RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE FALL 2020 - University of West Georgia

Page created by Martin French
RETURN TO CAMPUS GUIDE FALL 2020 - University of West Georgia
       FALL 2020
The University of West Georgia’s (UWG) Return to Campus Plan involves a comprehensive plan for bringing
employees and students back to campus, whether physically or fully online, for the Fall 2020 term. UWG has
utilized seven working groups to examine a myriad of issues identified by the University System of Georgia
(USG) in the Fall 2020 Return to Campus Framework to craft the plan outlined below. In all aspects of this
plan, UWG will be guided by the state of Georgia, University System of Georgia (USG), Georgia Department of
Public Health (GDPH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other appropriate governmental
or professional organizations in order to ensure our response, plans, and actions all fall in line with legal and
medical directions and follow best practices across our many service areas.

UWG’s Return to Campus Plan outlines our approach for employees and students returning to campus in one
of the following three scenarios: starting the term with on- site classes (Scenario #1), starting the term with fully
online classes (Scenario #2), and transitioning from on-site to fully online classes at some point within the fall
term (Scenario #3). While UWG’s plan addresses all three scenarios, our primary plan is focused on Scenario
#1 – student’s physical return for on-site classes for the Fall 2020 term. UWG outlines in each section how our
primary plan will deviate if we have to execute actions for Scenarios #2 or #3.

UWG’s Return to Campus Plan is intended to be a living document that is updated as more information and
guidance is provided by UWG’s governing resources.

Additionally, more detailed plans are being developed by divisions, units, colleges, and departments within the
university to support and broaden the impact of this overall plan.

UWG’s intent with this plan is to document approaches and actions that will create an environment that is the
most conducive to safe and effective interactions within the day-to-day operations and academics associated
with the University of West Georgia. UWG recognizes that all members of the UWG community must take
responsibility for their own actions and how those actions impact not only the UWG community, but the greater
community as a whole. UWG intends to apply the guidelines and standards laid out in this plan in a consistent
manner to the benefit of the whole UWG community; however, due to many limitations in executing such an
extensive plan across so many individuals, the effectiveness of this plan will be dependent upon the resolve of
our leadership, employees, and students to put these guidelines and standards into practice.

While achieving 100 percent participation and adherence to this plan is the goal, it is also unlikely. Therefore,
UWG will pay special attention to addressing members of our community that are at the greatest risk for adverse
impacts if they contract the COVID- 19 virus.

    UWG’s efforts to implement this plan are highly dependent upon the guidelines, standards, and procedures
    outlined by many government agencies, governing bodies, and other standards-based organizations. Listed
    below are entities UWG will look to for guidance and best practices to implement the plan. On some occasions,
    these organizations’ guidelines or standards may be in conflict with one another. In the case of conflicting
    information, UWG will abide by our primary governing agencies’ guidelines and directives first, secondary
    governing organizations guidelines and directives second, and all other guidelines afterwards.

    University System of Georgia (USG) –
    Office of the Governor of Georgia –
    Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) –
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) –
    Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA) –

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) –
    American College Health Association –

    National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) –
    NATA (National Athletic Trainers Association) –

    For the remainder of this document, we will use the phrase “guidelines from governing and guiding agencies” to
    represent our holistic approach for meeting the collective guidelines and standards for our COVID-19 response.

    UWG will address the three scenarios identified by the USG regarding UWG’s approach to returning students
    to campus for the 2020 fall term. These scenarios include the following:

    •   Normal Opening with Social Distancing Expectations (Scenario #1) (Planned)
    •   Fully Online Opening (Scenario #2)
    •   Transition to Fully Online Instruction (Scenario #3)

    The University of West Georgia, based on guidance from the USG now and in the future, plans to open its
    campus for all employees and students for the Fall 2020 term. The information listed in UWG’s Return to Work
    Plan describes UWG’s method for bringing employees back to campus in a safe and responsible manner. This
    plan does not intend to repeat information contained in the UWG Return to Work Plan and will make reference
    to that plan where appropriate in order to keep continuity and minimize the complexity of this plan.

    The intent of this plan is to account for the full opening of campus to include students’ presence, residence,
    attendance, and participation in academic instruction, athletic events, campus events, use of student services,
    and any and all other normal campus activities and events that preceded the university’s March 2020 response
    to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    UWG’s ability to return to pre-pandemic operations will be in accordance with direction from our governing
    and guiding agencies. UWG will open the campus for students to return at a date that is coordinated with and
    approved by the USG. Additionally, the method by which students return, in person or fully online, will likewise
    be guided and determined by the USG.
The following sections represent items that are addressed comprehensively across the plan to reopen UWG’s
campus. Rather than referencing these items within each workgroup area, they are addressed here and are
applied across all working group plans.

UWG will use guidelines from governing and guiding agencies to aid individuals in determining if they fall into a
high-risk category associated with COVID-19 infection. Individuals who meet the requirements of this category
will be able to self-identify and work with their supervisor, UWG Human Resources, or UWG Accessibility Services
to identify appropriate accommodations for their role and activities at UWG. While UWG will seek to create
alternative accommodations for all activities for individuals in the high-risk category, those accommodations
may be limited based on the availability of resources or services.

Employees who care for or live with individuals at higher risk for severe illness with COVID-19 should plan to
return to campus as scheduled and work with their direct supervisor to ensure that their work environment allows
for social distancing and the ability to practice the behaviors known to reduce the spread of the COVID-19.
Employees may utilize appropriate leave options as necessary. Employees should contact the campus human
resource office to identify appropriate leave options.

