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           Forests treaty talks
           More than 100 countries meet-
           ing in Geneva in August in
           preparation for the June 1992
           United Nations Conference on
           Environment and Development
           (UNCED) abandoned efforts to
           complete a treaty for protection
           of the world's forests. Talks
           failed because of the lack of
           communication between devel-
           oped and developing countries
           on the relationship between
           conservation and development.                  This photograph of a hummingbird hawkmoth feeding on nectar, taken by
           There is doubt that the UN                     Hans Christoph Kappel of Germany, won the Animal Behaviour: Insects
                                                          category in the British Gas Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition
           Conference will make headway                   organized by BBC WILDLIFE Magazine and the Natural History Museum in
           in addressing the broader range                association with FFPS (see pp. 59-60).
           of environmental problems that
           occur across a similar economic
           divide.                                        projects, bringing degraded                    General Agreement on Tariffs
           Source: WWF-International, 21                  land back into production,                     and Trade (GATT) dispute com-
           August 1991.                                   developing secondary forests                   mittee, which sat in September.
                                                          and paying for the policing of                 The decision, due to be adopted
                                                          primary forests.                               or rejected by the full GATT
           Antarctic protocol signed                      Source: The Guardian, 17 July                  Council on 8 October, was the
           In October the member nations                  1991.                                          first test of whether environ-
           of the Antarctic Treaty signed a                                                              mental concerns can be a factor
           protocol banning mining on the                                                                in restricting a country's
                                                          CITES update                                   imports. If adopted, the prece-
           continent for at least 50 years. It
           is expected to come into force                 Izgrev N. Topov, a Bulgarian                   dent set could lead to GATT
           in about 2 years time after for-               diplomat, became the new                       being used by any national
           mal ratification. The protocol                 Secretary General to the                       government to overturn trade
           includes rules on pollution and                Convention on Trade in                         measures designed to protect
           waste disposal, and requires                   Endangered Species of Wild                     endangered species or habitats.
           that any new activity, including               Fauna and Flora (CITES) on 1                   Conservationists are expressing
           tourism, is subject to an envi-                July 1991. Mexico acceded to                   deep concern about GATT,
           ronmental impact assessment.                   the Convention on 2 July, effec-               which is the only world body
           Source: New Scientist, 12                      tive on 30 September 1991,                     with no remit for the environ-
           October 1991,17.                               bringing the total number of                   ment.
                                                          Parties to 111.                                Source: The Guardian, 6 & 13
                                                          Source: Cat News, July 1991, 20;               September 1991.
           World Bank's new forest
                                                          TRAFFIC Bulletin, 12,1/2,1.
                                                                                                         Airline bird ban grows
           The World Bank launched a                      GATT rules against
           new policy document in July,                                                                  A growing number of interna-
           which will ban the funding of                                                                 tional airlines, 26 in all, have
           logging projects in tropical rain              A US law banning imports of                    stopped transporting wild-
           forests. The rights of forest-                 yellow-fin tuna from Mexico, in                caught birds but 20 major air-
           dwelling people to carry on tra-               order to protect dolphins taken                lines are still participating,
           ditional sustainable harvesting                with the fish in purse seine                   including the world's largest
           are recognized. The Bank will                  nets, contravenes international                bird carriers—Air Afrique,
           confine itself to reforestation                trade rules, according to the                  Alitalia, Iberia Airlines, Japan

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          Airlines and Korean Air.                       are suspected of the killings;                 decreased since the mid-1980s
          Source: Monitor, 29 July 1991;                 they say that eagles kill new-                 and the number of cod pro-
          Animal Welfare Institute                       born reindeer. The Finnish                     duced each year is too small to
          Quarterly, Summer 1991,1 &                     Government already compen-                     renew the stock.
          4-5.                                           sates owners for losses but the                Source: Fishing News
                                                         reindeer owners' association                   International, August 1991,6.
                                                         wants the government to
          EUROPE AND NORTH                               replace per capita payments
                                                         with a fixed annual amount to                  Wrasse replace chemicals
                                                         prevent eagles being killed.                   Wrasse are being caught for use
                                                         Source: WWF News, October                      as cleaner fish in Norway's
          Last ditch effort for cranes                   1991,8.                                        salmon farms as an environ-
          In 1991, in the Siberian village                                                              mentally friendly alternative to
          of Gorki, six Siberian, or great                                                              the chemical control of fish lice.
          white, cranes Grus leucogeranus                Finnish mere to be drowned                     Several species of wrasse are
          chicks were hatched artificially               A 234-sq-km reservoir being                    found in Norway's shallow
          from eggs flown from the US                    planned on the river Kemijoki                  waters and they have been
          and Germany. One chick died                    in Finnish Lapland would                       regarded in the past as 1)ait
          and in June the five survivors                 drown one of the world's                       thieves' and 'useless' bycatch.
          were taken by helicopter to the                largest aapa mires. The Vuotos                 The European Commission has
          territory of one of the only two               reservoir was proposed in the                  recently granted subsidies for a
          known wild pairs of cranes in                  1970s but strong opposition led                cleaner-fish technology project,
          western Siberia. A researcher                  the Government to cancel the                   to be run in co-operation
          from the International Crane                   project in 1982. It has been                   between Ireland, Greece,
          Foundation, dressed as a crane,                revived to provide 300 jobs for                Portugal, Norway and the UK.
          taught the cranes to feed and                  10 years and to help meet peak                 Source: Fishing News
          protected them from predators.                 electricity requirements.                      International, August 1991, 29.
          It was hoped that in August the                Source: Suomen Luonto, No. 7,
          chicks, fitted with radio-trans-               1991.
          mitters, would join the wild                                                                  Move to protect Denmark's
          cranes and migrate south to                                                                   otters
          India or Iran. Although more                   Finland's butterflies
                                                                                                        Denmark's Ministry of
          than 2500 Siberian cranes sur-                 declining
                                                                                                        Fisheries has declared that all
          vive in the far eastern Soviet                 Of Finland's 114 butterfly                     fishermen in northern Jutland
          Union, the western population                  species only one, the dusky                    must use stopgrids or stopnets
          numbered only 14 in the                        meadow brown Hyponephele                       in fish traps in all areas where
          1990-1991 winter.                              lycaon, has disappeared but                    otters occur. The regulations
          Source: The ICF Bugle, August                  others have dwindled: 27 are                   were imposed on 1 January
          1991,4.                                        listed as threatened. Causes of                1991 and will remain in force
                                                         the declines are drastic changes               until 30 April 1995.
