Page created by Chad Gonzales
                                  BRIGHTON & HOVE

                            SPRING PROSPECTUS 2020

                         FROM MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place

Welcome                                         Community Roots
Welcome to the 2020 Spring Term at the          On the 1st October 2019, the Brighton and Hove Recovery College
Brighton and Hove Recovery College.             became part of Community Roots, a network of local services
                                                committed to supporting good mental health and wellbeing in
This Spring we look forward to welcoming        Brighton and Hove.
new students and seeing returning students.
We continue to deliver in partnership with      Community Roots has a ‘Central Access Point’ telephone number
the Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust, who    and dedicated website to help people navigate and access services
bring a wealth of experience through their      across the city.
                                                If you need support, or know somebody that does, you can
In response to student feedback, we will        call 0808 196 1768 (Freephone) Monday to Friday between
continue the ‘Balancing Your Physical and       9am and 5pm, or arrange a call back via the website.
Mental Health’ course and you will see the
return of the ‘Drama for Confidence’ course.
We will be extending our ‘Living with Autism’
course to 4 sessions rather than 3. You will
also see a new workshop, ‘Recovery Box.’
This creative workshop will support students          @bh_roots
to create their own personalised Recovery
Box to develop strategies to reduce
overwhelming feelings and support them to
stay safe.
We continue to support students to achieve
their personal goals, and report that in
previous terms 100% of students reported
that they had met their personal goals and
99% of students had achieved their learning
We have a system for allocating courses.
Please be aware that we cannot guarantee
that everyone will be allocated a place on a
course or workshop.
The Recovery College will be focusing on
gathering student feedback over the coming
                                                Southdown provides Community Roots in partnership with
terms and welcoming your feedback on
                                                15 other local providers, NHS Brighton and Hove CCG and
courses, workshops and events. If you have
                                                Brighton and Hove City Council.
any suggestions, please speak to our Peer
Trainers, Buddies or office staff.
We hope you enjoy the Spring Term.

                                                      Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020   SPRING TERM         2


  Spring Courses at a Glance /One-Day Workshops 		                         3-4

  Who can Apply                                                                 5

  How to Apply                                                                  5

  About the College                                                             6

     Courses                                                              7 - 16

     Starting Your Recovery                                                     7

     Mental Health & Self-Management                                            8

     Health & Wellbeing                                                        11

     Developing Life Skills                                                    12

     Creative & Discovery                                                      15

  Getting Involved                                                             17

  Contact Us                                                                   18

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place   Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

Spring Courses at a Glance
        Course Title                       Times               Dates                         Venue             Page

                                                               10th, 17th, 24th February,
        Managing Anxiety                   10:30am - 1:00pm                                  Frederick Place    8
                                                               2nd, 9th March

                                                               10th, 17th, 24th February,
        Managing Depression                1:30 - 4:30pm                                     Frederick Place    8
                                                               2nd, 9th March

        Balancing Your Physical                                17th, 24th February,
                                           2:00 - 4:00pm                                     Frederick Place    11
        and Mental Health                                      2nd, 9th, 16th March

        Working for Wellness               11:00am - 1:00pm    10th, 17th, 24th, 31st March Frederick Place     13

                                                               4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
        Drama for Confidence               2:00 - 4:00pm                                     Preston Park       15

                                                               3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
        Living with Personality Disorder   10:30am - 1:00pm                                  Frederick Place    8
                                                               4th, 11th,18th, 25th
        Building Confidence                10:30am - 1:00pm                                  Frederick Place    14

                                                               26th February,
        Introduction to Mindfulness        2:00 - 4:30pm                                     Frederick Place    12
                                                               4th,11th March

                                                               6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
        Get to Grips with Hoarding         11:00am - 1:00pm                                  Frederick Place    10
                                                               February, 5th March

                                                               6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
        Understanding Psychosis            2:00 - 4:00pm                                     Frederick Place    9
                                                               February, 5th March

                                                               13th, (NOT 20th),
        Living with Bipolar                2:00 - 4:00pm       27th February,                Frederick Place    9
                                                               5th, 12th, 19th March

        Understanding and                  10:30am - 1:00pm    6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March   Frederick Place    10
        Living with Autism

        Introduction to Self-Compassion    1:30 - 3:30pm       13th, 20th, 27th March        Frederick Place    12
2020   SPRING TERM            4

One-Day Workshops at a Glance
       Workshop Title                      Times              Date                   Venue             Page

       Recovery Box                        11:00am - 4:00pm   16th March             Frederick Place    16

       Living with Grief and Loss          1:30 - 4:30pm      23rd March             Frederick Place    10

       Living with Adult ADHD (Part 1)     11:00am - 1:00pm   25th February          Frederick Place    9

       Living with Adult ADHD (Part 2)     11:00am - 1:00pm   26th February          Frederick Place    9

       Accessing Art Through Nature        12:30 - 4:30pm     19th March             Preston Park       15

       Navigating Mental Health Services   11:00am - 4:00pm   26th March             Frederick Place    7

       Vision Boards                       11:00am - 4:00pm   2nd April              Frederick Place    16

       Be Your Own Life Coach              10:30am - 3:30pm   28th February          Frederick Place    13

       Chanting and Drumming               11:00am - 4:00pm   28th March             Frederick Place    15

 Frederick House
 42 Frederick Place, Brighton, BN1 4AE

 Preston Park Recovery Centre
 18 Preston Park Avenue, Brighton, BN1 6HL

Who can Apply                                                    What Happens Next?

