Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking

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Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Reopening to a new world
Investment Outlook
Third Quarter 2020
Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Global Chief Market Strategist

    Contributors                                                  Willem Sels
                                                                  +44 (0)207 860 5258

    Global Investment Strategist, Managing Editor   Head of Asset Allocation

                  Neha Sahni                                      Stanko Milojevic
                  +44 (0)20 7024 1341                             +44 (0)20 7024 6577

    Regional Chief Market Strategists

                  Belal Mohammed Khan                             Cheuk Wan Fan
                  +41 (0)58 705 5273                              +852 2899 8648

                  Jose Rasco                                      Jonathan Sparks
                  +1 (1)212 525 3264                              +44 (0)20 7860 3248

                  Patrick Ho                                      James Cheo
                  +852 8525 8691                                  +65 6658 3885

    Global Head of Fixed Income                     Global Head of Equities

                  Laurent Lacroix                                 Kevin Lyne Smith
                  +44 (0)207 024 0613                             +44 (0)207 860 6597

    Global FX Coordinator                           Senior Fixed Income Credit Specialist

                  Nicoletta Trovisi                               Elena Kolchina
                  +44 207 005 8569                                +44 0207 860 3058

    Head of Sustainable Product Offering

                  Sophie Haas
                  +44 (0) 207 024 0283

    Global Market Analyst, Real Estate Investment   Head of Alternative Investment Funds

                 Guy Sheppard                                     William Benjamin
                 +44 (0)207 024 0522                              +44 (0)207 024 1546

Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Letter to clients                                   05
Portfolio Strategy                                  06
Embracing the uncertainty –
a long term perspective                             10
High debt levels and the path forward               14
Fixed Income                                        18
Currencies and commodities                          20
» Re-emerging Asia 22

» Fourth industrial revolution                        16

» Investing in a low yield world                      25

» A sustainable world                                 26

Hedge Funds                                         28
Private Markets                                     30
Real Estate                                         31

                                    Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020   3
Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Investment Outlook Q3 2020   Investment Outlook Q3 2020
    Reopening to a new world     Asian investment themes

Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Message from our Global Chief Market Strategist

Dear client,
The economic crisis we are facing              cases, has been too sharp. From here,         Finding the companies and areas that
is unprecedented because it is so              we think equity markets will enter into a     can outperform the general economy is
very sudden, sharp and widespread.             volatile consolidation phase.                 important, because economic growth may
Unemployment has shot up at record                                                           now be structurally lower than before,
speed, and many businesses are                 Another difference with Main Street is that   due to high debt loads. Contrary to some
struggling to survive, which will pose         the firms represented in the major stock      investors, however, we do not think that
challenges to the expected rebound in          market indices are typically larger, and      these debt piles will create inflation. In fact,
demand. Although the US and some               have better access to a variety of funding    we think inflation will remain low, allowing
European economies are gradually               options than the rest of the economy. In      interest rates to stay low as well. And
reopening, it will take a long time for GDP,   the uneven recovery that we are likely        of course, this should be good for high
consumer and business confidence to get        to see, we believe that it is critical for    quality investment grade debt.
back to last year’s levels.                    investors to differentiate between firms,
                                               as better positioned companies may            Reopening the economy to the new world
There is no rule book for investors in this    have lost some of their competitors, have     will not be easy. For investors, it will be
unprecedented situation. As they struggle      more options to invest and adapt to the       important to build resilient portfolios
to forecast the short-term and long-term       changes in the world, and have the ability    to weather the short term volatility we
impact of COVID-19 on earnings and             to continue to pay dividends. We thus like    are likely to see as we go through the
interest rates, it is understandable that      companies with resilient earnings and         reopening and recovery process, and
markets have been extremely volatile. The      strong balance sheets (quality and low        the US elections. Sticking to quality
political implications are uncertain too,      leverage). This differentiated approach       assets, a defensive sector positioning
with the trend towards de-globalisation        applies as well to our EM country picks       and diversifying with gold and alternative
creating additional challenges. Amid all of    within stock and bond markets, and            assets are three useful strategies. It is
the uncertainty, we thus continue to take      we continue to favour China over EM           equally important to position for the
a prudent approach and are focused on          countries with less financial flexibility.    longer term, in quality growth stocks
building resilient portfolios.                 In fixed income, we continue to prefer        and companies or themes that are well
                                               the higher quality balance sheets in          positioned for the changes stemming from
To many investors, the serious challenges      investment grade over those of high           COVID-19. As market timing is particularly
on Main Street do not seem to be               yield companies.                              difficult, it is by staying invested in quality
reflected on Wall Street, where stocks                                                       assets in these areas, that we believe
have bounced sharply from their March          Technology is one of the main engines         we can weather both the short term
low. This is in part because unprecedented     of the stock market recovery, and this        uncertainty and participate in the eventual
economic pain has also triggered               should remain the case. Areas such as         upside we foresee.
unprecedented policy action, which has         online consumption and automation are
seriously reduced the tail risk of a credit    two of the themes which we believe are
crisis, and allowed capital markets to         well placed in the post-COVID world.
continue to function. Massive global           Healthcare should also be another
liquidity injections are also creating         structural growth area in the otherwise
expectations of asset price inflation, as we   uneven recovery, as households and
saw after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).   governments are likely to prioritise health
And of course, equity markets tend to look     in their spending. We also believe that the   Willem Sels,
forward, and economies will eventually         crisis has highlighted many environmental,    Global Chief Market Strategist
recover. Still, these arguments provide only   social and governance issues, and
partial comfort amid all the uncertainty,      therefore think that sustainable investing,   14th May 2020
and we believe that the bounce in price        and themes such as the electric revolution
/ earnings ratios, to new highs in some        should see growing interest.

