ENDANGERED The State of Skills 2021: A global data report by

Page created by Andre Arnold
The State of Skills 2021:

         A global data report by
Inside   00                    01                              02                                  03                                04

         pg 3   THE STATE OF   pg 4   SUPPLY AND               pg 10   COVID-19 IS                 pg 17   IT’S NOT JUST             pg 28 ABOUT THE
                SKILLS 2021:          DEMAND                           ENDANGERING                         SKILLS AT RISK                  RESEARCH
                ENDANGERED            FOR SKILLS                       WORKFORCE                           — IT’S PEOPLE,
                                                                       SKILLS                              COMMUNITIES,
                                                                                                           AND BUSINESSES

Data                           pg 5   Do you know the skills
                                      you need?
                                                               pg 11   It’s accelerating the
                                                                       need for new skills
                                                                                                   pg 19   Mental health and
                                                                                                           wellness are at risk
                                                                                                                                     pg 28 The data

                               pg 7   Do you know the          pg 13   It’s reducing               pg 21   Productivity and          pg 28 The team
                                      skills you have?                 opportunities for                   performance are at risk
                                                                       upskilling and reskilling

                               pg 9   There is no system of    pg 15   It’s making the             pg 23   Retention and recovery
                                      record for skills                workforce feel                      are at risk

                                                                                                   pg 25   Employer brands and
                                                                                                           trust are at risk
The State of Skills 2021:

                                                       COVID-19 is changing everything.      We’ve already seen an unprecedented number
                                                                                             of workers displaced all around the world. And
                                                                                                                                                  Degreed surveyed over 5,200 people around
 “The future spreads like cold butter.”1                                                                                                          the world to assess the effects of recent global
                                                       Many of the organizations that        the redeployments, furloughs, and layoffs will
                                                                                             likely continue throughout 2021.That’s forcing
                                                                                                                                                  events on workforce skills and to gauge their
                                                                                                                                                  readiness to adapt to new challenges.
                                                       survive, emerge, and thrive will be   countless workers to refresh their current skills,
                                                                                             and more importantly, build new ones.
    Mule Design co-founder and Director                                                                                                           We segmented our data by identifying the
    of Strategy, Erika Hall                            different than they were before       But few of us know where to start — and both
                                                                                                                                                  countries, industries, and job roles where skills
                                                                                                                                                  are most at-risk of becoming obsolete. We
                                                       all the unpleasantness. Their         time and money are in short supply.                  hope this will help workers, team managers,
                                                                                                                                                  and business leaders focus their limited energy
                                                       workforces will have to be, too.      That's why we created The State of Skills.           and investments on developing the skills they
                                                                                                                                                  need most.

                                                                                                                                                  Pay close attention to the data on your country,
                                                                                                                                                  industry, and role throughout the report.
                                                                                                                                                  Those who act quickly have a game-changing
                                                                                                                                                  opportunity to get ahead of the competition.
1. Mule Design, Design In the Age of Anxiety, 9/2017
                          Supply and                     “I ask managers to
                                                          imagine a documentary

                          demand for
                                                          about what their team          Everyone needs        Most of the forecasts we’ve seen say the
                                                          is accomplishing six                                 fastest percentage growth in global demand
                                                          months from now. What
                                                                                         technology skills
                                                                                                               for skills over the next decade will be in
                                                          specific results do they                             technology and programming as well as basic

                          skills                          see? How is the work
                                                          different from what the
                                                          team is doing today?
                                                                                                               digital fluency. But many jobs, like sales, only
                                                                                                               require people to use those skills in small
                                                                                                               doses or at basic levels.
                                                          Next, I ask them to
                                                          think about the skills
                                                          needed to make the
                                                          images in the movie
                          Everyone — business             become reality.”1              Everyone needs        And in absolute terms (the total number of
                                                                                         human skills          hours that skills are required each year) those
                          executives, HR, talent and                                                           same forecasts predict the biggest growth will
                          learning leaders, people         Netflix former Chief Talent
                                                                                                               be in demand for cognitive skills like creativity
                                                                                                               or problem solving, and social skills like
                          managers, and individual         Officer, Patty McCord
                                                                                                               communication, entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                               or leadership.
                          workers — seems to be asking
                          the same question right now:
                          “What skills do we need for
                                                                                         You need to see       It’s hard to use forecasts like these if you’re
                          the future?” The answer is,                                    supply and demand     a business executive, HR leader, people
                          “it depends.” It depends on                                    for your skills       manager, or worker. You need to see the
                                                                                                               supply and demand for skills on a more
                          who you are, where you work,                                                         granular level. You need to know which skills
                                                                                                               are growing (or declining) in value in your
                          and what you do.                                                                     country, in your business, or your role.

