Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -

Page created by Yolanda Johnson
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
and Innovation
Year in Review 2020
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -

Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Research and Innovation)
                   There’s no denying that 2020 has been            Our commitment to deliver through our
                   an extremely challenging year for all of us      partnering mindset to enable and support
                   due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however            research excellence and impact has not
                   we have also had many successes to               wavered. In 2020 we have continued to
                   celebrate and be proud of.                       work closely with UniQuest, UQ’s primary
                                                                    commercialisation company, to provide
                   The Research and Innovation Portfolio
                                                                    expert support to our researchers on
                   had a rapid response to COVID-19,
                                                                    their commercialisation and intellectual
                   including business continuity planning
                                                                    property journeys. We also rebranded
                   and daily huddles with portfolio leaders,
                                                                    ourselves as the Research and Innovation
                   Faculty Associate Deans (Research) and
                                                                    Portfolio to more fully reflect the breadth
                   Institute Deputy Directors (Research).
                                                                    of our Portfolio expertise and services.
                   Portfolio staff were quickly supported
                                                                    I am pleased that we have been able
                   to work from home and, as the year
                                                                    to recognise efforts of many across the
                   progressed, the return to campus was
                                                                    Portfolio in this way, and to also promote
                   carefully planned to comply with health
                                                                    the importance of innovation in creating
                   directives and to support staff wellbeing.
                                                                    research impact.
                   Through 2020 we also increased
                   communications to staff via extra editions       The achievements summarised in
                   of the staff newsletter, featuring initiatives   the following pages showcase the
                   such as a ‘Sustainability-at-home Bingo          enormous talent, efforts and innovation
                   competition’ and a regular feature               in the portfolio. I celebrate these 2020
                   interview from a staff member working            achievements, and I am proud to share
                   from home. It was inspiring to see and           them with you.
                   hear how staff adapted, and even thrived,
                   under these shifting conditions.
                   In 2020 the Research and Innovation
                   Portfolio has continued to deliver on our five
                   Strategic Imperatives through our culture
                   of collaboration that connects, convenes
                   and catalyses. We have maintained our            Professor Bronwyn Harch
                   commitment to engage and inform
                   professional and research staff through
                   virtual quarterly Town Halls and targeted
                   researcher forums, and actively contributed
                   to strategic discussions and initiatives.

                   Staff working from home
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
Looking forward – 2021

Research at UQ is supported holistically across five strategic imperatives:

   High-quality                 Entwined                 State-of-the-art             Game-changing                    Facilitating
  and impactful                partnerships               infrastructure                researcher                    the research
     research                                                                          development                     enterprise

Our focus for 2021 will be the implementation of strategic initiatives, progressing research alliances, research
infrastructure strategic planning, a review of research partnerships functions and capabilities and effective
implementation of research systems to empower researchers and optimise the research enterprise.

                                                                                                  RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   3
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
World-class research
                                                  and facilities

                                                  $452.5m                      $300m
                                                  in research income           in research infrastructure
                                                  (HERDC 2019)

                                                  206                          95%
                                                  fellows of learned           of UQ research is
                                                  academies are UQ staff       above world standard
                                                  and professors emeriti       ERA (2018)

                                                  #3                           740
                                                  University in Australia      PhDs awarded
                                                  Nature Index tables (2020)   in 2020

Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
and impactful research
Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19
pandemic, UQ had a landmark year in securing
research funding and enhancing our systems and
procedures to ensure our research reputation
remains strong and secure.

Trusted research practice                       Australian Research Council
• New Human Research Ethics Procedure
                                                Discovery Indigenous Projects
• Revised Animal Ethics in Teaching and
  Research Procedure

                                                $4.091m                   $1.776m
• New Clinical Trials Procedure nearing
• Establishment of an International
  Safeguards Advisory Group to provide          UQ is number one          UQ was awarded the
  advice on development of policy and           nationally, with the      largest total project
  processes relating to UQ’s obligations        largest number of         value and the highest
  in areas such as foreign influence,
  international sanctions and export
                                                awards, and the highest   average project value
  controls.                                     total funding             ($1,363,666)

Facilitating the research
MyResearch Ethics: development of new
forms and digitisation of ethics review
workflows to streamline processes for                                     awarded to UQ for
researchers and ethics committees.              UQ was awarded two        Discovery Indigenous
The system will provide many benefits,          five-year projects, and   Project
including increased visibility of application
                                                one three-year project    A total of $30,404,995 has been
status and reporting capabilities.
                                                                          awarded to Discovery Indigenous
                                                                          Projects over the past five years
                                                                          (2017–2021). Of this, UQ has
                                                                          received $5,066,000 (17 per cent
                                                                          of the funding pool) resulting in the
                                                                          most funding received nationally
                                                                          over 5 years. This is a significant
                                                                          achievement given UQ’s last
                                                UQ applied for two        successful Discovery Indigenous
                                                Discovery Australian      Projects were awarded in 2017.
                                                Aboriginal and Torres
                                                Strait Islander Awards
                                                (DAATSIA) and was
                                                awarded both

