Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission

Page created by Julia Austin
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
     Our actions in review
                        Issue #626 Summer 2021

      Your generosity is
       enriching lives and inspiring hope.
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
                                                  COVID-19 response:                                             Your profound impact
                                                                                                                                                                                     Farewell and
                                                                                                                                                                                     thank you
                                                                                                                                                                                     As the outgoing Rector of
                                                                                                                                                                                     Jesuit Mission, I would like to
                                                                                                                                                                                     take this opportunity to thank
                                                                                                                 To date:
                                                                                                                                                                                     all of you for your support of
                                                                                                                 • 17,566 people have received emergency food relief                 Jesuit Mission.
                                                                                                                                                                                     It has been a blessed five years,
                                                                                                                 • 1,315 people were employed through ‘Cash for Work’                where I have encountered and
                                                                                                                   programs                                                          befriended so many generous
                                                                                                                                                                                     people who share the same ideal
                                                                                                                 • 15 people participated in an income generating scheme             of justice and love for the poor. I
    Dear Friends,                                                                                                  that enabled them to open small businesses                        have loved the opportunity to visit
                                                                                                                 • New wells were installed and repairs to village schools,          my Jesuit brothers and serve the
    Last year, during what was an                                                                                                                                                    people that they accompany. It has
    incredibly challenging time, I was truly                                                                       toilets, kitchens and essential utilities were carried out
                                                                                                                   across the state.                                                 been a joy to see faith, hope, and
    humbled by the generosity shown                                                                                                                                                  love in action, and the multitude of
    by you, our wonderful Jesuit Mission                                                                         This compassion in action is not just helping vulnerable            lives enriched.
    community, to our work overseas. I                                                                           people to survive the pandemic, but upholding their dignity
    was especially moved by the resilience                                                                       and creating new opportunities for their future.                    I am deeply grateful to Helen
    of our global family to overcome                                                                                                                                                 Forde and the Jesuit Mission team
                                                  With your help, our partners are providing                      “It would have been very difficult for me to exist if the
    the hardships brought about by the                                                                                                                                               for their outstanding work, and
    COVID-19 pandemic.                            life-saving employment and emergency relief                    situation like this continued,” says Hazaribag Dalit, Mr Turi,      especially for all of Jesuit Mission’s
                                                  to vulnerable communities.                                     who worked on school repairs and maintenance in the Lenity          friends and supporters. It is only
    I want to sincerely thank you for all         With millions of cases recorded, COVID-19 continues            Australia funded Coronavirus Relief Project.                        through your generosity that we
    that you’ve done and I feel assured           to devastate India. In an effort to contain the virus,                                                                             are able to do what we do.
    to know that together we will do our                                                                         “These kind-hearted people have made my existence
                                                  there have been widespread lockdowns, which have
    best to support our overseas partners                                                                        possible. I am grateful to the donors who brought life              The time has come for me to hand
                                                  left millions unemployed. Without jobs, people are
    and communities as the pandemic                                                                              and happiness on us who are very poor,” says another                the baton to my Jesuit brothers –
                                                  leaving the large cities to return to their home villages.
    continues to bring new challenges.                                                                           participant Mr Kumar.                                               Isaac Demase SJ and Fr Paul Horan
                                                  However, many rural communities have little or no
                                                                                                                                                                                     SJ – who will serve as Companions
    I wish to farewell and thank my partner       employment available, and countless families are
                                                                                                                                                                                     to Jesuit Mission in 2021. This year I
    in mission – Fr Trung Nguyen SJ, Jesuit       facing extreme poverty.
                                                                                                                                                                                     began my new role as Parish Priest
    Mission’s Rector. The Provincial has          It’s in these very challenging situations that we have                                                                             of St Ignatius’ Church, Richmond
    appointed Fr Trung as Parish Priest           an even greater opportunity to serve. Lenity Australia                                                                             and I humbly ask for your prayers.
    of Richmond in Melbourne. We will all         has been generously funding the work of Hazaribag-
    greatly miss his gentle presence, his                                                                                                                                            With gratitude and blessings,
                                                  based Jesuits and reaching out to the most vulnerable
    humour and all the gifts he has brought       communities affected by COVID-19. Life-saving support
    to Jesuit Mission over the past five years.   has been delivered to 3,174 households in Jharkhand
    Finally, I welcome Isaac Demase SJ            State, India – including 19,000 Dalit and Tribal women,
    and Fr Paul Horan SJ who join us as           men and children.                                                                                                                  Fr Trung Nguyen SJ
    ‘Companions’ to Jesuit Mission.                                                                                                                                                  Rector of Jesuit Mission
    Stay well, and I hope to see you –
    virtually or perhaps even in person – in
    the New Year.
    With thanks,