                                                         in agricultural practice and                   Source: IUCN Otter Specialist
          Golden eagles killed                           modern forestry techniques.                    Group Bulletin, No. 6,1991,13.
          Almost 20 pairs of golden                      Source: Suomen Luonto, No. 6,
          eagles Aquila chrysaetos were                  1991.
          shot, poisoned or trapped in                                                                   Cod ranching
          Padasjarvi, their best nesting                                                                A cod ranching project started
          area in northern Finland in                     Baltic cod collapse
                                                                                                        by Danish fishermen in 1989
          1991. Of 40 fledglings only one                The stock of cod in the Baltic                 made its first large release of
          is now expected to survive. The                Sea is in a precarious state,                  young cod on 3 June 1991;
          killings shocked scientists from               according to the International                 300,000 small fish reared in
          Oulu University, which has                     Council for the Exploration of                 hatcheries on the west coast
          been running a conservation                    the Sea. Because of adverse                    were taken to sea in a fishing
          project for the eagle for the past             environmental conditions relat-                vessel. Some 10,000 cod are
          15 years, sponsored by the                     ed to the lack of water                        being kept in nursery tanks
          Finnish Ministry of the                        exchange with the North Sea,                   until they reach a size of 15-20
          Environment and WWF-                           the volume of water where cod                  cm, when they will be tagged
          Finland. Local reindeer owners                 eggs can survive has steadily                  and released to check migration


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           patterns and growth rates.                     Croatia. Federal tanks have                    each year in Greece including
           Turbot is also being investigat-               destroyed the fragile environ-                 possibly 4000 buzzards. The
           ed for ranching off Denmark.                   ment of the Plitvice Lakes and                 Greek Centre for the Care of
           Source: Fishing News                           two other parks, Paklajnice and                Wild Animals and Birds on the
           International, August 1991,22.                 Sibenik, have received severe                  island of Aegina alone receives
                                                          shelling from the Federal Army.                150-200 buzzards wounded by
                                                          Source: New Scientist, 5 October               hunters. Although hunting is
           UK adds to Ramsar list
                                                          1991,10.                                       forbidden in cold or snowy
           Rutland Water in the UK has                                                                   weather the law is rarely
           been designated a Special                                                                     enforced and hunters object to
                                                          Dalmatian pelicans in                          Greek hunting laws being
           Protection Area under the EC
                                                          Albania                                        brought into line with EC regu-
           'Birds Directive' and as a
           Wetland of International                       A Czech team visited important                 lations.
           Importance under the Ramsar                    bird sites in Albania in 1991                  Source: Nature, Bulletin of the
           Convention. Over 20,000 water-                 and discovered 35 Dalmatian                    Hellenic Society for the Protection
           fowl use the wetland in winter.                pelican Pelecanus crispus nests                of Nature, January-March 1991,
           Source: English Nature, 4                      in two colonies in Karavastas                  44.
           October 1991.                                  lagoon, the last national
                                                          stronghold for the bird.
                                                          However, 36 eggs were either                   Turkey's turtles face
           Eagle reintroduction                           sterile or pricked, the latter pre-            renewed threats
           planned for Ireland                            sumably by fishermen who                       Development for tourism is
           Captive-bred young white-                      view the birds as competitors.                 once again threatening logger-
           tailed sea eagles Haliaeetus albi-             This wetland, Albania's last                   head turtle Caretta caretta nest-
           cilla from the Netherlands,                    intact example, is threatened by               ing beaches in Turkey. The
           Germany and Switzerland are                    reclamation.                                   beaches were protected in 1988
           being sent to the Fota Island                   Source:World Birdwatch,                       by the Turkish Authority for
           Wildlife Park, County Cork,                    September 1991,5.                              Protection of Special Areas (see
           Ireland. They will be released                                                                Oryx, 23,39), which has now
           to selected sites in counties                                                                 changed its mind. The beaches
           Kerry and Clare within 2 years.                Greek bird hunting                             at Dalyan, where 200-300 tur-
           The eagle was hunted to extinc-                An estimated 700,000 protected                 tles nest, are causing most con-
           tion in Ireland 90 years ago.                  birds are wounded or killed                    cern among conservationists
           Source: BBC Wildlife, August

           Vulture project success
           The project to reintroduce grif-
           fon vultures Gyps fulvus to the
           Causses region of France cele-
           brated its tenth anniversary in
           1991. Between 1981 and 1987 69
           birds were released and the
           first successful breeding in the
           wild occurred in 1982; 19 chicks
           hatched in 1991, bringing the
           total number to over 100.
           Source: Fonds d'Intervention
           pour les Rapaces, 29 rue de
           Mont Valerien, 92210 St Cloud,
                                                          Frans Lanting from the Netherlands took this photograph of lily pads from
           War wrecks Croatian parks                      below the surface of the Okavango river in Botswana and won the In Praise
                                                          of Plants category in the British Gas Wildlife Photographer of the Year
           The war in Yugoslavia has                      Competition organized by BBC WILDLIFE Magazine and the Natural History
           wrecked three national parks in                Museum in association with the FFPS (see pp. 59-60).


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           because they are considered                    from the Water and Forest                      dalized in the week between
           vital for the survival of logger-              Authority or the Scientific                    the abdication of president
           heads in the Mediterranean.                    Institute.                                     Mengistu Manam on 26 May
           Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin,             Source: World Birdwatch,                       1991 and the assumption of
           October 1991, 484.                             September 1991,13.                             authority by the Ethiopian
                                                                                                         People's Revolutionary
                                                                                                         Democratic Front (EPRDF) on 1
           Seagrass decline in
                                                          AFRICA                                         June. First retreating soldiers
                                                                                                         and then local people
          Beds of the seagrass Posidonia                                                                 destroyed park buildings and
                                                          African rain forest                            hunted animals. One park that
          oceanica are declining in the
                                                          campaign                                       survived the interregnum and
          Mediterranean, especially in
          tourist areas where plankton                    The African NGO Environment                    also the civil war is Simien,
          growth, enhanced by raw                         Network, ANEN, is launching                    which was controlled by rebels.
          sewage, prevents light reaching                 a campaign to promote com-                     The new government tried to
          the plants on the sea-bed. The                  munity-based action to save                    re-establish law and order in
          seagrass beds provide food and                  Africa's rain forests.                         the park system and in August
          shelter for several thousand                    Details from: Simon Muchiru,                   a televised policy declaration
          species of fish and inverte-                    ANEN, PO Box 53844, Nairobi,                   took a strong stand against
          brates as well as being impor-                  Kenya, Fax: 2542 335108.                       deforestation and for wildlife
          tant oxygenators. France was                                                                   conservation.