                                                                             RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   5
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
Australian Research                           ARC Linkage                                  Enhancing capability
    Council National                              Infrastructure,                              and performance in
    Fellowships                                   Equipment and Facilities                     international research
    UQ is cumulatively number one for             In 2020 UQ has continued to extend           funding
    all current ARC fellowship schemes            its engagement across Queensland to          Following the establishment in 2018
    (Laureates, Future Fellowships and            support coordinated submissions to the       of a specialist team for international
    Discovery Early Career Researcher             upcoming ARC Linkage Infrastructure,         competitive funding in Sponsored
    Award) across all relevant scheme years       Equipment and Facilities (LIEF)              Research, a US negotiated rate was
    (2009–2021), being awarded more than          scheme. The state-wide coordination is       successfully agreed with the US Federal
    $316M to support the highest quality          strengthening the quality and number         Government. As a result, UQ can now
    researchers. In 2020, UQ was delighted        of submissions to the LIEF scheme, to        claim 47% indirect cost recovery, rather
    to claim third ranking in the ARC Future      the betterment of the state’s research       than 10%, on Federal Government Agency
    Fellowship scheme, behind the University      agenda. Further to this engagement           applications. Since acceptance early
    of Melbourne and Monash University.           a Development Workshop was held in           in 2020, UQ has generated a further
    UQ’s Faculty of Humanities, Arts and          2020 for the 2022 round of LIEF, with        $500,000 of indirect cost recovery gain
    Social Sciences performed particularly        approximately 100 attendees                  on five grant applications that would
    well, with Associate Professor Shahar                                                      otherwise not have been possible.
                                                  At the end of 2020 UQ was awarded four
    Hameiri and Drs Alison Crowther and                                                        Education and training programs have
                                                  LIEF Grants awards (a 44.4% success
    Erich Round being successful in their                                                      been undertaken with UQ researchers
                                                  rate and the largest number of awards to
    Future Fellowship applications.                                                            so that an unprecedented number of
                                                  UQ since 2017) in the LE 21 round. These
                                                  awards amounted to over $3.7 M which         UQ-led bids are being prepared for the
                                                  represents 9.6% of the total funding pool.   US National Institutes of Health within
                                                  In addition, four externally-led LE21 bids   the year; an indicator of the growth in
                                                  with UQ partners were also successful.       confidence of UQ researchers applying
                                                                                               into US competitive granting agencies.

Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
Higher Education
Research Data Collection
                                              National Health and
                                              Medical Research                              $37m
Higher Education Research Data                Council                                       secured by UQ for Medical
Collection assesses the relative              Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the             Research Future Fund
performance of providers in research
and research training. In 2019, UQ’s
                                              National Health and Medical Research          (MRFF)
                                              Council (NHMRC) has adjusted its
total HERDC income increased by 13.2%         funding schemes to support the research

with the biggest increase in Category 3       community. While the outcomes for the
Industry and Other Funding for Research       2020 funding rounds have not yet been
16.3% and Cooperative Research Centre         finalised, UQ was delighted to perform
Funding 31.4%.                                well in the NHMRC Ideas Grants round,         in NHMRC Ideas Grants
                                              securing $25M in research funding for 39
                                              research projects. UQ also received an
                                                                                            for 39 resarch projects
Medical Research Future                       award for an NHMRC Centre of Research
Fund                                          Excellence for Associate Professor Coral
UQ secured more than $37M in Medical
Research Future Fund (MRFF) funds
                                              Gartner’s research in the cessation of
                                              smoking. With only 14 awarded each
                                              year, the Centres of Research Excellence
across a number of schemes announced
                                              scheme supports research networks,            for ARC fellowship schemes
in January 2020, largely involving clinical
trials research. With more than $1B per       capacity building and research translation.   (2009-2021)
annum likely to be available through the
MRRF, UQ’s success in the 2020 grant
rounds positions its researchers well
for continuing to grow programmatic
research focussing on health and health
services translation for impact.

Australian Research Council Linkage Projects

$12.8m                                        $2.490m
                                                                                            UQ is currently equal second nationally
                                                                                            for number of successful applications
                                                                                            (5) and third nationally for total ARC
awarded to UQ and 26 given,                   ARC funding awarded to                        funding awarded for the Linkage
the highest in Australia                      UQ for the Linkage                            Project 20 round to date.
                                              Program 20 round                              2021 funding announcements are made

                                                                                               RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   7
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
    agreements relating
    to the UQ COVID-19
    CSL vaccine

    of current
    involved in CRCs
    are from UQ

    4200+                                         Positive research partnerships are      IndustryConnect events
    research                                      vital to the success of UQ. Not only
    contracts                                     do external partners inform our         IndustryConnect provides a coordinated
                                                  projects with real-world insights       entry point for external stakeholders
                                                  about the challenges facing             wanting to undertake research
                                                  community, industry and government,     collaborations with UQ researchers.
                                                  but research collaborations also        In its first full year of operation,
                                                  provide a platform to test new ideas    IndustryConnect successfully conducted
                                                  and approaches that enable UQ           workshops with partners Thales, Stanwell,

                                                  researchers to create change.           Infosys, Google and Microsoft. Through
                                                  In 2020, UQ has continued its trend     these events, UQ Research Partnerships
                                                  of increasing both the number of        was able to meet known needs,
    IndustryConnect                               partnerships and, the breadth of        while also identifying other potential
    Events                                        these agreements. Despite the           areas for collaboration. As a result of
                                                  impact of COVID-19, UQ Research         these workshops, a Memorandum of
                                                  Partnerships has seen an increase       Understanding was signed with Infosys
                                                  in research contracts from 3,952 in     and a research agreement with Stanwell.
                                                  2019 to more than 4,200 in 2020.        In 2021, IndustryConnect will expand
                                                  The average dollar value and length     to include broader engagement
                                                  of research projects increased across   opportunities for existing and new
                                                  the last four years, indicating a       partners wanting to learn more about
                                                  greater complexity of research being    particular areas of UQ research strength.
                                                  undertaken with external partners.

Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
IBM@UQ Centre of
     “By solving current problems                Research Partnerships has coordinated
      and generating new ideas,                  a significant multi-year agreement with
                                                 IBM Australia that will support researchers
     we are able to make a real                  working across health, manufacturing
                                                 and environmental sciences by providing
      difference to society that will            access to the latest technology.
                                                 As research efforts become increasingly
      propel us into the future.”                data-rich, the IBM@UQ Centre of Excellence
                                                 and Innovation will provide researchers
      Professor Tapan Saha,                      with novel data storage and computer
      UQ Industry 4.0 Energy TestLab Leader      hardware platforms to help address the
                                                 challenges associated with extreme data
                                                 growth and data organisation.

UQ-CSL Vaccine research
UQ was asked by the Coalition for
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to
utilise its molecular clamp technology
to develop a vaccine in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic in just 16 weeks.
Through the extraordinary efforts
of Professor Paul Young’s research
group, this request was met with the
development of a vaccine ready for phase
1 clinical trials.
The vaccine development was a truly
collaborative venture, with more than
61 research partners involved from
development of the vaccine candidate to
advanced manufacture. While the Phase 1
trial of the COVID-19 vaccine showed that
it elicited a robust response towards the
virus and had a strong safety profile, it will
not proceed beyond Phase 1 trials as the
vaccine interfered with certain HIV tests.
Research Partnerships oversaw the
signing of 117 research agreements in
collaboration with the Science Faculty and
Australian Institute of Bioengineering and
Nanotechnology. Support was provided
by UQ Legal, UniQuest, Advancement,
Governance and Risk, and Insurance.

