Page created by Florence Thomas


                              How to Register
                                                               HOW TO                             Carolina driver’s license # and a date of
                                                                                                  birth are required on all checks received.
                                                           REGISTER ONLINE
                                                       1. Go to             SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship forms and
                                                          and click “Register Online”             all documents must be turned in to a
REGISTER ONLINE                                        2. Enter your username and password
                                                       3. Select a category
                                                                                                  Recreation facility ten (10) days before
                                                                                                  open registration. For complete scholarship
                                                       4. Enroll by clicking the green “+”        information, visit our website.
NEW USERS: To use our online registration                 button (on the left)
program, you must have previously                      5. Click “Add to Cart” on the bottom of    REGISTRATION GUIDELINES/CANCELLATION:
registered for an activity with the Mount                 your screen                             We reserve the right to cancel any activity/
Pleasant Recreation Department. If you                 6. Select the household member to          program in which we do not receive the
                                                          enroll and click “Continue”
are a new member, you will need to stop by                                                        minimum number of participants.
                                                       7. Answer questions and sign the
one of our facilities to enroll. Refer to #2,
                                                       8. Proceed to checkout
                                                                                                  RAINOUT INFORMATION: Check field closings
                                                                                                  and game cancellations due to bad weather:
                                                       9. Be sure to log out!
If this is your child’s first time participating                                                  Visit and search
in a recreation activity, you must provide                                                        Mount Pleasant Recreation Department,
an original or certified copy of their birth       subject to change. Refer to our website,       then sign up for text/email alerts or visit
certificate or passport. The Mount Pleasant        information sheets, or call for an update.     the RainedOut page of our website: www.
Recreation Department does not retain a copy                                            
of birth certificates.                             MPRD POLICY: Anyone and everyone,
                                                   regardless of ability, may register for a      JOIN THE RECREATION EMAIL CLUB: For the
NOTE: You may enroll as a new member at            program through the Mount Pleasant             best stories from Mount Pleasant Recreation
any point. We recommend that you enroll            Recreation Department. All Recreation          delivered right to your inbox, text MPREC to
as a new member and have your login                Department buildings are accessible to all     22828 to sign up for our newsletter.
information ready and available prior to           persons. Those needing special assistance
any registration period.                           should notify the center in advance.           ATHLETIC REFUND/ TRANSFER POLICY: NO
                                                                                                  refunds will be considered after the FIRST
RETURNING USERS: If you do not remember                                                           GAME of the season. Late fees are not
your username or password, click                                                                  refundable. A $10 transfer fee will apply if
on “Forgot Password” and follow the                                                               patron requests a transfer between different
directions. If you are still unable to reset                                                      sports. If there are different levels of play in
your password, please call the R.L. Jones                                                         the same sport and the Athletic Coordinator
Center at (843) 884-2528.                                                                         suggests the participant be transfered to

GUIDELINES: We recommend looking
                                                              WALK-IN                             accommodate the child’s level of play, then
                                                                                                  the transfer fee will not apply.
through the brochure and choosing your             Register in person at the R. L. Jones Center
activities prior to logging in. Mount              Monday-Saturday or at the G. M. Darby          PATRONS REQUESTING ATHLETIC REFUND: A
Pleasant Recreation Department only                Building and Park West Programming             $10 processing fee will be charged for each
accepts VISA and MASTERCARD. Please                Building Monday-Friday.                        participant’s request for refund. Requests
note that effective June 21, 2021, all credit                                                     for refunds minus $10 processing fee will be
and debit card charges incur the processor’s       FAQs                                           considered PRIOR TO THE FIRST GAME
2.65% convenience fee.                                                                            OF THE SEASON. Requests must be
• No discounts are given online.                   CHECK POLICY: A charge of $25 will apply for   made by an adult 18 years or older. Refund
• Registration dates are set in advance and        any returned check. Local address, South       processing may take up to 2 weeks.

05		 REMEMBERING                                                                    from the
     MARSHALL                                                                      DIRECTOR
06 		 YOUTH SUMMER 		                 ello and welcome to the 2023         to serve this great community with new and
      CAMPS                           Summer Edition of InMotion.          improved facilities. At the top of the list for
                                      With activities including sports,    development is the 120-acre park on Rifle
17 		 YOUTH ATHLETICS                 music, arts, therapeutic recre-
                                      ation, fitness, senior programs
                                                                           Range Road. This new centrally located fa-
                                                                           cility will include a new gymnasium, pro-
                           and special events, you will find that the      gram rooms, tennis and pickleball courts, a
22 		 FINE ART PROGRAMS    Mount Pleasant Recreation Department            playground, beach volleyball courts, multi-
                           (MPRD) has something for everyone!              purpose fields, disc golf, trails, and a picnic
24     FACILITIES MAP      Everyone knows that Mount Pleasant is
                                                                           pavilion. Other projects will include the
                                                                           renovation of the Park West Pool locker
                           growing, and MPRD is excited to be growing
26 		 ATHLETICS            as well with new and improved facilities.
                                                                           rooms, expansion of the Mugsy Kerr Tennis
                                                                           Complex, and funding for the development
                           The expansion of our Carolina Park Recre-
                                                                           of Mount Pleasant Way providing connec-
28 YOUTH                   ation Complex is underway preparing for
                           the construction of new baseball and soft-
                                                                           tivity of biking and walking trails through-

		 FUNDAMENTALS            ball fields, multipurpose fields, basketball/
                                                                           out Mount Pleasant.
                           pickleball courts, a dog park, and a play-      We are excited to bring all of these proj-

29     TENNIS              ground. The Phase 3 development of Me-
                           morial Waterfront Park is another exciting
                                                                           ects to our community and, as always, we
                                                                           look forward to serving you and providing
                           project soon to be underway. The newly de-      the highest quality programs and services
32     AQUATICS            veloped area will include basketball/pick-      throughout the year. Please let us know how
                           leball courts, calisthenic exercise areas, a    we are doing by completing the surveys that
35     AQUATIC EXERCISE    dog park, splash pad, restroom facilities and
                           overflow event parking.
                                                                           we send out when a program is finished.
                                                                           Your feedback is very important to us as we
       CLASSES             One of the biggest and most exciting devel-
                                                                           strive to meet your needs.
                           opments over the past few months has been
38     UNIFIED SPORTS      the approval of the $50 million bond refer-

                           endum for recreation facilities. With the an-
                           ticipated closing of the bond in March, this
                                                                           Steve Gergick
                           project funding will expand MPRD’s ability                              RECREATION DIRECTOR,
                                                                                                   TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT

                                                                                MTPLEASANTREC.COM        SUMMER 2023 | 3

                                                      BY LOCATION
MISSION STATEMENT                                     TOWN HALL
                                                      Steve Gergick Director
To deliver superior performance in a manner that      Erin Brewton Executive Secretary                   
is distinctive and impactful to each person served    Melissa Estrada Support Coordinator                
and that establishes a standard for quality that      Deedee Becerra Accounting Technician               
endures for generations.                              Savannah Royal Accounting Technician               

                                                      R.L. JONES CENTER                                            843-884-2528
MOUNT PLEASANT RECREATION                             Jimmy Millar Deputy Director                       

DEPARTMENT                                            Matt Hansen Athletic Division Chief
                                                      Shelli Davis Program Division Chief

MISSION STATEMENT                                     Nicole Harvey Community Affairs & Marketing Division Chief
                                                      Austin Emanuel Baseball/Softball Coordinator
It is the responsibility of the Mount Pleasant        Scott Koth Adult Sport Coordinator                 
                                                      Ryan Johnson Soccer/Wrestling Coordinator          
Recreation Department to offer exceptional,
                                                      Eric Duhamel Athletic Specialist                   
comprehensive yet sustainable and affordable
                                                      Madion Port Athletics Specialist                   
recreation and leisure opportunities through a        Carla Svensen Administrative Assistant/Athletics   
professional staff that is dedicated to providing     Tiffani Walker Administrative Assistant/Programs   
the residents of the Town of Mount Pleasant with      Karen Washington Administrative Assistant          
superior customer service, quality facilities, and    Shonette Glover Customer Service Rep               
dynamic programming.                                  Erin Wilson Program Specialist                     
                                                      Danny Johnson Sponsorship Coordinator              

                                                      Tracy Richter Events Coordinator                   
                                                      Jon Whitbeck Marketing Coordinator                 
                                                      Dani Fraser Community Affairs & Marketing Assistant
Establishing Mount Pleasant as the state’s leader     Jessica Walsh Aquatics Coordinator                 
in municipal government through the combined          Carter Bayles Aquatics Specialist                  
efforts of a dedicated elected body, highly skilled   Dave Horton Aquatics Specialist                    
staff, and engaged citizenry.
                                                      PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                   843-856-2196
                                                      Anne Selner Program Specialist                     
                                                      Angela McKee Customer Service Representative       

                                                      PARK WEST GYM
                                                      Jay Rhodes FUNdamentals Coordinator 843-856-6076   
                                                      Austin Strickland Football/Lacrosse–
                                                      Track Coordinator 843-856-6078                     

                                                      TOWN HALL GYM                                                843-884-8517
                                                      Logan Weckbaugh Volleyball/Basketball Coordinator .