For the remainder of this document, designation as a high-risk employee or student will be referenced as a
member of the “high-risk population” or as a “high-risk individual.”

Employees will be responsible for submitting a daily self-health report. This daily reporting will be used to
guide employees on next steps that need to be taken if they are exhibiting symptoms or have been exposed
to others who have tested positive for COVID-19. The daily self-health reporting will be conducted through our
eTracks application and will comply with all health information security requirements. Employees may opt out of
reporting their daily health status through the eTracks application. Employees who have opted out of the daily
health status monitoring are expected to monitor their individual health status and report a positive COVID-19
test to Human Resources at or 678-839-6111.

    UWG will deploy public health controls in a tiered approach to slow the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace.
    These control measures are based on guidelines from governing and guiding agencies. The strategies are
    predicated upon availability of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE); environmental measures such
    as enhanced cleaning and disinfection, social distancing, testing, and contact tracing; and the readiness of the
    campus and local healthcare systems and the campus infrastructure. Controls will be designed, implemented,
    and monitored to prevent or mitigate negative strategic, operational, financial, reputational, health, and safety
    impacts on the institution.
    UWG’s Workplace Mitigation Strategies are based on a collaborative partnership approach to risk management,
    invoking the responsibilities of individual employees, department leaders, and institutional support structures
    to sustain a safe and healthy workplace. Meticulous adherence to public health practices – including hand
    hygiene, social distancing, proper cough/sneeze etiquette, frequent disinfection of common and high traffic
    areas, symptom assessment, temperature checks, and face covering in public – is the campus’s new normal.
    This will be widely communicated to students, employees, and all campus visitors.
    In UWG’s tiered approach, mitigation of workplace exposure for a given workgroup relies on employing each
    of the five tiers in progression, with each tier building upon the previous tier. Successful deployment of this
    approach will require each employee, department, and support organization to clearly understand their role and
    the information and resources that are available.

    Safe work practices are types of administrative controls that include procedures for safe and proper work used to reduce
    the duration, frequency, or intensity of exposure to a hazard. Most safe work practices are the individual’s responsibility in
    order to reduce exposure to oneself and others.

    Administrative controls require action by the worker or employer. Typically, administrative controls are changes in work
    policy or procedures to reduce or minimize exposure to a hazard.

    Engineering controls involve isolating employees from work-related exposure. In workplaces where they are appropriate,
    they reduce exposure to hazards without relying on worker behavior alone.

    While engineering and administrative controls are considered more effective in minimizing exposure to SARS-CoV-2, PPE
    may also be needed to prevent certain exposures. While correctly using PPE can help prevent some exposures, it should
    not take the place of other prevention strategies.

    Sanitation and cleaning are services routinely performed by Custodial Services staff or other departmental staff on a
    scheduled basis and which adhere to predetermined cleaning and quality standards. These duties do not substitute for
    safe work practices by individual employees in maintaining good hygiene in their immediate and shared workplaces.

    A communication plan has been developed for each working group area and is appended to the end of each
    working group’s section. The communication plans shown in this document only show the content topic,
    audience, and timeline associated with each designated communication. Additionally, the communication
    plan items are specifically targeting our Scenario #1 response. A supplemental, more detailed communication
    document that outlines our full communication plan for all three scenarios will be submitted with this plan.

UWG identified seven working groups to address its comprehensive plan for reopening campus. Each section
below represents UWG’s high-level approach to reopening campus for the specific working group area. Within
each section, UWG’s plan for physically returning students to campus is provided in the primary text of the
section. Each section and subsection of the working group area also includes a table that outlines how our
primary plan will deviate in case UWG has to enact Scenarios #2 or #3.

An Academic and Research Working Group – led by leadership in UWG’s Academic Affairs division, in
coordination and consultation with academic deans and departments – has reviewed UWG’s current academic
operations in its fully online environment and examined issues, needs, and concerns related to UWG returning
to on-campus instruction for the Fall 2020 term. Based on this review and feedback from academic units, UWG
will execute the following plans to support the return of student on-campus instruction for the Fall 2020 term.
For the Academic and Research response plan, the term “faculty” will be used to represent any individual
responsible for instruction for a course regardless of tenure or rank.

All faculty will be expected to follow protocols and procedures identified in the Return to Work Plan’s three
phases, including completing mandatory training, adhering to hygiene, workplace, meeting, and travel guidelines,
completing daily self-health reporting (see the “Employee Self-Health Reporting” section under “UWG Campus
Opening Plan”), and using any required PPE equipment based on role and interaction with other individuals.
Faculty will be expected to carry out their course duties as assigned. Courses will be taught in the delivery
mode as defined in the Fall 2020 course bulletin. Any faculty member who meets the qualifications of a high-
risk individual may work with their department chair to determine if course delivery modes may be modified.

     SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                                SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                         TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   Deans and Department Chairs are working                  •   Deans and Department Chairs are working
     with faculty now to ensure each course                       with faculty now to ensure each course
     is prepared to make the change to online                     is prepared to make the change to online
     instruction should it be needed. Faculty will                instruction should it be needed. Faculty
     be supported by the Center for Teaching and                  will be supported by the Center for
     Learning to ensure effective, positive learning              Teaching and Learning to ensure effective,
     experiences for students.                                    positive learning experiences for students.
 •   Instructors will continue to fulfill their teaching      •   Instructors will continue to fulfill their
     responsibilities utilizing online tools and                  teaching responsibilities utilizing online
     methods.                                                     tools and methods.