                                                    RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   9
Research and Innovation Year in Review 2020 -
UQ leads the
     university sector in
     translating research
     outcomes through
     (2020 Survey of
     Commercialisation Outcomes
     from Public Research)

                                                     UQ Energy TestLab launch

     Launch of Industry 4.0                          UniQuest                                       • The Queensland Emory Drug
                                                                                                      Discovery Initiative (QEDDI), operated
     Energy TestLab                                  UQ’s innovative technologies continued to        and managed by UniQuest, was
     The UQ Industry 4.0 Energy TestLab,             attract significant global interest in 2020:     awarded competitive funding from
     which will enhance global knowledge on          • Startup company Inflazome Ltd was              the Medical Research Futures Fund
     electricity networks and cyber security to        acquired by multinational pharmaceutical       (MRFF) to advance projects in
     protect critical infrastructure, was opened       company Roche in September in the              cancer and neurodegeneration to
     in November 2020.                                 largest deal for a spinout company from        commercialisation.

     Bringing together industry, research and          an Australian university, with an upfront
     education, the UQ TestLab uses the sorts          payment of €380M (AU$617M) plus              UQ and the Indian
                                                       additional development and regulatory
     of digital tools that we will all need in
                                                       milestone payments. Inflazome is
                                                                                                    Institute of Technology
     the future, including power generation;
     transmission and distribution; and energy         developing potential treatments for a        Delhi
     consumption and management.                       broad range of inflammatory diseases,        The Academy of Research established by
                                                       including inflammatory bowel disease         UQ and the Indian Institute of Technology
     The UQ TestLab is one of six such                 and Parkinson’s disease, based on            Delhi (UQIDAR) has further developed,
     labs based in Australian Universities             IP developed by UQ researchers in            with the recruitment of Dr Rajeev Shorey
     established through the Australian                collaboration with Trinity College Dublin.   as the inaugural Chief Executive Officer.
     Government’s Industry 4.0 program,
                                                     • Startup company Vaxxas will partner
     with Siemens as a founding partner.                                                            The appointment has enabled UQIDAR
                                                       with the US Government to test its
     UQ Research Partnerships managed                                                               to broaden its industry engagement. In
                                                       high-density microarray patch (HD-
     the relationships with the Australian                                                          November, UQIDAR organised a workshop
                                                       MAP) needle-free vaccine delivery
     Government and Siemens, including the                                                          with the Google Research Lab in India on
                                                       technology for pandemic influenza,
     associated Product Lifecycle Management                                                        artificial intelligence, with researchers now
                                                       receiving $30 million from the
     software grant from Siemens.                                                                   working on proposals for consideration by
                                                       Biomedical Advanced Research and
                                                                                                    Google. Renew Power will also undertake
                                                       Development Authority (BARDA).
                                                                                                    research into wind speed forecasting
     Streamlining support for                          With the support of the Queensland
                                                                                                    through the Academy.
                                                       Government, the company will establish
     researchers                                       a facility at Brisbane’s Northshore          UQ Research Partnerships was strongly
     Research Partnerships is currently                Hamilton for the manufacture of              involved in defining and shaping the
     developing a pipeline of activities to            products, ensuring that the UQ               research focus areas and the thematic
     support researchers wanting to engage             research continues to be developed           impact areas for the UQIDAR program.
     with industry and business partners               in Brisbane. A long-term partnership         This exercise was based on the joint
     through federally-funded initiatives, such as     with Merck & Co Inc has seen the global      strengths of both UQ and IITD, calls for
     Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) bids.           pharmaceutical company investing $18         proposals launched in India and Australia,
                                                       million in Vaxxas in a combination of        analysis of on industry and society
     In 2020, the team held a number of                equity funding and option fees.              needs and national research priorities,
     workshops for UQ researchers wanting
                                                     • In the first 9 months of 2020, UQ’s          particularly in India. This exercise will now
     to learn more about the CRC process and
                                                       other startups attracted over $27            enable UQIDAR to better target industry in
     how they can be involved in the future.
                                                       million in investment to advance their       India and Australia, which will be a primary
     UQ is involved in 12 of the 24 active
                                                       technologies towards the market              focus for 2021.
     Cooperative Research Centres in Australia.

State-of-the-art infrastructure
UQ’s investment in major infrastructure, in partnership with
government, industry and donors, provides cutting-edge facilities
and leading technologies for researchers. Researchers have access
to extensive high-tech research equipment and instrumentation,
laboratories and wide-ranging scientific services and training.