All our courses and workshops are suitable for                    STEP 1
people with moderate to severe mental health
challenges, as well as carers and professionals / staff.          We will process all registration forms from
                                                                  the Open Day and any others received
You need to either live in the Brighton & Hove
                                                                  during our registration “window”.
area (see map on back cover) and / or have a GP
in this area.                                                     We will do our best to match as many of

How to Apply
                                                                  your options as possible and will try to give
                                                                  everyone who applies within the registration
                                                                  window at least one option, however, you
                                                                  may be placed on a waiting list for our most
STEP 1                                                            popular courses.

           Complete the registration form in the                  If you apply after this time we will endeavour
           middle of the prospectus. You must register            to give you a place on your requested course
           in order to book your place on courses or              or workshop. If they are fully booked we will
           workshops (we can help you with this).                 place you on the waiting list and will contact
                                                                  you immediately if a place becomes available.
           Or download a registration form from our
           Southdown website:
                                                                  STEP 2
           mental-health-recovery/recovery-college-               We will send you a LETTER OR EMAIL
           brighton-hove                                          confirming your enrolment and which
                                                                  courses and / or workshops you have a
           Or pick up a registration form from our                place on.
           Frederick Place office.
           Or call us on 01273 749 500 and we                     STEP 3
           can arrange to help you complete the
                                                                  We will send you a text reminder a few days
           registration form.
                                                                  before your course with details about the
STEP 2                                                            venue, date and times.

           Return the registration form, including the            A request from us...
           equal opportunities monitoring form, to:               Most of our courses and workshops have
                                                                  waiting lists. If you find that you are unable
           Brighton and Hove Recovery College,                    to attend your course or workshop PLEASE
           Southdown Housing Association,                         contact us either by phone 01273 749 500 or
           Frederick House, 42 Frederick Place                    email:
           Brighton, BN1 4EA
           Or email it to us:

     Please note
     We have a one-week registration window, which opens on our Open Day on 8th January and closes on
     15th January 2020. Registration forms submitted after this time are very much welcomed, however if the
     course or workshop requested is fully booked you will be placed onto this term’s waiting list.

                                                           Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020    SPRING TERM            6

About the College
SUPPORTING RECOVERY                                           WHAT’S IMPORTANT TO US
In mental health, recovery does not always mean               Education You register as a student and choose
the process of complete recovery from a mental                what you want to learn about.
health challenge in the way that we may recover
from a physical health problem.                                Co-production All courses are developed
                                                              and delivered by Peer Trainers, who have lived
For many people, recovery is about staying in                 experience of mental health problems, together with
control of their lives despite experiencing a mental          a clinical trainer, mental health practitioner or other
health challenge.                                             professional, on an equal footing.

Putting recovery into action means focusing on                As part of the course Peer Trainers will use their
supporting recovery and building resilience, not              own experiences to inspire students in their
just on treating or managing symptoms.                        recovery journey. This model of teaching is at the
                                                              very heart of the Recovery College and allows for
There is no single definition of the concept of               diverse perspectives about living with mental health
recovery for people with mental health challenges             challenges.
but the guiding principle is hope – the belief that it
is possible for someone to live a meaningful life.            Accessibility The Recovery College is open to
                                                              anyone aged 18 and over with lived experience of
Recovery College courses all use the Recovery                 mental health challenges, their friends, family and
Model in their approach. The Recovery Model aims              carers, mental health practitioners and clinicians.
to help people experiencing mental health challenges
to look beyond survival and existence. It encourages           A Safe Space We aim to provide a supportive,
people to move forward, set new goals and develop             friendly learning environment where students can
relationships that give their lives greater meaning.          share experiences and ideas in confidence, in order
                                                              to develop skills needed for living with mental illness.
We do not recover in a vacuum; each person’s
recovery is a journey, which can be supported by               Learning Support The Recovery College will do
those travelling alongside them.                              its best to meet the needs of students with physical,
                                                              mental or sensory challenges that may be a barrier to
Recovery emphasises that, while people may not                learning. We have a buddy system to provide valuable
always have full control over their symptoms, they            one-to-one support where it is needed most.
can have increasing control over their lives. Recovery
is not about ‘getting rid’ of problems. It is about seeing
beyond a person’s mental health and recognising and
fostering abilities, interests and dreams.
(Based on content from


At the end of each college year (July), all students
who have attended 60% or more of the classes will
be invited to attend our graduation ceremony. This
is a chance to celebrate your achievements                     Open Day Staff and Peer Trainers Summer 2019
with fellow students and tutors.

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place               Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

                         Navigating Mental
                         Health Services

                         Have you ever wondered how
                         mental health services work
                         locally? Or, what treatments might
                         be available to meet your needs
                         and what all those acronyms
                         mean? Well look no further, this
                         workshop will help you navigate
                         the complexity of NHS and third
                         sector mental health services in
                         Brighton and Hove. It will give you
                         a sense of the different clinical
                         interventions that can be accessed
                         along the NHS care pathway, as
                         well as the diversity of community
                         services to give you a holistic
                         approach to accessing help with
                         your mental health challenges.