                                                      PARK WEST POOL                                               843-856-2536
                                                      Deborah Llaro Administrative Assistant             
                                                      Holly Norton Pool Operator                         

                                                      MOUNT PLEASANT TENNIS CENTER                                 843-856-2162
                                                      Haley Vaughn Tennis Coordinator                    
                                                      Cameron Carter Tennis Specialist                   
                                                      Clay Maynor Head Tennis Professional               

                                                      G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                          843-849-2061
                                                      Tina Carter Program Coordinator                    
                                                      Hailey Howard Program Specialist                   
                                                      Sandi McGee Customer Service Representative        

                                                      THOMASENA STOKES-MARSHALL SENIOR SERVICES CENTER             843-856-2166
                                                      Sherrie Pompeii Senior Center Coordinator          
                                                      Makala Gibson Senior Center Specialist             
                                                      Rhea Pitts Administrative Assistant                
                                                      Jackie Lawson Customer Service Representative      

                                   THOMASENA STOKES-MARSHALL

          he Town of Mount Pleasant lost an influential, passionate
          leader early this year. She will forever be remembered for
          her enduring positive impact on our Recreation Depart-
          ment and our entire community.                                  As a Town Council Member, Thomasena spearheaded a multiyear
                                                                          effort to build a facility for senior citizens, resulting in council’s de-
           Thomasena Stokes-Marshall was born in the Snowden              cision to purchase land and build a Senior Center, which opened in
area of Mount Pleasant then moved to New York City with her par-          2008. The facility bears her name, something she was humbled and
ents as a child. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Public Administra-     delighted about, saying it was one of the greatest accomplishments
tion and Community Organization from NYU before working in the            of her life.
New York City Police Department for more than two decades, first
as a patrol officer, then as a detective assigned to community affairs.   Throughout her time on council, Ms. Stokes-Marshall took active
She specialized in community organizing, the Senior Citizen Rob-          roles in various organizations, including East Cooper Habitat for Hu-
bery Unit, Police Athletic League programs and event planning.            manity, East Cooper Meals on Wheels, the Charleston International
                                                                          African American Museum, Mount Pleasant Affordable Housing
In the early 1990s, she returned to Snowden with her husband Claude       Task Force and Creative Sparks. Stokes-Marshall has a long list of
Marshall to care for her aging parents. After becoming increasingly       awards, accolades and achievements for her community service.
involved in the local community, in 1998 she successfully ran for a
seat on Mount Pleasant Town Council and became the first African                                                         After leaving coun-
American to hold the post, which she held for 17 years.                                                                  cil, she co-founded
                                                                                                                         the African Ameri-
Concerned about the threats posed by the increasing amount of                                                            can Historic Settle-
residential and commercial development within the African Amer-                                                          ment Commission
ican Gullah Geechee peoples’ community, Thomasena founded the                                                            in 2016 to protect
Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival Association, which led to the cre-                                                     the history and char-
ation of the annual Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival aiming to pro-                                                     acter of settlement
mote and bring attention to the contributions of the Gullah Geechee                                                      communities      like
people’s history, culture and traditions. The sweetgrass basket art                                                      Snowden. Serving on
form originated in Mount Pleasant and continues to exist here and                                                        the Mount Pleasant
in surrounding communities.                                                                                              Affordable Housing
                                                                          Task Force, she sought to bring attainable housing to the community
                                                                          and broke ground on Gregorie Ferry Townhomes in May of 2021.

                                                                           “Mount Pleasant has lost a true community servant,” said Mount
                                                                          Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie. “Thomasena Stokes-Marshall devoted
                                                                          herself to the wellbeing of others and her community. She led with
                                                                          vision and courage. Our entire community mourns her loss.”

                                                                          Thomasena Stokes-Marshall played a pivotal role in opening a se-
                                                                          nior center in Mount Pleasant, preserving historic communities,
                                                                          and founding what is now known as the Sweetgrass Festival. Thom-
                                                                          asena Stokes-Marshall will be truly missed. Her legacy and mark on
                                                                          the Town of Mount Pleasant will be remembered for generations to

                                                                                                          MTPLEASANTREC.COM       SUMMER 2023 | 5

                                                   YOUTH SUMMER CAMPS
  CAMP REFUND AND PAYMENT POLICY: Camp payments are due in full at time of registration. Refund requests, less the non-refundable,
     non-transferrable $50 camp reservation fee, will only be considered with at least five business days’ notice prior to the start of camp.

   All campers must be potty trained. No pull-ups, please. Please let us know of any special needs, medications, epipens, or food allergies
         that may apply. An authorized person must come into the facility to check in/out their camper daily. Camps that do not meet the
            minimum participant registration will be cancelled the Thursday afternoon prior to camp and all registrants will be notified.
                   *All camp scholarship applications must go through the Director of Recreation at Mount Pleasant Town Hall.
             *Snacks are NOT provided. Campers need to bring their own snack and water bottle. *There are no camp reminders.

                                                          HIP HOP/JAZZ DANCE CAMP
          THE DANVCER
                                                     A fun and fast-moving dance camp! Learn basic
     DARLING DANCERS                                 dance steps to move and groove. Campers will
                                                     also enjoy dance games and related crafts. Please
Learn basic movement and dance in a variety of       bring a snack.
styles such as ballet, tap and jazz. Each day, we    Carolina Dance Arts Instructors
will explore different dance techniques, games         PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
and crafts. Please wear dance attire: leotard,
                                                                         AGES 7-10
tights and ballet shoes!                                  DATES           DAYS              TIME
Elizabeth Rose Grech
                                                        7/31 – 8/3
                                                                        M – TH       9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                 #415DAN002-02

                    AGES 3-4                         $165 resident/ $195 nonres        Min 8 - Max 14          DANCE EXPLORERS
     DATES           DAYS              TIME

   6/12 – 6/16
                     M–F           9 am – 12 pm                                                           Let your budding artist explore all types of dance,
 #414DAN008-01                                            SUMMER BALLET CAMP                              from ballet to jazz to hip hop. Young dancers will
                                                                                                          discover famous dancers and basic dance tech-
                    AGES 5-6
                                                     Have your bitty ballerinas jump into the sea with    nique through fun exercises, creative movement,
     DATES           DAYS              TIME          a Magical Mermaid Adventure this summer.             and arts and crafts.
   6/26 – 6/30                                       We will have underwater related crafts, mermaid      ABC Dance Instructors
                     M–F           9 am – 12 pm
 #414DAN008-02                                       tails, and a performance on Friday for family and
                                                     friends!                                               R.L. JONES CENTER
$90 resident/$120 nonres        Min 8 - Max 15
                                                     Studio Go Instructors                                                     AGES 5-10
                                                                                                               DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                       R.L. JONES CENTER
     SUMMER HIP HOP CAMP                                                 AGES 6-10
                                                                                                             7/24 – 7/28
                                                                                                                               M–F           1 pm – 4 pm
                                                          DATES           DAYS              TIME
Learn dance and express personal style. Work                                                              $175 resident/ $205 nonres        Min 6 - Max 15
                                                        6/26 – 6/30
on body isolations, control, flexibility, combina-                       M–F            1 pm – 4 pm
tions, rhythm, and muscle memory.
Studio Go Instructors                                $150 resident/ $180 nonres        Min 8 - Max 15          PRINCESS DANCE CAMP
                                                                                                          Creative movement and ballet camp! Each day
                    AGES 6-10                             TINY DANCE EXPLORERS                            we dance and explore with different princess
     DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                          songs and do fun princess crafts!
   6/12 – 6/16                                       Introduce your littlest artist to dance in a fun,    Stretch-n-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
                     M–F            1 pm – 4 pm
 #414DAN002-01                                       creative, inspiring way! We will sing, dance, tum-   Instructor,
$150 resident/$180 nonres         Min 8 - Max 15     ble, and explore all kinds of movement, as well as
                                                     engaging in arts and crafts.                           R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                     ABC Dance Instructors                                                     AGES 3-8
                                                                                                               DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                       R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                                                                             7/10 – 7/14
                                                                          AGES 3-4                                             M–F           1 – 3:30 pm
                                                          DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                          $125 resident/ $155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 34
                                                        7/24 – 7/28
                                                                         M–F           10 am – 12 pm
                                                      #415DAN013-01                                         PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                     $125 resident/ $155 nonres        Min 6 - Max 15                          AGES 3-8
                                                                                                               DATES           DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                             8/7 – 8/11
                                                                                                                               M–F           1 – 3:30 pm

