Page created by Ray Reid
MARKETPLACE | 7                                            HEALTH | 10

Jumbo Electronics                                            Weight loss
launches Mega                                                   surgery
Promotion                                                       reduces
                                                             cancer risk

        P | 4-5

       Most parents are stuck with the heritage
       bag they carry which they draw freely from
       when it comes to parenting and disciplining
       their own children.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                                                CAMPUS                                                                     03

MES celebrates World Teachers’ Day
           ES Indian School celebrated
           the World Teachers’ Day
           with enthusiasm and zeal
to show acknowledgement and rec-
ognition of the noble service
rendered by the teachers towards
the development of students.
     Special assemblies were con-
ducted in all sections of the school,
in which students glorified the
teaching profession that is marked
with higher virtues such as nobil-
ity, perseverance and sacrifice
besides highlighting the importance
of teachers in the lives of students.
    To get hands-on experience of
teaching, the students of Grade XII
replaced teachers for the first
period and handled classes in
Classes IX, X, XI and XII.
     Senior students also donned as
well as assumed roles of Principal,
Heads of Sections and various other      in the school assembly.                 Hameeda Kadar, school Prin-            the contributions made by teach-
key officials of the school to address       They also took a decision that   cipal, complimented the role of           ers, from pre-primary through
students on issues like students’ dis-   they would endeavour to improve      teachers and said that this is an         higher education for the develop-
cipline, time and stress management      students’ discipline.                occasion to celebrate and highlight       ment of younger generation.

  International Day of Non-violence events at Bhavan’s Public School
      nternational Day of Non-vio-       school choir.                        patriotism skits which gave the         Campus were given a taste of
      lence was celebrated in all the        Dance drama, quiz, drawing       students a deep insight into the life   cooperation and sense of involve-
      three campuses of Bhavan’s         and writing activities were also     of Gandhi.                              ment when they enacted the
  Public School with zest and favour     conducted in which the students          The morals depicted by the          Dandy March with in the
  on October 2.                          were urged to dive in the life of    three wise monkeys inspired them        campus.
       Special assemblies were held      the great leader.                    to speak no evil, hear no evil and          The sixth graders at Matar
  in all the campuses. Patriotic songs       The impersonated Gandhi and      see no evil.                            Campus spoke to all junior stu-
  were sung by the well groomed          the Gandhians displayed with             Students at New Salata              dents in the campus about Peace
                                                                                                                      and vowed to be the Brand
                                                                                                                      Ambassadors of Non-Violence
                                                                                                                      which transcended far beyond the
                                                                                                                          M P Philip, school Principal,
                                                                                                                      marshalled the students to the
                                                                                                                      rays of Indian History through his
                                                                                                                      enlightening words and empha-
                                                                                                                      sized them to idolise the principles
                                                                                                                      of Gandhi’s life.
                                                                                                                           Shailaja Krishnakumar and
                                                                                                                      Asha Shiju, Headmistresses, in
                                                                                                                      their address to students gave a
                                                                                                                      deep insight into the life of Gan-
                                                                                                                      dhi and encouraged them to strive
                                                                                                                      hard to inculcate the values of
                                                                                                                      non-violence and truth and
                                                                                                                      imbibe his lifestyle.
04                                                                   COVER STORY                                                         SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

       The myths and
       challenges of

A P Sharma                                     Parents, especially young ones,      here is the fact that in their parents’   children in a better way but could
                                          overlook the ‘generation gap’ that        time, they were raised in joint fam-      not do it because they did not

           e may not be able to pre-      acts as a challenge in the right way      ilies, and in course of time, tradition   have the privilege of having the
           pare the future for our        to parenting. It is rightly so in these   has given in to ‘nuclear families’        advantage of the knowledge
           children, but we can at        times when our children are soaked        removing almost altogether the            explosion which parents are
least prepare our children for the        in social media and travel on infor-      diverse learning opportunities chil-      immersed in today and, hence,
future. The best way to predict the       mation superhighway at breakneck          dren could have had in the past. To       today parents can raise their
future of our children is to invent it.   speed, and they are, as it were, con-     make matters worse are the tor-           children better than their prede-
That invention lies in right parent-      genitally tech savvy.                     rential changes that have come over       cessors did.
ing. It is the key to getting our              Parents have the notion that         the life style of people with the             Young parents of today recall
children prepared for tomorrow.           they have had the ‘right upbring-         advent of the internet, the cyber-        their childhood with dissatisfac-
    Most parents are stuck with the       ing’ from their parents and that          space, technology and artificial          tion not so much for the
heritage bag they carry which they        there is nothing besides the lessons      intelligence.                             deprivation of what was essen-
draw freely from when it comes to         that they have had in their paren-             In retrospect, today’s parents       tial but for the overwhelming
parenting and disciplining their          tal tutelage in raising their own kids.   are wiser and reckon that their           pampering they have had from
own children.                                  Something that they overlook         parents could have raised their           their parents.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                                                  COVER STORY                                                                     05

