Page created by Angela Newman

Welcome to another year of learning
and development opportunities
for professionals engaged in the
Planning Industry.
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PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                                                           CONTENTS

2020 PLANET COURSE GUIDE                                                                                    PLANET 2020 CONTENTS BY CATEGORY
                                                                                                            PLANNING SYSTEM                                                                          Page No.,

                                                                                                            The A - Z of Planning                                                                           6
TAILORING YOUR PROFESSIONAL                            NEW TO PLANET IN 2020
DEVELOPMENT                                            This year we are pleased to introduce more than      APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS
The PIA PLANET program is administered by the          20 new courses to the program, covering topics       ResCode Practice                                                                                7
Planning Institute Australia (PIA). PIA PLANET         such as: Crime Prevention through Environmental
                                                                                                            Planning for Sustainable Animal Industries REGIONAL                                             8
provides popular core learning programs and            Design; Social and Affordable Housing
                                                       Development; Healthy Active By Design; Drafting      Preparing & Assessing a Bushfire Management Statement                                           9
keeps you up to date with legislative, regulatory
and policy changes in planning. Programs are           the Design and Development Overlay Masterclass;      Environmental Impact Assessment                                                                10
added through the year and updates will be             Presentation Skills; Indigenous Intercultural
                                                                                                            Traffic and Parking Assessments                                                                 11
available at                                           Approaches to Planning; Advocacy for Local
                                                       Government around State Transport Projects;          Assessing Neighbourhood Character                                                              12
                                                       Project Management; The New EPA Framework;           Applying the Native Vegetation Guidelines                                                      13
TAILORING YOUR LEARNING NEEDS                          Using Evidence Based Research; Planning Scheme       Statewide Stormwater Provisions in the Planning Scheme NEW                                     14
Planners play an integral role in shaping the future   Reviews; State-wide Stormwater Provisions;
                                                                                                            The Subdivision Process                                                                        15
of our cities, towns and surrounds. Successful         Expert Witness and Evidence; and more.
development outcomes require planners to have
                                                                                                            Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment                                                           16
                                                       IMPORTANT INFORMATION BOOKINGS/
new competencies to enable the advancement                                                                  PLANNING LAW
of their skills in practice. PIA PLANET provides a     STUDENTS/ CANCELLATIONS
comprehensive range of programs which cover            PLANET bookings and payment should be made           Tips and traps for running planning cases in VCAT REGIONAL                                     17
six key skill areas in which planners need to be       online via the PIA website. Course numbers           Presenting at a Panel NEW                                                                      18
competent, and which match PIA’s Registered            are limited so please book early to avoid
                                                                                                            Understanding Development Contributions                                                        18
Planner pathway. These are:                            disappointment.
1. Professionalism and integrity.                      Full-time PIA student members (with evidence)        Introduction to VCAT - The Hearing                                                             19
2. Understanding, interpreting and using spatial       who wish to attend a course will be charged          Understanding the Value of and Presenting Expert Evidence NEW                                 20
thinking.                                              50% of the scheduled fee. Please contact PIA to
                                                       arrange.                                             STRATEGIC PLANNING
3. Using a creative and integrative approach,
drawing on a range of disciplines.                     If you cannot attend a course for which you are      SOCIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING SERIES                                                           21
4. Communicating and engaging with                     registered, you must withdraw online no later than
                                                                                                            • Module 1: Practical Insights for Local Government land use and social planners NEW           21
stakeholders.                                          7 days prior to the course. If you cannot attend
                                                       and you are within 7 days of the course date, you    • Module 2: Social and Affordable Housing for Elected Representatives NEW                     22
5. Understanding and working with planning
                                                       can transfer your registration to another course     • Module 3: Working with Community Housing Providers NEW                                      23
                                                       or another person, provided we have at least
6. Developing and applying technical knowledge.                                                             DRAFTING THE PLANNING SCHEME SERIES                                                           24
                                                       24 hours’ notice of your decision to transfer. We
Our presenters are subject matter experts who                                                               • Module 1: How the planning scheme works                                                     25
                                                       cannot issue refunds or credits.
are skilled in facilitating training and providing
                                                       If you do not attend on the day a full fee will be   • Module 2: Drafting the MPS and PPF                                                          25
a positive learning experience to improve your
knowledge.                                                                                                  • Module 3: Drafting schedules – zones, overlays and provisions                               26
                                                       PIA requests payment of any outstanding invoices
                                                                                                            • Module 4: Drafting the Design and Development Overlay - Masterclass NEW                     26
PLANET PROMOTES “BEST PRACTICE” IN                     before you register for PLANET courses in 2020.
URBAN PLANNING                                         We can also offer generous discounts for bulk        Managing Development Near Landfills and Other Buffers                                         27
One of the best ways to improve your skills is         bookings.                                            Effective Advocacy for Local government around State Transport Projects NEW                   28
to become informed of best practice models             Contact Executive Officer Carmel McCormack
                                                                                                            STRATEGIC PLANNING SERIES                                                                     28
used by others. Our programs are developed    or phone
to ensure improved practitioner skills through         9654 3777 to discuss your requirements.              • Module 1: Effective Strategic Planning                                                      30
tailoring practical workshop sessions. The learning    Note: The price of courses includes GST.             • Module 2: Project Management for Planners NEW                                               30
model also provides training opportunities to
address a range of personal skills gaps for career                                                          • Module 3: Evidence based research NEW                                                        31
                                                       Check the website ( for
development.                                           updates to venues and start times.
                                                                                                            • Module 4: How to do a planning scheme review NEW                                             31
4                                                                                                                                                                             5

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                             CONTENTS

                                                                                   COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREAS
Planning & Delivering Community Infrastructure in an Urban Renewal Setting   32   Urban and Regional Planners apply a set of planning skills, draw upon a knowledge base,
Managing Potentially Contaminated Land and the new PRS NEW                   33   and use a variety of tools to facilitate and influence the way that the built environment is
                                                                                  arranged spatially, connected and used. Lifelong dedication to skill development in these
The New Environment Protection Framework and Land Use Planning NEW           34
                                                                                  practice areas helps creates great planning outcomes. PIA focusses its educational content-
DESIGN                                                                            delivery to ensure development across these areas.
Design Thinking Drawing                                                      36
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) NEW                    37                                    Demonstrate responsibility and resourcefulness,
                                                                                                                   initiative, judgment, substantial involvement and personal
Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) – Site Review NEW      38        PROFESSIONALISM
                                                                                                                   accountability consistent with the expectations of the
Healthy Active by Design in Practice NEW                                     39          AND INTEGRITY             planning profession and the community when engaged in
Applying the Better Apartment Design Standards                               40                                    planning roles and activities.