                                                                                                          $125 resident/ $155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 28

                                                                                                                  FOR THE ARTIST
Popular songs and choreography! Fun for boys and
girls! Bubble Dance Party, Glow Party, and more.
Please bring a water bottle and healthy snack.
                                                                                                             PAINTING THE COLORFUL
Stretch-n-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
                                                                                                        Open your eyes to the magical world of colors using
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                                                            all kinds of paint and materials. Create a master-
                     AGES 3-8                                                                           piece while learning about the basic elements of art.
      DATES            DAYS             TIME                                                            Teresa Wooten
   6/12 – 6/16                                                                                            G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                      M–F           1 – 3:30 pm
                                                                                                                             AGES 6-12
$125 resident/ $155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 28          TROLL DANCE CAMP                                    DATES            DAYS              TIME

  R.L. JONES CENTER                                                                                        8/7 – 8/11
                                                                                                                              M–F              2 – 5 pm
                                                      Creative movement camp for boys and girls! Each     #415ART001-01
                     AGES 3-8
                                                      day, we dance and explore with different Troll    $90 resident/ $120 nonres          Min 5 - Max 12
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                      songs, crafts, and games.
   7/10 – 7/14
                      M–F           1 – 3:30 pm       Stretch-n-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
$125 resident/ $155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 34
                                                        PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                                         AGES 3-8
    FLIP AND TWIRL: PRINCESS                               DATES           DAYS            TIME

    AND PIRATE                                          7/24 – 7/28
                                                                          M–F          9 – 11:30 am
Your highness will curtsy and your little buccaneer   $125 resident/$155 nonres     Min 10 - Max 28
will “shiver-me-timbers” as they move and groove
to popular songs and dances.
Tina Penninger                                            FROZEN DANCE CAMP
                                                      Frozen songs and choreography! Please bring a
                     AGES 3-8
                                                      water bottle and healthy snack.
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                      Stretch-n-Grow Certified Youth Fitness                 PAINTING ON CANVAS
   7/24 – 7/27                                        Instructor,
                     M – TH       9:30 – 11:30 am
 #415DAN006-01                                                                                          Emphasis is on composition and strengthening
$100 resident/$130 nonres       Min 10 - Max 35         PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                      painting skills with acrylic paint. Students may
                                                                         AGES 3-8                       bring canvas or purchase from instructor.
                                                           DATES           DAYS            TIME         Teresa Wooten
                                                        6/12 – 6/16
                                                                          M–F          9 – 11:30 am       G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                                                                                            AGES 12 & UP
                                                      $125 resident/$155 nonres     Min 10 - Max 28
                                                                                                              DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                           7/17 – 7/21
                                                                                                                              M–F              2 – 5 pm

                                                                                                        $90 resident/ $120 nonres          Min 5 - Max 12

                                                                                                             SCULPTURE BUILDING
                                                                                                        Create sculptures by using wire, wood and
                                                                                                        recycled materials. We will create a Calder Circus
                                                                                                        with a big top tent!
                                                                                                        Teresa Wooten
                                                                                                          G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                                                                                             AGES 6-12
                                                                                                              DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                           7/31 – 8/4
                                                                                                                              M–F              2 – 5 pm

                                                                                                        $90 resident/ $120 nonres        Min 5 - Max 12

                                                                                                              MTPLEASANTREC.COM          SUMMER 2023 | 7

                                                                                                              MIDDLE SCHOOL MIXED
 BACK PORCH ART CAMPS                                                                                       MEDIA MASTERPIECES - PART 1
  WITH DIANA CONNORS                                                                                        Paint a wood surfboard, mixed media on canvas,
                                                                                                            and create a beautiful collage!
                                                                                                            Diana Connors
                                                                                                              R.L. JONES CENTER
We will be building magical unique fairy/gnome                                                                                   AGES 9-15
homes made of pumpkins on wood and painting                                                                       DATES            DAYS              TIME
unicorns on canvas.                                                                                            7/31 – 8/3
Diana Connors                                                                                   M – TH         2 – 4:30 pm

  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                                                                $158 resident/ $188 nonres       Min 10 - Max 25
                     AGES 5-10
      DATES             DAYS              TIME

   7/17 – 7/21
                                                                                                              MIDDLE SCHOOL MIXED
                       M–F           9 am – 12 pm                                                           MEDIA MASTERPIECES - PART 2
   7/17 – 7/21                                                                                              Paint a large wood owl, 2 mixed media projects
                       M–F           2 pm – 5 pm
                                                                                                            and create a beautiful collage! Different projects
$168 resident/ $198 nonres       Min 10 - Max 30             POND LIFE ART                                  for Parts 1 and 2. Take one or both.
                                                                                                            Diana Connors
                                                        Explore pond life in the Lowcountry. We will
     VAN GOGH, O’KEEFE,                                 paint mixed media wood egrets, alligators, frogs,
                                                                                                              R.L. JONES CENTER
     MONET, OH MY!                                      turtles and mixed media dragonflies!
                                                                                                                                 AGES 9-15
                                                                                                                  DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                        Diana Connors
We will create giant poppies by O’Keefe, Frida’s                                                               8/7 – 8/10
                                                                                                                                  M – TH         2 – 4:30 pm
Kaholo wood puppets, Van Gogh’s sunflowers                PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                          #415ART030-01
and Monet’s water lily pond.                                                AGES 5-10                       $158 resident/ $188 nonres       Min 10 - Max 25
Diana Connors                  DATES           DAYS             TIME

  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                7/24-7/28
                                                                              M–F          9 am– 12 pm
                     AGES 5-10
                                                         #415ART009-01                                           CHARLESTON PALETTE
      DATES             DAYS              TIME          $168 resident/ $198 nonres      Min 10 - Max 30
                                                                                                            Come paint the beauty that surrounds us in
    6/26-6/30                                                                                               the Lowcountry - marsh lands, beaches, angel
                       M–F           9 am– 12 pm
                                                             SAFARI ART!                                    oak tree and the Charleston architecture on
$168 resident/ $198 nonres       Min 10 - Max 30                                                            canvas.
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                   Come paint beautiful giraffes, toucans, sloths      Diana Connors
                                                        and elephants on canvas and wood.
                     AGES 5-10                                                                                PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                        Diana Connors
      DATES             DAYS              TIME                                                                                   AGES 5-10
    6/26-6/30                                             PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                              DATES            DAYS              TIME
                       M–F             2 – 5 pm
  #414ART014-02                                                             AGES 5-10                          6/12 – 6/16
                                                                                                                                  M–F           9 am – 12 pm
$168 resident/$198 nonres        Min 10 - Max 25              DATES           DAYS             TIME           #414ART031-01
                                                            7/31-8/4                                        $168 resident/ $198 nonres       Min 10 - Max 30
                                                                              M–F          9 am – 12 pm
     UNDER THE SEA                                      $168 resident/ $198 nonres      Min 10 - Max 30
                                                                                                                 COMMOTION IN THE OCEAN
Come paint the wondrous things we see under the
sea - a fish, dolphin, crab, seahorse, and surfboard.        OCEAN LIFE ART                                 I like the ocean, I like the sea, come paint the
Create beautiful paintings and wood surfboard.                                                              starfish, jellyfish, mermaid/merman, rainbow
Diana Connors       We will use a variety of techniques to paint        fish and manatee with me! Canvas and a 2-foot
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                            whimsical whales, stingrays, narwhals and a         wood fish.
                                                        large wood shark tooth!                             Diana Connors  
                     AGES 5-10
                                                        Diana Connors
      DATES             DAYS              TIME                                                                PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
     8/7-8/11                                             PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                             AGES 5-10
                       M–F           9 am– 12 pm
 # 415ART008-01                                                             AGES 5-10                             DATES            DAYS              TIME

$168 resident/ $198 nonres       Min 10 - Max 30              DATES           DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                               7/10 – 7/14
                                                                                                                                  M–F           9 am – 12 pm
                                                           6/19 – 6/23                                        #415ART005-01
                                                                              M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                                                          # 14ART032-01
                                                                                                            $168 resident/ $198 nonres       Min 10 - Max 30
                                                        $168 resident/ $198 nonres      Min 10 - Max 30

