday       Sunday
            4:30 pm           8:00 am         9:45 am        11:30 am      5:30 pm

Lector     John               Emma            Cindy           Troy         Kelley
           Mullen             Engquist        Barnett         Cozad        Doyle

            Patty             Jenn            Chris           Jenny        NOT
                                                                                               Congratulations to our newly engaged couple,
           Johnson            Engquist        Alderdice       Andorfer     FILLED
                                                                                              Bryan San Jose and Madeline Blaney who will be
EMOC       Scarlet            Darrel          Mike            Kathy        Carmen                     married on November 16, 2022.
           Sobasky            Brown           Rost            Denise       Reed

           Mark               Carolyn         Beth           Jesse      Kristin         Engaged couples wishing to marry at St. Elizabeth should
           Clay               Adgalanis       Quigley        Lommatzsch Spoltman        contact Raeann Mullen at 432-0268, before reserving a
                                                                                        wedding date. Weddings typically take place at the Catholic
                                                                                        parish where the bride or groom has been registered for
Server     Jade               David           Maggie         Kayla         Steve
                                                                                        some time and are attending Mass regularly. Marriage
           Bultemeyer         Krieg           Barnett        Smith         Reed
                                                                                        preparation classes take about six months to complete,
           Noah               Gabriel        Noah            Kasey         Alex         and it is never too early to begin the preparation program.
           Kenny              Landrigan      Barnett         Reinking      Birkle

           Evelyn             Ethan          Sam             Connor        Jessica
           Wedler             Landrigan      Barnett         Reinking      Birkle               BAPTISMAL PREP CLASS
           Emily              Andrew          Lola            Collin       Daniel       The next Baptismal Prep class will be on Sunday, March
           Hills              Langford        Gerardot        Campbell     Jones        20th at 12:45 pm in the Mother Teresa room. If you are a
                                                                                        new parent or having a child baptized for the first time at
Usher      Michael            Dave           Bob              Rich         NOT          St. Elizabeth, please contact Raeann Mullen to register for
           Siffer             McMahan        Hoppe            Burton       FILLED       a required baptismal prep class via email
                                                                                        rmullen@seasfw.org or call the parish office at 432-0268 X
           Bryan              Jill           Mike             Jacob                     104. It is recommended that parents attend the class
           Smith              Harris         O’Keefe          Gibson                    before the birth of your child so that there will be no delay
                                                                                        in setting a date for the baptisms once the baby is born.
Welcome Maria                 Paul           Susan            Sam           NOT         Other dates available for the baptismal prep class are:
Center  Powley                Counterman     Rost             Reinking     FILLED       May 22 and July 24, 2022. Thank you.

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                     MARCH 13, 2022                              SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.

                                  JENNIFER ENGQUIST                      FINANCE
                        jengquist@seasfw.org Ext. 112                                                Clergy:

                                                                                    Fr. Terry Coonan ext. 108

                                                                                    Associate Pastor:
   SPECIAL DIOCESAN                                                                 Fr. Stephen Felicichia ext. 109
   COLLECTIONS FOR                                                                  frstephen@seasfw.org

                                                                                    Associate Pastor:
In March our entire Diocese will take up                                            Fr. Luke Okoye ext. 103
collections for the Black & Indian                                                  frluke@seasfw.org
Missions and Catholic Relief Services.
You can use the envelope in your
monthly envelope packet and drop it in
                                                                                               Facilities Manager:
the collection, give through your Online
Giving account, or text “Black
                                                                                    Rob Slocum ext. 110
[$amount]” to 260-217-4383 fo the
Black & Indian Missions or text “CRS
[$amount]” for Catholic Relief Services.

                                                                                             Office Administration:

                                                                                    Parish Office Administration/
                                                                                    Bulletin Editor:
                                                                                    Sue Ogg ext. 101
                      TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEK

                       In the 1600’s, who was our first Bishop?                     Parish Office Administration
                                                                                    Social Media Editor:
                                                                                    Bonnie Ratti ext. 100
    Parish Stewardship                        SPONSOR OF THE WEEK

   Week of Feb. 27, 2022
                                                  Please patronize our sponsors,         Parish Office Hours & Info
               Adult & Loose                     they make the bulletin possible.        10700 Aboite Center Road
                $ 14,924.09                                                                     260-432-0268
                                                                                     Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
               Online Giving
                $ 28,200.25                   FELGER’S PEAT MOSS &
               Weekly Total                    LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES                             Anointing of the Sick
                                                                                    Please call the parish office to keep us
                $ 43,124.34                     Jerry Felger, Owner                 informed of the sick and homebound or
           Children’s Collection                                                    to schedule an anointing at 432-0268.
                  $ 54.69
                                                9912 Valentine Rd.                            Saint Vincent de Paul
              THANK YOU                                                             For assistance with food or utilities,
       For Your Generous Support                                                    please call 260-399-9092.