                                                                                                             1. Harvard Business Review, How Netflix Reinvented HR,

4   The State of Skills
Do you                               Overall                                                                                   By your country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TECHNOLOGICAL                       SOCIAL                  COGNITIVE

know the                             In-Demand Skills in 2021                                                                  In-Demand Skills in 2021

skills                               RANK   SKILLS                                                  CATEGORY            RANK      OVERALL                  US                MEXICO               BRAZIL                  UK             FRANCE             GERMANY                  INDIA            AUSTRALIA

you need?
                                                                                                                                  Advanced IT         Advanced IT           Advanced IT          Advanced IT         Advanced IT         Advanced IT          Leadership          Leadership           Leadership
                                            Advanced IT and programming skills                      TECHNOLOGICAL        1            and                 and                   and                  and                 and                 and             and managing        and managing         and managing
                                                                                                                                  programming         programming           programming          programming         programming         programming            others              others               others

                                            Leadership and management skills                        SOCIAL
                                                                                                                                  Leadership           Leadership           Leadership         Entrepreneurship      Leadership           Advanced            Advanced            Advanced IT         Advanced IT
                                                                                                                         2       and managing         and managing         and managing                 and         and managing        communication       communication             and                 and
                                            Communication and negotiation skills                    SOCIAL                          others               others               others            initiative-taking      others           and negotiation     and negotiation       programming         programming

                                            Entrepreneurship and initiative-taking skills           SOCIAL                        Advanced            Advanced data         Technology           Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Advanced IT        Entrepreneurship     Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                         3      communication          analysis and         design and          and managing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Creativity            and                     and                  and
                                                                                                                                and negotiation        mathematics          engineering            others                                                    programming         initiative-taking    initiative-taking
                                            Project management skills                               COGNITIVE
Driven by demand                                                                                                                Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                          Entrepreneurship       Advanced           Advanced data        Leadership                              Advanced data         Advanced
                                            Creativity skills                                       COGNITIVE
                                                                                                                         4               and
                                                                                                                                                                                   and         communication         analysis and       and managing           Creativity         analysis and       communication
                                                                                                                                 initiative-taking                         initiative-taking   and negotiation       mathematics           others                                 mathematics        and negotiation

Among the 5,000+ workers, team              Advanced data analysis and mathematics skills           TECHNOLOGICAL                                     Adaptability          Advanced                                                                                                                  Adaptability
managers, and business leaders                                                                                           5          Project
                                                                                                                                                     and continuous       communication
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Teaching and          Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Creativity       and continuous
                                                                                                                                  management                                                     management                             training others      management
we surveyed, demand is strongest            Critical thinking and decision making skills            COGNITIVE
                                                                                                                                                        learning          and negotiation                                                                                                               learning

for technological skills. However,
                                                                                                                                                       Technology                                                   Critical thinking                       Critical thinking   Critical thinking     Advanced data
they are also looking to develop            Adaptability and continuous learning skills             SOCIAL               6         Creativity          design and
                                                                                                                                                                            Basic digital
                                                                                                                                                                           software skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Creativity         and decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and decision        and decision          analysis and
their social and cognitive skills.                                                                                                                     engineering                                                       making                                  making              making            mathematics

                                            Technology design and engineering skills                TECHNOLOGICAL
                                                                                                                                 Advanced data                                                   Technology                                                     Complex
                                                                                                                                                     Critical thinking                                               Adaptability       Critical thinking                         Adaptability           Project
We asked people to select up                                                                                             7        analysis and        and decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                 design and         and continuous       and decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and continuous        management
                                                                                                                                  mathematics                                                    engineering                                                   processing
to five skills they’d most like to                                                                                                                        making                                                       learning              making           and analysis

develop from a taxonomy of 25
                                                                                                                                Critical thinking      Advanced               Scientific           Scientific         Advanced           Interpersonal      Advanced data          Advanced           Critical thinking
skills developed by McKinsey                                                                                             8       and decision        communication          research and         research and       communication          skills and        analysis and        communication         and decision
                                                                                                                                     making          and negotiation        development          development        and negotiation         empathy          mathematics         and negotiation           making
Global Institute for their 2018
study, Skill shift: Automation and                                                                                               Adaptability        Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Adaptability        Interpersonal          Scientific
                                                                                                                                                                            Teaching and                             Teaching and
the future of the workforce.                                                Look closer, though. There are some          9      and continuous                and          training others
                                                                                                                                                                                                  processing        training others     and continuous         skills and         research and           Creativity
                                                                            important differences in the most in-                  learning           initiative-taking                          and analysis                              learning             empathy           development

