Page created by Rita Pearson

Tarion’s Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for 2018 – 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important part       This plan’s approach ensures the long-term viability of
of Tarion’s culture. It has a significant impact on staff, our   current and newly introduced CSR programs in both
external relationships, and the strategic decisions which        economically sound and challenging times.
guide Tarion’s operations and direction.
                                                                 Strong corporate governance is necessary to provide a
Tarion puts a high priority on fostering sustainability and      solid foundation for CSR leadership. To that end, this
integrating meaningful economic, social, and                     plan also explains how governance and CSR are
environmental considerations into our business practices.        interwoven.
This plan serves to highlight Tarion’s progress on
corporate social responsibility and outline further steps
to build upon these achievements.

How Corporate Social Responsibility at Tarion makes an Impact:

            Governance                                    Economic                                        Social
Governance has an impact on Tarion’s        Tarion makes an economic impact by          Tarion makes a social impact through
values, day-to-day business practices,      creating efficiencies in the new home       its hiring and retention practices,
and policies. A good example is             builder registration process, the new       commitment to human rights, sound
managing risk for employees, new            home warranty process, environmental        environmental practices, and
home owners, new home builders,             stewardship, and support of                 community engagement.
and other stakeholders.                     communities.

                                                                     Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan      2
Tarion’s Corporate Social Responsibility Priorities:

   Governance                  Stakeholders               Employees                 Environment                 Communities
The Board of                Tarion’s core purpose     Tarion aims to            Tarion is focused on        Tarion aims to
Directors is ultimately     is to enhance fairness    provide a place           reducing its                contribute to the
accountable for             and confidence in the     where talented            environmental               communities it serves.
Tarion’s actions and        new home buying           people can thrive         footprint.
results through the         experience in Ontario.    and be good
setting of strategic                                  corporate citizens.
direction and
regulatory priorities.

Highlight of Corporate Social Responsibility Achievements:
                         Tarion uses best practices and a skills matrix to     In 2017, Tarion released an official Diversity &
                         assist in obtaining the optimal composition for       Inclusion policy. This policy formalizes the
                         the Board of Directors.                               organization’s longstanding commitment to
                                                                               developing and maintaining a work environment
                         To mitigate potential damage from financial or
                                                                               and human resources practices that ensure
                         reputational risks, Tarion has implemented a
                                                                               equality of opportunity in recruitment, selection,
                         risk-management framework that requires
                                                                               and promotion. It also commits to removing
                         management to regularly assess existing risks
                                                                               systemic barriers so that all employees have
                         and identify emerging issues affecting Tarion.
                                                                               equal opportunity to succeed in the workplace.
                         Tarion conducts an annual Dynamic Capital
   Corporate                                                                   Tarion is a diverse and inclusive workplace, with
                         Adequacy Test, and voluntarily applies the            63 per cent of employees and 56 per cent of
                         Office of the Superintendent of Financial             managers being female, and 45 different
                         Institutions’ Capital Standards to ensure the         languages spoken by employees.
                         corporation maintains strong financial
                                                                               In 2017, an Environmentally-Conscious Practices
                         stewardship of the Guarantee Fund, to ensure
                                                                               and Considerations section was added to
                         that we are in a stable financial position and able
                                                                               Tarion’s Procurement Policy asking that staff
                         to pay out on homeowner claims.
                                                                               consider environmentally friendly options to
                         In 2015, Tarion established a Corporate Social        minimize negative environmental impacts of
                         Responsibility team of executives and senior          Tarion’s activities.
                         managers to spearhead Tarion’s CSR initiatives.

                                                                       Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan      3
               Tarion established an Ombudsperson’s Office in       Public Meetings, publishing an Annual Report,
               2008 to act as an independent, impartial and         holding CEO-hosted townhall meetings with
               confidential department that promotes and            homeowners throughout the province, and
               protects fairness within Tarion and ensures that     holding both in-person stakeholder roundtable
               Tarion treats homeowners fairly.                     discussions and webcasts.