UWG’s implementation of on-site classroom instruction will follow guidelines from governing and guiding
agencies. Based on this feedback, UWG will assess each instructional space for maximum occupancy based
on current social distancing guidelines. A review of all currently planned in-class and hybrid delivery courses will
be used to determine what changes in classroom location or class delivery methods are needed.

Academic deans, in coordination with the Office of the Provost, will identify which courses might be converted
    to hybrid delivery and evaluate the impact on room scheduling. Faculty who may have their course converted
    to hybrid will be notified as soon as possible.

    All classrooms will be evaluated for access to instructional technology that would support hybrid or remote
    learning. Based on need and whenever possible, technology will be added to classroom space, or as an
    alternative, non-technology classes will be moved into spaces that do not have hybrid or remote classroom
    technology available in order to promote social distancing.

    Classes with a lab or clinical component that makes shifting the delivery model difficult will be identified. Every
    effort will be made to keep these experiences intact, but if not possible, the individual programs will work
    with licensure boards and accrediting agencies to develop acceptable alternatives, such as additional time in

    Faculty will be expected to continue to offer appropriate office hours – both in-person (if social distancing can
    be maintained) and virtually – for student access. In office environments that do not support appropriate social
    distancing guidelines, alternative methods may be utilized to execute this service. Departments will use the
    Workplace and Health Safety Mitigation Strategies listed earlier in this plan to guide any alternative methods for
    faculty office hours.

         SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                               SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                            TO FULLY ONLINE
     •   Deans and Department Chairs are working with            •   Faculty and staff have already planned for
         faculty now to ensure each course is prepared to            and completed a transition online mid-
         make the change to online instruction should it be          semester. This plan will be communicated
         needed. Faculty will be supported by the Center             in the course syllabus along with all student
         for Teaching and Learning to ensure effective,              accommodations that will be afforded to
         positive learning experiences for students.                 students. Deans and department chairs are
     •   UWG Online courses already have methods for                 working with faculty now to ensure they are
         addressing access and flexibility for student/              prepared to make this change should it be
         faculty interactions. UWG will utilize peer                 needed. Faculty will hold virtual office hours
         mentoring and support from Deans, Department                with students.
         Chairs, and the Center for Teaching and Learning        •   UWG Online courses already have methods
         to extend this model to current in-class/hybrid             for addressing access and flexibility for
         courses.                                                    student/faculty interactions. UWG will utilize
     •   Deans and Department Chairs will examine                    peer mentoring and support from Deans,
         whether there are alternative sites/experiences that        Department Chairs, and the Center for
         fulfill the requirements associated with programs           Teaching and Learning to extend this model to
         that require significant clinical, lab, or practicum        current in-class/hybrid courses.
         experiences and will work with licensure boards         •   Deans and Department Chairs will examine
         and accrediting agencies to develop acceptable              whether there are alternative sites/experiences
         alternatives, such as additional time in simulation.        that fulfill the requirements and will work with
     •   Additionally, UWG will develop plans to                     licensure boards and accrediting agencies
         accommodate students who are required to                    to develop acceptable alternatives, such as
         continue to participate in clinical/simulation and          additional time in simulation. Should transition
         alternative clinical rotations.                             in the middle of the semester arise, UWG
                                                                     will develop plans to accommodate students
                                                                     who are required to continue to participate
                                                                     in clinical/simulation and alternative clinical

UWG has proactively implemented many initiatives associated with Momentum Year and Momentum Approach.
These initiatives are being delivered in a manner that will not be significantly impacted by implementing
social distancing practices. At this time, there are no specific initiatives that need to be adjusted or alternate
arrangements or additional technology that would need to be implemented. For specific details related to
advising and instructional support, please see Academic Advising and Instructional Support in the Enrollment
Management working group area.

     SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                              SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                       TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   First- and Second-Year Academic                         •   First- and Second Year-Academic
     Programs (First-Year Seminar and Learning                   Programs (First-Year Seminar and Learning
     Communities) will follow academic                           Communities) will follow academic
     instructional support guidelines. First-Year                instructional support guidelines. First-Year
     Seminars will have online components /                      Seminars will have online components /
     modules designed in CourseDen that will                     modules designed in CourseDen that will
     allow students to engage in Academic                        allow students to engage in Academic
     Mindset and Career Exploration as well as                   Mindset and Career Exploration as well
     learn about other academic support services.                as learn about other academic support

UWG will continue to implement planned co-curricular activities for courses that include this component.
Examples of this include bands, choral groups, theatrical performances, etc. All co-curricular student
expectations will follow guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.

     SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                              SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                       TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   Co-curricular activities that can be                    •   Co-curricular activities that can be
     transitioned to virtual or online methods will              transitioned to virtual or online methods will
     do so.                                                      do so.
 •   For activities that cannot be transitioned to           •   For activities that cannot be transitioned to
     virtual or online methods, students will be                 virtual or online methods, students will be
     given alternative learning opportunities.                   given alternative learning opportunities.