                                                                                                Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020       5
Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Portfolio Strategy
» For the next 3-6 months, we                   The interconnectedness of the global                                                       and is part of a broader trend towards
  position for a U-shaped recovery              economy matters as well. As China                                                          de-globalisation. We believe that in many
  by building resilient portfolios.             reopens, its bounce is held back by very                                                   countries, governments and companies
  The complex process of reopening              weak European and US demand. And in                                                        are looking at re-onshoring production and
  economies, the US elections, US-              some other emerging markets, infection                                                     jobs, to secure the supply chain and create
  China relationship and uncertain              rates are still rising. They typically do                                                  national champions in strategic industries.
  oil price outlook are all likely to           not have the deep pockets of Western
  contribute to market volatility.              governments and central banks to                                                           So amid all this uncertainty and scope
                                                support their economy, and many do not                                                     for volatility, why have equity markets
» For the longer term, we consider
                                                have the similarly strong broadband and                                                    bounced from their mid-March lows? As
  how COVID-19 will change the
                                                telecom infrastructure that the developed                                                  usual, equity markets have not waited for
  world, and expect low growth,
                                                markets have, to shift the economy online.                                                 economic data to turn positive, and have
  low inflation, and strong structural
                                                Weakness in EM could keep the global                                                       taken the flattening of COVID-19 infection
  demand for healthcare, automation
                                                economy weaker for longer.                                                                 curves as a leading indicator of future
  and digital services.
                                                                                                                                           improvement. In the 12 months after the
                                                As economies try to reopen, the scope for                                                  Gulf War related correction, the S&P 500
The short term: positioning                     positive as well as negative headlines is                                                  rebounded by 29%; following the Tech
for a U-shaped recovery                         elevated, and hence we believe volatility                                                  Bubble correction, it rebounded by 33%;
                                                will remain higher than usual. How                                                         and after the Global Financial Crisis, the
A V-shaped recovery scenario assumes
                                                politicians handle the reopening – or are                                                  market rallied by 68% in just 12 months.
that after a sharp, short fall in Q2, the
                                                perceived to be doing – will be important                                                  Markets also hope that central bank action
global economy is gradually reopened
                                                in elections. The US-China relationship                                                    creates asset price inflation, and policy
from May, without too many hiccups,
                                                is becoming a big political topic again,                                                   measures have significantly reduced the
leading to a quick rebound in Q3. At the
other extreme is the L-shaped scenario,
where the economy has difficulty to             Traffic volumes are picking up slowly, suggesting the economy has already
recover at all, because of a succession of      troughed
new virus strains, and the gradual decline
                                                                                                                         Portfolio strategy 1
in policy makers’ ability to continue to
support the economy.                                                                              140
                                                 Car traffic volumes, rebased at 100 in January

                                                                                                             Brazil            Germany            Italy            UK         US

We believe that the truth probably lies                                                           120
in the middle, and we position for a
U-shaped recovery. The US and European                                                            100
economies are gradually reopening, but
it may not be straightforward. Although                                                           80
some households will want to spend a lot
when coming out of confinement, others
will have lost some of their income or their
jobs during the crisis and will need to save.
Some will also be much more hesitant
than before – maybe for quite a while
- to travel or have social contact. And
companies which have seen their cash                                                               13-Jan   27-Jan    10-Feb   24-Feb    9-Mar   23-Mar    6-Apr    20-Apr   4-May
flow and profits plummet may be slow
to rehire or invest, as they try to gradually
                                                Source: Apple, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.
rebuild their cash positions and capital.

Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
… but GDP may remain below      strategy
                           the 2019       2 quite some time
                                    level for

                                         DM real GDP level
                                         EM real GDP level
 indexed at 100 in 2019

                                2019:   2019:      2020:       2020:        2021:        2021:
                                 Q1      Q3         Q1          Q3           Q1           Q3

Source: IMF, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020. Forecasts are subject to change.
Dashed lines show the GDP trend before COVID-19 distorted its long term path.

risk of a credit crisis and restored some                    costs to adapt production and distribution   risk of substantial re-widening of credit
order in the money markets, which were                       to make it safer for employees and           spreads. Still, while we hold overweight
two major concerns in mid-March.                             customers, which could lower margins.        positions in global and US investment
                                                                                                          grade bonds, we maintain a small
But the bounce, to new P/E valuation                         Therefore, we would not be chasing           underweight in Global and European high
highs, seems a bit sharp. Equity markets                     the recent sharp equity market rally. As     yield bonds as default rates are likely to
usually only rise sustainably after                          uncertainty remains high, we believe it      spike further in the short term. Across
earnings assumptions have become very                        is prudent to focus on building resilient    the bond market, we remain selective, as
conservative. In a U-shaped scenario,                        portfolios. This includes multi-asset        rating downgrades have accelerated.
we believe US EPS could fall as much as                      diversification and a focus on quality
30% in 2020, while the analyst consensus                     stocks with sustainable earnings and         By remaining invested in quality assets,
still only incorporates a 20% drop (in                       manageable leverage. As for EM bonds         and long term themes that have been
part because they expect a V-shaped                          and stocks, we remain very selective, and    reinforced by COVID-19 (see next page),
rebound in earnings in Q3 and Q4). This                      believe local currency bond performance      we believe we can weather the volatility
hypothesis was challenged during the                         will be hit by EM FX weakness against        we expect to see as we transition the
US earnings season, where CEOs gave                          USD. We continue to favour China and         U-shaped recovery, while remaining
a lot of guidance which, in our view,                        Asia over Latin America or EM Europe.        positioned to participate in the eventual
points to a slower pickup in Q3 due to                       By comparison, we think that developed       market upside.
significant medium-term challenges. Many                     market credit is well supported by central
companies are also pointing to significant                   banks’ action, which should help limit the

                                                                                                             Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020     7
Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
The longer term:                               China being one of the more resilient          and AI-based medical diagnosis and
                                               countries, while South Africa and Turkey       virus containment solutions, as is
How COVID-19 may                               are more vulnerable.                           already happening in Asia. Clearly, many
change the world                                                                              companies in the sector will benefit
                                               We don’t share some investors’ fears           (see our investment thematics section).
While short term market direction              that higher debt will boost inflation in the   Governments may also want some of the
may principally focus on the current           developed world, as weak demand should         most critical equipment and supplies to be
issues, we think it is important as well       keep inflation muted. As we saw after the      produced at home, and healthcare is one
to start to position for the world after       GFC, central bank liquidity should create      of the sectors where we may see a wish
COVID-19. So what are the challenges           asset price inflation, but consumer price      to build national champions.
and the opportunities?                         inflation (CPI) should remain low, allowing
                                               policy rates to stay low for many years.       For households too, healthcare will
The challenge: a long path to balance                                                         take up a higher share of discretionary
sheet improvement                              Companies’ and households’ balance             spending. Healthy food producers, meat
                                               sheets, debt loads and earnings will also      substitutes, sports and health insurance
Government support measures have been          have deteriorated during the crisis. We        are likely to see more demand. Finally,
absolutely essential to help households        think companies and many households            as people are worried about picking up
and companies bridge the crisis months,        will try to cut discretionary spending for     infections, automation and no-touch
but they will leave us with significantly      quite some time after the virus has been       technology should see rising demand.
more government debt. The Global               beaten, weighing on cyclical industries.       This includes contactless payments,
Financial Crisis (GFC) has shown that          Companies may also reduce share                autonomous transportation and should
higher debt loads will probably lead to        buybacks and dividends, which could be         benefit investments in 5G.
lower trend growth. This is because            a negative for equity market performance.
governments will need to be more
selective in their discretionary spending,                                                    Online access: the new utility
prioritising healthcare, and they may raise    Our health: the number one priority            The shock of confinement has led to a
taxes once businesses and households           Western governments were less prepared         leap in the share of online businesses
are strong enough.                             for the COVID-19 pandemic than some            in the global economy. Online access is
                                               Asian nations, which had gone through          forced upon all of us, across age groups,
In developed markets, we may see               SARS. They are now quickly raising             geographies and activities. Across the
some more rating downgrades, but               healthcare spending, and will continue         world, there is likely to be significant
markets should not seriously question the      to build hospitals, buy equipment and          investment in capacity and bandwidth,
sustainability of government debt. This        hire staff in preparation for any future       benefiting equipment providers, while
is different in emerging markets, where        pandemic. The COVID-19 experience              telecom companies benefit from the
we expect increasing differentiation, with     may also speed up the use of big data          pickup in volumes.