Biological Resources                            Centre for Geoanalytical
Biological Resources (BR) was able to           Mass Spectrometry
continue onsite support during COVID-19         The Centre for Geoanalytical Mass                    Central Research
restrictions across St Lucia, Herston,          Spectrometry’s Radiogenic Isotope
Woolloongabba, Gatton and Hidden Vale                                                                Platforms
                                                Facility maintained full operation
sites. This specifically included the support   throughout 2020, attracted external                  Aligned along interdisciplinary lines,
of research that necessitated the use of        funding of $1M, and an annual analytical             Central Research Platforms (CRPs)
animals, with UQBR staff ensuring the           revenue of $800,000.                                 offer core services and world-class
daily care of over 50,000 animals, ranging                                                           capabilities that are integral towards
from zebrafish to cattle.                       The Environmental Geoscience Lab
                                                                                                     achieving research excellence. UQ’s
                                                performed comprehensive and high
                                                                                                     CRPs house over $125 million worth
                                                resolution analyses of metal suites on
                                                                                                     of high-end equipment and have
Centre for Advanced                             Moolayember Formation in Surat Basin.
                                                                                                     more than 220 qualified staff on
Imaging                                         The work has informed and improved the
                                                                                                     hand to assist researchers to boost
                                                reactive transport reservoir model and
All facilities at the Centre for Advanced                                                            their research capabilities. To date
                                                led to a significant new project to study
Imaging (CAI) remained operational for                                                               more than 10,000 researchers have
                                                South Surat metal mobilisation and fate in
contract research studies and critical                                                               used these state-of-the-art facilities
                                                collaboration with Simon Fraser University,
research projects during the shutdown                                                                to advance their research.
                                                B.C., Canada. In addition, this project has
period. Imaging involving human                 led to enhanced engagements in the
participants was suspended for 3-months,        provision of external analytical services
recommencing on July 6 following                inboth the Centre for Geoanalytical
the implementation of a COVID-19                Mass Spectrometry and the Centre for
Management Plan developed with the              Microscopy and Microanalysis.
assistance of the UQ CAI Human and
Companion Animal Imaging Team, UQ
Legal, UQ Health Safety and Wellness, and       Centre for Microscopy                         Conditions Study between the major
UQ Insurance.                                   and Microanalysis                             surface science infrastructure at UQ
                                                                                              and QUT as well as the Cryo-Electron
CAI received $1.2 million from the              In the Centre for Microscopy and              Microscopes at UQ. In 2020 CMM received
Australian Cancer Research Foundation           Microanalysis (CMM) the integration of        the first Tims-Tof MS Maldi2 system in
(ACRF) to establish an Australian first         novel cryo tools, developed and built in      Australia, only the second world-wide,
facility to develop radiometals for cancer      house, with the new cryo-Surface-Station-     in a partnership establishing subcellular
therapy. This new facility will focus on        XPS was successfully tested in 2020.          cryogenic imaging mass spectrometry
alpha therapies, a type of precision            The testing and integration was               which will pave the way for studies of the
medicine, which has the potential to be         made more difficult due to COVID-19.          location of drug and other metabolites in
more effective in killing cancer without        This project was a finalisation of the        tissue sections.
damaging healthy tissue.                        Connectivity under UHV and Cryogenic

                                                                                                 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   11
Genome Innovation Hub                           Pinjarra Hills Research                         Protein Expression
     In 2020, The UQ Genome Innovation Hub           Facility                                        Facility
     (GIH) hosted 20 UQ research projects            The entire Pinjarra Hills site has been fully   In 2020 the Protein Expression Facility
     which spanned 7 Institutes, 3 Schools and       operational in 2020. Major infrastructure       (PEF) partnered with the Public Health
     8 Research facilities, with more than 70        repair and grazing management has               Virology team at Forensic and Scientific
     collaborative researchers. Despite UQ-          continued with a total of 60 new students,      Services (FSS), Queensland Health to
     wide COVID setbacks, GIH supported the          staff and visiting researchers inducted         develop SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins. These
     preparation of a number of manuscripts,         to Pinjarra Hills since March. Despite the      synthetic proteins can be used in a blood
     bioinformatic analysis tools and grant          effects of COVID-19, animal husbandry has       test to safely screen patient antibodies
     applications by UQ researchers; with            continued with precinct-specific planning       for prior exposure to COVID-19, and are
     funding success from the NHMRC, ARC,            in place to ensure projects are COVID-19        sufficient for more than 500,000 tests.
     ASSC and MNDRA. In addition the GIH also        safe. All large animal research projects have
     supported several seminars, webinars and                                                        Another significant collaboration was
                                                     continued and milestones are on track, with
     technical workshops. GIH went live with                                                         with the digital diagnostic company,
                                                     105 male and female cattle, representing
     a new UQ website for researchers and at                                                         Ellume, in the fight against the COVID-19
                                                     four breeds; 16 standard bred and miniature
     the end of 2020, it opened its third call for                                                   pandemic. Ellume’s rapid COVID-19
                                                     horses; and 80 mixed breed sheep.
     2021 collaborative project applications.                                                        diagnostic tests are based on proprietary
                                                     In 2020 work done at Pinjarra Hills has         fluorescent immunoassay and single use
                                                     contributed to buffalo flies successfully       biosensor technology. With the delivery
     UQ Genomics                                     being transinfected with three strains of       of highly pure and functional SARS-CoV-2
                                                     Wolbachia shown to have potential use in        recombinant proteins at the outset of the
     2020 saw the delivery of the first in
                                                     future area wide biocontrol. Development        pandemic, PEF was able to accelerate
     Australia Sequel II long read capability to
                                                     and testing of an immunocontraceptive           Ellume’s development and verification of
     UQ in partnership with AGRF. This Sequel
                                                     vaccine for cattle successfully                 their range of COVID-19 diagnostic tests.
     II complements the Illumina sequencing
                                                     demonstrated that vaccination of female
     platforms at the IMB Sequencing Facility.
                                                     cattle against specific purified zona
     The facility completed 68 individual
                                                     pellucida proteins induces infertility in the   Research Computing
     projects in 2020. Those projects ranged
     from Transcriptomics, WGS, amplicon,
                                                     majority of cattle for at least 12 months.      Centre
                                                     A Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and
     single cell sequencing and long read                                                            Research Computing Centre (RCC)
                                                     Food Innovation-led cattle tick vaccine
     sequencing.                                                                                     managed infrastructure remained fully
                                                     was also tested, completing a second
                                                                                                     operational throughout the COVID-19
                                                     challenge at Pinjarra Hills farm with a lead
                                                                                                     closures to support all UQ research,
     Central Glasshouse                              vaccine candidate showing promise.
                                                                                                     including critical COVID-19 research.
     Services                                                                                        RCC-backed technology support meet-
     2020 was an eventful year which saw             Island Research Stations                        ups for UQ researchers went virtual
     a number of upgrades to the Facility            Nestled in a seaward corner of Dunwich          during the COVID-19 lockdown, and
     (including pasteurising trailers, growth        on Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island),             remain virtual while many UQ staff and
     cabinets and an electric delivery vehicle),     the Morten Bay research station has             students continue to work from home.
     which have enhanced its efficiency as well      coped well with COVID-19 operational            This included Hacky Hour weekly sessions
     as its environmental and health and safety      requirements and continues to provide           in which IT experts help UQ researchers
     profiles. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, a      and enable diverse teaching and research        with IT-related research issues, such as
     high volume of research was conducted           program support; following a five-month         coding and data storage; the weekly
     at the Facility with over 5000 2m2 plots        shutdown due to COVID-19. MBRS is               Microscopy and Image Analysis clinics;
     of plant growth space utilised. The CGS         the base for a remote sensory network           and a weekly Virtual HPC User Support
     team continued to provide services              program which has recently commenced            (vHPC) meetup specifically to support
     and assistance to UQ Institutes and             and will involve setting out several            researchers during the pandemic.
     Schools and external groups through the         mooring buoys around southern Moreton
     delivery of media and consumables, and          Bay fitted with real-time data telemetry.
     the provision of support for over 1000
     research experiments.                           The Heron Island station is the largest and
                                                     best equipped scientific research station
                                                     physically located on the Great Barrier
                                                     Reef. After the completion of minor repair
                                                     from water damage occurring during the
                                                     COVID-19 closure, the station is now fully
                                                     operational and commencing 2021 at near
                                                     full capacity. Work to install a new seawater
                                                     intake system has commenced which will
                                                     provide quality seawater to the research
                                                     labs, wet decks, tanks and aquaria.