Smart City Strategy Delivery and Successful Implementation                   41
Urban Design in Practice                                                     42
                                                                                        UNDERSTANDING,             Apply planning theory and skills in support of strategic
ECONOMICS                                                                              INTERPRETING AND            objectives to achieve social, economic and environmental
Economics for Planners                                                       43          USING SPATIAL             outcomes that serve the public agenda.
Applying Sustainability Provisions in the Planning Scheme                    44
Biodiversity and Urban Planning                                              44       USING A CREATIVE AND         Develop innovative, multidisciplinary, evidence-based
                                                                                     INTEGRATIVE APPROACH,         and integrative outcomes to facilitate and influence social
Bushfire Knowledge for Environmental Planners NEW                            45
                                                                                      DRAWING ON A RANGE           and economic development, community wellbeing and
Sustainable Transport for our Cities                                         46        OF DISCIPLINES AND          environmental responsibility.
Green Infrastructure and Urban Planning                                      47             METHODS

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (CBD & Regional) NEW                            48
Planning Together Ways: An Indigenous intercultural approach                 49        COMMUNICATING               Communicate effectively with stakeholders to inform,
                                                                                      AND ENGAGING WITH            consult and engage them in planning processes.
Heritage Planning                                                            50         STAKEHOLDERS
Infill Development in Heritage Areas                                         51

Fearless Facilitation                                                        52
                                                                                        UNDERSTANDING              Understand and work within legislative and other relevant
How Planners Deal with Conflict                                              53          AND WORKING               frameworks appropriate to their context and professional
Presentation Skills for Planners NEW                                         54         WITH PLANNING              application.
The Emotionally Fit Planner NEW                                              54
Deliberation by Design NEW                                                   55

Communication with Communities: The ‘How To’ Course                          57
                                                                                       DEVELOPING AND              Integrate and apply knowledge from a range of planning-
                                                                                      APPLYING TECHNICAL           related skills and disciplines to develop well-informed
                                                                                         KNOWLEDGE                 approaches to planning roles, opportunities and issues.
6                                                                                                                                                                                          7

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE PLANNING SYSTEM                                                                                                                        APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

    PLANNING SYSTEM                                                                              APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

THE A - Z OF PLANNING                             Note: Participants are advised that this
                                                                                               RESCODE PRACTICE                               COURSE PRESENTER:
                                                  is a generic guide to planning processes.
                                                                                                                                              John Glossop MPIA (Fellow) | Director of
This course covers the difference between         Other PLANET courses are available on the
                                                                                               The ‘ResCode’ residential development          Glossop Town Planning Pty Ltd.
the statutory and strategic context of            detailed processes.
                                                                                               standards are a key aspect of the Victorian    John is a former sessional Planning Panels
the Victorian planning system, the layers
                                                  COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                    planning system and central to the             Member and was a member of the
of policy and the day-to-day process
                                                  Developing and applying technical            assessment of residential development          ResCode Advisory Committee. He appears
requirements of the planning office including
                                                  knowledge.                                   applications of up to four storeys. This 1.5   at VCAT as an expert witness. John has
statutory processes, decision making,
                                                                                               day intensive course provides planners         facilitated stakeholder engagement in the
enforcement and VCAT procedures.                  COURSE PRESENTER:
                                                                                               with an understanding of Clauses 54 and        development and implementation of the
Practical workshops will cover scenarios for      Peter O'Leary | Polplan Pty Ltd.
                                                                                               55. The collaborative workshop provides        Better Apartments Design Standards for
the application of zones and overlays and         Peter was a long-serving member of the
                                                                                               participants with an opportunity to assess     DELWP.
permit requirements, with a focus on most         VCAT Planning and Environment List. He has
                                                                                               an actual development proposal against
frequently asked questions.                       a strong background in local government
                                                                                               each ResCode objective and standard and
                                                  planning and management.                                                                     Day 1
DESIGNED FOR:                                                                                  learn when and how discretion should be
New people entering the planning system                                                        used to vary the ResCode standards.             Tuesday, 7 April 2020
in Victoria, allied professions, such as           Date                                                                                        9.30am - 5.00pm
                                                                                               The course uses plan reading and spatial
officers of referral authorities, new planners,    Wednesday, 4 March 2020                                                                     Day 2
                                                                                               measurement skills, as well as other tools
planning assistants and administrative             Thursday, 2 April 2020                                                                      Wednesday, 8 April 2020
                                                                                               such as ShadowDraw and an analysis of
officers in local government and Councillors       Tuesday, 14 July 2020                                                                       9.30am - 1.30pm
                                                                                               VCAT case law and Practice Notes which will
would benefit most from this overview of           Time                                        assist planners in assessing development
practical skills to cope with the day-to-day       9:30am - 5:00pm                                                                             or
requirements of using Victoria's planning          Venue
                                                   PIA Victoria Office                         DESIGNED FOR:                                   Day 1
                                                   Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne      Planners who analyse planning applications      Tuesday, 22 September 2020
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                             based on ResCode (clauses 54 and 55).           9:30am - 5:00pm
• Recognise the principles of the planning                                                     It is recommended that participants have        Day 2
                                                   PIA Members: $330
process                                                                                        a level of competence in plan reading and       Wednesday, 23 September 2020
                                                   Non-members: $460              7 CP
• Understand the role of the council, decision                                POIN D           spatial awareness.                              9.30am - 1.30pm
making and delegations                                                            TS
                                                                                               LEARNING OUTCOMES:
• Recognise the components of planning                                                                                                         Venue
                                                                                               • Understand the residential development
schemes and their application                                                                                                                  PIA Victoria Office
• Interpret relevant planning legislation and                                                                                                  Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                                                               • Apply residential development guidelines
the role of referral authorities                                                                                                               Price
                                                          "Peter was brilliant. I have         to planning assessments
• Understand the differences between the                                                                                                       PIA Members: $510
                                                        completed this course quite a          • Identify the parameters to decision-
application of zones and overlays                                                                                                              Non-members: $690             10
                                                     number of years ago and Peter's                                                                                         .5 C
                                                                                                                                                                           POIN PD
• Identify the permit process including              breadth and depth of knowledge
advertising, conditions, referrals and the                                                     COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                                                        TS
                                                     was superior along with his ability
relevance of planning scheme amendments                                                        Understanding and working with planning
                                                      to impart knowledge and have a
• Understand enforcement and the VCAT                                                          frameworks.
                                                       laugh along the way! Excellent
process                                                          facilitator."
• Comprehend the use of schedules and
• Distinguish between the strategic and
statutory elements of the planning scheme.
8                                                                                                                                                                                        9

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                        APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