    Three               Reopening                                                 A new world
    Challenges          U-shaped recovery: Focus on resilience                    Positioning for the long term

    1. Low growth       Defensive sector positioning                              Automation
                        Quality stocks                                            Digital consumer
                                                                                  New Asian consumer
                                                                                  Private equity

    2. Low income       Cash management solutions                                 Carry opportunities in EM and DM
                        A focus on IG and EM HC                                   Private credit
                        Resilient dividends                                       Select real Estate

    3. Uncertainty      Differentiation & a selective approach                    Diversification
                        Gold as a hedge                                           Hedge funds


Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Consumers who have newly discovered            We think, though, that the shock of             grade and are selective in our dividend
the ease of internet shopping and              COVID is leading some investors and             strategies in the short term, but see
entertainment will probably stick to the       companies to reassess their role in             opportunities in private credit and real
habit, supporting our ‘Digital Consumer’       society, and this could lead to more            estate in the longer term. Uncertainty
theme. As we spend a much larger part of       attention to ESG criteria, and sustainability   requires selectivity, picking companies
our lives online, the offering is broadening   in general. While the drastic reduction         with manageable leverage and EM
quickly, beyond entertainment and              in pollution levels due to slowdown in          countries with solid fundamentals. And of
shopping already: education, religious         economic activity may only be temporary,        course, diversification remains paramount
services and sports classes (not just          we think the current crisis has raised the      and our principal long term strategy to
e-sports) are shifting online, for example.    importance of biodiversity preservation,        manage portfolio volatility.
                                               as we observe a growing trend of new
Working habits have changed, too. Many         viruses originating from animal species,        It is important, however, to keep in
bosses have discovered that people             just like COVID-19.                             mind that the ample global liquidity can
can be very productive at home (even                                                           create a strong tailwind for markets, as
when wearing athleisure outfits), and          The young may continue to lead the drive        it is bound to create some asset price
many workers may like to work from             towards sustainable living, public health       inflation. We need to balance this against
home more regularly. Demand for new            and environmental protection, but the size      the uncertainties and slow structural
technologies of virtual offices and smart      of the COVID-19 shock may create more           growth, and thus believe it is right to
home systems should thus increase.             interest in sustainable investing across        remain invested while managing the risks.
                                               age groups.                                     Timing the bounce is near impossible,
Real estate has been adapting to the                                                           but this strategy allows us to benefit from
changes in retail and flexible working for
some time, but COVID-19 is accelerating
                                               Our strategy                                    the eventual market upside. Indeed, we
                                                                                               have made a number of changes in recent
the trend. To attract employees to come        Our strategy is designed to navigate            months (downgrade of cyclical sectors,
into the office and retain quality staff,      the short term headwinds by building            Latin American stocks and EM local
firms adapt their corporate real estate.       resilient portfolios, as we go through          currency bonds, but upgrade of Chinese
This may mean that, gradually, secondary       a U-shaped recovery, while also                 and South Korean stocks and global
office space has a fall in demand whilst       looking into the opportunities and the          investment grade) but have remained
Grade A space benefits.                        correct positioning for the longer term,        invested. This balanced strategy also
                                               including differentiation and attention to      allowed us not to panic sell in mid-March,
                                               sustainability. We also continue to address     or chase the rally in late April.
ESG and sustainability                         the three challenges we formulated at the
One of the biggest providers of ETFs           start of the year, namely low growth, low       When markets move dramatically,
has pointed out that during the recent         yield and elevated uncertainty, as these        however, the long term return outlook
correction, ESG-based ETF flows have           challenges remain very relevant. The            changes, and hence, it is important to
been much more resilient than those            table on the left summarises                    adapt the long-term Strategic Asset
of traditional ETFs. And our Global            how investors can balance all of                Allocation (SAA), as we did in April.
Research colleagues have calculated that       those objectives through a mix of               Following credit spread widening, and
companies with high ESG scores and             complementary positioning strategies.           given the central banks’ support and
climate tilts outperformed their market                                                        structurally low bond yields, we have
benchmarks. To some extent, the two            To address the low growth challenge, we         increased the allocation to developed
may be linked, as fewer outflows should        maintain a defensive sector positioning         market credit and reduced our allocation
support the price. In addition, indices with   and a focus on resilient earnings (quality      to safe haven government bonds. When
a climate tilt typically include fewer oil &   stocks) in the short term, while looking        portfolios are anchored around a strategic
gas companies or airlines, which have          at opportunities for superior structural        asset allocation, consistent rebalancing
been performing particularly poorly. And       growth in technology, healthcare,               means that investors buy assets that
lastly, ESG screening often uses criteria      Asian consumption and private market            have fallen and become cheaper (and
that you also use when you                     opportunities. In spite of low income, we       sell assets that have rallied sharply). In
look for ‘quality’ companies, and the          limit the amount of risk we are willing to      the long run, this results, on average, in
‘quality’ factor has outperformed broad        take when looking for additional yield. We      buying low and selling high.
indices recently.                              currently maintain a focus on investment

                                                                                                 Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020   9
Reopening to a new world - Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020 - HSBC Private Banking
Embracing the uncertainty –
a long term perspective                                                                                 Long term replacement charts

To date, 2020 has shaped up to be a            An unprecedented shock to US employment
strikingly unique year, marked by a                                                  US non - farm payrolls, monthly change
number of unprecedented disturbances                                      5
to our society, our communities,
and our very lives. These events will
inevitably hold a special section in
history books in the decades to
come. But how did the global markets
                                                Millions of people

deal with other unforeseen events in
the past?                                                            -10