TetraQ                                       National Collaborative                          National Imaging Facility

Toxicology and bioanalytical teams           Research Infrastructure                         The National Imaging Facility (NIF)
                                                                                             provides advanced imaging capabilities
successfully completed a rat toxicity        Strategy Facilities                             of humans, animals, plants and materials.
study to support the UQ-Coalition for
                                             The National Collaborative Research             Despite the challenges of 2020, NIF
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (UQ-
                                             Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) builds          attracted almost $28M in co-investment
CEPI) COVID-19 vaccine program over the
                                             collaborative research facilities that bring    from partner institutions and State
peak of the lockdown period in April and
                                             together funding from the Australian            Governments and established a number
May. Subsequently a second COVID-19
                                             Government, Queensland Government,              of new imaging infrastructure facilities,
toxicity study was completed in June-
                                             industry, universities and university           including the first Magnetic Particle
August and an antibody titre method
                                             researchers to help provide open access         Imaging facility in Australia.
was established to support the COVID-19
                                             research infrastructure. UQ is a lead node on
vaccine clinical study.                                                                      Partnerships continued to strengthen and
                                             several NCRIS facilities, and a collaborator
                                                                                             grow over the past year. The Queensland
These studies include two pivotal non-       on many other significant NCRIS facilities.
                                                                                             NIF node officially expanded to include the
clinical GLP safety studies in rats to
                                                                                             Herston Imaging Research Facility (HIRF),
support the progression of the UQ SARS-
                                             UQ-led NCRIS facilities                         bringing QUT, QIMR and Queensland Health
CoV-2 Sclamp vaccine into clinical studies
                                                                                             into the national network. NIF continued
and the development and validation
                                             Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network          its partnership with ARDC, collaborating
of methods for detection and titre of
                                                                                             on three platform development projects
SARS-CoV-2 Sclamp antibodies in rats         Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
                                                                                             for national federated repository and
and humans to support the UQ vaccine         (TERN) is Australia’s land ecosystem
                                                                                             computing capability. Recognising the
program. Approximately 1400 human            observatory. In 2020, TERN sensors have
                                                                                             importance of FAIR data practices, NIF has
serum samples from the UQ vaccine            operated 24/7, providing ecosystem
                                                                                             an ARDC-funded Training and Community
clinical study were analysed for SARS-       researchers with unique data from the
                                                                                             Engagement Manager to promote the
CoV-2 antibody responses                     enormous unintended experiment of
                                                                                             collaborative eResearch infrastructure and
                                             reduced pollutants and human impact
Sixty-nine new research studies                                                              provide training and advocacy in FAIR data.
                                             across the continent resulting from
supporting the preclinical and clinical      pandemic lock-downs.
development of new therapies for
human health were also initiated in 2020,    TERN’s ecosystem national research
including 22 toxicology studies and 47       infrastructure project has been
bioanalytical studies.                       awarded a three year contract with
                                             the Commonwealth Department of
                                             Agriculture, Water and Environment
                                             to provide standardised ecological
                                                                                                   Other NCRIS facilities
                                             monitoring protocols and systems for data             involving UQ
                                             collection, storage and management.                   •   Astronomy Australia
                                                                                                   •   AuScope
                                                                                                   •   Australian Research Data Commons
                                                                                                   •   Microscopy Australia
                                                                                                   •   Australian National Fabrication Facility
                                                                                                   •   Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
                                                                                                   •   Bioplatforms Australia
                                                                                                   •   National Computing Infrastructure
                                                                                                   •   Translating Health Discovery
                                                                                                   •   Therapeutics Innovation Australia

                                                                                                RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020       13
      researcher development

     97%                                           Career Development
                                                                                                  Supporting HDR
                                                                                                  students in response
     Overall Satisfaction                          As a result of COVID-19 CDF activities         to COVID-19
     for the CDF                                   we pivoted from a largely face-to-face         Supporting the success of UQ’s graduate
                                                   delivery model to a fully online mode.         researchers is at the core of our purpose
                                                   To support students during this

                                                                                                  and depends on collaborations with
                                                   challenging period, the Graduate School        Faculties/Schools and Institutes, central
                                                   launched a series of COVID-19-specials.        Portfolios across UQ, and the HDR
                                                   These ‘specials’ addressed employability
     CDF sessions held                                                                            student community. In 2020 these strong
                                                   and pivoting research projects, but            partnerships were invaluable as we met
     in 2020                                       overwhelmingly focussed on protecting          the challenges as a result of COVID-19.
                                                   mental health and promoting resilience         The Graduate School led a coordinated,

                                                   among our HDR cohort.                          University-wide response that supported
                                                                                                  HDR students; focused on ensuring they
                                                   COVID-19 specials
                                                                                                  could continue to progress their research,
     unique HDR                                    • Scientific career paths: Put your best       as well as support their health and
     candidates attended                             foot forward                                 wellbeing during this challenging period.
     a CDF workshop                                • Expert Panel: How to adjust your             We worked with students on a variety of
     as at September 2020                            research for COVID-19                        options regarding their HDR candidature,
                                                   • Mental Health First Aid                      and collaborated with Student Services
                                                                                                  to offer additional sessions centred