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                          MARCH 13, 2022                   SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.

UPCOMING EVENTS                                                             YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP

                                                           Fidelis & Fraternus
                                                        Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:30
                                                           6th – 12th graders
                                                     DO YOU HANDLE DIFFICULTIES WITHOUT
                                            “...[Overcoming complaining] is much more important than we
                                                       might think.         -St. Theresa of Avilla

                                           Nurture your Faith as you experience the joy and strength of a Catholic
                                             sisterhood in Fidelis or brotherhood in Fraternus. We continue to
                                             welcome new members, it’s not too late to start...bring a friend!

Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.
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Put your heart at His feet, it is the gift He loves most.

EVENT CALENDAR                                                                                             LOCAL EVENTS
Monday, March 14
7:00 am St. Paul Street Evangelization
9:30 am Mary & Martha Lds. Prayer Group
                                                                Parish Conf. Room
                                                                Fr. Solanus
                                                                                          PRAYING WITH FR. SOLANUS
11:00 am Small Faith Community                                  Library                  Please join us on Saturday,
3:00 pm Guitar Club                                             Media Center             March 19 at the St. Felix
6:00 pm Grade 7 & 8 Youth Formation                             All Classrooms           Catholic Center in
6:00 pm RCIA Catechumenate                                      Mother Teresa            Huntington beginning at
6:30 pm Small Faith Community                         Library, Nursery & Fr. Solanus     12:30 pm for a Rosary
                                                                                         followed by our Mass for the
Tuesday, March 15                                                                        sick at 1:00 pm. with Fr.
8:00 am Aboite TWP Trustee Church Mtg.                          Mother Teresa            Daniel Whelan as the
10:00 am Library Staff                                          Library                  Celebrant. If you cannot make it we will be live-
1:00 pm Lds. Blanket Prayer Group                               Library                  streaming it on Facebook under “Praying with Fr.
6:30 pm Fraternus                                               Cafe                     Solanus.” Please remember to check our site for
6:30 pm Fidelis                                                 Youth Room               notifications and updates. To send prayer requests,
6:30 pm Knights of Columbus                                     Parish Hall              please go to www.prayingwithfrsolanus.org.
6:30 pm Small Faith Community                                   Library                  Please note, there will not be fellowship or tours after
7:30 pm Old Mens Basketball                                     Gym                      Mass. Also, there will be no Mass in April. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 16
6:30 am Mens Group                                              Mother Teresa
11:00 am Small Faith Community                                  Mother Teresa
1:00 pm SEASCS meet with Priests                                Parish Hall
3:00 pm Guitar Club                                             Media Center
3:00 pm Learning Adventures                                     Cafe
6:30 pm Small Faith Community                                   Saint JP II & Nursery
7:00 pm Adult Choir                                             Church
7:00 pm Catholicism 201                                         Library

Thursday, March 17
6:30 pm Small Faith Community                                   Library
6:30 pm Cub Scouts Meet                                         Café
7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 300                                     Boy Scout Room
7:00 pm Bible Study                       Fr. Solanus, Mother Teresa, St. John Paul II

Friday, March 18
3:00 pm Guitar Club                                             Media Center
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross                                   Church
7:00 pm Chosen Series Event                                     Gym
                                                                                          Last Weeks Trivia Answer: Lent, why 40 days?
Saturday, March 19
9:30 am Learning Adventures                                     Café                     Early Christians associate the number 40 with
6:00 pm SNL                                                     School Gym               Lent: Christ’s 40 days in the desert; Moses’ 40
Sunday, March 20                                                                         days on Mount Sinai; Elijah’s 40 fast days up to
7:30 am Rosary for Pro-Life                                     Church                   Mount Horeb; Israelites 40 years in the desert;
10:45 am RCIA Team Meeting                                      Library                  after 40 days Noah opened the hatch of the ark;
12:45 pm Sacramental Prep Class                                 Mother Teresa            Jonah’s 40-day warning to Nineveh; How the
1:00 pm SFC - Parra                                             Library                  number 40 was incorporated eventually began
1:00 pm Elevate - NDFCU                                         Parish Hall              with Ash Wednesday perhaps for the Angelo-
4:00 pm Grade 7 & Youth Formation                               All Classrooms           Saxon word for springtime lencten anticipating
4:00 pm Small Faith Community                                   Library
                                                                                         the gradual lengthening of daylight. A
6:30 pm FIAT                                                    Youth Room
                                                                                         preparation for new life and Easter, early
6:30 pm HAWC                                                    Library
7:00 pm Small Faith Community                                   Mother Teresa            converts to Christianity had to be instructed to
7:00 pm Small Faith Community                                   Nursery                  reject their pagan ways.

ST ELIZABETH ANN SETON CATHOLIC PARISH                                MARCH 13, 2022                            SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT
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