Familiar charts and figures that investors
had routinely used to gauge and assess
the investment environment simply got
broken. Three specific examples are
particularly astonishing. First, the weekly
count of new applicants for jobless                                  -25
benefits in the US jumped from 282                                            1940      1950     1960    1970      1980    1990   2000     2010     2020
thousand to 6.87 million in only two weeks     Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.
at the end of March, after being confined
to a range between 162 and 695 thousand        While these specific shocks have just        market analysts in the past. This exercise
during its entire 53-year history. Second,     happened for the first time ever, it is      can help us reassess the ongoing market
20.5 million non-agricultural jobs were lost   crucial to recognise that is not the first   environment more objectively, with
in the month of April alone - a reading that   time that something new has happened         reference to how markets have historically
dwarfs the previous worst-ever print of        for the first time ever. Let us revisit some responded to other shocking, previously
-1.9m seen in September 1945. Third,                                                        unheard-of
                                               of the historical events that shockedLong term   charts calamities.
the crude oil price in the US, as proxied
by the front month WTI futures contract,
                                               Who would have expected that US oil prices would turn negative?
turned negative for the first time ever in
April and reached the level of -$38 per                                                                    WTI Crude Oil
barrel at its nadir.                                                 80

How should investors interpret these
baffling figures? Nobody has a playbook
for 20.5m monthly job losses, for negative
oil prices, or for the $2trn stimulus                                40
package deployed in response to the
sudden recession. Any qualitative or

quantitative models fitted to historical
levels of these indicators are now entirely
unfit for purpose. These figures are not                              0
only unprecedented, they were, to most
observers, unthinkable, or at least not
worth spending the time to think about                         -20
until they actually popped up on their
screens. Importantly, our view remains                         -40
that the most important mantra for
investors is to be and to remain invested,                           Dec 2018         Mar 2019    Jun 2019      Sep 2019   Dec 2019   Mar 2020    Jun 2020
even in face of these unprecedented            Source: New York Mercantile Exchange, Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020. Past
economic and market events.                    performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

1) A
    ll money becomes                          10.25% to 20% in March 1980, when                       entered negative territory for the first time
                                               the economy was still coming out of a                   in history was rather scary. The DAX index
   paper in the 1970s.                         recession. Such an extreme and rapid rate               opened 9.94% lower, with contagion also
For most of human history, money was           hike had never before been associated                   spreading across the globe on that day.
tangible. Coins were minted out of precious    with a key global currency, in the entire               Investors were baffled. How could bond
metals, and banknotes represented              industrial history. The global economy                  yields be negative? What was this going to
claims on bullion, redeemable on request.      dipped back into a recession shortly                    mean for the economy? Was growth going
Breaking the link with gold, either by         thereafter, but the Fed stuck to its script             to be negative, too? Were we
replacing gold with cheaper metal coins,       and kept its policy rate above 20% until                about to enter a deflationary spiral? As with
or by refusing exchange of banknotes to        inflation was definitively brought back                 the other events detailed above, it was not
bullion, would normally trigger confidence     under control. This came at a cost of                   possible to make historical comparisons or
issues – leading to currency depreciation,     surging unemployment and a string of                    look for historical patterns, as 10-year bond
and in severe cases, hyperinflation (such      bankruptcies and bank failures, raising                 yields of a developed economy of this size
as in the Weimar Republic in the 1920s).       existential questions over the long term                had never visited these levels before.
While most European currencies broke           impact of then-novel and radical monetary
their link to gold around the second world     policy measures.
war, they remained pegged to the US
Dollar which continued to be backed by         3) Bond yields turn negative
gold. However, the US gold reserves began
to get depleted as uncertainties began to
                                                   in the 2010s.
grow around expensive wars abroad and          Negative interest rates were, until very
unimpressive growth domestically. After an     recently, thought to be inconceivable. To
emergency closure of the “gold window”         be paid to borrow from someone, or to
and a series of devaluations, by the US        have to pay someone to borrow from you,
government, it became clear in the early       once seemed laughable. But this became
1970s that gold was no longer money and        reality a few decades after interest rates
all money was paper. The brave new world       reached their all-time highs in the 1980s.
of free-floating fiat currencies without a     Currently, the German government can
hard anchor was truly earth-shattering, and    borrow at -0.55% annual interest over a
completely unthinkable to many until that      10-year period. This means that investors
very moment. Panic ensued, and the value       are lending 105 euros in order to receive
of USD collapsed relative to gold. The price   100 euros back in 10 years’ time. While we
of gold in USD terms soared by more than       are (almost) used to this concept today,
300% between 1971 and 1974.                    the day when 10-year Bund yields first

2) Interest rates jump to                                              Long
                                               Interest rates jumped in the   termbut
                                                                            1980s, replacement
                                                                                      are now at acharts
                                                                                                  long-term historical low
    20% in the 1980s.                                                             Cash rate history
The 1970s will always be remembered as         25
the decade of stagflation – poor economic                                           Short-term interest rate
growth mixed with uncontrollable inflation
levels. Inflation was for the most part        20
driven by the exogenous geopolitical
shocks that sent oil prices soaring, but
was also exacerbated by ineffective            15
economic policies that sought to counter
this effect, such as price controls. For
most of the history until the late 1970s,
interest rates on hard currencies had
been confined comfortably below the
10% handle. However, the self-reinforcing
inflationary momentum of the 1970s
seemed unstoppable, driven by a perfect
storm of both exogenous and endogenous
factors. Paul Volcker, the Federal Reserve
                                                 1920             1930            1940            1950             1960            1970             1980
chairman at that time, decided to take
                                               Source: University of Lausanne, Refinitiv Datastream, 1920-1954: 3-month T-bill rate; 1954-2020: effective
a radical step in fighting inflation, and      Fed funds rate, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May. Past performance is not an indicator of future
practically doubled the policy rate from       performance.

                                                                                                           Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020            11
In spite of their severity, uniqueness,                                      Long recovered,
                                               Balanced portfolios have historically term charts
                                                                                              and we believe this will again be
and shock-value, a casual look at market       the case
performance reveals that neither of these                                       Balanced Portfolio
events would have caused permanent
damage to disciplined investors. Of                                 1920s         1930s         1940s         1950s           1960s
course, this is only a small selection of                           1970s         1980s         1990s         2000s           2010s
widely unanticipated, never-before-seen
market shocks in modern history. Other          400%
notable and unprecedented events
include the 20% drop of S&P 500 index
in one day in 1987, the dot-com bubble
of the late 1990s, the 9/11 attacks, and
the collapse of house prices in 2007. We
know that each of these events caused
considerable amounts of uncertainty and
were associated with substantial sell-offs      100%
at each of these points. However, we
also know that global markets eventually
recovered to reach new all-time highs in           0%
the aftermath of each of these events.