                                                   • R U OK: Student panel lived
                                                                                                  on dealing with uncertainty and the
                                                                                                  changed working environment. We also
                                                   • Maintaining well-being while working         coordinated a particularly successful
     attendances at                                  from home                                    panel discussion on adjusting research
     CDF workshops                                 • Keep calm and carry on: Dealing with         projects affected by COVID-19 held with
     as at September 2020                            uncertainty in the COVID-19 era              5 researchers from across UQ:
                                                   • Finish that thesis!                          “I liked the panel’s examples of how

                                                                                                  they or their HDR students have been
                                                   The unintended but positive outcome of
                                                                                                  impacted and how they’ve made changes
                                                   this move to online delivery has widened
                                                                                                  to their research due to COVID-19. I also
                                                   our reach and improved accessibility of
     unique workshop                               the Career Development Framework.
                                                                                                  liked how the panel speakers all had the
     titles                                                                                       theme ‘Everyone has been impacted in
                                                   Attendance increased by nearly 17% in
                                                                                                  some way’ e.g. industry, HDR advisors
     in 2020                                       2020 compared with 2019.
                                                                                                  …. Thanks for being able to arrange this
                                                                                                  panel and thank you to the speakers who
                                                                                                  gave their time to do this “
                                                                                                  Following this, the COVID Impact
     Industry placements                                                                          HDR Scholarship extension has been
                                                                                                  implemented to provide an additional
     Higher Degree by Research (HDR)                    organised more than 55 placement          3 months of scholarship for UQ
     placements adapted quickly to new                  opportunities with 48 partners in         scholarship recipients to assist in writing
     ways of working as a result of the                 2020, with a further 15 placements        up and finishing the thesis if their
     COVID-19 pandemic. A shift was                     to commence in 2021. Placements           research was affected by COVID-19.
     made to enable remote placements to                were undertaken within government,        Specialised bootcamp is now offered
     ensure the numerous HDR candidates                 industry and the not-for-profit sectors   to support final submission, with very
     who undertook international or                     and provided HDR candidates with an       positive feedback. Further programs are
     interstate placements were not                     opportunity to further develop their      scheduled for 2021.
     disadvantaged. The Graduate School                 transferable skills.

The 3MT competition
                                                     demonstrates the tremendous
                                                     capabilities of our PhD candidates
                                                     and their potential to have a real
                                                     impact through their research.”
                                                     Professor Alastair McEwan,
                                                     Dean Graduate School

3 Minute Thesis                               The Asia-Pacific 3MT competition was also
                                              a success in 2020 in its virtual video format.
As a result of COVID-19 the 2020              A total of 53 universities were represented,
3 Minute Thesis Competition moved to a        with participants from 8 countries across
virtual format. The move to a virtual video   the region. The winner was Yifei Lou
submission resulted in a 31.5% increase       from Nanyang Technological University
in participation in UQ’s own competition.     for her presentation titled Listening in
The UQ 3MT winner was Emma Schimke            on Plants through a Conductive Liquid
from the Faculty of Health and Behavioural    Glue. The Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition is
Sciences for her presentation titled To       proudly supported by Springer Nature and
sleep or not to sleep?                        UniBank and the Graduate School values
                                              their ongoing support.
                                                                                               Emma Schimke, School of Health
                                                                                               and Rehabilitation Sciences

200                          900+                        404                        84,951 53
3MT Facebook                 hosting                     UQ HDR                     total views of                 institutions
followers joined             universities                candidates                 the 3MT website                participated in
in 2020                      across 85+                  competed                   in 2020                        the Asia-Pacific
                             countries                   in 3MT                                                    3MT in 2020
                                                         in 2020

Global Change Scholars Program
The Global Change Scholars Program            cohort presented their research to the
(GCSP) launched as a 1 year Program with      2020 cohort via recordings that they had
new modules in 2020:                          produced as part of the program. Due to
                                              COVID-19, the program quickly adapted
• Module 1: The global trends interactive
                                              to a mixed mode approach, making the
  seminar series
                                              learning activities available both virtually
• Module 2: Research impact and               and in person to accommodate the
  innovation workshops and group projects     different needs of the cohort. A measure
• Module 3: Science communication             of the impact of the Global Scholars was
  training                                    the selection of four of these students (out
This year, the program selected 25            of a total of six HDR students in total) to
talented scholars who commenced in July       participate in the Group of Eight taskforce
2020. The scholars hosted a Showcase          of leading researchers to produce a COVID
event in November where the 2019              ‘Road to Recovery’ Report.

                                                                                                  RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   15
Facilitating the
     Research Enterprise

     3600+                                         UQ Aboriginal and Torres
                                                   Strait Islander Research
                                                                                                Digital Research
     active research                               and Innovation Strategy                      Digital research notebooks (DRN) enable
     projects                                      The UQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait          UQ researchers to organise, store, curate
     in 2020                                       Islander Research and Innovation Strategy    and share all their projects’ research
                                                   (2021-2025) was approved in December         or laboratory data including working
                                                   2020 and will launch in early 2021. The      documents, images, observations, and data

     1000+                                         Strategy sets a framework for UQ to excel
                                                   as a national and international leader
                                                   in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                                in any format. During the early procurement
                                                                                                planning phase, UQ anticipated there would
                                                                                                be an initial take-up of 500 DRN notebooks
     new research projects                                                                      by the end of implementation, but a
                                                   research and innovation and to support
     approved                                      career progression for Aboriginal and        stronger than expected take-up has led to a
     in 2020                                       Torres Strait Islander researchers.          total of 2,012 new DRN notebooks with over
                                                                                                3,291 registered users. The completed Digital
                                                   The Strategy sets out a vision for UQ to     Research Notebooks (DRN) service has