PLANNING FOR SUSTAINABLE                        COURSE PRESENTERS:                            PREPARING & ASSESSING                          • Gain the ability to consider the quality of
ANIMAL INDUSTRIES                               Members of the Panel of Animal Industries     A BUSHFIRE MANAGEMENT                          a Bushfire Planning Report and identify any
                                    ION         Experts – Agriculture Victoria.                                                              deficiencies in an application.
                                 REG                                                          STATEMENT
                                                Mick O’Keefe leads the Panel of Animal                                                       COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
Planning applications for animal industries     Industries Experts within Agriculture         The planning system has an important           Developing and applying technical
can be highly technical and difficult to        Victoria. Mick is an Environmental Engineer   role in the creation of more bushfire          knowledge.
assess. For councils who do not often           that has provided planning and conceptual     resilient communities with 2017 seeing         COURSE PRESENTER:
receive applications for these industries,      design services to extensive and intensive    some significant changes introduced by         Deanne Smith MPIA is the Director of Euca
assessing them can cause a significant          animal industries since 2005 including        VC132 and VC140. Learn how Clause 13.02        Planning and specialises in the consideration
strain on resources, and complicate the         dairy, beef, poultry and lamb enterprises.    influences your strategic and statutory        of bushfire risk within the planning, building
process for investors. This course will         He has also co-authored environmental         planning.                                      and urban design realms. With over 15
address the following questions:                and planning guidelines for the dairy         Settlement planning and rezoning of land       years’ experience with the Country Fire
• What advice can planners provide, or          and pork industries; and developed and        must consider and achieve a low level          Authority (CFA) in both fire safety regulation
industry best practice can they refer to        delivered environmental training packages     of bushfire risk. In established areas         and fire operations, Deanne has gone on
when there is a permit application or pre-      regarding the design and management of        of higher risk, an application prepared        to work in local government and private
application enquiry for a pig farm, poultry     manure systems for livestock industries.      under the Bushfire Management Overlay          consultancy. She has extensive experience
farm, cattle feedlot, goat dairy or cow         Steve Hicks has spent the last 18             must include a Bushfire Planning Report.       in the development of policy at local, state
dairy?                                          years in local government with roles          This demonstrates the way in which the         and national levels.
• How can local government respond to           including Manager Statutory Services          application meets the relevant objectives,     Gabby McMillan MPIA is an environmental
animal land use complaints from the Urban       and Governance at Strathbogie Shire           standards and decision guidelines of the       and planning lawyer with over 18 years of
Growth Zone to the Farming Zone?                Council and Planning Coordinator at           Bushfire Management Overlay.                   experience. Prior to establishing Terralogic,
                                                Mansfield Shire Council. His background       This course will provide you with the          Gabby worked as a lawyer, specialising
Agriculture Victoria has developed this
                                                is in engineering design, and he later        knowledge of when and how bushfire risk        in planning and environmental law and
course to help local government planners
                                                completed studies in planning and             needs to be considered in any planning         provided advice to clients in relation to
understand animal industries and the
                                                environment. His previous roles included      proposal. It will provide an overview of       the assessment process and acted as an
planning regulations that support them.
                                                assessing planning permits and managing       Clauses 13.02, 44.06 and 53.02 and an          advocate at VCAT and Planning Panels
DESIGNED FOR:                                   compliance across a range of rural land       introduction to fire behaviour. It will also   Victoria. Before becoming a lawyer, Gabby
Rural town planners, planning consultants       uses, working collaboratively with state      focus on strategic and statutory case          worked as a planner for 14 years. She
(specialising in livestock production).         agencies and authorities.                     studies to enhance your understanding.         worked at the CFA providing statutory and
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                                                                           strategic level bushfire planning advice.
                                                                                              DESIGNED FOR:
• Awareness of the 2018 gazetted animal                                                                                                      She has administered assessment and
                                                                                              Local government planners, referral
industry land use definitions, new industry                                                                                                  approvals processes for State significant
                                                                                              authorities and planning consultants who
guidelines, planning practices notes and                                                                                                     projects, including road, rail, power,
                                                 Tuesday, 21 April 2020 (Benalla)             identify the need to better understand the
the Code of Practice for Intensive Animal                                                                                                    renewable energy and mining projects.
                                                   DELWP Office - 89 Sydney Rd, Benalla       role of the planning scheme in managing
                                                 Thursday, 23 April 2020 (Traralgon)          bushfire risk.
• Improved understanding of production                                                                                                       Date
                                                   DELWP Office - 71 Hotham St, Traralgon     LEARNING OUTCOMES:
systems and the economic value of animal                                                                                                     Thursday, 23 April 2020
                                                 Tuesday, 5 May 2020 (Bendigo)                • Better understand how the planning
industries                                                                                                                                   Time
                                                   DELWP Office - Cnr Midland Hwy and 		      scheme contributes to community resilience
• Improved ability to assess applications and
                                                   Taylor St, Epsom                           to bushfire                                    9:30am - 5:00pm
develop conditions for animal industries
                                                 Thursday, 7 May 2020 (Colac)                 • Understand the information required to       Venue
• Direct contacts within Agriculture Victoria
                                                   Colac Bowling Club - Cnr Moore St &                                                       PIA Victoria Office
to assist with animal industry developments,                                                  assess bushfire risk for a planning proposal
                                                   Armstrong St, Colac
expansions and land use conflicts.                                                            and what planning proposals need to            Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                                                              consider bushfire risk                         Price
COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                        Time
                                                                                              • Identify the key elements to prepare a       PIA members $330
Developing and applying technical                10:00am – 4:00pm
                                                                                              Bushfire Management Statement, including       Non-members $460               7 CP
knowledge.                                       Price
                                                                              5 CP
                                                                                              the site assessment used to determine                                       POIN D
                                                 PIA Members: $225                                                                                                            TS
                                                 Non-members: $315           POIN D           defendable space
10                                                                                                                                                                                        11