      Recently, I was the resource per-    the child will spontaneously open          presence of children. They will mis- physically to your child, especially,
 son at a workshop on ‘Parenting’          up before you. When s/he knows             takenly learn that the best way to      an ‘uncle’, a ‘friend’ an intimate
 designed for parents of children          that he/she is your first love, she/he     solve a problem is to fight. Resolve ‘neighbor’, or/and even a close ‘rel-
 between the ages of three and five        will intimately describe and narrate       your differences in private!            ative’. Teach your child about the
 and shared with them a few tips and       her/his story of the day. Every day            4) If you raise your children to ‘good touch’ and the ‘bad touch’.
 I received an overwhelming                they will look forward to it. It will      feel that they can accomplish any       Some in this category are notorious
 response. I summarize the tips            also serve as a platform for devel-        goal or task they decide upon, you      for their demoniac pedophiliac ten-
 below for the benefit of all:             oping language skills, confidence,         will have succeeded as a parent and     dencies. They are depraved perverts.
      1)     Every child learns from       knowledge building and many more.          you will have given your children       Let us be vigilant against such
 home as the family is the first school    The best way to keep children at           the greatest of all blessings. Parents, depravity and perversions inflicting
 of life and parents the child’s first     home and to make them feel at              therefore, let us ensure that children  any damage to our children’s body
 teachers. I spoke to grade 2 child and    home is to make the home atmos-            start the day eating breakfast com- and mind. The lesson is: teach your
 it said, “Sir, when my father returns     phere pleasant, and let the air out of     pulsorily. In Qatar, some students      child about good touch and bad
 home from work, my mother                 the tires. Give them positive              get into the bus as early as 5 a.m. and touch and give it the courage to
 receives him with love and affection      feedback.                                  skip breakfast. They start school at    speak to you , should anything go
 and gives him a glass of water with            So, fathers, please fix an appoint-   7 a.m. and get to eat the first food of wrong.
 a smile on her face. But, when I come     ment with your kid, talk to him/her        the day about 8.20 a.m. I believe stu-       6) Don’t let your maid change
 from school, my mother always asks        everyday about ten minutes. Its            dents should start their day with       clothes or give a bath to a school
 me why my uniform is dirty and            advantages are many such as con-           breakfast at 7 a.m. I am contemplat- going child. (Maintain privacy
 soiled.”                                  fidence building, cementing trust,         ing a compulsory breakfast period       always).
      What parents, especially the         improving speaking skills and lay-         of 15 minutes right at the start of the     7) Ask your child to stand in front
 mother at home, need to do is to give     ing the road to future growth on           school time dedicated to eating         of a mirror and hold his tie and say
 them unconditional love. Your kids        stable values.                             breakfast soon after morning assem- “I am the best” everyday. ( This
 require you most of all to love them           3)     We all know that there are     bly. The little ones embarking on       improves self-confidence).
 for who they are, not to spend your       no perfect homes and so, no perfect        studies use up energy, and once the          8) Children reciprocate what you
 whole time trying to correct them.        parents. There can be minor                store is exhausted, the body starts     give them - say “good “, they will
 They keenly observe, listen and see       slugfests at home between parents          to draw on the arterial blood for it. reciprocate “very good “. If you say
 what is going on in the family and        occasionally. These add a special          Soon the child feels drained out and “very good “ he/she will reciprocate
 learn from it. Parents should receive     charm to holy matrimony. But, par-         cannot pay attention to the lesson      excellent.
 their children with the same kind of      ents must be very careful not enact        or the teacher. It affects the child         9) Don’t consider your child a
 love and affection as they show each      these scenes in front of their chil-       twofold, its studies and its physical   stage performer to perform in front
 other.                                    dren. Most things are good, but there      strength. The lesson is: Let us make    of guests. (They will be more shy and
      So, mothers, please give your        are evil things too, and you are not       our children eat a healthy breakfast    get guest phobia).
 son or daughter a glass of water on       doing your child a favor by fighting       before we ensure they study well.           10) Never talk bad about your
 their return home from school, help       in their presence. As children are the          5)    If you can control your      child’s teacher (s) or school in front
 them unburden themselves, help            best mimics, parents’ must exercise        behavior when everything around         of them. (This will create a bad atti-
 them unwind and relax. Find good-         extreme caution in not washing their       you is out of control, you can model    tude towards the teachers/school).
 ness in them and tell them how great      dirty linen before the tender minds.       for your children a valuable lesson         11) Ask the opinion and sugges-
 they are! If you do so, you will have     It might provide children scope for        in patience and understanding and       tions of your child while taking
 made their day. Studies will follow.      imitating a bad example! The impor-        snatch an opportunity to shape char- decisions whenever possible. (This
      2)     Fathers, the most precious    tant thing is to teach a child that good   acter. Few outsiders can do it for you. improves self-esteem).
 gift you can give to your child is your   can always triumph over evil. The          (There may be exceptions). While
‘quality time’. When your child            fourth lesson, in brief, is: Parents-      doing so, it is important that no ‘for- The writer is the Principal of
 knows that you live for him or her,       never argue, shout or fight in the         eigner’ or ‘outsider’ goes too close    Birla Public School
06                                                                 COMMUNITY                                                   SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

Fantastic Strikers wins in Sri Lankan
community bowling tournament
Fazeena Saleem                              A S P Liyanage, Ambassador for
The Peninsula                           Sri Lanka in Qatar, was the chief
                                        guest who added honour to the event.

      he team Fantastic Strikers            Team Fantastic Strikers grabbed
      emerged as the champion in        the championship with an overall
     ‘Be a King Pin - Season 3’, Sri    score of 2,769 in both sets and Team
Lankan community bowling tour-          Red and Team Blue Thunders
nament which is organised by Being      became runner-up and third place
Kind Foundation (BKF) Qatar wing,       with an overall score of 2,609 and
held recently at Qatar Bowling          2,594 respectively. Muhammad
Center in Doha.                         Lebbe Muhammad Rifdhi of Team
    This year’s tournament was          Fantastic Twisters adjudicated as      junior champion and Master           present to witness the event.
organised under five categories         the best bowler with a perfect game    Ammar Zaheed won the kids sen-           Being Kind Foundation (BKF) is
namely Gents Team, Gents Single,        of 300 and overall points of 757.      ior championship.                    a Social Service Foundation dedi-
Ladies Single, Kids senior and Kids         Meanwhile, Gracian Rocky and           This is yet another tourney      cated to providing Education
junior. A total of 11 prominent teams   Shareen Shakir clinched Gents sin-     which revealed the increasing pop-   Facilities and Development Pro-
competed under gents team cate-         gle and Ladies single championship     ularity of Bowling as a sporting     grams for children from all
gory and performed their best           respectively. Master Tuan Shamal       event among Sri Lankan commu-        backgrounds especially in the rural
bowling skills.                         Samidon adjudicated as Kids            nity in Qatar and a big crowd was    belt of Sri Lanka.