                         Learning Outcomes
                         You will:
Starting Your Recovery

                         1. Have an understanding of the
                            configuration of local mental
                                                                        “This course has changed
                            health services as well as the             my life! I have increased my
                            pathways into and between                knowledge, confidence, coping
                            them.                                    strategies, resilience and I think
                         2. Discuss how services are
                            divided up, what they can offer,           this knowledge will prevent
                            what interventions are available          future relapses and episodes.”
                            and which are appropriate to
                            your needs.
                         3. Identify which services you
                            can access outside the NHS
                            to support yourself and your

                         Duration:     One day

                                                                          Recovery College Student

                                                                Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020     SPRING TERM           8

                                                                                  Living with
 Managing Anxiety                            Managing Depression                  Personality Disorder

This anxiety management course            Over this five session course you       This course provides an overview
is suitable for anyone living with        will be introduced to psychological     of what ‘personality disorder’ is and
anxiety, from mild to severe. It is for   interventions proven effective          how it is diagnosed.
those who experience ruminating           in managing depression. You
thoughts and for people struggling        will be given a light overview of       We will also discuss lived
to access services and places to          Acceptance and Commitment               experience and some helpful
go in the community due to their          Therapy (ACT), Compassion               approaches to support people
anxiety.                                  Focused Therapy and Cognitive           living with and managing the
                                          Behavioural Therapy (CBT). You          condition.
The course will teach some of the         will also be invited to try out
science behind anxiety, what it is,       practical coping skills within the      The course also aims to provide
how it affects us and what we can         sessions and at home.                   both helpful information and
do to manage it.                                                                  strategies for anyone living,
                                          The focus of this course is             supporting or working with a
We will aim to build up a toolkit of      learning about and practicing self-     person with this diagnosis or
information and skills that you can       management skills, including raising    for people who have not had a

                                                                                                                          Mental Health & Self-Management
dip in and out of when you need           awareness of what psychological         diagnosis but have high emotional
them to help you manage your              approaches are available in treating    intensity.
anxiety.                                  depression.
                                                                                  Learning Outcomes
We will also identify and discuss
                                          This course is also open to carers      You will:
symptoms of anxiety in the human
                                          and staff.                              1. Be able to explain what
                                                                                     personality disorder is and what
Learning Outcomes                         Learning Outcomes                          it is not.
You will:                                 You will:                               2. Describe what treatment
1. Identify what anxiety is, the          1. Have an overview of the                 approaches are available.
   science behind the stress                 Evolutionary Function of             3. Identify positive strategies for
   response and how it affects you.          Human Emotions and the                  supporting anyone living with
2. Discuss and practice using a              modern day impact this has              this condition.
   range of practical skills to              on our mental health, including
   manage your anxiety.                      depression.                          Duration:     5 weeks
3. Challenge barriers to change           2. Practise coping skills based on
   using acceptance, self-                   ACT and CBT including the use
   compassion and replacing                  of the Observing Self, the role
   unhelpful thoughts with helpful           that values have in providing
                                             meaning and purpose and                  “Friendly atmosphere
                                             strategies to manage unhelpful         with caring and thoughtful
                                             thinking.                               people. There was also
Duration:      5 weeks                    3. Be familiar with healthy lifestyle
                                             choices and self-compassion
                                                                                     a lot of laughter, which
                                             approaches and how these aid               was therapeutic.”
                                             recovery and wellbeing.

                                          Duration:     5 weeks                       Recovery College Student

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place             Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

                                  Understanding                                                                    Living with
                                  Psychosis                                 Living with Bipolar                    Adult ADHD

                                  This course introduces what               This is a course for people who       This workshop will teach a
                                  psychosis is and covers how               live with bipolar and/or their        psychological model of Adult
                                  to create a psychological                 supporters, friends and family.       ADHD and how to understand
                                  understanding (formulation) of it.        It is an opportunity to learn         this neurodiversity. It will describe
                                                                            more about bipolar, explore           the experience of what Adult
                                  You will learn about psychological        coping strategies and develop an      ADHD is like and the difficulties
                                  and psychiatric interventions for         understanding of what helps to        it presents in day-to-day life for
                                  psychosis including antipsychotic         keep us well. The workshop will       those who experience it.
                                  medication, Cognitive Behavioural         consider which relapse triggers to
                                  Therapy and family interventions.         look out for and what treatments      The workshop will explore
                                  You will learn about coping               are available to support recovery.    the range of treatment
                                  strategies, self-management and                                                 options available and how to
                                  relapse prevention.                       Learning Outcomes                     implement some basic strategies
                                                                            You will:                             in maintaining and managing
                                  This course could be useful for           1. Share ideas about the positive     challenges.
                                  people who have a diagnosis                  things that you are already
Mental Health & Self-Management

