COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...

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COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
COVID-19 in
African cities
Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations

                                                  ©Yahya Burugu/Mathare Roots Initiative
COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
Impacts, Responses and Policies
                                                               Supervision : Oumar Sylla, Edlam Abera
                                                               Yemeru, Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi

                                                               Contributors: Claude Ngomsi, François
                                                               Yatta, Dmitry Pozhidaev, Lucia Kiwala,
First published by United Nations Human Settlements            Robert Ndugwa, Donatien Beguy,
Programme (UN-Habitat) 2020                                    Dennis Mwaniki, Christophe Lalande,
All rights reserved                                            Gianluca Crispi, Marco Kamiya,
                                                               Muhammad Gambo, Marios Pournaris,
                                                               Jack Zulu, Yohannes Ghebru
Disclaimer: The designations employed and the pre-             Editor: Dr. Joseph Maseland
sentation of material in this publication do not imply
                                                               Reviewers: Xing Quan Zhang, Lucia
the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part
                                                               Kiwala, Benedict Arimah, Omoayena
of the secretariat of the United Nations concerning the
legal status of any county, territory, city or area or its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers   Published by: UN-HABITAT, UNCDF,
or boundaries regarding its economic system or degree          UCLG-Africa, UNECA
of development. Excerpts may be reproduced without
                                                               Layout: Michael Lusaba
authorization, on condition that the source is indicated.
Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reflect those of the United Nations Human Settlements
Programme, the United Nations and its member states.
COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
Table of Contents

Executive summary                                                   2
Introduction                                                        4

1.African urbanization: A huge risk factor for COVID-19             7
1.1. Rapid and unplanned urbanization                                7
1.2. Prevalence of slums and informal settlements                    8
1.3. Access to basic services in urban areas                         9
1.4. Informal employment, poverty and inequality                    10
1.5. Density, mobility and market places: Contagion opportunities   11

2.The impacts of COVID-19 on cities                                 12
2.1. Health systems and coping measures                             12
2.2. Economic and financial impacts                                 13
2.3. Potential impacts on the housing sector                        16
2.4. Observing social and physical distance                         16
2.5. Food security challenges in cities                             17
2.6. Governance and institutional dimensions                        18
2.7. Information Inequality                                         18
2.8 Increased vulnerability of women                                19

3.Responses in addressing COVID-19                                  20
3.1. National responses in brief                                    20
3.2. Local and regional governments’ responses                      22

4. Conclusions and recommendations                                  24
4.1. Conclusions                                                    24
4.2. Policy Recommendations                                         24

Bibliography                                                        27
References                                                          29
COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
Executive Summary

COVID-19, a global pandemic declared                 urban population lived in slums or         Other challenges include elevated risks
by the World Health Organization                     informal settlements, which translates     of eviction and homelessness, food
(WHO), is crippling the global economy               into about 257 million people across       insecurity and information inequalities
and upending people’s lives thereby                  the whole of Africa. Only 55% and          especially among women. As first
threatening sustainable development                  47% of Africa’s urban residents have       responders in tacking the urban impacts
across all its dimensions. Africa is also            access to basic sanitation services and    of COVID-19, local authorities are key
facing the dire consequences of the                  hand washing facilities respectively.      actors in taking measures to tackle
crisis, necessitating timely responses,              Furthermore, most urban residents rely     the crisis, yet many face capacity
recovery and rebuilding policies and                 on the informal sector that employs        constraints including a loss of up to 60%
strategies. Globally, urban areas are the            71% of Africans, making them highly        of their revenues.
epicentres of the epidemic accounting                vulnerable to loss of income and unable
for the vast majority of the confirmed               to abide by restrictions and lockdown      To promptly and adequately address
COVID-19 cases. This report looks at the             measures. African cities often have        the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic
impacts, responses and policy pathways               high population densities coupled          in Africa at the urban scale and through
related to COVID-19 in the context of                with overcrowded public transport and      local governments, six key responses
cities in Africa.                                    marketplaces making social distancing      are recommended for short, medium
                                                     almost impossible. These factors           and long term interventions led by
Africa is currently experiencing the                 combined make Africa’s cities hotbeds      national and local governments with
most rapid urban growth in the world.                for COVID-19.                              the support of the African Union,
The urban population increased more                                                             United Nations System and Regional
than 10 times in six decades, from 53                COVID-19 has registered adverse            Economic Communities (RECs)1. Apply
million to 588 million during the period             impacts in cities in multiple ways.        local communication and community
from 1960 to 2020.1 African cities are               With Africa having low ratios of health    engagement strategies 2. Support
epidemiological foci of for COVID-19                 professionals and hospital beds and        SMEs and the informal economy 3.
like other urban areas globally. However,            most of its stock of pharmaceuticals       Deepen decentralized responses
the quality and nature of Africa’s                   being imported, health systems are         to COVID-19 through strengthening
urbanization exacerbates transmission                highly constrained in their response       local government capacities 4. Target
rates of infectious diseases like                    to COVID-19. Inhabitants of slums          informal settlements through data
COVID-19 and makes containment and                   and informal settlements face              driven contextualized measures 5.
response measures considerably more                  heightened challenges in accessing         Establish mechanisms to promote rapid
difficult.                                           healthcare services and products.          access to housing and prevent forced
                                                     From an economic perspective, urban        evictions 6. Integrate urban planning
The COVID-19 risk factors are acute                  based enterprises and sectors have         and management as key priorities
in African cities in part due to the                 undergone drastic reductions and           for recovery and rebuilding strategies
largely unplanned and poorly managed                 closures especially SMEs which have a      towards long-term resilience.
urbanization process resulting in                    constrained ability to absorb shocks..
widespread informal settlements                      Widespread loss of employment income
and severe infrastructure and service                has been registered with informal sector
deficits. In 2019, about 47% of Africa’s             workers being especially vulnerable.

