Report from TCTF/TCL JWG on Optical Frequency Metrology - Masami Yasuda Time Standards Group, National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), APMP

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Report from TCTF/TCL JWG
on Optical Frequency Metrology

 Masami Yasuda
Time Standards Group, National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ),
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

 TCTF/TCL Meeting
 13 Nov. 2020
APMP TCTF/TCL JWG on OFM from 2007
• Main subjects of the WG:
 • Optical frequency comb research activities
 • Optical clock research activities
 • Microwave and optical frequency dissemination
 • Optical frequency combs and CCL-K11

Predicting when the redefinition happens
• After the following 5 milestones are attained
 1. At least three different optical clocks have validated uncertainties two
 orders of magnitude better than the best Cs atomic clocks (few 10-18).
 2. Three or more optical clocks with the same atomic species were
 compared in different institutes (e.g. Δν/ν < 5 x 10-18)(either by
 transportable clocks, fiber links, or frequency ration closure).
 3. There are three independent measuremens of the optical frequency
 standards listed in item 1 limited essentially by the uncertainty fo the
 best Cs fountain clocks (e.g. < 3 x 10-16).
 4. Optical clocks (SRS) contribute regularly to TAI.
 5. Optical frequency ratios between a few (at least 5) other optical
 frequency standards have been performed; each ratio measured at least
 twice by independent labs and agreement (with e.g. < 5 x 10-18).

 The new definition of the second should take place
 as early as possible
 as late as necessary.

Predicting when the redefinition happens
 Road map
 3 clocks
 ∆ / ~10−18 2 orders of magnitude smaller uncertainty with Cs

 3 comparisons Clock comparisons
 ∆ / < 5 × 10−18

 3 clocks Continuity of the second
 ∆ / < 3 × 10−16

4. Regular contribution to TAI At least ten days operation

 2 comp. b/w 5 clocks
5. Optical frequency ratios
 ∆ / / / < 5 × 10−18

 Validation and decision for optical standard

 2017 2018 2020~2021 2022 2025 2026 2030
 CCTF Strategy Document, Annex 1 (Towards a new definition of the second in the SI, F. Riehle)

Secondary Representation of the Second (2017)
Frequency / Hz Fractional uncertainty Transition Status
6 834 682 610.904 312 6 6 x 10-16 87Rb Revised 2017
 Ground state hfs
 310 7 x 10-16 2015 value
429 228 004 229 873.0 4 x 10-16 87Sr neutral atom, Revised 2017
 5s2 1S0-5s5p 3P0
 873.2 5 x 10-16 2015 value
444 779 044 095 486.5 1.5 x 10-15 88Sr+ion, Revised 2017
 5s 2S1/2-4d 2D5/2
 486.6 1.6 x 10-15 2015 value
518 295 836 590 863.6 5 x 10-16 171Yb neutral atom, Revised 2017
 6s2 1S0-6s6p 3P0
 864.0 2 x 10-15 2015 value
642 121 496 772 645.0 6 x 10-16 171Yb+ ion, Not revised
 6s 2S -5d 2F
 1/2 7/2

688 358 979 309 308.3 6 x 10-16 171Yb+ ion, Not revised
 6s 2S -5d 2D
 1/2 3/2

1 064 721 609 899 145.3 1.9 x 10-15 199Hg+ion, Not revised
 5d106s 2S1/2-5d96s2 2D5/2
1 121 015 393 207 857.3 1.9 x 10-15 27Al+ ion, Not revised
 3s2 1S0-3s3p 3P0
1 128 575 290 808 154.4 5 x 10-16 199Hg neutral atom, New 2017
 6s2 1S0-6s6p 3P0
h 13-15 UTC
 Task Force on the
 Roadmap for the redefinition of second
 Subgroup A: Needs of user communities, NMIs, and Liaisons
 Subgroup C: T&F Dissemination and time scales

Subgroup B : Atomic frequency standards and
possible redefinition approaches
• Draft presentation for CCTF (presented on Oct. 28 for the CCTF online session)

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Subgroup B members
Chairs: Sébastien Bize, Chris Oates, Ekkehard Peik

Executive secretary: Gérard Petit

Members: Tetsuya Ido, Pierre Dubé, Stefan Weyers, Davide Calonico, Helen Margolis, Masami Yasuda, Dai-
 Hyuk Yu, Sergey Sluysarev, Fang Fang

External contributors:
 Jérôme Lodewyck: on definition using several transitions on an even basis
 David Newell: on impact on the work and the outputs of CODATA
 Jean-Philippe Uzan: on impact of astronomy and astrophysics sector