                                                   leverage research as a tool of empowerment   been successfully integrated into RDM.
                                                   for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                   peoples, communities and organisations.      The DRN project has realised the following
     continued critical work                       This will be achieved through nurturing      benefits:
     on campus during                              a respectful and supportive University       • Replacement of traditional hard copy
                                                   environment alongside a broad and robust
     COVID-19 lockdown                                                                            laboratory notebooks with a digital
                                                   program of research and innovation.            solution that provides efficient storage
     including staff who                                                                          and retrieval of documentation and
     • Cared for live organisms                    MyResearch
                                                                                                  reduction of administrative burden.
                                                                                                • Improved collaboration with internal
     • Maintained critical                         Due to go-live in early 2021, the Ethics       and external researchers through
       physical infrastructure                     component of MyResearch will revolutionise     integration with RDM and improved
                                                   the management of ethics applications and      storage and security of research data
     • Continued COVID-19-                         approvals for human and animal research at     for all researchers.
       related research                            UQ. 2020 also saw significant progress on    • Improved research data governance
                                                   MyResearch Projects, the second stage of
     • 80 COVID-19-related                         implementation.
                                                                                                  with date stamping and real time user
                                                                                                  changes to enable version control.
       projects have begun
       in 2020
                                                                                                HDR Enhancement
                                                                                                Work done in 2019 to move the
                                                                                                management of HDR candidature from a
                                                                                                paper-based system to a modern online
                                                                                                application has continued throughout
                                                                                                2020. Stages two and three of the thesis
                                                                                                examination development has undergone
                                                                                                extensive user acceptance testing and
                                                                                                we are looking forward to deployment
        highlights for the                                                                      in late-2020. The project has established
        UQ Aboriginal and                                                                       a comprehensive library of Standard
        Torres Strait Islander                                                                  Operating Procedures covering the
        Research and                                                                            enhancements and these are available to
        Innovation Strategy                                                                     staff via SharePoint.

Research Policy Review
The Research portfolio has commenced a
review of Research policies to align with
the objectives of the UQ Governance and
Management Framework Policy [1.00.01].
Throughout 2020, 24 policies were
reviewed and updated, ensuring the UQ
research community has access to the most
current information covering the areas
of Research Administration [4.10], and
Research Conduct and Integrity [4.20].

Research Data Manager
Research Data Manager (RDM) provides
                                               Research Management Business Transformation
UQ with an integrated data management          The Research Management                  • Increased digital workflows and
system covering the entire research data       Business Transformation (RMBT)             efficiencies supporting the HDR
lifecycle. It offers seamless provisioning     Program is progressively                   experience and administration of
of easily accessible, secure, and sharable     transforming the way research              the UQ Graduate School.
data storage in real-time, and enables         support and administration               • Policies and procedures
publication of datasets into UQ eSpace.        is delivered at UQ to provide              supporting the research
RDM facilitates link publication records and   an integrated, digital research            endeavour are up to date with
datasets and provide a mechanism for the       management capability                      national codes and legislation,
storage and retrieval of archived data.        for researchers, research                  consolidated and simplified for
In 2020 RDM transitioned to business-          administrators and management.             practical application and support
as-usual under the leadership of the Pro-      The RMBT Program and projects              and embed the outcomes of
Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)      are providing enormous benefit to          RMBT projects and other related
with the establishment of the Research         the University in delivering:              University initiatives in research
Systems Team.                                  • Significantly increased quality          practice.

In 2020, 3,901 researchers used RDM for          and accuracy of data available for     It is acknowledged that while
the first time; 4,703 new records were           University planning and reporting      not everything has gone to
created; 5,531 terabytes of data was stored      at enterprise and Faculty/             plan in a year of unprecedented
in RDM; UQ researchers collaborated with         Institute/School level regarding;      challenges brought about by
more than 1,200 external collaborators           research funding, research             COVID-19, the careful planning for
through RDM; and the Library held 35             ethics, the location and curation      contingencies and adaptability
RDM training sessions.                           of research data, and research         of projects, together with strong
                                                 outputs.                               risk monitoring, governance and
                                               • Transparency and visibility for        oversight of the Program by the
                                                 researchers in managing their          Steering Committee, has ensured
                                                 projects end-to-end, including         continuity of the progress towards
                                                 the capacity to collaborate            delivery of the program of work.
                                                 more easily and share data with
                                                 internal and external colleagues.

                                                                                      RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   17
Winners of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)’s Award For Team Excellence

     Town Hall Meetings                             Staff Development                            • Co-operative Research Centre and
                                                                                                   CRC-Project Information Sessions
     This year we held Town Hall Forums in          Research and Innovation continued
                                                                                                 • Medical Research Future Fund
     July, October and December all via Zoom        to provide assistance and support to
                                                                                                   Information Sessions
     which provided a great opportunity             researchers. With 2020 being a year of
     for all staff within the portfolio to hear     tumultuous change due to COVID-19,           • National Health and Medical Research
     updates on the strategic imperatives. In       all workshops needed to pivot quickly          Council Information Sessions
     October we were lucky to hear directly         to Zoom. By the end of the year training     • Grantsmanship Training Webinars
     from vice-chancellor Professor Deborah         sessions were run across the following
                                                                                                 Research Ethics and Integrity training:
     Terry, AO and we are working on a variety      themes:
     of speakers both internal and external for                                                  • Research Integrity Online Module
     next year’s events.                            HDR Advisor, Coordinator and Examiners       • Human Research Ethics Information
                                                    training:                                      Session
                                                    • Compulsory HDR Advisor Induction           • Animal Ethics @ UQ Information
     Wellness                                       • Masterclass for HDR Advisors                 Session
     2020 saw an increased focus on                 • Chair of Examiners Training                • Human Ethics POLSIS
     promoting positive mental health
                                                    • Supporting the Welfare of HDR              • Human Ethics Information session
     initiatives across the portfolio – including
                                                      Candidates during Candidature              • Got Ethics
     rolling out a program of Mental Health
     First Aid Training offerings, RU OK? Day       • Postgraduate Coordinator Forum             • Research Integrity at UQ
     events, mandatory training compliance          • Supervising Aboriginal and Torres Strait
                                                                                                 Research Management training:
     improvements, increased Ally Network             Islander HDR candidates
     representation, fundraising for Movember                                                    • Research Performance Reporting
                                                    • Contemporary expectations in HDR
     and representation on Green Office and           Supervision                                • Essential Knowledge for Research
     new sustainability initiatives.                                                               Management
                                                    • Respectful supervisory relationships
                                                      (pilot)                                    Researcher Inductions and other Fora:
     Staff Awards                                   Grants and Research Funding training:        • Inaugural UQ Researchers Forum
     2020 Research and Innovation awards            • Australian Research Council Projects       • Academic Orientation (led by HR
     went virtual in 2020. We received 176            Information Sessions                         with R&I input)
     nominations and congratulated over 80          • Advance Queensland Information             • New Staff Expo (led by HR with
     staff across nine categories.                    Sessions                                     R&I input)