1   World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, in

COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
© UN-HABITAT/Julius Mwelu
COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...
                                                                                  COVID-19 has produced adverse
                                                                                  impacts at an unprecedented scale
                                                                                  and the pandemic is likely to set off a
                                                                                  historic global economic recession. So
                                                                                  far, the measures taken worldwide to
                                                                                  contain the spread of COVID-19 have
                                                                                  affected the global value chains of
                                                                                  manufacturing, transportation, retailing
                                                                                  and consumption. According to the
                                                                                  International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
                                                                                  anticipated recession of ‘The Great
                                                                                  Lockdown of 2020’ is estimated at -3%
                                                                                  compared to -0.1% during the global
                                                                                  financial crisis of 2009.4 According to
                                The world is facing an                            the International Labour Organization
                                unprecedented health crisis due                   (ILO), an estimated 1.6 billion people
© UN-HABITAT/Julius Mwelu

                                to the spread of COVID-19. So                     employed in the informal economy - or
                                far, the world has recorded over                  nearly half the global workforce - could
                                seven million confirmed cases                     see their livelihoods destroyed due to
                                                                                  the decline in working hours brought
                                and over 400,000 fatalities.2 In
                                                                                  on by lockdowns and curfews aimed at
                                just a few months, the pandemic
                                                                                  curbing the spread of COVID-19.
                                has dramatically transformed the
                                way people live, work, shop and
© UN-HABITAT/ Benedict Otieno

                                socialize globally. Urban areas
                                are the epicentres of the epidemic
                                and over 95% of the confirmed
                                COVID-19 cases are in urban                       In Africa, where 163,699 positive cases
                                areas.3                                           were recorded as of 31 May 2020,5 the
                                                                                  United Nations Economic Commission
                                                                                  for Africa (UNECA) estimated
                                                                                  considerable economic damage, social
                                                                                  costs and compromised overall well-
                                                                                  being. The average GDP growth in Africa
                                                                                  in 2020 is expected to fall from 3.2%
                                                                                  to 1.8% but may contract even further.

                                2   Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems
                                    Science Engineering (2020) COVID-19
                                    html                                          4   IMF (2020) World Economic Outlook (Chapter
                                3   UN-Habitat (2020) UN-Habitat COVID-19             1 The Great Economic Lockdown); https://
                                    Response Plan;
                                    default/files/2020/04/final_un-habitat_           WEO/2020/April/English/text.ashx?la=en
                                    covid-19_response_plan.pdf                    5   Africa CDC Dashboard,

COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...

                          Major economic sectors had already                  This inter-agency coordination platform
                          been adversely affected with the global             on risk communication and community
The informal sector       fall in oil prices which accounts for 40%           engagement stated that the population
which employs             of region’s exports. The informal sector            most at risk are those who depend

71          %
                          which employs 71% of Africans could                 heavily on the informal economy, occupy
                          face dire consequences, with up to                  areas prone to shocks, have inadequate
                          25 million people possibly falling into             access to social services or political
                          extreme poverty. As elsewhere, urban                influence, have limited capacities
of Africans could face    areas in Africa are the main hotspots for           and opportunities to cope and adapt
dire consequences,        the spread of COVID-19 and therefore                with inadequate or no access to
                          require specific focus as the region                technologies. Migrants are also part of
with up to 25 million
                          defines and implements a continental                this group and, according to the United
people possibly falling
                          response to the crisis.                             Nations Capital Development Fund
into extreme poverty.                                                         (UNCDF),7 the flow of global remittances
                          Estimates show that about 47% of                    to low- and middle-income countries
                          Africa’s urban population live in slums             may fall by about one fifth in 2020.
                          or informal settlements in 2019, which
                          translates into about 257 million urban             So far, different measures have been
                          residents living in slums or slum-like              taken by national, sub-national and local
                          conditions across the whole of Africa               governments to contain the epidemic
                          (Figure 3). Such conditions contribute              and to address its impacts on vulnerable
                          to accelerating COVID-19 transmission               groups and on national economies.
                          and present major challenges for                    Their implementation involved the
                          response measures. The United Nations               development of technical partnerships,
                          socio-economic framework for the                    including the private sector and civil
                          immediate response to COVID-19                      society. After close to two months of
                          considers the urban informal sector                 implementing COVID-19 responses,
                          and the self-employed as among the                  some countries among those that
                          ‘at risk’ population groups experiencing            imposed a partial or full lockdown
                          a high degree of socio-economic                     and restrictions on movements have
                          marginalization. This is also the view of           announced measures to reopen their
                          the Regional Risk Communication and                 economies. UNECA8 is advocating for
                          Communication Engagement working                    an effective COVID-19 lockdown exit
                          group (RCCE). 6                                     strategy to mitigate the risks and protect
                                                                              vulnerable people.

                          6   RCCE (2020) COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication
                              and community engagement;
                          7   UNCDF (2020) COVID-19 changing the landscape for migrants and remittances; https://www.uncdf.
                          8   UNECA (2020) COVID-19: Lockdown exit strategies for Africa

COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...

                                                                                                                                         © UNHabitat/Kirsten Milhahn
The pandemic is an opportunity for            economic response and recovery; and 3)        This report reviews the key impacts
a new generation of multilateralism           ‘Recovering better’.                          of COVID-19 on African cities as well
based on the subsidiarity principle and                                                     as the response measures taken so
for effective decentralization to ensure      African capital cities have proven to be      far to identify innovative practices,
that attention to the needs of citizens       the main entry points and epicentres of       solutions and opportunities to inform
is incorporated in all governance             COVID-19 and they are now the hubs            and improve current and future recovery
mechanisms and levels. At the country         for the conception, implementation and        and rebuilding strategies. In doing so, it
level, UN Country Teams are working           monitoring of COVID-19 responses. The         draws on the call by the United Nations
with donors to build partnerships with        COVID-19 pandemic has shown that              for the scaling up of international
national and local governments, as well       African Governments need to revisit           solidarity and political commitment
as communities and the private sector         their urbanization perspectives and           to ensure that people everywhere
to ensure that the SDGs remain on track       highlight the factors and actions that will   have access to essential services and
and that no one is left behind at the         make their cities more resilient to future    social protection. This is important to
country or local level while addressing       shocks and crises. To do so, they need        strengthen multi-sectoral and multi-
the COVID-19.                                 to embark on interventions that improve       dimensional international cooperation
                                              the planning and implementation of            in supporting the region and its country
Conscious of the importance of synergy        existing policies with local authorities      responses but, more importantly, to
of actions, the UN Secretary-General,         as their key partners, and recognize          advance post-pandemic socio-economic
António Guterres, has asked the               the strategic role of community               recovery and resilience.
international community to focus on           engagement in addressing and reducing
three critical areas of action: 1) Tackling   the pervasive urban, social and spatial
the health emergency; 2) Addressing           inequalities.
the social impact of the pandemic, the

COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...