A BRUSH WITH EUROPE                                  MESSY MASTERPIECES
                                                                                                               FOR THE CREATIVE
Get your passports ready! We will be departing       The goal of Messy Masterpieces is to allow
from NYC and traveling to France, Italy, En-         campers the freedom to explore their creativ-           PRE-SCHOOL PLAYPALS
gland, and returning home via hot air balloons!      ity in an environment safe to make messes
Alyssa Connors – Back Porch Art                      and mistakes. Every week, we will improve          Creative play and crafts to keep your
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                our art skills while fostering self-expression,    pre-schooler engaged and social!
                                                     confidence, problem solving, and creativity.       Amy Cantey
                    AGES 5-10
                                                     We learn about famous artists and works of art
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                     while creating our own pieces using a variety of     R.L. JONES CENTER
   6/19 – 6/23                                       mediums. At the end of camp, we will have an                            AGES 3-5
                      M–F         2 pm – 4:30 pm
                                                     exhibit of your campers’ favorite pieces.                DATES            DAYS            TIME
$148 resident/ $178 nonres      Min 10 - Max 15      Jennifer Rose,         6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                              M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                                                       PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                                                                        $110 resident/$140 nonres        Min 5 - Max 16
     SEA LIFE ART                                                       AGES 6-10
                                                          DATES           DAYS            TIME
                                                          “3D ART – USING RECYCLED MATERIALS”
I like the ocean, I like the sea, come paint star-                                                           STAR WARS CAMP
fish, jellyfish, mermaid/merman, rainbowfish            6/19 – 6/23
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
and a manatee with me! Canvas and a 2-foot                                                              Join us for a fun-filled camp as we explore the
wood fish.                                              7/31 – 8/4                                      world of Star Wars! Camp includes themed
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
Alyssa Connors – Back Porch Art                       #415ART035-03
                                                                                                        crafts, games and Lego-building. Camp will con-
                                                      “ENGINEERING AND ART – FUN STEAM ACTIVITIES”      clude with a bang as we will get a visit on Friday
                    AGES 5-10
                                                        6/12 – 6/16
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
                                                                                                        from a real-life Storm Trooper!
                                                      #414ART035-01                                     Amy Cantey
      DATES            DAYS             TIME

   7/24 – 7/28                                          7/10 – 7/14                                       R.L. JONES CENTER
                      M–F         2 pm – 4:30 pm                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
 #415ART033-01                                                                                                               AGES 4-8
$148 resident/ $178 nonres      Min 10 - Max 15         8/7 – 8/11                                            DATES            DAYS            TIME
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
                                                                                                           6/12 – 6/16
                                                                                                                              M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                                                          “COLLABORATIVE ART – CREATING LARGE             #414MIS018-01
                                                            ART PIECES BY WORKING TOGETHER”
     MIXED MEDIA ART                                                                                    $150 resident/$180 nonres       Min 5 - Max 16
                                                        6/26 – 6/30
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm
We will explore the contemporary art of layered
mixed media work and complete at least 4                7/24 – 7/28
                                                                         M–F            1 – 4 pm             LEGO CAMP
Alyssa Connors – Back Porch Art                      $155 resident/$185 nonres      Min 7 - Max 14      A week full of Lego creative building activities
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                                                                   and challenges! Children will explore themed
                                                                                                        activities using Lego bricks to create, build, and
                    AGES 5-10                             SUMMER ART CAMPS                              invent. All participants will receive a Lego set to
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                          WITH AR WORKSHOP                              take home.
   8/7 – 8/11                                                                                           Amy Cantey
                      M–F        9:30 am – 12 pm
 #415ART034-01                                       Join us at AR Workshop for creative and crafty
                                                     summer Art camps! Our camps are designed             R.L. JONES CENTER
$148 resident/ $178 nonres      Min 10 - Max 15
                                                     for girls and boys to create 4 DIY projects over                        AGES 4-8
                                                                                                              DATES            DAYS            TIME
                                                     the course of the camp. Games and bonus proj-
                                                     ects too. Participants will be able to customize      6/12 – 6/16
                                                                                                                              M–F          1 pm – 4 pm
                                                     and choose their project designs and paint
                                                     colors from our décor line of paints.                 6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                              M–F          1 pm – 4 pm
                                                     Paige Hutzler                                       #414EDU033-02

                                                       AR WORKSHOP, 280 W. COLEMAN BLVD.                $200 resident/$230 nonres       Min 8 - Max 20
                                                                        AGES 7-13
                                                          DATES           DAYS             TIME

                                                        6/26 – 6/29
                                                                         M – TH       9 am – 12 pm

                                                        7/17 – 7/20
                                                                         M – TH       9 am – 12 pm

                                                        7/31 – 8/3
                                                                         M – TH       9 am – 12 pm
                                                       # 15ART036-02

                                                     $195 resident/ $225 nonres     Min 10 - Max 26

                                                                                                              MTPLEASANTREC.COM         SUMMER 2023 | 9

     LEGOS, BLOCKS AND MORE!                                                                                        YOUNG CHEF’S ACADEMY
                                                                                                                    CULINARY CAMP
Build, stack, connect…to your heart’s content!
Games, crafts and activities help campers unlock                                                               Each day brings sizzling new surprises and
their imaginations and build to new heights.                                                                   culinary delights as we cook and bake our way
Parties Plus Events Staff                                                                                      through exciting tips and tricks with friendly
                                                                                                               culinary challenges to put your newfound skills
                                                                                                               to the test.
                    AGES 4-8
      DATES           DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                               Young Chef’s Academy Staff
   7/10 – 7/14                                                                                                   729 LONGPOINT ROAD
                      M–F          1 pm – 4 pm
                                                                                                                                    AGES 7-15
$150 resident/$180 nonres      Min 10 - Max 25             SWEETGRASS BASKETRY                                       DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                           CAMP                                                   6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                                     M–F            1 pm — 4 pm
     LET’S GET CRAFTY!                               Learn how to make a sweetgrass basket in this camp.       $300 resident/$330 nonres        Min 10 - Max 16
                                                     Vera Manigault
Have fun getting creative with various craft proj-
                                                       G.M. DARBY BUILDING
ects using mixed-media supplies.                                                                                    UNICORN CAMP
Parties Plus Events Staff                                                 AGES 6-13
                                                           DATES             DAYS              TIME
  R.L. JONES CENTER                                                                                            We will explore the world of imagination with
                                                        6/19 – 6/23                                            face painting, a magical quest to find the missing
                    AGES 4-8                                                M–F          9:30 – 11:30 am
      DATES           DAYS             TIME                                                                    unicorn, and fun games, too.
   7/31 – 8/4                                                                                                  Parties Plus Events Staff
                      M–F         9 am – 12 pm         PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                           DATES             DAYS              TIME              R.L. JONES CENTER
$150 resident/$180 nonres      Min 10 - Max 25                                                                                      AGES 3-7
                                                        6/26 – 6/30
                                                                            M–F          9:30 – 11:30 am
                                                       #414ART011-02                                                 DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                                  6/19 – 6/23
     AMERICAN DOLL CAMP                                R.L. JONES CENTER                                         #414MIS004-01
                                                                                                                                     M–F            9 am – 12 pm

                                                           DATES             DAYS              TIME
Use historical time period dolls as inspiration.                                                                 PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                        7/10 – 7/14
Create scenes for your own doll through sewing,        #415ART011-01
                                                                            M–F          9:30 – 11:30 am
                                                                                                                                    AGES 3-7
painting, and constructing. Storytelling, creative
                                                     $100 resident/$130 nonres           Min 6 - Max 15              DATES            DAYS              TIME
process, and play.
                                                                                                                  7/31 – 8/4
Amy Sargent                                                                                                                          M–F            1 pm – 4 pm
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                      JR WOODSHOP WITH                                    $150 resident/$180 nonres        Min 10 - Max 25
                    AGES 6-9                               NAILED IT!
      DATES           DAYS             TIME

   7/10 – 7/13
                                  9 am – 12 pm
                                                     Campers will have loads of hands-on fun. Projects              DINOSAURS
  #415MIS001-01                                      will be made using elements such as, but not limited
                     M – TH                          to, woods, fabrics and metals. We will have a different
   7/10 – 7/13                                                                              Dig for dinosaur bones, explore what we find, and
                                     1 – 4 pm        project each day! Lots of creativity and fun! Campers,
                                                                                            learn all about these amazing creatures and why
                                                     please bring a snack and water bottle. they are extinct. Free dinosaurs from the Ice Age,
$160 resident/$190 nonres      Min 10 - Max 18
                                                     Mary Ann Braswell 			                  become paleontologists, and play many games
                                                      NAILED IT 				centered around these amazing creatures.
                                                     Mount Pleasant, 1039 Hwy 41, Suite 300 Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                                          AGES 7-14                              PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                           DATES             DAYS              TIME                                 AGES 3-7
                                                        6/19 – 6/22                                                  DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                                  6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                                     M–F            9 am – 12 pm
                                                        6/26 – 6/29                                             #414EDU001-01
                                                                                                                 R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                        7/10 – 7/13
                                                                            M – TH           1 – 4 pm
                                                       #415ART026-01                                                                AGES 3-7
                                                                                                                     DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                        7/17 – 7/20
                                                       #415ART026-02                                              6/26 – 6/30
                                                                                                                                     M–F            9 am – 12 pm
                                                         8/7 – 8/10
                                                       # 15ART026-03                                           $150 resident/$180 nonres        Min 10 - Max 25
                                                     $175 resident/$205 nonres         Min 10 - Max 24