     UWG has developed a mature online instructional delivery environment over the past two decades. UWG has
     implemented the Center for Teaching and Learning to support faculty in delivering academic instruction through
     online methods.
     UWG will continue to utilize the resources developed through the Center for Teaching and Learning to assist
     faculty with skills and tools to support delivering instruction in a hybrid/online environment. At this time, UWG
     does not anticipate the need for faculty development opportunities outside of what the institution is able to
     The Center for Teaching and Learning will continue to connect faculty new to online teaching to peer mentors.
     The Center for Teaching and Learning will be holding three forms of development activities across the summer:

     •   Two-three workshops per week, focusing primarily on best practices in the LMS;
     •   Three four-week “crash course” cohorts, with staggered start dates, each built around best practices for
         online instruction; and
     •   An online version of our annual teaching and learning conference, which will largely include sessions on
         good/better/best methods and practices for online and remote instruction, along with diversity, inclusion,
         and high- impact practices.

     Additionally, in preparation for the Fall 2020 term, UWG will provide faculty development modules to aid in the
     following areas:

     •   Maintaining the integrity of exams
     •   Providing best practices for teaching online
     •   Maximizing CourseDen (Brightspace/D2L) features
     •   Integrating multimedia into online teaching
     •   Applying lessons learned from Spring 2020’s move to online courses.

     Departments will be encouraged to create a depository of their online resources (e.g., lectures and activities,
     assuming no copyright claims) to share with colleagues in their department.

     UWG’s rapid response to the COVID-19 event precipitated the need to rapidly support faculty who were
     transitioning to online learning for the first time. Due to UWG’s already expansive online offerings, the Provost’s
     Office and the Center for Teaching and Learning reached out to all faculty, asking for experienced online faculty
     to volunteer as mentors in key areas, along with asking faculty with little to no online teaching experience to
     identify areas of need. Both sets of faculty were invited to respond via a Qualtrics survey. We had a 5:1 ratio of
     peer mentors to mentees. Given the abundance of volunteers, the Center for Teaching and Learning then lined
     up specialties with needs, connecting two mentors to each mentee.

     UWG would welcome faculty from other USG institutions to participate in professional development opportunities
     if capacity is available. UWG currently has a limited capacity for non-UWG faculty to participate in synchronous
     workshops remotely (in Collaborate Ultra). The Center for Teaching and Learning would not be able to offer
     individual support to participating non-UWG faculty beyond the workshops because our team is at or near
     capacity for assistance currently and because each campus has a different instance of D2L with variations in
     tools and platform setup.
     While UWG has a wealth of mentors to assist its faculty with moving to online learning, the decision for mentoring
     non-UWG faculty would be up to each peer mentor, depending on individual commitments and capacities. UWG
     administration will need to assess if there is capacity to support mentoring faculty at other USG institutions.

SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                               SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                        TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   Deans and Department Chairs are working                •   Deans and Department Chairs are working
     with faculty now to ensure each course                     with faculty now to ensure each course
     is prepared to make the change to online                   is prepared to make the change to online
     instruction should it be needed. Faculty will              instruction should it be needed. Faculty will
     be supported by the Center for Teaching and                be supported by the Center for Teaching
     Learning to ensure effective, positive learning            and Learning to ensure effective, positive
     experiences for students.                                  learning experiences for students.
 •   UWG will implement the following initiatives to        •   UWG will implement the following initiatives
     ensure the development and ability to quickly              to ensure the development and ability to
     move to online instruction:                                quickly move to online instruction:
     •   Continue and expand peer mentor                        •   Continue and expand peer mentor
         facilitation and review of online instruction              facilitation and review of online
     •   Collaborate with instructors,                              instruction

     •   Department Chairs, and Deans to                        •   Collaborate with instructors,
         encourage faculty engagement.                          •   Department Chairs, and Deans to
     •   Apply instructor intervention steps to                     encourage faculty engagement.
         engage students who are not active in                  •   Apply instructor intervention steps to
         coursework                                                 engage students who are not active in
     •   Continue to utilize Student Evaluation                     coursework
         Instruments (SEI) to improve learning.                 •   Continue to utilize Student Evaluation
                                                                    Instruments (SEI) to improve learning.

UWG will follow all guidelines implemented by the USG associated with travel, both domestic and international.
As part of UWG’s Return to Work Plan, all non- essential travel is currently not authorized. In the event travel
is required by a faculty member, the faculty member will require approval for the travel through submitting the
Essential Travel Request Form documented in UWG’s Return to Work Plan.

     SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                               SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                        TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   No changes to our primary plan.                        •   No changes to our primary plan.


     Faculty engaged in on-campus research will follow the UWG Return to Work Plan and Workplace and Health
     Safety Mitigation Strategies in order to implement appropriate health and safety measures. For faculty members
     who are dependent upon their research as part of the tenure process, the institution has developed a process
     to pause the tenure clock to aid these faculty members. The institution will continue to provide professional
     development opportunities over the course of the year, such as preparing research grant applications, identifying
     funding opportunities, and more. These opportunities will be provided remotely, thus allowing for appropriate
     social distancing. The Office of Research and Sponsored Projects is well-positioned to fully function remotely
     to support faculty in their research grant endeavors.

     Faculty and students engage in a variety of research. Both faculty and student researchers will follow the
     protocols established by the individual disciplines, the institution, and governing and guiding organizations.

     Currently, the research that faculty and students do in schools and medical facilities is survey- and interview-
     based. Those who planned to conduct in-person interviews will submit modifications to the Institutional Review
     Board to interview remotely instead. Those who had planned to observe lessons in classrooms will modify their
     work so that they will be examining lesson plans instead. All students and faculty who plan on doing face-to-
     face data collection are being advised to develop a contingency plan to collect remote data based on their
     district and state guidelines.

