Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills

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Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
UK Rural - February 2021

Savills Research

                   Building resilience   Core principles       Increasing profitability
Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Growing revolution

              Industrial                   Sustainable                  Regenerative         Regenerative agriculture is about
                                                                                             repairing and improving soil health,
Soil health

                             Soil health

                                                          Soil health
                                                                                             rather than using or sustaining
                                                                                             current management methods

              Time farming                 Time farming                  Time farming

                                                                                                                                                                                    Farming Photography
What is regenerative agriculture?
The term may have only recently surfaced as a popular concept, but it is gaining
traction as the key solution to feeding growing populations and tackling climate change
Regenerative practices have been a                                         natural systems to restore and enhance the           fertilisers, mono-cropping and a concern
groundswell movement in agriculture. They                                  biodiversity, soil fertility and ecosystem service   about the need to feed the rapidly growing
have recently been increasing in popularity                                provision (such as carbon sequestration and          global population have all led to intensively
not only with farmers and land managers, but                               water retention) of farmed land.                     farmed soils becoming depleted of their
also with scientists, policy makers and the                                   Regenerative models focus on increasing the       natural biology and fertility. The United
public. High-profile media attention and the                               resilience of ecological systems, rather than        Nation’s 2020 report on the state of soil
ongoing debate around the role of ruminants                                extracting from these systems solely to achieve      biodiversity concluded that the future of
on climate impact has championed the cause.                                market returns. Regenerative agriculture             global soils looks bleak if current detrimental
This Spotlight on Regenerative Agriculture sets                            not only focuses on the resilience of natural        practices continue.
out the basics for those interested in exploring                           capital, but social capital too, with the goal          Regenerative agriculture aims to reverse the
this movement, as well as pointing to some                                 of supporting rural communities and wider            degradation of soils, focusing on rebuilding soil
developments and new areas of interest.                                    supply chains.                                       organic matter (SOM).
                                                                                                                                   Minimising soil disturbance and building
WHAT’S IN A NAME?                                                          BUILDING RESILIENCE                                  up soil organic matter fixes carbon within the
Defining regenerative agriculture is not simple.                           Central to the regenerative agriculture model        soil. This occurs through the transformation
There is no one universally-agreed definition.                             is the concept of protecting and restoring           of plant and animal detritus, as well as
In its broadest terms, regenerative agriculture                            soils. Over the last century, mechanisation,         certain bacteria that can fix carbon by using
refers to an approach that seeks to work with                              the increasing availability of pesticides and        atmospheric CO2 as their energy source.                                                                                      2
Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Growing revolution

Under regenerative models, as soils increase in fertility their water
holding capacity also increases, thereby increasing the natural,
biological productivity of the land and encouraging species growth