                                                                            demand skills when you look at the data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Complex                                 Technology
                                                                            by country, by industry, and by job role.             Technology                               Adaptability          Quantitative                                                Adaptability                              Teaching and
                                                                                                                        10        design and           Teaching and       and continuous        and statistical      Basic digital        information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and continuous         design and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      training others
                                                                                                                                  engineering         training others        learning             analysis          software skills                            learning            engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and analysis

5     The State of Skills
By your industry                                                                            TECHNOLOGICAL                    SOCIAL           COGNITIVE                  By your role                                                                             TECHNOLOGICAL                 SOCIAL           COGNITIVE

          In-Demand Skills in 2021                                                                                                                                                 In-Demand Skills in 2021
RANK             OVERALL              FINANCIAL            TECHNOLOGY AND          CONSUMER             INDUSTRIAL          BUSINESS SERVICES      HEALTHCARE               RANK       OVERALL                   HR                FINANCE                   IT              OPERATIONS           MARKETING               SALES
                                      SERVICES           TELECOMMUNICATIONS        AND RETAIL         MANUFACTURING

                Advanced IT           Advanced IT             Advanced IT         Advanced IT            Advanced IT           Advanced IT           Leadership                       Advanced IT          Advanced IT            Advanced IT            Advanced IT          Advanced IT            Leadership          Leadership
    1               and                   and                     and                 and                    and                   and              and managing             1            and                  and                    and                    and                  and               and managing        and managing
                programming           programming             programming         programming            programming           programming             others                         programming          programming            programming            programming          programming              others              others

                Leadership            Leadership              Leadership           Leadership            Leadership             Leadership          Advanced IT                        Leadership           Leadership             Leadership            Technology            Leadership            Technology         Advanced IT
    2          and managing          and managing            and managing         and managing          and managing           and managing             and                  2        and managing         and managing           and managing           design and           and managing           design and             and
                  others                others                  others               others                others                 others            programming                          others               others                 others              engineering             others              engineering        programming

                 Advanced            Critical thinking        Technology                                  Advanced               Advanced                                              Advanced           Entrepreneurship         Advanced               Leadership                                Advanced IT          Advanced
    3          communication          and decision            design and            Creativity          communication          communication          Creativity             3       communication                 and           communication           and managing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               management               and            communication
               and negotiation            making              engineering                               and negotiation        and negotiation                                       and negotiation       initiative-taking     and negotiation            others                                  programming        and negotiation

              Entrepreneurship         Advanced                                    Adaptability        Entrepreneurship       Entrepreneurship                                       Entrepreneurship       Advanced             Critical thinking                             Adaptability       Entrepreneurship     Entrepreneurship
                                                                Project                                                                              Teaching and                                                                                          Project
    4                  and           communication            management          and continuous                and                    and
                                                                                                                                                    training others
                                                                                                                                                                            4                 and         communication           and decision           management           and continuous               and                  and
               initiative-taking     and negotiation                                 learning           initiative-taking      initiative-taking                                      initiative-taking   and negotiation             making                                     learning          initiative-taking    initiative-taking

                                    Entrepreneurship         Advanced data                               Technology                                Critical thinking                    Project               Project            Entrepreneurship       Advanced data        Entrepreneurship      Advanced data        Adaptability
                  Project                                                          Basic digital                                 Project
    5           management
                                             and              analysis and
                                                                                  software skills
                                                                                                         design and            management           and decision             5        management            management                    and            analysis and                 and           analysis and       and continuous
                                     initiative-taking        mathematics                                engineering                                    making                                                                    initiative-taking      mathematics          initiative-taking     mathematics           learning

                                                            Entrepreneurship                            Advanced data         Critical thinking     Adaptability                                                                 Advanced data        Complex information      Advanced
                                        Project                                      Project                                                                                                                Teaching and
    6             Creativity
                                                                     and           management
                                                                                                         analysis and          and decision        and continuous           6           Creativity
                                                                                                                                                                                                           training others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  analysis and            processing         communication           Basic digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    software skills
                                                             initiative-taking                           mathematics               making             learning                                                                    mathematics            and analysis        and negotiation

               Advanced data       Complex information          Scientific                                 Scientific           Adaptability                                         Advanced data                                                        Advanced          Complex information     Adaptability
                                                                                   Teaching and                                                       Project                                                                        Project                                                                             Teaching and
    7           analysis and           processing             research and
                                                                                  training others
                                                                                                         research and          and continuous       management
                                                                                                                                                                             7        analysis and           Creativity            management           communication           processing         and continuous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        training others
                mathematics           and analysis            development                                development              learning                                            mathematics                                                       and negotiation        and analysis           learning