     Tom Ingraham, winner of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)’s
     Award For Excellence with Bronwyn Harch

                                                    Staff supporting Movember

Research Impact Highlights

ENVIRONMENT        CULTURE             SOCIETY                         ECONOMY
Mysterious         Navigating          Tackling                        Landmark deal for
‘quantum dots’     Indigenous native   disadvantaged                   Inflazome Ltd start-
to revolutionise   title claims        children’s education            up from UQ-Trinity
solar energy       with research       post-COVID-19                   College Dublin IP

                                                      RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   19
Research Impact
                                                                        Research Impact continues to be an
                                                                        important strategic focus for UQ. In
                                 Achieving Resilient                    2020 Research Strategy, Planning and
                                                                        Performance established the Research
                                 Environments and                       Impact community of Practice and held
                                 Livelihoods                            an inaugural Research Impact Showcase.
                                                                        The Global Change Institute’s Impact
                                                                        Nexus was also piloted.

                                                                        Research Impact
                                                                        An inaugural Research Impact Showcase
                                                                        was held in 2020 to accelerate the research
                                                                        impact conversation at UQ. The showcase
                                                                        focussed on the importance of research
                                 Building Better                        impact and keynote speakers highlighted
                                 Bioeconomies                           different ways in which research impact is
                                                                        relevant to the UQ research community.
                                                                        The showcase was attended by 217 UQ

                                                                        staff, who heard keynotes from:
                                                                        • Professor Bronwyn Harch, Deputy
                                                                          Vice-Chancellor (Research and
                                                                          Innovation) on Approaches to
                                                                          Maximise Research Impact
                                                                        • Professor Bronwyn Fredericks, Pro-Vice-
                                                                          Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
                                                                          on Indigenous-led research to impact
                                 Transforming                           • Ms Helen Morgan, Deputy Director,
                                 Societies                                Research Strategy, Planning and
                                                                          Performance, on Institutional impact
                                                                          and reporting
                                                                                                                      Research Impact
                                                                        • Professor Rachel Parker, Director of UQ’s
                                                                                                                      Community of Practice
                                                                          Global Change Institute, on the Role of     Established in 2020 and with 43
                                                                          GCI and transdisciplinary research          active members, the Research Impact
                                                                                                                      Community of Practice boasts a diverse
                                                                                                                      membership including Pro-Vice-
                                                                        Impact Tracker
                                                                                                                      Chancellors, Directors, Faculty Research
                                                                        The measurement of research engagement        Managers, and Associate Directors of
                                                                        and impact is growing in significance         Research along with representation from
                                 Leading                                globally, with a focus on tangible benefits   all areas of the Research and Innovation
                                 Healthy Lives                          to non-academic end-users and best            portfolio, all Faculties and Institutes, the
                                                                        return on research investment. As a result,   UQ Library, Global Engagement, Marketing
                                                                        research organisations need to help           and Communications and UniQuest. The
                                                                        academics embed impact at each stage of       Community of Practice held 2 meetings in
                                                                        the research process and deliver a system     2020 with the first introductory meeting
                                                                        allowing researchers to understand and        involving an analysis of research impact
                                                                        track impact along the research pathway.      at UQ and the second meeting focussed
                                                                        Impact Tracker is a unique platform for       on current and potential research impact
                                                                        researchers to plan, capture and report       training and information available to UQ
                                                                        on the impact and engagement of their         staff. The Community of Practice is also
                                                                        research. The use of Impact Tracker           accompanied by a Research Impact Teams
                                 Designing                              has increased dramatically in 2020            group, with over 300 members from
                                                                        and funding has been approved for the         across UQ.
                                                                        integration of Impact Tracker with UQ
                                 for Tomorrow                           RDM to streamline project creation and
                                                                        significantly increase user adoption.

20                        RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020
“Our value
                                                                                               to society is
Global Change Institute reinvigoration                                                         realised when
and transdisciplinary research                                                                  our researchers
In 2020, the Global Change Institute
(GCI) launched the core elements of its
                                             GCRNs will address societal challenges,
                                             harnessing UQ research excellence and
                                                                                                collaborate to
operational model under the leadership of    engaging end-users and stakeholders               solve global
its new Director, Professor Rachel Parker,   to pursue major research funding
ensuring progress towards delivering GCI’s   opportunities to deliver impact. Four              challenges”
mission to build funded transdisciplinary    GCRNs were awarded and a further 7 have
partnerships that impact on society’s        been identified as ‘pipeline GCRNs’.               Rachel Parker, Director GCI
complex and enduring challenges.
                                             The Research Impact Nexus (RIN) is a
Innovation Brokers have been appointed       further core element of GCIs operational
to negotiate research opportunities and      model. RIN will support researchers
ensure GCI has the capacity to support       and partners to unpack the research
major research initiatives that deliver      components of societal challenges
impact across UQs five research impact       through Future Forums involving Q&A
themes.                                      Panels of researchers and partners.
                                             Research co-design facilitation will
The Global Change Research Network
                                             enable researchers from a wide range
(GCRN) Program was launched and
                                             of disciplines to collaborate with their
received 27 applications from UQ Faculties
                                             external partners to design research
and Institutes. The program supports
                                             programs and research impact pathways.
researchers and partners to address
                                             GCI is now positioned to deliver on its goal
challenges which require input from
                                             of making it easier for UQ researchers and
multiple disciplines and end-users across
                                             partners to collaborate to solve societal
government, industry and the community.
                                             challenges and deliver maximum value
                                             from UQs research excellence.

                                                                                            RESEARCH AND INNOVATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2020   21
Research and Innovation Portfolio

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