1. African urbanization: A huge risk factor of COVID-19

 The confirmed COVID 19 cases in       1.1. Rapid and unplanned urbanization
 Africa have reached the number
 of 163599 on the 31 of May            While Africa is still the least urbanized continent, it is urbanizing very
 2020.9 The number of confirmed        rapidly. UN population projections show that, in 2020, 44% of Africa’s total
 cases increased by 2,038%             population lives in areas defined as urban, compared to only 19% in 1960.10
 with the disease spreading from       This translates suggests a 10-fold increase, from 53 million urban residents
                                       in 1960 to 588 million in 2020. It is projected that the number of Africa’s
 airports to the major cities and
                                       urban residents will increase to 1.5 billion by 2050 and that Africa will pass
 then to secondary and third-tier
                                       the tipping point of 50% urban population around 2035. Small- and medium-
 cities. Subsequently, COVID-19        sized cities are the fastest growing ones and concentrate most of the urban
 in Africa, especially in its          population in Africa. In 2018, only 221 African cities’ populations exceeded
 initial phases, is mostly a city-     300,000, while more than 10,000 cities and towns had less than 300,000
 based disease. The quality and        inhabitants. These towns face pronounced urban planning and management
 nature of Africa’s urbanization       capacity challenges which may also constrain COVID-19 responses.
 presents specific challenges for
 addressing the pandemic. The
 type of urbanization in Africa both
 exacerbates transmission rates of                                                      Africa will pass the
 infectious diseases like COVID-19,                                                     tipping point of

 and makes containment and
 response measures difficult. Some
 of the key factors for this include                                                                  %
 the pace and extent of planning
 of urbanization, the dominance                                                         urban population
 of informal settlements, the                                                           around 2035
 basic services and infrastructure
 deficits, the persistence of
 informal employment, among
                                       Historically, urbanization has been a transformative force of change and
 others. This section highlights
                                       is closely associated with structural transformation, innovation, economic
 these elements briefly given the      growth and improved well-being. Cities enable the expansion of the
 implications for Africa’s response,   productive sectors of the economy which is key in driving growth and decent
 recovery and rebuilding strategies.   job creation. However, with inadequate urban planning and management,
                                       and where severe infrastructure and service deficits prevail with limited
                                       productive job opportunities and inadequate housing, urbanization can pose
                                       as risk factor. COVID-19 has vividly revealed that the characteristics of African
                                       urbanization have exacerbated the vulnerability of cities to the pandemic’s
                                       impacts, as many of these stem from systemic shortfalls in urban planning
                                       and management.

 9   Word Health Organization (WHO)    10 UNDESA, 2018

COVID-19 in African cities - Impacts, Responses and Policies Recommendations - United Nations Economic ...

One of the revealing trends regarding the state of urban                 1.2. Prevalence of slums and informal
planning in Africa is the low number of urban planning                   settlements
experts available in the region. According to UN-Habitat
and the African Planners Association,11 countries such                   As deliberated, informality in human settlements is prevalent in
as Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe have                    the region. In the East and West Africa regions, at least half of
relatively high numbers of registered planners per 100,000               the urban population lives in slums or informal settlements. The
inhabitants if compared with Burkina Faso, Malawi and                    same is true for about 3 out of 5 urban residents in Central Africa
Uganda. However, in comparison with Australia, the United                (see Figure 1). In absolute numbers, West Africa has the highest
Kingdom and the United States of America, the ratios                     count of slum residents, while Southern Africa has the lowest, 94
of registered planners per 100,000 are very low. This                    million and 11 million people, respectively.
has implications for the extent to which urban growth is
planned in advance and fosters chaotic and unplanned
development. Beyond the expertise, and even where                                       Figure 1. Distribution of slum population in Africa
urban planning policies and regulations are in place, poor
enforcement is also a key challenge.                                                                          300

A further key challenge is that of gaps in financing the
investments needed in Africa’s rapidly growing cities. As
much as USD 93 billion (about one-third of which is for
maintenance) is required annually to finance the urban
                                                                          Total slum population (millions)

transition in Africa, but this amount has an estimated 40%
financing gap.12 Cities lack sufficient autonomy to mobilize
and use revenues or incur long-term debt to support
their development. Cities and local governments are not                                                       150
financially equipped to respond to people’s needs and to
provide better living conditions for all. In addition, they
now face the added burden of responding to contain the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, African local authorities and city managers
usually lack the tools and capacities to handle equitable
delivery of quality services or the means to effectively
intervene in various crisis situations. While they may have
the mandate to lead immediate responses, this is typically                                                          Eastern   Central   Northern   Southern   Western   Africa   Sub-Saharan
not accompanied by adequate financial, technological                                                                 Africa    Africa    Africa     Africa     Africa               Africa

and human resources or institutional and regulatory
frameworks. This poses serious challenges in the                                                             Data source: Global Urban Indicators Database, UN-Habitat, 2020
context of the current COVID-19 and any future infectious
epidemics or external crises.
                                                                         People living in slums and informal settlements are at heightened
                                                                         risk of contracting the COVID19. Whereas social and physical
                                                                         distancing and hand washing are essential precautions against
11 UN-Habitat and APA (2013) The state of planning in Africa; https://   spreading COVID-19, in urban slums where physical space is
                                                                         constrained, rooms are often shared and poorly ventilated, while
12 Foster, Vivien; Briceno-Garmendia, Cecilia. 2010. Africa’s
   Infrastructure: A Time for Transformation. Africa Development         water and sanitation services are inadequate or absent.
   Forum. World Bank.


1.3. Access to basic services in urban areas

Access to safe water, sanitation and             Figure 2: Access to safe water in Africa
other hygiene facilities is especially

critical to protecting populations during
infectious disease outbreaks. Access to
clean drinking water is considerably high
                                                                                     %      African urban population with access to
                                                                                            improved drinking water which collection
                                                                                            did not exceed a 30-minute round trip.
in African urban areas. In 2017, 87%
of the total African urban population
had access to improved drinking                                        AFRICAN URBAN RESIDENTS HAVE NO
water which collection did not exceed                                 ACCESS TO SAFE WATER SERVICES (69M)
a 30-minute round trip.13 There are,
however, regional differences, with
Southern Africa having the highest level
of access (99%) and Central Africa the
lowest (73%). In absolute numbers,
about 69 million African urban residents
have no access to safe water services,
most of which are in Central Africa (22                                                                             NORTHERN
million), West Africa (21 million) and                                                                               AFRICA
East Africa (19 million).