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                           APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                             COURSE PRESENTER:                               TRAFFIC AND PARKING                             COURSE PRESENTERS:
ASSESSMENT (EIA) NEW                             Gabby McMillan MPIA is an environmental         ASSESSMENTS                                     John Glossop, MPIA (Fellow), Director of
                                                 and planning consultant with over 18                                                            Glossop Town Planning Pty Ltd.
This course provides an overview of the          years of experience. Prior to establishing      This interactive course 'decodes' the           John is a former sessional Planning
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)            Terralogic, Gabby worked as a planning          jargon of traffic and parking, explains         Panels Member and was a member of the
process and explains how the assessment          and environmental lawyer and provided           the concepts and provides you with real         ResCode Advisory Committee. He appears
interacts with other statutory decisions.        advice to clients in relation to assessment     skills. On completion of the course you         at VCAT as an expert witness. John has
The course includes an introduction to           process and acted as an advocate at VCAT        will feel confident in discussing concepts      facilitated stakeholder engagement in the
EIA principles, State and Commonwealth           and Planning Panels Victoria. Gabby has         with consultants, traffic engineers and the     development and implementation of the
legislation, referral requirements, scoping,     also worked as a statutory and strategic        community.                                      Better Apartments Design Standards for
assessment and advisory committees,              planner for 14 years. She worked at the         The course covers the essentials needed         the DELWP.
bilateral agreements and the links between       CFA providing statutory and strategic           to analyse applications that involve traffic    Chris Coath – Director at GTA Consultants
EIA and planning decisions. Case studies         level bushfire planning advice. She has         or parking considerations including the         Chris is a specialist transport planner
and practical examples will be used to           administered assessment and approvals           calculation of parking demand, how to read      and traffic engineer with over 16 years of
illustrate the EIA principles and application    processes for State significant projects,       parking ratios, measuring the compliance of     experience encompassing an extensive
of the legislative framework.                    including road, rail, power, renewable energy   car parking dimensions and parking credits.     range of car parking strategies, land
                                                 and mining projects.                            The course also includes the role of traffic
DESIGNED FOR:                                                                                                                                    use planning and design, integrated
Statutory and strategic planners,                                                                engineers and the application of parking        transport plans, traffic and transport
environmental consultants, engineers.            Date                                            surveys and analysis.                           planning, masterplan development,
Planners who work on medium-larger               Tuesday, 5 May 2020                             DESIGNED FOR:                                   traffic engineering impact assessments,
scale projects in locations where there is       Time                                            Essential for planners currently working        transport research and expert
more likelihood of environmental effects, or                                                     in statutory planning and assessing car         presentations at Tribunal and Planning
                                                 9:30am - 5:00pm
people who have no knowledge of EIA and                                                          parking and traffic. It is also relevant to     Panel hearings.
want to build their knowledge, such as: town                                                     VicRoads staff, engineers, architects and
                                                 PIA Victoria Office
planners, urban designers, planning lawyers,                                                     building designers.                             Date
strategic planners etc.                          Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                 Thursday, 28 May 2020
                                                 Price                                           LEARNING OUTCOMES:
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                               • Understand the parking provisions at          Time
                                                 PIA members $330
• Gain an understanding of EIA principles                                                        clause 52.06 of the planning scheme, and        9:30am - 5:00pm
                                                 Non-members $460              7C
                                                                            POIN D
and Legislative frameworks (State and                                                            when a permit is needed to waive or reduce      Venue
Commonwealth)                                                                    TS              car parking                                     PIA Victoria Office
• When a referral is likely to be required                                                       • Identify how a SIDRA model and other          Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
under the Environment Effects Act 1978 (EE                                                       predictive models work and their role in        Price
Act) and/or Environment Protection and                                                           development assessment
                                                                                                                                                 PIA members $410
Biodiversity Conservation 1999 (EPBC Act)            "Great course. The facilitator was          • Use turning templates to understand
                                                                                                                                                 Non-members $560               7 CP
• Steps in the EIA process (referral, scoping,      very knowledgeable and explained             whether access for cars and trucks 'works'                                 POIN D
exhibition, advisory committee, assessment           things well. There is a lot to learn        or not                                                                         TS
and statutory decisions)                                      in this space."                    • Car stackers: what do you need to know
• Basic overview of strategic environmental                                                      about them; how do they work; how much
assessment (SEA) (e.g. such as the                                                               space do they need
Melbourne Strategic Assessment or MSA)                                                           • Understand Clause 55 parking provisions           "As a statutory planner I found
                                                    "The facilitators use and extensive                                                                 the course very helpful and
• How EIA informs other decision-makers                                                          of and the traffic and road design provisions
                                                    knowledge of real cases was what                                                                  the working examples were an
about the likely environmental effects of a                                                      of Clause 56
                                                      made this training so useful."                                                                   excellent way to ensure that
project and links to the planning system                                                         • Interpret the relevance of the Australian
                                                                                                 Standards.                                            the information was going in
                                                                                                                                                       and sticking around. I would
Understanding and working with planning                                                          COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                          recommend this course to others."
                                                                                                 Developing and applying technical
12                                                                                                                                                                                     13

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                        APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

ASSESSING                                        • Learn about how to 'respect'               APPLYING THE NATIVE                             Mark Chisholm has worked with DELWP’s
NEIGHBOURHOOD                                    neighbourhood character and how to           VEGETATION GUIDELINES                           Native Vegetation Regulation team since
                                                 'respond' to a specific context.                                                             2013 and is part of the team supporting
CHARACTER                                                                                                                                     the implementation of the native vegetation
                                                 COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                    This course will cover the application of
                                                 Understanding, interpreting and using        the Guidelines for removal, destruction or      removal regulations.
Neighbourhood character is arguably the
most contentious aspect of residential           spatial thinking.                            lopping of native vegetation in Victoria. The
development planning. This course clarifies                                                   course will detail how native vegetation        Date
                                                 COURSE PRESENTERS:
the concept of "neighbourhood character"                                                      is defined and valued; explain the three-       Thursday, 13 August 2020
                                                 John Glossop, MPIA (Fellow), Director of
and provides a simple framework by which                                                      step approach of avoid, minimise and
                                                 Glossop Town Planning Pty Ltd.                                                               Time
planners can begin to understand this issue.                                                  offset and how this should be applied;
                                                 John is a former sessional Planning                                                          9:30am - 5:00pm
The course focuses on defining what                                                           explain how the assessment pathway for
                                                 Panels Member and was a member of the        an application is determined; describe the      Venue
neighbourhood character means,                   ResCode Advisory Committee. He appears       application requirements and how to meet        PIA Victoria Office
using photographs to show different              at VCAT as an expert witness. John has
neighbourhood character typologies,                                                           these; describe the decision guidelines and     Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                 facilitated stakeholder engagement in the    how they are applied; explain how offset
using photographic examples to discuss                                                                                                        Price
                                                 development and implementation of the        requirements are determined and how an
whether these developments ‘respect’                                                                                                          PIA members $330
                                                 Better Apartments Design Standards for
neighbourhood character, and exploring                                                        offset site can be established.
                                                                                                                                              Non-members $460              7 CP
                                                 the Department of Environment, Land,                                                                                   POIN     D
critical VCAT decisions on the topic.            Water and Planning.                          DESIGNED FOR:                                                                 TS
Participants also take a short walk, where                                                    Council staff, consultants involved with
                                                 Craig Czarny, Director at Hansen
the principles of neighbourhood character                                                     preparing or assessing planning permits and
are further illustrated and discussed. The                                                    other applications to remove, destroy or lop
                                                 Craig is a leading urban design and
session concludes with a class discussion,                                                    native vegetation.
                                                 landscape architect practitioner with                                                            "Very enjoyable course which has
aided by images of new developments and                                                       LEARNING OUTCOMES:
                                                 over 28 years’ experience across design                                                                 been very helpful"
streetscapes. The class discussion is joined                                                  Understand the requirements of the
                                                 practice and research with an outstanding
by a local architect. It is an interactive and                                                Guidelines ans know hot to apply and
                                                 array of local and international project
thought-provoking session.                                                                    comply with them.                                        "Good course, well run"
                                                 experience. Craig is an active contributor
DESIGNED FOR:                                    to research, having served as a sessional    COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
Planners responsible for assessing               lecturer at the University of Melbourne      Understanding and working with planning
applications and needing to clarify/             and a regular juror for both local and       frameworks.
understand the concept of "neighbourhood         international urban design and landscape
character", architects and building                                                           COURSE PRESENTERS:
                                                 architecture project awards.
designers, developers, solicitors and anyone                                                  Penny Croucamp has worked for
engaged in the design or assessment of                                                        Department of Environment, Land, Water
                                                 Date                                         and Planning since 2010. She has been a
residential development. Planners gain
                                                 Tuesday, 2 June 2020, or                     member of the native vegetation regulation
value from attending the PLANET ResCode
course in conjunction with this session.         Tuesday, 29 September 2020                   team since 2013 and was involved in
                                                 Time                                         developing the updated (December 2017)
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                            native vegetation provisions.
                                                 9:30am - 5:00pm
• Appreciate what neighbourhood character
means in a planning context                      Venue
• Develop an understanding of the basic          Melbourne Metropole Central
neighbourhood character typologies               44 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
• Discuss the role of neighbourhood              Price
character studies and local policies in the      PIA members $410
assessment process                               Non-members $560            7 CP
                                                                             POIN D
14                                                                                                                                                                                         15

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                           APPLICATION ASSESSMENTS