   Under regenerative models, as soils           a long-term benefit to soil structure and                   FIVE CORE
increase in fertility their water holding        biology. In conclusion, the recommendation                PRINCIPLES OF
capacity also increases, thereby building the    was that cover cropping should be seen as part            REGENERATIVE
natural, biological productivity of the land     of integrated soil management, rather than the
and encouraging species growth.                  only applicable technique.
   On the other hand, if land is intensively
cultivated, it releases carbon into the          IS THIS NEW?
atmosphere and water run-off is more             The term is only just becoming a mainstream
frequent. Regenerative agriculture is,           concept, but producing food alongside
therefore, being proposed as a key solution      nature’s rhythms has always existed. Artificial
                                                                                                                Minimise soil
to feeding growing populations, while also       inputs allowed the link to be weakened and                     disturbance
tackling climate change and increasing           nature to be managed in search of greater
environmental risk.                              efficiencies. Ecologists and farmers such
                                                 as Allan Savory and Richard Perkins have
THE YIELD QUESTION                               popularised regenerative agriculture in recent
The pivotal question in the debate about         years, which has prompted public attention
regenerative agriculture is whether it can       through movements such as Regenuary and                      Maximise species
produce enough food. The Food, Farming           the celebrated Netflix documentary Kiss The
and Countryside Commission 2021 report           Ground. This is beginning to have an effect
modelled the yield potential of a regenerative   on supply chains, led by corporates such as
system and found that within this model          Timberland and General Mills, which have
the UK yield (of cereal crops) in tonnes per     made commitments to source materials from
hectare was 27% less than within current         regenerative systems, supporting farmers to                    Keep the soil
conventional systems.                            adopt new systems, upskill and scale up                    covered and build its
   More modelling and information is needed      their enterprises.                                            organic matter
to reach concrete conclusions. Sustaining
high yields can be environmentally damaging      REGENERATIVE THINKING
however, so a key consideration is the           The concept of regenerative is not unique
improved long-term environmental resilience      to agriculture. Regenerative capitalism, a
of regenerative models against the increasing    concept coined by John Elkington, is gaining                  Maintain living
environmental precarity of high yielding,        traction within businesses. It is intended to               roots all year round
intensive systems.                               deliver “exponential progress in the form of
   For many businesses, the financial impact     economic, social, and environmental wealth
of this drop in yield may prove a prohibitive    creation”. Cynics may argue that regenerative
barrier to this method of farming. However,      thinking is just the next iteration in the
the beauty of regenerative practices is they     box of sustainability jargon, however it is
                                                                                                             Integrate livestock
are not a binary choice. Unlike purely organic   indicative of a realisation that society has
schemes, farmers can adopt practices to suit     reached an environmental tipping point, and
their soil types or individual enterprises.      if environmental risk is not addressed in a
The diversity implicit within regenerative       way that seeks to solve root causes, the future
models enables production layering, for          could be bleak.                                         WHERE DOES
example through grazing animals on cover                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY
crops. And for some, the reduction in the use                                                            FIT IN?
of artificial inputs means that these systems    Industrial vs Regenerative approach
can be more profitable.                                                                                  There is often confusion
                                                                                                         over the difference
NO ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL                                                                                     between regenerative
Not all principles of regenerative agriculture                                                           systems and sustainability.
will be applicable or suitable to every land                                                             All regenerative models
                                                                                                         are sustainable however,
type. For example, recent field-scale research        INDUSTRIALISED                  REGENERATIVE       not all sustainable
from Agrii’s Stow Longa Technology Centre
                                                                                                         action is regenerative.
demonstrated that although cover cropping               Disconnected                  Interconnected     A regenerative system
is beneficial for managing lighter erosion-                                                              fixes the root cause of the
prone soils, for those on heavier land it is              Extractive                    Value added
                                                                                                         problem and then renews
less successful.                                       Controls nature               Works with nature   its growth potential,
   Within the study, it was found that over                                                              whereas sustainability
six years, traditional cultivation techniques              Higher                         Lower          focuses on not letting the
outperformed all other cover cropping                   chemical input                chemical inputs    problem get any greater.
treatments in terms of margin over costs.
                                                         Monoculture                      Diversity
However, the study did demonstrate that
SOM levels increased significantly more               Carbon emissions                 Carbon fixing
under the cover crop model, indicating

Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Regenerative systems

                                                                     Collaboration is essential and should involve a team with
                                                                     a broader range of skills and strong communication to
                                                                     ensure that it delivers for the farmer

Regenerative techniques: a glossary
Regenerative, agro-ecology, permaculture, holistic land management, the semantics of land management
are ever changing. Below is a guide to the techniques a regenerative agricultural system might look to adopt:

  TERM                   DEFINITION                                    POSITIVES                                   NEGATIVES

No-till/     Method of planting crops or pasture Reduces soil erosion and SOM losses.                              Challenging on heavy soils and within
minimum till that involves very limited soil     Lower cost disturbance                                            rotations that include root crops

  Cover cropping Growing plant species secondary to Reduces soil erosion, can have                                 Additional seed and establishment
		               the primary crops or pasture to    nitrogen fixing capability, increases                          costs and dependency on mechanical
		               ensure soil is covered year-round  SOM and, in turn, water retention                              or chemical destruction prior to next

  Integrated pest        Focuses on long-term prevention of            Reduces use of chemical pesticides,         Potential yield reductions in
  management             pests or their damage via combinations        promotes thriving soil microbe              early years, higher reliance/
		                       of biological control, habitat                populations and can lead to longer          less flexibility on crop rotations
		                       manipulation, modification of cultural        term cost savings by addressing the
		                       practices and use of resistant varieties      root of the problem