                                                                                  QISH observes World Cerebral Palsy Day

                                                                                         s part of observing World Cerebral Palsy Day, QISH (Qatar
                                                                                         Institute for Speech and Hearing), conducted free awareness
                                                                                      QISH is a multidisciplinary special needs centre providing spe-
                                                                                  cialised services over the past 6 years with the aim to enhance the
                                                                                  well-being of special needs population in the state of Qatar.
                                                                                      The awareness campaign aimed at giving insights for the par-
                                                                                  ents of cerebral palsy affected children to treat them with utmost
                                                                                  love and care. Such kids should be given justice and equal rights
                                                                                  which aims towards their social upliftment.
                                                                                      Cerebral Palsy in a neurological disorder which is caused by
                                                                                  impairment or damage happened to the parts of the brain that con-
                                                                                  trols movement, balance and posture before, during or soon after
                                                                                  birth of a child.
                                                                                      Muhammed Hussain, head of the Physiotherapy Depatment
                                                                                  answered the questions of the audience and Senior Physiotherapist
                                                                                  Selma Sonia Ben Sassi facilitated the event.

  ‘Swatchhta Hi Sewa’
   campaign kicks off
      ndian Community Benevolent Forum, working under the aegis
      of the Embassy of India launched ‘Swatchhta Hi Sewa’ cam-
      paign in Galfar Al Misnad’s Labour camp in Umm Salal. The
   effort was first of its kind in Doha.
       As part of the drive, about 200 Indian workers were mobilised
   towards sanitation promoting individual cleanliness and hygiene.
       Saplings were also planted in the surroundings of their camps
   as part of the mission.
      ‘Swatchhta Hi Sewa’ campaigns in selected camps will be con-
   tinued by the expatriate forums.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                                               MARKETPLACE                                                                       07
 Jumbo Electronics
 launches Mega Promotion
                                                           the price bracket
                                                           their purchase
                                                           falls within they
                                                           will get the desig-
                                                           nated gift.
                                                           can also benefit
                                                           from special
                                                           offers and save           Doha Drug Store promotes
    umbo Electronics’ bi-annual            upto 50% percent across all prod-
    customer promo, ‘Mega Pro-
    motion’ has gone off to a flying
                                           uct categories.
                                               In addition to this, customers
                                                                                     Breast Cancer Awareness drive
 start. Customers shopping at any          can also shop using leading bank                 oha Drug Store, in collab-      received an exclusive limited edi-
 of the Jumbo Electronics stores           credit cards at 0% interest and                  oration with Qatar Cancer       tion of invisibobble’s ‘Pink Heroes’
 can now save up to 50 percent on          pay over 6 or 12 months as per                   Society, has launched its       hair band, specially designed for
 world class brands.                       the respective bank terms. Cus-          Breast Cancer Awareness Cam-            the cause. The metallic pink col-
     In addition to this savings,          tomers can also earn & redeem            paign ‘’Show you care be aware”,        oured hair ring with a rose gold
 they also get an assured gift for         points from 3 loyalty pro-               aiming to bring messages of             charm is engraved with a pink rib-
 their purchase.                           grammes: Air Miles, Nojoom and           awareness about the importance          bon sign, which is the international
     Some of the assured gifts             Jumbo Digits. On Jumbo Digits            of regular checks to detect Breast      sign of breast cancer awareness.
 include a LG 43” TV, a LG Stylus          one can earn double points.              Cancer.                                     Event Busters Qatar, a well-
 3 smartphone, Jabra Bluetooth                 The Mega Promotion is run-               An informative booklet shar-        known blogger community, has
 headset, a steam iron and wrist           ning till October 18 across all          ing simple tips on self-examination     joined hands for the campaign in
 watch.                                    Jumbo Electronics Stores, LG             at home will be widely                  an effort to reach out to as many
     To get the assured free gift          Brand Shop at Mall of Qatar and          distributed.                            residents in Qatar as possible to
 customers must purchase a min-            Harman House in City Centre &                The campaign was launched           raise awareness of the dangers of
 imum of QR1,000 and based on              Doha Festival City Malls.                aboard the Pink Lady Charter’s          breast cancer and the importance
                                                                                    Yacht at Pearl-Qatar. Guests also       of early detection.

 Malabar Developers building
 eco-friendly housing project
         n eco-friendly residential         already completed and other
        enclave, which provides a           stages are on progress as
         place to breathe fresh air as      scheduled.
 well as rejuvenate the mind. Sweet             Projects that happen without       With no danger to nature and with-     signature bungalows, luxurious vil-
 breeze that pushes the clouds, nat-        proper planning to safeguard           out damaging the existing trees as     laments and apartments.
 ural beauty to soothe the eyes with        nature always get into problems        well all other natural plants, Mal-         Conceptualised as an exclusive
 all the modern amenities under             at a later stage which is a danger     abar Developers is trying to keep      residential community, the undu-
 one roof.                                  to mankind. With this mind Mal-        the beauty of nature intact said M.P   lated terrain, green carpeted slopes
      For many people, this can hap-        abar Developers have developed         Ahammed, Chairman, Malabar             and the good weather are among the
 pen only in their dreams but all the       this project to love nature and get    Group. “We are planting 1 lakh sap-    top reasons to live in the resort ambi-
 dreams can be met in Montana               back to nature in all its purity.      lings to maintain this natural         ence. The Malabar Group
 Estates. Montana Estates is                    Located beautifully at 800ft       beauty and the greenery by the         headquarters is coming up in Mon-
 perched high on a hillside in Kut-         above sea level in Kuttikattoor,       design of this project. Through this   tana Estates which also has other
 tikkattoor- a scenic suburb of             Montana Estates is developed in        we are trying to create an exam-       facilities like Signature bungalows,
 Kozhikode. Malabar Developers,             150 acres of land.                     ple of safeguarding nature.,” he       villaments, spa, resort, organic farm-
 the real estate division under Mal-            It offers wide expanse of space,   added.                                 ing, fitness centre, club house, as well
 abar Group has developed this              privacy and serenity as well as a          Justifying its name ‘Montana’      as all other modern facilities. When
 iconic project in the Southern state       whole array of amenities and lux-      which in Spanish means ‘moun-          this project gets completed this will
 of Kerala.                                 ury with the added benefits of a       tain country’, the project comprises   become one of the first nature
      The first stage of this project is    closed residential community.          of exquisite custom designed           friendly township in South India.
08                                                                   FOOD                                                 SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

