Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025

Page created by Ted Barton
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
October 2018

Queensland Western Markets
           Tourism Strategy

              Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   i
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
List of Acronyms:
AAIF    Attracting Aviation Investment Fund                                                OVE            overnight visitor expenditure
ALOS    Average length of stay                                                             p.a.           per annum
Approx  Approximately                                                                      QPWS           Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
ASCOT   Australian Standing Committee on Tourism
                                                                                           QTIC           Queensland Tourism Industry Council
ATEC    Australian Tourism Export Council
Av.     Average                                                                            RTO            Regional Tourism Organisation
BDA     BDA Marketing Planning                                                             TA             Tourism Australia
DITID	Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry                                          TEQ            Tourism and Events Queensland
        Development and the Commonwealth Games                                             TFC            Tourism Forecasting Committee
ELICOS	English Language Intensive Courses                                                 TIQ            Trade and Investment Queensland
        for Overseas Students
                                                                                           TNQ            Tropical North Queensland
FTEs    Full time equivalent
GBR     Great Barrier Reef                                                                 TRA            Tourism Research Australia
GBRMPA Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority                                            TSA            Tourism Satellite Account
GDP     Gross domestic product                                                             TTF            Tourism Transport Forum
IET     International Education and Training                                               UK             United Kingdom
ITOs    Inbound Tourism Operators                                                          UNWTO          United Nations World Tourism Organisation
IVS     International Visitor Survey
                                                                                           USA            United States of America
KPIs    Key Performance Indicators
M       Million                                                                            VET            Vocational Education and Training
MICE    Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions                                  VFR            Visiting friends and relatives
NZ      New Zealand                                                                        YE             Year Ending

TEQ recognises and values the Queensland tourism industry and would like to thank the following stakeholder groups for their input into the development of this strategy:
Austrade, Tourism Australia, Qantas, Brisbane Marketing, Tourism Tropical North Queensland, Fraser Coast Tourism, Gold Coast Tourism, Visit Sunshine Coast, Trade and
Investment Queensland, Mackay Tourism Limited Luxury Lodges, , Mantra Group, Cape Hillsborough, Cruise Whitsundays, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Great Australian
Experiences, Hamilton Island, Jungle Surfing, Kingfisher Bay Resort, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Pinnacle Marketing, Potters Hotel, Reef House, Sailaway Port Douglas, Skyrail,
Southern Cross Tourism, Spicers Retreats, Tangalooma Island Resort, Parker Travel, and Whales in Paradise.

Unless otherwise stated, all current tourism figures and trends sourced from Tourism Research Australia are for the Year Ending December 2017. Forecasts (including KPIs) are
for the Year Ending June 2017. Western Markets includes Other Europe unless otherwise specified.

THIS PAGE: Girraween National Park, Southern Queensland Country
COVER:     Lady Elliot Island, Bundaberg
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Table of Contents
Executive Summary. . ............................................................ 2                           7.0 	Queensland’s Target Western Markets
                                                                                                                    and their Potential ......................................................... 25
1.0    Our Current Position........................................................ 5
                                                                                                                     7.1 	Identifying the Target Markets ........................................... 25
2.0    The Need for Action......................................................... 8
                                                                                                                     7.2 Consumer Trends in Booking Behaviour . . ...................... 26
       2.1 Strategic Links to Government priorities .......................... 9
                                                                                                                     7.3 The Competition . . .................................................................. 28
       2.2 Consultation and partnerships .. ......................................... 10
                                                                                                                     7.4 Aviation Access and Partnerships . . ................................... 29
3.0    Our Vision . . ...................................................................... 11
                                                                                                                     7.5 Infrastructure and Investment ........................................... 29
       3.1 Goal, objectives, measures and 2025 targets ................. 12
                                                                                                                     7.6 The Western Markets Towards 2025 .. ............................. 30
4.0    Global & Western Trends................................................. 13
                                                                                                                     7.7 Target market strategies ....................................................... 31
       4.1 The sharing economy ........................................................... 13
                                                                                                              8.0    Profile of the Target Markets ......................................... 34
       4.2 Key Trends . . .............................................................................. 14
                                                                                                                     8.1 	The Americas . . ........................................................................ 37
       4.3 Responsible Tourism ..............................................................16
                                                                                                              		 8.1.1                Accelerate . . .................................................................. 37
5.0    Queensland’s Opportunity for Success .......................... 18
                                                                                                              		 8.1.2                Grow . . ........................................................................... 40
       5.1 	Objective 1: increasing OVE
             from target Western Markets .............................................. 19                           8.2 New Zealand ........................................................................... 42

       5.2 	Supporting objectives ......................................................... 20                      8.3 United Kingdom .. ................................................................... 45

       5.3 Dispersing the benefits ......................................................... 21                      8.4 Europe ..................................................................................... 48

6.0    Queensland Experiences and the Western Markets ...... 22                                               		 8.4.1                Grow . . ........................................................................... 48

       6.1 	Australia and Queensland experiences . . ......................... 22                            		           8.1.2      Keep in View ............................................................... 52

		           6.1.1      Australia’s Experiences . . ........................................... 22                   8.5 The Changing Focus of South America .......................... 59

		 6.1.2                Queensland . . ............................................................... 22            8.6 Target Segments . . ................................................................. 60

       6.2 	What is the Best of Queensland                                                                   		           8.6.1      Backpackers and Working Holiday Makers . . ..... 60
            Experiences program? ......................................................... 24
                                                                                                              		           8.6.2 Education & Domestic International Visitors .... 60

                                                                                                              		           8.6.3 High-Value Western Visitors . . .................................. 62

                                                                                                              		           8.6.4 Business and Leisure Events .................................. 63

                                                                                                              		           8.6.5 Cruise Tourism .......................................................... 64

                                                                                                                     8.7 	The experience aspirations of modern
                                                                                                                           Western Market visitors .. ..................................................... 66

                                                                                                                     8.8 Aligning the offering ............................................................ 68

                                                                                                              9.0    Delivering the Vision ..................................................... 72

                                                                                                                                   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025                                        1
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Riverside, Brisbane

     Executive Summary
     The travel and tourism sector is booming, outpacing the               increase spend and regional dispersal to deliver expenditure and
     global economy, and many of the Western Markets continue              jobs throughout the State. Based on research provided by Tourism
     to increase their out of region travel (outbound travel that is       Research Australia (TRA) and BDA Marketing Planning (BDA), this
     beyond neighbouring destinations). The Western Markets have           Strategy outlines strategic opportunities and recommendations to
     always been crucial to Queensland’s tourism industry, currently       leverage the aspirations and drivers of Western Markets and help
     contributing more than $2.1 billion or 40.3% of total international   position Queensland as a world class destination.
     expenditure to the Queensland visitor economy1. Visitation has
     grown on average by 3.8% per annum over the last five years
     (since 2012). By 2025, Western Markets are expected to be worth                           OUR VISION IS:
     $3.78 billion to the State’s economy.

