Reginald Mitchell Primary School - Subject Specific Vocabulary For Mathematics

Page created by Casey Rojas
Reginald Mitchell Primary School - Subject Specific Vocabulary For Mathematics
Reginald Mitchell Primary School

  Subject Specific Vocabulary
       For Mathematics
Vocabulary development
It is important to introduce children to the correct vocabulary at the appropriate time and within a suitable context. It is often helpful
to do this using relevant real-life objects, mathematical manipulatives and visual representations such as pictures and diagrams. All
children need regular, planned opportunities to develop their mathematical vocabulary in order that they become familiar with the
language and are not confused by mathematical terms. They need to acquire the words necessary for them to take part in lessons
and activities, respond to questions correctly and carry out tasks successfully. Fun games and activities, such as the following
example, can be a useful way to rehearse words and their meanings regularly.
Effective questioning
Whilst children may be able to remember new terms, learning the meanings of words requires more than memorisation. To help
children understand mathematical ideas and support them in using mathematical terms correctly, it is vital to employ a variety of
questioning techniques to promote good dialogue in mathematics lessons. open and closed questions As teachers, we should be
asking a variety of types of question. Effective questioning will include both closed questions with a single correct answer (What
sort of number do you get when you add two odd numbers together?) and open questions with a number of possible answers to
encourage children to think more deeply (What sort of numbers do you get when you add three consecutive numbers together?).
Encouraging children to explain their thinking and methods is also vitally important. The answers given will provide teachers with
useful assessment opportunities and evidence of children’s level of understanding. Follow-up questions such as How do you know?
or What makes you think that? as well as Can you give me another example? are essential to probe, develop and consolidate
Planning open questions that have more than one answer or more than one route to arrive at an answer gives more children a
chance to respond. Open questions can also offer greater challenge and extension opportunities for higher-attaining children,
encouraging them to search for alternative, less obvious or more general answers.
Useful question starters
When planning open questions, the following question stems and sentence starters can be helpful:
• Explain why ...
• I wonder why ...
• How do you know ...?
• Does anyone know ...?
• What will happen if ...?
• How will you know ...?
•How can we find out ...?
• Can you describe ...?
• Convince me ...
• Is there another way ...?
• What makes you think that ...?
EYFS & KS1 Mathematics Vocabulary
              Number                  Measurement                   Geometry                    Statistics               General

EYFS   Number                      Measure                     Properties of shape        count, sort group, set   Pattern, puzzle, what
       Zero, number, one, two,     Size, compare, guess,       shape, pattern, flat,      list.                    could we try next? how
       three … to twenty and       estimate, enough, not       curved, straight, round,                            did you work it out?
       beyond teens numbers,       enough, too much, too       hollow, solid, sort,                                Recognise, describe,
       eleven, twelve …            little, too many, too few   make, build, draw, size,                            draw, compare, sort.
       twenty, none, how           nearly, close to, about     bigger, larger, smaller,
       many …? count, count        the same as, just over,     symmetrical pattern,
       (up) to, count on (from,    just under.                 repeating pattern,
       to), count back (from,                                  match.
       to) count in ones, twos,    Length
       fives, tens, is the same    metre length, height,       2-D shapes
       as more, less odd,          width, depth long, short,   corner, side, rectangle
       even, few, pattern, pair,   tall high, low, wide,       (including square),
       subitise                    narrow, thick, thin         circle, triangle.
                                   longer, shorter, taller,
       Place value                 higher … and so on          3-D shapes
       Ones, tens, digit, the      longest, shortest,          face, edge, vertex,
       same number as, as          tallest, highest … and      vertices, cube, pyramid,
       many as more, larger,       so on far, near, close.     sphere, cone.
       bigger, greater fewer,
       smaller, less, fewest,      Weight                      Position and direction
       smallest, least most,       weigh, weighs,              position over, under,
       biggest, largest,           balances, heavy, light,     above, below, top,
       greatest, one more, ten     heavier than, lighter       bottom, side on, in,
       more one less, ten less,    than, heaviest, lightest    outside, inside, around,
       compare, order, size,       scales.                     in front, behind front,
       first, second, third…                                   back, beside, next to,
       twentieth last, last but    Capacity and volume         opposite, apart,
       one before, after, next     Full, empty, half full      between, middle, edge,
       between, subitise.          holds, container.           corner, direction, left,
                                                               right, up, down,
       Estimating                  Time                        forwards, backwards,
       guess how many …?           days of the week,           sideways, across, next,
       Estimate, nearly, close     Monday, Tuesday …           to, close, near, far,
to, about the same as,       day, week, birthday,         along, through, to, from,
         just over, just under, too   holiday, morning,            towards, away, from,
         many, too few, enough,       afternoon, evening,          movement, slide, roll,
         not enough.                  night, bedtime, dinner,      turn, stretch, bend,
                                      time, playtime, today,       whole turn, half turn.
         Addition and                 yesterday, tomorrow,
         subtraction                  before, after, next, last,
         add, more, and make,         now, soon, early, late,
         sum, total, altogether,      quick, quicker, quickest,
         double, one more, two        quickly slow, slower,
         more … ten more, how         slowest, slowly, old,
         many more to make …?         older, oldest, new,
         how many more is …           newer, newest, takes
         than …? how much             longer, takes less time,
         more is …? take away,        hour, o’clock, clock,
         how many are left/left       watch, hand.
         over? how many have
         gone? one less, two
         less, ten less … how
         many fewer is … than
         …? how much less is
         …? difference between