                                                • Understand critical concepts such as                                                           COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
NEW                                             ‘raingardens’, ‘bioretention systems’ and     Date                                               Understanding and working with planning
STATEWIDE STORMWATER                            ‘treat to best practice’                      Tuesday, 25 August 2020                            frameworks.
PROVISIONS IN THE PLANNING                      COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                     Time                                               COURSE PRESENTER:
SCHEME                                                                                        9:30am - 5:00pm                                    John Glossop, MPIA (Fellow) | Director of
                                                Developing and applying technical
                                                                                              Venue                                              Glossop Town Planning Pty Ltd.
The Victorian Government expanded                                                             PIA Victoria Office                                John is a former sessional Planning
                                                COURSE PRESENTERS:
State-wide stormwater planning controls                                                       Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne             Panels Member and was a member of the
                                                Sara Lloyd - Director, Environmental
in October 2018 to help protect our                                                                                                              ResCode Advisory Committee. He appears
                                                Science - E2Designlab                         Price
waterways, prevent flooding and divert                                                                                                           at VCAT as an expert witness. John has
                                                Sara is a highly experienced practitioner     PIA members $330
more rainfall to our gardens and trees                                                                                      7 CP                 facilitated stakeholder engagement in the
                                                in integrated water management, having        Non-members $460            P      D
rather than letting it disappear down the                                                                                   OINT                 development and implementation of the
drain. This is known as ‘integrated water       led the development of keystone projects                                        S                Better Apartments Design Standards for
catchment management planning’, and for         in the Victorian industry over the last 20                                                       the DELWP.
                                                years. Sara draws on reliable science
some it is known as Amendment VC154.                                                                                                             Michael Loy | Director and land surveyor,
                                                and her industry experience to tackle the
Almost every new planning application will                                                                                                       Lawlor and Loy Pty Ltd.
                                                complex and often competing technical,
now need to treat stormwater on site.
                                                economic, environmental and social issues     THE SUBDIVISION PROCESS
This course is designed to help planners        when delivering projects.                                                                        Date
understand the integrated links between                                                       This course is an introduction to the              Thursday, 10 September 2020
                                                Kate Matthews MPIA - Tract Consultants
water and cities, understand the role and                                                     management and assessment of a
                                                Kate is an Associate planner at Tract                                                            Time
scope of the new State controls, and to                                                       subdivision application. It covers the
help planners understand how to receive         Consultants, having previously worked in                                                         9:30am - 5:00pm
                                                statutory and strategic planning roles in     planner's role in the process, and the             Venue
and assess applications in a way that best                                                    knowledge needed to understand a title
achieves our new stormwater objectives.         local and state government. She has spent                                                        PIA Victoria Office
                                                much of her career at the “pointy end” of     plan, a plan of subdivision and the various
DESIGNED FOR                                                                                  legislative frameworks. These include the          Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                stormwater policy implementation through
This course is suitable for senior and junior   the planning system, as well as having        Victoria Planning Provisions, zones and            Price
staff as each has a different role to play      developed a strong working knowledge of       overlays, particular and general provisions,       PIA members $410
in implementing Victoria’s progressive          stormwater management policy, modelling       covenants and public open space                    Non-members $560               7 CP
new stormwater controls. The course             and asset design through her previous         contributions. The course includes practical                                  POIN D
particularly welcomes practitioners             roles at Melbourne Water and Cardno.          hands-on exercises.
that want to become better urban and            Mandy Bolton - Senior Policy Advisor,         DESIGNED FOR:
environmental planners by deepening their       DELWP                                         Planners, subdivision officers and planning
stormwater knowledge.                                                                         assistants who need to understand
                                                Mandy Bolton is a Senior Policy Advisor
LEARNING OUTCOMES                               within the Department of Environment,         the basic subdivision process in local
• Understand the Victorian context for          Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) working      government.
Statewide stormwater planning controls          on urban water programs to support the        LEARNING OUTCOMES:
• Gain a general understanding of IWCM          Government's objectives for resilient and     • Apply the principles to assess a subdivision
and stormwater assets, what they look like,     liveable cities and towns under Water         certification and subdivision planning
how they work, and spatial requirements         for Victoria. DELWP aims to improve           application
• Be able to interpret planning application     stormwater management and strengthen
                                                                                              • Interpret development and subdivision
documentation, including engineering            the links between water management and
                                                                                              plans and Certificates of Title, including
reports, to the level required to be able to    urban planning; alongside population growth
                                                                                              covenants and section 173 agreements
assess if planning requirements are met.        and urban development, to protect the
                                                                                              • Interpret relevant legislation
This relates to the full suite of stormwater    long-term health of urban waterways and
                                                                                              • Critically assess the subdivision in regard to
controls including cl.19.03-3S, cl. 53.18 and   bays.
                                                                                              lot and common property boundaries and
others                                                                                        against planning scheme requirements
16                                                                                                                                                                                            17

PLANET 2019 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                                            PLANNING LAW

                                                                                                    PLANNING LAW
LANDSCAPE & VISUAL                               impact assessments
IMPACT ASSESSMENT                                • Evaluate the impact of VCAT decisions on
                                                 landscape and visual impact assessment           TIPS AND TRAPS FOR RUNNING                        COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
This course will provide an overview of the      • Contrast case studies on the application of    PLANNING CASES IN VCAT                            Understanding and working with planning
contemporary approach to landscape               landscape and visual impact assessments                                                  AL        frameworks.
and visual impact assessment and an              in industry                                                                        REG             COURSE PRESENTERS:
understanding of why this is important.          • Apply the landscape and visual impact                                                            Joseph Monaghan, Nick Sissons, Rachel
In order to achieve this, the course will        assessment guidelines in a real-world            The course will provide an overview of the        Foo and Tess Kerridge from Holding Redlich
review the philosophy, history and context       setting                                          VCAT process and address the practice day
of landscape and aesthetic appraisal.            • Critique the current Australian guidance for   hearing, grounds, amended plans procedure,        Thursday, 19 March 2020 (Bendigo)
Additionally, we will explore the differences    landscape and visual impact assessment           compulsory conferences, and common kinds
between Australian (state) and international                                                                                                           DELWP Office
                                                 • Evaluate when and how to apply                 of planning proceedings, in addition to merits
guidance. Different types of landscape           landscape and visual considerations in the                                                            7 Taylor Street, Epsom, Bendigo
                                                                                                  reviews such as planning enforcement.
and visual reports will be compared to           planning context                                                                                   Thursday, 4 June 2020 (Leongatha)
                                                                                                  Practical tips will be given in relation to the
enable practitioners to scope and review                                                                                                               Venue TBC
                                                 COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                        use of expert witnesses including how to
the assessments. Through case studies,                                                                                                              Tuesday, 18 August 2020 (Wangaratta)
                                                 Understanding and working with planning          properly brief an expert witness, expert
a workshop and field trip we will apply
                                                 frameworks.                                      witness duties, and examination and cross            Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre
the assessment guidelines in a real-world
                                                 COURSE PRESENTER:                                examination of witnesses.                            33-37 Ford Street, Wangaratta
setting. An important element of this course
                                                 Laura Farrell is a Landscape Architect           An overview of the written submission phase       Thursday, 22 October 2020 (Geelong)
is to develop a critical stance in relation to
                                                 with GHD Pty Ltd with international              of presenting at VCAT will be discussed.             Eastern Hub Geelong
landscape and visual impact assessment
and its future development and application       experience in Landscape and Visual               The sessions are intended to be practical            285A McKillop St, Geelong
in planning. A key aim of this course is to      Impact Assessment (LVIA) with a focus            and skills based and will utilise small group
provide participants with an understanding       on large infrastructure projects such as         sessions as well as traditional lecture-style
of the importance of landscape and visual        transmission lines, windfarms, motorways,        presentations.
                                                 mining and commercial developments.                                                                10:00am - 1:00pm
considerations in the planning context and
                                                 Laura has a Masters’ degree in Spatial                                                             Price
how planning practitioners can better utilise                                                     DESIGNED FOR:
these assessments in their practice.             Information Management and Honours                                                                 PIA members $150
                                                                                                  Local Government Planners at all levels
                                                 degree in Landscape Architecture. Her                                                              Non-members $200
DESIGNED FOR:                                    Masters research analysed spatial data           LEARNING OUTCOMES:
Local government and consultant planners         for the creation of a Zone of Theoretical        • Improved knowledge of VCAT procedures                                          2.5 C
responsible for scoping, preparing and           Visibility in LVIA.                              • Development of skills in addressing                                            POIN D
assessing applications and needing to                                                             evidence, including cross examination
clarify/understand landscape and visual
                                                 Date                                             • Development of skills in the preparation of
impact assessment; urban designers,
                                                 Thursday 22 October 2020                         written submissions
developers, solicitors and anyone engaged
                                                 Time                                             • Increased confidence in presenting before
in design and impact assessment.
                                                                                                  VCAT.                                                "Thank you very much. The course
                                                 9:30am - 5:00pm
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                                                                                     was well delivered, interesting, on
• Describe the nature of landscape and           Venue                                                                                                  topic, useful and enjoyable. It is
visual impact assessment: philosophy,            PIA Victoria Office                                                                                   appreciated that the courses were
history and planning context                     Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne                                                                  delivered in regional locations.
• Summarise the differences between              Price                                                                                                          Thank you again."
Australian and international guidance for        PIA members $330
landscape and visual impact assessment           Non-members $460                7 CP
• Compare different types of landscape and                                    POIN D
visual impact assessment reports.                                                 TS
• Scope and review landscape and visual
18                                                                                                                                                                                           19