UN-Habitat’s database shows that only
55% of all Africa’s urban residents have
access to basic sanitation services, (i.e.
improved sanitation facilities not shared
with other households) 44% in sub-
Saharan Africa) and access to hygiene
facilities is low in Africa since only 47%
of all urban residents have basic hand                     21M
washing facilities in their homes (37%
in sub-Saharan Africa). This presents
challenges for preventing the spread of
COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

                                                           22M                       1M                        19M

                                                          CENTRAL                 SOUTHERN                    EASTERN
                                                           AFRICA                  AFRICA                      AFRICA
13 UN-Habitat (2020) Urban Indicators Database


                                                             1.4. Informal employment, poverty and inequality

                                                             Informality, underemployment and the                   public assistance, in cash or in-kind,
                                                             precarious nature of employment affect                 to survive. Per a sample survey of five
                                                             almost all Africans of working age and                 slums in Nairobi conducted on 22 April
                                                             most work is self-employment (80% in                   2020, 81% of the residents already
                                                             Africa overall).14 The informal sector                 suffered complete or partial loss of their
                                                             is where 71% of African’s work is the                  jobs and incomes due to COVID-19.
                                                             mainstay. 15 This poses significant                    But people have recurrent expenses for
                                                             threats to families, exposing them to                  food, energy, water and even in slums
                                                             food and health insecurity. Containment                the rent still comes due at the end of the
                                                             measures such as lockdowns, curfews                    month.16 Risks of housing eviction due

                      81                  %
                                                             and mandatory quarantines are                          to lack of income and consequential rent
                                                             extremely difficult to enforce in African              arrears are thus high. In Africa, the share
                                                             cities where most people rely on casual                of people renting their accommodation
                                                             informal work with daily earnings                      can be as high as 70% in urban areas.
                                                             covering critical expenses.
                      of slum residents have                                                                        With nearly half of all Africans still
                      already suffered complete or           Unlike inhabitants of countries with                   living on less than USD 1.25 a day,17
                      partial loss of their jobs and         more advanced economies, informal                      poverty is also a dominant feature
                      incomes due to COVID-19                economy workers in developing                          of the continent’s cities. Inequality
                                                             nations lack the social protection                     remains a major challenge with South
                      Per a sample survey of five slums in   and support mechanisms if they lose                    Africa has the highest level of income
                      Nairobi conducted on 22 April 2020,
                                                             their livelihoods. They have neither                   inequality in the world. Of the 19
                                                             safety nets nor alternative incomes                    most income unequal countries in the
                                                             and they often lack disposable cash                    world, 10 are in Africa. Furthermore,
                                                             to stockpile food. Many of them need                   inequality is positively correlated with
                                                                                                                    the size of urban settlements, with the
                                                                                                                    larger cities characterized by higher
                                                                                                                    levels of inequality. From an economic
                                                                                                                    development perspective, urbanization
                                                                                                                    yields significantly less value to the
                                                                                                                    GDP in Africa than it does in Asia and
                                                                                                                    the existing GDP growth does not
                                                                                                                    translate into matching improvements
                                                                                                                    in the quality of life. Persistent poverty
                                                                                                                    and inequality also pose challenges for

                                                                                                                    COVID-19 containment and responses
                                                                                                                    given the underlying income and other

                                                             14 Oxfam (2019), A tale of two continents. Fighting inequality in Africa
                                                             15 ECA (2020) COVID-19 in Africa: Protecting Lives and Economies
                                                             17 UN (2017) Africa Renewal. Combating Africa’s inequalities


1.5. Density, mobility and market places: Contagion opportunities

Urban areas with populations exceeding                             accounts for about 42.5% of the total             and motorbikes. At peak hours,
500,000 inhabitants typically experience                           number of cases in Nigeria (2,624 out             these urban public service vehicles
higher population densities, higher built-                         of 6,175 reported cases as of 19 May              are typically overcrowded making
up area densities and overcrowding, all                            2020) against zero cases in Maxixe in             social distancing during pandemics
of which presenting increased COVID-19                             Mozambique.                                       impossible.
exposure risks. The three largest African
cities, Cairo, Kinshasa and Lagos,                                 Despite government efforts to improve             Urban marketplaces play a key role
have population densities in excess of                             mobility in Africa by introducing mass            in the local economy and revenue
12,000 people per km2 but less built-up                            and energy-efficient transport such as            generation. They are spaces for
area per capita at only 54 m2. On the                              the light rail in Addis Ababa, trams in           sociability, meetings, services provision
other hand, a small town like Maxixe                               Casablanca, the underground metro in              and marketing besides the sale of
in Mozambique, where the population                                Cairo, Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) in Dar           goods and production. In African cities,
is below 100,000 has a population                                  Es Salaam and promoting mass use                  open air marketplaces are typically
density averaging about 1,300 persons                              of bicycles in Ouagadougou, several               poorly designed and often informal.
per km2 and 528 m2 of built-up area                                challenges remain. Urban mobility                 People use inadequate sanitation,
per capita (see Fig. 2). The lower                                 systems in Africa are fragmented in               clean water is rare and water storage
densities translate into significantly                             their coverage, service is poor, road             tanks absent, electricity connections
less congestion and lower COVID-19                                 design usually excludes non-motorized             are unreliable, fire safety equipment is
exposure risk. The prevailing density                              modes and pedestrians, and road safety            lacking, pathways are narrow and there
conditions, as well as the strength of the                         systems have shortfalls. In the absence           is limited space between sellers. Such
linkages with infection sources (such                              of high capacity public transport                 overcrowded marketplaces enhance the
as international travel) could explain the                         options, mobility in African cities               spread of transmissible diseases.
current significant variations in reported                         depends on low- to medium-capacity
COVID-19 cases. For example, Lagos                                 informal services, especially minibuses

   Figure 3: Distribution of population density and built up area per capita in select cities

                                                 Sinjah, Sudan (pop  10m)
                                                                                                                                            Dakar (pop 1-5m)
                                           100                                                                                Lagos (pop > 10m)

                                                                                                                         Cairo (pop > 10m)
                                                 2,000         4,000           6,000        8,000        10,000        12,000        14,000        16,000
                                                                                   Population Density (Person/Km2)