    Helen Forde
                                                  ABOVE: Cash for work programs such as building wells brought   ABOVE: Jesuits distribute emergency food packages and supplies to
    Chief Executive Officer                       employment and purpose to indigenous and Dalit people as the   people in Hazaribag.
                                                  pandemic continues.                                                                                                                ABOVE: Fr Trung Nguyen SJ (left), Helen
                                                                                                                                                                                     Forde and Fr Paul Horan SJ.

2   Our actions in review                                                                                                                                                                       Issue #626 Summer 2021         3
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
Myanmar                                                                                                           Thailand A new beginning
                       Educating the next generation                                                                  Love, care and companionship gave
                                                                                                                      prisoner Jadao a second chance at life.

    An inspiring graduate is                                    In 2019, Mary Lu graduated from St
                                                                Aloysius Gonzaga Institute (SAG) in
                                                                                                                      For the men and women
                                                                                                                      incarcerated in Thailand’s              Jadao visiting the Jesuit
    helping to give vulnerable                                  Taunggyi, Myanmar with her Diploma in                 prisons, life is extremely              Foundation Thailand
                                                                Education and Social Work. Now, Mary Lu               difficult. Many have no                 office and sharing his
    young people the                                            is working with our local partner, Jesuit             visitors and struggle
                                                                                                                                                              home-grown lychees to
                                                                                                                                                              show thanks.
    education they deserve.                                     Refugee Service Asia-Pacific (JRS), using             with terrible loneliness,
                                                                her education to help transform the lives             fear, depression and
                                                                of displaced refugees in her home region of           hopelessness.
                                                                Kachin State.                                         This was certainly the case
                                                                “My time at SAG helped me to understand my            for Jadao, who received a life
                                                                purpose in life,” says Mary Lu. “I learnt about the   sentence in 2010. However,
                                                                importance of service, which led me to work with      everything started to change
                                                                people in need.”                                      when he began receiving
                                                                                                                      visits from the Prison Services
                                                                Due to decades of neglect, there is a vital need      Program, run by our local partner,
                                                                for education in Myanmar. With the generous           Jesuit Foundation Thailand.
                                                                support of people like you, SAG has been working
                                                                to fill this gap.                                     Thanks to the compassionate
                                                                                                                      support of people like you,
                                                                For twenty years the Institute has been providing     the Prison Services Program
                                                                young people from the poorest backgrounds             accompanies over 1,200
                                                                with the training they need to become teachers,       prisoners in eight prisons
                                                                social workers and compassionate leaders.             across Thailand, providing
                                                                With these skills, graduates can go out into their    companionship and much-
                                                                home regions as teachers to improve access            needed care, love, and pastoral
                                                                to education, rebuild communities and bring           support. For Jadao, these visits
                                                                opportunity to the entire country of Myanmar.         were transformational. “How
                                                                                                                      come you, who I never knew,          With the help of Jesuit Mission      his next chapter. “Now I can live
                                                                Mary Lu is delighted to be working with JRS,                                               supporters, the Prison Services      here and start my new life, not
                                                                helping to empower vulnerable communities             come to visit me in prison?”
                                                                                                                      he would say. “There must be         Program team was able to help        so far from my parents and I can
                                                                through education. Currently, JRS is focused on                                            Jadao with materials to repair his   still take care of my father who is
                                                                providing quality education for children living       a God!”
                                                                                                                                                           house. Now with firm walls and       paralysed,” he says.
                                                                in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in        When Jadao’s sentence was            no more leaks, Jadao can begin
                                                                conflict-affected remote areas of Kachin State, her   reduced, and he was released
                                                                home region.                                          from prison in August 2019, the
                                                                For Mary Lu, this is challenging work, but she is     Prison Services Program team
                                                                grateful to be able to use the transformational       was there to accompany him
                                                                education that she received at SAG to help her        on his journey to begin his new
                                                                community. She works each day with children           life. Jadao returned to his home
    ABOVE: Inspiring young SAG graduate, Mary Lu, is bringing                                                         village with a heart full of love,
    education and hope for a brighter future to vulnerable      in Banmaw IDP camp, promoting education and
                                                                providing essential supplies and invaluable hope.     gratitude and determination.
    students in IDP camps.
                                                                                                                      He started out living with his
                                                                “I love my job with Jesuit Refugee Service,”          parents, as his own home had
                                                                says Mary Lu. “My fieldwork focuses on                fallen into disrepair.                                                            With your support, Jadao
                                                                providing teaching and learning materials                                                                                               now has a weather-proof
                                                                for children who live in IDP camps,                   Jadao soon became the primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                        home and a brighter
                                                                accompanying volunteer teachers in remote             income earner in the family, but                                                  future.
                                                                areas and training teachers.”                         longed to repair his own home
                                                                                                                      and gain more independence.