Ellie Krieger
The Washington Post

        his recipe is my spin on a
        favorite from the very first
        cookbook I owned: the
“Moosewood Cookbook,” by Mol-
 lie Katzen (Ten Speed Press,
 1977). That book, which I still
 have - its cover sun-bleached
 and pages spattered - fed me
 throughout my college years and
 beyond. One dish from it that I
 made again and again was the
 simply named Cheese-Beans, a
 savory, chili-seasoned bake of
 red beans, fresh tomatoes,
 chunks of sweet apple and
                                               Even with a healthful
 cheese. Lots of cheese.
     That heavy cheesiness is one
 reason I had not made it in years.
                                               tweak, and this
 But I found myself hankering for
 the dish recently, so I decided to
 take a fresh look at it and find a
                                               savory veg bake
 way to achieve its comforting,
 flavorful essence in a more
 healthful way. I’m sure glad I did,
                                               stays sumptuous
 because now this sumptuous
 bake is officially back in my life.
     My strategy was not to elim-
 inate the cheese; it is an essential
 element that brings all the ingre-
 dients together as it melts, and       transferring the mixture to a cas-      1 teaspoon powdered             degrees. Heat the oil in a large
 it provides an unmistakable            serole dish. The resulting stew is   mustard                            Dutch oven over medium-high
 sumptuousness. But here, it is a       simple autumnal goodness, a             1/2 teaspoon freshly ground     heat. Once the oil shimmers, stir
 supporting player rather than          tasty tribute to the past with a     black pepper                       in the onion and cook for about
 the lead. That’s reflected in the      sensibility that’s just right for       4 cups packed chopped baby      3 minutes, until translucent.
 name I gave it. I flipped it,          today.                               kale leaves                            Stir in the chili powder, salt,
 putting the beans first and Jack           Chili Bean Apple Jack Stew          Three 15-ounce cans no-salt-    powdered mustard and pepper.
- as in Monterey Jack - at the fin-         6 servings (makes 7½ to 8        added red kidney or pinto beans,   Add the kale; cook for about a
 ish. I kept the apples, tomatoes       cups)                                drained and rinsed (about 5 1/4    minute, stirring, until the greens
 and seasonings from the origi-             From registered nutritionist     cups)                              have wilted.
 nal recipe, but upped the              and cookbook author Ellie               2 large Golden Delicious or         Remove from the heat; stir
 vegetable ante with a few hand-        Krieger.                             Jonagold apples, unpeeled, cored   in the beans, apple and tomato.
 fuls of chopped kale, which fit in         Ingredients                      and diced                          Top with the cheese. Cover and
 so seamlessly it was like it              2 tablespoons olive oil              4 medium tomatoes, diced        bake (middle rack) for 35 to 40
 belonged there all along.                 1 large onion, diced (1½ to 2        4 ounces (1 cup) packed         minutes, until warmed through,
     I also made the recipe more        cups)                                grated Monterey Jack cheese        the apple is tender and the
 convenient by cooking it all in           2 teaspoons chili powder             Steps                           cheese has melted.
 one Dutch oven rather than                1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt          Preheat the oven to 350             Serve warm.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                                                      FOOD                                                                  09

            For your dinner, not just
            any old skillet hash will do

Bonnie S Benwick                           Instagrammable fried egg.                   3 small or 2 medium onions          stir in the sausage and half of the
The Washington Post                             There’s something to be said,          1/4 cup grapeseed oil               rosemary. Cook for 10 to 12 min-
                                           though, for letting the basic trio of       Kosher salt                         utes, stirring often to keep the

         ou may know a skillet hash        potato, meat and onion stand on             Freshly ground black pepper         sausage from scorching, until the
         as the last stop for leftover     its own.                                    13 ounces smoked Polish tur-        sausage and some potatoes are
         spuds. But I encourage you             One-Skillet Sausage and            key sausage                             crisped at the edges. Add the
 to pick up a few pounds of but-           Potato Hash                                 Leaves from 2 stems                 remaining rosemary in the last
 tery-tasting, yellow-fleshed                  4 to 6 servings                     rosemary                                minute or two of cooking. Taste
 potatoes just for this version. They           Leftovers taste great cold or          Steps                               and season with more salt and/or
 become tender within a half hour          warmed up in a skillet next to              Scrub the potatoes, then cut        pepper, as needed.
 without any pre-cooking, yet they         sunny-side-up eggs.                     them into 1/2-inch chunks.                   VARIATION: If you’d like to use
 will hold their shape and allow for           Yellow-fleshed potatoes will        Coarsely chop the onions.               red-skinned potatoes, cook them
 those money-shot crisped edges.           taste nice and buttery. But waxy            Heat the oil in a large cast-iron   with the onions for the initial 10 to
      This hash is simple, and it relies   red potatoes will work as well; see     skillet over high heat. Once the oil    12 minutes, then add 1/2 cup water
 on the flavor imparted by a smoky         the VARIATION, below.                   shimmers, stir in the potatoes and      to the pan; once the water has evap-
 sausage and fresh rosemary. Keep-              Serve with a salad.                onions to coat. Cook for 10 to 12       orated (and the potatoes are more
 ing a vacuum-packed link on hand              Adapted from “The Farmhouse         minutes, stirring several times to      tender), continue with the recipe as
- we used a turkey sausage here -          Chef: Recipes and Stories From My       avoid scorching. Season with a          directed above.
 seems like a good plan for                Carolina Farm,” by Jamie DeMent         good pinch each of the salt and              Nutrition | Per serving (based
 omnivores who like the tastes of          (University of North Carolina Press,    pepper.                                 on 6): 310 calories, 13 g protein, 33
 fall. You could easily build on that      2017).                                      Meanwhile, cut the sausage on       g carbohydrates, 15 g fat, 3 g satu-
 theme by adding chopped apples                 Ingredients                        the diagonal into 1/4-inch slices.      rated fat, 35 mg cholesterol, 600
 with a touch of maple syrup. Or                2 pounds Yukon Gold or Dutch       Finely chop the rosemary.               mg sodium, 7 g dietary fiber, 4 g
 roasted Brussels sprouts and an           Baby Gold potatoes                          Reduce the heat to medium;          sugar
10                                                                     HEALTH                                                      SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