               Tarion provides ongoing education for                In 2016, Tarion held its first webcast-only Annual
               stakeholders through videos, E-HIP, brochures,       Public Meeting (APM) in an effort to reach
               customer satisfaction feedback, and outreach         stakeholders from all areas of the province. It
               programs. These focus on educating                   was so successful, Tarion decided to hold web-
               stakeholders on the warranty process, home           cast only APMs for 2017 and 2018. Participation
               maintenance, and for new home builders,              rates soared with the online format: in 2017,
               customer service excellence.                         more than 1,600 people registered from all over
                                                                    the province. In 2016, Tarion’s webcast APM
               Tarion has increased transparency by increasing
                                                                    was a finalist for PR Daily’s Corporate Social
               and improving the information available to
                                                                    Responsibility Awards in the category of
               consumers about Ontario builders.
                                                                    Organizational Transparency. In 2017, Tarion
               Tarion has promoted transparency and                 was named winner for the same category.
               stakeholder engagement by hosting Annual

               Tarion promotes continuous education and             To celebrate Tarion’s 40th anniversary in 2016,
               training as well as cross-training and cross-        Tarion embarked upon a 40 Good Deeds
               departmental transfers to increase employee          campaign during which Staff were encouraged
               flexibility and enhance their skills and knowledge   to participate in 40 socially responsible good
               base.                                                deeds throughout the year. Additionally, Tarion
                                                                    set a goal to celebrate 40 Tarion employees for
               To encourage staff engagement, Tarion
                                                                    the charity and community service work they do
               established a Tarion Way to Go program, which
                                                                    outside of the workplace. Tarion employees
               can be used at any time to recognize excellence.
                                                                    surpassed the 40 Good Deeds target: staff
               Tarion has also developed a Tarion Ambassador        participated in 46 good deeds and 41
               program through which employees can add to           employees were recognized for their
               their skillset and take advantage of valuable        contributions to the community.
               opportunities to engage with various
 Employees                                                          As an employer, Tarion encourages staff
               stakeholders at both community and industry
                                                                    participation in CSR initiatives through
               events while representing Tarion.
                                                                    corporately sponsored volunteer time.
               In 2016, Tarion introduced an “I Am Tarion”          Throughout the course of the 2015-2017 CSR
               campaign, featuring a number of Tarion staff in a    plan, Tarion employees engaged in more than
               video that sought to put a human face to Tarion      1,800 hours of corporately sponsored volunteer
               and capture the personal side of what our staff      activities.
               do every day. The I Am Tarion campaign
                                                                    Tarion is committed to developing long-lasting
               extended to Tarion’s participation in community
                                                                    relationships with employees. During economic
               events, showing that we are proudly supporting
                                                                    downturns (e.g. 2008), Tarion seeks to reallocate
               community activities where we work and live.
                                                                    employees within the company to avoid layoffs
                                                                    wherever possible.

                                                            Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan     4
               Tarion has a long-standing commitment to               In 2017, Tarion employees from the Toronto,
               building energy efficient information technology       Ottawa, and London offices took to the streets
               infrastructure that reduces our carbon foot print.     for an Earth Day community cleanup.

               Tarion’s approach to resolving claims has              In 2017, Tarion began a digitalization project, to
               reduced the mileage in the Warranty Services           complete the shift from paper-based file
               Department (Tarion’s largest department) by 38         retention to an electronic file retention.
               per cent from 2009-2017.
                                                                      Tarion’s Employee Ecological Committee (TEC)
               In 2012, Tarion implemented a three-year               focuses on the “green” education of employees
               strategy to shift communications and business          from both a work and personal perspective by
               practices to e-transactions. The strategy has          promoting corporate initiatives, including
 Environment   seen Tarion move from a primarily paper-based          reduced use of paper, the use of “green” paper,
               organization to adopting technology that cuts          an internal green fair and a dedicated intranet
               down on paper while meeting the needs of the           site.
               organization and stakeholders.
                                                                      In 2016, TEC created a three-week company-
               Between 2010-2014, Tarion reduced overall              wide challenge to encourage staff to reduce
               photocopying by 65 per cent and printing by 47         their carbon footprint. This included a number of
               per cent.                                              activities: tracking steps taken during the week
                                                                      to encourage walking as an environmentally
               Tarion participates in a battery recycling drive,
                                                                      friendly option to transit or driving; a selfie
               where employees are encouraged to bring old
                                                                      challenge exhibiting environmentally conscious
               batteries to the office for safe disposal/recycling.
                                                                      behaviour; and, tracking garbage-free lunch
                                                                      days. In 2017, TEC raised more than $1,900 for
                                                                      the World Wildlife Fund by joining together to
                                                                      climb the CN Tower.