Major macroeconomic accidents such as           -100%
                                                         yr:       1        2        3         4        5        6        7           8      9       10
the ones that are unfolding at the moment,
inevitably raise questions about what the      Source: Bloomberg, Refinitiv, HSBC Private Bank calculations as at 13th of May 2020. Past performance is
                                               not a reliable indicator of future performance.
future brings. They raise questions about
the sustainability of the prevailing social    disorientation and confusion, fear may                 exact reason why disciplined investors
and economic order. And in the context         compel investors to sell right at the bottom           earn attractive returns over the long term.
of personal wealth and investing, they         and only re-enter after the previous peak              In a hypothetical world where the risk of
raise existential questions about financial    has been long surpassed, this time in fear             interim losses and drawdowns could be
markets and future market returns. For         of missing out.                                        eliminated by means of market timing,
this very reason, such circumstances                                                                  there would be little or no reward in
typically trigger sharp market sell-offs.      To state that the odds are stacked against             investing, and all investable assets would
These are dangerous times, as they can         investors in the game of market timing                 be earning the same rate of return equal
lure investors to act on impulse, or entice    would be superfluous. But it is very                   to the cash rate. In our world, however,
them to switch from being long-term            important to highlight that the ability to             embracing market volatility by being
investors to trying their hand at short-term   endure market volatility in difficult times            invested and remaining invested is key
speculation, attempting to capitalise by       is the most important skill in investing.              to success, even as the global economy
getting out of the markets on time with        Sticking to the script when, fearful,                  and global markets continue to deliver
an intention of re-entering at a more          short-term focused, or overleveraged                   unexpected, unprecedented, and even
favourable moment. In severe cases of          market participants are capitulating is the            unthinkable events and figures.

Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020   13
High debt levels and the
path forward
The increased borrowing in response to        For much of the post-war period,               wanting to lend, and households and
COVID-19 has led to renewed concerns          productivity growth boosted GDP, but low       companies wanting to borrow. Moreover,
that governments will be saddled with         investment spending has kept productivity      central banks treasure their independence
too much debt. But how much debt is           weak since the global financial crisis. We     and have an inflation targeting mandate,
‘too much’ and ‘will it create inflation’?    often get asked whether, in the absence        and a sustained spike in inflation is
                                              of stronger growth, debt will effectively      thus unlikely, unless their mandate is
Following the financial crisis, professors    be monetised by Quantitative Easing, or        changed. Finally, there are persistent
Rogoff and Reinhart stated that growth        even ‘helicopter money’. As any profits the    inflation headwinds such as declines of
typically begins to suffer when debt          central bank makes on bond investments         workers unions’ power, and technology
reaches 90% of GDP. But how the debt          from interest rate payments are typically      displacing jobs, with any productivity
is structured, in what currency, and the      paid back to the government, it greatly        gains feeding through to lower prices or
nature of the creditor are all key factors,   raises the level at which debt becomes         higher profits, rather than higher wages.
meaning that sustainability can vary          unsustainable.                                 After a recession, there is usually a period
greatly from country to country.                                                             of lower inflation due to overcapacity, and
                                              Japan is a case in point, where                markets thus expect inflation to remain
Borrowing for productive investment,          government debt has been sustainable           below 2%, even five years from now.
particularly in starved areas such as         even though it stands at an enormous
infrastructure investment in the US or        240% of GDP. This is because 43% of            For most developed economies that
Europe, is likely to have a net positive      this debt is owned by the Bank of Japan,       borrow in their own currency defaulting
impact. The related transfer of wealth        with the bulk of the remainder owned           is a choice rather than a necessity,
from future taxpayer to the present is        domestically within the private sector. The    because the central bank can always step
worthwhile if it generates enough growth      large intervention of the BoJ, along with a    in, making a default very unlikely. But in
to cover the cost of debt. Following the      willing private sector to hold debt, means     the Emerging Markets, where much of
same logic, the borrowing in reaction         that they have successfully been able to       the borrowing is in USD, defaulting can
to COVID-19 tries to reduce the hit on        keep the 10-year government bond yield         eventually be the only option when a rising
economic growth, by avoiding mass             in a very low range of 0-20bps. We believe     dollar makes debt levels unsustainable. In
bankruptcies and permanent scarring           many developed markets will follow this        this case, EM countries have often chosen
to the economy. While this makes              framework of financial repression, keeping     to default on their local debt rather than
economic sense, debt is likely to jump by     their government’s borrowing costs low,        their USD debt because they are reluctant
a very significant 20% of GDP for many        and helping to gradually reduce the debt       to lose access to USD funding.
developed markets struck by COVID-19,         pile as long as nominal growth is positive.
even under optimistic growth scenarios.       In the US, we believe the Fed will play its    In conclusion higher debt levels in the
                                              part in controlling the yield curve, keeping   developed world are likely to persist for
Like any debt, the ability to repay is        its policy rate close to zero for several      some time and may linger, as in the case
dependent on income, or in this example,      years, while 10-year yields should trade       of Japan. This may provide a headwind
GDP growth and the rate of taxation.          around 0.5% by the end of 2020 and 1.0%        to growth but is unlikely to lead to a debt
Governments have income in perpetuity,        by end of 2021.                                sustainability crisis while rates are near
and we expect rising taxes on higher                                                         zero. We think central banks will assist in
earners and corporates. Taxation alone is     But will balance sheet expansion fuel          keeping yields at low levels, which should
unlikely to solve the problem of mounting     inflation? If so, it could theoretically       not be too difficult given the weak
debt, however. Previous episodes of high      help governments erode the debt as a           inflation outlook.
developed market debt have been eroded        percentage of nominal GDP. In recent
through a combination of inflation, growth    years, the problem has been that the
and financial repression.                     transition of central bank liquidity into
                                              the broad economy depends on banks

Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020   15
Equities naturally look forward to the                  historically low in most major countries                       and earnings estimates, creating market
recovery, but the sharp bounce in                       as are market rates. Therefore the cost of                     volatility. Overall, we foresee some further
valuations seems exaggerated, and                       capital should be quite attractive for better                  downgrades by analysts in the coming
earnings may see further downgrades.                    rated companies as we begin to climb                           weeks, to reflect the current pessimistic
We thus expect volatile range trading                   out of this deep recession. Fiscal policy                      view from corporate America. We
in the short term and focus on quality                  has been quite expansive in numerous                           therefore think that a defensive sector
stocks and defensive sectors. We                        countries as national governments have                         allocation is appropriate, with a focus on
see opportunities in technology and                     recognized the importance of keeping                           quality companies, which maintain
healthcare, as COVID-19 is accelerating                 the health crisis from becoming a full                         strong balance sheets and positive net
some existing long term trends.                         blown financial crisis. Inflation remains                      cash positions.
                                                        muted and while we may see some
Equity markets have been quite volatile so              issues with demand push inflation in                           The US remains one of our principal
far this year as the corona virus turned into           the recovery, they should be isolated                          overweight markets though, and one of
a global pandemic. The policies of social               and temporary shocks. Technology                               the reasons is the leading role of the US
distancing and economic shutdown in                     remains one of the major drivers of                            Federal Reserve, providing the liquidity
many countries have led us into a deep -                growth and equity market momentum,                             needed to support financial markets and
but hopefully relatively short - recession.             as emerging technologies like 5G, big                          return them to some sense of normalcy
While investors adjusted positions,                     data, robotics and artificial intelligence                     in the not-too-distant future. In short, the
analysts have had to adjust their earnings              converge and diffuse throughout the                            Powell Put persists to some extent. In a
forecasts. This not only needs to take into             global economy. This should improve                            large country like the US, businesses can
account the short-term, but also include a              productivity and innovation in the most                        begin to reopen state by state, and many
more realistic reassessment of corporate                competitive companies driving equity                           workers will return to their jobs. Demand,
earnings for the next twelve months.                    market index averages, while smaller,                          in both the household and business
Indeed, we do not believe that the global               less technologically advanced or less well                     sectors, should begin to improve and
economy will turn on a dime and make up                 capitalized companies may lag behind.                          normalize. There should be significant
for all the lost opportunities of the first half                                                                       pent-up demand from some households
of the year for quite some time. Clearly, in                                                                           and companies, especially in interest-rate
any forecast of the global economy and                  Powell and Profits                                             sensitive sectors, but on the other hand,
equity markets certain assumptions on the               US equities may remain volatile as                             high unemployment may depress demand
spread of the virus and ensuing economic                investors struggle with the differing                          from other households. It is at this point,
aftershocks must be made, and it would                  outlooks between the short and                                 as the economy truly begins its expansion,
be natural for analysts and investors to err            long-term. In the short-term, the fits                         that earnings downgrades should stabilize,
on the side of caution.                                 and starts during the recovery should                          or even rebound.
                                                        lead to ups and downs in valuations  Equities
But as we begin to emerge from the
economic downturn, markets naturally                  The US has led the rebound, EM performance has been mixed, and Europe
begin to look towards improving economic              has lagged.
fundamentals, although it is important to                                                   US        Europe ex-UK          UK            Emerging markets
find the right balance here. Markets tend
to bounce quite sharply when a bottom in                                           180
activity is found, and they have taken the
                                                   rebased at 100 five years ago

flattening of COVID-19 curves as a leading
indicator for such improvement. But the
bounce to new price / earnings highs
seems exaggerated, and we also fear that
consensus earnings expectations may
be downgraded somewhat further.
As a result, we think we will move into a
volatile consolidation phase before we
rally further.
Major policy support has reduced the tail
                                                                                   May-15        May-16       May-17        May-18          May-19
risks and should help support a gradual,
                                                      Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020. Past performance is not a reliable
though uneven, recovery. Policy rates are             indicator of future performance.

Although valuations are supported by policy action, the jump to new highs is                                      preserve cash. As with other regions, the
exaggerated, in our view.                                                                                         outlook for fiscal stimulus should be a key
                                                                                                                  driver of growth and profits and whether
                                          S&P                               Stoxx 600                             European equities can post solid returns
                                                                                                                  in the future. Increased spending at the
                        22                                                                                        Eurozone or EU level is possible, but so far,
                                                                                                                  it has not impressed markets.
Price/Earnings ratios


                                                                                                                  The UK’s high dividends provide an
                        16                                                                                        attraction, and we believe there is long
                        14                                                                                        term value in some of the larger, global
                                                                                                                  companies. But until there is further
                                                                                                                  clarity on the specifics of how Brexit will
                        10                                                                                        work, and with tight negotiation
                         8                                                                                        deadlines, volatility and headline risk
                        Jan-10   Jan-12         Jan-14         Jan-16             Jan-18              Jan-20      may remain high.

Source: Refinitiv, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of   Investment Summary
future performance.
                                                                                                                  The outbreak of the coronavirus has taken
                                                                                                                  equity market volatility to unexpected
In the medium term, the flexibility of                     We therefore remain focused on our
                                                                                                                  levels. Until we get better clarity on how
the US economy, and its high weight                        strategic themes of the global power of the
                                                                                                                  the virus can be contained, and how
of technology in the index provide a                       domestic Asian consumer, e-commerce
                                                                                                                  quickly the global economy can begin
competitive advantage. We continue to                      and 5G. With the rollout of 5G networks
                                                                                                                  to expand again, uncertainty should
invest in many of our strategic themes                     and services we will see the continuation
                                                                                                                  prevail. But the monetary and fiscal policy
such as consumerism, technology with a                     of the development of new technologies in
                                                                                                                  stimulus provided should continue to
focus on 5G, robotics and automation, and                  new sectors and a convergence that will
                                                                                                                  provide the liquidity and the backstop
many aspects of healthcare. 2020 is also a                 create the jobs, wealth and profits of the
                                                                                                                  needed by the financial markets to avoid
Presidential election year, and historically               future. Asia, especially China and India, are
                                                                                                                  a full-blown crisis. As the global economy,
the economy and the stock market have                      expected to create wealth at much faster
                                                                                                                  and eventually the outlook for corporate
produced solid returns in those years. This                rates than any region of the world in the
                                                                                                                  profits, begin to improve we may become
is especially true when an incumbent in                    next decade. It is that wealth creation
                                                                                                                  more constructive on equities overall, with
the White House is seeking re-election.                    that should help build a middle class
                                                                                                                  a focus on markets in the US, the UK, and
                                                           that could provide stable growth for the
                                                                                                                  China. At that point, we could focus on
                                                           Chinese economy.
Asia & China out first                                                                                            more growth-oriented sectors like interest
Given a swift policy response, several                                                                            rate-sensitive companies.
countries in Asia, especially China,                       Europe
                                                                                                                  However, until we see signs of a sustained
were among the first few countries to                      Several European countries struggled
                                                                                                                  rebound in global economic growth,
emerge from the coronavirus. Continued                     heavily with the corona virus and the
                                                                                                                  we maintain a slightly defensive sector
monetary and fiscal policy support,                        ECB stepped up to prevent further
                                                                                                                  positioning and selective approach. A
combined with ongoing reforms, will                        financial deterioration. A pickup in
                                                                                                                  focus on quality companies with strong
be helpful ingredients in the ongoing                      global growth should be a positive for
                                                                                                                  balance sheets and positive net cash
expansion. Infrastructure spending,                        Europe, as it is heavily exposed to global
                                                                                                                  seems prudent. Moreover, we focus
especially in the new digital technologies                 trade and EM demand, but the trend
                                                                                                                  on several key strategic themes like
should see major investment flows. China                   towards de-globalisation is a challenge.
                                                                                                                  technology globally (5G, robotics, &
remains in the midst of a massive shift                    Relative valuations remain attractive but
                                                                                                                  emerging healthcare) and improving
to a digital- and technologically-driven                   investors are currently more likely to look
                                                                                                                  consumerism in the emerging markets
society with a stable consumer base. And                   for sustainable growth than focus on
                                                                                                                  (especially Asia & China) which should be
it is becoming less dependent on low-end                   valuations. Income investors continue to
                                                                                                                  big drivers of equity market momentum.
manufacturing exports to the world, which                  look at European equities which often pay
have been fragile during the US-China                      compelling dividends, but some dividends
trade tensions and the COVID-19 crisis.                    have been cut as companies try to