Lisa Rapaport

      everely obese people who undergo surgery
      to shed excess pounds may have lower odds
      of developing cancer than they would with-
out the operations, a recent US study suggests.
    Researchers examined data on almost
89,000 extremely obese patients, including
roughly 22,000 who had what’s known as bar-
iatric surgery to lose weight between 2005 and
2014. After an average follow-up of 3.5 years,
2,543 people got diagnosed with cancer.
    Compared to people who didn’t have bari-
atric surgery, patients who did were 33% less
likely to develop any type of cancer during the
study. They also had 40% lower odds of being
diagnosed with tumors that are associated with
                                                           Weight loss surgery
   “Lowering the risk of cancer is just another
reason to consider bariatric surgery for the treat-
                                                           reduces cancer risk
ment of obesity,” said lead study author Dr.
Daniel Schauer of the University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine.                                  which reduces the stomach to the size of a           between bariatric surgery and cancer risk in men.
   “There are many other good reasons to have         banana, according to the American Society for            One limitation of the study is that the aver-
bariatric surgery including improvements in dia-      Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. People are typ-     age follow-up period was too brief to capture
betes and high blood pressure,” Schauer said by       ically advised to eat portions about the size of a   many cancers that can take years to develop,
email. “It has also been shown to improve life        shot glass after the operations.                     making it possible that the results underesti-
expectancy for obese patients.”                           In the current study, only about 27% of sur-     mate the impact of bariatric surgery on cancer
    Cancer is a leading cause of death world-         gery patients had sleeve gastrectomy procedures.     risk, researchers note in the Annals of
wide, and the prevalence of obesity has more          The majority had what’s known as gastric bypass      Surgery.
than doubled during the past generation. Peo-         surgery, which staples the stomach to create a           The optimal amount of weight loss for
ple who are obese have a greater risk of              pouch the size of a walnut and reroutes part of      reducing cancer risk is also unclear, said Dr.
developing and dying from several types of can-       the small intestine.                                 Bruce Wolfe, a researcher at Oregon Health
cer including malignancies of the breast, ovary,          More than 80% of patients in the study were      and Science University in Portland who wasn’t
kidney, pancreas, colon, rectum and bone mar-         women.                                               involved in the study.
row, previous research has found.                         With bariatric surgery, women who had gone           But only about 2% of severely obese people
    Obese people often struggle to shed excess        through menopause had 42% lower odds of              get bariatric surgery each year, and the study
pounds or keep weight off when they do lose it.       developing breast cancer than women who didn’t       results suggest more people might benefit from
Lifestyle changes such as following a healthy         have operations. Women who had surgery were          the operations, Wolfe said by email.
diet and getting regular exercise can often help      also 50% less likely to have endometrial                “This study clearly shows that cancer risk
in the short-term but fail to produce lasting         cancer.                                              can be reduced by weight loss,” said Dr. Gra-
results, particularly among people who have               In addition, people who had weight loss sur-     ham Colditz, a researcher at Washington
more than 100 pounds to lose before reaching          gery were 41% less likely to develop colon cancer    University School of Medicine in Saint Louis.
a healthy weight.                                     and 54% less likely to get pancreatic cancer.           “Choice of approach to weight loss should
    More than half of bariatric surgeries done            When researchers looked at men and women         balance the underlying risk of cancer and the
today use what’s known as sleeve gastrectomy,         separately, however, they didn’t find any link       level of obesity.”

  Bananas and avocados can prevent heart diseases
  IANS                                   potassium reduces vascular calci- reduces the risk of aortic stiffness        translational potential, since they
                                         fication -- common complication -- a classic cardiovascular risk fac-         demonstrate the benefit of ade-

       ating one banana and an avo-      in both heart and kidney disease. tor. The hardening or stiffening of         quate potassium supplementation
       cado a day may prevent                Calcification happens when    the arteries is called arterioscle-         on prevention of vascular calcifi-
       hardening of the arteries that    calcium builds up in body tissue, rosis. The stiffness of arteries            cation in atherosclerosis-prone
  can result in heart disease and        blood vessels, or organs. This    influences how hard the heart has           mice, and the adverse effect of low
  death, researchers have found.         buildup can harden and disrupt    to work to pump blood through the           potassium intake,” said Paul Sand-
     The study, conducted on mice,       your body’s normal processes.     body.                                       ers, professor at the University of
  showed these foods that are rich in        A potassium rich diet also       “The findings have important             Alabama.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                                                 BOLLYWOOD                                                                        11
                                                                                                                              Vidya Balan
                                                                                                                              wants all her
                                                                                                                              films to do well

                                                                                                                                       ctress Vidya Balan says
                                                                                                                                       she is “very greedy” when
                                                                                                                                       it comes to the perform-
                                                                                                                               ance of her films.
                                                                                                                                    The National Award winning
                                                                                                                               actress was present at the Jio
                                                                                                                               MAMI Movie Mela yesterday, and
                                                                                                                               said: “I want all my films to do
                                                                                                                               well in theatres first and then do
                                                                                                                               good in festivals, I am very
                                                                                                                               greedy that way. One film just
                                                                                                                               won’t do me any good.”
                                                                                                                                    Vidya also spoke about being
                                                                                                                               inspired by Iranian movies,

‘Mumbai Mist’ to premiere at Busan film fest                                                                                    which she feels are simple and
                                                                                                                               big-hearted. Her own forthcom-
                                                                                                                               ing movie “Tumhari Sulu” is on
IANS                                        directed by five directors from Bra-    director and celebrated Chinese            similar lines.
                                            zil, Russia, India, China and South     filmmaker Jia Zhangke.                         “I have watched a lot of Ira-

         ational Award winning film-        Africa.                                      The story of “Mumbai Mist”            nian movies at (previous editions
         maker           Madhur                  It explores the theme of time      revolves around an emotional bond          of the) MAMI film fest and they
         Bhandarkar’s short film            and love through their own              between a child rag picker from a          inspired me a lot. The storytell-
“Mumbai Mist”, featuring Annu               perspective.                            Mumbai slum and an old man. The            ing and performance in those
 Kapoor, has been selected for its               According to Bhandarkar’s          characters are played by Master            movies were very simplistic, but
 world premiere at the Busan Inter-         spokesperson, the film will pre-        Devrath and Annu Kapoor                    the films were with a very big
 national Film Festival.                    miere on October 14 under the           respectively.                              heart. I just hope I get to do more
     The movie is a part of “Where          Short Film Showcase Section at the          “Where Has time Gone” will offi-       of those kind of movies. I feel my
 Has Time Gone”, an anthology fea-          Festival, followed by an interactive    cially release in China on October         upcoming ‘Tumhari Sulu’ is one
 ture film showing five segments            session with the acclaimed              19.                                        of those kind of movies.”