     A key distinction of Western visitors is their dispersal throughout         INSPIRING WESTERN MARKETS
     the State, with 31.3% of visitor nights spent outside of the major
                                                                                      TO EXPERIENCE THE
     gateways of Brisbane, Tropical North Queensland (TNQ) and
     the Gold Coast, fundamental in supporting regional Queensland                 BEST ADDRESS ON EARTH
     economies and jobs.

     Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) has developed the                 This vision is underpinned by an aspirational goal and objectives
     Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025 (the            that will help guide TEQ’s future activity, international marketing
     Strategy) to maximise the potential of this significant group and     and strategic decision making.

2   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
By 2025 Queensland will be recognised as the leading Australian destination
    ASPIRATIONAL GOAL                                                 for market share, reputation and experience delivery by Western visitors

                                                                   1. Increase overnight visitor expenditure (OVE) and visitation from
              OBJECTIVES                                               Western target markets supporting Queensland jobs

                                                                   2. Win market share by accelerating efforts to target priority Western Markets

                                                                   3. Attract and support increased aviation access from Western Markets

                                                                   4. Increase average spend per Western visitor to Queensland

                                                                   5. Increase the proportion of Western visitors travelling
                                                                       beyond Queensland’s main gateways

A key focus of this strategy is on                               1. Deliver consumer marketing into key Western Markets
Queensland building and maintaining
a balanced and diverse portfolio of                              2.	Enrich trade engagement to increase consumer awareness and encourage
established and emerging Western                                     conversion
Markets. The Strategy identifies the
markets offering the highest share                               3. Strengthen aviation access and strategic partnerships
of overnight visitor expenditure,
growth of visitation, potential to High                          4. Prioritise infrastructure and investment to meet demand
Value Travellers, and the Queensland
experiences that align and appeal                                5.	Identify, understand and foster the development of high quality Queensland
to those target markets and deliver                                  experiences
the essence of Queensland’s hero
experiences. Seven strategic directions                          6.	Attract Western visitors to experience the best events in Australia
and a series of targeted actions will be
required to achieve the vision, goal and                         7.	Leverage the tourism potential of the international education network.
objectives. These strategic directions are
comprehensive in scope, and include:                             BDA has prioritised Queensland’s Western Markets based on volume, expenditure,
                                                                 maturity, propensity to travel out of region and preferences that align with Queensland’s
                                                                 experiences. All Western Markets however, have a role in maximising economic and
                                                                 social benefits and ensuring a diverse and resilient tourism and events industry.

                                                                 The USA has been identified as the western source market offering the greatest potential
                                                                 for Queensland to 2025. Market segments including youth, backpackers and working
                                                                 holiday-makers across Western Markets, students from South America and the USA
                                                                 and international students in other parts of Australia (considered domestic visitors
                                                                 to Queensland) are important segments for the State. High-value visitors have been
                                                                 identified as a priority for all Western Markets.

1 	Tourism Research Australia (TRA), International Visitor Survey (IVS), Year Ending (YE) December 2017

                                                                                                           Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   3
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Highlights from this Strategy include:

     • The importance of Western Market visitors for Queensland’s regional and rural
       communities due to their propensity to disperse beyond Brisbane, Gold Coast and TNQ

     • P
        rominence and value of the USA to Queensland in terms of the size of population,
       propensity for outbound travel and the alignment of Queensland’s experiences with
       their aspirations and travel drivers

     • Understanding of TEQ’s Target Markets and Activations:

       CATEGORY               ACCELERATE                      DEFEND                          GROW                      KEEP IN VIEW

                          High value markets             High value markets            Lower value markets           Lower value markets
                          forecast to deliver         forecast to deliver below      forecast to deliver above     forecast to deliver below
                          above average growth            average growth                 average growth                average growth

       STRATEGIC          Actively engage in               Hold and grow
       OBJECTIVE          these markets to drive       Queensland’s high OVE        Increase OVE from these       Monitor these markets for
                          and elevate visitor           performance in these        markets by raising desire,    any potential opportunities
                          nights and OVE to            markets, encouraging        awareness and conversion        and activations that may
                          Queensland                      repeat visitation              to Queensland              occur for Queensland

                                                   Success for Queensland in regaining market share will depend upon the coordinated
                                                   efforts of industry and government as the opportunities for implementation are wide-

                                                   This plan forms the overarching strategic direction that will be used to guide TEQ
                                                   business decisions relating to the Western Markets and provide direction on how TEQ
                                                   will work to ensure Queensland reaches its vision, objectives, and KPIs to increase visitor
                                                   expenditure and share from the key Western Markets. These actions will:

                                                   •	Ensure that all commercial partners of TEQ are working with ‘Best of Queensland’
                                                      experiences and effectively communicating Queensland messages that resonate
                                                      with each Western Market, to increase visitation.

                                                   •	Align all consumer facing marketing to ensure experiences offered align with the
                                                      aspirations of the target Western Markets.

                                                   •	Review the marketing mix that targets the Western Markets to ensure all content
                                                      used is focussed on the planning and booking patterns of the High Value Traveller.

4   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
1.0 Our Current Position
In the year ending December 2017, Queensland welcomed approximately 1.3 million
first time and repeat visitors from the Western Markets, with New Zealand, USA and
the United Kingdom the largest markets by volume. The Western Markets contribute
approximately $2.1 billion to Queensland’s economy. Expenditure increased on average
by 2.6% per annum over the last five years.

Visitation from the Western Markets has also grown by 3.8% p.a. on average over the
same period (see Figure 1), with strong growth by USA (á7.8% p.a.) and Germany (á3.4%
p.a.). Figure 2 illustrates the relative size of the Western Markets to Queensland.

Figure 1: Total Visitation to Queensland from Western Markets, 2013-2017

 2,000,000                                                                                                                                  $2,400

  1,800,000                                                                                                            é 2.6% P.A.



                                                                                                                       é 3.8% P.A.






              0                                                                                                                             $1,000
                       2012                         2013                         2014     2015                  2016                 2017

                                  TOTAL WESTERN VISITORS                                 TOTAL WESTERN EXPENDITURE

Source: Tourism Research Australia International Visitor Survey (IVS) YE December 2017

                                                                                                 Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   5
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Figure 2: Western Visitation to Queensland by Western Markets, 2017

                                       7% OTHER EUROPE
                                      4% FRANCE
                                                                                                    NEW ZEALAND 26%

                               9% GERMANY

                          4% ITALY
                          2% NETHERLANDS

                           5% SCANDINAVIA

                             2% SWITZERLAND
                                                                                                             USA 17%

                                        19% UK                                                       CANADA 5%

     Source: Tourism Research Australia International Visitor Survey (IVS) YE December 2017

     The Western Markets represent a significant economic opportunity towards 2025 due
     to their length of stay and dispersal into Queensland’s destinations. Overall, visitors from
     the Western Markets, regardless of purpose of visit, stay for a total of 22.6 million nights
     or stay for an average of 17.3 nights each in Queensland (see Figure 3). Length of stay in
     Queensland varies from market to market with New Zealand at 10.5 nights representing
     the lowest average length of stay (ALOS) from a Western Market, and Italians having
     the greatest average night’s stay at 48.5 nights (see Figure 4). Whilst visitor nights in
     Queensland have fluctuated over the past five years, ALOS in Australia has decreased at a
     greater rate. The challenge for Queensland is to encourage visitors from Western Markets
     to continue to stay longer in Queensland through stronger positioning of the hero
     experience offerings and activities that most closely align with key Western Markets.