  Data Source : UN-Habitat Urban Indicators data base, 2020


2. The impacts of COVID-19 on cities

Cities are the engines of national                   1.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people,                   Governments in Africa have identified
economic development and growth. The                 compared to almost 6.0 in France.                     and diverted financial resources to
productivity in African cities are much              Also, 94% of Africa’s total stock of                  create additional medical care facilities,
higher than in rural areas. Therefore, the           pharmaceuticals is imported.19 With                   including repurposing hotels and other
COVID-19 lockdowns impacts on African                increasing restrictions or outright                   facilities for group confinements.
cities are vast. African cities are home             bans on exports of essential COVID-19                 African entrepreneurs and governments
to more than 588 million people,but                  supplies, the outbreak of COVID-19                    have also started their own production
the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting                   jeopardizes Africa’s access to these                  of face masks and materials for
far more, due to the region’s strong                 life-saving medical supplies. Africa’s                sanitization to reduce the gaps in
linkages to rural areas and urban-rural              urban dwellers, especially those living               supply.
connections.                                         in slums and informal settlements, face
                                                     challenges in accessing healthcare                    Africa also experienced international
Although the urban productivity is much              services and products, notably so in                  and internal private sector donations
higher in Africa, cities’ overall economic           the light of the COVID-19 related loss of             and interventions in the response to the
development level is low as infrastruture            incomes.                                              COVID-19 pandemic. Chinese billionaire
is inadequate. The coronavirus                                                                             and owner of Alibaba, Jack Ma donated
pandemic has revealed a series of                                                                          6 million face masks, 1.1 million testing
economic and social ailments in Africa’s               Figure 3: Number of hospital beds                   kit and 60,000 protective gears to Africa.
                                                       per 1000 people
urban areas. This chapter will examine                                                                     In Nigeria, the organized private sector
the economic and social impacts of                                                                         such as Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB)
COVID-19 on African cities.                                                                                built and transferred Isolation centres
                                                                                                           equipped with state of the art medical
2.1. Health systems and                                                                                    facilities to the Lagos State Government
coping measures                                                                                            whilst other which included prominent
                                                                                                           citizens followed with generous
Africa’s capacity to effectively contain                                                                   donations to both the State and Federal
the pandemic will largely depend on                                                                        Government purses in combating the
proactive responses and the resilience                                                                     pandemic.
of its health systems. While the global

threshold for health professionals is
23 per 10,000 inhabitants, 13 out of
47 African countries have less than
five health professionals per 10,000
of the population.18 In addition, Africa
has lower ratios of hospital beds and
                                                         Number of hospital beds per
intensive care units (ICUs) relative to                    1,000 people in Africa
other regions. On average, Africa has



2.2. Economic and financial impacts of COVID-19

2.2.1. Contracted growth of urban            For example, Johannesburg and Lagos,                                               2.2.2. Major cuts in urban jobs and
economies                                    the cities with the highest share of                                               livelihoods
                                             traded sectors -and major gateways
Africa’s cities account for more than        for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)                                                In March 2020, the ILO projected that
50% of the region’s GDP.20 At the country    into Africa-, are expected to experience                                           COVID-19 could lead to a loss of up to
level, this statistic is even higher for     negative growth. Nairobi also has a                                                about 25 million jobs in Africa. However,
countries such as Botswana, Sudan            high share of the traded sector and, as                                            the reality appears more severe and the
and Tunisia. As such, the economic           a secondary African access point for                                               actual job losses could be significantly
contribution of cities in terms of growth,   FDI, is expected to contract by 5%. The                                            higher. Urban-based sectors, particularly
jobs and revenues is far higher in           two other cities in the sample will see a                                          manufacturing and services, which
Africa than their share of the national      decline of 3 to 4%. The urban economic                                             currently account for 64% of the African
population. Given their centrality in        contraction will directly reduce                                                   GDP , are expected to be hit hard by
urban development, the economic shock        municipal revenues which, in turn, lead                                            COVID-19 with substantial losses of
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic         to less financial resources to deliver                                             productive jobs.
has a cascading impact on cities and         urban services (see Fig. 4).
their functions and vise-versa.

In general, urban economies grow                               Figure 4: Projected growth and growth under COVID-19 conditions in selected African
                                                               primary cities
faster due to their concentration of
modern and higher productivity sectors,
such as manufacturing, services,                                                           2020 (Projected)                                    2020 (Under COVID-19)
telecommunications, transport etc.
As the main economic hubs in most
African countries and associated with
                                                                                                 Dar es Salaam                                                    15
higher growth rates than the national                                                15          (14.8)
average, primary cities will experience

                                                                                                                                                                       Growth in 2020 inder COVID-19, Percentage
pronounced economic impacts due to
                                              Projected growth in 2020, percentage

                                                                                                 Nairobi (11.6)                             Dar es Salaam
the lockdown and movement restriction                                                10                                                     (10.7)                10
measures. As such, the economic
                                                                                                 Kampala (7.6)
contraction will be more distinct in
local economies with a higher share                                                                                                         Nairobi (6.6)
                                                                                      5                                                                           5
of tradable activities, particularly                                                                                                        Kampala (4.9)
                                                                                                 Lagos (3.7)
manufacturing and services, and a
higher proportion of the GDP or the GVA                                                          (1.3)
(gross value added) contribution of the                                               0                                                                           0
informal sector, all other factors being
equal.                                                                                                                                      Lagos (-2.6)
                                                                                      -5                                                                          -5

                                                                                     Source: UNCDF computations based on national statistics and IMF growth projections