         Multiplication and
         Sharing, doubling,
         halving, number

                 Number                   Measurement                    Geometry                     Statistics                  General
Year 1   Number                       Measures                     Properties of shape         count, sort, vote, group,   Pattern, puzzle,
         Numeral, zero, one,          Measurement, size,           Shape, pattern, flat,       set list, table.            problem, problem
         two, three … twenty,         compare, guess,              curved, straight, round,                                solving, mental,
         teens numbers, eleven,       estimate, enough, not        hollow, solid, sort,                                    mentally, what could we
         twelve … twenty              enough, too much, too        make, build, draw, size,                                try next? how did you
         twenty-one, twenty-two       little, too many, too few,   bigger, larger, smaller,                                work it out? explain
         … one hundred, none          nearly, close to, about      symmetry, symmetrical,                                  your thinking,
         how many …? count,                                        symmetrical pattern,                                    recognise, describe,
count (up) to, count on     the same as, roughly,          pattern repeating,          draw, compare, sort,
(from, to), count back      just over, just under.         pattern match.              reasoning.
(from, to), forwards,
backwards, count in,        Length                         2-D shapes
ones, twos, fives, tens,    centimetre, metre,             corner, side, point,
equal to, equivalent to,    length, height, width,         pointed, rectangle
is the same as, more,       depth, long, short, tall       (including square),
less, most, least, many,    high, low, wide, narrow,       circle, triangle.
odd, even, multiple of,     thick, thin, longer,
few, pattern, pair.         shorter, taller, higher …      3-D shapes
                            and so on, longest,            face, edge, vertex,
Place value                 shortest, tallest, highest     vertices, cube, cuboid,
Ones, tens, digit, the      … and so on, far, near,        pyramid, sphere, cone,
same number as, as          close, ruler, metre stick.     cylinder.
many as more, larger,
bigger, greater, fewer,     Weight                         Position and direction
smaller, less, fewest,      kilogram, half kilogram        Position, over, under,
smallest, least, most,      weigh, weighs,                 underneath, above,
biggest, largest,           balances heavy, light,         below top, bottom, side
greatest, one more, ten     heavier than, lighter          on, in outside, inside,
more, one less, ten         than, heaviest, lightest,      around, in front, behind
less, equal to, one         scales.                        front, back, beside, next
more, ten more, one                                        to, opposite, apart,
less, ten less, compare,    Capacity and volume            between, middle, edge,
order, size, first,         litre, half litre, capacity,   centre, corner,
second, third…              volume, full, empty,           direction, journey, left,
twentieth, last, last but   more than, less than,          right, up, down
one, before, after, next,   half full, quarter full,       forwards, backwards,
between, half-way,          holds, container.              sideways, across, next
between, above, below.                                     to, close, near, far
                            Time                           along, through to, from,
Estimating                  days of the week,              towards, away from,
Guess, how many ...?        Monday, Tuesday …              movement, slide, roll,
estimate, nearly,           months of the year             turn, stretch, bend,
roughly, close to, about    (January, February ...),       whole turn, half turn,
the same as, just over,     seasons: spring,               quarter turn, three-
just under, too many,       summer, autumn, winter         quarter turn.
too few, enough, not        day, week, weekend,
enough.                     month, year, birthday,
holiday, morning,
Addition and                afternoon, evening,
subtraction                 night, bedtime, dinner
Addition, add, more,        time, playtime today,
and make, sum, total,       yesterday, tomorrow,
altogether, double,         before, after, earlier,
near, half, halve, one      later, next, first, last,
more, two more … ten        midnight, date, now,
more, how many more         soon, early, late, quick,
to make …? how many         quicker, quickest,
more is … than …? how       quickly, slow, slower,
much more is …?             slowest, slowly, old,
Subtract, take away,        older, oldest, new,
how many are left/left      newer, newest, takes
over? how many have         longer, takes less time,
gone? one less, two,        how long ago? how
less, ten less … how        long will it be to …?
many fewer is … than        how long will it take to
…? how much less is         …? how often? always,
…? difference between,      never, often,
equals, is the same as,     sometimes, usually,
number bonds/pairs,         once, twice, hour,
missing number.             o’clock, half past,
                            quarter past, quarter to
Multiplication and          clock, clock face, watch,
division                    hands, hour hand,
Multiplication, multiply,   minute hand, hours,
multiplied by, multiple,    minutes.
division, dividing,
grouping, sharing,          Money
doubling, halving, array,   Coin, penny, pence,
number patterns.            pound, price, cost, buy,
                            sell, spend, spent, pay
Fractions                   change, dear, costs
Fraction, equal, part       more, cheap, costs
equal, grouping, equal      less, cheaper, costs the
sharing, parts of a         same as, how much …?
whole, half, one of two     how many …? Total.
equal parts, quarter,
         one of four equal parts.
                 Number                   Measurement                    Geometry                     Statistics                  General
Year 2   Number                       Measures                     Properties of shape         count, tally, sort, vote,   Pattern, puzzle,
         Numeral, zero, one,          measurement, size,           shape, pattern, flat,       graph, block graph,         problem, problem
         two, three … twenty,         compare, measuring,          curved, straight, round,    pictogram, represent,       solving, mental,
         teens numbers, eleven,       scale, guess, estimate,      hollow, solid, sort,        group, set, list, table,    mentally, what could we
         twelve … twenty,             enough, not enough,          make, build, draw,          label, title, most          try next? how did you