6   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Figure 3: Average Length of Stay (ALOS) of Western Markets to Queensland, 2012-2017








                  2012                             2013                        2014                   2015                   2016                  2017

Source: Tourism Research Australia (TRA) International Visitor Survey (IVS) YE December 2017        QUEENSLAND                          AUSTRALIA

Figure 4: ALOS for visitors to Queensland by Each Western Market, 2017 (by nights)

           NEW ZEALAND










          OTHER EUROPE

                               0               5              10              15               20    25          30         35         40         45         50
Source: Tourism Research Australia International Visitor Survey (IVS) YE December 2017

Around 31.3% of Western visitor nights are spent outside of the major gateways
(Brisbane, Gold Coast and TNQ). Queensland’s unrivalled natural experiences, such as
the Great Barrier Reef and pristine coastal landscapes, coupled with its recognition as
a safe destination with friendly locals are significant drawcards for Western visitors and
encourage regional dispersal.

                                                                                                             Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   7
Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
2.0	The Need for Action
     The possibilities from Western Markets are significant but both           are underperforming in these markets as only a small percentage
     Australia and Queensland are not achieving their potential share.         of outbound visitors are choosing to visit. Of the 47.2 million
     Currently, Queensland captures 36.0% of Western Market visitors           outbound visitors from the USA for example, Australia attracts only
     to Australia, and has held or increased share in the Netherlands,         1.5% and of this 1.5%, 31.9% visit Queensland. Across all Western
     Scandinavian, Switzerland and Italian markets since 2012.                 Markets, as evidenced in Table 1, Queensland has strong potential
     Queensland’s share of Australian trips however, has generally             to increase share of outbound trips.
     decreased over the past decade. Both Australia and Queensland

     Table 1: Queensland’s Current Share of Western Market Out of Region Trips
                                                                                                    Out of Region
                Target                                      Total Out of    Out of Region Trips                         Queensland’s share of
                                         Population                                                   Trips to
             Market Region                                  Region Trips2      to Australia3                              Total Australia3

         USA                                321.4 M            47.2 M              1.5%                 232,100                  32%

         New Zealand                         4.6 M             2.6 M              47.3%                456,800                   37%

         United Kingdom                      65.1 M            17.2 M              4.0%                 231,100                  33%

         Canada                              35.9 M            9.3 M               1.7%                 59,100                   38%

         Germany                             81.4 M            9.4 M               2.1%                 91,100                   46%

         Scandinavia                        26.2 M              5.1 M              2.1%                 47,100                   41%

         France                             66.8 M              9.1 M              1.3%                 44,200                   36%

         Italy                              60.8 M             4.4 M               1.6%                 26.100                   32%

         Netherlands                         16.9 M            3.6 M               1.5%                 21,100                   37%

     Understanding the key drivers and motivators of Western
     visitors to 2025 and delivering experiences that match needs
     and expectations are fundamental in ensuring Queensland gain
     market share and build OVE to Queensland.                                             Queensland seeks to increase
                                                                                         overnight visitor expenditure from
     A balanced portfolio of Western, Asian and domestic activation                     Western Markets to $3.78 Billion by
     presents the greatest potential to drive growth in Queensland’s                   2025, contributing to the state’s visitor
     tourism and events industry, build resilience to market                           economy and supporting up to 11,000
     fluctuations and generate jobs in regional Queensland. Success                      additional direct and indirect jobs.
     will depend upon the coordinated efforts of industry and

     2      BDA Western Market Research Report March 2017
     3      TRA, IVS, YE December 2017

8   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
2.1 Strategic Links to Government priorities
     The Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025 is           The Strategy will also contribute to the outputs of Tourism
     a key deliverable of the Advancing Tourism 2016-2020 strategy          Australia’s (TA) Tourism 2020, which is a whole-of-government
     which outlines the priorities for Queensland’s tourism and events      and industry long-term strategy to build the resilience and
     industry. The Strategy aligns with the Queensland Asia Tourism         competitiveness of Australia’s tourism industry and grow its
     Strategy 2025, Australia Strategy 2025, Queensland Government          economic contribution. Together they identify the growth in
     and destination strategies to deliver on the overall tourism vision    the Western Markets to Australia and Queensland, and the
     for Queensland, ‘inspiring the world to experience the best            importance of a balanced approach to global markets.
     destination on earth’.

    Figure 2: Strategic Context of Tourism in Queensland

                                           TOURISM AUSTRALIA TOURISM 2020

                                                                                                          Advancing Tourism 2016-2020
                           2018-22 TOURISM AND EVENTS
                           QUEENSLAND STRATEGIC PLAN                                                               Inclusive Tourism
                                                                                                      Making your business more accessible and inclusive

               TEQ Marketing Strategy 2025                    TEQ Events Strategy 2025
                                                                                                                                  Ecotourism Plan

                                                                                                       Strategic Plan
              Queensland Western
                                          Queensland Asia                  Australia Strategy
               Markets Tourism
                                        Tourism Strategy 2025                    2025
                Strategy 2025
                                                                                                                                     Tourism and
                Aviation                                  International                                Education and
                                   GBR Strategy                                                                                       Transport
                                                                                                      Training Strategy
               Framework                                    Education          Digital Strategy                                        Strategy
                                      2025                                                               2016-2026
                  2025                                     Framework

                                                                                                                 Other Destination-
                              DESTINATION TOURISM PLANS
                                                                                                                   Specific Plans

                                                                                         Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025             9
2.2 Consultation and partnerships
      TEQ commissioned BDA to undertake research on the current and potential position of
      the Western Markets. This was followed by an extensive desktop research process and
      consultations with industry and government stakeholders in Australia and overseas in
      the following sectors:

      • TEQ International Directors                  • Accommodation

      • Government                                   • Attractions and tours

      • Regional Tourism Organisations (RTO)         • Inbound Tourism Organisations

      • Airlines                                     • Distribution partners

      Success in the delivery of agreed outcomes to grow Queensland’s competitive position
      in Western Markets will require action by a range of stakeholders. Those critical to the
      success of the Strategy include but are not limited to:

      • A
         ustralian Tourism Export Council           • Queensland industry partners                 • Travel trade partners
                                                     • Queensland international airports            • Tourism Transport Forum (TTF)
      • Business Events Australia
                                                     • Q
                                                        ueensland’s Regional Tourism               • Q
                                                                                                       ueensland Government departments
      • Cruise industry partners                       Organisations                                  including:

