RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2021 2021 - February - EBS Universität

Page created by Jim Reid

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht 2021 - 2021



  GUTMANN, T., MAISCH, B. (2021). Corporate Venturing Praktiken im Intrapreneurship und das Potenzial von Corporate
  Venture Buildern. Von der Idee zum skalierbaren Business in 7 Schritten. In Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kraus, Tanja Kreitenweis,
  Dr. Brigita Jeraj Universität der Bundeswehr München (Eds.), Sammelband „Intrapreneurship – Unternehmergeist,
  Systeme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten“. Springer Gabler Verlag.
  HOMMEL, U., CHATTOPADHYAY, A. (2021). De-Institutionalization of Management Education in the Post-Pandemic World:
  East-West Perspectives. In H. Chaturvedi, A. K. Dey (Eds.), The New Normal: Challenges of Managing Business, Social &
  Ecological Systems in the Post-COVID-19 Era (pp. 51-67). Bloomsbury.
  HOMMEL, U., VANDENBEMPT, K. (in press). Sector Disruption and the Changing Nature of Business School Accreditation.
  How De-Institutionalization of Management Education Erodes “The School” as the Object of Assessment. In M. R. Fellenz,
  S. Hoidn, M. Brady (Eds.). Routledge.
  GOEPFERT, A., GÖTZELMANN, L. (2021). Immobilienwirtschaftliche Transformation aus Sicht von Private Equity
  Investoren. In Andreas Pfnür, Martin Eberhardt, Thomas Herr (Eds.), Transformation der Immobilienwirtschaft. Springer
  Gabler Verlag.
  KREIKEBAUM, M. (2021). Service Learning an deutschen Hochschulen. Kim Deutsch, Beate Hörr, Sebastian Lerch. In
  Beltz Juventa (Ed.), Lernfeld "Bürgerschaftliches Engagement" (pp. 16). Weinheim: Beltz Verlag.
  BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M., GRÜNWALD, E., ANTONS, D. (2021). Structuring the Haystack: Studying
  Online Communities with Dictionary-Based Supervised Text Analysis and Network Visualization. In G. Symon, K.
  Pritchard, & H. Christine (Eds.), Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization (pp. 246-268). Oxford University

  DIERKES, V. (2021). Employee Engagement basiertes Internal Branding. International Marketing Trends Conference.

  VERMEHREN, P., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEIDENREICH, S. (2021). If You Ask Me – Handling Active Innovation Resistance
  Using Customer Co-Creation. International Product Development Management Conference.
  VERMEHREN, P., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., HEIDENREICH, S. (2021). I am, Therefore I Will? Predicting Customers’
  Willingness to Co-Create Using the BIG 5 Personality Factors. International Product Development Management
  Conference (IPDMC).
  GÖTMANN, A., BECHTOLDT, M., FETCHENHAUER, D. (2021). Breathing to the path of virtue - The effects of justice
  sensitivity and state mindfulness on cheating behavior in a group performance task. International Society for Justice
  HOLLERBACH, S., SARNECKI, A., BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). The wolf in sheep’s clothing – The psychological consequences
  of anonymous negative student evaluation of teaching on professors. Academy of Management (AoM) Conference -
  Annual Conference.
  PFEFFER, V. (2021). Control and Trust as Facilitators of Performance and Satisfaction in Managing Virtual Team
  Members. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  PFEFFER, V. (2021). Control and Trust as Facilitators of Performance and Satisfaction in Managing Virtual Team
  Members. EURAM 2021 Online Conference.
  NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M., BURMEISTER, K. (2021). Selective revealing strategies in white-label innovation
  ecosystems – A conjoint experiment. Strategic Management Society.
  HOLLERBACH, S., SARNECKI, A., BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). The wolf in sheep's clothing - The psychological consequences
  of negative student evaluations of teaching on professors. European Academy of Management.
  HARTMANN, J., BENOIT, S., FORKMANN, S., HENNEBERG, S. (2021). On Broken Promises: A study on how supply chain
  governance mechanisms help rebuild consumers’ broken psychological contracts. Bundesvereinigung für Logistik (BVL),
  International Scientific Symposium on Logistics.
  JAROCINSKA, E. (2021). The Distributional Effects of the Pension System Reform in Poland. Warsaw International
  Economic Meeting, 16th Annual Conference.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). An extensible model for historical financial data with an application to German company and
  stock market data. Proceedings of the ICTeSSH 2021 conference. PubPub.
  BECHTOLDT, M., GÖTMANN, A. (2021). Fälschen, Lügen und Betrügen – Unethisches Verhalten in Organisationen. 12.
  Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations-, Wirtschafts- und Ingenieurspsychologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für
  GÖTMANN, A., BECHTOLDT, M., FETCHENHAUER, D. (2021). Tief Luft holen hilft, das Richtige zu tun – Die Effekte von
  Gerechtigkeitssensitivität und Achtsamkeit auf Betrugsverhalten im Gruppenkontext. 12. Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-,
  Organisations-, Wirtschafts- und Ingenieurspsychologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie.
  GIESSLER, J. S., LANDAU, C., BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). Determining innovation attributes of emerging IT products.
  International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPM).