         twenty-one, twenty-two       too much, too little, too    surface, size, bigger,      popular, most common,       work it out? show how
         … one hundred, two           many, too few, nearly,       larger, smaller,            least popular, least        you … explain your
         hundred … one                close to, about the          symmetry, symmetrical,      common.                     thinking, explain your
         thousand, none, how          same as, roughly, just       symmetrical pattern,                                    method, describe the
         many …? count, count         over, just under.            line symmetry pattern,                                  pattern, describe the
         (up) to, count on (from,                                  repeating pattern,                                      rule, investigate,
         to), count back (from,       Length                       match.                                                  recognise, describe,
         to), forwards,               centimetre, metre,                                                                   draw, compare, sort,
         backwards, count in          length, height, width,       2-D shapes                                              mental calculation,
         ones, twos, fives, tens,     depth, long, short, tall,    corner, side, point,                                    written calculation,
         threes, fours and so on,     high, low, wide, narrow,     pointed, rectangle                                      reasoning.
         equal to, equivalent to,     thick, thin, longer,         (including square),
         is the same as, more,        shorter, taller, higher …    rectangular, circle,
         less, most, least, tally,    and so on, longest,          circular, triangle,
         many, odd, even,             shortest, tallest, highest   triangular, pentagon,
         multiple of, sequence,       … and so on, far,            hexagon, octagon.
         continue, predict, few,      further, furthest, near,
         pattern, pair, rule >        close, ruler, metre stick,   3-D shapes
         greater than < less than     tape measure.                face, edge, vertex,
                                                                   vertices, cube, cuboid,
         Place value                  Weight                       pyramid, sphere, cone,
         Ones, tens, hundreds         kilogram, half kilogram,     cylinder.
         digit one-, two- or three-   gram, weigh, weighs,
         digit number, place,         balances, heavy, light,      Position and direction
         place value stands for,      heavier than, lighter        Position, over, under,
         represents, exchange,        than, heaviest, lightest     underneath, above,
         the same number as, as       scales.                      below, top, bottom, side
         many as more, larger,                                     on, in outside, inside,
         bigger, greater, fewer,      Capacity and volume          around, in front, behind,
         smaller, less, fewest,                                    front, back, beside, next
smallest, least, most,      litre, half litre, millilitre,   to, opposite, apart,
biggest, largest,           capacity, volume, full,          between, middle, edge,
greatest one more, ten      empty, more than, less           centre, corner,
more, one less, ten         than, half full, quarter         direction, journey, route,
less, equal to, compare,    full, holds, contains,           left, right, up, down,
order, size, first,         container.                       higher, lower, forwards,
second, third …                                              backwards, sideways,
twentieth, twenty-first,    Temperature                      across, next to, close,
twenty-second … last,       Degree                           near, far, along,
last but one, before,                                        through, to, from,
after, next, between,       Time                             towards, away from,
halfway between,            days of the week,                clockwise,
above, below.               Monday, Tuesday …                anticlockwise,
                            months of the year               movement, slide, roll,
Estimating                  (January, February ...)          turn, stretch, bend,
guess how many ...?         seasons: spring,                 whole turn, half turn,
estimate, nearly,           summer, autumn,                  quarter turn, three-
roughly close to, about     winter, day, week,               quarter turn, right angle,
the same as, just over,     weekend, fortnight,              straight line.
just under, exact,          month, year, birthday,
exactly                     holiday morning,
                            afternoon, evening,
Addition and                night, bedtime,
subtraction                 dinnertime, playtime,
Addition, add, more,        today, yesterday,
and make, sum, total        tomorrow, before, after,
altogether, double,         earlier, later next, first,
near, double half, halve,   last, midnight, date,
one more, two more …        now, soon, early, late,
ten more … one              quick, quicker, quickest,
hundred more, how           quickly, slow, slower,
many more to make …?        slowest, slowly, old,
how many more is …          older, oldest, new,
than …? how much            newer, newest, takes
more is …?                  longer, takes less time,
Subtract, take away         how long ago? how
how many are left/left      long will it be to …?
over? how many have         how long will it take to
gone? one less, two         …? how often? always,
less, ten less … one          never, often,
hundred less, how             sometimes, usually
many fewer is … than          once, twice, hour,
…? how much less is           o’clock, half past,
…? difference between,        quarter past, quarter to
equals, is the same as,       5, 10, 15 … minutes
number bonds                  past, clock, clock face,
/pairs/facts tens             watch, hands,
boundary                      digital/analogue,
                              clock/watch, timer, hour
Multiplication and            hand, minute hand,
division                      hours, minutes,
Multiplication, multiply,     seconds.
multiplied by, multiple,
groups of times, once,        Money
twice, three times … ten      Coin, penny, pence,
times, repeated               pound, price, cost, buy,
addition, division,           bought, sell, sold,
dividing, divide, divided     spend, spent, pay,
by, divided into,             change, dear, costs,
grouping, sharing,            more cheap, costs,
share, share equally,         less, cheaper, costs the
left, left over, one each,    same as, how much …?
two each, three each …        how many …? Total.
ten each, group in pairs,
threes … tens equal
groups of, doubling,
halving, array, row,
column, number
patterns, multiplication
table, multiplication fact,
division fact