Compost/            Using organic or decomposed waste                  Improved nutrient cycling and               Can be inaccessible and/or costly to
organic fertilisers as a sustainable source of fertiliser              reduced reliance on greenhouse gas          apply if brought into the farm system
			                                                                    intensive inputs

Livestock    Intermittent grazing of livestock at                      Enables greater nutrient cycling,           Infrastructure costs associated with
integration/ opportune times in the production                         promotes plant growth and brings            grazing, time costs associated with
mob grazing  cycle                                                     back natural balance to the ecosystem.      frequent movements
			                                                                    Reduces feed costs, increases animal
			                                                                    health and welfare

Agroforestry/ Growing trees together with a crop                       Carbon sequestration benefits bio-          Reduced farming area in the arable
Silvopasture  or grazing pasture                                       diversity. Increases water and nutrient     system. Need for smaller, specialist
			                                                                    holding capacity of soil. Increases         harvesting machinery. May cause
			                                                                    crop shade and reduces burning              moisture stress in some areas

                       WHERE DO WE                       important ingredients for          than traditional agronomy         a key role in steering the
                                                         success. The Agriculture and       and includes soil health,         business strategy, managing
                       LEARN, HOW DO                     Horticulture Development           cultivation systems and the       the transition of expectations
                       WE LEARN, WHAT                    Board has increased its focus      integration of livestock, in      with lenders and investors
                       DOES GOOD                         on knowledge exchange,             addition to pesticides and        and integrating livestock and
                                                         with many of its Monitor           crop nutrition. Consequently,     arable enterprises within a
                       ADVICE LOOK LIKE?                 Farm demonstration sites           advice cannot be siloed           profitable system.
                                                         exploring soil health issues,      into traditional roles such          It is now more important
                       A desire to improve soil          providing a forum for farmers      as agronomist and business        than ever that advice looks
                       health is a common trigger        to discuss the practicalities      consultant.                       beyond gross margins and
                       that leads to the adoption        of integrating cover and              Collaboration is essential     considers the impact of
                       of regenerative agricultural      catch crops and benefit from       and should involve a team         the system on fixed costs
                       practices on a farm. Soil type    collective experience.             with a broader range of skills    and resource requirements
                       also determines the suitability      Events dedicated to             and strong communication          within the context of a longer
                       of cover crop mixes and key       regenerative agriculture, such     to ensure that it delivers        term vision.
                       machinery such as no-till         as the Groundswell show and        for the farmer. Advisory
                       drills, meaning that while        conference, have developed         services have evolved in
                       a successful regenerative         and play an important role         response, with agronomy
                       agriculture system has            in both demonstrating the          firms developing soil health
                       common principles, the            technology and connecting          reporting services, while

                       best approach for a farm is       farmers with each other and        expanded input advisory
                       scenario specific.                with advisors.                     services and product
                         Visiting demonstration sites,      The advice farmers and          offerings now include catch
                       tapping into the experience       land managers require to           and cover crop mixes,             tonnes of topsoil
                       of others via YouTube videos
                       and Twitter and connecting
                                                         adopt a regenerative system,
                                                         while minimising their
                                                                                            biostimulant seed treatments
                                                                                            and foliar sprays.
                                                                                                                              is eroded annually
                       with mentors are often            financial risk, is much broader       Business consultants play      in the UK                                                          4
Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Regenerative systems

The average cost of a no-till drill,
                                          Target soil organic matter for soils within cropping
which can save time and money             systems receiving medium levels of rainfall (AHDB 2019)