                                                                                                        §§ Environment and Science
      • Education institutions (Universities,        • Queensland Tourism Industry Council
        ELICOS, VET and schools)                       (QTIC)                                           §§ Innovation, Tourism Industry
                                                                                                           Development and the
                                                                                                           Commonwealth Games
      • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park               • Strategic partners including but not
        Authority (GBRMPA)                             limited to; Qantas, Flight Centre, Air           §§ E
                                                                                                            mployment, Small Business and
                                                       New Zealand, Emirates Airline, Etihad
      • Inbound Tourism Operators (ITOs)               Airways, Virgin Australia, American              §§ A
                                                                                                            boriginal & Torres Strait Islander
                                                       Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines,          Partnerships
      • Investment partners                            LATAM Airlines etc.                              §§ S
                                                                                                            tate Development, Manufacturing,
                                                                                                           Infrastructure and Planning
      • Media partners		                             • Tourism Australia (TA)                           §§ L
                                                                                                            ocal Government, Racing and
                                                                                                           Multicultural Affairs
      • Queensland Convention Bureau                 • Tourism Research Australia (TRA)                 §§ Transport and Main Roads

10   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
3.0	Our Vision
                                                                             INSPIRING WESTERN MARKETS TO
            OUR VISION IS:
                                                                          EXPERIENCE THE BEST ADDRESS ON EARTH

                                                                      through brand,       Connecting in a way that resonates with modern
                    INSPIRING                                      integrated marketing    Western visitors.

                                                                        and events

                                                                                           Accelerate5: USA
                                                                          in priority4     Defend: New Zealand, United Kingdom
                                                                        Western Markets    Grow: Canada, Germany, France; and
                                                                                           Keep in View: Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland

                                                                                           Through cultural immersion in the Queensland
              TO EXPERIENCE                                                                authentic and friendly Queensland experiences; and
                                                                                           world-class nature including the Wet Tropics and
                                                                          and events       Great Barrier Reef.

                                                                                           By elevating the best tourism products through the
                                                                                           ‘Best of Queensland Experiences’ program;
                                                                   through quality and
                                                                                           building the digital capability of tourism businesses;
                     THE BEST                                      innovation, enhance
                                                                   destination offerings
                                                                                           providing innovative, quality products, experiences
                                                                                           and infrastructure.

                                                                                           Across our five experience pillars:
                                                                                           •    Reef, Islands and Beaches
                                                                       showcasing the      •    Natural Encounters
                                                                      best of Queensland   •    Discovery and Adventure
                                                                                           •    Events
                                                                                           •    Lifestyle, Culture & People

4 	Market prioritisation will be evaluated and reassessed annually
5    Refer to Section 7.0 Queensland’s Target Markets for definitions

                                                                                               Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   11
3.1 Goal, objectives, measures and 2025 targets
      In pursuit of the vision, TEQ’s goal is that by 2025 Queensland will be recognised as the
      leading Australian destination for growth, reputation and experience delivery by Western
      visitors. The underpinning motivation for the Strategy is to deliver jobs for Queenslanders
      and build a diverse, vibrant economy.

                                                                                                                      MEASURES &
                        VISION                                       OBJECTIVES                                                                               STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS
                                                                                                                     2025 TARGETS
                                                         1. Increase overnight visitor                    OVE from Western Markets:
                                                             expenditure (OVE) and                         $3.78 Billion*                                     1. Targeted consumer marketing
                                                             visitation from Western                       (supporting up to 11,000
                                                             Markets supporting                            additional jobs)**
                                                             Queensland jobs                                                                                  2. Trade engagement
                                                         2. W
                                                             in market share by                           Queensland’s share of
                                                            accelerating efforts to target                 Western Market OVE in                              3. Aviation access
                  WESTERN                                                                                                                                         & strategic partnerships
                                                            priority Western Markets                       Australia: 24% – 29%

              MARKETS TO                                 3. Attract and support                           Total direct inbound arrivals
                                                                                                                                                              4. Infrastructure & investment
                                                             increased aviation access                     from Western Markets to
            EXPERIENCE THE                                   from Western Markets                          Queensland:
                                                                                                           355,000 additional seats***                        5. Experience development

            BEST ADDRESS                                 4. Increase average spend per    Average spend per Western
                                                             Western Market visitor to QLD Markets visitor: $1,684 – $1,811                                   6. Events optimisation
                  ON EARTH                               5. Increase the proportion                       Percentage of total Western
                                                             of Western Market                             Markets visitor trips to regions
                                                             visitors travelling beyond                    outside Queensland’s major       7. International education
                                                             Queensland’s three major                      gateways (Brisbane, Gold Coast,
                                                             gateways.                                     TNQ): 30% – 32%

              Queensland seeks to increase overnight visitor expenditure from Western Markets to $3.78 Billion by 2025,
              contributing to the state’s visitor economy and supporting up to 11,000 additional direct and indirect jobs.

      *	This target was developed based on Tourism Forecasts 2017 published by Tourism Research Australia. Note: TRA reviews and revises the forecasts on an annual basis. Accordingly, TEQ will
         review the target annually.
      ** 	Estimate based on expenditure forecasts in Tourism Forecasts 2017 published by Tourism Research Australia and job creation data in TRA’s Tourism State Satellite Accounts 2015–16
      ***    This target was developed based on Tourism Forecasts 2017 and Overseas Arrivals and Departures (OAD) for the YE June 2017.
      Note: TRA reviews and revises the forecasts on an annual basis. Accordingly, TEQ will review the target annually. All targets are based on existing data sources at the time of publication.
             Measurement of these is subject to the availability and consistency of these data sources. KPIs are industry outcomes and influenced by a wide range of stakeholders and partners.

12   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
4.0	Global & Western Trends
In 2016, travel and tourism accounted                            4.1 The sharing economy
for approximately 10.2% of global Gross
Domestic Product, supported one in ten                           The sharing economy has grown in popularity, aided by connected devices and
jobs, and outpaced the world economy for                         information sharing. The sharing economy, also known as the peer economy
the sixth consecutive year7.                                     or collaborative consumption, refers to peer-to-peer based environments that
                                                                 directly connect consumers and providers. The most popular items traded include
Since 2000, most Western Markets have                            accommodation, cars, bicycles, household goods and transport.
continued to increase their out of region
travel, with the USA experiencing the                            These environments often offer a rating or review system that enables providers and
highest demand, followed by Germany.                             consumers to engage with each other. In most situations, the sharing economy has led to
Competition for these outbound visitors                          reductions in transaction costs and intermediaries. For visitors, the sharing economy also
from other destinations around the world                         provides the opportunity to engage directly with locals.
and across Australia has intensified.
New Zealand, Canada, UK, Germany,                                Unlike other collaborative economy technologies like Uber, at the time of publishing,
Scandinavia, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland                     accommodation services such as Airbnb were not regulated by the Queensland
and Other Europe have all had 2-6%                               Government (however, local governments are adopting their own policies under planning
growth p.a. since 20128.                                         regulations and procedures). Airbnb is a web-based platform that is used to connect
                                                                 and coordinate renting of private property (matching hosts with visitors), of which the
In this same time competition from other                         company takes a guest service fee (between 6-12%) every time a reservation is booked.
destinations around the world and across                         Environments like Airbnb and holiday rental company Stayz increase the supply of
Australia has increased, and Queensland                          accommodation in terms of volume and variety, with the potential to drive growth of the
generally has lost market share of                               tourism industry and increase competition.
Australian trips from Western Markets
over the past decade; the importance                             In 2015–16, of all Airbnb bookings in the nation, the top visitor origins were:
of understanding the key drivers and
motivators of Western visitors to 2025 are                       • Australia (51%)                                 • Singapore (3%)
fundamental in ensuring continued growth
for the State’s economy and balanced                             • United Kingdom (4%)                             • China (2%)
global markets.
                                                                 • USA (4%)                                        • Germany (2%)