    Filmmaker Kundan Shah passes away
   IANS                                                                                 His tryst with learning about         “Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro” narrated
                                                                                    film direction began at the Film       a tale of two simple and honest

          ilmmaker Kundan Shah, who                                                 and Television Institute of India      photographers, who witness a
          gave Indian cinema a differ-                                              (FTII) in Pune. Just last week, he     murder and get dragged into the
          ent brand of humour with                                                  was at the institute for an event.     corrupt real estate circle where
    the cult black comedy “Jaane Bhi                                                He had even paid a tribute to actor    politicians and bureaucrats are
    Do Yaaro” and subsequently tel-                                                 Tom Alter, who died on Septem-         involved. The film, laced with
    evision shows like “Nukkad” and                                                 ber 29, and had spoken about a         slapstick comedy, didn’t fetch
   “Wagle Ki Duniya” with the ‘aam                                                  tentative script that he wrote for     good box office, but achieved cult
    aadmi’ at the centrestage, died                                                 a part two of “Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro”,    status with time.
    here early yesterday, a family                                                  his debut directorial which came           He had received his first and
    member said. He was 69.                                                         out in 1983.                           only National Film Award - Indira
       “He died in his sleep early in                                                   In an interview, Shah had said     Gandhi Award for Best First Film
    the morning,” his relative said.                                                he had applied for a loan of Rs        of a Director - for it. This was the
        Satish Kaushik, who wrote                                                   400,000 to make the movie, but         same award that Shah had
    dialogues for “Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro”        terday evening.                       then the production cost went up       returned to the Ministry of Infor-
    and acted in it, said Shah suffered            The filmmaker, hailed by the     and finally it was made at a budget    mation and Broadcasting during
    a cardiac arrest.                         Indian film fraternity as a “mas-     of Rs 725,000 as the National Film     the student protests in FTII in 2015
        Shah’s last rites will be held at     ter storyteller”, would have turned   Development Corporation (NFDC)         over Gajendra Chauhan’s appoint-
    Shivaji Park in Dadar West yes-           70 on October 19.                     came on board as producer.             ment as its chairman.
12                                                              ENTERTAINMENT                                                      SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

      Bon Jovi & Radiohead
      among Rock and Roll
      Hall of Fame nominees
Reuters                                  announced in December. The 2018
                                         induction ceremony will take place

            ivin’ on a Prayer” rocker    in Cleveland in April.
            Bon Jovi, British singer         Posthumous nominations this
            Kate Bush and influential    year included American blues
 English alt-rock band Radiohead         singer-songwriter and activist Nina
 were nominated on Thursday for          Simone, 1940s gospel singer Sister
 induction into the Rock & Roll Hall     Rosetta Tharpe, the J. Geils band,
 of Fame on a list heavy with British    whose founder J. Geils died in April,
 artists.                                and 1950s American guitarist Link
      Eight of the 19 nominees for       Wray.
 2018 induction, including 1980s             Other nominees included Brit-
 rock band Dire Straits, electro-pop     ish heavy metal band Judas Priest,
 band Depeche Mode and progres-          British 1980s duo Eurythmics, US
 sive 1960s rockers the Moody Blues      rapper and actor LL Cool J and The
- best known for “Nights in White        Cars.
 Satin” - are British musicians.             The inductees are chosen by
     Artists must have released their    fans voting online and by an inter-
 first recording at least 25 years ago   national body of more than 900
 to be eligible for nomination.          artists, historians and members of
      Music fans and industry experts    the music industry who are asked
 will vote on the list, which will be    to consider musical influence, inno-
 reduced to five or six Hall of Fame     vation, and length and depth of
 inductees whose names will be           career.

  92 countries vying for foreign language Oscar
                                                                    AFP                                         Festival this year and is also among the

                                                                            record 92 countries have entered        First-time entrants include Haiti
                                                                            the race hoping to snag an Oscar    (“Ayiti Mon Amour”), Lao People’s Dem-
                                                                            for best foreign language film at   ocratic Republic (“Dearest Sister”) and
                                                                    next year’s awards, the Academy of          Syria (“Little Gandhi”).
                                                                    Motion Picture Arts and Sciences                Last year’s Oscar for best foreign lan-
                                                                    announced.                                  guage film went to Iranian director
                                                                        Among the contenders that have cre-     Asghar Farhadi’s “The Salesman.”
                                                                    ated a buzz this year is Angelina Jolie’s       Farhadi boycotted the ceremony over
                                                                   “First They Killed My Father” from Cam-      US President Donald Trump’s visa ban
                                                                    bodia, Robin Camillo’s “BPM (Beats Per      barring citizens of seven Muslim-major-
                                                                    Minute)” from France, Ziad Doueiri’s        ity countries, including Iran, from
                                                                   “The Insult” from Lebanon and Joachim        entering the United States.
  Last year’s Oscar for best foreign                                Trier’s “Thelma” from Norway.                   Nominations for the 90th Academy
  language film went to Iranian director                                 Swedish art world satire “The           Awards will be announced on January
                                                                    Square,” directed by Ruben Ostlund, was     23 and the glitzy ceremony will be held
  Asghar Farhadi’s “The Salesman.”                                  the shock winner at the Cannes Film         on March 4 in Hollywood.
SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017                           SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                                                                     13
 Chinese state
 media report                             Google unveils
 bloated battery
 in iPhone 8                              Pixel 2 smartphone

        fresh case of Apple
        Inc’s (AAPL.O) new
        iPhone popping open
 due to a swollen battery has
 been reported in state media
 in China, the world’s biggest
 smartphone market where
 the US firm is seeking to
 revive faltering sales.
     The incident comes as
 Apple investigates similar
 cases reported in Taiwan and
 Japan of batteries in its lat-
 est iPhone 8 Plus becoming
 bloated, causing the device’s
 casing to open.                  Reuters                                  lustre and market share of simi- a year ago, with analysts estimat-
     On its website, China’s                                               larly priced smartphones such as      ing sales of more than 2 million,