          first to raise the alarm about the                                                             Source: BBC Wildlife, September
          shrinking beds and now has                      Two African warthogs
          laws to protect them; Spain is                 A recent review of African
          thinking of following suit.                    suids by Peter Grubb has con-
          Source: New Scientist, 5 October                                                               New bird from Somalia
                                                         cluded that two species of liv-
          1991,11.                                       ing warthogs should be recog-                   A new bird species, the Bulo
                                                         nized, rather than the single                   Burti boubou Lanarius liberatus,
                                                         species Phacochoerus aethiopicus.               has been described from
          Visitor threat to bald ibis                    He suggests that the common                     Somalia. Its English name is
          The eastern population of                      warthog, which is widely dis-                   derived from the name of a
          northern bald ibis Geronticus                  tributed, should be correctly                   hospital in whose grounds it
          eremita became extinct in 1989                 called P. africanus, while the                  was discovered by Eddie Smith
          and the western population,                    second species should be called                 in 1988. After some months in
          mainly in Morocco, has contin-                 the desert warthog P. aethiopi-                 captivity in Somalia and
          ued to decline despite the                     cus. The latter species is known                Germany it was released into
          establishment of hunting                       only from two widely separat-                   the Balcad Nature Reserve in
          reserves at major colonies and                 ed locations, in north-eastern                  Somalia.
          feeding grounds. The main rea-                 and extreme southern Africa. It                 Source: BBC Wildlife, August
          son for the recent decline has                 has been extinct in the latter                  1991, 534.
          been habitat degradation due                   locality, where it was known as
          to agricultural intensification.               the Cape warthog, since the
          Four colonies remain on the                    end of last century. It has been                The Gambia defends itself
          Moroccan coast, in a semi-arid                 impossible to assess the status                 against hunters
          area unsuitable for agricultural               of the north-eastern population,                Two French companies, Paris-
          development, and good rains                    in Somalia/north-east Kenya,                    based Jet Tours and Lyon-based
          since 1987 have resulted in a                  because of the unstable political               Grand Nord Indien, advertised
          slight population increase to                  situation there, but warthogs                   The Gambia as a hunting
          220 individuals in March/ April                were reported to be widespread                  destination in their brochures
          1990 with 78 breeding pairs.                   in Somalia in 1984.                             for 1991/92. The Gambia's
          The birds face problems, how-                  Source: William L. R. Oliver.                   Ministry of Natural Resources
          ever, in that local people throw                                                               and the Environment has writ-
          stones to flush them out for for-                                                              ten to the directors of both
          eign visitors as a way of earn-                Ethiopia's new government                       companies to protest and
          ing tips. Birdwatchers are                     gives hope for wildlife                         request withdrawal of the
          advised to visit the colonies                  Ethiopia's national parks and                   advertisements. In view of the
          only with an experienced guide                 wildlife sanctuaries were van-                  wide circulation of the adver-


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          tisements, the Government is                    low down on tree trunks where                  study. The mine, to be partially
          particularly concerned to refute                DDT is applied.                                funded by the World Bank,
          the suggestion that The Gambia                  Source: Zimbabwe Wildlife, June                would generate revenues of
          is opening up hunting to                        1991,13.                                       $US550 million over the next 30
          tourists. It stands firmly by its                                                              years for the Malagasy authori-
          conservation legislation.                                                                      ties. It would appear that it
                                                          Fencing out the lions                          would be possible to protect
          Source: Ministry of Natural
          Resources and the Environment,                  Electric fences around certain                 small areas of forest from
          5 Marina Parade, Banjul, The                    villages and cattle kraals in                  exploitation and to rehabilitate
          Gambia, 9 October 1991.                         Chobe Enclave, northern                        mined areas. A number of
                                                          Botswana, were erected in 1991                 plants and three reptiles are
                                                          to try to solve problems with                  endemic to the forest.
           Dja Reserve threatened by                      marauding lions and elephants.                 Source: IUCN Forest
           road                                           An anti-elephant fence at                      Conservation Programme
          Work may soon start on the sec-                 Kavimba village successfully                   Newsletter, No. 11, 6.
          tion of the trans-African high-                 turned back one elephant with-
          way that will pass close to the                 in the first week after comple-
          Dja Reserve in south-east                       tion and the anti-lion fences are              ASIA (EXCLUDING IN DO-
          Cameroon, which is a World                      being monitored. Already other                 MALAYA)
          Heritage Site but which has a                   communities are enquiring
          weak conservation manage-                       about how to obtain similar
                                                          fences in their areas.                         Bird toll of Gulf oil spill
          ment programme. The
          Environmental Impact Study                      Source: Kalahari Conservation                  The Gulf War oil spill in the
          for the road has been criticized                Society Newsletter, September                  first part of 1991 was the largest
          as inadequate, particularly                     1991,12.                                       ever. Approximately 460 km of
          because no measures are                                                                        shoreline were heavily oiled.
          planned to ensure the sustain-                                                                 The most conspicuous fauna to
          ability of the logging that will                Sharks deterred by                             suffer were seabirds, particular-
          occur in the road's hinterland.                 invisible barrier                              ly black-necked and great crest-
          Source: IUCN Forest                             The deaths every year of thou-                 ed grebes, Podiceps nigricollis
          Conservation Programme                          sands of sharks, turtles and dol-              and P. cristatus, and Socotra and
          Newsletter, No. 11, 6.                          phins could be avoided if shark                great cormorants, Phalacrocorax
                                                          nets around holiday resorts in                 nigrogularis and P. carbo. At
                                                          Australia and South Africa                     least 25,000-30,000 seabirds
           DDT situation worse in                         were replaced by harmless,                     died. One of the most signifi-
           Zimbabwe                                       invisible electric barriers devel-             cant impacts may have been on
          Eight clutches of fish eagle                    oped by Eddie Smith at the                     waders, 260,000 of which win-
          Haliaeetus vocifer eggs collected               University of Pretoria, South                  ter on the Saudi Arabian coast;
          in 1989 close to sites sampled in               Africa. He discovered that                     apart from direct damage from
          1980 near Lake Kariba,                          using a submerged cable to                     the oil these birds would have
          Zimbabwe, showed an average                     apply a field of 4 volts per                   suffered severe food shortages
          increase of 60 per cent in levels               metre in pulses of 0.8 millisec-               on the oil-covered tidal flats.