                                                                 With visitors from the Western Markets being most international Airbnb users in Australia,
    Global Tourism Trends:                                       the importance of Airbnb in terms of service quality, accommodation supply and variety all
                                                                 play a role in how Western visitors experience Queensland’s lifestyle, people and products.
    • L
       iberalisation of air
      services globally                                          KEY AIRBNB FACTS FOR QUEENSLAND 2015–16:

    • Fluctuating economic markets

    • Growing choice of destinations                                  343,800 guests staying                               $217 million total
      for travellers                                                      586,700 nights                                contribution supporting
                                                                         ALOS 1.7 nights                                       2,115 FTEs
    • Increasing competition for, and
      investment in, tourism

    • Shift of global population to cities
                                                                                                                      Average rating is 4.7/5.0
    • B
       aby boomer propensity to travel                                                                               the highest rating out of
                                                                              133,300 bookings
      is decreasing                                                                                                     all states / teritories.
                                                                                                                     National average is 4.67/5.0

7     Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017, World Travel & Tourism Council
8     Year Ending December 2017, Tourism Research Australia
Source: Economic effects of Airbnb in Australia, Deloitte 2017

                                                                                                        Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   13
4.2 Key Trends

      Technology has propelled innovation in
      aircraft design and operation, especially
      in response to high fuel prices. A recent
      focus of the industry has been on                      T H E F I V E STAG E S
      developing more efficient aircraft models                   O F T R AV E L
      such as the Airbus’ A320neo and A350
      and Boeing’s 737 MAX and 787 Dreamliner.
      Composed of lighter materials with
      improved aerodynamics and technical
      systems to use less fuel to fly the same
      distance, or the same amount of fuel
      to fly further, these new aircraft open
      up new routes which were previously
      commercially unviable.

      Due to Queensland’s distance from
      Western Markets and dispersed population
      centres, much of the current demand is
      carried through hubs on one of the major
      airline alliances. The main hubs servicing
      Queensland are Los Angeles, Bangkok,
      Singapore, Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, and
      Dubai. At the time of publishing the Middle
      Eastern hubs offer the most capacity,
      although Bangkok and Singapore are more
      appealing hubs due to better connection
      timing for United Kingdom, Germany,
      France, Italy and Nordic outbound, in
      terms of having a break in flights in the
      middle of their journey. In the case of
      United Kingdom visitors, the majority fly
      to Queensland via the Middle East. There
      is also a rise in Chinese hubs, with China
      Eastern offering connections through
      Shanghai, Air China through Beijing, and
      China Southern through Guangzhou.

      New aircraft technology may be ‘hub
      busters’, with airlines increasingly able to
      bypass hubs, for example Qantas’ non-stop
      flight Perth-London.

14   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Social Media and Digital Experiences:
                                                                                                   Social Media in 2017*:
Visitors are continuously looking for ways to research their upcoming travel experiences
through the dreaming phase, and document and capture their travel in the experiencing              • O
                                                                                                      ver 50% of the world’s
and sharing stages of the travel journey. With unprecedented rates of technological                  population is under 30 years
advancements, mobile technology has enabled digital experiences to rise, with visitors               old, and 96% of millennials have
wanting to capture both iconic and unique photos, and share them through social media.               joined a social network

Social media is more than a craze, and will continue to increase in importance into                • I f Facebook were a country, it
the future. It is a marketing tool using user generated content that influences the way               would be the 3rd largest
visitors choose and recommend all elements of their journeys. Visitors use social media
channels for inspiration and to research potential destinations and activities to participate      • F
                                                                                                      acebook’s fastest growing
in once they arrive. User generated content and word of mouth increases the credibility              segment is 55 to 65 year-old
of experiences and products, with online reviews offering viewpoints other than those                females
from the brand. The way businesses respond to these reviews through social media
humanises the brand, and can enable them to demonstrate quality customer service.                  • A
                                                                                                      shton Kutcher and Britney
                                                                                                     Spears have more Twitter
                                                                                                     followers than the entire
                                                                                                     combined populations of Ireland,
                                                                                                     Sweden, Israel, Switzerland,
                                                                                                     Norway, and Panama

                                                                                                   • 5
                                                                                                      0% of mobile internet traffic
                                                                                                     in the United Kingdom is for

                                                                                                   • F
                                                                                                      acebook tops Google for
                                                                                                     weekly traffic in the USA

                                                                                                   • YouTube is the second largest
                                                                                                     search engine in the world

                                                                                                   • There are over 2 billion blogs

                                                                                                   • 78% of consumers trust peer
                                                                                                     recommendations, while only
                                                                                                     14% trust advertisements

                                                                Mt Etna, Capricorn Region
                                                                                                *Socialnomics, Erik Qualman

                                                                                      Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   15
4.3 Responsible Tourism
      Visitors from Western Markets are increasingly aware of the impact their experiences have
      on the destination and are seeking out more sustainable forms of travel and organisations         WET TROPICS
      that focus on their environmental, social and economic impact. European consumers
                                                                                                       WORLD HERITAGE
      (especially in northern and western Europe) are concerned with sustainability, and expect
      suppliers to at least implement sustainable practices similar to those of their home                 AREA
      countries. Preference is given to suppliers displaying sustainability certification. A survey   The Wet Tropics Nature Based
      undertaken by the European Commission on Preferences of Europeans towards Tourism               Tourism Strategy provides
      indicates European visitors place the highest emphasis on sustainability at a destination       direction for the tourism
      level, followed by accommodation and then transport.                                            management of a World
                                                                                                      Heritage Area renowned for
      In a survey by Booking.com in 2014, more than half of global travellers expressed               its incredible biodiversity and
      their likeliness to choose a destination based on its perceived level of environmental          scenic natural beauty.
      and social responsibility, with Australians and Americans leading the survey. However,
      Brazilians indicated the highest interest in sustainable tourism, and visitors from the         The Wet Tropics rainforests are
      Netherlands and Denmark suggested that their travel plans were influenced by social or          internationally recognised for
      environmental factors9.                                                                         their ancient ancestry and many
                                                                                                      unique plants and animals. The
      The Queensland Government acknowledges ecotourism as a key sector and its                       diversity of plants and animals
      importance in assuring ecologically, economically and socially sustainable experiences,         together with waterfalls, rugged
      through the Queensland Ecotourism Plan 2016-2020 (Department of Environment and                 gorges and exceptional coastal
      Science, previously Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing). The plan seeks             scenery where the rainforest
      to build Queensland’s reputation around the world as a tourism destination focussed             meets the reef attract visitors
      on conservation of the diverse landscape, unique natural wonders and significant                from around the world.
      cultural heritage. The care and sustainability of the natral and cultural assets strengthen
      Queensland’s ecotourism industry in delivering world leading ecotourism experiences             Tourism plays a key role in
      and allow visitors to see their choice transform into positive impacts. Responsible tourism     presenting the World Heritage
      is also a focus of the Wet Tropics Nature Based Tourism Strategy and TEQ’s Great Barrier        Area to millions of visitors
      Reef activations.                                                                               each year. The strategy seeks
                                                                                                      to encourage a dynamic,
      On the 16th September 2017, the UNWTO approved the Framework Convention on                      sustainable and professional
      Tourism Ethics, covering the responsibilities of all stakeholders in sustainable tourism        nature based tourism industry in
      development, encompassing ethical and sustainable operations, right to tourism,                 the Wet Tropics and to ensure the
      freedom of movement for tourists and rights of employees. In an interconnected                  effective protection of the Area’s
      world where tourism is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries,               unique values.
      it is paramount that tourism development is done with full respect for sustainable
      development, social issues, community development and labour issues. Fittingly, 2017
      was announced as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

