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Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica
2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175                                                                                                      1169
DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.167

                          QING DYNASTY
                                              Liang Zhao1,2, Dahua Yu 1, Hongna Li 2*

                          During the late Qing Dynasty, the psychological preference of consumers in business activities changed
                    significantly with the society, politics, economy and culture. To identify the psychological preference of
                    consumer behaviour in that period, this paper analyses the consumer life styles in the late Qing Dynasty and
                    discusses the relationship between consumer psychological preferences and life styles, referring to relevant
                    literature and the consumer behaviour theory. The results show that, in the late Qing Dynasty, consumers
                    become increasingly favourable of new things, and increasingly dependent on advertising; with the social
                    development, the consumers raise a growing demand for the use value of products; the psychological
                    preference of consumers are easily affected by the popularity of products; the main influencing factors of
                    psychological preference of consumers include social and political environment, type of products, and cultural
                    environment. The research findings lay the basis for further studies on the relationship between the business
                    model and consumption features of the late Qing Dynasty.
                          Key words: Late Qing Dynasty, Consumer Behaviour, Western Food, Tea House,
                    Psychological Preference.
                                                                                   Received: 15-02-19 | Accepted: 23-08-19

     INTRODUCTION                                                                      rapidly developed at major trading ports, which
                                                                                       further drive the local people to explore the
   Chinese diet has a long history and profound
                                                                                       Western food consumption (Xiao & Tang, 2011).
culture. It has a very important significance in
exploring history and cultural changes (Yan,                                           At the same time, Western powers were very
2009). Especially after the Opium War, with the                                        interested in Chinese teahouse culture,
                                                                                       gradually forming a consumption pattern that is
imperialist powers carving up China, the rise of
                                                                                       unique to the late Qing Dynasty. According to the
foreign trade, and the invasion of foreign
powers, the domestic tea and porcelain market                                          literatures (Janssen & Jager, 2003; Norton,
                                                                                       Rucker, & Lamberton, 2015), in the late Qing
had begun to prevail in Western countries
                                                                                       Dynasty, the people started to explore different
(Maheswaran & Shavitt, 2000), which promoted
                                                                                       forms of consumption, and showing consumer
the communication between the late Qing
culture and the world. Following the expansion                                         psychology with different characteristics in line
                                                                                       with the current social status. The literature
and invasion of Western capitalism in China
                                                                                       (Zhang, 2009) shows that in the late Qing
(Leung, 2013), the number of westerners
gradually increased, and western food was                                              Dynasty the culture of different consumption
                                                                                       forms in China and the West has a positive
                                                                                       influence on promoting the cultural exchanges
    1 School of History, Culture and Tourism, Liaoning Normal
    University, Dalian 116081, China. 2 School of Business
                                                                                       and foreign trade between the two sides.
    Administration, University of Science and Technology                               Therefore, the study of consumer behaviour in
    Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China.                                                    the late Qing Dynasty has far-reaching
    E-Mail: zhaolaingwoe@163.com
                                                                                       significance for studying the history of the time,
                                                                                       and it also has considerable value for exploring

                                                                                      REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                                    2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1170                                                 LIANG ZHAO, DAHUA YU , HONGNA LI

the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures.                             results using different research objects (Marano-
    In view of the significance of consumer                               Marcolini & Torres-Ruiz, 2017). In this paper, with
behaviour in commercial activities in the late                            reference to the existing literature data, the
Qing Dynasty, this paper analyses consumer                                literature and induction analysis methods were
behaviour and psychological preferences in the                            carried out to study the consumption psychology
late Qing Dynasty based on modern consumer                                of the consumer. Then, combined with the
behaviour theory (Puranam, Narayan, & Kadiyali,                           research object, historical status, life style and
2018), deeply studies the consumption                                     other content on the basis of the EKB and HSD
characteristics of consumers, and explores the                            models, the main feature points of the research
relationship between consumer psychology                                  object were selected to establish the theoretical
preferences and social activities at that time.                           model, as shown in Figure 1.
This study also provides suggestions and
methods for the integration and development of                               Consumer behaviour psychology
Chinese and Western cultures.                                                Consumer behaviour, initially proposed by
                                                                          psychologists (Malkoc, 2012), refers to that
                                                                          consumption is a concentrated expression of
  CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR THEORY                           AND                 consumer's         psychological       preference
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR PSYCHOLOGY                                             characteristics, and consumer behaviour is a life
                                                                          state that can be used as an importance
    Consumer behaviour theory
                                                                          reference to describe changes in a person's
    Consumer behaviour theory is the theoretical
basis for describing the causal relationship of the                       consumer psychology. Its essence is a broad
                                                                          concept, which represents the consumption
consumer’s purchase preference in their
                                                                          characteristics of a certain category of people in
purchasing process. Many scholars at home and
                                                                          a certain society. The theoretical characteristics
abroad have conducted in-depth research on the
models of consumer theory (Park, Hahn, Lee et                             of modern consumer consumption behaviour are
                                                                          based on the basic principles of marketing, in
al., 2018), and proposed different types of
                                                                          which the market is the method of assertion,
consumer theory models based on the research