 state-backed ThePaper.cn                 lphabet Inc’s Google             the Apple iPhone or Samsung Elec- pushing Google to record amounts
 cited an iPhone buyer sur-               unveiled the second gener-       tronics Co’s Galaxy S and Galaxy      of non-advertising revenue.
 named Liu as saying his                  ation of its Pixel smartphone    Note smartphones. Still, the origi-        Google’s “other” revenue cat-
 newly purchased iPhone 8         recently, along with new voice-          nal Pixel’s camera and software       egory, which includes both
 Plus arrived cracked open on     enabled home speakers, redoubling        drew acclaim from reviewers,          hardware and sales of online stor-
 October 5. There was no sign     its commitment to the hardware           many of whom expect the line to       age services, accounted for about
 of scorching or an               business as it competes with a           become a robust competitor at the     12 percent of overall sales in its
 explosion.                       surge of devices from Apple Inc and      high end of the Android smart- most recent quarter.
     Liu told ThePaper he         Amazon.com Inc.                          phone market.                              Last month, Google expanded
 bought the handset through            Google’s new products, includ-          Pixelbook, priced at $999, is the its hardware development capa-
 online marketplace of            ing a Pixelbook laptop, wireless         first laptop powered by Google        bilities by picking up a
 JD.com Inc (JD.O). He said he    earbuds and a small GoPro-like           Assistant and will support Snap       2,000-person smartphone engi-
 did not charge the new           camera, showcase Google-devel-           Inc’s Snapchat, the company said. neering team at HTC for $1.1bn.
 device and returned it to the    oped operating systems and               The keyboard folds behind the             “It’s pretty clear Google is seri-
 seller.                          services, notably the voice assist-      screen to turn the 12.3-inch touch- ous about hardware,” said Avi
     Pictures taken by Liu and    ant. That means usage of those           screen into a tablet. It will be      Greengart, research director at
 displayed on ThePaper’s          devices should stoke the compa-          available in stores from October 31. consumer data firm GlobalData.
 website showed an iPhone 8       ny’s core ad sales business as               Google Home Mini, one of the “Given that there is a Pixel 2, and
 plus split open along the side   buyers of the hardware use Google        new speakers, is priced at $49 in     given the financial investment,
 featuring the sim card hold-     services like search and maps.           the United States and would rival     there must be a longer-term stra-
 ing, with the phone’s internal        Speaking at the launch in San       Amazon.com Inc’s popular Echo         tegic intent.”
 parts visible.                   Francisco, Google hardware chief         Dot. It will be available October 19.      Google moved into smart-
     An Apple spokesperson        Rick Osterloh said the new prod-         The Home Max, with dual woofers       phones five years ago with the
 said the company is looking      ucts “perfectly demonstrate our          for more powerful sound, is priced    $12.5bn purchase of Motorola
 into the matter and declined     strategy of re-imagining hardware        at $399 and with availability by the  Mobility. But Motorola’s hardware
 to comment further.              from the inside out.”                    end of the year.                      team, under Osterloh, and Goog-
     The incident comes as            The Pixel 2 smartphone comes             The Pixel Buds, which are         le’s Android mobile operating
 indifferent reviews of the       in two sizes, with comparable fea-       priced at $149, arrive in Novem- system division remained inde-
 iPhone 8, which comes 10         tures, including aluminum bodies         ber. Clips, which is pocket-sized     pendent. Google wanted to avoid
 years after Apple released       and no traditional jacks for head-       camera with object detection and      giving it a special advantage and
 the first version of the revo-   phones. Prices for the base model        automatic recording capabilities, protect its relationships with Sam-
 lutionary phone, drove down      start at $649, while the high-end       “soon” goes on sale for $249, sung, LG and other distributors of
 shares of the company since      version starts at $849. The phones       Google said. Videos last only a few   Android. The company later sold
 the handset’s launch.            will be available October 19.            seconds and do not contain audio. the Motorola smartphone
                                      The Pixel phones lack the brand          The Pixel smartphone debuted      business.
14                                                                                                      CINEMA PLUS                                                                    SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER 2017

                         NOVO — Pearl                                                                           ROYAL PLAZA                                                     VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER

The Foreigner (2D/Thriller) 10:00, 11:00am, 12:00noon, 12:15, 1:15, 2:30, 3:30, 4:45, 5:45,   The Son Of Bigfoot (2D/Animation) 2:15 & 5:15pm
5:50, 7:15, 8:00, 9:30, 10:15, 11:45pm & 12:00midnight                                        Solo (2D) Malayalam 2:30 & 8:30pm Tamil 11:15pm
Blade Runner 2049 (2D/Action) 11:00am, 2:00, 2:30, 5:00, 8:00, 8:15 & 11:00pm                 My Little Pony (2D/Animation) 3:00 & 5:00pm
My Little Pony (2D/Animation) 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00 & 4:00pm                               Chef (2D/Hindi) 4:00 & 11:00pm
Al Khalya (2D/Arabic) 6:00, 8:45 & 11:30pm                                                    Mark Felt (2D) 9:00pm Flatliners (2D/Horror) 7:00pm
Personal Shopper 10:00am, 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:15 & 11:30pm                             The Foreigner(2D/Thriller) 6:30, 7:15, 9:15 & 11:15pm
The Son Of Bigfoot(2D/Animation) 10:00, 11:50am, 1:40, 3:30 & 5:20pm
Flatliners(2D/Horror) 7:10, 9:30 & 11:45pm                                                                      ASIAN TOWN
IT (2D/Horror) 10:00am, 2:45, 7:30pm & 12:00midnight                                          Solo (Malayalam) 12:00noon, 1:00, 2:45, 3:45, 5:30, 6:30, 8:15, 9:15 & 11:00pm,
The Crucifixion (2D/Mystery) 12:45, 5:30 & 10:10pm                                            (Tamil) 12:00noon, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15 & 11:00pm Mahanubhavudu (Telugu) 1:00 &
Kingsman:The Golden Circle(Action) 10:15am, 1:00, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15pm & 12:00midnight          3:45pm Chef (Hindi) 6:30pm
Blade Runner 2049 (IMAX/3D Action) 11:30am, 2:20, 5:30, 8:30 & 11:30pm
                                                                                                                AL KHOR
                                                                                              Solo (Malayalam) 11:30am, 5:30, 8:30 & 11:30pm (Tamil) 12:15, 5:45 & 11:15pm
                    MALL                                                                      Judwaa 2 (Hindi) 3:30 & 9:00pm The Foreigner 10:30am, 3:15 & 8:45pm
                                                                                              Mahanubhavudu 2:30pm Chef 12:45, 6:15 & 11:45pm
Mahanubhavudu (2D/Telugu) 2:30pm
Solo (2D) Malayalam 2:00, 9:00 & 11:30pm Tamil 9:00pm
My Little Pony (2D/Animation) 2:15 & 5:00pm                                                                           ROXY
The Son Of Bigfoot (2D/Animation) 4:00 & 5:30pm                                               My Little Pony (Animation) 12:00noon, 2:10, 4:20 & 6:30pm
Chef (2D/Hindi) 4:45 & 11:30pm                                                                Solo (Malayalam) 12:00noon, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00pm & 12:00midnight
Flatliners (2D/Horror) 7:00pm                                                                 (Tamil) 8:40 & 11:40pm Blade Runner (Thriller) 12:00noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45pm &
                                                                                              01:00am The Foreigner (Thriller) 2:45, 5:00, 7:20pm & 12:30am
The Foreigner(2D/Thriller) 7:30, 9:30 & 11:45pm
                                                                                              Chef (Hindi) 8:40 & 11:40pm
Judwaa 2 (Hindi) 9:00pm Open Water 3 Cage Dive (2D) 7:15pm
                                                                                                                                                  THE SON OF BIGFOOT