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  TRAN, T., NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). The role of technology during the ecosystem lifecycle. 81st Annual
  Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention. Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing.
  International Association for Research in Economic Psychology - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Rational Inattention Dynamics in Stochastic Games: Coordination and Conditioning.
  International Association for Research in Economic Psychology - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). The Assessment of Market-Clearing as a Model Selection Problem. Warsaw 16th International
  Economic Meeting.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). The R Package diseq. Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium.
  useR! The R Conference.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P., HELLER, D., NILSEN, O. A. (2021). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during Economic
  Crises. The 11th RCEA Money Macro & Finance Conference.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention: Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing.
  European Economic Association - Econometric Society European Meeting.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (2021). Dynamic Choice with Volitional Attention: Experience and Endogenous Narrow Framing.
  European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference.
  KARAPANGIOTIS, P. (in press). Small and Vulnerable? Financial Constraints during Economic Crises. Fourth ERMEES
  Macroeconomics Workshop.
  WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L. (2021). Vox Populi et Vox Regni: Investigating digital voice channels in the
  gig economy. 81st Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Digital Meeting.
  MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E. L., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (2021). Entrepreneurial support
  seeking and affordances in online communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 81st Academy of Management Annual
  Meeting, Digital Meeting.
  BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Vox Populi et Vox Regni: Investigating digital voice channels in the
  gig economy. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Digital Meeting.
  BUCHER, E. L., SCHOU, P. K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Sheriffs, patriots and steady hands – Institutional maintenance in
  online gun rights communities. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Digital Meeting.
  DILLENBERGER, K., WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Improvising the New Normal: A Processual Perspective on Improvisational
  Tuning of Organizational Solutions as Response to the Covid-19 Crisis in Higher Education. 12th International Process
  Symposium, Rhodes.
  BRUMANA, M., MINOLA, T., WALDKIRCH, M., NORDQVIST, M. (2021). When control fosters autonomy: A qualitative
  inquiry in parent-venture dyads. 16th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research.
  HAFFKI, R. (2021). Determinants of Credit Spreads in Commercial Real Estate Senior Loans of German Lenders.
  European Real Estate Society (ERES) – Annual Conference.
  LANG, E. (2021). Office Property Values: European Regions through the Real Estate Cycle. European Real Estate Society
  (ERES) – Annual Conference.
  FITSCHEN, P., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Why New Mobility Providers Fail to Attract Car Drivers: A Behavioral
  Accounting Perspective. EMAC 2021 Annual Conference.
  RIEGGER, A. -S., KLEIN, J. -F., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Technology-Enabled Personalization: The Impact of
  Device Choice on Consumer Reactance. EMAC 2021 Annual Conference.
  MERFELD, K., GROSSMANN, C., HENKEL, S. (2021). Consumer perception of Blockchain-based Peer-to-peer Mobility
  Sharing Services. Seventh International Workshop on the Sharing Economy 2021.
  SCHWARZMANN, V., KREUTZER, K., MERFELD, K. (2021). Age-diversity in volunteer teams – A qualitative study on
  intergenerational teamwork. 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021.
  MERFELD, K., GROSSMANN, C., HENKEL, S. (2021). Consumer Perception of Blockchain-Based Autonomous Mobility.
  ACIEK 2021 Annual Conference.
  TURRINI, L., KUNZ, N., BESIOU, M., VAN WASSENHOVE, L. (2021). Fleet Sizing in the Humanitarian Sector. European
  Operations Management Association (EurOMA) - Annual conference.
  NIENDORF, E., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M. -R. (2021). The Biographical Origins of Commercially Imprinted Managers’ Ability
  to Adapt to a Not-for-profit Context. ISTR virtual conference.
  KREUTZER, K., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Should I stay or should I go? The influence of direct and indirect peer control on
  volunteers’ intention to stay. 13th EIASM workshop on the challenges of managing the third sector.
  HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M. -R. (2021). With a Little Help from Another Woman: Female Networking and the
  Professional Networking Divide. Academy of Management Meeting 2021 (1), 10710.
  ALT, T., KRAUSE, F., ESCH, F. -R. (2021). As if the Product is Already Mine: Testing the Effectiveness of Product
  Presentation via Augmented Reality versus Website and Real World. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS).
  HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M. -R. (2021). Female networking and the professional networking divide. Academy of
  Management Meeting.

  NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Ecosystem orchestration: Matching new ventures and established organizations to

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  catalyze innovation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.

  SHANKAR, R. K., SCHÜCKES, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Heterogeneity in search and investment behavior among
  corporate venture capital units. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 15011.
  SCHMUECK, K., SCHÜCKES, M., MOELLERS, T., GUTMANN, T., GASSMANN, O. (2021). Aligning Platform Ecosystems
  through Distributed Ledger Technologies. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 16120.
  LANG, C., SELIG, C., GUTMANN, T., ORTT, R., BALTES, G. (2021). Guiding through the Fog: Understanding Differences in
  the Goal Setting of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs. IEEE (9570217), pp. 1-9.
  HEIN, P., KREUTZER, K., DIEHL, M. -R. (2021). With a Little Help from Another Woman: Female Networking and the
  Professional Networking Divide. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2021 (1), pp. 10710.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Vorteil Verantwortung. Lieferkettengesetz: Eine Wissenschaftlerin erläutert den Nutzen für
  Unternehmen. Vorteil Verantwortung. Lieferkettengesetz: Eine Wissenschaftlerin erläutert den Nutzen für Unternehmen.
  KREUTZER, M., KUNZE, F. (2021). Wie sich das Vertrauen am Arbeitsplatz durch mobile und hybride Arbeit verändert.
  Haufe-Lexware, Germany.

  BARTELT, N., HOMMEL, U. (2021, May). Payment Service Provider in Deutschland - Hidden Champions? Zeitschrift für
  das gesamte Kreditwesen, 74 (9), pp. 32-37.
  MLADJAN, M., MARKOVIC, D. (2021). Generational Responsibility in Consumption as a Response to Global Economic
  Crises. Sustainability, 13 (6), pp. 3329.
  NEUDERT, P., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Ecosystem orchestration – Much more than strategic alliance management. Global
  Focus, 15 (2).
  BOSSLER, L. F., ROGALSKI, T., STANULA, P., LANG, E., KOHN, O., METTERNICH, J., ... BUCHWALD, A. (2021). Pay-per-
  Stress – Belastungsorientierte Leasingmodelle im Maschinenbau. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, 13, pp. 466-475.
  MATTMÜLLER, R., MÜNZBERG, H., ELSPASS, J. (2021). Goldgräberstimmung beim E-Food. Markenartikel (04), pp. 75-77.

  MATTMÜLLER, R., MÜNZBERG, H., ELSPASS, J. (2021). Goldgräberstimmung beim E-Food II. Markenartikel, 06, pp. 60-63.

  MATTMÜLLER, R., WOLLENSCHLÄGER, J. (2021). Paarlauf fürs Wachstum. Markenartikel (06), pp. 52-54.