          of DDT. Although only 11                        onds long, 15 per second, repels               There was a massive mortality
          clutches were sampled in 1989,                  sharks of 1.1 m and over.                      of invertebrates but only five
          making it difficult to estimate                 Source: New Scientist, 26                      marine turtles were known to
          the risk to the entire fish eagle               October 1991, 27.                              have died and a large die-off of
          population, the degree of                                                                      marine mammals (14 dugongs
          eggshell thinning and residue                                                                  and 78 cetaceans) may not have
          levels of DDE (a DDT metabo-                    Titanium mine in                               been linked with oil pollution.
          lite) were sufficient to reduce                 Madagascar coastal forest                      Sources: ICBP and WCMC,
          breeding success. The red-                      A plan to strip-mine rich                      Cambridge, UK.
          billed hoopoe Phoeniculus pur-                  deposits of titanium near
          pureus has suffered a serious                   Tolagnaro, in the most exten-
          decline in numbers in an area                                                                  Gazelle reintroduction
                                                          sive remaining area of coastal
          first sprayed against tsetse fly                forest in south-east                           Mountain gazelles Gazella g.
          in 1987 and annually since. The                 Madagascar, is currently sub-                  gazella from the King Khalid
          species feeds on insects taken                  ject to an environmental impact                Wildlife Research Centre


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           (KKWRC) have been reintro-                     Biology and the International
           duced into the Special Ibex                    Crane Foundation discovered
           Reserve, 200 km south of                       more than 2800 black-necked
           Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Of 30                    cranes Grus nigricollis wintering
           animals moved since January                    in south-central Tibet, more
           1991, four have died but at least              than doubling the known
           12 have been born and are sur-                 world population to 3909. The
           viving. The KKWRC is man-                      Lhasa Municipal Government
           aged by the Zoological Society                 in Tibet has announced plans
           of London for the National                     for a nature reserve in Linzhou
           Commission for Wildlife                        county, a major wintering area
           Conservation and                               for 300 of the cranes.
           Development as a centre for                    Source: The ICF Bugle, August
           captive breeding and research                  1991, 7.
           into indigenous gazelles.
           Several more reintroductions
           are planned to re-establish                    Japan bans mist nets
                                                                                                         Paphiopedilum superbiens, one of the
           gazelle herds in protected areas               Japan has at last bowed to per-                endangered orchids still in illegal
           in their former ranges.                        sistent pressure from conserva-                trade in Japan (drawing by courtesy
           Source: Nick Lindsay, King                     tionists and revised its laws                  of TRAFFIC Bulletin).
           Khalid Wildlife Research                       concerning mist nets. From 15
           Centre, Saudi Arabia.                          September 1991 the export of                   most cases this is unlikely to be
                                                          nets (except for research pur-                 true; two species on sale, for
                                                          poses) was banned, as was the                  example, were discovered only
           Deer reintroduction                            sale of and possession of nets,                8 years ago in China and are
           Part of the captive herd of 131                except under permit. The Wild                  very slow-growing. For others
           Pere David's deer Elaphurus                    Bird Society of Japan says that                propagation techniques have
           davidianus in Beijing, China, is               within the country each year 3                 not been perfected.
           being released into a 1000-ha                  million birds are trapped for                  Source: TRAFFIC Bulletin, 12,
           wetland reserve on the Yangtse                 human consumption (despite                     1/2,12-14.
           River in Hubei province. As the                this being illegal since 1947)
           herd increases the reserve will                and that eradicating poaching
           be extended by a further                       is difficult because the legal                 INDO-MALAYA
           3000^000 ha. The deer became                   imports of frozen wild birds
           extinct in the wild about 1500                 make it easy for birds caught
           years ago and survived only in                 illegally in Japan to be passed                Conservation in northern
           captivity in the palace grounds                off as imports.                                Pakistan
           of the Chinese emperor, where                  Source: BBC Wildlife, November                 People of the Bar Valley in
           Pere Armand David, mission-                    1991, 795.                                     northern Pakistan have
           ary and naturalist, found them                                                                embarked upon a wildlife con-
           in 1865. By the time the Chinese                                                              servation plan for their area.
           empire collapsed, and the cap-                 Illegal orchid trade in Japan
                                                                                                         Villagers have pledged to
           tive deer herd with it, several                Two genera of slipper orchids,                 abstain from hunting and in
           captive herds were in existence                Phragmipediutn and                             return have been granted a
           at several places outside China,               Paphiopedilum, were trans-                     Rs240,000 loan to buy food to
           notably at Woburn Abbey in                     ferred from Appendix II to                     replace hunted game. The loan
           the UK. In 1985 20 Pere David's                Appendix I at the seventh                      is to be repaid in full within 5
           deer from the Woburn herd                      meeting of the Parties to CITES,               years, when income will be
           were returned to their original                meaning that from 18 January                   derived from trophy hunting.
           enclosure in China.                            1990 all commercial trade in                   Source: Natura (WWF Pakistan),
           Source: BBC Wildlife, August                   wild-collected plants was                      Summer 1991,2-3.
           1991,522.                                      banned. The trade continues,
                                                          however, in Japan, where there
                                                          is much interest in wild-collect-              Corbett National Park
          Tibet's cranes                                  ed orchids. Some dealers claim                 A buffer zone of 2300 sq km
           In January 1991 scientists from                that the orchids offered for sale              surrounding the 512-sq-km
           the Tibet Plateau Institute of                 are artificially propagated. In                Corbett National Park in India

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           has been proposed to improve                   has declared a Non-Hunting                     fishermen. The ban is being
           conditions for wildlife. People                Area at the mouth of the                       drawn up at the request of the
           living in the buffer zone would                Pattani river as a result of a                 Agriculture and Cooperatives
           benefit from a $US500,000 wel-                 campaign by a group at the                     Ministry and will cost the coun-
           fare programme and would be                    Prince of Songkhla University.                 try about 5 million baht a year
           provided with biogas plants,                   The new protected area is one                  in export earnings.
           which are powered by cow                       of the principal waterbird sites               Source: Bangkok Post, 18 July
           dung, thus relieving pressure                  in Pattani Bay, which is of inter-             1991.