Soil quality in the tenanted
sector – filling in the gaps?
It is in a landowner’s interest to incentivise improvements in soil organic matter
Improving soil quality by rebuilding soil         not SOM. AHA tenancies don’t have a               This is a more generous position than under
organic matter (SOM) levels directly benefits     baseline against which to assess soil quality     the AHA as it includes enhanced capital value,
farmers, improving soils nutrient holding         improvements and compensation is based on         although the Act does allow a compensation
capacity, infiltration rate and working           the value to the incoming tenant; there is no     limit to be set.
windows. However, as a natural process,           straightforward way to value the productivity        Logically, improving soil quality should also
positive management actions are not               benefits of soil organic matter.                  increase the value of land. However, within
immediately followed by results. This lag            When new tenancies are being created, the      a given land grade or soil type, the farmland
could be particularly significant for decision-   Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 offers more       market does not currently exhibit meaningful
making on the 30% of the UK’s agricultural        flexibility for soil quality objectives and a     price differentiation based on other soil
land that is tenanted. If a tenant adopts         management regime to be built within a FBT        quality criteria. This is because scarcity is a
regenerative agricultural practices, does         agreement. This could include comprehensive       major driver in the market and outweighs
tenancy law allow them to be rewarded for         soil quality test results undertaken at tenancy   factors such as SOM levels, which can be
improving the quality of the land?                commencement, a monitoring regime and             remedied in time.
   Tenants of Agricultural Holdings Act (AHA)     reassessment protocol for the end of the             Due to agricultural subsidy reform, we
and Farm Business Tenancies (FBT) can claim       agreement. The default position is that for       forecast that more farmland will be marketed
compensation for improvements from their          routine improvements made in the normal           for sale in the UK. If supply exceeds demand
landlords at the end of their tenancy term. The   course of farming the holding, the tenant         this could lead to greater differentiation
process for AHA end of tenancy compensation       is entitled to compensation equal to the          in value based on properties such as SOM
claims traditionally focused on the residual      improvement in the value of the holding.          levels. Taking a long-term view, it is therefore
chemical nutrient value of bought-in inputs,                                                        in a landowner’s interest to encourage the
but was widened in 2015 to incentivise tenants                                                      regeneration of the land they own. For
to farm sustainably. This allowed tenants
to claim for improvements from the use of         30%                                               existing tenancies, assessing soil quality and
                                                                                                    incentivising improvements via a private
digestate and compost. However, the benefits      of the UK’s                                       scheme could be one way for landlords to
from cover and catch crops still appear to                                                          align the interests of both parties under clear
fall outside the compensation provisions,         agricultural                                      objectives where the tenancy agreement
suggesting it remains focused on nutrients        land is tenanted                                  does not.

                                                                                                                      The benefits from
                                                                                                                      cover and catch
                                                                                                                      crops still appear
                                                                                                                      to fall outside the

Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Case studies

                                                   mentions of #regenerativeagriculture
                                                                                                     cost saving for a tonne of no-till wheat
                                                   on social media in the past year                  compared to the average UK farm

A regenerative vision
at Knepp Castle Estate
Molly Biddell interviewed Russ Carrington, who is leading Knepp Castle Estate’s new
vision of a regenerative agricultural enterprise to sit alongside its rewilding venture
Knepp Castle Estate in Sussex may be best                                                               symbiotic enterprises is an important part
known for its rewilding success story, but                                                              of the estate’s overall strategy, and the social
it is also pioneering in adopting another                                                               impact will also be benchmarked.
vision. Around 150 hectares of the estate                                                                  Russ is transparent in explaining that,
are in the process of being converted into a                                                            with declining Basic Payment Scheme (BPS)
new regenerative agriculture enterprise. The                                                            payments, the model relies on being able to
venture will largely be grassland-based and,                                                            tap into Countryside Stewardship and future
over time, it will integrate complementary                                                              ELM income or alternative private funding
livestock enterprises; starting with 100%                                                               for ecosystem services, despite uncertainty
pasture-fed beef cattle, followed by poultry                                                            around exactly how that might materialise.
and, as momentum builds, a micro dairy and                                                                 Russ believes regenerative agriculture
pig enterprise. In preparation, fences, water                                                           will be pivotal in the future of our food
supplies and tracks are being installed.                                                                production. He explains that this is because
    The project has three core aims. The first                                                          the sum of regenerative agriculture is greater
is to explore nature recovery on a landscape-         The third aim is to supply nutritious, low-       than the sum of its parts and the approach
scale by coordinating management practices         carbon, sustainable food through a planned           can not only heal earlier ecological damage,
between adjoining land parcels, working with       Knepp farm shop and café. The farm shop              but also increase the land’s overall fertility
neighbouring farmers and linking up patchworks     will be a gateway to the estate and will sell        and productivity.
of rewilded and agricultural land within           meat from both the free-roaming animals                 So why isn’t everyone already on the
the River Adur catchment. This landscape           within the rewilding project and produce             regenerative journey? Russ believes that
approach will benefit from collaboration           from the regenerative farm. The meat sold            the main hurdles preventing farmers from
through the local farmer facilitation group        from the regenerative system will be Organic         adopting more regenerative practices are
and is aiming to be aligned with the proposed      and Pasture For Life Certified – Russ stresses       mind-set, a lack of certainty around future
third tier of the future Environmental Land        the importance of communicating product              agricultural policy and the knowledge and
Management (ELM) scheme.                           provenance to society. There are also plans          skills gap that needs to be filled to promote
    The second aim is to investigate the ability   to create a market garden next to the farm           regenerative models.
of regenerative agriculture techniques to build    shop to supply fruit and vegetables. Increasing
natural capital by measuring changes taking        public access and engagement through these           Russ Carrington is on Twitter @CiderRuss
place on the land over time. Key ecological
indicators will be monitored at eight different
locations across the new farm. These indicators
are soil health (including soil carbon), flora
and fauna (populations and species diversity)
and water quality. Alongside this, a detailed
habitat map will be created and a carbon
account kept to record carbon sequestration,
emissions and storage. The monitoring
process, which will involve detailed on-the-
ground assessments and testing, will be
supported by additional scientific analysis.