  CARROUX, S. L., BUSCH, T., PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Unlocking the black box of private impact investors. Qualitative
  Research in Financial Markets, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/QRFM-04-2020-0071.
  RISI, D., PAETZOLD, F., KELLERS, A. (2021). Wealthy Private Investors and Socially Responsible Investing: The Influence
  of Reference Groups. Sustainability, 13 (22), pp. 12931.
  MATTMÜLLER, R., MÜNZBERG, H., MATHEIS, J. (2021). Amazon: Folgt auf das Wachstum die Implosion? Markenartikel
  (11/2021), pp. 74-77.
  BEN KHOUD, K., HENNIG, K., SCHIERECK, D. (2021). Kapitalmarktreaktionen beim Ablauf von Lock-up-Fristen:
  Internationale Evidenz für Börsengänge von Immobiliengesellschaften. Corporate Finance (11-12), pp. 346 - 349.

  PINCE, C., TURRINI, L., MEISSNER, J. (in press). Intermittent demand forecasting for spare parts: A Critical review.
  Omega, 105.
  HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (2021). Different Shades of Green: Global Oil and Gas Companies and
  Renewable Energy. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (5), 879 - 903. doi:10.1057/s41267-020-00326-w.
  WALDKIRCH, M., BUCHER, E., SCHOU, P. K., GRÜNWALD, E. (2021). Controlled by the algorithm, coached by the crowd –
  how HRM activities take shape on digital work platforms in the gig economy. International Journal of Human Resource
  Management, 32 (12), 2643-2682.
  SCHOU, P. K., BUCHER, E., WALDKIRCH, M. (in press). Entrepreneurial Learning in Online Communities. Small Business
  JACOBS, C., KREUTZER, K., VAARA, E. (2021). Political Dynamics of Organizational Identity Breach and Reconstructions:
  Findings from the crisis in UNICEF Germany. Academy of Management Journal, 64 (3), 948-980.
  BENTAL, B., KRAGL, J. (2021). Inequality and Incentives with Societal Other-Regarding Preferences. Journal of Economic
  Behavior & Organization, 188, 1298-1324. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.05.024.
  HARTMANN, J., INKPEN, A., RAMASWAMY, K. (in press). The Oil and Gas Industry: Finding the Right Stance in the Energy
  Transition Sweepstakes. Journal of Business Strategy.
  PALERMO, A., BUCHEN, C., KRAGL, J. (2021). Specialist vs. Generalist: Efficiency in Multitasking. Economics Letters, 199,
  109699. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2020.109699.
  SAFAYNIKOO, P., DEHGHANI, M. H. (2021). Impact of international lobby groups on international environmental
  agreements. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 23, 441–466. doi:
  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Toward a More Complete Theory of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: The Role of Media
  Attention. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26 (4), 532-547. doi:10.1108/SCM-01-2020-0043.