                                  of psychosis, schizophrenia or               doing to manage your mental        Please note: You need to be
                                  schizoaffective disorder, who hear           health.                            able to attend both parts of this
                                  voices, have visions, or have beliefs     2. Identify new coping strategies     workshop.
                                  that others think are unusual. It will       that may help you to manage
                                  also be useful for carers and staff.         your mental health.                Learning Outcomes
                                                                            3. Consider ideas relating to         You will:
                                  Learning Outcomes                            relapse prevention and ways to     1. Be able to identify what Adult
                                  You will:                                    keep healthy.                         ADHD is and how it affects
                                  1. Discuss the diagnosis and                                                       each individual.
                                     formulation of psychosis               Duration:     5 weeks                 2. Be aware of the treatment
                                     including its symptoms and                                                      options available.
                                     causes.                                                                      3. Gain knowledge of strategies
                                  2. Have an overview of                                                             that can be implemented in
                                     medication, treatments                                                          day-to-day life.
                                     and other support.
                                  3. Be familiar with and practise              “I really didn’t feel like        Duration:      2 x 2 hour sessions
                                     coping strategies and                      coming this morning -                            (over two days)
                                     self-management tools.                    now I feel encouraged!
                                                                                 I feel encouraged to
                                  Duration:     5 weeks
                                                                              better manage my mental
                                                                               health and to look after
                                                                                     myself better.”

                                                                       Recovery College Student

                                                                                           Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020    SPRING TERM            11

                   Brighton & Hove Recovery College Registration Form
Any personal information you share with Southdown Housing Association will be kept secure and used in line with the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It will only be looked at and used to help make sure we give you an effective service.
Some information may be shared with other support agencies to help you access further services and make sure the services
you get are right for you. We can share your information without your permission if we are concerned about your safety or the
safety of others, or where we are required to by law. You can withdraw or change your agreement for Southdown to hold or
process your personal information at any time. You can also ask to see the information Southdown holds about you. More
information about how Southdown stores and uses your data is available on our website or we can send
you a leaflet if you would prefer.

Please post or hand-deliver your completed form to:
Brighton and Hove Recovery College, Ground Floor,
Frederick House, 42 Frederick Place, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4EA
Or email to:

 Full Name

 Date of Birth

 Current Address                                                                         Postcode

 Your Other Contact Details (please only complete if you are happy for us to contact you via these
 methods. If left blank we will write to you)
 Telephone             Landline:                             Mobile:
                       Can we leave a message? Yes / No Can we leave a message?          Yes / No
 Email Address

 Contact Details in Case of Emergency
 Contact Name

 Contact Telephone

 2. DISABILITIES AND OTHER DIFFICULTIES (tick as many boxes as needed)
 This information will be used to help us make reasonable adjustments to support you and help to
 make the course more accessible for you.
 Learning Disabilities                            Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome

 Learning Support Needs (eg. dyslexia,                        Emotional / Behavioural Difficulties
 dyspraxia, dyscalculia)
 Physical Disabilities                                        Longstanding illness

                               Hearing                        Dementia
 Sensory Impairment:
                               Sight                          Wheelchair User

 Mental Health Support Needs                                  Other Disability (eg. asthma, epilepsy,
                                                              diabetes) - please specify:

  Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place             Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email: 1

Will you require an interpreter or signer?                                        YES           NO

If YES, please give more details:

Please tick this box if you would like to be added to the Recovery College mailing list.
We’ll send you new prospectuses and invites to Open Days, as well as newsletters and
invitations to events organised by the Students’ Union.

Brighton and Hove Recovery College is for people with mental health challenges, their relatives,
friends and carers, and the staff of our partner organisations.
Are you living with a mental health condition?                           YES           NO
Do you have support for your mental health condition?                    YES           NO
                                                                           Other (please state)
Psychiatrist               GP                       Care Co-ordinator
Are you a carer for someone with a mental health condition?              YES           NO

Are you a friend/family member of someone with a mental health condition?        YES            NO

Are you a volunteer or staff member working in mental health?                    YES            NO

Are you a new student?                                                           YES            NO

You may choose up to 3 courses or workshops, or a combination of both. Place your choices in
order of preference. Please note, you may be placed on a waiting list for oversubscribed courses.
                                    Course/Workshop Title                         Start Date
Preference 1
Preference 2
Preference 3

When you register for a Recovery College course, you can also enrol in our Students’ Union.
If you wish to be part of the Students’ Union please tick this box. Please see our prospectus
or website for details.

We have a small team of trained Buddies who can support you to attend your courses. If you are
completing this at Open Day please speak to a Buddy at the ‘Buddy’ table. If not, we will contact
those ticking this box for more details.
Please tick this box if you require a Buddy.
(If you are not sure please tick and we will contact you to discuss your needs)

I would like to be contacted by Sussex Partnership NHS Trust for                 YES            NO
research or evaluation purposes.

Signature:                                                          Date:


                                                  Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
About You: Equalities Monitoring Form
The reason why we ask you these questions is so we can:

•   Make our council services open to everyone in the city.
•   Treat everyone fairly and appropriately when they use our services.
•   In consultations, make sure that we have views from all across the city.

The Equality Act 2010 makes these aims part of our legal duties. Your answers help us check that we have
met the law and help improve our services. We will only use them to make services better. Information
from forms is combined so you cannot be identified.