Key ecological
indicators will be
monitored at eight
different locations
across the new farm                                                              6
Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Case studies

   Adopting a regenerative model takes time, it’s not an
   overnight system change, but it’s incredibly rewarding,
   and it’s the future of resilient farming

                                                                                                     INCREASING PROFITABILITY
                                                                                                     AT GOWBARROW HALL FARM
                                                                                                     Gowbarrow Hall Farm in the Lake District
                                                                                                     is run by the Beaumont family and has
                                                                                                     been farmed regeneratively for the past
                                                                                                     two years. Previously, it was a traditional
                                                                                                     upland sheep farm, but the family realised
                                                                                                     they were making very little profit from
                                                                                                     the conventional production system.
                                                                                                        They sold the sheep and started building
                                                                                                     a herd of shorthorn cattle, rearing them
                                                                                                     on a 100% pasture-fed grazing system and
                                                                                                     keeping them outdoors all year round.
                                                                                                     There are now 50 head of cattle and
                                                                                                     the herd is expanding. Sam Beaumont
                                                                                                     explained that this new approach works
                                                                                                     really well with the land that they have,
                                                                                                     as they are able to mob graze the lower
                                                                                                     meadows during the summer and then
                                                                                                     send the cows up on to the top fells to
                                                                                                     roam extensively during the winter. This is
                                                                                                     inspired by the concept of Wilderculture,
                                                                                                     and creates a hybrid regenerative-rewilded
                                                                                                     model, which works within the natural
                                                                                                     perimeters of the landscape, making the
                                                                                                     most of its natural variety.
Prioritising soil health is the                                                                         The greatest success of the farm’s
                                                                                                     transition has been the substantial
key to the future of farming                                                                         reduction in input costs. The only external
                                                                                                     input for feed over the past year has been
The result: more resilient crops that need fewer inputs                                              three bales of hay. They have removed
                                                                                                     overheads such as indoor housing and
James Hopkinson is the founder of Cloud           obvious way to approach farming. He                veterinary costs – the cows’ overall health
Farming, a farm management business that          keeps soil under stubble and grows cover           has improved since being outdoors all
provides low cost and adaptable alternatives      crops, grazing them where suitable. He has         year, with less cases of problems such as
                                                                                                     lice and calf pneumonia. The farm sells
to conventional farming. Cloud Farming            conducted grazing trials on his winter cereals,
                                                                                                     the beef at a premium price from the
work with both James’ family farm Lindertis       which he hopes will allow him to cut back on
                                                                                                     freezer direct to customers, with UK-wide
and Walker-Munro Farms. They work in              chemical spend, while increasing soil fertility.   delivery proving a great success during the
partnership with Arable Ventures, who provide     Manure is put back on the land via a straw for     Covid-19 pandemic.
the technology, equipment and labour to the       muck exchange.                                        Sam Beaumont explains that adopting
farming operations in Angus, Scotland.               By focusing on plant health through an          this new system hasn’t increased
    With over 600 hectares of arable land,        integrated pest management system, James           productivity but has definitely increased
Walker-Munro Farms has been moving                hopes to continue to reduce the amount of          their profitability. He recommends starting
towards regenerative agriculture for the past     nitrogen fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides and   small and scaling up, saying “no one-size-
four years. The soils on the farm range from                                                         fits-all” and that it is important to work out
                                                  insecticides he needs to apply, understanding
                                                                                                     what will suit you and your land best.
light sandy loams to heavy silt and clay loams.   that soil health is paramount to a less reliant,
Previously, the farming operations centred        more resilient crop. The farm is using gamma       Gowbarrow Hall Farm is on
around conventional ploughing and power           radiation mapping to better monitor and            Twitter @gowbarrow
harrowing. But in 2017, the farm needed to        understand changes in soil health. Over
cut its input costs in order to remain viable,    the past four years, James has seen huge
and James became interested in the benefits       improvements in the soil structure and the
that direct drilling and other regenerative       switch to no-till and scratch tillage has not
methods could offer to the farm business.         impacted his crop yields.
The farm moved way from full inversion               James loves the fact that there is no
tillage to non-inversion and shallow scratch      handbook for regenerative agriculture – for
tillage, cutting its fuel and labour costs.       him it requires a change in mind set and
Moving to a regenerative model required some      drive. Learning from other farmers and
compromises – one of the biggest being not        farm visits have been important for him in
growing potatoes as deep cultivations do not      his regenerative agriculture education. He         The farm sells the
fit with James’ no-till vision. The farm now      explains adopting a regenerative model takes       beef at a premium price
grows winter wheat, spring barley, winter         time, but it’s incredibly rewarding, and he        from the freezer direct
barley, oats, peas, linseed, beans and grass      believes it’s the future of resilient farming.
in a wide rotation.                                                                                  to customers, with
    For James, prioritising the soil is the       James Hopkinson is on Twitter @arableventures      UK-wide delivery
Regenerative Agriculture - Building resilience Core principles Increasing profitability - Savills
Making the case for investment

