The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

Page created by Shannon Cohen
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega
The Value of
                                                                                                SALARY SURVEY

Professional Services 2018

For good reason, the Value of Professional Services              We are therefore pleased with the level of per-
is among APEGA’s most sought-after publications. A           mit holder participation this year, which is up five
compilation and analysis of data collected during our        per cent from 2017. Individual data points have
annual salary survey, it offers APEGA members and            increased, too.
permit holders unbiased salary and benefits comparisons          We know from experience how popular and
across a wide range of industries in Alberta.                useful the Value of Professional Services is, and we
    Welcome to our summary version of this invaluable        appreciate the effort permit holders make each
resource. APEGA encourages you to use it, along              spring to complete the survey. Without your help,
with any other available information, to ensure fair         this service would not be possible.
    Early in April we contacted permit holders to            Please feel free to contact APEGA with your com-
encourage participation. We engaged the services of Aon      ments:
to administer and conduct the salary and benefits survey,       Mohamed El Daly
and also to compile the resulting data for publication.         Director of Outreach & Product Services
    The more employers participate and the more em-             1-800-661-7020
ployment positions are represented, the better the data.

  This report covers nine industry categories:              • Manufacturing (durables)
    • Engineering and/or Geoscience Consulting              • Manufacturing (non-durables)
                                                            • Not-For-Profit Service, Control, and Utilities
    • Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
                                                            • For-Profit Service, Control, and Utilities
    • Resource Exploitation (except oil and gas)
                                                            • Information and Other Advanced Technologies
    • Resource Exploitation (oil and gas only)

                                                                                            FALL 2018 PEG      |   39
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

Survey Participants

Total Personnel Represented

                  4.8%                4.7%                    7.8%
                  increase            increase                increase

Engineering & Geoscience Personnel Represented, Percentage of Total

40   |   PEG FALL 2018
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega
 This flowchart offers an overview                              BY LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILITY
 of responsibility levels. To
 determine your responsibility          F+    Senior+ Management                             F+        Senior+ Specialist
 level more accurately, please see            Engineer/Geoscientist                                   Engineer/Geoscientist
 the responsibility level tool posted         Authority over companies, often                     Internationally recognized authority in a
                                             responsible for policy framework,                     field of major importance and generally
 on                                 approval of projects having wide                        exercises authority over a group of
                                             public impact costing a significant                  highly qualified professionals engaged in
                                                     amount of money.                                        complex applications.

HOW TO USE RESULTS                      F      Senior Management                             F          Senior Specialist
                                              Engineer/Geoscientist                                   Engineer/Geoscientist
Step 1: Determine your responsibility                                                             Recognized authority in a field of major
                                             Authority over several interrelated
level (A- to F+)                              professional groups in different                     importance and generally exercises
                                                 fields, each field under a                          authority over a group of highly
Step 2: Determine 2018 cash                       management eng./geo.                              qualified professionals engaged in
compensation salary results based                                                                          complex applications.
on your responsibility level
Step 3: Review predicted salary         E         Management                                 E         Advanced Specialist
increases reported by permit holders          Engineer/Geoscientist                                   Engineer/Geoscientist
                                                Authority over supervisory                        In addition to second level specialization,
Step 4: Review perquisites or                   eng./geo. or a large group                           may have authority over a group of
additional cash compensation and                 containing professionals                               highly qualified professionals.
                                                     and other staff.
benefit plans (full report only)

                                        D         Supervisory
                                                                                             D              Specialist
NOTES ABOUT SURVEY                            Engineer/Geoscientist
                                                                                                     First level of full specialization in
                                              First level of direct supervision
METHODS                                             over other eng./geo.
                                                                                                            complex applications
                                                                                                       (e.g., research, design, sales).

APEGA engaged Aon to administer
and conduct the 2018 Value of
Professional Services salary
survey.                                                        C        Project Engineer/
    Invitations to participate in the
                                                                         Independently produces
survey were distributed to APEGA                                          responsible and varied
permit holders in April. Permit                                     assignments. Minimal supervision.
                                                                     May give guidance, but not direct
holders that participated in 2017                                     supervision to other eng./geo.
received a 2018 questionnaire
with some fields prepopulated,
simplifying the process.
                                                               B       Assistant Project
    Results were gathered and                                       Assignments of limited scope and
compiled by Aon in June and July.                                    complexity. Work supervised in
                                                                    detail. May give guidance to M.I.T.,
    A survey was completed by                                        technicians, technologists, etc.
each participating permit holder’s
human resources or other
applicable department.                                         A       Member-in-Training
    All data sources are
                                                                    On-the-job training assignments.