     Field research will be conducted according to the guidelines for essential travel and other protocols developed
     by the individual disciplines, the institution, and governing and guiding organizations.

     In the case of grant-funded research and projects, we have been able to secure no-cost extensions from funding
     agencies to allow time for researchers whose work may have slowed or had to be adapted due to COVID-19.

          SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                              SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                            TO FULLY ONLINE
      •   No changes to our primary plan.                        •   No changes to our primary plan.

UWG will implement the following communication plan to support Academics and Research’s return to
campus for the fall 2020 term. Greater detail about this communication plan can be seen in the supplemental
Communication Plan document submitted with this plan.

        CONTENT TOPIC                             AUDIENCE                              TIMELINE

   Return to Campus Guidelines for       Academic Affairs administration,   July 1 at the latest with follow-up
 Faculty and Staff in Academic Affairs         faculty, and staff            communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

    Faculty Offices and Common           Academic Affairs administration,   July 1 at the latest with follow-up
     Areas COVID-19 Protocol                   faculty, and staff            communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

    Changes in the Fall Scheduled        Academic Affairs administration,   July 1 at the latest with follow-up
    Courses for Social Distancing              faculty, and staff            communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

    Changes in the Fall Scheduled                   Students                July 1 at the latest with follow-up
    Courses for Social Distancing                                            communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

   COVID-19 Hygiene Protocol for                     Faculty                July 1 at the latest with follow-up
       Classroom – Faculty                                                   communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

   COVID-19 Hygiene Protocol for                    Students                July 1 at the latest with follow-up
      Classroom – Students                                                   communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

     COVID-19 Hygiene Protocol                Faculty and students          July 1 at the latest with follow-up
        for Research Labs                                                    communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

         COVID-19 Hygiene                  Students, faculty, and staff     July 1 at the latest with follow-up
         Protocol for Library                                                communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

       Expectations for Clinical              Faculty and students          July 1 at the latest with follow-up
     Experiences and Internships                                             communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

     COVID-19 Hygiene Protocol                Faculty and students          July 1 at the latest with follow-up
      for Field-Based Research                                               communication at designated
                                                                                    intervals following

     A Student Life Working Group, led by leadership in UWG’s Student Affairs and Enrollment Management division,
     reviewed UWG’s current student life operations in its fully online environment and examined issues, needs,
     and concerns related to UWG students returning to campus for the Fall 2020 term. Based on this review and
     feedback from identified units, UWG will execute the following plans to support student life when students
     return to campus for the Fall 2020 term.

     UWG recognizes that communicating with its residential community is essential for the wellbeing and safe-
     ty of all its residents. Changes in information related to COVID-19 will be sent to all members of the student
     community to include links for the COVID-19 institutional website. Additional information, general updates,
     and changes to current practices will be sent as needed via SchoolCast, LiveSafe, and Wolf Connect plat-

     Housing and Residence Life (HRL) will work with University Communications and Marketing (UCM) to design
     written materials that outline best practices for moving into residence hall spaces and for continued daily
     health and safety cleaning/disinfecting. Written information will be emailed to all residential students via the
     SchoolCast system. Staggered move-in times will be assigned to all residents to provide proper distancing
     during the move-in process. HRL and Facilities will determine best practices for shared move-in equipment
     along with proper disinfecting of these items.

     Prior to move-in, UWG will communicate with residential students that all students who live in a shared room
     or suite in a UWG residence hall will be viewed as living in a “shared residence” similar to a family’s shared
     residence, in that social distancing practices are not expected within the room or suite. The communication will
     indicate that it is the responsibility of the residential students to adhere to appropriate behaviors related to the
     prevention of COVID-19, including the cleaning of their room or suite. Individual students will be reminded of
     the best practices in prevention and that they must take responsibility for their own actions.

     HRL will inform students through multiple formats including verbal, social media, email, signage, and website
     updates about the following information:
     •   Expectations for cleaning within each residence room or suite: Students are responsible for the cleaning
         and disinfecting of their individual student rooms, to include in-room/suite bathrooms. Cleaning supplies
         for these locations will be supplied by the student, and it will be recommended they follow CDC guidelines
         for appropriate cleaning products. Students will be briefed on the proper bagging of all trash including PPE.
         Bagged trash from all residence hall rooms and suites will be taken to outside dumpsters by students as is
         current practice. Proper bagging and disposal of all trash in community areas, community bathrooms, hall
         offices, and lobbies will be done by Custodial Services.
     •   Expectations for public areas of residence halls: all public areas of the residence halls – including but not
         limited to common kitchens, lounges, TV rooms, lobbies, front desk areas, stairwells, elevators, community
         bathrooms, and entrance foyers – will be cleaned seven days per week by Custodial Services.
     •   Expectations for social distancing, hygiene, and everyday preventive actions: Information regarding
         social distancing, hygiene and everyday preventive actions required for students’ health and wellness will
         be available to all students via social media, campus email, and building signage. Documents regarding
         these practices will follow guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.

     To support safe common space environments, common area spaces within residence halls will be redesigned.
     Furniture will be arranged to permit proper distancing, and excessive furniture will be removed and stored.
     Signage will be placed in each community space to inform all about proper distancing and disinfecting practices.