20 UNECA, 2020


Small and medium-sized enterprises                     value and between 60% and 80% of                      2.2.3. Shrinking local fiscal space
(SMEs), accounting for 80% of total                    employment in Africa. The sector will
employment, are especially vulnerable                  be hard hit, resulting in loss of income              Local governments’ fiscal space has
to the impact of the pandemic given                    for many (see Figure 4).23 The risks are              three main components: (a) own
their limited capacity to financially                  compounded by a likely spike in the cost              source revenues, (b) fiscal transfers
absorb systemic shocks. Particularly                   of living due to disruptions in supply                from higher levels of government,
affected are small businesses in trade,                chains, threatening the livelihoods and               and (c) borrowing. Many economic
hospitality, tourism and manufacturing,                social welfare of millions of Africans                activities are concentrated in urban
where a whopping 90% of businesses                     who depend on small businesses                        areas and constitute a key revenue
expect at least a 10% decrease in their                or the informal sector for their daily                source of central government. But often
2020 revenues compared to 2019.21                      survival. Since most of those working                 the revenue flows to cities are weak.
85% of Uganda’s SMEs have cash                         in the informal economy are women                     Consequently, underfunded cities are
coverage sufficient for three months of                and girls, particularly in low-paying                 common in Africa and their lack of
operation or less – a situation which                  occupations such as market vendors,                   fiscal space for health crises like the
is typical across the continent.22 With                where women constitute 70% or more,                   COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the
the lockdowns in many countries                        the disparities between men and women                 crisis. Simulations based on data from
approaching three months, the recovery                 based on social norms and gender                      the Africa Local Finance Observatory
prospects for these enterprises are                    stereotypes are likely to worsen. This                show that African local governments, on
shrinking fast as they face decreases                  is also related to increased risk of                  the average, are projected to experience
in their assets, workers, customers, and               violence and harassment at work and of                a drop in local finances in the order of
market shares.                                         stigmatization of certain categories of               65% under the first simulation (worst
                                                       workers (e.g. immigrants and persons                  case scenario) and up to 30% under
The informal sector represents between                 with disabilities).                                   the second (best case scenario). This
35% and 50% of the region’s added                                                                            suggests that, if current trends continue,
                                                                                                             local authorities could lose up to
      Figure 5: Contribution of informal sector output to non-agricultural Gross Value                       two-thirds of their financial resources.
      Added (GVA)
                                                                                                             However, these averages mask strong
                                                                                                             regional disparities. Figure 5 shows
     South Africa (2013)         6                                                                           the projected COVID-19 impact on the
                                                                                                             finances of local authorities by region:
     Burkina Faso (2000)                                          36
                                                                                                             for East Africa USD 51 per capita and
       Cameroon (2003)                                                      46
                                                                                                             North Africa USD 150 per capita. These
         Senegal (2000)                                                            49                        two regions also show the largest
            Niger (2009)                                                                52                   declines in the best-case scenario,
                                                                                                             assuming that national government
            Togo (2000)                                                                      56
                                                                                                             subsidies are maintained at the same
           Benin (2000)                                                                            62
                                                                                                             level. Central Africa (USD 21 per capita)
                           0      10          20         30         40            50          60        70   is projected to experiences the smallest
                                       Percentage of national gross value added                              declines in both scenarios among
                                                                                                             the five regions, reflecting a smaller
       Source: UNCDF based on Fourie, Frederick. (2018), The South African Informal Sector:
                                                                                                             contribution by the informal sector and/
       Creating Jobs, Reducing Poverty. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
                                                                                                             or the impact of the many exemptions
                                                                                                             that formal businesses do benefit from.
21 Stats SA 2020, UNCDF2020a.
22 UNCDF 2020a
23 See the results of the Ecolog studies.


   Figure 6: Average impact on local and regional                         Figure 7: Impact on the capital investment of local
   governments’ finances in the five regions of Africa                    and regional governments per size of population

           Central    Southern     West         North       East                   More than
                                                                                                   Between       Between     Between
                                                                                                                                            More than
                                                                                                100 000 and    200 000 and 500 000 and
            Africa     Africa      Africa       Africa      Africa                  100 000
                                                                                                   200 000       500 000     1000 000
                                                                                                                                            1000 000
                                                                                  Inhabitants                                              Inhabitants
   0%                                                                                            Inhabitants    Inhabitants Inhabitants


 -20%                                                                    -20%


 -50%                                                                    -60%


 -80%                                                                   -100%

                                 Simulation 1            Simulation 2                                          Simulation 1               Simulation 2

    Source: Data from UCLG, Africa Local Finance Observatory               Source: Data from UCLG Africa Local Finance Observatory

The sources of revenues that will be             The second element is the investment            Figure 7 shows that cities with less than
hit particularly hard include licenses           expenditures of local governments               200,000 inhabitants are most impacted.
and fees, local service taxes, user fees,        (averaging USD 28 per capita) based             The fact that variations in investment
property taxes, and other revenues such          on central government transfers. The            spending in both simulations cover
as for example, municipal property rents         impacts of COVID-19 range from 63%, if          exactly the variation of the number of
and fines. These are expected to decline         the current situation resumes, to 26% for       subsidies from the national government
by about 50%.24 With some of these               an optimistic scenario. Given the limited       shows that these small cities have
revenues are intentionally foregone              investment budgets in normal times, it          no investment capacity. All financial
by local governments as part of a                is necessary for national governments           resources are used for the operation of
local economy relief package whereas             to provide special grants dedicated to          public services.
others are dropped precipitously due to          investment.
diminished economic activity.

24 UNCDF 2020b


Small- and medium-sized cities,                                                                      by some African countries in response
ranging in size from 0.2 to 0.5 million                                                              to COVID-19. In Gabon, insufficient
inhabitants, will experience the largest                                                             public information on the subsidy
proportion of decline in financial                                                                   criteria affected the implementation
resources both due to the shrinkage                                                                  of rental and mortgage payment
of subsidies and transfers from the                                                                  subsidies, raising the question of lack
national government, and weak own                                                                    of transparency. In Guinea, due to lack
resources.                                                                                           of reliable data, the government26 was
                                                                                                     not able to estimate the total amount
2.3. Potential impacts on the                            In Kenya,                                   required for the rental subsidies

                                                         30.5                         %
housing sector                                                                                       indicated in the National COVID-19
                                                                                                     Response Plan.
Adequate housing is essential for
social distancing and good hygiene                                                                   The current health crisis however opens
practices. The COVID-19 pandemic is                      of households were unable                   prospects for a new type of recovery
therefore hitting hardest those living in                to pay their rent due to                    that focuses on creating a different
informal settlements and the homeless,                   job losses attributable to                  society. It presents opportunities for the
exacerbating the seriousness of the pre-                                                             Decade of Action to set and reach new
existing housing crises already affecting                                                            milestones in reducing inequality and
millions of people in Africa. As cities                                                              in poverty levels and to move towards
restrict movements and suspend daily                                                                 access to adequate housing for all as
economic activities, staying at home is                                                              well as progressively delivering universal
not always an option for all. Homeless                                                               human rights everywhere.
people are particularly vulnerable to
health pandemics and often have pre-                                                                 2.4. Observing social and
existing health conditions.                                                                          physical distance

The impact of COVID-19 on incomes                                                                    As part of their COVID-19 pandemic
and jobs, particularly for low-income and                                                            response plans, African national
                                                     © UN-HABITAT/Kirsten Milhahn
informal workers, will result in mortgage                                                            and city governments have put in
defaults and rental arrears and may lead             Kenya are increasing access to water in         place restrictions on movement and
to forced evictions. In Kenya, 30.5% of              informal settlements and in rural areas         socializing. However, in many locations
households were unable to pay their                  by providing water tanks, standpipes            these restrictions are only partially
rent due to job losses attributable to               and by placing sanitizers in public             followed, and flaunting social distancing
COVID-19.25 Governments across Africa                spaces. Gabon and Guinea have called            guidelines is worryingly common. The
seek to protect those most vulnerable                for the suspension of rental fees for           needs for many urban residents to
to the pandemic. Ghana, Guinea                       vulnerable households.                          earn their daily income to pay for rent,
and Gabon have announced that the                                                                    food, school fees, hospital bills and
government will cover the water bills of             Lack of data on tenants and the                 other expenses are a clear challenge to
its citizens, while ensuring stable water            management of rents and mortgages               enforcing the restrictions on movement
and electricity supply. South Africa and             constrain housing subsidies planned             and physical proximity.