               Critical thinking     Advanced data             Advanced             Technology        Complex information        Technology          Advanced                        Critical thinking        Scientific       Complex information     Entrepreneurship
    8           and decision          analysis and           communication          design and            processing             design and        communication             8        and decision          research and           processing                   and              Creativity           Creativity
                    making            mathematics            and negotiation        engineering          and analysis            engineering       and negotiation                        making            development           and analysis          initiative-taking

                Adaptability          Adaptability                               Entrepreneurship       Critical thinking      Advanced data       Entrepreneurship                   Adaptability         Advanced data            Quantitative           Scientific                                Advanced          Critical thinking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Teaching and
    9          and continuous        and continuous            Creativity                 and            and decision           analysis and
                                                                                                                                                            and              9       and continuous         analysis and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and statistical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         research and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               training others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and negotiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and decision
                  learning              learning                                  initiative-taking          making                                 initiative-taking                   learning                                                                                                                            making

                Technology             Quantitative           Quantitative        Advanced data                                   Scientific        Advanced data                      Technology                                                         Quantitative                            General equipment     Advanced data
                                                                                                           Project                                                                                          Basic digital                                                      Basic digital
    10          design and            and statistical        and statistical       analysis and          management
                                                                                                                                research and
                                                                                                                                                     analysis and           10         design and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           software skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Creativity           and statistical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              software skills         operation          analysis and
                engineering             analysis               analysis            mathematics                                                       mathematics                                                                                                                                                         mathematics

6        The State of Skills
Do you                                 Overall

                                       Where do you think the most up-to-date
                                                                                      In your country

                                                                                      Where do you think the most up-to-date data                                                Mexican workers are most confident in the

                                                                                                                                                                                 skills data in their company’s HR systems.
                                       data about your skills exist, if anywhere?     about your skills exist, if anywhere?                                                      Australians are the least confident.

the skills
you have?
                                                                                         HR Systems       Online profiles   Resumes             Nowhere
                                                                                                          and networks      and CVs

                                                                                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM

                                                 HR Systems         Online profiles
Good news                                                           and networks                        UNITED STATES
                                                                                                                                 33% 15% 26% 26%
LinkedIn may not actually know
more about your people than you
                                                  34%                  21%                              30% 19% 27% 24%

do. Only 21% of workers believe the
most up-to-date data about their                                                                                                                           32% 13% 28% 26%
skills exists in online networks and
communities like Linkedin, Twitter,                                                                                                                                                         INDIA
Dribbble, or GitHub; 34% think it’s
in their employers’ HR systems.                                                                                                                                                             35% 43% 17%       4%
                                                                                                                                       39% 17% 26% 18%

Bad news                                                                                    MEXICO

There’s still a lot that HR systems
don’t (and can’t) know. More than                 Resumes                                   42% 25% 27%    5%                                                        AUSTRALIA
a quarter (27%) of workers believe                and CVs
the most up-to-date data on their                                                                                                                                    28% 16% 34% 21%
                                                   27%                 18%
skills is hidden inside documents
like resumes and CVs. Another 18%
say real-time information on their                                                                                                    36% 25% 35%     4%
skills doesn’t exist anywhere.

7     The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                                                        In your role
                                                                                      Workers in the manufacturing sector are most                                                                                 No surprise: HR workers are most

Where do you think the most up-to-date                                                confident in the skills data in their company’s
                                                                                      HR systems. Consumer and retail workers are
                                                                                                                                        Where do you think the most up-to-date                                     confident in the skills data in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   company’s HR systems. Everyone

data about your skills exist, if anywhere?                                            the least confident.
                                                                                                                                        data about your skills exist, if anywhere?                                 else is less confident.

    HR Systems             Online profiles   Resumes          Nowhere                                                                        HR Systems        Online profiles     Resumes         Nowhere
                           and networks      and CVs                                                                                                           and networks        and CVs


                                                                                                                                                          0%                 10%             20%             30%        40%                      50%


              38%                      35%             30%              39%          35%                    36%


                                                                                                            16%                         FINANCE
              22%                                                       18%

              26%                                                                    31%

               14%                                                                   11%

8    The State of Skills
There is                             CEO:               How data on people’s skills gets into HR systems (and how it doesn’t).
no system
of record
                                    “Do we have
for skills.                         the skills          Skill data is captured                Skill data is updated               Skill data is inferred                 Skill data is inferred

                                    we need for
                                                        through job applications              via periodic reviews,               from job descriptions,                 from credentials,
                                                        or internal talent profiles           development plans,                  competency models, or                  online profiles, or other
                                                                                              or assessments                      other organizational data              publicly available data

Technology can now do
wonders to illuminate people’s
                                    the future?”        But                                   But                                 But                                    But only