               Since 2015, Tarion staff have joined with a local      Since 1993, Tarion has supported the dream of
               McDonald’s restaurant to participate in                home ownership by waiving the enrolment fees
               McHappy Day Canada. Staff work the drive               of 1,110 homes built by Habitat for Humanity, at
               through, hand out orders, and collect donations        a total value of more than $590,000.
               to raise funds for the Ronald MacDonald House,
                                                                      Since 2010, Tarion employees have raised funds
                                                                      to participate in an annual Habitat for Humanity
               Since 1994, Tarion has raised almost $800,000          build.
               for the Children’s Wish Foundation through its
Communities                                                           As a corporation, Tarion supports the build
               annual charity golf tournament.
                                                                      annually, by granting a group of employees with
               Since 2008, Tarion’s employee-led committee            paid leave to participate in the building process.
               (Tarion Cares), has raised more than $103,000
                                                                      Tarion employee volunteers travelled to the
               for local charities. The committee also holds
                                                                      Dominican Republic in 2011 for a charitable
               seasonal toy and clothing drives, and collects
                                                                      home build. As a corporation, Tarion supported
               milk bags for a street ministry run by a Tarion
                                                                      this initiative by providing paid leave for those

                                                             Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan         5
Tarion’s Goals for 2018-2019:

                 In accordance with best practices in board governance, Tarion will continue to foster an
                 environment that will encourage diversity and be representative of the province in which it
   Corporate     operates.

                Tarion will continue to search for ways to increase transparency for stakeholders and encourage
                increased stakeholder engagement. As a corporation, Tarion believes that its policies should, in a
                fair and balanced manner, be shaped by input from those who are most directly impacted by those
                policies. This plan also recognizes that many of the other goals and social responsibility measures
                set forth in this plan may not be directed at stakeholders but may have a positive impact on them.

                Tarion is committed to supporting volunteer activities that serve the communities in which we live
                and work. To this end, Tarion will explore the feasibility of a corporate volunteerism policy to
                further support employees in their commitments to community and charitable causes.

                Tarion will continue to focus on ways to educate staff about sustainability and how we can
                incorporate sustainability practices in our corporate environment and personal lives.
                The Tarion Ecological Committee will focus on becoming ambassadors of technology and
                demonstrating how employees can embrace technology and use it to reduce Tarion’s carbon
                Tarion will complete the transition from paper-based file retention to a digital file retention.

                Tarion will continue to demonstrate its commitment to communities through fundraising efforts
                undertaken by the Tarion Cares Committee, and through its annual commitments to charities like
                the Children’s Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, and McHappy Day Canada.
                Habitat for Humanity will continue to be one of Tarion’s primary corporate charities. Support for
 Communities    Habitat for Humanity and other homes built by charities will continue through waived enrolment
                Acknowledging the many lives touched by cancer, Tarion will participate in the 2018 Bright Run in
                support of local cancer research funding in Hamilton.

                                                             Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan      6
Tarion’s Corporate Social Responsibility Partners:

                 Tarion Cares is an employee committee established to promote employee social responsibility,
                 encompassing Tarion’s commitment to its business values by raising funds in support of various
 Tarion Cares    humanitarian not-for-profit organizations (NFPOs).

                 Tarion’s Ecological Committee (TEC) was formed in September 2009 to consider, evaluate, and
    Tarion       provide recommendations on issues affecting the environment. The internal committee is made
  Ecological     up of employees from across all departments.


                 The Children’s Wish Foundation helps Canadian children, families, and communities by granting
   Children’s    the favourite wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. With every wish granted,
     Wish        moments of joy are created that ease the pain of a child, give respite to the child’s family, and
  Foundation     connect healthcare professionals and communities in that burning wish of hope. The Children’s
  of Canada      Wish Foundation has been granting wishes since 1984.

                 Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners to build
                 affordable housing and promote homeownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty. Its
  Habitat for    core values include the belief that access to safe, decent and affordable housing is a basic human
  Humanity       right that should be available to everyone.

                 The first Wednesday in May each year, McDonald's restaurants across the country host McHappy
                 Day, an annual celebration of giving to support Ronald McDonald House Charity and local
  McHappy        charities. Since 1977, McHappy Day has raised more $56 million for the Ronald McDonald House
 Day Canada      Charity and community projects across Canada.

                 The Bright Run is a non-competitive run/walk to raise money for cancer research. Since 2008,
                 more than $2.8 million has been raised and 15 innovative research projects have been funded at
                 the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton thanks to the event. The Juravinski Cancer Centre is the
  Bright Run     hub for breast cancer treatment in Hamilton, Haldimand, Burlington, Brant, Norfolk and Niagara.

                                                               Tarion Corporate Social Responsibility Plan     7
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