25 Survey on Socio Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Households Report;
26 Primature (2020) Plan de riposte économique à la crise sanitaire COVID-19, République de Guinée


                            2.5. Food security challenges in cities

                            The COVID-19 pandemic also                            This is particularly pertinent in countries
                            exacerbates parallel ongoing crises,                  where health authorities indicated
                            such as the locust invasion and floods in             to the general population that fruits
                            East Africa, the Boko Haram violence in               and vegetables are key in increasing
                            the Lake Chad region, and insecurity in               immunity to COVID-19. Prices of long
                            the Sahel region. According to the May                shelf-life foods also increased due to
                            2020 update on the COVID-19 epidemic                  higher-income households scrambling
                            by the Global Humanitarian Response                   to purchase and accumulate household
                            Plan, it is estimated that, in 2019, around           buffer stocks as a means of self-
The COVID-19 pandemic       135 million people experienced acute                  insurance against hunger and lockdown
also exacerbates            food insecurity and a further 183 million             uncertainty. The third channel is the
parallel ongoing crises,    were on the verge of a food crisis, of                fact that all school children and the
                            which some 60% in African countries                   unemployed youths are at home at
such as the locust
                            alone.27 Global, regional and national                the same time on a 24-hour basis.
invasion and floods in
                            food supply chains are disrupted                      That means an increased reliance on
East Africa, the Boko       by the current mobility restrictions.                 food from the household (and not on
Haram in Lake Chad          Exporters and retailers of food products              school meals) on a 24-hour basis.
region, and insecurity in   and sellers of seeds, fertilizers and                 Lowest income households, where the
the Sahel region.           insecticides, are experiencing decreased              breadwinners are mostly employed in
                            activity and income. Restaurant and bar               the informal sector accompanied with
                            operators also face similar challenges.               daily or weekly wages, have seen a
                            Landlocked countries are affected by                  reduction in the number of meals from
                            shortages and delays in food imports                  three per day to one meal or maximum
                            and declines in revenue generation                    two meals per day.
                            through the food trade.
                                                                                  Many African countries are now
                            The population group mostly affected                  providing essential food supply to
                            by COVID-19 restrictions in terms of                  vulnerable households, targeting mainly
                            food security is the urban poor, who                  urban informal settlements. Those
                            are not able to afford bulk buy and                   interventions also aim at ensuring that
                            store their own food for subsistence.                 people have access to safety nets, but
                            There are three main channels to                      also seeking to reduce social tensions
                            explain the food restrictions for urban               that could trigger food riots and other
                            poor. The first channel has been the                  security crises. City authorities and local
                            reduction in household incomes due to                 governments and institutions should be
                            the lockdown for those in the informal                supported by their central government
                            sector, especially the self-employed                  in step-by-step and data-driven
                            with low income sources and no safety                 approaches to helping the vulnerable
                            net provision. The second channel                     and in balancing priorities related to
                            is the attendant changes in prices of                 surveillance, lives and livelihoods.
                            different types of foods resulting from
                            lower supply and leading to scarcity.

                            27 2020 edition of the Global Report on Food Crises

2.6. Governance and                                 National COVID-19 Ministerial               social interaction and generate new
institutional dimensions                            Committee, Uganda’s Presidential            forms of information inequality such
                                                    Scientific and Strategic Advisory           as, for example, access of students to
2.6.1. Overview of governance                       Committee and COVID-19 Presidential         the Internet, computers or television
                                                    Task Forces in other countries. In          to attend online classes. In Africa, the
Despite all its challenges, the COVID-19            South Africa, inter-governmental            Statista28 group observed that there
pandemic also has the potential to                  associations such as the South African      were nearly 55.3 million TV households
transform urban governance. The                     Local Government Association (SALGA)        in 2015, a number which is expected
current health crisis has highlighted the           have been enlisted to disseminate           to rise to almost 75 million by 2021. In
critical role of national governments               information, support its member             East Africa, with a total 2014 population
in responding to emergencies in cities,             municipalities and advocate for their       of 146.9 million and with 33.6 million
as well as the equally crucial roles of             interests with the national government.     households, the TV penetration rate was
subnational and local governments                   Kenya has established collaborative         a mere 23%.29 The limited use of the
in addressing the pandemic locally.                 mechanisms between the national and         television platform makes a case for the
COVID-19 has catapulted non-state                   county governments.                         Internet and mobile phones. But Internet
actors (civil societies, community-and                                                          users in Africa are still comparatively
faith-based organizations and the                   2.7. Information Inequality                 few with a 39.3% penetration rate. In
private sector) into prominent roles                                                            Nigeria, the largest economy and most
that underscored the value of societal              The challenges posed by the COVID-19        populous country in the region, Internet
cooperation. It has also highlighted                epidemic go beyond the health system.       penetration is just 47%30.
the importance of coordination and                  They include restrained mobility, reduced
cooperation among different levels of
government and sectoral institutions.

                                                                                                                                            © SHUTTERSTOCK
2.6.2. Coordination and cooperation
among government levels and sectoral

Coordination and cooperation between
                                                          Internet users in Africa
different levels of government
is essential when responding to
                                                          are still comparatively
emergencies and crises. Several
                                                          few with a

                                                          39.3                      %
African governments have established
institutional structures to coordinate
actions, both vertically and horizontally,
between sectoral institutions and
ministries. These structures include                      penetration rate.
taskforces such as Equatorial Guinea’s
National Coronavirus Surveillance
Technical Committee, Ethiopia’s



2.8 Increased vulnerability of women and girls

As the pandemic hits low- and middle-                                                                 education completion. COVID-19 and its
income countries within the region the                                                                aftermath are only expected to worsen
hardest, it is critical that the response           Women aged 15 to 49                               such outcomes and increase extreme
acknowledges underlying inequalities                are overrepresented in                            poverty.34 Women in slums tend to be
that place women and girls at even                  urban slums and slum-                             in low paid, temporary and exploitative
greater risk. The harsh realities of                like settings in                                  work, making them more likely to be