Stairwells and elevators will be cleaned or disinfected following guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.
HRL will coordinate with UWG Custodial Services to initiate the best practice for proper cleaning of these areas.
HRL events and activities will be reviewed and either canceled, held in a hybrid online/in-person model, or held
in accordance with guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.

COVID-19 supplies (e.g., soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent alcohol, tissues,
trash baskets, etc.) for common areas within residence halls will be coordinated through Custodial Services.
Additionally, the cleaning and disinfecting of common areas will be carried out by Custodial Services and HRL
employees based on a predetermined schedule outlined in the UWG’s Return to Work Plan.

Shared spaces such as kitchens and laundry rooms will be open for student use.
•   Kitchens: Shared utensils, plates, glasses, etc. are not available in common kitchen areas. Students
    are responsible for these items for personal use. Signage will be placed in these areas to explain proper
    cleaning and disinfecting of items. Students are expected to store kitchen items in individual rooms, not in
    community kitchens.
•   Shared laundry rooms: HRL will develop a registration system for students to schedule use of the facility
    that will provide for social distancing. Appropriate signage and proper disinfectants will be available for
    students to wipe down before and after use. Community laundry rooms will be cleaned and sanitized daily
    or more often by Custodial Services. Dedicated laundry rooms (e.g., houses in the Village) will be cleaned
    and sanitized by residents.
•   Community Baths: Only one residence facility has community baths. Community bathrooms will be cleaned
    and sanitized daily or more often by trained Custodial Services staff. All other resident baths are housed
    within the student room or suite. Students with in-room baths will be provided instruction on best practices
    for cleaning and disinfecting this space.
•   Lobby area guest restrooms: These restrooms will be converted to “staff only” restrooms to provide hand
    washing and sanitary facilities close to the check-in desks.
•   Sick individuals: UWG is identifying residence locations where an appropriate quarantine can take place
    for students. This location will be determined once occupancy numbers are calculated.
•   Meal delivery: Symptomatic or sick individuals will need to have meal delivery to remain in their room and
    isolated from others. DineWest will have a daily delivery/pick-up option for students who are members of
    the high-risk population.

UWG recognizes that the move-in process for students represents a significant challenge associated with social
distancing guidelines. To offset this issue, UWG’s general move-in plan will expand to several days. Students
will be assigned a move-in time to provide appropriate distancing at all times. Students will be permitted to have
one individual with them for move-in support and assistance.

Stairwells will be designated to provide for single direction flow of traffic. Elevators will be monitored and used
only for moving heavy equipment or for individuals with mobility/medical concerns that would not allow them
to use stairs.

HRL, Facilities, and Auxiliary Services recommend the university hire a moving company who will be on campus
to unload vehicles and move items into halls, placing boxes outside the door of the student’s room. The moving
company will be responsible for ensuring their employees have been medically screened and the company
will provide its employees with all necessary PPE. The moving company will also provide their own outdoor
restroom facilities, which will include running water for proper sanitation. In the past, UWG has used community
volunteers to assist students with move-in days. Using a moving company eliminates the need for community
volunteers and thereby decreases the chance of infection spread given the parameters outlined above.

     Best Practices in Prevention and Acknowledgement form and distribution:
     HRL is working directly with UCM to create a Best Practices in Prevention and Acknowledgement form that
     shares guidelines from governing and guiding agencies for all constituent groups living in community spaces
     (residence halls and fraternity and sorority houses). This document will be sent to every residence hall student via
     our SchoolCast email. The SchoolCast platform allows staff to see which students have opened the document.
     Printed copies of this information will be put into every individual student room and posted in community
     spaces throughout the residence halls. We will continue to evaluate other methods of communication of this
     information to students.

     Students who may be in a high-risk population will identify themselves to Accessibility Services to receive
     housing and dining accommodations. Students who would not typically be included in the high-risk population,
     but because of COVID-19 are at higher risk, may be eligible to receive temporary accommodations.

     Outside of opening days when students are officially moving into the residence halls, guests are not permitted
     to enter or visit inside the residence halls. Visitors or guests are defined as any individual who is not a current
     University of West Georgia student and anyone who does not live in a University Residence Hall.
     This includes parents and family members as well as commuter students. During assigned opening day time
     slots, students will be asked to have only one guest accompany them to assist with move-in. Time slots are for
     a two-hour period, and guests will be expected to vacate the halls after that timeframe has expired.

     HRL will work in conjunction with Custodial Services to provide wipes, bottled disinfectant sprays, and
     disposable towels for wiping down all areas in common spaces. This cleaning will be done in addition to daily
     custodial sanitation for each area. Pending availability, sufficient back-up supplies will be on hand to refill
     common areas as necessary. It is recommended that a basket be hung on every floor outside of elevators as
     well as on the inside of the elevator to wipe down keypads. Proper disposal receptacles will need to be placed
     in all common spaces where cleaning supplies are located.

     Nearly all residence halls have bathrooms located within the student room or suite. We will follow guidelines
     from governing and guiding agencies as to whether buildings with community baths should be operational
     during this time. Community bathrooms are located only in one residence hall, Bowdon Hall. HRL will work
     with Custodial Services to maintain proper daily cleaning/disinfecting of these spaces. Thorough disinfection
     will need to be completed seven days a week while following guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.
     These locations will require bottled disinfectant sprays and toweling to allow for wiping of all surfaces by
     students before and after every use.