                                                        75%                                   61%                                 40%                                    21%
skills. But the data indicates
that efficient data architectures
and advanced AI are not
enough to fill in all the gaps in

conventional HR processes.
                                                        to 80% of workers                     of workers do not get               of employees say they                  of workers say the
                                                        don’t complete their HR               regular feedback on their           frequently complete                    most up-to-date data
                                                        system’s talent profile1              performance or skills2              tasks outside their                    about their skills is
                                                                                                                                  job description3                       in online profiles4

                                                   1.   Human Resource Executive,        2.   Degreed and Harvard Business   3.   Gartner, Workforce Planning for   4.   Degreed, The State of Skills:
                                                        Focusing HR-tech                      School Publishing, How the          Competitive Advantage Post-            Endangered Skills 2021,
                                                        development in the time of the        Workforce Learns, 03/2019           COVID-19, 06/2020                      10/2020
                                                        virus, 04/2020

9     The State of Skills
10   The State of Skills
                           COVID-19 is endangering
                           workforce skills
                                                     “I need to tell you
                                                      something about all your
                                                      skills. As of right now, they
                                                      mean precisely #!*%.”1

                                                        Men in Black Agent, K (as
                                                        played by Tommy Lee Jones)

                                                                                           The global health and economic
                                                                                           crisis has had three big impacts
                                                                                           on the state of skills:

                                                                                           It’s accelerating the need for
                                                                                           new skills

                                                                                           It’s reducing opportunities for
                                                                                           upskilling and reskilling

                                                                                           It’s making the workforce more
                                                                                           stressed and vulnerable

                                                                                           Tommy Lee Jones, Men in Black, 1997
It’s accelerating the                  In your country

                                       I agree that COVID has accelerated
                                                                                                    This pressure to develop new skills is

need for new skills.
                                                                                                    strongest in India, Mexico, and Brazil. But
                                                                                                    many European and North American workers
                                       the need for me to acquire new skills.                       also sense the urgent need for retooling.

                                                                         UNITED KINGDOM

                                                         UNITED STATES
                                                         36%                              GERMANY


                                                                             39%                                   72%
Workers, managers, and business
leaders are all feeling the pressure                 MEXICO
to upskill and reskill. Six-in-ten
say COVID-19 and the resulting
economic crisis have accelerated
                                                     56%                                            AUSTRALIA

their need to acquire new skills.

11    The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                              In your role
                                                                        Workers in the technology and
                                                                                                                                                             IT, marketing, and HR workers, many of
I agree that COVID has accelerated                                      telecommunications sector feel
                                                                        the greatest demand for new skills,   I agree that COVID has accelerated             them facing sudden, substantial changes in
                                                                                                                                                             the demands of their roles, are feeling the
the need for me to acquire new skills.                                  followed by those in the business
                                                                        and financial services sectors.       the need for me to acquire new skills.         most acute pressure to upskill and reskill.

                                       77%                                                                        68%         69%         64%          75%   57%                      57%

                           FINANCIAL           TECHNOLOGY AND                CONSUMER
                           SERVICES          TELECOMMUNICATIONS              AND RETAIL

         59%                                                      55%

                         INDUSTRIAL           BUSINESS SERVICES             HEALTHCARE                              HR       MARKETING    FINANCE       IT   SALES                OPERATIONS

12   The State of Skills
It’s reducing opportunities
                                          In your country

                                          My employer has reduced upskilling (e.g.
for upskilling and reskilling.            training and development) opportunities
                                                                                                       The lack of opportunities is especially
                                                                                                       serious in emerging markets (like India, Brazil,
                                                                                                       and Mexico), which are essential to many
                                          compared to pre-COVID levels.                                companies’ operations and growth prospects.

                                                                            UNITED KINGDOM

                                                            UNITED STATES
                                                            36%                              GERMANY


                                                                                39%                                      72%
Development opportunities are harder to
find at work amid the global health and
economic crisis. Nearly half of workers                 MEXICO

(46%) say their employers have reduced
upskilling and reskilling opportunities
during the pandemic.
                                                        56%                                             AUSTRALIA


13     The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                            In your role

My employer has reduced upskilling (e.g.                                Cuts to upskilling and reskilling   My employer has reduced upskilling (e.g.
                                                                                                                                                             IT, marketing, and HR professionals, the
training and development) opportunities                                 opportunities have been felt most
                                                                        deeply in the technology and        training and development) opportunities          people most impacted by the sudden shifts
                                                                                                                                                             in work and consumer habits, have felt the
compared to pre-Covid levels.                                           telecommunications, and business
                                                                        and financial services sectors.
                                                                                                            compared to pre-Covid levels.                    cuts to opportunities most deeply.