Fraction, equivalent
fraction, mixed number,
denominator, equal
part, equal grouping,
equal sharing, parts of a
         whole half, two halves,
         one of two equal parts,
         quarter, two quarters,
         three quarters, one of
         four equal parts, one
         third, two thirds one of
         three equal parts.

                                                   KS2 Mathematics Vocabulary
                       Number                  Measurement                     Geometry                      Statistics                  General

Year 3         Number                      Measures                      Properties of shape          count, tally, sort, vote,   Pattern, puzzle,
               Number, numeral zero        measurement, size,            shape, pattern,              graph, block graph,         problem, problem-
               one, two, three …           compare, measuring            Flat, curved, straight,      pictogram, represent,       solving, mental,
               twenty teens numbers,       scale, division guess,        round, hollow, solid sort,   group, set, list, table,    mentally, what could we
               eleven, twelve …            estimate, enough, not         make, build, draw,           chart, bar chart,           try next? how did you
               twenty, twenty-one,         enough, too much, too         perimeter, surface, size,    frequency table, Carroll    work it out? show how
               twenty-two … one            little, too many, too few,    bigger, larger, smaller      diagram, Venn diagram,      you … explain your
               hundred, two hundred        nearly, close to, about       symmetry, symmetrical,       label, title, axis, axes,   thinking, explain your
               … one thousand, none,       the same as,                  symmetrical pattern,         diagram most popular,       method, describe the
               how many …? count,          approximately, roughly,       line, symmetry pattern,      most common, least          pattern, describe the
               count (up) to, count on     just over, just under         repeating pattern,           popular, least common.      rule, investigate,
               (from, to), count back                                    match.                                                   recognise, describe,
               (from, to) forwards,        Length                                                                                 draw, compare, sort,
               backwards, count in         millimetre, centimetre,       2-D shapes                                               greatest value, least
               ones, twos, fives, tens,    metre, kilometre, mile,       corner, side, point,                                     value, mental
               threes, fours, eights,      length, height, width,        pointed, rectangle                                       calculation, written
               fifties and so on to        depth, long, short, tall,     (including square),                                      calculation, statement,
               hundreds, equal to,         high, low wide, narrow        rectangular, circle,                                     reasoning.
               equivalent to, is the       thick, thin longer,           circular, triangle,
               same as, more, less         shorter, taller, higher,      triangular, pentagon,
               most, least, tally, many,   longest, shortest, tallest,   pentagonal, hexagon,
               odd, even multiple of,      highest, far, further,        hexagonal, octagon,
               factor of, sequence,        furthest, near, close,        octagonal, quadrilateral,
               continue predict, few,      distance apart …
pattern, pair, rule,         between … to … from              right-angled, parallel,
relationship, > greater      perimeter, ruler, metre          perpendicular.
than, < less than,           stick, tape measure.             3-D shapes
Roman numerals,                                               face, edge, vertex,
                             Weight                           vertices, cube, cuboid,
Place value                  kilogram, half kilogram,         pyramid sphere,
ones tens, hundreds,         gram, weigh, weighs,             hemisphere, cone,
digit one-, two- or three-   balances, heavy, light           cylinder, prism,
digit number place,          heavier than, lighter            triangular prism.
place value, stands for,     than, heaviest, lightest
represents, exchange,        scales.                          Position and direction
the same number as, as                                        Position, over, under,
many as more, larger,        Capacity and volume              underneath, above,
bigger, greater, fewer,      litre, half litre, millilitre,   below, top, bottom, side
smaller, less, fewest,       capacity, volume, full,          on, in, outside, inside,
smallest, least, most,       empty, more than, less           around, in front, behind,
biggest, largest,            than, half full, quarter         front, back, beside, next
greatest, one more, ten      full, holds, contains            to, opposite, apart,
more, one hundred            container.                       between, middle, edge,
more one less, ten less,                                      centre, corner, direction,
one hundred less, equal      Temperature                      journey, route, left, right,
to, compare, order,          temperature, degree,             up, down, higher, lower,
size, first, second, third   centigrade.                      forwards, backwards,
… twentieth, twenty-                                          sideways, across, next
first, twenty-second …       Time                             to, close, near, far,
last, last but one,          Time, days of the week,          along, through to, from,
before, after next,          Monday, Tuesday …                towards, away from,
between, halfway             months of the year               clockwise,
between above, below.        (January, February ...)          anticlockwise, compass
                             Seasons: spring,                 point, north, south, east,
Estimating                   summer, autumn, winter           west, N, S, E, W,
guess how many ...?          day, week, weekend,              horizontal, vertical,
estimate, nearly,            fortnight, month, year,          diagonal, movement,
roughly, close to,           century, birthday,               slide, roll turn, stretch,
approximate,                 holiday, morning,                bend, whole turn, half
approximately, about         afternoon, evening,              turn, quarter turn, three-
the same as, just over,      night, bedtime, dinner           quarter turn angle … is
just under. exact,           time, playtime, today,           a greater/smaller angle
exactly too many, too        yesterday, tomorrow,             than right angle,
few enough, not enough     before, after, earlier,     acute angle, obtuse
round, nearest, round to   later, next, first, last    angle, straight line.
the nearest ten,           midnight, calendar,
hundred round up,          date, now, soon, early,
round down                 late, earliest, latest,
addition and subtraction   quick, quicker, quickest,
addition add, more, and    quickly, slow, slower,
make, sum, total           slowest, slowly, old,
altogether double near     older, oldest, new,
double half, halve one     newer, newest, takes
more, two more … ten       longer, takes less time,
more … one hundred         how long ago? how
more how many more         long will it be to …? how
to make …? how many        long will it take to …?
more is … than …? how      how often? always,
much more is …?            never, often,
subtract take away how     sometimes, usually
many are left/left over?   once, twice, hour,
how many have gone?        o’clock, half past,
one less, two less, ten    quarter past, quarter to
less … one hundred         5, 10, 15 … minutes
less how many fewer is     past a.m., p.m. clock,
… than …? how much         clock face, watch,
less is …? Difference,     hands, digital/analogue
between, equals is the     clock/watch, timer, hour
same as, number            hand, minute hand,
bonds/pairs/facts          hours, minutes,
missing number, tens       seconds, Roman
boundary, hundreds         numerals, 12-hour clock
boundary                   time, 24-hour clock
Multiplication and
division multiplication,   Money
multiply, multiplied by,   Money, coin penny,
multiple, factor, groups   pence, pound, price,
of, times, product once,   cost, buy, bought, sell,
twice, three times … ten   sold, spend, spent, pay,
times, repeated            change, dear, costs
addition, division,        more, cheap, costs less,
dividing, divide, divided      cheaper, costs the
         by, divided into, left, left   same as, how much …?
         over, remainder,               how many …? Total.
         grouping, sharing,
         share, share equally
         one each, two each,
         three each … ten each,
         group in pairs, threes …
         tens, equal groups of,
         doubling, halving, array
         row, column, number
         patterns, multiplication
         table, multiplication fact,
         division fact.

         Fraction, equivalent,
         fraction, mixed number,
         denominator, equal
         part, equal grouping,
         equal sharing, parts of a
         whole half, two halves,
         one of two equal parts,
         quarter, two quarters,
         three quarters, one of
         four equal parts, one
         third, two thirds, one of
         three equal parts,
         sixths, sevenths,
         eighths, tenths …
                 Number                     Measurement                  Geometry                  Statistics                  General