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  HETTICH, E., KREUTZER, M. (2021). Strategy formation across organisational boundaries: An interorganisational process
  model. British Journal of Management, 32, 147-199.
  WALTER, J., KREUTZER, M., KREUTZER, K. (2021). Setting the Tone for the Team: A Multi-Level Analysis of Managerial
  Control, Peer Control, and their Consequences for Job Satisfaction and Team Performance. Journal of Management
  Studies, 58, 849-878. doi:doi:10.1111/joms.12622.
  WALDKIRCH, M., KAMMERLANDER, N., WIEDELER, C. (2021). Configurations for corporate venture innovation:
  investigating the role of the dominant coalition. Journal of Business Venturing, 36 (5), 106137.
  GÖTMANN, A., BECHTOLDT, M. (in press). Coping with COVID-19 – Longitudinal analysis of coping strategies and the role
  of trait mindfulness in mental well-being. Personality and Individual Differences.
  FELS, G., KRONBERGER, M., GUTMANN, T. (2021). Revealing the underlying drivers of CVC performance - a literature
  review and research agenda. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurship Finance, 23 (1), 67-109.
  SCHLECHT, L., SCHNEIDER, S., BUCHWALD, A. (2021). The prospective value creation potential of Blockchain in business
  models: A delphi study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120601.
  RÜLKE, J. -C., JUNG, J. -K., FRENKEL, M. (in press). Testing for the Rationality of Central Bank Interest Rate Forecasts.
  Empirical Economics.
  GÖTMANN, A., BECHTOLDT, M., FETCHENHAUER, D. (in press). Breathing to the path of virtue - The effects of justice
  sensitivity and state mindfulness on cheating behavior in a group performance task. Personality and Individual
  HARTMANN, J., EGGERT, J. (2021). Purchasing’s Contribution to Supply Chain Emission Reduction. Journal of Purchasing
  and Supply Management, 27 (2), 100685. doi:10.1016/j.pursup.2021.100685.
  BARTELT, N., HOMMEL, U. (2021). Did Wirecard ever matter? Reflections on the structure of the German e-commerce
  payment service provider market. Journal of Payment Strategy & Systems, 15 (1), 67-78.
  FOERSTL, K., KÄHKÖNEN, A. -K., BLOME, C., GOELLNER, M. (2021). Supply market orientation: A dynamic capability of
  the purchasing and supply management function. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 26 (1), 65-83.
  FRANKE, H., FOERSTL, K., HEESE, S. (2021). How rational are cross-functional sourcing teams? The interaction effect of
  goal (mis)alignment and knowledge distribution on team politics and procedural rationality. Decision Science Journal, 52
  MEURER, M. M., WALDKIRCH, M., SCHOU, P. K., BUCHERER, E., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K. (in press). Digital Affordances: How
  Entrepreneurs seek Support in Online Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Small business Economics: An
  Entrepreneurship Journal.
  GÖTMANN, A., BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). Coping with COVID-19–Longitudinal analysis of coping strategies and the role of
  trait mindfulness in mental well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 175, 1-10.
  KIRCHHAIN, H., MUTL, J., ZIETZ, J. (2021). Spillover effects of company news across real estate markets and causal
  impact analysis. Journal of Housing Economics, 101785. doi:10.1016/j.jhe.2021.101785.
  DATO, S., GRUNEWALD, A., KRÄKEL, M. (2021). Worker visibility and firms' retention policies. Journal of Economics and
  Management Strategy, 30 (1), 168-202. doi:10.1111/jems.12404.
  RIEGGER, A. -S., KLEIN, J., MERFELD, K., HENKEL, S. (2021). Technology-enabled personalisation in retail stores:
  Understanding drivers and barriers. Journal of Business Research, 123, 140-155. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.09.039.
  QUERBACH, S., KAMMERLANDER, N., SINGH, J., WALDKIRCH, M. (in press). Pragmatic learning in family SMEs: A
  qualitative study of functional overload among family SME owner-managers. Journal of Knowledge Management.
  HEIDENREICH, S., FREISINGER, E., LANDAU, C. (in press). Business Model Innovation through the Lens of Time: An
  Empirical Study of Performance Implications across Venture Life Cycles. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research.
  FÖRSTL, K., FRANKE, H., ECKERD, S. (in press). Rising to the Top: Motivational Forces Influencing Status Conflict in
  Sourcing Teams. Production and Operations Management.
  FÖRSTL, K., FRANKE, H., ALDEMIR-CATALDO-HERNANDEZ, Z. (2021). Behavioural Drivers of Insourcing Decision Making:
  Evidence from a Vignette-based Experiment. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
  KIM, S., FÖRSTL, K., SCHMIDT, C., WAGNER, S. (in press). Adoption of Green Supply Chain Management Practices in
  Multi-Tier Supply Chains: Examining the Differences between Higher and Lower Tier Firms. International Journal of
  Production Research (IJPR).
  GATTIKER, T., HARTMANN, J., PAGELL, M., WYNSTRA, F., CANTOR, D., YAN, T., TATE, W. (2021). Editorial: Testing the
  Shoulders of Giants - Replication Research using Registered Reports. Journal of Supply Chain Management (formerly:
  International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management).
  SCHLÜTER, A., WALDKIRCH, M., BURMEISTER-LAMP, K., AUERNHAMMER, J. (2021). No Second Chance for a First
  Impression: The Role of Aesthetics in Early Access Video Games. International Journal of Innovation Management.
  PUNDZIENE, A., GUTMANN, T., SCHLICHTNER, M., TEECE, D. (in press). Value Impedance and Dynamic Capabilities: The
  Case of MedTech Incumbent-born Digital Healthcare Platform. California Management Review.
  LANG, E. (in press). The Nexus between Stock Markets and Commercial Real Estate Markets - Evidence from Europe.
  Real Estate Finance.
  FALKENSTEIN, M., HOMMEL, U., SNELSON-POWELL, A. (2021). COVID-19: accelerator or demolisher of the RME agenda?
  Journal of Global Responsibility, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/JGR-12-2020-0109.