                                                                                                                    56%      58%         50%           59%        41%                      47%
         52%                           60%

                           FINANCIAL           TECHNOLOGY AND                CONSUMER
                           SERVICES          TELECOMMUNICATIONS              AND RETAIL

         49%                           49%                        41%

                         INDUSTRIAL           BUSINESS SERVICES              HEALTHCARE                               HR   MARKETING    FINANCE         IT        SALES                 OPERATIONS

14   The State of Skills
It’s making the workforce
                                              In your country
                                                                                                                                        The risks of obsolete skills are most
                                              When, if at all, do you believe your core
feel vulnerable.
                                                                                                                                        acutely felt by workers in emerging

                                              job skills will be obsolete?                                                              markets like India, Brazil, and Mexico,
                                                                                                                                        as well as in Germany.

                                                 Within 12 months            Within 3 years      Within 5 years

Nearly half (46%) of workers,
managers, and business leaders
believe their core job skills will be
                                        46%                         UNITED STATES

                                                                    12% 21% 30%
                                                                                              UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                              20% 33% 41%

                                                                                                                  26% 42% 56%


obsolete within five years. More
than 36% expect their core job                                                                                                                  51% 67% 73%
skills to decay within three years.                                                               15% 28% 38%


                                                     32% 43% 52%                                                                AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                BRAZIL                          15% 23% 31%

                                                                                                 36% 52% 65%

15     The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                                           In your role
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The risks of obsolete skills

When, if at all, do you believe your core                                    The risks of obsolete skills are most
                                                                             pronounced in the financial services,         When, if at all, do you believe your core                                                 within the next few years are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     felt most severely among
job skills will be obsolete?                                                 technology and telecommunications,
                                                                             and business services sectors.
                                                                                                                           job skills will be obsolete?                                                              workers in IT, marketing, HR,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and finance roles.

     Within 12 months         Within 3 years         Within 5 years                                                            Within 12 months       Within 3 years        Within 5 years

                            10%                20%            30%     40%   50%               60%                    70%

                                                                                                                                 HR               MARKETING            FINANCE                   IT          SALES                 OPERATIONS





     HEALTHCARE                                                                                                              28% 43% 54%          43% 55% 66%          25% 42% 53%           35% 51% 63%   28% 37% 44%              22% 37% 36%

16    The State of Skills
                                             “When we looked at our labor
                                              force through the skills lens,
                                              we found that we had two-
                                              thirds of our skills wrong. We
                                              were headed for disaster."1

                           It’s not just        Head of Talent Management,
                                                Financial Institution

                           skills at risk—                                          There’s much more at
                                                                                    stake here than just skills.

                           it’s people,                                             People are at risk

                           communities,                                             Communities are at risk

                           and businesses                                           Businesses are at risk

                                                                               1.   Gartner, Use Labor Market Insights to Manage People-
                                                                                    Related Costs, 3/2020

17   The State of Skills
It's not just
skills at risk,            People                                  Communities                               Businesses
                           The livelihoods and prospects of tens   That stress doesn’t just affect those     Anxiety and stress over skills can also
                           of millions of workers have already     people and their families. It compounds   impede workers’ productivity and
                           been damaged. And more than half        into weaker consumer demand and           performance, and intensify “people
                           of workers globally (55%) say that as   adds new pressures on already strained    costs” like wellness, absences, and
                           confidence in their skills decreases,   communities and local governments.        turnover. And that’s bad for business.
                           their stress levels increase.

                           Livelihoods                             Consumer demand                           Mental health and wellness

                           Future prospects                        Economic activity                         Productivity and performance

                           Anxiety and stress                      Government finances                       Retention and resilience

                                                                                                             Employer brands and trust

18   The State of Skills
Mental health and
                                            In your country
                                                                                                                                               Workers in the United States, Mexico,
                                                                                                                                               and Australia are most at risk of
                                            When you don’t feel confident in your skills,
wellness are at risk.
                                                                                                                                               stress. Mental health is most at risk
                                                                                                                                               with workers in Brazil, Australia,
                                            how, if at all, does this impact you?                                                              India, and the US.

                                                My job is more stressful         My mental health suffers

Anxiety about skills is becoming a
mental health and wellness issue.
Nearly 6-in-10 (55%) workers,
managers, and business leaders
                                      55%                        UNITED STATES

                                                                    68% 42%
                                                                                                      UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                            43% 32%

                                                                                                                         50% 27%


said a lack of confidence in
their skills makes their job more                                                                                                                      52% 44%
stressful. Nearly 4-in-10 (38%) say                                                                         49% 28%
their mental health suffers.