                                                                                                                     Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020      17
Fixed income
The structurally low rates outlook and             lowered our 10-year gilt forecast from                China, where an acceleration in monetary
very accommodative policies should                 0.4% to 0.2% for the end of 2020. In the              easing is evident and direct effects of the
support the search for yield. But we               Eurozone and other DM sovereigns, bond                lockdown have faded (see more below).
focus on investment grade and are                  yield targets remain unchanged, as their
selective when picking our companies               current levels have already been hovering             When looking at the broader bond market,
and EM country exposure, because                   around all-time lows for some time.                   performance has retraced a large part
of low growth, rising defaults and low                                                                   of the sell-off, and we believe we have
oil prices.                                        Aggressive stimulus by the Federal                    entered a consolidation phase. This
                                                   Reserve has reduced the tail risk of a                consolidation comes despite ongoing
The fast-spreading pandemic hit our                systemic credit crisis in our opinion. Taking         uncertainties around the full effect of the
highly-integrated global economy in an             into account the improved risk-reward                 COVID-19 pandemic on global growth,
unprecedented way, and despite current             trade-off in DM credit markets and the                unemployment, trade, corporate earnings
steps towards ending the lockdown                  dovish Fed guidance, we upgraded our                  and individuals. These challenges are
measures, we are expecting a record                views on Global and US Investment                     compensated by unprecedented global
drop in global output. Global real GDP             Grade credit to a small overweight after              response and support from governments
is expected to fall by 4.8% in 2020, with          having downgraded it at the start of the              and central banks, which provide some
the US, Japan and the Eurozone poised              COVID-19 crisis. We believe this sub-asset            comfort. Nevertheless, we refrain from
to decline by 7.0%, 4.1% and 8.1%                  class of the bond market offers attractive            upgrading our views on Global High Yield
respectively. Mainland China, the world’s          carry opportunities when compared to                  (HY) and we continue to have a mild
second largest economy is still expected           cash positions or DM government bonds.                underweight due to deteriorating credit
to expand, but only modestly at +1.7%,             In order to weather any potential credit              metrics. Additionally, we expect default
the slowest pace on record. Global GDP             spread volatility in the short-run, we focus          rates to climb at a rapid pace in Europe
should remain below the 2019 level for             on the shorter-part of the yield curve (i.e.          but even faster in the US, partly due to the
some years and our central scenario is for         3- to 5-year maturities).                             outsized exposure to the Energy sector.
a U-shaped economic recovery.
                                                   Most of the fiscal response so far has      The DM IG credit market has also
Central banks and governments have been            come from major DM economies, while         recovered from its lows and appears less
forced to commit trillions of dollars to keep      Emerging Market (EM) economies have         dislocated than in March as IG spread
households and companies afloat and                been more cautious. This partly reflects    curves are back to being positively sloped
prevent financial markets from collapsing          concerns about their ability to drive       (i.e. wider spreads for longer maturities).
and liquidity from drying up. One of               fiscal expansion without endangering        Several central bank programmes
the by-products from the co-ordinated              debt sustainability and access to market    including the Fed’s new Primary Market
actions is a surge in budget deficits and          funding. We have recently factored in       Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF) as
an increase in government debt. The                these risks and therefore remain very       well as the Secondary Market Corporate
upcoming surge in sovereign bond supply,           selective in our EM bond allocation.Fixed
                                                                                         We income
                                                                                               Credit Facility (SMCCF) and the ECB’s
mostly in the form of short-dated bills,           avoid commodity net exporters and favour    €750bn Pandemic Emergency Purchase
could have an impact on yield curves
and the risk premia of global sovereigns.          The size of the policy stimulus is unprecedented, as shown in the expansion of
Fortunately for bond markets, central              central banks’ balance sheets
banks may come up with yet more
                                                                          7000                Fed                            ECB
unconventional measures, such as yield
curve control, which has been the case in                                 6000
                                                Billion, local currency

Japan for several years and has just been
initiated in Australia. These new measures                                5000
could avoid a repricing of government
default risk and anchor sovereign yields
at very low levels, mostly in Developed                                   3000
Markets (DM). Considering that interest
rates are set to remain close to zero for                                 2000
years and the debt overhang might weigh                                   1000
on future growth, we lowered our 10-year
US Treasury yield forecasts to 0.5% from                                    0
1.5% and to 1% from 1.5%, for the end                                       Mar-05   Mar-08     Mar-11        Mar-14            Mar-17            Mar-20
of 2020 and 2021 respectively, and also            Source: Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.

Fixed income

 EM hard currency bond spreads are still wide, offering an attractive risk/return                                                                                         From the top down perspective, EM
 trade-off                                                                                                                                                                economies have also strengthened
                                     EM Latam                                                 EM EMEA                                                 US HY               compared to GFC of 2008-2009, with
               1400                  EM ASIA Comp                                             EM ASIA HY                                                                  reduced external imbalances, high FX
                                                                                                                                                                          reserves and stronger fiscal balances.
               1200                                                                                                                                                       This is especially true about China, which
               1000                                                                                                                                                       has significant internal resources to prop
                                                                                                                                                                          up the economy. While it is still difficult
 Basis points