A short guide to these questions is available. Please ask if you would like it. You can also ask for a large-
print version. Call 01273 764 917
1. What age are you?                                    …………………..years
                                                        □ Prefer not to say
2. What gender are you?                                 □ Male □ Female
                                                        □ Other - please state ………………
                                                        □ Prefer not to say
3. Do you identify as the sex you were
assigned at birth?
                                                        □ Yes
For people who are transgender, the sex                 □ No
they were assigned at birth is not the same
as their own sense of their gender.                     □ Prefer not to say
4. How would you describe your ethnic origin?
                                      Black or Black British               Other Ethnic Group
□ English/Welsh/Scottish/             □  African                           □  Arab
    Northern Irish/British            □  Caribbean                         □ Any other ethnic group
□   Irish
□   Gypsy or Irish Traveller          □ Any other Black                        (please give details)
                                       background (please give
□ Any other White                      details)                            …………………………………
 background (please give
                                                                           □ Prefer not to say
…………………………………                         □  Asian & White
Asian or Asian British                □  Black African & White
□  Bangladeshi                        □  Black Caribbean & White
□  Indian                             □ Any other mixed
□  Pakistani                             background (please give
□  Chinese                               details)
□ Any other Asian                     …………………………………
 background (please give
5. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
□ Heterosexual/’Straight’
□ Lesbian
□ Gay
□ Bisexual
□ Other (please state) ……………………………………………
□ Prefer not to say
6. What is your religion or belief?
□ I have no particular religion    □ Pagan                         □ Other philosophical belief
□ Buddhist                         □ Sikh                            (please state)
□ Christian                        □ Agnostic                      …………………………………
□ Hindu                            □ Atheist
□ Jain                             □ Other religion (please state) □ Prefer not to say
□ Jewish                           …………………………………..
□ Muslim
7a. Are your day-to-day activities limited            □ Yes a little
because of a health problem or disability
which has lasted, or is expected to last, at
                                                      □ Yes a lot
least 12 months?                                      □ No (do not answer 7b)
                                                      □ Prefer not to say (do not answer 7b)
7b. If ‘yes’, please state the type of impairment. If you have more than one please tick all
that apply. If none apply, please mark ‘Other’ and write an answer in (examples are given in
the short guide.)
□ Physical Impairment                                 □ Mental Health Condition
□ Sensory Impairment                                  □ Autistic Spectrum
□ Learning Disability/Difficulty                      □ Other Developmental Condition
□ Long-standing illness                               □ Other (please state) …………………………
8a. Are you a carer?                                  □ Yes
A carer provides unpaid support to family or
friends who are ill, frail, disabled or have mental
                                                      □ No (do not answer 8b)
health or substance misuse problems.                  □ Prefer not to say (do not answer 8b)
8b. If ‘yes’, do you care for a………?                   □ Parent                   □ Partner/spouse
                                                      □ Child with special needs □ Friend
                                                      □ Other family member
                                                      □ Other (please give details)………………….
9. Armed Forces Service:
• Have you ever served in the UK Armed                □ Yes       □ No         □ Prefer not to say

2020    SPRING TERM         10

Understanding and                            Living with                      Get to Grips
Living with Autism                           Grief and Loss                   with Hoarding

Autism affects around 1 in 100           This half day workshop will begin   This is a skills-based course,
people but as it is a spectrum           to explore the impact that grief    which enables you to explore
condition, the sensory and social        and loss have on us in a safe,      your understanding of hoarding
issues associated with it can vary       supportive and non-judgemental      and your relationship with it.
greatly from person to person.           space.                              The aim is to empower you with
                                                                             not only knowledge about your
This course will give a brief            Grief is a completely normal        condition but also how to tackle
overview of what autism is, with         process we will all encounter at    it. There will be the opportunity
some ideas to reduce anxiety in          some point in our lives.            for both discussion and reflective
everyday situations.                                                         practice to increase awareness of
                                         We will learn to recognise some     the condition. This will serve to
Learning Outcomes                        theories such as the 5 stages of    demystify the subject and increase
You will:                                bereavement, as well as exploring   confidence when de-cluttering.
1. Be able to describe what autism       and practising some coping
   is and the sensory and social         strategies.                         In this course, you will learn
   issues that characterise it.                                              about what hoarding is (and isn’t)

                                                                                                                   Mental Health & Self-Management
2. Recognise the signs of stress         We will also create some memory     by increasing awareness of the
   associated with uncomfortable         bracelets to take home and          behaviour and thoughts of those
   situations that can lead to           treasure.                           who hoard. This course is open
   sensory overload.                                                         to family members, carers, friends
3. Gain some ideas for coping with       Learning Outcomes                   and professionals, providing the
   everyday situations that can be       You will:                           opportunity to learn how they
   adapted to meet your individual       1. Gain an understanding around     can best aid the person they
   needs.                                   the impact of grief and loss.    are supporting.
                                         2. Recognise some theories
                                            around the bereavement           Learning Outcomes
Duration:     4 weeks
                                            process.                         You will:
                                         3. Become familiar with some        1. Explore the causes of hoarding
                                            coping strategies, including        to understand its origins and
                                            making a memory bracelet.           how it can be maintained.
                                                                             2. Learn a series of self-help
                                         Duration:    One day                   techniques, which will enable
                                                                                you to feel you can begin
                                                                                de-cluttering. You will be
                                                                                shown how to recognise the
                                                                                importance of eliciting support
                                            “The course has                     from relevant people.
                                           complemented and                  3. Have the opportunity to identify
                                                                                helpful and constructive ways to
                                        strengthened the overall                talk to yourself whilst
                                         support I’m receiving.”                de-cluttering and be shown
                                                                                how to praise and reward
                                                                                your efforts.