                                                      63% 36%                                                                      AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                    BRAZIL                            62% 46%

                                                                                                        53% 46%

19    The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                                                            In your role
                                                                                                 Workers in the healthcare, financial
                                                                                                 services, and retail industries are most                                                                             People who work in HR, sales, and operations

When you don’t feel confident in your skills,                                                    prone to stress. Mental health is most
                                                                                                 at risk in the healthcare and business
                                                                                                                                            When you don’t feel confident in your skills,                             roles are most likely to be stressed. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mental health of those working in those same
how, if at all, does this impact you?                                                            services sectors.                          how, if at all, does this impact you?                                     roles is also most at risk.

      My job is more stressful           My mental health suffers                                                                               My job is more stressful        My mental health suffers

                                                                                                                            61%                    HR                  MARKETING                 FINANCE      IT         SALES                OPERATIONS
                       57%                                          56%
     60%                                                                           53%             52%
                                37%               38%
     40%                                                                  34%




                                                                                                                                                60% 40%                    40% 19%                52% 38%   50% 38%      57% 40%                 57% 38%

                       FINANCIAL        TECHNOLOGY AND              CONSUMER       INDUSTRIAL      BUSINESS               HEALTHCARE

20        The State of Skills
In your country

Productivity and performance
                                                                                                                                           Australian, Indian, Brazilian, and
                                                                                                                                           Mexican workers are most likely to
                                               When you don’t feel confident in your skills,                                               say tasks take longer to complete,

are at risk.
                                                                                                                                           and that work is a lower quality when
                                               how, if at all, does this impact you?                                                       they’re not confident in their skills.

                                                   Tasks take longer to complete   My work is of a lower quality

Instability of skills is a significant
risk to workers’ productivity and
performance. More than 4-in-10
                                         41%                       UNITED STATES

                                                                      40% 17%
                                                                                                 UNITED KINGDOM

                                                                                                    35% 19%

                                                                                                                     40% 14%



(41%) people told us that a lack
                                                                                                                                                   44% 24%
of confidence in their skills means
                                                                                                    36% 18%
tasks take longer to complete.
More than one-in-five (22%) say                       MEXICO
their work is a lower quality.

                                                         47% 21%                                                               AUSTRALIA

                                                                                               BRAZIL                            45% 25%

                                                                                                   49% 41%

21     The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                                                           In your role
                                                                                               Workers in technology and                                                                                                     People working in IT, marketing, and
When you don’t feel confident in your skills,                                                  telecommunications, and business
                                                                                               services are most likely to say
                                                                                                                                           When you don’t feel confident in your skills,                                     HR roles are most likely to say tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             take longer to complete, and their
how, if at all, does this impact you?                                                          insecurity in skills leads to slower task
                                                                                               completion and lower quality work.
                                                                                                                                           how, if at all, does this impact you?                                             work is a lower quality when they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             feel anxious about their skills.

       Tasks take longer to complete          My work is of a lower quality                                                                    Tasks take longer to complete    My work is of a lower quality

                                       47%                                                    46%
 50%                                                                                                                                            HR                 MARKETING            FINANCE                   IT      SALES                OPERATIONS

                                                             40%                40%
 40%             36%


 30%                                                                                                24%

                                                                    18%                                                      18%
 20%                                                                                  14%


 0%                                                                                                                                           42% 18%                 44% 22%            37% 26%                47% 26%   38% 18%                 40% 21%

               FINANCIAL         TECHNOLOGY AND             CONSUMER            INDUSTRIAL    BUSINESS              HEALTHCARE

22      The State of Skills
Retention and recovery
                                           In your country

                                           If my employer doesn’t invest in me
are at risk.                               and the development of my skills,
                                           I will be more likely to leave my job.
                                                                                                          Indian and Brazilian workers, who have felt
                                                                                                          some of the biggest gaps in support from
                                                                                                          employers, are most inclined to leave for a
                                                                                                          better opportunity. So are French workers.

                                                                             UNITED KINGDOM

                                                             UNITED STATES
                                                             44%                              GERMANY


                                                                                 48%                                    64%
The declining availability of upskilling
and reskilling opportunities could lead
to increased voluntary turnover, which                  MEXICO

puts business resilience and recovery
at risk when the economic climate                       45%                                             AUSTRALIA
improves. Nearly half (46%) of workers
around the world now say they are
more likely to leave their employer                                            BRAZIL
if they don’t see a commitment to
upskilling and reskilling.                                                     47%

23    The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                        In your role
                                                                          Workers in the financial
                                                                          services and technology
If my employer doesn’t invest in me                                       and telecommunications
                                                                          sectors are most likely
                                                                                                        If my employer doesn’t invest in me            People in IT, marketing, and finance roles are
and the development of my skills,                                         to consider leaving their     and the development of my skills,              most likely to leave their employer for a new
                                                                                                                                                       opportunity if they don’t feel an investment
                                                                          employer if they don’t see
I will be more likely to leave my job.                                    a commitment to upskilling.   I will be more likely to leave my job.         in developing future-ready skills.