           on wood.                                       national importance for migra-
           Source: Cat News, July 1991,5.                 tory shorebirds. Several thou-
                                                          sand birds of up to 32 species                 Wetland restoration
                                                          use the bay at times of peak                   The Tram Chim Nature Reserve
           Burma bans border trade in                     passage but its conservation                   in southern Vietnam, a small
           wildlife                                       value is being eroded by indus-                part of the Plain of Reeds dev-
           Burma's military government,                   trial pollution, the spread of                 astated by 20 years of war, is
           which had previously encour-                   shrimp ponds, bird trapping                    being restored in a project
           aged trade with China and                      and other developments.                        funded by the MacArthur
           Thailand through border                        Source: Asian Wetland News, July               Foundation and the Brehm
           towns, banned border trade in                  1991,3.                                        Fund for International Bird
           23 items on 1 November 1991.                                                                  Conservation, and managed
           The items include teak, fresh-                                                                jointly by US and Vietnamese
                                                          Project for Thailand's last                    scientists. A management plan
           water fish and prawns, ele-
                                                          lowland forest                                 has established land-use zones
           phants, endangered species,
           animal hides and ivory.                        A project to protect Thailand's                to guide development of the
           Source: The Nation, 30 October                 last remnant of lowland rain                   surrounding area so that it ben-
           1991.                                          forest and the birds it contains,              efits wildlife and people. In the
                                                          including the endangered                       core area the aim is to restore
                                                          Gurney's pitta Pitta gurneyi, is               the original wetlands. Eastern
           Thai wetland drying up                         under way. Efforts to conserve                 sarus cranes Grus antigone
           Conservationists are trying to                 the Khao Pra-Bang Khram                        sharpii were reported at Tram
           force the Thai Government to                   Non-Hunting Area started in                    Chim in 1987, the first verified
           save the country's largest fresh-              1986, when the pitta was redis-                report of the species on the
           water marsh system, the 39.5-                  covered there, and the focus is                Asian continent for 15 years
           sq-km Khao Sam Roi Yot                         on rural development initia-                   (see Oryx, 22,145).
           National Park, 275 km south of                 tives to enlist the support of vil-            Source: ThelCF Bugle, May 1991,
           Bangkok. It is the only wetland                lagers, some of whom are now                   2-3.
           in Thailand with extensive                     benefiting from income from
           reedbeds and is is one of only                 visitors. Native trees are being
           two known sites in the country                 provided free for fruit and con-               White-shouldered ibis in
           where purple heron Ardea pur-                  struction materials and forest                 Vietnam
           purea breeds. It has suffered                  regeneration is being hastened                 The white-shouldered ibis
           massive encroachment for                       by planting hardwood trees.                    Pseudibis davisoni has been
           shrimp farms and fish ponds,                   Illegal clearance is still a prob-             found in Nam Bai Cat Tien
           and illegal dredging of the                    lem: at least three pairs of pittas            National Park in Vietnam. The
           Khao Daeng river has lowered                   lost their territories in the                  only previous recent records of
           water levels, allowing the                     1990/91 season and there have                  this little-known species are
           influx of saltwater.                           been reports of these birds                    from Kalimantan, Indonesia; it
           Source: Bangkok Bird Club, 8                   being trapped for trade.                       is now probably extinct in
           August 1991; Project for                       Source: Bangkok Bird Club                      Thailand and there are no
           Ecological Recovery, Bangkok,                  Bulletin, August 1991,10-11.                   recent records from Laos and
           24 August 1991.                                                                               Cambodia. Unfortunately the
                                                                                                         wetlands are subject to major
                                                          Fish export ban in Thailand                    disturbances by fishermen liv-
           Part of Pattani Bay                                                                           ing within the park; a recent
                                                          Thailand is to ban exports of
           protected                                                                                     conflict between fishermen and
                                                          400 species of marine fish to
           The Governor of Pattani                        protect rare species and prevent               park staff culminated in the
           province in southern Thailand                  further damage to reefs by                     deaths of a park guard and a


Downloaded from IP address:, on 08 Sep 2021 at 20:08:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
           fisherman. The park authorities                Sumatra to Siberut in 1992,                    tourists are still offered turtle
           are about to remove several                    clearing around 1850 sq km of                  shells along with other prod-
           thousand villagers from the                    forest on the east side of the                 ucts of endangered species. The
           park, which will be difficult but              island to accommodate them.                    situation on Bali is only the tip
           is the only way to preserve the                Source: New Scientist, 2                       of the iceberg apparently; turtle
           integrity of the wetlands.                     November 1991,14.                              eggs and soup are readily avail-
           Source: World Birdwatch,                                                                      able all over Indonesia.
           September 1991,4.                                                                             Source: Jakarta Post, October
                                                          Rain dampens forest fires                      1991.
                                                          in Indonesia
           Pulau Redang Marine Park
                                                          Fires raged through forests in
           being developed                                                                               Record roost of Chinese
                                                          Indonesia from mid-August
           Pulau Redang, an island off the                until rain in October resulted in
           east coast of Peninsular                       at least some being quenched.                  In April 1991 635 Chinese
           Malaysia, with national park                   The fires destroyed 43,454 ha of               egrets Egretta eulophotes were
           status, is being developed into                natural forest and 6428 ha of                  recorded roosting in mangroves
           a major holiday resort by a pri-               indigenous forest as well as                   on the islets of Tahong-tahong,
           vate company. Management                       plantations, bush and grass-                   Banacon, Kalituban, Mahaba
           plans for the park, which pro-                 land. The worst hit areas were                 and Bubuajan in Bohol
           posed only a small-scale, 'eco-                Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra.                  province, the Philippines.
           logically friendly' develop-                   Source: The Nation, 17 & 31                    Before this discovery the largest
           ment, have been ignored and                    October 1991.                                  concentration of this threatened
           conservationists are concerned                                                                species was 75 in March 1990 at
           about the impact of increased                                                                 Olango Island in Cebu
           human activity. Already, forests               Elephants rescued and                          province. The Philippines is on
           on steep slopes have been                      trained                                        the flyway for Chinese egrets
           cleared, mangroves have been                   The Elephant Training School                   migrating from Korea, China
           infilled and coastal waters have               established by the Indonesian                  and Hong Kong.
           been polluted.                                 Directorate for Forest                         Source: Asian Wetland News, July
           Source: Asian Wetland News, July               Protection and Nature                          1991,11.