4   Our actions in review                                                                                                                                                                              Issue #626 Summer 2021         5
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
Celebrating 100!
                                                                                                                         Join us in wishing life-long Jesuit Mission supporter Pat Prendergast a very happy birthday.
                                                                                                                                                       Pat Prendergast              Pat couldn’t have been prouder of her brother,
                                                                                                                                                       has had a lifelong           and visited him in Hazaribag several times. “I was
                                                                                                                                                       connection with the          privileged to occasionally do the Readings at Mass
                                                                                                                                                       Jesuits. Both she and        in the little Hazaribag chapel,” Pat recalls. “When we
                                                                                                                                                       her brother Gavin were       visited for Gavin’s Golden Jubilee we went to see
                                                                                                                                                       baptised and confirmed       the Taj Mahal... I remember cooking sausages and
                                                                                                                                                       at St Ignatius’ Catholic     mash at a Jesuit house on the way. It was a joyful
                                                                                                                                                       Church in Norwood,           experience for us all!”
                                                                                                                                                       South Australia.
                                                                                                                                                                                    The same year her brother left for India, Pat began
                                                                                                                                                       Gavin went on to             supporting Jesuit Mission. While raising her eight
                                                                                                                                                       become Fr Gavin              children, she regularly attended the Maytime Fair in
                                                                                                                                                       O’Sullivan SJ, one of the    Melbourne and has shown exceptional commitment
                                                                                                                                                       earliest young Australian    to supporting our sisters and brothers living in the

                                                                                                                         ABOVE: Lifelong Jesuit        Jesuits who accepted the     global margins.
                                                                                                                         Mission supporter Pat         call to serve vulnerable
                                                                                                                         (right) with Jesuit Mission   communities in               We’d like to express our most sincere thanks
                                                                                                                         Philanthropy Coordinator      Hazaribag, India, in 1952.   to Pat and wish her every blessing on her
                                                                                                                         Julie Sanders.                                             100th birthday. Congratulations Pat!