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  HOMMEL, U., BARTELT, N. (2021). The Evolving Role of the Collecting Model in the Payment Service Provider Market.
  Journal of Payment Strategy & Systems, 15 (3), 250-259.
  HANDRICH, M., HEIDENREICH, S., MUNCK, J. C. (2021). Do opposites attract in New Product Development? Investigating
  the role of innovation-management control cooperation across the NPD process. International Journal of Innovation
  Management, 25 (08). doi:10.1142/S136391962150081X.
  PETHIG, F., KRÖNUNG, J. (in press). Biased Humans, (Un)biased Algorithms? Journal of Business Ethics.

  KREMER, P., BRZYSKI, D., BOGDAN, M., PATERLINI, S. (2021). Sparse index clones via the sorted l 1-Norm. Quantitative
  Finance, 1-18. doi:10.1080/14697688.2021.1962539.

  BOEHM, M., HOMMEL, U., STEVENIN, B. (2021). Faculty as a Strategic Resource: What Business Schools Can Learn from
  Team Sports. Global Focus, Brussels, Belgium.
  HOMMEL, U., KJELLANDER, B., THOUARY, C. (2021). Ambidexterity Strengthens Quality Management during COVID-19.
  Global Focus, Brussels, Belgium.
  BOEHM, M., HOMMEL, U., STEVENIN, B. (2021). Future-Proofing the Business School. AACSB, Tampa, FL, United States of
  GUTMANN, T., FELS, G., DITSCHE, J., ENGELS, F., KLEIPASS, U. (2021). Corporate Venture Capital. Securing Growth in
  challenging times. Roland Berger GmbH.
  BAX, K., SAHIN, Ö., CZADO, C., PATERLINI, S. (2021). ESG, Risk, and (Tail) Dependence. SSRN Electronic Journal.

  SAHIN, Ö., BAX, K., PATERLINI, S., CZADO, C. (2021). ESGM: ESG scores and the Missing pillar. SSRN Electronic Journal.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Rendite muss neu definiert werden. Immobilienwirtschaft, Germany.

  KREUTZER, K. (2021). Arbeiten und dabei Gutes tun. Berliner Morgenpost.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Soziale Wirkung als Geschäftsmodell. Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Falko Paetzold zeigt Reichen, wie sie umweltfreundlich investieren. Bremen Zwei .

  TUNDER, R. (2021). e-commerce – Wie das Geschäft funktioniert und wo Gefahren lauern. HR – maintower.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Ist bald Schluss mit immer teureren Immobilien?

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Der schwere Weg zu sauberen Lieferketten. WDR 5 Profit.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Ausbeutung eingepreist. WDR 5 Dok 5 – das Feature.

  WALDKIRCH, M. (2021). Weiterbildung auf dem Cyber-Campus. Handelsblatt.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Neues Lieferkettengesetz zieht Kritik nach sich. n-tv Telebörse.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Expert Opinion on Supply Chain Disruption and Resilience. ZDFheute live.

  KREUTZER, K. (2021). Social Business – Schöne neue Wirtschaftswelt? ZDF online.

  KREUTZER, K. (2021). Social Business: Prof. Karin Kreutzer im Interview. ZDF – Volle Kanne.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Megatrends schaffen neue Professionen. Immobilienwirtschaft.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Das Märchen von den grünen Banken. NZZ am Sonntag.

  BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). Der überschätzte EQ. WirtschaftsWoche.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Superreiche: Wie Milliardärserben die Welt verbessern wollen. Manager Magazin.

  BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). Als der Sommer seine Unschuld verlor. ZEIT Online.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Lieferkettengesetz: Eine Wissenschaftlerin erläutert den Nutzen für. F.A.Z. Verantwortung.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Deutsche Immobilienbranche läuft mit Gewichten an den Beinen in die Zukunft. Handelsblatt
  FÖRSTL, K. (2021). Online das Wissen auffrischen. Die WELT.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Real I.S. Innovation Award 2021 – innovative Immobilienwirtschaft. Deal Magazin.