   Regenerative agriculture centres around the
   concept of building system resilience in the
   face of increasing environmental risk

Managing adoption risks
A slower transition with regenerative agricultural practices adopted incrementally
allows farmers greater flexibility while they learn what best suits their farm
Regenerative agriculture involves lower cost        to double the price of an equivalent width           be addressed through recruitment, however
practices such as no-till drilling and introduces   cultivator drill and some no-till farmers argue      there are other options. B&B contract pig and
new costs such as cover crops. In the early         that both a disc drill and a tine drill are needed   calf rearing, overwintering sheep on cover
years of adoption, as farmers are learning what     to have the most suitable machine available for      crops and bringing third party graziers into
suits their farm and before soil health starts      any given season. One way to manage adoption         the rotation, using grazing licences or joint
to improve, there is a risk that a farm’s overall   risk could be to initially rent or share a           ventures, could all be considered. Many arable
performance could be lower if yields are            machine that can work with both cultivated           farms historically were mixed and may have
affected. A slower transition with regenerative     land and no-till drilling, allowing a farmer         livestock buildings that can be returned to
agricultural practices adopted incrementally        flexibility according to what the soil will allow.   use. Alternatively, using bought-in manures,
may be less risky, but would also delay the            For pure arable farms, integrating livestock      composts and digestates can offer a way to
rate at which environmental benefits are            may be complex if the business does not              unlock some of the benefits of having livestock
realised. There are some parallels between this     have recent experience or infrastructure for         in the rotation while a livestock enterprise
transition and the two-year organic conversion      managing a livestock enterprise. This could          builds up.
process that is supported via Countryside
Stewardship options. However, the lack of an
official certification means that the adoption      Environmental stewardship options that could
of regenerative agriculture is unlikely to be
                                                    support regenerative agriculture in England
supported in this way.
  There may, however, be opportunities to
use mainstream Countryside Stewardship                STEWARDSHIP             £/HA PER         DURATION             MANAGEMENT            COUNTRY
options in England to help kickstart the              OPTION                  YEAR
process of soil recovery, providing both
financial support for the land to be under a        Brassica fodder 100                        Effectively one      Winter grazing.       England
fodder crop, sown fallow or legume-rich sward       crop (AB13)		                              growing season       No herbicides
                                                    			                                        if followed by       or insecticides
for longer than would ordinarily be possible in
                                                    			                                        a spring crop
an arable rotation.
   One of the principles of regenerative              Two-year sown   522                      Two years then       Cutting               England
agriculture is minimising soil disturbance, and       legume fallow 		                         rotate
the adoption of no-till drilling is often the end     (AB15)
goal. But the journey to that goal may involve
                                                    Legume and   309 Five years                                     Grazing or            England
cultivations getting progressively shallower as
                                                    herb-rich			                                                    cutting. Spot
soil health improves, meaning that the right
                                                    swards (GS4)			                                                 weed treatment.
drill at the start of the journey may not be the    				                                                            No inorganic
most suitable drill at the end of the journey.      				                                                            nitrogen
Top specification no-till drills can cost up                                                                 8
Making the case for investment