     Cleaning of bathrooms located in individual student rooms or suites will be the responsibility of the students
     living in that room or suite. Students will be responsible for the purchase of cleaning supplies for use within their
     room or suite to include kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms.

     Public/Guest bathrooms in each residence hall will be converted to “staff only” and will not be open for general
     public or resident use.

Facilities personnel are currently going through all residence hall rooms to provide the necessary services and
cleaning before fall 2020 opening. After this is completed, HRL staff will go through rooms and place items in
rooms such as signage and do a final check to ensure they are ready for occupancy. Standard policies and
practices will remain in effect prior to student move in. After Fall 2020 students move in, staff should have
appropriate PPE (mask and gloves as necessary) before entering a student room. Room entrance should be
for emergency purposes or health and safety inspections, and to address technology issues that may impede
students’ ability to access coursework via the internet. HRL will review plans for room entrance with Risk
Management and put specific safeguards into place. Facilities will follow room entrance practices determined
by leadership in their area.

         SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                             SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                          TO FULLY ONLINE
    •    All plans associated with Scenario 1 apply             •   All plans associated with Scenario 1 apply
         for this scenario assuming that residence hall             for this scenario assuming that residence
         students remain housed on campus.                          hall students remain housed on campus.
    •    Should a move-out plan need to be instituted,          •   Should a move-out plan need to be
         HRL will follow the successful process that                instituted, HRL will follow the successful
         was implemented in the Spring of 2020.                     process that was implemented in the Spring
    •    Guidelines for individuals who are required                of 2020.
         to remain on campus will continue to be                •   Guidelines for individuals who are required
         vetted with CARE team support. In addition,                to remain on campus will continue to be
         consolidation plans to reduce the number of                vetted with CARE team support. In addition,
         open buildings will follow the same process                consolidation plans to reduce the number
         as Spring 2020. If necessary, HRL will have                of open buildings will follow the same
         more than one open location. These locations               process as Spring 2020. If necessary, HRL
         will be in the halls that have in-room baths               will have more than one open location.
         and kitchens.                                              These locations will be in the halls that have
                                                                    in-room baths and kitchens.

East Commons (EC): Cafeteria-style; students and staff typical guests; occupancy 320
EC seating with social distancing: 10 people per 300 square feet. The total number of patrons in East
Commons to maintain social distancing is 150 (roughly 4950 square feet); this is roughly 47 percent of normal
capacity. With capacity limits, it will be likely that a “to-go” option will be necessary to meet service demands
at EC.
Z-6: Cafeteria-style; students and staff typical guests; occupancy 550
Z-6 seating with social distancing (10 people per 300 square feet) the total number of patrons in Z6 to
maintain social distancing is as follows:
•       Main dining room and behind the brick wall 370 (11,700 square feet)
•       Hubbard dining room 40 (1,498 square feet)
•       University Club Room (UCR) room 50 (1,628 square feet)
•       Lower Level of Z-6 is also available for seating for up to an additional 200 patrons (seating only). This is
        roughly 80 percent of normal capacity (counting the UCR, which is not typically open for regular dining).

Wolves Den: Food court style; students and staff typical guests; occupancy 250
     Wolves Den seating with social distancing: Side rooms can be used for seating (total occupancy is 50 in each
     of the rooms). Main seating area will be arranged to queue customers to pick up food items.

     Market Fresh: Food court style; students and staff typical guests; occupancy 100

     Retail Food Service Facilities
     Market Fresh: Seating with social distancing will be reduced by 60 percent to allow for proper queuing of
     Starbucks: Guest pickup with sit down or “to-go” options, students and staff are typical guests, occupancy 75.
     All Starbucks seating would be removed to provide for proper distancing of queue.
     Lobos: “to-go” option only, line service only with no seating. It is unlikely that Lobos would be able to open, as
     the current location is so small it would be difficult to identify appropriate waiting areas in a queue and it would
     not allow more than two guests at a time to enter the facility.
     Campus Convenience Stores (C-Store): The university is evaluating our ability to have convenience stores
     operational with current social distancing guidelines. Evaluation considerations include: if stores can be opened
     with appropriate measures to provide aisle directions, proper ability to wait in a queue for checkout, and ability
     to provide social distance between customers.

     Patrons enter and receive their meal in a disposable container. The patron may choose to dine in, if space is
     available, or may exit the facility to dine in their room or other locations. If seating is full, customers must exit
     the facility with their meals.
     The entire facility may need to transition to a “to-go” option setup if it is not able to accommodate expected
     social distancing guidelines.
     No self-service stations will be in operation; all food will be served to the customer by a DineWest employee.
     DineWest is evaluating options for disposable forks, knives, and spoons along with the best options for
     disposable food containers.

     Current payment options are credit/debit, cash, and university plan cards. These will remain the same in all
     open locations. Current practice has been for the cashier to take the card from the guest, slide, and return to
     the guest. It may be necessary to provide access for guests to slide their own card. Cash would still have to
     be handled by the employee. Cash management processes will be developed based on Workplace and Health
     Safety Mitigation Strategies developed by UWG.

     There does not appear to be a need to change meal plan options. If the university is not able to open C-Store
     operations, meal plans may need to be modified to include dining dollars.

     DineWest will follow guidelines from governing and guiding agencies for PPE, health screening of employees,
     social distancing, enhanced focus on hand- washing, increased frequency of sanitizing entrance doors, handles
     and public restrooms.