               Raising up the forgotten
    Your support is helping to open up a new world for people living with a disability.
    “Before joining the program he       As a result, people living               Rattana is one of the 276 people
                                                                                                                         Thank You
                                                                                                                         As the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                                                         continues to impact our lives
                                                                                                                                                                Our thanks also to John XXIII
                                                                                                                                                                College who hosted a wonderful
    could not feed himself. Now,         with a disability often face             living with a disability, who                                                 ‘Virtual Musical Soiree’; and
                                                                                                                         here in Australia, we offer our
    after three years, he can eat        discrimination and exclusion.            KBO is working with today. His                                                Loyola College, Watsonia who in
                                                                                                                         most heartfelt gratitude to
    with a spoon,” says Rattana’s                                                 mother diligently follows the                                                 the midst of a very challenging
    mother with joy.                     Rattana’s family had to cope             advice of the program’s staff          everyone in our community
                                                                                                                                                                year, took the time to host
                                         with this discrimination, while          and is delighted to see Rattana’s      for the generosity and
                                                                                                                                                                several fundraising events. The
    Rattana is six years old and lives   also carrying the burden of              continuous development. Along          compassion you have shown              funds raised by both schools will
    with a growth disorder that          poverty and the high level of            with feeding himself, he is now        to our vulnerable sisters and          contribute to much-needed Jesuit       ABOVE: Students of St Aloysius’
    has inhibited his physical and       care required by Rattana. But            able to walk with the support          brothers overseas.                     Mission COVID-19 relief programs.      College walk in solidarity.
    intellectual development. Before     thanks to the kind support of            of a rail installed in the family
    connecting with our local Jesuit     our wonderful Jesuit Mission             home – and he recently voiced a        A special thanks to the six Jesuit
    partner, Karuna Battambang           community, KBO’s ‘Enhancing              new aspiration.                        schools who participated in
    Organisation (KBO), life was very    the Life of People with                                                         Jesuit Mission’s 2020 “Walking
    challenging for the family.          Disabilities’ program has been           “Rattana wants to go                   in Solidarity” fundraiser. Over
                                         able to bring new help and hope          to school now,” says his               1,400 students and staff
    In Cambodia, many people             to the family.                           delighted mother. “When he             walked, ran, rode – and for                                                                         LEFT: Through
    believe that having a child with                                              sees children in their school          those in Melbourne’s lockdown                                                                       your support,
    a disability is the consequence      The program provides practical           uniform, he points and says            – cooked, to stand in solidarity                                                                    emergency
    of wrongs committed by the           support and interventions to             ‘I like.’”                             with people living in poverty                                                                       food packages
    family’s ancestors, and it is        give people living with disabilities                                            across Asia and Southern                                                                            have been
    unlucky to be in their company.      the skills, medical care and help        ABOVE: No longer excluded, six-year-   Africa. An incredible $100,000
                                         they need to live fuller, freer lives.   old Rattana now has the opportunity                                                                                                        to children
                                                                                                                         was raised for Jesuit Mission to                                                                    in Ulmera,
                                                                                  for a brighter future.
                                                                                                                         support works overseas.                                                                             Timor-Leste.

6   Our actions in review                                                                                                                                                                                     Issue #626 Summer 2021         7
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
Prayer for Critical Courage
Let us join together in the                Cambodia, who demonstrate                    Prayer time: Twenty minutes.
prayer for Critical Courage,               enormous levels of courage to
                                           overcome the impossible, we                  • Take five minutes each for the
written by Fr Michael                                                                     four steps.
Hansen SJ, National Director               too pray for courage to meet the
                                           many challenges that confront                • Pause at the three dots…
of the First Spiritual
                                           us and look for God to find a way.
Exercises Program.                                                                      • If you are especially moved at
                                           ‘Wait for the Lord; be strong, and             any of the steps, remain there
Like our vulnerable brothers and
                                           let your heart take courage; wait              for the rest of the prayer.
sisters living with a disability in
                                           for the Lord (Psalm 27)!’

                                                                      1. Immersion
                                                                      I hold an object that symbolises the gift of
                                                                      courage for me.

                                                                      2. Desire
                                                                      Where is spiritual courage present in my life? ...
                                                                      Where is spiritual courage absent in my life? ...
                                                                      What is the opposite of spiritual courage for
                                                                      me? ...
                                                                      I ask the Spirit of Courage to give me the gift of
                                                                      courage, especially when I begin to lose heart
                                                                      in the face of huge lifestyle changes, loss of
                                                                      certainty and critical health care.

                                                                      3. Choice
                                                                      I choose to follow the way of courage, led by
                                                                      the good spirit, toward God’s love... I reject the
                                                                      way of fear and timidity, of being harassed by a
                                                                      bad spirit...
                                                                      I turn and walk in the contrary direction, from
                                                                      fear, to courage, to peace...

                                                                      4. Courage
                                                                      I imagine the Spirit addresses me, saying, ‘Be
                                                                      strong, take courage, I am with you.’
                                                                      So I rest, for a while, and reflect on the whole
                                                                      day, in the Spirit’s encouragement. I feel

                                                           Contact us:
                  Front cover picture                            PO Box 193
                                                                 North Sydney 2059
                  Thanks to Jesuit Mission
                  supporters, people                             02 8918 4109
                  living with a disability in
                  Cambodia can develop                 
                  life skills to live fuller and
                  freer lives.                         

                                                           Australian Jesuit Mission
                                                           Overseas Aid Fund
                                                           ABN: 47 915 006 050                  Faith creating change
Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission Reflections Your generosity is - Our actions in review - Jesuit Mission
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