  HOMMEL, U. (2021). Wie das Geld in den Shop kommt. Internet World Business.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Experten diskutieren über die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. Deal Magazin.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Hybrides Arbeiten: Fast 300 Teilnehmer beim Panel der Office Group. Deal Magazin.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Grün ist die neue Maßeinheit. Immobilien Wirtschaft.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Interview mit Prof. Kerstin Hennig: "Rendite muss neu definiert werden". Immobilien Wirtschaft.
  HARTMANN, J. (2021). AGCO justiert Beschaffungsstrategie nach. Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Derzeit nicht lieferbar - Wem schadet der Warenmangel? SWR2 Forum.

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EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht 2021 - 2021

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Neues Lieferkettengesetz "So ein Gesetz kommt zeitlich nie gelegen". Harvard Business Manager.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Auflösung der Lieferengpässe "nicht von heute auf morgen". WDR 5 Mittagsecho.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Wissenschaftlerin mit Zukunftsblick. Logistik heute.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Lieferkettenprobleme: Immer mehr Endverbraucher betroffen. MDR um 11.

  HENNIG, K. (2021). Büroplaner machen Arbeitsplätze zu Orten der Begegnung. Immobilien Zeitung.

  BECHTOLDT, M. (2021). Streben nach Macht ohne Moral. Rheinische Post.

  HENKEL, S. (2021). "Erfolg durch Relationing". Wiesbadener Kurier.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Mit Geld die Welt retten. Der tagesspiegel.

  PAETZOLD, F. (2021). Swiss raise pressure on "Greenwashers". Finews.

  HARTMANN, J. (2021). Zukunft der Arbeit - Standort Deutschland. 3sat makro.

  KREUTZER, K. (2021). Arbeiten und Gutes tun. Thüringer Allgemeine.

  KREUTZER, M., NEUDERT, P. (2021). Enemies with Benefits: Daimler and BMW's Mobility Ecosystem 'YOUR NOW'.
  Thunderbird Case Series.

  KARAPANGIOTIS, P., RANFT, L. M., BRASWELL, J., KONIG, W. (2021). Updated Technical Document on the Preliminary
  Data Model. Retrieved from

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EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht 2021 - 2021

ALDEMIR-CATALDO-             5    GOELLNER M.                                           5
HERNANDEZ Z.                      GOEPFERT A.                                           2
ALT T.                       3
                                  GÖTMANN A.                                         2, 5
ANTONS D.                    2
                                  GÖTZELMANN L.                                         2
AUERNHAMMER J.               5
                                  GROSSMANN C.                                          3
BALTES G.                    4
                                  GRUNEWALD A.                                          5
BARTELT N.             4, 5, 6
                                  GRÜNWALD E.                                        2, 4
BAX K.                       6
                                  GUTMANN T.                                    2, 4, 5, 6
BECHTOLDT M.         2, 5, 6, 7
                                  HAFFKI R.                                             3
BEN KHOUD K.                 4
                                  HANDRICH M.                                           6
BENOIT S.                    2
                                  HARTMANN J.                                2, 4, 5, 6, 7
BENTAL B.                    4
                                  HEESE S.                                              5
BESIOU M.                    3
                                  HEIDENREICH S.                                  2, 5, 6
BLOME C.                     5
                                  HEIN P.                                            3, 4
BOEHM M.                     6
                                  HELLER D.                                             3
BOGDAN M.                    6
                                  HENKEL S.                                       3, 5, 7
BOSSLER L.F.                 4
                                  HENNEBERG S.                                          2
BRASWELL J.                  7
                                  HENNIG K.                                       4, 6, 7
BRUMANA M.                   3
                                  HETTICH E.                                            5
BRZYSKI D.                   6
                                  HOLLERBACH S.                                         2
BUCHEN C.                    4
                                  HOMMEL U.                                     2, 4, 5, 6
BUCHER E.                    4
                                  INKPEN A.                                             4
BUCHER E.L.               2, 3
                                  JACOBS C.                                             4
BUCHERER E.                  5
                                  JAROCINSKA E.                                         2
BUCHWALD A.               4, 5
                                  JUNG J.-K.                                            5
BURMEISTER K.                2
                                  KÄHKÖNEN A.-K.                                        5
BURMEISTER-LAMP K.     2, 3, 5
                                  KAMMERLANDER N.                                       5
BUSCH T.                     4
                                  KARAPANGIOTIS P.                                2, 3, 7
CANTOR D.                    5
                                  KELLERS A.                                            4
CARROUX S.L.                 4
                                  KIM S.                                                5
CHATTOPADHYAY A.             2
                                  KIRCHHAIN H.                                          5
CZADO C.                     6
                                  KJELLANDER B.                                         6
DATO S.                      5
                                  KLEIN J.                                              5
DEHGHANI M.H.                4
                                  KLEIN J.-F.                                           3
DIEHL M.-R.               3, 4
                                  KLEIPASS U.                                           6
DIERKES V.                   2
                                  KOHN O.                                               4
DILLENBERGER K.              3
                                  KONIG W.                                              7
DITSCHE J.                   6
                                  KRAGL J.                                              4
ECKERD S.                    5
                                  KRÄKEL M.                                             5
EGGERT J.                    5
                                  KRAUSE F.                                             3
ELSPASS J.                   4
                                  KREIKEBAUM M.                                         2
ENGELS F.                    6
                                  KREMER P.                                             6
ESCH F.-R.                   3
                                  KREUTZER K.                                3, 4, 5, 6, 7
FALKENSTEIN M.               5
                                  KREUTZER M.                                2, 3, 4, 5, 7
FELS G.                   5, 6
                                  KRONBERGER M.                                         5
FETCHENHAUER D.           2, 5
                                  KRÖNUNG J.                                         4, 6
FITSCHEN P.                  3
                                  KUNZE F.                                              4
FOERSTL K.                   5
                                  KUNZ N.                                               3
FORKMANN S.                  2
                                  LANDAU C.                                          2, 5
FÖRSTL K.                 5, 6
                                  LANG C.                                               4
FRANKE H.                    5
                                  LANG E.                                         3, 4, 5
FREISINGER E.                5
                                  MAISCH B.                                             2
FRENKEL M.                   5
                                  MARKOVIC D.                                           4
GASSMANN O.                  4
                                  MATHEIS J.                                            4
GATTIKER T.                  5
                                  MATTMÜLLER R.                                         4
GIESSLER J.S.                2