JEWELRY MAKING CAMP                                  OUTER SPACE CAMP
                                                      Accessorize and beautify with your very              Blast off to another world and explore the great
                                                      own creations! Work on wearable projects             unknown through activities, imagination and
                                                      you can be proud to show off or give as              crafts.
                                                      a gift.                                              Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                      Parties Plus Events Staff                              R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                        R.L. JONES CENTER                                                       AGES 4-8
                                                                          AGES 3-7                               DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                            DATES           DAYS             TIME             7/31 – 8/4
                                                                                                                                  M–F             1 – 4 pm
                                                         6/26 – 6/30
                                                                            M–F            1 – 4 pm
     SUPERHEROES                                        #414MIS020-01                                      $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25
                                                      $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25
Go through Superhero training to learn how to                                                                MAGICAL OCEAN
knock down buildings, capture the villain, and test                                                        ADVENTURE
their speed. Superhero capes and masks will be
                                                                                                           Take a dive into the world of our underwater
provided during camp for active role play.
                                                                                                           friends! Crafts, stories, and games will drench
Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                                                                           campers in the undersea environment.
  R.L. JONES CENTER                                                                                        Parties Plus Events Staff
                     AGES 3-7                                                                                G.M. DARBY BUILDING
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                                                AGES 4-8
   6/12 – 6/16
                      M–F          9 am – 12 pm                                                                  DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                              6/12 – 6/16
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25                                                                                         M–F          9 am – 12 pm

  M. BROWN ANNEX, 118 ROYALL AVE                                                                             R.L. JONES CENTER
                     AGES 3-7
                                                           SPA TIME CAMP
                                                                                                                                AGES 4-8
      DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                                 DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                      Treat yourself to a fun camp that will truly
   6/26 – 6/30                                                                                                 8/7 – 8/11
                      M–F            1 – 4 pm         pamper! Play games and make crafts that                                     M–F          9 am – 12 pm
  #414MIS005-02                                                                                                    #
                                                      will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25                                                                  $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 24
                                                      the rest of the day.
                                                      Parties Plus Events Staff
     AROUND THE WORLD                                   R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                                                                                CAMPING: THE GREAT
     CAMP                                                                 AGES 3-7                              OUTDOORS!
                                                            DATES           DAYS             TIME
Explore cultures and fun games from                      6/12 – 6/16                                       Campers enjoy the great outdoors…indoors!
around our beautiful planet as you learn                                    M–F            1 – 4 pm
                                                        #414MIS017-01                                      Crafts and activities are themed around all
what makes each culture unique and fun!                                                                    thing camping.
Parties Plus Events Staff                               MIRIAM BROWN ANNEX
                                                                                                           Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                      118 ROYALL AVENUE
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                              AGES 3-7                           G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                     AGES 3-7                               DATES           DAYS             TIME                               AGES 4-8
      DATES            DAYS             TIME                                                                     DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                         6/26 – 6/30
                                                                            M–F         9 am – 12 pm
   7/31 – 8/14                                          #414MIS017-02                                         7/10 – 7/14
                      M–F          9 am – 12 pm                                                                                   M–F          9 am – 12 pm
  #415MIS019-01                                                                                                    #
                                                      $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25                                                                  $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25

                                                           AHOY! PIRATE CAMP                                    FROZEN/TROLLZ
                                                      Shiver me timbers! Go through pirate training
                                                      to learn how to find treasure, sail the high seas,   Enjoy a camp tailored to those who love these
                                                      and above all, avoid mutiny!                         childhood favorites. Troll and Frozen crafts,
                                                      Parties Plus Events Staff                            games and play
                                                                                                           Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                        R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                                          AGES 3-7                           PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                            DATES           DAYS             TIME                               AGES 4-8
                                                         6/19 – 6/23                                             DATES             DAYS             TIME
                                                                            M–F            1 – 4 pm
                                                        #414MIS021-01                                         6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                                  M–F             1 – 4 pm
                                                      $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25                    #

                                                                                                           $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25

                                                                                                                MTPLEASANTREC.COM          SUMMER 2023 | 11

     GARDENING CAMP                                     WELCOME TO HOGWARTS –                               BROADWAY BOUND
                                                        HARRY POTTER CAMP                                   MUSICAL THEATER
Learn about gardening while planting your
own flowers and veggies. Blossom into the          Be a Muggle no more and enter the world of          Jump into summer with singing, dancing, and
gardener you’ve always wanted to be.               Hogwarts School of Wizardry! Prepare for            acting! This engaging camp will have your per-
Parties Plus Events Staff                          quidditch practice, master the spell book           former learning hit Broadway songs and shows,
                                                   and create one-of-a-kind potions in this fun-       plus arts and crafts inspiring your budding artist
                                                   filled camp.                                        to be confident and creative.
                     AGES 4-8                      Lauren Hackett                                      ABC Dance Instructors
      DATES           DAYS             TIME
                                                     G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                 R.L. JONES CENTER
   7/10 – 7/14
                      M–F         9 am – 12 pm
  #415MIS027-01                                                       AGES 8 – 12                                          AGES 5-10
                                                        DATES            DAYS             TIME               DATES            DAYS             TIME
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25
                                                      7/31 – 8/3                                          6/26 – 6/30
                                                                       M – TH       9 am – 11:30 am                          M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                                                     #415MIS006-01                                      #414DRA008-01

     FAIRY CAMP                                    $180 resident/$210 nonres Min 10 - Max 25           $175 resident/$205 nonres       Min 6 - Max 15

Fly into the mystical in this fairy-themed camp.
Enjoy crafts, games and stories each day.               SHINING STARS                                       DARBY PLAYERS CAMP
Parties Plus Events Staff                               THEATER CAMP
                                                                                                       Acting, singing, and dancing will prepare stu-
                                                   Time to Act! Campers will learn how to tap          dents for a musical production. All aspects of
                     AGES 4-8                      into their emotions, move around the stage, and     the theatre will be taught – costuming, lighting,
      DATES           DAYS             TIME
                                                   project their voices to become various characters   sound, and stage sets.
   7/10 – 7/14
                      M–F            1 – 4 pm      in plays. They will also learn the importance of    Amanda Carey
  #415MIS028-01                                    active listening for appropriate reactions and
                                                                                                         G.M. DARBY BUILDING
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25          pantomimes on stage. They make their own
                                                   props for the end of the week live show. Family                         AGES 8-15

                                                   and friends are invited to the student starred            DATES            DAYS             TIME

     ALOHA CAMP                                    play on the last day.                                  6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                             M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                                                   Caitrin Robinson, 				                               #414DRA009-01

Campers will be transported to the laid-back                  $155 resident/$185 nonres       Min 8 - Max 25
islands of Hawaii. Games, crafts and activities      PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
will evoke the beauty and fun of paradise.
                                                                        AGES 4-8
Parties Plus Events Staff                               DATES            DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                            ROCK STAR CAMP
  R.L. JONES CENTER                                   6/12– 6/16
                                                    #414DRA004-01                                      Rock on! Channel your inner rock star with fun
                     AGES 4-8
                                                                                                       crafts, games and activities!
      DATES           DAYS             TIME           7/10– 7/14                                       Parties Plus Events Staff
   7/24 – 7/28
                      M–F         9 am – 12 pm                          M–F              1 – 4 pm        R.L. JONES CENTER
  #415MIS029-01                                       7/24– 7/28
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25           #415DRA004-03                                                           AGES 4-8
                                                                                                             DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                      7/31– 8/4
                                                    #415DRA004-04                                         7/24 – 7/28
                                                                                                                             M–F             1 – 4 pm
     THE FASCINATING CREEPY                                                                              #415MIS031-01

     CRAWLY WORLD                                    G.M. DARBY BUILDING                               $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25
                                                        DATES            DAYS              TIME

Inspect your insects! Participate in creepy           6/19– 6/23
                                                    #414DRA004-02                                           HER ROYAL HIGHNESS
crafts, crawly games and stories that will have
your antennas perked up. 			                          6/26– 6/30
                                                                        M–F              1 – 4 pm
Parties Plus Events Staff                           #414DRA004-03
                                                                                                       Campers are treated like the royalty they are,
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                  8/7– 8/11                                       with dresses and accessories that are fit for a
                                                     # 15DRA004-05                                     princess. Her Majesty enjoys royalty themed
                     AGES 4-8
      DATES           DAYS             TIME                                                            crafts, games, stories and imaginative play.
                                                     MIRIAM BROWN ANNEX, 118 ROYALL AVE
   6/12– 6/16
                                                                                                       Parties Plus Events Staff
                                                        DATES            DAYS              TIME
                      M–F            1 – 4 pm
  #414MIS030-01                                                                                          R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                      7/17– 7/21
                                                                        M–F              1 – 4 pm
                                                    #415DRA004-02                                                           AGES 4-8
      DATES           DAYS             TIME
                                                   $109 resident/$139 nonres        Min 7 - Max 16           DATES            DAYS             TIME