                                                    80               %
gender inequality are particularly                                                                    ‘working poor’ (employed but earning
obvious in slums where the population                                                                 less than USD 1.90 a day). Many are
is most at-risk and least prepared.                                                                   domestic workers who can’t render
                                                                                                      services remotely, thereby losing income
Most countries have responded to                    of the 59 developing                              that enabled them to feed their families.
COVID-19 with shelter-in-place orders,
lockdowns and measures to curtail                                                                     It is therefore critical that the response
the spread. But urban inhabitants,                                                                    acknowledges underlying inequalities
especially slum-dwellers, have a hard                                                                 that place women at even greater
time complying, as their overcrowded                                                                  risk. Staying at home, handwashing,
housing often lacks basic utilities, like                                                             maintaining good hygiene and practicing
water and sanitation. For women and                                                                   social distancing is advised. However,
girls who live in slums, the challenges                                                               1.2 billion urban-dwellers globally lack
are even greater as they face increased                                                               access to hygiene and handwashing
domestic violence (already being                                                                      facilities and 2.2 billion urban-dwellers
reported) and unpaid care burdens.31                                                                  lack access to safely managed
                                                                                                      sanitation facilities. In the Kibera slum,
Women aged 15 to 49 are                                                                               residents have one latrine for 50 to 150
overrepresented in urban slums and                                                                    people.35
slum-like settings in 80% of the 59
developing countries (UN-Habitat/                                                                     Ultimately, the worst-affected by the
UN-Women, 2019).32 In Kibera, Kenya,                                                                  pandemic will be those facing multiple
the world’s fourth-most-populated                                                                     and intersecting deprivations. Women
slum, there are 116 women for every 100                                                               and girls in slums face the double
men. The figure is 120+ women per 100                                                                 whammy of greater exposure to the
men in Gabon, Ghana, and Lesotho.33                                                                   virus, given their limited access to
Women in slums are worse off than                                                                     hygiene and space, while each day of
their male slum and female non-slum                                                                   lost income and education multiplies
counterparts in access to employment,                                                                 their vulnerabilities and pushes them
health facilities, secure housing and                                                                 further behind.



3. Responses in addressing COVID-19

The Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE)                          3.1. National responses in brief
task force (2017),36 reflecting on the Ebola responses by
humanitarian actors, observed that urban contexts exhibit                       In their COVID-19 response plans, most African countries
high levels of density, diversity, connectivity and change which                instituted control measures ranging from restrictions on inter-
create complex social dynamics that are constantly changing                     regional movements to total lockdowns at the local, provincial
over time. This is what has also been observed with COVID-19.                   or national level. Some countries, Algeria for instance,
Responses are of different dimensions, continually adjusted                     established lockdowns on its most highly affected and high-
according to the disease’s trend, while alleviating the intrinsic               risk areas. Table 1 shows an overview of the interventions by
economic and fiscal consequences of responding to the                           African governments. Almost all African countries formulated
demand of neighboring countries to continue trade.                              response plans and created taskforces to provide policy and
                                                                                strategic guidance to address the pandemic.

     Table 1. National measures put in place in Africa

 Measures                                              Country

 Border closures and suspension of                     Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Chad,
 international flights                                 Congo, Djibouti, DRC, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia,
                                                       Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mali,
                                                       Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
                                                       Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia,
                                                       Uganda, Zimbabwe
 Schools closures                                      Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,
                                                       Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar,
                                                       Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Sudan, Togo,
                                                       Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia,
 State of emergency declared                           DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Libya, Malawi,
                                                       Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa

 Lockdowns (total lock down or lock down               Total Lockdowns: Angola, Botswana, Cape Verde (Boa Vista under quarantine),
 of high-risk areas/regions                            Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Liberia, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Uganda,
                                                       Partial lockdowns: Algeria (affecting Blida province); Benin (for 15 cities), DRC
                                                       (Kinshasa), Gabon (Libreville), Ghana (larger Accra), Namibia (Erongo and Khom as
                                                       regions), Nigeria (Lagos & Abuja), Sudan (Khartoum),
 Restriction of cross-region/ internal                 Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya,
 movements                                             Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South
                                                       Africa, Sudan,

36 RCCE (2017) Learning from the Ebola Response in cities research, by L. Campbell and L. M. Morel; in


 Ban on group activities and social           Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Djibouti,
 gatherings                                   Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia,
                                              Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria,
                                              Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda,
                                              Zambia, Zimbabwe
 Night curfews                                Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad (select regions), Congo, Egypt, Guinea, Ivory Coast,
                                              Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles,
                                              Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda,
 Mandatory quarantine for inbound             Benin, Burundi, Central African Republic, Eswatini, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger,
 travelers                                    Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia,
 Compulsory wearing of masks (in entire       Countrywide: Cameroon, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar,
 country or high-risk areas)                  Rwanda.
                                              Masks in high risk areas only: Benin, Ivory Coast (Abidjan)
 Close of all or some non-essential           All closed: Cape Verde, Chad, Egypt, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Sao Tome and
 businesses (incl markets, restaurants,       Principe, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Zimbabwe; Restaurants & bars closed: Algeria,
 bars or markets)                             Burkina Faso, Gambia, Kenya, Libya
 Suspension of public transport or reduced Suspension of public transport: Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar,
 capacity                                  Uganda,
                                              Reduction in carrying capacity: Cameroon, Kenya, Mali,
 Economic relief measures for public          Egypt, Gabon, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritania (through WFP), Mauritius, Morocco,
 and businesses (lowered interest rates,      Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia, DRC
 tax reductions, bail outs of companies/
 institutions, cash disbursements, food
 distribution, free water and electricity,

 Prisoners freed                              Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Cameroon
 Emergency fund created                       Ethiopia, Gabon, Liberia, Malawi (through WB), Mali, Mauritania (from WB), Morocco,
                                              Namibia, Niger (from WB), Nigeria, Rwanda (through IMF), Sao Tome and Principe
                                              (through WB), Senegal, South Sudan (through WB), Tunisia, Zambia,

 Introduction of new laws or guidelines for   Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa,
 enforcement of measures including price
 Direct health sector actions – financial     Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Liberia, Burundi (Bujumbura), Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria,
 support to ministry of health, health        Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
 worker recruitments, insurance for
 frontline workers, personnel equipment,
 disinfecting of cities, hand washing
 facilities in public areas
 Economic measures/cushions (e.g.             Mauritius
 closure of stock markets)
 Rental subsidies to vulnerable households Gabon, Guinea

Source: African countries’ COVID-19 response plans and subsequent measures

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