The Director of Campus Dining and individual unit managers will be responsible for necessary dining services
training of all DineWest employees (including student employees). Each employee will have a predefined
screening process in accordance with guidelines from governing and guiding agencies. If any employee has a
fever, cough, or other sign of illness, they will not be allowed to work.
Workstation shields will be purchased and placed between customer and employees at all ordering stations
and payment stations. Self-service areas will be removed to allow for directional movement and serving station
queues. Appropriate PPE will be required for all employees based on job duties. All food preparation areas,
serving, and dining areas will be cleaned and disinfected with frequency using procedures set out in guidelines
from governing and guiding agencies.

If a student is isolated or quarantined, DineWest will activate meal deliveries in coordination with HRL. DineWest
will prepare meals for students and deliver them to specific residence halls. DineWest will use the same or
similar plan that is executed each time there is a weather interruption to normal operations. We will coordinate
with Accessibility Services to identify the students who qualify for meal delivery and coordinate with HRL and
the Residence Life Coordinator for each facility. HRL personnel would deliver meals to the individual residence

     SCENARIO #2 – START FULLY ONLINE                              SCENARIO #3 – TRANSITION
                                                                       TO FULLY ONLINE
 •   If the campus must move to fully online                 •   If the campus must move to online
     classes, DineWest will gather information                   classes at midterm, dining plans will be
     to determine how many students plan to                      reviewed to determine how many students
     remain on campus. Adjustments will be                       plan to remain on campus. Adjustments
     made to determine the best use of services,                 will be made to determine the best use
     ensuring that there is not a severe negative                of services so that there is not a severe
     impact on students. Some dining locations                   negative impact on students. Some dining
     may close, some may have reduced hours,                     locations may close, some may have
     take out dining options may be increased.                   reduced hours. DineWest will scale the food
     DineWest will scale the operation to meet the               service operations to meet the demand
     demand for on campus living and learning                    on campus utilizing the steps noted in the
     environments.                                               previous two scenarios. We will maintain
                                                                 social distancing guidelines, adjust hours of
                                                                 operations as necessary to remain solvent.
                                                                 In addition, we will consider the “to-go”
                                                                 options mentioned previously.

The UWG Student Health Center has maintained on-campus operations since the initial campus closure and
is prepared to operate at full capacity for the fall semester. Hours of operation will be Monday through Friday,
8 a.m. until 5 p.m. The Student Health Center will continue to offer both in-person and telemedicine visits for
appropriate conditions and will continue to adhere to the guidelines from governing and guiding agencies in an
effort to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe.

     The following practices will be implemented/continued for face-to-face Health Center visits:

     •   Employees will enter the Health Center via a designated entrance and review a symptoms questionnaire.
         They will then take and record their temperature. Findings within a specified range must be reported to their
         supervisor and the medical director.
     •   Employees will wear cloth or disposable masks and practice social distancing to the extent possible while
         rendering care and conducting day-to-day operations inside the Health Center.
     •   Employees will wear full PPE (N95 masks, face shields, goggles, gowns, gloves, etc.) when treating patients
         identified as at risk and don PPE according to a defined protocol.
     •   Employees will clean patient care areas and exam rooms based on defined cleaning and sanitization
         protocols for general patients and at- risk patients. Biohazard will be discarded based on the guidelines
         provided by our contracted vendor.

     •   On-campus appointments will be scheduled Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. and from 1-4
         p.m. An hour is reserved at the beginning and ending of the day and during the lunch period to allow for
         additional cleaning and sanitization. If it is determined this is not needed, appointments will be scheduled
         during the reserved times.
     •   Students must call the Health Center to schedule an appointment. Walk- in/work-in visits are discontinued
         at this time. Appointments will be scheduled by type and spaced to support social distancing whenever
         possible. With 17 exam rooms, patients can be spaced in a manner to support social distancing and areas
         of the building can be designated for defined visit types.
     •   Students requesting an appointment will be triaged by a member of our nursing staff and will complete a
         COVID-19 screening at the time of their appointment request. The information gathered during the screening
         process will be used to determine how to best serve the student (e.g., in- person visit, telemedicine visit,
     •   Visitors and patients are currently required to call Health Services prior to building entry. Signs displaying
         the number are posted at the front entrance. Health Services personnel currently complete a COVID-19
         questionnaire with each party prior to building entry. Patients identified as at-risk are instructed to enter the
         building through a designated entrance. It is unknown whether it will be necessary to continue this practice
         during fall semester. We will reevaluate and adjust based on the manner in which students return to campus,
         the volume of patients presenting at the health center, and guidelines from governing and guiding agencies.
         We are prepared to divide the health center into designated COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 space, utilize
         designated entrances and exits, and adjust the schedule template to meet the needs of the students with
         block scheduling based on visit types.
     •   Waiting room seating will be limited/configured to support social distancing when use of the waiting room
     •   Hand sanitizer and facial covering stations will be placed at entrances and exits for student use as indicated.
     •   Physical and digital signage will be updated to communicate COVID- specific information and recommended
     •   Posters outlining appropriate hand washing techniques will be placed in all restrooms.
     •   Follow-up appointments will be scheduled as indicated by the visit provider and review of the COVID
         screening will occur to ensure there have not been changes in the patient’s condition.
     •   Uploading charges to the student account will be encouraged to minimize exposure during the checkout

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