Year 4   Number                         Measure                   Properties of shape       Count, tally, sort, vote,   Pattern, puzzle
         Numeral, zero, one,            Measurement, size,        Shape, pattern, flat,     survey, questionnaire,      problem, problem
         two, three … twenty            compare, unit, standard   line, curved, straight,   data, graph, block          solving, mental,
         teens numbers, eleven,         unit, metric unit,        round, hollow, solid,     graph, pictogram,           mentally, what could we
         twelve … twenty,               measuring scale,          sort, make, build,        represent, group, set,      try next? how did you
twenty-one, twenty-two,      division, guess,              construct, draw, sketch,    list, table, chart, bar   work it out? show how
… one hundred, two           estimate, enough, not         perimeter centre,           chart, frequency table,   you … explain your
hundred … one                enough, too much, too         surface, angle, right-      Carroll diagram, Venn     thinking, explain your
thousand … ten               little, too many, too few     angled, base, square-       diagram, label, title,    method, describe the
thousand, hundred            nearly, close to, about       based, size, bigger,        axis, axes, diagram,      pattern, describe the
thousand, million, none,     the same as,                  larger, smaller,            most popular, most        rule, investigate,
how many …? count,           approximately, roughly,       symmetry, symmetrical,      common, least popular,    recognise, describe,
count (up) to, count on      just over, just under.        symmetrical pattern.        least common.             draw, compare, sort,
(from, to), count back                                     line symmetry. reflect,                               greatest, value, least
(from, to), forwards,        Length                        reflection pattern,                                   value, mental
backwards, count in          Millimetre, centimetre,       repeating pattern.                                    calculation, written
ones, twos, fives, tens,     metre, kilometre, mile,       match regular, irregular.                             calculation, statement
threes, fours, eights,       length, height, width,                                                              justify, make a
fifties, sixes, sevens,      depth, breadth, long,         2-D shapes                                            statement, reasoning.
nines, twenty-fives and      short, tall, high, low,       2-D, two-dimensional,
so on to hundreds,           wide, narrow, thick, thin,    corner, side, point,
thousands, equal to,         longer, shorter, taller,      pointed, rectangle
equivalent to, is the        higher … and so on,           (including square),
same as, more, less          longest, shortest, tallest,   rectangular, oblong,
most, least, tally, many,    highest … and so on,          rectilinear circle,
odd, even, multiple of,      far, further, furthest,       circular, triangle,
factor of, sequence,         near, close, distance         triangular equilateral
continue, predict, few,      apart … between … to          triangle, isosceles
pattern, pair, rule,         … from edge,                  triangle, scalene
relationship,                perimeter, area, covers,      triangle, pentagon,
next, consecutive >          square centimetre             pentagonal, hexagon,
greater than, < less         (cm2), ruler, metre stick,    hexagonal, heptagon,
than, Roman numerals,        tape measure.                 octagon, octagonal,
integer, positive,                                         quadrilateral,
negative, above/below,       Weight                        parallelogram, rhombus,
zero, minus, negative,       Mass, big, bigger, small,     trapezium, polygon,
numbers.                     smaller, weight,              right-angled, parallel,
                             heavy/light,                  perpendicular.
Place value                  heavier/lighter,
Ones, tens, hundreds,        heaviest/ lightest,           3-D shapes
digit one-, two- or three-   kilogram, half kilogram,      3-D, three-dimensional,
digit number, place,         gram weigh, weighs,           face, edge, vertex,
place value, stands for,     balances, heavy, light,       vertices, cube, cuboid,
represents, exchange,        heavier than, lighter         pyramid, sphere,
the same number as, as     than, heaviest, lightest,        hemisphere, spherical,
many as, more, larger,     scales.                          cone,
bigger, greater, fewer,                                     cylinder, cylindrical
smaller, less, fewest,     Capacity and volume              prism, triangular prism,
smallest, least, most,     litre, half litre, millilitre,   tetrahedron,
biggest, largest,          capacity, volume, full           polyhedron.
greatest, one more, ten    empty, more than, less
more, one hundred          than, half, full, quarter        Position and direction
more, one thousand         full, holds, contains,           Position, over, under,
more, one less, ten        container, measuring             underneath, above,
less, one hundred less,    cylinder.                        below top, bottom, side
one thousand less,                                          on, in/outside, around,
equal to, compare,         Temperature                      in front, behind, front,
order, size, first,        Degree, centigrade               back, beside, next to,
second, third …                                             opposite, apart,
twentieth, twenty-first,   Time                             between, middle, edge,
twenty-second … last,      Days of the week,                centre, corner, direction,
last but one, before,      Monday, Tuesday …                journey, route, left, right,
after, next, between,      months of the year               up, down, higher, lower,
halfway between,           (January, February ...),         forwards, backwards,
above, below.              seasons, spring,                 sideways, across, next
                           summer, autumn,                  to, close, near, far,
Estimating                 winter, day, week,               along, through to, from,
Guess, how many,           weekend, fortnight,              towards, away from,
estimate, nearly,          month, year, leap year,          clockwise,
roughly, close to,         century, millennium,             anticlockwise, compass
approximate,               birthday, holiday,               point, north, south, east,
approximately about the    morning, afternoon,              west, N, S, E, W north-
same as, just over, just   evening, night, bedtime,         east, north-west, south-
under, exact, exactly      dinner time, playtime,           east, south-west, NE,
too many, too few,         today, yesterday,                NW, SE, SW,
enough, not enough,        tomorrow, before, after,         horizontal, vertical,
round, nearest, round to   earlier, later, next, first,     diagonal translate,
the nearest ten,           last, noon, midnight,            translation, movement,
hundred, thousand          calendar, date, date of          slide, roll, turn, stretch,
round up, round down.      birth, now, soon, early,         bend, whole turn, half
                           late, earliest, latest,          turn, quarter turn,
Addition and               quick, quicker, quickest,        three-quarter turn,
subtraction                quickly slow, slower,            rotate, rotation, angle, is
Addition, add, more,          slowest, slowly old,        a greater/smaller angle
and make, sum, total          older, oldest, new,         than, degree, right
altogether, double, near      newer, newest, takes        angle, acute angle,
double, half, halve one       longer, takes less time,    obtuse, angle, reflection
more, two more… ten           how long ago? how           straight line, ruler, set
more… one hundred             long will it be to …? how   square, angle
more, how many more           long will it take to …?     measurer, compass.
to make …? how many           how often? always,
more is … than …? how         never, often,
much more is …?               sometimes, usually,
Subtract, take away,          once, twice, hour,
how many are left/left        o’clock, half past,
over? how many have           quarter past, quarter to,
gone? one less, two           5, 10, 15 … minutes
less, ten less … one          past, a.m., p.m. clock,
hundred less, how             clock face, watch,
many fewer is … than..        hands digital/analogue
? how much less is ..?        clock/watch, timer hour
difference between,           hand, minute hand,
equals, is the same as,       hours, minutes,
number bonds/                 seconds timetable,
pairs/facts, missing          arrive,, depart, Roman
number, tens boundary,        numerals, 12-hour
hundreds boundary,            clock, time, 24-hour
inverse.                      clock time.