      9 	MEcoWanderlust, Sustainable Tourism on the Rise, Steve William

16   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Inclusive Tourism:

The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring that all visitors can access
Queensland’s destinations, tourism products, facilities and services, as part of a
responsible and sustainable tourism policy. This signifies a huge potential market for
travel and tourism globally.

In 2011, the United Nations World Tourism Organization estimated that10:

    1 BILLION PEOPLE                        2 BILLION CAREGIVERS                        of the world’s population
      globally live with                          of people with a                         are directly affected
         a disability                          disability in the world                         by disability

In its 2011 Declaration, The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
predicted tourism will increase and experience sustained development, reaching 1.8
billion international tourists by 2030. As the segment remains vastly under-served due
to inaccessible facilities, there is a current opportunity to ensure full social and economic
inclusion of all persons, with directly benefits of promoting more inclusive tourism to

Queensland has further made headway in this visitor segment, with the Gold Coast
hosting the largest para-sports program in the Commonwealth Games history. With
over 300 para-athletes competing in 38 events, the games was the perfect platform to
celebrate diversity and support inclusion. We aim to ensure that all visitors experience
the best address on earth, and that our industry live up to these same standards.

10 	United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division of Inclusive Social Development, Promoting accessible tourism for all, https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/

                                                                                                                      Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025                         17
5.0	Queensland’s Opportunity for Success
      This Strategy provides the opportunity for Queensland’s tourism and events industry to
      achieve a strong and balanced visitor market to the State. Five objectives will direct the
      focus and decision making.

                                                                        INSPIRING WESTERN MARKETS
                      VISION                                                     TO EXPERIENCE THE
                                                                             BEST ADDRESS ON EARTH

                                                                                                    Solothurn Rural Resort, Sunshine Coast

                                                      1. I ncrease overnight visitor expenditure (OVE) and visitation from
                                                         Western target markets supporting Queensland jobs

                                                      2. Win market share by accelerating efforts to target priority Western Markets

                 OBJECTIVES                           3. Attract and support increased aviation access from Western Markets

                                                      4. Increase average spend per Western visitor to Queensland

                                                      5. Increase the proportion of Western visitors travelling
                                                          beyond Queensland’s main gateways

18   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
5.1 Objective 1: Increasing OVE
     from target Western Markets
To propel the Western Markets beyond business as usual and maximise the most
benefits for the State, the primary objective of the Strategy is to increase overnight visitor
expenditure (OVE) to $3.78 billion in 2025. This target is 72.8% above current expenditure
estimates, or an additional $1.59 billion in visitor expenditure11.

In year ending December 2017, New Zealand contributed the highest share of visitor
expenditure by Queensland’s target Western Markets. Projections to 2025 suggest New
Zealand will remain as Queensland’s top Western Market by expenditure, with the USA
overtaking United Kingdom as the second biggest expenditure market to Queensland.

Figure 5: Current and Forecasted OVE Expenditure Share from Target Markets

                                     4% FRANCE
                                    9% GERMANY
                                                                                                           NEW ZEALAND 28%
                                3% ITALY
                               2% NETHERLANDS
                             6% SCANDINAVIA

                             3% SWITZERLAND                                             2017
                                                                                                                      CANADA 6%

                                  21% UK
                                                                                                                    USA 18%

                                     4% FRANCE
                                    10% GERMANY
                                                                                                            NEW ZEALAND 27%
                               3% ITALY
                               2% NETHERLANDS
                             5% SCANDINAVIA

                             3% SWITZERLAND                                             2025
                                                                                                                      CANADA 8%

                                 18% UK

                                                                                                                  USA 20%

11 	Target developed based on Tourism Forecasts 2017 published by Tourism Research Australia (TRA)
Source: All expenditure data are sourced from Tourism Research Australia, Year Ending December 2017

                                                                                                      Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   19
Magnetic Island, Townsville

      5.2 Supporting objectives
      Alongside increasing OVE, winning             Spend per Western visitor in Queensland has typically been significant, partially due to their
      market share from the Western Markets,        generous annual leave times allowing them to stay longer. A boost in market share, OVE
      enhancing aviation access and boosting        and average spend can be achieved by focusing on the following factors:
      average spend are fundamental to success.
      Growing market share must include             1. The target markets – selected with a filter of yield as well as volume
      both established (often repeat visitation)
      markets, and the smaller and emerging         2. The quality of experiences offered – market intelligence shows that there is a
      markets to ensure sustainable growth and          willingness to pay for high quality experiences
      a diverse market mix. Continuing efforts to
      support air access improvements through       3. The distinctiveness of experiences offered – if an experience is not unique or
      indirect hubs will be critical, especially       distinctive, soon enough it will be under threat from a newer, cheaper, easier
      given the increasing improvements in air         alternative elsewhere
      technology and long-haul routes.
                                                    4. A strong Queensland brand which involves some degree of exclusivity and is
                                                        supported by campaigns and partnerships – will provide a dividend for the State in
                                                        the form of higher yield.

                                                             The Western Markets are critical in supporting regional
                                                             Queensland as 31.3% of their nights are spent outside of
                                                             Queensland’s three major gateways (Brisbane, TNQ and
                                                             Gold Coast) compared with just 12.4% of Asian visitors.

20   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
5.3 Dispersing the benefits
Western Markets are ideal targets for experiences beyond Queensland’s three major
gateways and dispersing tourism benefits across the State, as they:

• Are predominantly Free Independent Travellers (FIT);

• Are often more confident than other international visitors in leaving the main hubs;

• Have a greater propensity to explore; and

• H
   ave more generous annual leave packages allowing them the time to travel further
  afield than other visitors.

Figure 6: Distribution of Western Markets visitors throughout Queensland’s Regions



        GOLD COAST










                         0%              5%             10%             15%                20%   25%      30%        35%        40%        45%         50%

With just 31.3% of Western visitor nights are spent outside of the gateways however, there
is a significant opportunity to increase average length of stay (ALOS) and OVE in regional
locations across Queensland12.