           1991,4.                                        Conservation at Way Kambas
                                                          National Park has hired out its
                                                          first trained elephants to a tim-              NORTH AMERICA
           Forest clearance threatens                     ber company in Sumatra. The
           Siberut                                        school was set up to rescue
                                                          crop-raiding elephants from                    Oil killing seabirds
           The Indonesian island of
           Siberut, which was declared a                  being killed by farmers and to                 Fuel oil leaking from the Tenyo
           Biosphere Reserve in 1981, is at               demonstrate the usefulness of                  Maru, a Japanese fish-factory
           the centre of a power struggle                 domesticated elephants.                        ship, which sunk on 22 July
           between government min-                        Source: WWF News, October                      1991 off the west coast of
           istries. The Environment                       1991, 6.                                       Washington with 400,000 gal-
           Minister says the wildlife is so                                                              lons of fuel-oil on board, has
           special (15 per cent of the                                                                   killed at least 4000 seabirds,
           plants and 65 per cent of the                  Illegal turtle killing                         mostly common murres (or
           mammals are endemic) that it                   continues in Indonesia                         guillemots) Uria aalge. Beaches
           must be preserved. The more                    Intense protests world-wide                    along 60 km of coast, mostly in
           powerful Forestry Ministry has                 about the illegal killing of tur-              Olympia National Park, were
           leased three-quarters of the                   tles in Bali, Indonesia, have not              oiled but storms helped in
           island to logging companies,                   been able to stop the poaching                 cleaning them.
           the Ministry of Plantations has                of the animals. While there are                Sources: Vancouver Sun, 31 July
           cleared areas for oil palms and                almost no turtles in Bali's                    1991; Marine Pollution Bulletin,
           the Ministry of Social Affairs                 waters now, every morning                      October 1991,481-482.
           plans to 'modernize' the indige-               fishermen bring in hundreds of
           nous Mentawai people. In                       turtles poached from waters
           addition the Ministry of                       around Sulawesi and the Banda                  Drift-nets banned
           Transmigration plans to move                   Sea. There are about 50 turtle                 The US National Oceanic and
           40,000 people from Java and                    slaughter houses in Bali and                   Atmospheric Administration

Downloaded from IP address:, on 08 Sep 2021 at 20:08:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
          has issued regulations banning                 marsh unsuitable for shellfish                 South Carolina, all in highway
          the use of drift-nets in the                   and shorebirds. The grass,                     or powerline rights-of-way and
          South Pacific in 1991, and else-               whose seeds were carried in                    all threatened by habitat alter-
          where by 1 July 1992. The regu-                packing material a century ago,                ation due to suppression of
          lations ban the sale in the US of              now covers more than 800 ha in                 fires and grazing. The
          any fish caught in drift-nets,                 Willapa Bay, the west coast's                  Cumberland pigtoe mussel
          which are used primarily by                    prime oyster area. So far the                  Pleurobema gibberum is endemic
          Japan, Taiwan, North Korea,                    state has found no acceptable,                 to the Caney Fork River system
          South Korea and France. The                    effective control method.                      in Tennessee, where its distri-
          US National Marine Fisheries                   Source: National Wildlife,                     bution has been reduced to four
          Service reported in 1990 that                  August-September 1991,28.                      reaches due to impoundments
          just 10 per cent of Japan's drift-                                                            and deteriorating water quality
          net fleet killed 1758 whales and                                                              resulting from coal mining,
          dolphins, 253,288 tuna, 81,956                 Woodpecker gains new                           poor land-use practices and
          blue sharks, 30,464 seabirds                   protection                                     waste discharges.
          and more than 3 million non-                   The US Forest Service has                      Source: Endangered Species
          target fish.                                   decided to include Florida's                   Technical Bulletin, June 1991,
          Source: Outdoor News Bulletin,                 Appalachicola National Forest                  8-9.
          20 September 1991,2.                           in its protection plan for the
                                                         endangered red-cockaded
                                                         woodpecker Picoides borealis,                   California condor release
          Judgement due on spotted                       which depends on old pine                       imminent
          owl                                            trees. Environmentalists had                   The California condor
          The US Department of the                       stated their intention to sue                  Gymnogyps californianus captive
          Interior has convened a high-                  under the Endangered Species                   population had a record-break-
          level committee to decide                      Act unless all populations of                  ing year in 1991. Eleven pairs of
          whether to uphold restrictions                 the bird were protected. The                   birds at Los Angeles Zoo and
          on logging in the west coast                   decision means that clear-cut-                 San Diego Wild Animal Park
          forests, proposed to help save                 ting is now prohibited within                  laid 22 eggs, of which 13
          the northern spotted owl Strix                 1.2 km of all active and inactive              hatched successfully. The total
          occidentalis caurina (see Oryx,                woodpecker colonies in                         population now stands at 53,
          25,193). The committee has                     Appalachicola and in                           almost twice the number of
          powers to overrule decisions                   Louisiana's Kisatchie National                 condors in 1987 (27) when the
          made under the Endangered                      Forest.                                        last free-flying bird was cap-
          Species Act, and must resolve a                Source: National Wildlife,                     tured. Biologists were opti-
          dispute between the Bureau of                  August-September 1991, 27.                     mistic that some birds could be
          Land Management, which                                                                        released into the wild by the
          wants to allow logging on                                                                     end of 1991.
          1600 ha of federally owned for-                 Four more species listed
                                                                                                        Source: Endangered Species
          est, and the Fish and Wildlife                 During May 1991 the US Fish                    Technical Bulletin, June 1991,4.
          Service, which has blocked                     and Wildlife Service listed three
          these logging permits (while                   plants and a mussel under the
          approving others) because the                  Endangered Species Act. The                    Shrimp name honours
          logging would harm the owl.                    leafy prairie-clover Dalea foliosa             Nature Conservancy
          The committee has 6 months to                  is known only from 14 small                    A newly described species of
          make a decision.                               populations in Tennessee,                      fairy shrimp has been named
          Source: New Scientist, 12                      Alabama and Illinois, only four                after the US Nature
          October 1991,13.                               of which are safe. The north-                  Conservancy, the first time a
                                                         eastern bulrush Scirpus                        species has been named for an
                                                         ancistrochaetus occurs in 13 pop-              environmental group.