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MEISSNER J.                 4    WALDKIRCH M.        2, 3, 4, 5, 6
MERFELD K.               3, 5    WALTER J.                      5
METTERNICH J.               4    WEIGOLD M.                     4
MEURER M.M.              3, 5    WIEDELER C.                    5
MINOLA T.                   3    WOLLENSCHLÄGER J.              4
MLADJAN M.                  4    WYNSTRA F.                     5
MOELLERS T.                 4    YAN T.                         5
MUNCK J.C.                  6    ZIETZ J.                       5
MÜNZBERG H.                 4
MUTL J.                     5
NEUDERT P.          2, 3, 4, 7
NIENDORF E.                 3
NILSEN O.A.                 3
NORDQVIST M.                3
ORTT R.                     4
PAETZOLD F.           4, 6, 7
PAGELL M.                   5
PALERMO A.                  4
PATERLINI S.                6
PETHIG F.                   6
PFEFFER V.                  2
PINCE C.                    4
PUNDZIENE A.                5
QUERBACH S.                 5
RAMASWAMY K.                4
RANFT L.M.                  7
RIEGGER A.-S.            3, 5
RISI D.                     4
ROGALSKI T.                 4
RÜLKE J.-C.                 5
SAFAYNIKOO P.               4
SAHIN Ö.                    6
SARNECKI A.                 2
SCHIERECK D.                4
SCHLECHT L.                 5
SCHLICHTNER M.              5
SCHLÜTER A.                 5
SCHMIDT C.                  5
SCHMUECK K.                 4
SCHNEIDER S.                5
SCHOU P.K.          2, 3, 4, 5
SCHÜCKES M.                 4
SCHWARZMANN V.              3
SELIG C.                    4
SHANKAR R.K.                4
SINGH J.                    5
SNELSON-POWELL A.           5
STANULA P.                  4
STEVENIN B.                 6
TATE W.                     5
TEECE D.                    5
THOUARY C.                  6
TRAN T.                     3
TUNDER R.                   6
TURRINI L.               3, 4
VAARA E.                    4
VANDENBEMPT K.              2
VAN WASSENHOVE L.           3
VERMEHREN P.                2
WAGNER S.                   5

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