                                                                             Duration:    5 weeks
    Recovery College Student

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place            Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

                      Balancing Your Physical
                      and Mental Health

                     This course will explore the
                     difficulties of living with a chronic
                     physical health condition and a
                     mental health problem. We will
                     discuss the interactions between
                     physical health problems and the
                     impact on mental health and vice

                     During the course, we will explore
                     topics such as pacing and the loss
                     of the life that could have been.

                     Learning Outcomes
                     You will:
                     1. Explore the difficulties of living
                        with a chronic physical health
                     2. Identify psychological strategies
                        to help manage these difficulties.
                     3. Put into practice strategies to
Health & Wellbeing

                        enable you to balance your
                        physical health condition and
                        mental health.

                     Duration:      5 weeks

                                                        “I felt welcomed and
                                                      accepted by trainers and
                                                      other students. Overall a
                                                       very positive and useful
                                                         experience. I will be
                                                      signing on to take more
                                                         courses next term.”

                                                                                                  Recovery College Student

                                                                          Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020   SPRING TERM          12

 Introduction to                             Introduction to
 Self-Compassion                             Mindfulness

Many people facing challenges              This course is designed to
with their mental health can               enable people to safely dip into
struggle with feelings such as             mindfulness.
low self-worth and self-criticism.
Self-compassion teaches us                 The three sessions offer a practical
how to face the pressures of               and conceptual introduction to
life by providing an alternative           what mindfulness is, how it helps
of cultivating kindness and                to aid mental health recovery
compassion, particularly in relation       and wellbeing and signpost to
to ourselves.                              further mindfulness courses. Each
                                           session includes short mindfulness
This course aims to provide an             practices, guided information, a
introduction to the theory behind          small group discussion and gentle
self-compassion, to explore some           mindful exercises.
of the barriers, and to enable you
to experience short practices that         Please note: This course may not
cultivate a mindful, compassionate         be right for you if you are in crisis.
approach to your experience.
                                           If you cannot make the first week
Please note: This course includes          of this course, unfortunately you
short mindfulness practices.               will not be able to join us for the

                                                                                                                     Developing Life Skills
                                           rest of the sessions as important
It is not possible to attend the           information is covered in the first
course if you miss the first week.         week.

Learning Outcomes                          Learning Outcomes
You will:                                  You will:
1. Explain what self-compassion is         1. Discuss the basic approach of
   and some of the barriers to it.            mindfulness to mental health
2. Understand how the design                  recovery.
   of our human brains can make            2. Experience mindfulness
   dealing with the difficulties of life      practices and how to
   a challenge.                               incorporate them into daily life.
3. Identify ways in which the              3. Experience an understanding
   learning from the course can be            of all the main mindfulness
   taken into daily life by producing         practices and themes contained
   a plan of action.                          in an eight-week mindfulness             “The tutors were
                                              course (MBCT – MBSR) and              motivational, experienced
Duration:      3 weeks                        choose whether or not to              and have given me hope
                                              sign up for a further and more
                                                                                         for the future.”
                                              in depth 8 week mindfulness

                                           Duration:      3 weeks
                                                                                     Recovery College Student

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place               Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

                          Be Your Own
                          Life Coach                               Working for Wellness

                         The focus of this workshop is             This course is for people
                         to enable you to explore your             considering entering or returning
                         wellbeing, past successes and             to work and are looking to boost
                         future desires, with a view to            their confidence and broaden their
                         using tools and techniques which          skills.
                         empower you to ‘Be Your Own
                         Life Coach’.                              Difficulties in returning to work
                                                                   are explored and strategies to
                         We will look at ways to see our           overcome them are covered.
                         lives in a new light to help us see
                         possibility and promise in our            The advantages of going back to
                         futures.                                  work will be discussed, including
                                                                   social, financial, psychological
                         You will explore ways you can be          and practical benefits. There will
                         in the ‘driving seat’ of your own life.   be opportunity to explore the
                         We will investigate the role values       interrelationship between payment
                         and positive affirmations play in life    of benefits and work, as well as to
                         and how this differs from limiting        discuss concerns associated with
                         beliefs. We will also consider how        making the transition from benefits
                         thought management and thinking           to paid work.
Developing Life Skills

                         styles play a part in creating
                         positive motivation and switching         You will also learn about the
                         on willpower.                             importance of ‘me time’, being kind
                                                                   to yourself, relaxation techniques,
                         Learning Outcomes                         confidence-building techniques and            “Beautiful course,
                         You will:                                 the importance of positive thinking.          well-planned and
                         1. Analyse the relevance of                                                         delivered. It has renewed
                            identifying your successes, how        Learning Outcomes                         my interest in the world
                            they came about and how this           You will:                                        around me!”
                            positive knowledge impacts             1. Be able to describe the benefits
                            on the future you create for              of going back to work and
                            yourself.                                 know your rights as a returning
                         2. Create a personal development             worker.
                            plan to take you from where            2. Know what the difficulties in
                            you are to where you want                 entering / returning to work are
                            to be!                                    as well as some strategies to
                         3. Make use of techniques                    overcome them.
                            such as positive self-talk and         3. Identify your goals regarding
                            affirmations to coach yourself            work and make a plan for how
                            towards a life you love.                  to best and most manageably
                                                                      achieve them.
                         Duration:      One day
                                                                   Duration:     4 weeks
                                                                                                               Recovery College Student

                                                                                  Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020   SPRING TERM         14

Building Confidence

This course is for people who
experience difficulties with self-
esteem, confidence and challenges
in interpersonal relationships and
social situations.