          Grass invader in                               ulations in the north-eastern                  Branchinecta conservatio was
          Washington                                     states, 10 of which are on pri-                described in 1990 by scientists
          A species of cord grass Spartina               vate land potentially threat-                  from California's Department
          sp. from the eastern coast of the              ened by development. A sun-                    of Fish and Game, who wished
          US has colonized mudflats off                  flower Helianthus schweinitzii                 to recognize the Conservancy's
          the western state of                           also survives only in 13 small                 efforts to protect the seasonal
          Washington, turning them into                  populations in North and                       pools in central California


Downloaded from IP address:, on 08 Sep 2021 at 20:08:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
           where the shrimp lives.                        compel the Service to imple-                   Amazbnas has been declared a
           Source: Nature Conservancy                     ment recovery plans (see Oryx,                 biosphere reserve. Covering
           News, July/August 1991, 6-7.                   24,44).                                        83,000 sq km it encompasses all
                                                          Source: 'Elepaio, July 1991,1 & 3.             the headwaters of the Orinoco
                                                                                                         and is the home of Yanomami
           Three taxa listed                                                                             an Yekuana indians. The presi-
           In April 1991 the US Fish and                  CENTRAL AMERICA                                dential decree creating the new
           Wildlife Service added three                                                                  Orinoco-Casiquiare Biosphere
           taxa to the list of threatened                                                                Reserve and, within in, the
                                                          Action over pesticide                          Parma-Tapirapeco National
           species. Schoepfia arenaria, a
           small evergreen tree endemic to                Environmental groups in the                    Park, was a response to concern
           the coastal forest and limestone               US are threatening to sue the                  by the indians themselves
           hills of northern Puerto Rico,                 federal government over its                    about the difficulties their peo-
           remains in three small popula-                 programme to eradicate the                     ple are experiencing over the
           tions. All are under develop-                  Mediterranean fruit fly in                     border in Brazil as a result of a
           ment pressure, although a                      Guatemalan banana planta-                      road-building programme,
           landowner in Isabela has                       tions. The US Department of                    which has brought settlers and
           offered to donate the cliffs on                Agriculture is spraying                        gold prospectors into the
           which some trees grow to the                   malathion illegally without                    region (see 'Illegal road in
           Puerto Rico Department of                      consulting the Fish and Wildlife               Brazilian park' below).
           Natural Resources. The white-                  Service about the programme's                  Source: BBC Wildlife, October
           necked crow Corvus leucog-                     effect on endangered species.                  1991,665.
           naphalus has disappeared from                  The pesticide is killing many of
           St Croix and Puerto Rico and                   the insects important for of the
           now occurs only in parts of                    endangered golden-cheeked                       Rain forest destroyed for
           Dominican Republic and Haiti.                  warbler Dendroica chrysopareia.                 satellites
           Its remaining forest habitat is                Source: National Wildlife,         The French Government has
           being cleared and the bird is                  August-September 1991,26.          started building a dam in
           also hunted in the Dominican                                                      French Guiana to provide
           Republic. The silver rice rat                                                     hydroelectricity for Kourou, the
           Oryzomys palustris natator has                 Mosquito Coast to be               rocket construction and launch
           been listed as endangered; it is               protected                          site for the European Space
           endemic to Florida's Lower                     The Mosquito Coast Protected       Agency's satellites. The dam, at
           Keys where its remaining man-                  Area will cover 12,950 sq km of    Petit-Saut on the River
           grove and salt-marsh habitat is                coastal lagoons, mangroves,        Sinnamary, will flood 310 sq
           threatened by residential and                  offshore coral reefs and sea-      km of rain forest and the
           commercial development.                        grass pastures along the north-    French authorities have decid-
           Source; Endangered Species                     east coast of Nicaragua.           ed not to attempt to harvest the
           Technical Bulletin, May 1991,                  Residents in 23 coastal commu-     timber. Engineers warn that
           10-11.                                         nities will be trained to manage   rotting vegetation will generate
                                                          and defend the coastal region,     methane, hydrogen sulphide,
                                                          which suffers serious problems     carbon dioxide and ammonia
           Crow in court case                             from foreign boats fishing ille-   and will consume all the oxy-
           The Hawaii and National                        gally.                             gen in the reservoir. Some of
           Audubon Societies have filed a                 Source: Crocodile Specialist Group the poor quality water will be
           lawsuit against the US Fish and                Newsletter, January-March          discharged directly into the
           Wildlife Service in Hawaii                     1991, 6.                           river downstream to prevent it
           Federal District Court in an                                                      damaging the turbines.
           attempt to prevent the extinc-                                                    Source: New Scientist, 19
           tion of the endangered                         SOUTH AMERICA                      October 1991, 9.
           Hawaiian crow Corvus hawai-
           iensis. There may be as few as
           10 crows in the wild, all on the                Venezuela declares largest                     Road planned through
           McCandless Ranch on Big                         rain forest conservation                       Sangay
           Island, whose owners refuse to                  area in the world
                                                                                                          The Ecuadorean Government
           allow government access. The                    Nearly one-half of the entire                  plans to build a road through
           purpose of the lawsuit is to                    Venezuelan territory of                        the Sangay National Park,


Downloaded from IP address:, on 08 Sep 2021 at 20:08:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
           which straddles the eastern
           cordillera of the Andes in
           Ecuador, to improve access to
           the Amazon basin forests from
           the densely populated high
           Sierra. Other roads constructed
           in the Ecuadorean Amazon
           have encouraged colonization
           of forest lands, often resulting
           in severe land degradation and
           soil erosion.
           Source: IUCN Forest
           Conservation Programme
           Newsletter, No. 11, 6.

           Black caiman reintroduced
           into wild—a first
          The black caiman Melanosuchus                   This photograph of an elephant seal and a tussac bird in the Falkland Islands
          niger, one of the most endan-                   was taken by Fritz Polking, runner-up in the Humorous Views category of
          gered New World crocodilians,                   the British Gas Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition organized by
                                                          BBC WILDLIFE Magazine and The Natural History Museum in association with
          remains only as small isolated                  FFPS (see pp. 59-60).
          populations in the Amazon, the
          upper Essequibo and Berbice
          drainages in Guyana, and in                     forests, agreed in 1990 by the                 only found out about the pro-
          coastal French Guiana. In                       G7 group of seven most devel-                  ject when the bulldozers
          Bolivia, where the species is in                oped countries, has stalled                    moved in. The main reason
          danger of imminent extinction,                  through lack of funding. At the                given for the road is 'to develop
          25 individuals were released in                 1991 London Summit the EC                      a route for the commercializa-
          July 1990 in the Normandia                      announced its commitment to                    tion of Yanomami agricultural
          lagoon near Beni Biological                     support the programme with a                   produce'. The Yanomami grow
          Station, once home to a black                   contribution of $US15 million,                 no crops, however, and the sec-
          caiman population. The ani-                     just 1 per cent of the total                   ondary reasons are given as
          mals were donated by                            required, but no further funds                 'facilitating military transport'
          Hacienda El Caiman in north-                    have been promised. The                        and 'security'. The park is
          ern Bolivia, having been cap-                   German Government in associ-                   home for many threatened
          tured in the late 1970s to form a               ation with the World Bank, has                 species, including the golden-
          breeding nucleus for a commer-                  decided instead to stage a sepa-               backed uacari Cacajao
          cial farming operation that                     rate initiative.                               melanocephalus ouakary (see
          proved unsuccessful. Eleven                     Source: Friends of the Earth, 16               Oryx, 25, 80-88).