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                                      PLANNING LAW

                                                                                                 COURSE PRESENTER:                              hearing including new planners or planners
                                                                                                 This course is designed and presented          who are presenting their first appeal.
PRESENTING AT A PANEL                           UNDERSTANDING                                    by Will Bartley MPIA, Senior Associate
                                                                                                                                                LEARNING OUTCOMES:
                                                                                                 at Clayton Utz. Will is a Law Institute of
This course will give participants the
                                                DEVELOPMENT                                      Victoria Environmental, Planning and Local
                                                                                                                                                • Appreciate VCAT's role in decision making
practical skills and confidence to present      CONTRIBUTIONS                                    Government Law Accredited Specialist who
                                                                                                                                                • Understand the role and function of the
to a planning panel or advisory committee.                                                       is experienced at representing and advising
                                                A sound understanding of how development                                                        • Know what to include in your presentation
With interesting presentations and engaging                                                      government agencies and authorities and
                                                and infrastructure contributions can be                                                         to VCAT and how to prepare your case
role play you will learn how the panel system                                                    a range of private clients on this area of
                                                levied is a core component of planning law                                                      • Analysis of the hearing process
works and how you can best present your                                                          planning law. He has appeared in relevant
                                                and an integral part of the planning system                                                     COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
case. The course will cover presentation for                                                     proceedings in VCAT and has advised
                                                in Victoria. This session examines how                                                          Understanding and working with planning
advocates including Council staff, referral                                                      clients and prepared numerous agreements
                                                public infrastructure, works, services and                                                      frameworks.
authority staff and expert witnesses.                                                            concerned with the implementation of
                                                facilities can be required under the Planning
As well as providing an introduction for                                                         DCPs.                                          COURSE PRESENTERS:
                                                and Environment Act 1987 to be provided
people unfamiliar with panels it will address                                                                                                   This course is supported by the VCAT
                                                or funded as part of a development.
how to deal with a range of procedural                                                           Date                                           Planning and Environment List and
                                                The session will cover the origins of
issues that might arise.                                                                         Thursday, 16 April 2020                        presented by senior VCAT member Laurie
                                                the development and infrastructure
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                              contributions systems in Victoria and how        Time                                           Hewet along with other senior VCAT
• Understand how the panel system works         they operate today. The session will also        9:30am - 1:30pm                                members.
• Learn how to make clear and effective         address how infrastructure can be required       Venue
presentations.                                  by planning permit conditions, section 173       PIA Victoria Office                            Date
                                                agreements, and provision of works or land                                                      Friday, 17 April 2020
DESIGNED FOR:                                                                                    Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                                in-kind.                                                                                        Time
This course is aimed at planners, planning                                                       Price
lawyers, and referral authority staff who       DESIGNED FOR:                                    PIA members $225                               9:30am - 5:00pm
may need to present to a Panel.                 Every statutory and strategic planner                                           3.5 C           Venue
                                                                                                 Non-members $315                    PD
                                                requires a sound understanding of the                                          POINT
COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                                                                                                           S           VCAT | 25-55 King St, Melbourne
                                                development contributions system and how
Understanding and working with planning                                                                                                         Price
                                                public infrastructure, works, services and
frameworks.                                                                                                                                     PIA members $330             7 CP
                                                                                                                                                                           POIN D
                                                facilities can be required to be provided or
COURSE PRESENTERS:                                                                                                                              Non-members $460
                                                funded as part of a development.                                                                                                   TS
The course is run by Senior Panel Members
                                                LEARNING OUTCOMES:
at Planning Panels Victoria – the very people
you might need to present to!
                                                • Understand how public infrastructure,          INTRODUCTION TO VCAT - THE
                                                works, services and facilities can be required   HEARING
                                                under the Planning and Environment Act                                                                "Great session relevant to my
Date                                            1987 to be provided or funded as part of a       This course 'breaks the ice' for planners           role in local government and a
Thursday, 19 March 2020                         development                                      about entering a VCAT hearing and making            good insight into VCAT's role in
Time                                            • Understand the nature of the                   a presentation. The course covers the              the review process. Also good to
                                                development contributions and                    role of VCAT's Planning and Environment            know more about the compulsory
9:30am - 5:00pm
                                                infrastructure contributions systems in          List in hearing planning submissions. This               conference element."
Venue                                           Victoria                                         session includes a brief introduction to
Planning Panels Victoria                                                                         VCAT, guided attendance at a hearing and
                                                COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
1 Spring Street, Melbourne                                                                       a session on preparing and presenting your
                                                Understanding and working with planning
Price                                           frameworks.                                      submission. It includes discussion with VCAT
PIA members $330                                                                                 members about various procedural issues.
Non-members $460              7 CP                                                               It is recommended that participants try to
                             POIN D                                                              attend a VCAT hearing before this session.
                                                                                                 DESIGNED FOR:
                                                                                                 Any person who needs to attend a VCAT
20                                                                                                                                                                                     21

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE PLANNING LAW                                                                                                                              STRATEGIC PLANNING