 Bill Phillips Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Status and capabilities of optical frequency standards
• Status of optical frequency standards
 • Progress of optical frequency standards up to now
 • Accuracy, stability
 • 1 or 2 example, few other main references.
 • Comparisons of identical standards and ratios
 • 1 or 2 example, main other main references.
 • Comparisons with Cs
 • 1 or 2 example, main other main references.
 • Noting that a more comprehensive table of peer-reviewed references will be annexed to the

• Work toward transportable, commercial and space clocks
 • Noting that these are not required for redefinition, desirable on the long term
 • 1 or 2 examples, few other references

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Secondary representation of the second

• What they are
 • Mention CCL-CCTF WG FS, refer to Metrologia 55, 188 (2018)
 • How they are a mean to validate the consistency of between measurements and the status the field
 • List of SRS to date (2017), link to BIPM website
 • Number of inputs so far, number of new inputs (2020)
• Current use of SRS in TAI
 • Highlight compatibility of optical frequency standards with existing architectures (thanks to combs)
 • Contributions to TAI so far (graphic)
 • Highlighting scarcity of contributions, importance to consider sustainability of TAI

• Toward optical timescales
 • Noting the big potential (1E-15 at 1 s corresponds to 1 fs)
 • Few references. Challenges.

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Options for a redefinition of the second
• Single atom
 • Pointing the role of SRS
 • To be redefined after major progress
• Several transition on an even basis
 • Realization using frequency ratio matrix from CIPM
 • Need to define/adopt rules for updating the ensemble and weights
• Fundamental
 • Fixing another fundamental constant. Briefly developing two possibilities: G and m_e
 • Give practical uncertainties of realization in these cases
 • one of the above options will be a mise en pratique

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Considering some impacts of a redefinition

• What will happen at and after redefinition
 • Cs will become a SRS. Initially recommended value will be 9192631770 Hz with an uncertainty of 1 to 4E-16.
 May evolve (improve) if Cs standards continue to progress as well as their measurement in SI unit.
 • Commercial Cs standards will continue realizing the SI second, virtually with an unchanged uncertainty.
 • Cs fountains will continue realizing the SI second with a slightly degraded uncertainty, because the
 uncertainty of the Cs recommended value will have to be added.
 • Cs (and other SRS) can and will continue to calibrate TAI (probably for quite some time)
 • More and more optical frequency standards (are accepted to) contribute to TAI, gradually leading to
 improvement of the timescale
 • TAI continues to be disseminate the SI second to few 1E-16 or better
• Impact on SI system, on other (base) units
 • Technically: none because of the gap in uncertainties
 • Positive: SI system following state-of-the-art, avoid de facto standards in some area (especially atomic
 • Negative: potential lack of support for existing infrastructure (especially Cs fountains) too soon.

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Considering some impacts of a redefinition
• Impact on CODATA
 • External contributor: D. Newell
 • With special mention of / attention to the atomic physics sector
• Impact astrophysics and fundamental physics
 • External contributor: J.-P. Uzan
• Impact on time and space reference systems (inc. TAI)
 • Gravitational potential / potential fluctuations are not a severe limit until ~3E-18
 • time and space reference systems, realization of TT, can largely benefit better standards, already in
 their current paradigm/definition

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020
Comparing options
• Some high-level requirements
 • New definition must last long
 • Continuity between old and new definition must but ensured
 • Effectiveness and sustainability of dissemination
 • In particular in the elaboration of TAI
 • Optical frequency standards must have validated uncertainties
 • At a level much better than Cs standards (e.g. 2 orders of magnitudes)
• Comparative analysis

 Accuracy Connection Potential for
 (current and with Durability Readiness and Understanda industrial
 mid-term fundamental of Continuity sustainability ble by broad and space
 Option potential) physical laws definition with Cs Dissemination for TAI audience standards
 transition X
 transition Y
 transition Z
 Multiple transitions
 Fixing another constant

 Document by S. Bize (OP)
 Aug. 24, 2020

• Increase contribution to TAI
• Demonstrate sustainability
• More ratios and direct comparisons to
Contribution to TAI
CCL-K11 Key Comparison 2020 in APMP
• NMIJ conduct a CCL-K11 key comparison as the node lab in
 APMP in 2020.
 Date: April 20 (Mon) ~ 24 (Fri), 2020.
 Place: NMIJ (Tsukuba, Japan)
• Frequency measurement using a frequency comb.
• Travel expenses: At each NMI’s expense
• Participants(9): New Zealand, China, Singapore, Malaysia,
 Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam
• Contact us immediately if you hope to participate in the K11
 in a country other than the above.
 We welcome you all to Japan after ten years!
Integration for Innovation

Thank you for your
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