               Of the UK’s emissions
                                                Pasture Fed Livestock
                                                                                     Number of hectares of organic
               are from agriculture             Association accredited farms         certified land in the UK

               Demonstrating the impact – the role of certification
               Measuring and verifying outcomes is essential to access higher value markets
               As regenerative agriculture relates to an         to promote the health, environmental and           through EOV are entered into a “Verified
               overall approach rather than a strictly defined   welfare benefits of pasture-based systems. It      Regenerative Supplier Roster”, from which
               technique, certifying regenerative products       does not encompass all aspects of regenerative     participating buyers and consumers can access
               and practices is not simple. It is important to   agriculture, but certifies a sellable product of   these products or services.
               be able to validate and accredit regenerative     the system.                                           Whether to focus on verifying outcomes or
               systems in order for producers to demonstrate     n Regenerative Organic Certification was           processes is an ongoing debate and there is a
               their impact and communicate to consumers         established in the US in 2017 and incorporates     fear that, with the arrival of many new schemes,
               the additional value. Measuring and verifying     other existing certifications to provide           the concept of regenerative agriculture itself
               outcomes also enables investors to understand     assurance for products that are organic and        becomes diluted. However, finding a way to
               what their return might be. Certification         focus on the principles of soil health, animal     quantify and prove the impact of regenerative
               enables farmers marketing their own products      welfare and social fairness.                       systems remains essential. The recent arrival
               to access higher value markets, increasing        n Certified Regenerative from A Greener World      of regenerative agriculture investment funds
               supply chain transparency and consumer trust.     is another certification scheme from the US        in the UK, and the demands for accountability
                  There is no industry-agreed method for         that offers producers the ability to meet their    from institutional owners, banks and retailers
               certifying regenerative products, but there are   own regenerative goals through an audited          to quantify and reduce their environmental risk
               initiatives and process-specific accreditation    regenerative plan, without having to be            exposure, should signal a move towards more
               schemes already in existence. Some schemes        certified organic.                                 consistent standards. Elements of carbon and
               are international, others are national, but       n The Savory Institute has developed an            water risk are likely to feature in all of them,
               could be scaled up to become globally relevant    Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) system,      based around global regulatory alignment on
               in the future.                                    which is a practical soil and landscape            climate risk reporting. All farmers can make
               n Pasture for Life Accreditation is based upon    assessment that tracks ecosystem service           a start on the route to a regenerative future
               standards that certify 100% pasture-fed           outcomes in regenerative grassland-based           by baselining these elements – Savills Whole
               livestock and dairy animals. It has been          systems. Farms demonstrating positively            Estate Reporting is one method by which this
               developed by British farmers, who want            trending outcomes in land regeneration             can be achieved.