                                                                                                STRATEGIC PLANNING
                                                                                                                                          processes to embed leading practice
OF AND PRESENTING EXPERT                       David Vorchheimer MPIA (Fellow) –                                                          engagement in government agencies and
EVIDENCE                                       Partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers                  SOCIAL AND AFFORDABLE                       state significant projects.
                                               David is a town planner and lawyer             HOUSING SERIES                              Community Housing Industry Association
This course will explain the role and duties   specialising in Planning, Environment,                                                     Victoria (CHIA Vic)
of an expert witness and the purpose of        Heritage, Building, Subdivision and Local      This series comprises three one-day         CHIA Vic is the peak body that represents
expert evidence. It provides guidance on       Government law matters.                        modules designed to meet the capacity       the not-for-profit community housing
giving and receiving instructions, matters     David regularly appears at the Victorian       uplift needs of current local government    sector in Victoria. CHIA Vic works to
to consider and include when preparing         Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Planning    and industry practitioners and elected      support the growth of community housing
an expert evidence statement, cross            Panels and Advisory Committees on behalf       councillors with regard to provision of     as the most effective and efficient means
examination and tips for dealing with          of developers, objectors and State and local   affordable housing.                         of ensuring more disadvantaged Victorians
difficult questions under examination.         government clients.                            COURSE PRESENTERS:                          can enjoy the dignity of safe, secure and
                                               David advises on and coordinates land          Rachel Hornsby                              appropriate housing.
Town planners, urban designers, planning       acquisition and compensation, major            Rachel Hornsby is the Director of Hornsby   CHIA Vic’s member community housing
lawyers, strategic planners and allied         projects, subdivision, environmental and       & Co. a consultancy that specialises in     organisations (CHOs) include all the
professionals.                                 heritage approvals.                            brokering social and affordable housing.    organisations registered as housing
                                                                                              Rachel has worked within the community      associations or housing providers under
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                             Date                                                                                       the Victorian regulatory framework. These
                                                                                              housing sector in Victoria and NSW and
• Understanding the role, purpose and                                                                                                     registered CHOs make up an integral
                                               Wednesday, 21 October 2020                     prior to that had more than 15 years'
duties of an expert and expert evidence                                                                                                   part of Victoria’s social housing system,
                                                                                              working in local government in Australia
• Understanding the procedural                                                                                                            managing more than 20,000 units of
                                               Time                                           and New Zealand. Rachel combines
requirements associated with presenting                                                                                                   rental property, over 9,700 of which are
                                               9:30am - 5:00pm                                her knowledge of the workings of local
expert evidence to the Victorian Civil                                                                                                    owned by CHOs.
                                                                                              government, her understanding of the
and Administrative Appeals Tribunal and
                                                                                              challenges faced by community housing
Planning Panels Victoria                       Venue                                          organisations, and recognition of the
• How to give and receive instructions in      PIA Victoria Office                            commercial realities of the development     NEW
relation to expert evidence                    Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne         sector, to deliver pragmatic advice         MODULE 1:
• How to prepare an expert evidence                                                           and support to planners, development        PRACTICAL INSIGHTS FOR LOCAL
statement and present evidence                                                                managers, and elected representatives.
                                               Price                                                                                      GOVERNMENT LAND USE AND SOCIAL
• How to lead and present evidence in chief                                                   Rachel has a Master of Property from RMIT
                                               PIA members $330                                                                           PLANNERS
and how to respond to cross examination                                                       and a Graduate Diploma in Developing
                                               Non-members $460              7 CP                                                         This one-day course will present the policy
including undertaking role plays
                                                                            POIN D            Social Housing projects from Erasmus
                                                                                                                                          context for social and affordable housing
COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                                                        TS           University, Netherlands.
                                                                                                                                          in Victoria and provide practical guidance
Understanding and working with planning                                                       Amy Hubbard                                 about how to develop local affordable
frameworks.                                                                                   Amy is a Director and Co-founder            housing strategies and action plans
                                                                                              of Capire, a specialist community           referring to current practice and case
                                                                                              engagement consultancy based in             studies. The course will explain working with
                                                                                              Melbourne. With over 20 years of            the Victorian planning system to deliver of
                                                                                              experience in engagement, Amy has           social and affordable housing; working with
                                                                                              expertise in the design of placed-based     other stakeholders and partners to deliver
                                                                                              engagement and integrating engagement       outcomes.
                                                                                              outcomes with the delivery of planning
                                                                                                                                          The course will also cover principles and
                                                                                              and technical solutions. Amy has
                                                                                                                                          techniques for effective community
                                                                                              worked extensively with State and Local
                                                                                                                                          engagement for social and affordable
                                                                                              Government on major infrastructure,
                                                                                                                                          housing projects, including public housing
                                                                                              urban renewal and public policy projects.
                                                                                              She also designs and implements
22                                                                                                                                                                                      23

PLANET 2020 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                               STRATEGIC PLANNING