                                                                                                                                                                          to assess the precise ultimate impact of
                600                                                                                                                                                       Coronavirus on the Chinese economy,
                400                                                                                                                                                       we remain constructive on Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                          credits, but with a focus on quality names
                200                                                                                                                                                       with low leverage and strong ability to
                  0                                                                                                                                                       attract capital. We like Chinese Property
                 Jan-12       Jan-13              Jan-14         Jan-15              Jan-16         Jan-17              Jan-18         Jan-19              Jan-20         Developers in hard currency (HC),
                                                                                                                                                                          due to their domestically oriented
 Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020. Past performance is not a reliable                                                                       operations and improving credit profiles.
 indicator of future performance.                                                                                                                                         Additionally, property transactions are
 Programme (PEPP) provide support for                                                       grade BBB- and the EM default rate is                                         starting to pick up again following the
 the Global IG corporate bond market. We                                                    expected to increase only marginally this                                     period of containment (albeit not back to
 view such facilities as an important circuit                                               year, from 1.0% to 1.3% (and from 2.0%                                        normal levels).
 breaker, which should anchor corporate                                                     to 4.8% for HY-rated bonds in EM). EM
 credit spreads and prevent a spill-over                                                    companies are now much more resilient                                         As for Local Currency (LC) debt, our
 beyond sectors directly affected by the                                                    when compared to US HY, where the                                             top conviction is still on mainland
 COVID-19 pandemic. The programmes                                                          average rating is B+ and the default rate is                                  China bonds. A clear acceleration in
 also highlight central banks’ commitment                                                   expected to rise from 2.9% to as high as                                      monetary easing is evident and provides
 to their respective credit markets.                                                        8.0% by year end.                                                             a supportive backdrop to local rates.
                                                                                                                                                                          JP Morgan’s inclusion of China in their
 Beyond global investment grade bonds,          Given the global nature of the current                                                                                    EM indices should also be supportive to
 we continue to have an overweight on EM        crisis, we do not have strong regional                                                                                    capital flows towards the domestic bond
 corporate bonds in Hard Currency (HC),         preferences outside of China at the                                                                                       market over the coming months.
 but take a selective approach, favouring       moment and rely on a bottom up
 companies with low leverage, positive          investment approach, looking for                                                                                          As for our global sector preferences we
 cash flows and ability to raise capital.       companies with stronger fundamentals                                                                                      favour non-Cyclicals, Healthcare, TMT
                                                across regions. In contrast to DM, many                                                                                   and Financial companies, with a focus
 Overall, we believe that EM corporate          EM companies have been focusing on                                                                                        on quality names with low leverage and
 bonds in HC continue to offer a good risk/     de-leveraging in recent years, in order                                                                                   strong ability to raise capital. On the
 return trade-off, having started with strong   to reduce their vulnerability to external                                                                                 other side of the spectrum, we remain
 credit fundamentals before the pandemic,       factors. As a result, it is possible to find                                                                              underweight DM sovereign bonds and
 and offering a substantial yield pickup        defensive names even among commodity                                                                                      global HY corporate credit, mostly due
 over DM bonds. The average rating   Fixed
                                       of EMincome
                                                producers, including Energy and Metals                                                                                    to tight valuations for the former and
 corporate bonds remains an investment          and Mining.                                                                                                               deteriorating credit metrics for the latter.

 EM defaults are likely to be much lower than for US high yield, in spite of
 wider spreads.
                18%                                      US HY                                                      EM HY

default rate











  Source: JPM CEMBI Index, ICE BofAML Index, Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.

                                                                                                                                                                             Investment Outlook Third Quarter 2020       19
Currencies and Commodities
We expect currency markets to be                                             Currencies
                                               The uncertain environment is creating      and supporting
                                                                                     volatility, commodities
                                                                                                         gold and keeping
volatile, with a Risk on / Risk off tone,      USD at elevated levels.
but continued mild upside for USD.
We are selective in emerging markets                                           1800
                                                                                                     Gold                           USD index (RHS)
currencies and continue to like gold as                                        1700
a tail risk hedge in portfolios. Oil prices
                                                                               1600                                                                            101
should remain low as the supply glut is
unlikely to disappear any time soon.                                           1500

                                                                               1400                                                                            96
The Risk on – Risk off (RORO)                                                  1300
phenomenon has been the main driver
                                                                               1200                                                                            91
of FX movements since the start of the
year. The COVID-19 pandemic created                                            1100
a significant disruption in the global                                         1000                                                                            86
economy, pushing investors towards                                                Jan-15   Jan-16       Jan-17           Jan-18        Jan-19         Jan-20
safe-havens. However, in currency and
                                               Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.
other markets, the flattening of infection     Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
curves was taken as a leading indicator,
leading to an improvement in risk appetite     by low growth, low commodity prices                                      rally further. CHF has some of the same
from late March, and causing some              and low inflation. Later on, we believe                                  qualities and should also be supported
investors to go for risk assets. Investors’    the FX market would refocus on a                                         in this scenario. Gold should be another
optimism has been tempered, however,           country’s external balances, its structural                              winner in such a scenario, supported
as they increasingly acknowledge that a        vulnerabilities, the level of foreign                                    by its negative correlation to risk assets.
recovery might take a while, and could         ownership of its equity and bond markets,                                On the other side, we believe AUD and
be shallow. In the year to date, the best      and political factors. We believe the winner                             NZD would struggle due to their risk-on
performing currencies thus are still the       among G-10 in such an “L-scenario” would                                 character, and we believe GBP would
safe-havens such as USD, JPY and               be JPY, as it could benefit from both                                    be down too, though slightly less. In the
CHF, while currencies positively               phases. The “risk-off” behaviour would                                   Emerging Markets (EM), we could see
correlated to risk appetite recorded losses    logically bring inflows into the currency,                               RMB and RUB being relatively resilient
so far in 2020.                                and its enviable international investment                                versus other EM currencies. RMB may
                                               position should also help the currency to                                benefit because China’s growth depends a
While we believe the FX market will
remain sensitive to the RORO, we need                                        Currencies
                                              EM currency performance has been          andwe
                                                                                 mixed, and commodities
                                                                                              believe CNY will remain
to have a wider view of what could come       more resilient than many others.
next and how we could look at the FX
market in a post-pandemic environment.                                                     China               Brazil                 Mexico              Russia
To do so, we adopt a scenario analysis that                                    120         Turkey              India                  Indonesia
sets out our range of possible outcomes,
and the implication of each of them on the                                     110
FX and commodity markets. We believe
                                              indexed at 100 in January 2015

that scenario analysis is the best solution
in such a blurry environment. We discuss
the market consequences of 3 possible                                           80
recovery scenarios for the coming months,
namely the “L-shaped”, the “V-shaped”,
and the “U-shaped” recoveries.                                                  60

An “L-shape” is a scenario in which
the global economy fails to rebound                                             40
significantly even after the easing of                                          30
COVID-19 containment measures. We
                                                                                 Jan-15     Jan-16          Jan-17         Jan-18         Jan-19         Jan-20
could witness two phases in this scenario.
This first one would see dominance of         Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Private Banking as at 13th of May 2020.
a “risk-off” tone that would be initiated     Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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