Multiplication and            Money
division                      Coin, penny, pence,
Multiplication, multiply,     pound, price, cost, buy,
multiplied by, multiple,      bought, sell, sold,
factor groups of, times,      spend, spent, pay,
product, once, twice,         change, dear, costs,
three times … ten             more, cheap, costs,
times, repeated               less, cheaper, costs, the
addition, division            same as, how much …?
dividing, divide, divided     how many …? Total.
by, divided into left, left
over, remainder,
grouping, sharing,
share, share equally,
one each, two each,
three each … ten each,
group in pairs, threes …
tens, equal groups of,
doubling, halving, array
row, column, number
patterns, multiplication
table, multiplication fact,
division, fact, inverse,
square, squared cube,

Fractions (including
Fraction, equivalent
fraction, mixed number,
denominator, equal
part, equal grouping,
equal sharing, parts of a
whole, half, two halves,
one of two equal parts,
quarter, two quarters,
three quarters, one of
four equal parts, one
third, two thirds, one of
three equal parts,
sixths, sevenths,
eighths, tenths …
hundredths, decimal,
decimal fraction,
decimal point, decimal
place, decimal
equivalent, proportion.
        Number                Measurement   Geometry   Statistics   General
Year 5   Number and place            Measure                       Properties of shape            count, tally, sort, vote,   Pattern, puzzle,
         value                       Measurement, size,            shape, pattern, flat, line,    survey, questionnaire,      problem, problem
         Numeral, zero, one,         compare, unit, standard       curved, straight, round,       data, database, graph,      solving, mental,
         two, three … twenty,        unit, metric unit,            hollow, solid, sort,           block graph, pictogram,     mentally, what could we
         teens numbers, eleven,      imperial unit, measuring      make, build, construct,        represent, group, set,      try next? how did you
         twelve … twenty,            scale, division, guess,       draw, sketch perimeter,        list, table, chart, bar     work it out? show how
         twenty-one, twenty-two,     estimate, enough, not         centre, radius, diameter,      chart, frequency table,     you … explain your
         … one hundred, two          enough, too much, too         surface, angle, right-         bar line chart, Carroll     thinking, explain your
         hundred … one               little, too many, too few,    angled, congruent base,        diagram, Venn diagram,      method, describe the
         thousand … ten              nearly, close to, about       square-based, size,            line graph, label, title,   pattern, describe the
         thousand, hundred           the same as,                  bigger, larger, smaller,       axis, axes diagram,         rule, investigate,
         thousand, million, none,    approximately, roughly,       symmetry, symmetrical,         most popular, most          recognise, describe,
         how many …? count,          just over, just under.        symmetrical pattern,           common, least popular,      draw, compare, sort,
         count (up) to, count on                                   line symmetry, reflect,        least common,               greatest value, least
         (from, to), count back      Length                        reflection, axis of            maximum/minimum             value, mental
         (from, to), forwards,       millimetre, centimetre,       symmetry, reflective           value outcome, mode,        calculation, written
         backwards, count in         metre, kilometre, mile,       symmetry, pattern,             mean.                       calculation, statement,
         ones, twos, fives, tens,    length, height, width,        repeating pattern,                                         justify, make a
         threes, fours, eights,      depth, breadth, long,         match, regular,                                            statement, explain your
         fifties, sixes, sevens,     short, tall, high, low,       irregular.                                                 reasoning.
         nines, twenty-fives and     wide, narrow, thick, thin,
         so on to hundreds,          longer, shorter, taller,      2-D shapes
         thousands, equal to,        higher … and so on            2-D, two-dimensional,
         equivalent to, is the       longest, shortest, tallest,   corner, side point,
         same as, more, less,        highest … and so on,          pointed, rectangle
         most, least, tally, many,   far, further, furthest,       (including square),
         odd, even, multiple of,     near, close, distance         rectangular, oblong,
         factor of, factor pair,     apart … between … to          rectilinear circle, circular
         sequence, continue,         … from edge,                  triangle, triangular,
         predict, few, pattern       perimeter, area, covers       equilateral triangle,
         pair, rule, relationship,   square, centimetre,           isosceles triangle,
         next, consecutive >         (cm2), square metre,          scalene triangle,
         greater than < less than    (m2), square millimetre,      pentagon, pentagonal,
         ≥ greater than or equal     (mm2) ruler, metre            hexagon, hexagonal,
         to ≤ less than or equal     stick, tape measure.          heptagon, octagon,
         to, Roman numerals,                                       octagonal, quadrilateral,
         integer, positive,          Weight                        parallelogram, rhombus,
         negative, above/below,      Mass, big, bigger, small,     trapezium, polygon,
         zero, minus, negative       smaller weigh,                right –angled, parallel,
numbers, formula,            heavy/light,                     perpendicular, x-axis, y-
divisibility, square         heavier/lighter,                 axis, quadrant.
number, prime number,        heaviest/ lightest,
ascending/descending,        kilogram, half kilogram,         3-D shapes
order.                       gram, weigh, weighs,             3-D, three-dimensional,
                             balances, heavy, light,          face, edge, vertex,
                             heavier than, lighter            vertices, cube, cuboid,
                             than, heaviest, lightest         pyramid, sphere,
Place value                  scales.                          hemisphere, spherical,
Ones, tens, hundreds,                                         cone, cylinder,
digit one-, two- or three-   Capacity and volume              cylindrical prism,
digit number, place,         litre, half litre, millilitre,   triangular prism,
place value, stands for,     capacity, volume, full,          tetrahedron,
represents, exchange,        empty, more/than less            polyhedron,
the same number as, as       than, half, full, quarter        octahedron.
many as more, larger,        full, holds, contains,
bigger, greater, fewer,      container, measuring,            Position and direction
smaller, less, fewest,       cylinder pint, gallon.           Position, over, under,
smallest, least, most,                                        underneath, above,
biggest, largest,            Temperature                      below, top, bottom, side
greatest, one more, ten      Degree, centigrade.              on, in/outside, around,
more, one hundred                                             in front, behind, front,
more, one thousand           Time                             back, beside, next to,
more, one less, ten          Days of the week,                opposite, apart,
less, one hundred less,      Monday, Tuesday …                between, middle, edge,
one thousand less,           months of the year               centre, corner, direction,
equal to, compare,           (January, February ...),         journey, route, left, right,
order, size, first,          seasons, spring,                 up, down, higher, lower,
second, third …              summer, autumn,                  forwards, backwards,
twentieth, twenty-first,     winter, day, week,               sideways, across, next
twenty-second … last,        weekend, fortnight,              to, close, near, far,
last but one,                month, year, leap year,          along, through to, from,
before, after, next,         century, millennium,             towards, away from,
between, halfway             birthday, holiday,               clockwise,
between, above, below.       morning, afternoon,              anticlockwise, compass
                             evening, night, bedtime,         point, north, south, east,
Estimating                   dinner time, playtime,           west, N, S, E, W north-
guess how many ...?          today, yesterday,                east, north-west, south-
estimate, nearly,            tomorrow, before, after,         east, south-west, NE,
roughly, close to,         earlier, later, next, first,   NW, SE, SW,
approximate,               last, noon, midnight,          horizontal, vertical,
approximately, about       calendar, date, date of        diagonal, translate,
the same as, just over,    birth, now, soon, early,       translation, coordinate,
just under, exact,         late, earliest, latest,        movement, slide, roll,
exactly, too many, too     quick, quicker, quickest,      turn, stretch, bend,
few, enough, not           quickly, slow, slower,         whole turn, half turn,
enough, round, nearest,    slowest, slowly old,           quarter turn, three-
round to the nearest       older, oldest, new,            quarter turn, rotate,
ten, hundred, thousand,    newer, newest, takes           rotation, angle, is a
ten, thousand, round       longer, takes less time,       greater/smaller angle
up, round down.            how long ago?                  than, degree, right
                           how long will it be to …?      angle, acute angle,
Addition and               how long will it take to       obtuse angle, reflection,
subtraction                …? how often? always,          straight, line, ruler, set
Addition, add, more,       never, often,                  square, angle
and make, sum, total,      sometimes, usually             measurer, compass,
altogether, double, near   once, twice hour,              protractor.
double, half, halve, one   o’clock, half past,
more, two more … ten       quarter past, quarter to
more … one hundred         5, 10, 15 … minutes
more how many more         past, a.m., p.m. clock,
to make …? how many        clock face, watch,
more is … than …? how      hands, digital/analogue,
much more is …?            clock/watch, timer, hour
Subtract, take away,       hand, minute hand,
how many are left/left     hours, minutes,
over?                      seconds, timetable,
how many have gone?        arrive, depart, Roman
one less, two less, ten    numerals, 12-hour clock
less … one hundred         time, 24-hour clock
less, how many fewer is    time.
… than …? how much
less is …? difference      Money
between, equals, is the    Coin, penny, pence,
same as, number            pound, price, cost, buy,
bonds/pairs/facts,         bought, sell, sold,
missing number, tens       spend, spent, pay,
boundary, hundreds         change, dear, costs
boundary, ones                more, cheap, costs less,
boundary, tenths              cheaper, costs the
boundary, inverse.            same as, how much …?
                              how many …? Total,
Multiplication and            discount, currency.
Multiplication, multiply,
multiplied by, multiple,
factor groups of, times,
product, once, twice,
three times … ten times
repeated addition,
division, dividing, divide,
divided by, divided into,
left, left over,
remainder, grouping
sharing, share, share
equally, one each, two
each, three each … ten
each, group in pairs,
threes … tens, equal
groups of, doubling,
halving, array, row,
column, number
patterns, multiplication
table, multiplication fact,
division fact,
Inverse, square,
squared, cube, cubed.