DESIGNED FOR:                                                                                 • See examples of public and community          the sector to deliver housing projects.
The course is designed for town planners,     MODULE 2:                                       housing and learn effective ways to listen to   DESIGNED FOR:
community planners and others working in      SOCIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING                   the community and respond to local issues       Practitioners from local government, state
local government and private consultancies    FOR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES                     EXCURSIONS                                      government and the private sector wanting
involved in policy development, planning      This half-day course will cover the role        Visit two representative housing sites in       to work in partnership with community
negotiations and facilitation of social and   of councillors in community engagement          metropolitan Melbourne.                         housing providers.
affordable housing.                           and building awareness and trust about                                                          LEARNING OUTCOMES:
                                                                                              COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
LEARNING OUTCOMES                             social and affordable housing policies. An
                                              additional half-day tour of some affordable     Developing and applying technical               • An understanding of the policy and
• Gain knowledge of social and affordable                                                                                                     regulatory framework within which the
                                              housing projects is also offered. Presenters    knowledge.
housing policy context in Victoria and the                                                                                                    community housing sector operates, its
role of Commonwealth, State and Local         will provide case studies and practical         COURSE PRESENTERS:
                                                                                                                                              mission and purpose and the role it plays
government                                    tips and provide responses to questions         Amy Hubbard, Rachel Hornsby, Steve
                                                                                                                                              in delivering outcomes and managing social
                                              and issues regularly posed by community         Dunn MPIA (Fellow)
• Understand housing stress and the need                                                                                                      housing
                                              members, stakeholders and elected
for social and affordable housing in your
                                              representatives.                                                                                • An understanding of the governance
municipality and region                                                                        Date
                                              The course will present the policy context                                                      and management structures used by
• Learn how to design a local social and                                                       Wednesday, 27 May 2020                         community housing providers to grow and
affordable housing strategy and action        for social and affordable housing in Victoria
                                              and explain the role of Commonwealth,            Time                                           manage their portfolios
plan, working with community and elected
                                              State and Local Government. The course           9:30am - 5:00pm                                • An understanding of the community
                                              will provide background to the crisis in         Venue                                          housing business model, its cost and
• Understand the foundations of Section 173
                                              homelessness, and the growing need for           PIA Victoria Office                            revenue levers and what will make a project
agreements and how to negotiate realistic
                                              transitional and permanent housing to meet       Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne         financially viable
                                              the needs of low-income households. It will      Price                                          • An understanding of the nature of
• Introduce a toolkit for local councils to   provide an overview of social and affordable
                                                                                               PIA Members: $330                              community housing providers and how to
deliver social and affordable housing         housing in Victoria and discuss what local
                                                                                               Non-members: $460              7 CP            partner successfully with the sector
COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:                     councils are doing to address this need,                                     POIN    D
Developing and applying technical             with examples of successful community                                            TS
                                              engagement.                                                                                     Visit two representative housing sites.
                                              DESIGNED FOR:                                                                                   COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
Rachel Hornsby with Madeline Di               Councillors                                                                                     Developing and applying technical
Pietrantonio (DHHS) and Richard Watling                                                                                                       knowledge.
                                              LEARNING OUTCOMES:                              NEW
(DELWP)                                                                                                                                       COURSE PRESENTERS:
                                              • Gain knowledge of the Australian and
                                                                                              MODULE 3:                                       Community Housing Industry Association
                                              Victorian policy and planning context for
                                                                                              WORKING WITH COMMUNITY HOUSING                  (CHIA) Victoria representatives.
Date                                          social and affordable housing
Tuesday, 24 March 2020                        • Learn the Commonwealth and State
                                                                                              This one-day course will introduce              Date
Time                                          Governments are doing to address the
                                                                                              practitioners working in local government,
9:30am - 5:00pm                               need for social and affordable housing and                                                      Thursday, 25 June 2020
                                                                                              state government and private consultancies
                                              the role for Local Government                                                                   Time
Venue                                                                                         to the community housing sector and
PIA Victoria Office                           • Discuss case studies and learn what           its role in providing social and affordable     9:30am - 5:00pm
                                              Councils are doing across Australia to          housing. The course will provide an overview    Venue
Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                              address the need for social and affordable      of the sector, its business model, rent         PIA Victoria Office
                                              housing                                         setting, regulation and allocations as
PIA Members: $330                                                                                                                             Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
                                              • Understand homelessness and transitional      well as the conditions that community           Price
Non-members: $460               7 CP
                            POIN D            housing                                         housing organisations need to participate
                                                                                                                                              PIA Members: $330
                                TS            • Understand State planning policy and the      in Affordable Housing Agreements.
                                                                                                                                              Non-members: $460               7CP
                                                                                                                                                                            POIN D
                                              Victorian planning system in the context of     Learn more about how to partner with
                                              addressing social and affordable housing        government, private stakeholders and                                               TS
24                                                                                                                                                                                                 25

PLANET 2019 COURSE GUIDE                                                                                                                                                        STRATEGIC PLANNING

DRAFTING PLANNING SCHEMES                            COURSE PRESENTERS:                               MODULE 1:                                        MODULE 2:
SERIES                                               Lester Townsend Senior Panel Member,             HOW THE PLANNING SCHEME WORKS                    DRAFTING THE MPS AND PPF
                                                     Planning Panels Victoria. Lester was             This module provides an overview of              This module is a practical module to build
The Drafting Planning Schemes Series is              appointed as Senior Panel Member                 elements of the Victoria Planning Provisions     skills in the drafting of the MPS and the
designed to give planners, lawyers and               in 2005, following several years as a            and how to use them to construct a               PPF (recognising that there is a transitional
other drafters a deep understanding of               sessional member. He has undergraduate           planning scheme. It explores the different       period between 2019 and 2020 where
how to effectively draft controls for planning       qualifications in town and regional planning     elements of the Victoria Planning Provisions     some councils will still be working with a
schemes. It is set in the context of the             and post graduate qualifications in              in some detail, and how they should be           LPPF). The module will include the role
Planning and Environment Act, published              sociology. Lester has significant expertise      used, providing participants with strategies     of the MPS and PPF and emphasise that
advice from DELWP, VCAT decisions and                in strategic and statutory planning,             and techniques to help select the best           these clauses only come into effect if a
Planning Panel recommendations.                      project implementation and plain English         tools to use in their local planning scheme.     permit is triggered through another control
The series has a focus on developing and             communication and drafting. He has               It includes advice and strategies about          in the scheme. Attention will be paid to
drafting relevant and usable policy, and             previously worked in the Local Government        how to use parent provisions to determine        streamlining the MPS and PPF to avoid
appropriate stakeholder engagement                   and private sectors. Lester is a Fellow of the   what can be included in local policy including   repetition with other parts of the scheme,
through the policy development process.              Victorian Planning and Environmental Law         schedules to zones, overlays and provisions.     therefore making the scheme easier to
                                                     Association.                                                                                      interpret for applicants, statutory planners
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                                    COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
                                                     Cazz Redding MPIA (Fellow) Cazz runs                                                              and VCAT.
By the end of the series a participant who                                                            Understanding and working with planning
                                                     Redink Planning based in beautiful North
has completed all modules will be equipped                                                            frameworks.                                      COMPETENCY PRACTICE AREA:
                                                     East Victoria and specialises in strategic
with the skills to confidently, clearly, concisely                                                    COURSE PRESENTER:                                Understanding and working with planning
                                                     land use planning and policy development
and efficiently draft planning policy for                                                             Cazz Redding MPIA (Fellow)                       frameworks.
                                                     in Victoria and has 20 years planning
Victorian planning schemes.                          experience. She primarily works within the                                                        COURSE PRESENTER:
APPROACH:                                            government sector including Local Councils                                                        Cazz Redding MPIA (Fellow)
The approach used by the team is to                  across metropolitan and regional Victoria,       Date
provide theory backed by real life case              and Stage Government departments
                                                                                                      Tuesday, 31 March 2020
studies and hands on projects to be                  and agencies. She specialises in policy                                                           Date
completed as part of the module. As the              development, technical drafting and
                                                                                                      9:30am - 5:00pm                                  Wednesday, 1 April 2020
series progresses, modules become less               planning scheme reviews. Cazz is a sessional
                                                     member at Planning Panels Victoria and is a      Venue                                            Time
theoretical and more practical.
                                                     Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia.   PIA Victoria Office                              9:30am - 5:00pm
Each module is based upon a flexible
learning model and will include:                                                                      Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne           Venue
• Theory and case study delivery by course                                                            Price                                            PIA Victoria Office
presenters                                                                                            PIA Members: $330                                Level 3 / 124 Exhibition St, Melbourne
• Small group work to analyse and discuss                                                             Non-members: $460                                Price
case studies provided                                                                                                                                  PIA Members: $330
• Small group work to develop project plans                                                           20% discount when booking all 4 Modules          Non-members: $460
for strategic planning, and local policy for
                                                                                                      PIA Members: $1056
inclusion in schemes
                                                                                                      Non-members: $1472                               20% discount when booking all 4 Modules
• Materials to take back to the workplace
                                                                                                                                     7 CP              PIA Members: $1056
DELIVERY:                                                                                                                           POIN D             Non-members: $1472
Days are run as individual, self-contained                                                                                               TS
                                                                                                                                                                                     7 CP
modules, but are designed as a progressive                                                                                                                                          POIN D
series where each module builds on the skills                                                                                                                                            TS
learnt in the previous module.
Participants can choose one, two, three or
four of the modules in the series.
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