This course aims to enable people
to recognise their difficulties
regarding confidence and self-
esteem, as well as provide tools to
improve social skills and develop
a healthier relationship with
themselves and others.

Learning Outcomes
You will:
1. Recognise unhelpful thoughts
   and trigger situations which
   contribute to low confidence
   and self-esteem.

                                                                                                         Developing Life Skills
2. Learn new strategies to
   develop more helpful thinking
   and behavioural styles in order
   to improve confidence.
3. Learn some basic assertiveness
   skills in order to improve
   interpersonal relationships and
   develop a better self-image.

Duration:     4 weeks

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place   Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

                                                               Chanting & Drumming                    Accessing Art
                       Drama for Confidence                    for Recovery                           Through Nature

                       All are welcome, whatever your          Chanting and drumming have            Spring is in the air and the natural
                       level of experience or ability.         proven benefits for mental and        world is stirring and starting to
                                                               physical wellbeing such as lowered    bust open into new life.
                       This course will use drama games,       blood pressure, reduced anxiety
                       creativity and play to empower          and improved mood.                    In this workshop you will be an
                       and help express yourself.                                                    artist, naturalist and explorer.
                                                               As a group, you will learn chants     Taking inspiration from nature,
                       Research shows this can lower           from various cultures and times       you will observe and record the
                       depression and increase energy,         including Native American, African,   world around you by taking notes,
                       through laughter, social interaction,   Buddhist and others.                  collecting and sketching things you
                       increasing the strength of your                                               find, and documenting them in
                       immune system, and increasing           There will be an opportunity          artistic book form. You may choose
                       brain health. It can also benefit       to try drumming as an                 to notice and record patterns,
                       sleep.                                  accompaniment to the chanting         copy, collage, trace, rub or paint.
                                                               using small handheld drums. No
                       Learning Outcomes                       previous experience of drumming       You will be encouraged to focus
                       You will:                               or chanting is required.              on one thing at a time and
                       1. Identify how engaging in                                                   illustrate what you are drawn to.
                          creative activity can improve        If any students would like to bring
                          confidence and communication         their own handheld drums they         Learning Outcomes
                          skills.                              are free to do so.                    You will:
Creative & Discovery

                       2. Learn ways to challenge anxiety                                            1. Gain an understanding of
                          and depression.                      Learning Outcomes                        the different ways nature can
                       3. Engage with creative activities      You will:                                enhance your wellbeing and
                          that help increase energy and        1. Discuss the health and                creativity.
                          social interaction.                     wellbeing benefits of chanting     2. Practice and experience a
                                                                  and drumming.                         variety of creative activities such
                       Duration:     4 weeks                   2. Learn and practice chants             as sketching, rubbing, tracing
                                                                  from various cultures and             and collaging.
                                                                  time periods.                      3. Develop knowledge and skills
                                                               3. Experiment with a small               on how to document your
                                                                  range of hand held drums,             artistic findings in hand-made
                                                                  incorporating chanting.               book form.

                                                               Duration:     One day                 Duration:     One day

                                                                                          “It gave me something to look
                                                                                           forward to and a connection
                                                                                              with others. Thank you!”

                                                                                        Recovery College Student

                                                                              Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020   SPRING TERM           21

 Vision Boards                               Recovery Box

A vision board is a board on which        This creative workshop will
a person displays images which            support students to develop their
represent whatever they want to           own personalised Recovery Box
be, do or bring into their lives. It is   to develop strategies to reduce
a practical tool used to help clarify,    overwhelming feelings and support
concentrate and create focus.             them to stay safe.

In this workshop the history,             We will explore what can be
reasons for and benefits of creating      helpful, calming and reassuring          “It has helped with new
vision boards will be explored. They      whilst experiencing stress, anxiety         ideas, it will help my
can be used for a variety of topics       and/or overwhelming feelings and
be it health, fitness and wellbeing,      put these strategies into the box.
                                                                                         day-to-day life.
home life, relationships, hobbies,                                                   I feel more confident
career ambitions and finances             Learning Outcomes                                 in myself.”
in order to bring about positive          You will:
outcomes and aid in recovery.
                                          1. Share ideas about what can
                                             support you whilst experiencing
We will look at how to create a
                                             distressing and overwhelming
board to help a person be ‘solution
focused’.This can help a person
                                          2. Gain an awareness of how the
have a sense of control over a
                                             use of a Recovery Box can
specific goal, ambition or even their

                                                                                                                    Creative & Discovery
                                             support wellbeing and reduce
wishes for their future in general.
We will also look at tools, tips
                                          3. Make your own Recovery Box
and techniques in order to help
                                             during the session to support
students create their own vision
                                             your wellbeing.
board during the workshop.You are
welcome to bring in any magazines/
brochures that you would like to          Duration:     One day
                                                                                    Recovery College Student
use in the construction of your
vision board.