          hatchlings and yearlings are                    October 1991.                                  Source: BBC Wildlife, September
          being kept in a lagoon at the                                                                  1991, 589.
          biological station until they are
          large enough to release.                        Illegal road in Brazilian park
           Source: Herpetological Review,                                                                Spix's macaw
                                                          An extension of the BR309 road
           September 1991, 90-91.                         is being built through the west-               The only Spix's macaw
                                                          ern section of the Pico da                     Cyanopsitta spixii in the wild is
                                                          Neblina National Park in north-                still at the same site, in Bahia
           Amazon fires worst ever
                                                          ern Brazil by army engineers at                state, Brazil, and is being care-
           Air and satellite surveys of the               the request of the garrison com-               fully guarded (see Oryx, 24,
           Amazon region of Brazil                        mander in Sao Gabriel da                       224-228). The Brazilian
           revealed 50,000-88,000 fires                   Cachoeira. Road building in                    Government's environmental
           during September 1991, mak-                    national parks contravenes                     agency (IBAMA) has sent an
           ing it the worst year ever for                 Brazilian law and the plans                    ornithologist to study the ecolo-
           burnings. Meanwhile, the pilot                 were made in secret. Brazil's                  gy of the bird and its apparent
           programme for the conserva-                    environmental agency, IBAMA,                   requirement for caraiba wood-
           tion of Brazilian Amazon                       which administers the park,                    land. There is strong support

Downloaded from IP address:, on 08 Sep 2021 at 20:08:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
           for and pride in the macaw                     building unions and the                        on Birds of Prey, 15b Bolton
           locally and the mayor of the                   Department of Conservation                     Gardens, London SW5 0AL,
           nearest town has offered assis-                and Environment.                               UK or Wangenheimstr. 32,1000
           tance for the recovery plan.                   Source: Weekend Australia, 7-8                 Berlin 33, Germany.
           Source: World Birdwatch,                       September, 1991.
           September 1991,4.                                                                             17-19 June 1992. Systematics
                                                                                                         and Conservation Evaluation.
                                                          Falklands Conservation
                                                                                                         Co-sponsored by The Natural
           Forest drowned in vain                                                                        History Museum, Systematics
                                                          Falklands Conservation was
           The Samuel Dam, 55 km south                    launched in August 1991 to                     Association and The Linnean
           of Porto Velho in the Brazilian                promote the conservation of                    Society of London.
           Amazon, flooded 500 sq km of                   wildlife, wrecks and places of                 Contact: Dr Peter L. Forey,
           virgin rain forest when it was                 historic interest in the Falkland              Department of Palaeontology,
           completed 2 years ago but it                   Islands. The Falklands hold a                  The Natural History Museum,
           has failed to produce enough                   number of endemic species in                   Cromwell Road, London SW7
           electricity even for the offices               addition to internationally                    5BD, UK. Tel: 071 938 9405; Fax:
           on it. It was to have supplied                 important populations of alba-                 071 938 9260.
           electricity to the entire state of             trosses, penguins and other
           Rondonia, but only two tur-                    birds but the economy of the                   24-28 August 1992. Tropical
           bines were installed instead of                Islands is developing rapidly,                 Trees: Potential for
           five and of those, one never                   increasing pressure on habitats                Domestication, The Edinburgh
           works and the other only occa-                 and wildlife. Falklands                        Centre for Tropical Forests, UK.
           sionally.                                      Conservation will be managing                  Contact: Dr R. R. B. Leakey,
           Source: The Guardian, 2 August                 projects on seabird monitoring                 Institute of Terrestrial Ecology,
           1991.                                          and sea lion research, conduct-                Bush Estate, Penicuik,
                                                          ing botanical and freshwater                   Midlothian EH26 0QB,
                                                          surveys, and producing conser-                 Scotland, UK.
           Penguin colony at risk                         vation education materials. It
           Oil from an unknown source is                  also manages a number of
           threatening a major penguin                    nature reserves, publishes a                   PEOPLE
           colony in southern Argentina.                  newsletter and is a source of
           The Fundacion Vida Silvestre                   advice on conservation matters                 Professor Wangari Maathai,
           reported that about 500                        for the Falkland Islands                       founder of the Green Belt
           Magellanic penguins Spheniscus                 Government and other bodies.                   Movement in Kenya, was
           magellanicus had been found                    Details from: Dr Kate                          awarded the 1991 Africa Prize
           contaminated with oil as they                  Thompson, 21 Regent Terrace,                   (jointly with Myram
           arrived at Punta Tombo, 1500                   Edinburgh EH7 5BT (Tel/Fax                     Babangida, wife of the Nigerian
           km south of Buenos Aires, their                031 556 6226).                                 head of state). At the instiga-
           largest breeding ground out-                                                                  tion of the Green Belt
           side the Antarctic. Some birds                                                                Movement 50,000 Kenyan
           have subsequently died.                        MEETINGS                                       women have established 10
           Source: Nation (Bangkok), 12                                                                  million trees and 1500 tree
           September 1991.                                26-28 February 1992.                           nurseries. A further 12 African
                                                          International Conference on                    countries are starting similar
                                                          World Forests—Progress on                      schemes.
           AUSTRALASIA/                                   Sustainable Development,
           ANTARCTICA                                     Bandung, West Java.
                                                          Contact: Dr Nani Djuangsih,                    CORRECTION
                                                          Institute of Ecology,
           Falcons stop building work                     Padjadjaran University, Jl,                    On p 192 of the October 1991
           All building work was stopped                  Sekeloa, Bandung, Indonesia.                   issue of Oryx it was stated that
           on a new multistorey office-                   Fax 620 22 433208.                             there were 13-18 Bali starlings
           block in Melbourne, Australia,                                                                in March 1991. World Birdwatch,
           when a pair of peregrine fal-                  10-17 May 1992. 4th World                      the source of this information,
           cons Falco peregrinus nested on                Conference on Birds of Prey                    has now published a correction:
           its roof. The stop-work deal                   and Owls, Berlin.                              13-18 was the size of the popu-
           was agreed between the owner,                  Contact: World Working Group                   lation in October 1990.


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