                                                               A-           Co-op/Intern
                                                                    On-the-job training assignments.

                                                                                                              FALL 2018 PEG              |      41
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

Salary Predictions for Following Year*

Due to rounding, totals do not necessarily equal 100%.

Salary Increase Amounts

Staffing Level Predictions for Next 12 Months

Due to rounding, totals do not necessarily equal 100%.

*Respondents as Percentage of Employer Participants

42   |   PEG FALL 2018
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

Females in geoscience represent more than
                                                        DID YOUR COMPANY PARTICIPATE?
33 per cent of the total geoscience sample.             We encourage all Permit Holders to participate in the
Results show that salaries for female                   salary survey. It’s free, and the more Permit Holders
geoscientists are nearly equal to those of their        surveyed, the more robust and representative the
male counterparts (99 per cent).                        results.
    Engineering base salary results show a                  Please contact us at to
difference of 2.4 per cent between male and             ensure that we send your company the 2019 survey
female average base salaries in 2018.                   participation package next April.

ALBERTA RECOVERY BEGINS                               In Calculating Years of Experience Since Graduation, it is
After the recent provincial recession, the            assumed that individuals enter the workforce immediately
economy has improved and stabilized in Alberta.       upon graduation from achieving their last degree. This
Jobs are up, the deficit is down, and Alberta’s       may not necessarily be the case for all individuals, but it is
economy is growing faster than anywhere in            considered the norm from a surveying perspective.
Canada, says the Province of Alberta’s 2018                Typically, progression to the next responsibility level is
Fiscal Plan. Recovery is expected to remain           also dependent on an individual’s years of experience in the
moderate. The outlook presents several factors        workforce. As more in-depth knowledge and specializations
that continue to support economic growth in the       are gained over time, an individual’s overall level of
province, such as continued capital spending on       contribution and responsibility within a company progresses
infrastructure by the public sector.                  as well.
                                                           The highest average base salary is not necessarily solely
                                                      attributed to the individuals with the most years of experience.
Alberta’s seasonally adjusted
                                                      Generally, it is more directly related to the individual’s level
unemployment rate is down from last year.
                                                      of expertise and specialization, performance, and overall
                                                      contribution within a company.
                                                           Increases are represented in a number of reporting
 7.8%                           6.7%                  levels, but they were minor. Generally speaking, salaries
                                                      remained stable in 2018.
                                                      See graphs on following pages.
 July 2017                      July 2018

This is a summary version only of        • Additional Paid and Unpaid Days       • Engineering Disciplines
the Value of Professional Services.      • Flexible Work Arrangements            • Years of Experience
Please obtain your own full version                                              • APEGA License
for more detailed standard survey        • Overtime Policies
                                                                                 • Company Size
results, plus information on:            • Turnover                              • Co-op Student Salaries
 • Benefits and Additional Cash
   Compensation plans                    • Contract Employee Pay Rates
                                                                                The full version of the Value
 • Vacation Entitlement                  • Gender
                                                                                of Professional Services can be
 • Personal Sick Days                    • Location                             preordered at

                                                                                              FALL 2018 PEG       |   43
The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

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The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

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The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

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The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

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The Value of Professional Services 2018 - Apega

48   |   PEG FALL 2018

       Insufficient data to
       report for 40+ to 45
       for 2018

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50   |   PEG FALL 2018

Insufficient data to report for 45+ to 50,
50+ to 55, and Over 55+

                                             FALL 2018 PEG   |   51

 *long-term incentives

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*long-term incentives

                        FALL 2018 PEG   |   53

54   |   PEG FALL 2018

Insufficient data to report for < $5 Million, $6 Million
to $10 Million, $26 Million to $50 Million, > $1 Billion
to $2 Billion, > $2 Billion to $5 Billion, > $5 Billion to
$10 Billion, and > $10 Billion.

                                                             FALL 2018 PEG   |   55
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