Fractions (including
decimals and
fraction, equivalent
fraction, mixed number,
equivalent, reduced to,
         cancel, equal part,
         equal grouping, equal
         sharing, parts of a
         whole/half, two halves,
         one of two equal parts,
         quarter, two quarters,
         three quarters, one of
         four equal parts, one
         third, two thirds, one of
         three equal parts,
         sixths, sevenths,
         eighths, tenths …
         thousandths, decimal,
         decimal fraction,
         decimal point, decimal
         place, decimal
         equivalent, proportion,
         in every, for every,
         percentage, per cent, %
                Number                   Measurement                    Geometry                    Statistics                  General

Year 6   Number and place            Measure                      Properties of shape        Count, tally, sort, vote,   Pattern, puzzle,
         value                       Measurement, size,           Shape, pattern, flat,      survey, questionnaire,      problem, problem
         Number, numeral, zero,      compare, unit, standard      line, curved, straight,    data, database, graph,      solving, mental,
         one, two, three …           unit, metric unit,           round, hollow, solid,      block graph, pictogram,     mentally, what could we
         twenty, teens numbers,      imperial unit, measuring     sort, make, build,         represent, group, set,      try next? how did you
         eleven, twelve …            scale, division, guess,      construct, draw, sketch,   list, table, chart, bar     work it out? show how
         twenty twenty-one,          estimate, enough, not        perimeter, centre,         chart, frequency table,     you … explain your
         twenty-two … one            enough, too much, too        radius, diameter,          bar line chart, Carroll     thinking, explain your
         hundred, two hundred        little, too many, too few,   circumference,             diagram, Venn diagram,      method, describe the
         … one thousand … ten        nearly, close to, about      concentric, arc, net,      line graph, pie chart,      pattern, describe the
         thousand, hundred           the same as,                 open, closed, surface,     label, title, axis, axes,   rule, investigate,
         thousand, million, none,    approximately, roughly       angle, right-angled,       diagram, most popular,      recognise, describe,
         how many …? count,          just over, just under.       congruent intersecting,    most common, least          draw, compare, sort,
         count (up) to, count on                                  intersection, plane        popular, least common,      greatest value, least
         (from, to), count back      Length                       base, square-based,        maximum/minimum,            value, mental
(from, to), forwards,        centimetre, metre,           size, bigger, larger,       value, outcome, mean,       calculation, written
backwards, count in          millimetre, kilometre,       smaller, symmetry,          (mode, median, range)       calculation, statement,
ones, twos, fives, tens,     mile, yard, foot, feet,      symmetrical,                statistics, distribution.   justify, make a
threes, fours, eights,       inch, inches, length,        symmetrical pattern,                                    statement, explain your
fifties, sixes, sevens,      height, width, depth,        line, symmetry reflect,                                 reasoning.
nines, twenty-fives and      breadth, long, short, tall   reflection, axis of
so on to hundreds,           high, low, wide, narrow,     symmetry, reflective
thousands, equal to,         thick, thin, longer,         symmetry/pattern,
equivalent to, is the        shorter, taller, higher …    repeating pattern,
same as, more, less          and so on, longest,          match, regular,
most, least, tally, many,    shortest, tallest, highest   irregular.
odd, even, multiple of,      … and so on, far,
factor of, factor pair,      further, furthest, near,     2-D shapes
sequence, continue,          close, distance apart …      2-D, two-dimensional,
predict, few, pattern,       between … to … from          corner, side point,
pair, rule, relationship,    edge, perimeter,             pointed, rectangle
next, consecutive >          circumference area,          (including square),
greater than < less than     covers, square               rectangular, oblong
≥ greater than or equal      centimetre (cm2),            rectilinear circle,
to, ≤ less than or equal     square metre (m2),           circular, triangle,
to, Roman numerals,          square millimetre            triangular, equilateral
integer, positive,           (mm2), ruler, metre          triangle, isosceles
negative above/below,        stick, tape measure.         triangle, scalene
zero, minus, negative                                     triangle, pentagon,
numbers, formula,            Weight                       pentagonal, hexagon,
divisibility, square         Mass, big, bigger, small,    hexagonal, heptagon,
number, prime number,        smaller weight,              octagon, octagonal,
factorise, prime factor,     heavy/light,                 quadrilateral,
ascending/descending         heavier/lighter,             parallelogram, rhombus,
order, digit, total.         heaviest/ lightest, tonne,   trapezium, kite,
                             kilogram, half kilogram,     polygon, right-angled,
Place value                  gram, pound, ounce,          parallel, perpendicular,
ones tens, hundreds          weigh, weighs,               x-axis, y-axis, quadrant.
digit one-, two- or three-   balances, heavy, light
digit number place,          heavier than, lighter        3-D shapes
place value, stands for,     than, heaviest, lightest,    3-D, three-dimensional,
represents, exchange,        scales.                      face, edge, vertex,
the same number as, as                                    vertices, cube, cuboid,
many as more, larger,        Capacity and volume          pyramid, sphere,
bigger, greater, fewer,    litre, half litre, millilitre,   hemisphere, spherical,