POLICY SUPPORT                    Alongside future agri-                                                            NEXT STEPS?
                               environmental policy is the
                               broader aim of reaching net                                                          Regenerative agriculture centres around
The agricultural sector
                               zero carbon emissions by                                                             the concept of building system resilience in
is facing seismic policy
                               2050, which the UK is legally                                                        the face of increasing environmental risk.
shifts with the phasing out
                               bound to achieve. There is                                                              If businesses, policy-makers and the
of BPS payments and a
                               no doubt that there will be                                                          public agree that to address this increasing
transition to new support
                               increasing regulation and
schemes in England, Wales,                                                                                          risk a whole systems shift is needed
                               incentives for emissions
Scotland and Northern                                                                                               for food production, then regenerative
                               reductions in the near future.
Ireland. England is focusing                                                                                        agriculture is part of that solution. The
                               With agriculture, forestry
future agricultural funding                                                                                         upcoming National Food Strategy is
                               and land use responsible
on ELM, which includes                                                                                              expected to recommend policy that
                               for 10% of emissions in the
a sustainable farming                                                                                               includes this.
                               UK, the rural sector will
incentive; similarly, Wales                                                                                            Challenging conventional methods
                               face pressure to reduce
is promoting a sustainable                                       to offset their residual                           of farming should always be the aim of
                               this from investors, lenders
land management policy.                                          emissions. The ability to                          those optimising their farming assets.
                               and supply chains. At the
Full details have not yet                                        monetise carbon drawdown                           Looking to the future, there are significant
                               same time, the sector is
been published, but both                                         is already a reality for                           opportunities arising around the
                               in a unique position to
are likely to support a        sequester carbon through          woodland creation through                          possibilities of fusing a regenerative mind-
regenerative approach,         land use management.              certification schemes such                         set with agritech advances. This would offer
such as cover cropping,           Clearly, regenerative          as the Woodland Carbon                             a hybrid future of effective and efficient
promoting biodiversity and     agriculture, which increases      Code. However, monitoring                          technology working alongside natural
nutrient management.           carbon drawdown, has a part       and certifying it through soil                     biology. There are many ways in which
   The Environment Bill        to play. Whether through          organic matter increases                           this could be of benefit, for example in
will introduce the Polluter    woodland creation, or             is not easy as there is no                         ecological monitoring and data collection.
Pays principle, which          increasing SOM, land              standardised accreditation                            For regenerative agriculture to be a truly
will incentivise farmers       managers can sequester            scheme for soil carbon.                            investable paradigm shift, the industry
to increase the nutrient       carbon for use as an internal     This needs to be solved if                         needs to develop standardised approaches
holding capacity of their      offset to ensure that their       land managers are to be                            to quantification and accreditation. There is
soil, instead of risking       systems are reaching net          appropriately rewarded                             demand for systems resilience from supply
penalties for leached          zero. Additionally, they          and incentivised to adopt                          chains and policy direction, but in order
nutrients and other forms      can sell the sequestered          practices that increase                            to optimise this momentum, regenerative
of pollution. Nitrogen taxes   carbon to corporates              carbon sequestration within                        agriculture needs to be able to measure and
may be considered here.        and investors looking             their soils.                                       demonstrate its impact.

UK Rural - June 2020                                                                                UK Rural - January 2020

                                                    S P OT L I G H T
                                                                                        Rural Land                                                       S P OT L I G H T
                                                                                                                                                                                    Natural Capital
                                                     Savills Research
                                                                                        and Carbon                                                        Savills Research

                                                     Climate change action        Carbon sequestration and accounting           Achieving net zero             Carbon Offset Market      Biodiversity Net Gain      Nitrate Neutrality   Rewilding

                                                                                         UK Rural - January 2021                                                                            UK Rural - November 2020

                                                    S P OT L I G H T
                                                                                  The Farmland                                                                                              Farm
                                                                                                                                                         S P OT L I G H T
                                                     Savills Research                                                                                    Savills Research

                                                                        Market update   Farmland forecasts         Agricultural policy                           Rural Vibrancy Index    Case studies     Planning and funding a diversification

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Andrew Teanby                                                       Andrew Wraith                                                                    Andrew Macdonald
Rural Research                                                      National, Food and Farming                                                       Scotland, Food and Farming
+44 (0) 7835 445 458                                                +44 (0) 7801 277 376                                                             +44 (0) 7970 033 583                                                                                           

Molly Biddell                                                       Tom Cackett                                                                      Lachlan Scott
Rural Research                                                      England, Food and Farming                                                        Scotland, Food and Farming
+44 (0) 7866 885 240                                                +44 (0) 7970 496 740                                                             +44 (0) 7968 550 423                                                                                 

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