                                                                                                          7/17 – 7/21
   7/17– 7/21                                                                                            #415MIS032-01
                      M–F         9 am – 12 pm
  #415MIS030-01                                                                                                              M–F             1 – 4 pm
                                                                                                          8/7 – 8/11
$150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25                                                                #415MIS032-02

                                                                                                       $150 resident/$180 nonres Min 10 - Max 25

FASHION AND FUN CAMP                                                                                               PRE-TEEN TRAVEL CAMP
Join us in learning about the exciting world of beau-                                                              Campers will travel by bus to a different area des-
ty, fashion, modeling and make-up! Bring your own                                                                  tination daily. Includes crafts, swimming, outdoor
make-up and applicators. Camp concludes with a                                                                     activities, and special field trips. Bring bathing
fashion show for family and friends to attend.                                                                     suit and towel, snack, bag lunch, and water bottle
Tamara Smyth                                                                                                       daily – wear appropriate clothing, including
                                                                                                                   closed toed shoes. Early drop-off from 8:30 – 9 am
                                                                                                                   and late pick-up until 5:30 pm.
                      AGES 5-12
      DATES              DAYS                TIME
                                                                                                                   *6/26 – 6/30 inclusion week Teens requiring
                                                                                                                   assistance will need to provide adult helper.
   6/12– 6/16
                                        1 – 3:30 pm
 #414EDU015-01                                                                                                       PARK WEST LAKE PAVILION
    7/31– 8/4                                                                                                                          AGES 10-13
                                     10 am – 12:30 pm
 #415EDU015-02                                                                                                          DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                                     6/12– 6/16
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                                                                       #414TRP003-01
      DATES              DAYS                TIME
                                                                                                                     6/19– 6/23
   6/26– 6/30
                                     10 am – 12:30 pm                                                              #414TRP003-02
                        M–F                                                                                          6/26– 6/30
   7/10– 7/14
                                        1 – 3:30 pm                                                                #414TRP003-03
 #415EDU015-01                                                                                                                          M–F           9 am – 5 pm

                                                                  PARK WEST TRAVEL CAMP                              7/10– 7/14
      DATES              DAYS                TIME
                                                             Campers will travel by bus to a different area          7/24– 7/28
   7/17– 7/21                                                destination daily. Bring swim suit, goggles, towel,   #415TRP003-02
                                     10 am – 12:30 pm
 #415EDU015-03                                               appropriate clothing, closed toed shoes, water
                        M–F                                                                                           7/31– 8/4
    8/7– 8/11                                                bottle, snack, and bag lunch daily. Early drop off    #415TRP003-03
                                     10 am – 12:30 pm
 #415EDU015-04                                               from 8:30 – 9 a.m. and late pick up until 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                   $200 resident/$230 nonres Min 10 - Max 45
$75 resident/$105 nonres           Min 8 - Max 20            No cell phones allowed.
                                                               PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                                                                                                                        KIDS ZIP AND ROCK
                                                                                                                        CLIMBING OUTDOOR
      FOR THE ADVENTURER                                          DATES
                                                                                 AGES 7-10
                                                                                   DAYS            TIME
                                                                                                                        ADVENTURE CAMP
                                                                7/17 – 7/21
      JONES CENTER YOUTH                                      #415TRP002-01
                                                                                  M–F          9 am – 5 pm         *Min 40 lbs max of 140 lbs Campers will zip and
      TRIP CAMPS                                                                                                   play on course specifically designed for our young-
                                                             $200 resident/$230 nonres Min 20 - Max 55
                                                                                                                   er adventurers. Afterwards, they get to challenge
Campers will travel by bus to a different destination
                                                                                                                   themselves on our outdoor climbing wall and
daily. Bring a towel, swimsuit, appropriate clothing,
                                                                                                                   outdoor activities. Bring a snack and drink daily.
snack, and bag lunch daily. Early supervision is provid-
                                                                                                                   Charleston Zip Line Adventures Staff
ed from 8:30 – 9 am, as well as late supervision from
5 – 5:30 pm. Bus departs at 9:30 am! A late fee of $10 for                                                            CHARLESTON ZIP LINE ADVENTURES
every 15 minutes a child is left after 5:30 pm must be                                                             1152 GUERINS BRIDGE RD, AWENDAW
paid at the front desk on the day the child is picked up                                                                                AGES 7-11
late. Children must be 6 years old by 6/12 and may not                                                                  DATES            DAYS              TIME
turn 11 before 6/12/2023. No cell phones allowed.
                                                                                                                     6/13, 6/15
   R.L. JONES CENTER                                                                                               #414ATH029-01

                       AGES 6-10                                                                                     6/20, 6/22
       DATES              DAYS               TIME                                                                  #414ATH029-02

    6/12– 6/16                                                                                                       6/27, 6/29
   #414TRP001-01                                                                                                   #414ATH029-03

    6/19 - 6/23                                                                                                       7/11, 7/13
   #414TRP001-02                                                                                                   #415ATH029-01
                                                                                                                                         T/TH         9 am –12 pm
    6/26– 6/30                                                                                                       7/18, 7/20
   #414TRP001-03                                                                                                   #415ATH029-02

    7/10– 7/14                                                                                                       7/25, 7/27
                         M–F             9 am – 5 pm
   #415TRP001-01                                                                                                   #415ATH029-03

    7/17– 7/21                                                                                                        8/1, 8/3
   #415TRP001-02                                                                                                   #415ATH029-04

    7/24– 7/28                                                                                                        8/8, 8/10
   #415TRP001-03                                                                                                   #415ATH029-05

     7/31– 8/4                                                                                                     2 day camp
   #415TRP001-04                                                                                                   $130 resident/$160 nonres Min 6 - Max 20
$200 resident/$230 nonres Min 20 - Max 50
                                                                                                                       MTPLEASANTREC.COM         SUMMER 2023 | 13

                                                       FLY THROUGH HISTORY
                                                  Using state-of-the-art flight simulators aboard
     THE JAM: ACOUSTIC                            the USS Yorktown, your child will fly historic
     GUITAR CAMP                                  aircraft, complete daring missions, and learn the
                                                  importance of teamwork and problem solving.
Campers learn and jam on a couple songs a         It’s an action-packed, hands-on experience your
day from pop, rock, country and R&B. Write        child will never forget.
songs, play percussion and sing. There will       Patriots Point Flight Academy instructors
be a short performance at the end of camp.           PATRIOTS POINT NAVAL & MARITIME
                                                                                                              WOW (WORLD OF WEATHER)
Please bring a guitar to camp each day. At        MUSEUM, USS YORKTOWN,
least one year of guitar experience is                                                                   Discover the world of weather with ABC News
                                                  4 PATRIOTS POINT ROAD
required.                                                                                                4 Meteorologist, Sonya Stevens. Learn about
                                                                      AGES 10-14                         the different kinds of weather, do experiments,
Chuck Davis                                             DATES             DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                         make crafts, and even make your own TV
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                         6/19 – 6/23                                         forecast!
                     AGES 8-14                                                                           Sonya Stevens, ABC News 4 Meteorologist
                                                     7/17 – 7/21
     DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                         M–F         8:30 am – 2 pm        MIRIAM BROWN ANNEX, 118 ROYALL AVE
   6/26 – 6/30                                                                                                               AGES 6-12
                      M–F            2 – 4 pm
 #414MUS004-01                                       7/31 – 8/4                                                DATES            DAYS            TIME
  G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                                                                       6/12 – 6/16
                                                  $250 resident/$280 nonres Min 15 - Max 20                                    M–F          9 am – 12 pm
                     AGES 8-14
     DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                         $125 resident/$155 nonres       Min 5 - Max 20
   7/17 – 7/21
                      M–F            2 – 4 pm        SCIENCE WITH SAM
                                                   (SOLVING AMAZING MYSTERIES)                                BUZZING BUDS: GARDENING
$100 resident/$130 nonres        Min 4 - Max 7
                                                                                                              FOR YOUNG GROWERS
                                                  Hands-on science for campers. Develop critical
                                                  thinking skills. Learn about the scientific process.   Budding gardeners learn about plants, pollina-
                                                  Samantha Barrineau,             tors, and how to grow their own food. Each ses-
       FOR THE SCIENTIST                            G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                  sion will include a gardening lesson, a hands-on
                                                                                                         craft, and a planting activity, with a specialized
                                                                        AGES 4-8
                                                                                                         focus on using recycled materials. Root for
     CAMP SUMMER                                        DATES             DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                         growing minds, gardens and a real good thyme!
     SCIENTIST                                      6/26 – 6/30
                                                                                                         Kaitlyn Whitley, biologist
                                                                         M–F           9 – 11:30 am
The one and only USS Yorktown serves as             7/17 – 7/21                                            MIRIAM BROWN ANNEX, 118 ROYALL AVE
the backdrop for an awe-inspiring                 #415EDU006-02                                                               AGES 6-8
science-themed summer unlike any other.                                                                        DATES            DAYS            TIME
Join us onboard. Bring lunch, snack and             R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                                                                            7/24 – 7/27
water bottle.                                           DATES             DAYS             TIME                               M – TH         1 – 3:30 pm
Instructors: Patriots Point Science & History       7/24 – 7/28
                                                  #415EDU006-03                                          $175 resident/$205 nonres       Min 8 - Max 15
                                                                         M–F           9 – 11:30 am
   PATRIOTS POINT NAVAL & MARITIME                   7/31 – 8/4
MUSEUM, USS YORKTOWN,                                                                                         CHARLIE’S ANGLERS:
4 PATRIOTS POINT ROAD                               PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                                LOWCOUNTRY FISHING
                    AGES 7-11                           DATES             DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                              AND COASTAL ECOLOGY
     DATES            DAYS            TIME
                                                     7/10 – 7/14
                                                                         M–F           9 – 11:30 am      Participants learn about fishing, crabbing and
                                                                                                         local marsh and marine life. Each session will
   6/26 – 6/30                                    $175 resident/$205 nonres        Min 8 - Max 16        include a coastal ecology lesson, a hands-on
                      M–F        8:30 am – 2 pm
                                                                                                         craft, and a fishing activity, with a special focus
  “TEST IT! EXPLORATION IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE”                                                             on protecting our coast. The last session will be
   7/10 – 7/14
                                                                                                         at Shem Creek Pier. Casting lines and nets for a
                      M–F        8:30 am – 2 pm                                                          REEL good time! Fishing rods included.
                                                                                                         Kaitlyn Whitley, biologist
                 “MARINE SCIENCE”
                                                                                                           G.M. DARBY BUILDING
   7/24 – 7/28
                      M–F        8:30 am – 2 pm                                                                              AGES 6-10
                                                                                                               DATES            DAYS            TIME
$250 resident/$280 nonres Min 15 - Max 25
                                                                                                            7/24 – 7/27
                                                                                                                              M – TH        9 – 11:30 am