12 	Tourism Research Australia, International Visitor Survey, Year Ending December 2017

                                                                                                       Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   21
6.0	Queensland Experiences
           and the Western Markets
      6.1 Australia and Queensland experiences
      6.1.1 Australia’s Experiences                                          6.1.2 Queensland

      Tourism Australia has developed an Experience Framework                Queensland boasts a variety of authentic and aspirational tourism
      which aligns with the Queensland’s Experience Framework. This          experiences which embody the Queensland story and unique
      framework was developed from Consumer Research undertaken              selling proposition. Those experiences are presented in the
      since 2012 and has been vital to developing Tourism Australia’s        Queensland Experience Framework which represents where
      marketing activities. This research showed that Australia had          Queensland has a competitive advantage and the best potential to
      strong competitive differentiation in three areas: aquatic and         drive visitation and expenditure.
      coastal; food and wine; and nature and wildlife. The competitive
      positioning has been further strengthened by a range of support        To deliver on the Experience Framework, TEQ launched the Best
      activities to promote Indigenous tourism, nature and wildlife, and     of Queensland Experiences Program in September 2017. This
      premium and special interest tourism experiences.                      program works to identify those experiences that best bring the
                                                                             Queensland story to life and consistently deliver a high-quality
           COASTAL                                   FOOD & WINE;            visitor experience. Focusing on these quality experiences as
          & AQUATIC                                     CITY
                                                                             brand leaders will ensure Queensland is at the forefront of
            SPORTS; HISTORY                  NATURAL BEAUTY;                 consumer expectations and continues to grow our share of the
              & CULTURE                         WILDLIFE                     global travel market.

      Figure 5: Queensland Experience Framework

           Reef, Islands                 Natural                  Adventure                Lifestyle, Culture
           and Beaches                 Encounters                and Discovery                and People

        Great Barrier Reef        Natural Landscapes         Adventure                   Food and Beverage         Participation Events
        Islands                    Wildlife Experiences                                   Indigenous                 Food and
                                                               Dinosaurs and               Experiences                Beverage Events
        Beaches                    Marine Life                 Fossicking
                                   Experiences                                             Local Characters           Music Events
        Diving and                                             Theme Parks
        Snorkelling                                                                        City Experiences          Festivals
        Sailing                                                                           Outback and                Arts and
                                                                                           Country Life               Culture Events

                                                                                                                      Spectator Sports

22   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Research undertaken by BDA for each of the target Western Markets for Queensland
(Section 7) has been derived using Tourism Australia’s Experience Framework, which are
then aligned to Queensland’s key experience offerings and Experience Framework in
Section 8.

The tourism businesses that are identified as Best of Queensland Experiences are
those that consistently deliver outstanding experiences to Queensland’s visitors and
demonstrate great business practices.

Queensland’s Experiences will be exposed to Western visitors through the Queensland
Brand story.

        CORE PROMISE                                                   Where Australia Feels Most Alive

         PERSONALITY                                  Accepting, non-judgemental, unpretentious, down-to-earth

                                                    Pride in Queensland, hospitality, authenticity, creating holiday
        BRAND VALUES                                     experiences that delight visitors – the holiday state

                                                   Feel connected with loved ones, friends, locals, the place, even
            CUSTOMER                               with a deeper part of themselves. Relaxed. Happy. Energised.
             BENEFITS                            Rejuvenated. A Queensland holiday lets you be “the person I want
                                                        to be” even if it’s only for the duration of the holiday.

                                                       There is a huge variety and different attributes will feature
                                                   depending on the communication, but some of the key ones are
           ATTRIBUTES                               – beach, natural attractions, tropical islands, Great Barrier Reef,
                                                   Wet Tropics rainforest, theme parks, wildlife, events, dining and

Aligning the Queensland Hero Experiences with the key appeals and experience
categories of Western visitors is fundamental in attracting visitors to Queensland.

                                                                                      Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   23
6.2 What is the Best of Queensland Experiences program?
      TEQ launched the Best of Queensland Experiences program in            what constitutes a high-quality visitor experience. The assessment
      September 2017. The program aims to continually improve the           process is undertaken annually.
      quality of visitor experiences available in Queensland, which will
      help increase positive word of mouth, leading to an increase in       The tourism businesses that are identified as Best of Queensland
      visitation and expenditure. The program allows TEQ to identify        Experiences are those that consistently deliver outstanding
      those experiences that best bring the Queensland story to life        experiences to Queensland’s guests and demonstrate great
      and consistently deliver a high-quality visitor experience.           business practices. They are the ones that will bring the
                                                                            Queensland story to life and wow Queensland’s visitors with
      The Best of Queensland Experiences program is based on                quality, engaging and memorable visitor experiences. They
      a robust and independent set of criteria that acknowledge             are identified as the exceptional tourism products, events and
      online customer reviews, respond to contemporary consumer             iconic locations that deliver Queensland’s Hero Experiences
      expectations and reflect industry best practice. The program is       to our guests. Over time, the Best of Queensland Experiences
      largely driven by customer sentiment and expectations, which          will feature in TEQ’s promotional activity to drive visitation and
      not only provides a clear focus for TEQ’s marketing activities, but   expenditure to Queensland.
      also sets measurable benchmarks for the tourism industry on

                                                                                                                          Southern Downs

24   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
7.0 Q
                         ueensland’s Target Western
                        Markets and their Potential
                    7.1 Identifying the Target Markets
                    To maximise Queensland’s competitive position in the Western        Following independent research undertaken by BDA, as well
                    Markets, the following criteria have been used in target market     as Tourism Research Australia, following extensive industry
                    selection:                                                          consultation, target markets have been identified across the
                                                                                        Americas, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Europe. Ten
                    • Awareness, consideration,       • Consumer focus areas            countries or regions have been recognised as sources of visitors
                      intention and out of region     • Key strengths and               with growth potential for Queensland, outlined below.
                      travel                            challenges
                    • Emerging markets                • Aspirational experiences
                    • Potential growth                • Overnight visitor expenditure

                    Figure 7: Queensland’s Western Target Market Regions

                          UK & Ireland                           Europe                      New Zealand                         The Americas

                       United Kingdom                        Scandanavia                     New Zealand                                 USA

                                                         Norway            Sweden
                                                         Finland          Denmark






                                                                                        Rest of World:

                                                                                        Tourism and Events Queensland recognises markets outside
                                                                                        those listed above, especially those highlighted during
                                                                                        stakeholder consultation including the South American markets
                                                                                        of Brazil and Chile, as well as Belgium, Austria, Spain and Ireland.
                                                                                        Many of the markets within the Rest of World are monitored
                                                                                        through the Aviation Framework and were applicable through
                                                                                        programs such as Tourism Australia’s Aussie Specialist Program,
                                                                                        Australian Tourism Exchange, and TEQ’s consumer marketing
                                                                                        platforms (such as Queensland.com) and social media, public
                                                                                        relations and media hosting activities.