smaller, less, fewest,     centilitre, cubic                cone, cylinder,
smallest, least, most,     centimetres(cm3), cubic          cylindrical prism,
biggest, largest,          metres (m3), cubic               triangular prism,
greatest, one more, ten    millimetres (mm3),               tetrahedron,
more, one hundred          cubic kilometres (km3),          polyhedron,
more, one thousand         capacity, volume, full,          octahedron,
more, one less, ten        empty, more than, less           dodecahedron, net,
less, one hundred less,    than, half full, quarter         open, closed.
one thousand less,         full, holds, contains,
equal to, compare,         container, measuring,            Position and direction
order, size, first,        cylinder pint, gallon.           Over, under,
second, third …                                             underneath, above,
twentieth, twenty-first,   Temperature                      below, top, bottom, side
twenty-second … last,      Degree, centigrade.              on, in/outside, around,
last but one, before,                                       in front, behind, front,
after, next, between,      Time                             back, beside, next to,
halfway between,           Days of the week,                opposite, apart,
above, below.              Monday, Tuesday …                between, middle, edge,
                           months of the year               centre, corner, direction,
Estimating                 (January, February ...)          journey, route, left, right,
guess how many ...?        seasons, spring,                 up, down, higher, lower,
estimate, nearly           summer, autumn,                  forwards, backwards,
roughly, close to,         winter, day, week,               sideways, across, next
approximate,               weekend, fortnight,              to, close, near, far,
approximately, about       month, year, leap year,          along, through to, from,
the same as, just over,    century, millennium,             towards, away from,
just under, exact,         birthday, holiday,               clockwise,
exactly too many, too      morning, afternoon,              anticlockwise, compass
few, enough, not           evening, night, bedtime,         point, north, south, east,
enough, round, nearest,    dinner time, playtime,           west, N, S, E, W north-
round to the nearest       today, yesterday,                east, north-west, south-
ten, hundred, thousand,    tomorrow, before, after,         east, south-west, NE,
ten thousand, round up,    earlier, later, next, first,     NW, SE, SW horizontal,
round down.                last, noon, midnight,            vertical, diagonal,
                           calendar, date, date of          translate, translation,
Addition and               birth, now, soon, early,         coordinate, movement,
subtraction                late, earliest, latest,          slide, roll, turn, stretch,
                           quick, quicker, quickest,        bend, whole turn, half
Addition, add, more,          quickly, slow, slower,      turn, quarter turn,
make, sum, total,             slowest, slowly, old,       three-quarter turn,
altogether, double, near      older, oldest, new,         rotate, rotation, angle, is
double, half, halve one       newer, newest, takes        a greater/smaller angle
more, two more … ten          longer, takes less time,    than, degree, right
more … one hundred            how long ago? how           angle, acute angle,
more, how many more           long will it be to …? how   obtuse angle, reflex
to make …? how many           long will it take to …?     angle, reflection,
more is … than …? how         how often? always,          straight line, ruler, set
much more is …?               never, often,               square, angle
Subtract, take away,          sometimes, usually,         measurer, compass,
how many are left/left        once, twice, hour,          protractor.
over? how many have           o’clock, half past,
gone? one less, two           quarter past, quarter to
less, ten less … one          5, 10, 15 … minutes
hundred less, how             past, a.m., p.m. clock,
many fewer is … than          clock face, watch
…? how much less is           hands, digital/analogue
…?                            clock/watch, timer, hour
Difference, between,          hand, minute hand
equals, is the same as,       hours, minutes,
number bonds                  seconds, timetable,
/pairs/facts missing          arrive, depart, Roman
number, tens boundary,        numerals, 12-hour clock
hundreds boundary,            time, 24-hour clock
ones boundary, tenths         time, Greenwich Mean
boundary, inverse.            Time, British Summer
                              Time, International
Multiplication and            Date, Line
Multiplication, multiply,     Money
multiplied by, multiple,      Coin, penny, pence,
factor groups of, times,      pound, price, cost, buy,
product, once, twice,         bought, sell, sold,
three times … ten times       spend, spent, pay,
repeated addition,            change, dear, costs
division, dividing, divide,   more, cheap, costs less,
divided by, divided into,     cheaper, costs the
left, left over,              same as, how much …?
remainder, grouping,          how many …? Total,
sharing, share, share         discount, currency,
equally, one each, two        profit, loss.
each, three each … ten
each group in pairs,
threes … tens, equal
groups of doubling,
halving, array, row,
column, number
patterns, multiplication
table, multiplication fact,
division fact, inverse,
square, squared, cube,

Fractions (including
percentages, ratio and
fraction, equivalent
fraction, mixed number,
equivalent, reduced to,
cancel, equal part,
equal grouping, equal
sharing, parts of a
whole, half, two halves,
one of two equal parts,
quarter, two quarters,
three quarters, one of
four equal parts, one
third, two thirds one of
three equal parts,
sixths, sevenths,
eighths, tenths …
thousandths, decimal,
decimal fraction,
decimal point, decimal
place, decimal
equivalent, proportion,
in every, for every, ratio
percentage, per cent, %

formula, formulae,
equation, unknown,
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