                                                                                                         $200 resident/$230 nonres       Min 8 - Max 15

FOR THE ACTIVE                             SIMPLY SOUL YOGA                                       CIRCUS SPORTS CAMP
                                                   Balance between being physically engaged while        “Sports. Science. Circus.” The link between
     SKATEBOARD CAMP                               making a deeper connection within. This camp          sports and science will be taught with physical
                                                   will challenge children both mentally and physi-      circus skills and super original cool tricks.
Beginners and intermediate skaters.                cally, all while having fun.                          Circus skills will include juggling, plate spin-
Participants must bring own board, snack,                                                                ning, stilt walking, giant ball balance inter-
                                                     MIRIAM BROWN ANNEX, 118 ROYALL AVE
drink, and safety equipment (helmet, knee pads,                                                          mixed with ball sports. This camp will elevate
                                                                        AGES 8-12
and elbow pads). No scooters, hover boards, or                                                           excitement, boost confidence, and will secretly
                                                         DATES            DAYS             TIME
long boards allowed at camp.                                                                             infuse science all while being so much fun!
                                                      7/10 – 7/14                                        Deena Frooman, Good Clean Fun
  MOUNT PLEASANT SKATEPARK                           #415ATH052-01
                                                                         M–F            1 – 3:30 pm         R.L. JONES CENTER
(BEHIND R.L. JONES CENTER)                            8/7 – 8/11
                    AGES 6-10                        #415ATH052-02                                                              AGES 8-12
                                                                                                               DATES              DAYS                TIME
     DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                   $170 resident/$200 nonres        Min 5 - Max 12
   6/12 – 6/15                                                                                              6/19 – 6/23
 #414ATH030-01                                                                                                                    M–F
                                                                                                                                                 9 am – 12 pm
   6/19 – 6/22                                          SUPERHERO FITNESS CAMP                              7/17 – 7/21
 #414ATH030-02                                                                                             #415ATH054-01

   6/26 – 6/29                                     Explore obstacle courses and games! Get               $160 resident/$190 nonres           Min 5 - Max 20
 #414ATH030-03                                     strong like your favorite superheroes! Games,
                    M – TH         9 am – 12 pm    skills crafts.
   7/10 – 7/13
                                                   Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
   7/17 – 7/20
 #415ATH030-02                                       PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING

                                                                        AGES 3-8
   7/24 – 7/27
 #415ATH030-03                                           DATES            DAYS             TIME

$75 resident/$105 nonres        Min 6 - Max 15        6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                       9 – 11:30 am
                                                      8/7 – 8/11
                                                                                        1 – 3:30 pm
     KIDS’ KARATE CAMP                               #415MIS022-01
                                                   $125 resident/$155 nonres        Min 10 - Max 28           HAPPYFEET SOCCER CAMP
Learn the positive benefits of self disci-                                                                    STORYTIME WITH A SOCCER
pline, gain confidence, develop coordina-                                                                     BALL
tion, and increase strength and flexibility.            STAR WARS FITNESS CAMP
Learn various self-defense techniques.                                                                   HappyFeet is a new and exciting soccer program
Uniform provided.                                  Explore obstacle courses and games. Get strong like   specifically designed to encourage the rapidly developing
Master Glenn Arnold/Mount Pleasant Karate          your favorite Star Wars characters. Games, skills,    imagination of young people. Camp curriculum uses pop-
                                                   and crafts. Please bring a water bottle and healthy   ular stories, songs, nursery rhymes, adventures, and fun
                                                   snack.                                                games to teach young players real soccer skills and inspire
                    AGES 5-8                                                                             a love of physical fitness. Please bring water bottle, snack
                                                   Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
     DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                   Instructors,         and tennis shoes for when it rains.
   6/12 – 6/16                                                                                           HappyFeet Soccer Instructors
 #414ATH032-01                                       G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                                                                            R.L. JONES CENTER
   7/10 – 7/14                                                          AGES 3-8
                     M–F           9 – 11:30 am                                                                                  AGES 3-6
 #415ATH032-01                                           DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                               DATES              DAYS                TIME
   8/7 – 8/11                                         7/17 – 7/21
                                                                         M–F            1 – 3:30 pm
                                                     #415ATH053-01                                          7/10 – 7/14
$115 resident/$145 nonres       Min 10 - Max 25    $125 resident/$155 nonres        Min 10 - Max 34                               M–F              9 – 11 am
                                                                                                            7/17 – 7/21
                                                     PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                            #415ATH034-02

     YOGA STARS CAMP                                     DATES            DAYS             TIME
                                                                                                            G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                      7/24 – 7/28
                                                                         M–F            1 – 3:30 pm            DATES              DAYS                TIME
Children will learn yoga poses and so much more!
                                                                                                            7/24 – 7/28
Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness             $125 resident/$155 nonres        Min 10 - Max 28        #415ATH034-03
                                                                                                                                  M–F              9 – 11 am
                                                     R.L. JONES CENTER                                      TOWN HALL TRACK FIELD
  PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING                             DATES            DAYS             TIME                DATES              DAYS                TIME
                    AGES 3-8
                                                      7/31 – 8/4                                             8/7 – 8/11
     DATES           DAYS              TIME                              M–F            1 – 3:30 pm                               M–F              9 – 11 am
                                                     #415ATH053-03                                         #415ATH034-04
   6/26 – 6/30                                     $125 resident/$155 nonres        Min 10 - Max 34
                     M–F            1 – 3:30 pm                                                          $109 resident/$139 nonres          Min 7 - Max 20

$125 resident/$155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 20

                                                                                                              MTPLEASANTREC.COM             SUMMER 2023 | 15

     SUPER POWERKIDS CAMP                                    GYM AND JAM: DANCE                                          ALL STAR GYMNASTICS AND
                                                             PARTY FAVORITES                                             FITNESS CAMP
Learn gymnastics skills through non-stop movement
in this camp, using trampolines, tents, tunnels, mats   Campers will flip for fun and twirl till they’re tired in   Fitness is fun! Each day, we exercise to different
and more.                                               this exciting combination of gymnastics and dance.          Incredibles Adventures. We will make cartoon
Kaylie Penninger                                        Tina Penninger                                              crafts. Please bring a water bottle, and healthy
  R.L. JONES CENTER                                        R.L. JONES CENTER
                                                                                                                    Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
                      AGES 3-8                                                  AGES 3-8
      DATES             DAYS              TIME                DATES               DAYS                TIME

   7/10 – 7/13                                             7/10 – 7/13                                                PARK WEST PROGRAM BUILDING
                       M – TH           1 – 3 pm                                M – TH       10:30 am – 12:30 pm
  #415ATH036-01                                           #415ATH039-01                                                                  AGES 3-8