                                                                                                     Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025     25
7.2 Consumer Trends in Booking Behaviour
      Booking habits for Western visitors to Queensland are changing.                                                                                                   Booking methods will vary in all source markets, depending on
      Online travel agents are growing in prominence especially in                                                                                                      the complexity of the travel journey (short-haul vs long-haul,
      United Kingdom, USA and France. Direct bookings through                                                                                                           number of destinations, length of stay). Many source markets will
      platforms such as Booking.com are increasing, particularly for                                                                                                    use a combination of booking methods to plan and book.
      visitors from New Zealand and United Kingdom. Offline travel
      agents still remain important in a number of key markets
      including USA, Germany, Canada, and Italy.

      Figure 8: Top Booking Sources for Out of Region Trips by Queensland Considerers










              TRAVEL AGENT
                             TELEPHONE/IN PERSON

                                                                              TRAVEL AGENT


                                                                                                                                         TELEPHONE/IN PERSON

                                                                                                                                                                 TOUR OPERATOR
                                                                                                                                                                                 TELEPHONE/IN PERSON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TELEPHONE/IN PERSON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TOUR OPERATOR


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TELEPHONE/IN PERSON


                                                   USA                                                       CANADA                                                                                                          UK                                                        GERMANY

                                                                            FRANCE                                                                             ITALY                                                                              NEW ZEALAND

      The data above represents Australia's considerers and is sourced from Tourism Australia’s Consumer Demand Project.

26   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
Figure 9: Booking Behaviour by Key Western Source Markets for Queensland considerers

                          TRAVEL AGENTS ARE
                                                                                 DIRECT AIRLINE BOOKINGS
                           THE KEY BOOKING
                                                                                   ARE ALSO PROMINENT
                           METHOD, AND ARE
                                                                                      AND GROWING
                         CONTINUING TO GROW
 USA                                     Opportunity for engagemet and partnerships with airlines and
                                        travel agents to ensure offering is in line with consumer needs.

                                    DIRECT BOOKING IS THE MOST COMMON BOOKING METHOD,
                                        AND IS CONTINUING TO GROW FOR MORE FAMILIAR
                                              DESTINATIONS SUCH AS QUEENSLAND
                                 Engagement with direct booking provers is likely to have the most impact.

                                             DIRECT BOOKING AND TRAVEL AGENTS USED FAIRLY EVENLY,
                                               THUS ONLINE TRAVEL AGENTS ARE GROWING STRONGLY
                                                Range of online information sources, planning and direct booking
                                               platforms are predominant, especially for Queensland considerers.

                                                                                  TRADITIONAL INFORMATION
                           TRAVEL AGENTS ARE
                                                                                    SOURCES ARE POPULAR:
                          VERY IMPORTANT AND
                                                                                 WORD OF MOUTH, BROCHURES
                          ARE GROWING IN USE
                                                                                      AND GUIDE BOOKS

                         Travel agents are the key                                         Online travel agents are the key
                         booking method                                                    growing booking method

 CAN                                                          FRA

                         Travel agents are the most
                         prominent booking method,                                         Travel agents are the key
                         particularly given low familiarity                                booking method
                         with Queensnand
 BRA                                                          ITA

                                                                      Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025   27
7.3 The Competition
      Queensland destinations feature eight times within Australia’s          Marketing initiatives need to reflect the differing aspirations, age
      most visited destinations by the Western Markets, with Brisbane         groups, and segments of the Western Market to maximise yield
      ranking the third most visited destination in Australia behind          from visitors.
      Sydney and Melbourne13. The top 20 most visited destinations
      in Australia demonstrate the Western Market’s propensity to             To 2025, TEQ and industry partners will promote the best of
      disperse into Australia’s regions, with 13 of the 20 most visited       Queensland experiences under the experience pillars. For
      national destinations located outside of the capital cities.            Western Markets the hero experiences of Reef, Islands, Beaches;
                                                                              Natural Encounters will be vital in increasing consumer awareness
      1.    Sydney                       11.   Fraser Coast
                                                                              of Queensland’s attractions, creating many drivers to visit and
      2.    Melbourne                    12.   Great Ocean Road               attracting new segments. Non-tourism brands and industry
      3.    Brisbane                     13.   Townsville Region              partners’ also have a huge role in broadening and deepening
      4.	Tropical North                 14.   Hobart and the South           interest in Queensland as a world-class destination.
          Queensland                     15.   Hunter
      5.    Gold Coast                   16.   Uluru Region                   Figure 10: Global Competition -
      6.    Perth                        17.	Southern Great                              Where Australia Currently Ranks
      7.    North Coast NSW                   Barrier Reef
      8.    Sunshine Coast               18.   South Coast (NSW)
      9.    Adelaide                     19.   Alice Springs
                                                                                                USA                                 NZ
                                                                                            1. France                          1. Australia
      10. Whitsundays                    20. Darwin
                                                                                            2. Italy                           2. USA
      Globally, competition for Western Markets is strong, with                             3. UK                              3. Fiji
      destinations in direct competition with Australia. Some of                            Australia (25)
      these destinations do not have the same perceived barriers
      such as distance from country of origin, transit considerations
      and distances between key destinations such as TNQ to the                                  UK                                DEU
      Gold Coast. Islands within the South Pacific and some Asian                           1. USA                             1. USA
      destinations, for example, Thailand, have similar climates and                        2. India                           2. Thailand
      natural appeal, but are perceived to offer more value for money.                      3. Thailand                        3. China
                                                                                            Australia (25)                     Australia (13)
      Queensland is acknowledged for its safety, low pollution, well
      developed infrastructure without the crowds and the pristine
      appeal of the natural environment.
                                                                                               CAN                               NORD
      For North American visitors, European destinations (especially                        1. France                          1. USA
      France, Italy and United Kingdom) have strong appeal and                              2. Italy                           2. Thailand
                                                                                            3. UK                              3. China
      are continuing to grow. Despite this competition, Australia and
                                                                                            Australia (17)                     Australia (12)
      Queensland are holding their share of North American trips
      (though as noted earlier, this share is well below what is possible).
      Australia and Queensland’s share of New Zealand outbound
      trips are declining, particularly to the USA and other Pacific
                                                                                                FRA                                 ITA
      destinations. This loss has been driven by discount airfares and                      1. USA                             1. USA
                                                                                            2. Thailand                        2. Brazil
                                                                                            3. China                           3. Thailand
                                                                                            Australia (24)                     Australia (14)
      Australia faces strong competition from cheaper destinations
      located closer to Western Markets. Leveraging the Australia
      brand, marketing campaigns and signature experiences, as well                             NLD                                 IRL
      as Queensland’s Experience Framework, will become increasingly
                                                                                            1. USA                             1. USA
      important in promoting and converting the Western Markets.
                                                                                            2. Netherlands                     2. UAE
                                                                                            3. Thailand                        3. Thailand
      While predominantly holiday visitors with long average stays and                      Australia (18)                     Australia (4)
      high dispersal rates, the Western Markets are not homogenous.
      13 	At year end December 2017

28   Queensland Western Markets Tourism Strategy 2018-2025
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