Learning Outcomes
You will:
1. Discuss the merits and benefits
   of creating vision boards for a
   variety of topics.
2. Create a vision board which
   brings clarity to your goals,
   dreams or ambitions.
3. Learn how to make a vision
   board ‘work’ for you.

Duration:      One day

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place             Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:

How You Can Get Involved
Recovery Services Steering Group                           Feedback and Review
We have a group of staff, Peer Trainers, Buddies,          We regularly conduct reviews of the College and
students and clients who meet monthly to plan,             collect feedback from students. This provides an
develop and review the Recovery Services.                  opportunity to voice and express your opinions and
                                                           influence the services we provide. Peer Trainers will
Recruitment and Interviews                                 provide more details about how to get involved.
Students can get involved in our staff recruitment
and interviews by helping with shortlisting and            Comments, Compliments and Complaints
interviewing. Training is offered for this role.           We welcome comments, compliments and
                                                           complaints about the Recovery College, valuing them
Peer Trainers                                              as a way to improve our service.
Students can become volunteer Peer Trainers. You
will be matched with one of our Peer Trainers who          Students’ Union
will support you in this role and training will also       The Recovery College has a Union which students
be given.                                                  can become involved in as a Student Representative
                                                           to help shape both the Union and the College.
Buddies support students in attending their chosen
courses or workshops. Recruitment and training for
this role is offered on a regular basis.

     Welcome to your Students’ Union
     We want to wish you a warm welcome to                  Full details of how to become involved or how
     Brighton and Hove Recovery College Students’           to apply for your TOTUM Card are included
     Union.                                                 in your Welcome Pack, which you will receive
                                                            during the first session of your course.
     We are the first Recovery College in the UK to
     be affiliated with the National Union of Students      If you’re a student of the Recovery College,
     (NUS). When you register for one of our courses,       why not join the College’s online Students’
     please tick the Students’ Union box on the             Union on Facebook
     Registration Form if you would like to be enrolled     BrightonandHoveRecoveryCollegeStudentUnion
     in the Students’ Union for one year. You are then
     entitled to apply for a TOTUM Card (formally
     known as an NUS Extra Card). There is a small cost                         Lucy Walsh
     (£12), but the discount benefits of the TOTUM                          Volunteer and
     Card will soon recoup that.                                      Students’ Union Lead

                                                       Please see pages 3 and 4 for course dates, times and venues
2020            SPRING TERM                             18

Contact Us

                                                                                                                                       LON DO N RD
                                                                                     TRAIN STATION

                                                                                                              T R A FA
                                                                                                                         LG A R



                                                                                        IC K

Our main campus building is the Mental Health Learning
and Community Hub at Frederick House, located in

central Brighton near Brighton train station.

                                                                                                           TH R

Visit our website:
Telephone:         01273 764 917 (Recovery College Direct Line)
                   01273 749 500 (Frederick Place Switchboard)
Address:           Brighton and Hove Recovery College,
                   Southdown Housing Association,
                   Frederick House, 42 Frederick Place,
                   Brighton, BN1 4EA
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm

       Follow Us on Twitter @SHA_RCBrighton

       If you’re a student of the Recovery College, why not join the College’s online Student Union on Facebook

At the College there are lots of opportunities to get involved, from helping with the organisation of events
or helping to run the Students’ Union to having your say about what courses you would like us to offer.

Please let us know if you require this prospectus in an alternative format.

Brighton and Hove Recovery College reserves the right to cancel or change courses, venues and times and,
whilst we will not do this lightly, it may occur.

       This prospectus is available for download from:

Free Wi-Fi is available at Frederick Place          Tel: 01273 749 500 | Email:
Please Note: We are only able to offer places to people living within the Brighton and Hove area.
Please see map below showing our catchment area.

                                                          Withdean                    Patcham

            North                                                                                                   Hollingdean
           Portslade                                                                                                and Stanmer

                                   and Knoll

                                                          Hove Park                                                      and Bevendean

                        South                                                         Preston
                       Portslade                                                        Park
                                                                                                                  ver                    Woodingdean

                                                                Goldsmid                      Pet .           and
                                    Wish                                                                  Elm G

                                                                                              and ’s            rove

                                                           Central                         No
                                                                      Brunsw                   rt
                                                            Hove        and
                                                                             ick           Lain h                       East Brighton
                                                                      Adelaid                  e
                                                                              e    Regen               Queen’s

                                                                                                                                             Rottingdean Coastal

                                                                                                            Brighton and Hove Recovery College is part of Community
                                                                                                            Roots, which is provided by Southdown in partnership with
                                                                                                            15 local mental health providers, NHS Brighton & Hove
                                                                                                            CCG and Brighton & Hove City Council.

  Brighton and Hove Recovery College
  Southdown Housing Association,
  Frederick House,
  42 Frederick Place,
  Brighton, BN1 4EA
                                                                                                                                                                   Funded by
  Tel: 01273 764 917 (Recovery College Direct Line)
      01273 749 500 (Frederick Place Switchboard)
  Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am -4:30pm

Mental Health Helpline: 0300 5000 101                                                    Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust works hand in hand with
                                                                                      partners in the community to provide mental health, learning disability                                                        and substance misuse services throughout Sussex, along with a range of                                                                            specialist services across the South East and beyond.

                  Southdown is an exempt charity registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (L1829)
       and is also a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (20755R)
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