$90 resident/$120 nonres         Min 10 - Max 20        $100 resident/$130 nonres           Min 10 - Max 35               DATES           DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                                       6/19 – 6/23
                                                                                                                                                        1 – 3:30 pm

     SUMMER CHEERLEADING                                                                                               7/24 – 7/28
                                                                                                                                                        9 – 11:30 am
All levels dance, cheer, chant, and learn gymnastics.
Kaylie Penninger                                                                                                    $125 resident/$155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 28
                      AGES 3-8                                                                                          OLYMPIC GAMES
      DATES             DAYS              TIME

   7/24 – 7/27                                                                                                      Explore two different Olympic sports a day!
                       M – TH           1 – 3 pm
  #415ATH037-02                                                                                                     Introduction to all of our favorite sports! Games,
$90 resident/$120 nonres         Min 10 - Max 20                                                                    skills, and crafts!
                                                              FENCING CAMP                                          Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
     ALL STAR CHEER CAMP                                Take a week to learn the Olympic sport of Fenc-               G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                        ing! Fencing is not only physically challenging, but
Develop talent, coordination, skills, and                                                                                                AGES 3-8
                                                        mentally as well. Fencers learn beginning strategies
                                                                                                                          DATES           DAYS              TIME
self-esteem. Learn cheers, chants, motions,             to attacking and defending with weapon in hand. All
jumps, and spirit dances. Please bring a water          protective gear will be provided for the week. Please          7/17 – 7/21
                                                                                                                                          M–F           9 – 11:30 am
bottle and healthy snack.                               wear athletic pants, t-shirt and athletic shoes.              #415MIS012-01
Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness                  Patrick Lausi                                               $125 resident/$155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 34
Instructors,           BEGINNER CAMP
  R.L. JONES CENTER                                       R.L. JONES CENTER
                      AGES 3-8                                                  AGES 9-12                                ALL STAR SPORTS
      DATES             DAYS              TIME                 DATES              DAYS                TIME

   6/26 – 6/30                                              6/12 – 6/16                                             Explore two different sports a day! Introduction
                       M–F           9 – 11:30 am          #414ATH042-01                                            to all of our favorite sports! Games, skills, and
                                                                                  M–F            10 am – 1 pm       crafts! Please bring a water bottle, and healthy
$125 resident/$155 nonres         Min 10 - Max 34           6/19 – 6/23
                                                           #414ATH042-02                                            snack.
                                                                                                                    Stretch-N-Grow Certified Youth Fitness
                                                           G.M. DARBY BUILDING                                      Instructors,
      DATES             DAYS              TIME

    8/7 – 8/11
                                                               DATES              DAYS                TIME            R.L. JONES CENTER
                       M–F           9 – 11:30 am
  #415ATH038-01                                             7/24 – 7/28                                                                  AGES 3-8
$125 resident/$155 nonres         Min 10 - Max 28                                 M–F               1 – 4 pm              DATES           DAYS              TIME

                                                             7/31 – 8/4
                                                                                                                       7/31 – 8/4
                                                           #415ATH042-02                                                                  M–F           9 – 11:30 am

                                                        ADVANCED CAMP                                               $125 resident/$155 nonres       Min 10 - Max 34
                                                          G.M. DARBY BUILDING
                                                               DATES              DAYS                TIME

                                                             8/7 – 8/11
                                                                                  M–F          9:30 am – 12:30 pm

                                                        $160 resident/$190 nonres            Min 6 - Max 12

 There will be no early or late supervision for athletic camps. All athletic campers need to bring the appropriate equipment for camp; ex: shin
    guards, tennis shoes, cleats, water bottles, bug spray, snack, and sunscreen. Plans have been made in case of inclement weather, so
        please report to camp. Pack tennis shoes for use in the gym. Parent is responsible for signing child in and out of camp daily.

             ATHLETE                                      WANDO WARRIOR CO-ED
                                                          BASKETBALL CAMP
                                                                                                                  RYAN SMITH BASKETBALL
                                                                                                             Learn fundamentals of the game. Become better
     ALEXIS GLOVER                                    All ability levels. Learn the fundamentals of
                                                                                                             players and incorporate that into a team concept.
     VOLLEYBALL CAMP                                  basketball - dribbling, shooting, passing, and more.
                                                                                                             Ryan Smith
                                                      Calvin Craft - Wando Basketball Coach
Beginner and experienced players, learn serves,
                                                                                                               TOWN HALL GYM
offensive and defensive techniques, and scoring.        TOWN HALL GYM
Alexis Glover - Wando Varsity Coach                                                                                               AGES 5-7
                                                                           AGES 8-13
                                                                                                                   DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                            DATES            DAYS             TIME
  TOWN HALL GYM                                                                                                 7/31 – 8/4
                                                         6/26 – 6/29                                                              M–F            9 am – 12 pm
                     AGES 8-16                                              M – TH        9 am – 12 pm         #415ATH005-01
      DATES            DAYS              TIME

                                                                                                                                  AGES 8+
   6/12 – 6/15                                        $115 resident/$145 nonres       Min 20 - Max 100
                      M – TH         9 am – 12 pm                                                                  DATES           DAYS              TIME
                                                                                                                7/31 – 8/4

                                                                                                                                  M–F              1 – 4 pm
$130 resident/$160 nonres         Min 20 - Max 75
                                                           STEVE MEYERS                                        #415ATH005-02

                                                           BASKETBALL CAMP                                   $120 resident/$150 nonres       Min 30 - Max 120
     VOLLEYBALL ACADEMY                               Focus is on the fundamentals of the game.
     CAMP                                             Shooting, dribbling, defense, passing, and more.
                                                      Steve Meyers
                                                                                                                  ANDREW GLOVER
Beginner and experienced players. Skills                                                                          BASKETBALL CAMP
training – passing, hitting, serving and game play.     PARK WEST GYM
                                                                                                             All skill levels welcome! Come learn the
Jessica Bohonowych, Bill Howard                                            AGES 5-9
                                                                                                             fundamentals of the game - shooting, passing,
                                                            DATES            DAYS             TIME
  TOWN HALL GYM                                                                                              dribbling, and defense, all while learning the
                                                         7/10 – 7/14                                         importance of being a great teammate!
              RISING 4TH – 6TH GRADERS
      DATES            DAYS              TIME                               M–F           9 am – 12 pm       Andrew Glover, Lucy Beckham High School
   7/10 – 7/13                                           8/7 – 8/11                                          Basketball Coach
                      M – TH         9 – 11:30 am       #415ATH004-04
                                                                                                               TOWN HALL GYM
                                                                           AGES 9-14                                              AGES 5-8
              RISING 7TH – 8TH GRADERS
                                                            DATES            DAYS             TIME                 DATES           DAYS              TIME
      DATES            DAYS              TIME

   7/10 – 7/13                                           7/10 – 7/14                                            7/24 – 7/27
                      M – TH         12 – 2:30 pm       #415ATH004-02                                          #415ATH048-01      M – TH         9 am – 12 pm
                                                                            M–F          12:30 – 3:30 pm
4 days 150 res/$180 nonres         Min 20 - Max 40       8/7 – 8/11                                                              AGES 9-13
                                                                                                                   DATES           DAYS              TIME

                                                                          GRADES 4+                             7/24 – 7/27       M – TH           1 – 4 pm
                                                            DATES            DAYS             TIME

                                                         7/10 – 7/14                                         $120 resident/$150 nonres       Min 30 - Max 100
                                                                            M–F          9 am – 3:30 pm
                                                         8/7 – 8/11
                                                        #415ATH004-06                                             ED CONROY BASKETBALL
                                                      ages 5 – 14 (half day) $160 resident/$190 nonres
   JUNIOR BENGALS CHEER-                              grades 4+ (full day) $225 resident/$255 nonres         For boys and girls. Campers will be broken into
LEADING CAMP                                          Min 20 - Max 110                                       groups and teams based on age groups. During
Join the Lucy Beckham cheerleaders to learn                                                                  the camp, we will have campers learn and com-
cheers, dances, jumps, stunts and basic tumbling.                                                            pete in different basketball drills and games.
Courtney Fachko, 				                                                                                        Ed Conroy, Citadel Basketball Staff and Players
Lucy Beckham Cheerleading Coach
                                                                                                               PARK WEST GYM
  TOWN HALL GYM                                                                                                                  AGES 7-13
                     AGES 4-12                                                                                     DATES           DAYS              TIME

     DATES             DAYS              TIME                                                                   6/19 – 6/22       M – TH           1 – 4 pm
   6/12 – 6/15
                      M – TH           1 – 4 pm

						                                                                                                       $150 resident/$180 nonres       Min 20 - Max 100
$110 resident/$140 nonres        Min 50 - Max 200

                                                                                                                  MTPLEASANTREC.COM          SUMMER 2023 | 17
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