                                                                                                             46%         53%          50%        57%     42%                        47%
         54%                           57%

                           FINANCIAL           TECHNOLOGY AND           CONSUMER
                           SERVICES          TELECOMMUNICATIONS         AND RETAIL

         47%                           46%                        42%

                         INDUSTRIAL           BUSINESS SERVICES         HEALTHCARE                              HR      MARKETING     FINANCE     IT      SALES                 OPERATIONS

24   The State of Skills
Employer brands                             In your country

                                            My employer is more likely to make
and trust are at risk.                      redundancies than reskill workers or
                                            move them to another department.
                                                                                                         Workers in emerging markets, like India, Brazil,
                                                                                                         and Mexico are especially skeptical of companies’
                                                                                                         commitment to investing in growing their skills
                                                                                                         and developing their careers.

                                                                              UNITED KINGDOM

                                                              UNITED STATES
                                                              36%                              GERMANY


                                                                                  32%                                     68%
The declining availability of upskilling
and reskilling opportunities is damaging
people’s confidence in employers’
commitment to their growth — a core
part of many companies’ employer value                    51%                                             AUSTRALIA

proposition. More than four-in-10 (42%)
workers believe their company is more
likely to lay workers off than to reskill
them or move them into another role.

25    The State of Skills
In your industry                                                                                          In your role
                                                                        Workers in the technology and
My employer is more likely to make                                      telecommunications, financial     My employer is more likely to make           IT, marketing, HR, and finance workers have
                                                                        services, and business services
redundancies than reskill workers or                                    sectors are most skeptical of     redundancies than reskill workers or         the strongest doubts about their companies’
                                                                                                                                                       commitment to investing in developing their
move them to another department.                                        companies’ commitment to
                                                                        their careers.                    move them to another department.             skills and advancing their careers.

                                                                                                                 46%       54%         45%       57%        39%                      44%
         50%                                                      44%

                           FINANCIAL           TECHNOLOGY AND                CONSUMER
                           SERVICES          TELECOMMUNICATIONS              AND RETAIL

         41%                           47%

                         INDUSTRIAL           BUSINESS SERVICES             HEALTHCARE                              HR    MARKETING    FINANCE    IT         SALES                OPERATIONS

26   The State of Skills
Hands can’t hit what
eyes can’t see                          The skills we need, and the ones
                                        we have, change constantly.
                                                                                          Our jobs change and our careers grow

                                                                                          Rules and regulations get implemented
                                                                                                                                          Business strategies shift and priorities shuffle

                                                                                                                                          Innovative thinking leads to new practices
                                        Because things change constantly.                                                                 and processes
                                                                                          Customers’ values and behaviors evolve
                                                                                                                                          Pandemics turn the whole world upside down
                                                                                          New technologies create new possibilities       at the drop of a hat

Google Search for "skills" since 2015    “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His   These things happen every day. As they do,      These insights are increasingly valuable to
                                          hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.”       some skills decay in value while others grow    workers and managers because they can
                                                                                          and new ones emerge. And that means we all      help keep skills and careers aligned to growth
                                                                                          need to pay closer attention to the skills we   opportunities. And they’ve become essential to
                                                                                          have and the ones we need next.                 business executives and HR talent and learning
                                              Muhammad Ali
                                                                                                                                          leaders because they can inform smarter, more
                                                                                                                                          impactful decisions about how we invest in our
                                                                                                                                          most valuable assets — our people.
About the research   The Data

                     We gathered data from 5,208 workers,   The data was collected in July and August
                     team managers, and business leaders.   2020 by independent, international market
                                                            research agency, Censuswide.

                     COUNTRIES                              JOB ROLES                                   INDUSTRIES

                     United States             1,078        IT                         1,153            Financial Services          425
                     Brazil                      536        Finance                      550            IT and Telecommunications 884
                     Mexico                      538        HR                           352            Consumer and Retail         729
                     UK                        1,002        Operations                   645            Industrial Manufacturing    465
                     France                      521        Marketing                    206            Business Services           669
                     Germany                     509        Sales                        534            Healthcare                  459
                     India                       523        Other                      1,768            Other Industries          1,577
                     Australia                   501

                     The Team                                                                  Let’s take on tomorrow.

                                                                                               To learn more about how Degreed can
                                                                                               help you identify, develop, and mobilize
                     Martin McGourty              Justin Gallegos                              the skills your business needs next, visit
                     Laura West-Wilson            Jonda McCutchan                              us at degreed.com or on social: LinkedIn,
                     Gareth Thomas                Alex Olmstead                                Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
                     Amber Mott                   Sarah Danzl
                     Alec Hamilton                David Johnson
                     Tina Dirmyer                 Todd Tauber
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