 Figure 1. A theoretical model of consumer behaviour

                                                             Information and

  Understand                  Selection
                                                                                                           Family income

                                                                Consumption                                Social stratum


                                                                                        decision-making process

                                                                      Cognitive                Selection       Selective
                                                                       issues                 assessment      evaluation

                                                                        REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                    2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175     DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA

Table 1. Matrix Table of Consumer Psychological Choice

          Activity                 Interest                               Opinion                           Variable factors
        Occupation                  Family                                 Politics                         Age distribution
       Social contact                food                                Economics                           Education level
       An association               media                                education                            Family status
       entertainment             achievement                              business                         urban environment
          motion                   Fashion                                Culture                         geographical position

and the products and consumer services are re-                           with the consumer activity table (Table 1) to
positioned, so as to study the consumer                                  study the psychological preference of
behaviour on classification by the psychological                         consumers' consumption behaviour in later Qing
tendency of consumers. This is more based on                             Dynasty. This shall provide theoretical research
the mutual expectation value of individual and                           basis and guidance for consumer psychology
social groups reflected by social culture. Thus,                         research.
the    tendency     value    of    psychological                            Table 1 above can be summarized as a matrix
consumption is defined, to determine whether                             table of consumer behaviour choice, which is
to consume and calculate the consumer market                             classified in terms of the activity, interest,
according to the consumer's psychological                                opinion, and variable factors. Each of the
preferences, so the speculative study of                                 behaviours     has    five   different    activity
consumer psychology can predict the product                              characteristics. In actual analysis, the relevant
consumer market. Based on related literatures                            consumer behaviour was selected according to
(Mick, 2016), psychology impact factors of                               the actual consumption characteristics of
consumers mainly include the types of consumer                           consumers in Table 1, and the consumer
products, form and interest of consumer activity,                        psychological behaviours and trends were
value orientation of consumers, and consumer                             qualitatively determined based on the selected
attitudes toward the product etc., which can be                          combination of consumption characteristics.
judged using the table of AIO consumer                                   Finally, the selected consumption types were
consumption pattern choices. In this paper, the                          further compared and studied according to the
transformed AIO model (Figure 2) was combined                            process in Figure 2.

 Figure 2. The process of consumers' psychological choice of consumption patterns

    Determining Research
                                                                                                           Culture and Society
         Objectives                                         Form of scale

                                                                                                       Social Expected Consumption
  Identifying research models                          Major impact facets

     Determining research                                  Major forms of
                                                            consumption                                    Life Form and Value

  Data collection and analysis                                                                            Consumption Decision

     Analysis results and
                                                                                                        Consumer Market Demand

                                                                        REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                      2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1172                                                                    LIANG ZHAO, DAHUA YU , HONGNA LI

                                                                                             characteristics,   commodity       characteristics,
                                                                                             external environmental characteristics, and
PREFERENCE IN LATE QING DYNASTY                                                              media communication. Through comparative
                                                                                             analysis, the concern extent of tea and western
    Analysis of consumer life styles in the late                                             food consumption to the above four
Qing Dynasty                                                                                 characteristics was summarized, showing the
    Based on the literature review, among the                                                trend features in Figure 3 below.
representative consumer products in the late                                                    Before the 1840 Opium War, there were only
Qing Dynasty, the two categories of                                                          26 foreigners in concession territory of China
consumption: the western food attractive to the                                              according to the historical records, and they
western middle-class consumers after the                                                     mainly maintained the western dietary habits.
invasion of Western countries, and the tea                                                   After the Opium War, the number of westerns
market in Western countries' foreign trade and                                               increased mainly in Guangzhou and Shanghai
domestic traditional teahouse can better reflect                                             etc., and also the number of western food
the characteristics of consumer behaviour in the                                             restaurants increased accordingly. At that time,
late Qing Dynasty. In view of the historical                                                 Western food, as a “family feast” of the upper-
documents that can be consulted in the late Qing                                             class society and officials in Guangzhou, had the
Dynasty, these two types of representative                                                   consumption tendencies with obvious social
consumption of the late Qing Dynasty were                                                    functions and conspicuous characteristics, which
studied combined with theory and psychological                                               was relatively unfamiliar to the Chinese citizens.
characteristics of consumer behaviour using the                                              It was curious and exploratory consumer
literature and induction analysis. Then, the                                                 psychology at this stage. With the increase of
collected data were screened to classify the                                                 foreigners in the concession, western food
consumer consumption behaviours, use the AIO                                                 consumption gradually spread to the market in
model to counter-infer the classification analysis                                           the 1870s, and western food had expanded from
data, and conclude the consumers’ focus of                                                   private space to public space (Figure 4).
consumer products, mainly including the four                                                 Meanwhile, local raw materials were added in
categories     of     consumer      consumption                                              western food

 Figure 3. The Concern Degree of Different Consumption Types on Consumption Characteristics


                         65                                             Western Food Consumption
                                                                        Tea consumption
 Proportion of concern






                  Consumer Consumption   Commodity           External environmental Media Communication
                                         Characteristics of Consumption Types

                                                                                           REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                                       2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175     DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA

       Figure 4. The changing trend of Western people's dietary consumption in China in the late Qing


                          14000             Number of Westerners
                                            Number of Western Food Consumers
                          12000             Number of Chinese Dietary Persons
Total number of persons







                                  1840   1850   1860    1870         1880          1890          1900       1910     1920
                                                          Particular year

as new elements, which indicates that consumer                                                    for ordinary people. Through the initial
behaviour has been integrated into the cultural                                                   exploratory attempt, it also turned into a place
atmosphere, and consumer psychology is closely                                                    of commercial activities for consumers.
related to the social environment at that time. In                                                Guangzhou citizens and foreign businessmen
contrast, the consumption trends in traditional                                                   opened tea houses in places of prosperous
Chinese tea houses were also gradually                                                            business and geographical friendliness, among
recognized and accepted as an important                                                           which Guangzhou’s Sanyuan Teahouse was more
medium for business activities (Figure 4).                                                        famous. Since then, the number of tea houses in
Following the social development and the impact                                                   Guangzhou in the late Qing Dynasty had also
of Western culture, the focus of consumer                                                         gradually increased, and the rising number
lifestyle changes from the gradual development                                                    reflects the consumers' pursuit of consumption
of products to the consumption patterns such as                                                   psychology for emerging things and places
the recipes, advertising, and services etc. For                                                   during this period. Figure 5 shows the number of
instance, the prevailing newspapers such as                                                       teahouses in Guangzhou from 1860 to 1910. The
Shengjing Times, Shenbao, and Ta Kung Pao have                                                    results show that the behaviours of consumer
available service descriptions for advertisements                                                 preference and teahouse consumption was
and consumer items in the consumer market in                                                      gradually increasing in the late Qing Dynasty,
the late Qing Dynasty. Thus, with the                                                             and the proportion of consumer consumption
development of society and the entry of new                                                       trends was analysed (inductive analysis method).
foreign things, as well as the fusion of Chinese                                                  The right trend chart of Figure 5 shows a
and Western cultural elements in the lifestyle of                                                 consumer material culture and conveys the
consumers at all levels, the consumption                                                          fashion popular in the society at that time, with
behaviour of consumers at home and abroad in                                                      its proportion on the rise, and its consumption
the late Qing Dynasty gradually formed the                                                        behaviour would match the city with the social
consumer behaviour characteristics of consumer                                                    development of the time. It also indicates the
culture and sociology.                                                                            basic characteristics of consumer behaviour at
                                                                                                  that time, that is, the unconscious automatic
   Relationship       between         consumer                                                    acceptance of a new social trend, which is used
psychological preferences and life styles in late                                                 as a mass culture to attract consumers, thus
Qing Dynasty                                                                                      reflecting the consumer behaviours in the late
   According to John Henry's Walks in The City                                                    Qing Dynasty, e.g., some consumers dare to try,
of Canton, tea houses first emerged in 1863. As                                                   some begin to show their uniqueness in public,
the number of tea houses increased gradually, it                                                  or exhibit their social superiority.
gradually became a place of mass consumption

                                                                                                 REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                                               2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
1174                                                                                                                  LIANG ZHAO, DAHUA YU , HONGNA LI

 Figure 5. The proportion of the number of teahouses opened and consumption forms in
 Guangzhou during the late Qing Dynasty

                            140                                                                                                            25

                                                        Teahouses Increasing with the Year
                            120                         Percentage Change of Teahouse Consumption Form


                                                                                                                                                Drink tea and listen to the theatre%
 Number of teahouses

                                     80                                                                                                    15


                                     20                                                                                                    5

                                                 1860          1870            1880            1890           1900            1910
                                                                                 Particular year

 Figure 6. Classification and Degree of Consumers' Concern about Consumer Product Value in
 Late Qing Dynasty

                                                                                          Western Food Market
                                                                                          Tea Market
                                                                                          Other markets

                       Degree of Concern%




                                                   use value           social value               Status        Negative effects Hedging value
                                                                                       Value Composition

   With the continuous expansion of the tea                                                                                                essence. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the
market and western food market, the number of                                                                                              consumer's      consumption      behaviours    is
tea houses and western food stores increased                                                                                               highlighted by the value of the consumer goods,
continuously, the exclusive “family feast” of the                                                                                          which     indicates   that    the    consumer's
upper class gradually was popularized, and its                                                                                             psychological preference for the consumer
use value and usage method also changed.                                                                                                   goods in the late Qing Dynasty depends on the
Figure 6 shows the utility quantitative trend of                                                                                           usable value of the commodity, that is, the more
the Qing tea market and the western food                                                                                                   popular the consumer goods, the higher the
market consumption, which means the utility                                                                                                consumer’s shopping preference of such
value of two typical types of consumption in                                                                                               product, and then the more clear the behaviours

                                                                                                                                         REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                                                                                     2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175     DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA

of   consumer    purchase     and voluntary                             Development Matching Model Based on the View of
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purchase will be unclear and the decision-
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                                                                       REVISTA ARGENTINA
                                     2020, Vol. XXIX, N°1, 1169-1175   DE CLÍNICA PSICOLÓGICA
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