Solo (2D) Malayalam 2:30 8:00 & 8:30pm Tamil 11:00pm
The Son Of Bigfoot (2D/Animation) 2:15 4:15 & 6:00pm
My Little Pony (2D/Animation) 3:00 & 5:00pm
Chef (2D/Hindi) 4:00 & 11:15pm
Flatliners (2D/Horror) 6:30pm
The Foreigner(2D/Thriller) 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00pm
                                                                                               A teenage boy journeys to find his missing father only to discover
                                                                                               that he’s actually Bigfoot. Directors: Jeremy Degruson, Ben
Note: Programme is subject to change without prior notice.                                     Stassen; Writers: Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker; Stars: Cinda Adams,
                                                                                               Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker


SUNDAY 8 OCTOBER                     BRAIN TEASERS                                                                        15
                         CROSSWORD                             CONCEPTIS SUDOKU
                                                                                                Conceptis Sudoku: Conceptis Sudoku
                                                                                                is a number-placing puzzle based on a
                                                                                                9×9 grid. The object is to place the
                                                                                                numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so
                                                                                                that each row, each column and each
                                                                                                3×3 box contains the same number
                                                                                                only once.

                                                                                                    Yesterday’s answer

                                                                    ALL IN THE MIND
                                                                                                    ABOMINABLE, ADEPT,
                                                                                                    ANGELIC, ATROCIOUS,
                                                                                                    AUSPICIOUS, AWFUL, BAD,
                                                                                                    BENEFICIAL, BETTER,
                                                                                                    CORRECT, DEPLORABLE, DIRE,
                                                                                                    DREADFUL, EVIL, EXCELLENT,
                                                                                                    EXPERT, FAIR, FINE, GOOD,
                                                                                                    HONEST, HONORABLE,
                                                                                                    HOPELESS, HORRENDOUS,
                                                                                                    INCOMPETENT, JUST,
                                                                                                    LAMENTABLE, MALEVOLENT,
                                                                                                    MEDIOCRE, MONSTROUS,
                                                                                                    PITIFUL, RESPECTABLE, RIGHT,
                                                                                                    SAFE, SECURE, SKILLED,
                                                                                                    SOUND, TERRIBLE, VIRTUOUS,
                                                                                                    WELL, WICKED, WORSE,
                                                                                                    WORTHY, WRONG.

                                         7:30     UpFront           09:47 How Do            07:00 Night      13:10 Stuck In
                                         8:00    News                       They Do It?     07:25 Whale Wars       The Middle
                                         8:30    People & Power     10:55   Alaska: The     08:15 Treehouse 14:25 K.C.
                                         10:00   News                       Last Frontier           Masters                Undercover
                                         10:30   Inside Story       13:10   Alaska: The     09:10 Treehouse       15:15 Jessie
                                         11:00   News                       Last Frontier           Masters       16:10 Girl Meets
                                         11:30   Talk To Al         14:40   Outback         13:45   Wild Animal            World
                                                  Jazeera                   Truckers                Rescue        16:35 Austin &
                                         12:00   News               15:25   Fast N’         14:40   Dogs 101:             Ally
                                         13:00   NEWSHOUR                   Loud                    New Tricks    19:15 The
                                         14:00   News               17:00   How Do          15:08   Dogs 101:             Zhuzhus
   King Features Syndicate, Inc.         14:30   Inside Story               They Do It?             New Tricks    19:30 Liv And
                                         15:00   Al Jazeera World   17:50   Garage          15:35   Swamp                  Maddie
                                         16:00   NEWSHOUR                   Gold                    Brothers      19:55 Elena Of
                                         17:00   News               18:50   Kings Of        18:20   Expedition            Avalor
                                         17:30   The Listening              The Wild                Mungo         20:20   Jessie
                                                  Post              20:35   How Do          19:15   Man-Eating    20:45   Bizaardvark
                                         18:00   newsgrid                   They Do It?             Super         21:10   Austin & Ally
                                         19:00   News               21:00   Idris Elba:             Squid         21:35   Stuck In The
                                         19:30   101 East                   No Limits       20:10   Pit Bulls &           Middle
                                         20:30   Inside Story       21:50   Mega Trains             Parolees      22:00   Bunk’d
                                         21:00   NEWSHOUR           22:40   What On         21:05   Wildest       22:25   Miraculous
                                         22:00   News                       Earth?                  Latin                 Tales Of
                                         22:30   Talk To Al         23:30   Fast N’                 America               Ladybug &
                                                  Jazeera                   Loud            22:00   Wildest               Cat Noir
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